The New Paper, 25 October 2011

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1 8 The New Paper
  • 12 1 The new paper TUESDAY OCT 25 2011 70 CENTS MICA (P) 114/01/2011
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 TUESDAY OCT 25 2011 To subscribe: 6388 3838 thenewpaper www.asiaone.comTNPauction2011 Mancini is crazier than Balotelli NEIL HUMPHREYS S’pore men strip for calendar Too risque? Why? Page 64 PICTURE COURTESY OF PUNCH! EVENTS S’PORE WOMAN GETS A SHOCK TWO YEARS AFTER MARRYING NORWEGIAN HER MY HUBBY IS AIS MY
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  • News
    • 1365 2 / 3  -  I Norwegianhubbyabuses S’poreanayearintomarriage I Thenshefindsoutheisa convicted rapist REPORTS: AMANDA PHUA AYEARaftertheystarteddatingin2004,shedecid-ed he was the one. They got married and her nightmare started not long after, and continues eventoday. Madam Samantha Chan, a 43-year-old Singaporean, claimed her Norwegian husband began abusing herayearintothemarriage. Butthebigshockcamein2007,whenshefoundout that
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  1,365 words
    • 859 4 / 5  - WHO’S AFRAID OF THE POOKFEST? Some say Halloween in S’poreisaboutmaking money while others say it overshadows local traditions REPORT: KOH HUI THENG GHOSTS and ghouls are turning into mon-ey-making machines. As Oct 31 creeps up, the dead are raking in big bucks for the living here. It’s not just
    • 485 4 / 5  -  REPORT: AMANDA YONG SHE had filed for a divorce in May 2005, but neither of them applied to finalise their divorce three months after a provisional divorce order was granted by the court in September 2006. So Jean, 48, an antiques
      485 words
    • 455 6  -  Water reaches just below ankle at Resorts WorldSentosa’smain entrance REPORT: RENNIE WHANG SHE had stepped outside the casino at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) on Sunday to buy 4D. When she returned 20 minutes later, she was surprised to be redirected to the VIP entrance.
      PICTURES: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS  -  455 words
    • 648 9  -  REPORTS: BRYNA SIM FANCY learning how to cook and then eat a spicy rabbit cold dish? Some students from Temasek Polytechnic (TP) were in two minds about it because they were animal lovers. But they eventually cooked the rabbits. Said student
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  648 words
    • 278 9 SHE usedto considerherself a“typical Singaporeanstudent”. SaidMissJoanneLew, 23: “Ididn’t bother to make friends with foreign students. I just kept to my own group of friends.” Butnow,she togetherwithfour other schoolmates from the Singapore InstituteofManagement (SIM) looks after a group of 15 foreign students.
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  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements
    • 10 2 / 3 thenewpaper Get the latest on EPL ChampionsLeague ON iPHONE ANDROID
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    • 17 2 / 3 TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 6388 3838 To subscribe:
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    • 72 2 / 3 SKINCARE SOLUTION FOR MEN vV Purifying treatment for teenagers prone to blackheads, pimples and acne blemishes Exfoliation treatment for adults prone to post acne scars, fine lines and unwanted facial hair Revitalising treatment for seniors prone to pigmentation, aging spots and sagging skin faceofman- com s g Valid for any
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 355 7 \AS£GO TURNS Singapore's Only 6,500 sq ft Safari-themect injurong Beckons! Pamper yourself in the lush paradise of MASEGO SAFARI SPA as we celebrate our 2 nd Anniversary! Enjoy exclusive anniversary offers as we indulge you in an extraordinary spa experience in our unique massage tents (with couple and VIP suites),
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 Servingwith a passion EASBstudentdoesnotletcriticism deterherfromhotelindustrydreams With East Asia Institute of Management and The New Paper hotelindustryaftergraduation. Shesaid:“Theinternshipreallymadeadifference.Itmade mepassionateaboutmyjob.” Anditshowedinhergrades–shescoredstraightAsinall hersubjects. MissFulviajoinedEASBafterdoingtheequivalentoftheO levelsinIndonesia. HermotherownsavillainBali,whereherfamilyrunsa resortbusiness. SHEspentadayintearsbecauseofaguest’scriticism, butthatdidn’tkillherpassionforthehotelindustry. Instead,itmadeherlovethejobmore. MissEuniceFulvia,18,asecond-yearEastAsiaInstitute ofManagement(EASB)student,isdoingaBachelorofArtsin HospitalityandTourismManagement.Thedegreeis awardedbyQueenMargaretUniversity,UK. MissFulvia–whoisnowinthesecondmonthofher six-monthinternship,arrangedbyEASB,withtheHardRock HotelatResortsWorldSentosa–recalledtheincidentasher “mosthurtfulexperience”. “Theguestscoldedmeoverthephoneverybadly,even whenitwasn’treallymyfault.Iwasverybadlyaffected,butI spentsometimethinkingaboutit,andeventuallyIwasokay. “TheincidentmademerealisethatIneededtobepatient withguests,’’sheadded. MissFulvia’sinternshipalsoincludedgoodexperiences. Shesaid:“Once,aguestthankedmeforafavourIhad doneforhim.Hewasverygratefulthatwewereabletomake arrangementsforabirthdaycaketobesenttohisroom.” MissFulviahassincedecidedtopursueacareerinthe DESIRETOLEARNMORE Butwhilethatinspiredhertogointothehotelindustry,she doesn’tintendtotakeoverthebusinessjustyet. “IwanttotrytofindanotherhoteltoworkininBali.Iwant moreexperienceaseachhotelhasdifferentmethodsof
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  • News
    • 670 12  -  CHINESE WORKERS DISAPPEAR REPORT: ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF PUTTING up “wanted” posters and offering $2,000 was the last resort in finding his two missing workers. Last Friday, the construction supervisor, who gave his name only as Mr Chew, put up 20 such posters
      PICTURE: LIANHE WANBAO  -  670 words
    • Article, Illustration
      490 14 / 15  -  M’siansflocktoLittleIndiaforbargains REPORT AND PICTURES JONATHAN CHOO –AdditionalreportingbyZaihanMohamedYusof –AdditionalreportingbyZaihanMohamedYusof WHEN Singaporeans go to Malaysia, phrases like “so cheap, so cheap” are a common refrain. So it came as quite a surprise to hear the same strains uttered by Malaysians in Little India. Ms Uma Nanthiny Krishnansamy from Skudai,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 109 12 ICY Delights For The Family Our International Buffet and Sunday/PH BBBBQ now come with FREE soft ice cream and frozen yoghurt! Let the kids create their own treats with colourful toppings. Or indulge in low-calorie frozen yoghurt topped with dried fruits and assorted nuts. And be sure to leave some
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  • News The Big Picture
    • 545 13  -  Unconventional image helps contestant win TNP’sweeklyphoto contest REPORT: JUSTIN ZHUANG WHEN his daily newspapers did not arrive that morning, he decided to pick one up at his neighbourhood newspaper vendor. It was the day after Singapore had voted in a new government, and Mr Wee Keng
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 54 13 What’snext? Continue sending in your pictures on “Change” inSingapore.The deadline is midnight, Oct 30. For the first half of November, we will be callingfor picturesof an“Active” Singapore, inconjunction with TNP’supcoming Big Walk and the South-east Asian Games in Indonesia. Stay tuned for more details via our website and like
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  • Page 14 / 15 Advertisements
    • 151 14 / 15 I flIStMDGMnniE? Cheong Ah Sam Sxxx2735F e2i Job Fair Toa Payoh e2i IS PARTNERING ESTABLISHED COMPANIES TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: 3 November 2011, Thursday 10am 5pm Toa Payoh West Community Club 200 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh 500 JOBS AHEAD! Administrative Administrative Assistant Telemarketer Cleaning Cleaner Cleaning Supervisor Executive (Operations
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  • News
    • 209 18 / 19 Black is what people trapped inside the rubble are seeing. Black is their world, both literally and figuratively. But in the darkness sometimes comes a miracle. And then... WHAT: 7.2 magnitude earthquake WHERE: Turkey (near the border with Iran) DEAD: 272 and rising INJURED: 1,300 MISSING: Hundreds
      PICTURES: REUTERS  -  209 words
    • 467 20 THESE trendy boots are made for working. Butnotifyou’reThai PrimeMinister Yingluck Shinawatra while on a flood site visit. She was spotted wearing flashy plaid boots made by luxury brand Burberry (right) during a flood inspection in Bangkok on Sunday, reported AFP. To make matters worse,
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    • 365 20 THEY had applied some four times since 2006forfundstorepairtheBukitJalil Stadium in Kuala Lumpur. But it took the Malaysian government four years to finally approve the RM30 million (S$12 million) to repair the damaged stadium in December last year, reported The Malaysian Insider
      TNP FILE PICTURE  -  365 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 147 21 Last chance to walk the talk of the town! FLAG OFF VIVOCITY WATERFRONT PROMENADE 7.30am, Monday, Nov 7, 2011 (Public Holiday) Limited places left REGISTRATION To register, call 6319-2087 and pick up your tickets and goodie bags from News Centre, 1000 Toa Payoh North. $28 per participant. Cash payment only.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 220 22 THE STRAITS TIMES. Get the All-in-One news experience for just $2 more! With a newspaper subscription at $24.65* A per month, add $2 to enjoy our Online, iPad and iPhone editions. For a limited period only. lis ■S ns STR "3 X >' 4 STEPS TO QUICK ACCESS: Visit
      220 words

  • Show
    • 812 23  -  Singapore Calendar Guys 2012 sizzles with hot bodies REPORTS: KWOK KAR PENG THEcontroversialAbercrombie&Fitchadver-tisement along Orchard Road stirred up morestormsthanloinsinthepastmonth. Andnow,acalendarwithmeninskimpyunderwear and saucy poses threatens to upstage that headlesshunkwiththelow-slungjeans. The 12 models in the Singapore Calendar Guys 2012 calendar are seen in briefs, jockstraps,
    • 292 24 WHILE the men are going all out to up the sex factor, the women are ironically toning it down. Over the last two decades, the Jeffrey Chung Models annual calendar has become synonymous with scantily-clad local female models striking suggestive poses that at times bordered on
    • 652 25  -  HebeTien,bridesmaidatS.H.EbandmateSelinaJen’s upcomingwedding,saysshe’snothadthepractice REPORT: TAN KEE YUN HEBE Tien from Taiwanese girl group S.H.E is confident of holding her liquor. So much so that she declared to the Chinese media: “On Selina’s wedding night, I will downallthe alcohol onher behalf.” That bravado
      PICTURES: H.I.M INTERNATIONAL  -  652 words
    • Show Makan Sites
      • Article, Illustration
        462 26  -  This must-have dish (right) at Yu Cuisine is best enjoyed with a group of friends. Especially if they like it spicy REPORT: YEOH WEE TECK weeteck@sph .com .sg MARINA Bay Sands has turned out to be quite a good place to get food. You can’t turn a corner
        PICTURES: YU CUISINE  -  462 words
      • 128 26 CHEF Delcie Lam is a woman who wants you to eat better. After her mother died from stomach and intestine cancer, Chef Lam became an advocate of healthy eating. Hercakes don’t containeggs or dairy products. She uses organic ingredients, unbleached wholemeal flour, unrefined sugar, trans-fat
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      • 66 26 New look flavours THERE is a new look for a heritage brand. The variations of the 55-year-old Owl Coffee will come wrapped in new packaging with a new blue logo. There will also be four new flavours. They are the 2-in-1 Coffee with Creamer ($4), Kopi-C ($4.35), Nanyang White Coffee
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    • Show Makansutra
      • 688 27  -  SAFMEALTASTETEST K F SEETOH BACK in my day, the army meant stinky platoon mates, stiff starched No. 4 uniforms that could stand with nosupportand “blur sotong” soldierswho couldn’t coordinate a left hand-right leg march. It also meant meals that came with rice
        PICTURES: PIONEER  -  688 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 74 27 mwmmvmmGFmumip. Coll now and connect with real FRIENDS today. LIVE 1-2-1 cSB 1999-912-9700 (5? A First 45 sec FREE A Switch chatmate after 3 mins _J K PARTYcnat A L 1999-912-96 00 Free Chat 6547-1900 VISA Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from this
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 565 28 to Tamil iviurasu and i with youif loved o^s! Valid from 17 October to 9 December 2011 1 Be Rewarded with a $50 The Banana Leaf Apolo Dining Voucher and a 24" Four-wheel Trolley Bag! At r r v..- A Apolo Fish Head Curry* 24 Four-wheel Trolley Bag While stock
      565 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 249 28 TV Show WATCH’EM PICTURE:MEDIACORP OnceUponATime SeasonPass(SingTelmioTV),anytimeondemand Inthisnewdrama,abailbondscollectorwithatroubledpastis trappedinatowninhabitedbyfairytalecharacters.StarringJennifer Morrison,GinniferGoodwin. CHANNEL5 Noon MySassyNeighbour 12.30pm PointOfEntry 1.30 Crimewatch 2011 2.00 TheTwo OfUs 3.00 TheDrOz Show 4.00 TheEllenDeGeneres Show 5.00 VideoZonkers 5.30 UnbeatableBanzuke 6.00 India:A LoveStory 7.00 Don'tForget The Lyrics 8.00 JustFor LaughsGags 8.30 TheBestOf AsiaAlarm 9.00 SmallAnd Beautiful 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 ThePupil
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 511 29 BUY IT'SELL IT-FIND IT k. P r Legal help Take paralegal courses taught by legal practitioners to upgrade your skills. See Class Education Courses toll free 1800-289-9988 WM Bag some money Sell off your brand-name handbags. See Class Business Needs ft 1 1 Shake things up Bartenders needed at
      511 words
    • 62 29 Highest Cash We buy New/ used Iphone 2/3/4/ 4S. Local or export 8/ 16/ 32 G. $500 $1500. We also buy Ipad/ Ipod. All models $300 $1400. Wanted Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry, HTC, LG used laptops/ wifi tables. Used HP/ iPads/ Iphone any cond accepted Taj Electronic #01-29 Peninsular Shpgctr (beside
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 98 30 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs OUR INSTANT LOAN IS READY AS AND WHEN YOU NEED IT NEW OPENING! 100% APPROVAL. GET CASH UP TO 4X YOUR MONTHLY INCOME FLEXIBLE REPAYMENT PLANS UP TO 14 DAYS INTEREST FREE STRICTLY
      98 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 44 31 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs N7EMVSRE 100% approval iHtSV0 Rscus'tomlze plans for everyone Alicia Kit *****333 *****555 10 Jolan Besar #02-33 Sim Lim Tower Singapore *****7 T&C apply Lie No: 82/2011 Aicmccct TlttoteqlMcl&i
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 157 32 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs INTEREST FREE WITHIN 7 DAYS REPAYMENT 1 of the lowest interest in town. From 1% Get loan up to 2x or 4x income 100% approval Cash on the spot BENSON *****133 BENNY *****133
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 163 33 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs NEW OPENING PROMOTION PIN ANG JEREMY H$X 8502 3130 8502 3134 8502 3132 HSX CREDIT ,(LIC NO 122/2011) Operating Hours: Mon Sat: 12pm 7pm Blk 35 Circuit Road #01-444 Singapore *****5 Licensed Moneylender 7-14
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    • 19 33 Career choices. Looking for a rewarding career? Check out CATS FASTADS in The New Paper Professionals/ Executives classification. MATS
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 169 34 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs p Monthly loan available Low income welcome Interest from 12% per annum Cash on the spot credit 200 Jalan Sultan Textile Center #04-21BS*****8 WANG lie 29/2011 a o o o www. MONTHLY REPAYMENT i
      169 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 114 35 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs E ,SY ffiP AWENTSCHEME J LOVM nin Fee Fast Approval /n C?P OC^ SSI CREDIT Lie: in/SDll SNS namei IC noi address date of birth Blk BD1D Tampines St 21 #1113-1157 SMS: TbTfl DD21
      114 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 344 36 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs PROFESSIONAL LOAN SERVICE T C apply i V No Obligations Quotation I V 100% Private and Confidential V Get Cash of up to 4X your monthly income* Fiza *****473 Sylvia *****358 A1 Credit Lie.
      344 words
    • 33 36 $CPF$ INVESTMENT *Gain back your losses *With 1.8x returns *Regular review SAM 8179 9481 Facing Credit Card, Legal Summon, Bankruptcy or Seizure Problems (through bank). Pls call 9146-3427 RCS Consultancy Svcs Pte Ltd
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 260 37 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR A LOAN? Just SMS us NOW to find out We can help you with: S Up to 12 months repayment scheme S CASH in 10 mins •S AFFORDABLE loan solutions
      260 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 288 38 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Cash On The Spot Highest Price for Pawn Tickets, Gold, Old Liquors Branded Bags and Watches $200.00-$10,000.00 Buy-Back Service Buy Sell) Islandwide Collection Your Doorstep Laptops iPads LCD TVs DSLR Cameras Game Consoles Old
      288 words
    • 67 38 $CPF$ INVESTMENT *Gain back your losses *With 1.5x returns *Regular review JOE 8184 3191 CPF Investments IReturns up to 1.5 IImmediate approval IRegular review I Multiple channels Call James 8374-2877 CPF Investments IReturns up to 1.5 IImmediate approval IRegular review IMultiple channels Call Jay 8619-5850 NEED LOAN? JESS 8450-8000 Golden
      67 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 302 39 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Fast J Cash 5 Mins CASH In ri SiSffSy"!"""'"" 7 Park Mall 9 Penang Road #10-16 u Lie No.: 84/2011 AVIS CREDIT Cash on the Spot EASY Repayment gBSftKiXiW A SUMO CREDIT Pte Ltd
      302 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 364 40 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs LOW INCOME WELCOME fast CASH SAgl GL CREDIT Pte Ltd Blk 727, #02-4266, Anq Mo Kio Ave 6 AMK MRTJ (Pis enter from the back of the block) I Friendly Service f Cash-on-the-spot Flexible
      364 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 406 41 Business Needs!Business Needs! Digital Gadgets! Digital Gadgets! Digital Gadgets <HS3SSS Lo^/ MRjTEOjKij 8l5felO! I Approval CREDITMASTERPTELTD' 93 GEYLANG ROAD, #01-01 m CASH LOAN!" H Sue @9107-7785 I I GL CREDIT Pte Ltd Blk 727, #02-4266 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6 (Pis enter from the back of the block) OPENING SI
      406 words
    • 109 41 ANJANA SPA Served by Certified, New Male Therapists Special Promotion $55 for 60 mins full body massage. Up to 20% discounts on all other packages. Mondays to Fridays 11am to 5pm. 9127 4082/6225 6306 With individual attached showers Daily 10am to 11pm 26A Upper Cross St (2nd Floor) j§
      109 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 513 42 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs SPA Unique L/ME/*****2/2011 Unisex New Opening Massage Beauty Therapy Free Body Scrub Cosy Ambience Tel: 6293 9969 128 Rangoon Rd D’NatureSpa L/ME/*****36/2011 *massage* •Beautiful/Charming& SkilfulMasseuse •IndividualRoom withattached Bathroom $40/= 1hr Tel: 6221 8656 5 Gemmill Lane, The Box #01-01(Along
      513 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 96 43 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs it it it i q> q> q> eJ^q* h* d^d^^d^d^ d^d^di? M>rhM>dJV 100% Approval!! Cash ON the SPOT!! Get loan up to 2X or 4X income!! Monthly
      96 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 90 44 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs CREDIT 88 PROFESSIONAL LICENSED MONEY LENDER LEGAL LOAN Monthy loan available Cash on the spot Immediate approval No need guarantor Strictly confidential CALL 6296 8688 200
      90 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 150 45 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs CASH LOAN Sylvia *****368 A f Kate 9658 2622 CREDIT r rrr: A1 Credit Lie. No: 192/2011 PENINSULA PLAZA #07-22 (OPP CITYHALL MRT) MON-FRI: 10.30am to 7.30pm
      150 words

  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 310 46 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs 100% Loan Approval KING k'CreditKingPte^tS Phone Approval N> AL'VIN *****233 101A Upper Cross St #12-.23 Flexible ao 0) NG CREDIT KING PTE LTD 101A Upper Cross Street
      310 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 137 47 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs CASH LOAN ncr Kenny 8344-4826 ALPHA 8 CREDIT Orchard Tower #05-01, 400 Orchard Road (Facing Main Road/ Opposite FORUM Shpg Mall) *T&C Apply (Lic:103/2011) j Monthy loan
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 284 48 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs CASH-ON-THE-SPOT LOW INTEREST! FAST APPROVAL! rf EASY REPAYMENT! J Miss Ang MA 9381 0111 Mm SUMO CREDIT Pte Ltd l5 1. '"i 149RochorRoad,FuLuShou Complex#03-27 0 t "T&C
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  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 438 49 Personal Needs Personal Needs Personal Needs Personal Needs Personal Needs Personal Needs Properties Properties Fast Legal Monex Ivan *****828 Foch Rd #05 Building Hoa Nam Beside Lavender Food Square Eminent Plaza AMY i Ml 9873-6788 LION CREDIT Pte Ltd r_„ r r p k Jalan Besar Plaza #03-03 i Kitchener
      438 words
    • 78 49 3’I’ utility Blk 157 Mei Ling St High flr windy, Mkt, shop, MRT. Valued $345K KM Leong 9389-1933 *LCCI Book-keeping Accounts. Elem/ Inter LCCI Double Dip Biz Admin/ Secretarial ITE NITEC in sve skills (Office) Higher NITEC in Accounting/ Biz (admin) *IPMA Professional Dip. in logistics supply chain management *Conversational
      78 words

  • Page 50 Advertisements
    • 171 50 M A"H3 Fastads Jobs Class Guide Accounting/ Bookkeeping Administrative/ Clerical Agents/ Brokers/Traders Art/Creative Building/ Construction Call Centres/ Telemarketing Cleaners Counter/ Receptionists Customer Service Dispatch/ Delivery Drivers/ Chauffeurs Engineers Finance Fitness/Spa Food Stalls General Production/ Operators Hair/ Beauty Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Human Resources IT/lnfocomm Marketing/ Communications Nursing/Health Care Other Positions Part-Time/Temporary
      171 words
    • 62 50 Card Telemarketing $2K+ Kallang MRT 5 days week S’poreans only Call *****239 1) Cleaners 2) Floaters 3) Tea Lady 5.5 days. Sporean/PR. pLS Call *****390 *****113 DAY CLEANERS 9AM-5PM $1200 6 DAY WEEK. MARINA BAY SANDS. CALL 9189-1034 NIGHT CLEANERS 9PM-5AM $1200 6 day week. Marina Bay Sands. Call 9189-1034
      62 words
    • 187 50 Cleaners Cleaners Drivers/ Chauffeurs Hotel/ Pitnocc/ Cna iww nuu#v ntness/ apa Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge CLEANING SUPERVISOR/ CLEANER Working Location: Phoenix Park (near Redhill MRT) Salary: $900 $1500 good benefits Singaporean Singapore PR Malaysian Call for interview appointment: Tel: 6578 5054 6578 5053 9180 9171 300-320 Tanglin Road, Phoenix
      187 words
    • 86 50 Work from home Earn Extra SMS name, age nationality to: *****011 DELIVERY RIDERS needed urgently for Popeye Restaurant Bedok Pt/ Century Sq. Downtown East/ Punggol Novena/ Ang Mo Kio. Call *****731 Despatch Rider required Full/ Part-Time Must be hardworking Min income $1.5K/ mth Willing to work OT Interested call 9459-9542
      86 words
    • 184 50 DRIVER Possess Class 3 license Part-time (Own vehicle) Can do delivery fr 1.30-6.30pm Familar with S’pore Roads S’poreans and PR only Call 9446 8397 Walk-in Mon to Fri 2-5pm 565 Thomson Rd (Inside Goodwood Florist) BUS DRIVER *Class 4 with vocational lic *Familiar with S’pore roads Call 8133-0836 Experienced Mini
      184 words
    • 141 50 Spa located in town looking for MASSEUSE High commission Pleasant working environment All races welcome Call *****142 James û FULL TIME û Foot Reflexology Massage Therapist needed Telok Blangah call *****121 Experienced Full/ Part-time Manicurist Basic $1.4K above commission. Part-time $6 per hour. Must start immed. Cosy working environment Interested
      141 words
    • 159 50 MARUKIN RAMEN New Japan’s famous Ramen restaurant urgently requires: Ç 6 x Service Crews Ç 2 x Cooks/ Kitchen Assistants FULL TIME PART TIME Location: Orchard Road Ê Must be friendly, cheerful, service oriented personality Initiative Ê We provide on-job training, uniforms other staff benefits. Ê Min. 1 year of
      159 words

  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 760 51 Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge Nursing/ Health Care Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions FRiDAYSl OPENING SOON at Katong Mall. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Bartender, Server, Host/Hostess, Cook, Kitchen Manager CALL NICHOLAS 9238 0076 TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW "Extensive training provided to ensure career growth internally. "Only Singaporeans
      760 words
    • 97 51 JOHNNYESCORTS Established Reputable Agency now hiring full part time Female Social Escorts Singaporeans/PRs Attractive, well groomed, open-minded Professional Model Grooming provided High cash income of$SK $30K monthly Experienced or Inexperienced 8l6l 4991 email: johnny. johnnyescorts@gmail. com privacy confidentially assured Hampers Co. (Woodlands) requires TEMP Admin Packers Able to work under
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  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 250 52 Part-Time/ Temporary Retail Sales Retail Sales Security Technical Technical Part-time Packer Start immed. Call 9450-9164 Walk in 15 Woodlands Loop #04-47 Outdoor Event Co needs Freelance Project Crew Fr $50-$100/day ITE, Poly, A-level above only Call *****252 Ann 300 x VACANCIES Event/ F&B Crew on 11th Nov Major banking event.
      250 words
    • 111 52 CUSTOMER ACQUISITION EXECUTIVE •Amazing job requires energetic and vibrant people immediately •Salary $1800-$3200 (Performance Based) •Singaporean only Call SMS Aric Hidir *****323/ *****565 Fun Hardworking Motivated Sales Executives 5 Positions Avail Sporean SPR $1.8k $2.2k Events Roadshows based Immed Starters SMS *****267 A NEW BEGINNING! Looking for a new career?
      111 words
    • 291 52 Yun Nam Hair Care is looking for ROADSHOW PROMOTERS Can earn up to$350 per day!!! Pleasant looking and aggressive in sales Effectively bilingual Able to work retail hours Prior roadshow sales experience preferred Full-Time (able to work 5 days a week) and PartTime(abletoworkatleast2daysaweek)positions available Singaporeans and Singapore PRs only Please
      291 words
    • 531 52 AMK LOYANG TOAPAYOH Factory: $1600 and above Relief: $60 $70 day EXCELLENT Security Grade (A) #31-05 International Plaza (Tg Pagar) 6323 9335 8 HOURS SHIFT* *Terms apply $1300 10am-6pm 10pm-6am Changi Cargo Complex *****080 Thai Disco Chinatown requires immediately Security Interested please call *****213 DEEPAVALI PACKAGE 26 TO 30 OCT
      531 words
    • 178 52 PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN To ensure prompt and timely service at customers’ premises Island-wide assignments Min ‘N’ level Able to converse and write simple English Possess a valid Class 3 licence preferred Training provided Singaporeans and PRs are welcome Candidates with 2 3 years’ experience will be considered for Supervisor position
      178 words

  • Sports
    • Racing
      • 616 53 FRIDAY KS-A (Turf)1400m *****4 CaptainObvious 59.5 (117) (6agSBurridge-Milton) 80-006 CheyenneDancer 58 (101) (8agDHill-CNTan/KHNeo) 1113-5 Ato 56.5 (97) (4safcPShaw-NewburyRacing) 2-2608 NewRoseWood 55 (92) (6amCBrown-BukitMas) 243-22 ApacheCrown 55 (91) (6agSBurridge-SBurridge) 7 McClintock 55 (90) (7agDBaertschiger-GeraldHarvey) -5723- MauriceUtrillo 53.5 (88) (5iregPShaw-ALACrabbia) *****6 AmadeusMozart 52 (81) (8iregPShaw-EMMA)
        616 words
      • 755 53 SUNDAY OPEN (Turf)2200m MandaiClassicStakes *****4 FlyingFulton 59 (98) (5agMWalker-TeAkauRacing) 790-06 TellATale 56.5 (93) (6agMWalker-FortunaNZRacing) *****2 MartialArt 52 (84) (5nzgLLaxon-SilverFernRacing) 221 Lizarre 51.5 (83) (5safgPShaw-EMMA) *****4 Hint 50 (80) (6agSBurridge-ArexevanRacing) *****5 GordonRoberts 50* (72) (5agLLaxon-SilverFernRacing) 2--11 PowerBlitz 50* (71) (6amgPShaw-Saratoga) *****- HonestBroker 50* (63)
        755 words
      • 601 54/55  -  Freedman’sstarmaygoforthe $350,000EWBarkerTrophy TAN THEAN LOON PROMISING three-year-old MR BIG showed at Kranji last Sunday that he’s heading for bigger things. The short-term target could be the $350,000 EW Barker Trophy, a Group 2 feature over 1,400m, on Nov 11. The second leg of
        TNP PICTURE: GARY G0H  -  601 words
      • 1038 54/55 SATURDAY C*****m 4-0-0- KeptSecret E7 57 (75) (8agCecilRobert-KeptSecret) *****1 YoursTruly 56.5 (74) (5nzgMHWee-HSSeeTo) --2-21 GoodBaby 56 (73) (4agKCoetzee-GoldenKnight) 1-20-- AceAlphabet 54 (69) (7nzgRLines-KSYeo) *****6 Tatik 54 (69) (7nzgBBrogan-Shahabuddin) -1158- Dontletmedown 53.5 (68) (5agOSidek-SinarSuria) 1110-5 Angki 53 (67) (6nzgKHughes-TrustedPartners) *****0 JalTreasure E8 53 (67) (7nzgJMcGillivray-JALVenture) -*****
        1,038 words
      • 757 54/55 SUNDAY C*****m 622-40 Conflience 57 (75) (6agRLines-Confidence) 18-871 Daytona 56.5 (74) (7agTGillespie-YCIng) 32-3-- JeramDelight 56.5 (74) (7agBBrogan-GoldPlus) -5104- OceanPresent 56.5 (74) (5agBTLim-Unlimited) 1-1154 Aranda 56 (73) (6agKCoetzee-YamakaziRacing) *****0 PerfectPerformer 56 (73) (6agJBrink-AJRacing) 1-1-30 NorthernStrength E1 55.5 (72) (6nzgBTLim-Ong) 633--3 OnlyOne 55.5 (72) (7nzgKFWong-KWMah) 20--44 CizenWorld
        757 words
      • 430 54/55 RACE 1 PASHA KHAN: Jumped awkwardly. SAMURAI KID: Jumped awkwardly; difficult to settle; taken inwards; inclined to lay in. SECARA: Buffeted; inconvenienced; reluctant to stride out. CHAN’SELECTRA:Buffeted;steadied. HI JACK: Jumped inwards; jockey R Stewart reported that his horse was not striding out freely. BENGAWAN:
        430 words
    • Sports Tennis
      • 543 56 AFP. MARIA Sharapova will crown one of tennis’ most unlikely comebacks if she regains the title at the US$5 million ($6m) WTA Championship which start in Istanbul today. Sharapova (right) has gradually worked her way back to world No. 2 after an operation in
        AFP.; PICTURE: AP  -  543 words
    • 329 56 FORMULA ONE PA Sport. LEWIS Hamilton is adamant that McLaren will be competitive in India, despite having never put in a lap at the new circuit. This weekend, Formula One heads to New Delhi for the inaugural Indian Grand Prix, which takes place
      PA Sport.; PICTURE: AP  -  329 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf
      • 235 57 AFP. FOUR players, who fell foul of Asia’s “golf war” when they were suspended and fined for taking part in a rival circuit, launched a court case against the Asian Tour yesterday. The four, who broke Asian Tour ranks to play events organised by
        AFP.  -  235 words
      • 593 57 CHILDREN’SMIRACLENETWORKCLASSIC AP. ALREADY No. 1 in the world, Luke Donald left little doubt who was No. 1 on the US PGA Tour yesterday morning (Singapore time) when he ran off six straight birdies on the back nine and closed with an eight-under 64 to
        AP.; PICTURE: AP  -  593 words
      • 254 57  -  GODFREY ROBERT MARDAN Mamat has a dilemma. The Singapore No. 1 professional has to decide whether to play in two Tours or restrict himself to the Asian Tour next year. Although he has not made up his mind, it was a reality check for Mardan
        254 words
      • 186 57 ANGEL Cabrera of Argentina believes he has hit top form in time to bid for glory at the CIMB Asia Pacific Classic Malaysia, starting on Thursday. Cabrera, a two-time Major winner, will be among the elite line-up in the US$6.1 million ($7.30m) event co-sanctioned by
        186 words
    • Sports Rugby World Cup
      • 424 58 Reuters. THOUSANDS of people flooded onto the streets of downtown Auckland yesterday to celebrate the end of a 24-year drought after the All Blacks beat France in the rugby World Cup final. New Zealand had not won the Webb Ellis trophy since the inaugural tournament in
        Reuters.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  424 words
      • 252 58 AFP. GRAHAM Henry can bow out a happy man after guiding the All Blacks to a World Cup final win that ended 24 years of pain for New Zealand. Had France managed just one more score in the final and hung on, all sorts of questions would
        AFP.  -  252 words
      • 222 58 Reuters. FRANCE coach Marc Lievremont signed off from his role yesterday, having one final jibe at the media after a tempestuous battle throughout the World Cup. Lievremont’s side lost the final to New Zealand 8-7 last Sunday. It was their third final and third loss. The
        Reuters.  -  222 words
    • Sports La Liga
      • Article, Illustration
        769 59 Ronaldo eyes a ton of goals REAL MADRID v VILLARREAL AFP. CRISTIANO Ronaldo hit form with a hat-trick as Real Madrid tore apart Malaga 4-0 at the weekend and now he has his sights set on breaking the 100-goal mark for the Spanish giants against Villarreal on Thursday morning
        AFP.; PICTURE: AFP  -  769 words
      • 272 59 But they said sorry over the phone Reuters. BARCELONA midfielder Cesc Fabregas yesterday denied that he racially abused Sevilla’s Malian striker Frederic Kanoute in last Saturday’s 0-0 draw at the Nou Camp. But they later settled their differences over the telephone. “I want to categorically
        Reuters.  -  272 words
    • 391 59 SERIEA AFP. SURPRISE league leaders Udinese travel to Napoli on Thursday morning (Singapore time) hoping to hold on to their command of the Scudetto race and their unbeaten record. They are one of only two unbeaten teams, alongside third-placed Juventus, after an excellent start to
      AFP.  -  391 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 521 60 / 61 Wire Services. ANDREVillas-Boasisperilouslyclosetoa Football Association (FA) charge ingChelsea’s1-0defeatbyQueensParkRang-ersonSunday. QPRwonthegame1-0thankstoaHeidar Helgusonpenalty,convertedinthe10thminutes, that was awarded for a needless David Luizchallenge. Foy then controversially sent off Jose Bosingwa for a last-man challenge and was left with no choice but to dismiss Didier Drogba foratwo-footedlunge. He booked seven more Chelsea
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  521 words
      • 236 60 / 61 PA Sport. JOHN Terry has categorically denied making a racist slur against Anton Ferdinand during Chelsea’swestLondonDerbydefeatbyQPR on Sunday. Videos have circulated on the internet in the aftermath of the English Premier League match at Loftus Road, with some claiming the footage shows Blues captain Terry
        PA Sport.  -  236 words
      • 607 60 / 61 Wire Services. ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger insisted he will continue to be cautious over Robin van Persie’s fitness after the forward almost missed the win over Stoke City on Sunday. Wenger was indebted to substitute Persie after the Dutchman scored twice to sink Stoke 3
        Wire Services.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  607 words
      • 253 60 / 61 Reuters. FULHAM chairman Mohamed Al Fayed responded angrily yesterday to comments made by his former managerMarkHughes. Al Fayed called Hughes “a strange man”whowasindangerofbecoming “a forgotten man” until he rescued him last year. Hughes,47,quitasFulham’smanager after the end of the season saying:“As ayoung,ambitious manager, I wish to move
        Reuters.  -  253 words
    • EPL Manchester Massacre
      • 622 62 / 63 Wire Services. ROBERTO Mancini hailed Manchester City’s 6-1 victory over Manchester United asalandmarkinhisclub’sprogress –butbelievestheRedDevilsarestill the superior side. It will take City winning a first league title since 1968 to convince the Italian otherwise even if Sunday’s thrashing of their more decorated rivals had counterpart Alex
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: REUTERS, GETTY IMAGES  -  622 words
      • 369 62 / 63 CARLING CUP FOURTH ROUND ALDERSHOTv MAN UNITED (Tomorrow, 2.40am, SingTel TV Ch112) AFP. ALDERSHOT are eyeing a League Cup upset against Manchester United tomorrow morning (Singapore time) as Sir Alex Ferguson’s shattered side attempt to bounce back from their mauling by Manchester City. United travel
        AFP.  -  369 words
      • 235 62 / 63 Wire Services. THE MANCHESTER Derby turned nasty as City goalkeeper Joe Hart claimed that he was issued death threats during the match. Hart was recorded on Sky TV as saying he had been subjected to death threats from fans. As Hart walked off the
        Wire Services.  -  235 words
      • 356 62 / 63 Wire Services. MANCHESTER United midfielder Darren Fletcher feels for fans who will be suffering a barrage of abuse at work following the 6-1 drubbing by rivals Manchester City last Sunday. It was United’s worst home defeat since 1955 as the noisy neighbours for the Etihad
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: AP, GETTY IMAGES  -  356 words
      • 241 62 / 63 Wire Services. MANCHESTER United suffered a real bashing at Old Trafford against arch-nemesis Manchester City only for another “bash” session to take place hours later. Wayne Rooney, who celebrated his 26th birthday yesterday, was clearly in a forgiving mood when two City players made the
        Wire Services.  -  241 words
      • 214 64 / 65 Wire Services. ARSENE Wenger knows how Alex Ferguson is feeling after the 6-1 drubbing by Manchester City. Less than two months ago, Arsenal suffered their own Old Trafford horror show when they crashed 8-2, and the Gunners boss admitted he did not see United’sshockdefeatcoming. “It’s a
        Wire Services.  -  214 words
      • 730 64 / 65  -  City manager: Balotelli among best five players in the world NEIL HUMPHREYS ROBERTO Mancini must have been hit with one of Mario Balotelli’s fireworks. Or the pair are having a contest to determine which one flies over the cuckoo’s nest first. Either way, Manchester City
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  730 words
      • 674 64 / 65  -  City’sspendingpowerstartingtoshowonthepitch JOHN LEICESTER AP Columnist AP. THE ALEX Ferguson era isn’t over at Manchester United. Still, this did feel like the beginning of the end. A6-1 loss. Make that a 6-1 humiliation. To Manchester City, no less. AtOldTrafford. Ouch. A hammering this heavy and this
        AP.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  674 words
      • 661 66 / 67  -  Our columnist tells DILENJIT SINGH that battle-hardened United boss will be able to turn things around BARRY WHITBREAD ASK THE COACH ISo whatdid youthink ofthe Manchester Derby? IN MANY ways it was disastrous for Manchester United. I have to admit that before the match I
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  661 words
      • 393 66 / 67 SPOT ON: Steven Gerrard’s penalty turned things around for Liverpool. MAN UNITED 1 LIVERPOOL 4 March 14,2009 CRISTIANO Ronaldo gave United a 23rd-minute lead but Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard (penalty) turned things around before Nemanja Vidic's straight red card 15 minutes from
        393 words
      • ON TV
        • 109 66 / 67 *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck *Programmetimes,providedbySingTel&StarHub,subjecttochange LIVE TELECASTS CARLING CUP Tomorrow: IALDERSHOTTOWN vMAN UNITED SingTel mio TV Ch 112 (GOAL TV 1), 2.40am Thursday: ISTOKECITYv LIVERPOOL SingTel mio TV Ch 112 (GOAL TV 1), 2.40am IWOLVESv MAN CITY SingTel mio TV Ch 113 (GOAL TV 2), 2.40am LA LIGA Tomorrow: IGRANADAv BARCELONA
          109 words
        • 44 66 / 67 CIMB ASIA PACIFIC CLASSIC Thursday: IDAY 1 StarHub TV Ch 213 (Golf Channel), 1 pm EPGA: ANDALUCIA MASTERS Thursday: IDAY 1 StarHub TV Ch 213 (Golf Channel), 8pm LAKE MALAREN SHANGHAI MASTERS Thursday: IDAY 1 SingTel mio TV Ch 115 (STAR Sports), 12pm
          44 words
        • 20 66 / 67 Today: ISAFFCv YOUNGLIONS (Choa Chu Kang Stadium, 7.30pm) IGEYLANGv TAMPINES (Bedok Stadium, 7.30pm) Yesterday: IHOUGANG1 ALBIREX 1 IHOME2 WOODLANDS1
          20 words

  • Page 57 Miscellaneous
    • 104 57 SPORTS FIXTURES For fixtures of all E League Champ, Spanish and Italian League, please visit Singapore Pools website. MOTOR RACING India Race Qualifying Sat, 29/10/11 4.30pm Final Sun, 30/10/11 5.30pm LIVE TELECAST AT LIVEWI RE(MARINA BAY SANDS RESORTS WORLD SENTOSAI Spanish League Granada Italian League Juventus Barcelona Wed, 26/10/11 2.00am
      104 words

  • Page 68 Advertisements
    • 61 68 68 Tuesday, October 25 2011 N THE NEW PAPER MANCHESTER MASSACRE Isthisthe beginning ofUnited’s end? /Page65 Sir Alex Ferguson is the best man to lift United back to the top, says BARRY WHITBREAD /Page 66 RobertoMancini hailsMarioBalotelli asoneofthetopfive playersintheworld. Noway,saysNEIL HUMPHREYS /Page64 Wayne Rooney parties with Citypals afterloss /Page63 Unitedlook
      61 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 thenewpaper TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO HOME WORK ON TOUGH LOVE Protectors on verge of title, thanks to coach Lee’s strict OCT 25 2011 Q A with Albirex cheerleaders Page 2 Spice up the S-League next year, says GODFREY ROBERT Page 8 Page 4
      43 words

  • ROAR!
    • 668 2/3  -  I just want to make my players better, says Home coach Lee Lim Saeng on outspoken ways DILENJIT SINGH LEE Lim Saeng’s has earned himself the unwanted reputation of being a dugout dictator. Since the South Korean was handed the reins at Home United
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  668 words
    • 283 2/3  -  DILENJIT SINGH IT’S BEEN so long since Home United won a trophy that only one member of their present squad remembers how it feels to lift a trophy intheclub’scolours. Lionel Lewis is the only one left from the Protectors’2005SingaporeCupwinningside. While the Lions goalkeeper understands
      283 words
    • 410 4  -  LIMSAYHENG chats with NAOKO ENDO and SHOKO OGURAfrom the cheerleading squad ofAlbirex Niigata’s parent club in Japan during their visit here last week LIM SAY HENG IHow did youbecome part ofthe team? ENDO: I was a professional cheerleader with a baseball team for one year before
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  410 words
    • 139 4  -  LIM SAY HENG TEACHERS, gym instructors, and even a tea ceremonyteacher thatis therangeof occupations among the 13-strong Albirex Cheerleaders squad. The cheerleaders performed at Isetan Scotts and during half-time of the Albirex-Go-mbak game last Friday, besides conducting cheerleading workshops at various schools. Formed
      139 words
    • 641 5  -  HOME UNITED 2 (Masrezwan Masturi 30, Frederic Mendy 74) WOODLANDS 1 (Goh Swee Swee 64) DILENJIT SINGH ON PAPER, bottom-placed Woodlands Wellington seemed like the easiest match of Home United’s title run-in. But on the Bishan Stadium pitch last night, Home found no
      TNP PICTURE: ARIFFIN JAMAR  -  641 words
    • 342 6  -  A goal-scoring defender, a goal-stopping winger and a midfielder starring in his new role make SAZALIABDULAZIZ’sTeamoftheWeek SAZALI ABDUL AZIZ GOALKEEPER YAZID YASIN (Geylang United) HELPED the Eagles cling on to a 2-1 victory over Woodlands Wellington, pulling off two fine saves from close range in the dyingminutes. DEFENDER
      342 words
    • 686 7  -  ALI KASIM GEYLANGvTAMPINES (Tonight, 7.30pm, Bedok Stadium) TWO MONTHS ago, goals from Geylang’s Yuta Nakano and Jeon Byung Euk at the Tampines Stadium sunk the Stags and allowed Home United to close the gap at the top of the table. How Home would
      TNP PICTURE: BENJAMIN SEETOR  -  686 words
    • 696 8  -  GODFREY ROBERT BITTER-SWEET would be an apt label to describe the forecast for Singapore soccer next year. The return to the Malaysian competition, a la the Malaysia Cup, would be an exciting adventure. Anticipation is high, excitement is fe-ver-pitch and where the

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 Partners in Sports SINGAPORE tote r=j board POOLS Giving Hope. Improving Lives. Sponsors afGreat Eastern RHB+ Bank MTKASA )SUNRISE POLAR Natural Mineral Water SPORTS EVERY DAY! Pasmlan For Excellence Official Privilege Card Referees'Apparel Sponsor Club Main Sponsors Canon CIVIC! FTMSfflSfc,/ ambulance csuwsimisimm ©DURTS STA*R Because Peace Of Mind Mailers EE
      71 words