The New Paper, 2 November 2009

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1 48 The New Paper
  • 18 1 the new paper 2 Nov 09 mon A SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS I PUBLICATION 70 CENTS MICA (P) 193/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 How Gunners outshine Blues Devils They have most number of goals higher number of scorers PAGE 41 NO SPORTS NOON EDITION Winner of Reporting Breaking News Award ’09 Society of Publishers in Asia MORE S’PORE MALAYS MOVING TO AUSTRALIA BUT... This familyreturns after just one year PICTURE: SHAFFIQ SELAMAT What’s
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    • 2 1 "*****1 *****1
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  • News
    • 1020 2 / 3  -  They’redrawnto slower pace oflife Down Under but have to make sacrifices MORE MALAYS MOVE TO AUSTRALIA REPORTS: CRYSTAL CHAN HE HAD a relatively comfortable life here. Yet IT professional Anuar Mokti, 40, uprooted his family to seek a new
    • 178 2 / 3 THEAustraliangovernment istolimitthis year’s skilled migration quota to 108,100 people, compared with 133,500 last year, because of the recession. Singapore-based migration agent Andrew Grahamsaid: “When theeconomy isstrong, they’ll take in more people. Obviously, unemployment in Australiaisrisingnow and there’slessdemand for foreignworkers.” On 16 Mar, Australian
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    • 1079 4 / 5  -  Absinthe sold in restaurants here although AVA says the alcoholic drink is banned in Singapore REPORTS: DESMOND NG ITHASbeenknowntocauseconvulsions,hallucina-tions,seizuresandevendeath.It’s no wonder that absinthe a strong green, ani-se-flavoured alcoholic drink is banned in Singapore andinsomeothercountries. This is because it contains wormwood, a herb with
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  1,079 words
    • 29 4 / 5 LAGER BEER: 5% WINE: 15% LIQUOR/SPIRITS: 40% RUM: 60% ABSINTHE: 85% Figures shown are of upper limits of alcohol content. PICTURES: AFP, FILE
      PICTURES: AFP, FILE  -  29 words
    • 211 4 / 5 TONGKAT ALI (left) A traditional herb in Malay culture used to treat fever, malariaand istraditionally believedtoenhance men’s sexual performance. It cannot be bought as part of a food or beverage product here, according to a report in The Sunday Times in 2007. AVA has banned food
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  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements

  • Local News watch
    • 56 6 TOCOINAPHASE:ThiscoinphoneinacoffeeshopinToaPayoh North may soon be a thing of the past. Lianhe Zaobao reported that a check of more than 10 coffee shops showed only two of them still had coin phones on the premises. The usage of these phones has declined with the widespread usage of
      PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  56 words
    • 239 6 NEXT GENERAL ELECTION Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong disclosed that the People’s Action Party (PAP) has identified some candidates, including potential office-hold-ers, for the next general election due by February 2012. They are mainly in their 30s and 40s. Mr Lee, who is also the
      BH FILE PICTURE  -  239 words
    • 100 6 THE new $10 million fund that reimburses kidney donors for costs is unlikely to yield a surge of new donors, but should achieve its other aim of discouraging organ trading. Lawmakers, kidney specialists and administrators interviewed yesterday about the Kidney Live Donor Support
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    • 90 6 SOME 400 people were recognised for their contributions to Singapore at the National Day Investiture 2009 ceremony yesterday evening. Receiving the top award from President S R Nathan was Mr Fock Siew Wah. The Group Chairman of PSA International was conferred the Distinguished Service Order
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    • 93 6 HALF-HEIGHT platform screen doorshavebeeninstalledatPasirRis MRT station to help prevent people from falling onto the tracks. This is the first station to feature such safety enhancements. Installation began in August and took several months to complete because work could only be carried out
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    • 788 8  -  S’porePRisfirstinSEAsiatohave cyst removed via special procedure REPORT: NG WAN CHING SHEisoverjoyed.Ms Mia Ng had an operation and thereisno scar to showfor it. She is the first patient here to have an ovariancystremoved usinganew device. She is also the first such case in
      PICTURE: DR KENNETH WONG  -  788 words
    • 89 9 RUSSIAN base jumper Valery Rozov (left) prepares to leap off a 29-storey (116m)-high building in the Pakistani city of Karachi yesterday. The extreme sports star said he wanted to do the jump to show his support and solidarity with Pakistan for fighting against Islamic terrorism and
      PICTURES: REUTERS  -  89 words
    • 524 9  -  REPORT: LEDIATI TAN A CABBY thought he was being civ-ic-minded by stopping a man from damaging public property. Minutes later, he was allegedly punchedin the faceby theman’s friend. The incident took place late on 24 Oct at an open-air carpark in Changi Village.
    • 650 10  -  Miss Singapore World PilarArlando’snational costume steers clear of mascot-like influences REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN MERLIONS,giantorchids,what’snext?Thankfully,thisyear’sMissSingaporeWorld’snational costume will steer clear of the mas-cot-likethemespubliclyroastedinpreviouspageants. MissPilarCarmelitaArlando,20,willbestruttingon the global stage in a national costume which has Indian,MalayandChineseinfluencesallrolledintoone. The New Paper was given an exclusive look
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  650 words
    • 388 11  -  American teen delights by switching accents REPORT: ELYSA CHEN TYLERCreasmanisaCaucasianteen-ager with a shock of strawberry blondhair. But when you hear the Singlish that pours out of his mouth, you’ll swear that he’sprobablyanahbengindisguise. Besidesthe“lahs”,“lehs”,and“wahlao reanthatheshockshawkersandtaxidriverswhenhespeakstotheminSinglish. He said: “They would start talking to meinSinglishorMandarinafterthat.”
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  388 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 27 7 Responsible gambling QfP -O w jX QUEUE c 3 OPENS: 9AM BETTING COUNTER Play Smart, Play Responsibly National Problem Gambling Hotline: 1800-6-668-668 COUNSELLING CENTRE LOSE! D o
      27 words
  • 385 7 Brought to you by: SINGAPORE TURF CLUB TO highlight the importance of playing with discretion, the Singapore Turf Club (STC) will be holding its inaugural Responsible Gambling Awareness Week (RGAW) from today to 8 Nov. The STC hopes it will foster more responsible gambling
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  • 266 7 WHILE her main job is to collect bets from customers at the Singapore Turf Club (STC), she alsomoonlightsastheir“counsellor”. Once every few months, Ms Dora Yeo (left), who has been a cashier for more than 20 years, will have customers coming up to her to tell her
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 Some matches are made in heaven. Others are made possible in... The Dating Challenge If you’re between 20 and 40 years old, single and keen to meet new people, send a picture of yourself to Tell us in a few lines what makes you special. If selected, you’ll get
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 Please Enrol Early (before 7 November 2009) to enjoy very special rebate. |GCE 'O' LEVEL I GCE 'A' LEVEL^ 'O' FULL-TIME 'A' FULL-TIME LEVELS "leading to 2010 ,M„„- Frl —.COCAMBRIDGE EXAMINATIONS. (Available Only I AM Session 8.30am 1.00pm I AM Session 8.30am 1.00pm PM Session 2.00pm 6.00pm PM Session 2.00pm
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 214 11 Why is famous Hokkien mee seller an endangered species? UNIVERSITY OF LONDON DIPLOMA in ECONOMICS Offered on a full-time and part-time basis Students who successfully complete the Diploma may transfer onto 2nd year of the following programmes B.Sc Accounting Finance B.Sc Information Systems B.Sc Banking Finance Management B.Sc Business B.Sc
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  • Global News watch
    • Article, Illustration
      24 12 HOSTAGE:AChinesemanholdsawomanhostageatknifepoint atabank’sautomatedtellermachineinKunming,China, on Saturday, as a police negotiator (left) talks to him. The man later surrendered and released his hostage unharmed. PICTURE: AFP
      PICTURE: AFP  -  24 words
    • 315 12 OBAMA’S1ST TRIP TOASIA US PRESIDENT Barack Obama, will use his first trip to Asia next week to underscore the US’s intention to remain deeply engaged in the region. He will use his meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao, to redouble efforts to find common
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    • 107 12 CHINESE meteorologists covered Beijing in snow yesterday after seeding clouds to bring winter weather to the capital in an effort to combat a lingering drought, state media reported. The unusually early snow blanketed the capital from yesterday morning and fell for half the
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    • 114 12 THAI police arrested two people at a Bangkok airport yesterday on suspicion of spreading rumours about the health of the country’s 81-year-old king that triggered a slide in Thailand’s stock market, police said. Thai stocks plunged a combined 7.2 per cent on
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    • 131 12 HONG Kong marine police seized a boatload of illegal Afghan migrants over the weekend, the first time asylum seekers from the war-torn country have been caught entering the city, police said yesterday. The arrest early on Saturday of the nine Afghans came as authorities
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    • 573 13 Hong Kong man bumps into female passers-by on purpose THE man, who appeared to be in his 50s, walked with his back upright and with a spring in his step. But his posture and gait would change dramatically every now and then. He
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    • Till death do us PARTY
      • 314 14 OnAllSaint’s day,people aroundthe world show that death can be celebrated instead of feared IN THE PHILIPPINES FOR many countries, yesterday was a day for the dead. But Filipinos seemed to be celebrating the living instead, as they thronged cemeteries to celebrate All Saint’s Day, alsoknownas AllSoul’s Day. In
        PICTURES: REUTERS, AP, AFP  -  314 words
      • 107 14 IN TAIWAN INTAIWAN,funerals haveatwist theyare held whilethe person isstill alive.Such “livingfunerals” have been embraced by a growing number of people with terminal diseases, reported AFP. One such person is Mr David Tseng (above), 25, who is in the terminal stage of a genetic muscular disease that has paralysed
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      • 89 14 IN MEXICO MEXICANSare unfazedbydeath, andAll Saint’s Day shows this attitude most of all. While the celebrations from 31 Oct to 2 Nov vary in different parts of the country, what is common are the colourful adornments and family gravesite reunions with offerings of food and drink favoured by
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      • Article, Illustration
        85 14 IN THE US HERE is an unusual way to always remember your dead relative or loved one. US company Cremation Solutions offers a uniquekeepsakeof the dearlydeparted an urn shaped like their head. The“personal urns”come in afull-sized version, ableto “holdall ofthe ashes ofany adult”,or in “keepsake-sized”styles,whichhold aportionof the ashesand
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    • 495 15 Terengganu desperately finding ways to lower high divorce rate BODY odour, humdrum sex and boring pyjamas are the main reasons behind Terengganu’s high divorce rate, according to The Star. And the government of the conservative Malaysian state is desperately trying to find ways to
    • 312 15 DATELESS nights may soon be a thing of the past in New York. More than half of the residents in Manhattan live alone, reported the New York Post. That means you have a 50 per cent chance of finding alove partnerfromamong
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 For-'details or to check your eligibility please contact: 1 mm. Volunteer Recruitment Department at 6496-9888 9.00aip to 5.00pm (Mon to Fri) We are located at 585 North Bridge Road, Level 10, Raffles Hospital. Working together for a healthier world Healthy Participants Needed! Pfizer Clinical Research Unit (PCRU) needs healthy
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  • You
    • 330 16 PUBLIC TRANSPORT READER JEREMIAH BOON AFTER reading the articles “Frantic search for injured daughter” and “Bus bridging service activated for delays lasting more than an hour” (The New Paper, 26 Oct), my doubts about Singapore’s transport system have increased. The system failed Madam Eunice Chew
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  330 words
    • 55 16 On overseas trips for students during recession “Iftheparents cannotafford thetrip, then simply telltheir kidsthat the family’sfinancesare tight...I’msure if you communicatewell with yourchild, heor she willunderstand.” khunying “It’sreally‘nottherighttime’to make such visits as the H1N1 pandemic has just entered its advanced stage in countries like China where it’sexpected to
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    • 219 16 READER RICHARD LIM I AM not surprised that public transport usage has dropped, going by my experience of the quality of service. Though I have a car, I sometimes use the MRT, and on rare occasions, the bus services. My first experience with the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 21 16 READER JEREMYCHIANG CLICK STARTINGAGREENMOVEMENT:One readerspottedthishuge bundleofferns on wheelsalongThomson Road,nearMt Alvernia Hospital.Sign ofthetimes? Greenshootsoff hereandthere. E-mail yourpictures with your nameandcontact numberto
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    • 59 16 YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 Forverification,we needthe writer’sfull name andcontact number (preferably a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you have granted us the right to
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  • Show
    • Article, Illustration
      405 17  -  MARK RICHMOND Son runs to daddy when it’s time to play They’restars.They’redads.ButaretheyA-stardads? REPORT: GERMAINE LIM, KWOK KAR PENG MEN.Theyrulethecorporate worldintheirpowersuitsand sleekshoes. Butwheredotheystandwhenitcomestodomesticaffairs? The New Paper puts celeb dads Mark Richmond, BrandonWongand SuhaimiYusofto the test. Are they any good with household chores and taking care of the tots?
      TNP PICTURE: FRANCIS LEE  -  405 words
    • 292 18/19 SUHAIMIYUSOF Suhaimi Yusof, 40, actor-comedian. Married to his manager Yana Sulaiman, in her late 30s, for 15 years. Theyhavethreechildren sons Amirul, 14, and Sufi, 10, and daughter Nurjannah, 13. Household chores She says: We have a maid who helps with the
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  292 words
    • 282 18/19 BRANDONWONG Brandon Wong, 39, actor. Married to business facilitation manager Helen Lee, 33, for four years. Their son Yujie is 8 months old. Household chores Shesays: He’sgot initiative. Iworka nine-to-five job while his hours are more flexible,andhe’lldo the householdchores whenhe’snot working. Ican sitback and
      PICTURE: BRANDON WONG  -  282 words
    • 519 18/19  -  REPORT: KWOK KAR PENG LI NANXING has portrayed many masculine characters in drama serials like The Golden Path, The Unbeatables and The Undisclosed. But in his latest show, Daddy At Home, which premieres tonight, he plays a chauvinistic ca-reer-driven man who pooh-poohs
      PICTURE: MY PAPER  -  519 words
    • Show Ka-ching!
      • 135 20 Money matters to stars. We cash in on the highs and lows of celebrity dough CHARLIZE Theron sold a kiss to another woman for a charitable cause. The 34-year-old actress was helping out at the OneXOne charity fund-raising event in San Francisco by auctioning off
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      • 135 20 POP superstar Lady Gaga (right) paid for herfather’snew heartwith theadvance for her new album. The 23-year-old singer revealed in a tweet to fans last weekend that her dad, Joseph,had undergone open-heartsurgery– and nowshe’ssaying her fortune has helped him get the best
        PICTURES: AFP, AP  -  135 words
      • 177 20 WHEN life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And US model Samantha Burke is squeezing them as hard as she can. She has posed with the love child she and actor Jude Law had, after striking a deal with Hello! magazine for the 5-week-old baby’sfirstphotos. The
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    • 462 21 KOREAN hunk Lee Min Ho of Boys Over Flowers fame started yet another wave of frenetic star adoration when he visited Singapore on 24 Oct. U Weekly takes a look at the other Korean stars who were here in recent years. MOST SENSATIONAL When Bae
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    • Show Dr Money
      • 519 22  -  HOME LOANS LARRY HAVERKAMP INTEREST rates have never been lower. So, is it a good time to refinance your home loan? Here are the good and bad deals in home loans. A bad deal The old-fashioned fixed and variable rate mortgages are expensive, especially
        TNP ILLUSTRATION: SIMON ANG  -  519 words
      • 155 22 MOST of us have an HDB loan and pay interest of 2.6 per cent per year. Should you give it up and move to a cheaper bank loan? You can probably save up to 1 per cent per year by switching. On a $100,000 loan, it
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 37 17 PICTURE: AP PUCKER UP: How much is a kiss from Charlize Theron worth? Find out who won a 20-second smooch from the actress at an auction PAGE20 DR MONEY: Should you refinance your home loan? PAGE 22
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 72 20 m V v> 40 Live 121 For Adult Content >21 Str.rtly 1900-912-6789 •0 Browse Intro to Chat fpercaiii Switch ChatMate U\jpR.V. ONLY $1.99 for First 10min if use Credit or DEBIT card J223 to pay Call 6767-6969 (Only Party Live chat) *>) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be
      72 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 151 21 Have. SOU] [liUCKY.?; •xV. -fr Party Chat 1900-912-9600 ReeLineJ Exchange Q Wr py x.s/n ONLY $1.99 for First 10min if use Credit or DEBIT card QB3 to P a Y Call 6767-6969 (Only Party Live chat) <>) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from
      151 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 67 22 1900-912-1912 50 cents min Free Line 6464 0209 1900-9123-123 50 cents/ min Free Line: 6775 3353 Direct Chat Listen to Voicemail Receive SMS Alert f 1 w v EngageJNew Activity WithlF.riends Callers must be 18 years above. A friendly reminder:Do exercise caution prudence when meeting up with new friends for
      67 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 91 23 Callers must be 18 years old above. Be cautious when meeting strangers from this service. Bar& Helpline: *****249. Service by Voice Response Technology Re Ltd "T&C apply, winners notified via SMS. N mim Eriiemds DEQlGlfATgff OOtgltl jqti 6 x/s099 Freeline: 6100 0000 1900:*****11 DC PARTY 49cents per min 1900:*****33 Callers
      91 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 280 23 PICTURE: FOX DaddyAtHome Channel8,9pm Inthisnewlocalseries,aformerbankergets atasteofbeingahousehusbandduringthe economicdownturnwhilehiswifeassumes thebreadwinner’srole.StarringChen Hanwei, Li Nanxing. Fire&Ice StarMovies(StarHubCh58),10.50pm TosavetheirkingdomfromaFireDragon,aprincessand adragonslayermustfreetheIceDragonwhichis powerfulenoughtostopthethreat.StarringAmyAcker, TomWisdom. Obsessed TheBiographyChannel(StarHubCh95), 11pm Thisnewdocumentaryseriesexploreshow cognitivebehaviouraltherapyisbeingused tocombatthefearsofpeopleafflictedwith anxietydisorderandliberatethemfromtheir mentalprisons. DesignOnADime LiTV(SingTelmioTVCh22),10.30pm Inthisnewinteriordesignseries,thedesignteam– comprisingSpencerAnderson,KristanCunninghamand DaveSheinkopfare–isarmedwithabudgetof$1,000to tackleproblemareassuchasaboringbedroom,lacklustre livingroom,cluttereddiningroomoroutdatedofficespace andtransformthemintosomethingawesome. CHANNEL5 Noon Houseand Home 12.30pm LonelyPlanet Bluelist: BestInAsia: Asiawith Kids 1.00 NationalScience Challenge2009 1.30 LoveSingapore 2.00 PhuaChuKang
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    • 50 23 WATCH’EM So You Think You Can Dance 5 (Left) Sony Entertainment Television (SingTel mio TV Ch 20), 10pm The fifth season of the reality dance series begins with contestants in Brooklyn, New York and Denver auditioning for the judges and hoping to earn a ticket to Las Vegas for callbacks.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 217 24 you deliver? ers and delivery assistants wanted. Despatch/Delivery Despatch riders See Class tf f > Do your hair Have it soft-rebonded, permed, cut or treated. See Class Beauty ft Hair Care Top-notch Chinese fare Have some at Sun Lok Noodle House. see Lunch Guide Feature Announcements Beauty Hair Care Business
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 623 25 Affordable Chinese cuisine with a touch of class Sri Sun Lok Noodle flou5e 1 Yuan eking Road, #01-05 Tel 6564 51 88 Want to lunch? Check out this weekly food feature for savoury delights! The kitchen of Sun Lok Noodle House is helmed by a master chef from Hong Kong
      623 words
    • 62 25 1 aingsssx 63-65 Serangoon Garden Way S(*****1) Tel: 6282 7972 6286 4813 Fax: 6282 5016 One of the BMSH'asnmsQQSi INI IYYNJ Special Selecti Deer Meat (Black Pepper) Nonya Ngoh Hiang Crispy Nonya Tahu Clayot Prawn (Indonesia) Ayam Buah Keluak Steam Garoupa (Nonya Sauce) Si MJany Delicious-, BLs£ies;!j m Business Hours:
      62 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 323 26 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs IJVIJVIEDIATE CA$$$H!!! )NE BUY SELL new/used/spoilt Laptops, PDA, PC, Digital Cam,Vouchers, LCD@ SINGAPORE HIGHEST PRICE $600 -$3500 $600 -$900 $600 -$3500 $1 800 100%CASH ON CONFIRMATION DEAL ,9JO10>i1[8B0g Centrino Duo C2 Computer P4 LCD Plasma DSLR TPape-in/Buti-BacK AvailaBle
      323 words
    • 93 26 SAVIOUR CREDIT (Lic No.: 98/2009) For HDB Sellers Express Legal Loan up to $100K Competitive Interested Rate Flexible Repayment Scheme Fast Approval Agent Referral Welcome Terms and Conditions Apply Call: 9748 7755 GREAT HOME-BASED BIZ. Use internet mktg daily use products. No selling. Part time $300-$3K. Full time $2K-$15K. 9856-6946
      93 words
    • 169 26 NEED CASH? Buy Back all Digital Gadgets $1000-$10,000 ON THE SPOT JEFF 8201-6608 TRANSPORT PROVIDED NEED CASH? Buy Back all Digital Gadgets $1000-$10,000 ON THE SPOT MAY (24-HOUR) 8201-0040 (Transport Provided) If you have Credit Card Problems, Cancelled facilities. Legal actions. Seizure, Garnishing and Bankruptcy. (No Fee charged if Case
      169 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 279 27 CASH ON THE SPOT 24 Hour Islandwide Collection $500.00 $10,000.00 Buy Sell New Used Laptops Plasma TVs Digital Gadgets. John 8434 -1431 Linda 8184 5595 Used Pawn Tickets All Branded Watches Wanted. Rose 9420 0943 DEBT PROBLEMS?? Cancelled Facilities; Legal Action Seizure Auction; Facing Bankruptcy Writ Of Summon; Credit Card
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    • 9 27 OK Escort Young Sweet For Booking, call 8131 6488
      9 words
    • 273 27 Health Health Health Health Spa clc Casa Experience the latest £t newest facilities we have to offer... Body Massage Hydro-Jet Jacuzzi Steam Bath Coffee Lounge Individual rooms with attached shower Theatre Room 100 Sultan Plaza #05-01 f 71 rri Business Hours: 10am 11pm \J -J I UU I NEWLY OPEN
      273 words
    • 118 27 Youth Health Centre Sauna Steambath Massage Each individual room with attached bathroom j TV restroom %*-w*6339 5311 6339 53^6 Business Hrs: 11am 11pm) IK, Middle Road, #03-00, Lee Kai House i (opp.Bank Of China) BBsBla Charming, Experienced Skillful Masseuses Steam/Sauna, Dim Sum Beverage Steam/Sauna, TV Restroom HOTEL GRAND CENTRAL 22
      118 words
    • 178 27 Health XbaiSp a omatheraphy_T Body Scrub Jacuzzi Traditional Thai Oil massage dividual room with shouier •S: 6733 6265 400 Orchard Rd, #04-13/14 Orchard Towers Business Hrs: 10.30am 11pm Zen Health Centre GOLDEN LANDMARK HOTEL 5 th Level Next To Swimming Pool (Take Lift At Hotel Lobby) *****155 *****455 Open: 11am
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 350 28 Health f- *<>■■%* ip- 3 <sfe> New Opening Zen Thai Spa at Marina Country Club (Ponggol) The Charm 0 of old Ponggol.... The Lure of a Marina Your search for the perfect J 1 get-away ends here Health H-* 6 .15.*.?. 15,; 9. Full spa facilities All rooms with attached
      350 words
    • 85 28 SUNSHINE HOUSEOF BEAUTY Newly Open Beauty Services Blk 56 #01-1292 New Upper Changi Rd HP: 8386-3768 YOU XIANBEAUTY NEWLY OPEN Beauty Services Skillful Nice ambience Blk 138 #01-106 Tampines St 11 8250 4787 Beauty Centre Facial Therapy 0 1 Cosy Ambience -f Skilful/Beautiful TeQ 8212 131 Blk 7 Haig Road
      85 words
    • 105 28 FACTORY PRICE!! kitchen cabinet, room cabinet, old cabinet changeof new door. 9834-5461 6741-3677 Licensed Contractor BEST PRICE FOR Pawn Tickets, Gold Bar, Gold Jewelry, Diamond, White Gold, Silver Bar, Gold Coin, Rolex Watches etc Old Liquor Wanted $300-$1000 Louis XIII, Hennessy XO, Martell Cordon Bleu other brands of liquor welcome
      105 words
    • 211 28 Personal Needs Personal Needs Loan for HDB Sellers •Before or after HDB Istappt Loan repayment upon HDB completion Legal loan,fast approval up to $200K! Lowest interest rates in town! Reliable integrity company! 1 > > Capital Alliance Credit For HDB SELLERS IMMEDIATE APPROVAL Low Interest Rate fr. 1.5% month Express
      211 words
    • 23 28 Legal Loan Arrangeable through Legal financial inst For HDB Seller only! Loan up to $200,000 Interest 1.5% onwards MICKEY YEO MORTGAGE LOAN 8125-9239
      23 words
    • 172 28 Personal Needs lonn FOR HDB SELLERS Assisting loans Before or After HDB 1st Appt Reliable 24 hrs services Fast approval Best Interest rate in town! Channel Consultancy Sam 9456 ***** James Lee Credit For HDB Sellers Only Legal short-term loan Cash in one hour! Interest from 1.5% p/mth Agt referral
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 141 29 Grab Now! RIVERVALE 3+1. High flr. Unblocked view Approx. 1400 sqft Well maintained Near LRT/ amenities Christine 9848-6925 HDB/ PRIVATE Renovation package up to $20K for sellers/buyers. Immediate deposit Negative sale welcome Divorce/ Bankruptcy/ Administrator Advance rental 9189-3607 0 Immed high cash deposit 0 Negative/ positive sales welcome 0$1OOK above
      141 words
    • 297 29 Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses O ore 7>. A Car r on the. fast fyy f ov" Singapore Turf Club invites suitable candidates to join the racing industry. Training will be conducted at the racecourse. Upon successful completion of training, candidates can seek employment with the members
      297 words
    • 266 29 The University of Buckingham, UK Masters in Business Administration (Duration 1 yr) Entry Requirement: A Recognised University Degree The University of Buckingham, UK BSc (Hons) in Hospitality Tourism Management (Duration 2 yrs) BSc (Hons) in Business Management (Duration 2 yrs) Entry Requirement: GCE "A" levels or Poly Diploma Advanced Diploma
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 178 30 FULL-TIME ADMIN Read and speak Mandarin English (liaise with Chinese speaking customers) Proficient in MS Office, Excel Able to work weekends Atleast 21yrs old Singaporean/ PR only SCIENCE TUTOR Able to work on weekends. A bachelor degree in science or engineering. Fresh graduates are welcomed NSF awaiting to enter university
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    • 300 30 Job Responsibilities: Mixing, filling and packaging Perform set-up and operate machines •Ability to follow process procedures, work instructions and problem solving •Training of operators and provide leadership to team members Pre-requisites: Minimum GCE 'O' Level or NITEC equivalent Prior experience as a Line Leader •Those with Forklift licence will be
      300 words
    • 159 30 Hotel/ Hotel/ Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge "■V Come join us as Waiters/Waitresses Bartenders if you are Vibrant, Cheerful and has a Fun Pleasant Personality! Salary Ranges up till $1400-00 for Waiters/Waitresses and up till $1500-00 for Bartenders (excluding Monthly Tips). Able to Work Late Hours;
      159 words
    • 44 30 PHOTOGRAPHY MODELS Bridal Shop setting up new portfolios Students welcome No Fees Required 6323-2171 IMI Apply Today Starts Tomorrow! Weekly cash $400-$600! Campaign Sales Team! F&B Marketing Campaign! *****345 Pamela CASHIERS PUMP ATTENDANTS Guillemard Novena Square Rotating shifts Immediate S’poreans PR only Call: *****462
      44 words
    • 76 30 Esso (Holland) requires PUMP ATTENDANT Rotating shift 6 off-days per month Basic Commission Interested please call 9836 8976 EXPERIENCED OUTDOOR FLYERS DISTRIBUTORS required town area Hardworking, matured Full/ part-time Age 21 above Call 9730 4459 after 12pm \M) Only 5 hours per day everyday! Mon-Fri 5.30pm-10.30pm! Sat and Sun 11.30am-4.30pm
      76 words
    • 81 30 FREELANCE FEMALE ESCORTS/ MODELS Pretty, friendly, outgoing Confidential, discreet High income guaranteed. Call: *****885 Email to: (No fees required) FREELANCE PRO, MASSEUR Full-time/ Part-time Liase with male clients 8306-1469 Newly Estab Co Looking for CAR GROOMERS with Class 3 lic. S’porean/ PR only. Attractive salary. Start work immed. Call
      81 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 290 31 INTERNET WORK AT HOME OPPORTUNITY A special marketing project byTWI Group Pte Ltd With more than 80% of residential homes in Singapore installed with broadband, your home desktop or laptop can now be turned into a business machine harnessing the power of the internet to create a profitable Second Source
      290 words
    • 285 31 Travel the World with US! SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES An exciting opportunity awaits you to represent Singapore’s leading Banking, Telecommunication Charities Industries. Requirements: S’poreans/ S’pore PRs Immediate Starters Min ’O’ Levels Dynamic personality with good communication skills Benefits: Comprehensive Training Opportunity for Overseas exposure posting If you are ready for an
      285 words
    • 101 31 WSQ Trained/ Exempted SECURITY SUPERVISOR GROSS $1700 (26 days Full CPF) Changi Business Park SECURITY OFFICERS GROSS $1436 (26 days Full CPF) Changi Business Park Alexandra/Pasir Panjang Call 9726 6063 6345 1011 GROSS $1500 Comcentre (Somerset) Call 9145 3882 Security Officers Alexandra, Clementi, Balestier, Orchard, Farrer, Tai Seng Drive *****690
      101 words
    • 549 31 Technical Technical Q Rentokil The experts in pest control PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN Island-wide assignments Medical insurance coverage Min secondary school education Able to converse and write simple English Possess a valid Class 3 licence preferred Training provided Malaysians are welcome Candidates with 2 3 years' experience will be considered for
      549 words
    • 55 31 Newly Estab Aircon co looking for SNR TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE Able to install, repair service aircon. With class 3 lic. S’porean/ PR only. Attractive salary. Start work immed. Contact *****845 Furniture Mfg Co requires PROJECT COORDINATOR (JOINERY) Carpentry knowledge Possess Class 3 driving licence With or w/o experience Please call 6365-6126
      55 words

  • Page 32/33 Miscellaneous
    • 30 32/33 Sunday, 1Nov2009 First Second Third 4931 1545 5186 Starters 0243 5750 7587 6957 5999 9684 4615 2740 9213 2903 Consolation 6318 6546 4538 3236 8995 3044 0245 8338 5707 3304
      30 words

  • Sports
    • 167 46 Wire Services MOST would have noticed the scene above of Arsene Wenger angrily throwing his jacket during the match against Tottenham. And if you were wondering why he was so angry when his team was outplaying Spurs, here’s the answer: It wasn’t the players he
      Wire Services; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  167 words
    • 196 46 PA Sport ROBIN van Persie is a special sort of player, his boss says. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has described the Dutch international as a mixture of club legends Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp. VanPersie’sdoubleattheEmirates Stadium against arch-rivals Tottenham means the Dutchman has seven
      PA Sport; PICTURE: AP  -  196 words
    • Sports Racing
      • 137 32/33 AUSTRALIAN trainer Cliff Brown got his first Kranji treble yesterday. And he did it in fine style, achieving his milestone after only four races. The formidable Brown-John Powell partnership got the verdict by a whisker in Race 1 with newcomer Any Takers (above, being led in
        137 words
      • 1483 32/33 Going: Good Race1 IPD1(SC)1200m 1 ANYTAKERS57.5(15-5) JPowell (4) 1 1 1 (589) 9 NERO52.5c53(11-5) DBeasley (6) 2 2 2 (539) Ns 6 GYPSYMAGIC52.5(95-28) DChee (3) 5 4 3 (490) 3.5 11 TOTARA52.5(220-53) SSam (7) 4 3 4 (576) Nk 5 DANBARON52.5(24-8) RStewart (11) 7 6 5 (522)
        1,483 words
      • 396 32/33  -  Laxon’scurrentsensationmakesit5outof5 bycapturingthe$200,000Stewards’Cup DANNY KHOO BETTER THAN EVER chalked up his fifth straight win in the Stewards’ Cup yesterday to give trainer Laurie Laxon his third feature success on the trot in Kranji. The brilliant three-year-old French Deputy gelding again made winning look easy
        396 words
      • 578 32/33 YESTERDAY’SPENANGRESULTSGoing:Heavy Race1 MS1200m 13 COPENHAGEN52.5c50(16-6) SRuzaini* (2) 3 1 1 (485) 11 INEEDYOUSO54.5(302-63) IAzhar (7) 4 6 2 (463) 9 5 PENANGLEGEND56.5c54.5(44-9) KEirwan (8) 6 3 3 (479) 0.75 8 CROCODILEDUNDEE55.5(613-105) KWLeong (13) 11 10 4 (471) 1.25 ?Winning stable and trainer: B Brogan. Time: 1min 16.6sec.
        578 words
      • 1312 34 RACE 1 Prior to the running of the race, trainer D Baertschiger advised the Stewards that his instructions to jockey R Stewart, the rider of DAN BARON, if circumstances permit, from an outside barrier to attempt to race in a midfield position. LIM’S RIVER,
        1,312 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf
      • 695 35  -  BARCLAYS SINGAPORE OPEN GODFREY ROBERT COMMENT THANKS to Ian Poulter and Liang Wenchong, the organisers of the US$5 million ($7m) Barclays Singapore Open were spared the blushes. Some of it, at least. The duo, first and second respectively, finished their rounds at the 18th
        PICTURE: AFP  -  695 words
      • 364 35  -  LIM HAN MING THE SINGAPORE Open is set to become bigger and better. Title sponsor Barclays announced yesterday after the conclusion of the 2009 Barclays Singapore Open that it has decided to extend its sponsorship to 2012. With Barclays promising that “the purse will
        364 words
      • 998 36  -  BARCLAYS SINGAPORE OPEN When the 13th proved lucky for champ Ian LIM HAN MING IF THERE was a defining moment for Ian Poulter in the final round of the Barclays Singapore Open yesterday, it came at the par-four 13th hole. Starting the round at 11-under with
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  998 words
      • 517 37  -  BARCLAYS SINGAPORE OPEN LIM HAN MING ABOGEY on the par-five 18th hole his finishing hole was hardly the ending to the Barclays Singapore Open that he was looking for. After the high of last year, where he shared the lead after three rounds before eventually
    • Sports Formula One
      • 688 38  -  Our racing analyst gives his views on the final race of this season LUKE NETTO The writer is a freelancer. TEAMS AND DRIVERS RED Bull Racing put on another spectacular display in Abu Dhabi to seal yet another one-two finish. Although they had some luck
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  688 words
      • 225 38 AP RED BULL driver Sebastian Vettel won the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix last night, and team-mate Mark Webber hung on for second to give the team a one-two finish in the final Formula One race of the season. Pole-sitter Lewis Hamilton led up to the first
        AP  -  225 words
      • 166 38  -  THE YAS MARINA CIRCUIT LUKE NETTO IT looks to be an amazing venue. The track looks awesome and very challenging. But the question really is: Is it a good enough circuit to hold the last race of the season? I’m not so sure about that.
        166 words
    • Sports Football
      • Article, Illustration
        595 39 LALIGA REAL MADRID 2 (Gonzalo Higuain 53, 56) GETAFE0 Wire Services IF MANUEL Pellegrini is to enjoy a long and successful career at Real Madrid, he will know who is the first player he must reward. Argentine striker Gonzalo Higuain scored twice for 10-man Real Madrid in a 2-0
        Wire Services; PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  595 words
      • 365 39 AC MILAN 2 (Marco Borriello 12,90+3) PARMA0 SERIEA Wire Services HE MAY be the forgotten man of AC Milan, but Marco Borriello has returned to the limelight in a spectacular fashion. After a year-long goalscoring drought mostly due to a muscular condition, Milan striker
        Wire Services  -  365 words
      • 194 39 OSASUNA1 (Pique 90+3og) BARCELONA1 (Keita 72) Wire Services SEYDOU Keita thought he had scored the winner for Barcelona against Osasuna, but a late own goal from Gerard Pique ensured that the game ended in a draw. The injury-time equaliser was a cruel blow for the Spanish champions,
        Wire Services  -  194 words
      • 146 39 JUVENTUS 2 (Trezeguet 35, Giovinco 54) NAPOLI 3 (Hamsik59, 82, Datolo 64) Wire Services JUVENTUS suffered their first home defeat of the season as Napoli came from behind to triumph 3-2 at the Olimpico. And diminutive striker Sebastian Giovinco (above), who had doubled Juve’s lead at the start
        Wire Services  -  146 words
      • 625 40  -  STANLEY HO HE HAD dedicated his entire life to football but, in the end, it was football that claimed his life. National under-14 coach David V Sivalingam, 51, died yesterday evening at the Indian Association while playing in a charity football
        BH FILE PICTURE  -  625 words
      • 274 40  -  STANLEY HO FROM now on, every game that Jeffrey Adam Lightfoot plays will be in memory of a man who was like a second-father to him. The Singapore national un-der-14 captain was distraught at the news of the death of his coach, David V Sivalingam.
        274 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 934 41  -  DAVID LEE AS WE cross over the quarter-mark of another fascinating Premier League season, these statistics make an equally compelling case. Let it be told: This season, it is most likely that the clubs that will remain in the hunt for the title are those that
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  934 words
      • 177 42  -  GARY LIM A WEEK ago, Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez took a huge gamble. He played an unfit Fernando Torres against Manchester United. It paid off. Torres put up a stupendous display to help Liverpool to a 2-0 win. On Saturday, Benitez took
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  177 words
      • 445 42 I WAS amazed Benitez removed Fernando Torres when the score was still 1 -1. Liverpool needed to win so I really don’t understand why he took out the only person who was going to make that happen against Fulham. MelissaNg,22, teacher, Liverpoolfan I THOUGHT Liverpool needed someone
        445 words
      • 352 43  -  TheNewPaper’sfootballanalyst TOHARIPAIJAN gives his take on Gabriel Obertan TOHARI PAIJAN GABRIEL Obertan looked very nervous on his league debut for Manchester United, playing in front of more than 70,000 spectators at OldTrafford. In almost 30 minutes, his touches were simple but the 20-year-old looks
        PICTURE: AFP  -  352 words
      • 537 44/45  -  GARY LIM IN A season in which Manchester United looked in dire need of an extra touch of invention, it is the unlikely Dimitar Berbatov who has been providing it in bits and pieces. Don’tgetme wrong. He will never be Cristiano Ronaldo. He will never
        PICTURE: AFP  -  537 words
      • 262 44/45  -  IN THE KNOW DAVID LEE THISvictory isall aboutUnited’sresilience after the Liverpool loss. United were defeated then because they lost the midfield battle and you could see on Saturday that the Anderson and Michael Carrick pairing offer more dynamism than when Paul Scholes
        262 words
      • 205 44/45 Guardian Times Online Daily Telegraph PERHAPS it’s the swine flu, but Blackburn continue to make a pig’s ear of defending, and Manchester United were able to win with something to spare and without ever playing as well as they can. Two high-class goals, from Dimitar Berbatov and
        Guardian; Times Online; Daily Telegraph  -  205 words
      • 212 44/45  -  GARY LIM THERE are no doubts that Man United are missing the genius of Cristiano Ronaldo. EvenCarlos Tevez’s absence issorelyfelt. But are Man United suffering as a result? Many believe that they haven’t been that impressive on the field when compared with the previous
        212 words
        • 36 44/45 IT WOULD be almost criminal not to hand it to Dimitar Berbatov. Such was his influence during the match. It was also his splendid first goal of the game whichfinallycracked the visitors’resilience.
          36 words
        • Article, Illustration
          34 44/45 GABRIEL Obertan could have turned into an instant hero on his Premiership debut. But when faced with an open goal in the 80th minute, the 20-year-old Frenchman could only drill his shot wide.
          34 words
        • Article, Illustration
          50 44/45 THEY looked an unlikely pairing in the centre of defence. But Jonny Evans and Wes Brown sure did their first-team chances no harm with a solid display in the absence of Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic. A clean sheet was just what they deserved in a good outing.
          50 words
        • 49 44/45 A COLLEAGUE told me that Any Other Score (AOS) was the way to go, with the pay-out at $17. Arsenal’s6-2demolition ofBlackburn convinced him that Man United could do the same to Sam Allardyce’sside. Too bad, the hosts could manage only two goals against a defensive Blackburn side.
          49 words
        • Article, Illustration
          72 44/45 Crowd: 74,658 Yellow cards: Brett Emerton, Pascal Chimbonda (Blackburn) Man United: Edwin van der Sar, Jonathan Evans, Wes Brown, PatriceEvra, JohnO’Shea, MichaelCarrick, Anderson, Nani (Gabriel Obertan, 64th), Antonio Valencia, Wayne Rooney, Dimitar Berbatov (Michael Owen, 79th) Blackburn: Paul Robinson, Ryan Nelsen, Christopher Samba, Gael Givet, Pascal Chimbonda, Keith
          72 words
  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 21 46 V SIVALINGAM: YOG coach dies while playing in a charity match. PAGE 40 SPHFILEPICTURE DIMITARBERBATOV: Provinghisclassat last,tworecent goals show. PAGE 44
      21 words

    • Article, Illustration
      125 47 LIVE TELECASTS CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Wednesday: AC MILAN v REAL MADRID Ch 61 mioTV, 3.45am ALEXANDREPato (right) scored the winner when Milan stunned Real 3-2 atBernabeu two weeks ago. ATLETICO MADRID v CHELSEA Ch 62 mioTV, 3.45am MAN UNITED v CSKA MOSCOW Ch 63 mioTV, 3.45am Thursday: RUBIN KAZAN v
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  125 words
    • 17 47 HSBC CHAMPIONS Thursday: DAY 1 StarHub TV Ch 26,12.15pm Friday: DAY 2 StarHub TV Ch 26,12.15pm
      17 words
    • 22 47 DAVIDOFFSWISS INDOORS BASEL Tomorrow Wednesday: 3RD ROUND StarHubTVCh22, 1.30am midnight Thursday Friday: 4TH ROUND StarHub TV Ch 22, midnight 1 am
      22 words
    • 423 47 LOCAL EVENTS FOOTBALL What:InternationalFriendly Singaporev Indonesia When: Wednesday, 7.30pm Where: National Stadium AFTER a winning performance at the Ho Chi Minh City International Tournament in Vietnam last week, Singapore will be looking to continue their good form when they play Indonesia in this friendly. Thismatch will bethe Lions’final preparation
      423 words
  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 32 47 SUBSCRIBE TOTNP Here’syour chance toget TNP everyday. Call 6388-3838 to subscribe or go to NOON EDITION Look out for the Champions League reports in our Noon Edition on Wednesday and Thursday.
      32 words
    • 66 47 TNP POSTMAN READERS’REACTIONS CHELSEA are back at the summit of the Premier League table, but can they stay thereafterthis weekend’saction? Readers, we want your post-match reactions. The deadline for the post-match reactions is 4pm, today. Selected posts will be published in The New Paper tomorrow. Go to to post
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 327 48 f w;- m O ©Bl® o i-wf i& pf J -yv •V SM: /"/>' >'-.W«S v< ..»>• V w THINK SUCCESS. THINK MDIS J Sk i Secure a Genuine World-class Business Degee In association with EDITH COWAN CRICOS IPC *****B Exclusive Preview for ECU Preview Code ECUP15 Date 4 Nov
      327 words