The New Paper, 17 May 2009

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1 10/11 The New Paper
  • 17 1 The New Paper on sunday The New Paper on 17 May 09 80 CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • News
    • 962 2 / 3  -  whogaveherAids,butdivorceshimlaterbecause... Ex-beautyqueen‘burnt’bylove REPORT: NG WAN CHING THEcallfromtheUnitedStateswasforher then-boyfriend and carried a bombshell. The caller, her boyfriend’s former girlfriend, told her that she had tested positive fortheAidsvirusHIVandneededmoney. That was in 1996. Madam Sharifah, now 52, never told her boyfriend about the call, anditdidn’toccurtoherthatifthegirlfriend
      PICTURE: AFP  -  962 words
    • 113 2 / 3 ACTION for Aids will hold the Singapore Aids Candlelight Memorial 2009 at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Conference Hall at Singapore Management University from 7pm to 8.30pm this evening. It will be held in conjunction with the 26th International Aids Candlelight Memorial in over
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    • 412 4 / 5  -  Audrey Tan Ruiping –AudreyTanRuiping,newsroomintern WHENIwan Yuliyanto’s lecturers at Singapore Polytechnic (SP) see him sleeping in class, they try not to wake him. Because they know that unlike other students who doze off because of nights spent partying, he has a good reason. Iwan,
      TNP PICTURES:NG XI JIE  -  412 words
    • 562 4 / 5  -  One had muscular dystrophy, one worked two jobs, one was expelled–thesepolystudentsovercametheoddstograduate REPORT: VEENA BHARWANI HEHASadegenerativediseasethatdoc-tors said would not let him live past theageof17. Weighing only 30kg, he cannot dress, batheorfeedhimself,andneedsamachineto helphimbreathe. But Kevin Lee, now 20, is a determined youngman. Notonly will
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    • 550 4 / 5  -  Audrey Tan Ruiping newsroom intern HOW do you prove that you are not a lost cause after being expelled from a polytechnic for flunking your exams? InMr VeenotthN Balakrishnan’s case, he waited four years before rejoining the school, and fought tooth
      TNP PICTURE: AUDREY TAN  -  550 words
    • 919 6 / 7  -  After7years,FannWongisfinallyMrsLee REPORT: CHARLENE CHUA THEgroomworejeansasfuss-freeashisbride’sponytail.Andwhenitwastimetoexchangewed-ding rings, Christopher Lee, 38, looked shyly tothecrowdforhelp. Thedown-to-earthactorwasmomentari-ly stumped over whether he should slip the platinum band on Fann Wong’s left or right ringfinger. Hewentfortherighthand,thenhesitated andtriedtoputtheringonthelefthand. Stillunsure,helookedupandasked:“Left orrightah?” Fann,also38,slappedhimplayfully,causingthecrowdtobreakoutintolaughter. “Christopher and I aren’t the type of people to
    • 638 8  -  SuperstarJackieChanclearstheairon hisprevious“insensitiveremarks” REPORT: TAN KEE YUN DO YOU really feel Singaporeans lack social graces and self-respect? This was the question on every journalist’s mind yesterday afternoon when Jackie Chan greeted the local media in a mock boxing ring. The high-adrenaline setting was apt, for
      TNP PICTURES: JONATHAN CHOO  -  638 words
    • 659 10  -  Ex-monkclaimstattoosof emblemsofferprotection; othermonkssaypracticeis against Buddhist teachings REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN EARLIER this week, project administrator Annie Tangotherselfanewtattoo–herninth. But it’s not the love for body art that makes Mrs Tan, 38, do it. She gets inked to ward off evil spirits. Mrs Tan is
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  659 words
    • 291 11 Science fiction becomes reality as Indian inventor unveils virtual way of dealing with data REMEMBER that scene in Minority Report when Tom Cruise interacted with a computer with a pair of remote-sens-ing gloves and a virtual wall of data? That scene could soon be
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    • 150 11 Want to make a phone call? Beam the keypad on to your palm and press away. Toss the camera. Snap scenic shots simply by making a frame with your fingers. Lost? Beam a street directory on to a nearby wall. Zoom in and out by
    • 718 12  -  Mysterious feel-good post-it notemessages capturepublic’s imagination REPORT: ELYSA CHEN YOU may have seen them around. Little yellow post-it notes stuck on a pole at the Lucky Plaza taxi stand, or on a pillar at a food court in Marine Parade, or even in
      718 words
    • 674 13 AsCongressPartyisslated towinpolls,Gandhiscion mayunseatincumbent THE results are out and India’s ruling Congress Party has won. According to BBC News, the trends reported by Indian state TV showed the ruling Congress-led coalition leads in about 250 parliamentary seats, the opposition Baratiya Janata Party (BJP) in
      PICTURES: AP, REUTERS, AFP  -  674 words
    • 532 14 US drug dealer ordered2005kidnap and murder of brother of man who owed him money THEvictim’s brotherowedhim money. In order to force him to pay up, drug dealer Jesse James Hollywood ordered his accomplices to kidnap the debtor’s 15-year-old brother, Nicholas Markowitz. Then he ordered his
      PICTURE: AP  -  532 words
    • 334 14 Hong Kong hotel employee duped by loan sharks in online scam HE thought he was getting a good deal from an on-line friend. But the hotel employee in his 20s ended up getting duped in an online scam instead, Oriental Daily reported. The
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  334 words
    • 276 15 AP TWO bottles of acid were thrown into a crowd in a popular shopping district in downtown Hong Kong yesterday, injuring 30 people, police and news reports said. It was the second such attack in five months in the neighbourhood. Television footage showed firefighters
      AP; PICTURES: APPLE DAILY  -  276 words
    • 412 16 MR BARACK Obama made history by becoming the first black US president. Now his wife has afirstofher own too. She has become the first US president’s wife to make it to the top 100 in Maxim magazine. Mrs Obama made it
      PICTURES: AP, AFP  -  412 words
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  • News The New Paper Auction
    • 354 9  -  CollectingenoughTNP$ mustbeateameffort Han Yongming –HanYongming,newsroomintern WITHOUThisfamily’shelp,MrAlfredAaronAnandarajoo would nothave been able to rock out with his sleek newhometheatresystem. Andit’snot just him.At the prizeceremonyforthefirstroundofTheNewPaper(TNP) AuctionatAudioHouseyesterday,manywinners agreed that they couldn’t have won in the competition if they had collected TNP$ alone. Mr Anandarajoo, 29, a customer
      TNP PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  354 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 143 9 AUCTION SERIES 2 (From 11 May 24 May) The New Paper Cut collect TNP$ from page 1 of The New Paper, and bid for what you want shown here. Five pairs of tickets for each package to be won. Visit for more information Min. Bid: TNP$2,000 Star Cruises 2N
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 203 15 sp Don't miss WW aKtTn m New Paper every Thursday! V HP > TERMSN ATC3 SAUVAT! O M IN CINEMAS 28 MAY 7 a <• Bating to be advised Terminator Salvation Set in post-"pocalyptic 2018, 'Terminator Salvation' sees John Connor (Christian Bale) as the mandated to lead the human resistance
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    • 291 16 Subscribe to The New Paper daily and you're sure to win one of these fabulous prizes and more! 1 chance for 6-month subscription and 2 chances for 12-month subscription CATEGORY 1 HOLIDAYS V Pair of 4D/3N Bali Trip (Incl. Air Tickets) Pair of 4D/3N Phuket Trip (Incl. Air Tickets) 2D/IN
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  • News Snapshot
    • 307 17 RESPONSE TO H1N1 VIRUS OUTBREAK SINGAPORE is vulnerable to transnational diseases because we’re so highly connected to the rest of the world. This is even though our country maintains good hygiene and healthcare standards, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the
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    • Article, Illustration
      47 17 DON’TDRAGUSDOWN:ThecityofPerrisinCaliforniahassetup a US$2 million ($2.95 million) fund to hire a firm to dye the dead lawns of foreclosed homes green. The firm uses an environmentally-friendly dye. When repossessed homes show signs of neglect, property prices plummet for both the foreclosed houses and surrounding properties. PICTURE:AFP
      PICTURE:AFP  -  47 words
    • 110 17 Malaysia confirmed its second case of H1N1 flu yesterday, just a day after announcing its first. The health ministry’s deputy director general Ramlee Rahmat said that she is a student who was on the same flight as the first case and is
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    • 87 17 US President Barack Obama urged Congress to pass comprehensive health care reform by the end of the year. This was necessary for the country to maintain its competitive edge as businesses will otherwise be unable to compete, families will not be able to save
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    • 115 17 Troubled General Motors said that it will seek to eliminate nearly 40 per cent of its US dealers more than 2,300 sales outlets by the end of next year. The company, which is strug- gling to come up with a viability plan
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    • 103 17 A pink wave coloured the greenery at Hong Lim Park when nearly 500 people turned up to participate in Singapore’s first ever outdoor gay event yesterday. Pink Dot Sg, a gay interest group which organised the event, was lobbying for a “more inclusive Singapore”
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • News Exchange
    • 482 18 / 19  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: TAN MAE LYNN MOREactionlesstalk,please.It’s time to focus on achieving more Olympic medals, not trade barbs over what happened inthepast. Oh come on, it’s been nine months since former national table tennis head coach Liu Guodong (right)
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    • 180 18 / 19 Werate the past week’snews goodandbad. +10 The Health Ministry lowered the the flu pandemic alert level from orange to yellow. But temperature screening will still be carried out at all checkpoints, as will the screening of sick travellers. -10 An annual survey found that 74 per cent
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    • 107 18 / 19 1 Fightdiseases A studyreleased earlierthis week byCanada’s McGill Universityfound thatthe female hormoneoestrogen gives women’simmune systemsan edgein fightingoff infection. 2 Handle financialstress A studyby UK mental health charityMind releasedlast week showedthat men aremore likely tosuffer depressionbecauseof thedownturn. This isdue their traditionalgenderrole asthe breadwinner. 3
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    • 39 18 / 19 “Midnight? Midnight whattime?” anurse’sresponse to a mother, who said that her child last took his medicine at midnight. “Doesthismean flightswon’t have discounts any more?” awomanpondering the knock-on effects of the H1N1 flu alert being lowered.
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  • enjoy
    • Article, Illustration
      486 20 / 21  -  Star Trek or Star Wars: Which has the more hardcore followers? REPORT: HO LIAN-YI CALLittheGeekWars.StarTrekandStarWarsarearetheundis-putedheavyweightsofthesci-fispacegen-re, and their fans are famous for their devotion andfanaticism. Popularculture,likeintherecentmovieFanboys, depicts Trekkies and Star Wars fans as costume-wearingrivalsintentonprovingTHEIR starshipsarethebest. In the movie, Star Wars fans are shown to revel in insulting Trekkies,
      PICTURE: VERA HANDAYANI  -  486 words
    • 273 20 / 21 BEING a Trekkie is a family tradition for Mr Ariffin Md Mazlan (above), 25, a police officer. It was in 2002 when he first caught Star Trek: Voyager on TV. Curious, he asked his grandfather and was regaled by tales of the exploits
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  273 words
    • 388 20 / 21 MR SHAWN Chak (above), 34, a teacher, came face to face with George Lucas while wearing a Stormtrooper costume. It was his wife who gave him his first action figure. “Thatwasthebiggestmistakeshemade,”laughed Mr Chak, whose love with Star Wars began in 1983, when his dad took
      TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  388 words
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • aspire
        • 481 22  -  ...andnottoberememberedas‘the blackblob’atfashionshows REPORT: DOLORES TAY FASHION events are always a great source of entertainment. Andwe’re notjust talking about the sartorial showcase on the catwalk. While fashion shows remain relatively elitist to the general masses, the gap between the fashion insiders and the outsiders
          PICTURE: AUDI FASHION FESTIVAL  -  481 words
        • 142 22  -  David Ho –DavidHo,newsroomintern WITH the smoking ban extended tomoreplaces, you’llneed something handy to dispose of yourcigarettes, ifyou’re not already trying to quit the smoking habit. You’llwant theC-STUB pocket ashtray from 7-Eleven. Available in four designs, these are commonly used in Japan, Korea and Europe. Just put the lit
          142 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 399 23  -  Hedy Khoo WHY settle for fish and chips when you can have salmon with cream sauce? Don’t splurge your calorie count on nothing save the best. On some days, a girl simply cannot be satisfied with ordinary ham or worse, luncheon meat. Certain
    • Enjov Fly on the Wall
      • 532 24/25  - Blown away by fashion irreverence Audi Fashion Festival sealsitwithcouture shows fashionistas REPORT: SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO THE paying public and invited guests expect to be blown away in the event of an event. And they were, quite literally, at the Private Lives show the night before the closing of
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 605 26  -  It’snot noble,buttheloveofa StarTrek fanispure HO LIAN-YI MIDDLE CRASS I AM a failure of a geek. When I was younger, I loved the idea of role playing, which falls somewhere between anime cosplaying and Klingon worship, in the spectrum of geekery.
        FILE PICTURE: THE STRAITS TIMES  -  605 words
      • 106 26 This side up, dumbo FEW, if any, pizza boxes in the world carry instruction on how they should be opened. But one Welsh man is calling for instruction labels, the British press reported. The man called a food company’shotlineto complain that he was sold
        106 words
      • 95 26 Reuters A Taiwanese man became a sitting target for a snake, which bit his penis as he sat on the toilet at his rural home. “Assoonas hesatdown, he suddenly felt a knife-like pain and reactedinstinctivelyby standingup,” theChina Times said.“When he lookeddown,he sawthe big snake.” The 51-year-old man,
        Reuters  -  95 words
      • 365 26  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR DID you see the pictures in last Tuesday’s The New Paper of the Johor Bahru house in Kampung Tawakal, where escaped terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari was arrested? It was like the tidiest terrorist
        365 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 557 28  -  SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES USE sports as an outlet for angry teens to ventilate. The suggestion came from a senior counsellor attached to Tanjong Pagar FSC. Mr Charles Lee was responding to The NewPaper’s querieson whygood boys suddenly turn bad at around age
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      • 392 28  -  DAVID TIAN As you may have noticed, I try to use this space to present new and maybe even radical perspectives on dating. And I like to expose the shortcomings of traditional dating customs. After all, what’s the point of writing yet
        392 words
      • 177 28 I’velearnedalotfromthe articles on your site and from your Dating 101 audio course. But I am still too nervous to approachwomenI’dliketo meet.I’mafraidtheywon’tlike me and will reject me. What can I do? Sincerely, Thomas Dear Thomas, It’sgreat thatyou’velearned alot from reading and listening to theoretical teachings on male-female attraction.
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    • Enjoy Social
      • Article, Illustration
        108 30 THISweek,we’reshowcasingyourfavouritesnapshots of you and your newborn baby. But for two weeks starting 31 May, we want to show off your best party photos. It can be a birthday bash, or just a gathering of friends. So start sending your snaps to Mummy Jerlene newborn Chloe 4 days old!! Baby
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  • Page 20 / 21 Advertisements
  • Page 20 / 21 Miscellaneous
    • 82 20 / 21 1 Z. ft V H E 1 MOVIE IN SINGAPORE! "Totally worth watching!" "Definitely a must watch movie of the -MohamedHafizuddin, 19, studem year asjde from Transformers 2!" Yutaki James, 21, Student 'I enjoyed every second of it!" Cheryl Thian, 17, Student "Great plot with endless action, i I was
      82 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 59 23 i i>y\ 0 Cor /way shGive oatty be c \\m\te 1-2-1 UVGchat I900-9I2-970CL, *T&C apply. Winners notified via SMS. First 10min $1.99: For Credit DEBIT Card payment, Call 6767-6969 (Only apply to Voice Chat) Callers must be 18 years old above. Be wise when meeting strangers from this service. Helpline:
      59 words

  • Page 24/25 Advertisements
    • 80 24/25 bert otU excitement. e re o' V J .<• < "N > Chat Party TOllSiEO Live in 50cents/ TTftn r 90 cents/ min fRff CkAfreCt/^ ilHt nova 7k a /a .com:sg 'Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above. A
      80 words

  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 401 27 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN Thereare fivehouses with differentcolours in a row.Each occupantplays adifferent sport,keeps adifferentpet andspeaks adifferentlanguage. 1. The hockeyplayer speaks Spanish. 2. Franciskeepsa poodle. 3. Frenchspeakerlives leftof Koreanspeaker. Howtoplay 1.Findthecluesthat indicateafixedHouse (egGeorgelivesinfirst house)andotherrelated clues(egbluehousenext toGeorge’s).Fillthetable withtheclues. 2.Findothercluesthat canbeplacedintable. Youmayhavetofigure outafewrelatedclues together. 3.Onceyou’veworked outallthecluesandput theminthetable,you’ll beabletoanswerthe question. Answers/PAGE29 4.
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 235 29 WATCH’EM PICTURE:SONY VantagePoint (above) HBO(StarHubCh60), 9pm Eightstrangerswith eight differentpoints ofviewtry tounlock the truthbehind an assassination attempt onthe US president.Starring DennisQuaid,Matthew Fox. CHANNEL5 Noon FootballAsiaShow 2009 12.30pm Footballer’sLives 1.00 Movie:FunkyMonkey 3.00 Beautyand theGeek IV: 4.00 TheAmazing Race XIV 5.00 AmericanIdol VIII 6.00 AreYouSmarter Than A 5thGrader? 7.00 TheSimpsons 7.30 Movie:Monsters Inc
      235 words
    • 46 29 KAKURO TIMOTHY PARKER BRAINWORKOUTANSWER Question:Whokeepsaschnauzer? Answer:Bobby HOUSE 1 HOUSE 2 HOUSE 3 HOUSE 4 HOUSE 5 Colour yellow brown green grey purple Person George Daniel Bobby Henry Francis Sport rugby hockey soccer golf tennis Pet dalmatian pekingese schnauzer spaniel poodle Language Japanese Spanish Italian French Korean
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  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 397 31 THEY call boxing the sweet science. I call it theatre. Two warriors going head to head in a contest where there can only be one winner. Some fights, Ali vs Foreman or Tyson vs Holyfield, demand attention and the world will
        TNP PICTURE: FRANCIS LEE  -  397 words
      • 584 31  -  Australia’sPompeii Ruler (above) can stop England’sPresvis REPORTS: LARRY FOLEY THE Singapore Airlines International Cup in Race 9 at Kranji tonight will be a cracker. The Group 1 line-up, which has attracted runners from South Africa, Great Britain, Australia, United Arab Emirates, France, Japan and Singapore, has depth
        TNP PICTURE: KUA CHEE SIONG  -  584 words
      • 408 32/33  -  DANNY KHOO FORMER Melbourne-based Vlad Duric dished out a five-star performance when he rode his first four-timer at Kranji yesterday. After completing two previous trebles in the relatively short time he has been here he made his local debut only on 3 Apr his feat
        TNP PICTURES: KUA CHE SIONG  -  408 words
      • 1105 32/33 GOING: GOOD Race1 MacauJockeyClubTrophy C5(LC)1400m 1 CROWNHORSE57.5(31-13) VDuric (9) 9 6 1 (447) 9 INCREDIBLEHULK54.5(44-14) JMoreira (7) 6 7 2 (449) 1.75 3 RIGHTCLICK57.5c54.5(52-16) SHLow* (3) 3 3 3 (493) 1 7 ELEVENTHAVENUE55(72-19) ELegrix (5) 1 1 4 (474) Hd 6 STILLETO56(98-26) RStewart (12)
        1,105 words
      • 722 32/33 RACE 1 (Canterbury) 1st 3 Togni ($11 -$5) 2nd 6 Prince Braeman ($15) 3rd 4 Our Magic ($15) 4th 8 Delcatraz. EOB $18. Forecast $26. Place forecast $3 (3-4), $8 (3-6), $7 (4-6). Tierce $96. Trio $19. Quartet $1076. RACE 2 (Flemington) 1st 8 Run For
        722 words
      • 1324 34 TODAY’S SINGAPORE (SHORT LONG COURSE A) RACE CARD GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 RM 3.30 -1200m(LC) TabcorpHoldingsLimitedTrophy Stakes:$65,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 4323 VivaPanata 57 (53) MEwe*c2 9 (3agDesmondKoh-Hydrocarbon) 2 2--070 GrandArmy 57 (49) RFradd 4 (3nzgSBurridge-GrandArmy) 3 7735 GoodGoodLuck 57 (45) BWoodworth 13 (3agSNigishi-BLLing) 4
        1,324 words
      • 362 35 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE 10 RACE 9 RACE 8 RACE 7 RACE 6 RACE 5 RACE 4 RACE 3 RACE 2 RACE 1 Bionic Boy Rocket Man Newfoundluck Ace Aviva Viva Panata Kotipelto Scorsese Mooring 6 13 11 4 4 1 13
        362 words
      • 1903 35 RACE 1 (1,200m) 1 Viva Panata???Big effort when doing it tough last start and will go close. 2 Grand Army???Look for a big run here with winkers added and a return to his good early form would not surprise. 3 Good Good Luck??Can
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      • 75 35 GIVE your vote of confidence to this promising New Zea-land-bred three-year-old by Keeper. He made an impressive winning debut over the 1,200m last February and was not disgraced when he went down to Bionic Boy over a similar trip at his next
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      • 779 36  -  TipsbyPHILLIP PHILLIP WOO WOO,courtesy ofTheHong Kong JockeyClub RACE 1 (1,000m) Dashing Victory (No. 2) faded late for fourth at his latest start over 1,200m but had figured second in two earlier runs and must be considered. Penglai Xianzi (9) had disappointed at his past couple
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    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 483 37 SINGAPORE’S Lam Chih Bing put himself in contention at the GS Caltex Maekyung Open by grinding out an even-par 72 under rainy conditions in the third round yesterday. The Republic’s top golfer trailed the leading trio of Bae Sang Moon, Kim Dae Hyun and Ted Oh
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      • 327 37 AMERICAN Brittany Lincicome fired a three-under 69 to vault into the lead after the second round of the LPGA Sybase Classic on Friday. Lincicome (right) moved to an 11-un- der 133 total for a two-stroke lead over Norway’s Suzann Pettersen and Oh Ji Young of
        327 words
      • 316 37 PAUL Goydos seized a three-shot lead after shooting a five-under-par 65 in the second round of the Valero Texas Open on Friday. Goydos (right), who opened with a superb sev-en-under 63 on Thursday, moved to a 12-under 128 total for a three-stroke lead over a pack
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    • Sports Girl Power
      • 920 38/39  -  This week, in our series on women who push the frontiers of sport, readaboutwhatittakestobeaprofessionalwomangolferinSingapore JOYCE LIM WHEN Liu Xiao Yan is not “working”, she likes to spend her time on her powerboat, sailing to the neighbouring islands. If the weather prohibits her from sailing,
      • 142 38/39 LAGT Thailand Ladies Open (18 to 20 Feb) Entry fee: US$80 ($117) Travel expenses including air-fare: $500 (Complimentary accommodation and transportation provided by organiser) Earned: Between US$100 and US$150 ($147 and $220) for playing in the Pro-Am series. LAGTDLF Women’s Indian Open (25 to 27 Feb)
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    • Sports EPL
      • 1039 40 CALL it sour grapes if you like. Manchester United clinched their third straight Premiership and 18th overall league title when they got the point they needed in a 0-0 draw with Arsenal last night. Their latest triumph put them on par with arch-rivals Liverpool,
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  1,039 words
      • 399 42  -  BY DAVE BUCKLEY Special Correspondent RAIGFAGANscoredavital equaliser as Hull kept their hopes of beating relegation alive with a battling draw. Fagan cancelled out a crisp strike from Gretar Steinsson to earn his side a point from a crucial Premier League encounter at the Reebok
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      • 282 42 ROUND-UP PA Sport LOUIS SAHA scored twice as Everton came from behind to defeat 10-man West Ham at Goodison Park. The former Manchester United striker equalised from the penalty spot after Tim Cahill had been tripped by James Tomkins, which resulted in the defender being
        PA Sport  -  282 words
      • 603 43  -  BY DAMIAN SPELLMAN Special Correspondent M ARKVIDUKAwas deniedacrucial equaliserasNewcastle slippedbackintorelegation trouble. TheAustraliansawa50thminuteheaderchalkedofffora foulonkeeperMarkSchwarzer byKevinNolan,afterDiomansy KamarahadgivenFulhama first-halflead. ObafemiMartins,whohad earlierhitapost,forcedasuperb 78th-minutesavefrom Schwarzer,whothenkeptout NickyButt’sinjury-timeeffort,to leavetheMagpies,whohad SebastienBassongdismissedon thehour,facingalife-or-death triptoAstonVillanextSunday, whenevenvictorymightnotbe enough. AndNewcastle’stemporary boss,AlanShearer,gavethe biggesthintyetthathemightstay onintherolebeyondtheendof thisseason. Askedifheismissinghisrole onEnglishtelevision,hesaid: “No,I’mnotmissingitatall. “Iamthoroughlyenjoyingthis. Ihavesaideveryweekthat, despitenotwinning,Ihave enjoyedit. “Butyouenjoyitahellofalot morewhentheresultsgoyour way.Ihavenothadanyfreetime at
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      • 225 43  -  BY MARTYN ZIEGLER Special Correspondent PA Sport MIDDLESBROUGH’Ssurvival hopes suffered a critical blow afterGarethSouthgate’sside failed to beat Aston Villa at the Riverside. Tuncay Sanli had given Boro hope with a spectacular overhead kick,butJohnCarew’sequaliser destroyedthehomeside’svictory hopes. Middlesbrough could not afford to go
        PA Sport  -  225 words
      • 618 44  -  TOTTENHAM 2 (Defoe 29, Keane pen-86) MAN CITY 1 (Valeri Bojinov 65) LIM HAN MING COMMENT YOU HAVE to give it to Mark Hughes for his optimism. The Manchester City manager saidbefore lastnight’s match against Tottenham Hotspur that he believes the two
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  618 words
      • 160 44  -  –LIMHANMING DEADLY STRIKER HE SPENTmostofhis short ManchesterCity career onthe sidelines than onthe pitch. The injury-proneValeri Bojinovmadeup for losttime when hecame on for Martin Petrov inthe 61stminute and scored theequaliser fourminutes later. Ifhe canstayclear ofinjuries, theBulgarian striker could makean impactin the Premiership. Afterall, he’sonly 23. PUNTER’S RANT THERESULT correctlyreflected
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      • 600 45  -  ALISON RATCLIFFE DWIGHTYorkethinksCristianoRon-aldo “didn’t oughta have done that”. He thinks “Fergie’s gonna come lookin’ for him”, thinks “he’s gonna stroll right on in to the United dressing room, twirling them there pearl-handled pistols, give him an hour to get his sorry ass
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  600 words
      • 894 46/47  -  GARY LIM The writer is a Liverpool fan. COMMENT IN THE end, there was no spectacular finish to mark the end of the title race. Manchester United had every inch and every move measured to ensure that Arsenal would not spoil their party. The
        PICTURE: AFP  -  894 words
      • 449 46/47 AFP AUG 08: Manchester United start their title defence with a flat display in the 1 -1 home draw with Newcastle, setting the tone for the first two months of the campaign. Chelsea justify their statusas bookmakers’favouritesto reclaim the title by setting the early pace.
        AFP  -  449 words
      • 85 48 MANCHESTER UNITED (1986-present) Premier League (11): 1993,1994,1996,1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009 FA Cup (5): 1990,1994,1996,1999, 2004 League Cup (3): 1992,2006,2009 Champions League (2): 1999,2008 EuropeanCup Winners’ Cup:1991 Uefa Super Cup: 1992 Inter-Continental Cup/Fifa World Club Cup: 1999,2008 ABERDEEN (1978-1986) Scottish Championship (3):
        PICTURES: AFP, GETTY IMAGES  -  85 words
      • 74 48 “Mygreatestchallengeis not what’shappening atthemoment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their perch. Andyou can print that.” AlexFerguson’sinfamous and sarcasticanswerto former LiverpooldefenderAlan Hansen’squestions in aninterview with theGuardian in2002 of reachingLiverpool’s markof 18league titles “Itwas thelongest 90 minutes in history.” AfterManchesterUnited drew0-0 lastnight with Arsenaltowin their 18thtitle. “Isthe
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      • 484 48 PA Sport SIR ALEX Ferguson already has his sights on reclaiming the English Premier League crown next year after Manchester United sealed a hat-trick of titles thanks to a work-man-like goalless draw at home to great rivals Arsenal. Cristiano Ronaldo came closest to winning the
        PA Sport  -  484 words
      • 531 49 ShannonRezelspeaks to football analyst TohariPaijanabout Arsenal’sperformance COULD ARSENAL HAVE WON THIS GAME? I DON’T think they could have taken the game. Yes, they had more possession (61 per cent to United’s 39 per cent), but Arsenal didn’treallycreatemanyclear-cutchances. Their only real chance was in the
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES, AP  -  531 words
      • 598 50  -  MANUNITED0 ARSENAL0 IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI COMMENT SIR ALEX Ferguson stepped lightly across the slick Old Trafford turf, turning slowly and taking in the view as if it was his first ever visit to the stadium. With eyes full of awe and a
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  598 words
      • 291 50 EXPLOSIVE HOW does Cristiano Ronaldo get so much power on those free-kicks? If his late effort had hit the post, it wouldhaverippedthegoaloutofthegroundandsent itspinningintothestands.Fortunatelyforeveryonein attendence,itsmashedintotheadvertisinghoardings instead.Ibetitleftadent. BRAINS OF THE OPERATION AT the end of another week of hysterical criticism, Arsene Wenger showed why almost any other footballclubwouldbedelightedtowelcomehimaboard. Arsenalwerecomfortablythebetterteam,passedthe ball
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    • Sports EPL Betting
      • 880 41 GUUS Hiddink won’t shed any tears when he walks away from Stamford Bridge for the last time after tonight’s match against Blackburn because the Chelsea interim boss can reflect on a job well done. Hiddink takes charge of his last home match tonight before
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  880 words
      • Article, Illustration
        125 51 LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tonight: WEST BROMv LIVERPOOL Ch 27,8.30pm West Brom must find a way to stop the lethal partnership of Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres (far right). CHELSEA v BLACKBURN Ch 27,11pm Tuesday: PORTSMOUTH v SUNDERLAND Ch 27,2.55am SCOTTISH LEAGUE Tonight: HIBERNIAN v CELTIC Ch 115 (Goal TV1),
        PICTURE: AFP  -  125 words
      • 19 51 THE 3 IRISH OPEN Today: Day 4 Ch 26,8.15pm VALERO TEXAS OPEN Tomorrow: DAY 4 Ch 26, 3am
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      • 7 51 MADRID OPEN Today: FINAL Ch22, 10pm
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      • 7 51 SUDIRMAN CUP Tonight: FINAL Ch 21,7pm
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      • 455 51 LOCAL EVENTS PAINTBALL What: Singapore Paintball Novice Series (second leg) When: Today, 8am to 5pm Where: Pasir Ris Park SINGAPORE’Sonly paintball tournament will be held in public for the first time. A total of 13 teams, including Team Red West, the winners of the first leg, have signed up
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 52 “Thatwasthetargetbecausetheywerethe greatest side in the land. But I never thought we couldget11titles–neverinamillionyears.” –SirAlexFerguson(left),whosaidthatequallingLiverpool’srecordof18leaguewins was his target when he took over as United manager in 1986.
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  • Page 32/33 Miscellaneous
    • 30 32/33 Saturday,16 May2009 First Second Third 8634 9411 3227 Starters 4532 4271 3681 3747 0090 1808 5420 7346 1235 1564 Consolation 1261 8622 7619 2064 5763 3604 0611 1388 1631 4464
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  • Page 51 Advertisements

  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 27 52 GIRL POWER: S’pore’sonlywomanproownsboatandcarbutlife’sbeentoughasagolfer.Page38 RAFABENITEZ: WinningtheleaguedoesnotmakeManUnitedbetterthanLiverpoolthisseason.Page40 IAIN MACINTOSH: Great job, you were fantastic Fergie: PAGE 50 TOHARIPAIJAN: Arsenal dominated, but were never going to score: PAG E 49
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    • 254 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL CUP FAST FACTS KrisFlyer International Sprint Singapore Airlines International Cup WHERE WHEN Singapore Racecourse at Kranji 1st race starts 3.30pm KrisFlyer International Sprint starts 7.50pm Singapore Airlines International Cup starts 8.40pm ADMISSION $3 for Lower Grandstand (non-aircon) $7 for Upper Grandstand (aircon) The inaugural race in 2000
      254 words
    • Singapore International Racing Festival
      • 356 2 WHILE there may be quicker and more comfortable ways of getting to the Singapore Racecourse, there is no doubt the build up to the Singapore Airlines International Cup and KrisFlyer International Sprint today hadacertain “walking”flavour. In a novel promotion to get the now iconic
        356 words
      • 550 3 TODAY is all about two international races. And rightly so, as the best equine athletes from around the world put on a show that will see racing at its finest and history in the making. Millions will be won, tales will be told and, after the
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      • 681 4 / 5 TheNewPaper’sLarryFoleyassessesthe12SingaporeAirlinesInternationalCupcontenders... 1 JAY PEG (South Africa) Record: 21 starts 10 wins 4 seconds 1 third Jockey: Anton Marcus Trainer: Herman Brown Owners: M Shirtliff, E Braun, P Loomes S Marcus Reunites with Anton Marcus for the first time since his win last year and a follow-up
        681 words
      • 946 6 / 7 WHENtherollofhonour ofa race– barely outof itsinfancy– includes winners from South Africa, Japan, Australia, Germany, United Arab Emirates, England and Singapore, you know you have an international event of the highest order. The race is the Singapore Airlines International Cup the$3 millionshowpiece of Singaporeracing and it has
        946 words
      • 565 8 EXCUSE the early pun, but get ready to fasten your seat belts for the 2009 running of the KrisFlyer International Sprint. Thisevening’s$1 milliondash over 1,200m is shaping up to be one of the best andbiggest racesever staged atKranji a race that has enthusiasts from around the
        565 words
      • 548 9 IT’Saonce-a-year eventandthat means one thing. The once-a-year punters will be out in force. And while that means loads of fun in the marquees or at one of the many soiréestakingplacetoday, it’sa nightmare for The New Paper tipsters. You see, we spend hours and hours scouringtheform or
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      • 1159 10/11 Higher stakes, incentives for owners and trainers, advent of Horse Racing Channel, Polytrack racing and the construction of more stables are some of the recent milestones achieved by the Singapore Turf Club since it relocated to Kranji in 1999 THEterm “world class”is oftenused to describe the Singapore Racecourse,
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