The New Paper, 4 July 2010

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Total Pages: 50
1 24 The New Paper
  • 20 1 The new paper on Sunday JULY 4 2010 A SINGAPORE PRESS hold|ngs vldJ I PUBLICATION 80 CENTS MICA (P) 118/01/2010
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 GET YOUR WORLD CUP NOON EDITION WUNDERBAR!PICTURE: PARAGUAY v SPAIN LATEST IT’S MULLER TIME Fastest goal of World Cup sparks merciless blitz of shell-shocked Argentina JULY The New pPaperoon SundayMaraCryforINYOURWORL IN YOUR Maradona’s Mani’s money on the Our little bird extends his streak Baby abandoned at AMK bus stop Mum
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    • 14 1 i "*****1"*****9 > SundayMaraCryforINYOURWORL IN YOUR WORLD CUP PULLOUT Maradona’s misery Cry for me, Argentina
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  • News
    • 968 2/3  -  M’siansonsocial visit passes cross Causeway daily on Woodlands on weekday mornings is a hive of wheeling and dealing in illegal workers REPORT: CHAI HUNG YIN, ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF ON THE surface, the morning scene at Woodlands Centre seems innocent: Groups of men loitering around, having coffee or
    • 313 4  -  ‘Agent’fromJBspecialisesin lookingforjobsforpainters REPORT: CHAI HUNG YIN, ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF UNLIKEhisfellowillegalworkersfromMalaysia,heisn’tdesperateforajob.Asan“agent”,histaskistolinkhiscompatriots withSingaporecontractorsdesperateforpainters. Each day, the man in his 50s, who gave his name only as Ah Tee, dispatches his eight regular painters to worksites. Hepaysthemattheendoftheday. With a hands-free earphone set in one ear and
    • 438 4 THE weekday morning routine for the Malaysian, who gave his name only as Ah Keong, is to ride his motorcycle across the Causeway. He has been doing the same thing for almost a decade. He enters Singapore on a
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    • 909 6/7  -  Beautybackfiresforrealestateagent(left) REPORT:MAUREEN MAUREEN KOH WHO do you think is more likely to close a deal on a $10 million property: A chic babe or a plain Jane? Some netizens insist that good looks lead to big bucks in property sales.
    • 777 8  -  ...but dumps him 4 months later after family quarrel ABANDONEDBABYATBUSSTOP REPORT: AMANDA YONG SHEwantedthechildsobadlyshewentagainstherdoctor’sadvicetoabortthebaby.But four months after the child was born, the 34-year-old woman left the baby boy alone at a bus stopwithnothingmorethanablanketandsomepieces ofclothtokeepitwarmfromtheafternoondownpour. Anhourafterhersonwasdiscoveredatthebusstop nearBlock152,AngMoKioAvenue5,onThursday,the womanwasfoundtwobusstopsawayontheotherside oftheroadandquestionedbypoliceofficers. She was arrested for drug
      PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO  -  777 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1200 10 / 11  -  Writer goes from working in bank to figuring out economics of hijacking ships S’pore-basedwriterheadstoSomaliaforcrashcoursein REPORT: NGWAN NG WAN CHING HIS mission: To find pirates who ply the high seas around Somalia and the Gulf of Aden hijacking cargo-carrying tankers. But his goal was not to bring them
      PICTURE: MARK POWELL  -  1,200 words
    • 595 12 / 13  -  WetakeyouonatourofthemostexcitingBigWalkrouteever REPORT:ERYANBING ER YANBING THERE will be lots to see for the 20,000 participants at this year’s The New Paper Big Walk Marina Bay 2010. The Big Walk takes place on July 18. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will flag off the 5km scenic walk
    • 508 14  -  People’sAssociation celebrates 50th year with One Community Walk ENGAGINGTODAY’S COMMUNITY REPORT: GAN LING KAI WHEN Mr Koh Poh Kwang volunteered at the Kallang Community Centre (CC) as a secretary 42 years ago, he was happy just to take down minutes of its meetings. “I
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN F00  -  508 words
    • 537 15 TheFilipinawasmentallyill, had delusions, hallucinations during killing, say psychiatrists SHEwasthemaidfromhell.MariaJestleGuarinSanJose,37, committedsuch abizarreandbrutal murderthat shewasordered to receive psychiatric treatment for an indefinite period. Her crime: Ripping apart the spine and other internal organs of her employer, a senior civil servant in HongKong. SanJosebelievedthatheremployer,47-year-oldKei Yin-lam,hadtakenher“bodyandsoul”. ShealsotoldthepoliceaftertheattackthataneighbourhadhypnotisedherandtoldherthatMsKeiwasa witch, Hong
      PICTURES: APPLE DAILY HK  -  537 words
    • 409 15 EIGHTbillion dollars.That’s what the wife of a Russian oligarch is demanding as divorce settlement. Mining magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev(left),43, isRussia’s 10th richest man. According to Forbes magazine, he is worth more than US$8.6 billion (S$12 billion). But Elena, his wife of 23 years, claims he
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    • 345 16/17  -  WOO SIAN BOON, CELESTINO GULAPA SpanishcityBilbaowasawarded theLeeKuanYewWorldCityPrize lastweek.WOOSIANBOONand CELESTINOGULAPAlookat thecity’stransformation IMAGINE this river choked with waste from steel and shipbuilding industries. That was the state of the Nervion River in Bilbao, Spain, just 20 years ago. Today, 95 per cent of the pollutants in the 720km river have
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    • 333 16/17 REINVENTING BILBAO Development of non-profit organisation Bilbao Ria 2000 in 1992, a collaborative effort by the public authorities to reinvent Bilbao. EXTENSION OF PORT Freeing up of port and industrial spaces along the Nervion River has made space for the central Abandoibarra, the new business centre
  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 47 2/3 2010 McDonald's Corporation. COCA-COLA and the COCA-COLA Contour Glass design are trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company free cm glass with Jiy upsized Extra Value Meal™ Wor I d CupJ [egitionTglasses! > last. m Not available during breakfast hours. While stocks last. or 6777 3777 i'm lovin' it
      47 words
    • 20 2/3 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838 TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55
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    • 9 2/3 He hooks up workers with contract ors/ NEXT PAGE
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 279 5 k FIRST IN SINGAPORE No daily surcharge! No activation required! > Get 10 days of free incoming calls with every $10 top-up > Get 20 days of free incoming calls with every $20 top-up L 10 free V019minutesand 75 free global SMSes! To China, Malaysia, Philippines; Indonesia and Thailand.' 1
      279 words

  • Page 6/7 Advertisements
    • 378 6/7 M <g>l Cosmic Qi-Gong And Science For Health Business Reg No: *****292X Ladies and Gentlemen... All about yourself? Today, many are living in the risk of unknown internal body blockages. Suffering from health problems and unexpected accidents happening among us in our lives. I, Consultant Master Lim Sifu truly believe
      378 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 184 9 'A 1 t I 0 I r a* u fit MED 1§5£ @ilBi7[3K(HiIHai]@a@J™ IT JUST r TASTES i BtTTcH 'M* v/* t? c?#s I, kx N»0„ N> 4 Ti® v%< V. f m MED j£ >• Ik*'-, MflrlliWa® FREE 2/ Offer While stocks last valid till 14 July 2010 mm
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 239 10 / 11 BIG SQUEEZE: Are trains really that packed? Jt (j connection w 1^3 GAME TO TRY SOMETHING NEW AT THE ZOO 7 *w A Take part in a series of exciting animal theme challenges where J you'll get to know new friends! Don't miss the chance to try your hands on
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 265 18 Nestle Presents -J HEALTH July 3 and 4, 2010 10am to 8pm Exhibition Hall 402-404 Suntec Singapore Free Admission Join in theTUn and excitement! J More than 120 exhibitors at Singapore's largest health and wellness event will showcase an unrivalled range of products and services. Don't miss it! e Wowed!
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  • News Exchange
    • 413 20  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: HO LIAN-YI THEoldmanisthere,sittingatthevoiddeckeverymorningwhenIgotowork.With his glasses perched on his nose, he draws poker cards from his deck and lays them out on the table,playingsomevariantofsolitaire. We’ve never spoken. We have never even locked eyes.Heisoblivioustothehumantrafficaroundhim. Last week, The New Paper reported that
      ST FILE PHOTO  -  413 words
    • 120 20 Weratethepastweek’snews–goodandbad +10 Tourist arrivals in May were up 30.3 per cent from a year ago. It was the sixth straight month of record increases. +10 Singapore is the most liveable city in Asia and behind only Switzerland’s Geneva and Zurich globally, a new index shows. It is
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    • 35 20 “Youmeanitisn’t overyet?” –Awomanmistakenlythinkingthe World Cup had ended because of the two-day rest period before the quarter-final games “Asifyou’realready not irritating enough.” –Awomancomplainingabouther friend playing with his vuvuzela iPhone app cel gulapa
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • enjoy
    • 676 21  -  Accusedof ‘taxirage’, QuanYifengis latest in a longlineof celebs in trouble REPORT: CHERYL LIM HE VENTURED to the backstage area of the club although it was out of bounds to customers. There, the local actor behaved like an “octopus”,cosyinguptotheperformers. The incident happened at the Lunar Asian
    • 265 22  -  Cheryl Lim HYPE Records director and Singapore Idol judge, Ken Lim, 45, may be perceived to be arrogant,butheinsistshe’snowhereas bad as some wannabes. Hesaid:“Therehaveindeedbeen individuals here who think they deserve privileges because of their fame. “I’vepersonallyseensuchbehaviourof artistes cutting queues in restaurants and asking
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    • 341 22  -  Gan Ling Kai THEY may have lit up our TV screens with their dazzling performances. But some local celebrities also made news headlines for the wrong reasons. Perhaps the most well-known personality arrested was actor Christopher Lee, then 35, who was nabbed four years
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    • Enjoy Table For 4
      • 773 23  -  Italian-Japanese restaurant at Keong Saik Road opens CHERYL LIM THIS restaurant serves Italian food with a Japanese influence. It also keeps things fresh by changing its menu every two weeks. Great for diners with fickle tastebuds. At Alba, which opened at Keong Saik
        TNP PICTURES: BENJAMIN SEET0R  -  773 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 200 24  -  HEDY KHOO AS far as the World Cup goes, many married men become kings in their own homes. Even though their empires extend only as far as the coffee table from the couch. It’s fun when you have total control over
      • 234 24 INGREDIENTS (SERVES 2) 1 clove garlic 1 slice of bacon, diced 4 mussels 2 scallops 2 shrimp, shelled 30g butter 3 tbsp plain flour 1 tsp salt 1 cup chicken or fish stock 20g mixed vegetables 20g grated parmesan cheese 1 tbsp cooking oil 1/4tspdill 1/4tsptarragon white
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    • Enjoy Family Matters
      • Article, Illustration
        567 26  -  Magic tricks and singing. Just how do parents draw the line between studying andtalentpursuits? REPORT:CHERYL CHERYL LIM PRIMARY 6 student Gabrielle Edwin is busy preparing for her Primary School Leaving Examinationsthisyear.Butithasn’tstopped her from indulging in her love for music. Ask her to sing, and the 12-year-old CHIJ
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  567 words
    • Dear Goondu, Dear Sotong
      • 274 28 Is money the root of all evil? I think so. My husband and I fight frequently over money. We argue over how much he spends on betting on EPL matches, as well as how much I spend on bags and clothes. We cannot agree
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      • 187 28 My friends at school like to boast about how much better their life is compared to mine. They like to talk about what they own or where they travel to for the holidays. SometimesIthink it’s theirlife andI shouldn’t compare,but I can’t helpit becauseI
        187 words
    • 360 28  -  JASON JOHNSON FATHER FIGURES AS A parent, one of the most difficult things to do is to judge when and how your children should be exposed to the harsh realities of life. Harsh realities such as giant-brained, laser-toting Martians. TimBurton’s1996movieMarsAttacksisoneofmy favourites, and I thought my
      PICTURE: WARNER BROS  -  360 words
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • Article, Illustration
        124 29  -  aspire YEOH WEE TECK MENSWEARusedtobejustarackofseparates shown alongside a walk-inclosetofwomen’swear. But at the recent Milan Fashion Week, menswear took centrestage when Dolce Gabbana invited singer Annie Lennox to perform at its 20th anniversary menswear show. To have a major star perform is a sign thatitwillbeamajorseasonforguys. Menneverhaditsogood. Thespring/summer2011menswearcol-
        124 words
      • 261 29 1 BOTTEGA Veneta makes it nice and brief for men. Tomas Maier may have presented a gorgeous collection of tailored jackets and rolled-up pants, but it was the collection of swim trunks that stood out. Also, he made his models wear socks with sandals. Thislook seemspopular
        PICTURES: AP, AFP  -  261 words
    • Enjoy 2 Wheels Good
      • 731 30/31  -  Ourresidentpedal-pushershowshowtogetupandaboutin this cycling column, which alternates each week with Biker Boy DANGER ZONE DANSON CHEONG Veteranroadcyclistsofferadviceonhowto avoidbecominganotheraccidentstatistic The writer is an SPHscholar and self-professed cycling and triathlon nut. He spends too much time on his bike for his own good. SPEEDINGvehicles,check.Congestedroads,check.Angryandimpatientdrivers,check. Theroadscanbeaverydangerousplaceifyoudon’t know how to
        TNP PICTURES: LUKE YAN  -  731 words
      • 304 30/31 ONEandahalfmetres–that’sthespacedrivershaveto give cyclists when overtaking them. This little nugget of information is tucked away inside driving theory handbooks, but not many drivers actually remember this after they get their licence. Andit’safactMrBenoitValinfeelsshouldchange. “Itmightbeashortdistancebutit’ssocrucialforthe safetyofuscyclists,”saidMrValin. Together with Mr Muhd Nabil and Mr Omar Bakar, the founders
        304 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 700 32  -  WorldCupdoesn’t needthis kindofbuzz SIVA CHOY HUMOUR ME FOUR years from now, when I think back about the 2010 World Cup, what will I remember most clearly? Will it be the way the three European giants Italy, France and England got
        PICTURE: AFP  -  700 words
      • REALLY?
        • 118 32 Farmers in Kent in the UK claim that performingWilliam Shakespeare’s plays to cows can help them relax and can boost milk production by as much as 4 per cent, reported The Daily Telegraph. The Changeling Theatre Company in Kent,which specialisesin “very quirky, open-air Shakespeare
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        • 88 32 POLICE in Colorado say they have received reports of a man dressed as a leprechaun at a supermarket parking lot in the town of Boulder. The man, who was dressed as the mischievous character from Irish folklore, was seen leaping between cars. Boulder police sergeant Fred Gerhardt added
          88 words
      • 299 32  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR ICRIEDinthecinemalastweek–twice.Ofcourse,I was watching Toy Story 3. It was when Ken first met Barbie and both immediately knew they were meant for each other, althoughtheydidn’tknowhowtheyknew. But we in the audience knew. W e knew.
        299 words
    • Article, Illustration
      97 34 This week, we are showcasing your World Cup snaps. For two weeks from July 18, we'll be publishing your favourite June school holiday pictures. Send your pictures and messages to Finally, our “crabKorozon” Kenjihas captured the heart of Janet. Enjoy your new status as husband wife. Congrats
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  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 99 22 Win tickets to see Inception castofA-listers could makethis intellectualaction thriller a sleeper hit. Inception focuses ona thief (LeonardoDiCaprio,left) who specialisesin theart ofextracting secretsfromatarget’s dreams. Thoughhis professioncost him everythinghe hasever loved and turnedhim into a fugitive,an offerfor afinaljob– one thatrequires him to plantan ideainsteadof pilfering it– could behis chanceat redemption. Inception
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 105 24 Ufrtch World Gupgn Highjfiq/ Venue Treasure Cove Date :11/6/2010~11/7/2010 Inclusive Cruise Fare Meals onboard Free flow of Corona Extra during match fcflSHSWiflie ,-ror. Rebate Incentives (T&c apply) Optional: Purchase Novejty Pack participate injthi J 'Predict the Champion Team' contest" to Win $2,000 worth of Prizes (while stocks lastj] tfj «r
      105 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 186 25 Paddleto themettle Hepinged,sheponged andthewinneris... SINGAPOREdisplayed truegrit toemergeworld championsintable tennis. JoshuaJones,15, fromThe Lemonatorz,and Joleen Wong,16, fromThe UltimateHulks,displayed thatsame gritwhenthe twoteamsfaced off ina tabletennis challengeattheToa Payoh Sports Complex. Thechallengewaspartof Game Onwith MILO,a youthsports realitygameshow featuring 12contestants intwoteamsover eightepisodes, competingin a differentsport eachtime. Thesesports willbe playedduring theSingapore 2010Youth Olympic Games. Lastweek,nationalpaddler Zena Sim,20,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 58 26 Enjoy Chatting In A More Colorful way Visit our website v cm LIVE GUARANTEED FREELINE: 6100 66 1900 9111H .1 V Callers must be 18 C above. 3G calls are charged at SUffl/mii. Exercise i vised. Deny Access/ Complaints/ Helplne: 6100 j PteL ciends from this service. Meeting May
      58 words
    • 28 26 FAMILY MATTERS continues on PAGE 28 HOT STORY Call us. If story is published you get this HOT PHO NE thenewpaper Samsung GT-C3010 HOTLINE 1800 733 44 55
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 226 27 POSB Run for Kids 2010 YOU can too! XJ 1 k Calling runners of all ages! The POSB Run for Kids 2009 was a resounding success. So, we're doing it again! Together with Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, POSB will organise the Run to raise funds for the less privileged children in
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 25 28 GENERATION NEXT I can’t believe Daddy took away our vuvuzela phoneapp Don’t worry sis... ...I’ve got something much better The actual horn TNP ILLUSTRATION:KELVIN CHAN
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  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 283 33 DancingOnIce5 GranadaTV(StarHubCh523),8pm ThisBritishrealityseriesfeaturescelebrity contestantscompetingontheicerink.They aretrainedbyOlympicfigureskating championsandcompeteforthejudges’ approvalandpublic’svote. PixarShorts DisneyChannel(StarHubCh312),7pm Thiscollectionofshortfilmsfromanimation studioPixarfeaturescharactersfromitsbest movieslikeMonster’sInc,TheIncredibles andCars. WATCH’EM PICTURES:ALLIANCE ENTERTAINMENT,WALTDISNEYPICTURES 17Again(above) HBO(StarHubCh601),9pm Amangetshiswishtoreturntohighschool andchangehislife.Hewakesupone morningandis17yearsoldagain.Starring ZacEfron,MatthewPerry. IIFAAwards2010 StarPlus(StarHubCh126),10.30pm Thisyear’sInternationalIndianFilm AcademyAwardsheldinColombofeatures Bollywoodstarssinginganddancingto scenesfromtheirhitmovies. CHANNEL5 Noon TheRise AndRise Of Beckham 1.00pm FilmsAndStars Asia 1.30 ITTFJapan Open 2010:Semi-Finals 2.15 JustFor LaughsGags 2.30 WhackedOutSports 3.00 ITTFJapan Open 2010:Semi-Finals
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  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 1269 35 TIPS AND COMMENTS BY PHILLIP WOO, COURTESY OF THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB RACE 1 (1,400m) Fay Fay (8) has been itching to break through with seconds at short odds in his two 1,200m runs, including a closing effort behind Hinyuen Paladin. 1,400m ideal. Hinyuen
        1,269 words
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      • 86 36/37 RACE 1:2 Mexborough Ladd 1 Viva Volksraad 3 Brahms Return RACE 2: 6 El Mariachi 8 Rags To Riches 14 Joker Delight RACE 3: 2 Sun Supreme 1 Yours Truly 3 Dirham RACE 4:4 Conflience 11 Up To You 2 Mighty Three Ring RACE 5:1 Fighter Jet
        86 words
      • 1092 36/37 GOING FORECAST: SOFT RACE1 C3 1.10 -1700m WashpoolLodgeTrophy Stakes:RM75,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 321--6 VivaVolksraad 57 (70) SMutaza*c2 8 (4nzgBBrogan-Shahabuddin) 2 *****1 MexboroughLadd 56 (68) OChavez 6 (8nzgYNLiew-RMCRacing) 3 1440-9 BrahmsReturn 55.5 (67) LSofhan 3 (5amgBTLim-Osman) 4 7-30-3 BintangBiru 55 (66)
        1,092 words
      • 381 36/37 RACE 1 DENNYCRANE: Bumped; raced wide; held up. RATHFEIGH: Bumped. RACE 2 FANTASTIC SKY: Lame near-fore (withdrawn). COMMON'S GEM: Difficult to load. QUEEN NARCISSUS: Slow into stride. MEN AT WORK: Began awkwardly and struck near-side gate. AL NADER: Hampered; held up. BING IS BEST:
        381 words
      • 882 36/37 RACE 1 (Rosehill) 1st 8 Back On Top ($9-$6) 2nd 9 Empire Place ($20) 3rd 6 Flushing Meadows ($15) 4th 3 Pins On Parade. Forecast $52. Place forecast $7 (6-8), $35 (6-9), $21 (8-9). Tierce $612. Trio $99. Quartet $8152. Scratchings: Black Prince and Royal Esprit.
        882 words
      • 798 36/37 Race1 PerthRacingTrophy C*****m 9 CASHMAN55c52(56-24) CSChin* (3) 1 1 1 (467) 11 SUPREMESTAR55c54(181-64) JacksonLow (1) 2 2 2 (440) 1.25 3 CAUSEANDEFFECT56.5(99-42) JoseDeSouza (2) 8 7 3 (430) 0.75 5 IWISH56c55(22-6) KTCheng (7) 9 6 4 (451) 2 ?Winning stable: A&A. Trainer: LN Danis. Time: 1min 26.8sec
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    • Sports Wimbledon
      • 765 38 Now playing his best tennis again,2009isadistant memory for Nadal AP. RAFAEL Nadal knows exactly where he was, of course, on the first Sunday of July last year, the only time in the past five years that the Wimbledonmen’sfinal wenton withouthim. “Iwatched athome,” Nadalsaid.“On thesofa.” Yes, a
        AP.; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  765 words
      • 386 38 Cycling:TourdeFrance Reuters. SEVEN-TIME Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong sharply dismissed Floyd Landis’s latest doping accusations in a statement hours before the start of the three-week race yesterday. In a Wall Street Journal article, disgraced 2006 Tour winner Landis provided more details about his use
        Reuters.; PICTURE: AFP  -  386 words
    • 558 39  -  AnfieldlegendIanRushbelievesLiverpool’snewboss willalsotaketheRedsbackintotheChampionsLeague KENNETH CHEW LIVERPOOL fans need not worry. New manager Roy Hodgson will retain the services of club captain Steven Gerrard and talismanic striker Fernando Torres. At least, that is what Liverpool legend Ian Rush believes. Rush, in town for the grand opening
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  558 words
    • 266 39 GOLF: Indonesian Open SINGAPORE’S Mardan Mamat moved into contention with a brilliant four-un-der 68 as the US$1 million ($1.39m) Indonesian Open entered its final day today in Jakarta. Mardan, who was six shots off the pace after the first day, is now four shots behind
      PICTURE: AFP  -  266 words
    • ON TV
    • 699 40 Serena Williams and her sister Venus have their namesonthetrophy–isanyonestillkeepingcount? SOMETIMES, you wonder why the opposition decides to turn up. The ladies’ singles final at Wimbledon last night was one such occasion. Instead of being a contest of the game’s best women grasscourt players, it was another ho-hum victory
      PICTURE: AFP  -  699 words

  • Page 36/37 Miscellaneous
    • 31 36/37 Saturday,July 03 2010 First Second Third 8331 3065 9168 Starters 4189 8361 5169 3739 1952 4865 0939 9154 2717 1850 Consolations 1291 7767 3424 1236 8619 6424 4362 4251 4933 4438
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 ARGENTINA 0 GERMANY 4 Cry for me, Argentina That's how Maradona must feel as Messi flops, Higuain misfires and Mascherano fumbles Page 2 PICTURE: AFP f Cheers to a team celebration with Carlsberg i s 1*31 +■< EN H.L *1
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    • 28 1 Inside GOODBYE GHANA: If only Gyan had scored spot-kick Page 6 SINNER SUAREZ: If his handball is a ‘sin’, change the rules Fifa, says S Murali Page 8
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  • KICK1
    • WOULD CUP 2010 Match Analysis
      • 449 2 / 3  -  QUARTER-FINAL ARGENTINA0 GERMANY 4 (Muller 3, Klose 68, 89, Friedrich 74) enclishKAKE IAIN MACINTOSH AN “AVERAGE” team? Too inexperienced to beat the big guns? Nonsense. This German side is tearing up the pre-tournament guides and laying waste to everything in its path. First England and
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  449 words
      • 172 2 / 3  -  –IAINMACINTOSH HE MADE us think. He made us laugh. He even made those of us who had written him off worry. But, try as he might, Diego Maradona (right) could not make a World Cup-winning side from an odd selection of superstars and ageing
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      • 82 2 / 3  -  –IAINMACINTOSH HE’SCERTAINLYbeenoneofthestars. The Bayern Munich man gave a near-perfect display on the right side of midfield before being replaced by Piotr Trochowski towards the end. Thomas Muller scored the first, had a hand in the second and was a pivotal part of almost every
        82 words
      • 123 2 / 3  -  IAINMACINTOSH MAGICMOMENT:Miroslav Klose’s volley for the finalnailin Argentina’scoffin was technical perfection. A quality finish. TACTICAL MASTER: Joachim Low has got this team purring. Everywhere you look, there is balance and cohesion,it’s aperfect formation. DUNCE:SorryDiego,but youcan’ttakeon a first-class side simply by throwing lots of talent on thefield and hoping
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      • Article, Illustration
        636 6 / 7  -  CrueldefeatforGhana, ecstasy for Uruguay QUARTER-FINAL URUGUAY1 (Diego Forlan 55) GHANA 1 (Sulley Muntari 45) (Uruguay win 4-2 on penalties after extra-time) m*TMN GARY LIM REPORTING FROM JOHANNESBURG THISwassupposedtobetheircalling.Ghana carried the hopes not just of acountry,butalsoacontinent. ThelastremainingAfricanteamthoughtit was written in the stars, that it should be the onetocarryAfricaintothesemi-finalsforthe
        PICTURE: AP  -  636 words
      • Article, Illustration
        607 6 / 7  -  Our analyst thinks the Black Stars played better and better as the game went on CHUA SIANG YEE How did you find the game? I THOUGHT Ghana deserved to win. They were extremely unlucky, missing a series of good chances and the late penalty. They showed great spirit,
        PICTURE: AP  -  607 words
      • 431 8 / 9 URUGUAY’S Luis Suarez said his conscience is clear. And no matter how many people accuse him of being a cheat, for handling the ball to deny Ghana victory, he refuses to accept that he has done anything wrong. In fact, he called his move “the save
        PICTURES: REUTERS  -  431 words
      • 364 8 / 9  -  S. MURALI COMMENT HERO or villain? Where does Luis Suarez belong, for those among us who are not Uruguay or Ghana fans? Was it, as his coach said, an instinctive move? Does it fly against the face of fair-play, a theme
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      • 396 8 / 9 AFP GHANA forward Asamoah Gyanbrushed off his last-minute penalty heartache and vowed to bounce back following his side’s World Cup quar-ter-final elimination by Uruguay yesterday morning. Gyan had the chance to win the match, which was poised at 1-1, with the final kick of
        AFP  -  396 words
      • 366 10 / 11 Reuters. URUGUAY’SusuallyeloquentcoachOscarTaba-rez was almost at a loss for words after his team’s nail-biting duel with Ghana saw the South Americans reach the World Cup semi-finals for thefirsttimein40years. When he gathered his emotions, Tabarez (right) spoke like a man who had run through a fire and survived.
        Reuters.; PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  366 words
      • 453 10 / 11 AFP. THEman once unkindlydubbed“Diego Forlorn” confirmedhisreputation as oneof theworld’s deadliest strikers yesterday morning as Uruguay dumpedAfrica’slastremaining hopes,Ghana, out of the World Cup. Diego Forlan lit up the Soccer City stadium with a rasping free-kick that dipped and swerved in the air to deceive Ghana goalkeeper Richard
        AFP.  -  453 words
      • 450 10 / 11  -  >M9 d MAN GARY LIM REPORTING FROM JOHANNESBURG ITWASN’T supposedto end thisway. From all parts of Africa, they had come to support Africa’s last hope, Ghana, against Uruguay in the quarter-finals in Soccer City, Johannesburg, yesterday. But they left disappointed, not with the team’s
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, AP  -  450 words
      • 394 10 / 11 Wire Services. GHANA defender John Pantsil choked back tears as he bemoaned a decision to award a last-minute penalty instead of a goal which would have seen the Africans qualify for the semi-finals of the World Cup yesterday morning. Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez handled the
        Wire Services.  -  394 words
      • 837 15  -  We look at four key areas in which theDutchexcelledoverBrazil DAVID LEE 1. THRIVING IN ADVERSITY THEDUTCHwerestruckapotentiallydestabilisingblowevenbeforeaballwaskicked. Just minutes before the match began, centre-back Joris Mathijsen was ushered back into the dressing room clutching his right knee after afewwarm-upsprints. Andre Ooijer, who is currently without a club,
        PICTURE: AFP  -  837 words
      • 713 18/19  -  ■'ZSINSIDE RAY PARLOUR MY PRE-TOURNAMENT prediction has just spectacularly gone up in smokebutI reallycouldn’t care less. As I sit here inside the stadium in Port Elizabeth, I feel privileged to have just witnessed a classic World Cup upset. Just a few yards away from me,
        PICTURE: AP  -  713 words
      • 387 18/19 Reuters. FRANCE’S World Cup fiasco was the fault of the system, a poor environment and the coach’s refusal to listen to players, according to Florent Malouda. Malouda said there had been no dialogue between the players and outgoing coach Raymond Domenech (right) during
        Reuters.; PICTURE: AFP  -  387 words
      • 74 18/19  -  KENNETHCHEW LUIS Suarez could run for presidency in Uruguay tomorrow and win by a landslide. But he broke a billion hearts across the African continent. Yes, he was rightfully sent off. Yes, it was Asamoah Gyan who fluffed his penalty when it mattered most. Ghana would
        74 words
    • WORLD CUP 2010 Match Reaction
      • Article, Illustration
        281 4 / 5 Klosefirestwo and celebrates in style ASUPERBdoublefromMiro-slav Klose on his 100th international appearance, along with scintillating goals from Thomas Muller and defender Arne Friedrich, gave Germany a stunning 4-0 win over Argentina in the World Cup quarter-fi-nalslastnight. It was also Klose’s 13th and 14th goals in a
        PICTURES: AFP  -  281 words
      • Article, Illustration
        224 4 / 5 MANI, Mani, Mani. Must be funny. He’sgot three-in-a-row! Yes,Singapore’s veryown Parakeetgenius is now three for three in predicting the semi-finalists for the 2010 World Cup. That’s a 100 per cent record, for those of you keeping count. Who’sMani? Well, if you don’t know by now, you
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  224 words
      • Article, Illustration
        36 4 / 5 LOW ON A HIGH: Germany coach Joachim Low openly shows his feeling towards Argentina coach Diego Maradona (right) after his team humiliated the South Americans in last night's quarter-final match. PICTURE: AFP
        PICTURE: AFP  -  36 words
      • 375 14 Believe it or not, Dutch coach Van Marwijkhad the World Cup in his sights even before their sensational 2-1 win over Brazil Wire Services. HOLLANDcoachBertvanMarwijkbelievestheirquarter-final win over Brazil will serve to silencethosewhohadmockedhisprophecythat theOranjewerecapableofliftingtheWorldCup. “WhenIwashired,ItoldtheDutchFootballFederation we have a mission we want to go for the World Cup,”hesaid. “People
        Wire Services.; PICTURES: AFP, GETTY IMAGES  -  375 words
      • 496 14 AFP. THERE was only one name on the lips of the thousands of Dutch supporters and that was Wesley Sneijder after the Inter Milan star fired Holland into the World Cup semi-fi-nals. Sneijder now has four goals to his credit, after Fifa ruled
        AFP.  -  496 words
      • 653 16 AFP. BRAZIL coach Dunga has accepted the blame for the World Cup quar-ter-final defeat by Holland that brought his four-year reign to a bitterly disappointing end. The man who captained the Selecao’s winning squad in 1994 has reached the end of his current contract and any hopes
        AFP.; PICTURES: AFP  -  653 words
      • 315 16 AFP. BRAZIL star Kaka said on Friday that nobody was sadder than the players after the five-time champions crashed out of the World Cup to Holland. “There are many people who are sad in Brazil but nobody is sadder than we are,” said
        AFP.  -  315 words
      • 908 17  -  COLVMNIST JEFFREY LOW THE SAMBA is dead, buried alive in Africa, never to be exhumed as long as Dunga’s approach to The Beautiful Game continues to gain followers back home. The good question is, will his successor, or any sensible Brazilian coach for that matter, follow his
        908 words
    • 137 12 / 13 URUGUAY defeated Ghana 4-2 in a penalty shootout after the teams were level at 1 -1 after extra time. It was one of the most exciting duels in the World Cup so far. The first five penalty-takers dispatched their spot-kicks with aplomb, including Asamoah
      137 words
    • 201 12 / 13 AP SEBASTIANAbreu’swinning penalty for Uruguay was one of the most audacious shots to win a shootout since Antonin Panenka made the move famous to win the 1976 European Championship. Abreu’s chip lazily arced into the Ghana net to complete a 4-2 shootout victory, following a 1-1
      AP  -  201 words
    • 152 12 / 13 Reuters HERE’S a list of five famous World Cup penalty misses after Ghana’s Asamoah Gyan failed to score from the spot against Uruguay in extra time of their quarter-final on Friday: 1. Diego Maradona (Argentina): Maradona missed a penalty in the quarter-final shootout with Yugoslavia in 1990,
      Reuters  -  152 words
    • CONNECT!
      • 117 20  -  David Chew financial analyst BRAZIL deserved to lose for being too conceited. In my opinion, the current outfit is inexperienced. Their defence was as ridiculous as England’s. They totally underestimated their European counterparts in the second half. A lack of discipline was another key factor responsible
        117 words
      • 109 20  -  NO STOPPING HOLLAND Janice Chian SoccerBabe I CAN only imagine how upset the Brazillians are right now. I was wrong about my prediction but I’m happy that Holland are in the semi-finals. It was a real pity that Felipe Melo’s defensive header ended up in his
        109 words
      • 235 20 CENTRE CIRCLE IT WAS a Black Friday for Brazil as the five-time world champions were dumped out of the World Cup Finals by Holland, who came from a goal down to score a 2-1 victory. Brazil took the lead through
        235 words
      • 128 20 HOLLAND 2 BRAZIL 1 TNPSOCCERBABES WHAT a disappointing game, especially with Brazil not their usual selves in the second half. Were Holland lucky? Maybe, but they played well, no doubts about that. What I didn’t like were the threatrical antics Holland employed on the pitch, which were
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  128 words
    • 471 21  -  tfvrTMN TODAY: A photographer whose work is driven by passion GARY LIM REPORTING FROM JOHANNESBURG FOR MANOUBI Hassen, becoming a sports photographer was probably the easiest decision of his life. His father, Bechir Manoubi, was one of Africa’s most famous and well-loved pho-to-journalists. Yet, trying
    • 453 22  -  Fanciedteamssufferearlyexit, humiliationandembarrassment butEnglandbosskeepshisjob HER BLOG SARA ANN K ThewriterisaRazorTV journalist THEREisaWorldCupcrisis.WhodoIsupport?Firstofall,IwantedArgentina to face off with Germany. But thanks to the luck of the draw and the way the cards have fallen, here weare–SouthAmericanflairmeets technicalprecision. This World Cup has brought a lotoftroubletheworldoveraswell. Besides the the tooth-pick-propped eyes
      PICTURES: AP, REUTERS  -  453 words
    • 387 23 PA Sport. FABIOCapellois desperateto makeup for England’s WorldCup heartache. The Football Association (FA) confirmed on Friday that Capello would stay in his job following extensive consultation with the Club England board and senior figures within the governing body. It means the 64-year-old will take charge of
      PA Sport.; PICTURE: AFP  -  387 words
    • 730 24  -  LiverpoollegendIanRush speakstoKENNETHCHEW aboutvuvuzelas,Keisuke Honda,andastuttering Wayne Rooney KENNETH CHEW HE SCORED over 380 goals in a glittering top-level career stretching over two decades, but Ian Rush never got to showcase histalentson world football’sgreatest stage. Now combining punditry duties with his recently appointed role as Liverpool’s
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  730 words
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    • 117 2 / 3 Knox. LionelMessi,withdrawntowardsthe end,wasashadowofhimself. JoachimLow’s sideisso gerousonthebreak.Themovement is intelligent and the distribution of the ball endearingly selfless. Basunmissablechance. It was almost as simple for Arne Friedrich when Schweinsteiger ripped through the defence and cut backtogivethedefenderaneasygoal. Argentineheadsdropped,theirconcentration,such as it was, faded and then Klose crept in as full time approached to volley
      117 words

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    • 101 18/19 TNP-Carlsberg World Cup contest THIS is the second TNP-Carlsberg World Cup contest. The question is: WHO WILL WIN THE WORLD CUP? SMS your answer to ***** Keyword: TNPWIN Closing date: Tuesday, July 6 Format: TNPWIN<space>Answer<space>NRIC<space>Name Each SMS costs 20 cents. Multiple entries are allowed. There will be only one winner
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    • 137 20 CONNECT WITH US READERS, we want your say on ■CENTRE CIRCLE EVERYday, wewill postthe day’s hottest World Cup issue in our Centre Circle section because we want to know what you think. MATCH REACTIONS CAN’Tbelieve FernandoTorres missed that easy shot, or wonder why the referee made that dubious decision?
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