The New Paper, 18 September 2011

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1 68 The New Paper
  • 13 1 the new paper on sunday SEPT 18 2011 80 CENTS MICA (P) 113/01/2011
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 FACE UP SQ crash heroine’s new look, new life 20 ’FESS UP I’m gay, and mum says it’s OK 8 paper SEPT 18 2011 thenewpaper READMY LINESnyman Funnyman Neil Humphreys returnsfy to write for SEPT 18 2011 thenewpaper READMY LIPSand thenewpaper READTHEIRLIES SM Ong on celebs who fib ...and eyes,
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    • 2 1 *****1 *****9
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    • 708 2 / 3  -  KEN JALLEH JR Congratulations and, as the brevity-defyingyoung would say, LOL.Nowthatyou’veseenyourface on our Page One, you can safely call yourself a Covergirl (or Coverguy), youexquisite,pulchritudinousvain pot, you. You’vehelpedusmakehistoryasthestarinwhatno newspaperhaseverdone:Tomirroritsreaders–literally. StilllookinglikeGod’sgifttomankind?We’regladto have been of service. So what did you do? Instinctively, we suspect: I Women
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    • Article, Illustration
      67 2 / 3 “Here’sonething I knowfor certain: The odds of me being re-elected are much higher than the odds of me being mebeing electedin thefirst place.” USPresident Barack Obama reassuringdonors about next year’s presidential election at two fundraisers on Thursday “Yeah,that’ssweet...It’sjust unfortunate that my name rhymeswithsh--.” –BradPitt,ongettingashout-outin TravieMcCoy’shitsong,Billionaire “Everyonekeeps saying, ‘You’ve
      PICTURES: AP  -  67 words
    • 133 2 / 3 HAPPINESS INDEX Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad Last week’s index: 250 This week’s index: 240 Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad -10 For the second time this month, sewage leaks caused a stink on Orchard Road, and the flowers that could have mitigated the effects had to be removed after persistent pilferage. +10 Starting pay for fresh
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  • Page 2 / 3 Miscellaneous

    • 349 4 / 5 Malaysia’s announcement that it will abolish its Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows detention without trial, has drawn a response fromthe Workers’Party. In a statement yesterday, the party said its manifestos, including the 2011 election manifesto, had proposed the abolition of the ISA
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    • 110 4 / 5 WILDLIFE Reserves Singapore (WRS) chief Isabella Loh has apologised to President Tony Tan Keng Yam for linking his comments made during a mid-Autumn festival celebration to the WRS decision to cancel a popular Halloween event. Ms Loh had said that she
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    • Article, Illustration
      48 4 / 5 ON THE GRID: Student Mio Lin, 18, yesterday won the SingTel Grid Girls 2011 Competition. She beat more than 500 hopefuls to walk away with $10,000 in cash and will be the country’s flag-bearer at this year’sSingTel Grand Prix on Sept 25. TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  48 words
    • 314 4 / 5 PM Lee on progress of Malay community: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the Government will continue to support the progress of the Malay community. Mr Lee, who spoke in both Malay and English at a Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration yesterday, noted that Malays are doing
      PICTURE: ST  -  314 words
    • 127 4 / 5 A 74-year-old veteran Hollywood stunt pilot flying a World War II-era fighter plane slammed into a VIP box seats section in front of where his family and close friends were seated. The incident at the National Championship Air Races in
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    • 111 4 / 5 AP. Taxing financial transactions was debated by European Union finance ministers in their bid to raise money for the EU and make banks share bailout burdens with taxpayers. But European internal markets Commissioner Michel Barnier said “there’s no consensus” on the
      AP.  -  111 words
    • 107 4 / 5 AFP. South Korea has arrested a North Korean agent who allegedly plotted to assassinate an outspoken an-ti-Pyongyang activist with a poi-son-tipped needle. The agent, identified only as An, was carrying the needle and other weapons when arrested, Yonhap news agency
      AFP.  -  107 words
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      117 4 / 5 74 The number of jaywalkers caught by the police in just two hours at Ang Mo Kio and City Hall on Wednesday morning. 57 The age of the woman in Italy whose 18-month-old baby, conceived through artificial insemination abroad, was taken away for adoption after a judge ruled
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    • 76 4 / 5  -  SEE THE WORLD ONE DRAWING AT A TIME ARTIST’S IMPRESSION TEOH YI CHIE With the Malay Village at Geylang Serai shutting down on Sept 26, the local group of Urban Sketchers went to record the site with ink and paper. The Urban Sketchers movement was founded by
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    • 235 6 Pleasedon’tbanmy film. That’sthepleabytheMalaysian rapper and filmmaker Wee Meng Chee (below), popularly known as Namewee. He fears the ban cloud hovering above the movie Nasi Lemak2.0 after a demonstration against it in the state of Perak, liberal news portal reported. The comedy takes
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    • 432 6 In China, organic food is not for ordinary people. It is reserved for the rich and politically connected. Li Xiuqin, 68, a resident of Shunyi village, outside the capital Beijing, lives opposite a farm producing organic vegetables. He has never been inside. He
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    • 272 6 Silvio Berlusconi (left, with Angela Merkel) just cannot stop making news. The 74-year-old Italian premier, known for his philandering ways, has once again kickedupastorm–involvingwomen,of course. Thistimeit’soveraderogatorycomment about German Chancellor Angela Merkel made during his conversation with a newspaper editor, Daily Mail reported. It
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    • 965 8 / 9  -  REPORT: BENITA AW YEONG Jubilant that a routine HIV checkup had proven negative, Mr Iggie Manuel, 44, phoned his mother in Utrecht, Netherlands, to share his joy. In response, she quizzed him on why he had to take the test. Gingerly,theconfessionslidout.“Mum,”hesaid,“I’mgay.” MrsJeanetteVanPutten,66,toldherson:“You’restillmybaby,andI
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  965 words
    • 681 10 / 11  -  Food and fashion columnist Yeoh Wee Teck was anxious about coming out to his parents, but his mum merely asked if he would be loved for life COMMENT: YEOH WEE TECK I HAVE been out so long to so many people,
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    • 454 10 / 11 Local drag queen Kumar became the first celebrityheretoadmithe’sgayearlierthisweek, but foreign gay stars have been upfront for longer NEIL PATRICK HARRIS, 33 The actor, who stars in the TV sitcom How I Met Your Mother, came out of the closet officially in November 2006. His partner is
      PICTURES: BT, AP, AFP, REUTERS  -  454 words
    • 494 15  -  POSB banks on its image as a community bank with its social initiatives REPORT: JOYCE LIM There will be a run for kids at East Coast Parkway today. The POSB PAssion Run for Kids is the bank’s latest effort to reach out and
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  494 words
    • 174 15 Seen a tweet worth sharing? Message us @thenewpaper @limrebecca Going on YES93.3fm in about an hour’stimetochat abtThePupil2. Let’sjusthope they don’t askme any legal jargon in Mandarin! (Actress Rebecca Lim who plays Wendy Lim in The Pupil Season 2) @euniceolsen Walking on the treadmill at incline 15
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    • 940 16/17  -  *or the fiercest, kindest, meanest, strong-willed, practical, devil-may-care, studious, impatient, forgiving, spontaneous, driven, fun-loving, attention-seeking, well-tempered, ill-tempered, aloof, gregarious... REPORT: MAUREEN KOH Faceit.There’sachancethatthefeaturesofyour facecan“betray”you. The study of physiognomy (mian xiang) by Chinese metaphysicians hails all the way back to the Sung Dynasty, where
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    • 394 18 Does your face reveal who you are? For centuries, the Chinese believed in that. Now a studybyUK’s Royal Societyof BiologicalSciences Journal has found that men with a certain face shape are more likely to be deceptive. Myth, or reality backed by research? Chinese philosophy has it that
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    • 479 22 Just3yearsago,thisUKTVpresenter’sfacewas ruined in an acid attack. Now, she has more than her looks to live for One day, she was an aspiring model, beauty pageant contestant and TV presenter. The next day, her best asset her face was a tangled mess of burnt flesh.
      PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  479 words
    • 266 23 She is hardly three months old. But Harper Seven Beckham has already carved her own space in the pages of celebrity magazines. She has been named the hottest celebrity under the age of 25. And who did she beat to the coveted title?
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    • 200 23 David Beckham donned a store uniform, baseball cap and geeky glasses to hawk his own brand of cologne at a Hollywood discount store. But unlike his superb crosses on the field, the former England footballcaptainflunkedthistest– hedidn’tconvinceanycustomers. Luckily for him, he was doing it
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    • 139 23 Pregnancy cravings are kicking in for Beyonce. The diva is into strange food combinations that will fit right intoacrazyfoodTVshow–andher rapper hubby Jay-Z is all for it. A source close to the celebrity couple told The Sun that her demands are driving their staff crazy. “She’s snacking on
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    • 197 23 He is the richest man in Switzerland and she is Britain’srichestwoman. Ernesto Bertarelli, 45, has other claims to fame as well. He was the captain of sailing teamAlinghi,whichwontheAmerica’sCup twice but lost last year to billionaire Larry Ellison’steam. His wife, Kirsty, co-wrote the song Black Coffee,
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    • Article, Illustration
      409 30 / 31  - NY ASIA REPORT: YEOH WEE TECK The Mercedes Benz Fashion Week left celebrities, fashion stars and wannabes in a Twittering frenzy in New York last week. It ended on Thursday and, as expected, it had a stellar front row rapper Nicki Minaj, Vogue editor Anna Wintour, pop stars Taylor
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    • 691 34 / 35  -  Being a mum of two has taken upmostofMay’stime,buther bond with her twin Choy (right) is still deep and strong REPORT: MAUREEN KOH Imagine having loads of fun. No, makethatdoublethefun.That’s what it was like interviewing formerMTVVJtwins,TehMay Wan and Teh Choy Wan, 29. May’stheoneontheright.Oh,no,she’stheone ontheleft.No,she’s...Arrrgh! You, too, would
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  691 words
    • 407 34 / 35  -  REPORT:GAN GAN LING KAI I saw two boys scuffling in the schoolyard. I sprinted over and delivered a flying kick to onecombatant’sbutt. Ididn’tcareifhewasinthewrongorright.NordidIcareifthere were grievances involved. You see, that dolt was asking for it by fighting my twin. So said my nine-year-old brain.
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    • 610 7 from Neil HumphreysBest-sellingauthorandhumourcolumnistNeilHtoourshoresandpenssomescribblesfromourE Best-sellingauthorandhumourcolumnistNeilHumphreysreturns toourshoresandpenssomescribblesfromourEvenSmallerIsland Men do not surf porn sites Women are shocked and stunned. They have been led to believe that men are accessing Internet porn. Thiscannotbetrue.Mendon’tbrowsepornographic websites. Men do not browse ANY websites. When their partners check their browsing history, there’s simply
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    • Article, Illustration
      50 12 Sean Christopher Purcell to former Singapore swim queen Jocelyn Yeo and her husband Joe Purcell (left). He is an assistant pastor at New Creation Church, she works full timewiththechurch’syouth ministry. Xander Dane Jones to Mad Men andX-Men First Class star January Jones. She welcomed her first child, aboy,onTuesday.Bothare“doing great.”
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      90 12 Andy Lau (right), who will turn 50 on Sept 27, celebrated with an elaborate 150-table charity dinner at the Hong Kong Asia World Expo on Monday night. Lau and invited guests, including some 1,000 fans from all over the world, paid HK$500 (S$80) each. Among the VIP guests were
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    • 65 12 Spartacus star Andy Whitfield died in the arms of his wife last week. He was 39. Whitfield was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’sLymphoma–atype ofbloodcancer–inMarchlastyear. In a statement, the family said the“beautifulyoung warrior...passed peacefully surroundedbylove”. Cliff Robertson, 88, died last week. The long time actor won an Oscar in 1969 for his
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    • 131 12 Ballroom pro Mark Ballas and American idol finalist Pia Toscano have reportedly called it quits, a source told People magazine. Ballas, 25, and Toscano, 22, who started stepping out in April, agreed to go their separate ways after a heart-to-heart talk this week about their demanding careers. Baseball player
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    • Article, Illustration
      81 12 Mickey Rooney is suing his stepson and others on allegations that they tricked him into thinking he was on the brink of poverty while defrauding him out of millions and bullying him into continuing to work. The 90-year-old actor filed the suit on Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court.
      PICTURE: AP  -  81 words
    • Article, Illustration
      125 12 Sir Paul McCartney, 69, and Nancy Shevell, 51 (above). The couple posted their notice that they intend to get married at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, in London. This was the same venue where Sir Paul married late wife Linda. They announced their engagement earlier this year Beaming Selina
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 64 12 “DAD, I QUIT!” The corporate drama unfolding at Popular V ST OF THE- •f' r dl I Ht «V I f BEST 2oS\\ bringing the best value out of the best J fi£& HM valid SI 28th Septetrbef 20t\ IU +'4 IVIHVMA i I BON'jOV I JAY-Z us H MHlH
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    • 801 13  -  Friend Heartlanders on how to close emotional gap with Govt: MAUREEN KOH Want to connect with the ground?Trythe“kakinang” (comradeship in Teochew) approach. Is there really a disconnect between the ruling party and the ground? Going by what political observers, analysts and the elite have

    • 651 14  -  JOYCE LIM Her job is to help her clients like what they see in the mirror. Miss Liew Wei Yong (above) is a personal trainer and fitness manager with local gym Absolute Living. And the hardest step for both trainer and client
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  651 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 281 19 THE RIGHT IT DEGREE FOR YOUR CAREER WITH A TOP 50 UK UNIVERSITY I y informatics academy Diploma in Information Technology SDF Grant Available 4 Completion in 12 months 4 Assignment-based assessment 4 Qualification leads to degree from top 50 university in UK Intake: Dec 2011 INF-RWBX COMPUTER SCIENCE WHO
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  • THEN & NOW
    • 637 20/21  -  FormerstewardessandheroineFarzanaAbdulRazak has come a long way since the incident on Oct31,2000 REPORT:ZAIHAN ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF She went from heroism to scorching horror, to pain, then to a depression that lasted seven years, before finally fleeing and finding peace in obscurity. Madam Farzana Abdul Razak, the

  • EATS
    • Article, Illustration
      303 24  -  HEDY KHOO If you want a brunch-time solution to quell hunger pangs on a lazy weekend, fattah may be your answer. A typical Lebanese dish, fattah is made by layering pita bread with various ingredients and then topping that with a creamy, yogurt-based sauce. Ms Dina Shahab,
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    • 273 24 DinaShahab’srecipe INGREDIENTS For the yogurt sauce: 250ml of Greek yogurt 250ml yogurt Juice of one lemon 1 -2 cloves of crushed garlic 2 dashes of dried mint 6 fresh mint leaves 4 to 6 tbsp tahini (sesame paste) 3 to 4 pinches of salt The filling: 1 can
      TNP PICTURES: HEDY KHOO  -  273 words
    • Article, Illustration
      172 24 Ms Dina Shahab, 44, is the owner of a shop called Fadina, in the basement of Takashimaya Departmental Store in Ngee Ann City. It sells sweets and spices from the Middle East. Her father is from Beirut, Lebanon, while her mother is Indonesian with Dutch ancestry. Ms Shahab
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    • 547 25 We show, you choose THIS WEEK: CHICKEN RICE Compiledby MICHAELYEO Tong Fong Fatt Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice Market Street Food Centre #02-26 One of the 8 branches under the Tong Fong Fatt brand name, this stall has a huge following. Succulent pieces of boneless chicken adorn
      PICTURES: MICHAEL YEO  -  547 words
    • Article, Illustration
      902 26  -  VANESSA FRIDA IVanessa Frida welcomes all queries and suggestions As much as I enjoyed the movie Babe, I must admit that the thought of a whole pig slow roasted on a spit or a hearty plate of rice topped with roast pork sio bak just makes me
    • 127 27 Don’tyouloveadishthattastesas good as it looks? Herearethisweek’sexamples. @nickynik You can taste the butter right with the first bite. Got to try it out at House Of Seafood. Simply irresistible. TWEATOFTHEWEEK @aimakan ThebeefpattyinthisburgerfromRelishisinfusedwithBleud’Auvergnecheese.Ideallypungentandmoist. Onlyforthe bold. @NormahAhmad This is the green tea rice from the thunder tea rice outlet
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 117 27 with eggs and liverthat I enjoy. Show us what you’re eating The New Paper on Sunday is offering a chance for you to show off your skills as a food photographer and reviewer. Snap a photo of the dish, write a short review including the eaterie’s location. It can even
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    • 777 28 Each week we go undercover to reveal storesthatareworthy–ornot–ofyourmoney Soyou’vejustbeeninvitedto anotherwedding–the sixteenthyou’veattended this year. While you try to cook up creative responses to “when’s it your turn?” questions, you might as well be dressed to impress. With its mannequins decked out in satin, chiffon and baubled tops,
      TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  777 words
    • Article, Illustration
      175 29  -  AMANDA PHUA HALSTON HERITAGE Price: $595 The label was born when Sarah Jessica Parker– ofCarrie Bradshawin Sex And The Cityfame was approached by Halston, a high-end brand from New York, to have a hand in setting up its secondary label. In the second movie, Parker appeared inat leasttwoof
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    • Article, Illustration
      367 29 RIVER ISLAND Price: $119.00 We looked for more affordable dresses with the same look: V-shapedneckline and cinched waist. ThisRiver Island find wasa gem. It’s sexyand accentuates womanly curves. Every girl must have heard the fashion mantra that to avoid appearing slutty, one should either flash legs or cleavage. Not
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    • 700 32 / 33  -  When what you see in the mirror is never good enough JONATHAN ROBERTS LIVE RIGHT Do you like what you see in the mirror? Youranswermight beabegrudged“mostly”. The chances are that there is some aspect of your body you would like to improve (less weight, fewer blemishes, better
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    • 56 32 / 33 HEALTH TIP Need a quick energy boost or something to help you relax? The scent from a dab of peppermint oil on the wrists can give you a quick and fragrant boost. Or try some on your temples (but avoiding getting it in your eyes) if you need
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    • 179 32 / 33 A good night’s rest is vital to your health Lights off Have no lights on in your bedroom. Any light will disturb your body’s production of the sleep-stimulating hormone melatonin. If you need to, wear an eye-mask to block out any ambient light. Power down Try
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    • Article, Illustration
      55 32 / 33 Mr Jampi uses his breaks at the gym where he works to exercise. What you see here is only eight months’sworthof training. His health tip is to alternate your workout.Ifit’s weights oneday, go running the next. Over-doing weightlifting will not help you. AUGUSTINE JAMPI AGE: 24 JOB: Gym
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  55 words
  • Page 32 / 33 Advertisements
    • 103 32 / 33 WANT TO BE FEATURED? Got a body to be proud of? Want to flaunt it and reveal your secrets to stayingfit? Send a picture with your details to with the subject line, LIVE RIGHT It's easy! Call now and connect with your new FRIENbS. LIVE 1-2-1 ii 1999-912-9700 First
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    • 275 36 / 37 Dear Nanny... QUESTION My son is still babbling and baby-talking at 20 months.Hetends torepeat himself and Ican’t understand what he is trying to say. Some ofmy friends’babies havestarted saying‘mama’or ‘papa’ at12 months. He hasn’t.Should Ibe concerned?What shouldI do? Why is he taking longer to learn to
      TNP FILE PICTURE  -  275 words
    • 612 36 / 37  -  FATHER FIGURES SANTOKH SINGH I am not a good listener. My ego gets in the way. I am short tempered at times. And I place more than necessary stress on academic success. Shocking (to me) but true (say my children). It started with an idea I
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    • 280 36 / 37  -  KIDS’ CRAZE CHAI HUNG YIN Thisweek,Kid’s Craze looks at smartphone apps that will help mummy or daddy. And a happy mummy and daddy, who knows where the nearest diaper change area or playground is, will in turn make for a much happier baby. B
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    • Article, Illustration
      496 38  -  ZAIHAN MOHD YUSOF You spend a bomb crash-proofing your motorcycle. Then you burn a bigger hole in your pocket by adding a custom paint job and the latest gadgets. But your picture-perfect set of wheels can disappear in an instant. In the six years (yes, it’s that
      496 words
    • 197 38 Protect your bike in a crash. Aluminium or carbon fibre, these bike parts are barriers against unwanted damage Metal radiator guard Dropping your motorcycle on its side may cause your radiator to crack. And when your radiator leaks coolant, your motorbike will soon overheat. Clutch/coil covers Made
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    • 559 39  -  Now that Kumarhas admitted he lied ACT BLUR S M ONG Spoiler alert! Kumar is homosexual. That’s what has been revealed in the new book about the comedian entitled Kumar: From Rags To Drag, which was launched last Tuesday. Now you don’t have to
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  559 words
    • 272 39  -  JUST PAIK CHOO SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO Inourhousehold,“topo”isaragfor wiping the table after meals. Perhaps fittingly, what you read below can also be considered“topo”,asinTohPost,inspiredbyHuffPo (Huffington Post), the news content aggregator blog. Being the news you may have missed, while you were out (hopefully misbehaving).
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    • REALLY?
      • 114 39 Odd news that’sfor real AP. Fire officials in Alaska said a pet rabbit woke its owner when the house was on fire, allowing the woman to get herself and her daughter safely out of the burning building. However, the rabbit died from smoke inhalation. The woman
        AP.  -  114 words
      • 138 39 Reuters. Eight members of a traditional Amish sect were behind bars on Tuesday after refusing to pay fines for failure to display orange-red safety triangles on their horse-drawn buggies. They were being held in the Graves County Jail, serving sentences ranging between three and
        Reuters.  -  138 words

  • TV
    • 502 40  -  Sons of Guns ends its run on local cable TV. We reminisceoverTV’smostlovablearmsmakers JASON JOHNSON So, Sons of Guns is over. Well, at least they’re no longer showing any runs of the show on local cable and we don’t know yet if another season will air
      PICTURE: DISCOVERY CHANNEL  -  502 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 107 40 THE MUST SEE THREE Centurion Star Movies (StarHub Ch 622), 9pm Magneto meets Bond girl in this stylistic action adventure about a splinter group of Roman soldiers who fight for their lives behind enemy lines. Starring Michael Fassbender, Olga Kurylenko. Charlie St. Cloud HBO (StarHub Ch 601), 8pm Ayoung man
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    • Article, Illustration
      32 41 Kumar came out in abig way last week. He is Singapore’s first celebrity to come out of the closet. Here’s a look at the comedy icon over the years.
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 487 41 LAST CHANCE WIN $1,000 This is your chance to win $1,000 this week. If you have been buying and keeping The New Paper each day, you could be on the way to our top prize. Fill out the puzzle (left) with the correct letters. The answers can be found on
      487 words
    • 85 41 Did you spot the difference? THE NEW PAPER FIND ONE CONTEST CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky seven who found that one difference between the two photos. They win tickets to the F1 practice race on Sept 23, courtesy of Shell and The New Paper on Sunday. Amish M Mody IC No:
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    • 286 42 / 43  -  BESTBET TAN THEAN LOON Callmedaringifyoulikefor picking a horse in a feature raceasmybestbet. But, I can’t help it as I have been impressed by FLYING FULTON in his latest run and his lead-up work. In his last start on Aug 28, Flying Fulton (above)
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    • 132 42 / 43 Race10,5.30pm 1 KEEP AWAY (barrier 6) Jockey:O Placais Trainer: H Takaoka 2 CLINT (1) Jockey: J Powell Trainer: C Brown 3 BEST KNIGHT (4) Jockey: J Verenzuela Trainer: B Dean 4 FATKID (9) Jockey: I Saifudin Trainer: HKTan 5 JAMAL MALIK (12) Jockey: BVorster Trainer: P Shaw
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    • 1198 42 / 43 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5D1 12.50 -1600m(Polytrack) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 *****2 DramaSuperstar 57 (43) MEwec1 4 (5nzmDesmondKoh-Kkl) 2 -078-6 EternalWin 57 (43) JPowell 9 (5agDDragon-JS) 3 0808 Notherefornoodles 57 (43) VDuric 6 (4nzgSGray-HereForTheCash) 4 6-4784 SimplySpecial
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    • 1991 44 / 45 ANDREWFROST’SCOMMENTSONTODAY’SKRANJIMEETING RACE1 (1,600m) 1 Drama Superstar)))Ran on strongly late to be narrowly beaten last time. Has drawn well and looks a leading chance. 2 EternalWin))Hasn’twonforalongtimebutdropsto Class 5 for the first time and have to consider despite the awkward draw. 3 Notherefornoodles))Hasn’t threatened so far
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    • 723 44 / 45 RACE 1 (Hastings): 1st 8 Jimmy Choux ($10-$5.10) 2nd 1 Mufhasa ($8) 3rd 4 Hold It Harvey ($22) 4th 2 Wall Street. Forecast $7. Place forecast $21 (1-4), $5 (1-8), $14 (4-8). Tierce $78. Trio $36. Quartet $222. Quadro $26. RACE 2
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    • 580 44 / 45 Andrew Frost RACE 1 Tan Thean Loon Brian Miller Mr X 10 Supreme General 4 Drama Superstar Simply Special Simply Special Simply Special 1 4 Ninth Avenue 7 8 4 8 Chevy Drama Superstar Ninth Avenue 1 5 Whirlrunner Supreme General Peagsus Victory 4 9 10 2 RACE
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    • 540 46 / 47 RACE 1 DEN: Jumped away awkwardly. DEBONAIR: Crowded. ROMAN EMPIRE: Crowded. WIN LOTS: Checked; crowded; held up. ABYSS: Difficult to settle; had to be continually restrained. HIS MY IDOL: Rolled in when racing tight. JAMIE: Checked. LOOK AT ME: Had to
      TNP PICTURE: GARY GOH  -  540 words
    • 612 46 / 47 Race1 C5(STRAIGHT)1100m 10 CHINODIABLO53c50(36-10) SSVanan* (5) 1 1 1 (471) 11 COLOURLANDKID53(121-27) BWoodworth (10) 3 3 2 (430) 4 3 BREAKTHROUGH56.5c53(66-17) SCLiew* (9) 5 6 3 (508) 0.75 2 ROCKETELITE57c55(35-11) HBarnabas (11) 2 2 4 (487) 0.5 XWinning owner: Mdm J Goh. Trainer: Tony Yeoh. Time: 1min
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    • 1023 46 / 47 GOING FORECAST: SOFT RACE1 MS4YO 1.40 -1100m(STRAIGHT) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 GalacticNebula 57 (50) TMWan 9 (4agTonyYeoh-DOC) 2 0-0 Supradyn 56.5 (49) MYusric2 16 (4agEBreukelen-Perfectum) 3 ArowanaFrontier 55.5 (47) RBurnettc1 5 (4nzmMSukri-Arowana) 4 --3--- FlyingSword 55.5 (47) IAzhar 2 (4agKCoetzee-MdmSPTan)
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    • 520 46 / 47 RACE 1 (Caulfield): 1st 17 Utah Saints ($19-$8) 2nd 5 Pinnacles ($19) 3rd 10 Testa My Patience ($6) 4th 12 Rockpecker. Forecast $93. Place forecast $13 (5-10), $20 (5-17), $5 (10-17). Tierce $833. Trio $37. Quartet $7509. Quadro $465. Scratchings: 4 Adnocon, 6 Shadows In The
      520 words
    • 80 46 / 47 RACE 1:12 Jolly Roger 15 Good Gift 4 Flying Sword 13 Kim Star RACE 2:2 Miyagisan 1 Fire General 5 Makemeamillion 10 Darmore RACE 3:1 Best Spirit 6 Powerful Match 5 Flaming Bolt 10 Blue Centre RACE 4:2 Moving Foward 1 China Angel 3 Pacific
      80 words
    • 1166 48  -  ITIPSANDCOMMENTSBYPHILLIP ITIPSANDCOMMENTSBYPHILLIP WOO, COURTESY OF THE HONG KONG WOO,COURTESYOFTHEHONGKONG JOCKEY CLUB RACE1 (1,600m) AMBITIOUS OWNER (1) ended last season in good form at this level and thundered home last Sunday for a second over the 1,400m. He’ll need to tackle an extra 200m, but
      1,166 words
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  • Page 46 / 47 Miscellaneous
    • 31 46 / 47 Saturday,Sept 17 2011 First Second Third 0852 9360 3758 Starters 7771 6908 2427 6205 3911 9064 5323 9744 2689 7375 Consolations 1360 3787 6150 5085 2049 2633 6894 3793 1016 5598
      31 words

  • GOLF
    • 487 49  -  GODFREY ROBERT godfrey@sph, With an encouraging mum and a competent coach, Muhd Rusydi Mohd Ismail is set to make some impact in golf in the future. Hazlinah, who works at the Laguna National Driving Range, not only introduced golf to her only son of three
    • 295 49  -  GODFREY ROBERT. If Singapore golfers seek one advantage over the defending champion for this month’sAsian Amateur Championship (AAC),itis home-course knowledge. Unlikelastyear’swinnerJapan’s Hideki Matsuyama, who has never played at the Singapore Island Country Club’s New Course and has never been to theisland,Singapore’s10participants know the course
      295 words
      • 97 49 SINGAPORE’S QuincyQuek shotan impressive two-under 69 at the US$750,000 ($932,000) Macau Open yesterday. Quek has a one-under 212 total, 11 shots off leader Chan Yih-shin (68) of Taiwan. Chan was tied with Joonas Granberg of Finland after 17 holes but birdied the last to take the outright lead
        97 words
      • 91 49 MARDAN Mamat shot another one-over 73 to drop to 51 st position from 27th spot in the ANA Open on the Japan Golf Tour in Hokkaido yesterday. The Singaporean totalled one-under 215, 11 shots off the pace set by leaders Kurt Barnes (67) and Masamichi Ito (69)
        91 words
      • 175 49 AP. ENGLAND’SJustin Rosemade an eagle onthe 15th hole to shoot a three-under 68 for a share of the lead with Mark Wilson at the BMW Championship in Illinois. Coming off an opening-round 63, Rose said he felt flat at times on Friday, especially early on the back
        AP.  -  175 words
      • 66 49 AFP. AMERICAN teen Lexi Thompson fired a four-under 68 to grab a two-shot lead following the first two rounds of the LPGA Tour’sNavistarClassic in Alabama on Friday. Thompson, 16, reached 10-under 134, two strokes in front of American Stacy Lewis and Becky Morgan of Wales. Meena Lee, who
        AFP.  -  66 words

    • 738 50 POOLC IRELAND 15 AUSTRALIA 6 AP. Ireland produced the biggest upset of the Rugby World Cup with a 15-6 win over Tri-Nations champions Australia yesterday and took charge of Pool C. Jonathan Sexton and Ronan O’Gara each landed two penalty goals and Sexton added a drop goal
      AP.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  738 words
    • 380 50 POOLD SOUTH AFRICA 49 FIJI 3 Reuters. South Africa’s clinical 49-3 demolition of Fiji at the Rugby World Cup yesterday showed they were slowly building into the tournament and improving each week, according to captain John Smit. The Springboks struggled in their opening
      Reuters.  -  380 words
  • Page 50 Miscellaneous
    • 48 50 [pLAY® Always play with care. Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize. For details, visit or call 6786 6688 Towards Community Purpose and Benefit SINGAPORE m RCB Reg No: *****0202G
      48 words

    • 399 51 AFP. Australia’sdoublespairupset Olympic gold medal duo Roger Federer and Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland yesterday to take a 2-1 lead in their Davis Cup World Group play-off tie in Sydney. Lleyton Hewitt (below) and Chris Guccione battled to a 2-6, 6-4, 6-2, 7-6 (7/5)
      AFP.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  399 words
  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 38 51 $7 kuala lumpur v; $37 hat yai $37 krabi $57 cebu $57 bangkok $67 hanoi $70 macau $70 hong kong book by -pvWail fare stated is for one-way travel, excludes charges, conditions apply, for details, visit
      38 words

    • 531 52  -  HOUGANG UNITED 1 (Diego Oliveira 70) COURTS YOUNG LIONS 1 (Haniff Sadique 18) DAVID LEE With a clinical flick of his head, the pain of a prolonged, injury-enforced absence was soothened. Hougang United’s Diego Oliveira marked his first start in four months after recovering
    • 432 52 Singapore’stopstreet football team On the Run will be aiming for glory at the Tiger Street Football Grand Finals in Malaysia today. The tournament is organised by ESPN STAR Sports and Asia Pacific Breweries and features teams from Brazil, Holland and South-east Asia.
      432 words

    • 366 53  -  LIM SAY HENG Guiding Tao Li to a podium finish at the London Olympics next year will bea“tallorder”,buthernewcoach Ian Turner is confident of the swimmer’stalentandability. The Briton, currently the Singapore Swimming Club’s swim director and former head coach of the British national programme, was unveiled
    • 396 53  -  NBA star thrills fans at MBS Sky park clinic BASKETBALL LIM SAY HENG He thought he was supposed to be doing just drills and some shooting with National Basketball AssociationstarKobeBryant. But never in his wildest dream did Toh Qing Huang expect to get up
      TNP PICTURE: GARY GOH  -  396 words

    • 629 54  -  AfterstrikingsilverattheWorldWomen’s Championships, Daphne Tan now has to livewithhersisterCherie’steasing LIM SAY HENG “Youneedtoborrowmymedals? “YouthinkyouworldNo.2,verybiglah?” The jibes came thick and fast when The New Paper visited bowler Daphne Tan’s homenearJurongonFridaynight. And the source of the teasing came from none other than her elder sister and fellow bowler Cherie, 23.
      TNP PICTURES: SARAH CHOW  -  629 words

    • 874 55  -  GLENN CONNLEY FCWEEKEND NAPOLI v AC MILAN (Tomorrow, 2.40am, SuperSports, StarHub TV Ch 202) It is fitting that Walter Mazzarri is the spitting image of Dustin Hoffman because, after almost two years of “Hollywood football” at the Stadio San Paolo, he must now feel like The
      PICTURE: AFP  -  874 words
  • Page 55 Advertisements
    • 181 55 THE NEW PAPER-STARHUB ITALIAN SERIE A CONTEST As part of this weekend’s Italian Serie A matches, three Juventus jerseys, autographed by former World Player of the Year and Juventus star Fabio Cannavaro, are up for grabs. To win, you must correctly answer the question: Q. Which Serie A team are
      181 words

  • EPL
    • 713 56/57 FULHAM v MAN CITY (Tonight, 10pm, SingTel mio TV Ch 103) PA Sport. Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini believes his free-scoring side need to be even more ruthless in front of goal–likeManchester United. City have struck 15 times in winning their opening four
      PA Sport.; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  713 words
    • 366 56/57 ASTON VILLA 1 (Gabriel Agbonlahor 13) NEWCASTLE 1 (Leon Best 57) PA Sport. England striker Darren Bent squandered two golden chances as Aston Villa and Newcastle maintained their unbeaten start by sharing the spoils at Villa Park last night. Leon Best earned Newcastle a deserved point
      PA Sport.; PICTURE: AFP  -  366 words
    • 334 56/57 AFP. TOTTENHAM v LIVERPOOL (Tonight, 8.30pm, SingTel mioTV Ch 102) Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp will have his senior players back in the squad when they look to extend their winning run over Liverpool to five home matches tonight. Aside from Kyle Walker, Redknapp rested his entire
      AFP.  -  334 words
    • 599 58 WOLVES O QPR 3 (Joey Barton 8, Alejandro Faurlin 10, DJ Campbell 87) QPR’s new-look team put in an impressive display as they ran out comfortable winners against Wolves at Molineux. Joey Barton scored his first goal for the Hoops in the eighth minute
      599 words
    • 221 58 BOLTON 1 (Martin Petrov 64 pen) NORWICH 2 (Anthony Pilkington 37, Bradley Johnson 42) Paul Lambert’s Norwich clung onto their hard-earned halftime lead to record their first League win. Norwich grabbed the lead in the 38th minute when Leon Barnett headed down a David Fox
      221 words
    • 692 59 SWANSEA 3 (Scott Sinclair 14 pen, Leroy Lita 24, Nathan Dyer 49) WEST BROM 0 Swansea ended their goal drought in style as they claimed a first Premier League win at the Liberty Stadium. Scott Sinclair ended the hosts 374-minute wait for a top flight
      692 words
    • 298 59 EVERTON 3 (Phil Jagielka 33, Apostolos Vellios 84, Roysten Drenthe 90) WIGAN 1 (Franco Di Santo 31) Substitutes Apostolos Vellios and Royston Drenthe scored late goals to secure Everton’s first home victory of the season. Franco di Santo’s deflected shot had put the visitors
      298 words
    • 907 60  -  BLACKBURN 4 (Aiyegbeni Yakubu 25,59, Alexandre Song 50-og, Laurent Koscielny 69-og) ARSENAL3 (Gervinho 10, Mikel Arteta 34, Marouane Chamakh 85) NEIL HUMPHREYS The coach’s obituary had already been prepared. Knives had been sharpened, odds shortened and headlines written. There was going to be managerial mayhem
      PICTURE: AP  -  907 words
    • 867 61  -  SAW TEK MENG Is there such a thing as collective bias against a club by referees, as Kenny Dalglish hinted at after several decisions seemingly went against Liverpool in the 1-0 defeat at Stoke City last weekend? Surelynot?Andevenifthereis,it’smostlikelydone sub-consciously rather than with intent,
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  867 words

    • 803 62 / 63  -  With pen in hand and tongue in cheek, NEIL HUMPHREYS sneaks into the offices of Sir Alex Ferguson and Andre Villas-Boas to steal thespeechesthey’llmakebeforetonight’sbig clash between Man United and Chelsea NEIL HUMPHREYS What Fergie will say to his players: RIGHT, you bunch of
      PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, AP  -  803 words
    • 491 62 / 63  -  IAIN MACINTOSH ManchesterUnitedsupportersweren’t entirely sure what to make of the signing of Ashley Young. That their club required an attacking midfielder was obvious. That their manager would pay £18 million ($35.3m) for an England fringe player and a man who perhaps hadn’t always made the
    • 672 64 / 65  -  MAN UNITED v CHELSEA (Tonight, 11 pm, SingTel mio TV Ch 102) Our columnist tells DA VID LEE that Chelsea will be no match for the in-form Devils tonight PAUL PARKER Manchester United will beat Chelsea tonight because of three reasons. The match is played
      672 words
    • 205 64 / 65 I really think the kitman needs to sort out Manchester United goalkeeper David deGea’sshirts. They are at least two sizes too big and even Hercules would look like a wimp in over-sized shirts like those. Sarcasm aside, what I am trying to get at
      PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  205 words
    • 506 64 / 65 PA Sport Sir Alex Ferguson goes head to head with the Premier League’s youngest manager tonight, delighted that the value of experience is no longer being ignored. Andre Villas-Boas was only 33 when he was appointed Chelsea boss in the summer. His youthfulness contrasts sharply with Ferguson,
      PA Sport  -  506 words
    • 345 64 / 65 PA Sport. Andre Villas-Boas has vowed not to become the latest victim of Sir Alex Ferguson’s mind games, claiming the impact of psychological warfare between managers is overrated anyway. Chelsea boss Villas-Boas faces arguably the biggest challenge of his fledgling managerial career tonight when he
      PA Sport.  -  345 words
    • 1046 66 / 67  -  MANUNITEDvCHELSEA (Tonight, 11pm, SingTelmio TVCh102) GARYLIM and IAIN MACINTOSH are convinced that Manchester United will inflict on Chelsea their first defeat of the season GARY LIM, IAIN MACINTOSH GARY: Any chance that their midweek Champions League games are going to affect the performances of Manchester United
      PICTURE COURTESY OF BARCLAYS  -  1,046 words
    • ON TV
      • 145 66 / 67 *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck *Programmetimes,providedbySingTel&StarHub,subjecttochange LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tonight: ISUNDERLAND vSTOKE SingTel mio TV Ch 103 (mio Stadium), 8pm ITOTTENHAMvLIVERPOOL SingTel mio TV Ch 102 (mio Stadium), 8.30pm IFULHAMv MAN CITY SingTel mio TV Ch 103 (mio Stadium), 10pm IMAN UNITEDv CHELSEA SingTel mio TV Ch 102 (mio Stadium), 11 pm
        145 words
      • 13 66 / 67 MACAU OPEN Today: IDAY 4 StarHub TV Ch 213 (Golf Channel), noon
        13 words
      • 37 66 / 67 WORLD CUP 2011 Today: IPOOLD:WALES v SAMOA SingTel mio TV Ch 115 (STAR Sports) Ch 111 (mioStadium),11.25am IPOOLB: ENGLANDv GEORGIA SingTelmio TVCh115 (STAR Sports), 1.55pm IPOOLA: FRANCEv CANADA SingTel mio TV Ch 115 (STAR Sports), 4.25pm
        37 words
      • 7 66 / 67 Yesterday’s result: IHOUGANG1 COURTSYOUNG LIONS 1
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  • people
    • Article, Illustration
      272 68 FORKEAN BLACKBURN 4 (Aiyegbeni Yakubu 25,59, Alexandre Song 50-og, Laurent Koscielny 69-og) ARSENAL 3 (Gervinho 10, Mikel Arteta 34, Marouane Chamakh 85) Wire Services. The pressure is off beleaguered Blackburn manager Steve Kean, at least for the moment. Rovers edged out Arsenal 4-3 last night to record their first
      Wire Services.; PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  272 words