The New Paper, 10 October 2010

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Total Pages: 42
1 56 The New Paper

  • News
    • 505 2 / 3  -  IT was the love story of 63yearsthatmoveda nation.Andthatlove betweenMinister MentorLeeKuanYew andMadamKwaGeok Choosparkedinterest in the idea of soulmates,and whether they exist. Many polled believe soulmates exist, and can be found MAUREEN KOH ICONFESS, I’m hooked on the poignant love story of Minister Mentor Lee
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    • 751 2 / 3 TO LOVE and to cherish. In sickness and in health. These simple words sum up the 29 years of marriage of Madam Eileen Lim and Mr Gordon Tuea. At an interview in their office on Friday afternoon, a side glance, a raised hand or
      TNP PICTURE: YAP NING  -  751 words
    • 835 4 / 5  -  Despitehubby’sunromanticHDBflatproposal, couplestillgoingstrong20yearslater REPORT: CHAI HUNG YIN HE wanted to marry the girl he loved. But all he could come up with was the typical Singaporeanline:“Shallweapplyforaflat?” Now, 20 years and 19 vow renewals later, Mr Loy TiewHing, 52, is more romantic. He and his
    • 261 4 / 5 IFYOUare destinedto betogether,that’s whatwill happen. Eventhough anelderlyMalaysiancouple Mr Shamsuddin Ngah Samat, 72, and Madam Umi Rais, 70 wereseparatedfor 53 years,they were reunited in marriage recently. Their wedding was a simple ceremony at the bride’s housenear Kampung Gajahin Perak last Sunday, reported Harian Metro.
      PICTURE: HARIAN METRO  -  261 words
    • 514 6  -  *Verygoodin Mandarin GETAI STAR AWARDS REPORT:MAUREEN MAUREEN KOH VINDICATED,finally.Thatwashowsome100fanswhohadturneduptosupportTaiwanesecross-dressinggetaisinger AvenHaoHaolastnightfelt. The popular emcee-singer snagged the Best Dressed Getai Performer award at the Getai Star Awards Presentation, organised by Shin Min Daily NewsandLianheWanbao. Fan Joyce Lee, 40, punched the air and shouted “Yes!”whenHaoHao’snamewasannounced. Shesaid:“It’sabouttimewerecognisedthevalueof the entertainment
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  514 words
    • 805 8 / 9  -  Heran77getaishowsthis year,usesFacebookto connectwithyounger audiencesandnowplansto put getai on the world stage REPORT: MAUREEN KOH GETAIorganiserAaronTanisonearrogantman.Perhapshehaseveryrighttobe.As he told The New Paper on Sunday: “No one candenythatI’vesuccessfullybroughtglorytothegetai industry. “It was not like I just got into the business, snapped myfingersandturnedintoasuccessovernight.” Indeed. When this newspaper first interviewed Mr
      TNP PICTURES: JACINDA YEO  -  805 words
    • 633 10 / 11  -  Some women are also speaking up about it S’pore’smostcommonmalesexualhealthproblem REPORTS: NG WAN CHING IMAGINE this scenario: A couple, newly married, has sex for the first time. Andit’s overin underaminute. The man feels he has let down his wife. The wife, thinking she
      633 words
    • 624 10 / 11 A SURVEY of Singapore men showed that as many as one in three suffers from premature ejaculation. And they are concerned for their partners. Most of the men diagnosed with premature ejaculation (92 per cent) worry that their condition leaves their
      TNP ILLUSTRATION: SIMON ANG  -  624 words
    • 1018 12 / 13  -  Couplewhofostered5kidsover10years and have 4 children of their own: REPORTS: NG WAN CHING THEY know they are setting themselves up for heartache. Yet Mr Gerard Nonis and his wife continue to open their hearts and home to foster children. Two of their foster
      PICTURE: MCYS  -  1,018 words
    • News TNP Auction
      • 627 14  -  His parents helped him cut outTNP$notesafterwork REPORT: CHERYL LIM FOR about two months, he had been sowing the seeds Yesterday, Mr Mohamad Nazrin Roslan 28, who works in the retail industry, finally reaped his harvest when he was presented with the Ducati Monster
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  627 words
    • 425 15 Over 60 animals owned by convicted Malaysian smuggler rescued CONVICTEDwildlifesmugglerAnsonWong’spri-vate and illegal zoo was so big, Malaysian wildlife authorities took two days to rescue the animals. On Thursday evening, National Parks and Wildlife Department officers seized more than 60 birds, snakes and monitor
      PICTURE: GUANG MING DAILY  -  425 words
    • 275 15 A HONG Kong court has jailed the former chairman of Ocean Grand Holdings and his five accomplices for cheating the company of HK$180 million (S$30 million). Michael Yip, 51, his younger sister, Wan Fung, 42, who was a company director, and
      PICTURE: APPLE DAILY  -  275 words
    • 418 16 / 17 Even as Palestine-Israel tension deepens,acardrivenbyaJewish hardlinerploughsintoPalestinianboys TWO stone-throwing Palestinian boys were run over and injured by a car driven by a Jewish settlement leader in an east Jerusalem flashpoint, police and witnesses said. The incident occurred after Friday prayers in the run-down neighbourhood of Silwan,
      PICTURES: AFP  -  418 words
    • 922 18 / 19 USmulti-millionaireJohnHenry, whocouldsoonownLiverpoolFC, isamajorhitonandoffthefield SHY,awkward,enigmatic.John W Henry has been described differently by different people. But all agree on one word successful. Perhaps that’s why he is coming to Liverpool, to translate the success he has had with Major League Baseballteam Boston Red Sox.
      PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  922 words
    • 488 20 A 15-year-old boy in Italy has receivedanartificialheart.It’sthefirsttime theprocedurehasbeenperformedonachild andthedeviceimplantedpermanently SOURCES: DAILY MAIL, TIME HE HAS Duchenne’s syndrome, an illness which causes rapid muscle degeneration. Everybody had given up hope when a group of surgeons decided to try to save him by installing an artificial
    • News Snapshot
      • 130 21 Reuters CHINA hit back yesterday at US claims that it was shirking in the fight against climate change. It likened criticisms from the Obama administration’s top climate envoy to a pig preening itself in a mirror. US climate envoy Todd Stern had remarked
        Reuters  -  130 words
      • 115 21 AP SIXTY-SIX agonising days after their gold and copper mine collapsed above them, 33 miners in Chile were offered a way out yesterday as a drill broke through to their underground purgatory. undergroundpurgatory. The drill’s success was announced with the blast
        AP  -  115 words
      • 110 21 AFP CHINA yesterday released the last of four Japanese men held in the north of the country for allegedly filming a military site. The State Security Bureau has released Mr Sadamu Takahashi on bail after ordering him to write a “statement of repentance”,the official
        AFP  -  110 words
      • 94 21 AFP INDIAslammed“racist”e-mailscir-culated by Australian police along with a video of an Indian man being electrocuted on top of a train. It followed a series of violent attacks against Indians, Australia’s Herald Sun said. Comments including “this might be a way to fix the
        AFP  -  94 words
      • 298 21 FIREWORKS EXPLOSION IN HANOI THE Singaporean woman who was among three foreigners and a Vietnamese killed in a fireworks explosion in Hanoi on Wednesday has been identified. In a statement, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said yesterday that the Vietnamese authorities have officially
        298 words
      • Article, Illustration
        51 21 FIERY END: A BMW burst into flames along Upper Paya Lebar Road on Friday evening. The male driver and his female passenger quickly got out after seeing smoke from the engine. Traffic was held up for 45 minutes as firefighters put out the fire. PICTURE: SHIN MIN DAILY
        PICTURE: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS  -  51 words
    • News Exchange
      • 371 22  -  THE BUZZ REPORT: MELVIN SINGH MYDOMESTIChelperdoesn’tusetheInternet.She also doesn’t wash my car, cook, do windows or ceiling fans, and despite my children’spleas,shedoesn’tservethemdrinks. The New Paper recently reported that a domestic worker from Myanmar had been uploading racy pictures of herself online (above). She
        371 words
      • 146 22 Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad -20 Singapore went into mourning for the passing of an iconic figure, Mrs Lee Kuan Yew, 1920-2010. +10 The number of complaints against companies offering SMS services has dropped by half, from 223 in 2008 to 114 last year to 62 in the first half of
        146 words
      • 18 22 “CanIinstallasmallfanat mydesk?” –Anewemployeewhenaskedifhehad any IT-related questions. “Ifeellikecancellingthe ‘Liver’onmyjerseyand writing‘Black’overit,” –ALiverpoolfanafterhisteam lost 2-1 to Blackpool.
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  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements
    • 22 2 / 3 –additionalreportingbyVeenaBharwani More reports/ NEXT PAGE Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 To subscribe: TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 6388 3838
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 342 7 I-TUDE IT T SCAPE AND REDEEM SPECIAL GIFTS Grab the special card stuck on the cover of today's papers and start redeeming your gifts as you spend at *SCAPE. Here are just a few of these awesome deals to start with: vW w® J® *SCAPE A SOCIAL RETAIL COLONY Chertique
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
    • 244 12 / 13 US$5M INSURANCE SCAM Police and AIA investigate fake insurance policy sold to Indonesian businessman TO un &^nn6ction t I II Hallow een Party 7W: \r S6 r =S Come, party with ghastly apparitions and new friends this Halloween at the Night Safari! Fortify yourself with a morbid feast and fascinating
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  • Page 12 / 13 Miscellaneous
    • 43 12 / 13 From the Director of "Meet the Parents" "OUTRAGEOUSLY FUNNY!" "HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!" Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV Mose Persico, CTV Steve Carell Paul Rudd M us V Kfi S V\ A Dinner/or Schmucks NOW SHOWING ttfcrejasi »iit»h NCI 6 1 SEXUAL REFERENCES] WITH CHINESE SUBTITLES
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  • Page 16 / 17 Advertisements
    • 120 16 / 17 1 1 J i mi Vote a Win! fflpiiit 3 iPads up for grabs! Here are five sets of the coolest tees that best depict the friendly rivalry between ABU (Anything but United) SMS your vote to ***** by 18 October, midnight: Please SMS in this format: TNPTEES<space> and NBU
      120 words
    • 114 16 / 17 DOWNLOAD NOW... IS HERE! FREE Our iPhone app keeps you up to date with the EPL and Champions League TODAY ON LY 10 10 "TlT MONTH YEAR FROM SGD ONE WAY Fly from Changi Terminal 1 Kuala Lumpur Jakarta Yogyakarta Travel Period: 18 October 30 November 2010 Book now at
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  • Page 18 / 19 Advertisements
    • 97 18 / 19 S5 fSSsa If you've been missing out on all the good holiday deals, it's not too late to make your last-minute travel plans at NATAS Journeys! Organised by NATAS, this premier fair offers fantastic promotions and fabulous destination choices. Plus, you'll enjoy perks like exclusive MasterCard 6 privileges, great gifts
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    • 162 18 / 19 You’re invited! JOIN THE TNP CLUB! Call 6388 3838 to sign up as a member. WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL You’ll have a ‘home’ to gather at our TNP Sports Bar, watch and soak in the EPL atmosphere with like-minded readers of The New Paper. You can watch matches on any
      162 words

  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • enjoy
    • 757 23  -  Newly-crowned New FaceVivienOng’smum recalls the pain of raisinghertwochildren single-handedly REPORT:GERMAINE GERMAINE LIM BENEATHthegloryofvictoryliesalittleknownmystery.WhenVivienOngwasnamedTheNew PaperNew Face 2010 on Thursday night, her mum, younger sister and other relatives and friendswerebyhersidetocheerforher. Exceptherfather. Thirteenyearsago,hewentmissing. According to 19-year-old Vivien, he had failedtoreturntoworkfromlunchoneday. Her family made a police report the next day. Seven
    • 538 25  -  ButwhereinPusan are the movie stars? Tan Kee Yun IT WAS touted as one of Asia’s most prestigious and glamorous international film festivals. But as the red carpet rolled out on opening night, the question was: So where are the big movie stars? The 15th
    • Enjoy Fly On The Wall
      • 275 26  -  Wild Rice celebrates 10 yearswithspicyparty REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO GUARANTEE sedap until panas (so delectable it sizzles). You’d have thought that must be the dress code for The Red Hot Chilli Padi Ball celebrating 10 red hot years of Wild Rice. It was
        TNP PICTURES: BENJAMIN SEETOR  -  275 words
    • aspire
      • 702 27  -  REPORT: DOLORES TAY LAST I checked, I have exactly 34 pieces of jewellery one to represent each year of my life. Collecting one significant piece a year has become an annual year-end ritual since I inherited the first 21 pieces from my parents on
    • Enjoy 2 Wheels Good
      • 632 28/29  -  Ifyou’replanningtogoon along-distanceride,remembertofuelup or risk falling off your bike from lack of energy DANSON CHEONG sg THE mere mention of this condition strikes fear in the hearts of endurance athletes. It has many names. Cyclists call it “the bonk”. To marathoners, it is known as “hittingthewall”.
        TNP PICTURE: LIM WEI LI  -  632 words
      • 512 28/29 IT HAS been more than a month since the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) ended and sports facilities that were closed for the Games have been reopened. But the Tampines Bike Park is not one of them. According to a statement by the Singapore
        PICTURE: SPH-SYOGOC  -  512 words
    • Enjoy Table For 4
      • 535 30  -  CHERYL LIM IN SINGAPORE’S competitive dining scene, restaurants tend to come and go quickly. That’s why it’s no mean feat when a restaurant manages to thrive after 34 years in operation. Red House opened in 1976 in a striking red colonial bungalow in
        PICTURES: RED HOUSE  -  535 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 406 31  -  HEDY KHOO WHYdon’tyouevertalktome?Womenguiltyofthisfamiliaraccusa-tion against their less than talkative men should check out the grass on the other side. More frightening than a quiet and boring man is Mr Know-It-All who has an unwanted (readdiffering)opiniononeverything. Reticenceorbetterstill,silence,areoft-over-lookedvirtues. A manwho agreeswith you via a simple
    • Enjoy Family Matters
      • 425 32  -  Fighting just means boys are bonding JASON JOHNSON FATHER FIGURES BOYSfight.Itisinevitable.Just this past week, my son Jet’s homeroom teacher told my wife that she had seen him hit anotherboyintheface. Jet’sdefencewasthattheotherboyhadhithimfirst. Later that night, when my wife told Jet to tell me exactly
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  425 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 558 34  -  The sooner Chow Yun-Fat gives awayhis millions, the better for charity SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JUST PAIK CHOO AH FATT Kor, ah, even your name wears that ring of prosperity round it, so since you’ll be taking it with you to
        PICTURE: STARHUB  -  558 words
      • REALLY?
        • 90 34 Odd news that’sfor real A CHARITY calendar featuring Austrian farm girls in recreations of classic movie scenes is reportedly selling like hot cakes. Organisers invited girls to submit their pictures for the Hollywood-style calendar– andgothundreds of responses. The best ones were included in the calendar and shops
          90 words
        • 118 34 Reuters CATCH a thief in the comfort of your home and you could win a prize. The new British monitoring scheme works by employing an army of registered armchair snoopers who watch hours of CCTV footage from cameras in stores and high street venues across the country.
          Reuters  -  118 words
      • 312 34  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR FOR the past few days, I have been following every game in a major sporting event happening in another countryanditdoesn’tinvolvekickingaballor disqualifying Singapore swimmers for tardiness. I’mtalkingaboutthe2010MajorLeagueBaseball post-seasonplay-offs.Yes,I’mabaseballfan. No,wait,don’trunaway.Thisisnotoneofthose columns where the writer is a
        312 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • Page 28/29 Advertisements
    • 47 28/29 BAG THESE GOODIES THENew Paperis givingaway30 sets of nutritiongoodiebags. The goodiebags,which range in value from$35 to$51 each, arecourtesy ofKey PowerInternational,Athlete’s Circleand 2xSFB. Towin agoodiebag, answer this question: Whatis the medicalterm for “the bonk”in cycling? SMSyour answerto***** in this format: TNPWHEEL<space>An-swer<space>NRIC<space>e-mail address<space>Name. EachSMS costs20 cents. Multiple entriesare allowed.
      47 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 76 31 c> r N PARTYCHAT 1900-912- 9600 Cash 1 °P to Ooo $2 45C per min T&C Apply L v CALL PRIVACY: No 1900 Hp Billl Chat Bill by jsj DEBIT/Credit card. Hurry! FirstlOmin@ONLY 1.99. Call 6767-6969 Now! -P) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers
      76 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 96 32 L=r I* I t ate Yo C h atty B u LI g Yu 0 0 /r u> O O r 50cents/ min Ladies Free Line: ***** 800 TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000.* The Most Happening Chat Club Online payment available Terms Conditions apply. All
      96 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous

  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 274 33 WATCH’EM CHANNEL5 11.00am 19thCommonwealth Games(Daily Highlights) 11.30 19thCommonwealth Games(DailyAction) 7.30pm Movie:What HappensIn Vegas 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 Top10 Noose Special 10.30 HairMatters101 11.00 19thCommonwealth Games(Daily Highlights) 11.30 19thCommonwealth Games(DailyAction) SororityRow StarMovies(StarHubCh622),9pm Agroupofsororitysisterstriestocoverupthedeath oftheirhousesisterafteraprankgoeswrong–only tobestalkedbyaserialkiller.StarringRumerWillis, BrianaEvigan. TerrorTrap MAX(StarHubCh611),10pm Ayoungcouplewhoisstrandedinaruraltown unwittinglychecksintoamotelrunbyagangof twistedmaskedkidnappers,torturersandkillers. StarringMichaelMadsen,DavidJamesElliott. SURIA 10.00am BubbleBoyz 10.30 KeluargaPintar 11.00 Budaya36-0 11.30 O.K.B 12.30pm
      274 words

  • sports
    • Racing
      • 1111 36 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 1.15 -1200m(SC) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 0049-- BeeBeeStar 57 (33) AKumarc1 13 (6nzgTonyYeoh-Gladwin) 2 35---7 BlueCentre 57 (33) SRuzaini*c2 6 (5ahSCook-BlueGrass) 3 *****8 LordGreg 56 (31) LSofhan 9 (11nzgCecilRobert-Happiness) 4 -4-002 ManWithHonour 55.5 (30) YAifyc1
        1,111 words
      • 106 36 RACE 1:8 Fishing 4 Man With Honour 7 Fond Memory 10 Big Wheel. RACE 2:10 Tower Of Strength 8 Royal Sprint 9 Dancing Grey 12 Tommaloms. RACE 3:7 Just Let Go 11 New GreenWood 2 Ba Ba Rich 1 Top Cat. RACE4:1JointEffort3Mayo’sDancer2SecretariatPrince4RoyalBest. RACE 5:6 Tiger Captain
        106 words
      • 135 36 THESE horses have won or were placed in soft or heavy tracks. RACE 1: Man With Honour, Marvellous Present, Mighty Ace, Fond Memory, Fishing, Big Wheel, Bon Voyage, Pegasus Royal. RACE 2: Sparkling Rainbow, Dancing Grey, Tommaloms, I Agree. RACE4:JointEffort,Mayo’sDancer,Brilliant Tycoon, Best Honour, Kristhunder, All Good, Crocodile Dundee. RACE
        135 words
      • 590 37 LASTFRIDAY’SSINGAPORESTIPENDIARYSTEWARDS’REPORTHIGHLIGHTS WHEN questioned regarding the run of VANQUISH in Race 3 on Friday, jockey Danny Beasley said that the gelding showed no early pace and failed to respond in the middle stages when ridden hard. He added that the gelding had disappointed despite running
        590 words
      • 580 37 Race1 C5(SC)1200m 14 THEPILOT50c51(38-12) BNShahrul (8) 2 2 1 (514) 4 WARRIORSPIRIT56(67-19) SSalee (1) 3 3 2 (447) 0.5 11 TIGERONTHEHILL53.5c53(52-13) SMutaza* (3) 8 8 3 (464) 1 1 BLUECANYON57(82-13) SHLee (6) 10 10 4 (455) 1.25 XWinning stable: Super King. Trainer: S
        580 words
      • 790 37 YESTERDAY'S AUSTRALIA (CAULFIELD ROSEHILL BELMONT TOOWOOMBA) RESULTS RACE 1 (Caulfield) 1st 6 So You Think ($6-$5) 2nd 5 Alcopop ($30) 3rd 2 Whobegotyou (no 3rd dividend) 4th 3 Red Ruler. Forecast $26. Tierce $54. Trio $7. Quartet $152. RACE 2 (Rosehill) 1st 10 Ofcourseican ($21 -$6) 2nd 9 Dystopia ($12)
        790 words
      • 1134 38 ITIPSANDCOMMENTSBYPHILLIP WOO, COURTESY OF THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB. RACE 1 (1,200m) King Of Hearts (2) kept promising without delivering last season, but has returned with two positive runs this term, including a recent second behind Joyful Joyful at the city track. Drawnwell,he’stheonetobeat.
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    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 513 39  -  GODFREY ROBERT SINGAPORE’S Lam Zhiqun had a day to forget. After his sensatonal five-under 66 on Friday that gave him the lead at the Asian Amateur Championship in Japan, Lam collapsed yesterday with a 78 to fall down the leaderboard. Five birdies was what
        513 words
      • 189 39 LEONG Kong Yon made it a double when he qualified again for the World Golfers Championship Finals. Leong, 65, who made it to Spainlast year, toppedthis year’s qualifiers too to win a ticket to Hua Hin in Thailand for the World Finals from Oct 30 to
        PICTURE: WGC  -  189 words
      • 132 39 AP JAPAN’S Mika Miyazato shot a nine-under 63 on Friday for a share of the second-round lead in the Navistar LPGA Classic in Alabama with Na Yeon Choi and Cristie Kerr. Winless in 40 career LPGA Tour starts, the 20-year-old Miyazato (right) had five
        AP  -  132 words
    • Sports Formula One
      • 468 40 Rain forces postponement of qualification in Suzuka AP QUALIFYINGfortheFormulaOneJapa-nese Grand Prix was postponed till this morning due to heavy rain that lashedtheSuzukacircuityesterday. Constantrainresultedinstreamsofwater running across the Suzuka track, and after a few inspection laps by the safety car, it was decided conditions were too dangerous
        AP; PICTURES: REUTERS  -  468 words
      • 338 40 Wire Services JENSONButtonhasbeentoldoffforovertaking,andis wary of being pulled over for speeding as well, as he preparesfortoday’sJapaneseGrandPrix. FortunatelyforMcLaren’sFormulaOnedriver,one of five drivers fighting for the title with four races remaining, the pre-race reprimand was handed out by an eagle-eyed hotel swimming pool attendant. Overtaking? No way, not
        Wire Services  -  338 words
    • Sports Tennis
      • 495 41 SerbrTroickiiiprovidesi trickyitrtest semisi JAPAN OPEN AP WORLD No. 1 Rafael Nadal needed two tie-breaks and a last-gasp service-break to beat unseeded Viktor Troicki yesterday and claim his place in the Japan Open final against Gael Monfils of France. Troicki served for the match in the third
        AP; PICTURES: AP, AFP  -  495 words
      • 206 41 CHINA OPEN Wire Services DEFENDING champion Novak Djokovic overcame a spirited early challenge from American wildcard John Isner to advance to the final of the China Open in straight sets yesterday. The 23-year-old Serb, the top seed in Beijing, will meetSpain’s DavidFerrer, whobeat Croatian Ivan
        Wire Services  -  206 words
      • 166 41 Wire Services CAROLINE Wozniacki of Denmark toppled Shahar Peer of Israel in straight sets to reach her first final of the China Open yesterday. It did not take long for Wozniacki to put a slightly slow start behind her and move closer to her sixth
        Wire Services  -  166 words
    • Sports Commonwealth Games
      • 318 42 / 43  -  Sicknesscan’tstopwomen shootersfromwinningsilver SHOOTING DAVID LEE IT’S THAT man again, sharpshooter Gai Bin, who has delivered another medal towards Singapore’s cause at the 19th Commonwealth Games. Partnering Poh Lip Meng in the 25m centrefire pistol men’s pairs event, the 42-year-old Gai,
        PICTURE: AFP  -  318 words
      • 307 42 / 43 ARCHERY EventRecurveIndividualWomen’s Quarter-finals Vanessa Loh Tze Rong BADMINTON Event Mixed Doubles, Round of 32 Hendra Wijaya, Shinta Mulia Sari toplay thewinner ofthe gamebetween Canada and Mauritius. Event Mixed Doubles, Round of 32 Hendri Kurniawan Saputra, Vanessa Neo Yu Yan toplay England Event Mixed Doubles, Round of 32
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      • 525 42 / 43 SWIMMING AP CANADA’SBrentHaydenwon the 50myesterday to complete a freestyle sprint double at the Commonwealth Games. Hayden finished in 22.01 seconds to beat defending champion Roland Schoeman of South Africa, a three-time Olympian who won the event at the recent Pan-Pacific championships, on the final night of
        AP; PICTURE: AP  -  525 words
      • 282 42 / 43 ATHLETICS AFP AUSTRALIA and England shared the 20km walk gold medals yesterday with seven more up for grabs as one of the most decorated athletes of the Games takes to the stage. Jared Tallent took the men’s walk title while England’s Jo Jackson broke
        AFP; PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  282 words
    • Sports Football
      • 908 44 / 45  -  Moresupporters needed, not armchair critics GODFREY ROBERT COMMENT A FREE-FOR-ALL in a recent S-League match has become the trigger-point for some critics to enjoy bashing Singapore’s professional football competition. And over the past few days, when news of Singapore’s impending break from the AFC
        TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  908 words
      • 586 44 / 45  -  DAVID LEE SHOULD the S-League be shut down? The recent torrent of negative publicity revolving around plummeting attendances and the infamous Jalan Besar footbrawl have led some observers to call for a revamp of Singapore’spremier footballcompetition. Some have even suggested, after 15 seasons of
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      • 240 44 / 45 FOREIGN TALENT This year, French side Etoile FC have proven their worth. They are leading the table and are a good bet for the title. Foreign teams have also contributed to the success of the Foreign Talent Scheme.Sinchi’s Shi Jiayiand Qiu Liare recognised Singapore internationals. INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS Two
        PICTURE: COURTESY OF SAFFC  -  240 words
    • Sports Singapore Cup
      • 217 46  - Claim your W-Cup money or else it goes to charity GREGORY LOO IT HAS been three months since Andres Iniesta scored the goal that gave Spain their first World Cup trophy. Yet, some punters still haven’t collected their money or what’s left of it from their World Cup accounts with
        217 words
      • 662 46  -  QUARTER-FINALS FIRST LEG YOUNG LIONS 1 (Hafiz Abu Sajad 76) ALBIREXNIIGATA0 GREGORY LOO MISSING four players all suspended for their part in the brawl with Beijing Guoan. Facing seven games over 15 days, just after the majority of the Young Lions squad went to
        PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  662 words
    • Sports International Friendlies
      • 471 47 AUSTRALIA 1 (David Carney 53) PARAGUAY0 AFP A CRACKING volley from defender David Carney gave Australia a 1-0 win over World Cup quar-ter-finalists Paraguay in a tune-up for January’sAsian Cupin Qatar. The Blackpool left-back’s well-struck goal in the 53rd minute proved the difference as the Socceroos
        AFP; PICTURES: AP  -  471 words
      • 149 47 NEW ZEALAND 1 (Chris Wood 13) HONDURAS1 (Walter Martinez 64) Reuters SHANE Smeltz squandered two golden opportunities to give New Zealand victory over Honduras in a friendly yesterday, missing a last-minute penalty and blazing the rebound over the bar to leave the score tied at 1-1.
        Reuters  -  149 words
    • Sports Euro 2012 Qualifiers
      • 563 48 / 49 GROUP I SPAIN 3 (Fernando Llorente 47,56, David Silva 79) LITHUANIA 1 (Darvydas Sernas 54) Wire Services THERE is life without Fernando Torres after all. Spain striker Fernando Llorente, getting a rare start in place of the injured Torres, helped himself to a double to inspire
        Wire Services; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  563 words
      • 795 48 / 49 GROUP C NORTHERNIRELAND 0 ITALY0 Wire Services LUCKY, lucky Italy. The four-time world champions were fortunate to escape unscathed from Belfast after a 0-0 draw in their Euro 2012 qualifier against Northern Ireland. If only Irish striker David Healy had converted a golden opportunity in
        Wire Services; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  795 words
      • 931 50 / 51 GROUP H PORTUGAL 3 (Nani 29,31, Ronaldo 85) DENMARK 1 (RicardoCarvalho79o.g) WINGER Luis Nani inspired Portugal to a 3-1 win over Denmark in a Euro 2012 Group H qualifier by scoring twice and creating another to give new coach Paulo Bento a winning start. “I’m naturally
        PICTURE: AP  -  931 words
      • 305 50 / 51 GROUP G WALES0 BULGARIA 1 (Ivelin Popov 48) Reuters BULGARIA responded well to a tricky opening 45 minutes against Wales and deserved their 1-0 win after an impressive second-half performance, said Lothar Matthaeus, who made his debut as coach of the Balkan country. Ivelin Popov scored the
        Reuters; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  305 words
      • 108 50 / 51 AP MIRKO Vucinic scored in the 67th minute to help Montenegro beat Switzerland 1-0 for their third straight victory in Euro 2012 qualifying. Vucinic scored from a dead angle, placing the ball behind Swiss goalkeeper Marco Wolffli after a neat 1-2 with midfielder Mitar Novakovic in
        AP  -  108 words
      • 429 50 / 51 PA Sport AP AP GROUP I CZECH REPUBLIC 1 (Roman Hubnik 69) SCOTLAND0 GARY Caldwell insists Scotland are still on course to clinch second spot in their Euro 2012 qualifying group despite the 1 -0 defeat against Czech Republic. CraigLevein’smen suffered theirfirst lossofthe campaign when Roman Hubnik grabbed
        PA Sport; AP  -  429 words
      • 385 52 / 53 GROUP E MOLDOVA0 HOLLAND 1 (Klaas-Jan Huntelaar 37) Wire Services AWIN is a win, but seriously, don’t we expect more from World Cup finalists Holland? The Oranje could only conjure a 1-0 victory against minnows Moldova yesterday, with Klaas Jan Huntelaar’s first-half goal
        Wire Services; PICTURE: AP  -  385 words
      • 362 52 / 53 GROUP B REP OF IRELAND 2 (Robbie Keane 72pen, Shane Long 78) RUSSIA 3 (Alexander Kerzhakov 11, Alan Dzagoyev 29, Roman Shirokov 50) PA Sport GIOVANNI Trapattoni admitted the Republic of Ireland did not deserve to get anything out of yesterday’s Euro 2012 qualifier against
        PA Sport  -  362 words
      • 570 52 / 53  -  GROUP A GERMANY 3 (Miroslav Klose 42,87, Mesut Oezil 79) TURKEY0 GARY LIM ANOTHERvictory.Anothersolidperformance.And yet another “foreigner-in-spired”victory. Ina game which Germany had to stamp their authority against their toughest Group A rivals of their Euro 2012 qualifying campaign, Turkey, they thrilled their fans with
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  570 words
    • 547 54 / 55 EURO 2012 QUALIFIERS PA Sport HISmostloyalsupporterisaway.ButSunderland’s Darren Bent would still relish the chance of making his firstseniorEnglandstartatWembleyonTuesday. Bent’s No. 1 fan has been mum Shirley fromthefirstdayshekickedaballaroundthe Tootingstreetswherehegrewup. In an ideal world, she would be in the Wembley stands next
      PA Sport; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  547 words
    • 230 54 / 55 PA Sport STEWART Downing has been called intothe EnglandsquadforTuesday’s Euro 2012 qualifier with Montenegro after Aaron Lennon was ruled out with a sore back. The Tottenham Hotspur winger missed training on Friday after reporting the problem. Following further tests yesterday morning, it was decided to release
      PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  230 words
    • 163 54 / 55 EURO U-21 PLAYOFFS PA Sport CHRISSmalling’sfirstgoalforEnglandUnder-21sgave Stuart Pearce’s side a slender 2-1 lead from the first leg of their European Championship playoff against a well-organised Romania side at Carrow Road yesterday morning. Sunderland youngster Jordan Henderson volleyed England ahead just after the hour mark, only for an
      PA Sport  -  163 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 518 54 / 55 PA Sport MANCHESTER United chief executive David Gill has said fans should not fear the club going down the same road as Liverpool despite losses of £83.6 million ($176m). Fans’groupManchesterUnitedSupporters’ Trust (MUST) say the “clock is ticking” on the Glazer family’s ownership of United
        PA Sport  -  518 words
      • 339 54 / 55 WES BROWN’S future at Manchester United is hanging by a thread after a screaming row with Alex Ferguson. Brown had the bust-up on the pre-season tour of America and has not started a league game since. And he believes his Old Trafford
        PICTURES: AP, ACTION IMAGES  -  339 words
      • ONTV
        • 33 54 / 55 LIVE TELECASTS EURO QUALIFIERS Wednesday: IITALYv SERBIA StarHub TV Ch 201,2.30am IHOLLANDvSWEDEN StarHub TV Ch 202,2.55am ISCOTLAND vSPAIN StarHub TV Ch 222,2.55am IENGLANDv MONTENEGRO SingTel mio TV Ch 115,2.55am *Alltelecastsliveunlessotherwisestated.Forthelatest,pleasecheck *Programmetimes,providedbySingTel&StarHub,subjecttochange
          33 words
        • 17 54 / 55 JAPAN OPEN Today: IFINAL StarHub TV Ch 202,12pm CHINA OPEN Today: IFINAL StarHub TV Ch 211,4pm
          17 words
          19 words
        • 11 54 / 55 ALFRED DUNHILL LINKS Today: IDAY 4 StarHub TV Ch 213,7.45pm
          11 words
        • 26 54 / 55 JAPANESE GRAND PRIX Today: IQUALIFYINGROUND SingTelmio TVCh115, 11.30am IRACEDAY SingTel mio TV Ch 115,1pm IMAINRACE SingTelmio TVCh115, 1.45pm ICHEQUERED FLAG SingTel mio TV Ch 115,3.45pm
          26 words
    • 34 54 / 55 SINGAPORE-BASED CONSORTIUM IN LIVERPOOL FRAME (TNP, 9 October): In this story, we named Mr Steve McMahon as a commercial director with Profitable Group. That is incorrect. Mr McMahon left Profitable Group last year.
      34 words
    • Article, Illustration
      448 56  -  GaoNingsnatcheswinnerasSingapore’smenpaddlersclaimafirst DAVID LEE THE MEN have done it. With a 3-1 win over underdogs England in yesterday’s final, Singapore’s table tennis men players, for so long overshadowed by their women counterparts’achievements,finally haveaCommonwealth Games gold to their names and around their necks. Heading to India as the No.
      PICTURE: AFP  -  448 words

  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 29 38 Saturday,October***** First Second Third 3805 2414 8318 Starters 4822 1038 0409 5804 3471 0968 8616 8736 9272 9372 Consolations 2383 8231 3367 1429 8606 5812 3921 2232 4910 2388
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  • Page 56 Advertisements
    • 28 56 GODFREY ROBERT: Look at the positives of the S-League. Page 44 GARYLIM: Imports play big part in German triumph over Turks. Page 53 MORE COMMONWEALTH GAMES REPORTS: Pages42-43
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