The New Paper, 18 July 2011

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1 52 The New Paper
  • 12 1 the new paper MONDAY JULY 18 2011 70 CENTS MICA (P) 114/01/2011
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 To subscribe: 6388 3838 KATE TSUI Falling in love with co-stars is natural PAGE 14 TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA
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    • 51 1 SHAMEFUL? Runners in Tri-factor race directed to wrong route PAGE 46 SHAMELESS? $30 pair of tickets $400ONLINE to S’pore-M’sia World Cup qualifier auctioned at FAS says... PAGE 2 NO SHAME? ‘You are a legend’ tweets Wayne Rooney to M’sian Man Utd fan forced to strip at Liverpool’s training in PAGE
      51 words
    • 3 1 8 "*****1 *****1
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  • News
    • 898 2/3  -  I Pairof$15ticketsforS’pore-M’siaWorldCup qualifier auctioned for $400 on eBay I Fansdisappointed,butonescalpersayshe should be paid for queueing overnight REPORT:NAJIB NAJIB SIDDIK ON SATURDAY, all 4,000 tickets for the Singa-pore-Malaysia World Cup qualifier were snapped up in six hours. Andwithinhours,theticketswerebackonsale–not at the Football Association of Singapore’s Jalan Besar Stadium
      PICTURE: THE STRAITS TIMES  -  898 words
    • 542 4  -  Prosecution asking for 28-month jail term for Wilson Raj at sentencing tomorrow REPORT:ZAIHAN REPORT:ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF THE final whistle looks set to be blown on Wilson Raj Perumal (left), and it may soon be game over for him. That’s because Finnish prosecutor Maija
      542 words
    • 855 5  -  Experts say kids under 10 may not be able to make good decisions about safety issues REPORTS: ZUL OTHMAN CHILDRENbelow10areincapableofmakingtherightdecisionswhenitcomestosafety.Hencetheyshouldneverbeleftalone. That is the assessment of child experts The New Paper spoke with, following the tragic deaths of five-year-old Marson Heng Jing Quan and six-year-old AnishaReddyaftertheyfelloutoftheirhomewindows
      TNP PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  855 words
    • 744 6/7  -  Retiree’scollectionofspeakersinlivingroom is so large that there is almost no room for furniture REPORT:AMANDA AMANDA PHUA HEHASspentmorethan$20,000puttingtogeth-erhiscollectionofspeakers,buthecannotplaysomeofhisfavouriteCDs. The speakers so pack the living room of his five-roomHDBflatthathecannotopenthecupboards thatstoremostofthe5,000-oddCDsheowns. InSeptember2008,MrEdwinSeeToh,aretireewho turns 66 this year, started a unique challenge to see howmanyspeakershecouldfitintohislivingroom. Buthesoonrealisedthatitwasimpracticaltoquantify his collection by the
      TNP PICTURES: YAP NING  -  744 words
    • 344 8 CRASH 1 SHE was trying to overtake a bus on the road, but lost control of her car. The vehicle swerved into a carpark and hit a pedestrian on the pavement. The car also crashed into three other parked cars, reported Lianhe Wanbao yesterday.
      PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO  -  344 words
    • 196 8 CRASH 2 HE had lost control of his motorcycle and landed in the middle of an expressway. Luckily for him, two members of the public stopped to help him. The accident happened on the Kranji Expressway towards Bukit Timah Expressway at about 4pm on
      PICTURE: LIANHE WANBAO  -  196 words
    • 391 9 Events management majorputswhathelearnsinclasstohelp needybackhome EVENTS management is not only about dollars and cents and putting up a good show. For Mr Ron Van Huu Long, 28, it is also about charity, social interaction and interpersonal relationships. He recently flexed his event-management skills and organised
      391 words
    • 412 10  -  They clean up HDB flats occupied by the elderly, the poor and the handicapped REPORT:CHAI CHAI HUNG YIN SHE stopped cleaning her flat since her mother died about 10 years ago. Miss Alice Lim Phek Kim, 65, who lives alone, became so depressed over her
      TNP PICTURE: YAP NING  -  412 words
    • 318 10  -  REPORT PICTURE: ANG WEI QIN PEOPLE will do the strangest things to set records. On Saturday, some kids and adults spun 1,500 pinwheels simultaneously for sixty seconds as a symbolic pledge of their support for the go green cause. The pinwheels were part of
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 17 2/3 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 To subscribe: TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 6388 3838
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    • 47 2/3 thenewpaper Thanks for calling This handphone is yours if your idea leads to a story Samsung S3600i HOTLINE 733 44 55 1800 HOPEFUL: Fansqueueing up at JalanBesar Stadiumon Saturdayfor ticketsto the Singapore-MalaysiaWorld Cup qualifiermatch. All4,000 ticketswere snappedup in six hours. (Below) Threeof the ticketson sale on eBay.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 /Enjoy LeoorKlKg. Enjoy Gto^IKQ. STANSRELD 8 LEARNING SYSTEM Stansfield's unique 24/8 Learning System ensures that there are only 24 students per lecture and 8 per tutorial with over 25 hours per week of contact time in the critical first year of full-time study. For nearly 2 decades, we have helped
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  • Page 6/7 Advertisements
    • 70 6/7 EDEXCEL (UK) edexcel advancing learning, changing lives 1) BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business 2) BTEC Higher National Diploma in Electrical I Electronic Engineering 3) BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing (ICT Systems Support I Software Development I General) *Valid till 31 August 2011, Terms and Conditions Apply \w/. International
      70 words
    • 22 6/7 HOT STORY HOT PHO NE Call us. If story is published you get this Samsung S3600i HOTLINE 1800 733 44 55 thenewpaper
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 225 9 This series is brought to you by East Asia Institute of Management Full 4-year Edutrust certified institution In EASB, our employability focused approach is on equipping our students and graduates to be professionally competent in the Hospitality and Tourism industry. In our campuses and in classrooms, you will learn
      225 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 227 10 HOSPITALITY TOURISM MANAGEMENT We're Approachable, Affordable Active Talk to Us You'll be glad you did! rP" DIPLOMA IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT Completion in 7 months (Full Time) 10 months (Part Time) Admission Requirement GCE 'N' '0' Levels, NITEC or Higher NITEC Next intake date: 27 July 2011 ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN HOTEL
      227 words
    • 4 10 Backpacker hostels go upmarket
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  • News watch
    • 254 11 HDB trying to offer more BTO units ALMOST all first-timers got to select a flat in HDB’s Build-To-Order (BTO) exercise in January. Even second-timers got an 84 per cent chance to select. National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan has given more details
      PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  254 words
    • 85 11 THE Public Transport Council will not“blindly”lookatthefareadjustment formula, assured chairman Gerard Ee, who spoke yesterday on ChannelNewsAsia’sdiscussionprogramme Talking Point. He said the “affordability factor” will be tracked when the council studies the fare increases proposed by Singapore’s two main public transport
      85 words
    • 88 11 AP. A VOLATILE volcano in Sulawesi in central Indonesia unleashed its most powerful eruption yet yesterday, spewing hot ash and smoke thousands of metres into the air and sending panicked villagers racing back to emergency shelters. There were no immediate
      AP.  -  88 words
    • 117 11 AFP. THE Indian company that launched theworld’scheapest carhasunveiled a flat-pack house that costs just US$700 (S$850). The basic model of a so-called “Nano” house will use coconut fi- bre or jute for the interiors. It has a
      AFP.  -  117 words
    • 89 11 AP. CHINA yesterday slammed US President Barack Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama. Beijing called it an act that has “grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs” and damaged Chi- nese-American relations. The strident statement from China’s Foreign Ministry came hours after Mr Obama
      AP.  -  89 words
    • Article, Illustration
      223 12 / 13 under20 tonnes of sand KEDAH CRASH AMALAYSIANman’splanstostartafamilyend-ed when a lorry skidded and spilled 20 tonnes ofsandonhiscar. His pregnant wife, Madam Shalini Mohd Yusof, 26,diedonthespot. Mr Norhusaini Normadi Hamdan, also 26, and his father-in-law, Mr Hamdan Abdullah, 61, were treatedatKulimHospitalinKedah. Madam Shalini, who was due to give birth next
      PICTURES: CHINA PRESS  -  223 words
    • 102 12 / 13 AP. MS CASEY Anthony walked out of jail a free woman under heavy guard early yesterday, facing shouts of “babykiller”days afterthe US watched in rapt attention as she was acquitted of murder in the death of her two-year-old daughter. The 25-year-old, who had spent years
      AP.  -  102 words
    • 94 12 / 13 MALAYANRailway’s (KTM) operations were disrupted on Saturday when a 60-tonne crane toppled and crashed into Kuala Lumpur station. “Thecrane failed to stabilise andtoppled on the roof and electric cables at platform 4,3 and 2, rendering them impassable. Only platform 1 can be used,” KTMsaid
      PICTURE: CHINA PRESS  -  94 words
    • 61 12 / 13 AFP. BRITISH police yesterday arrested Rebekah Brooks, the former head of media mogulRupert Murdoch’s British newspaper wing, over the phone-hacking scandal, her spokesman told AFP. “Rebekahhad a pre-arranged appointment with police which she attended of her own volition. She was arrested on arrival bypolice,” herspokesman, Mr David
      AFP.  -  61 words
    • 367 12 / 13 RooneytellsM’sianfanforcedtoremoveManUjerseyatLiverpooltraining: MANCHESTER United star Wayne Rooney expressed his admiration for a Malaysian fan, posting an update on Twitter on Saturday. Themessageread:“Theladwhowentto watch Liverpool train in mufc top with my nameonthebackisalegend.” AvideoofLiverpool’strainingsessionin Malaysia’sNationalStadiuminKuala Lumpur shows a young man wearing a Rooney No 10 jersey, surrounded by hundreds of Liverpool
      PICTURES: YOUTUBE  -  367 words
    • 187 12 / 13 ENGLAND defender Ashley Cole (right) might be hoping to reconcile with ex-wife, Cheryl Cole, but at least three women have claimed they recently had sex with the Chelsea star. Virgin Atlantic air hostess Kerry Meades claims Cole slept with her while wooing his singerwife,reportedBritain’sDailyMirror. She
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  187 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Show
    • 489 14 / 15  -  HK TV star Kate Tsui says she gets into character by falling in love with her co-stars REPORTS: MAUREEN KOH FALLING in love with her co-stars is a natural thing, declared Hong Kong actress Kate Tsui. Andit’sverymuchpartofthejob. What’simportantistobeableto“getoutoftherole” once filming is over. Tsui,
    • 409 14 / 15 She' s enjoying singlehood for now LOOKSlikeloveain’toveryet. Not that fast-rising TVB actress Natalie Tong is about to reconcile with ex-beau Amigo Chui. Fornow,she’senjoyinghersinglestatus, Tong told reporters at a group interview on Friday. She was here to pick up the Most Improved TVB Female Artiste Award. Tong, 30, said: “There is
      409 words
    • 599 16  -  Korean band Big Bang rocks on, but stay mum ontroubledmember’s road accident case REPORT: KWOK KAR PENG IT WAS as if one member of the band didn’t exist at all. As if the rest of Big Bang had forgotten all about the absent Daesung. It
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  599 words
    • 474 17  -  S’poreIdol swept the most awards atAnugerah REPORT: DENIS EDWARD IT WAS a star-studded night at the Anugerah Planet Muzik, but no star shone as brightly as local performer Hady Mirza (right). He was the only Singapore act to make it onto the honour roll. Top singers
      TNP PICTURES: YAP NING  -  474 words
    • 683 18  -  Media asked to stick only to beauty questions for famed Lust, Caution Chinese actress REPORT: JOANNE SOH WHAT was it like to work with Donnie Yen and Takeshi Kaneshiro in the high-profile epic actioner Wu Xia opening here on Thursday? Were you
      TNP PICTURE: GARY GOH  -  683 words
    • Show Ka-ching!
      • 73 19 NOTHING but the poshest for the newest Beckham baby. British singer-fashion designer Victoria Beckham re-portedlypre-orderedapriceyUS$900(S$1,100)iCandy Peach stroller for newborn daughter Harper Seven, according to E! Online. The 37-year-old made sure hers was a one-of-a-kind by having the company create a custom Peach in the same
        73 words
      • 129 19 Money matters– evento stars. We cashin on the highs and lows of celebrity dough US TWIN actresses-turned-fashion moguls Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, both 25, are expanding their million-dollar empire yet again. This time, they’re taking a luxury approach to their fashion line The Row. And if
        PICTURES: AP, MEDIACORP, AFP  -  129 words
      • 130 19 BRITISH reality TV star Sharon Osbourne reportedly wept tears of joy upon hearing she would be reunited with her stolen £200,000 (S$393,000) wedding ring. The 10-carat diamond Tiffany sparkler was nicked by masked burglars from her Buckinghamshire mansion in 2004. Osbourne, 58,
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  • Page 14 / 15 Advertisements
    • 69 14 / 15 A TOAST TO GOOD TIMES! Ce£eWe y*^*PARTYchat (SSsuSEEa? .1900-912-96 00 i Free Chat 6547-1900 LIVE 1-2-1 @Sd 1900-912-9700 First 45 sec FREE Switch chatmate after 3 mins m V 1 1 Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from this service. Bar Helpline: *****249. 'Check
      69 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 70 18 v© Freeline: 6100 6601 A r so Freeline: 6100 0000 1900:*****16 1900:*****11 DreamChat Party 1900 912 2333(49cents per min) Callers must be 18 C above. Calls are charged at SO.aa/min and 3G calls are charged at S1.89/min. Exercise precautions when meeting with friends frnm this service. Meeting in large oroups
      70 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 94 19 TT O f ,0 "o 5O o. TTT t o Pin ft <-i r- v rnrrai the pleasure^ Chat Party I Live 1 to 1 Chat 1900-9123-321 50 cents/ min Ladies Free Line: ***** 800 FASTTALK Most Happening Chat Club 1900-9121-121 90 cents/ min First 45sec FREE lO" m O
      94 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 375 20 Valid from 14 July to 26 August 2011 ma I T" I sekoteh d l<t ntan9ternama I terbaik I 2'^'^'TSZ «w illustrative purposes only. ~£=g&~3gtgS hf*™"- •mages u m lets IVtlll I [ty/H 9 K Meal includes" Pta» (any topping) MB 2 Favourite' 2 glasses of soft drinks T Terms
      375 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 256 20 TV Show WATCH’EM PICTURES:FX,STARHUB CABLE TV HomeTroopers(above) VVDrama(StarHubCh855),8pm InthisnewHongKongseries,amanwhoquitshisprospectivejobto setupacleaningservicecompanystillfindssupportfromhisfamily. StarringKevinCheng,BerniceLiu. Californication4(left) FX(StarHubCh 502),10pm Inthefourthseason premiereofthe dramedyseries,Hank emergesfromprison tofindthathis scandalshaveput himbackatthetopof theHollywoodscene andhestruggleswith hiscontinuedlegal problems. BurnNotice 5 SeasonPass (SingTel mio TV Ch584), anytimeondemand In thefifth season premiereof the crimeseries, Michael finds himselfworkingalongside hisformer agencyandhelping to finallydismantle the organisationthatburned him. CHANNEL5
      256 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 539 21 MATS Exquisite and unique See what's different about the buffets offered by Himawari Japanese^RestaurantJ i r see LuncfTOuide" i t J l/il J' r~X" HLV 3 BUY IT-SELL IT-FIND IT M Game for it? Street operations assistant 'with some technical knowledge in arcade game machines' needed. See Class Drivers/Chauffeurs CATSFastads
      539 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 342 22 Fastads {imdxCuUt a Hi--S- ■< N5§ Want to lunch? Check out this weekly food feature for savoury delights! Hmawaf(s buffet5 and premium delights The industrial-looking Plaza 8 in Changi Business Park houses a long stretch of eateries open to the public, among them Himawari Japanese Restaurant. Like other restaurants here,
      342 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 23 23 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs $a $10AnsoaMRT) $nRoad#35 ngPagar $0ItrainlPaaS090(aj 10AnsonRoad#35-03International laza(S)*****3(TanjongPagarMRT)
      23 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 135 24 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs MLLLL M MONEY INSTANT CASH PLANT WWW.MONEYPLANT.COM.SG ■J I Flexible repayment plans available All income group welcome 9155 6249) ~£zt7: 8555 8677 SANDRA MONB 1 PLANT MONEY PLANT PTE LTD Lie No: 251/2010 100
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 179 25 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs IMMEDIATE k" 100% i Ho appl rate Private and confidential tees Ho upfront payment D c n y Ilia Mill 101 Kitchener Road #02-12 Jalan Besar Plaza (Near Farrer Park MRT) S S S
      179 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 263 26 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Lie No: 32/2011 j. f Kg6 No guarantor required .<? interest All income group welcome l4day SM Flexible repayment plans available 511 Guillemard Road, Grandlink Square #01-11 (near to Paya Lebar MRT) T C
      263 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 52 27 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs yry, CASH ON THE SPOT int jrvi *p«r»i £tfsy Approval Mi Guarantor Needed (Syilinr /K.. Private Confidential j cutAWH***** 7437 w JR STAR CREDIT Lie. No: 55/2011 Blk 134 Jurong East St. 13 #03-307H
      52 words
    • 98 27 HIGHEST New/Used IPhone BUY NEW/USED IPHONE/ Ipad 2G/ 3G/ 3GS/ 4G/ 8/ 16/ 32GB: We buy/ sell new/ used Iphone, IPad, Dell Streak, Black Berry Nokia, HTC 7 all export models, Samsung Tab, Samsung Sony Motorolla all high end models all laptops/ PSP. Buy back all signed digital gadgets used
      98 words
    • 113 27 c lie 29/2011 7 <S Monthly loan available Low income welcome Interest from 1.5% per month Cash on the spot WANG CALL 9823 8808 > Borrow from us with ease with 95% approval hit rate!! INTEREST FREE RE/PERSONAL LOANS!! First time introducing the friendliest and best lending concept in Singapore!
      113 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 30 28 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs FAST CASH! $2000 $20,000 Buy Back all Digital Gadgets 8201 0040 Joe INSTANT APPROVAL
      30 words
    • 35 28 A8 CREDIT MONTHLY LOAN Tired of having so many outstanding loans... Don’t worry. We will clear for you...t/c applies Limited time only, so call now Call *****606Lic 114/2011 *****202 Golden Landmark #02-52 (near bugis MRT)
      35 words
    • 133 28 Cash On The Spot Islandwide Collection Your Doorstep $200.00 $10,000.00 Buy-Back Service Buy Sell) Diamonds Gold Pawn Tickets Laptops iPads iPad2 LCD TVs DSLR Cameras Game Consoles Old Stamps Old Dollar Notes Brandys Whiskys Wines Spirits ADAM 9815 6669 EVE 9162 2359 Gold Bar Chain Ring Pandent Coin Branded Watches
      133 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 328 29 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs PAY DAY LOAN LOW INCOME WELCOME Interest from 1.5% per month! Cash-On-The-Spot! Flexible Repayment Plan Mr TOH 8272-8869 EXCEL CREDIT Pte Ltd (Lic: 22/2011) *T&C Apply 7 Tanjong Pagar Plaza #02-107 Tanjong Pagar MRT
      328 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 270 30 L. Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs RAF Credit Interest as low as 5% for 1 month *Flexi Repayment Scheme Low income acceptable min $1.2k mthly income *Same day approval Reject rate 2% Self-employed are welcome c Hp:9622 7587 193
      270 words
    • 0 30
      0 words
    • 29 30 PAY DAY LOAN LOW INCOME WELCOME Cash-On-The-Spot! Flexible Repayment Plan Mr TOH 8272-8869 EXCEL CREDIT Pte Ltd (Lic: 22/2011) *T&C Apply 7 Tanjong Pagar Plaza #02-107 Tanjong Pagar MRT
      29 words
    • 147 30 s-Y V TINA 8152 9737 LION CREDIT PTE LTD No. 101 KITCHENER RD, #03-03, JALAN BESAR PLAZA, S(*****1) LOW INTEREST/FAST APPROVAL/ALL INCOME GROUP WELCOME! Gf&ld New CJpenu.g! V sssMsm Fast Approval Friendlv Service*, i CREDITMASTERPTELTD' 93GEYLANGROAD, #01-01 IPAfll^ruws;, > We Can Help You! > Cash In 20 Minutes! Low Interest!
      147 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 232 31 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs 1 Business Needs Business Needs I Business Needs I Business Needs 1 Business Needs] s p O a DDO BU9 4S N\R^ A MISS LIM 8227-1899 SUMO Credit Pte Ltd 149 Rochor Road, Fu Lu Shou Complex, #03-27 Jf 8- GOLDSTAR mmmm Chinatown •ALL
      232 words
    • 94 31 EXCEL CREDIT PTE LTD Blk 7 Tanjong Pagar Plaza #02-107 *T&C Apply (tic: 22/2011) Escort Confidentiality Call *****159 (No Sms) Meet our attractive and friendly ladies. RA From $300 onwards. For bookings call us 9868 9679 [Q] Dolly Girls Talent Agency Meet our Charming and Friendly Ladies. For Booking: l
      94 words
    • 21 31 Health centre L/ME/*****7/2010 Shiatsu/Thai Swedish massage Sauna/Steam Individual RmsCosy Ambience Skilful Experience Newly Open Tel: *****732 832 Upper Bukit Timah Rd
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 340 32 Personal Needs I Personal Needs L/ME/*****8/2011 L/ME/*****0/2011 20%discount 12noon 7pm •BodyMassage •FootReflexology •Skilful/Friendly/CosyAmbience •FreeBodyScrub •IndividualRmwithattachedBathroom Business 24Hrs Tel: 6298 2326 805 North Bridge Rd Specialised in carpet upholstery cleaning, general hse cleaning, floor polishing painting Call *****537/ *****800 HIGHEST OFFER BUY/ WANTED Old/ New Liquor WANTED Hennessy XO Martell, whisky
      340 words
    • 140 32 GffIN CREDIT Newrty Open Flexible Payment Flam lowest Interest Rate In Town PR may apply All Pass Holders welcome. !V) ml* MIN5.® a -H UP* SMS name, ic no, add salary A C A A E A 2 195 Pearl's Hill Terrace odUUdUdd Money Not Enough Fast Approval L Personal
      140 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 161 33 Personal Needs■ Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs BST C m PTE LTD NIMFICmOMQll 8 mins CASH out •No upfront payment Flexi-Repayment Plans Phone Approval i X X ANDY 9191 8291 ADAM 9322 9822 Lie: 215/2010 (Licensed Moneylender) Lavender MRT: Blk 801
      161 words
    • 83 33 Capita' funds n vestmenfc snt I of, Lie 207/2010 [Any loan repayment 1 scheme you heard of, we can offer the same or lower ,interest. Call now 9657 8362 65 Ubi Crescent #03-03 Hola Centre Legal Loan No Guarantor 5 Mins Approval ■/Lowest Interest Admond 8524 0990 £*****3 I All
      83 words

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    • 156 34 Personal Needs■ Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs 1 100% Approval Rate No Upfront Payment 1 Flexible Repayment Plan Cash on the Spot No Guarantor Needed Foreigners Welcome Mike *****777 Call us for a non-obligation consultation now! «T&cappiy. Credit Assist Pte Ltd
      156 words
    • 141 34 wt Ot0 e <x$Vv^y Fast Approval {10mins) Cash on the spot! Low interest rates Great rebates upon early repayment 6irol 9043-3283 JR CREDIT (S) PTE LTD (Lie 63/2011) 1 Claymore Drive #02-04 Orchard Tower Rear Blk (Behind Orchard Tower main building) 10 mins from Orchard MRT station FA$T CASH Q
      141 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 141 35 Personal Needs■ Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs FAST CASH LOAN High Approval Min. Income $1600 recApply Cash on the spot iuciomh) I WILL HELP YOU! 'fi A'lJRH'AMGREDIiTi S *T&C Apply (Lie: 146/2011) 0 NO WEEKLY-REPAYMENT 0 NO'OVER PROMISING 1 0 NO
      141 words
    • 119 35 i) J«nny GOLDSTAR CREDIT Pte Ltd People's Park Centre #05-51,101 Upper Cross Street *T&C Apply (Lic:186/2010) f 7 6 AMKMRT AngMoKioAve6 Low Income Welcome! *T&C Apply (Lic:56/2011) N A I UlSnow *****966 Express 1 lroan» Immediate Approval Easy Repayment Cash on the Spot U Need Credit Pte Ltd 101, Upper
      119 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 299 36 Personal Needs■ Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs! Personal Needs LOAN Low Income Welcome! 1 EXCEL CREDIT Pte Ltd 7Tanjong Pagar Plaza #02-107 Welcome Low Income WAWA 9797-0538 CREDIT Pie ltd "S 470 North Bridge Commercial Complex *03-07 CALL CASH ON THE SPOT LOW
      299 words
    • 80 36 -^CREDIT, fcTanjong PagarPlaza #02-107 (Lie: 22/2011) ST Credit Personal Loan with fast approval *****447 Lic: 252/2010 SELL/ BUY/ RENT *Immed Deposit *Advance Rental È 9160 7382 All Can Discuss! Referral Welcome Your Experience, Our Inspiration When did you last check on your Property Status? We provide FREE Financial Calculation. No
      80 words
    • 18 36 IMMED DEPOSIT Immediate Cash Deposit Negative/ Positive Sales welcome Bankruptcy, Divorce cases Welcomed Fast Honest Service Call *****239
      18 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 272 37 CATS FastadsJQ05 Toll-free: 1 800-289-9988 Operations Supervisor You’ll be responsible for the daily operation. Managing, coach lead a team. This will include all information pertinent to courier services performance, planning, organising monitoring all documents. Requirements: Candidate must possess at least ’O’ level or equivalent Preferably experience in similar industry Good
      272 words
    • 330 37 Cleaners Hair/ Beauty Established Cleaning Company Requires Dishwashers/ Pot Washers required to work in Hotels at Orchard Road areas Salary: 8hrs $1200; 12 hrs $1450 Meals provided Weekly 1 Off Any ages welcome Singaporeans/ PRs only Call now! 9123 4385 CLEANER Working Location:Phoenix Park (near Redhill MRT) Salary: $850 $1000
      330 words
    • 221 37 Company in Jurong has vacancy for: BULLDOZER DRIVER Handle Cat 977L Cat 950B/E competently Able to work in a dusty and hot environment Carry out daily inspection of vehicles Abide by safety regulations and operational procedures set by the Company Upkeep general cleanliness and conditions of heavy vehicles 3 rotating
      221 words
    • 171 37 Bukit Batok Centre halal chicken rice stall requires: WAITER/ WAITRESSES Singapore/ PR only. Tel: 9384 7213 Mdm Toh Snails The Nails Spa requires 1)NAIL TECHNICIANS 2)RECEPTIONIST At least 1 year experience S’poreans M’sian are welcome Please call Tel: 6738 0100 for an interview appt Urgently required MANICURIST Yishun area $1800
      171 words
    • 92 37 JUST CUT looking for Experience Hairstylist S’porean/ M’sians. only. Pls. call *****853 PART-TIME WAITER/ WAITRESS Work 31st July to 28th Aug Time: 7pm-11pm For 7th Month Festival Preferably with experience Students/ housewives Singaporeans/ PRs only Call *****531/ *****042 Wala Wala Cafe Bar requires Full Part Time WAITER WAITRESS •Basic pay
      92 words
    • 169 37 Exclusive Club GRO¡¯s No experience needed Full/ Part Time Charming self motivated Make good Welcome all PR¡¯s Transport provided Contact Sheena *****268 after 2pm. Club Orchard looking for FULL-TIME WAITERS WAITRESS *S’porean/ PR/ M’sians only Please call (after 3 pm) 6737 1216 8146 5158 Bratwurst Cafe Grill is hiring! We
      169 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 449 38 Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Restaurant/ Lounge Restaurant/ Lounge Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions Other Positions <2 <a I ll Come join us as Waiters/Waitresses Bartenders if you are Vibrant, Cheerful and has a Fun Pleasant Personality! Salary Ranges up till $1400-00 for Waiters/Waitresses and up till
      449 words
    • 123 38 An established metal stamping company has immediate vacancies for: FORKLIFT DRIVER Possess Class 3 driving licence Forklift licence holders will have an added advantage Physically fit and hardworking MACHINIST At least 1 year’s experience in grinding and milling TOOL SETTER At least 1 year’s relevant working experience PRODUCTION OPERATOR (FULL-TIME
      123 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 598 39 Retail Sales Retail Sales Retail Sales Retail Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Security System Integrator requires 1) MARKETING EXECUTIVE Min ’N’ level 2) SALES EXECUTIVE Min 2 yrs sales experience Interested Walk-in to: Blk 31 Defu Lane 10, #03-62 Call *****933 OUTDOOR HR CO-ODRINATOR required No experience needed Training provided
      598 words
    • 77 39 LUCAS FOODS (ASIA) young progressive company requires AREA SALES REP to manage service convenience stores and petrol marts If you are outgoing, energetic with sales experience and own a motorbike, a competitive package awaits the right candidate, please call Allen Chia at 6841-4303 for an interview. SALES CO-ORDINATOR D Resides
      77 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 64 40 Secretaries/ Personal Assistants Progressive law firm looking for Conveyancing Secretaries With experience good command of English. PC literate. Strictly S’poreans/ PRs Please email full CV to: Ad-Hoc $480 NIGHT RACE Must work 3 days 1 day (8hr course) Incentives for early registration, transport completion Above $1.6-2K WSQ Full-time Security
      64 words
    • 182 40 Security Security 1) SECURITY SUPERVISORS OFFICERS (Gross Salary $1800 $2200) Location:Ayer Rajah (High Allowances Performance Award Contract-End Bonus) 2) SECURITY SUPERVISOR (Gross Pay $1700) Location: Kallang Sector (Day) *Easy Site 3) SECURITY SENIOR SECURITY RELIEF OFFICERS (Gross Pay $1500 $1700) Other Locations: North Canal Road (New Assignment) Tampines Avenue 5
      182 words
    • 220 40 Security Security Security Security Security PICO Guards Pte Ltd Immediate Vacancies: Security Supervisors $1.9K to $2K AMK, Tanjong Pagar Security Officers $1.6K AMK, City Hall, Clementi, Jurong, Raffles Place, Tanjong Pagar, Loyang Requirements: Possess SIRD License WSQ Certified Physically Fit Fresh ORD Personnel from SPF SCDF are welcome Walk-in Interview
      220 words
    • 141 40 $1700 TO $1900 Security Officer Ê Islandwide Ê Relief $60 $70 Ê Jurong Island $70-$80 Ê Flexi-shift hours Ê 5 Days available Call now: 8182 9190 TOA PAYOH AMK $1600 $1800 Relief: $60 $70 Day Night, Perm Relief S’porean Malaysian EXCELLENT(A) #31-05 International Plaza (Tg Pagar) 6323 9335 12 HRS
      141 words
    • 88 40 SECURITY OFFICER Penjuru Lane Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 8370-8113 Sup Day Perm needed at T Payoh. With sup cert. Walk-in at: #31-05 Int’l Plaza. Tel *****335 WEEKEND RELIEF OFFICERS Day Orchard/ Novena Walk-in at: #31-05 Int’l Plaza. Tel *****335 IMMEDIATE VACANCIES! Above $1.6K-2K WSQ Full-time Security Officers Above $1.8K-2.K
      88 words
    • 132 40 ALEXANDRA SECURITY OFFICER $1900 4 off days Call Derrick 9227-8800 Immediate Vacancy SECURITY OFFICER for F1 Race Clementi/ River Valley/ Sentosa Hougang Walk-in interview Jln Besar CC Activity room 2, near Lavender MRT 20/7 @10am-5.45pm; 21 &22/7@11am-2.45pm. Call *****330 *****131 CONTRACT WORKERS X 6 POSITIONS *Experience in working on PCBA,
      132 words

  • Page 41 Miscellaneous
    • 31 41 Sunday, July *****1 First Second Third 6100 8326 5694 Starters 7787 0169 1211 2543 8964 7391 1647 7249 8778 7622 Consolations 7858 6808 3124 0316 1090 2302 8956 9893 9595 9622
      31 words
  • Sports
    • Racing
      • 373 41 A TOTAL of $100,000 was raised for charity through a series of innovative fund-raising activities at yesterday’s 16th Emirates Singapore Derby at the Singapore Racecourse at Kranji. The proceeds will go to five voluntary welfare organisations under the umbrella of the Community Chest
        TNP PICTURE: GARY GOH  -  373 words
      • 496 41 Race1 C4(LC)1200m 7 HAPPYREALM55.5(16-9) BWoodworth (9) 1 1 1 (483) 10 WILLPOWER55c54(228-45) KTCheng (10) 9 9 2 (450) 5.75 8 SAYNOMORE55.5c52.5(960-68) CKTan* (11) 10 10 3 (478) Nk 9 BRILLIANTTYCOON55c54(164-15) HSGill* (8) 7 7 3 (434) Dht XWinningowner/trainer:TGillespie. Time:1min11.00sec (Going:good).Forecast:$137. Tierce:$5875(7-10-8), $2937(7-10-9).Quartet:Nowinner($1948jackpotcarriedforwardtonextrace).MalaysianW/P:RM58,RM28,RM96, RM160,RM53.PForecast:$34(7-8),$12(7-9),$39(7-10),$81(8-9),$599(8-10),$19(9-10).Trio:$3214(7-8-10), $401 (7-9-10). Quadro: No
        496 words
      • 570 41 RACE 1 Sunshine Coast 1st 10 Attributes ($12-$6) 2nd 7 Elusive Shadow ($9) 3rd 13 Omina Munda Mundis ($10) 4th 15 Phoeb’s Flyer. Forecast $21. Place forecast $9 (7-10), $10 (7-13), $8 (10-13). Tierce $99. Trio $31. Quartet No winner ($2814 jackpot carried forward
        570 words
    • Racing Emirates Singapore Derby
      • 640 42/43  -  CKPhua’ssecondDerbywinnerClintisextra specialasownerhadahandinhorse’sbreeding TAN THEAN LOON HE WON the Emirates Singapore Derby with Dreyfuss in 2004 and again yesterday with CLINT. But, for businessman CK Phua, owner of Oscar Racing Stable whose horses are named after Academy Award winners, Clint’s victory in the $1.15 million 2,000m
        TNP PICTURES: GARY G0H  -  640 words
      • 1769 42/43 Race1 EmiratesGenevaStakes C4D3(SC)1400m 10 VAYACONDIOS53.5(15-5.1) JMcDonald* (9) 4 3 1 (567) 2 SHININGGLORY57.5c55.5(57-16) MZaki (1) 1 1 2 (492) 0.5 9 ASTRATORRES53.5c52.5(127-34) SAnandan (3) 7 7 3 (447) 1.25 7 DEEPPOCKETS54(14-11) GBoss (8) 6 6 4 (501) 0.75 4 STRIDEMETEOR55.5(121-30) JMoreira (4) 5 8
        1,769 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf British Open
      • 215 44 LATEST AP. DARREN Clarke finally secured his first major championship title when he kept his nerve in testing conditions to win the British Open at Royal St George’s by three shots yesterday. The 42-year-old, who began the day a shot ahead of American Dustin Johnson, carded
        AP.  -  215 words
      • 624 44  -  JOHN LEICESTER AP Sports Columnist THESIGNSstillsaidtheOpenandRoy-alStGeorge’sbut,otherthanthat,theplace was all but unrecognisable and absurdlywet. Ah, the joys of links golf, wizened veterans nodded sagely, unfazed by the seeming eccentricityofpeoplehittinglittlewhiteballs along a mournful English coastline in the midstofahowlingstorm. They actually play in this goo? Hell, yes! Rain
        PICTURE: AFP  -  624 words
    • Sports Bowling
      • 294 45  -  S’poreanrulesin HK,aftertwice missing maiden win DILENJIT SINGH IT WAS third time lucky as Shayna Ng nailed her first Masters title at a major international tournament yesterday. The 21-year-old reigned supreme in the women’s event at the 37th Hong Kong International Open, beating local Zoe Tam
        294 words
      • 237 45 TOURDEFRANCE AP. BRITISH sprinter Mark Cavendish won his fourth stage of this Tour de France by edging out Tyler Farrar of the United States yesterday, while French rider Thomas Voeckler retained the yellowjersey. The victory in the 15th stage was the 19th win on
        AP.; PICTURE: AP  -  237 words
    • Sports Athletics
      • 608 46  -  ALI KASIM RUNNINGa10kmrace?Howaboutcompleting15kmin-stead? SeveralhundredrunnersintheTri-fac-tor 10km Run ran a lot more than they paidforyesterdaymorningwhentheyended up going off-course and U-turning beforereachingthefinishline. Asaresult,manyofthemhadrunupto 15kmwhentheycompletedtherace. The event, which began and ended at theF1PitBuildingoffRafflesBoulevard,is the third segment of a four-part Tri-factor series which features swimming, cycling andtriathlonraces. There
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  608 words
      • 427 46  -  S-LEAGUE GEYLANG 2 (Kim Jae Hong 18, Nakano Yuta 45) ETOILE 3 (Wilson Grosset 23, Jonathan Toto 83, Nordine Talhi 90) DILENJIT SINGH BACK towards goal and with a defender clinging onto him, he spun gracefully and flicked the ball into the back
        TNP PICTURE: BENJAMIN SEETOR  -  427 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 512 47 Holland coach backs switch as wife eyes UKprospects Wire Services. TWOpeopleclosetoWesleySneijderarerooting for the Dutch star’s switch to ManchesterUnited. His wife, Yolanthe, a television presenter, iskeentoexpandhercareerintheUK. AndHollandcoachBertvanMarwijkfeels the Inter Milanplaymaker will benefit from a movetoOldTrafford. TheDailyMailreportedthat theSneijders havealreadyappointedanagencytoworkon commercial deals in the English-speaking world. Former
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  512 words
        • 132 47 AFP. ANDRE Villas-Boas continued his 100 per cent start as Chelsea manager as the Premier League side defeated Portsmouth 1-0 in a friendly at Fratton Park on Saturday. Villas-Boas’ side had won the first match of the Portuguese coach’s reign when they beat League One club Wycombe
          AFP.  -  132 words
        • 118 47 Wire Services. RYAN McGivern and Shaun Wright-Phil-lips scored first-half goals on Saturday as Manchester City launched their North American tour with a 2-0 friendly win over Club America of Mexico in San Francisco. It was exactly the type of game manager Roberto Mancini hoped for when
          Wire Services.  -  118 words
        • 131 47 AP. CRISTIANO Ronaldo scored a signature goal as a rampant Real Madrid hammered the Los Angeles Galaxy 4-1 in a friendly on Saturday. In a game that pitted Galaxy midfielder David Beckham against his old side, Jose Callejon, Joselu and Karim Benzema also scored for
          AP.  -  131 words
      • 641 48  -  NEIL HUMPHREYS MONDAY MADNESS IF THE phone-hacking scandal continues to devastate News International, then Rupert Murdoch could do a lot worse than hiring Stewart Downing to prop up his ailing empire. Liverpool’s latest signing can perform an about-turn quicker than any Murdoch
        PICTURE: AFP  -  641 words
    • Sports Liverpool in Singapore
      • 340 49  -  ALI KASIM SPOTTEDanyoneinaredshirtyesterday?If you were at Novena Velocity, the Marina Bay Sands shopping centre, or the Courts Megastore at Tampines, chances are you would have seen drones of Liverpool fans all waiting to catch glimpses and autographsoftheirheroesfromAnfield. Eight current players and two club legends werespreadoutacrosstownyesterdayasLiverpool
    • Sports Copa America
      • HIT & MISS
      • 247 50/51 QUARTER-FINAL COLOMBIA0 PERU 2 (Carlos Lobaton 102, Juan Vargas 112) Wire Services. UNFANCIED Peru shocked Colombia 2-0 yesterday morning (Singapore time) to reach the Copa America semi-finals after midfielders Carlos Lobaton and Juan Vargas scored in extra-time. The Colombians should have taken the
        Wire Services.  -  247 words
      • 209 50/51 LOCAL EVENTS FOOTBALL What:Friendly SingaporevTaiwan When: Tonight, 7.30pm Where: Jalan Besar Stadium THE LIONS will meet Taiwan in their final tune-upgame aheadof Saturday’s first-leg World Cup qualifier with Malaysia. The second leg will be played on July 28 at the Bukit Jalil Stadium in Malaysia. Ticketsfor tonight’sfriendly, at $6
        209 words
      • ON TV
        • 71 50/51 *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck *Programmetimes,providedbySingTel&StarHub,subjecttochange LIVE TELECASTS COPAAMERICA Wednesday: ISEMI-FINAL1 StarHub TV Ch 222 (Football Channel) StarHub Ch 255 (Sports HD), 8.30am Thursday: ISEMI-FINAL2 StarHub TV Ch 222 (Football Channel) StarHub Ch 255 (Sports HD), 8.30am VODAFONE CHALLENGE Wednesday: IORLANDOPIRATES vTOTTENHAM StarHub TV Ch 202 (SuperSports Channel), 2.15am LIGA TOTAL CUP
          71 words
        • 31 50/51 WNBA Today: ILA SPARKSv WASHINGTONMYSTICS StarHub TV Ch 216 (NBA TV), 8.30am Wednesday: IATLANTADREAM vINDIANA FEVER StarHub TV Ch 216 (NBA TV), midnight IWASHINGTON MYSTICSvATLANTA DREAM StarHubTVCh216 (NBA TV), 11.30am
          31 words
        • 22 50/51 GERMAN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS Thursday: ILAST16 StarHub TV Ch 211 (Racquet Channel), 5pm Friday: IQUARTER-FINALS StarHub TV Ch 211 (Racquet Channel), 6pm
          22 words
        • 30 50/51 LPGA EVIAN MASTERS Thursday: IDAY 1 StarHub TV Ch 213 (Golf Channel), 8.30pm RBC CANADIAN OPEN Friday: IDAY 1 StarHub Ch 255 (Sports HD), StarHub Ch 213 (RacquetChannel), 3am
          30 words
        • 5 50/51 Lastnight: IGEYLANG2 ETOILE 3
          5 words
    • 451 52  -  Carragher will be hard to replace, says Pool legend Thompson ALI KASIM ANFIELDlegendPhilThompsonhaspinpointedLiver-pool’sbiggestweakness–thedefence.Theformercentre-backfeelsthattheRedshavea fearsome attack, but it is their backline that needs beefing up. Andthe No. 1 priority finding areplacement for veteranJamieCarragher(above,right). SpeakingtoTheNewPaperatafootballclinicorganised by Standard Chartered at the Singapore Sports School yesterday, Thompson said: “I

  • Page 45 Miscellaneous
    • 49 45 (p~LAY© Always play with care. [responsibly) Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize. For details, visit or call 6786 6688 Towards Community Purpose and Benefit SINGAPORE m RCB Reg No: *****0202G
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  • Page 52 Advertisements