The New Paper, 5 July 2009

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1 56 The New Paper
  • 13 1 The New Paper on sunday 5 Jul 09 80 CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 O R I G I N A L the new paper TNP DOLLARS $150 the new paper ONLY ORIGINAL TNP DOLLARS PUBLISHED IN THE NEW PAPER ARE VALID Winner of Reporting Breaking News Award '09 Society of Publishers in Asia ROBBERY IN JOHOR S’porean siblings attacked. Pair kicked off bike.
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    • 6 1 PAP Women take partying seriously 6
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  • News
    • 772 2/3  -  S’poresiblingssuffershattered knees,fracturedthighafter bikergangrobstheminJB REPORT: JOVITA CHUA –Thereporterisanewsroomintern LATE on Thursday night, the foursome went to Johor Baru to get their motorcycles serviced. In the early hours of Friday, they became victims of an audacious attack by armed robbers. Two of them were seriously hurt
    • News Flu Watch
      • 528 4  -  ChangiAirportstaffmember suspectedofH1N1flukept positive during hospital stay REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN MOST people would want to forget about a hospital stay. But Ms Nurul Mohd Sali was so keen to share her experience with others that she took pictures of herself with
      • Article, Illustration
        155 4 ASKCHING Send us your questions about Influenza A(HIN1) at We will check with theexperts and authoritiestoget them answered. Q: Who will be tested for H1N1? A: Though H1N1 is infectious, the majority of cases here have been mild. Many patients have fully recovered. The virus is usually self-limiting
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    • 654 6 / 7  -  PAPWomen’sWing celebrates 20th anniversary with bash REPORT: HEDY KHOO ITISyour20thandyou’rehavingapartyatahipclub.Howstressfulcanitbe? TheWomen’sWingofthePeople’sAction Party (PAP) decided on the theme of “hot white”with“redhotaccessoriesforwomen”. Buthavingfunisn’talwayspainless. “I had a lot of e-mails from the male PAP members about the dress code,” recalled Ms IndraneeRajah,theorganisingchairman, withachuckle.She’salsoaMemberofParliamentforTanjongPagarGRC. Thedresscodewasherbrainchild. “I replied
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  654 words
    • 1042 8 / 9  -  No,there’snomaritalstrife asChristopherLeeshares howheandFannkeepthe sparks flying REPORT: KWOK KAR PENG YOU’D think that less than two months into their marriage, Christopher Lee and Fann Wong would behave like most newly-wed couples. You know, spend hours in the bedroom, then wake up making googoo eyes at
    • 493 10  -  Dad recounts why he stopped seeing daughter after bitter divorce REPORTS: HEDY KHOO IT STRUCK a chord with him when he read about a divorced father’s plight of not being able to see his son. When John (we are not using
    • 461 10 CASES of fathers being alienated from their children is not uncommon. Ms Tan Siew Kim, a senior matrimonial lawyer at Wong, Tan Molly Lim LLC, who has 15 years of experience, said she has come across many similar cases. Ms Tan, who
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    • News The New Paper Auction
      • 490 11  -  Motorbike winner will be revealed this coming Saturday at Suntec Galleria Foyer Han Yongming –HanYongming,newsroomintern TODAY is your last chance to bid for the grand prize of The New Paper Auction, the Derbi motorbike. The Derbi Terra Adventure 125 and bundled
    • 767 12 / 13  -  NTUprofmarriedtoVietbrideworkingonnewproject: vettingcandidatestomarryhiswife’ssister(nearright) REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN THIS NTU professor went through a marriage agency in Chinatown to get himself a Vietnamese bride. He’ssuchafirmbelieverinmatchmaking, he’snowtryingtofindhiswife’ssisteraSingaporean groom. Indeed, together with his wife, he vets the men who are interested. Associate Professor Christopher Shearwood,
      TNP PICTURE: CRYSTAL CHAN  -  767 words
    • 467 12 / 13 THROUGH the glass, the 10 young women can be seen sitting in a row. Passing men sometimes stop to glance at the women, as they would at wares in a shop window. One man was heard telling his friend in Mandarin: “Thesegirls arefair-skinnedand
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  467 words
    • Article, Illustration
      885 14 / 15  -  The death of a man during a drug-fuelled gay party leads ustoquestionwhatreally goesoninsuchparties WHEN SEX, PARTIES AND DRUGS BECOME... REPORT: HO LIAN-YI THREE men decide to risk time in jail and their lives by having a wild party with illegal drugs. One ends up dead and
      ST FILE PICTURES  -  885 words
    • 352 14 / 15 DESPITE the deaths, the raids and the warnings, Singaporeans are still putting their lives at risk by taking illegal aphrodisiac products. But their numbers have fallen. A Health Sciences Authority (HSA) spokesman said there were 62 adverse reaction reports associated with these products from January
      ST FILE PICTURES  -  352 words
    • 485 16 / 17  -  COMMENT AnupcomingG8Summit,countlessfauxpasii,l ontheworldstageandembroiledinanlili allegedsexscandalwithan18-year-oldllli--l model.ThisisItaly’sprimeministerl.iiIl’iii SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO PUTYOURSELFinSilvioBerlusconi’sBerlutis.Whywouldyouwanttobeseenabouttownwitholderwomen? Italy’sprimeministeralreadyoperatesfromacountrythat’srichinantiquitiesandhistoricalruins,sowhy swan about with one on your arm? Unless she’s the seniorSignoraBerlusconi,hismama. Ever since the Romans introduced the rest of the worldto the art of graffitti– scrawls on ancient cobblestoned walls like “Roma, Una Vita, Non Basta”
      PICTURES: AFP, AP, REUTERS  -  485 words
    • 511 18 Boy who played Salim in Slumdog Millionaire movesintoMumbaiflatafterlosinghomeinMay Reuters HIS eyes were bright and a big smile was plastered on his face as he showed off his new home to guests. The apartment in an upmarket Mumbai suburb is a far
      Reuters; PICTURES: AP  -  511 words
    • 545 19  -  Consumerspending,not temporary fiscal industrialmeasures, will drive recovery ZHEN MING BOSTON BRAHMIN JUSTtheotherday,hitbypangsofnostal-gia at the passing a musical legend, I made a mad dash to a heartland mall to snapupacopyofTheEssentialMichaelJacksonmusicCD album(a re-releaseofhis 2005 greatesthitscompilation). It features 38 hits by Jackson (from his
      PICTURE: XINHUA  -  545 words
    • 266 19 Reuters THIEVES are increasingly going after iPhonesandother“smartphones”but victims now can fight back with technology. One device allows a user to remotely activate a loud siren designed to rattle the thief. Another application, designed foriPhones,canrevealthephone’s location. Newtechnology helps owners of expensive gadgets
      Reuters  -  266 words
    • 520 20 A CASE of sinking land has put the brakes on a condominium construction project in Penang. After the gates and a stretch of road in front of the Gurney Park condominium sank 1.2m, the state’s municipal council ordered all construction work on the nearby
      PICTURE: GUANG MING DAILY  -  520 words
    • 206 20 YOUmaybe thechief ministerof astate, andcommandthe respectofthousands of people. Butthe tiny termitesandantswill have youpackingallthe same. Barelyayearafter he andhisfamily movedin, atermite infestation hasforced PenangchiefministerLim GuanEngout of hisofficial residence,Seri Teratai. Accordingto TheStar, heandhis family movedto arentedhouse on Friday. MrLim’spress secretary, MsCheong Yin Fan,told TheStar thatMrLimhired apest controlcompanyto
      PICTURES: CHINA PRESS  -  206 words
    • 661 21 Bahia Bakari is believed to be the sole survivor in the Yemenia Airways crash off the Comoros Islands last Tuesday. Here the sole survivor (right) of a 1971 air crash in South America recounts the crash. THErecentYemeniaAirwaysdisasterhasbroughtbackpainfulmemoriesforanotheraircrashsur-vivor. MsJulianeKoepcke,55,alibrarianattheZoological Centre in
      PICTURE: INTERNET; PICTURE: AFP  -  661 words
    • 673 22 Newbornbabyamongthosewhoperishedinfire THE fire is believed to have started in a stairwell and soon the residents were in a panic. By the time the flames were put out, six people were dead, including two children and a three-week old baby. The fire occurred on
      PICTURE: AFP  -  673 words
    • News Snapshot
      • 336 23 PM LEE: WOMEN MPs HAVE BALANCED DIFFERENT ROLES WELL THERE are 17 elected women Members of Parliament now, a vast improvement from 1970 to 1984 when there were none. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says more has to be done. The ruling People’s Action Party
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      • Article, Illustration
        45 23 BURNT ALIVE: A taxi driver, 43, was burnt to death after his vehicle caught fire in a condominium basement parking lot yesterday at around 6.45am in Serdang, Selangor. Three vehicles which were parked next to the taxi were also burnt. PICTURE: CHINA PRESS
        PICTURE: CHINA PRESS  -  45 words
      • 100 23 AFP INDONESIA’S presidential candidates held their final rallies yesterday.It’s onlytheseconddirect elections for the head of state. Incumbent Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is riding high after his cen- trist Democratic Party tripled its vote in April’s general election to become the largest party.
        AFP  -  100 words
      • 96 23 AFP SOUTH Korea says North Korea has fired seven missiles off its eastern coast. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said six missiles were fired earlier yesterday and the seventh around 5.40pm (4.40pm Singapore time). It comes two days after
        AFP  -  96 words
      • 104 23 THE current crisis in the global economy will test the moral character of Singaporeans, Foreign Minister George Yeo said. He was speaking at the 15th anniversary celebrations of Damai Secondary School yesterday. He said: “Going through hard times can either
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      • 119 23 AFP THE United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said he was “deeply disappointed” after Myanmar refused to let him meet pro-de-mocracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. “It is a setback for the interna- tional community and it is
        AFP  -  119 words
    • News Exchange
      • 473 24 / 25  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT:TAYSHI’AN TAY SHI’AN SOtheAsianYouthGames(AYG)areendingintwodays’time.If your reaction is “Really, ah?”, “What’s that?” or “So?”,jointhemassofoblivious,uncaringfaces. I have to confess I’m one of them. I haven’t venturedouttowatchasinglematch. Okay scrap that. I haven’t even put in the effort to seethehighlightshows,ortuneintothededicatedAYG cableTV channels.
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  473 words
      • 104 24 / 25 1 Hishit singleBad was originally goingto bea duet withfellow’80s pop iconand long-time rival Prince.Princesaid later thathe turnedthe offerdown ashe knew it“would bea hitwithout (him) on it”. 2 Whenhewas in the Jackson5, littleMichael appearedon theUS show,The Dating Game.Hegot to askthe questionsand was allowed topick adate
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      • 136 24 / 25 Werate the past week’snews goodandbad. -20 The green shoots of economic recovery seem to have withered a bit with US unemployment hitting a 26-year high of 9.5 per cent. And Singaporeans have been warned to brace for high unemployment figures here too. +10 The quality of Newater
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      • 50 24 / 25 “I’mconfused bythe H1N1information from MOH. Does it mean that if you have flu or cold symptoms, you will be given a week’sMC?” Amother oftwo tryingtofigure outMinistry ofHealth guidelines “Isaw this bust-enhancementad which said:‘Geta beautifulcleavage forthat confidenceyouwant’. Been workingon thewrongthings tobuildmy confidence.” Aman commentingon abeauty ad onFacebook
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 20 2/3 TNP hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838
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    • 27 2/3 Thanks for calling This handphone is yours if your idea leads to a story HOTLINE 733 44 55 1800 MOVEITLIKEMJ Thelegendisdead, butyoucanstilllearn hissignature moonwalkand sideglidewithour step-by-stepguideon page26.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 200 5 orch.ardcen.tral $7,000 SHOPPING SPREE Spend $30 and be one of 7 winners to walk away with $1,000 vouchers each to shop at OC. COOL TREATS Enjoy a Ben Jerry's treat worth $5 with $30 spent. For the first 200 shoppers per day. PRIZED POSSESSIONS Spend $80 and get a Sony
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  • Page 6 / 7 Advertisements
  • Page 6 / 7 Miscellaneous
    • 49 6 / 7 ttl ALL TIME BIGGEST FILM EVER "Pureiatlrenaline. heart pumping action. I loved it!" Lena Iryanti, 26, Producer 3 Scai]Q a nice blend of comedic moments, of the best this year! Analytics jjjuyiisjjj iml\ ion. Tau, 'SJ, Siiulaiu •♦Al REV r jj VM m m v.* Icai Action Violence an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 The New Paper AUCTION SERIES 5 (From 22 June 5 July) Cut collect TNP$ from page 1 of The New Paper, and bid for what you want shown here. Visit for more information Min. Bid: TNP$32,000 2 EASY STEPS TO BID Derbi Terra Adventure 125 Accessories Bundle (Excludes COE
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  • Page 16 / 17 Advertisements
    • 45 16 / 17 You’ve read our reviews. Now we want yours... E-mail your review of DUPLICITY or ICE AGE 3 to by 5pm Monday 6 July. The best review will win new DVDs courtesy of Origin Entertainment. FREE MOVIE PULLOUT EVERY THURSDAY FEATURES,VIEWS, REVIEWS, INTERVIEWS EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAYS
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  • Page 24 / 25 Miscellaneous
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  • enjoy
    • 528 26 / 27 Since he first moonwalked to Billie Jean in 1983, Michael Jackson had revolutionised dance culture. His hip-popping, gliding and yes, crotch-grabbing, set the tone for future stars like Justin Timberlake. Singaporean MJimpersonator VPrakash shows how youcan jamto the glovedone’s signaturemoves WHAT’SITALLABOUT:Agoodmoonwalk makesyoulooklikeyou’vegoingforward whileactuallygildingbackwards–asthough you’reonaconveyorbelt. Debut:1983,atMotown’s25thbirthday,while grooving
    • 486 28  -  You know some of his dance moves, nowit’stimetolooklikeMichael REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN IT TAKES a lot to looklike the King of Pop. Just ask Michael Jackson impersonator, Mr V Prakash, 39, who won the Singapore Michael Jackson Look and Dance Alike contest in
      486 words
    • aspire
      • 564 29  -  That’swhatsomecriticssayofthe LatinainthenewCalvinKleinads.But really,hertonedshapeiswhatahealthy and beautiful body should look like ANGELINE NEO THEREare dayswhenIamthankful I’m notacelebrity– allthatmedia scrutiny and labelling would be too harsh for my delicate psyche. Really, what’s the use of fame when you can’t adopt an exotic pet, like a chimp, without being
        PICTURE: AP  -  564 words
    • Enjoy Fly on the Wall
      • 434 30/31  -  REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO THEgirlinthemirrorgaveusastart.Whoa,MichaelJackson!It was her outfit, right out of the King of Pop’s closet. “It’s a Pierre Balmain,” said Susanna Kang, guest at the opening of the flagship Louis Vuitton in ION Orchard. She’dboughtitinLondonfor“aprivateparty,there were celebrities, and Janet Jackson was
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  434 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 327 32 Ingredients 1 box of ready-made vol-au-vents (prepare according to instruction on box.) 300g chicken fillets 8 fresh miniature portobello mushrooms 1 litre of water 2 bay leaves 2 cloves of garlic 5 fresh basil leaves, chopped Salt and pepper Cooking oil For the sauce 100g flour,
      • 94 32  -  HEDY KHOO BIGdoesnotalwaysmeanbetter.Evenwhenitcomes to upsizing one’s boobs surgically, a believable C-cup is better than cantaloupes thesedays.Really. Theproblemis,whenfacedwithachickenpie,it is always difficult to say no. Then when you cannot squeeze into your skinny jeans, you begin to wish thevoiceofresistancehadbeenlouder. That’s why we must find our
        94 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 589 33  -  DAVID TIAN THEbusinessofsocialcoachinganddatingconsul-tancies has been thriving for almost a decade. If the top experts in the field agree on one thing, it istheimportanceofthisonefactor. What is the one trait that men who are naturally effectivewithwomenpossess?Isittheirlooks,fastcars, orthesizeoftheirpocketbooks? While there is no doubt that physical attractiveness and
        589 words
      • 377 34  -  Our columnist mentioned MeganFox.Good enough reasonto useher picturehere S M ONG ACT BLUR FEWER than 500 turned up at the 6,000-capacity Jalan Besar stadium to watch the Singapore football team’s loss to Thailand in last Monday’s Asian Youth
        PICTURE: AP  -  377 words
      • 535 34  -  S MURALI FATHER FIGURES DID you read The New Paper last Wednesday? Dad finds out that daughter, aged 14, is allegedly having sex with her 17-year-old boyfriend. Worse still, he can’t seem to stop it from happening. Talk about nightmares. It’ssituationslikethatwhichmakefathers
        535 words
      • REALLY Odd news that’s for real
        • 77 34 RESIDENTS of a Ukrainian village want to rename it after the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson, a lawmaker who represents the village said. Mr Oleg Kislitsyn, a deputy in the regional parliament, said villagers in Oktyabrskoye in the south-eastern part of the country, had
          77 words
        • 99 34 AP IT must have been one of the easiest, if not the easiest, fires to put out. Zurich authorities say that police and firefighters were called to the house of an elderly woman early morning on Thursday after she reported that her television set
          AP  -  99 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 26 / 27 Advertisements

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    • 92 30/31 IRAIMIIIN ■SHHB FREE Internet Phone Exclusively for All FASTTALK Callers! Visit or call *****036 for more details. CHAT PARTY 1900-9123-321 50 cents/min Ladies Free Line: ***** 800 LIVE 1 TO 1 CHAT 1900-9-121-121 First 45 sec 90 cents/ min FREE 'Qnline]pavmentfa^ilaple^Twww?fasttanc?cofT7?£ *Terms& Conditions apply. All decisions made by JPTech
      92 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 121 32 OM NAWQiKMRAYANII SRI SAKTHIAMMA Creator of SRI PU RAM Sri Lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple, Vellore, India I Mill YOU ARE INVITED! To a Celebration of Som e Sfof Come > bask in the love of The Divine Mother vVli/// Amma will be here with blessings for Singapore. Date Time 3rd-9th
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 48 33 Ask Dr Date Have problems finding love? Make a date with DrDate.He’ll go over thefiner points ofcourtship in his weekly column in The New Paper on Sunday. E-mail your questions to enjoy HED CHEF Let S’pore’s ‘Nigella Lawson’ Hedy Khoo turn up the heat in your kitchen
      48 words

  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 257 35 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN 5. Mercedesowner livesleft ofRenault owner. 6. The teacherdrives Renault. 7. Toyota ownerlives inthe bluehouse. 8. The managerlives rightofHyundai owner. 9. The accountantlivesin thegreen house. 10. The tennis playerlives leftof the basketball player. Howtoplay Thereare four houseswith different colours in arow.Each occupantplays adifferent sportanddrivesadifferent car. 1.
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  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 280 36 WATCH’EM PICTURE:BUENA VISTAINTERNATIONAL Wall-E(above) DisneyChannel(StarHubCh33),7.30pm Afterhundredsoflonelyyears,arubbish-compacting robotdiscoversanewpurposeinlifewhenhemeetsa sleeksearchrobot.Theytheninadvertentlyembarkona spacejourneythatultimatelydecidethefateofmankind. VoicedbyBenBurtt,ElissaKnight. CHANNEL5 12.30pm 1stAsian YouthGamesSingapore 2009 Daily Highlights 1.00 Movie:Must LoveDogs 3.00 BeautyAndThe Geek IV 4.00 TheShowdown 5.00 FlashGordon 6.00 America’sFunniest Home Videos XIX 6.30 JustFor LaughsGags/ TheSimpsons 7.15 Movie:War OfThe Worlds 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 BestOfIncredible Tales V/ScariestPlaces on Earth 11.30
      280 words

  • sports
    • Racing Sports
      • 1436 38 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 MS 12.45 -1800m(Turf) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 084 BounceBack 59 (54) MZakic2 10 (4jpngHTakaoka-WestForest) 2 706 GrandFinale 57 (50) IAndyc4 11 (4agSNigishi-Sharon) 3 *****3 NobleSpirit 55.5 (47) MKelladyc1 15 (3nzgMYusof-Noble) 4 *****0 Undaunted
        1,436 words
      • 452 39 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE 12 RACE 11 RACE 10 RACE 9 RACE 8 RACE 7 RACE 6 RACE 5 RACE 4 RACE 3 RACE 2 RACE 1 My Son Thrill Seeker Eternal Traveller Mexican Rose Gift Of Honour 8 8 Beau
        452 words
      • 1411 39 RACE 1 (1,800m) 1 Bounce Back???Close up effort with excuses in better company suggests he wins this. 2 Grand Finale?No. 3 Noble Spirit???Wellworth following. 4 Undaunted???Forget laststart and keepsafe. 5 Aussie One??Form reads badly but did trial well with blinkers a while back,
        1,411 words
      • 64 39 IT all points to this smart filly by Volksraad. Two impressive wins from her only three starts in New Zealand, the innermost gate and good trackwork form should see her make a winning start in her new career at Kranji. Moreover, she
        64 words
      • 1414 40 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 MS 1.00 -1400m Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 3---06 UltimateFighter 58 (51) SMutaza*c3 9 (4nzgMSukri-SHWah) 2 ***** CenturyParty 56 (47) EAslamc2 14 (4nzgLimHoonSeng-Century) 3 0050 DreamAngel 54.5 (44) LLTai*c2 16 (5emARahim-Three-J) 4 4-2748 BestRecruit 52 (39) LouHo*c2
        1,414 words
      • 563 41 Race1 MS1400m 11 SEEMEFLY51(17-9) KWLeong (3) 1 1 1 (435) 4 SONICKOUN55(87-21) OChavez (13) 8 5 2 (447) 2.25 13 AUSPICIOUSSIGN50c49.5(89-25) IRazif* (6) 7 6 3 (438) 1 14 RAPIDCRUSHING50c50.5(217-48) JNizam* (11) 4 3 4 (405) 2.25 ?Winning owner: TK Liew.Trainer: KH Ng. Time: 1min
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      • 148 41  -  TAN THEAN LOON JOCKEY Lim Hock Kheng (right) seems to be a man in a hurry. Resuming from a four-month suspension yesterday at Penang, the 25-year-old kicked home two hotly-fancied winners from only three rides. Both his winners, Swift Arrow in Race 4
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      • 697 41 YESTERDAY'S AUSTRALIA (FLEMINGTON ROSEHILL BELMONT) RESULTS RACE 1:1st 4 Rose Syrah ($37-$12) 2nd 8 Vitex ($23) 3rd 16 Airways ($110) 4th 2 Chameleon. EOB $15. Forecast $154. Place forecast $68 (4-8), $989 (4-16), no winner (8-16). Tierce No winner ($5021 jackpot carried forward to next race). Trio No winner ($3501
        697 words
    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 530 42 AP EVEN when Tiger Woods is on his game and hunting down victories, problems can pop up and change his feel. When he is really on, he makes the necessary midround corrections and salvages a decent score. When he is really, really on, he
        AP; PICTURE: AFP  -  530 words
      • 339 42 AFP COLIN Montgomerie shot his best round of the year at the French Open yesterday and immediately fired out a warning that he could be a factor in the British Open at Turnberry starting in12 days’time. “I was eighth there in 1994, and The Open gives me
        AFP  -  339 words
      • 314 42 AFP AUSTRALIA’S Sarah Kemp seized a share of the lead at 11 -under 131 after the second round of the US$1.4 million ($2.1m) LPGA Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic. Kemp (left) shot an eight-un-der 63 on Friday at Sylvania in Ohio, and shares
        AFP  -  314 words
      • 77 42 AFP SOUTH Africa’s Trevor Immelman and Swede Robert Karlsson have both withdrawn from next week’sScottishOpenatLochLomond. Immelman, last year’s Masters champion, is battling tendinitis in his left wrist and elbow. He has not competed throughout last month and has not had a top-10 finish all season. Karlsson, last
        AFP  -  77 words
    • Sports Wimbledon
      • 698 43  -  Serenatakesthe fight off Venus for crown BRIAN MILLER I WAS channel surfing on Saturday afternoon when I chanced on a feature on Martina Navratilova. It told of her early days, her defection to America, her coming out of the closet and, of course, her tennis.
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  698 words
      • 952 44 ON HIS knees on the grass and covering his face with his hands after one of the most significant victories of his career, Andy Roddick was soon on his knees again after leaving Centre Court. Walking up the stairs inside the
        PICTURE: AP  -  952 words
      • 832 45 AP THESE weren’t exactly fools on Henman Hill. Many of its occupants had been there before in semi-final support of the man it was named for. They could sniff the possibility of failure even from outside Centre Court. More than anything, they knew that
        AP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  832 words
      • 294 45 Reuters OVER the past fortnight Andy Murray has had a congratulatory note from Queen Elizabeth II, a good luck message from actor Sean Connery and now he wants a letter of apology from umpire Pascal Maria. The third seed’s dream of becoming the
        Reuters  -  294 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1016 46 / 47  -  Netball was promoted for the first time to the top tier of funding by the Singapore Sports Council earlier this year. LIM HAN MING looks at the successful model of Netball Singapore LIM HAN MING CENTRE: NATIONALTEAM AT THE heart of the sport is the national team which
    • Sports Asian Youth Games
      • 504 48 / 49  -  LastSunday,TheNewPaperhighlightedswimming’srareMalay find DZULHAILIKAMAL. We track him and a Singaporean who wantstohelpfundhisbidforsportingexcellence VEENA BHARWANI HE IS not related to Dzulhaili Kamal. He’s never even met the budding 15-year-old Malay swimmer. Yet this 41-year-old tertiary education lecturer and consultant came to watch Dzulhaili Mohamed Kamal
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      • 233 48 / 49  -  VEENA BHARWANI DZULHAILI Kamal’s benefac-tor-in-waiting is used to “sponsoring”others. Over the past five years, he has been helping a dozen young people from kin-dergarten-goers to tertiary students in Sin- gapore and overseas. He comes across their stories because he reads newspapers
        PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  233 words
      • 216 48 / 49 SINGAPORE boys’ bowling team comprising Basil Low, Brandon Lee, Christopher Hwang and Justin Lim finished behind Hong Kong yesterday to secure a silver medal at the AYG, matching the girls’ silver medal in the team event. Singapore reclaimed second spot after a breathtaking last game
        PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  216 words
      • 103 48 / 49 BOWLING LOOKout for thefirst blockofthe boys’ and girls’masters competitions todayat Orchid Country Club. BEACH VOLLEYBALL TODAY will first see the bronze-medal play-off, followed by the finals for both the girls’and boys’ eventsat Sentosa’sSiloso Beach. TABLE TENNIS THE MIXED doubles semi-finals, together withthe boys’ and girls’singlesround of16 and quarter-finals
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    • Sports Football
      • 810 50 / 51 Footballisthe‘perfect vehicle’formoney laundering, according to a report by an anti-corruption body.Whyisfootball vulnerable and how do criminals exploit the sport? CRIMINALS are increasingly using football for money laundering and tax evasion, helped by the globalisation of the sport and financial needs of clubs, said an anti-corruption
        PICTURE: AFP  -  810 words
      • 313 50 / 51 The market is easy to penetrate: THIS is mainly due to the low or absent entry barriers of football. Football fans from all areas of society meet at the football stadium. Meetings between government and corporate officials, and the legitimate and criminal world present opportunities for
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      • 659 50 / 51 OWNERSHIP OF CLUBS INVESTMENTS in football clubs can be used to integrate money of illegal origin into the financial system, akin to investment of proceeds crime in real estate. Investments in football clubs are a risk
        659 words
      • Article, Illustration
        366 52 AfanflewfromCanadatowatchEnglish sideReadinglastseason.Hecouldwellbe theworld’smostdedicatedfootballfan Wire Services THE ATLANTIC Ocean didn’t stop Charles McLeod from following the fortunes of his favourite club. The devoted Reading fan regularly does a 11,350km round trip from Canada just to watch the Royals play. McLeod, 65, was born in Reading, England and emigrated to Toronto
        Wire Services; TNP GRAPHICS: TEOH YI CHIE  -  366 words
    • Sports Transfer Trail
      • 662 53 PA Sport DOUBTS may have been expressed about the wisdom of Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson signing Michael Owen but the two men themselves are convinced the deal will be a success. There is little financial risk to United, who have signed
        PA Sport; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  662 words
      • 274 53 PA Sport FORMER Newcastle manager Joe Kinnear has revealed Everton tried to sign Michael Owen in the January transfer window. The 29-year-old has completed a surprise move to Manchester United after an unhappy spell with the Magpies, and Kinnear (left) backed Sir Alex Ferguson to
        PA Sport; PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  274 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 571 54 MICHAELOWENis notthefirstplayerto crossthereddivide. Geoffrey Lip researches PHIL CHISNALL MANCHESTERUNITED:1959 1964 LIVERPOOL:1964 1967 CHISNALL is the last player to make the move directly from one of the rivals to the other. Born in Manchester, he made the move from Manchester United to Liverpool in 1964
        571 words
      • 9 55 LIVE TELECASTS COPA LIBERTADORES Thursday: FINAL Ch 27,8.45am
        9 words
      • 16 55 OPEN DE FRANCE Tonight: DAY 4 Ch 26,7.15pm AT&T NATIONAL Tomorrow: DAY 4 Ch 26,3.15am
        16 words
      • 6 55 WIMBLEDON Tonight: MEN’SSINGLESFINAL Ch 24,8.30pm
        6 words
        164 words
      • 372 55 WHAT'S ON RESULTS LOCAL EVENTS DRIFTING What: Formula Drift ProAm Series 2009 When: Till today Where: Changi Exhibition Centre AFTER the practice sessions and demonstrations yesterday, catch the drivers from countries like Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore in the final competition today. There are concession prices for students
        PICTURE: AP  -  372 words
    • 499 56  -  The New Paper traces the breaking news thatMalaysianmediamogulT.Ananda Krishnanisclosinginonadealtobuy overrelegatedNewcastleUnited for $230 million ERNEST LUIS NEWCASTLE United relegated from the English Premier League (EPL) could well be owned by a rich neighbour from across the Causeway early this week. His name is T.
      PICTURES: THE STAR, AFP  -  499 words

  • Page 41 Miscellaneous
    • 32 41 Saturday, 4 Jul 2009 First Second Third 7135 9456 6647 Starters 0090 4906 4156 2471 9375 7612 8662 0207 6879 8603 Consolation 8913 7439 8235 3243 3805 9976 4413 3420 6161 7017
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  • Page 42 Miscellaneous
    • 58 42 J League matches are also on sale. For more details, please check Singapore Pools website. p y© Always play with care. [responsibiyf Do not bet illegally. No person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to purchase a ticket or to claim any prize. Visit our website at
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  • Page 48 / 49 Advertisements
    • 112 48 / 49 You can £r StarHub m J, f£ P t Catch the 1 st Asian Youth Games Singapore 2009 'LIVE' with StarHub! 'LIVE' on StarHub TV on Mobile" 4 dedicated channels (Ch 118 Ch 121) FREE for all StarHub Mobile postpaid customers SMS <LIVETV> to 6757 to watch now! 'LIVE' on
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    • 17 48 / 49 PLAY OFTHE DAY Brought to you by SAMSUNG. Official Partner of 1st Asian Youth Games Singapore 2009
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  • Page 56 Advertisements
    • 31 56 WIMBLEDON SPOTLIGHT: Can Federer beat Roddick and break men's career Grand Slam record? Page 44 CROSSINGTHEREDDIVIDE: Owen aside, we look at other players who moved between Manchester and Mersey Page 54
      31 words