The New Paper, 19 September 2010

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Total Pages: 47
1 60 The New Paper
  • 11 1 The New Paper on sun day 80 CENTS MICA (P) 118/01/2010
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 EXCLUSIVE Former United defender Paul Parker says Rooney will be key in Devils’ win 56 *****1 *****9 COSMETICS MILLIONAIRE MURDER SEPT 19 2010 Dark Secluded Scary OUR TEAM JOURNEYS INTO MALAYSIA’S TNP PICTURE: MOHD ISHAK DEATH OMIGINAL TNI 3 Dot IAHS 400 °*iy BP* TNP I new PAPER
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  • News M'sian Cosmetics Millionaire Murder
    • 1200 2 / 3  -  REPORTING FROM BANTING, SELANGOR TheNewPaperonSundaytraces theroutetakenbycosmetics queenSosilawatiLawiyafromher meetingatthelawyer’sofficeto hermurderatasecludedfarm, thentotheriverwhereherremains are likely dumped CHAI HUNG YIN MOHD ISHAK SAMON TOhisneighbours,hewasafriendlyandgenerousman.But the main suspect linked with the death of cosmeticsmillionaire,DatukSosilawatiLawiya,47,and threeothershidesadarkside. Heisnowbelievedtobeaserialkiller. A disbarred lawyer linked to the death of at least 20 people,asMalaysiannewspapersreportsuggest. How did

  • News
    • 780 4 / 5  -  Man(above)founddeadincaratEast CoastPark.Hiswifeclaimshehad been trying to fund gambling habit REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN HE KEPT his gambling habit from his family. Several years back, his wife had caught him placing bets online and warned him about it. But photo shop owner Ng Ngai Chan,
      PICTURE: LIANHE WANBAO  -  780 words
    • 17 4 / 5 COMCARE HELPLINE: 1800-222 0000 CARE CORNER COUNSELLING (MANDARIN): 1800-353 5800 SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE: 1800-*****44 (24 hours)
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    • 561 4 / 5  -  Geylang Road fatal crash REPORT: NG WAN CHING A MONK dressed in saffron robes, eyes closed, was solemnly offering prayers and chants. Around him, workers were banging away at steel beams. That was the scene on a crowded five-foot-way in Geylang yesterday,
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    • 580 6 / 7  -  Andhere’stoyou,MrRobinsons REPORTS: NG WAN CHING MAURICIO SOLIANO, 72 WHEN Mr Mauricio Soliano got a high fever last year, he had to be hospitalised for the first time in his life. And the nurses had a hard time trying to get the feisty bachelor to take
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  580 words
    • 194 6 / 7 The senior nurse manager says retirement is not easy for him. “Ihavebeenactively serving since I joined nursing in 1959. Idling at home is not mycupoftea,”saidMrSingh who lives with his wife and two unmarried children. When he reached retirement age in 2002, there was a reassessment of
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    • 190 6 / 7 HE was the longest-serving dean of the National University of Singapore’sFacultyofMedicine (1980 to 1994). The emeritus consultant in the department of pathology at National University Hospital (NUH) also helped to set up the hospital in 1985. He has three reasons for continuing to work. Hesaidhe’sstillproductive, the nature
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    • 433 6 / 7 AS OF Dec 31 last year, over 121,000 people contributing to CPF were aged over 60. That makes up about 7 per cent of all those contributing to CPF. This figure has been going up steadily over the years. As Singapore greys
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    • 190 6 / 7 HE STARTED his latest job at the age of 66 when he j oined Adecco Singapore as part of its Engineering Recruitment Division. The engineer had spent the earlyparts of his career with the Singapore Navy and Singapore Airlines. Then he spent 20
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    • 717 8  -  Thisgreat-grandmahas outlivedhubbyandchildren but remains happy with life REPORT:ZUBAIDAH ZUBAIDAH NAZEER SHE irons and folds clothes and helps with other household chores. When The New Paper on Sunday met her recently, she was as busy as the rest of the family. They were
      PICTURES: BERITA HARIAN  -  717 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1013 10 / 11  - FREE EASY? There’sarefreeridesevenaftertheIRs withdrawtheirshuttleservices.Butcrossing theislandrequirestimeandpatience REPORT:CHERYL REPORT:CHERYL LIM THE assignment sounded simple enough. Find out how far a budget-conscious commuter could get across the island without spending a cent by using free shuttle bus services. Why is that? Because some people value such services, judging from the outcry over
      TNP PICTURES: JACINDA YEO  -  1,013 words
    • 399 10 / 11 CHECKS by The New Paper on Sunday showed that there are at least 40 places offering free shuttle services across Singapore. Some take passengers to the nearest MRT stations, others take them further afield. Of these places, at least 16 are shopping centres. Others
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    • 734 12 / 13  -  Couplessaysuchworkshops forcethemtoconsiderissues likefinancesandhavingkids REPORT:VEENA VEENA BHARWANI MARRIAGEisnoteasy.AdivorceewhogavehernameonlyasMsJoesaid:“ThefirsttimeIgotmarried,Iwas23and madlyinlove.Itmademeblindtomanyissues.” Her husband was an alcoholic who would not change his ways and the marriage lasted only four years. The number of divorces here is rising and the Governmentisconcerned. Earlierthisweek,theMinistryofCommunityDevelopment,YouthandSports(MCYS)proposed thatmarriage preparation courses be made mandatory for
    • 336 12 / 13  -  Veena Bharwani PART-TIME cabby Alex Wong used an unusual tool to track down a passenger who left her pouch in his taxi three weeks ago: Facebook. He found two thumb drives, two sets of keys and a diamond ring in the Coach
      TNP PICTURE: YAP NING  -  336 words
    • 61 12 / 13 The MCYS proposal is part of a seriesofchanges tothe Women’s Charter. It is to strengthen enforcement of maintenance orders, update marriage registration requirements for overseas Singaporeans and Singapore permanent residents, and to stem the growing number of divorces in Singapore. MCYS is now asking
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    • 224 14 PAKISTAN’Scricketteamfacednewallegations of spot-fixing yesterday after the International Cricket Council (ICC) launched an investigation intoFriday’sone-dayinternationalagainst England. It comes just three weeks after one of thesport’sbiggestbettingscandalsemergedon the tour. The latest probe is based on information receivedbytheICCbeforeFriday’smatchfroma British newspaper, which claimed that a scoring patterninPakistan’sinningswasprearranged. “AsourceinformedTheSunnewspaperthata certain
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    • 555 14 Motheroftwoparalysedand cancommunicateonlywith eye movement and computer POLE dancing is no longer a traditional strip club act. It has become part of the fitness regimen for many women. Mrs Debbie Plowman, a 32-year-old mother of two, was also a fan of pole dancing
      TNP FILE PICTURE  -  555 words
    • 707 15 UK woman weds dead soldier (right) oneveofAfghanelections– 4 monthsafterhe’skilledbyTaleban ITWASamarriagelikeanyother.Buttheonlythingwasthegroomwassixfeetunder.Mrs Kelly Burgess, 20, fiancee of Afghan war heroJonathanBurgess,wentaheadwiththemarriageanyway,fourmonthsafterhewasfelledina gunbattlewiththeTaleban. He is among the 334 British soldiers killed in Afghanistansince2001,evenastheWesternpowers face an uphill battle to beat back the Taleban challenge, stabilise the country and bring
      PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  707 words
    • Article, Illustration
      552 16/17 Directorcommissionsprototypesubmarineto film Avatar follow-up 11km underwater JAMES Cameron’s movies make the world sit up and take notice. Avatar, The Terminator, The Abyss, Ti- tanic– the listgoes on. Now it has been announced that the multi-Oscar-winning film director plans to travel to the bottom of the Challenger Deep, part

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 Touch. Type. Or have it both ways. The new Nokia X3 Touch and Type Whetheryouchoosetotouchortype,theNokiaX3isthedevice for you. With both touchscreen and keypad, it’s easy to: play games or music update your Facebook and Twitter accounts download apps from Ovi Store and more! Get the best of both worlds all on
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 183 10 / 11 Cinderella Little Singapore Pageant Manhunt 2011 2011 CINDERELLA SINGAPORE PAGEANT LITTLE MANHUNT 2011 If your kids are talented and good looking, here's your chance to show case their looks, talent and modelling skills. There are 3 age groups for girls and boys: For more information, please contact Cinderella Singapore Pageant
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  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
    • 839 12 / 13 10.10.10 700 couples will say I do Finding Love Are You Who You Want To Date? ;V, =3 Is there a sure way to know if our first date or dating partner is right for us? In the second of two articles, love coach Kloudiia Tay, who has found love
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 16/17 Advertisements
    • 300 16/17 Il TREATS VDmk Or SJ PsSMEKrJx^M >LU3 my IE mmwi t c;pST a comprehensive Don't miss your C0 ?J nq w -,th reviews, articles rSisrsfcs-V^?!. p -T-r °£onlyhopeW.. mil kV.: ii :ijhi nimm SflMUEi I will .3 i iJ'WAR IN CINEMAS 30 SEP mosaic ©SC£5ri.«— Rating: PG (Some Sexual
      300 words

  • News Snapshot
    • 120 18 AFP ARECORD140 traffic jams were observed on Friday evening in Beijing, state media reported, as the numberofvehiclesonBeijing’s streets exceeded 4.5 million. Fridaynight’srecordsnarlsina city already notorious for bottlenecks were worsened by rain and the approach of two national holidays, state-run CCTV reported.
      AFP  -  120 words
    • 80 18 AFP THE United States and Indonesia pledged on Friday to expand cooperation on a global scale, saying they can play supporting roles on hot-button issues, from the role of Islam to the Middle East conflict. Holdinganinaugural“JointCommission”onties, theUSandtheworld’slargestMuslim-majoritynation promised to appraise recent
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 107 18 NORTH Korea may have hit a snag in itsmovetoanointleaderKimJongIl’s son as his successor. The communist state has apparently put off its biggest political gathering in 30 years, which had been due to take place in the first half of this month, to elect the“highestleadingbody”oftheWorkers’Partyof
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    • 89 18 AFP ADRILLING operation has reached 33 miners who have been trapped in a Chile mine since last month. The 630m-deep hole now must be widened to bring the men out safely, a government official said. The extra work still required to extract the miners
      AFP  -  89 words
    • 258 18 NEW CITIZENS DEPUTY Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng and Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong have called on new citizens to give back to Singapore society by doing volunteer work. They were speaking at citizenship presentation ceremonies in Bishan Community Club and the Supreme Court yesterday,
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    • Article, Illustration
      46 18 THE MAN WHO STARES AT GHOSTS: Ghostly characters played by actors were spotted in broad daylight on Orchard Road yesterday. The actors were part of a walkabout to mark the start of the Halloween Horrors event at the Night Safari. TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  46 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

  • News Exchange
    • 439 19  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT:JASON JASON JOHNSON SEX and violence. Violence and sex. Sexy violence. Violent sex. Sexy sex. Violent violence. Sexy, violent sex-violence! Yes, it seems that R21 movies could be on the way to Singapore’sheartlandsandmayhemissuretoensue. Or is it? A committee chaired by Mr Goh
      439 words
    • 140 19 Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad -10 School bus fees are set to rise by up to 20 per cent next year, The Straits Times reported. -10 The NDM-1 superbug was found in two patients at the Singapore General Hospital earlier this year. And the H1N1 flu virus can mutate into a
      140 words
    • 19 19 “That'snotaboy,it’s gotlonghair!” –agirl’sobservationafterherbrother pointed to someone who looked strange to him “Let’sgethimdrunk” “Hasheeverneeded yourhelpbefore?” –twomenplanningafriend’sstagnight
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • enjoy
    • Article, Illustration
      1013 20 / 21  -  Love her or hate her, Lady Gaga has taken flesh-baringoutfitsto a whole new level REPORTS: JULIANA JUNE RASUL “LADYGaga meatdress.” A week after the MTV Video Music Awards (VMA), where the pint-sized popstar swept up eight trophies, that’s still the top search term on the Internet, web-ranking
      1,013 words
    • 296 20 / 21 It's real 'smelled good' “OMGISTHAT THINGREAL?” That was one of the many astonished tweets that popped up during the MTV Video Music Awards (VMA) telecast when Lady Gaga appeared in her third costume of the night– adress thatlooked verymuch like it was made from strips of meat draped around her
      296 words
    • Enjoy Family Matters
      • 580 24  -  Girl, 5, wants to be pro racecar driver REPORT:JOANNE JOANNE SOH LEWIS Hamilton had his first go-kart at age six. Jenson Button got his at eight. Little Kwee Kayli has beaten these FormulaOne(F1)stars. She was only four when she got her go-kart, and now
        PICTURES: COURTESY OF KEVIN KWEE  -  580 words
      • 409 25  -  JASON JOHNSON FATHER FIGURES A JOINT study conducted recently by French, Italian and Canadian researchers found that Canadian parents are the most lenient of the three nationalities. They didn’t really need a scientific study for this, actually. My laziness, arrogance, thoughtlessness and sense
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  409 words
    • Enjoy 2 Wheels Good
      • 687 26 / 27  -  SingaporeDucatiownersmaypledge allegiancetoonecolourbuttheyallhave... ZAIHAN MOHD YUSOF BIKER BOY THEY may all ride Ducati motorcycles and paint the town red as a group. But each Ducati owner sings a different tune. For Ducatisti or Italian for Ducati enthusiasts, the reasons why they choose to own Ducati bikes
      • 622 26 / 27 The2010F4fromMVAgustais an aerodynamic masterpiece ALLURING and captivating. These are traits often associated with the 2010 F4 from MV Agusta. You can’t help but be hypnotised by the design of the 998cc Italian sports bike as you trail the smooth contours of its sleek bodywork. Every bit of
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  622 words
    • Enjoy Table For 4
      • 427 30  -  CHERYL LIM HE’SItalianandafanof FormulaOne(F1) and the Ferrari team. So to celebrate the F1 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix race in Singapore later this month, chef Michele Pavanello of Otto Ristorante has come up with a special menu. To mark the high-octane event and to
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  427 words
      • Article, Illustration
        62 30 WHERE WE ATE Otto Ristorante 28 Maxwell Road #01-02 Red Dot Traffic Building Singapore *****0 Tel: 6227 6819 IIfyouwishto joinTable For 4, e-mail with your name, age, occupation and mobile phone number. Restaurants who would like to be considered for Table For 4, e-mail Justin Wu,
        62 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 344 31  -  HEDYKHOO PASTA and pretty girls have more in common than you think. Some meatiness and sauciness is always nice with a touch of sugar and spice. Seriously, who cares for a noodle head no matter how al dente? All you get is a plate of
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 485 32  -  It was a week where new rules ruled SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JUST PAIK CHOO GOOD week, bad week. Depends. Well, one out of four ain’t bad if you’reinto adultmovies. If you’re a gambling man, have left an ex-wife behind and
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  485 words
      • REALLY?
        • 125 32 Odd news that’sfor real Reuters MOTORISTSusingIreland’s new motorway network can expect to find themselves thirsty or bursting for the lavatory because the government hasn’tanymoney leftto build roadside service stations. The government body in charge of roads has begun erecting signs warning drivers not to expect any
          Reuters  -  125 words
        • 112 32 Reuters IT’Snot just peoplewho have differentaccents batsalso develop dialects depending on where they live, says a new study by Australian scientists. Researcher Brad Law of the Forest Science Center found that bats living in the forests along the east coast of the state of New South
          Reuters  -  112 words
      • 235 32  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR IHAVEreceivedafewe-mailsaboutlastweek’scolumn where I suggested that Singaporeans should stop teaching English to ourselves. One reader suggested that Americans alsoneedto stopteachingEnglishtothemselves.Thereason?“The wayAmericansmisspell‘color’annoysmetonoend.” Ah yes, the evils of American English. Being formerly partoftheBritishEmpire,weSingaporeansshouldn’t stand for such Yank deviance. Otherwise,
        235 words
    • Article, Illustration
      108 34 We're showcasing snapshots of your Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations today and the next. On Oct 3 and Oct 10, we will be publishing photographs of you in your favourite outfit. And from Oct 3 till Dec 26, the best photo of the week wins a $100 Gap voucher.
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  • Page 20 / 21 Advertisements

  • Page 22 / 23 Advertisements
    • 182 22 / 23 Joyce&TheBoyz showofftheir movesinOsaka THISdancecompetitionnotonlyletthem performonaninternationalstage,itallowed themtoseeJapanforthefirsttime. Localhip-hopgroupJoyce&TheBoyz,which wonSingaporeDanceDelightVol1inApril,gotto spendfourdaysinthelandoftherisingsun, courtesyofF&NSparklingDrinks. Theyhadbeaten18othergroupstoemerge championsinApril. Theirprizewasanall-expensespaidtripto Osaka,Japan,tocompeteagainsttheworld’s beststreetdancersintheJapanDanceDelight Vol 17finalslastmonth. ThisisthefirsttimeSingaporehassentateam tocompeteinthedancecompetition. Theteamalsowon$15,000worthofprizes, includingaHTCphoneand$800worthofSexy Diamondapparel. Inaddition,eachteammemberreceived$300 worthofdancelessonsatOSchool,alocal performingartscentre. Thegrouphas comealongway sinceitwasformed twoyears ago. Teamleader TerenceThen,23, said:“Wedon’t gettotravelandeat goodfoodveryoften. “So,forustogo overseasbecauseof danceisreallyadream cometrue.” Alleightmemberslivein HDBflats,andoneadmitshe hadnottravelledbeyond Malaysiabeforethetrip. Itwasalsotheteam’sfirst triptogether. Fiveofthemhadgoneto LasVegaslastyearto competeintheWorldHipHop Championship,wheretheycame in
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 93 24 Get cosy with these cop buddies comedyand the fourthtime Ferrellhas worked withdirectorAdam McKay (Step Brothers, TalladegaNights:The Ballad OfRicky Bobby, Anchorman:The LegendOfRon Burgundy). Italso starsEvaMendes, SteveCoogan and MichaelKeaton. The OtherGuys openshereon Sept 30. We’regivingaway 80 pairsoftickets toa specialSept28 preview screening, courtesyof SonyPictures. TurntoPage 17 tofind outhow youcanwin. THEREarethe superstars, theheroes and
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 81 25 <!^S8S The Most Happening ChatfClub loos "Q m U ©oee cents/min 11 i it ULLUL U @OEC PflQUW m cents/min a- Q&0B3 0333 OffiES 0®® t^SGS^^ttSftsfl Gash Online payment available Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Solutions Pte. Ltd. shall be final. Callers must be 18 years
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 36 25 GENERATION NEXT No time for your revisions yesterday? My Dad kept bugging me to play the new Halo video game with him... ...I had no choice, or he’d throw a sulky adult tantrum. Parents. I know.
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  • Page 28 / 29 Advertisements
    • 273 28 / 29 tev/ oaoer NEW FACE 2010 t i i Takashimaya Vouchers III] r« n Your vote decides the winner of Miss Popularity at The New Paper New Face 2010 Grand Final. You stand to win $1,000 worth of Takashimaya vouchers, while Miss Popularity will walk away with the $2,000 cash prize!
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 85 31 24hr Hot, Fun Zone LADIES WVns iPhone! BEYOflD YOUR rnniniiei! Free Chat *****900 ULVE§1=2-1 19.0 Or 91 V First 45sec FREE v Switch Chatmate after 3mins V DEBIT/Credit card. Hurry! Get First IOmin@ONLY i 3 FULL PRIVACY: No 1900! Bill your Chat by $1.99. Call 6767-6969 Now! .<)) Callers must
      85 words

  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 334 33 WATCH’EM The Soloist HBO (StarHub Ch 601), 9pm A Los Angeles journalist befriends a homeless classical music prodigy while looking for a new article for his newspaper. Starring Robert Downey Jr, Jamie Foxx. Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking Discovery Channel (StarHub Ch 422), 9pm This new documentary special features
      334 words

  • Racing
    • 1890 35 ANDREWFROST’SCOMMENTS FORTODAY’SKRANJIRACES RACE 1 (1,400m) 1 Long Haul)))Fought hard to win last start and freshened up since then. Smart trial win on Tuesday. The one to beat. 2 Classic Key)))Two runs back from a spell have been encouraging and a better draw this time gives him
      TNP PICTURE: BENJAMIN SEETOR  -  1,890 words
    • 464 36/37 RACE1 CLASS4TURF 1000m 3 LUCKYMAGIC128(37-12) DWHYTE (9) 1 4 RARETREASURE127(69-18) YTCHENG (8) 2 7 STARLEGEND122(112-24) ODOLEUZE (1) 3 8 FAIRNAVIGATOR120(23-9) KCLEUNG (4) 4 XTrainer:J Size.Margins:2.25,Ns.Time:0min56.82sec(Going:Good).Forecast:$82.Place Forecast:$41 (Nos. 3-4),$87 (Nos.3-7), $65(Nos. 4-7).Tierce: $2575.Trio: $614. Quartet: No winner($8114jackpotcarriedforwardtonextrace). RACE2 CLASS4TURF 1200m 8 CRISTALMAGNUM123(15-10) DWHYTE (3) 1
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    • 1219 36/37 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C4D2 1.15 -1400m(Turf) Stakes:$55,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 7-241- LongHaul 58.5 (61) KBSoo 6 (5agHWTan-JS) 2 *****5 ClassicKey 56.5 (57) SCormack 2 (6nzhJMeagher-Lim's) 3 0-5 Zaccarat 56.5 (57) DBeasley 12 (5agSBurridge-Hippocrates) 4 0493-8 UGotIt
      1,219 words
    • 111 36/37 BEST BET: KNIGHT SPIRIT (Race 11 No. 2) WITH a fast-finishing debut second and two subsequent victories from as many starts, trainer Brian Dean’s KNIGHT SPIRIT (below, No. 2) is certainly a horse with a good future. The four-year-old possesses a blistering turn offoot,sotoday’s1,400minthelastof11events should suit him ideally.
      111 words
    • Article, Illustration
      534 36/37 Tan Thean Loon Andrew Frost Danny Khoo Marc Tan 1 RACE Long Haul 2 Long Haul 4 1 1 Long Haul U Got It Classic Key 3 1 1 5 Long Haul Utrillo Zaccarat 2 Classic Key 2 5 7 Utrillo Lorena Classic Key 5 7 Lorena Lorena
      534 words
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    • 978 38 RACE 1 (Rosehill) 1st 3 Superreact ($109-$25) 2nd 4 Saint Encosta ($12) 3rd 10 Mr Edison ($12) 4th 6 Buccaneers Prize. Forecast $187. Place forecast $74 (3-4), $83 (3-10), $18 (4-10). Tierce $4334. Trio $408. Quartet No winner ($2564 jackpot carried forward to next race). RACE
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  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 31 38 Saturday,Sept 18 2010 First Second Third 1505 2847 6513 Starters 6923 1511 5192 6457 7457 0683 1177 9704 7050 5113 Consolations 4562 0777 4428 2967 4273 2171 5961 0156 8207 4688
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  • Sports Tennis
    • 732 40  -  S K JOHN GOODBYE to that grace, that elegance. That ballerina-like poise, while guarding the length of the baseline, is inching towards a special place in history. Roger Federer can still move like a butterfly and sting like a bee. But does anybody care?
      PICTURE: AFP  -  732 words
    • 194 40 DAVIS CUP Reuters FRANCE reached the Davis Cup final after Mickael Llodra and Arnaud Clement beat Eduardo Schwank and Horacio Zeballos 6-4, 7-5, 6-3 in the doubles last night to take an unbeatable 3-0 lead over Argentina. France (left), who got off to a perfect
      Reuters  -  194 words

  • Sports Formula One
    • 406 41 Reuters NEXT week’s Singapore Grand Prix will show where the Formula One title is heading and whether McLaren can match Red Bull and Ferrari in the final races, according to world champion Jenson Button. “I think it’ll give us a clearer idea of the destiny
      Reuters; PICTURES: AFP  -  406 words
    • 416 41 AFP FERNANDO Alonso started his Ferrari career with a stunning maiden victory in his opening race in Bahrain in March and he hopes to complete his debut season with another win and the drivers’ world title when F1 returns to the Gulf in
      AFP  -  416 words
    • 336 41 GOLF AFP THAILAND’S Thaworn Wiratchant says he is ready to launch his final assault on the Yeangder Tournament Players Championship title after a two-under-par 70 gave him the third round lead yesterday. The 11-time Asian Tour winner (below) fended off the
      AFP; PICTURE: AFP  -  336 words

  • Sports Boxing
    • 365 42/43  -  All-female bout has the crowdontheirfeetatWhite CollarBoxingcharityevent GREGORY LOO THAT was one hell of a fight,” declared the ring announcer after the dust had settled in the bout between Zuzana “G.I. Zu” Kucerova and Becky “Vindicator”Vinden. Indeed, the sell-out 1,200-strong crowd at the
      againstVinden. TNP PICTURES:KELVINCHNG  -  365 words
    • 280 42/43  -  GREGORY LOO LEE Xian Wei feels like an outsider even though he’s the only Singaporean fighter on the card for the White Collar Boxing on Friday. The29-year-oldlawyer,nicknamed“Dyna-mo”, said after losing to accountant Danny “TheTaxman”Lewis:“Itdidn’tfeellikehome ground advantage. “I think there were more Caucasians than Singaporeansintheroom.”
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    • 332 42/43  -  ATHLETICS LIM SAY HENG THE COMMONWEALTH and Asian Games-bound 4x100m relay quartet will feature a new runner at the 72nd Singapore Open track and field meet today because of an injury to Lee Cheng Wei. Lee, a member of the South-east Asia Games silver
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  • Page 42/43 Advertisements
    • 62 42/43 Eventraises$150,000 The IFS White Collar Boxing event on Friday raised $150,000,which willgo towardsfunding640 free rehabilitationsurgeriesfordisabled children at the Children’sSurgical Centre(CSC) inCambodia. The amountwasgeneratedby the salesofall 1,200ticketsand auctions of othersporting memorabilia. WhiteCollar Boxing wasconceivedto provide amateurboxers and enthusiastsa wayaround the amateur boxing age limit of 34 years. The fighters wear heavier
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  • Page 42/43 Miscellaneous
    • 50 42/43 (pLAY® Always play with care. [responsibly! Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize. For details, visit or call 6786 6688 Towards Community Purpose and Benefit SINGAPORE m POOLS RCB Reg No: *****0202G
      50 words

  • Sports Football
    • 506 44  -  DILENJIT SINGH ABOUT a hundred hopefuls turned out at Pioneer Secondary School yesterday, dreaming of the chance for a trial in England under the esteemed gaze of Arsene Wenger. But just one of them showed up merely for the chance to play the game
      TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  506 words
    • 281 44  -  DILENJIT SINGH WANG Jian Zheng might have ultimate dreams of wowing Arsene Wenger in London, but for now he will look to shine at the final trial of the Nike’s The Chance competition to be selected as Singapore’srepresentative. On the last
      281 words

  • Sports La Liga
    • 436 45 Wire Servies BOJAN Krkic believes that Atletico Madrid will be challengers to Barcelona in the Primera Division title race. Barcelona striker Bojan believes that tomorrow morning’s opponents Atletico Madrid represent a clear and present danger to the La Blaugrana’s league crown, and he expects
      Wire Servies; PICTURE: AP  -  436 words
    • 185 45 Wire Services VALENCIA coach Unai Emery is remaining cautious ahead of his side’s Primera Division clash at Hercules tonight, despite the club’s perfect start to the new season. Valencia have won back-to-back league matches to sit alongside Atletico Madrid at the top of the
      Wire Services  -  185 words
  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 149 45 FOOTBALL C H A N N E L (Ch 222) i cow 41 ZL7 4 i Don't miss these 'LIVE' matches this week! Gijon vs Athletic Bilbao Real Sociedad vs Real Madrid You can St arHub Hercules vs Valencia Altetico Madrid vs Barcelona Mori, 20 Sep 12.55am Wed, 22 Sep
      149 words

  • Sports EPL
    • 232 46 CLINT DEMPSEY struck for FulhamtoensureMarkHughes’ side maintained their unbeaten start to the Premier League season at Blackburn. Dempsey headed home in the secondhalfafterChrisSamba’s opener had initially put Rovers in control at Ewood Park. Blackburn were dominant in the opening exchanges without being able to convert their superiority
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    • 374 46  -  By Andy Toms Special Correspondent PA Sport G ERARDHOULLIER witnessedatfirsthand AstonVilla’sstrengths andweaknessesaftertheyfailed toprovidecaretaker-manager KevinMacDonaldwiththe perfectsend-off. NewVillabossHoullier,with assistantGaryMcAllisterjoining himinthedirectors’boxafterthe Scotwasconfirmedintherole justbeforekick-off,willbelieve hehasplentyoftalenttowork withbutwillbeconcernedthatit onlyshowsitselfinpatches. WithMacDonaldtakingcharge ofhisfinalgame,AshleyYoung scoredinhisfifthsuccessive matchagainstBoltontogiveVilla anearlylead,onlyforcaptain KevinDaviestonetadeserved equaliserforthevisitors. MacDonaldadmittedhehad beenhavingregulardiscussions withHoullierinthedaysleading uptothismatch. “We’vebeenindailycontact,” MacDonaldsaid. “We’veactuallyspokentwoor threetimesadayaboutavariety ofthings.Wetalkedaboutthe playersbecauseobviouslyhe’s tryingtogetuptospeedwith themvery,veryquickly.” Afterscoring13goalsagainst Boltonintheirlastthreegamesat
      PA Sport  -  374 words
    • 470 47  -  West Brom ..............3 Birmingham..............1 West Brom: Dann (og) 57, Odemwingie 59, Olsson 69 Birmingham: Jerome 15 BY DAVID RILEY Special Correspondent BIRMINGHAM manager Alex McLeish signed a new threeyear contract but then saw his side overwhelmed by West Brom who came from behind
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    • 523 47  -  Everton........................0 Newcastle....................1 Newcastle: Ben Arfa 45 BY ELEANOR CROOKS Special Correspondent PA Sport ATEMBENARFA marked his full debut for Newcastle with the winner at Goodison Park as the Magpies picked up their first away win of the season and ensuredEverton’smiserablestart continued. DavidMoyes’teamwere lookingtobuildonlastweek’s incredible comeback
      PA Sport  -  523 words
    • 703 48 TOTTENHAM 3 (Van derVaart 77-pen, Pavlyuchenko 87, Hutton 90) WOLVES 1 (Fletcher 45) PA Sport TOTTENHAM produced a remarkable late comeback to record their firstPremier League home win of the season as Wolves self-destructed at White Hart Lane. The visitors looked set to complete a hat-trick of
      PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  703 words
    • 421 48 STOKE1 (Jones 48) WEST HAM 1 (Parker 32) AFP BOTTOM club West Ham secured their first point of the season after a hard-fought 1-1 draw at Stoke last night. Scott Parker (right) had fired the Hammers into a first-half lead before Stoke striker Ken- wyne Jones
      AFP  -  421 words
    • 1261 50/51 AfamiliarfacewithSingaporeans,havinghostedESPN’sEPLcoveragefor almost10years,JOHNDYKESisnowbasedinLondon,workingfortheEnglish PremierLeague.FromhisLondonstudio,hecoverstheEPLforaworldwide audience.TheNewPaper’sSportsEditorSMURALIcatchesupwithDykes, whoisbackonscreenshereeveryweekend,asleadpresenterfortheEPL IIt’s been a few years since we’ve seen you with such regularity on Singapore television. Does it feel good to be back? YES it does. Even though I’m over here in England, I feel very much
      SPH FILE PICTURES  -  1,261 words
    • 538 50/51 NOW that Rafael Benitez has gone, Sir Alex Ferguson is hoping to extend the hand of friendship to Liverpool again. Roy Hodgson has become the seventh Reds boss during Ferguson’s time at Manchester United. Despite the intense rivalry between the two north-west giants,
      PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  538 words
    • Article, Illustration
      549 52  -  IN THE SPOTLIGHT GREGORY LOO IT LOOKED like Sir Alex Ferguson was getting the bub-ble-wrap ready to ship Nani out of Old Trafford in the first half of the 2009/10 season. After all, few players had crossed swords with Fergie and managed to survive the Manchester United gaffer’s legendary
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    • 411 53  -  INTHESPOTLIGHT DILENJIT SINGH WHEN Fernando Torres left the shores of the Iberian peninsula in July 2007 to start life anew at Anfield, Reds fans were dreaming of a brave new dawn at the Kop. New owners who seemingly brought with them financial muscle which they were unashamedto flex
      TNP ILLUSTRATION: JONROB  -  411 words
    • 581 54  -  REPORTING FROM THE UK YOUR ENGLISH KAKI IAIN MACINTOSH SORRY Liverpool fans, but I think the most you can hope to take from this game is your dignity. It’sjusttooearlyintotheRoyHodgsonera to expect miracles and there haven’t been enough signs so far this season to suggest that
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  581 words
    • 510 55  -  GARY LIM IT CERTAINLY wasn’t the prettiest of starts. Tobesure,JoeCole’sEnglishPremiership debut for Liverpool lasted all of 45 minutes, by which time he found himself heading for an early shower in the match against Arsenal. That match at Anfield took place a month ago, and
      PICTURE: AP  -  510 words
    • 463 56  -  EXCLUSIVE Ex-ManUniteddefenderPaulParkertipsRedDevilstowin GARY LIM I PaulParker’sprediction:ManUnited2Liverpool0 MANCHESTER UNITED have been anything but their usual selves lately. And former Manchester United defender Paul Parker believes that their wobbly performances were a consequence of the Wayne Rooney scandal. Last week, the Red Devils threw away a two-goal
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  463 words
    • 311 56 PA Sport PAUL Scholes believes the naked hatred that exists between fans of Manchester United and Liverpool will ensure the rivalry between the north-west clubs never dies. The intensity of the battles has endured even though United went 26 years without winning the league at
      PA Sport  -  311 words
    • 110 57 PA Sport CHELSEAmanagerCarloAncelottiinsistshisfather’sillnessbackhome in Italy is not preventing him from focusing on his job at Stamford Bridge. The Italian returns home to see his father at every opportunity but, while he accepts it is sometimes emotionally difficult, he has a first-class supportsystem–bothattheclubandbackhome. “My
      PA Sport  -  110 words
    • Article, Illustration
      376 57 Holloway says EPL newcomers will not fear rampant Chelsea PA Sport BLACKPOOL boss Ian Holloway feels his side must not be afraidto“throw apunch” when itclashes with Chelsea at Stamford Bridge tonight. The Seasiders travel to a ground where Carlo Ancelotti’s men have hit eight goals without reply in two
      PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  376 words
    • ON TV
      • 101 57 LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tonight: IMAN UNITEDv LIVERPOOL SingTel mio TV Ch 102,8.30pm IWIGANvMAN CITY SingTel mio TV Ch 103,10pm ICHELSEAvBLACKPOOL SingTel mio TV Ch 102,11 pm LALIGA Tonight: IHERCULESvVALENCIA StarHub TV Ch 222 255,10.55pm Tomorrow: IATLETICOMADRID vBARCELONA StarHub TV Ch 222 255,12.55am Wednesday: IREALMADRID vESPANYOL StarHub TV Ch 222
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      • 8 57 AUSTRIAN OPEN Tonight: IDAY 4 StarHubTVCh 213,7.15pm
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      • 13 57 DAVIS CUP SEMI-FINAL Tonight: IDAY 3: FRANCEv ARGENTINA StarHub TV Ch 211,7pm
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      • 19 57 ARAGON GRAND PRIX Today: IRACEDAY StarHub TV Ch 202, 5pm and SingTel mio TV Ch 115 &Ch 117
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      • 11 57 BWF CHINA MASTERS Today: IFINALS StarHub TV Ch 211, 1pm
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  • Sports EPL Betting
    • 1283 49 PA Sport DAVID Silva has rejected the theory he is too small to make an impact in the Premier League. On Thursday, he looked like a very accomplished member of the Manchester City side, scoring once and producing by far his best performance for
      PA Sport  -  1,283 words

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