The New Paper, 9 March 2011

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Total Pages: 48
1 60 The New Paper
  • 12 1 the new paper WEDNESDAY MARCH 9 2011 70 CENTS MICA (P) 114/01/2011
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • News
    • 1174 2/3  -  Five soldiers on duty at Sembawang Wharves take new cars for spins, damaging them REPORT:AMANDA AMANDA YONG THEY were stationed at Sembawang Wharves for an operation that night. But the five SAF servicemen treated the place as their private racing circuit. They took several
      BT FILE PICTURE  -  1,174 words
    • 226 2/3 AFTER oversleeping last Oct 28, Private Tan Yuan Tat, 21, and Third Sergeant Chiam Toon Chong, 24, were confined in the camp by their OC. Around 8pm, Pte Tan told 3rd Sgt Chiam heneededtoleavethecampto“settlesome stuff”. Theydecidedtouse3rdSgtChiam’s motorcycle keys to try to
      PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  226 words
    • 194 2/3 1 8.45pm Lance Cpl Tan Fu Ning drives off in a red car, with Lance Cpl Tan Yong Cheng as passenger. Pte Tan Yuan Tat follows in a silver car, with Lance Cpl Tan Choon Siang as passenger. Third Sgt Chiam Toon Chong drives behind them
      TNP ILLUSTRATION: SIMON ANG  -  194 words
    • 313 2/3 WHEN Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel commit an offence while in service, they can be subjected to a court martial. In such instances, the case is brought before a military court instead of a civilian court. The Subordinate Military Court, which is equivalenttoSingapore’ssubordinatecriminal courts, conducts proceedings
      313 words
    • Article, Illustration
      874 4  -  Toddlerlockedinfather’scarforanhourrescued by SCDF officers after they smash car window REPORT: ELYSA CHEN THE toddler, trapped inside a car, wailed as his frantic father tried in vain to free him. The father then turned to the Singapore Civil Defence Force whose officers finally rescued the one-year- old boy
      PICTURES: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS  -  874 words
  • Page 2/3 Advertisements

  • News Parliament
    • 774 6 / 7  -  MinistryofTransportrollsoutnewmeasuresto‘bringrelief’ REPORT PICTURES: TAY SHI’AN HE OWNS a car, but Tampines resident Timothy Chao, 44, chooses to take public transport to work every day instead. The senior manager at a ship managementcompanyatSuntecsaid:“Parking,ERP, petrol everything is very expensive. I don’t see the point in driving.
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    • 237 6 / 7 Train services Sunday SMRT will add 420 train trips per week on the North-South-East-West Line. March 21 SBS Transit will add another 170 trips per week on the North-East Line. May Completion of a new train platform and train track at Jurong East station.
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  • News
    • 568 8 / 9  -  Hiring former athletes as PE teachers a naturalchoiceforITE REPORT: SHAKTI SADASHIV WANTagoodsportscoach?Hireaformersportsman.Andthat’swhattheInstituteofTechnicalEducation(ITE)hasdone. Instead of hiring enthusiastic football dads, the ITE hired six former national sportsmen retired athletes who are now a source of inspiration and guidance for thenextgenerationofsportsmen. Threeof them Mr Ng GekHeng, Mr
      TNP PICTURES: CALVIN WONG  -  568 words
    • 672 12  -  Manaccusedofcabby’smurderclaimshehad intendedonlytorobvictim,andsayshe’s... REPORT:PEARLY PEARLY TAN THEtheftofhisbicyclemadehimsoupsetthathedecidedtocommitrobbery.Wang Wenfeng, 32, told Dr Lee Cheng, a senior consultant psychiatrist at the Institute of Mental Health,thathewantedtorobhisallegedvictimbutnot killhim. Wang,aChinesenational,isontrialformurder. He is accused of killing cabby Mr Yuen Swee Hong, 58,between4amand9.04amonApril11,2009. Wanghasnottakenthestand.Hispsychiatricreport wastenderedincourtyesterday. Wangsaidthatafterhisbicyclewentmissingonthe night of April 10, he
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  672 words
  • Page 8 / 9 Advertisements
    • 139 8 / 9 II Out! IT Show Special Pull-out In Digital Life on 9th March (Wed) The Straits Times on 1 Oth March (Thurs) 7>tu* to 1st Prize of $20,000 CASH and other cash prizes (One coupon for every $100 paid or deposit placed during the 4 days) #1 LARGEST I.T, DIGITAL,
      139 words
    • 130 8 / 9 I received 4 University offers to read for a law degree based on my provisional results at Stansfield SYSTEM For years, Stansfield College has helped students by preparing them for the one year full-time Diploma in Law. Like Michael, you too can read for a COIIG( G!" Lawde 9 reeorenteran
      130 words

  • News GE 2011
    • 1412 10 / 11  -  The New Paper spoke to some residents of the 12 single-member constituencies about the most important issue they would raise with their candidate. This is the second in the series What do Radin Mas residents care about? REPORT:DESMOND REPORT:DESMOND NG, FOOJIE YING KWAN HUIXIAN
      TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  1,412 words

  • News
    • 628 14 15pages tell how he knew about Anwar’salleged sexual liaisons MALAYSIA’S former Premier Mahathir Mohamad yesterday launched his autobiography, A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs Of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, which criticises his former protege, now opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Liberal news portal Malaysiakini reported that
      PICTURE: AFP  -  628 words
    • 517 15 Rescuers work round the clock to save animal considered the sacred symbol of Hanoi HundredsofVietnamesegatheredatalake in the country’s capital yesterday hoping to have a glimpse of a “sacred”turtle. The turtle is one of the world’s most endangered turtles one of only four Rafetus swinhoei (giant softshell
      PICTURES: AP  -  517 words
    • 517 17 Man punches her because she was holding spot for boyfriend A DISPUTE over a parking space in the US city of New York ended with a man punching a woman so hard that she fell into a coma. Now the man claims he had
      PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  517 words
    • 264 17 AN AIRLINE steward placed a young passenger in an overhead locker and closed the latch. It was meant as a joke. But his employer Virgin Blue was not amused and fired the man after it found thathisjokethreatenedtheboy’ssafety. Ms Natalie Williamson told Melbourne
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    • Article, Illustration
      434 18 TalkshowhostOprahdeniesshe’llbe on show to help revive Egypt tourism HAVING a famous US TV host broadcast from Cairo’s Tahrir Square sounded like the perfect opportunity to rebuild the country’statteredreputation. The problem is the host in question Oprah Winfrey has denied the engagement, which was announced last Friday
      434 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 54 14 •f 1 n l if'! i M mTHE LEGEND INTERNATIONAL WATER HOMES PORT Dl n 2 Days/ 1 Night FROM RM640 per room Family Getaway Package The Legend International Water Homes. Port Dickson 0 (606)653 2000 Kuala Lumpur Sales Office 0 (603) 2771 3322 3 E
      54 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 303 15 PIMPLES GONE! advertisement Pimples. Acne blemishes. No matter what you call them, it is distressing and annoyingly persistent. Depending on its severity, acne blemishes can cause emotional distress and lead to scarring. "Adult diabetes can cost you your life but it doesn't cause the kind of excrutiating emotional trauma, the
      303 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 158 16 OCBC TITANIUM Srpresents r V SINGAPORE ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS2011 Alt SN CD D Support Your Idols, Catch Them Live! 2 April 2011 (Saturday) 7pm Singapore indoor Stadium Cardmembers. Log on to:, call dressed up in *J T CH ELLA 4/y (Taiwan} cs/ 0 'Po re) L PUm "Op p r^/
      158 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 87 17 WINNERS OF CRUISE TO THE CARIBBEAN LUCKY DRAW 13 JAN-17 FEB 11 Cruise to the Caribbean worth $9,000 Winner Ms Tan Geok Choo, Alice SXXXX882G m Prices $2,000 worth of Gain City Vouchers 43 43 Mr Charlie Tay SXXXX005H Mr Edward Lee SXXXX806E Mr Cheo Boon Ming SXXXX646A Ms Lynn
      87 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 612 18 Cheaper to hire Indonesian maids soon? Gain Wealth, Health Fitness /\,!Ol Visit AIBI Roadshow Serangoon nex mall (Level 1 Atrium) -7-13 Mar 2011 11am 10pm Shape Up Your Life SUPER PACKAGE AIBI SLENDERTONE FLEX A clinically-tested EMS body device. See firmer ads in less than 8 weeks. Easy and convenient
      612 words

  • You
    • 292 19 Dirty Chinatown canal FROM TAN NGUAN SEN DIRECTOR (CATCHMENT AND WATERWAYS), PUB IREFER to the photo story “Sea of Rubbish”(TheNewPaper,March7). As part of its efforts to keep the waterways clean, PUB, the national water agency, uses trapping devices such as gratings and float booms to
    • 227 19 FROM READER WOO WENG KAH The Electoral Boundaries Review Committee’sreportforthecoming General Elections has led to accusations of gerrymandering and establishing political advantage for the ruling party and its incumbents. Such accusations are expected as long as the committee comes under the jurisdiction ofthePrimeMinister’sOffice. This
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    • 103 19 FROM BERNADETTE LOW MANAGER, CORPORATE MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS SMRT CORPORATION WE THANK Ms Lee Suey Khee, Florence for herfeedback,“Busarrivedlateanddriverwas rude”(TheNewPaper,Feb23)andsincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. We have counselled our service leader (bus driver) and will be monitoring his performance. Our investigations show that the delay for Service
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 110 19 FOOTBALLKAKI NOW ONagu... ANDROIDPHONES Follow the latest on EPL and Champions League... FREE DOWNLOAD NOW YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 For verification, we need the writer’s full name and contact number (preferably a handphone). We
      110 words

  • Show
    • 507 20 / 21  -  Singer Stefanie Sun on wearing low-cut dresses REPORT:TAN TAN KEE YUN SEXINESShasalwaysbeensomethingshereadilyembraced.Butinher10-yearshowbizcareer,localsongbird Stefanie Sun had to repress that side of herself for a longtime. The 32-year-old pop star sported a short signature hairdoonherlast10Mandarinalbumsandwasmostlyattiredinsportytanktopsorsundresses. ItwasanimageSunsaidherex-recordlabelswant-edtokeep“constant”. “Theywantedmetolookspunkyandeclectic,”she told The New Paper yesterday evening in a phone interviewfrom
      507 words
    • 198 20 / 21 WILL wedding bells chime soon for Stefanie Sun and her Dutch boyfriend of nearly four years? The Singaporean singer was coy when the topic shifted to the state of her romance. Thecouple’ssteadyrelationship came to light when Sun was seen cheering her beau, Mr Nadim Van Der
      198 words
    • Show Night Out
      • 622 22 / 23  -  Whatto do ona night out? Here’salook atour localnightlife scene REPORT: GERMAINE LIM BEER hasn’t lost its flavour since it was created back in 6,000 BC. And Asia is the most dynamic region in volume for beer, with its annual growth averaging 8 per cent
        TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  622 words
      • Article, Illustration
        335 22 / 23  -  Our resident Party Animal and company check out the best parties, clubs and live entertainment IVAN LIM PARTY ANIMAL WHEN Shanghai Dolly decided on a Bollywood theme for its recent first anniversary, we decided to go in costume, but with a little twist. Here was a Mando
    • Show Rave
      • 561 25  -  Jennifer Lopez lifts Idol viewership her single gets ratings boost Still sceptical about her as a judge? REPORT: SETO NU-WEN AMERICANIdolfans,’fessup.Whenyou found out Jennifer Lopez aka JLo was going to be a judge on the popular reality TV show this season, you probably sniggered,
        PICTURE: UNIVERSAL MUSIC  -  561 words
  • Page 20 / 21 Advertisements

  • Page 22 / 23 Advertisements
    • 80 22 / 23 ~issa. m m W M y r dens 2SS o—i •wary T -HIM il*T MEFI 17 March Wave House Sentosa Tictel Sale $78 (excluding ticketing charges) Tickets available at all Sistic outlets PARTY THE NIGHT AWAY WITH ATTICA'S RESIDENT DJ'S TITUS STINGRAY THE PARTYMAN I HE ATTICA CREW 3PNCY /^SSMNT
      80 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 141 24 WATCH’EM Army Wives 5 (right) Season Pass (SingTel mio TV Ch 569), on demand In this fifthseason opener, Denise’s meetingwith Tonya gets off to a rocky start. Meanwhile, Emmalin goes to college while Frank, Michael, Trevor and Jeremy are all in Afghanistan fighting the war. Breakout Kings Season Pass (SingTel
      141 words
    • 216 24 CHANNEL5 Noon HouseAndHome 12.30pm EssenceofEmeril 1.00 Shiver 2.00 FleetRacing Tour 2.30 WheelOfFortune 3.00 BritanniaHigh 4.00 MyDadis Better Than YourDad 5.00 NinjaWarrior 5.30 Planet’sFunniest Animals 6.00 WhackedOutSports 6.30 WheelOfFortune/The TwoOfUs 8.00 CrissAngel Mindfreak 9.00 SameBut Different 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 America’sGotTalent Midnight Grey’sAnatomy CHANNEL8 Noon BuffetBuffet 12.30pm Wedding101 1.00 News8At One/Compulsions 2.00
      216 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 67 25 V m o <uip mm Chat Party 1900-9123-321 50 cents/ min Ladies Free Line: ***** 800 Live 1 to 1 Chat 1900-9121-121 90 cents/ min First 45sec FREE Online payment available Callers must be 18 years above.A friendly reminder:Do exercise caution prudence when meeting up with new friends for
      67 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 663 26 MATS a l Full renovation services for condonimiums, houses, offices and commercial premises. See Class Home Needs I BUY IT-SELL IT-FIND IT 4 r 0 > tr ■qgs 9ft s Arrange things opportunity Wanted: responsible florist who can work overtime and is willing to learn. See Class Other Positions Get
      663 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 211 27 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs 1 Business Needs Business Needs I Business Needs I Business Needs 1 Business Needs] BUV/SELL: Game Sets: PSP PSPSlim PS3 PS2 Xbox 360 Wii DS dgets, Game Consoles, Games, Laptops, I11P3/4 Players, Digital LCD TV: I Laptop: I MP3 Players: $5000 $5000 $4000 $300
      211 words
    • 28 27 ROYAL CREDIT $500-$20,000 9426 3226 *Low Interest *Fast Approval *Monthly Repayment 390 Victoria Street #03-43 Golden Landmark (Lic: 187/2010) CASH? SIGN UP NEW/RE-CONTRACT HANDPHONE LINES MORE... JUNE *****281
      28 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 472 28 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Buy Sell New Used Spoilt Export Sign Handphone lines Sign new Upgrade Handphone Lines up to $10K (Transport provided) Trade in Buy back Repairs available WE BUY Iphone 3gs 16gb $1000 Iphone 3gs 32gb
      472 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 137 29 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs D A. o o L *FREE COLLECTION *NO OBLIGATION >*NEW LAPTOP. Voucher Buying Selling New Used Spoilt Laptops, Game Consoles, Digicam, Vcam, Voucher, LCD/LED TV Buy Back Available! Wanted Urgently for Export! lygffipwfoTfaii Macbook/lpad/ipod:
      137 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 340 31 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs (uc 216/2010) r e s o u r c e ••Credit** Flexible Repa •ImmediateAppr j+c collect Ca$h r jVJiil ]jj J JJiiuj" JJJJJJiJlljUliljl/ Bobby 9.045 2112 Desmond 9045 2122 101 Kitchener Road #02-06 Jalan
      340 words
      40 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 482 32 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Health Health Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Mr m 9765 7899 PERSONAL LOAN NEED URGENT CASH > —i I SZ Tina PERSONAL LOAN Approved/ wCthui 8 muw! garrer Park MRT LION CREDIT Pte Ltd LION CREDIT Jalan Besar Plaza, #03-03,
      482 words
    • 16 32 HIGHEST OFFER BUY/ WANTED Old/ New Liquor WANTED Hennessy XO Martell, whisky Gordonbleu etc Call: *****092
      16 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 362 33 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs WW mtm MmflM United Credit Pte Ltd Lie No: 115/2010 Blk 186Toa Payoh Central #01-410 (2nd Fir) (MRT) Mon-Fri 11-8pm Sat 11-4pm FREE Interest 90 days* No
      362 words
    • 93 33 CALL *****979 *****927 day/ night on the spot repair all brands TV, Video, LD, hifi, LCD TV, projector TV, Plasma TV, antenna. Good Price Repair/ Buy/ Sell BEST PRICE FOR Pawn Tickets, Gold Bar, Gold Jewelry, Diamond, Rolex, and any Branded Watches from all Countries Old Liquor Wanted $300-$1000 Louis
      93 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 235 34 Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs I Personal Needs Immediate Approval Tel: *****270 A QfilN CREDIT Flexible Payment Plans Lowest Interest Rate In town i PR S Pass dNW am S* applY o™ *****033 *****113 195Pearl's
      235 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 395 35 Personal Needs I Personal Needs Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses U Credit Pte Ltd CASH ON THE SPOT REJECTION AS LOW AS 0.3%!!! FLEXI REPAYMENT JOJO 9093-5784 PERSONAL LOAN EXPRESS APPROVAL FLEXIBLE OPEN REPAYMENT TO ALL OPTION CUSTOMERS oUW Pte Ltd. licensed Moneylender SHARON 9769
      395 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 168 37 CATS FastadsJOBS Toll-free: 1 800-289-9988 DOCUMENTATION CLERK A foreign trading co urgently needs a documentation clerk to start work immediately. Requirements Min ’N’ level Able to communicate with English Mandarin speaking clients freight forwarders Basic pay $1500 Transport allowance $100 Meal allowance $40 100% attendance $30 Email resume with contact
      168 words
    • 212 37 Despatch/ Delivery Established Cleaning Company requires DISH/ POT WASHERS 12 hrs shift Work in hotel line Salary $1100 13th month bonus Meals provided Immediate vacancy S’porean/ M’sian/ PR are welcome also entitle for 13th month bonus Pls call 6457-1646 SPICK N SPAN SOLUTIONS PTE LTD DISHWASHERS Locations: Orchard Road, Upp
      212 words
    • 179 37 FULL-TIME DESPATCH RIDER RESPONSIBILITIES: Deliver collect documents Daily fixed routine REQUIREMENTS: Class 2 driving lic/ own bike 5 days week/ 8.30am-6pm Min $1500 petrol Call 9820-7503 DESPATCH -Basic $1600, with commission can get $2000-$3000 per mth -Working hrs 2pm-10.45pm -Possess own bike -S’porean/ M’sian welcome Walk in interview: 12noon-6pm No
      179 words
    • 178 37 D.O.P.E. STUDIO Established professional dance studio is urgently requiring Instructors of the following genre: A. KPop, JPop, HipHop, Lyrical HipHop, Reggae, Krump Instructors B. Soft spoken able to communicate with Mandarin speaking students C. Responsible hardworking (We welcome junior instructors who are willing to learn) D. Good pay package future
      178 words
    • 99 37 -CUSTOMER RELATION' OFFICERS ($1500 -$2000) Handle front line duties with retail sales experience Min GCE 'O'/SPM level with computer literacy Pleasant disposition able to work on retail hours "MASSEUSES ($1500-$3ooo) No experience required, hardworking aggressive WSQ certificate preferred Basic Commission Kenko Reflexology and Spa 8 Raffles Ave, #02-19/21, Esplanade Mall
      99 words
    • 88 37 Required experienced Manicurist Start immediate Min 1 year experience. Good PR skills Mature Sensible Positive mindset Good working attitude Basic $1800 Call 9716-3888 ATTENTION! Nail Spa Holland Village Thomson Plaza requires Manicurist $2000 up. S’porean/ PR. mmediate. *****555 Looking for NAIL THERAPISTS Central working location. Pls call 9798 5093 for
      88 words
    • 242 37 An established F&B company urgently requires: 1. GUEST RELATIONS EXEC 2. BARTENDER 3. CAPTAIN 4. SERVERS (Part-Time $7-$10/hr) 5. CHEF DE PARTIE 6. COOK *Some experience preferred *Training devt opportunity *Energetic vibrant environment *Attractive salary packages monthly incentives Walk in Interview Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Avoid Lunch Hours 331 North Bridge Road
      242 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 729 38 Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I ther Pos t ons MOt>£<,TC\ Traditional Italian Wood-Fired Pizza and Home-Made Pasta Join us and be a part of our dynamic team!
      729 words
    • 162 38 Alliance Pest Mgmt requires PEST EXTERMINATORS û Secondary education û Must possess Class 3 driving licence û Only S’poreans M’sians need apply Walk-in interview 10am-12pm or 2pm-4pm 48 Toh Guan Rd East #06-148 Enterprise Hub Tel 6515 4646 PETER PEST CONTROL requires PEST CONTROL TECHNICIANS Secondary Education Completed NS With
      162 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 316 39 Other Positions I Other Positions I Other Positions I Other Positions I Other Positions I Other Positions I Other Positions Full/ Part Time Driver Must possess valid Class 3 driving license, with or without own van Must be familiar with the roads in Singapore Physically fit and have a good
      316 words
    • 165 39 UPTO $3K OR MORE Work from home. Data entry, online survey etc. Email: Modern Ladies Boutique seeks Experienced Sales Asst Can handle Chinese speaking customers S’porean/ M’sian/ PR Basic commission allowance year end bonus $1500-$2000 Start immediately Call Sumi 9274-1858/ June 9009-3934 or email Jurong East Handphone shop
      165 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1134 40 Retail Sales Retail Sales Security Security Security Technical bossini©Grow with us for a rewarding career as: Energetic with good communication skills Sales service oriented Able to work on retail hours (including weekends public holidays) The Benefits: Good career advancement, training opportunities, attractive allowances, commission, staff discount other benefits. Only open
      1,134 words
    • 192 40 EXPERIENCED FIELD ASSISTANT required Interested pls call 6289-0400 ADSL Field Technician Installation with service delivery standards Possess class 3 licence own transport Local PR Up to$3K Pls call *****288 M&E TECHNICIANS Some experience in M&E maintenance work with NTC certificate M’sians with SPM (low levy) can apply Call: 6235-4623 for
      192 words

  • Racing
    • 901 41  -  H e g i v e s S a imm s e d an c h a i r r i d e i n h i s c omm mm -behindtrialwin BRIAN MILLER AS WE have by now grown to accept and expect,
    • 337 42/43 7:20Race1 JuvenilePlate 1200M 1 ALBERTSVIGILANCE KNeisius (2) 58 2 DEPARDIEU ONoach (4) 55 3 DOUBLEDANE CPuller (5) 55 4 DUPONTCIRCLE ADomeyer (1) 55 5 GREYCOLLEGE GHatt (6) 55 6 HEWHODARES KTeetan (3) 55 7 LONDON'SLEGEND FCoetzee (8) 55 8 QUESTIONTIME MWinnaar (7) 55 7:55Race2
      337 words
    • 984 42/43 KRANJITRACKWORK JUST A MAN, a runner in the Open Benchmark 83 sprint on Sunday, showed good progress in his preparation with a smart gallop at Kranji yesterday. With jockey John Powell in the irons, the son of Testa Rossa reeled
      TNP PICTURE: CALVIN WONG  -  984 words
    • 500 42/43 ICOMMENTSBYHAROLDSTERLEY. RACE1 (1,200m) 1 ALBERTS VIGILANCE defeated Liam who came out to win next time out in very easy fashion. He should be good enough to double up here. 5 GREY COLLEGE showed decent pace on debut behind Chieftain and has plenty
      500 words
    • 444 44 KUALA LUMPUR TRACKWORK LAST-startwin-nerYOUNEV-ERKNOW geared up for a back-to-back success in the Class 4 event over 1,200m at the one-day Selangor Turf Club’s one-day Novelty Race Meeting on Saturday with a smart workout in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Taken out by a track rider, the four-year-old
      444 words
    • 1299 44 WednesdayC EUROPE 7:30 PM Fontainebleau 1 CLASS €24,000 3YO STAKES 2200m No Form Name 1 36 2 2 3 3 4 *****2 5 *****2 6 7 7 22 8 4 9 ***** 10 5 11 0 12 4 13 14 33 15 16 3 Bernieres
      1,299 words
    • 110 44 EMIRATES Airlines, which sponsors the Emirates Singapore Derby, is sponsoring two return economy air-tickets to either Melbourne or Brisbane as a prize for one lucky guest at the 2010 Singapore Racing Awards. All guests attending the awards night, to be held at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
      110 words
    • 1284 45 RACE 1(1,200m) FortuneGeneral(7)wasn’ttoofar off the finish in his first two starts, including a run over this trip, before closing with each stride for a good third behind The Prince over the 1,200m at Sha Tin last start. He must have claims. Just Chill (9) was a
      1,284 words
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  • Sports Tennis
    • 488 46 Reuters PROUD of its age-old traditions, Wimbledon has embraced the rapid changes in technology in recent years as smoothly as a Roger Federer forehand. Now the world’s most prestigious tennis tournament is going 3D. Ian Ritchie (right), chief executive of the All England Club in the
      Reuters  -  488 words
    • 464 46 AFP. WORLD No. 1s Rafael Nadal and Caroline Wozniacki lead a world-class field into the $4.5 million ($5.7m) BNP Paribas Open, a combined WTA and ATP Masters series event that begins today. Instant replay will be available for the first time on all
      AFP.; PICTURES: REUTERS, AP  -  464 words
    • 352 46 CHICAGO 85 NEW ORLEANS 77 BASKETBALL AFP. DERRICK Rose scored a game-high 24 points and Carlos Boozer added 19 to power the Chicago Bulls past New Orleans Hornets 85-77 yesterday morning (Singapore time). Britain’s Luol Deng and Ron Brewer each added 10 points, while Joakim Noah
      AFP.  -  352 words

  • Page 47 Miscellaneous
    • 69 47 For fixtures of all E Premier, UE Champions and UE Europe, please visit Singapore Pools website. p Yi) Always play with care. Do not bet illegally. Towards Community No person under the age of 18 years shall be Purpose and Benefit allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any
      69 words
  • Sports Mad About Golf
    • 638 47 Newpracticeareahighlightofhisnewhome–inFlorida AFP. FORMER world No. 1 Tiger Woods is moving into a new home in Jupiter, Florida, that features a custom-built practice facility, the 14-time Major champion said on Monday on his website. In the first blog posting since just before the one-year anniversary of a
      AFP.; PICTURE: AFP  -  638 words
    • 411 47 BADMINTON AFP. THE All-England Open is certain to have a new women’s singles champion following the withdrawal of Tine Baun, the title-holder from Denmark, and Wang Yihuan, the former world No. 1 from China, in the BWF Premier Series event starting today. Baun, who
      AFP.  -  411 words

  • Sports Cricket World Cup
    • 1077 48/49  -  BRIEF SCORES New Zealand 302-7 (Ross Taylor 131, Martin Guptill 57, Umar Gul 3-32) Pakistan 192 all out in 41.4 overs (Abdul Razzaq 62, T. Southee 3-25) Result: New Zealand won by 110 runs SK JOHN ONEcouldwatchitonlywithdisbelief.New Zealand scored 100 runs in theirlastfiveoversagainstPakistanin aGroupAmatchinSriLankayesterday. It
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    • 368 48/49 Reuters. EXTRAORDINARY hitting with a cracked bat by New Zealand birthday boy Ross Taylor helped his team pile on an amazing 85 runs in 3.4 overs to set up a 110-run World Cup win over Pakistan yesterday. Taylor was given two 27th birthday gifts, dropped on
      Reuters.  -  368 words
    • 352 48/49 Reuters. POLICE clashed with hundreds of fans seekingticketsforIndia’sWorldCupshowdown against South Africa, the incident again highlightingthecountry’sinabilitytohandlethe huge demand for seats. Twelve days after similar scenes were witnessed in Bangalore, stick-wielding police battered fans in front of the ticket counter at the Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadium
      Reuters.; PICTURES: REUTERS, AFP  -  352 words
    • 197 48/49 AP ENGLAND’SWorldCupsquadwasdepletedbyinjuryforthe second day running yesterday, when paceman Stuart Broad was ruled out of the rest of the tournament because of a side strain. With star batsman Kevin Pietersen already having flown home for hernia surgery, team doctors discovered that the injuryBroadsufferedinSunday’ssix-runwinoverSouth Africa was
      AP  -  197 words

  • Sports S-League
    • Article, Illustration
      764 50/51  -  Indra Sahdan is first local-born striker to hit 200 S-League goals SAFFC 5 (Mislav Karoglan 54,55, Indra Sahdan 64,77, Ivan Jerkovic 69) WOODLANDS0 ALI KASIM RELIEF was what Indra Sahdan Daud felt just after he slotted the ball past Woodlands goalkeeper Amos Boon at the Choa Chu Kang
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  764 words
  • Sports
    • 419 50/51  -  DAVID LEE THE NATIONAL football team’s recent poor form has led to much debate about what is actually behind the slump. Yesterday, the discussion was continued in Parliament by Non-Constituency MP Sylvia Lim and Mr Teo Ser Luck, the Senior Parliamentary Secretary for
      419 words
    • 305 50/51 GROUP B INDIA v HOLLAND (Today, 5pm, SingTel mio TV Ch 123) CRICKET WORLD CUP AFP. INDIAwilllooktowrapupaconvincingvictoryoverrock-bottom Holland in the World Cup today and virtuallymakesureoftheirquarter-finalberth. Indiaaretheonlyunbeatenteamintheirgroupand that record is unlikely to be broken against the un-der-performingDutch,whohavestilltoregisterawin. The hosts are on top of Group B with five
      AFP.; PICTURE: AP  -  305 words
  • Page 50/51 Advertisements
    • 48 50/51 EXPONENT CHALLENGE ACADEMY FITNESS GYM AT NOVENA Recreation fitness facilities greatjocation |iniiiiii iii i mm i [Cheap parking facilities near town; S Wejwelcome personal trainers! Cheapjjates for you to conduct ]m hi For any enquiries, please contact Exponent Challenge Academy at 6354 0717 9660 0714 or email
      48 words

  • Sports Football
    • 1349 52/53 In an exclusive interview courtesy of Nike, Barcelona and Spain midfield star ANDRESINIESTA shares his thoughts about the World Cup and playing for the best team in the world IYour2010 willalways bedefinedby winning the World Cup. And yet for a while it looked like you might
      PICTURES: AFP, ACTION IMAGES  -  1,349 words
    • 437 52/53  -  SAZALI ABDUL AZIZ IT HAS been a good last few days for Singapore Un-der-16 captain Jeffrey Lightfoot. On Sunday, the die-hard Liverpool fan watched his team trounce their arch-rivals Manchester U nited 3 -1. And yesterday, he was announced as Singapore’s athlete ambassador
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  437 words
    • 792 56  -  JOHN LEICESTER AP sports columnist HUMANbeings:CleverenoughtolandNeil Armstrong on the moon, but seemingly not yet capable of inventing a foolproof method for telling when a footballcrossesagoal-line. Hardtobelieve,isn’tit? With each additional weekend of avoidablehumanerrorsfromovertaxedreferees,the excuse that goal-line technology isn’t quite ready for the big time
      PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  792 words
    • 290 56 EVERTON v BIRMINGHAM (Tomorrow, 4am, SingTel mio TV Ch 104) EPL Wire Services. EVERTONcaptain Phil Nevilleis doubtful for tomorrow morning’s (Singapore time) Premier League game against Birmingham at Goodison Park. Neville was forced to come off with a hamstring injury after 52 minutes in their
      Wire Services.  -  290 words
  • Page 52/53 Advertisements
    • 148 52/53 THE NEW PAPER NIKE CONTEST Stand a chance to win a pair of Nike CTR360 Maestri II Elite soccer boots. The boots, worn by Spain and Barcelona midfield star Andres Iniesta, are designed to help players master control. HOW TO ENTER Call 1900-914-0801 and answer this question correctly: Are the
      148 words

  • Sports EPL
    • 5 54/55
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    • Article, Illustration
      659 54/55  - Our analyst Barry Whitbread tells DAVID LEE why off-form strikers Torres and Rooney should still be the leading targetmen for their sides BARRY WHITBREAD ASK THE COACH IFernando Torres fired yet another blank against Blackpool yesterday, his fifth in Chelsea colours. Couldhe turnout to beaStamfordBridge misfit? WHITBREAD: The decision
      PICTURES: AP  -  659 words
    • 203 54/55 PA Sport. CHELSEAmanagerCarloAncelottiis confident striker Fernando Torres will end his goal drought soon, despite the £50 million ($102m) striker drawing another blank at Blackpool yesterday morning (Singapore time). The Blues won 3-1 thanks to two goals from Frank Lampard
      PA Sport.  -  203 words
    • 490 54/55 BLACKPOOL 1 (Jason Puncheon 86) CHELSEA3 (John Terry 20, Frank Lampard 63-pen, 66) PA Sport. CHELSEAmanag-er Carlo Ancelotti insists his side still cannot think about a title challenge, despite capitalising on slip-ups by Manchester United and Arsenal by beating Blackpool 3-1 atBloomfield Road yesterday morning
      PA Sport.  -  490 words

  • 435 57 Valencia are dangerous, warns Schalke striker ROUND OF 16, SECOND LEG SCHALKE 04 v VALENCIA I Scoretiedat1-1afterfirstleg (Tomorrow, 3.45am, SingTel mioTV Ch 103) AFP. SPANISH veteran Raul has warned his Schalke 04 teammates that Valencia will be “more dangerous” in tomorrow morning’s (Singapore time) Champions League
    AFP.; PICTURE:AP  -  435 words

  • 1049 58/59  -  Sit back, and Tottenham will be punished by a dangerous Milan side ROUND OF 16, SECOND LEG TOTTENHAM v AC MILAN I Tottenhamlead1-0fromfirstleg (Tomorrow, 3.45am, SingTel mio TV Ch 102) IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI REPORTING FROM THE UK IF TOTTENHAM fans think that
  • 270 58/59 Wire Services. TOTTENHAM striker Jermain Defoe has admitted his frustration at a lack of big-game opportunities this season. The England international (left), who scored his first Premier League goals of the campaigninSunday’s3-3drawwithWolves, is hoping to play a part against AC Milan tomorrow morning (Singapore time).
    Wire Services.  -  270 words
  • ON TV
    • 84 58/59 *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck *Programmetimes,providedbySingTel&StarHub,subjecttochange LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tomorrow: IEVERTONv BIRMINGHAM SingTelmio TVCh104, 4am CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Tomorrow: ITOTTENHAMvAC MILAN SingTel mio TV Ch 102, 3.45am ISCHALKE vVALENCIA SingTel mio TV Ch 103, 3.45am EUROPA LEAGUE Friday: IBRAGA vLIVERPOOL SingTel mio TV Ch 102, 2am ILEVERKUSEN v VILLARREAL SingTel mio TV Ch
      84 words
    • 25 58/59 ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 Today: IINDIA vHOLLAND SingTel mio TV Ch 123, 5pm Tomorrow: ISRI LANKAv ZIMBABWE SingTel mio TV Ch 123, 5pm
      25 words
    • 38 58/59 NBA Today: IPORTLANDv MIAMI StarHub TV Ch 216, (NBA TV), 8.30am Tomorrow: IOKLAHOMA CITY vPHILADELPHIA StarHubTVCh216, (NBA TV), 8am IDALLASv NEWORLEANS StarHub TV Ch 202, (SuperSports), 9am IORLANDO vSACRAMENTO StarHub TV Ch 216, (NBA TV), 11 am
      38 words
    • 36 58/59 Tomorrow: ITAMPINES vTANJONG PAGAR (Tampines Stadium, 7.30pm) Friday: IGEYLANG vBALESTIER (Jalan Besar Stadium, 7.30pm) Call 1900-*****13 after 10.15pm for the half-time and full-time results. Call cost 30 cents a minute. Yesterday’s result: ISAFFC 5 WOODLANDS0
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    • 36 58/59 SUBSCRIBE TO TNP Here’syour chanceto getTNP everyday. Call 6388-3838 to subscribe or go to NOON EDITION Look out for the latest reports on the Champions League and EPL in our Noon Edition today and tomorrow.
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    • 273 60 BUILDING FUTURES One success story at a time I want to build a career in Accounting and Management I WE HAVE THE PLAN KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION ACADEMY FULL-TIME PROGRAMS Diploma Advanced Diploma Bachelor Degree Subject to approval 2.5 Years* UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE /Ranked Top 100 in the Times Good University
      273 words