The New Paper, 30 June 2009

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1 48 The New Paper
  • 14 1 the new paper 30 June 09 tuesthenewpaper PAGE 4 70 CENTS MICA (P) 193/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 MJ wrote bizarre play featuring own kids Story: A child abuser who turns out to be good O R I G I N A L the new paper TNP DOLLARS $500 the new paper PAGE 16 ONLY ORIGINAL TNP DOLLARS PUBLISHED IN THE NEW PAPER ARE VALID 30 June 09
      116 words

  • News Asian Youth Games
    • 1009 2 / 3  -  S’poreyouthsoccerteam loses in near-empty stadium. Fans give variety of reasons Naveen Kanagalingam, Shannon Rezel newsroominterns IT JUST did not happen for Singapore not on the field, nor in the stands. Our young footballers lost to Thailand 1 -4 and were eliminated from the Asian
    • 517 2 / 3  -  SANTOKH SINGH OH WHAT a sad spectacle it was, when a scan of the terraces revealed a dearth of spectators. On the Jalan Besar Stadium pitch, a battle was underway yesterday between 22 passionate youngsters from Singapore and Thailand, punishing their lungs, fighting
      517 words
  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements

  • News Flu Watch
    • 507 4 / 5  -  School closed due to H1N1 flu, but one student still turned up REPORT:BENSON BENSON ANG HE WAS “on” when the rest of the schoolwas“off”. Unfortunately, he picked the wrong daytobe“on”,becausehisschoolmateswere all online yesterday. He was the only one to turn up at
    • 342 4 / 5  -  Shea John Driscoll newsroom intern. THE students got the message. But it appears one person fell throughthe“network”. Presbyterian High School students were called by their form teachers on Sunday evening and told to stay home for home-based learning. The school decided to close
      342 words
  • Page 4 / 5 Advertisements
    • 87 4 / 5 Promotion Renod: u 29 June to 05 July -3# 29 June 1 10.30an 30am to 9pm V the Coolest Air-conditioner Show Toa Payoh HDB HUB (Next to the Bodyshop inside the Bus Interchange) M ia@QS6© (Limited to 10 sets only) 40 10 30 20 60- -10 JCaslv& Carry) CASH CARRY
      87 words
    • 186 4 / 5 ITE Skills Certificate (ISC) in Logistics Operations Conducted by Advance Supply Chain Training Centre ISC IN LOGISTICS OPERATIONS (Approved for SDF, MENDAKI SRP Funding) ISC in Logistics Operations is a nationally recognised programme, designed for individuals working in Warehousing, Inventory, Transport, Customer Services, Quality, Production Materials Control. A 152-hour programme
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    • 4 4 / 5 More reports /PAGE 6
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  • News
    • 554 6 / 7  -  REPORT:VEENA VEENA BHARWANI THE first day back to school, after the June holidays, was marred by snaking queues outside schools. That was because the schools took a no-nonsense stance against the Influenza A (H1N1), launching a battery of health and safety measures for staff
      554 words
    • 192 6 / 7  -  Ervina Mohamed Jamil –ErvinaMohamedJamil, newsroomintern AT JURONG West Primary School, there was a simple rule. No form? No entry. Students had to queue outside the school as teachers checked their travel declaration forms, one by one. When The New Paper visited the school at 7am yesterday,
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    • 345 6 / 7  -  REPORT:LIEW LIEW HANQING SOME students donned masks, but most were milling around like they would on a normal school day. It was mostly business as usual at Republic Polytechnic (RP), despite the polytechnic having 66 confirmed cases of the Influenza A(H 1N1). RP
      TNP PICTURES: NG XI JIE  -  345 words
    • 789 8 / 9  -  After our report on using credit card to pay for Vietnamese brides, protest in US leads to credit card company ending deal US HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP CHANGE.ORG SAYS: REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN GONE before it could even take off. Credit
      789 words
    • 375 8 / 9 NOT all netizens agree with’ssuccessful protest againstDiners Club’s tie-upwith Vietnam Brides International. Half of the 30 netizens who commentedon the group’spetition on its websitefelt that’s actionsweredue to “uninformed bigotry”ratherthan anyconcernover women who were forced into overseas marriages. The comments were posted
      TNP FILE PICTURES  -  375 words
  • Page 6 / 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 / 9 Advertisements
    • 242 8 / 9 Includes: Derbi Terra Adventure 125 Motorcycle Hepco Becker Luggage Systems (Mounted on Motorcycle) Barkbusters Hand Guard (Mounted on Motorcycle) AGV Off Road Helmet $800 worth of Rider's Gear AUCTION SERIES 5 (From 22 June 5 July) The N ew Paper Cut collect TNP$ from page 1 of The New Paper,
      242 words

  • Local News watch
    • 55 10 WHEELSOFMISFORTUNE:Twowheelsrolledofabuscarryingabout 40 passengers earlier this month. The bus was heading towards Jurong East MRT station from Malaysia. About 10 minutes from arriving at the Tuas Checkpoint, passengers noticed the bus was unstable. When they alighted, they were shocked to find two missing wheels. No one was hurt.
      PICTURE: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS  -  55 words
    • 272 10 ‘COPYRIGHTINFRINGEMENT’FIGHT SINGAPORE’S largest broadcaster MediaCorp is being sued by an Internet start-up for millions of dollars. Internet start-up RecordTV is suing MediaCorp for groundless threats of copyright infringement, saying that the copies of MediaCorp’s programmes are simply made by the consumers and are for private
      272 words
    • 102 10 BETWEEN last October and April this year, the number of Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) seeking jobs has gone up by 123 per cent to about 1,000 in the South West District. Its Community Development Council (CDC) is planning more job-matching opportunities for residents to
      102 words
    • 105 10 THE Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) is projecting a $4 million deficit for this year to meet the surge in requests for assistance by low-income Chinese workers and families hit by the reces- sion. This is the second straight year the self-help group will
      105 words
    • 110 10 ABOUT 500 students and 20 teachers at Raffles Institution (RI) Boarding School are on Leave of Absence, as majority of the boarders are foreigners who have been to Influenza A(H1N1)-affected countries during the recent school holidays. Raffles Institution Boarding School
      110 words
    • 533 12  -  Customers were sitting at tables just minutes earlier Han Yongming newsroom intern HE WAS cleaning the rafters of the coffee shop with a long brush, his back to the road, when he heard a loud crash. The coffee shop helper, who gave his name only
      PICTURES: COURTESY OF MR CHEN  -  533 words
    • 543 13  -  Nursing home cuts onemonth’sbillto half after appeal REPORT: AMANDA YONG THEY were charged one month’s fees even though their late mother stayed in the nursing home for only one day. This was because the Orange Valley Nursing Home imposes a minimum one month’s
      543 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 kV r The MasterCard) Official OC/ Card •mmw£ J$200,000 worth of prizes to be won! WIN A CAR AND MORE IN 8 WEEKLY DRAWS! Subaru Impreza 2.0R (AT) Sedan* Weekly Draw 5 To 7 T TA ivierin 25 sets of Nikon COOLPIX 50 sets of OSIM uZap Mini $10,000 worth
      157 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 Thanks for calling This handphone is yours if your idea leads to a story HOTLINE 1800 733 44 55 /U*. ORCHARD =CAFE= Lobby Level th Singapore's 44 Birthday Bash! 4$ -si' 4> ,.<■ Orchard Cafe celebrates the Nation's birthday with a 'Go Local' spread featuring the best local delights in
      160 words

  • Global News watch
    • Article, Illustration
      49 14 NOPETROL:Withrisingpetrolprices,driverDave Nichols can rest easy because he has converted his Ford pickup truck to use wood as fuel (inset). The technology is called gasification and it has been in use since the 1800s. It became less popular when oil became a dominant source of power. PICTURES: AP
      PICTURES: AP  -  49 words
    • 253 14 CHINA’SECONOMY THE head of China’s central bank said yesterday the country’s economy was on the mend and expressed confidence that a government target of 8 per cent growth this year would be met, reported AP. Mr Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank
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    • 96 14 Wire services WALL Street swindler Bernard Madoff, 71, was handed a 150-year jail term yesterday, the maximum sentence possible for his massive financial fraud. Emotional victims had asked JudgeDennyChintoimposethemaximumsentenceof 150 years, an effective life term. Madoff, seated next to his lawyers, lowered his eyes
      Wire services  -  96 words
    • 92 14 Don’t teach Science Maths in English: Anwar SCRAP the policy of teaching Science and Mathematics in English and bring back Malay language as the medium of instruction in the education system, said Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. He also called for the return of Malay language as the supreme language,
      92 words
    • 113 14 AFP SOUTH Korea will spend more than US$3 billion ($4.5 billion) expanding Incheon International Airport to help it compete better with regional rivals, officials said yesterday. Work on the project will start in 2011 and finish by 2015, the ministry of
      AFP  -  113 words
    • 585 15 Wife of cheating US politician wins praise for stand on infidelity Wire services Washington Post SINCEnewsofherhusband’saffairwithhisArgen-tine mistress broke last week, you would expect MrsJennySanfordtobedrowninginself-pity. But the wife of cheating South Carolina Governor MarkSanfordhardlyseemedso. Now, many are hailing the 46-year-old mother of foursonsasahero. Some
      Wire services; Washington Post  -  585 words
    • 175 15 AMERICAN R&B star Akon, who is scheduled to perform at Sunway Lagoon on Thursday, has postponed his show to 24 Oct. The show promoter was quoted by the The Star as saying that the rapper made a last-minute request to postpone his Kuala Lumpur concert as
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    • 550 16/17 BIZARRE WHAT you see in a mirror depends on what angle it is tilted. It’sthe samewith thesinger ofManInTheMirror, Michael Jackson,who goes from bizarre to beloved to brilliant, depending on who you ask. ThebizarrethingaboutJackson’splay? DID he really write a play about a child abuser featuring his
      550 words
    • 290 16/17 BRILLIANT THAT gravity-defying lean during an unforgettable performance of his 1987 hit Smooth Criminal had many imitators ruining their backs. In it, Michael Jackson leaned over 45 degrees, something deemed virtually impossible. Now,it turnsout it’s Jackson’sbrains and notbrawn that made it happen. Together with
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    • 401 16/17 AP SOME of the biggest stars on the planet turned into gushing Michael Jackson fans at the Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards, donning single gloves, exchanging stories abouttheiridol and singing The King ofPop’s standards. Jackson’sdeathpromptedBET producers to scramble to turn the
      AP; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  401 words
    • 339 18 Shenzhen-bound trains crash atpre-dawn in Hunan province AP TWO passenger trains collided yesterday in an accident that killed three people and injured 60, as train cars were derailed and nearby houses knocked over, Chinese state media said. The pre-dawn crash occurred in
      AP; PICTURES: AP, XINHUA  -  339 words
    • 305 18 TO SOME people, their handphone is their life. And for Mr David Fitzherbert, 52, that proved to be true when his handphone turned out to be his life-saver. The skier recalled how his Blackberry handphone stopped a death plunge of some 21 m after
      FILEPHOTO: BLACKBERRY  -  305 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 13 14 DILBERT SCOTT ADAMS REGIONAL WEATHER KL:Thunderstorms High32˚,Low24˚ Jakarta:Cloudy High33˚,Low24˚ Bangkok:Thunderstorms High32˚,Low28˚ Manila:Thunderstorms High33˚,27˚
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  • You
    • 78 19 Commentsoncabbieswho‘disappear’fromthe airport queue just before 5pm on weekends so they can collect a higher surcharge after 5pm: “Can’ttotallyblame thetaxidrivers here.Afew dollarsmore makesbusinesssensefor them.It’s the parties responsible for regulating the surcharges that are the source of the problem. Having said that, the airport authorities could blacklistthose drivers whoignore
      78 words
    • Article, Illustration
      38 19 FROM READER TAN QING QUAN ROUGH RIDE: How did it get to the carpark? Our reader spotted this motorbike missing both its wheels at Roxy Square. E-mail your pictures with your name and contact number to
      38 words
    • 243 19 Mentally ill their caregivers need help FROM READER RAYMOND ANTHONY FERNANDO Temasek Holdings sets up charity IREFER to the article, “Temasek to give $2m to charity programmes yearly” (The New Paper, 26 Jun). I congratulate Temasek Holdings on its 35th anniversary and I am encouraged that it is committed to
      243 words
    • 113 19 TAMMY TAN VICE PRESIDENT CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS SBS TRANSIT WEREFERtotheletter,“Use double-deckersduringpeakhours”, by Gerald Lam (The New Paper, 25 Jun). We currently do not have any plans to deploy double-deck buses on the Service 96 route as we are experiencing a shortage of such
      113 words
    • Article, Illustration
      44 19 A recent survey found that Singaporeans areAsia-Pacific’sbiggestonline shoppers. How much do you shop online? “Theonly thingsI reallybuy online are things like plane tickets, tour tickets, or concert tickets, that are done through secured connections...I’ve alsobought a laptopcooler fan fromeBay.” MissAdelineChin, 23, civil servant
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 59 19 YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 Forverification,we needthe writer’sfull name andcontact number (preferably a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you have granted us the right to
      59 words

  • Show
    • 764 20/21  -  Familiar faces will represent Singapore inTaiwan’sOneMillionStarcontest. But is it really a good thing? REPORT: GAN LING KAI TANDiya,RachelChua,NgCheeYang.These are the Singaporeans who will represent usatpopularTaiwaneseTVsingingcontest,One MillionStar(SeasonFive),inTaipeiin August. They were chosen out of 20 local finalists by a panel of judges at the finals of One
      764 words
    • 207 20/21 ON PAPER, Sylvester Sim was clearly the hot favourite. Butthe26-year-old didn’tmakeit tothe top three on Sunday, surprising many, including himself. Instead, he and Carrie Yeo Chia Ying were reportedly selected as the reserve members of the Singapore PKteam, according to Chinese daily Lianhe Wanbao. Sly, the
      TNP PICTURE: NG XI JIE  -  207 words
    • 684 22  -  REPORT: GERMAINE LIM AN UNKEMPT Audrey Quek? Not very likely. But it seems the ex-beauty queen was once a tomboy and did taekwondo. It’s hard to believe, because these days the 34-year-old image consultant insists on putting on lipstick even for
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  684 words
    • Show Makan Sites
      • 615 23  -  Don’tconfuseitwith fried prawn noodles orHylammee K F SEETOH EVERY time I chomp on a plate of smoky and well fried Hokkien prawn mee, an irritating question blares out from the back of my cranium: “So which came first, the Nonya mee, cha hae mee
        PICTURE: MAKANSUTRA  -  615 words
      • Article, Illustration
        415 24/25  -  Think dim sum, and you may think heavy price tag. But check out these deals REPORT: YEOH WEE TECK DIMSUMissuchanideallunchitem.It’s light on the stomach and you can be done withadimsummealinaboutanhour. Andthat’swhyI’malwaysonthelookoutforit. But, dim sum is not always cheap. Just because the portionsaretiny,itdoesn’tmeanthebillwouldbetoo. So imagine my delight
      • 153 24/25 THIS could be the closest you’ll get to getting a free meal. Suntec City Mall is organising a food trail on Saturday 11 Jul and Saturday 25 Jul. Both trails start at 3pm. And what do you get? You’ll be taken
        PICTURE: SUNTEC CITY  -  153 words
      • 232 24/25  -  David Ho –DavidHo,newsroomintern IMAGINE having several established Japanese dining brands under one roof. Sounds like a Japanese food enthusiast’s paradise, doesn’tit? Well, a Japanese food paradise can now be found at Ebisboshi Shotengai. It is on the fourth floor of Iluma shopping mall in
        PICTURE: EBISBOSHI SHOTENGAI  -  232 words
  • Page 20/21 Advertisements

  • Page 24/25 Advertisements
    • 84 24/25 DBSB'QQD'QOjHD 1900-9-121-121 sec 45 Firs* FREE cents/ min (HlEGC£rQ7 1900-9123-321 50cents/ min lUnflteaiaiaalUfag; TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. E ffH y The Most Happening Chat Club Vnflulqelinlthe I 'Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above.
      84 words
    • 55 24/25 The BEST Phone-PLAY!! SSIP CP- sell l/l I I pREStfies rrr^TFB££ 5 sees D/A D I900-9E-960 II( $1.99: For Credit DEBIT Card CASH Prize for Most Popular ladies! payment, Call 6767-6969 (Only apply to Voice Chat) OIZi IKo 0 0MK00 0 KflO >vio TJ$© (fee ©@(nft§®8= WBjwdso© wffl] Is® in®fflBi(a]
      55 words

  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 297 26 GRIM:JohnMalkovich (right)stars in In Tranzit. WATCH PICTURES:STAR MOVIES,HBO JULIA’SPROGRESSWE CHART MS ROBERTS’ ‘STOCK VALUE’ THROUGHOUT HER CAREER CHANNEL5 Noon SmallSpace, Big Style 12.30pm 1stAsian YouthGamesSingapore 2009:Highlights 1.00 FirstTouch II 2.00 1stAsian YouthGamesSingapore 2009:Opening Ceremony 5.00 TheRachael RayShow 6.00 EntertainmentTonight 6.30 ThePriceIs Right 7.30 WheelOfFortune 8.00 RedThread 8.30 FightingSpiders 9.30 News5Tonight
      297 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 604 27 MATS Longing for lovelier locks? Check out promotional offers on hair extensions and hairstyling services. See Class Beauty a Hair Care Furnish yourself with new skills Accredited UK interior design course now open for registration. See Class Education Courses Geared for the job? Shopping mall requires car valet, traffic controller
      604 words
    • 16 27 NEED CASH TODAY 800i$580a Sign NEW/UPGRADE Handphone lines. Buy Sell all digital gadgets, laptops. (24 hours)
      16 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 242 28 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs We Buy new/used/spoilt laptop,computer,pda,digital camara,voucher,plasma tv,LCD,projector, games console,Psp,Ps3 Station,X-Box,branded bags,GPS Nuvi Garmin,old banknotes coins FAST CASH!! 24hours Islandwide Collection Centrino Duo C2 Computer P4 LCD Plasma DSLR $600 $3500 $600 $900 $600 $3500 $1800 see Highest Price 4
      242 words
    • 60 28 Facing bad credit, summons, judgement, demand letter, auction, seizure, credit card debt or bankruptcy? Call now, stay DEBT FREE! 8280-1997 We Can Help!!! Referral Welcome ECLIPSE CONSULTANCY HIGH BUYING UK USA Amplifer Speakers: JBL, BMB, Tahhoy, BOSE, AR, Roger, Mission, VCD Mini-compo Spolit TV Old Sony Projector Old liquor Hennessy
      60 words
    • 28 28 NEED CASH!!! $1000 $10,000 Sign Up New/ Upgrade Handphone Line RONALD 9666-5522 NEED CASH? Sign Up New Handphone Line/ Upgrade $1000-$10,000 ON THE SPOT TRANSPORT PROVIDED JOHN 9777-1770
      28 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 402 29 Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Laptop Wanted For High Price. .WE BUY New/Used Laptop k P4-Centrino/Laptop: m Centrino: $300-$2000 rCenlrino Duo, Core 2 Duo: $500-$5000 PEARLS CENTRE #03-27 nAlllll noon 0l"i~70 EUTONG SEN ST. (BESIDE OUTRAMMRT) UHlr III OOOSI
      402 words
    • 17 29 SPEED ACTION PC Repair Your Door Step For Just $30 Only! Brand New PC Available Call 9145-2439
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 307 30 Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Log in to: to search for good bargains BUY SELL TRADE-IN REPAIR ON-THE-SPOT We offer "Buy Back Option" if you wish to sell your goods temporarily. We Deal in Game Sets, Original Game Disc, Digital Cameras Video Cameras MP3 MP4 Player Notebook Hotline
      307 words
    • 248 30 Health Health Health k Royal Classic Spa Traditional Thai Shiatsu Massage Hot Pool Steam Sauna Theatre Room Wifi Access Complimentry Meals Drinks iMJJMiW.l.k v 12 West Coast Walk #01-01 West Coast Recreation Centre (next to Clementi Stadium) Aiko Health Relax your mind n body in a cosy ambience n treat
      248 words
    • 81 30 Newly Open Massage Facial Foot Reflexology Individual R/h /Tv R m Couple Room Sauna /Gym Swimming*pool 131 Killiney Road, #02-00 tel: 6296 6266J oP e<v Beautiful/Charming I Skilful Local Masseus' Room -r d Tel: 6222 7452 Hp: 9350 0275 5 Gemmill Lane, Hie Box #01-01 (Along Club Street) Opp Far
      81 words
    • 295 30 Health Health Loy Krathong Fitness Spa A service that promises to be as good as the authentic, original Thai massage! Traditional Thai Oil Massage Foot Reflexology Free Herbal Steam Bath Cosy Rooms For Couples Ladies Z3HM Body Massage $35 Foot Reflexology $22 NOW $50perpax s 6745 4533/6744 5933 59 Lorong
      295 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 94 31 S88 HEALTH SPA Open Daily By Appt Only 317 Outram Rd Holiday Inn Hotel 8387-5558 Looking for people who want to lose 5 to 10kg. Call *****875 JK Ayurveva Wellness Specialises in Tuina New look Free scrub Good service Blk 530 Bedok North St 3 #01-640. Tel: *****592 HAPPY BEAUTY
      94 words
    • 51 31 Yi Ren Tang TCM Clinic Opening Offer $20++ Traditional Tuina, Guasha Shoulder Body Massage Specialised Treatment for Footballers’ Golfers’ Injuries For Appointment, please call *****636 or *****866 89A Tg Pagar Rd (*****636) 327 Changi Road (*****866) YING HUA BEAUTY SPA Newly Open FREE Body Scrub 607 Balestier Road Call 8277
      51 words
    • 123 31 Holidays Holidays 3D2N National Day B iNTaN Weekend,Getaway ReSOr s 2009 Early Bird Special FREE 60-min Full Body Massage at /{Rmiaoi&a* 1 st 30 couple only Nirwana Beach Club fr £133 Nirwana Resort Hotel fr $262 Mayang Sari Beach Resort fr $286 Bintan Lagoon Resort fr $308 Angsana Resort Spa
      123 words
    • 178 31 Personal Needs Personal Needs tPffGGscms Moneylender's Lie Ho: 59/2009 Legal short term loan low interest rate (only for HDB Sellers) Loan approval within 24-hrs Repayment loan with interest after HDB completion (OS/lyfffr Terms conditions apply wM' J Personal Needs Personal Needs GOOD PRICE for Handphone/Jewellery/Pawn Ticket^; J > 2nd
      178 words
      25 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 198 32 Personal Needs Personal Needs fEcV CREDIT PTE Need Cash Urgently? Legal Short-Term Loan Up To $30k HDB Before Selling/After 1st Appt Repayment Loan With Interest Upon HDB Completion. Agents Welcome! Interest Rate 1.5% per month 24-hour A Approval Tel: 9690-0811 ID HIGHEST SSS FOR Pawn tickets Goldbar White gold Silver
      198 words
    • 73 32 WANTED ALL URGENTLY NEW/ USED/ SPOILT HP E71/ 63/ 90/ 51/ 91/ E66/ 5800 IPhone 2G, 3G. New/ used IPod all models. PSP all models. New/ used. Blackberry. New contract phones New/ used laptops. Universal laptop charger avail. For laptops: 9113-8008) #01-29 Peninsular Shpg Ctr Tel: 6338-1196 WANTED ALL USED/NEW/SPOILT
      73 words
    • 63 32 KONSOLE PTE LTD SELLER *High Deposit *Bankruptcy/ Divorce/ Repossession *LEGAL LOANS arrangement thru Finance BUYER *$0 Cash to buy Hse *Submission of HLE/ Bank approval *Referral Welcome! *Fast reliable services 8188-9977 HDB SELL/ BUY Buy/ sell for cash Immed high cash deposit Ready Buyers islandwide Bankruptcy/ Divorce We pay referral
      63 words
    • 358 32 Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses Education Courses DIMENSIONS International College (since 1980) One of The Biggest Hotel Schools in Singapore Preparatory Placement to Government Primary Sec Schools Entry to Polytechnics of Singapore (0 Level Preparatory Course) Physics I Chemistry Labs (Biggest 0 Level Provider) Entry to Universities of Singapore
      358 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 158 33 CATS FastadsJOBS Toll-free: 1 800-289-9988 A FOOD BEVERAGE GROUP requires: PAYROLL cum HUMAN RESOURCE PERSONNEL Minimum 3 years of relevant experience and qualification Computer literate with PayMaster software knowledge Possess a positive/ proactive attitude Good organizational, communication and interpersonal skills Independent and yet a team player Singaporean/ PR only Email
      158 words
    • 280 33 Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service ASPIRE to be like me? At 17, I was confused about my next step after my ITE graduation. Now, I have a Diploma and a Degree! PVR fully sponsored my education program together with hospitality experience in a leading 5 Star Hotel.
      280 words
    • 76 33 Customer Service/ Slimming Consultants Required at Orchard Basic High commission. 6 off day. Sinagporeans/ PR only. Please call 9674-6199 HAIR COLOUR TECHNICIAN Good Salary Part-Time/ Full-Time Male/ Female 50 Ubi Cres (Techpark) Call *****317/ *****318 MANICURISTS URGENTLY NEEDED S’porean PR only Interested applicants please call *****673 Salon with chemical Liang
      76 words
    • 161 33 LEGEND PALACE Platinum Posh Club requires WAITER/ WAITRESS/ PR SUPERVISOR Pleasant outgoing personality Service oriented Bilingual in English Chinese to liaise with Chinese speaking customers S’poreans/ PR M’sian Walk in interview Mon-Friday 6-9pm No 1, Sophia Rd #07-38 Peace Centre Tel: 6336-1779 Pls bring along 2 passport photos Waiter/ Waitress
      161 words
    • 167 33 ASTONS FULL TIME/ PART TIME SERVICE CREW available S’porean/ PRs/ M’sian only No experience required Walk-in interview From Monday Friday (2pm 5pm) Locations Ghim Moh, S’pore Post Ctr, Sembawang Call 6342-4634/ 35 for enquiries FOOD OUTLET OPENING in the East requires EXPERIENCED BARISTA WAITER/ WAITRESSES RESTAURANT MANAGER S’porean/ PR only
      167 words
    • 148 33 AMK Hub Dessert Cafe requires Energetic SERVICE CREW (Full/ Part-time) TRAINEE SUPERVISOR Some F&B experience preferred. Pls call 9160-4343 Cha Cha Cha Restaurant has immed vacancies for the following posts. 1) ASST MANAGERS 2) COOKS 3) PART-TIME KITCHEN HELPERS 4) PART-TIME WAITERS WAITRESSES No split shift S’poreans PRs only Pls
      148 words
    • 51 33 WALA WALA CAFE BAR Requires 1. Full Time Bartenders 2. Full Time Service Staff Only S’porean/ PR need apply Walk-in Interview 3pm-5pm 30 June 1 July 31 Lorong Mambong Holland Village FULL/ PART-TIME ON-SITE IPTV INSTALLER required. Must have own transportation Pls call *****949 for interview. Only S’poreans/ PR need
      51 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 231 34 A dynamic company is seeking the right people with the right attitude to be a PORTFOLIO OFFICER. Requirements: Minimum 21 years old (MAS guideline). Minimum GCE ’N’ level qualifications. Enjoys meeting people, goal-oriented and hungry. Energetic, articulate, presentable and opportunistic. Singapore Citizens and PRs only. Remuneration: Attractive basic salary and
      231 words
    • 188 34 INTERNET WORK AT HOME OPPORTUNITY A special marketing project byTWI Group Pte Ltd With more than 80% of residential homes in Singapore installed with broadband, your home desktop or laptop can now be turned into a business machine harnessing the power of the internet to create a profitable Second Source
      188 words
    • 98 34 EXPERIENCED HP SALES PROMOTERS $900+incentives+commission ELECTRONICS MEGA STORES ISLANDWIDE!! Call *****533 (*****0164K) Household Hardware Store in Orchard Rd requires FULL/PART-TIME SALES ASSISTANT Singaporean PR only Call*****966 Immed Vacancy Urgently Requires CASHIER SHOP ASST for Day Night shift Prefer with experience S’porean PR only Contact 8354-8383 Responsible aggressive Retail Sale for
      98 words
    • 207 34 Sa Prop N ex POWER OF NETWORKING Join the GOLD STANDARD in real estate! Service You Trust Champion District Director for '08 1 st Qtr '09 Let me show you how to achieve your goals with personal one to one coaching. cnrrpoDoicc New Experienced Agents are Welcome SUCCESS GUARANTEED* Steven
      207 words
    • 81 34 Handphone shop requires: SALES EXEC with/ w/o experience Min GCE ’N‘ level Basic commission Pls call 9669-4400 OUTDOOR SALES EXECUTIVES With/ w/o experience. With Class 3 driving lic. Please walk in to: 50 Ubi Cres (Techpark) Call *****317/ *****318 Sales Executive Min 4 ’O’ levels Extensive training provided S’poreans/ PR
      81 words
    • 185 34 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS/ ELECTRICAL SUPERVISORS/ ELECTRICIANS/ DUCTING WORKERS REQUIRED URGENTLY Able to read drawing Minimum 5 years experience Handle Tamil speaking customers WALK-IN INTERVIEW 56 Sembawang Road #01-06 Hong Heng Mansion (Next to Caltex) Tel 6295-5553 FORKLIFT MECHANIC Experience in repair service work. Class 3 licence. 5½-day work. Walk-in to: No.
      185 words

  • Sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 614 35 FRIDAY KS-B1100m *****9 SuperbLegend 59.5 (90) (6agDesmondKoh-Effect) 522-22 Ntini 59.5 (85) (4agMFreedman-Ntini) 4-001- SilverProfesor 58 (84) (5arggPShaw-ALACrabbia) *****2 BreakFree 56.5 (79) (3agLLaxon-Perfectum) *****6 Holtmail 56.5 (79) (4arggPShaw-EMMA) 9050-8 StormStrike 56.5 (76) (5agSamChua-ART&HK) *****0 FutureBaby 55 (74) (5agSamChua-SamChua) 1291 DrLemon 55 (71) (3arggPShaw-EMMA) *****3 LagoBay 53.5
        614 words
      • 636 35 SUNDAY OB 97 (LC) 1200m 4431-0 BeauBrummell 58 (96) (4nzgDHill-Byerley) 0769-0 Luckytino 55 (90) (6arggPShaw-ALACrabbia) -6-808 Lim'sOasis 53.5 (87) (6nzgJMeagher-Lim's) *****- Dylan 52 (84) (4nzgLLaxon-OscarRacing) *****3 MyHero 52 (84) (4agBDean-MYMJ) -***** AmadeusMozart 51 (82) (6iregPShaw-EMMA) *****4 ReadyForBattle 50 (80) (6agSNigishii-CLAng) C3 (LC)1400m *****-
        636 words
      • 224 36 SUNDAY MS (LC)1800m 084 BounceBack 59 (54) (4jpngHTakaoka-WestForest) 706 GrandFinale 57 (50) (4agSNigishi-Sharon) *****3 NobleSpirit 55.5 (47) (3nzgMYusof-Noble) *****0 Undaunted 55.5 (47) (3nzgMClements-Classican) 799-00 AussieOne 55 (46) (4agRBMarsh-TudorLodgeRNo7) *****5 MythOpening 53.5 (43) (4agSNigishi-EightEightOne) 89--09 ZhayNayRahl 53.5 (43) (4agHKTan-Arexevan&MelvinLim) *****- GiftOfHonour 52.5 (41) (4nzgSGray-Buddy's)
        224 words
      • 743 36 SATURDAY C*****m DaMaCaiStakes 4211-1 He'sBorn 57 (74) (4nzgFNathan-Zurich) 11-151 Tatik 56.5 (73) (4nzgBBrogan-Shahabuddin) -14-07 DeNada 55 (70) (5arggPeterLee-THNeo) *****4 SuperLad 53.5 (67) (5nzgKCHah-MdmMYAu) 5-8033 BlessYear 52.5 (65) (6arggCecilRobert-ALACrabbia) 08-15- SpeedKnight 52.5 (65) (6agMCLam-FirstHorse) -190-- JeramFaithful 51.5 (63) (4ahFMaynard-GoldPlus) 06-096 RulingPower 51.5 (63) (5agEvelynSeet-MdmWSChay) *****- UpToYou 50
        743 words
      • 213 36 SUNDAY 3YO1200m DaMaCaiMalaysia3YOChampionship2009Final 1111 PerfectPins 57 (85) (3nzgFMaynard-DOC) *****0 BrightPrince 57 (82) (3nzgOSidek-MdmMariamLiaw) *****1 MyDiamond 56.5 (53) (3agJMcGillivray-RiseAgain) ***** Blesswithtalent 56 (55) (3agBTLim-Blesswithluck) *****2 BigRedPoint 56 (54) (3nzgKCTiang-Inter) 16 BlueTosca 56 (54) (3agEvelynSeet-DavidHow) --122 CaptainObvious 56 (54) (3agKLChong-Milton) -***** SayaBoleh E1 56 (53) (3agKLChong-Milton) 412-73 BigDawn
        213 words
      • 562 37 SUNDAY C*****m -***** SayaBoleh 57 (53) (3agKLChong-Milton) 5282-5 GloryKingdom 56 (51) (5agJMcGillivray-EhLim) 215--0 CenturyGreyhound 55.5 (50) (4amgKCTiang-Century) *****4 SilverCoin 55.5 (50) (9agPKLeong-Gooseberry) *****- Bellakai 55 (49) (6nzgRRogers-RRogers) *****0 CizenSupreme 55 (49) (6nzgCecilRobert-PaintEmperor) ---00- GoodGirlfriend 55 (49) (4amKCoetzee-Eastern) -546-8 MagicTriumph 55 (49) (8agLimHoonSeng-Hydrocarbon) *****0 SonOfSummer 55 (49)
        562 words
      • 1114 37 SATURDAY– RACE 1 ETERNAL LUCK returned with a cut into his near hind. I Razif (ACE ARCADIA), in the presence of his master, trainer SB Tan, was told his ride lacked balance and finesse. Tan was warned that he would be expected to improve
        1,114 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf
      • 396 38 ...that’sPerry’s winningrecord totalaftera63 atTravelers AP KENNY Perry shot 63 to finish with a tournament-record 258 and win the Travelers Championship by three strokes over Paul Goydos and David Toms. The 48-year old Perry, who led after each of the first two rounds, trailed by a stroke to Paul Goydos
        AP  -  396 words
        • 300 38 AP SOUTH Korea’s Shin Ji Yai picked up her fifth title in 11 months with a seven-stroke victory at the Wegmans yesterday morning. The 21-year-old star from Seoul (right) shot a one-under 71 to finish in a downpour at 17-un-der271. Kristy McPherson
          AP  -  300 words
        • 209 38 Reuters BRITAIN’S Nick Dougherty held off a rampaging Rafa Echenique of Argentina to win the BMW International Open title on Sunday, his third on the European Tour. Dougherty, a former Caltex Masters winner in Singapore, produced a blistering finale, an eight-under-par 64 for a 22-un-der-par 266
          Reuters  -  209 words
      • 166 38 AFP JAPAN’S teenage golf star Ryo Ishikawa has promised to “go for broke” in his British Open debut next month after his daring play won him his first victory of the year. “Miraculous Ryo attacks all the way,” read a headline in the influential
        AFP  -  166 words
    • Sports Wimbledon
      • Article, Illustration
        640 39  -  ...the mavericks will win BRIAN MILLER IT WAS Ivan Lendl who reinvented the phrase“grass isfor cows.” That was way back in 1982 when he decided to go on a nice holiday instead of playing Wimbledon. Lendl wasn’t alone. Even now there is a “cow club” always has
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  640 words
      • Article, Illustration
        76 39 MEN FOUTH ROUND Tommy Haas bt Igor Andreev 7-6 (10/8), 6-4, 6-4 Roger Federer bt Robin Soderling 6-4, 7-6 (5), 7-6 (5) WOMEN FOURTH ROUND Sabine Lisicki bt Caroline Wozniacki 6-4,6-4 Francesca Schiavone bt Virginie Razzano 6-2,7-6(1) Serena Williams bt Daniela Han-tuchova6-3,6-1 Victoria Azarenka bt Nadia Petrova 7-6(5),
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    • Sports Asian Youth Games
      • Article, Illustration
        758 40 / 41  -  Despite losing 2-1 against Iran on Saturday and 4-1 to Thailand yesterday, The New Paper still found two Singapore players who have shown real promise Shannon Rezel newsroom intern HE’S BUILT like David, but has potential the size of Goliath. Hanafi Akbar, 14, may not have much of
        TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  758 words
      • 387 40 / 41  -  THEPOSTMAN ERNEST LUIS THE POSTMAN’S back after a one-month break. And after a “soft launch” over the weekend (with 50 members signing up for our new social net-work-styled platform so far), our readers are feeling their way around The Postman’s new mul-ti-activity website. After starting life
        387 words
      • Article, Illustration
        494 40 / 41  -  TheNewPaper–afterhighlightingtwoweekendsagoaflawedpolicy to prevent the media from covering Asian Youth Games training sessions–foundyesterday’sSouthKoreansessionofflimitsagain Shea John Driscoll newsroom intern THE IDEA was to hype up tonight’s North Korea-South Korea football match in the Asian Youth Games. It’s not a meeting that happens very often, let alone at Under-14 level.
        TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  494 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 302 42 / 43  -  JUST what goes on behind the scenes of oneoftheworld’s most glamorous football clubs? Through the lens of Chelsea official photographer DARREN WALSH, we get to see a different side of the Blues. Off the pitch, far away from the media glare and set in their own inner
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  302 words
    • Sports Confederations Cup
      • Article, Illustration
        908 44 / 45  -  BRAZIL 3 (Luis Fabiano 46,74, Lucio 84) UNITED STATES 2 (Dempsey 10, Donovan 27) If Brazil want to win the 2010 World Cup, what they need is... IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI IF THE World Cup is anything like this, we’reallin for atreat. You could always sense that
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  908 words
      • 770 44 / 45 AFP THEY are certainly wasting no time. Brazil have already turned their attention to winning the World Cup in South Africa next year after defending the Confederations Cup, with coach Dunga saying his players are capable of anything. The five-time world champions came from behind
        AFP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  770 words
      • 428 46 THE GOLDEN SHOE: AFP KAKA might be stealing the headlines but Luis Fabiano has emerged from the Confederations Cup as one of Brazil’s new golden boys. The Sevilla striker was the tournament top scorer with five goals, including his crucial brace in the
        AFP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  428 words
      • 209 46 THE GOLDEN GLOVE: AP FOR 45 minutes, it was no contest. United States goalkeeper Tim Howard was outplaying Brazil’s Julio Cesar, considered by manyto beamongthe world’s best. Then the second half started, and the United States’ 2-0 lead turned into a 3-2
        AP  -  209 words
      • 384 46 THE GOLDEN BALL: Wire Services HE WAS voted the best at the Confederations Cup. And that would have delighted his new club, Real Madrid, who paid abombto secure Kaka’s services. The tournament’s Golden Ball winner immediately paid tribute to his team-mates for taking
        Wire Services  -  384 words
      • 35 47 LIVE TELECASTS COPA LIBERTADORES Thursday: NACIONAL (URU) v ESTUDIANTES (ARG) Ch 27,8.10am Friday: GREMIO (BRA) v CRUZEIRO (BRA) Ch 27,8.45am *Alltelecastliveunlessstatedotherwise. For latest, please check *Programme times, provided by StarHub, subject to change
        35 words
      • 18 47 OPEN DE FRANCE Thursday: DAY 1 Ch 26, 9.45pm AT&T NATIONAL Friday: DAY 1 Ch 26, 3.15am
        18 words
      • 19 47 WIMBLEDON Tonight: LADIES’SINGLES QFs Ch 24,7pm Tomorrow: MEN’S &LADIES’ SINGLES QFs Ch 24,7pm Thursday: LADIES’SINGLES SEMI-FINALS Ch 24,7pm
        19 words
        66 words
      • 438 47 LOCAL EVENTS ASIAN YOUTH GAMES FOOTBALL FINAL ROUND IN TODAY’Sgames, Laos will play Saudi Arabia at 5pm, followed by North and SouthKorea’s clashat 7.30pm,both at Jalan Besar Stadium. Tomorrow, Singapore will hope to do better against China at Jalan Besar Stadium after losing 4-1 to Thailand yesterday.
        438 words
      • 172 47 IF YOU’RE a working adult or a student in need of a sporty break after yesterday’s hectic return from the school holidays, make a date at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. Because at 7.30pm, North Korea take on South Korea in their second game in Group B.
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  172 words
    • Article, Illustration
      100 48 PA Sport LIVERPOOL defender Martin Skrtel has backed new signing Glen Johnson to succeed at Anfield having completed his move from Portsmouth on Friday. Said the Slovakia cen-tre-back:“Heisavery goodplayer and he will definitely be a success so I am happy that he is withus.’’ Former Liverpool and England full-back
      PA Sport  -  100 words
    • Article, Illustration
      94 48 PA Sport ITALIAN giants AC Milan have warned Chelsea they have no intention of selling Brazil striker Alexandre Pato. Reports in England claim that Chelsea are preparing a bid of £51 million ($123m) to lure Pato to Stamford Bridge. But, AC Milan club administrator Adriano Galliani, said: “We previously
      PA Sport  -  94 words
    • Article, Illustration
      74 48 PA Sport BAYERN Munich general manager Uli Hoeness is insistent the club will not budge on their refusal to sell Franck Ribery. France playmaker Ribery is a target for Real Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea and Barcelona but Hoeness is determined to keep the former Marseille man in Bavaria. “Did
      PA Sport; PICTURES: AP, AFP, REUTERS, GETTY IMAGES  -  74 words
    • Article, Illustration
      115 48 PA Sport FORMER Arsenal captain Gilberto Silva has urged Brazil team-mate Felipe Melo to join the Gunners. He believes Melo, a holding midfielder with Serie A side Fiorentina, and Arsenal will be a perfect match. “We heard rumours and he asked me,’’ Gilberto said. “I said it’s a fantasticcluband
      PA Sport  -  115 words
    • Article, Illustration
      51 48 Rufus the Harris hawk has one of the trickiest jobs at Wimbledon making sure no pesky pigeons interrupt the matches. His owner and trainer Wayne Davis also brings Callisto the Peregrine falcon to Wimbledon. While Rufus patrols centre court, Callisto flies high above on the lookout for crows and
      51 words

  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 85 38 S. League S. League S.League Home United Woodlands Brunei DPMM Albirex SAF FC Bal Khalsa Tue, 30/06/09 7.45pm Tue, 30/06/09 7.45pm Wed, 01/07/09 8.15pm J League matches are also on sale. For more details, please check Singapore Pools website. Ip Y® Always play with care. Do not bet illegally. No
      85 words