The New Paper, 11 August 2009

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1 48 The New Paper
  • 12 1 the new paper 11 Aug 09 tue 70 CENTS MICA (P) 193/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 232 1 NET COWBOYS UNCOVER CROOK Netizens expose man who ‘robbed’ girl after getting sexual services PAGE 2 Netizens expose man girl after getting sexual Winner of Reporting Breaking News Award ’09 Society of Publishers in Asia TEEN CHOICE AWARDS: Megan grabs surfboard, but who gets pole position? PAGE 14 PICTURE: Fly
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    • 30 1 Teacher rejects letter explaining why student is often late for school. Mum admits it’s her fault, but asks: Why call me ‘IDIOT MOTHER’ in front of class? PAGE 4 *****1
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  • News
    • 856 2/3  -  ‘Netcowboys’soangryatmanwho‘robbed’ prostitute that they shame him online REPORT:LIEW LIEW HANQING ITISusuallyahush-hushworld,wheremenseekingfleshhidebehindtheanonymityofnicknamesandphone messages to pay for their illicit and illegal liaisons. But the cover one man hid behind has been blown wide open by his fellow pleasure-seekers. They were angrythathehadbrokentherulesofengagement. The reason for their
      ST PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  856 words
    • 350 2/3  -  COMMENT: LIEW HANQING SOME netizens relish the anonymity that the online experience affords. But is there really such a thing as online anonymity? Aside from those who do everything in their power to keep their online presence to a minimum, it is nigh impossible
      350 words
    • 556 4  -  Daughter cries in class, principal apologises after teacher calls mother‘anidiot’ Benita Aw Yeong –BenitaAwYeong,newsroomintern SHEwascalledan“idiotmother”byherdaughter’steacherinclass.Thereason:Hefoundthemother’sletter,explaining why her daughter was often late for school, to be unsatisfactory. On 3 Aug, Ms Mary’s (not her real name) daughter handedthelettertoherformteacher. The letter listed bad traffic conditions in the morning
      PICTURE ILLUSTRATION  -  556 words
    • 575 5  -  Students’projectgets second place at Singapore Land Authority competition REPORT: LIEW HANQING FOR about an hour, they wandered lost in a remote part of Singapore they never even knew existed. To make things worse, it started raining heavily. But the wet
    • Article, Illustration
      996 6  -  S’pore-based researcher talks football with pirates REPORT: AMANDA YONG ROBBED, abandoned and left for dead on a deserted island miles away from the nearest help. That could have been the fate of Dr Eric Frecon, a Singapore-based academic who specialises in piracy studies. A taxi-boat operator on
    • 438 7  -  Boy, 3, has fractured ankle, scratches REPORT: NG TZE YONG A CONCRETE walkway laid just a few feet away. Instead, three-year-old Park Sihu cheated death, landing on a patch of shrubs and small trees after falling from his family’s ninth-floor apartment yesterday morning. The apartment,
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  438 words
    • 751 8 / 9  -  Semakau Island popular haunt forS’poreastronomers ‘Trashisland’byday... REPORT and PICTURES: NG TZE YONG INTHEstillofthenight,MrAngPoonSengclicksona laser pointer, sends a neon-green beam a mile highinto the sky, and proceeds to turn the galaxies intoaPowerPointslideshow. He points out the Southern Cross hanging low over BatamandsinglesoutthesevenstarsoftheBigDipper, sprawledovertheCBDontheSingaporemainland. He connects the dots
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  751 words
    • 161 8 / 9 Located 8km south of Singapore with an area of 350 hectares, Semakau Landfill was formed from twoislands– PulauSemakauand Pulau Sakeng. A 7km perimeter rock bund was built to enclose the sea between the two islands. This area was then partitioned, to be filled up in
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    • 944 10 / 11  -  This is the second in a series of heart-warming and sometimes painful stories from our medical social workers. They work quietly among other health professionalsinS’pore’s public sector hospitals, helping patients deal with difficult issues including financial hardship and impending dea th. REPORT:NG NG WAN
  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 20 2/3 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838 TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55
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    • 149 2/3 THIS SCOOTER COULD BE YOURS Here’s another chance to catch a ride. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Collect the other half of the jigsaw on page 11 to complete the picture. 2. Answer the following question: "The Fly 150 is known for its mileage and agility. True or
      149 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 > Only COME LIVE YOUR DREAM, COME JOIN FMDS. w I First Media Design School (FMDS) is a unique design school in Singapore that offers you education and career pathways to realise your dream as 'DesignPreneur'. Nurturing Tomorrow's Designpreneur CaseTrust U FIRST MEDIA DESIGN SCHOOL
      44 words
    • 187 7 '< |W)r^BINCE8$ »p!LcrEi®AeE 20^1 The Original Annual Penang Fair is Back! ujii. X tsm A' j*. 4/ Indulge in Sensational Seafood lovingly pf&'p'ared in authentic Penang style a winning collaboration with our guest chef from Victoria Seafood in Penang and our very own Chef Loh Hong Chye. Froip. succulent Sauteed
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  • Page 8 / 9 Advertisements
    • 260 8 / 9 Temasek makes handsome gains from its companies THE IN STRAITS TIMES TODAY x AND BEAUTY Suntec Singapore Hall 403 404 14 -16 Aug 2009 nam 10pm One r \ettue, J(/ea± Join us in our wide variety of workshops available and learn tips and ideas on beauty and wedding planning!
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 17 10 / 11 JOMNNIE (4 WALKER #01-55 61 Golden Mile Complex BLACK LABEL Hennessy Tel: 9675 2992 (3pm-3am) J/n/r/t Y
      17 words
    • 149 10 / 11 THIS SCOOTER COULD BE YOURS Here’s the second piece of the jigsaw See page 3 for full details Spend Mo Jirn r r re to Win Big! Lucky Draw Winners Great Singapore Sale 29 May 26 July 2009 1st Prize: Fiestar® Diamond Necklace Lim Lai Leng Sxxxx259H w.i 2nd Prize
      149 words

  • Global News watch
    • 275 13 Teen flying in from Peru arrested in HK What’swrongwiththeseclothes? THEHongKongteenagerlookednervous,ashewalkedintoChekLapKokairport. Immediately,customsofficersonthe lookoutfordrugsinterceptedandaskedhim tostepasidesohecouldbesearched. Theydidn’tfindpacketsofdrugstapedto hisbody.Instead,theyweresurprisedtofind manypiecesofclothinghewascarrying soakedincocaine. AppleDailyreportedthattheteenagerwas arrestedatabout8.30amonSaturdayfor attemptingtosmugglein6kgofcocaine soakedintohisclothing. The18-year-oldhadleftHongKongon 31 Jul,andhadreturnedfromthePeruvian capitalLima,viaJohannesburginSouth Africa. Customsofficersapproachedhimwhen theysawhimacting“suspiciously”. Theyopeneduphisluggageandrealised thattheclothingfeltespeciallystiff,andthey alsohadasoursmell. Theyarrestedtheteenwhenaquick analysisofthefabricrevealedthatall 35 piecesofclothingcontainedtracesof cocaine. Theclothingweighed18kgintotal,and theyweresoakedinanestimated6kgof cocaine,withastreetvalueofabout HK$5 million($930,000). Customsofficersbelievetheteenhad been used
      PICTURE: THE SUN  -  275 words
    • 498 13 AFATHERwasworriedabouthisson’s safety and told him to pray at the altar in the morning before leaving for work. In less than 24 hours, the son, Mr Yap Voon Kiat, 21, was found lying in a pool of blood near his home in Sungai
      PICTURE: CHINA PRESS  -  498 words
    • Article, Illustration
      539 14/15 An enthusiastic Miley Cyrus walks away with the most awards at Teen Choice Awards HER smile appeared fake, and she looked bored as she watched the performances. Worse still, she reportedly didn’t even bother to walk the red carpet, like most of the other stars did. Still, Megan
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    • 173 14/15 SELECTED WINNERS Choice Movie Action Adventure: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Choice Movie Drama:Twilight Choice Movie Bromantic Comedy: Marley Me Choice Movie Comedy: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Choice Movie Chick Flick: 27 Dresses Choice Movie Horror/Thriller: Friday the 13th Choice Movie
      PICTURES: AFP. AP  -  173 words
    • 545 16 SHE HAS ONLY ONE ARM, HE HAS ONLY ONE LEG THEY perform the ballet so effortlessly, you’d think that they had practised it all their lives. Ms Ma Li, who is in her 30s, has only one arm, while Mr Zhao, who is in his 20s,
      PICTURE: CHINAFOTOPRESS  -  545 words
    • It’s a funny old world
      • 161 16 HOWfar cana woman’snagging driveaman? Into the river, it seems. AccordingtoChina’s Chongqing EveningPost, a lorry driver named Zhou and his wife were on a ferry on the Yangtze River when he decided he had had enough of her incessant talking. He suddenly run out of his cabin
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      • 99 16 A MAN in the US city of St Louis, Missouri, has beenjailedfor yawning“boisterously” incourt. Mr Clifton Williams was in court to hear Judge DanielRozak tohear him deliverhiscousin’s sentence for drugs offences. At one stage, Mr Willliams stretched out and let out a yawn, only to have the
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      • 103 16 IF you love ice cream, here is the ultimate treat. Ice cream lovers are being offered a treat made from natural stimulants dubbed the Sex Pistol. According to, the green and white ice cream cocktail is said to leave diners feeling “energisedand
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    • 375 17 China’slargestairlineusesTVshowtohelp recruit400‘ambassadors’for2010AsianGames YOU can be forgiven for thinking these Chinese women are auditioning for a China version of American Idol. But they are actually signing up to become air stewardesses. China’s largest airline, China Southern Airlines (CSA), is using a TV
      PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  375 words
    • 168 18 PM NAJIB DENIES KNOWLEDGE AFP MALAYSIA’SPrimeMinisterNajibRazakyesterdayrefusedto confirmwhetheracapturedSri LankanTamilTigerrebelleader wasdetainedonMalaysiansoil. Thedefeatedrebelshave demandedanswersfromMalaysia onwhattheydescribeasthe “abduction”lastweekoftheirnew leader,SelvarasaPathmanathan (right). OfficialsinColombohave declinedtosayhowPathmanathan wasdetained,buttheThai government said he was arrested in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and transferred to Sri Lanka through Bangkok. However, Mr Najib refused to confirm whether he
      AFP; PICTURE: AP  -  168 words
    • 68 18 MALAYSIA’Scentralbankhas directed a sweeping overhaul in the boardofdirectorsofthecountry’s largest banking group Maybank, in an unprecedented government censure on a board of a financial institution. The little-publicised revamp followed government displeasure at the controversial acquisition of an Indonesian lender by Malayan Banking (Maybank) last year,
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    • 81 18 AFP GUNMENsprayedbulletsata Bangkok office of the party of Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday, police said, underscoring thekingdom’scontinuingpolitical tensions. There were no injuries in the pre-dawn incident at the Democrat Party office in the Klong Toey area, but the gunfire damaged the front door. The
      AFP  -  81 words
    • 78 18 AFP MORE than 300 children in northern China have been diagnosed with lead poisoning, state press reported yesterday. The children, all living alongside the Changqing industrial park in Fengxiang county, Shaanxi province, sleep more than before, cannot concentrate and react very
      AFP  -  78 words

  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 13 18 DILBERT SCOTT ADAMS REGIONAL WEATHER KL:Cloudy High30˚,Low24˚ Jakarta:Fair High32˚,Low23˚ Bangkok:Cloudy High31˚,Low27˚ Manila:Fair High31˚,Low27˚
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  • You
    • Article, Illustration
      49 19 FROM READER KER XIAOXUAN MYSTERY MAN: How many people do you see at the back of this lorry driving along Woodland Avenue 12? The answer is three. There’ssomeoneinthe middlecoveredwith a black trash bag because of the rain. E-mail your pictures with your name and contact number to
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    • 62 19 Should bus drivers enforce the no-eating rule? Busdrivers haveenoughto do already–dealing with traffic, staying on schedule, answering fare queries. If they have to monitor passengers eating as well, then expect service standards to drop. chancmi Relax! There are enough restrictions as it is in Singapore. What great
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    • 300 19 FROM READER SYLVESTER GOH DJ ChewSoo Wei was lucky THE article on 987FM DJ Chew Soo Wei taken off air, “Diction Friction” (The New Paper, 8 Aug), struck a chord with me. A similar incident happened to me 17 years ago when I
      300 words
    • 121 19 FROM READER ACE KINDRED CHEONG AFTERreadingthearticle,“Why didn’tdriverstoptohelpmydog?” (The New Paper, 10 Aug), I like to remind all motorists that it is important to stop and help animals during accidents. I know that some, if not many, will bethinking:What’sthebigdeal?It’s only an animal. If due to
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    • Article, Illustration
      49 19 SDU-SDS targeting JC and ITE students: Do you think it’stooyoungforthemto be match-made? I believe SDU-SDS should organise positive values-based activities for youths during those adolescent ages. Perhaps it would lessen the current stigma placed on SDU-SDS and create a socially accepted national level matchmaking outfit. Garry Lim, 28
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 59 19 YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 Forverification,we needthe writer’sfull name andcontact number (preferably a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you have granted us the right to
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  • Show
    • 716 20/21  -  F4 star Vic Chou may try to blend in, buthestillcan’thidehisstarpower REPORT:CHARLENE CHARLENE CHUA HE REFUSED to stay in a five-star hotel, opting instead to share his film crew’s NT$400 ($17) a night accommodation. Certainly not something one would expect from Taiwanese superstar Vic Chou. Vic is
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    • 268 20/21 BEING the offspring of a celebrity has its perks, especially if you want to break into showbiz. Newbie Taiwanese actor Mark Chao is the son of Taiwanese actor-host, Allen Chao. Infact, that’swhat gothim cast inBlack White– hisveryfirst drama series. SaidMark,25: “I wentwithmy father to meetdirector Tsaiand
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  268 words
    • 658 22  -  Local pop veteran Jerry Fernandez rolls back the years with new book REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO MEETNewFaceJerryFernandez.Since when did The New Paper openitsannualNewFacecontestto men? Ithasn’t,thisNewFaceisfromoldendays, the1970s,wheneventhisnewspaperwasnot yetatwinkleintheprinter’seye. Fernandez,60,wasfoundingfatherofThe New Faces, local pop band born in ’72 and stillgoingstrongplayinggigs. Yes, children of the Net,
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  658 words
    • Show Makansutra
      • 800 23  -  K F SEETOH A HAPPY belated birthday, my dear Singapore, and it comes from a sense of being in a Singapore I can relate to. I’m one of those home-loving slugs that takes a little too long to catch up with all that
        PICTURE: MAKANSUTRA  -  800 words
    • Show Makan Sites
      • Article, Illustration
        705 24/25  -  The foodcourt, as you once knew it, is over once you step into Ion Orchard. Welcome to a new level of cuisine, where everyday food meets high fashion REPORT: YEOH WEE TECK weeteck@sph .com .sg ION Orchard has been attracting fashionistas and wannabes, creating human jams that can
      • 325 24/25  -  David Ho –DavidHo,newsroomintern AS A Penangite, I find myself missing some of the good, old cuisine from the sunny little island. So I was happy when I heard that Copthorne King’sHotel’s Princess TerraceannualPenang fair was back. Ithasbeen awhilesince I’vetasted Penang fare. I also wanted
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      • 255 24/25  -  Kay Tan –KayTan,newsroomintern STALL 9 of the coffee shop at Block 2 Lorong Lew Lian looks like your usual Western food stall. But Ottimo Pasta Grill is in fact restaurant-stand-ard Western and Italian cuisine at the heartlander’s price and place. Combining skills picked up at the
        TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  255 words
  • Page 20/21 Advertisements

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 86 22 MostlHappening Chat wMwm ft \d M© (sum Top 3 Ladies Win Total Cash Prize of 2000. Chat To Unwind, v With F.riends hi Connect sec A5 first FREE Online payment available *Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Solutions Pte. Ltd. shall be final. Callers must be 18
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • Page 24/25 Advertisements
    • 156 24/25 B IN TflME CffflRTTlNG JAM f ■v/ V V-Y',1 FREE LINE BHBH DED1 VOICE PRRTY SDrEnts/min FREE LINE: BT15 3353 Direct Chdt Vaiccmail 5P15 Hlort Callers must be 18 years above. A friendly reminderiDo exercise caution prudence when meeting up with new friends for the first time. Customer service/ Request
      156 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 103 26 Asia’s scream queen Angelica Lee: No more horror movies forme PLUS Your chance to win goodie bags of Jack Neo’s new film WHERE GOT GHOST? ALL IN YOUR FREE MOVIE PULLOUT ON THURSDAY A WiWiWrdfeam c Ha tVsg C3U*< m fc per minl,:: 7^ V 1IIAA nume V5359 riccniic: uiuu
      103 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 55 26 WATCH’EM FINALIST: Kunjung Whitaker. Anugerah2009GrandFinals(above) Suria,8.30pm Thislivetelecastfeaturestheremainingfourfinalistsbattlingit outtoclinchtheAnugerah2009titleaswellasperformances bytheAnugerettesandcelebrityguests. TheChoppingBlock (above) GranadaTV (SingTel mioTV Ch23), 11pm Inthis newreality serieshostedbyCatriona Rowntree,two MelbourneandSydneyrestaurants, which willbe reviewedbya secret critic, have72hours, A$5,000and assistancefrom chefMatt Moran tooverhaul their service, menuanddecor inorder towinA$20,000. StarterFor 10 HBO(StarHubCh60), 9pm A working-classstudentnavigateshis firstyearatBristol Universityinthe mid-’80s. StarringJames McAvoy, Simon Woods.
      55 words
    • 227 26 CHANNEL 5 Noon CompletelyHammered 12.30pm MartinYan’sChina 1.00 FirstTouch II 2.00 Achar/StyleBy Jury 3.00 GrowingUp 4.00 AreYouSmarter Than A 5thGrader? 5.00 TheRachael RayShow 3 6.00 EntertainmentTonight 6.30 Planet’sFunniest Animals 7.30 SingaporeIdol2009 8.00 FirstClass/Sayang Sayang 9.00 JustFor LaughsGags 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 TheMentalist 10.00 CSI:Miami Midnight WithoutA Trace CHANNEL8 1.00pm News8At One/Frontline 2.00
      227 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 657 27 Serviceoriented? Vacancies for full/part-time service staff need to be filled. See Class Hotel/Restaurant/Lounge I V Get off your feet Pamper yourself with a body massage and foot reflexology treatment. See Class Health Study and work Tourism and hospitality diploma and advanced diploma courses including on-the-job training. See Class Education Courses
      657 words
    • 58 27 If you have Credit Card Problems, Cancelled facilities. Legal actions. Seizure, Garnishing and Bankruptcy. (No Fee charged if Case not resolve) Pis call 9-*****27 for assistance Our Consultants should be able to resolve your problems. Pis arrange for free consultation RCS Consultancy Services Pte Ltd 111 North Bridge Road #07-23
      58 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 348 28 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs rO^Pu©P P4-Centrino, Centrino Duo, Core 2 Duo: $500-$3000 Computer P4: $500-$800 LCD Plasma: $500-$3000, PSP: $300, DSLR Camera: $1,500, PlayStation 3: $500, Branded Watches Up to: $5000 rCASHl 100 CTOOO 28 UPPER WELD ROAD
      348 words
    • 66 28 CPF INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS Twice Review Call Now!! 9736 2126 Lisa „cr y y,/„ m °9 mad® 6844 7616 www. pa c ke ve BUY IN ALL BRAND Liquor, Louis XIII, Hennessy XO, Martell Cordon Bleu. Used spoilt TV 14" -61". LCD, Plasma TV 20"-61", old Sony projector, VCD
      66 words
    • 76 28 ANTI-SNORING PRODUCTS-USA looking for sub-agents Email: or call: 9350-9320 (Cyril) Website: CPF/ CASH INVESTMENT Recover your losses 0% Sales charge Genuine investors only 8434 5202 CPF Invest BAGUS High Returns No waiting time Call Zai *****684 HIGHEST OFFER WANTED OLD/ NEW LIQUOR XO, Hennessy, GordonBleu Whisky Old Elect.
      76 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 410 29 Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets a TS J U u NOiWARRANTY? FORGET PASSWORD? NO CHARGER?' i "NO PROBLEM!! WE ACCEPT ALL CONDITIONS >5 w B %Back Available Pentium 4/AMD Celeron u P .o $1,000 Wanted Urgently for Export! Centrino Duo core: upto $5,000 Buying/Selling New/Used/Spoilt
      410 words
    • 113 29 Health Health Health k Royal,Classic Spa i Traditional Thai Shiatsu Massage Hot Pool Steam Sauna Theatre Room Wifi Access Complimentry Meals Drinks V? 6776 2911 12 West Coast Walk#01-01 West Coast Recreation Centre (next to Clementi Stadium) Youth Health Centre launa Steambath Massage Each individual room with attached bathroom j
      113 words
    • 26 29 mnniTV FOOT 6 BODY SPjj Pretty, charming experienced therapists Local,Young Masseuses Relaxing Massage 133 New Bridge Road #04-07 Chinatown Point 11am 11pm I Tel; 6533 7855
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 130 30 Health Health Canberra Health Spa 10 Jalan Tampang, Sembawang Garden Arcade S'pore *****4 (opp. Sembawang Shopping Centre) @6752 4844, 6755 5791 Shiatsu/ Swedish/ Japanese/ Baiinese/ Thai/ Hawaii Wave Massage Individual Rooms with Shower Attached Facial/ Foot Reflexology Aroma Spa Hot Pool Steam/ Sauna Theatre Room (SCV) I Cafeteria Business Hours:
      130 words
    • 133 30 Health Health r¥e<zCt£. ,V Massage ,V Sauna, Steambath 4jym ,V Individual room with attached bathroom 'IF adjustable Air-conditioning )< TV Restroom 4 n i"( RTH Hai ihir*ifl:iikHi iiAti i rim Loy Krathong Fitness Spcr f a service that promises to be as good as the authentic, original Thai massage! Special
      133 words
    • 129 30 Health Health Health NEW OPENING PROMOTION at 21 OA Syed Alwi Rd branch $30 per hr for whole Body Massage for all races AYURVEDIC SHIRODHARA; HOTOIL BODY MASSAGE; FACE, BODY, FOOT, NAIL All races male/female Masseur Attached shower Private couple rooms 210 Syed Alwi Road (Off Jalan Besar McDonald's) ~5
      129 words
    • 68 30 "RaiH&ota II yYlejwty Massage I Free Body Scrub I Cosy Ambience I Excellent Service Tel: 6534 1008 ANA Health Centre ROYAL@ QUEENS HOTEL 12 Queens St. 4 th Floor (Behind Alison Hotel) *****780/*****938 Open: 11am to 11pm EQUATORIAL MASSAGE CENTRE 45 mins $28! ‘Javanese, Swedish Body Scrub‘ Young, Charming and
      68 words
    • 62 30 Zen Health Centre GOLDEN LANDMARK HOTEL 5 th Level Next To Swimming Pool (Take Lift At Hotel Lobby) *****155 *****455 Open: 11am to 11pm Newly Open Massage Facial Foot Reflexology Individual Rm /Tv Rm Couple Room Sauna/Gym Swimming-pool 131 Killiney Road, #02-00 tel 6296 6266 0 garter Moon^^.^ 104 Amoy
      62 words
    • 123 30 Health 1*1 J. XIN TIAN JIN JHEALTH New Renovation Massage Steam Bath Free Body Scrub Individual Room with Attached Bathroom Call: 6535 4310 18 Lorong Telok #03-01 off North Canal Rd Lavender Spa Tel: 6337 ***** 1 Massage 1 Skilful/Beautiful? Masseuse 1 Individual Room I Coleman St, #B1 -24 The
      123 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 59 31 QIN XIN BEAUTY New Faces Skillful Nice ambience Blk 472 #02-57 Tampines St 44 Please call *****177 Stress relief massage Services SMS Julia 9696-4617 FOOT PLACE 150 Orchard Rd SUNSHINE HOUSE OF BEAUTY Newly Open Blk 56 New Upper Changi Rd #01-1292. HP: 8386-3768 S88 HEALTH SPA Open Daily By
      59 words
    • 60 31 FACTORY PRICE!! kitchen cabinet, room cabinet, old cabinet changeof new door. 9834-5461 6741-3677 Licensed Contractor BEST PRICE FOR Pawn Tickets, Gold Bar, Gold Jewelry, Diamond, White Gold, Silver Bar, Gold Coin, Rolex Watches etc Old Liquor Wanted $300-$1000 Louis XIII, Hennessy XO, Martell Cordon Bleu other brands of liquor welcome
      60 words
    • 261 31 Personal Needs Personal Needs MoneyLine Express Pte. Ltd. (Company Registration No. *****4684D) Fast ca$h within 24 hours approved Low interest rates of 1.5% per month Express cash up to $100,000 HDB sellers before/after sale or attended HDB 1 st appt are welcome!!! Repayment of loan upon HDB completion Property agents
      261 words
    • 208 31 Properties Properties SELLER (HPB) PROPERTY LEGAL LOANS arrangement thru finance Low Interest Immediate Approval Bankruptcy/Divorce Repossession Welcome Fast Reliable Services KONSOLE PTG LTD 81 88 9977 NEED CASH Sign new/ upgrade line Transport Provided Henry 9897-5724 WE BUY SELL New/ used/ spoilt Iphone, E71/ 63/ N95/ 51/ 79/ HP612, all
      208 words
    • 76 31 Education Courses Education Courses CaseTrust Be Sun ■s I J Local Overseas Industrial Attachment SDF Approved NTUC-SEP Terms condition apply Student Pass NS deferment CALL NOW: 6338 8662 103 Beach Road #07-01 Premier Centre S(*****4) JURONG EAST (Near Jurong E. MRT) BISHAN (Near Bishan MRT) *****880 *****068/*****118 Blk 135 #03-329
      76 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 237 32 BUSINESS SCHOOL BOSTON' your future, your success in the h and tour CTHHIIil Tomorrow's Education, Today CONFEDERATION OF TOURISM HOSPITALITY Management Casino Management Tourism Management Advanced Diploma and Diploma awarded by Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (UK) Qualified and experienced lecturers Small class of 18 students On the Job Training
      237 words
    • 245 32 Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses W\ Accomplish Your Global Career in the F&B Industry with ICAS! Overseas Internship Opportunities Available with International Education Progress Path! City Guilds International Award in Barista Skills City§£ City Guilds International English for Speakers of Other Languages Guilds City Guilds Certificate in Food Beverage
      245 words
    • 75 32 OXFORD HOME TUITION Reliable Experienced Tutors Grads/ Undergrads Teachers << Any Area >> P r i 1 6 Eng, Maths, Science, 2nd Lang Sec 1 5/ ’A’ levels/ JC: A/E Maths, H1/H2/H3 Maths, Physics, Chem, Biology, Eng, GP, 2nd Lang, A/cs (POA), Lit, Econ Hist, Geog, Social Studies Tel: 6362-1413
      75 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 158 33 CATS FastadsJOBS Toll-free: 1 800-289-9988 F&B Entertainment Co urgently requires 1. SERVICE CREW 2. BAR TENDER Can start work immediately S’poreans/ PR/ M’sians only Call *****312 Walk-In 21 North Canal Rd (11am-5pm) FULL-TIME TELEMARKETING EXECUTIVE Jurong East S’porean/ M’sian/ PR only Pls call Gary 6795 3877 for an appointment
      158 words
    • 384 33 General Production General Production A global supplier of high-tech soldering and microelectronic attachment materials requires PRODUCTION OPERATOR (Malaysians with SPM are welcome) Pre-requisites: •Able to communicate in simple English Physically fit Benefits: week^M •Meal, Job Allowance Attendance Benefits •Actual transport reimbursement (within Singapore only) Housing Allowance for Malaysians Only Please
      384 words
    • 223 33 Hotel/ Hotel/ 1 Restaurant/ Lounge I Restaurant/ Lounge EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE YAK1TOR1 BAR Located at One Fullerton is opening soon! CMF.FSX7 ff ($2000 $2500 Japanese Cuisine) With experience Training will be provided in Japan for 2 months (Meals Lodging provided) Attractive benefits Japanese Language will be an advantage Start immediately Kitchen
      223 words
    • 68 33 DAILY CASH $50-$100 5-10PM F&B lifestyle Campaign Staff Call Fiona 6745-5345 NEXT CONCEPT advertising co 1) NEW FACES for movies commercial ads Any race, age size Ready task assignment 2) PART TIME PROMOTERS needed $10-$20 per hour Interested pls call *****877/ *****822 No fees required Care for a drink? Join
      68 words
    • 47 33 New Part-Time/ Full-Time Agents Wanted Only 30 new agents will be selected Work near home Regular training Clients provided Make $2K-$8K p/mth. Keen? Pls SMS name, age, gender to: 9766-1999 PRESTIGE TALENTS MANAGEMENT Pleasant looking friendly Female Escorts wanted. High income within short time 9025 0596
      47 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 419 34 Retail Sales Retail Sales Retail Sales We are exftandi/ig and'see/ting dynamic individuals toj'oin us as SHOP MANAGERS ASSISTANT SHOP MANAGERS SHOP SUPERVISORS Diploma GCE 'A' '0' SPM 'N' Level Responsible for the daily operations of the store Minimum 2 years' experience in a similar capacity in managing the business operations
      419 words
    • 152 34 Sa Prop N ex POWER OF NETWORKING Join the GOLD STANDARD in real estate! Service You Trust Champion District Director for '08 1 st Qtr '09 Let me show you how to achieve your goals with personal one to one coaching. ENTERPRISE New Experienced Agents are Welcome M~- SUCCESS GUARANTEED*
      152 words
    • 41 34 WANT A CHANGE? Seeking goal-driven Sales Exec Events/ Roadshows (Major Telecom) Training given Attractive 9864 2145 PROTECTION OFFICERS wanted Earn upto $1400 p.m. *****929 Security Officers F1, Serangoon, City Walk In Interview: 10am-5pm (dailyexcept Sun) 188-6 Tg Katong Rd *****690 *****080
      41 words
    • 502 34 TECHNICIAN Repair aircon/ fridge Class 3 driving licence S’porean or SPR only Interested, pls walk-in for interview 3 to 5pm 11 to 14 August 77 High Street #07-07 High Street Plaza S’pore 17 433 BUY IT, SELL IT r FIND IT Fax: 6319-8228 E-mail: TELEPHONE SERVICE Mondays to Fridays
      502 words

  • Sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 638 35 FRIDAY OP 1200m --1124 CheyenneDancer 59 (117) (6agMFreedman-CNTan/KHNeo) 4-0212 BritishNavy 53.5 (106) (5arggPShaw-British) 9-4676 FantasticOwners 50 (99) (6agBDean-MegaHill) -***** Ntini 50* (95) (5agMFreedman-Ntini) *****2 AmadeusMozart 50* (89) (6iregPShaw-EMMA) *****7 SuperbLegend 50* (87) (7agDesmondKoh-Effect) -***** NobleManor 50* (83) (4nzgLLaxon-SilverFernRacing) *****2 BreakFree 50* (79) (4agLLaxon-Perfectum) 3--458 FightToLive
        638 words
      • 653 35 SATURDAY C*****m --12-0 Ego'sMelang 57 (73) (7nzgKHNg-Melang) *****7 Lemurian 57 (73) (9agEvelynSeet-Horizon) 543-73 I'mbless 56.5 (72) (5nzgBTLim-Blesswithluck) ***** BigShot 55 (69) (7nzgPKLeong-DFaizalFoo) -***** Dynawing 54.5 (68) (9nzgEBreukelen-Rio) *****6 SuperLad 53 (65) (6nzgKCHah-MdmMYAu) *****- PaddyMac 52.5 (64) (8agBBrogan-BBrogan) 60-60- Starbeel 52.5 (64) (8agJeromeTan-Rainbow) *****6 FireKingdom 51.5 (62)
        653 words
      • 289 36 SATURDAY C*****m *****0 AleoStoller 57 (43) (7nzmMThwaites-AJRacing) *****4 BrilliantLegend E2 57 (43) (10agBTLim-Okay) 404-90 FourthAvenue 57 (43) (5nzgYNLiew-Avenue) *****- LionCitySoldier 57 (43) (6nzgCecilRobert-Bee) 4385-6 D'MightyKingdom E3 56.5 (42) (7nzgJeromeTan-Caesar's) 0--817 Newsmaker E7 56 (41) (6nzgPKLeong-HappinessCome) *****4 StraightMoney 56 (41) (5mgJMcGillivray-RiseAgain) 89-0-0 WelcomeChange E8 56 (41) (11agEvelynSeet-PYChu)
        289 words
      • 908 36 SUNDAY MG1 2400m PerakDerby 3-1334 Kiko'sReturn 57 (110) (6nzgBTLim-Ong) -6386- JokerTreasure 54 (91) (8nzgBTLim-Joker) 82--00 Zankel 54 (91) (8nzgPPereira-Hydrocarbon) *****8 King'sCarnival 53 (89) (8agFMaynard-Tmen) -1-75- GoodNature 53 (88) (5ahKCoetzee-GoldenKnight) 622-11 WorthTheWait 53 (88) (7nzgBTLim-NoLimit) 4-6221 Muthabaie 51 (79) (5frmMThwaites-BrightStar) 81-103 BootsAndSpurs 51 (78) (8agBTLim-CPFong) C1&*****m *****1
        908 words
      • 343 36 GENERAL Appeal by jockey Adam Fiezan against his three-month suspension in connection with his running and handling of ULTIMATE GLAMOUR in Race 7 at Kuala Lumpur on 12 Apr. Fiezan applied to withdraw his appeal on 5 Aug. After consideration, the Selangor
        343 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf
      • 693 37 Woods bags sensational birdie, Paddy makes triple-bogey AP THE BATTLE was everything Tiger Woods expected. The finish was nothing anyone imagined, except for Woods hoisting another World Golf Championship trophy at Firestone. Woods was in trouble in the trees on the famous par-five 16th hole, one shot behind
        AP; PICTURE: AFP  -  693 words
      • 97 37 FOUR-SHOT SWING AT‘THEMONSTER’ Woods: Found left rough, hit back to the fairway, leaving himself 178 yards. An eight-iron left him a foot away and he tapped in for birdie. Harrington: Drove tee-shot into right rough, pulled second shot that ended up on the slope of a
        97 words
      • 56 37 SINGAPORE’S Lam Chih Bing (below) shot another five-over 75 to finish 76th out of 79 golfers at the Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone yesterday morning. He bagged US$36,250 ($52,000) for the effort. Selected scores: 282: Prayad Marksaeng 66-70-72-74 288: Thongchai Jaidee 71 -74-70-73 289: Jeev Milkha Singh 70-71
        56 words
      • 49 37 1 Tiger Woods 12.93 av. pts 2 Phil Mickelson 8.27 3 Paul Casey 6.65 4 Kenny Perry 6.27 5 SteveStricker 6.07 6 Sergio Garcia 5.90 7 HenrikStenson 5.81 8 Geoff Ogilvy 5.64 9 Stewart Cink 5.24 10 Padraig Harrington 4.90 11 Jim Furyk4.88 12 Vijay Singh 4.82.
        49 words
    • Sports Football
      • 565 38/39  -  DAVID LEE WHENTheNewPaperputitto national football coach Raddy Avramovic that the Lions are only as good as their last game– a5-0drubbing atthehands of Liverpool the Serbian vehementlydisagreed. “Idon’tthinkthat’sthecase.We had only two days to get together and prepare for the Liverpool match,”saidAvramovic. “For the first 45 minutes,
        565 words
      • 433 38/39  -  DAVID LEE WHEN The New Paper visited a Lions’ training session, national coach Raddy Avramovic was reluctant to reveal what form of experimentation he would attempt in his line-up against China to overcome the apparent lack of options. He said, with a cheeky smile: “I will
        TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  433 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 722 40  -  Spotlight on Tottenham Hotspur GARY LIM A MID-TABLE position is not what the Tottenham Hotspur fans are after. A place in the Champions League is. And with Arsenal showing all sorts of vulnerability, this coming season could be Spurs’ best time to
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  722 words
    • Sports Euro Kick-off
      • 594 41 Wire Services AFTER a pre-season of change in Germany where the dominating news headlines were over Real Madrid’s brazen pursuit of Bayern Munich’s Franck Ribery, the Bundesliga kicked off over the weekend. And it was a weekend of contrasting fortunes for the
        Wire Services; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  594 words
    • Sports Community Shield
      • 799 42  -  DAVID LEE and The NewPaper’sfootball analyst TOHARIPAIJAN review the new-look Manchester United and ChelseaafterSunday’s entertaining Community Shield DAVIDLEEandThe analystTOHARIPAIJAN WasChelsea’sdiamond a cut too sharp for United to handle? Round One to the Blues then? TOHARI: We can see from this game that Chelsea are
        PICTURE: AP  -  799 words
      • 368 43  -  IAIN MACINTOSH HE MAY not have been there in person, but His presence hung around Wembley Stadium on Sunday like an over-tanned spectre. It lurked in every corridor, loomed over every conversation and sometimes, if you listened very, very carefully to a
        PICTURE: AFP  -  368 words
      • 696 44 PA Sport SIR ALEX Ferguson criticised referee Chris Foy and claimed Michael Ballack should have been sent off on Sunday in the FA Community Shield at Wembley as Chelsea beat Manchester United on penalties. The United manager was in no doubt the “deciding” moment of the match
        PA Sport; PICTURES: AFP  -  696 words
      • 231 44 PA Sport HOW unlucky. LuisNaniimpressedinSunday’sCommunity Shield defeat against Chelsea, but Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson revealed the Portugal winger could now be set for a spell on the sidelines after dislocating his shoulder. “We could not put the shoulder back in, so that is
        PA Sport  -  231 words
      • 568 45 Our readers give their post-Community Shield comments online at The Postman and we select the best few here CRYING OVER SPILT MILK “As for the controversial second Chelsea goal, yes, it was a foul by (Michael) Ballack. But the referee played advantage. Note that United did not
        PICTURE: AFP  -  568 words
    • 398 46  -  REPORTING FROM WEMBLEY IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI THOUGH all the pre-match speculation focused on the absence of a certain Portuguese playmaker in Sunday’s Community Shield between Manchester United and Chelsea, the Edwin van der Sar-shaped hole in United’s starting line-up was just as
      PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  398 words
      • Article, Illustration
        71 47 LIVE TELECASTS 2010 WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS Tomorrow: AZERBAIJAN v GERMANY Ch 27,11.55pm Germany captain Michael Ballack (right) is in the squad for the 2010 World Cup Qualifier in Azerbaijan after overcoming a toe injury. Thursday: FAROE ISLANDS v FRANCE Ch 21,12am BELARUS v CROATIA Ch 27,2.10am DELAYED TELECAST NATIONAL
        PICTURE: AFP  -  71 words
        12 words
      • 9 47 PGA CHAMPIONSHIP 2009 Friday: DAY 1 Ch 26,2.15am
        9 words
      • 25 47 ATP1000 ROGERS MASTERS Today: 1ST ROUND Ch22, 7am& 11pm Tomorrow: 1ST ROUND Ch22, 7am 2NDROUND Ch22, 11pm Thursday: 2NDROUND Ch22, 7am LAST16 Ch22, 11pm
        25 words
      • 398 47 LOCAL EVENTS FOOTBALL What:National Day Challenge– Singapore v China When: Tomorrow, 7.30pm Where: National Stadium IN CELEBRATION of National Day, the Singapore national team will play China to kickoff anewannual footballevent– the National Day Challenge. Tickets (grandstand $15, gallery $10, senior citizens $5, students $2) are on sale
        398 words

  • Page 38/39 Advertisements
    • 164 38/39 Cute Cute Fan! 32" 6-Blade Ceiling Fan Remote Light Kit Powerful Wind Colours available: Pink Multicoloured Ideal for children's rooms 0 Blk 406 Tampines St 41 #01-21 (Beside Polyclinic, near Tampines MRT) Tel: 6785 1233 CASH CARRY (WHILE STOCKS LAST!) 16" Wall Fan UP $68 JSS* 52 Ceiling Fan
      164 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 79 41 THINK SPORTS. THINK CAREER. THINK m ASIA PACIFIC SCHOOL of SPORTS BUSINESS In Singapore since 2006... MSc Sport Management MSc conferred by... 1 Sheffield Hallam University Entry requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent Those without a bachelor's degree but with management experience in the sports industry will be considered on a
      79 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 193 43 N/mON/a. DAY CHALLENGE 200S SINGAPORE PRESENTED BY Sony Ericsson DATE 12th August 2009 VENUE National Stadium TIME 7.30pm TICKET PRICES Grandstand $15 Gallery Adult $10 Gallery Senior Citizen $5 Gallery Student $2 m PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF chin/: I Tickets are on sale at Jalan Besar Stadium (South Entrance) now. Ticket
      193 words

  • Page 45 Miscellaneous
    • 44 45 Always play with care. |responsibiy| Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize Visit our website at Towards Community Purpose and Benefit SINGAPORE RCB Reg No: *****0202G
      44 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 62 47 *Alltelecastliveunlessstatedotherwise. For latest, please check *Programmetimes,providedbyStarHub,subjecttochange Lifeafter reading TheNew Paper continues onlineat... ThePostman Sign upasa memberwithyour own emailname and passwordtoshare yourviews on sports and createyour ownforumsand blog discussionsafter Sundaynight’s Community Shield gamebetweenManchester United and Chelsea. Facebook Becomea memberand get ourdaily headlinesin your Facebooknewsfeed everyday,and more. Twitter
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 247 48 A member of 3 psb 1 Ar.arlpn Academy The University of Wollongong Commerce Degree Finance Management. Marketing Public Relations Supply Chain Management it I NOW OPEN FOR ENROLMENT (Choose From 5 Leading Majors) The University of Wollongong (UOW) is a leading Australian university with an international reputation for academic
      247 words