The New Paper, 5 April 2009

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1 56 The New Paper

  • News
    • 746 2  -  HerBritish-bornhubby claimsMPVdriver wentballisticover... REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN THERE are two sides to every dispute. But what’s clear from the photo of this fender-bender is that the MPV’s collision with the BMW has made it impossible for the latter’s front
    • 753 4  -  More doing so, says her surgeon REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN SHE had always walked with a slight limp because of the uneven length of her legs. But now, Huang Xinying, 18, can finally stand tall. One of her legs was
    • 1179 6 / 7  -  Womanincoma,over100wenttohospitalafterGeylangSerai foodpoisoning.Anotherwoman’sfamilywarded REPORT: TAY SHI’AN AWOMANisinacomaandatleast28othershavebeen hospitalised after being hit by severe food poisoning. More than 100 people sought hospital treatment after eating at a famous Indian rojak stall at Geylang SeraimarketonFriday. The stall, which is known simply as Rojak Geylang Serai,hadpreviouslybeenfeaturedonMakansutra.
      TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  1,179 words
    • 774 8 / 9  -  Some salons in cluster of Clementishophousesoffer ‘special’servicesformen REPORT: SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS BEAUTYsalonsdominatethesetwoblocksofsho-phousesonWestCoastDriveinClementiWest.They proudly advertise their services, ranging from hair styling to facials to massages, on signboards inthefront,inbrightinvitinglights. And this cluster of at least seven salons seem popular,fromthenumberofcustomersmakingabeelinefor them. But, oddly, the clients
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    • 485 10  -  Company converts factoryintopartyvenue as a treat for workers Han Su-Ying –HanSu-Ying,newsroomintern THEY cleared the floor, though it took hours to move the heavy machinery. Then, tables were set up for 1,200 workers. And they partied. With sumptuous food, music and dancing and on-stage entertainment
    • 366 12/13  -  Hotel offers a women-onlypackage REPORT: ELYSA CHEN THEguysdon’tgetit. First, it was the women-only pink carpark lots set up by Furama RiverFront Hotel for its guests. Now, another hotel has launched special wom-en-only hotel rooms. At the Fairmont Singapore, only womencanbookits“TaiTaiLifeforaDay”package. Women who take up this
      TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  366 words
    • Article, Illustration
      640 12/13  -  Hotels slash room rates asvisitornumbersdrop andmorehotelsopen REPORT: CRYSTAL CHAN CALLitthegreatSingaporehotelroomsale.Hotels, anxious to boost occupancy in a time of falling tourist arrivals, are slashing room rates, somebyupto70percent. February saw 689,000 visitors, the lowest in four years. Compared with February last year, it is a drop of 15.2 per
    • 470 15 Smears, talk of vote-buying ahead of polls M’SIANBY-ELECTIONS MORE than a month after she was hit by a nude-photos scandal, Malaysian opposition politician Elizabeth Wong still can’t shake off the controversy. Now, a new booklet highlighting the scandal is making its rounds, reported liberal news
    • 309 15 THEY made guns that used nails and screws as bullets and sold them to eager buyers. Their customers could also test their purchases at a mini-firing range just behind their“warehouse”. Buttheir“business”activitiescametoan end when police raided their facilities in Kampung
      PICTURES: GUANG MING DAILY  -  309 words
      • 289 16 / 17 Launch of new Safra portal links you to a network of hobbies and fun Brought to you by SAFRA LOOKING for buddies who are into gaming, sports, cars, clubbing, music or movies? Want a list of the latest events and happenings, plus contests
        Brought to you by SAFRA  -  289 words
      • 561 16 / 17 Harley crew revs up the excitement and funatSafra’s Game Haven THEcrowdsdescendedontoSafra’sGameHaven@ Carpenter Street last Saturday for the official launch of It was a high-octane start as 20 Harley Davidsons with flags prominently displayed on them zipped around town. On them were bikers from the
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    • 713 18 / 19 USpolicesaygunmanblocksbackdoor of community centre before killing 13 THE room was full of immigrants taking a citizenship class. Suddenly, a gunman stormed in and opened fire on them. Then he turned the gun on himself. The gunman, believed to be Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Voong,
      PICTURES: AP, AFP, GETTY IMAGES  -  713 words
    • 267 18 / 19 Was he an angry loner or quiet filial son? WAS Jiverly Voong an angry loner who loved guns and hated America? Or was he a quiet, hardworking worker and a filial son? These two conflicting pictures emerged in interviews with those who knew him. Ex-colleague Kevin Greene told The New
      267 words
    • 574 20 FreeEnglishlessons were also a draw THEhomelessmanneededaroof over his head and a place where he could learn English. RomanianAliMajlat,35,decidedthatprisonwouldbetheperfect placetogetwhathewanted. So to get behind bars, he raped awoman. Majlat got his wish when he was jailed indefinitely on Friday, reportedtheBBC. He attacked
      PHOTO ILLUSTRATION  -  574 words
    • 396 20 AP THERE are millions of surveillance cameras in the buildings and on the streets of Britain. But for the residents of Broughton in southern England, the roving eye of Google was too much. A group of residents in the affluent village formed
      AP; PICTURE: AP  -  396 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 wk PG3IMM w §MMQKM SIM] I 4.\ m ii p i 1 ft «r r' > W\ W 1 ReSIDeNT \©<JINCTION APRIL 5 gjgg« W>:'■"■ mSSt jP B=/5i£*B=rnDrrs i r i.T awn". a" '~Tr r j m in# 91 I KNOW WHO KILLED ME APRIL 26 Sign up for StarHub
      116 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 332 5 GET A You can HAPPY TREAT FOR FR EVERY SUNDAY I I ft StarHub t V I I APRIL HAPPY TREAT! FREE Old Chang Kee Curry '0. Exclusively available for GREEN Prepaid customers. a Simply flash the StarHub logo on your mobile phone to StarHub staff at participating Old Chang
      332 words

  • Page 6 / 7 Advertisements
    • 92 6 / 7 if t Cotton 0 count Now Available 1600 Thread Counts cNife c OaK e^ 1000 Thread Counts Premium Top Quality Bed linens lo/ Warehouse Clearance Sale 1 Fitted 1 Quilt Cover 2 Pillowcase Deep Pocket Fits all Mattresses Queen Set m I i Usual $700 Now $210 King Set Usual
      92 words

  • Page 8 / 9 Advertisements
    • 38 8 / 9 Look out for our midweek Sports Noon Editions SPORTS NOON EDITION newpaperthe Wednesday MAN UTD v FC PORTO VILLARREAL v ARSENAL Thursday LIVERPOOL v CHELSEA BARCELONA v BAYERN MUNICH There will be no Monday Sports Noon Edition tomorrow
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 812 11 Happiness is enjoying your home. Simply. Cleverly. Comfortably. Yak away with unlimited calls on your home phone line 9 F 6 A i Rock out to the latest music downloads with MaxOnline Get your kicks with StarHub TV Now is the time to take home 3 services for the price
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  • Page 12/13 Advertisements

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 163 14 STAR WORLD TAKES YOU TO THE IDOL FINALE IN HOLLYWOOD! TM Be among the lucky guests at STAR WORLD'S American Idol Screening Party. Watch the Top 5 finalists perform and walk away with exclusive American Idol premiums. To score tickets, grab a raffle coupon at HMV counters and tell us
      163 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 148 21 Wi ■i A I A. C I: > m iw A 1 d A I Ma wv *w e M kin n 2697 3 6 0 9 &3P CO" 1 Start it. Share it. Shew it. Kindness comes in many shapes and sizes, but it's in all of us! A
      148 words

  • News Exchange
    • 423 22/23  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: TEH JEN LEE WHAT started out as a bright idea in Sydney, Australia, has gone round the world, causing lights to be turned off across continents between 8.30 and 9.30pm last Saturday. It goes to show that
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  423 words
    • 113 22/23 1 2 3 4 5 Duringhiscall on the Queen, USPresident BarackObama gaveher aniPodas agift. She,in return,gave him a silver-framedphotographof herselfand Prince Philip. Mr Obamaflew fromStansted airporttoLondon inthe presidentialhelicopter Marine One.Reportssay therewere alsoseveral decoyhelicopters broughtinto confuse potentialterrorists. The eventcost about£20 million($45m)to stage.While itmayseem likea lot,it
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    • 177 22/23 S’PORE HAPPINESS INDEX We rate the past week’s news good and bad +20 Medisave use is being liberalised to cover treatment overseas and at home. And some patients will get higher subsidies at community hospitals with the introduction of more income tiers for means testing. +10 More than 43,000 people
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    • 38 22/23 “You12 yearsold orwhat?” aman annoyedthathis 30-year-old friend played an April Fool’s prank on him. “Ipractise EarthHour every day. Ijustdo itwhen I’masleep.” aman’s reply when asked ifhe plansto turnoff hislights for Earth Hour last week.
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    • 98 22/23 On Earth Hour in Singapore: “Idon’t think areturn toa primitive lifestyle would help arrest the problem of climate change since we have become over-reliant on the conveniences brought about by electricity-thirsty modern technologies.” CookieBoy (http: //theonlinecitizen. com es-on-earth-hour-not-and-star-bucks) “Cansomeone tell mewhy is there a need to release
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  • Page 22/23 Miscellaneous

  • News Snapshot
    • 312 24 TUITION FEE SUBSIDY SCHEME LAUNCHED A NATION-WIDE scheme is being rolled out to subsidise needy students who attend tuition classes at residents’ committee branches and community clubs. The scheme aims to benefit 1,000 students every year. It will be backed by a yearly funding of
      312 words
    • Article, Illustration
      48 24 SMOOTH SAILING: A three-day thanksgiving ceremony by the Seu Teck Sean Tong, a Chinese religious and charitable institution, ends today at Ngee Ann City. They hope that their prayers and offerings, such as this huge paper boat, will bring peace, fortune and prosperity. PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO
      PICTURE: LIANHE ZAOBAO  -  48 words
    • 94 24 A JAPANESE destroyer on an an-ti-piracy mission off Somalia has given emergency protection to a Singapore-registered ship by chasing four suspicious boats, Japan’s defence ministry said yesterday. The 4,650-ton Sazanami received a radio call for help from the Singaporean ship at around 1.40am
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    • 100 24 THESE days, bonus is almost a dirty word, with its meaning highly misunderstood, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Lim Boon Heng said yesterday. He was speaking at the launch of this year’s Singapore Kindness Month at the IMM Building. He said:
      100 words
    • 101 24 A RADAR signal that was misread as showing a North Korean rocket launch triggered a Japanese government alert yesterday that jangled nerves around the world. A crisis centre alerted media and local authorities at 12.16pm (11.16am S’pore time) that the communist
      101 words
    • 94 24 TOP White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers received more than US$5 million ($7.5 million) last year from the hedge fund DE Shaw. He also collected US$2.7 million in speaking fees from Wall Street firms benefiting from government bailout money, The New
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 43 25 L» PLAY FOOTBALL WITH YOUR HANDS AND WIN UP TO $10,000 WORTH OF PRIZES. cow-5®: fa Cv i v ,v fa •i :i M a n '.|w VvJL ~T". 1 r> < vi ft. n and CandUoni limMair EtwtPartmr: Q Neutnogenaf Tiger ENJOY WINNING
      43 words

  • enjoy
    • 859 26/27  -  Local bands put musicvideoson web for wider reach REPORT: HO LIAN-YI NOMTV?Noproblem.For many bands, making a music video is a rite of passage. But for indie groups with little hope of mainstream airplay, there seemed little point until video website
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • Article, Illustration
        382 28  -  Hedy Khoo IT’Sathree-letter word that seemsto havea magical effect on women. Spa. Now,massages.That’s aconcept I can understand, kneading stiff muscles to relieve the tension. But what is the obsession with body wraps? You get smeared with some gooey icky paste, suffer the indignityofbeing rolledup incling wrap, thenyou’re
    • Enjoy Shopping
      • 195 29  -  YEOH WEE TECK TAMPINES1willopenitdoorsonThurs-day.Thosewithmallfatiguewillmoan:“Yetanother mall?” ButI’mexcited. It helpsthat I’ma Tampines resident who coulddowithnewdistractions. Thetwoexistingmallsarelovely,butmore is more. There is also the thrill of being in a spankingnewmall. Besides, I’m on the quest to being a functioningrecessionista–well,it’sthelatestfad– so it’s more window shopping, less cred-it-carding. At a
        195 words
      • 268 29 41 The mosttalked-about shopin Tampines1 could well be Japanesefashion houseUniqlo(#02-28), whichismaking its debuthere.You’ll find mix-and-matchbasics madeofcotton. Uniqlo isofferingan opening celebrationofferfrom Thursdayuntil19 Apr. Youcan getUT T-shirtsfor $19.90 (usually$24.90)and denimsat$49.90 (regularprice$69.90). There will alsobe specialbuys priced between$4.90 and $6.90. 2 41 For the first time, Topshop/Topman (#01-25)
    • Enjoy Fly on the Wall
      • 425 30  -  Come for the fashion, stay for the hotel SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO A HOTEL with at least 38 swimming pools deserves a plug. The ultra-luxe Capella opened its colonial-style doors to 300 guests last Tuesday night for a spring-sum-mer showing. Uber-brand Gucci launched the first half
        PICTURES: COURTESY OF GUCCI  -  425 words
    • Enjoy Columns
      • 472 31  -  How to move like a woman DAVID TIAN A COLLEAGUE of mine has a handy phrase for remembering how to move: S-squared. He meant it for men.ButI’mgoingtoadaptitforwomen. S-squared means to move smoothly and sensually. This is your default style of movement, the
        472 words
      • 283 31 Iama35year-oldman,butI’m interested in dating a 21-year-old lady friend. I think we really get along, but my friends say she won’tlikemebecausesheistoo young for me. What do you think? Sincerely, Jerald. Dear Jerald, Ifyou’regetting alongwell with this woman, then who cares what your friends think? The question is what
        283 words
      • 440 31  -  SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES WHAThappenedtocelebratingyourkids’ successes, especially the small ones? That was the question I asked myself as I left the Delta Sports Complex. And I am glad that I asked it. I had just watched my sons play in the third-placematchoftheBDivisionSchools’
        440 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 627 32  -  SIVA CHOY HUMOUR ME IN recent months, I have begun to suspect that some people are beginning to regard me as an elderlyperson...and it’supsettingme. It didn’t bother me much when small kids started calling me “Uncle”, and then teenage
        627 words
      • 396 32  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR sg UNEMPLOYEDandlookingforajob–unsuccessfully? I’vebeenthere,friend.Anumberoftimes. I was even jobless in America for a while. This was back in the early 1990s when “it’s the economy,stupid”wasthemantrathatwouldeventually help Bill Clinton win the US presidency. Those seem like the good old
        396 words
      • 110 32 Odd news that’sfor real AP You got April Fooled CROOKS, take note: never rob a bank on oraroundApril Fool’s Day. On 31 Mar last year, Brian Davison, 32, barged into a bank in Exeter and ordered cashiers to hand over the money. Otherwise, he would reach into his bag,
        AP  -  110 words
      • 60 32 aftercalling911 COULDDavid Maksimik (below)be themost unlucky crook in theworld? Policesay theycaught the bumblingcrook who,after robbing a bankin Connecticut,crashed his getawaycar andfled by busandtaxi, onlyto makeithomeand findhis roommatedead. Authoritiesfound the stolen US$4,000after Maksimik,59, called 911 toreport the roommate’s apparentsuicide in January. Police responding to the suicide
        PICTURE: AP  -  60 words
    • Enjoy Social
  • Page 26/27 Advertisements
    • 6 26/27 SIVACHOY Rockit,likeanoldie HEDCHEF Howtobeawrapstar PAGE32 PAGE28
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    • 53 26/27 Q2Q3[>£DC£7 1900-9123-321 50cenls/min Free Line ***** 800 TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. OGHD'QQD'QCHiEQ 90 cents/ min ■> V r* t w. J ft v J I iThS (3^2^&Q5u2?S,CtoQi rz pavment(availablei@iwwwifasttalk(com!sq ii in ii ill »v> Hi mil ikimviih: nwsmt in i: m hi i mi m
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 59 31 Make MORE Friends... Play Hard, Pla; r l-H-l LIVGchat 90c/min 010 > m R rjvate rv m mas tp! First 10 min $1.99: For Credit DEBIT Card BW EZE payment, Call 6767-6969 0 0 T&C apply for the contest Winners will be notified via phone. VRT's decision is final. Service
      59 words

  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 255 33 BRAIN WORKOUT TAN KIN LIAN How to play Thereare four houseswith different colours in arow.Each owner plays adifferent sport andkeeps adifferentpet. 4. The collieowner livesin thepurple house. 5. The cricketplayer lives rightofthe redhouse. 6. Henrykeepsa dalmatian. 7. The hockeyplayer livesin the yellow house. 8. Francisplaysvolleyball. 9. The golf playerlives leftof
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  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 252 34 PICTURE:SHAW FIGHTINGTHEUNDEAD:Milla Jovovichstars in ResidentEvil:Extinction. WATCH’EM ResidentEvil:Extinction StarMovies (StarHubCh 58),9pm Inthefinal episodeof the trilogy,Alicefights the UmbrellaCorporation andits planto replace humankindwith a race ofundead clones.Starring MillaJovovich,Oded FehrandAli Larter. TheBucketList HBO(StarHubCh60),9pm Twocancerpatients–awealthy,obnoxiousmananda carmechanic–drawupalistofthingstheyhavealways wantedtodo,anddecidetofulfilthemhead-on.Starring JackNicholson,MorganFreeman. XIII MAX(StarHubCh59),9pm Inthistwo-partseries,awoundedmanfoundinthe woodswithatattooonhisheadissuspectedtobethe assassinwhokilledthefirstfemaleUSpresidentthree monthsearlier.StarringStephenDorff,ValKilmer. KAKURO TIMOTHYEPARKER PICTURE:BOMBAY TALKIES CHANNEL5 1.00 Movie:ThatThing YouDo! 3.00 Forbes20 Richest
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  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 351 36 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan RACE 12 RACE 11 RACE 10 RACE 9 RACE 8 RACE 7 RACE 6 RACE 5 RACE 4 RACE 3 RACE 2 RACE 1 Sky Soldier Century Against Free Spirit Kiko’s Marine Blesswithtalent BlesswithStyle Flying Melang Wai Kor Mighty Triple Ace
        351 words
      • 1133 36 RACE 1 POCKET SENTOSA was slow. STAR DAZZLE lost ground after jumping away awkwardly. FAIRY STORY was held up between the 700m and the 500m. FAIRY STORY was then held up shortly after making the turn into the straight. At an inquiry,
        1,133 words
      • 84 36 MIGHTY consistent. This Johnny Lim-trained four-year-old has yet to finish out of the first three in 10 starts. His record: five wins, two seconds and three thirds. All his victories were over today’s track and distance on good and yielding going.
        84 words
      • 1549 37 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 MS QTT 12.15 -1200m(SC) Stakes:RM35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 JeramJumbo 59.5 (53) ANawawi*c4 9 (4amFMaynard-GoldPlus) 2 53-- UltimateFighter 59.5 (53) KYazid*c4 4 (4nzgMSukri-SHWah) 3 78 KimCross 57.5 (49) RBurnettc2 12 (4amMSukri-Kimmui's) 4 -890-6 SupremeAura 55.5 (45)
        1,549 words
      • 113 38 TWO future stars emerged from the 2009 Da Ma Cai Malaysia Three-Year-Old Championship heats in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Particularly impressive was Perfect Pins, who followed up on his debut nine-length win with another runaway success over 1,200min1min11.2seconayielding track in Race 6. His rider, apprentice Nawawi Ahmad, had the
        113 words
      • 539 38 GOING: YIELDING Race1 MS(SC)1200m 13 PRINCEOMAHA50c48(40-11) JacksonLow* (1) 6 5 1 (501) 12 BEIJINGHERO50(38-8) LouHo* (11) 9 9 2 (496) 0.75 5 SPEEDYFIRE56(20-13) IAzhar (5) 4 4 3 (558) 1.25 8 IMPERIALDIAMOND55(177-39) PBraem (2) 3 3 4 (482) 1 ?Winningstable: Berkshire.Trainer:A Rahim.Time:1min13.2sec.Forecast:$60.Tierce:$642.MalaysianW/P: RM49,RM15,RM12,RM6.PForecast:$20(13-12),$16(12-5),$12(13-5).Trio:$106.EOB:$12. NoWinner:Quartet($5212jackpotcarriedforwardtoRace2). Coursescratchings:15:SinarPermata 16:RoyalCharm
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      • 708 38 RACE1 (ROSEHILL) 1st 4 Neroli ($46-$5) 2nd 2 Hot Danish ($8) 3rd 12 Imananabaa ($87) 4th 10 Chinchilla Rose. EOB $12. Forecast $17. Place forecast $6 (2-4), $69 (2-12), $81 (4-12). Tierce $1143. Trio $487. Quartet No winner ($1038 jackpot carried forward to Race 2). Scratchings:
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      • 953 39 RACE 1 (1,000m) Double Dragon (3) has placed both runs to date and is drawn with gate bias to his advantage in 13. Happy Reunion (4) nearly overcame track bias to score first-up last month over this trip and appears the main danger.
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    • Sports Formula One
      • 591 40/41  -  LUKE NETTO COMMENT ONCE again, disappointing performances from big teams like Ferrari, McLaren, BMW and Renault, resulted in them being outpaced by the likes of Brawn GP, Toyota, Red Bull and Williams at this year’s Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang. However many expected the
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      • 871 40/41 JENSON Button clinched his second pole position in a row for the new Brawn GP team at the Malaysian Grand Prix yesterday while McLaren’s world champion Lewis Hamilton could qualify only 12th. The 29-year-old, who won the season-opener in Australia last Sunday on Brawn’s debut
        PICTURE: AFP  -  871 words
    • 424 42 GOLF AP THE HAPPIEST place on the Dinah Shore Tournament Course figured to be whichever hole the marquee pairing of Lorena Ochoa and Shin Ji Yai was playing. Among the more affable golfers on the LPGA Tour, they are famous for their high spirits and
      AP; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  424 words
    • 154 42 KIRADECH Aphibarnrat of Thailand moved closer to becoming the youngest winner on the Mer-cedes-Benz Tour when he took a commanding three-shot lead in the Singha Pattaya Open yesterday with five holes holes remaining in the third round. Kiradech, 19, started the day four behind Thailand-based Pakistani Nadeem
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    • 617 42  -  ALISON RATCLIFFE “ALAN has big cojones for taking this job,” said Shearer’s new assistant manager Iain Dowie in the Newcastle press conference yesterday. Big “cojones”, in case you’re not familiar with Dowie-slang, are a well-sized, cour-age-suggesting scrotum. This was my favourite moment in
      PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  617 words
    • Sports Tennis
      • 751 43 IF ROGER Federer thinks becoming a father will have little impact on his goal of equalling and then breaking Pete Sampras’ record of 14 Grand Slam titles he might be in for a rude awakening. Federer excitedly announced his news last month, declaring:
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  751 words
      • 214 43 ROGER Federer was reduced to a rare bout of racket-bashing on Friday as he lost to Serbian Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals of the Sony Ericsson Open. Djokovic, ranked No. 3 in the world, defied blustery conditions to beat Federer 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 in one hour
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      • 182 43 ROGER Federer continues to shine as the fairest and most popular player on the ATP World Tour. In the 2008 ATP World Tour Awards announced recently, fellow players voted Federer the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a record fifth year. Only tennis great
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    • Sports Sporty Bosses
      • 791 44 / 45  -  JOYCE LIM CALL him a speed junkie if you want. He doesn’t care. All Amos Mok wants is to get faster and faster. No slow coaches are tolerated here, mind you. The 40-year-old owner of local car workshop, Juzz For Cars, waits for no
      • 198 44 / 45 ON CYCLING CYCLING is obviously gaining popularity among Singaporeans. With the recent OCBC Cycle Singapore and maybe a Tour of Singapore next year, it looks like it is going to overtake running. We have more triathlon races today and that involves cycling, too. Young people will think
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    • Sports EPL
      • 668 46 / 47 ManchesterUnitedfanSHANNONREZELdoesn’t agree with Sir Alex. Here are his reasons The writer is a newsroom intern ACCORDING to a report by Mail Online, Sir Alex Ferguson believes that harsh tackles on his star winger is fast becoming a “tactic” of opposing teamsandthatrefereesaren’t doing enough to prevent it.
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, REUTERS, AP  -  668 words
      • 470 46 / 47  -  GARY LIM IT’S JUST like the Rambo sequels on DVD. Either you watch it over and over again, or you dump it straight into the bin. When it comes to Cristiano Ronaldo, there seems to be no middle ground. You either hate him,
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      • 400 46 / 47  -  LIM HAN MING BAD news for Tottenham Hotspur fans in Singapore. The Premiership team has cancelled its pre-season friendly tour to Singapore and Vietnam next month. Spurs were tentatively pencilled in for a friendly with a Singapore Selection side on 30 May at the
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      • 141 46 / 47 BRAZILforwardAdriano’sdecision to stay in South America after his country’s World Cup Qualifiers is not a case of indiscipline, Inter-Milan coach Jose Mourinho said yesterday. At a news conference Mourinho expressed sympathy for Adriano (far right), who has talked publicly about his drinking and personal problems, but
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      • 31 50 Wrong place, wrong time for Villa to meet Manchester United. Man Utd, with a point to prove, will sit on a tired-looking Villa. United’s defence must stop a Villa first goal.
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      • 832 51  -  NEWCASTLE0 CHELSEA2 (Lampard 56, Malouda 65) LIM HAN MING COMMENT DIFFERENT managers, same story. Even the appointment of Alan Shearer as the interim manager could not stop the freefall of his beloved Newcastle. Tyneside was buzzing with excitement this week with the return of
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  832 words
      • 545 52  -  BY SpecialCorrespondent SEAN COLLINS Special Correspondent PA Sport NDREOOIJERsteppedoff the bench to score a dramatic late winner for Blackburn at Ewood Park and ease their fears of relegation. The Dutch defender took advantage three minutes from time when goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes failed to deal with a
        PA Sport  -  545 words
      • 260 52 MIDDLESBROUGH’Srelegation woes increased as they were thrashed by Bolton to leave them five points adrift of safety. Kevin Davies put the hosts ahead with his 12th league goal of the season in only the eighth minute,onlyforGaryO’Neilto equalise seven minutes before half-time. However, Gary
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      • 325 53  -  BY JOHN CURTIS Special Correspondent ICARDOFULLERandJames Beattie earned Stoke their first away win of the season andpushedTonyMowbray’sside closer to the relegation trapdoor. A Scott Carson blunder handed Fuller the opening goal after just two minutes and then defensive hesitancy allowed Beattie to add the decisive second
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      • 253 53 PA Sport TEN-MAN Portsmouth survived a horror show from England defender Glen Johnson to claim a crucial point at Hull. Johnson may have felt aggrieved to have been dismissed late in the game after an innocuous collision with Dean Marney, but could already have been
        PA Sport  -  253 words
      • 281 54  -  LIM HAN MING FANS were disappointed when they tuned in to watch the “live” telecast of the match between Arsenal and Manchester City on StarHub’s Football Channel 27 last night. The match at the Emirates was scheduled to start at 10pm Singapore time but transmission broke
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  281 words
      • 580 54  -  ARSENAL2 Emmanuel Adebayor (8,49) MANCHESTERCITY0 IAIN MACINTOSH COMMENT WHAT could Arsenal have done this season with a fully-fit squad? Injuries may have robbed the Gunners of a chance to challenge for this year’s Premier League title, but their fans were given a glimpse of what
        580 words
      • Article, Illustration
        80 55 LIVE TELECASTS SERIEA Tonight: JUVENTUS v CHIEVO Ch 61 mioTV, 9pm ROMA v BOLOGNA Ch 61 mio TV, 11 pm (delayed) LALIGA Tomorrow: VALENCIA vGETAFE Ch 21,1am SPORTING v RACING Ch 27,3.55am AFC CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Tuesday: NAGOYA GRAMPUS EIGHT v NEWCASTLE JETS Ch 24,5.55pm EPL Tonight: EVERTONvWIGAN Ch 22,10pm
        PICTURE: AP  -  80 words
      • 18 55 SHELL HOUSTON OPEN Tomorrow: DAY 4 Ch 26, 3am ESTORIL OPEN Today: DAY 4 Ch 26, 9pm
        18 words
      • 7 55 TENNIS SONYERICSSON OPEN Tomorrow: FINAL Ch22, 1am
        7 words
      • 21 55 MALAYSIAN GP Today: PREVIEW Ch 24,4pm RACE DAY Ch 24,4.45pm *Repeat telecast at midnight CHEQUERED FLAG Ch 24, 6.45pm
        21 words
      • 500 55 OVERSEAS EVENTS GOLF What: Shell Houston Open (PGA Tour) When: Ends tomorrow morning, Singapore time Where: Redstone Golf Club, Houston, US ENGLAND’SPaulCasey seizedthe clubhouse lead at the weather-disrupted Houston Open as one of only five players to have completed the second round before darkness halted play on Friday. Casey
        500 words
    • 299 56 PA Sport MANCHESTER United will place their faith on Carlos Tevez to help them survive a striker crisis against Aston Villa tonight but only after they rub salt into the Argentinian’sgapingwounds. As Wayne Rooney is suspended and Dimitar Berbatov has been ruled out with an ankle
      PA Sport  -  299 words

  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 32 38 Saturday 4 Apr 2009 First Second Third 9158 8747 7659 Starters 1493 8770 2131 8510 5033 3790 6065 2342 7698 1976 Consolation 8072 4046 4284 6049 1302 7789 4197 0607 9390 7946
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  • Page 46 / 47 Miscellaneous
    • 142 46 / 47 K League K League S.League l e ju Incheon Bal Khalsa Gyeongnam Gangwon Woodlands Sun, 05/04/09 2.00pm Sun, 05/04/09 2.00pm Mon, 06/04/09 7.45pm E Premier, E League Champ, German, Italian, Spanish and J League matches are also on sale. For more details, please check Singapore Pools website. LIVE TELECAST AT
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  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 75 48 BDF#### Beiersdorf v. m m NIVEA FOR MEN 3? IDENTLY Nat Ho MediaCorp Artiste NIVEA FOR MEN user SOAP-FREE GEL FORMULA START YOUR PAY SEE IT THROUGH' DEEP CLEAN FACE WASH Won't leave skin tight or dry Deeply cleanses, removing all dirt and excess oil Unclogs pores and helps to
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    • 70 49 Beiersdorf XI KIYEA FOR MEN a. 0 A N 6 HIVE A I i w FOR M N i-S. tn t sZL FOR 24 S3 en G4 1 ANTI PERSPIRANT ANTI PERSPIRANT M* fc y/y*' SUjiuNm. I La Iwtfk >M SILVER PROTECT Up to 99%* of bacteria that cause body
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    • 51 56 MALAYSIANGP: JensonButtontakespole,furiousFelipeMassablameseverybody.Page41 GUNNERSFIRE: EmmanuelAdebayor’sgoalsseeArsenalstrengthengriponfourthspot.Page54 shoulder but Patrice Evra and The positive results have fuelled a belief the international break came at exactly the right time for us. Most of the players have come back happy at their results and now we must focus on a tough game against Aston Villa,”saidO’Shea.
      51 words