The New Paper, 6 September 2009

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1 56 The New Paper
  • 13 1 The New Paper on sunday 6 Sep 09 80 CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 BIDDING WAR AT SEVENTH-MONTH FESTIVAL S’pore towkay burns $258,888 $100 onon urn 2 Winner of Reporting Breaking News Award '09 Society of Publishers in Asia The New Paper on 6 Sep 09 UPROAR OVER RAUNCHY GETAI is nice PICTURE: LIANHE WANBAO NTU Prof defends sleazy acts because... 80 CENTS MICA
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  • News
    • 1299 2 / 3  -  S’poretowkayburns$258,888forthis$100urn REPORT: MAUREEN KOH HIS beaming face has been splashed on the front pages of Chinese evening newspapers, with an ash urn cradled, like a trophy, in his arms. His claim to fame: A $258,888 winning bid for a $100
      TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  1,299 words
    • 683 4 / 5  -  Is getai getting too raunchy? As police issue warnings to organisers, parents and MPs say... REPORT:ELYSA REPORT:ELYSA CHEN HOT bods strutting their stuff on getai stages in theHDBheartlandsareraisingeyebrows–and temperatures. Already the police have warned getai organisers to tone down such raunchy acts,
    • 327 4 / 5 A POLICE car wrecked, a shattered windscreen, a busted traffic light and a torn road sign. All from a collision that left four people, including two police officers, injured. The accident occurred yesterday morning at 8.20am at the junction of
      PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO  -  327 words
    • 480 6  -  LuckyPlazaputsupcrowd-controlsignsurgingshoppersto‘movealong’.Shopownerssay: But other shopowners defend the mostly-Filipino crowd REPORT: ELYSA CHEN TOSOMEtheyare“twitteringbirds”andanuisance.Tootherstheyarevaluablecustomers.Either way, the large number of people who gather atLuckyPlaza onweekends,manyof themFilipinowomen,mayhavetosubmittosomecrowdcontrol. The mall’s management has put up signs telling customersnotto“wait”alongthecorridors. Shopkeepers like Mr Jimmy Kek welcome the
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  480 words
    • 657 7  -  But only a few beer bottles and $15 in coins are stolen REPORT&PICTURES: HEDYKHOO IT WAS a lot of effort for very little loot. Thieves hit a dozen stalls at the Tekka Food Centre on Friday night and made off with
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    • 524 8  -  Residents nearby complain Concert goers complain Outdoor events at the Esplanade REPORT: HEDY KHOO LOUD music from Esplanade outdoor concerts ruining your quiet evening at home? Thenmaybeyoushouldn’thavechosentoliveso close to a well-known concert venue. That is the view of some concert-goers who were miffed that residents
      PICTURE: ESPLANADE  -  524 words
    • 390 8  -  REPORT: HEDY KHOO UNLESS you intend to draw at least $200, these DBS ATM machines, both at Jurong Point, will not accede to your requests. While other banks require a minimum withdrawal of either $10 or $20, DBS Bank has a
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    • 877 10 / 11  -  Womanhopestoraise$500,000forrisky optoimprovebedriddenson’scondition REPORTS: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN YOUR child is seriously ill and depends on a ventilator to breathe. Doctors tell you nothing much can be done, and he may be bed-ridden for life. Your only sliver of hope is
      TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  877 words
    • 460 10 / 11 DOCTORS say that while treatments are available for Mohammad Raiyan Shafiq, there are no guarantees that they will help him. And there is a chance his condition may worsen after the treatment. Dr Janice Wong, a consultant in neurologyatKK Womens’ andChildrens’ Hospital (KKH) said
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    • 767 12 / 13  -  Itisn’teasybeingthebuttoftheaction REPORT: ELYSA CHEN THE crowd watches with bated breath. Two men are perched precariously on a pole almost 2m high. One leaps onto the shoulders of another, and they make a 360-degree turn on a disc the size of a paper plate,
      TNP PICTURES: JONATHAN CHOO  -  767 words
    • 638 12 / 13  -  REPORT: HO LIAN-YI IF YOU are using multi-purpose contact lens solutions, you risk damaging your eyes. So suggests a recent study on commercial solutions readily available in Singapore. Dr Gunter Wong, 37, a regional eyecare expert said: “Studies have shown
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    • 1335 14 / 15  -  Seletarairbase’sunknownpast:ItwashometothelastSpitfiresintheBritishEmpire REPORT: NG TZE YONG THEY were the F-16s of the 1940s. They flew faster, higher and better perfect for dogfights against the Nazis. But it was from a sleepy airbase halfway across the world that the aviation icons, fabled for
    • 455 14 / 15  -  Changi Airport Race: Porsche vs Boeing 747 Jovita Chua JovitaChua,newsroom intern UNDER the scorching heat on the open tarmac of Changi Airport yesterday afternoon, there was only one question on everyone’sminds. In a road race between a plane and a car, who will win? It was
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  455 words
    • 701 16 / 17  -  AnimaginativedesignerisworkingwithFrance’saerospace research agency to come up with a hotel in a Zeppelin. InfographicsjournalistsFadzilHamzahandCelGulapa lookattheairship’sreturntotheskies.... Fadzil Hamzah,Cel Gulapa SOURCES: POPULAR SCIENCE, ANSWERS.COM MOST of us fly for speed, but French industrial designer Jean-Marie Massaud believes that slow cruising in an airship could be the next step
    • 403 18 Manwhoscalesworld’stallestbuildings barehanded cancels Italy trip due to H1N1 fears HE HAS climbed some of the world’s tallest buildings without safety equipment. In his quest to reach the highest heights, Frenchman Alain Robert, 47, has found himself arrested in London, New York and even Singapore
      403 words
    • 344 18 HE is just 10 days old, but he suffers from a rare birthdefect called“ectopiacordis”, in whichthe heart is formed outside the body. Cardiologistsat NewDelhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) successfully operated upon the baby on Thursday. This condition
      PICTURES: AFP  -  344 words
    • 633 19 Authoritiesdenybowingtopublicpressure No passport for contest in Japan, so boy cries on TV HE made a paper plane which flew for 12 seconds. Such was his talent that it won him the national origami championship in Thailand. The prize was a place in
      PICTURE: AP  -  633 words
    • 270 19 HE WAS just 8cm tall and 20cm long. His weight did not exceed 400g, even when fully clothed. Although Scooter was tiny, he had a worldwide following. The Maltese pup achieved global fame in his short life, with his picture published in Switzerland, Malaysia,
      PICTURE: AP  -  270 words
    • 512 20 She loses it after groomsays‘waffle-y’ IT WAS the biggest day of their lives. Mr Andrew Engstrom and his bride Melissa were exchanging marital vows. But he fluffed his lines badly which prompted a hysterical reaction from his wife. The scenes have become a hit
      PICTURES: INTERNET  -  512 words
    • 284 20 She calls Oscar winner unfit, he challenges her to a bike ride SHE wrote a column that took a shot at movie starRussell Crowe’s fitnessafterhe was photographed smoking while cycling in Sydney, Australia, after which he ate a plate oftacos. The next day, Aussie gossip
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    • 504 21 Photoshoot with a difference makes headlines across the world THEappearanceinGlamourmagazineofamodelwho fills more of the page than fashion’s usual rake-thin stars is getting big cheers from US women. LizzieMillerhasblondehairandaneffortlesssmile, but it is her chubby tummy and fuller legs that are winningattention. Never before has a
      PICTURE: INTERNET  -  504 words
    • 293 21 JAPAN ELECTIONS HER husband is yet to be prime minister. But Japan’ssoon-to-befirst lady, MiyukiHatoyama, has already gained far more publicity than her husband Yukio Hatoyama, 62. Mr Hatoyama’sDemocraticParty ofJapan (DPJ) scored a historic win over conservative PrimeMinisterTaro Aso’s party ingeneral elections
      PICTURE: AFP  -  293 words
    • 699 22 Private US security guards at Afghanistan embassy in deviant sex scandal DRUNKEN pool parties and lewd sex acts these weren’t what they expected when they signed up for this job. Private security guards at the US Embassy in Kabul were pressured
      PICTURES: REUTERS  -  699 words
  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements

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  • 644 9 Balancing family and career, she receives UniSIM degree which is recognised by education ministry This series is brought to you by SIM University GIVING up was not an option for her. This working mum was determined to earn her Bachelor of Science in Business degree
    This series is brought to you by SIM University  -  644 words

  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 22 10 / 11 thenewpaper Thanks for calling This handphone is yours if your idea leads to a story HOTLINE 733 44 55 1800 Samsung GT-C3010
      22 words
    • 51 10 / 11 n Off Mtayixit. The Warehouse People I 6 Sep 2009 10 am-10 pm 0' Marquee ADDRESS 1, PASIR RIS CLOSE, S(*****9) FREE SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE@ PASIR RIS MRT FOX Newurbanmale Ronoma B.U.M Body nits Crocodile Deuter Elle Neckermann U.R.S inc Freestyle Camel Active Beverly Hills Polo Club And many, many
      51 words

  • News Snapshot
    • 345 23 S’POREANSCAN OPT IN FORANNUITY SCHEMEFOUR YEARS IN ADVANCE SINGAPOREANS and permanent residents aged 55 and older this year can sign up for the new CPF annuity scheme from this month, four years before it begins. The earlier opt-in date is in response
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    • Article, Illustration
      50 23 CUPCAKE CELEBRATIONS: Member of Parliament for Yio Chu Kang, Mr Seng Han Thong, placing the final cupcake in a 3.2m-tall cupcaketower, built forAMK Hub’ssecond anniversary celebrations, yesterday. The record-breaking cupcake tower, comprising 2,222 vanilla and strawberry cupcakes, took 25 chefs 10 hours to complete. TNP PICTURE: PHYLLICIA WANG
      TNP PICTURE: PHYLLICIA WANG  -  50 words
    • 96 23 AFP THE communist party chief of the north-western Chinese city of Urumqi was sacked yesterday, following protests that left five people dead after a spate of syringe attacks. Top city official Li Zhi was replaced by Zhu Hailun, Xinhua news agency
      AFP  -  96 words
    • 92 23 Reuters A PAKISTANI court yesterday resumed hearing a case against suspected Islamist militants accused of involvement in last year’s attack on Mumbai. India wants forceful action by Pakistan against leaders of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the group it says was behind the November attacks that
      Reuters  -  92 words
    • 104 23 AP TOP nuclear envoys from South Korea and the United States held talks yesterday on a strategy to bring North Korea back to disarmament negotiations, a day after the North claimed to have succeeded in exper- imental uranium enrichment.
      AP  -  104 words
    • 100 23 BY2013, there will be a new green link between the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and the Central Catchment Area. The eco-passage will arch over the 50m-wide Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE), at a suitable narrow point between the reserves. The bridge, planted with
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

  • News Exchange
    • 587 24 / 25  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT:MAUREENKOH MAUREEN KOH TO bare or not to bare? Or rather, how much flesh should a getai performer flash? Earlier this week, at least two getai organisers confirmed that police have reminded them to keep theirperformers’actsclean. And some organisers
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  587 words
    • 161 24 / 25 Werate the past week’snews goodandbad Last week’s index: 100 This week’s index: 130 +10 Most aged parents are well cared for by their children, a new poll showed. And there will be more subsidies for hospice care from next month. -10 Though the number of cases of
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    • 110 24 / 25 1 2 3 4 5 Thecompanystartedout as TimelyComics in1939, then becameAtlas Comics in1951, beforethe Marvel namewas adoptedin1961. In1939,the companypublished itsfirstcomic titled Marvel Comics#1, and introducedits firstsuperheroes– the original HumanTorchand Namorthe Sub-Mariner Oneofthe best movesMarvel Comicsowner MartinGoodman madewas tohire his wife’s cousin’s17-year-old son StanleyLieber,who later tookon
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    • 8 24 / 25 “Ohno!IthinkhisBOgotstuckinmyhair.” –awomanpanickingaftertakingataxidrivenbysomeonewithodourissues. “Onehourwasenoughtokilltheglow.” –awomanonhowlongthebuzzfromhervacationlastedafterreturningtotheoffice.
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  • Page 24 / 25 Advertisements
    • 14 24 / 25 The Old Guard’s thrifty ways More extracts from the PAP book Men In White
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    • 58 24 / 25 Online payment available "Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Solutions Pte. Ltd. shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above. A friendly reminder:Do exercise caution prudence when meeting up with new friends for the first time. Customer service/ Request to bar number: 6873 6058. Service by
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  • Page 24 / 25 Miscellaneous

  • enjoy
    • Article, Illustration
      659 26 / 27  -  WinningdesignersoftheTriumphInspirationAwardrevealthere’smore than meets the eye when it comes to creating prize-winning undies REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN KOHL-rimmed green eyes, a penchant for wearing live snakes as jewellery and keeping cheetahs as pets, were just some of the distinguishing trademarks of early 20th century Italian heiress Marchesa Luisa
    • 192 26 / 27 WHEN it comes to designing bras, Mr Reinard Grevin (right) had a natural disadvantage. Being a man, he had never worn one before. Nevertheless, he did his research on the various bra types and based his design on what he found appealing on women. His
      192 words
    • 146 26 / 27 While Miss Yeong chose an Italian noblewoman as her inspiration, her schoolmate Nicole Wong (right) decided to shoot higher. The third-year fashion design student chose a queen. Her design, titled“RoyalSeduction” wasbased on Marie Antoinette, the infamous queenof France. And it was good enough to win
      146 words
    • 513 28  -  NewFacegirlsinspiredbyFannWong,thefirstLevi’sLady David Ho newsroom intern THEY were invited as special guests to an event, but the 19 finalists of The New Paper New Face 2009 ended up starstruck instead. The girls minus one who could not attend were guests at the event to announce the first ambassador for
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  513 words
    • 244 28 THE 20 finalists for The New Paper New Face 2009 are getting ready for the 8 Oct finals. It will be held at Takashimaya Square, with special guest star Kumar. And in the judging panel are fashion insiders such as Jeanette Ejlersen, the
      244 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 480 29  -  HEDY KHOO MEN are not the only ones looking out for spring chickens. Women do too. The only difference is that while men do it at nightclubs and pubs, women generally tend to do it at the chilled poultry section of the supermarket. Of course,
        480 words
      • 660 29  -  SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES IT was with some interest that I read The StraitsTimesreportonparents’involvement withtheirchildren’ssports. The report had coaches and teachers saying that some Singapore parents get too involved, to the point of confusing the kids with instructions from the
        660 words
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • 225 30  -  afford aspire YEOH WEE TECK MEN do many things to themselves in private. And a lot of the private activities involve creams, lotions and, sometimes, pain. I’m talking about grooming, so please take your mind out of the gutter. I hang out
        225 words
      • 404 30 41 Getting the foundation right is vital. So keep your skin clean. DrBrandt’snew Pores No More Vacuum Cleaner ($80, above) helps loosen and remove blackheads, and absorbs dirt and excess oil from the pores. It also unclogs pores and keeps your skin looking smooth.
    • Enjoy Fly on the Wall
      • Article, Illustration
        470 32/33  -  REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO ITWAS a“fun”raiser twiceover. Wild Rice, the theatre company, had its annual Rice Ball, in association with Prestige magazine, toraise fundsfor itsrice(“fun” in dialect) bowl. Thisyear’s theme?BigHair. In the time of the credit crunch, if you can afford but a single event
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  470 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 727 34  -  Our columnist ponders over the snakes that appearedinhislife SIVA CHOY HUMOUR ME MOST people I know don’t like snakes, simply because they think all snakes are poisonous and sneaky and will bite people at every opportunity when they are not looking. (Which makes
        PICTURE: AP  -  727 words
      • 468 34  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR I’M DREADING today because like yesterday, Ihave to go to Maad. Maad stands for the Market for Artists And Designers, a monthly bazaar held at the Red Dot Museum. That’s where my wife has set
        468 words
      • 231 34 TICKETS booked, luggage packed, but no idea what to do when you get to that tiny village in Italy? JULIANA JUNE RASUL lists top travel sites you should check before you fly. Step 1: Research Spotted by Locals LonelyPlanet tries its best,butsometimes it’s just better
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    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 26 / 27 Advertisements
    • 16 26 / 27 Votefor your favouritecountry’sdesign and win a trip to Milan by logging onto by 13 Sep.
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    • 148 26 / 27 1 b >• 4 k << ■> m PVIDEO cHATi 900 9II l rmr6 V SC99 Freeline: 6100 0000 1900:*****11 TV 49cents per min PARTY 1900:*****33 Callers must be 18 above. Calls are charged at SO.aa/min and 3G calls are charged at $1.99/min. fithrr Exercise precautions when meeting with trieods
      148 words

  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 436 31 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN Thereare fivehouses with differentcolours in a row.Each person plays adifferentsport, speaksa differentlanguage, drinksa differentbeverage. 1. The whiskeydrinker lives rightofthe redhouse. 2. The Chinesespeakerplays volleyball. 3. The golf playerlives leftof thebasketball player. Howtoplay 4. The whitehouseis thethird house. 5. The cricketplayer speaks German. 6. The rumdrinker
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  • Page 32/33 Advertisements
    • 72 32/33 I 3G followed by Video Call FREE 3G chat: 6403 9845 Parly Chat 1900-91 2-9600 50c/mi Free line: 6547 1900 Use Credit or DEBIT card WSA|to pav qet First 10mins $1.99, call 6767-6969 r 1 a (Only apply to Voice Chat) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be wise
      72 words

  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 268 35 WATCH’EM TheHottieAndTheNottie (Above) StarMovies(StarHubCh58),9pm Amandoeseverythinghecantotransformhis crush’sfrumpybestfriendintoagoddessasaway ofimpressingher,butdiscoversalongtheway thathehadhiseyeonthewronggirlfromthe start.StarringParisHilton,ChristineLakin. PICTURES:SHAW, SONY MiracleDogsToo StarWorld(StarHubCh18),8pm Ayoungboyfindstwocockerspanielscagedin thewoodsandtakesthemhome,notrealisingthe animalshavemagicalhealingpowersthatchange thepeopleofasmalltown.StarringJanineTurner, PatrickMuldoon. CHANNEL5 Noon FootballAsiaShow 2009 12.30pm Sports@SG 1.00 Movie:TheReplacements 3.15 SoYou ThinkYouCanDance III 4.30 America’sFunniest Home Videos XIX 5.00 FlashGordon 6.00 AreYouSmarter Than a5thGrader? 7.00 TheSimpsons 7.30 Movie:Charlie’s AngelsII: FullThrottle 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
  • Page 37 Miscellaneous
    • 29 37 Saturday,5Sep2009 First Second Third 0706 5550 8211 Starters 1322 2106 3654 5074 9303 1557 2374 3985 8772 9448 Consolation 1268 2190 5703 6051 7835 2156 5021 5763 7299 7839
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  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 768 37 RACE1 1st 8 Diamonds At Dusk ($122-$32) 2nd 11 Trustus ($7) 3rd 5 Famous Roman ($20) 4th 2 Annenkov. EOB $21. Forecast $48. Place forecast $64 (5-8), $9 (5-11), $29 (8-11). Tierce $1423. Trio $133. Quartet $810. Scratchings: Fitoussi, Millbank. RACE 2 1st 2 Waratah’s Secret
        768 words
      • 626 37 GOING: GOOD Race1 C5(LC)1400m 10 WAITTHETIME55c51(78-24) SRuzaini* (11) 7 7 1 (502) 13 D'MIGHTYVICTORY54(65-22) PBraem (13) 2 1 2 (476) 0.75 14 DOMINIC'SDELIGHT53.5c53(97-24) WKYan (4) 9 9 3 (528) 0.5 1 KAKUREI57c56(129-37) SAnandan (2) 1 2 4 (516) Hd ?Winning owner and trainer: E Breukelen. Time:
        626 words
      • 196 38 JOHN O’HARA, no stranger to the Singapore-Malaysia horse-racing scene, has joined the training ranks again. The 46-year-old Singaporean, who has been working as an assistant trainer from 2001, has secured stable facilities in Kranji. In a press statement from the Singapore Turf Club (SNTC)
        196 words
      • 1162 38 RACE 1 CLOSE ONE EYE was slow to begin. STAR RAY began awkwardly and shifted out abruptly. Shortly after the start, MAGICAL WINNER and MYSTERIO were both crowded between SOLAR EXPRESS and POWERFUL LEADER, who shifted in. DOUBLE FIANCHETTO raced wide without cover
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  1,162 words
      • 723 39 TIPS AND COMMENTS COURTESY OF AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATED PRESS RACE 1 (1,400m) 11 FANCY PANTS 1 DIAMOND ISLAND 8 TUNE HIM UP RACE 2 (1,300m) 1 FITOUSSI (PG Moody) (9:3-1-2): This looks too short for him but he does go well first up. Not without
        723 words
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      • 1373 40 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 12.40 -1400m(SC) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 86-852 AceAguero 57 (43) KEirwanc2 7 (5iregJeromeTan-ACE) 2 *****- AleoStoller 57 (43) CalvinGoonc2 12 (7nzmMThwaites-AJRacing) 3 *****- BrilliantLegend 57 (43) FarickTan*c4 10 (10agBTLim-Okay) 4 15---- GreatPartners 56.5 (42)
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    • Sports Formula One
      • 742 41 Wire Services RENAULT will face charges of fixing last year’s Singapore Grand Prix by staging a crash that helped Spaniard Fernando Alonso win, FormulaOne’s governing bodysaid. The International Automobile Federation (FIA) said in a statement that Renault representatives had been summoned to an extraordinary meeting
        Wire Services; PICTURE: MY PAPER  -  742 words
      • 223 41 GOLF SINGAPORE’S Lam Chih Bing and Mardan Mamat fell victim to the tough weather conditions in Crans-Sur-Sierre, Switzerland, on Friday as they missed the cut at the Omega European Masters. Lam was in a good position to make the weekend play when he was one-under after
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      • 203 41 Reuters STEVE Stricker upstaged playing partner Tiger Woods to earn a share of the lead with fellow American Jim Furyk after the opening round of the Deutsche Bank Championship on Friday. Stricker notched eight birdies, including five in a row mid-round, to card an impressive eight-under-par
        Reuters  -  203 words
    • Sports US Open
      • 463 42 Wire Services IT WAS tougher than he thought it was going to be. And when Rafael Nadal clinched a marathon third-set game that gave him a break, the Spanish third seed knew it was a defining moment,pumpedhis fistthreetimesand bellowed:“Vamos!” In Spanish, it means “Let’s
        Wire Services; PICTURE: AP  -  463 words
      • 189 42 MEN SECOND ROUND Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (x7) bt Jarkko Nieminen 7-5,6-3,6-4 Julien Benneteau bt Viktor Troicki (x30) 6-1,3-6,6-1,6-0 Marin Cilic (x16) bt Jesse Levine 4-6,2-6,6-0,6-3,6-0 Juan Carlos Ferrero (x24) bt Philipp Petzschner 1 -6,3-6,6-4, 6-2,6-4 Juan Martin del Potro (x6) bt Jurgen Melzer 7-6 (6), 6-3,6-3 Tomas Berdych (x17)
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      • 308 42 Reuters FORMER US Open champions Venus Williams and Kim Clijsters have set the stage for a New York revival worthy of a Broadway script. Williams and Clijsters easily won their respective matches yesterday morning to set up a fourth-round encounter at Flushing Meadows that will
        Reuters  -  308 words
    • 708 43  -  WAYDECLEWStells LIM HAN MING why hedecidedtoleave SingaporeSports Counciltotakeup his new job in Qatar WAYDE CLEWS, LIM HAN MING How would you sum up your seven years in Singapore? CLEWS: THE SEVEN years have gone by incrediblyfast, but it’s also been a phenomenally satisfying period of my
    • 1133 44 / 45  -  Inthisnew series, we put some of the biggest names in sports, bothlocalandforeign, under the spotlight. Today, outgoing Singapore Sports Council director for industry development WAYDE CLEWS looks back at his seven yearshereandgives histakeonSingapore sports LIM HAN MING Do you think Singapore can become a
    • Sports Girl Power
      • 604 46 / 47  -  Thisweek,wecatchup withoneofSingapore’s top women triathletes, VICTORIACAMBELL,who dismissesrumoursthat she had retired JOYCE LIM MARRIAGE should never be the tomb of sports. And Victoria Cambell knows that. The 26-year-old triathlete from Britain has been regarded as one of Singapore’s top woman triathlete since she started racing here
      • 321 46 / 47 2003 National University of Singapore (NUS) Biathlon (800m swim, 5km run), overall Women’schampion Inter-Varsity Polytechnic (IVP) Road Race (4km) National Institute of Education Biathlon, mixed relay (swim) and champion for her age group (800m swim, 5km run) OSIMSingaporeInternational Triathlon (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run) 2004
        321 words
    • Sports Football
      • 728 48  -  ALISON RATCLIFFE FOOTBALL FEMME DIVINGischeating.Andsois fouling. So if you dive you get a yellow card;if you commitabadfoul you generallygetayellowcard. If a Premier League player fouls another player, the opposition fans spend 30 seconds vociferously suggesting he’s the spawn of unmarried parents, scratch their bumsand
        PICTURES: REUTERS, ACTION IMAGES  -  728 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 600 49  -  BillShanklyoncesaid:“Somepeople thinkfootballisamatteroflifeand death.Iassureyou,it’smuchmore seriousthanthat.”Pffffft! Let LIM SAY HENG show you the lighter side of football LIM SAY HENG WHATEVER is in the air in the Premiership this week, it certainly ain’t love. Players and managers alike seemed to have caught the “Carlos Tevez irritable mouth” syndrome
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      • 732 50  -  ERNEST LUIS dreamsupa tongue-in-cheek chat–onlinestyle –asNanianda certain Portuguese team-matechat with their Latin Americanmates during the international weekend ERNEST LUIS Portuguese Pretender: Ola Cristiano! How areyou? Guesswhat? I’ve beenpractising thisoldPlatters’hit song from1955. It’s called The Great Pretender. Portuguese Peacock: Oh Nani, I prefer songs from the 1980s.
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      • Article, Illustration
        738 51  -  DAVID LEE CALLthemthe RichDevils ManchesterUnited have topped the money league by a good margin, earning £90 million ($212.1m) in prize money and TV cash from all competitions last season. This is almost £60m more than wooden-spoon-ists West Brom. Admittedly, “rich” seems like a paradox in the midst
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  738 words
    • Sports World Cup Qualifiers
      • 705 52 ArgentinafaceBrazil in the mother of all internationalderbies thismorning.Which teamwillsurvive? ARGENTINAvBRAZIL,TODAY,8.25AM,CH27 THE TRAP has been set and all Brazil need is for Argentina to fall right into it. Argentina desperate for World Cup Qualification points? Suits Brazil just fine, says Brazilian goalkeeper Julio Cesar, who believes there are
        PICTURE: AP  -  705 words
      • Article, Illustration
        585 53 GROUP 9 SCOTLAND 2 (Brown 56, McFadden 81) MACEDONIA0 PA Sport GEORGE Burley survived to fight another day as Scotland manager as goals from Scott Brown and James McFadden secured a crucial 2-0 victory against Macedonia to keep their World Cup play-off hopes alive. Pressure had been mounting
        PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  585 words
    • Sports International Friendly
      • 484 54  -  HOLLAND 3 (Van Persie 69, Sneijder 73, Huntelaar 87) JAPAN0 DAVID LEE COMMENT FOR THE first hour, this match played itself out in the yawn-inducing manner you would expect of a meaningless friendly involving two countries that have already qualified for next year’s
        PICTURES: REUTERS  -  484 words
      • 177 54  -  DAVID LEE THE SECOND-HALF introduction of this 22-year-old Hamburg winger sparked life into a lacklustre Holland side. Making his first senior appearance for the national team, Eljero Elia (right) turned the game on its head with his pace, awareness and delivery. The debutant’s enthusiasm paid off
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      • 160 54  -  DAVID LEE YES, VERY much. The twinkle-toed attacking midfielder had his right ankle caught under Japan defender Marcus Tulio Tanaka after getting his shot away in the 77th minute. Initially trying to rub it off, Snei- jder eventually succumbed and was contorted in pain when
        160 words
      • 95 55 LIVE TELECASTS WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS Today: ARGENTINA v BRAZIL Ch 27,8.25am Thursday: BELARUS v UKRAINE Ch 27,12.55am GERMANY v AZERBAIJAN Ch 119 (FC 2), 2.45am HUNGARY v PORTUGAL Ch 120 (FC 3), 2.45am ITALY v BULGARIA Ch 21,2.45am ENGLAND v CROATIA Ch 24,2.55am SCOTLAND v HOLLAND Ch 118 (FC
        95 words
      • Article, Illustration
        25 55 US OPEN 2009 Today: DAY 6 (evening session) Ch 22,7am Tonight: DAY 7 (day) Ch 22,11pm Tomorrow: DAY 7 (evening) Ch 22,7am PICTURE: AP
        PICTURE: AP  -  25 words
      • 22 55 OMEGA EUROPEAN MASTERS Tonight: DAY 4 Ch 26,7.15pm DEUTSCHE BANK CHAMPIONSHIP Tomorrow: DAY 3 Ch 26,3.15am Tuesday: DAY 4 Ch 26,3am
        22 words
      • 383 55 LOCAL EVENTS RUNNING What: Yellow Ribbon Prison Run When: Today Where: Changi ABOUT 6,000 participants will enjoy the rare experience of running through the Changi Prison Complex as well as pass by historical sites such as the Johore Battery, Changi Chapel Museum and Old Changi Prison Wall. This
        383 words
      • 70 55 CRICKET SINGAPORE captain Chetan Suryawanshi (right) holds aloft the Pepsi ICC World Cricket League Division 6 winners’ trophy after his team beat Bahrain by 68 runs in the final at Kallang. SCORES: Singapore 242-8 in 50 overs (M. Arora 59). Bahrain 174 in 48.4 overs (T .Dar 73,
        PICTURE: ICC/CRICKET EUROPE  -  70 words
    • 460 56 Wire Services SERVES you right, Chelsea. And the same goes for the top clubs who break transfer rules when scouring Europe for the brightest young footballing talents. The explosive remark came from former Chelsea chairman Ken Bates, who believes that the Blues’ Fifa ban is
      Wire Services; PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  460 words

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    • 141 41 I 111-Factor Sum It Si% It <Xjin It Trilt SBH8S 09 TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRI*FACTOR SERIES 2009 TRIATHLON 1 The Triathlon will be held on 13 September 2009, Sunday at 7.30am.The competition comprises swimming, cycling and running events for various distance categories. To facilitate the traffic management for the event,
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    • 87 55 Life after reading The New Paper continues online at... The Postman Sign up as a member with your own email, name and password to share your views on sports and create your own forums and blog discussions for the EPL, La Liga and Serie A games and other sports.
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    • 40 55 SUBSCRIBE TO TNP Here’syour chance toget TNP everyday. Call 6388-3838 to subscribe or go to LOOK OUT FOR OUR NOON EDITION The next edition is on Thursday. We will give you the latest on the World Cup Qualifying matches.
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    • 19 56 EXCLUSIVE: Full-time training not necessary, outgoing SSC director Wayde Clews tells LIM HAN MING Page 44 ALISON RATCLIFFE: InthewakeofcontroversyoverEduardo’sdive,ourcolumnistsaysfoulingisworsePage48
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