The New Paper, 19 April 2009

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1 56 The New Paper
  • 21 1 The New Paper on sunday 19 Apr 09 A SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS 3|dJ I PUBLICATION 80 CENTS CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 From grisly MURDER MANSION to grand Little Huang Na’s death moved S’pore. Today, her ex-veggie-seller mum lives in luxury with money from... 6 PICTURE: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS ARE OUR YOUNG BECOMING Spoilt sick? A third of S’pore scholars polled are unhappy. Ingrates or mismanaged? 14 Ms Show-off loves flaunting
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 34 2/3 People shaken out of complacency /NEXT PAGE Too much shrieking, too little explaining /PAGE 22 Hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838
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  • News
    • News Fight Over Aware Leadership
      • 628 2/3  -  Inthebitterfightbetweenthetwo factionsofAware’swomen,onegroup has so far remained on the sidelines: Theassociation’smalemembers.Do the men get it? Do they care? REPORT: BENSON ANG THEY pay the same membership fee of $40 a year as the women, but they are called associate members. They have no voting
        TNP PICTURE: JONATHAN CHOO  -  628 words
      • 753 2/3 MARS and Venus aren’t that far apart after all. Most of Aware’s male members and volunteers who spoke to the The New Paper on Sunday feel strongly about the group’s original mission. And that’s why they are leaning towards the old guard.
        ST FILE PICTURE  -  753 words
      • 361 4  -  Both parties marshalling members for EOGM REPORT: HO LIAN-YI WHEN and how will the war of words between the newcomers and the old guard in the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware) end? In a showdown of numbers, it seems.
        TNP FILE PICTURE  -  361 words
      • 139 4 MS Constance Singam has resigned from the exco as advisor in her capacity as immediate past president. She sent an e-mail yesterday afternoon to some Aware members. Her reasons for resigning: She gave advice at the first two meetings of the exco, but was ignored. She was
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    • 836 6/7  -  Bereavement money used for girl’slastrites,saysmum.Only partofitspentonhouse 5 years after death of Huang Na (left), mother lives in huge mansion REPORT: HO LIAN-YI LOOK at that house in China. Clearly, Madam Huang Shuying and her husband have done well for themselves in the five
      PICTURES: SHINMIN DAILY NEWS  -  836 words
    • 321 6/7 DID Madam Huang Shuying (below) marry a man in Taiwan? Yes, according to a report in Lianhe Wanbao yesterday. In early April, the newspaper had reported that Madam Huang was the proprietor of a shoe wholesale business in Taiwan. She claimed
      321 words
    • 304 6/7 THE saga began on 10 Oct 2004, when a little China girl named Huang Na went missing, sparking a huge police manhunt. On 30 Oct, the suspect, Malaysian worker Took Leng How, gave himself up in Penang, where he had fled. The next day, Took led the
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    • 743 8  -  Flat owner uses onlineforumtofind neighbour, who had yet to move in REPORT: TAY SHI’AN HE HAD just finished painting his brand-new five-room flat in January. So Mr Robert Lee, 25, was shocked when he glanced behind his sofa and saw
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  743 words
    • ‘I do it to get compliments’
      • 590 10  -  Teenputssexvideosonlinebut hides identity from friends, family REPORT:LIEW LIEW HANQING WHAT started as a tease has turned into a habit, almost an obsession. When she was just 16, she started strolling past her bedroom window stark naked every now and then. The reason: To provide “an
        TNP FILE PICTURES  -  590 words
      • 700 10  -  REPORT: HEDY KHOO THERE are those who have no qualms about sauntering around completely naked in public. Others go a step further, engaging in intimate sexualacts in plainview. Andanecdotalevidence seemstosuggest that thereisa growingnumberofpeoplehere who don’tmind flashingtheir flesh, inpublic or online. Inthe pastfewweeks, there havebeen several
        700 words
    • 582 12 / 13  -  Lured by cheap buy,butburnt by hefty fines LUCKLESS BUYERS... REPORT: ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF WITH hands clasped, some begged to be given a chance. Others, like one foreign worker caught for buying contraband cigarettes, surrendered to fate. Resigned to
    • 271 12 / 13 RECKLESS SELLERS... THEY were so desperate to escape that they risked life and limb. At the first hint of an ambush by Custom officers, the illegal cigarette peddlers scattered in all directions, some leaping into deep canals, fleeing into forested areas or dashing across roads. The New
      271 words
    • 732 14 / 15  -  Unreasonable employers or ungrateful scholars? Lack of dialogue and unrealistic expectations cited as reasons REPORT: TAY SHI’AN,NG TZE YONG IFTHEYcanturnbacktheclock,threein10scholar-ship-holders said they would not have signed on thedottedline. This is one of the results from a random poll of 70 conductedbyTheNewPaperonSunday.
    • 541 14 / 15  -  COMMENT NG TZE YONG –NgTzeYongisanSPHoverseasscholarwhostudied at Brown University THE winters in Rhode Island in the United States, are not pretty. They are rainy, windy and freezing. I never liked them. But in Jan 2005, for the first time, I wished spring would never
      541 words
    • 351 14 / 15  -  COMMENT TAY SHI’AN –TayShi’anisanSPHlocalscholarwhostudiedatthe National University of Singapore SIGNING up for a scholarship is like entering a marriage. Some scholarsgointo it likeforeign brides– they need the money, never mind doubts about the man. They are so eager (or desperate) for the better life that they
      351 words
    • 415 16  -  Natura Loft is easy on the environment and good on the eyes REPORT: KELVIN CHAN IF YOU would like to do a little more for Mother Earth apart from recycling, you might want to consider an eco-friendly home the next time you move. Such
      PICTURE: QINGJIAN REALTY  -  415 words
    • 878 18/19 One wanted to look like theother,andspent $22,000 on plastic surgerytodoso IF YOU thought the lady in pink was the mother, don’t kick yourself silly for being wrong. She’s the daughter, and the woman seated next to her is her mother. At first sight, they
      PICTURES: REX FEATURES  -  878 words
    • 226 18/19 REMARKABLE resemblance. Thirty years ago, Madonna was, well, like her daughter Lourdes (right). The 12-year-old was born to Madonna and her trainer Carlos Leon, who became her lover after they met in Central Parkin New York. These black and white pictures of a picturesofa 20-year-oldMadonna
      PICTURES: AP, GETTY IMAGES  -  226 words
    • 428 20 ‘Theyarenotworthy’,saylocalMuslimofficialsof PakistaniterroristsinvolvedinMumbaiattacks THE nine suspected Pakistani terrorists killed in the Mumbai attacks have not been buried even after five months. The reason: No one has claimed them and local Muslim officials are refusing to bury the meninMumbai’sMuslimgraveyards. The police say the 10 men gunned down
      PICTURE: AFP  -  428 words
    • 214 20 BRITAIN’SGOT TALENT: SUSAN Boyle claims that she has never been kissed. But a neighbour of this 47-year-old singing sensation says that may be off the mark. Mr Brian Smith said he kissed her to comfort her as she struggled to come to terms with the
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    • News Snapshot
      • 298 21 NUMBER OF RETRENCHED UNIONISED WORKERS ON THE RISE ABOUT 5,500 unionised workers have been retrenched so far this year, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) said yesterday. The number is among the highest in the last decade. In 1999, a total of 7,635 unionised
        298 words
      • Article, Illustration
        47 21 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED: Developer Sim Lian Group openedbookingsforParcLumiereinSimei,thelatesthousing project developed under the Design, Build and Sell scheme (DBSS), yesterday morning, three days earlier than announced. This led to some angry exchanges (inset) between security officers and buyers who were caught unawares. PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO
        PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO  -  47 words
      • 86 21 MALAYSIA’SrulingBarisanNasional (BN) may not be fielding a candidate for the Penanti by-election in Penang, Prime Minister Najib Razak said. He added that too much time, energy and money have been spent on by-elections that were not really necessary, and that one should be
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      • 89 21 EVEN though most people are concerned about jobs during the economic downturn, they should not be letting their guard down against the threat of terrorism. Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng sounded this reminder at the annual Community Engagement Programme (CEP) seminar yesterday.
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      • 101 21 THAI police yesterday questioned witnesses and combed the scene of an assassination attempt on a leading political activist, amid mounting speculation that state agencies were involved in the attack. Gunmen wielding AK-47 and M16 automatic weapons fired about 100 rounds at Mr Sondhi Limthongkul’s car
        101 words
      • 105 21 THE current dry spell might be the reason why NParks is seeing a bumper harvest of mangoes from roadside trees this year. Other flowering trees and shrubs have also been lush, but mango trees are fruiting particularly heavily this year, an NParks spokesman said. The
        105 words
    • News Exchange
      • 512 22 / 23  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: TAN MAE LYNN I AM woman, hear my sisters shriek. Apologies to HelenReddy,whointhe’70s,sangtheinspirational andempoweringline:“Iamwoman,hearmeroar.” Sadly, what has been happening at the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware) has been neither inspirational nor empowering. It has been loud,
        TNP FILE PICTURE  -  512 words
      • 115 22 / 23 1 Hepioneeredthe “Wallof Sound”, hissignature recordingtechnique which helpedearnhim 25 Top 40 hitsbetween1960 and 1965. 2 Heoncekept The Ramones lockedin thestudio for eight hoursand forcedthem at gunpointtoplay theopening chordsto asong over and over againuntil hewas satisfiedwiththe sound. 3 Beforehe
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      • 39 22 / 23 “Theymust havebeen commandotrainedin theUS.” Amanwondering howmosquitoes managed to bite him through his shirt. “Myluggagewill only contain blackand whiteoutfits.” Awoman packingfor aholiday in Bangkok to avoid getting mistaken for protestors, who wear yellow, red or blue.
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      • 97 22 / 23 On the election of the new committee in Aware: “Ifthis takeoveristofurther advance the rights of women consistent with the goals of Aware, it would have been highly beneficial... but this whole thing is a disappointment and a step backwards for tolerance, living together and respecting each other's
        97 words
      • 165 22 / 23 Werate the past week’snews goodandbad -10 The economic forecast for the year has been revised downwards yet again, with GDP now expected to shrink by up to 9 per cent. +10 There will be more flights, cheaper ones and services to six new destinations in Malaysia from
        165 words

  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 66 4 US BOX OFFICE NO. 1 ttjgf A ik a J"l i N- L FROM THE DIRECTOR OF l,RQBOT N I Wkf v ,»1.1 fi w sj? 2 2. Cc L A C A G I K. '"1 WV> 7 T 6 -V f? 7 c > Z Iv i/i\ 8
      66 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 /S (ffll TO BBBETTER BFFs I.E. u 4 tifcExclusively for students and NSFs when you switch to M1. BP a1 U ai new Unlimited Free SMS/MMS to anyone* Unlimited Free Calls to 3 M1 Friends Free 5MB Data Bundle Plus Free Campus Calls Free Incoming Calls Per Second Billing h
      73 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 Start it. Share it. Shew it. Kindness comes in many shapes and sizes, but it's in all of us! A small gesture like putting others before yourself is easy to do. Yet it makes someone else feel good and results in making you feel great. So bring it on and
      101 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 A \tid^ Ao'\W Avo* V«o \0cV7 S^°»2S& a*>°1—„ coW9° I \\09 A®*® '<9 X* v\0 ae^ S$3 5 fl> o(e V v oU c^® r r\wc° sM G^^ eV6tV %> vV" av. os> VtV ULf* C« IJ tffr \V <6? sp Iss IMM GAIN CITY
      44 words

  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
  • Page 12 / 13 Miscellaneous
    • 36 12 / 13 #1 film in Singapore! RE-TOOLED. RE-BUILT. ...nail-biting thrills Genevieve Loh, TODAY 11 '3S Model New I Original Parts n. JCV? %0 ORIGINAL FILM ABMIM""®" PG Some violence "based on opening weekend figures from 9-12 April
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  • Page 14 / 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 He had 9 credit cards Gave supplementary cards to three men Spent on brands like Louis Vuitton Paid for stays in five-star hotels Get hooked on i Excitement! The excitement never lets up at the Singapore International Racing Festival! Participate in the Singapore Horseshoe Pitching Championship 2009 and win attractive
      125 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 43 17 L» PLAY FOOTBALL WITH YOUR HANDS AND WIN UP TO $10,000 WORTH OF PRIZES. cow-5®: fa Cv i v ,v fa •i :i M a n '.|w VvJL ~T". 1 r> < vi ft. n and CandUoni limMair EtwtPartmr: Q Neutnogenaf Tiger ENJOY WINNING
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  • Page 18/19 Advertisements
    • 56 18/19 NIP & PAGE 24 The BEST Phone-PLAY!! I I OSSIP E a FREE D D/A A R@FK 1900-912-960 JM in I CRSH Prize For Most Popular Ladies! r ■OGMiQ 13*59: For Credit DEBIT Card payment, Call 6767-6969 *0 (Only apply to Voice Chat) Sailers 0 0 ftlR O O 0
      56 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 82 20 (£&£*>• (3fc&> MUH (H1EQRDDC£7 1900-9123-321 50cents/ min Free Line ***** 800 TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. tBBtKEflKHTtffl 1900.9-1M.1Zt 90 cents/ min IhdUae <W bt Online payment available!© *Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above. A
      82 words

  • enjoy
    • Article, Illustration
      744 24 / 25  - NIP REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN CONTOURING VANITY,thynameisman.Hey, we’re not talking about your typical metrosexual with the sleek hairstyle, sharp clothes, plucked eyebrows, and a rigorous beauty regime. We’retalkingaboutmenwhoactuallytake itastepfurther–bygoingundertheknife. Yes, according to four well-known plastic surgeons here, more Singapore men young and old alike are going for nip-and-tuck
      744 words
    • 433 24 / 25  -  Geraldine Yeo –GeraldineYeo,newsroomintern MEN around the world are becoming more vain. Check out the trends in these countries: South Korea The women are already doing it, so why not the men? Men do it to improve their job prospects or to look
      PICTURE: MEDIACORP  -  433 words
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • afford
        • 527 26 / 27  - Beg, borrow or steal his jackets jeans Wearingyourboyfriend’sclothes may be in, but do keep it girly YEOH WEE TECK TO BE more of a trendy woman, you have to dress like your man. I’m not talking about the ’80s extreme look (think Eurythmics and power suits with mega shoulder
          TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  527 words
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 304 28  -  HEDY KHOO YOU don’t need to go to a fancy hotel for a Sunday champagne brunch. Notonlydoyouruntheriskofovereating until you burst at the seams, but you may find a big hole in your pocket the next morning. Theterm “Black Monday”wascoined by
        PICTURES: KUA CHEE SIONG, HEDY KHOO  -  304 words
    • 400 29  -  Code JEANius final at Bugis Junction Kerri Teo –KerriTeo,newsroomintern THE imperfections of life led to the perfect design for this freelance designer. Ms Denise Chng, 24, designed a pair of cargo pants with ends made out of army socks. It also had a big
      TNP PICTURES: NG XI JIE  -  400 words
    • 164 29  -  David Ho –DavidHo,newsroomintern ARE you a budding designer? Here’syour chance towin prizesand an opportunity to display your worth. For the launch of its new Spring/Summer 2009 FootwearCollection,Levi’shas organised the“Design aLevi’sShoe Box”contest. The contest is open to everyone. All you need to do is register
      164 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 478 30  -  It’snotso funnyhow people laugh at the strangest things DENISE CHONG LEFT-FIELD JEALOUS. I’mjealous. Jealous of other people laughing. They find joy in the strangest of things. I feelleftout. Recently, I felt left out during the play, The Winter’sTale, whichstarredEthan Hawke. The Shakespearean language may be
      • REALLY?
        • 130 30 Odd news that’sfor real A BRITISH woman has been slapped with a court order, banning her from making too much noise when having sex with her husband. Caroline Cartwright, 47, was found guilty after Sunderland magistrates listened to recordings of her loud lovemaking with
          130 words
        • 105 30 Two Malaysian cleaners who could not come up with any money during a robbery were instead forced to perform oral sex on the robber. The women, aged 68 and 43, were waiting for their factory van at a bus stop in Port Klang at
          105 words
      • 385 30  - I found a body all I did was update my Facebook S M ONG ACT BLUR THIS happened at 2:30am Monday morning. Because of how late it was, there was no one else around. I was on my way home from work when I spotted someone lying face up
        385 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 354 32  -  DAVID TIAN LASTweek,welookedattheimportanceofgettingyourmantoinvesttimeandenergyinyou,whichproportionallyincreaseshisattractiontoyou. That’sthesure-firewaynotonlytocatch,butalsoto keepaman. A great example of the principle of compliance in action is the courtship of Mr Barack and Mrs Michelle Obama,theUSPresidentandFirstLady. As recounted in Mr Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope, Mrs Obama used incremental amounts of compliance
        354 words
      • 275 32 Using some of your tips,I’vehadsome good conversations with attractive women lately. ButI’mafraidto ask for their number and then find it doesn’tgo anywhere and the spark fizzles out. I know the words tosay,butI’mafraid I’lloffendherorruin things if I ask. How can I fix this? Sincerely, Benjamin Dear Benjamin, First
        275 words
      • 656 32  -  SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES IT was with some joy that I read Education MinisterNgEngHen’sannouncementthat his ministry would accept the recommendations of the Primary Education Review and Implementation Committee. The education system of the future would do away with
        656 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 24 / 25 Advertisements
    • 22 24 / 25 AFFORD Dressing like your man will make you look good PAGE26 COLUMNS Whatwasso funnyat TheWinter’sTale? FATHERFIGURES It’stime toput ideals intopractice PAGE30 PAGE32
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 295 28 1 ©I Cosmic Qi-Gong And Science For Health Business Reg No: *****292X Ladies and Gentlemen... Today, many are living in the risk of unknown internal body blockages. Suffering from health problems and unexpected accidents happening among us in our lives. I, Consultant Master Lim Sifu truly believe respect all religious
      295 words

  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 204 31 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN Thereare fivehouses with differentcolours in arow.Each occupantplays adifferent sport, drinksadifferent beverage andkeeps a differentpet. 1. The golf playerdrinks beer. 2. The doctorkeepsmaltese. 3. The accountantlivesleft ofthe yellow house. Howtoplay 1.Findthecluesthatindicatea fixedHouse(egGeorgelivesin firsthouse)andotherrelated clues(egbluehousenextto George’s).Fillthetablewiththe clues. 2.Findothercluesthatcanbe placedintable.Youmayhaveto figureoutafewrelatedclues together. 3.Onceyou’veworkedoutallthe cluesandputtheminthetable, you’llbeabletoanswerthe question. Answers/PAGE33 4.
      204 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 27 32 Ask Dr Date Haveproblemsfinding love?Make adate withDr Date. He’llgo over the finerpoints of courtshipin hisweekly column in The New Paper on Sunday. E-mail your questions to
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  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 278 33 WATCH’EM PICTURE:STAR MOVIES Awake(above) StarMovies (StarHubC h 58),9pm A wealthyfinancial genius sufferingfrom “anaestheticawareness” duringhis heart surgery overhearsthat hissurgery is part ofa sinister conspiracy.StarringJessica Alba,Hayden Christensen,Terrence Howard. CHANNEL5 Noon FootballAsiaShow 2009 12.30pm Footballer’sLives 1.00 UnitedStatesOfLeland 3.00 Forbes20 MostExpensive CelebrityWeddings 4.00 AmericanIdol VIII/LifeIs Wild 6.00 AreYouSmarter Than A 5thGrader? 7.00 TheSimpsons 7.30
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  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 30 35 Saturday,18 Apr2009 First Second Third 1809 6252 7934 Starters 5872 8318 0212 7810 7449 7862 9643 0898 1460 7948 Consolation 5821 1424 5219 2645 3616 7016 4469 9303 2718 7628
      30 words
  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 403 35 GOING: GOOD Race2 MS1400m 3 CENTURYGREYHOUND53.5c51.5(7-5) KEirwan* (1) 1 1 1 (418) 4 WEALTHSECTOR51.5(39-14) BWoodworth (6) 4 4 2 (527) 0.75 1 BLAZINGBLAIR57c54(41-18) MZairi* (4) 3 3 3 (469) 6 2 BUOYANT57c56(129-30) SSalee (3) 5 5 4 (453) 2 ?Winningstable:Century.Trainer:KCTiang.Time:1min25.6sec. Forecast:$9.Tierce:$30.Quartet:$136.MalaysianW/P:RM7,RM5,RM12.EOB:$12.Trio:$10. NOTE::Allbetson5:KimEllywererefundedasthehorseranriderlessanddeclaredanon-starter. Race3 C*****m 12
        403 words
      • 687 35 RACE 1 (FLEMINGTON) 1st 11 Black Caviar ($11-$10) 2nd 1 Kwassa Kwassa ($15) 3rd 2 Take The Rap ($5) 4th 3 Amaethon. EOB $17. Forecast $10. Place forecast $8 (1-2), $4 (1-11), $5 (2-11). Tierce $44. Trio $15. Quartet $251. RACE 2 (RANDWICK) 1st 6 Prima
        687 words
      • 217 35  -  TAN THEAN LOON THEtrain-er-jockeypartnership of Dr Tan Swee Hock (right, top) and Saifudin Ismail (right) struck twice at the one-day profes-sional-amateur meeting in Penang yesterday. And both their winners, outsider Golden Mile in Race 3 and favourite Classic Gold in Race 6,
        217 words
      • 391 36 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE 11 RACE 10 RACE 9 RACE 8 RACE 7 RACE 6 RACE 5 RACE 4 RACE 3 RACE 2 RACE 1 Recycle Triumph The Hornet Thanks For Memory Bionic Boy Desert Leo Andrew’s Gold 2 Manuka 4 Superb
        391 words
      • 1879 36 RACE 1 (1,600m) 1 Luxury Fortune?Did race wide throughout at debut,sosome excuse forfadingbut stillprefer towatch. 2 Thriller?Finished best of an ordinary bunch last weekbutstill hardto have. 3 Myth Opening??Blinkers back on after getting too far back last week where he got home well
        1,879 words
      • 1112 37 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 IP 1.15 -1600m(SC) SweetCharityStakes Stakes:$65,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 0 LuxuryFortune 58 (53) RStewart 2 (4nzgSNigishi-EightEightOne) 2 07 Thriller 58 (52) BWoodworth 10 (4nzgDesmondKoh-Winner'sCourt) 3 67 MythOpening 58 (51) DBeasley 8 (4agSNigishi-EightEightOne) 4 *****
        1,112 words
      • 61 37 STICK with this promising three-year-old from the yard of leading trainer Laurie Laxon. The Chianti progeny sports blinkers this afternoon and should go one better from his neck second to Look At Me at his debut last month. Jockey John Powell (left) has elected
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      • 1109 38 RACE 1 (1,000m) Perfect Athlete (No. 6) is coming off a game win on dirt and is capable over this surface and trip. Hot Sun (3) prefers longer and will need luck from gate 9, but he has placed second in two
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        853 words
    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 482 39 AFP ENGLAND’S Richard Finch shot a storming 66 yesterday to lead Spain’s Gonzalo Fernan-dez-Castano by a stroke going into the final round of the Volvo China Open. Finch, who won the Irish and New Zealand Opens last year, rebounded from a bogey at the sixth with six
        AFP; PICTURE: AP  -  482 words
      • 403 39 SOUTH Korean golf fans will witness a parade of champions when the Ballantine’s Championship tees off on Thursday. No fewer than 45 players who have won European Tour events will take part in the US$2.8 million ($4.2m) showpiece at Pinx Golf Club on the South Korean
        PICTURE: AFP  -  403 words
    • Sports Formula One
      • 678 40 / 41  -  LUKE NETTO AFTER two races, current constructors Brawn GP’s dominance is starting to seemingly fade away. And after yesterday’s qualifying, it’s quite clear that the rest of the teams are starting to catch up. The most impressive of the lot, Red Bull, will be starting
        PICTURE: AP  -  678 words
      • 285 40 / 41 AP THE GOOD news for Red Bull is that they have secured their first Formula One pole position. The bad news is that pole-sitter Sebastian Vettel has doubts over how long his carwill lastin today’s ChineseGrand Prix. Vettel clinched the second pole of
        AP; PICTURE: AP  -  285 words
      • 142 40 / 41 1. Sebastian Vettel (Germany) Red Bull (1:36.184) 2. Fernando Alonso (Spain) Renault (1:36.381) 3. Mark Webber (Australia) Red Bull (1:36.466) 4. Rubens Barrichello (Brazil) Brawn GP (1:36.493) 5. Jenson Button (Britain) Brawn GP (1:36.532) 6. Jarno Trulli (Italy) Toyota (1:36.835) 7. Nico Rosberg (Germany) Williams (1:37.397) 8. Kimi
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      • 508 40 / 41 Whoisusingwhattechnologyintoday’sChinaGP Wire Services KINETIC ENERGY RECOVERY SYSTEM (Kers) Drivers using the technology: Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) Heikki Kovalainen (McLaren) Nick Heidfeld (BMW Sauber) THE TRICKY and often troublesome Kers power-boost technology has been jettisoned by both Renault and Ferrari for this race This leaves only the two McLaren cars
        Wire Services  -  508 words
    • 878 42 / 43  -  LIM HAN MING IF YOU think that the harder you train, the faster you will run, think again. Many fitness junkies suffer from the “toomuch,too soon”syndrome. In a bid to improve their timings, they increase the intensity of their training to a level which their
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  878 words
    • 157 42 / 43 Over-trainingorinadequatepreparationmay causeinjuries.Thesearesomeofthecommon ailments suffered by runners Chondromalacia (Runner's Knee) Pain around the kneecap Grinding sound when the knee is bent Swelling of the knee Pain intensifies after hill running Shinsplints Pain or tenderness along the shin which may extend to the knee Pain on palpation of
    • 135 42 / 43 A GOOD warm-up is key to an injury-free and enjoyable run. Here are some stretching exercises you can follow. Quadriceps Stretch Flex one leg, gripping your ankle with your knee flexed. Pull your hip back into extension, while maintaining correct spinal alignment. Adductor/groin stretch Sit on the
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    • Sports EPL Betting
      • 978 44 PA Sport ALAN Shearer admits he has found himself thrust into a crash-course in management since taking over at Newcastle. The 38-year-old former Magpies and England striker worked under a series of hugely experienced men during his playing career. And he can call upon the expertise of the
        PA Sport  -  978 words
      • Article, Illustration
        943 45 PA Sport MANCHESTER City defender Micah Richards is determined to finish the season in style after the disappointment of tumbling out of the Uefa Cup late last week. City entertain bottom club West Brom today on the back of their 4-3 aggregate defeat by Hamburg in the quarter-final
        PA Sport  -  943 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 987 46  -  WestBrom goalkeeper DEANKIELYis countingon Man City suffering aEurohangover DEAN KIELY West Brom travel to Manchester City today. You beat them at the Hawthorns in December. Can you repeat the feat? THE MAN City game was a bright spot for us in a difficult season. We
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  987 words
    • Sports Football
      • Article, Illustration
        466 47  -  Our Sports Femme muses about the MidastouchthatChelseamanager Guus Hiddink seems to possess ALISON RATCLIFFE SPORTS FEMME ROBIN van Persie sprouted something about a personality the other day. He was talking about his countryman Guus Hiddink and had a witty little anecdote for the press. Apparently he and the
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  466 words
    • Sports FA Cup
      • 681 48 PA Sport SIR ALEX Ferguson has urged Rafael Benitez to start doing something better with his spare time. The Manchester United boss has continued to react to Benitez’s repeated attacks, accusing the Spaniard of “arrogance” and treating old friend Sam Allardyce with contempt. “He has put
        PA Sport; PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES, AP  -  681 words
      • 481 49 PA Sport DAVID Moyes believes Manchester United’s current form gives Everton hope of an FA Cup semi-final upset at Wembley today. Many may feel the Everton boss is clutching at straws against a side who are seemingly moving relentlessly towards a quintuple despite
        PA Sport; PICTURE: AFP  -  481 words
      • 313 49 PA Sport SIR ALEX Ferguson is not a fan of using Wembley as an FA Cup semi-final venue. The Manchester United manager has never lost at this stage of the competition and is hoping to maintain his 100 per cent record tonight when his team
        PA Sport  -  313 words
      • 1203 50  -  EXCLUSIVE STEVE BATES Special Correspondent Thewriteris theChief FootballwriterofEngland’s The People. NEMANJA Vidic cuts the kind of menacing figure you wouldn’t mess with but as a Serbian who has lived through war, the Manchester United star is happy his battles are only on a football field. Life’s
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  1,203 words
      • 565 51  -  IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI ISSIRAlexFerguson’ssuccessorclos-erthanwe think? The kneejerk reaction to his retirement would be to seek out the most glamorous name available, a big European figure with a Champions League medal or two, but if the Glazer family are looking for a
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, AP, AFP  -  565 words
      • 280 51 4 WILL the pitch hold out? A NUMBER of managers have commented on the state of Wembley’s playing surface and two frantic games in two days will certainly put it to the test. Arsene Wenger has noted that the pitch cuts up
        280 words
      • 516 52  -  Sunderland..................1 Hull ............................0 Kick-off 3pm (UK time) Sunderland: Cisse 45 Sunderland: Gordon, Bardsley, Davenport, Ferdinand, Collins, Edwards (Malbranque 78), Leadbitter, Tainio, Reid (Richardson 76), Cisse (Murphy 90), Jones. Subs not used: Fulop, Ben-Haim, Yorke, McShane. Booked: Cisse, Richardson. Hull: Myhill, Ricketts, Zayatte,
        516 words
      • 272 52  -  BY MARK MARK HILL Special Correspondent PA Sport BATTLING Portsmouth snatched a much-needed three points in dramatic fashion thanks to Kanu. Niko Kranjcar was stretchered off 15 minutes from time and substituteNadirBelhadj’sfirst touch, an inswinging corner, was touched over the line by Kanu.
        PA Sport  -  272 words
      • 376 53  -  BY DAVE BUCKLEY Special Correspondent IDDLESBROUGHoldboy Mark Schwarzer kept his former club at bay as their survival hopes were dealt a seriousblow. GarethSouthgate’smenenjoyed the better of the game, with Schwarzer pulling off a string of fine saves, although Andrew Johnson was denied by a post before the
        376 words
      • 257 53 LIAMLAWRENCE’Sgoal15 minutes from time virtually securedStoke’sPremier League future while increasing the pressure on Blackburn. The midfielder showed great composure to control James Beattie’sflickon,turninside Gael Givet and fire past goalkeeper Paul Robinson at the near post. ItliftedTonyPulis’sideto39 points, well clear of the drop zone with five games
        PA Sport  -  257 words
      • 571 54  -  ASTON VILLA 1 (Heskey 11) WEST HAM 1 (Tristan 85) GARY LIM MUCH has been said about Aston Villa’s recent slump in form. But the one thing that has really hurt their Champions League hopes has been their performances in front of their own fans. The league
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  571 words
      • 154 54 HEARTBREAK UNTILlatein the secondhalf, it seemedthatthere wasno way AstonVilla weregoing toend the game without threepoints. Butjust asithad beenthe caseonmany occasionsthis season, tragedy struckin thedying minutesof thegame. WestHam beganto turnonthe style asAstonVilla got tired, and earnedan excellentequaliser throughDiego Tristan. PUNTER’S RANT I KNOW what the Aston Villa backers must
        154 words
      • Article, Illustration
        151 55 LIVE TELECASTS EPL Tonight: TOTTENHAM v NEWCASTLE Ch 27 &Ch 304,8.30pm Newcastle manager Alan Shearer (right) will make a series of late decisions on his injured players for the game tonight. Will his decisions bring Newcastle away from the drop zone? MAN CITY v WEST BROM Ch 22,10pm Wednesday:
        PICTURE: AP  -  151 words
      • 8 55 MONTE CARLO ROLEX MASTERS Tonight: FINAL Ch21,8pm
        8 words
      • 8 55 VERIZON HERITAGE Tomorrow: DAY 4 Ch 26,3am
        8 words
      • 17 55 CHINESE GRAND PRIX Today: PREVIEW Ch 24, 2pm RACE START Ch 24,3pm CHEQUERED FLAG Ch 24,4.45pm
        17 words
      • 359 55 WHAT'S ON BLURBS /RESULTS LOCAL EVENTS HORSE RACING What: Queen Elizabeth II Cup When: Today Where: Singapore Turf Club SINCE its successful launch in 1972, the Queen Elizabeth II Cup has become an annual event that symbolises prestige and honour for both the local and expatriate communities in Singapore. The
        359 words
    • 273 56 FOR LAUGHING during a memorial service, Liverpool have suspended their goalkeeper Charles Itandje for 14 days. On Wednesday last week, the Reds held a service to mark the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster which claimed the lives of 96 supporters. Liverpool’s players joined thousands of fans
      PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  273 words

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    • 48 56 FERGIE’SSUCCESSOR: OurEnglishKakisaysManUtdshouldlooknofurtherthanEverton’sownhardworkingScot.Page51 BULLISH: RedBulloutqualifyBrawnwithjustoneflyinglapfortoday’sChinaGrandPrix.Page40 sand times I’m sorry. It was never my intention to offend or disrespect anyone. “To the club, to the fans, and especially to the families (of the Hillsborough victims), I am deeply sorry.”–WireServices. ITANDJE: Does he still have a future at Liverpool? PICTURE:ACTION IMAGES
      48 words