The New Paper, 15 November 2009

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1 56 The New Paper
  • 13 1 The New Paper on sunday 15 Nov 09 80 CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 Enter Obama... Get the latest news in The Business Times Apec Special 8-page pullout inside MISTRESS DISFIGURES HIS WIFE (RIGHT) WITH HOT OIL, BUT HUSBAND SAYS: My heart still goes out to my mistress 2 Famous S’porean had secret second wife 6 PICTURE: SHIN MIN DAILY 80 CENTS MICA (P)
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    • 12 1 Winner of Reporting Breaking News Award '09 Society of Publishers in Asia
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  • News
    • 1282 2  -  Mancan’tletgoofjealousloverwhotiesup hiswifeandpourshotoiloverher REPORT: CHONG SHIN YEN HE HAS two women in his life, both of whom have endured pain and suffering because of him. The first is his wife, a prisoner in her own home who is afraid to go out
    • 302 4 IT’Slikely thatMadam Chan Hoong Choo, 41, will have to carry the scars of the horrific attack for the rest of her life. And she will never forgive her husband’smistress for whatshe did to her. Madam Chan suffered burns to her face, scalp, body and
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    • 1393 6/7  -  SecretsecondwifeoffamousS’porean’ssonspeaksupafter readingTheNewPaperreportondeathofhisgreat-grandson REPORTS:CRYSTALCHAN CRYSTAL CHAN SHE was married to one of Singapore’s prominent historical figures cinema owner and Teochew community leader Lim Chong Pang. But no history book mentions Madam Chia Meow Moey, 86, who married the son of well-known
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  1,393 words
    • 280 8  -  REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN HISTORY experts contacted by The New Paper on Sunday were surprised to hear about Mr Lim Chong Pang’s secret family. Dr Kevin Tan, president of the Singapore Heritage Society, said: “This is the first time I’ve heard about Mr Lim Chong
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  280 words
    • Article, Illustration
      398 9  -  The new helmet system for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter projects data and imagery ontopilot’svisor.Infographics journalist PATRICK CHIA shares their vision F-35 HELMET-MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEM PATRICK CHIA THERE’S no more need for the usual Head-Up Display that has been used in the cockpit for the last 50 years. Now,
    • 924 10 / 11  -  Everyweekend,thesekiting kakistaketheirstuntkites forspins,dipsandloopsin theskiesoverBuangkok REPORT:HEDY HEDY KHOO HIS interest took off with the first stunt kite he saw soaring in the wind. Watching its airborne acrobatic manoeuvres, Mr Ken Hong felt it tugging at his heartstrings. The 38-year-old project manager said: “I was hooked. I didn’t
    • 1103 12 / 13  -  Delusional parents who kill theirchildrenoftenthink theiractionsareforthebest REPORT: ELYSA CHEN FOR some, taking their own lives isn’t enough. They do what is unthinkable to others killing their own children first. Ironically, the killers usually see their horrendous act as one of kindness, say experts. Last week,
      ST PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  1,103 words
    • 406 12 / 13  -  REPORT: HEDY KHOO HE IS in a coma and his family had hoped that his daughter will visit him. But it seems that will not happen. A woman claiming to be the ex-wife of Mr Thomas Yap Lam Choon, 55, has
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    • News Apec 2009
      • 395 14 / 15  -  BIG COUNTRIES,BIGWIGS Leadersof three of the world’s largest and mostpowerful countries havearrived in Singapore forApec. What do Americans, Russiansand Chinese based here think?The New Paper on Sunday speaksto some of them REPORT: HO LIAN-Yi HERspecialtyisborscht,butMrsOlgaTodt,29,isjustascomfortablewhippingupnasigorenginthekitchen. But laksa is the one dish she said visiting Russian
        TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  395 words
      • 407 14 / 15  -  REPORT:ELYSA ELYSA CHEN WHILE he has met President S R Nathan three times, Tyler Creasman, 17, has yet to see his own president in the flesh. So, with US President Barack Obama here this weekend, it will be a chance for
        TNP PICTURE: KENNETH KOH  -  407 words
      • 239 14 / 15  -  Ho Lian-Yi HERO worship was part of the reason for her excitement. After all, said Miss Zhang Hairong, 19, President Hu Jintao is a popular figure back home in China. Her friend, Miss Zhang Yan, also 19, said in Mandarin:“Weadmirehim. During theSichuan earthquake (last year), what he
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    • 746 16 / 17  -  Cuttingstudioalbums,treadingthe boardsatRafflesHotel...noexpense issparedforkindergartengraduates REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN LIKE pop stars, they record their album in a professional recording studio. Their concert is a $60,000 production involving prestigious venues, special choreography and cus-tom-made costumes. But they are not professional artistes. Theyarepre-schoolersfromthisyear’sgraduating batch of 240 kids
    • 488 18 Ex-lover fires gunshots in salon holds her hostage M’sianmanturnshimself in after cops surround salon A 23-YEAR-OLD jilted boyfriend held his beautician girlfriend at gunpoint while trying to win her back. The two-hour hostage drama took place yesterday atTaman Kosas, Ampang, in Malaysia. At about 10.30am, the man arrived at the
      PICTURES: CHINA PRESS  -  488 words
    • 314 18 THE Malaysian police recently foiled two unrelated kidnapping cases and rescued three victims over the span of three days. The hostages had been held for a total ransom of about RM125,000 ($51,000). The victims, all Bangladeshis in their 30s, were working as sub-contractors. They had
      PICTURE: SIN CHEW DAILY NEWS  -  314 words
    • 675 19 Whereaccidentshappen,theyappearinaflash–private groupsthatsupplementBangkok’sambulanceservices THE car jumps another red light at breakneck speedasMrPaitoonKaewkieu,oneofBangkok’s so-called “body-snatchers”, weaves through the city’s notorious traffic to the scene of yet another accident. The 28-year-old is a volunteer for the Ruamkatanyu Foundation, one of several private groups that help Bangkok’s rudimentary ambulance services
      PICTURES: AFP  -  675 words
    • 356 20 HE WAS climbing up a mango tree when he saw the large flower. Mr Saman, 34, saw that it was growing among the weeds and bushes. “IgotdownandwhenIwalkednearertoit,Ismelled a distinctive odour,” Indonesian news agency Antara quoted him as saying. Mr Saman, a resident
      PICTURES: LOTHAR GRUNZ, AFP  -  356 words
    • 608 21 Suspecthadbeenreleased onbaildespitebeingaccused of threatening to kill her SHEhadearliercomplainedtothepolicethat her partner had allegedly threatenedtokillher. Officers charged Kevin Sainsbury, who livedwithMsKarenBrookes,withtheoffence and he appeared before magistrates on 19 Oct. He did not enter a plea to the allegation andhewasreleasedonbailtoappearincourt nextmonth. Sainsbury, who has three adult children from a
      PICTURE: INTERNET  -  608 words
    • 677 22 Teen fugitive who evades US, Canadian police so popularhehasonlinesupporters,T-shirtsandlogo SOMEcallhimRobinHood,HuckleberryFinnandJesseJamesallrolledintoone.Heisaquintessentialburglar. Hebeganwhenhewas7. Whateverthe case may be, for police near Seattle in the US, Colton Harris-Moore, 18, is themostwantedfugitive. Since early last year, when he escaped fromajuvenileholdingfacility,hehasledFBI and Canada’s Royal Mounted Police on a wildgoose chasethroughthe states
      PICTURES: AP  -  677 words
    • News Snapshot
      • 299 23 USPresident Obama toNorthKorea: US PRESIDENT Barack Obama yesterday took a firm stance against an increasingly belligerent North Korea. He said Washington would not be “cowed”byPyongyang’snuclear threats. He said, however, that the United States is ready to offer the isolated country “a differentfuture”. He
        299 words
      • Article, Illustration
        52 23 FIRE ACCIDENT: Fire fighters remove the body of a victim from a building after a fire in Busan, Seoul, yesterday. Ten people died and seven others were seriously burned in the blaze at an indoor shooting range, some of them are believed to be Japanese tourists, police said.
        PICTURE: XINHUA  -  52 words
      • 110 23 CHINA’S health ministry said two people who received vaccinations for the H1N1 flu have died although one of the deaths appears to be unrelated to the vaccine. A statement on the ministry’s website on Friday said an autopsy showed one of
        110 words
      • 105 23 THE cargo clearance centre at the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) Complex at the Johor Causeway will be open 24 hours, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTun Razak. He said the move was taken to reduce congestion which occurs often at the
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      • 102 23 FUGITIVE former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra left Cambodia in his private jet yesterday. Cambodian officials confirmed that he had concluded his four-day trip to take up his appointment as economics adviser to the government. Thaksin, who was ousted by
        102 words
      • 98 23 RISING sea levels caused by global warming could flood up to 250,000 homes in Australia. This was according to a government report, Climate Change Risks toAustralia’sCoast,released yester- day that warned airports, hospitals and power stations were at risk, reported AFP.
        98 words
    • News Exchange
      • 560 24  -  COMMENT: LOW CHING LING CALL me unsympathetic, but suicide is a selfish and cowardly act. You kill yourself, your problems are over. But who has to pick up the pieces? Those who love you. Thankfully, I haven’t had to go through the
        TNP FILE PHOTO  -  560 words
      • Article, Illustration
        113 24 -10 The number of pregnancyrelated complaints against employers filed with the Manpower Ministry has gone up by more than 25 per cent this year. +10 Salaries are expected to go up by 2.6 per cent next year, according to a survey of more than 150 employers. -10 Climate change threatens
        113 words
      • 25 24 “Itsoundslikescary clownmusic.” –Awomanattendingtheconcertofa singershe’sheardforthefirsttime. “CanyouchecktheToto results for me? I want to know if I need to go to worktomorrow.” –Amancheckingwithhiswifeifhecanretire early.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 V I t m JU if. tm... X^, > 9 s w wr**£t't f. 1 f V Sc ,<a to J ,c °"^"l l £<ose r y-zz r es ffiffisssEt°as Win $8888 and other attractive prizes in our lucky draw. Get a lucky draw chance with every top-up (minimum of
      368 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 WHO WILL MAKE IT TO SOUTH AFRICA? SPORTS NOON EDITION thenewpaper *No Sports Noon Edition tomorrow Get our Sports Noon Edition on Thursday for the latest in World Cup Qualifying Play-offs
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 449 5 Energize yourself at: I 1 III, I r w le w> V\\\ w> I r oo? CXD CXD CXD II ocftrttu i\\\\ 1 < k WWWWW uu v\\\\\\w^ x \\> vv Si H 0 vww WW vv iiiiiiiiiiniiijiih. ss Wardrobe on model Pretzle tank dress: A (Ink retail 10-eyelet boots:
      449 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 Presented By mm Nhokubutsu FITNESS 4 X x A J C Young or old, athletic or not, Capoeira is enjoyed by everyone all over the world simply because there's no other like this Brazilian martial art form. Graceful yet exciting, there's music, singing and dance-like movements incorporated into the training
      189 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 87 21 Woman scalded by husband’s mistress speaks out TK J* 1 The choice is yours VISIT www 3a 1 Bl m Ms 61 4 n m r® n pj ci n F-niends Yonly SO.99 caffiF Freeline: 6100 0000 1900:*****11 DC PARTY 49cents per min 1900:*****33 Callers must be 18 S
      87 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 397 22 (£>I MJb ife <3>I Cosmic Qi-Gong And Science For Health Business Reg No: *****292X Ladies and Gentlemen... Today, many are living in the risk of unknown internal body blockages. Suffering from health problems and unexpected accidents happening among us in our lives. I, Consultant Master Lim Sifu truly believe respect
      397 words
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  • enjoy
    • 742 25  -  St James Holdings has 140full-timeartistesin stable,CEOsaysit’slikea mini Caldecott Hill there REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN YOUhavetheAhJies(bigsistersinMandarin)andAh Ges (big brothers) of Caldecott Hill MediaCorp A-listers like Zoe Tay and Fann Wong, Li NanxingandChristopherLee. And at St James Holdings, it appears there is a similarpeckingorderinitsstableoffull-timeartistes. St
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  742 words
    • 505 27  -  Our reporter gets a kick out of capoeira, to be featured in The New Paper Lifestyle Fitness workshop REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN I’VE punched and kicked vigorously during the odd combat class at the gym. I always feel clumsy when I throw my
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  505 words
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • aspire
        • 460 28  -  ANGELINE NEO THERE are great loves, and then there are addictions. MyAchilles’heelisshoes. Undeniable good-looking companions thataddsasstoone’sstrut,andmakeastatement when you step forward. So much so that when I size a man up, inevitably there is the cursory but critical glance downwards. Aman’ssartorialchoicesinfootwearisso subtle, yet telling.
          460 words
    • 166 29  -  Hedy Khoo WHEN out hunting for hotties, cheesy pick-up lines are the worst weapons you can arm yourself with. The only action you are likely to get is a pair of eyeballs rolling upwards. Unless the music is too loud andyourtargetcan’thearyou,usinglamepick-uplines will
    • 327 29 INGREDIENTS 3 eggs 3 250g-packs of cream cheese, softened 2 tbsp plain flour, sifted 2 tbsp milk 1/2 cupsugar Zest of 1 orange, 1 lemon and 2 large limes Juice of one lime 11/2 tspvanilla extract 200g semi-sweet chocolate, melted 3137g packs of Oreo sandwich
      327 words
    • 402 30  -  ANNUAL TATLER BALL REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO ITWASstandupforSingaporeattheTatlerball.Most of the ladies with men in lounge suits wore Singapore designers, not a casualty of the credit crunchbutadefinitethumbsupforlocaltalent. SingaporeTatlerheldits27thanniversaryshindigat Capella in Sentosa, a sea change from its usual town venuesofRafflesTownClubandShangri-LaHotel. Itwasamore“intimateaffair”,themagazine’smanaging director, Mr Gilbert Cheah said. (There were
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  402 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 410 31  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR A COUPLE of weeks ago, The Straits Times published an entertainingly caustic letter complaining about Channel 5 showing movies like Lord Of The Rings and Broken Arrow over and over again. Thewriterasked:“Arethereno other movies that can be shown
        410 words
      • 400 31  -  SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES “WHY are there so many fathers killing their children inSingapore?” It was a question that came, quite instinctively, from Parveen, who, at 11, is the youngest of my four kids. She had just picked up The New Paper
        400 words
    • Article, Illustration
      113 34 This week, we’re showcasing your best Halloween party snapshots. For two weeks starting from 22 Nov, we want to feature pictures of you and your newborn baby. Send your pictures to We went to the Night Safari Halloween. And We found this ghost.. Wonder which ghost it
      113 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 107 27 SMI i'/i The Most Happening Chat Club QACDAGADGTBB ETANAMRAS QD 0B3TA, 66, ■C^ wr CHAT PARTES 1900-9123-321 50 cents/min JftRB A*-sQ| LADIES FREE LIME: ***** 800 Top 3 Ladies Win i Total Cash Prize of 2000. LIUE I TO I CHAT 1900-9-121-121 90 cents/mill FIRST 45$EC FREE .b v Online
      107 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 57 28 9 Got Have asteitheih fjantyJNow! r i <r w isAtI'ii'ii :><:c 6547 1900 I Adult Party §s s tV 1900-912-9200 0 Midnight Party 12am to 3am Only s/ Save with No Airtime Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from this service. Bar Helpline: *****249.
      57 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 28 29 FLYON THE WALL Ladies go local at the TatlerBall, showing off creations by Singapore fashion designers. PAGE30 FATHER FIGURES Ourcolumnist’s daughter wonders why‘somanydads are killing their kidsinS’pore’ PAGE31
      28 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 52 31 Be^WOURj BMMKANTASIES! o\xi IN 7^ JPRVI ONLY $1.99 for First 10min if use Credit or DEBIT card u^ 223 to pay Call 6767-6969 (Only Party Live chat) *>) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from this service. Bar Helpline: *****249. Service by Voice Response
      52 words

  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 111 32 SEEING STARS BY KUAH SENG SENG Singapore’smostaccuratefakeastrologer SCORPIO: After an unexpected visit to the circus, you will become the new poster boyforcoulrophobia–thefearofclowns. SAGITTARIUS: A stray javelin landing at your feet will lead to the loss of the piggy that had roast beef. CAPRICORN: The best way to kill a zombie
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 101 33 MY STREET Think you know Singapore like the back of your hand? Try answering these questions related to our country in our My Street series. Check the answers in this space next Sunday. 1.WhereisSingapore’soldest existing fire station? 2. Name the two movie theatres that used to operate along Marine Parade
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  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 323 33 WATCH’EM Death Race (above) HBO (StarHub Ch 60), 9pm An ex-con is forced by the warden of a notorious prisonto competeinthe post-industrial world’s mostpopular sport acar race inwhich inmates must brutalise and kill one another on the road to freedom. Starring Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson. Celebrity Sweetheart VVDrama(StarHubCh55),10.30pm In this
      323 words

  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 302 35 YESTERDAY’S gallops by horses engaged at Kranji on Wednesday. The going was good. CLASS 3 1,100m: Break Free? ?canter/35.4. El Patron? ?(J Powell) 39.1. My Son? (B Vorster) 38.6. Golden Jet 40.5. Dishdasha? (M Gallagher) 40.1. Diplomatic Strike (V Duric) 44.8.
        302 words
      • 1713 35 RACE 1 DOUBLE DOSE, AROWANA CHARM, TOUCH OF CLASS and EXCEL KING were slow to begin. SIR ALEX was difficult to settle in the backstraight. MISS BELLISSIMA raced wide without cover throughout. SIR ALEX laid in under pressure in the straight, proving
        1,713 words
      • 1510 36 GOING FORECAST: HEAVY RACE1 C5 12.45 -1200m(LC) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 410-79 CashMan 57 (43) SRuzaini*c3 15 (4mhLNDanis-A&A) 2 *****0 CizenSupreme 57 (43) VSivan 10 (7nzgCecilRobert-PaintEmperor) 3 4004-- KokandKrown 56.5 (42) HSGill*c1 14 (5amgKCTiang-Century) 4 1--29- NinetyfiveEagle 56.5 (42) KEirwanc2
        1,510 words
      • 797 37 Going: Heavy DANNYKHOO’STIPSFOR TODAY’SIPOHRACES RACE 1: 11 Maxim Gun 9 D’MightyVictory 4Ninetyfive Eagle RACE 2: 2 Kakaya 1 Championship 5 Walk The Line RACE 3:6 Irish Eyes 8 New Hope 2 Twelve Fairies RACE 4: 3 Desert Leo 2 Rags To Riches 10 Shadow Wind RACE 5:
        797 words
      • 802 37 RACE1 1st 12 Elusive Touch ($26-$8) 2nd 9 Danedarra ($16) 3rd 14 Cloudygaze ($46) 4th 15 Ashbaa. EOB $21. Forecast $31. Place forecast $11 (9-12), $57 (9-14), $80 (12-14). Tierce $1109. Trio $328. Quartet No winner ($8790 jackpot carried forward to next race). RACE 2 1st
        802 words
      • 712 38 RACE 1 (1,650m) Dash (No. 14) needs luck from gate 12, but did just fail to light the board in his season debut and was a second-up winner last term. He handles the dirt and is one of the main chances. Happy
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        929 words
      • 224 38 wound up but still finished third over the 1,000m on his season debut. He will close. RACE 9 (1,400m) Bolero (2) has run well on each of his three 1,600m outings this season and now gets his
        224 words
    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 900 39 AP IN THE 268 official tournaments that Tiger Woods has played around the world as a pro, he has never gone three consecutive tournaments without winning when he held at least a share of the 36-hole lead. That streak was in jeopardy at
        AP; PICTURE: AP  -  900 words
      • 291 39 AFP GREGORY Bourdy took command of the Hong Kong Open after the third round yesterday, shooting a seven-under-par 63 to lead by two shots from Robert-Jan Derksen. Bourdy’s bogey-free round was the equal-best of the day alongside two-time champion Miguel Angel Jimenez as the Frenchman
        AFP  -  291 words
    • Sports Athletics
      • 1007 40/41  -  Compare the tally of medals (below) from athleticsatthetwo Games and you will noticethebigslideof thesportinSingapore. Inafour-pagespecial, The New Paper reflects on what has hit track and field while honouring the stars of the past GODFREY ROBERT ARTHRITIS had set in after the years of pounding the
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  1,007 words
      • Article, Illustration
        267 40/41 HEATHER MERIC AN: Heather Merican was the glamour girl for track and field in the Sixties and Seventies. Her model look was a good reason why fans flocked to watch her, even at training at Farrer Park. She was a long jumper-turned-hurdler with a smooth flowing style
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      • 654 42  -  GODFREY ROBERT COMMENT THE STATISTICS tell the story. That of how the sport of athletics had slid from an unexpected high to one in the depths of despondency. At the SEAP Games in 1973, Singapore garnered six gold medals and a
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      • 454 42  -  GODFREY ROBERT NOT EVERY Singaporean welcomes foreign talent. But that is a necessity in sport, especially since the Chinese talent in badminton, table tennis and swimming has been making waves for their adopted countries. Singapore, too, has banked on foreign talent to bring it sporting success
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  454 words
      • 953 43  -  BRIAN MILLER BEFORE the Internet and its saucy content, before ESPN and Maria Sharapova, and before silicone became more than just something used in making paint, we got our “hots” watching a “convent girl” stretch her long legs as she skimmed over
        ST FILE PICTURES; ST FILE PICTURE  -  953 words
    • Sports Tennis
      • 884 44 As her autobiography hits the shelves, world No. 1 Serena Williams speaks to CNNInternational’s Pedro Pinto about recent controversies, including the US Open match against Kim Clijsters and Andre Agassi’sdrugsrevelation How important a role does your father play in your careerand your sister’s? WELL, my
        PICTURES: REUTERS,AP  -  884 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 764 45  -  Thebalanceofpower isshiftingwiththe business-likeBlues overtakingLiverpool and Man United SARA ANN K HER BLOG The writer is a hostfor RazorTV. THE TIDES are changing. The sands are shifting. Without the use of more cliches, am I the only one to notice that there are great “tsunamis” happening in
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, REUTERS  -  764 words
      • 248 45 PA Sport JOSE Mourinho has insisted that he sees his future in English football. The former Chelsea coach (right) is doing well with Inter-Milan having led the Nerazzurri to the Serie A title last season and they currently have a five-point lead at the top
        PA Sport  -  248 words
      • 191 45 PA Sport MANCHESTER City and Argentina striker Carlos Tevez has admitted that he is considering retirement because of fatigue. The 25-year-old has fallen behind the likes of Gonzalo Higuain in national boss Diego Maradona’s plans after stuttering in World Cup qualifying. Tevez confesses that, despite his young
        PA Sport  -  191 words
      • 614 48  -  ALISON RATCLIFFE FOOTBALL FEMME WELL, blow my trumpet and call me gullible. If I didn’t get taken in by Didier Drogba again. When Jonny Evans face of a choirboy, upturned studs of a psychopath stuck his boot through Drogba’s ribcage during
        PICTURE: AP  -  614 words
      • 361 48 PA Sport RAFAEL Benitez has urged his players to start their season afresh after the international break. The Liverpool manager believes there are only minor issues to address with his faltering side. The Reds have already lost five Premiership matches–threemorethanduringthewholeofthe previous campaign and
        PA Sport; PICTURE: AP  -  361 words
    • Sports Football
      • 363 46/47  -  In this final of three excerptsfromhisbook CANTONA–THEREBEL WHO WOULD BE KING, biographer PHILIPPEAUCLAIRfindsout howManUnitedmanaged topullofftheirbestsigning intheirclub’shistory PHILIPPE AUCLAIR THAT Eric Cantona is Sir Alex Ferguson’s best signing, we know. But just how did the Manchester United manager secure the best piece of transfer deal in the club’shistory? At
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES  -  363 words
      • 289 46/47 DESPERATE for a striker Manchester United had failed to score in four of their last five games. Alex Ferguson was sitting in his chairman Martin Edwards’ office, remarking what a shame it was that United had missed out on Cantona when he was available. Right
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      • 368 46/47 REGARDLESS of Alex Ferguson’s long-standing interest in, if not active pursuit of, Eric Cantona, events had unfolded at tremendous speed. The deal had been struck just four days after Cantona’s exclusion from the Leeds squad for their game at Arsenal. Forty-eight hours later, on the
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      • 626 46/47 HAVING clinched the deal, that same afternoon, Alex Ferguson contacted his assistant Brian Kidd and asked him if he’d like to see Eric Cantona play for Manchester United. Kidd said yes. When told that this would be the case and £1.2 million ($2.9m) Kidd gasped:
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    • Sports World Cup Qualifying Play-off
      • 606 49 NEW ZEALAND 1 (Rory Fallon 44) BAHRAIN0 New Zealand win 1-0 on aggregate to qualify for World Cup 2010 AP HIS FATHER was the assistant coach for New Zealand at the 1982 World Cup the last time the Kiwis qualified for the world’s biggest football tournament.
        AP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  606 words
      • 333 49 ENGLAND UNDER-211 (Danny Rose 40) PORTUGALUNDER-210 EURO UNDER-21 QUALIFIER PA Sport TOTTENHAM youngster Danny Rose’s first-half goal gave England Under-21s victory over Portugal in their European Championship Qualifier at Wembley last night. The 19-year-old, just recalled to White Hart Lane following a loan
        PA Sport  -  333 words
    • Sports Asian Cup Qualifiers
      • 480 50 / 51  -  DAVID LEE JUST like his favourite goal celebration, former Tanjong Pagar, Home United and Tampines Rovers midfielder Sutee Suksomkit delivered a flying kick to Singapore’s hopes of qualifying for the Asian Cup for the very first time with two goals in Thailand’s 3-1 win
        TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO, AFP  -  480 words
      • 534 50 / 51  -  GARY LIM IT WAS a game which Singapore could ill afford to lose. Alas, they crashed 3-1 to Thailand at the National Stadium last night, a result which left their Asian Cup qualifying hopes in tatters. With the defeat, Singapore lost their second spot in
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      • 402 52 / 53  -  GARY LIM IT WAS a big blow to Singapore’s Asian Cup qualifying hopes. Yesterday’s 3-1 defeat to Thailand at the National Stadium saw the Thais leapfrog the Lions into second place. Singapore coach Raddy Avramovic didn’t mince his words when he admitted that there
        TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  402 words
      • 511 52 / 53  -  GARY LIM THAILANDcoachBryanRobsonwascer-tainlypleasedwithhisteam’sshowing.The visitors clinched a 3-1 win against Singapore, one which they deserved, much to the disappointment of the majority ofthe22,183spectatorsattheNationalStadium. Minimisingthefree-kicks conceded RIGHT from the start, Robson had pointed outSingapore’sthreatfromset-pieces. With height and physique on their side, the Lions usually made the most
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    • Article, Illustration
      395 54  -  ASIAN CUP QUALIFIERS GROUP E SINGAPORE 1 (Mustafic Fahrudin 84-pen) THAILAND 3 (Sutee Suksomkit 12-pen, 81, TherdsakChaiman 75) DAVID LEE SO MUCH rests on his broad shoulders, and so much is expected of Noh Alam Shah. Thirty-three times Singapore’s leading scorer has netted for Singapore, including the
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  395 words
      • Article, Illustration
        127 55 LIVE TELECASTS WORLD CUP QUALIFYING PLAY-OFFS Thursday: UKRAINE v GREECE StarHub TV Ch 27,1.55am Ukraine will rely on AndriyShevchenko (right) for goals after missing strikers Andriy Voronin and Serhiy Nazarenko through injuries. BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA v PORTUGAL StarHub TV Ch 22,3.45am SLOVENIA v RUSSIA StarHub TV Ch 21,3.45am FRANCE v IRELAND
        PICTURE: AP  -  127 words
      • 10 55 CHILDREN’SMIRACLENETWORKCLASSIC Tomorrow: DAY 4 StarHub TV Ch 26, 2am
        10 words
      • 9 55 BNP PARIBAS MASTERS Tonight: FINAL StarHubTV Ch 22,10pm
        9 words
      • 488 55 LOCAL EVENTS FOOTBALL What: Singapore Under-23 v Kuwait Olympic Team Friendly When: Today, 5.30pm Where: Bishan Stadium HAVING just returned from the VFF Cup in Hanoi, Vietnam, the Singapore Under-23 team is stepping up its preparations for the upcoming SEA Games in Laos next month with this friendly
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    • 30 37 Saturday,14 Nov2009 First Second Third 9724 5431 5224 Starters 9975 1977 3400 0918 6550 0504 2437 3086 4934 9367 Consolation 9684 5584 6698 7724 8859 5682 0807 8757 5536 7866
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    • 60 39 New Opening Zen Thai Spa at Marina Country Club W (Ponggol) The Charm of old Ponggol.... The Lure of a Marina Your search for the perfect get-away ends here c', V t o". 600 Ponggol Seventeenth Avenue (off Ponggol Road) Tel: 6475 11 TO 6875 7768 Full spa facilities All
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    • 49 39 Ip l_ A, Yri) Always play with care. |responsibiyf Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize Visit our website at Towards Community Purpose and Benefit SINGAPORE FU RCB Reg No: *****0202G
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    • 41 55 SUBSCRIBE TO TNP Here’syour chanceto getTNP every day. Call 6388-3838 to subscribe or go to NOON EDITION There will be no Noon Edition tomorrow. Look out for our Noon Edition on Thursday for the latest in World Cup Qualifying Play-offs.
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    • 91 55 Life after reading The New Paper continues online at... The Postman Sign up as a member with your own email, name and password to share your views on sports and create your own forums and blog discussions for the EPL, La Liga and Serie A games and other overseas
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