The New Paper, 24 October 2010

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Total Pages: 48
1 60 The New Paper

  • News
    • 876 2/3 Butfemalesexexpertstillgetskinkyrequestsfrommaleclients despiteherstrictlyprofessionalapproachtosexualproblems REPORTS: MAUREEN KOH SEXisalearnedact.That’s right, said Dr Martha Lee, who is believed to be Singapore’s first female sexologist. Otherwise, how does one explain the couples who seek her adviceintheiruncertaintyofhowtoconsummatetheir marriage? She said women have to first get comfortable with their own
      TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  876 words
    • 370 2/3 WEDDING bells will be ringing for Dr Martha Lee in December. She met fiance Christopher P K Fagan, 39, in October two years ago. Dr Lee laughed as she recounted their first meeting at the budget hotel where she stayed when she was doing
      370 words
    • 771 4 Selina Jen suffered burns, although Taiwan andHKmediadifferonextentofinjuries SELINA Jen, a member of popular Taiwanese girlband S.H.E, suffered serious burns after a series of planned explosions went horribly wrong on the set of a musical drama she was filming in Shanghai. Her co-star in
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  771 words
    • 741 5  -  This25cmtubeleftinman’s stomachaftersurgery3years agogavehimseverestomach pain.Butthisamputeesays he’sstillgratefultothe hospitalstaff REPORT and PICTURES: HEDY KH00 FOR three years, he endured what he thought were terrible hunger pangs. His abdominal pain and muscle spasms were so intense it felt as if he was beingstabbedbyasharpobject. But it was only last
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    • 688 6 / 7  -  NetizenshittingbackatTemasekReviewwebsite REPORT: NG WAN CHING AWARofwillsisbreakingoutontheInternet.Even as Temasek Review (TR), the anti-govern-ment socio-political website, is pitching itself as a watchdog, netizens are setting up anti-TR sites and blogs. These netizens are now trawling cyberspace to exposeTR. And the cause of the conflict?
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    • 744 6 / 7  -  REPORT: KOH HUITHENG, NG WAN CHING WHAT’Sina name? Well,ifyou’re asovereignwealthfund worth billions, a lot. And if your financial report has been called TemasekReview since2004, the lastthingyou’d want to be associated with is a socio-political website that is stridently anti-government. That’sthe viewofbranding experts The
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    • 992 8 / 9  -  Wheelchair-bound woman has Elderly Monitoring System installed in her home REPORT: GAN LING KAI EVERYday,withmuchdifficulty,shewheels herself into the bathroom and hoists herself onto the toilet bowljusttotakeashower. Occasionally, she falls off her chair,mostlywhenshetriestopicksomethingupfromthefloor. When she falls, she usually uses her arms to drag herself
      TNP PICTURE: BENJAMIN SEETOR  -  992 words
    • 320 8 / 9 SINCE Project Helping Hands was launched last Sunday, more than $14,000 in donations have come in from the public. While this is still a long way from the 1 million required to fix the alert system in 1,000 homes of needy elderly residents,
      320 words
    • 823 10 / 11  -  SHINee are stand-out stars of K-Pop Night REPORT: CHARLENE CHUA THERE’S a reason why they call it Korean drama. And we’re not talking about their television serials either. Just two days before the Korean Pop Night Concert 2010, its organisers announced that popular K-pop
      TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  823 words
    • 158 10 / 11  -  Germaine Lim FERVENT fans came from as far as the Philippines just to catch Taiwanese heart-throb Van Ness Wu in action yesterday. The actor-singerperformedat IonOrchard’sfirst anniversary free outdoor concert last night. But he was on stage for all of just 30 minutes, leaving fans
    • 771 12 / 13  -  ForgetaboutflyingtoBali.MoreSingaporeans aretakingupflowboardinginSentosa,withone beating surf-crazy Australia in a competition REPORT:SYAHIRAH SYAHIRAH ANWAR BIG waves and surfer dudes are not what our little island is known for. But Singaporean Alfian Affandi, 25, beat 40 competitors, from countries like the US and Australia to clinch third place in
      TNP PICTURES: YAP NING  -  771 words
    • 704 14  -  US investor did it in two years,butitwasn’teasy REPORT:HEDY HEDY KH00 SOME women here dream of finding a rich husband who will pick up the tab for everything. Not Ms Mirriam MacWilliams. Although her husband was minting money he sells luxury yachts she wasn’t
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    • 320 14 TURN US$10,000 (S$13,000) into US$2 million over two years? Not impossible but it is rare, says an investment analyst The New Paper on Sunday spoke to. MrEricTeo,36,said:“Optionstrading is not for everyone. For most people, it is better to keep your day job and your savings in
      320 words
    • 1065 15 Leaked war logs show that commanders in Iraq oftenfailedtoprobereportedabusecases AN IRAQI soldier walks up to a prisoner who is kneeling on the ground, blindfolded and handcuffed. The soldier then goes on to kick the prisoner. A US marine sergeant is witness to the
      PICTURE: AP  -  1,065 words
    • 392 16 SleepingHKcabbiesescape beingcrushedbybusthat plunges off flyover THE two cabbies had fallen asleep for just 15 minutes while waiting in a taxi queue near Hong Kong’s Chek Lap Kok airport on Friday. The next thing they knew, they had miraculously cheated death without even a scratch.
      PICTURES: APPLE DAILY  -  392 words
    • 259 16 HE HAS been labelled the arrogant son of a famous father. Even after running over two female students as he drove through the Hebei University campus, he showed no remorse. Li Qiming, 22, was so rude that he taunted the security
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    • 326 17 AFTER 16 years of battling heroin addiction, 38-year-old Alan Mitchell agreed to a controversial plan. Get a vasectomy done for £200 (S$405). He accepted the deal offered by a US charity, thus becoming the first man in Britain to do so. The news was greeted
      326 words
    • 603 17 Comedian’sbodyguardsaccusedofassault FOUR news photographers said that they were punched by two men accompanying British comedian Russell Brand when they were taking pictures of him. Brand was at an Indian tiger reserve on the eve of his scheduled wedding to USpop singer Katy Perry.
      PICTURES: AFP  -  603 words
    • News Snapshot
      • 103 18 THE Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) said more toys will be tested for toxic chemicals by the end of this year, after a recent finding that nearly half of 50 toys tested here contained excessive amounts of toxic chemicals, reported Channel NewsAsia.
        103 words
      • 91 18 AP MALAYSIA’Sleaderannouncedyesterday a national tour to rally support for his ruling party, strengthening speculation that he might call for early general elections next year. Prime Minister Najib Razak said he plans to visit each of Malaysia’s 13 states with his deputy next year
        AP  -  91 words
      • 120 18 AP INDONESIAN fishermen who rushed to the scene of a ferry sinking helped rescuers save 44 passengers, plucking them out of rough seas, an official said yesterday. No one has been found dead so far, but nearly two dozen people are still missing
        AP  -  120 words
      • 100 18 AFP THE death toll from flooding in Thailand climbed to 32 yesterday as rising waters hit more areas of the kingdom and threatened to swamp parts of the capital. Victims were swept to their were swept deaths or killed in accidents as vehicles
        AFP  -  100 words
      • 313 18 CURRENCY DEVALUATION AP. The world’s leading advanced and emerging countries vowed to avoid potentially debilitating currency devaluations, aiming to quell trade tensions that could threaten the global economy. The Group of 20 (G20) also said it will pursue policies to reduce trade and current account
        AP.  -  313 words
      • Article, Illustration
        40 18 SPARKS FLY: Demonstrators throw fireworks at police officers in a protest in Terzingo, near Naples, yesterday. The residents are demonstrating against plans to build a garbage dump and the poor state of the existing local dump. PICTURE: AP
        PICTURE: AP  -  40 words
    • News Exchange
      • 572 19  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO EVER had the feeling everyone’s just back from a partyandyoudidn’tevenknowtherewasone? Having lived in only two homes all my life, that did-I-just-miss-something wave washes over me when a property as investment story makes the news. We were
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  572 words
      • 108 19 Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad -10 Europedoesn’t look inviting this travel season as it struggles with terror threats, austerity measures and a wave of strikes. +10 Passenger traffic at Changi airport in September grew 10.8 per cent from the same month last year. -10 Four more people in Singapore were infected
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      • 28 19 “Thereservedseatsonthe MRTmust be magical. Everyone seated there falls asleep instantly when the train approachesastation.” –AmanonsomeMRTcommuters “Iwassodrunk,IthinkIgavea guy my ICnumber instead of myphonenumber.” –Agirltoanotherfriendafteranightof partying
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements

  • Page 8 / 9 Advertisements
    • 347 8 / 9 Help us reach out to them TO help the elderly who are living alone, The New Paper has partnered the Lions Befrienders Service Association and Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Project Helping Hands. THE PROJECT DESIGN It involves installing wireless motion sensors in the apartments of senior citizens living alone. The
      347 words

  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 324 10 / 11 FRIGHT NIGHT Once dismissed as a Western festival, Halloween is big business in Singapore. ONE A DAY KEEPS YOU GOING FOR EVERYDAY HEALTH SOoiffivcf IN A Radiance Multi Vitamins 8. Iron One a Day (with Iron) 60 Tablets Original Price $13-90 BUY 1 GET I s FREE, 2315 Radiance Multi
      324 words

  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
    • 170 12 / 13 PARENTING MYTHS I need to push my child beyond his/her limits so he/she will do well. Pushing the child beyond his/her limits or resources can be counterproductive as the child cannot cope or function at his/her most effective level. When the child is unable to cope, stress pressure arises as
      170 words

  • enjoy
    • 591 20/21  -  Average-looking men with confidence and a senseofhumour are more attractive thanhunks,say experts Thispolystudentinglassesis shy,slightlyplumpand scarredbyacnebut... REPORT: GERMAINE LIM THEYsaymenandwomenareequal.But when it comes to the dating scene, equality isalie. Unlike plain Janes who are said to be more willing to compromise on their
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CH00  -  591 words
    • 349 20/21  -  REPORTS:AMANDAJACQUELIN AMANDA JACQUELIN PHUA PASS Daniel Soh and Desiree Teoh (left) on the street and they may seem to be an odd couple. He is slightly plump with light acne scars. She is sweet, petite and has a pretty smile. After all, Desiree
      349 words
    • 250 20/21 SHE comes from a well-to-do family and her ex-boyfriend was a good-looking sportsman with a hot bod. Then Charlotte Tan, 17, got into a relationship with Eugene Soh, her 19-year-old senior in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. And he was nothing like her
      250 words
    • 484 22  -  Minor celebs make their presencefeltbutYang takeshomethetrophy 45th GOLDEN BELL AWARDS REPORT:TAN TAN KEE YUN THESE babes sure knew how to grab eyeballs at the 45th Golden Bell Awards ceremony. They upstaged crowd favourite Rainie Yang, the 26-year-old singer-actress, by flashingflesh,lotsofit,attheeventheldatTaipei’s Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall on Friday. The annual
      PICTURES: SINA, MINGPAO WEEKLY, ENT123  -  484 words
    • 539 23  -  Readers win a day of fun on yacht for subscribing to The New Paper REPORT: CHERYL LIM THE sky was a tad grey, and the air was clouded with haze. But that didn’t dampen the spirits of 12 jolly readers of The New Paper on Friday.
      TNP PICTURES: JONATHAN CHOO  -  539 words
    • Enjoy Fly on the Wall
      • 450 24  -  REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO MY KINGDOM for a limo! And so granted, in lieu of a horse, guests were treated to limo-and-buggy forCartier’shigh jewellery dinner. Cartier, the name richly and famously associated with high end jewellery, held a pair of dinners for 60 couples
        TNP PICTURES: JONATHAN CHOO  -  450 words
    • Enjoy Family Matters
      • Article, Illustration
        478 25  -  EUGENE WEE FATHER FIGURES WHAT?You don’thave amaid?How doyou survive? A friend of mine asked this of me recently with the kind of look Macaulay Culkin reserved for applying aftershave. Apparentlyin Singapore,basedon myfriend’s reaction, it is quite unthinkable for working parents with two children, aged three years
        PICTURE: AP  -  478 words
    • Enjoy 2 Wheels Good
      • 395 26/27 IFYOU wereat ITE CollegeEast’s running track two weeks ago, you would have heard notthe poundingof runners’feet, but the whirring of speeding handcycles. Paraplegic athletes and able-bodied cyclists competed in the 2nd Handcycling Association of Singapore-Singapore Disability Sports Council Handcycling National Disability League (NDL) Time-Trials/Sprint Race
        TNP PICTURE: DANSON CHEONG  -  395 words
      • 746 26/27  -  Aproperrecoveryregimen canimproveyourcycling performance,sayexperts DANSON CHEONG sg PROFESSIONAL athletes should take a leaf out of books of professional cyclists. For all the time professional cyclists spend charging up and down mountain passes, they sure know how to wind down. “Cyclists are among the professional athletes
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG; PICTURE: AP  -  746 words
    • Enjoy Table For 4
      • 613 28  -  CathayRestaurantmay be70yearsold,butits menu keeps up to date CHERYL LIM RAFFLES HOTEL may be the grand dame of Singapore hotels, but we can loosely hail The Cathay Restaurant as the F&B grand dame. The restaurant opened in 1940, initially serving European food before it turned to Chinese cuisine.
        613 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 350 29  -  HEDY KHOO hedykhoo@sph. com. sg LET’S face it. We are superficial. Anyone who declares that looks don’t matter is most likely a liar, in denial or simply sucking on sour grapes. Luckily for everyone, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Oneman’s puffer
    • aspire
      • 586 30  -  DOLORES TAY aspireEmbracethedarkthisHalloween aspireEmbracethedarkthisHalloween IT’S that time of the year again when ghosts and ghouls are seen at the hippest partiesandnightspots. When “vampires” are spied getting drunk on not blood but alcoholic concoctions. When zombies are spotted gyrating to the hottestdancetunesinpackedclubs. Yes, All Hallows
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 577 32  -  Myparentswilllaughatthelawforcingkidstolookaftertheir oldfolks,butfor some,it’snolaughingmatter SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JUST PAIK CHOO WHEN you were 16, did you find your parents to be the dumbest people around? And then at 21, you were amazed at how muchthey’d learnedin fiveyears? We can’t choose the parents (to
        TNP PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  577 words
      • REALLY?
        • 102 32 Odd news that’sfor real Reuters A FLORIDA-BASED produce company is looking to titillate the eye and the taste buds by offering a new red-coloredcelery togive a“colorful crunch”tosalads anddips. Celery producer Duda Farm Fresh Foods unveiled the celery variety, to be sold under the brand name Celery Sensations,
          Reuters  -  102 words
        • 115 32 Reuters A BARRACUDA jumped out of the water and bit a 45-year-old woman kayaker in the chest in the Florida Keys in an accident last weekend. She had to be evacuated by boat and helicopter to a Miami hospital, the US Coast Guard said. The woman reportedly
          Reuters  -  115 words
      • 364 32  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR I HAD such big plans last week. I was going to start training to become the first Singaporean to climb Mount Everest and not use it as a springboard for my motivational
        364 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 20/21 Advertisements
    • 34 20/21 TABLE FOR 4 Grand dame Cathay Restaurant keeps menu up-to-date despite 70-year history PAGE28 ASPIRE Get that Halloween chic with gothmake-upthat won’t raise cackles PAGE 30 HEDCHEF Keepthepeacewith spicy salmonbelly soup withour residentchefHedyKhoo PAGE29
      34 words

  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 36 23 'The most anticipated horror event of the year. Steady your nerves, your sleepless nights are about to return DreadCentral PARAN 0 RMAL ACTIVITY NOW SHOWING NC16 1 DISTURBING SCENES In English with Chinese subtitles PARANORMALMOVIE .COM
      36 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 87 25 Hte©!] G® B (g]DSu < Q§®D=©Tlgtl='Dg'0 6®@3iM(nfiD (MME533KS3 ©Cass (PSDOs^ i-yN H D n @®9Sfifl^0ufflD i®M,©^iM(2i?wa o The Most Happening Chat Clubj N :4r k. Th e* Ex c ite m e ntiofi Chattinjglj! Online payment available Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Solutions Pte. Ltd. shall
      87 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous

  • Page 26/27 Advertisements
    • 48 26/27 BAG THESE GOODIES THENewPaper isgiving away atotalof 30 setsof nutrition goodiebags. Thegoodiebags worthbetween $35 and$51 each are courtesyofKey Power International, Athlete’sCircle and 2xSFB PteLtd. To winagoodiebag,answer this question:What isthe medicalterm for “thebonk”in cycling? SMSyour answer in this format TNPWHEEL<space>Answer<space>NRIC<space>Email <space>Nameto *****. EachSMS costs 20 cents.Multiple entries are allowed.
      48 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
      40 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 77 29 Are You FUN to PLAY? It FreeChat m PARTYchat 1900-912-9600J vrLIVE 1-1-1 1900-912- 9700 3First 45sec FREE 2Switch chatmate after 3 mins HCALL PRIVACY: No 1900 Hp Bill! Chat Bill by DEBIT/Credit card. Hurry! First 10min@ONLY $1.99. Call 6767-6969 NowH>) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when
      77 words

  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 267 31 WATCH’EM CHANNEL5 10.30am Cruise 11.00 SurvivorXXI: Nicaragua Noon TheAmazing Race 1.00pm Movie:Behind EnemyLines II 3.00 President’sStar Charity2010 5.30 TheAdventures OfMerlin 6.30 TheSimpsons 7.00 Movie:IAm Legend 9.00 Crimewatch 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 RenovAID 10.30 HairMatters101 11.00 ThePupil Midnight 30Rock Transformers:Revenge OfThe Fallen(right) HBO(StarHubCh601), 9pm Samleaves the Autobots,but theDecepticons target him andhe’s draggedback
      267 words

  • sports
    • Racing
      • 25 34/35 Race: 9 Time: 5.00pm Status: Singapore Group 1 Distance: 1 ,800m Long course A Stakes: $500,000 RAGING FAVOURITE: Better Than Ever
        25 words
      • 1314 34/35 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 12.50 -1400m(LC) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 7060 RieussecMagic 59 (43) THKoh*c3 14 (4nzgLLaxon-SilverFernRacing) 2 *****4 WhoEls 59 (43) JMoreira 8 (5agTKieser-Dakota) 3 3-0932 Xaar'sHonour 59 (43) SHLow*c3 1 (7agDBaertschiger-BorneoLodge) 4 *****4 TrickyMaster
        1,314 words
      • Article, Illustration
        549 34/35 Tan Thean Loon Danny Khoo Andrew Frost Marc Tan 1 RACE Xaar’s Honour 3 3 9 3 Xaar’s Honour That’s Money Xaar’s Honour 2 5 5 Who Els Zinly 5 3 Zinly 9 Xaar’s Honour Zinly 6 5 Zinly That’s Money Golden Lido 10 4 Tricky Master Tricky
        549 words
      • 1802 36 ANDREWFROST’SCOMMENTSONTODAY’SKRANJIRACES RACE1 (1,400m) 1 Rieussec Magic)Struggling to show any form. Not forme. 2 WhoEls)))RacingingreatformoflateonthePolyand has been placed on the turf previously, so can follow here with confidence. 3 Xaar's Honour)))Form looks strong for a race like this, but should get every chance from nice
        PICTURE: SINGAPORE TURF CLUB  -  1,802 words
      • 279 37  -  Today’sVisitIndonesiaRafflesCupathismercy TAN THEAN LOON UNBEATEN superstar BETTER THAN EVER may have scored his narrowest victory last start in the Panasonic Kranji Mile on Oct 3. But, his win proved only thing: He’s all class and all guts. Labelled as the
        TNP FILE PICTURE  -  279 words
      • 771 37 YESTERDAY'S AUSTRALIA (ROSEHILL ASCOT TOOWOOMBA) RESULTS RACE 1 (Rosehill) 1st 6 Gigino ($8-$5) 2nd 4 Alexander Of Hales ($25) 3rd 5 Miss Darcey ($7) 4th 7 Indikator. Forecast $37. Tierce $122. Trio $24. Quartet $3498. RACE 2 (Rosehill) 1st 6 Mr Edison ($16-$5) 2nd 8 Zampara ($15) 3rd 7 Russian
        771 words
      • 693 38 LASTFRIDAY’SSINGAPORETURFCLUBSTIPENDIARYSTEWARDS’REPORTHIGHLIGHTS LEADING jockey Joao Moreira (right) has been suspended for three Singapore race days for careless riding on NORTHERN LION in Race 5 on Friday. At an inquiry, he pleaded guilty to he permitting NORTHERN LION to shift in passing the 800m, when insufficiently clear of
        693 words
      • 590 38 Race1 C5(SC)1200m 12 MIGHTYDIVA54c52.5(100-32) SMutaza* (7) 5 5 1 (438) 4 THUNDERMAN57(135-44) JoseDeSouza (6) 3 3 2 (474) 0.75 9 KIMWINNER54.5(20-7) SHLee (1) 1 1 3 (439) Hd 5 DANCINGVAIN56.5(18-9) NCallow (5) 4 4 4 (502) 2 XWinning stable: Amigo. Trainer: V Nathan. Time: 1min 11.8sec
        590 words
      • 47 38 THESE horses have won or were placed in the soft or heavy tracks at Kranji: RACE 1: Tricky Master, Zinly, Lucky Domino. RACE 3: Surgess, Kipadi. RACE5:Lim’sFighter,BestKnight,DarkGeneral. RACE 6: Big Jin. RACE 8: Esposito, Rising Expectation. RACE 9: Waikato, Cheyenne Dancer, Superb. RACE 11: Schmeichel.
        47 words
      • 1267 39 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 2.10 -1200m(SC) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 --9-9 CareyIsland 57 (43) ISaifudin 7 (4agOSidek-Raise) 2 *****- EasternStar 57 (43) NCallow 14 (7agRLines-RLines) 3 *****3 Geruasio 57 (43) LSofhan 2 (4nzgJHTan-Happiness) 4 08-00 LuckyFund 57 (43)
        1,267 words
      • 98 39 RACE 1:11 Bring In Fortunes 3 Geruasio 8 Zambucca 9 Dusky Maiden. RACE 2:10 Rose Kingdom 6 Big Week 3 Quark Star 15 Tokai Melody. RACE 3:3 Natural Tycoon 12 Boomer Capital 13 Shadow Wind 14 Triple Coin. RACE 4:7 Just Let Go 5
        98 words
    • Sports Tennis
      • 437 40 AP. ROGER Federer could tie another mark by Pete Sampras after reaching the Stockholm Open final by overcoming fourth-seeded Ivan Ljubicic of Croatia 7-6 (5), 6-2 yesterday. Federer will play Florian Mayer of Germanyin today’s final, after the latter saved a match-point in beating Jarkko Nieminen
        AP.; PICTURES: REUTERS  -  437 words
      • 183 40 KREM LIN CUP Reuters. SECOND seed Victoria Azarenka reached her first Kremlin Cup final with a straight-forward 6-3, 6-3 win over Spain’s Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez yesterday. The powerful Belarussian dominated her eighth-seeded opponent from the baseline, breaking the Spaniard’s serve in
        Reuters.  -  183 words
      • 387 40 GOLF AP. AFP. MARIA Hjorth of Sweden and Lee Jee Young of South Korea shared the lead after the second round of the Sime Darby LPGA at the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club yesterday. Hjorth was six under from 36
        AP.; AFP.  -  387 words
    • Sports Formula One
      • 554 41 Wire Services. SEBASTIAN Vettel seized pole position for the inaugural South Korean Grand Prix yesterday, forcing Red Bull teammate and Formula One championship leader Mark Webber to settle for second best. Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso and McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton will line up together on the second
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: REUTERS, AP  -  554 words
      • 274 41 REJOICE, sports fans. You can now catch live streaming of your favourite sports on your mobile. ESPN and SingTel have launched Mobile ESPN, a new 3G mobile service which offers a stellar line-up of world-class events such as Formula One, Moto GP, FA
        274 words
      • 268 41 AFP. REIGNING world champion Jenson Button admits it will be very difficult to retain his Formula One crown after qualifying in seventh position for today’sKoreanGrandPrix. The 30-year-old Briton struggled to get the tyres on his McLaren up to temperature in the overcast conditions at the Yeongam circuit
        AFP.  -  268 words
    • Sports S-League
      • 108 42  -  AMFBOWLING WORLD CUP NARENDAREN K SINGAPORE bowler Daphne Tan, 19, finished sixth in the 46th QuibicaAMF Bowling World Cup in France after competing in an eight-game semi-finals on Friday. With an aggregate of 211.13 and a total 6,756 pinfalls, she finished ahead of Diana Zavjalova
      • 671 42  -  ETOILE 3 (Loic Leclercq 5-pen, Frederic Mendy 11, Anthony Moulin 83) YOUNG LIONS0 DILENJIT SINGH THE haze might have subsided from the last time Young Lions and Etoile were supposed to meet on Thursday, but after just 11 minutes of their rescheduled match yesterday, the
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  671 words
      • Article, Illustration
        555 43  -  Stagstalismannetslate doubletokeepTampines’ title hopes alive SENGKANG1 (Kenji Arai 72-pen) TAMPINES 3 (Aliff 5, Duric 80,90+2) ALI KASIM ALMOST like a carbon copy of last week’s 2-1 victory over Geylang United, Tampines Rovers left it late before securing all three points against Sengkang Punggol FC last night to
        PICTURE: ZAOBAO  -  555 words
    • 908 44/45  -  ALI KASIM FORMER national defender R Sasikumar has ambitious plans to change the face of Singapore sports. “People are going to think of me as this arrogant guy who thinks he knows everything. But if you conform, you’ll never achieve anything in life,” said
      PICTURE: ALI KASIM  -  908 words
    • 632 44/45  -  GREGORY LOO ABDUL Halim Abdul Shukor has a caring streak. His previous job as a policeman allowed him to protect the lives and properties of Singaporeans. Now, as the first Singaporean football agent recognised by Fifa, his job is to look after the welfare
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  632 words
    • Sports Football
      • 977 46 A tribute to the King, who turned 70 yesterday, from SEVENTY years ago to this day, in a jer-ry-built home in the pastoral city of Tres Coracoes, a 23-year-old bellowed in ecstasy. His wife, Celeste, had just borne him the son he
        PICTURES: AFP  -  977 words
      • 341 48 PA Sport. PORTSMOUTH’S future should be assured after lawyers representing former owner Sacha Gaydamak revealed an agreement with the club should be signed this morning (Singapore time). TimStocksof Gaydamak’slawyers Taylor Wessing said he would be recommending to the business tycoon that he signs the deal with
        PA Sport.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  341 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 664 49  -  West Brom 2 Fulham 1 West Brom: Mulumbu 17, Fortune 40 Fulham: Carson 9 (og) PHIL MEDLICOTT Special Correspondent WEST BROM moved up to fourth in the English Premier League after coming from behind to defeat Fulham at the Hawthorns. The Cottagers went ahead early on
        664 words
      • 300 49  -  Wigan 1 Bolton 1 Wigan: Rodallega 59 Bolton: Elmander66 BYE ELEANOR CROOKS Special Correspondent WIGAN and Bolton both extended their unbeaten runs as they had to settle for a point apiece in the DW Stadium derby. After a first half notable mainly for a serious-looking
        300 words
      • 657 50/51  -  Ruthless Chelsea look irresistible in title race CHELSEA2 (Malouda 23, Kalou 81) WOLVES0 DAVID LEE WATCHandlearn,thisishowit’sdone.That’s the message defending champions’ Chelsea sent to their title rivalsastheydismantledWolves2-0athome. Evidently, Wolves had a plan as they travelleddownsouthtoLondon. Under Mick McCarthy, the visitors admirablykepttheballontheground,passeditaround as they patiently tried to navigate
        PICTURES: AFP  -  657 words
      • 335 50/51 PA Sport. CHELSEA coach Carlo Ancelotti refused to get carried away after the Blues went five points clear at the top of the Premier League with a 2-0 victory over Wolves at Stamford Bridge last night. Agoalin eachhalf– from Florent Maloudaand substitute Salomon Kalou
        PA Sport.  -  335 words
      • 657 52  -  Sunderland 1 Aston Villa 0 Sunderland: Dunne (og) 25 BY^ DAMIAN SPELLMAN Special Correspondent RICHARD DUNNE'S own-goal handed Sunderland their second English Premier League victory of the season as Aston Villa suffered another disappointing day in the north-east. Villa, who lost 6-0 at Newcastle in
        657 words
      • 259 52  -  Birmingham 2 Blackpool 0 Birmingham: Ridgewell 36, Zigic 56 Bv\ JOHN CURTIS Special Correspondent NIKOLA ZIGIC struck for the second time in two games to seal Alex McLeish's 50th win as Birmingham manager. The Serb followed his goal at Arsenal last weekend with the second
        259 words
      • 494 53 VanderVaart’srescueactsavesTottenhamfromdefeatagain PA Sport. TOTTENHAM manager Harry Redknapp hailed the character of his players after they again fought back to avoid defeat in last night’s Premier League encounter with Everton. Rafael van der Vaart scored his fifth goal in as many games to send Spurs third in
        PA Sport.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  494 words
      • 236 53 RESULTS ITOTTENHAM1 (Van der Vaart 20) EVERTON1 (Baines 17) IBIRMINGHAM2 (Ridgewell 36, Zigic 56) BLACKPOOL0 ICHELSEA2 (Malouda23, Kalou 81) WOLVES0 ISUNDERLAND1 (Dunne 25-og) ASTONVILLA0 IWESTBROM2 (Mulumbu 17, Fortune 40) FULHAM1 (Carson 9-og) IWIGAN1 (Rodallega 59) BOLTON 1 (Elmander66) TODAY ISTOKEvMAN UNITED SingTel mio TV Ch 102,8.30pm ILIVERPOOLvBLACKBURN
        236 words
      • 721 54 LIVERPOOL v BLACKBURN (Tonight, 10pm, SingTel mio TV Ch 103) AFP. ROY HODGSON believes that Liverpool’s clash with Blackburn at Anfield tonight could transform the Reds’ season. Hodgson’s side is mired at the wrong end of the Premier League table after a dreadful start to
        AFP.; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  721 words
      • 626 56 / 57  -  Arsenal’syounggunsfaceCity’s soldiersoffortunesinclashofstyles MAN CITY v ARSENAL (Tonight, 11pm, Live on SingTel mio TV Ch 102) IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI FOR TWO clubs with similar ambitions, Arsenal and Manchester City have very different ideologies. For Arsenal, the challenge is to resist the urge to buy their
        PICTURES: AP, AFP  -  626 words
      • 284 56 / 57 PA Sport. ARSENAL captain Cesc Fabregas has reaffirmed his commitment to the Gunners cause and would love to lead them to victory over his boyhood club Barcelona in next year’s Champions League final at Wembley. The 23-year-old playmaker’s future was one of the
        PA Sport.  -  284 words
      • 435 56 / 57 AFP MANCHESTER City have a golden opportunity to prove their credentials as contenders for the Premier League today when they host title rivals Arsenal. WithWayneRooney’srumouredarrivalatEastlands becoming just that, a rumour, City will be turning to the form of David Silva to open up
        AFP  -  435 words
      • 1229 58 / 59 Rooney’sagentis laughinghiswayto the bank after brokeringtherecord deal for his client Wire Services. IN THE light of how the astonishing series of events has unfolded over the last fortnight, Manchester United may need to seriously consider renaming the Old Trafford’s West Stand, which is also known as the
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  1,229 words
      • 651 58 / 59  -  GODFREY ROBERT COMMENT CONVENIENTLY it has been labelled the Rooney U-turn. But actually it was the “No Through Road” sign that saw Wayne Rooney declaring his allegiance to Manchester United. After 10 days of intrigue surrounding this silly saga, we are
        651 words
      • ONTV
        • 52 58 / 59 LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tonight: ISTOKEvMAN UNITED SingTel mio TV Ch 102,8.30pm ILIVERPOOLvBLACKBURN SingTel mio TV Ch 103,10pm IMAN CITYv ARSENAL SingTel mio TV Ch 102,11 pm LA LIGA Tonight: IGETAFEv SPORTING GIJON StarHub TV Ch 222,10.55pm Tomorrow: ISEVILLA vATHLETICBILBAO StarHub TV Ch 222,12.55am IVILLARREALvATLETICOMADRID StarHub TV Ch 222,2.55am *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck
          52 words
        • 34 58 / 59 CASTELLO MASTERS Tonight: IDAY 4 StarHub TV Ch 213,7.45pm LPGA MALAYSIAN OPEN Today: IDAY 3 StarHub TV Ch 213,12.15pm JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN Tomorrow: IDAY 4 StarHub TV Ch 213 255,5am
          34 words
        • 10 58 / 59 KOREAN GRAND PRIX Today: IMAINRACE SingTelmio TVCh117, 1.55pm
          10 words
        • 43 58 / 59 Tonight: IBALESTIER vGEYLANG (Toa Pay oh Stadium, 7.45pm) Call 1900-*****13 after 10.15pm for the half-time and full-time results. Calls cost 30 cents a minute. Tuesday: ISAFFCv BEIJINGGUO’AN (Choa Chu Kang Stadium, 7.45pm) Yesterday’sresults: I SENGKANG1 TAMPINES 3 I ETOILE 3 YOUNGLIONS 0
          43 words
    • 509 60 STOKE v MANCHESTER UNITED (Tonight, 8.30pm, SingTel mio TV Ch 102) PA Sport. MANCHESTER United’s trip to Stoke tonight will once again be dominated by Wayne Rooney even though the striker will miss the match with an ankle problem after signing a
      PA Sport.; PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  509 words

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    • 204 50/51 GET CLOSER TO THE ACTION AT FACEBOOK.COM/TIGERF hand, seemed all too ball and so quick to punishanyWolvesmistakes. Caseinpoint:JellevanDamme’sweakheaderwascollectedbyCechinthe23rdminuteand launched a counter-at-a neat reverse-pass to continued his rich vein of the red-hot Florent his seventhleaguegoaloftheseason. Manchester Unitedhavedonetotheirperno staPremier have from their season hasbeentolaydownthechalmonth, Ancelotti’s side rarely slip up against suchmid-tableorrelegationfodder,almostnev-erathome. Indeed,
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    • 36 60 HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Tributes flow as the popular King Pele turns 70. Page 46 IAIN MACINTOSH: Can Arsenal's young guns silence City's battlers? Page56 WHO IS AGENT PAULSTRETFORD /PAGE58 ROON HAS SOME DAMAGAE CONTROL TO DO /PAGE59
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