The New Paper, 21 June 2009

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1 56 The New Paper

  • News
    • 1107 2 / 3  -  Man sets up website with provocative pictures of girls below 13, outraged netizens try to expose him PREDATOR OF PRE-TEENS REPORT:SPECIAL SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE name of the blog site itself rings alarm bells: SG SexyPreteens. The pictures are disturbing: Scantily-clad pre-teen girls pose
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    • 389 4 / 5  -  Motherwhoseyoungdaughter’spicturesgetpostedon lewdwebsitesaysphotosweretakenwithoutpermission PRE-TEEN PARENT REPORT: SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT SHE hit the roof when she saw her young daughter’s pictures on the SG Sexy Preteens website, accompanied by sexually-suggestive captions written by the man who had set it up. The pictures, she said,
      PICTURE: AFP  -  389 words
    • 364 4 / 5  -  S MURALI THIS man is a menace to society. If what he is doing is not illegal, it should be. He has crossed the line by asking primary school girls to send sexy pictures and videos of themselves
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    • 228 4 / 5  -  REPORT: SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT YOUNG netizens and their parents listen up: Online predators are around and will always be. So netizens, beware. Mr Aloysius Cheang, president of SIG2, the leading local IT security professionals body here, stressed the importance of public education
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    • News Father's Day plight
        • 670 6 / 7  -  REPORTS: HEDY KHOO HE’Sthefatherofa10-year-oldboy.But for Mr Andy Tan, 39, there will be no Fathers’ Day celebration today. All he has is a hope that he’ll catch a glimpseofhissonthroughthegrillegatesof the flat of his ex-wife, who has care
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        • 404 6 / 7 IT’Salladeception.Thatiswhat MrTan’sex-wifesays. She claims that he is just using a few photos to show the world what a great father he is, while he is nothing of the sort. She also accuses her Mr Tan of using her son to play games with her.
          PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  404 words
    • 668 8 / 9  -  987FM’sLife’sA Beach party draws 10,000 of all ages, including families REPORT: HO LIAN-YI FORmanyyoungsters,thiswastheirfirstopportu-nitytotakepartinabeachparty.Ayouthfulcrowdof morethan10,000attended the 12-hour Life’s A Beach party at Sentosa’s Siloso Beachyesterday. ItwasnoZoukOut–butthatmaybenobadthing. Therewasnosignofanydrunkenantics,ofpartygoerssosloshedthey’repassedoutorvomiting. No alcohol was sold at any of the many booths at the event, which was organised by
      TNP PICTURES: NG XI JIE  -  668 words
    • 512 10 / 11  -  Paranormal group to explore&releaseDVDof hauntedplacesinIndonesia REPORT: HO LIAN-YI MOVING quietly in formation, the point man suddenly stops, and lifts up a fist. Contact has been made. Immediately, the team wearing black uniforms andbristlingwithequipment–squats,andclosesup. Commandos? Special forces? Terrorists? Nope–they’reghosthunters. Their“weapons”aren’tguns,butsensorsandcameras–fromspecialthermometerstoelectromagneticfield detectors. It was 10pm
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  512 words
    • 256 10 / 11 IFyou’regoingghosthunting,don’tleavehome without: 1. Night-vision goggles (NVG): About four members on Spears Paranormal Investigators (SSPI) team will be equippedwithNVGs.Ifyoucan’tseeinfrontofyou, youcan’tseeghosts. 2. Electromagnetic field (EMF) meter: Ghosts are supposed to emit EMF. Electronic equipment like handphones do too, but there’sunlikelytobeworkingelectronicsinjunglesor ruins. 2a. Gauss meter: A more precise
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    • 239 10 / 11 Thrill-seekers law breakers? SPEARS Paranormal Investigators (SSPI) is one of several groups studying paranormal activities that have sprouted in the last year. But more established groups are worried by the increasing number of such societies. Dr Kenny Fong, 39, the founder of pioneering group Singapore Paranormal Investigators, said many of
    • News The New Paper Auction
      • 137 12  -  Han Yongming newsroom intern HURRY, today is your last chance to bid for the prizes from Courts in Series 4 of The New Paper Auction. UpforgrabsareaPhilips47”HD LCD TV, Eureka L-shaped sofa, Edmonton seven-piece dining set, Acer Aspire mini notebook and Nikon Coolpix
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      • 335 12  -  Han Yongming newsroom intern IT may be a motorcycle with a small, 125cc engine. Yet, the Derbi Terra Adventure is a motorbike big in terms of looks and performance. So much so that it has attracted a following among those who crave a“bigpresence”inasmallpackage. And
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      • 205 12 The NewPaper’s Biker BoyZaihan Mohamed Yusof gives you the lowdown on the bike: Four-stroke, four-valve engine Possiblythe strongestin its class at 15hp, this engine can take the bike up to 130kmh. Suspension The 41mmforks work in tandem with its pre-load adjustable mono shock rear suspension to give
        TNP PICTURE: KUACHEE SIONG  -  205 words
    • 380 14  -  Foursome draws crowd with sleek dance moves geek cool Han Su-Ying –HanSu-Ying,newsroomintern THIS foursome is making waves on YouTube with several of their performances being put up in the last week. These videos have been garnering a fair number of hits with their quirky
      TNP PICTURES: HAN SU-YING  -  380 words
    • 584 15  -  Is this the work of irresponsible dog breeders? REPORT: ELYSA CHEN AREirresponsibledogbreedersabandoningpedi-greedogs?That’s what some animal welfare volunteers are alleging, but one dog breeder The New Paper on Sundayspoketodisputedthis. Threeweeksago,fourpedigreedogswerefoundata carparkinPasirRisPark. This prompted some, like Miss Elektra Xu, 24, to writetotheStraitsTimes’Forumpage. Miss Xu, an
      PICTURE: COURTESY OF SPCA  -  584 words
    • 967 16/17  -  Heshareshisbedwith acrewmateandcan’t laughtooloudlywhen watchingcomedies REPORT: TAY SHI’AN STAFF Sergeant Logesh Sockalingam, 30, awakes 100m below water, staring up at the wooden cupboard less than a metre above his head. He draws open the orange curtains next to his bed, revealing the
      PICTURES: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  967 words
    • 490 18 Gangcaughtafterpoliceraidcondo THREE unemployed friends had a sure-fire answer to their money woes. Whenever they needed to shop at the local pasar malam (night market in Malay) or provision shop, the three Malaysians would just print how much they needed. With just a
    • 356 18 Like banks, loan sharks offering packages benefits THEY say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But banks in Malacca may not think kindly of the people who are imitating them. It seems loan sharks in the state are competing for clients in these hard times by using creative advertising.
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    • 705 19 Arrestedformurderafterpretendingto grieveatbrother-in-law’skilling ITWASatalethatcouldhavebeentakenstraightoutofatelevisiondramascript.A woman, grief-stricken by the violent death of her brother-in-law, wails at his passing, only to be arrested hourslaterandchargedwithhismurder. Butwait,theplotiseventhickerthanthat. The woman, Judy Moran, was arrested in Melbourneforthemurder. Sheistheso-calledlong-sufferingqueenoftheMel-bournemafia. Shehasbeenchargedoverthemurderofherbroth-er-in-law and fellow mobster Desmond “Tuppence” Moran,who survived anearlierattack whenagunman shotathiscar. Mr Moran, 61, was
      PICTURE: AFP  -  705 words
    • 594 20/21 Outspokenwifeoflosingpresidential candidate campaigns for her husband SCULPTOR,grandmotherandnowiconofIranianprotesters,especiallythewomen.FormerheadofaTeheranuniversityZahraRahnavard (above), 64, is also the wife of losing presidential candidateMirHosseinMousavi. In a country where religious police still roam the streetsenforcingaconservativedresscodeandprohibiting women from expressing “Western vanity” like make-up,sheisanexception. Incontrast,currentpresidentMahmoudAhmadinejad’swifeisrarelyseenandhernameiskeptsecret. Yesterday,thefeistywomansaidinapostingonthe social networking site Facebook that the demonstrationwasstillscheduled,despitethegovernmentsaying thatsuchralliesshouldnottakeplaceandthatitdidnot ruleoutacrackdown,reportsTheNewYorkTimes.
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  594 words
    • 480 20/21 NO ONE knows for now what the impact the protests in Iran will have. But several others have had an impact on history. Source: LifeScience website 1) The Storming of the Bastille, 1789 This one act was a catalyst in the 10-year French Revolution
      Source: LifeScience website; PICTURE: AP  -  480 words
    • 337 20/21 SHE is alleged to have abused her children and streamed the act live on the Internet. Mother of four, Julie Carr, 30, was arrested by police in the US state of Maine after they received a tip from someone who saw
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    • 475 22 HE thought he was the missing child who was allegedly abducted in New York state 54 years ago. Michigan native John Robert Barnes, 54, thought he was the missing toddler Stephen Damman, who was believed to have been kidnapped outside a
      PICTURES: AP  -  475 words
    • 287 22 AFTER recent attacks on Indian students in Australia, both groups are taking an unusual route to heal the scars–cricket. On Thursday, Australian cricketer Brad Hodge joined Indian students and police officers in the Australian state of Victoria in a game of street
      PICTURE: AFP  -  287 words
    • News Snapshot
      • 317 23 S’porehas 23new casesof H1N1 THE German researcher who had flu symptoms did not attend the Lady Gaga concert last Sunday, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). But the MOH spokesman did not reveal which concert the 56-year-old had attended. The authorities said earlier he returned
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      • Article, Illustration
        48 23 OUT OF CONTROL: Chairs and cutlery flew as a car accidentally reversed into a coffee shop in Jurong West Street 52 on Friday. A 60-year-old man who was filling up lottery slips was knocked down. He was later discharged after a hospital check-up. PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO
        PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  48 words
      • 83 23 SINGAPORE will act if a North Korean ship that the United States is monitoring, if the vessel heads here with a cargo of weapons. “Singaporetakesseriouslythe proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials,”saidaspokesmanfromtheMinistryof
        83 words
      • 76 23 THE French government is split over a suggestion that the full-length veil, or burqa, should be banned in France. Thegovernment’sofficial spokesman Luc Chatel said legislation might be introduced to ban full-length veils if it was proved that they were being“imposed”onMuslimwomenagainsttheirwill. But
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      • 108 23 THERE is growing opposition to the proposed third bridge between Malaysia and Singapore and there are calls in Johor for the Causeway to be improved instead, liberal news website Malaysiakini reported. Johor Baru MP Shahrir Abdul Samad said Johoreans generally have
        108 words
      • 111 23 ONE more case of malaria has been confirmed and added to the malaria cluster at Jurong Island. He is a 46-year-old foreign construction worker who works and stays at Jurong Island. He fell ill on 10 Jun and had no significant
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    • 518 24 / 25  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN IDON’Tbelieveintemptingfate.So why then am I flying off to the UK, the country withthesixthhighestnumberofconfirmedInfluenzaA(H1N1)casesintheworld? There were at least 1,752 confirmed cases and one fatalitythere, accordingto ourMinistry of Healthwebsiteyesterday. Nothingtosniffat,byallaccounts. Yet, despite those scary numbers, my family and
      PICTURE: AP  -  518 words
    • 193 24 / 25 Werate the past week’snews goodandbad. Last week’s index: 70 This week’s index: 50 -10 First quarter labour market figures show more job losses and lower earnings. Retail sales fell nearly 12 per cent in April from the same month in 2008, the worst in a decade. Non-oil
      193 words
    • 26 24 / 25 “Soonour localdramaserials might getinteresting cameos.Partof their citizenship termsandconditions.” Awoman onhearing thatChina gongfustar Jet Lihas appliedforSingapore citizenship,followingthe footsteps of fellow star Gong Li.
      26 words
    • 120 24 / 25 1 Father’sDay, whichwas first celebratedon 19 Jun1910, wasthe idea ofAmerican SonoraSmartDodd.She cameup withitto honourher father,aveteran who had, as asingleparent, raised his six children. 2 UnlikeMother’s Day, which waswarmly received, Father’sDay was originally consideredabig joke and was madefunof by many newspapersfor being inane. 3 Notall countriescelebrate
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  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 / 5 Advertisements
    • 51 4 / 5 GRAB YOUR FREE MOVIE PULLOUT EVERY THURSDAY FEATURES, VIEWS, REVIEWS, INTERVIEWS EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAYS PLUS: You’ve read our reviews. Now we want yours Your review could be published in FiRST and if the prestige of being published isn’t enough, you could win new DVDs, courtesy of Origin Entertainment. Details in next
      51 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 The New Paper AUCTION SERIES 4 (From 8-21 June) Cut collect TNP$ from page 1 of The New Paper, and bid for these attractive items from Courts. A publication of Min. Bid: TNP$12,000 Philips 47” Full HD TV Min. Bid: TNP$3,500 Edmonton Dining Set (7pc) SMS Code: D3 SMS Code:
      84 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 219 13 Ladies' Night The Races Friday 26 June 2009 Singapore Racecourse Now City Chic uo9° vO pot \|a\^ c oX y Join us for an evening of fun and New York-inspired fashion. Ladies' Night Value Package at $50 Nett (available to men as well) Includes admission to @Hibiscus, buffet dinner and
      219 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 150 14 y AS YOU PLAN AHEAD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES TOGETHER... let us help you begin a lifetime of beautiful memories with this moment. A Bridal Affair at Copthorne King's Hotel Sunday, 28 June 2009,1.00pm to 5.00pm $28 nettper couple for UOB Cardmembers: $20 nett per couple Programme Highlights
      150 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • Page 24 / 25 Advertisements
    • 86 24 / 25 live 1 to 1 Chat m sec 45 fits* FREE Chat Party in @SG@ooiS7[iifla TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. <r- Si ©SODiMOUDOGD /Up QRlttigp QCOSgl s. .Online payment Club /■ 'Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18
      86 words

  • enjoy
    • 927 26 / 27  -  But would you wearyoursinglehoodonabadge?A dating service in Australia hopestostartthattrend,butsomelocalssayit’saconceptthatwon’ttakeoffhere REPORT: TAN KEE YUN YOU’RE at the gym doing your usual workout when a friendly woman with a beaming smile struts up to you. You notice that like yourself, she wears the same “singlesidentificationbadge”onhershirt. Instantly, both
      927 words
    • Enjoy Fly on the Wall
      • Article, Illustration
        487 28 / 29  -  Korean actresses, Japanese magicians andlocalpersonalitiesshowupat SonyEricssonhandphonelaunch REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO IN A community where Transformers and Skynet are spoken of as if they’re friends of ours, an invitation to meet W995 and C903 is certain not to raise an eyebrow. In fact, skirts yes, eyebrows, no,
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  487 words
    • aspire
      • 187 30 SHOW dad some TLC and a wholelot oflove thisFather’s Day by taking him shopping at these menswear stores with the bestFather’s Daypromotion in town. Who knows, you may just end up raiding his wardrobe for thisseason’shot, oversized shirt look! BANANA REPUBLIC Storewide 30 per cent discount. Prices
        187 words
      • 559 30  -  Raidyourman’scupboardandmakeafashionstatement,likeHollywoodstars REPORT: DOLORES TAY RECENTLY, I’ve taken to stealing from my husband in a big way. But thankfully, this isonetheftthatIcan’tbejailedfor. You see, I have just discovered the joys of raidingmyman’swardrobe. I never thought I could possibly carry off that fashionable, oh-so-chic insouciant look with
        559 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 371 31  -  Hedy Khoo FORgirlswhoareattachedormarried,isit possible to love more than two men atthesametime? Yes,Idefinitelythinkso–preferablyifone ofthemisyourdad. That would be much less of a headache, I assureyou. Of course, whether daddy approves your choice of a partner or not is another story altogether. But today
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG, HEDY KHOO LOCATION: Kitchen Culture at Leng Kee Road MAKE-UP: June Goh HAIR: Stacy Su from Make Up For Ever Academy (Tel: 6333 0678)  -  371 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 661 32  -  Tales of walkouts make for great reading SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JUST PAIK CHOO IT’S Father’s Day today and I did think to regale you with tales of the source of my sense of humour, such as it is (actually I got it from
        661 words
      • 322 32  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR ITHINKIkilledmyfather.SincetodayisFather’sDay,I figure this is a good time to mention this. About 16 years ago, my father was rushed to hospital after suffering a possible stroke. I thought he was going to die. But he recovered and
        322 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 491 33  -  DAVID TIAN Learn more about dating expert Dr Date at his website: THE movements of your body and face reveal a lot about you. When it comes to attracting the other gender, it pays to appear youthful and cheerful.
        491 words
      • 198 33 I’veheardyousaythateye contact is really important in makingagirllikeyou.ButI’m not sure what kind of eye contact I should make. Yours, Genuine James Dear James, Great question. There are many varieties of eye contact,and Iunfortunately don’t have the space here to summarise them all. Search my website for more information.
        198 words
      • 465 33  -  S MURALI FATHER FIGURES DID you hear? Sentosa was just voted Asia’s best large attraction for the third straight year by an international body representing amusement parks and attractions. In the process, it beat competition from Hong Kong Disneyland, China’s Chimelong WaterParkandKorea’sLotteWorld. No
        465 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 26 / 27 Advertisements

  • Page 28 / 29 Advertisements
      220 words
    • 54 28 / 29 a**, Ca N l-E-l LIVGchat 1900-912-9700 I I 50clv°*° *T8iC apply. Winners notified via SMS. SBiH"$1.99: For Credit DEBIT Card ES payment, Call 6767-6969 *>) (Only apply to Voice Chat) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be wise when meeting strangers from this service. Helpline: *****249 (Barring&enquiries). Service by
      54 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 66 31 uideo chat _yoicc chut 1900 9111 116 1900 9111 111 Fnooline R100 fifiOl Freoline 0100 0000 Callers must be 18 above. Calls are charged at $0.99/min and 3G calls are charged at $1.99/min. Exercise precautions when meeting with friends from this service. Meeting in large groups is strongly advised. Deny
      66 words

  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 54 32 HE NEEDED A BEST MAN... HE GOT THE WORST. Boon Chan, SPH The Straits Times 1 -==5" L w: m X > am ft u i movie is super-awesome May Seah, MediaCorp Press Today PAUL RUDD JASON SEGEL (Knocked Up) (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) I LOVE YOU, MAN 1 NCI6 |Sexual
      54 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 32 33 Ask Dr Date Have problems finding love? Make a date with DrDate.He’ll go over thefiner points ofcourtship in his weekly column in The New Paper on Sunday. E-mail your questions to
      32 words

  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 356 34 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN Thereare six houseswith different colours in a row.Each occupantplays adifferent sport,speaks adifferentlanguage, drivesadifferent car and keeps adifferentpet. Howtoplay 1.Findthecluesthat indicateafixedHouse (egGeorgelivesinfirst house)andotherrelated clues(egbluehousenext toGeorge’s).Fillthetable withtheclues. 2.Findothercluesthat canbeplacedintable. Youmayhavetofigure outafewrelatedclues together. 3.Onceyou’veworked outallthecluesandput theminthetable,you’ll beabletoanswerthe question. Answers/PAGE35 5. The malteseownerlives twoleft ofthe schnauzer owner. 6. The
      356 words

  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 298 35 WATCH’EM PICTURE:WARNERBROS 10,000 BC HBO (StarHub Ch 60), 9pm This prehistoric epic follows a young mammoth hunter’sjourneythrough uncharted territoryto secure the future of his tribe and save the girl he loves from kidnappers. Starring Steven Strait, Camilla Belle. The Conquistadors HISTORY (StarHub Ch 09), 8pm This new documentary series tells
      298 words
    • 58 35 KAKURO TIMOTHYEPARKER BRAINWORKOUTANSWER Question:WhospeaksChinese?Answer:Salesman HOUSE 1 HOUSE 2 HOUSE 3 HOUSE 4 HOUSE 5 HOUSE 6 Colour yellow grey purple green blue brown Person teacher doctor scientist engineer lawyer salesman Sport cricket golf rugby tennis hockey basketball Language Russian French Spanish Italian German Chinese Car Hyundai Honda Nissan Renault Rover
      58 words

  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 1405 37 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 1.15 -1200m(LC) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 000-0- ChinaGreat 57 (43) JSee*c4 3 (4amCharlesLeck-Elegance) 2 03-2-2 LuminousDragon 57 (43) MEwe*c2 8 (4nzgCharlesLeck-Ninetyseven) 3 -***** Transformers 57 (43) MKelladyc1 9 (4nzgSamChua-Transformers) 4 096-60 WelcomeBack
        1,405 words
      • 2472 38 LARRYFOLEY’SCOMMENTSFORTODAY’SKRANJIRACES RACE 1 (1200m) 1 China Great?Hard toconsider. 2 Luminous Dragon??In good form without winning and, while usually a better option on the Poly, he should go OK here. 3 Transformers??Hard to be confident but this race does look suitable to get back into
        2,472 words
      • 75 39 THIS consistent Michael Freedman-trained four-year-old has yet to finish out of the first four in six starts, winning thrice and placed second twice. He was not disgraced in his biggest test last time out in the Group 1 Patrons’ Bowl won by Jolie’s
        75 words
      • 637 39 RACE 1: 1st 1 Cleanup ($26-$11) 2nd 13 Verballed ($11) 3rd 4 Hemem ($17) 4th 3 Hawkeye Lass. EOB $12. Forecast $16. Place forecast $13 (1-4), $5 (1-13), $18 (4-13). Tierce $249. Trio $102. Quartet $1498. Scratchings: Gigas, Magic Model, Miss Chills, Mother’s Milk,
        637 words
      • 313 39 Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE 11 RACE 10 RACE 9 RACE 8 RACE 7 RACE 6 RACE 5 RACE 4 RACE 3 RACE 2 RACE 1 Gold Help Happy Everybody Keep Away Premier Night Xaar’s Honour Eleventh Avenue Big Maverick 11 Intercept 3 9 7
        313 words
      • 467 39 Going: Good (Race 1), yielding (2-8) Race1 WESTSPEED2YOPLATE 1600M 10 ROSEOFMAY53(52-10) JWHITING (8) 1 4 THEGREYBOSS55(91-15) BPARNHAM (2) 2 7 ARIAMAGIC53(341-62) JHILL (6) 3 9 COSMOPOLITANCITY53(31-9) SMCGRUDDY (10) 4 ?Trainer: L Luciani. Margins: 0.5, hd. Time: 1min 39.3sec. EOB: $131. Forecast: $119. Place Forecast: $110 (Nos.
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      • 216 39 LAST Tuesday, the Race Meeting Stewards acceded to a request from jockey O Chavez to withdraw his appeal against the decision of the Stipendiary Stewards and the penalty imposed on him over his handling of MANUKA in Race 5 on 29 May. His deposit
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      • 895 40  -  TIPS AND COMMENTS BY PHILLIP WOD COURTESY OF THE HONG KONGJOCKEY CLUB RACE 1 (1,800m) All For One (11), although a non-factor last start at Happy Valley, had been threatening to do damage with a pair of seconds and fourths in four earlier runs; strong claims
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        948 words
    • Sports Formula One
      • 439 41 AP SEBASTIAN Vettel captured pole position yesterday for the British Grand Prix, while Formula One championship leader Jenson Button will start from a season-worst sixth. In his revamped Red Bull car, Vettel set the fastest lap time in qualifying for the third time this year,
        AP; PICTURE: AP; Adapted from REUTERS  -  439 words
      • 172 41 Reuters FORMULA One teams should be free to spend what they want in return for a long-term commitment to the sport, commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone suggested yesterday. Eight of the 10 current teams, including Ferrari, have said they will start planning their own championship
        Reuters  -  172 words
    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 758 42 / 43 AP THERE are two ways to describe Tiger Woods’ opening round in defence of his US Open title. Bad. And worse. Lee Trevino loved to say that what mattered in golf was not how, but how many. By that measure, Woods definitely had too many
        AP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  758 words
      • 471 42 / 43 WEIR’SNEARMISS CANADA’S Mike Weir came within one stroke of matching the best round ever in any of golf’sMajorchampionships. There have been four 63s in the 108 US Opens, the last by Vijay Singh in the second round at Olympia Fields in 2003. Weir made eight birdies and
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      • 456 42 / 43 AP DARKNESS had fallen on Bethpage Black, and Phil Mickelson was still raring to play more golf. A course that only Tiger Woods could tame when the US Open was held on the same course for the first time in 2002 was giving up birdies
        AP; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  456 words
      • 160 42 / 43 THAILAND’S Thaworn Wiratchant shot an Omega China Tour record-equalling round of 63 to share the lead with South Korean teenager Eom Jae Woong after the third round of the inaugural Dongfeng Nissan Teana Open in Anji, China, yesterday. Thaworn shot 10 birdies in his round to equal
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      • 77 42 / 43 WHAT a week for 11-year-old golfer Enzo Tan. The promising talent (right) won the C division title by 11 strokes at the 2009 Singapore Island Country Club Junior Club Championship in midweek. He then added the icing on the cake yesterday when
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      • Article, Illustration
        374 42 / 43 WHEN you meet Georgina Chang, please refrain from asking her (right) these questions simply because she’s been asked a million times already.It’sgettingquiteirritating. GIRL TALK: TENNIS Who’syour favourite player? It has and will always be Roger Federer, both on and off court. Yes, I’m a Fedophile, like millions
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    • Sports Wimbledon
      • Article, Illustration
        919 44 / 45 Knee injury puts paidtotopseed’s title defence AP IN A FARCICAL scene that threw another dollop of surrealism on five wacko tennis weeks in Europe, Rafael Nadal departed Wimbledon 2009 for good on Friday night, almost in the dark and almost alone. Outside the gates waited one enduring fan,
        AP; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  919 words
      • 782 44 / 45 Reuters SAY IT quietly but Venus Williams is just one year short of her 30th birthday, a genuine golden oldie in an era where the top women players routinely peak quickly before fading into an early retirement. The American, like her younger
        Reuters; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  782 words
    • Sports FIH Men's Junior World Cup
      • 510 46 / 47  -  ERNEST LUIS gets the verdict of the man from hockey’sworldruling body, FIH, who has been shuttling between Johor Baru and Singapore for the past two weeks duringtheMen’sJunior World Cup ERNEST LUIS IT’S PROBABLY a good sign that it took till the second week of
      • 866 46 / 47  -  ERNEST LUIS COMMENT THREE love affairs with hockey are allI’veever hadin my life. The first was a brief fling in primary school, when my class football team was forced to become a hockey team when no one volunteered. We reached the final
    • Sports Transfer Trail
      • 329 48 PA Sport ARSENAL have completed the signing of Belgium defender Thomas Vermaelen from Ajax Amsterdam. Vermaelen, 23, joined Ajax in 2004 and made over 100 appearances for the Dutch club, picking up valuable experience in the Champions League and the Uefa Cup
        PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  329 words
      • 189 48 PA Sport VALENCIAhaveslappeda“notforsale”signonstarstrikerDavid Villa following months of speculation that the Spain international was on his way out of the club. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United and Chelsea had all been linked with Villa as financially-troubled Valencia seemed poised to cash in on their prize
        PA Sport  -  189 words
      • 196 48 PA Sport ROMAN Pavlyuchenko’s agent has declared that he is looking for a new club for the Tottenham striker. The Russia international (left) has only shown glimpses of his best form since his move to White Hart Lane last August. With Jermain Defoe and Robbie
        PA Sport  -  196 words
      • 142 48 CRISTIANO Ronaldo is set to complete his £80 million ($193m) move from Manchester United to Real Madrid after the dispute surrounding his image rights has apparently been resolved. According to a report in The Daily Mail, the Portuguese star has finally agreed personal terms
        142 words
    • Sports Football
      • 416 49 Wire Services CHELSEA captain John Terry has criticised the severity of the punishments handed out to Didier Drogba and Jose Bosingwa for their ChampionsLeaguesemi-final tirades. The pair were banned by Uefa for, respectively, four and three European matches with extra games suspended this week
        Wire Services; PICTURE: AFP  -  416 words
      • 203 49 PA Sport JAMIE Carragher is hoping Liverpool’s financial troubles will not see a summer exodus at Anfield. Recent reports of monetary problems at the Merseyside club have fuelled speculation that a number of top stars could be sold over the coming weeks. The Reds have
        PA Sport; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  203 words
    • Sports Confederations Cup Betting
      • 677 50  -  BRIAN MILLER SO FAR it has been good. Punters wagering on the Confederations Cup have been lining up like clockwork to collect their winnings. And their good fortune should continue tomorrow morning when Egypt take on the United States. Indeed, in betting
        PICTURES: AP, XINHUA  -  677 words
    • 402 51 Buff on buoyant as world champions gear up for Brazil showdown CONFEDERATIONS CUP AP ITALY v BRAZIL STRUGGLINGItalymeetanupbeatBra-zilianteamtodayinadecisiveGroupBmatchthatcouldsendthelosershome fromtheConfederationsCup. Italyneedavictorybytwogoalstosecure a spot in the semi-finals without depending onthematchbetweentheUnitedStatesand Egypt, while a draw will be enough for the Brazilians. Italy are coming off a disappointing 1-0 losstoEgypt.Brazilappeartobehittingtheir strideafteraclassy3-0winovertheUS.
      AP; PICTURE: AFP  -  402 words
    • Sports EuroUnder-21 Championship
      • 716 52  -  Group A SWEDEN 1 (OlaToivonen 89) ITALY 2 (Balotelli 23, Acquafresca 53) GARY LIM ONE CHEEKY switch of direction was all it took to fool the entire defence. Then, without even looking up, Mario Balotelli sent a curler beyond the reach of the goalkeeper
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES  -  716 words
      • 190 52 Group A BELARUS0 SERBIA0 Wire Services IT WAS a result that threw Group A of the Euro Under-21 Championship wide open. Thanks to a gritty performance from Belarus in the draw against Serbia yesterday morning (Singapore time), all four teams in the group have a chance
        Wire Services  -  190 words
      • 591 53  -  TheNewPaper’s footballanalystsingles outforGARYLIMthe Italianplayerswho impressedhimintheir game against Sweden TOHARI PAIJAN FOOTBALL ANALYST THE TOWN of Helsingborg was gearing up for a big party. It was 19 June, Midsummer Eve, a day which the people in this part of the world regard as important as Christmas.
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  591 words
    • 425 54  -  ASIAN YOUTH GAMES NAVEEN KANAGALINGAM The writer is a newsroom intern. IT’SHITthe AsianYouth Games. A footballer with the Philippines team has been diagnosed with having Influenza A (H1N1). He arrived in Singapore last Thursday and developed Influenza A symptoms the next day in the
      425 words
    • Article, Illustration
      337 54  -  SHANNON REZEL The writer is a newsroom intern. AS NEWS filtered through that a Filipino footballer had come down with the H1N1 flu, a North Korean player was yesterday abruptly accompanied out of the pitch at Victoria Junior College. It is learnt that Kim Kwang Jw, a
      TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  337 words
      • Article, Illustration
        63 55 LIVE TELECASTS EURO UNDER-21 Tuesday: GERMANY v ENGLAND Ch 27,2.40am FINLAND v SPAIN Ch 22,2.40am Bojan Krkic (right) and his Spanish team-mates should triumph over Finland. Wednesday: BELARUS v ITALY Ch 27,2.40am SERBIA v SWEDEN Ch 22,2.40am J-LEAGUE Today: OITA TRINITA v KASHIMA ANTLERS Ch 27,3pm *Alltelecastliveunlessstatedotherwise. For latest,
        PICTURE: AFP  -  63 words
      • 25 55 US OPEN Tomorrow: FINAL ROUND Ch 23,1.30am TRAVELERSC’SHIP Friday: DAY 1 Ch 26,3.15am BMWINT’LOPEN Thursday: DAY 1 Ch26, 9.45pm Friday: DAY 2 Ch26, 9.45pam
        25 words
      • 16 55 WIMBLEDON LAWN TENNISC’SHIP Tomorrow Tuesday: 1ST ROUND Ch 24,7pm Wednesday Thursday: 2ND ROUND Ch 24,7pm
        16 words
      • 19 55 BRITISH GRAND PRIX Tonight: PREVIEW Ch 24, 7pm MAIN RACE Ch 24, 7.45pm CHEQUERED FLAG Ch 24, 9.45pm
        19 words
      • 598 55 LOCAL EVENTS ASIAN YOUTH GAMES (FOOTBALL PRELIMS) TODAY’SGAMES: Group A Taiwan v Iran (5pm, Meridian JC) Group B Myanmarv South Korea (3pm, Temasek Poly) Pakistan v China (5pm, Temasek Poly) Group C Malaysia v North Korea (5pm, Victoria JC) Group D Hong Kong v Saudi Arabia (5pm, Jurong
        598 words
    • Article, Illustration
      687 56 Tevez leaves Old Trafford; City and Chelsea keen on him PA Sport MANCHESTER City and Chelsea are leading the race for Carlos Tevez after he opted against signing a lucrative new deal at Manchester United because he “wasn’t the most wanted person” at Old Trafford,accordingtohisadvisorKiaJoorabchian. United chief executive
      PA Sport; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  687 words

  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 30 39 Saturday,20 Jun2009 First Second Third 5802 4284 4784 Starters 4115 4354 0331 4300 3310 8870 0743 9749 7702 6484 Consolation 5418 3112 2214 7934 9389 3320 4672 1666 6693 6726
      30 words

  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 39 49 ■"^sSgaw^j* \W 3B*" front of 55,000 Liverpool fans. The winner will also be presented with an V W V^tVr KM1SSS+-™ F C 5> Singapore *&*> So.what Pv ETC yourvery I*c Put briyour creativity hat and create 1 -^m Ij/i flw
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    • 72 51 /a "mK I '0*- >. h. rv jSCCR? uk m RINKLES WITH TAHT BOOST )K YOUR BEST Q10 AGE REPAIR MOISTURE GEL Q10 Matrix M-Panthenol energise skin instantly Deep wrinkles appear less visible Firms sagging skin HIVE A FOR MEN t HIVE A FOR ANTI-AGING 10 MOISTURE GEL AGG RfcPA
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    • 31 56 WIMBLEDON SHOCK: World No. 1 and defending champ Rafael Nadal pulls out because of knee injury Page 44 HEROANDVILLAIN: SuperMarioscores,thenissentoffinItaly-SwedenEuroUnder-21matchPage52 ASIAN YOUTH GAMES AT TRAINING ON FRIDAY MASKED YESTERDAY WHY? Seepage54
      31 words