The New Paper, 27 March 2009

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1 64 The New Paper
  • 12 1 the new paper 27 Mar 09 fri 70 CENTS MICA (P) 193/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 Cleaner who found baby in Changi Airport: I couldn’t tell if it was dead or alive PAGE 10 THE THINGS SOME MEN STUCK IN A BOTTLE FOR 3 DAYS S’pore man too shy to seek treatment for swollen penis Docs say... PAGE 2 Actual size of bottle 70 CENTS MICA
      52 words
    • 149 1 NUGENO MEN Instantly Moisturizes, Cools Smoothens Skin. With UV Care Guaranteed! Refreshing Non-oily IJII.'cldJM Raymond Lam Hong Kong Actor/ Singer NUGENO MEN User Oil Control I COOLING MOISTURIZER s*J Oil Control COOLING SPF 25 I Cools, hydrates and smoothens skin Controls sebum secretion and shrinks enlarged Protects skin from environmental
      149 words

  • News
    • 935 2 / 3  -  ‘Removingforeignobjects stuckonmen’sprivateparts callsforcreativesolutions’ DENTAL DRILL iron saw SURGICAL CUTTER industrial-strength device PLIERS hospitalcarpentertools SCDFEQUIPMENT REPORTS: AMANDA YONG FOR more than a week, his penis was stuck in the neck ofa 1.5-litre soft drink bottle. But the 77-year-old man chose to suffer in silence.
    • 447 2 / 3 SOME men will go to extremes for the sake of sexual stimulation. And they are not necessarily weirdos. The typical penile strangulation patient could be someone standing next to you on the bus or a colleague in the next cubicle, say
      447 words
    • 769 7  -  Fugitive jailed for cheating bank. He says: REPORT: CHONG SHIN YEN AFTER more than 20 years on the run, there was only one person he wanted to see. But Chan Kwee Seng, 58, was disappointed yesterday when his mother did not
  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements
    • 147 2 / 3 CLASS TIMINGS Morning: 10.30am 1.30pm Afternoon: 2.30pm 5.30pm Evening: 7pm 10pm Make an appointment with our consultant CALL OR SMS NOW 6337 7727/8222 2577 A class of discovery! Sit in for a class of your choice before deciding on the programs to sign up. Get a taste of our
      147 words
    • 19 2 / 3 Hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838
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  • Page 4 / 5 Advertisements
    • 337 4 / 5 Youcan finda selection of Indian Muslimfood. Thereis anarray ofcurries and otherdishes andthe murtabak istantalising. For$6.90,youcan geta seafood combo murtabak. Theportionis largeand you’llbe wantingto headout fora jogafter your meal. Therest of themenu isinexpensivetoo. There’smore atthemall ATYEWTEEPoint,you havea wide choiceof eats. Ifyou’refeeling theurge toeatprata,head to JK JlnKayuThePrata Cafe(#01-26). Youcan gothereany time becauseit
      337 words

  • News Cabinet Reshuffle
    • 501 6  -  Lim Hwee Hua fulfils vision of a woman becoming a full minister REPORT: NG WAN CHING ITSEEMSalmostlikeanaturalprogressionthat Mrs Lim Hwee Hua should become Singapore’s first full-fledged woman minister. It was announced last evening that the calm and good-natured former Senior Minister of State for
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  501 words
    • 293 6  -  REPORT: LOW CHING LING OVER the years, his name has often popped up in polls asking voters and political observers who they think would make the cut as a future Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) or even Prime Minister (PM). That man is Mr
      293 words
    • Article, Illustration
      121 6 Mr S Iswaran, 46: Appointed Senior Minister of State in Ministry of Education. Retains present post of Senior Minister of State in Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) MrLee Yi Shyan,47: AppointedMinisterofState in MinistryofManpower. Retains presentpostof Ministerof Statein MTI Mr Sam Tan, 50: MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC:
      121 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 163 7 Enjoy safe and effective skincare solutions at $28 CLEAR ACNE MARKS IN 4 WEEKS LHE™ photothermolysis emrts red and green light to reduce swellings and eradicate pimple-causing bacteria, resulting in a clearer healthier complexion. FACE LIFTING AND BODY SHAPING Capactivie radio waves stimulates production of elastin and collagen for skin
      163 words

  • Local News watch
    • Article, Illustration
      27 8 DIEHARDFANS:Thisqueueforfreeticketstoa meet-the-fans session of Taiwanese boyband Fahrenheit started forming at 5am on Wednesday. Fans refused to give up even when it started raining. PICTURE:LIANHE WANBAO
      PICTURE:LIANHE WANBAO  -  27 words
    • 224 8 RIDE ON GUANGDONG GROWTH SINGAPORE can ride on the growth of China’s Guangdong province by seizing opportunities for collaboration and investment. But, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (right) said yesterday, Singapore also has to figure out how to stay two steps
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  224 words
    • 109 8 HDB yesterday put on sale its first batch of new Punggol flats, and the prices are 10 to 16 per cent cheaper than the last time. Flats in Punggol Regalia, launched in December, were prici- er because of location and design features. The 519
      109 words
    • 98 8  -  Amanda Yong A SINGAPOREAN man in his late 40s was found dead in a Geylang hotel room yesterday. Police were alerted around 6.20pm after the topless man was found motionless on a bed in a fourth-storey room in Hotel 81 Lucky on Lorong
      98 words
    • 96 8 SINGAPORE’S industrial output continued to fall due to shrinking demand in the face of the global economic downturn. Last month’s production slumped 22.4 per cent compared to the same period last year, according to figures released yesterday by the Economic Development Board. However, the positive note
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    • 535 9  -  Former British PM talks about faith and the economy in NUS speech REPORT: NG TZE YONG IFthere’severgoingtobeamovieonTonyBlair, it may well be a romantic comedy called“There’sSomethingAboutTony”. SpeakingattheNationalUniversityofSingapore (NUS) yesterday, the former British prime minister was decidedly different from themanwhosawoutcontroversy-riddenlast daysat10DowningStreettwoyearsago. He had a glow about him,
      PICTURE: AP  -  535 words
    • 596 10  -  Cleaner finds baby in airport bin wrapped in multiple bags REPORT: VIVIEN CHAN JOANNA HOR BAGSareacommonsightatChangiAirport,evenwithinthetransitarea.Butonecleanerwillneverforgetwhatshefound inabagwithinabag,withinatrashbag. Her curiosity was first pricked when, in clearing trashfromarubbishbinatTerminalOne’stransitarea, shepickedupanunusuallyheavytrashbag. Itwasaround8.20pmonWednesday.Thecleaner,a Chinese national who gave her name only as Ms Han, went around the transit area near
      TNP PICTURE: JOANNA HOR  -  596 words
    • 328 11 Skills development course motivates 45-year-old to embark on a career change A TWO-DAY training course changed her life. After being a salesperson in an electronics company for 15 comfortable years, Madam Yeow Wai Hun (right), craved change. And the 45-year-old got her wish. The
      328 words
    • 239 11 LIFE, at one point, seemed pretty bleak for Mr Muhammmad Alwi B Hasimani, 22. Now a customer service associate at Royal Sporting House, he survived on many odd jobs since dropping out of school while in Sec 3. Hesaid:“Atthattimethefinancial situation in my family was not
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    • 1092 12/13  -  COMMENT HARASSED BY MENTALLY ILL NEIGHBOURS LOW CHING LING IN the dead of the night, their mentally unsound neighbour stood outside their flat banging on their door and windows, repeatedly pressing their doorbell and hurling threats at them. Helpless, the family
      TNP GRAPHICS:LEE HUP KHENG  -  1,092 words
    • 442 14  -  REPORT: VEENA BHARWANI SHE calls the 50-cent-sized burn mark on her forearm a “scar ofsacrifice”. It was what former Victoria Junior College principal Chan Khah Gek got at a torch relay at the JC. Despite the pain, she
    • 523 14  -  Principal looks at going it alone, if need be REPORT: SANTOKH SINGH ONits25thanniversarycelebrations,VictoriaJun-ior College (VJC) principal Chan Poh Meng has onewish. That the Victorian family would run a six-year full IntegratedProgramme(IP)withinthenextfiveyears. And he is still hoping that it would be achieved without splitting up VJC
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 193 10 GENUINE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATIONS FROM UK INSTITUTION Wigan Leigh College, UK I IP J l' "Case-Trusted School" HOSPITALITY TOURISM MANAGEMENT I Full Time Part-Time (OJT up to $700.00/monthly (optional) Call/SMS: *****1Q0 Ca?eTrust ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Essentials of Administration frr>yj.i3F m SCHOOL OF BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY Preparation for Psychological Studies Coffee with Senior Academic
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 20 11 Brought to you by: spur LEARNING FOP LIFE ADVANCING Win SKILLS lf£ ESSSS WDA~ SRIEF Skills Programme for Upgrading Resilience
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    • 153 11 Here’show to upgrade yourself KEEN to enhance your job skills? In these times of recession, it pays to upgrade and enhance your employability. The Singapore Employability Skills System (ESS) has several modules like Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN), Information and Communication Technologies, Problem Solving and Decision-Making among others. Through ESS,
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  • Page 12/13 Advertisements
    • 53 12/13 AdditionalreportingbyGeraldine Yeo, newsroom intern 3-DAY SUPOR SALE 27 29 Mar 2009 While Stocks Last. SUPOR inspire your life In celebration of our successful launch, we're pleased to present this exclusive offer for 3 days only! NOW USUAL $5990 Asian Classic Wok 36cm Available at Best Denki, Carrefour, Courts, Giant, John
      53 words

  • Global News watch
    • Article, Illustration
      52 15 Mr Josh Kowalczyk from Michigan, US, takes a bite into a US$20 ($30) 4,800 calorie burger on Tuesday. The sesame-seed bun is made from 454g of dough, five 151 g beef patties, five slices of cheese, nearly a cup of chilli and liberal doses of salsa and corn chips.
      PICTURE: AP  -  52 words
    • 285 15 GEITHNER’SPROPOSALTOCONGRESS Wire services US TREASURY Secretary Timothy Geithner proposed to Congress sweeping financial regulatory reforms, including a “single entity” to oversee all key financial institutions and payment systems. “We need to strengthen our system of prudential supervision across the financial sector,” he told
      Wire services  -  285 words
    • 102 15 AFP TENS of thousands of red-clad protesters marched to the office of Thailand Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday, stepping up their campaign to topple him. Police said around 30,000 sup- porters of former premier Thaksin Shinawatra had started moving in trucks, cars
      AFP  -  102 words
    • 100 15 AP TAIWAN’S defiant former president Chen Shui-bian went on trial on corruption charges after angrily proclaiming that the government is persecuting him to please China. The 58-year-old faces possible life imprisonment if convicted on charges of embezzling NT$104 million ($4m) from a
      AP  -  100 words
    • 114 15 AFP FIVE babies have died from infections they acquired in a filthy hospital in northern China, state press reported, amid a scare over a high-ly-contagious disease among kids. Incubators at the Tianjin clinic were seriously contaminated and were not thoroughly sterilised, leading
      AFP  -  114 words
    • 437 16 Airport shuts down, beaches deserted as Bali marks its new year AFP BALI’S normally packed beaches were deserted yesterday as the holiday haven shut down for a day of silence to mark its Hindu new year. Shops shut their doors and tourists were effectively confined to
      AFP; PICTURES: AP, AFP  -  437 words
    • 354 18/19 TRADE and Industry Minister Muhyiddin Yassinis Umno’s new No2 man after being elected deputy president. Traditionally, the deputy president becomes deputy prime minister. Mr Muhyiddin got 1,575 votes while his opponent, Mr Muhammad Muhd Taib, got 916. After the official announcement was made at
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  354 words
    • 720 18/19 OutgoingM’sianPM surprises many with tough speech THE Umno delegates seated in the cool, air-conditioned auditorium at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur suddenly felt the temperature go up. The heat was emanating from the least likelyofpeople–theirgentleandquietdeparting prime minister and Umno president Abdullah Ahmad
      TNP GRAPHIC: SIMON ANG; PICTURE: AFP  -  720 words
    • 693 20 Suspect answered victim’sonlinead seeking sex partner AP IF ONLY George Weber had seen John Katehis’online profile,hemight nothave met him, and possibly be alive today. Instead, Mr Weber, a radio journalist, was foundstabbed“50timestotheneck”,reported New York Daily News. Police have arrested the 16-year-old Katehis, whose MySpace profile
      AP; PICTURE: AP  -  693 words
    • 484 21 But investor George Soros ranks only 4th on top hedge fund managers list THE current financial crisis may have dwindled the fortunes of many in Wall Street, but Mr George Soros is one among a handful who still mademoney–aboutUS$1.1billion($1.7billion)ofit. Mr Soros, who predicted the
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 13 15 DILBERT SCOTT ADAMS REGIONAL WEATHER KL:Thunderstorms High31˚,Low23˚ Jakarta:Thunderstorms High33˚,Low24˚ Bangkok:Thunderstorms High33,Low26˚ Manila:Thunderstorms High31˚,Low27˚
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 508 17 THE CHOICE IS YOURS.® 1 PAY NOTHING WITH TAKE3 OR GRAB THESE PHONES AT UNBEATABLE PRICES. LAST 3 DAYS! Special Offers Lot 1 Shopper's Mall Only! (Level 1 Atrium, in front of Hang Ten) 27th 29th March Roadshow Starbuys! CD e i 9 Lytx •ihot Sony Ericsson K770i UP. $68
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  • Page 18/19 Advertisements
    • 283 18/19 multimedia INTEGRATED (S) PTE LTD The Race Is On! Video Photography compGTinon Canon FS 100 $200 Ml Voucher Trophy Canon IXUS 970 $200 Ml Voucher Trophy (for Photography Category) 2nd PRIZE iPod classic $100 Ml Voucher Trophy 3rd PRIZE iPod Nano 8GB $50 Ml Voucher Trophy CONSULATION PRIZE 6 Audio
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 247 20 Foundation after O level Medical Foundation after O A level O O University of St Andrews Scotland's First University YOUR PATHWAY St Andrews Undergraduate Foundation (Sep 2009) j j The University of St Andrews (founded 1413) is the oldest university in Scotland the 3rd University oldest in the UK, after
      247 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 329 21 WHY SHE’S OBVIOUS CHOICE FOR FULL MINISTER <fk FIRSTCOACH xnjfcac child 50% off $33 i way 3« No peak charges J o No fuel surcharge $55 ZW3V 5 terminals for your convenience SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR o Novena o Bangsar o Plaza o 1-Utama Subang HOLIDAY PROMOTION! 3D2N Holiday Villa 5*
      329 words

  • You
    • Article, Illustration
      34 22 / 23 FROM READER ZULKIFLEE ABDULLAH DANGEROUS: Our reader spotted a pool of water in this street lamp in Woodlands and pointed it out as a possible mosquito breeding ground. E-mail your pictures to
      34 words
    • 352 22 / 23 HOW KIAN SOON CHAIRMAN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE APEX DAY REHABILITATION CENTRE FOR ELDERLY Students mocked on Flag Day WEREFERtothearticle“Stu-dents mocked for not collecting enough money” (TheNewPaperonSunday,8Mar). Wefelt that the article may have giventhewrongimpressionthatstudentswhovolunteeredtheirtimeto participate in the Flag Day for the Apex Day Rehabilitation Centre for Elderlywerenotappreciated. In the
      352 words
    • 104 22 / 23 1 ADULT-LIFESTYLE magazine Show East, which was sold at some neighbourhood convenience stores, has been ordered off the shelves by the Media Development Authority, which described its contentas“exploitative nudity”. 2 SOME 18,000 people here have dementia and the number will more than double by
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    • 154 22 / 23 FROM READER SOH JIN HOE DAVID MANY motorists (car owners, motorcyclists, lorry drivers) litter every day when they leave behind tabs they tear off from parking coupons at carparks. Even though the tabs are small pieces of paper, they are still
      TNP FILE PICTURE  -  154 words
    • Article, Illustration
      38 22 / 23 What do you think of the Earth Hour campaign tomorrow? “Onehour willnot make much difference because most people are already quite mindful of the electricity they use in order to cut expensesin suchbad times.” MsVivian Chen,25,financial consultant
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    • 78 22 / 23 On tougher rules for errant property agents: “Regulationsand punitive measures for the property industry are long overdue as many agencies operate like they are answerable to no one and agents are not held accountable for any wrongdoing simply beca use their agencies depend on them for profits.”
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  • Page 22 / 23 Advertisements
    • 59 22 / 23 YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 Forverification,we needthe writer’sfull name andcontact number (preferably a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you have granted us the right to
      59 words
    • 259 22 / 23 TNP POST WOMAN .COM We’ve got a new Postwoman blog! Log on to to find behind-the-scenes videos, photos and news about your favourite Asian and Hollywood celebs. thenewpaper 2nd-most read English paper daily (Nielsen Media Index ’08) Your One-stop E-gamin A 4-storey gaming facility offering cutting edge technology with
      259 words

  • Show
    • 575 24 / 25  -  TV host Pornsak purposely failed his exams to try and get out ofS’pore REPORT: KWOK KAR PENG WHENhewasaschoolboy,hispar-ents told him he was coming to Singapore on a holiday, but he endedupmovingherepermanently. He initially rebelled against this foreign land, flunked his exams and was even
      575 words
    • 309 24 / 25 LIKE Pornsak, Lee Teng also had to adapt to life in Singapore after moving here from Taiwan when he was nine. But the 25-year-old host actually found his Mandarin improving at Jalan Teck Whye Primary School. Hesaid:“The teachersexpected my Mandarin to be
      TNP PICTURE: CHARLENE CHUA  -  309 words
    • 381 26  - Hawke his trip to Night Safari US actor seems un fazed by star status reveals sense of humour REPORT: JULIANA JUNE RASUL ETHANHawke...who’sthatah?WeoverheardthatquestionattheNightSafarionTuesday. Twoofthepark’sstaffwerestandingatthesidelines of Bongo Burgers, where the cast and crew of The Winter’sTale,intownforaweek-longrununtil31Mar, weretryingoutSingaporeSlingsforthefirsttime. Thereplyfromhisfriend? “Youknow,theactor?” They didn’t stick around long enough for us to find out
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  381 words
    • 233 26 TWO movie stars, an Oscar-winning director,andstill the crowds aren’t dashing to the ticket booths. TheWinter’sTale was brought here by the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT). Ticket sales for the star-studded production have been sluggish since they have been on sale for five months,
    • Spotted
      • 134 27 Whowas where,anddoing what? Here’sa round-up of the latest celebrity sightings in the region and Hollywood WHO: Scarlett Johansson, 24 WHERE:Big SkyStudios,London WHAT: Last week, it was Fergie and her new dark locks. Now, another blonde has changed the colour of her hair this time to a scintillating scarlet.
        PICTURES: AP, GETTY IMAGES  -  134 words
      • 71 27 WHO: Gwyneth Paltrow, 36 and Valentino, 76 WHERE: Museum of Modern Art, New York WHAT: Italian design guru Valentino had Paltrow by his side on Tuesday at the premiere of Valentino: The Last Emperor, a documentary charting the previous two years of his colourful life. Paltrow,
        71 words
      • 115 27 WHO: Geri Halliwell, 36 WHERE: Odeon Theatre, London WHAT:Newly singleHalliwellisn’t afraid toshowthe worldshe’savailable. On Monday, the former Spice Girl showed up at the premiere of The Boat That Rocked dressed in a low-cut strapless mini dress that seemed to echo one of her hit songs:
        115 words
    • Show Travel
      • 769 28/29  -  InCambodia,you’llbedistracted by gorgeous temple ruins as well as be disturbed by the Killing Fields REPORT: TAN MAE LYNN THERE are few places in South-east Asia that still have the remains of a rich ancient civilisation. Cambodia is one of them. Anyone who has travelled there will
        PICTURES: AFP, AP  -  769 words
    • 358 30  -  Safra Youth Network Committee launches website –ByHanSu-Ying,newsroomintern Han Su-Ying –ByHanSu-Ying,newsroomintern LOOKING for something new to do, but can’t seem to find anything interesting? Safra Youth Network Committee (SYNC) is launching an online portal,, tomorrow to cater to your lifestyle needs. Users can look
      TNP PICTURE: KENNETH KOH  -  358 words
  • Page 24 / 25 Advertisements
    • 41 24 / 25 HAWKE EYED AT NIGHT SAFARI Remember his movies? PAGE 26 i N i/ iSx V a—. >. jar j£» ■r >> m n m M -r TC A i 1 My' s rXgjSgjWMKE? WF/aA^ TNP DESIGN: PRADIP KUMAR SIKDAR PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG, MEDIACORP
      41 words
  • Page 24 / 25 Miscellaneous
      35 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 45 27 u. 1900-9-123-123 0EDQfljEB(JBSSE0 Chat Direct Voicemail SmS Alert: DS. Callers must be 18 years above. A friendly reminder:Do exercise caution prudence when meeting up with new friends for the first time. Customer service/ Request to bar number: 6873 6058. Service by JP Tech Pte Ltd.
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 28/29 Advertisements
    • 4 28/29 Continued on facing page
      4 words
    • 42 28/29 Continued from previous page the FUNi «T\ 30 1900,4(2^900 MhiCT^ItwMflaatofelTI FREE 3G chat: *****122 strangers from l this.seryice^Helpline: t *****249. (Barnnq&enquines) |JjT&C apply for the contest. Winners will be notified via phone. VRTs decision is final §ervicc Pte Ltd. Voice Pte Ltd.
      42 words
    • 613 28/29 Hong Kong (Land Only 2 to go) 3D Hong Kong F&E 4D Hong Kong Disneyland 5D Hong Kong/Shenzhen 4D Hong Kong/Macau 4D HKG/Zhuhai/Macau 3D Shenzhen 2D Macau Venetian 5★ fr$ 98 fr$268 fr$238 fr$298 fr$21 8 fr$ 98 fr$1 68 Bali (Land Only 2 to go) 3D2N Bali F&E fr$
      613 words
  • Page 28/29 Miscellaneous
    • 35 28/29 from the Directorof^ mm HAKB 2 and th x <r n;: •s •V: :e" i£s V ■-<*■ >'- V IN ASSOCIATION WITH hhhZ ■$0V* IPG I VIOLENCE I WITH CHINESE SUBTITLES ©2009 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX
      35 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 79 30 (HiFG C£E(S7 1900-9123-321 wm QECBOODtlCHM! 1911-9-121-121 90 cents/ min 50cents/min Free Line ***** 800 TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. fRft A s mmwM 'Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above. A friendly reminder:Do exercise caution
      79 words

  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 188 31 CHANNEL 5 Noon MyParents’House 12.30pm America’sFunniestHomeVideos 1.00 The Price Is Right 2.00 Footballers Lives 2.30 I Propose 3.00 Secret World Of Magic 4.00 Psych 5.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 6.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.30 Planet’sFunniestAnimals 7.25 S-League 2009: Super Reds FC Vs Tampines Rovers FC 9.30 News5Tonight 10.00 AmericanIdolVIII 11.00 SingTelGridGirlsOnTour
      188 words
    • 254 31 PICTURE: WARNER BROS WHERE’SWALLY?Reese Witherspoon playsa woman searching for her missing husband in Rendition. WATCH’EM Rendition HBO Signature (StarHub Ch 66), 10pm When an Egyptian engineer disappears on a flight from Africa to Washington, his American wife sets out to find the truth. Starring Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Meryl Streep.
      254 words
    • 258 31 S DreomCHol Partyi r i onn o i o o 111 I 9009 12 2 5 5 5 v Freeline: 6100 6601 Freeline: 6100 0000 1900:*****16 1990:*****11 For more information, log on to Callers must be 18 above. Calls are charged at S0.9a/min and 3G calls are charged at
      258 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 632 32 f Iw Noigusgpiainroe; Treat your taste buds to a variety of savoury rice dishes seeEatingOut Feature* r. Got punch! Learn the steps to making a decent cocktail. m Cut out for this? Hair salon in Orchard Road needs hair stylist and assistant stylist. See Class Hair/Beauty see After5 Pubtalk Feature
      632 words
    • 56 32 IMAGE MAKE-UP BEAUTY HAIR NAILS Course Preview! Free gift! Call 6278-7855 Signature Image Academy NEED CASH? $1000-$10,000 Sign Up New Handphone line/ Upgrade Transport provided Immediate! 9396 2428 Andy NEED CASH SIGN UP phone line/ Upgrade handphone line/ Corporate line for cash $1,888 $18,888 Sell/ Buy Pawn Laptop Handphone Other
      56 words
    • 19 32 NEED CASH? $1000-$10,000 Sign Up New Handphone line/ Upgrade Transport provided Immediate! 9391 6515 Ben More Fastads After Feature
      19 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 696 33 DIY Cocktail How to make yourself a decent brew. Written by Wong Wei Chen I'm sure you have your regular watering hole, where the suave dude behind the bar niftily whips up your favourite concoction. Watching his "performance" is perhaps a reward in itself, but when the cocktail is served,
      696 words
    • 19 33 Can't wait till See you every Friday in CATS FASTADS I IS MATS BUY IT* SELL IT• FIND IT
      19 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 546 34 spice Plain rice is hard to eat on its own, but it tastes fabulous when it has soaked up spices, sauces and gravies, and when paired with soups or strong-flavoured food! iUfUTHGi^r m Pm i ■~P// Hog's Breath Cafe Sauteed Cajun rice holds a flame-grilled sirloin steak from the best
      546 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 164 35 mm mm ww ww ww mm mm ww mm mm 1 m m 3 KAY LEE ROAST MEAT *j We're Now No. 125 Upper Paya Lebar Road. «t Singapore *****8 1 4 Tel: (65)6743 8778 44 4!] M Juicy, tender and plump chicken or ducks cooked to 4] perfection. Once
      164 words
    • 154 35 Ubin First Stop RESTAURANT UBIN FIRST STOP RESTAURANT (CHANGI) 57 Lorong Bekukong Changi Village (Next to Changi jetty) Tel 6546 5905 Website >eciaj. v Assam Fish Head $10 Claypot Crab Bee Hoon $10 Salted Fish Fried Rice fr $4 Mon to Fri. Excluding Public Holidays (Lunch Dinner) (Not available
      154 words
    • 247 35 y THAI RESTAURANT PTE LTD tOH»OK 91 7 77 THJ1 K'TCUEN Enjoy Great Savings for the month of MARGH ?«£> as Prices from m u m l W UbmSEAFOOD March Bonus Deal! Order our 'Famous' Braised Crab Beehoon JJ and Enjoy a Plate on the House Absolutely FREE (Har Cheong
      247 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 150 36 DERANAKAN CUISINC IAUTHENTIC TRADITIONAL DELICIOUS 3£ame-dty£e JVonyu cooking, at affatdaMe puce# B *****128 SINGAPORE EXPO (facing hall 3) WWW.BABAKING.COM.SG TlRishdai CoFFee 1~) ouse Family High Tea (12pm to 5.00pm) Saturdays, Sundays Public Holidays High Tea is Adult: $15.80 per pax Child $10.80 Over 35 Items of Buffet Spread For Reservations
      150 words
    • 161 36 DAILY SET MEALS (S) comes with FREE FLOW: Coffees (Mocha with ice-cream,etc) Soft Drinks (Root Beer Float,etc) 4 Flavours of Ice-cream (pustAcia %'oodbs el KittStts Tom Katsu Set (Chicken Cutlet) Just Acia Pte Ltd 11 Orchard Road #B1-45 I 1 Pasir Ris Close #01-40 Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station Downtown East
      161 words
    • 141 36 Restaurant (Nonya Food) 63-65 Serangoon Garden Way S(*****1) Tel: 6282 7972 6286 4813 Fax: 6282 5016 One of the BESTnonya torn UtlteYWI Special Selecti Deer Meat (Black Pepper) Nonya Ngoh Hiang Crispy Nonya Tahu Clayot Prawn (Indonesia) Ayam Buah Keluak Steam Garoupa (Nonya Sauce) Many N&w Delilcilousi EMsnlesil Husiness Hours:
      141 words
    • 166 36 PML PROPERTY MORTGAGE LOAN CONSULTANCY (PTE LTD) We provide financial consultancy services in Real Estate Matters for Buyers/ Sellers Arranging for legal loan from financial institution Fast Efficent Service TROUBLED BY DEBT PROBLEMS? Facing Bankruptcy, Seizure Auction Credit Cards Debt, Writ of Summon Problems? Transview Credit Consultancy Services PLS CALL
      166 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 125 37 Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs Business Needs a e a m i digital camera, voucher, plasma brandedbaqs Buy Back All Digital Gadgets Transport provided Islandwide r um 'r m il W? New Laptop Voucher %Cash We accept all conditions. $500-$3,000 $500-$8100 P4, Centrino, Centrino duo Computer P4 Core 2
      125 words
    • 25 37 CPF INVESTMENT HIGH RETURNS ANYTHING ALSO CAN CALL BENJAMIN *****112 CPF INVESTMENT Recover your investment losses through property investment BEST returns NO sales charge *****202
      25 words
    • 211 37 NEED CASH?! Sign up New Handphone Line Upgrade $500 $8000 Hassle free Free Credit Check No wasted trip No gimmicks Call Angel Kelvin 9098-9096 Need Cash To Tide Over The Crisis Sign up new line/ Upgrade handphone line/ Corporate line for cash $1,888-$18,888 Sell/ Buy/ Pawn Laptop Handphones. Call Ben
      211 words
    • 35 37 CPF Investment High Returns Good Service Miss Chan 9465-1100 CPF Investment Good service High returns Mr Leong 9895 4777 Care for a drink? Join me every Friday in CATS FASTADS [SATS BUY IT-SELL IT-FIND IT
      35 words
    • 41 37 CPF INVESTMENTS High Returns Monthly Review Welcome New Old Investors or Introducers. CALL *****500 CALL *****979 *****927 day/ night on the spot repair all brands TV, Video, LD, hifi, LCD TV, projector TV, Plasma TV, antenna. Good Price Repair/ Buy/ Sell
      41 words

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    • 515 38 Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets WE BUY NEW/USED/SPOILT LAPTOP ►ECIALISE© ✓BUY AND SELL ✓REPAIRS ✓TRADE-INS P4-Centrino, Centrino Duo, Core 2 Duo: S500-S3000 Computer P4: §500-8800 LCD Plasma: S500-S3000 DSLR Camera: §1,500 PlayStation 3: §500 PSP: §300 I PHONE: §1,200
      515 words
    • 46 38 Health liEiispg Pretty, charming I experienced therapists S Local,Young i, Masseuses (Relaxing Massage 1 Coleman Street #B1-29/30 The Adelphi S (Opposite Funar Ctr) 5 12.30pm-11pm 1:6333-9322 (Tel: individual Pte. Room Visit usat:#B2-19/20 Lucky Chinatown (next to Chinatown MRT station) OCEANIC Tel: 6221 6326 www. oceanic, sg
      46 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 351 39 Health Health Health ROMAM SP/\ Gym room Soothing back rub Sauna steam rooms Stress relieving massage Therapeutic foot reflexology Luxurious hydro cold pools All rooms with shower attached Professional Facial Session also available Comfortable TV/Video room with big screen Ample parking One_of theJjiqcjest Health Centre in J Bahrif 88 Jl.
      351 words
    • 254 39 Health Health Health RMia H Class ic iSpa Traditional Thai Shiatsu Massage Steam Sauna Theatre Room Resting Lounge Complimentary Meals Drinks 6776 2911 rOPF Parking rflCC WifiAccess 12 West Coast Walk #01-01 West Coast Recreation Centre (next to Clementi Stadium) PISSA HEALTH CENTRE We Provide The Best Swedish/ Shiatsu/ Thai
      254 words
    • 66 39 ANA Health Centre ROYAL QUEENS HOTEL 12 Queens St. 4 th Floor (Behind Alison Hotel) *****780/*****938 Open: 11am to 11pm Zen Health Centre GOLDEN LANDMARK HOTEL 5 th Level Next To Swimming Pool (Take Lift At Hotel Lobby) *****155 *****455 Open: 11am to 11pm iMassage we you tired!* Try one
      66 words
    • 201 39 Health Health at alace De Sauna Come and enjoy outRoyalty treatment from us. 1 HOTEL ROYAL Tel: *****338/*****338 36 Newton Rd #03-12/16 S(*****4) Business hours from 11am daily Charming, Experienced Masseuses Steam/Sauna. TV Restroom HOTEL GRAND CENTRAL 22 Cavenagh Road #02-06 Singapore *****7 Business Hours From 11am Daily Tel: *****048/*****049
      201 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 178 40 Health Health Canberra Health Spa 10 Jalan Tampang, Sembawang Garden Arcade S'pore *****4 (opp. Sembawang Shopping Centre) @6752 4844, 6755 5791 Shiatsu/ Swedish/ Japanese/ Baiinese/ Thai/ Hawaii Wave Massage Individual Rooms with Shower Attached Facial/ Foot Reflexology Aroma Spa Hot Pool Steam/ Sauna Theatre Room (SCV) I Cafeteria Business Hours:
      178 words
    • 209 40 Health Health Health Aiko Health Relax your mind n body in a cosy ambience n treat yourself with our wide range of services: Body Massage Individual room with shower attached Steambath Sauna Jacuzzi Coffee Lounge Theatre Room Mini buffet and refreshment li 19 Tanglin Road #B2-01 Business Hours: 10am-11pm J
      209 words
    • 70 40 Summer Beauty Salon New Opening Free Parking 14 Jln Kelulut Near Jln Kayu, off Yio Chu Kang near Esso Petrol Kiosk Tel: 8447-5564 Relax Hut Body Therapy Cosy environment Free Body Scrub 37A Tanjong Pagar Rd Tel: 6323-2878 Newly Open ORANGE BEAUTY SPA We provide... Ear Candling Body Scrub Facial
      70 words
    • 54 40 EQUATORIAL MASSAGE CENTRE 45 mins $28! ‘Javanese, Swedish Body Scrub‘ Young, Charming and (New faces) Malay, Indian Chinese Masseuses #02, 71A Maude Road (Left side of Jln Besar Plaza) Call 6296-1633 TRENDI BEAUTY FACIAL/ FOOT REFLEXOLOGY Relax, Destress, Skillful Cosy Environment Blk 40 Holland Drive #01-27 Tel *****446 Near Buona
      54 words
    • 17 40 We undertake residential office cleaning, grasscutting, carpet mattress uphostery cleaning Do contact us now at 6227 6515
      17 words
    • 159 40 Personal Needs Personal Needs J /"J V UriLUirt Wo hai/o 211 New Bridge Rd, ,,'w Lucky Chinatown #02-07 ii/UVeu 10 Next to Chinatown MRT Station Exit A ©6733 3878 EXCHANGE for !>CASH!» GOOD PRICE lor Handphone/Jewellery/Pawn Ticket 2nd Hand Gold Old Gold Gold Pound Jewellery, White Gold, Silver, Diamond,
      159 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 461 41 WANTED ALL USED/NEW/SPOILT HP Sign New/Upgrade Lines $10K 6300/6120/5310-$200 N70/N73/N80-$250 W910/6500/W760-$400 Blackberry $1100 Iphone-$1180 Nk E71/SE W595/SE C902-$580 NK95/HTC Diamond/ SS omnia-$850 PSP $400 Call 94-500-600 to PROPERTY SEMINAR Buying Smart In Difficult Times We live in turbulent times, marked by a downward spiralling economy and an uncertain property market,
      461 words
    • 57 41 Properties Properties HSR BUY/SELL/RENT HDB/Private Specialist Guarantee Sell Within 30 DAYS!!! Ready Buyers I Free Valuation Immediate High Deposit Free Non-Obligation Discussion Crisis Solution Plans Service You Deserve, People You Trust LEONARDSEOW 9338-9126 HSR y t '/a//,s High Immed Cash Deposit Housing Loan Eligibility Applications Guarantee Highest Price Sellers Bankruptcy
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    • 80 41 Professional, Reliable, Legal Service Assist Buy/ Sell Housing Problems $Immed High Deposit$ BUY/ SELL/ RENT (Advance Rental) Welcome No Obligation Discussion 9889-7188 Daniel mwmimi 0 Immed deposit (today) 0 High Cash Selling 0 Can wait 3-6mths 0 Rental advance 0 Negative Sales welcome 0 House sold, welcome enquiry v*****873> ♦Rent
      80 words
    • 64 41 Properties 0 Immed High Cash Deposit 0 Negative/Positive Sales Welcome 0 HDB Pty Sold or Not Welcome 0 Advance Rental 0 $0 Cash Deposit (Buyers) 0 $0 Downpayment (HDB) JLR HDB SPECIALIST /Immed High Deposit /Ready buyers with high cash Sold more than 2500 flats /Guaranteed sale in 3 days!
      64 words
    • 31 41 Buy/ Sell IMMEDIATE DEPOSIT 8168 8889 Cheap Rental! Available Immed! Master room $550 up Common room $380 up at various location. Yishun/ Woodlands/ Hougang/ Bukit Batok/ Toa Payoh/ Tampines. *****084/ *****139
      31 words
    • 46 41 Citylights 1927 sqft. Sea/ city view. High floor, next to MRT One North Res 1313-1593 sqft x 3 units ClementiWoods 1410-1561 sqft x 2 units Hurry! *****478 EASTPOINT GREEN 3+1. F/furn High flr Full facilities Near MRT Avail immed $3200 neg No agts *****855 Mrs Tan
      46 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 419 42 Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles bTWMMCEff. 6844 5889 61, Ubi AVE 2 AMI Bldg #02-10/11 Terms Conditions Apply Honda CIVIC Type R $97,800 r Mitsubishi EVOXRS $89,800 _j n HDB FLAT WANTED 7 Groups of PR family urgently looking for HDB units to rent in all areas. Budget between $1600-$2000 Call 9646-5229
      419 words
    • 254 42 Education Courses Education Courses vA li a* <81 i'V i 4 v. ■s I ©u european university ATTENTION GCE 'N' LEVEL '0' LEVEL GRADUATES. YOU CAN GET A UNIVERSITY DEGREE IN 3 YEARS! Registration is now opened for 2009 intake. Enrol early as vacancies are limited. Free Talks Today at
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    • 171 42 Accomplish Your Global Career IN THE F&B Industry WITH ICASI Overseas Internship Opportunities Mailable with International education Progress Path! International Award in Barista Skills City§fi International English for Speakers of Other Languages SI™ Certificate in Food Beverage Service Diploma in Food Beverage Service Advanced Diploma in Food Beverage Service Diploma
      171 words

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  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 123 44 CATS FastadsJOBS Toll-free: 1 800-289-9988 ADMIN CLERK NEEDED 48 Toh Guan Rd East Interested applicants pls call *****536 for appt Import export co. at Tuas ADMIN ASSISTANT GCE ’O’ Level above 2 yrs experience in handling import export documents PC literate Able to speak English, Mandarin Dialects to liaise with
      123 words
    • 231 44 Despatch/ De ivery Despatch/ De ivery Despatch/ De ivery McDehvery RIDER What You Need: At least Secondary School education Valid Class 2B license and personal motorbike with valid insurance A fun, cheerful personality Be able to work shifts, including weekends and public holidays What's In It For You: Attractive salary
      231 words
    • 262 44 FULL-TIME/PART-TIME POSITIONS DESPATCH cum PERSONAL DRIVER REQUIREMENTS Male applicants must have completed NS Have Class 2 and 3 licences Min. 'N' level Physically fit Able to meet tight schedule Must have positive working attitude and be responsible Singaporeans PR Able to start work immediately preferred WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ON 27 th March
      262 words
    • 92 44 Expanding Cake Shop Tampines (opening soon), Changi Airport, Bugis Junction, Great World City and more! requires 1. ASST AREA MANAGER 2. OUTLET IN-CHARGE 3. SHOP ASSISTANT Experienced in fast food restaurant advantage Flexi/ Part-Time Work Available KedaiKueKue Email your resume to: Bistro at Changi requires F&B SERVER
      92 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 190 45 JAPANESE KARAOKE in Orchard requires EXPERIENCED HOSTESS High Basic commission Flexible working hours. Please call 8150-6136 Joo Chiat Pub requires FULL/ PART-TIME WAITERS/ WAITRESSES Interested please call 9174-7452 after 12 noon NORTH INDIAN/ TANDOOR COOK wanted Tampines Bras Basah area Recognised Diploma required for foreigners 8151 3121 Restaurant Holland Village
      190 words
    • 98 45 FULL/ PART-TIME TRAINER for Chinese/ English Enrichment Programme (Pre School Level) Call 6467-4676 Needed Immediately PRESCHOOL TEACHERS CPT/ DPT Trained Call Sengkang *****667/ *****966 Kallang *****02 Chai Chee *****122 Jurong West *****122 Woodlands *****055 FULL/ PART-TIME CLINIC ASST. wanted in Jurong West Experience in handling Chinese speaking patients. Call/ sms
      98 words
    • 246 45 Other Positions Other Positions Purechem Veolia Environmental Services Pte Ltd Join us to work together for o CL€HN and GR€€N €NVIRONM€NT QC FIELD ASSISTANT Job Responsibilities: To conduct field auditing for any lapses in order to maintain the quality of work done. Intensive training will be provided to the successful
      246 words
    • 198 45 1) HORTICULTURIST 2) QS <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> At least 1 year working experience in local firm Dip in Horticulture Preferably staying near CCK or Woodlands area Only Singaporean or PR may apply Interested, please email resume to SALESPERSONS required If you are young, enthusiastic and want to make money COME JOIN
      198 words
    • 532 45 FULL/ PART-TIME OUTDOOR SALES Personnel needed Sellable gift items High commission Students welcome Call: 9160-1107 Handphone Game shop @People’s Park Complex looking for: EXPERIENCED SALES PERSON Pls call 8354-9599 Liquor Company requires: SALES EXECUTIVES With sale experience Company van provided Walk-in interview on 27, 28 30 March; From: 10am to
      532 words
    • 74 45 Urgently requires MALE/ FEMALE Security Officers To perform duty Kallang Bahru/ Geylang Bahru, Bt Batok, Hillview Paya Lebar Walk-in interview: William Security Services 799 Geylang Rd #02-01 Singapore *****0 Tel: *****883 SENIOR AIRCON TECHNICIAN Must have Class 3 lic Min 3 yrs experience with relevant qualification/ certification S’porean, PR or
      74 words
    • 51 45 STEERSMAN The Requirements: Port Limit Steersman holding Valid Manning License from MPA Can start work immed S’poreans and PRs only Starting pay S$1600 plus overtime allowances Pls call Mr Rim 8358 3739 Many assignments available. Looking for school teachers Full/ part-time Good rates Call *****361/ *****909 to register All locations/
      51 words

  • Sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 1082 46 RACE 1 (1,000m) 2 I’M A SMARTY PANTS (RW Smerdon) (2:0-1-1): Ran into a smart one on debut when 21/2-len 2nd (55.5kg) Rostova 1000m F’tonSchiavelloStksdeadtrack4Nov;sound 2-len, shd 3rd (53.5) Corsaire, Take The Rap 1000m Sandown-Hillside Triple M Stks dead track 15 Nov. Both
        1,082 words
        477 words
      • 324 47 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE 1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 8 Rising Shadow Right Click 3 Old Town 5 Right Click 3 Old Town 5 13 Giro 3 5 RightClick Own Town 1 Winning Heart Shuttle Express 3 Bright Witness 14
        324 words
      • 223 47 Trial 1 (official): 1 Unpickable (J Burridge) 2 Be Brave (KB Soo) 3 Myth Opening (A Feiruz) 4 Certain Prince (SH Low) 5 Ravages (YY Oon) 6 Dlewis (J Saimee). Margins and time: 11/4, 33/4, hd,1,5 (1min01.00sec). Trial 2 (official): 1 Seventh Avenue (M Yap) 2 External Traveller
        223 words
      • 329 47 WILLIAMLOW’SGUIDETOKRANJITRACKWORK SALVAGENTE, one of the beaten fancies last week, is working with a vengeance. Ridden by jockey John Powell, the Brush Marsh-trained four-year-old galloped impressively over 600m in 38.7sec. Powell will be taking over from rookie Aidil Feiruz who rode the Drama Critic gelding at his
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  329 words
      • 186 47 Workouts by horses engaged today: RACE 1: Slow work: Right Click (E Legrix), OldTown,Chinese Street,Giro? Expressardo, Toa Horseradish (D Chee), Shintaro (V Sivan). RACE 2: Slow work: Let’s Go, Shuttle Express (M Azrull), Big Bear, Touch Of Class, Fairy King Dane, Cfour (SH
        186 words
      • 189 48 (Race 7 No. 9) FACES his stiffest test to date but looks every bit the part as he attempts to stretch his unbeaten record to six wins in as many starts. Favourably drawn once again in gate No. 2, the brilliantly speedy three-year-old gelding (right, with
        189 words
      • 1138 48 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 C5 6.30 -1200m(SC) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 *****7 BrightCentury 57 (43) JMoreira 7 (4nzgDDragon-BrightCentury) 2 -400-0 PacificKingPrawn 57 (43) MYap*c4 10 (5iregCharlesLeck-PhilipSHLau) 3 0-0241 RightClick 57 (43) ELegrix 5 (4nzgLionelLee-Kaily) 4 *****0 StormKing
        1,138 words
      • 1976 49 LARRYFOLEY’SCOMMENTS FORTODAY’SKRANJIRACES RACE 1 (1,200m) 1 Bright Century??Last start in better company easily his best, so has to be kept safe today. 2 Pacific King Prawn??Gets a tick for class drop but still prefer to see him over longer. 3 Right Click???In good form
        TNP PICTURE: GAVIN FOO  -  1,976 words
    • Sports Mad About Golf
      • 489 50 SWEDEN’SJohan Edfors powered hisway to an eight-under-par 64 after the first round of the inaugural Black Mountain Masters yesterday. He held a two-shot lead over Korean teenager Noh Seung Yul. Edfors soared to the top of the leaderboard with an eagle and
        489 words
      • 412 50 Reuters ONE week after making his first cut on the US PGA Tour, Japanese teenage sensation Ryo Ishikawa has made a favourable impression on golfing great Arnold Palmer. The 17-year-old Ishikawa received a special invitation to compete in this week’s Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, which
        Reuters; PICTURE: AP  -  412 words
    • Sports Formula One
      • Article, Illustration
        654 51  -  Forget Hamilton and Massa. The former British favourite is thebookmakers’favouritefor the Australian Grand Prix, says BRIAN MILLER BRIAN MILLER LIKE it was last year, an Englishman will win the Australian Formula One Grand Prix. But unlike what it was in Melbourne in 2008, that driver won’t be
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  654 words
      • Article, Illustration
        891 52/53  -  ERNEST LUIS and LUKENETTO present an exclusive e-mail interview with FormulaOne’srisingGerman star Sebastian Vettel, now driving for Red Bull ERNEST LUIS, LUKE NETTO Last season, you had your first win. Now that you have moved to a team with a bigger budget, do you think you can compete
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  891 words
      • 855 52/53  -  VERSUS44 TheNewPaper’sFormulaOneanalyst LUKENETTOlooksatthebestunderdogs whocanchallengetheBigFourdrivers LewisHamilton,FelipeMassa, KimiRaikkonenandFernandoAlonso LUKE NETTO P T— jJsSP v r h Born: December 7, 1984 Krakow, Poland Height: 1.83m Weight: 72kg (inteJY BMW Power BMW Sauber I I Debut: August 2006, BMW Sauber Races/wins: 40/1 2.5% Podiums: 8 20% Pole positions: 1 2.5% 2008:
        855 words
    • Sports OLE!
      • Article, Illustration
        515 54  -  PETEJENSONonwhat’shappeninginLaLiga PETE JENSON The writer is a Barcelona-based European football correspondent for England's The Independent and The People. TOP OF THE WORLD LIONEL Messi is one of many players who will take a break from La Liga this week to play for his country. On 19 league
        PICTURE: AFP  -  515 words
      • 138 54 1 Cannavaro is a big admirer of fellow countryman Gianluigi Buffon to the point where he openly expresses his belief that the goalkeeper is better than Iker Casillas. “Hehas beenthe bestfor 10 years,”saysCannavaro. “Heis theMaradonaof goalkeepers.” 2 Cannavaro is planning to quit at the
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  138 words
    • Sports Football
      • 547 55 Reuters FIFTEEN top European football clubs are under pressure to renew their shirt sponsorships by next season as their contracts expire amid the economic downturn. We look at the challenges facing them. Why are shirt sponsorships important? SHIRT sponsorships form the backbone of clubs’ commercial revenues.
        Reuters; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  547 words
      • 230 55 Here are the main European shirt sponsorship contracts which expire by the end of next season Source: Deloitte’s Football Money League 2009 2008/09 SEASON INTER-MILAN (Italy) Sponsor: Pirelli (Automotive sector) Amount: 8 million euros ($16m) per year Since: 1999 MANCHESTER CITY (England) Sponsor: Thomas Cook (Travel)
        Source: Deloitte’s Football Money League 2009  -  230 words
      • 253 60/61 PA Sport LIVERPOOL boss Rafael Benitez believes his skipper Steven Gerrard should be named PFA Player of the Year. Manchester United stars Nemanja Vidic and Ryan Giggs are believed to be the favourites for the award, but Benitez is talking up the claims of Gerrard.
        PA Sport  -  253 words
      • 176 60/61 PA Sport RIO Ferdinand has called for his central defensive partner Nemanja Vidic to be recognised as the Premier League’s outstanding player of the season. Ferdinand claims Vidic has been one of the rocks on which Manchester United have based their title defence, and that
        PA Sport; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  176 words
      • 541 60/61  -  FRANK MALLEY PA Sport THISyearitisnotaboutgoals.Nor should it be about fancy tricks and flashy stepovers. Whenthetimecomestocrownthisseason’sFootballer of the Year voting is currently under way it must be about the player who has displayed sustained excellence while doing more than anyone else to preserve the traditionsofthebeautifulgame. Standupandtakeabow,RyanGiggs. Calmdown,calmdownLiverpudlians.IknowFern-
        PICTURE: AFP  -  541 words
      • 474 60/61 Cristiano Ronaldo appeared on CNN recently to talk about his achievements WHAT about your personal life? What doyoulike todo whenyou’re not playing football? I LIKE to be with people who care about me. My friends and family. I enjoy going out for lunch
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  474 words
      • 201 60/61 Wire Services SWEDENstriker HenrikLarsson can’tstand CristianoRonaldo’s persistent diving. The veteran has claimed his former Manchester United team-mate hits the ground too easily when tackled, and is warning his national team-mates not to fall into the tricky winger’s trap. He also revealed that
        Wire Services  -  201 words
      • 197 60/61 Reuters MANCHESTER United have sent a shirt sponsorship proposal to the Indian conglomerate Tata Group. United’s four-year, US$100 million ($150m) contract with American International Group (AIG) runs until May 2010 but the insurance giant said in January it would not be renewing the deal. The
        Reuters  -  197 words
      • 459 62  -  Never mess around with Fabio Capello. The England manager warned Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney during training about his behaviour following his outburst against Fulham last Saturday.GARYLIM plays Capello and comes upwithhisown“donot do”listforRooney, tongue-in-cheek, of course. GARY LIM THROW the ball away in anger. Nine minutes before
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  459 words
      • 341 62 Uefa revealed yesterday that they had charged a Macedonian club with match-fixing in a Champions League qualifying clash played almost five years ago. We look at the details of the case. PA Sport What action has Uefa taken? Uefa have charged FYR Macedonian club FK Pobeda
        PA Sport  -  341 words
    • Sports The Postman
      • 282 56/57  -  OurreadersprovidedmanyreasonsforLiverpool’s “feel-good”factorandamongthemwereRafaelBenitez andStevenGerrard.TheLetteroftheWeekwinnergave us his reasons with some valid jest LETTER OF THE WEEK Sasindran Sasi –SasindranSasi,23,self-employed,Liverpoolfan THE MAIN reason behind Liverpool’s current “feel-good”factorisRafaelBenitez. After signing an extension to his contract at Anfield, he has pledged his future to the Reds and he has also proved
        PICTURES: AFP, AP, REUTERS  -  282 words
        • 60 56/57 RAFAELBenitez’scontractrenewalhasdefinitelygiven hisplayerstheassurancethattherewon’tbeanychange of manager when the season ends. This gives them hope that most of the team will stay together when the season ends. The £30 million ($66m) in transfer funds when the season ends further ensures that the Reds will be on the right
          60 words
        • 77 56/57 THE MIDFIELD duo of Javier Mascherano and Xabi Alonso have been producing great midfield displays, providing cover for the defence as well as launching counter-attacks for the forwards. Their partnership has reaped great results lately, contributing to Liverpool’s good form. With the owners giving Rafael Benitez the
          77 words
        • 64 56/57 COMPARED to United and Chelsea, Liverpool do not have big names in every position, but they make up for it with better teamwork rather than individual flair. Without Steven Gerrard, Liverpool probably would not bewheretheyaretoday. Looking back at the past 30 years, can Liverpool attain
          64 words
        • 87 56/57 LIVERPOOL’S revival can be summed up in a name Robbie Keane. While Keane is a good player, his inclusion took away Liverpool’s strengths Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard. They had to accommodate him in the team. Keane is not as prolific a goal scorer as Torres
          87 words
        • 76 56/57 AS AN Evertonian, I hate to admit it, but Liverpool are now playing pretty and effective football. Rafa Benitez’s safety-first approach seems to be out of the window which many teams will not find to their liking as they will be spending more time defending
          76 words
        • 89 56/57 STEVEN Gerrard made the most intelligent statement after the Old Trafford slaughtering he hoped the result would give other teams hope that Manchester United can be beaten. No “I hate Manchester United” rhetoric. The last thing you want to do is to motivate your rivals. On the
          89 words
        • 75 56/57 MANCHESTER United’s ever-reliable Nemanja Vidic made an unlikely blunder which gave Fernando Torres a simple chance to score and then the Reds got themselves a penalty. Against Aston Villa, they got themselves two penalties. How often do you get a penalty in a game?
          75 words
        • 56 56/57 THEREwasalwaysthequestionofRafaelBenitez’scommitment to the club. With Real Madrid sounding their intent in getting Benitez, the players were disorientated. Benitez signed a new five-year contract the players gave him a five-star performance. Noweveryone’sclearabouttheowner’scommitmentto the club. The fans loved their manager more than the owners did.The confidence
          56 words
        • 96 56/57 THE REGULARS featured against Aston Villa and seemed as if they had been playing together for years. They clicked so well together, and their movements were almost telepathic, evident in Albert Riera’s goal he read what Pepe Reina was going to do. The defence is looking good too,
          96 words
    • Sports Asian World Cup Qualifiers
      • Article, Illustration
        514 58 Group B IRAN v SAUDI ARABIA Wire Services IT’SNOWor never. Iran skipper Karim Bagheri has warned his team-mates about a possible Saudi Arabia backlash ahead of row’scrucial2010WorldCupAsianQualifier between the two Middle East giants in Tehran. “This is a do-or-die match for Saudi,” Bagheri told “It’s an
        Wire Services; PICTURE: REUTERS  -  514 words
      • 493 58 Group A JAPAN v BAHRAIN Wire Services JAPAN have the chance to overtake Australia at the top of Group A when they host Bahrain at Saitama Stadium 2002 tomorrow. The Japanese are on eight points, two behind the Socceroos but four ahead of
        Wire Services  -  493 words
    • Sports World Cup Qualifiers
      • 324 59 Wire Services GERMANY coach Joachim Loew tested the fitness of his players and called for all-round improvement ahead of the World Cup Qualifiers. The tests in Leipzig come after two home defeats to England and Norway and some 18 months after the Germany squad took part
        Wire Services; PICTURES: AP, REUTERS  -  324 words
      • Article, Illustration
        96 63 LIVE TELECASTS WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS Tomorrow: RUSSIA v AZERBAIJAN Ch 27,10pm Sunday: ROMANIA v SERBIA Ch 22,2.15am GERMANY v LIECHTENSTEIN Ch 27,2.55am PORTUGAL v SWEDEN Ch 21,4.45am SPAIN vTURKEY Ch 22,5am ARGENTINA v VENEZUELA Ch 27,6.10am CanVenezuelacopewithArgentina’s diminutive strikers, Lionel Messi, Sergio Aguero (right) and Carlos Tevez? ASIAN WORLD
        PICTURES: AP,AFP  -  96 words
      • 40 63 BLACK MOUNTAIN MASTERS Today: DAY 2 Ch 23,3.30pm Tomorrow: DAY 3 Ch 23,3.30pm OPEN DE ANDALUCIA Tonight: DAY 2 Ch 26,10.30pm Tomorrow: DAY 3 Ch 26,9pm ARNOLD PALMER INVITATIONAL Tomorrow: DAY 3 Ch 26,3am Monday: DAY 4 Ch 26,3am
        40 words
      • 503 63 LOCAL EVENTS TENNIS What: STA Open Singles and Doubles When: Until Sunday Where: Kallang Tennis Centre OPENtoall players,the men’ssingles champion will take home a trophy and $500, whilethewomen’s singles champion will win a trophy and $300. ATHLETICS What: SPH Schools Relay Championships 2009 When: Tomorrow and Sunday
        503 words
    • 389 64  -  IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI THANKgoodnessthatsomeonehasfinallysaidit.Fabio Capello’s denunciation of Wayne Rooney as, “a crazy man’’, might be the best thing that has everhappenedtohim. Itwasahumiliatingpublicdressingdownforthelackof disciplinethat stillprevents himfrom being atruly“world class’’player. Theonlyquestionnow,iswhetherornotthehot-head-edfrontmanwilltakeitonboard. Capello rounded on Rooney during a training session, reportedly saying, “What were you
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  389 words

  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 36 51 Anson De Sauna Experience our Shiatsu Thai Swedish Massage Facilities: Sauna/Steam Bath Individual Rm with TV Lounge attached bathroom We- have- movetljrom-#oZ'4-£to #02.-4-2/54. E> 10, ANSON RD INTERNATIONAL PLAZA Tel: 6222 2437 6222 9588 6222 9566
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    • 86 56/57 QUESTION OF THE WEEKEND AFTER the end ofthe first Formula One race ofthe new season in Australia on Sunday, give us your view on howyouthinkthe title race will turnout. THE WORD limit is 200 words and the deadline is 10pm, Sunday. Post your replies online at or e-mail to
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    • 72 56/57 LETTER OF THE WEEKEND PRIZE THELETTER of the Weekend will be published on Tuesday. The winner will receive a pair of Salomon shoes worth almost $200, and will be notified about prize collection after the end of the month. The Postman’s Writer of the Month for March will get a
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    • 87 56/57 Visitus every day and on Facebook VISIT every day and readabout The Postman’sThought of theDay thatdiscusses the day’s top sports story. Feel free to react to theseposts, or to otherreaders’ comments. Also, become a fan of The New Paper on social networking site Facebook and receive updates on the
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    • 29 64 CRISTIANO RONALDO: When not playing football, what does he like to do? PAGE 61 PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES FORMULA ONE: Exclusive interview with rising German star Sebastian Vettel. PAGE 52
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