The New Paper, 30 January 2009

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1 60 The New Paper
  • 16 1 the new paper 30 Jan 09 frithenewpaper Singapore Press WMW Holdings 70 CENTS MICA (P) 193/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • News
    • 600 2 / 3  -  S’pore teamalleges: ■Jordan official uttered threat ■Jordan players threw punches, bottles S’PORETEAMMANAGER: REPORT:ERNEST ERNEST LUIS COMEtoJordan,youdie.Those five words are what allegedly sparked off the tunnel brawl between the Singapore Lions andtheirconqueredJordaniancounterpartsaftertheir Asian Cup qualifier match at the National Stadium on Wednesday. It’s what the
      BH FILE PICTURE  -  600 words
    • 488 2 / 3  -  Jordan team alleges: ■S’poreplayerusedexpletive ■S’poreplayers,officialthrew punches, stamped on player JORDAN COACH: REPORT:ARUN ARUN RAJ THEY were beaten on the field and then allegedly in the dressing room tunnel at the National Stadium. Jordan’snationalteamcoach,MrEduardoVingada, claimed this when The New Paper caught up with the departing Jordan team
      TNP PICTURES: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  488 words
    • 848 4 / 5  -  This misperception common among offenders, who are still mostly the young TEEN NABBED FOR GLUE-SNIFFING THREE TIMES IN A YEAR, BUT SAYS: REPORTS: ANDRE YEO WHILEmost14-year-oldsaremeet-ing up with friends after school, Joan has to meet up with a differentkind of crowd. ShemeetsofficersattheCentralNarcotics Bureau (CNB) twice a
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  848 words
    • 194 4 / 5 16% drop in drug abusers arrested 2007:2,21 1 abusers arrested Last year: 1,855 THE Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) said that one reason for the rise in those caught for heroin abuse was that Subutex was outlawed in 2006. Subutex used to be prescribed to
      194 words
    • 118 4 / 5 PICTURE STORY AP THIS couple from London visiting New York have settled into their hotelroom under the eyesof thousands of pedestrians and motorists. Mr Duncan Malcolm and Ms Katherine Lewis are getting a complimentary five-day stay at Manhattan’sRoger SmithHotel. In return, they must stay in
      AP  -  118 words
    • 653 6  -  SengHanThongdoesn’t dwell on attack but looks forward to recovery: Chinese expert Visitor on MP who was set alight: REPORT: DESMOND NG THE worst is over, an optimistic Mr Seng Han Thong told a visitor from his hospital bed. Mr Seng, 59, a Member of
    • 158 6 ONE week after MP Seng Han Thong was attacked, Dr Chua Chee Lay (below) wrote a columntitled“The Seng HanThong That I Know”inLianhe Wanbao. In the column, he wrote about his impressions of Mr Seng and how they first met when the latter was the news editor of
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  • Page 2 / 3 Advertisements
    • 37 2 / 3 The Lions could pull through in Jordan next year if they look back on their recent past/PAGE 51 Hotline: 1800-7 33 44 55 Website: Email: Fax: 6319 8266 Operations desk: 6319 5544 Circulation: 6388 3838
      37 words

  • Page 4 / 5 Advertisements
    • 44 4 / 5 THt DATING IN STYLE LeXu -?r«i s Sv J ipw* Find Out More at or call (45) *****117 GET HELP Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444 Parentline (Covenant Family ServiceCentre):6289-8811 Community Addictions ManagementProgramme: 6732-6837 CNB: 1800-325-6666 Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association: 1800-733-4444 National Family Service Centre:1800-838-0100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 k. Wi LV fesftSE ss Gveot fortune ant to besha m v<\e red Introducing the new Inaot Crust Prosperity Pizza 3* •,T <$v. I f■I 0 0 T) u» la^TSSjflw^as^ s "Jhis Lunar New Year, it can't get any more auspicious than feasting on our prized creation. Richly stuffed with
      149 words

  • Local News watch
    • 234 8 GLOBAL CREDIT CRUNCH SINGAPORE’S Finance Minister, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, has warned that the worst of the credit crunch is yet to come. Banks are still focusing on replenishing capital “and estimates of the extent of bad assets on their books are still on the
      ST FILE PICTURE  -  234 words
    • 111 8 EVEN though crude oil prices are at one of the lowest levels in years, oil companies raised petrol prices at the pumps again yesterday. Petrol prices are up 5 to 7 cents a litre. The last increase was on 7 Jan,
      111 words
    • 106 8 FOR the first time since 1982, women have been appointed to the board of the Public Service Commission (PSC) board. They are Professor Lily Kong, vice-president (university and glo- bal relations) of National University of Singapore, and Ms Chua Sock
      106 words
    • 98 8 THE $20.5 billion Resilience Package unveiled last week is more pro-worker than employees may realise for two reasons, labour chief Lim Swee Say told 500 union leaders at the National Trades Union Congress’annualworkplan meeting yesterday. First, the Jobs Credit scheme to
      98 words
    • 95 8 Reuters DBS Group’s chief executive Richard Stanley has leukaemia and would be absent for up to six months for medical treatment, the bank announced yesterday. Mr Koh Boon Hwee, its chair- man, will take charge in his absence. Mr Stanley, 48, previously
      Reuters  -  95 words
    • 34 8 MIDNIGHTBLAZE:Over100 residents at Block 322 of Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 were evacuated at 12.10amyesterdaymorning after fire broke out from an air-conditioning unit on the third floor. No injuries were reported. PICTURE:
      PICTURE:  -  34 words
    • 602 10 / 11  -  Group appears organised with lookouts Joanna Hor,Audrey Tan –JoannaHorandAudreyTan,newsroominterns BEGGARS, tissue-paper sellers and buskers are a common sight to visitors of Waterloo Street throughout the year. But a particular group of beggars caught the attention of passers-by and storekeepers over the first
      PICTURES: LIANHE WANBAO  -  602 words
    • 136 10 / 11 THE Destitute Persons Team conducts regular patrols in response to public feedback on beggars, an MCYS spokesman said in an e-mail last night. During festive seasons, these patrols are stepped up in anticipation of more beggars. Under the Destitute Persons Act, habitual beggars can
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    • 696 12 / 13  -  Briton spent $15 a day travelling 50,000km in 3 years REPORT: B ENSON ANG TRAVEL across the world on $15 a day? Peter Gostelow, 30, did just that by resorting to pedal power. The Briton cycled about 50,000km, starting from Japan, where he
    • 794 14  -  Womansaysit’sexploitation for hawker to charge more for chicken rice during CNY Sing Keng Loon –SingKengLoon,newsroomintern CHINESE New Year equals higher prices at hawker centres. With many outlets closed during the festive holidays, most people have come to accept the premium prices at places that do
      TNP PICTURE: SING KENG LOON  -  794 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 298 9 To prevent national and international panic, most politicians, economists and scientists are trying to promote optimism during our recent encounters with social, environmental and financial crises. Despite the repeated assurances, we all know deep inside that things are not going well with the world, and that's putting it mildly. Global
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 150 10 / 11 AGAPE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Calling all GCE 'A', '0', 'N' Levels and ITE Graduates d DUAL DIPLOMA PROGRAMS (Duration: 12 months) TWICE THE KNOWLEDGE TWICE THE OPPORTUNITIES k If your interests lie at the intersection of two fields, Agape Dual Diploma program might be the answer for you. Dual Diploma
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  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
    • 162 12 / 13 Enjoy safe and effective skincare solutions at $28 B CLEAR ACNE MARKS IN 4 WEEKS LHE™ photothermolysis emrts red and green light to reduce swellings and eradicate pimple-causing bacteria, resulting in a clearer healthier complexion. FACE LIFTING AND BODY SHAPING Capactivie radio waves stimulates production of elastin and collagen for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 149 14 CURTIN SINGAPORE Invites You... Curtin til >1 11 till 4ui!JiiiM r V i:, r Accounting Advertising Finance Human Resource Management International Supply Chain Management Logistics Management Management Marketing Public Relations International Business Curtin Singapore, the new campus of Australia's Curtin University of Technology, is pleased to invite you to an
      149 words

  • Global News watch
    • 26 15 ADVANCEDMACHINE:SomeSriLankansoldiersinspectinga submarine-like craft in the village of Udayarkattu. The soldiers discovered the vehicle, developed by Tamil Tiger rebels, during their advanceintotherebels’strongholdinthenorth-eastoftheisland. WhenI’mfinallykilled/PAGE18 PICTURE: AFP
      PICTURE: AFP  -  26 words
    • 307 15 HOUSE PASSES $1.2 TRILLION STIMULUS BILL THE stimulus bill passed by the US House of Representatives on Wednesday contains a controversial provision that would mostly bar foreign steel and iron from the infrastructure projects laid out by the US$819 billion ($1.2 trillion) economic
      307 words
    • 91 15 AFP AN Indonesian court has ruled that the trial of Singaporean terror suspect Mohammad Hassan Saynudin should continue under terrorism laws rather than criminal laws. Mohammad Hassan and two other Indonesians had applied to be charged under the less tougher criminal
      AFP  -  91 words
    • 86 15 LAST year was a complete disaster for Wall Street, but employees at financial companies in New York collected an estimated US$18.4 billion ($28 billion) in bonuses for the year. It was a 44 per cent decline from 2007 when bonuses wereUS$32.9billion.Lastyear’sbonuswasthe
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    • 108 15 AP COCKROACHES, mould and signs of a leaking roof were among the problems US federal inspectors uncovered at a Georgia peanut butter plant. The report by the Food and Drug Administration also documented that Peanut Corp of America found salmonella in
      AP  -  108 words
    • 840 16 She whipped kid dunked her in cold water US mum on trial for killing 2-year-olddaughter AP EVEN the most grizzled investigators were reduced to tears by the disturbing details of the death of 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers. Theblondelittlegirl’sdecomposedbodywasfound stuffed in a plastic container in Galveston Bay in Texas after she
      AP; PICTURE: AP  -  840 words
    • 495 17 Did a CIA chief drug rape two women? AP THEAlgerianwomenhadsimilarstories,andtoldthem to the authorities independently: He prepared them a drink, they became unwell and laterwokeup,surethatthey’dbeensexuallyassaulted. A US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer in Africa is under investigation for two separate instances in which he was accused of rape, according to court
      AP  -  495 words
    • 631 18 Killed Sri Lankan editor wrote own obituary slamming govt PROMINENTSriLankannewspapereditorLasan-tha Wickrematunge, an outspoken critic of the government’s war on ethnic Tamil rebels, knew hewasmarkedfordeath–andthoughtheknewwhy. Three days after he was gunned down execu-tion-style on 8 Jan, Mr Wickrematunge’s newspaper, The Sunday Leader, published a haunting,
      PICTURE: AP  -  631 words
    • 642 19 USpresidentBarackObama’s style of doing things is vastly different from that of former president George WBush IHT WASHINGTON flew into a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Barack Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There
      IHT  -  642 words
    • Article, Illustration
      82 19 Yes we can Under Mr Obama, staff can wear slacks and sweaters on weekends Noyoudon’t Under Mr Bush, every one had to wear a suit and tie Yes we can Mr Obama likes to walkto hisstaff’s offices. Noyoudon’t Mr Bush summons staff to his office. Yes we
      PICTURES: REUTERS, AP, AFP  -  82 words
    • 277 20 HIS heart belonged on the soccer pitch. But ironically, it was his heart that could have forced Cristiano Ronaldo to give up the sport. The mother of the Manchester United star has revealed that he had to have heart surgery when he was
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  277 words
    • 582 20 Aftergettingtaxpayers’ money,companiestry to stop labour unions, sue govt for restrictions THEYwenttoWashingtonDCtobegformoneysothat their companies wouldn’t collapse under the weight of crippling losses sustained during thedownturn. Now,criticsareaccusingthesesamecorporationsof using their bailout money to hurt the very taxpayers whohelpedbailthemoutinthefirstplace. TheHuffingtonPostreportedthatthreedaysafterit received US$25 billion ($36b) in federal bailout
      TNP ILLUSTRATION: PAT CHIA  -  582 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 13 15 DILBERT SCOTT ADAMS REGIONAL WEATHER KL:Thunderstorms High33˚,Low23˚ ■Jakarta:Thunderstorms High28˚,Low24˚ ■Bangkok:Cloudy High33˚,Low22˚ ■Manila:Thunderstorms High31˚,Low25˚
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 62 17 -b"o"OK««^ I -ANYONE ASKED The ne takes on C haUen Sa orisrt* 00 to revive on things to haSm oovab out the be haPPV rta inlV Scirocco one- rr^Taarl« of or 000 r r TTuHL *31J I /ITHE BOYS' BES l CARS Mill iji A r CRAZY 5S5J«"i The car
      62 words
    • 46 17 •^r a 31 JAN '09, SATURDAY 7.30PM THE REPUBLIC CULTURAL CENTRE THEATRE REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC ( TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MUZIKA REKOD *****546 $128 -VIP (Reception Meet Artist) Organised by Official Record Label Official Music Store Official Ticket Print Official Music Studio HIP music Supported by Supported by
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 60 18 Comfortable, air-conditioned spacious rooms. ESPN StarWorld cable vision. In-house movie channel. Complimentary beverage-making facilities. In-room IDD electronic safe. Special themed rooms with fridge, DVD LCD Television. Private bath/ shower amenities. Laundry machines Wireless Internet Access available. Ample parking. 60 Joo Chiat Road #01 -06 Singapore *****6 I Tel: (65) 6342-0988
      60 words

  • You
    • Article, Illustration
      36 21 FROM READER NUR FAYYADHAH WHEN THE SUN IS OUT: A sunny day is not just perfect to hang out the laundry but also great to sun musty mattresses and pillows. E-mail your pictures to
      36 words
    • 513 21 FROM READER ANGAIKMIN S’POREATHLETES’APPARENTMENTALWEAKNESS IREFER to the articles “A bunch of softies” and“Why we are poor losers insports”(TheNewPaper,27Jan). Various reasons have been given by the heads of the sport bodies to explain the apparent mental weakness of our athletes in international competitions. Reasons such as lack
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    • 187 21 1 THE queue of buyers for new HDB flats has become shorter. The reason: Frivolous buyers seem to have dropped out. The change has followed new HDB rules introduced last May to deter those applying for flats they are not keen to buy. Since
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    • 220 21 FROM READER BEVERLEY PASQUAL ASaseniorcitizen,onewouldexpectthe“priority seats”fortheelderlyandinfirmtobereadilyoffered to us, which the notice in the MRT train advises. YesterdaywhenItooktheMRTfromSomersetto Yio Chiu Kang, the train was crowded with elderly people,butthe“priority”seatswerealloccupiedby teenagers who feigned ignorance and did not give up their seats. Obviously the people in need of these
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    • Article, Illustration
      48 22 Government tapping youth feedback on the Budget: What do you think of this move? “Ithink itisgood.When the youth actively participate in matters relating to the Budget, they will be more aware of what goes into a country’seconomyand not take what they have for granted.” MrMel Amirudin,35, manager
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    • 98 22 Comments on 9-year-old boy who died after being hit by a tipper truck at a zebra crossing: “Isuggestwe replaceallzebra crossings with lighted pedestrian crossings. I have seen many motorists drive past at a high speed when they are supposed to slow down. I have also witnessed pedestrians
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 63 21 YOUR VIEWS E-mail or write to The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 Forverification,we needthe writer’sfull name andcontact number(preferably a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you have granted us the right to archive,
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 185 22 WE WILL ANSWER ONE OF YOUR QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO YOUR LOVE LIFE, CAREER, FINANCIAL, ETC THROUGH OUR ASTROLOGY ANALYSIS FOR FREE. THE IN STRAITS TIMES TODAY o Youth Speak Video Competition My view is unique. No one else has my perspective, I will share my view through what I
      185 words

  • Show
    • Article, Illustration
      783 23  -  Singer-actress Rima Melati finds love again aftershock divorce last March REPORT: JULIANA JUNE RASUL IT WAS a simple affair, with only close family and friendsinattendance. But the small army of media photographers was a sure sign that this was one hotly anticipated wedding. After months of speculation
    • 769 25  -  Student is the only non-Chinese contestant in Top 12 in history of Mandarin-language show Stacey Chia –StaceyChia,newsroomintern HE MAY not understand what he’s singing but that has not stopped Ridhwan Azman from participating in this year’s Campus Superstar
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  769 words
    • Show Spotted
      • 138 26 / 27 Who was where, and doing what? Here’saround-up ofthe latestcelebrity sightings in the region and Hollywood WHO: Paris Hilton (right, with George Sampson), 27 WHERE: Punk nightclub, London WHAT: Party girl Hilton put a huge grin on the face of 15-year-old George Sampson at a Nokia
        PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES, AFP  -  138 words
      • 114 26 / 27 WHO: Keira Knightley (below, with Karl Lagerfield), 24 WHERE: Paris WHAT: Designer Karl Lagerfield scored the biggest coup of the Paris fashion shows when Knightley showed up at his Chanel show on Tuesday. Paying homage to her hosts, Knightley, who
        114 words
      • 105 26 / 27 WHO: Angelina Jolie (left), 33 WHERE: Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles WHAT: Always a head-turner, Jolie was the centre of attention when she turned up at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday. Butitwasn’tbecauseshe had gorgeous Brad Pitt on her arm. All eyes were
        105 words
    • Show Travel
      • 594 28 / 29 High adventure meets high culture on this Indianheritagetrail AFP HIGH above the tranquil lawns of a 15th-century hillside fort, a man flies through the air attached to nothing but a steel wire. “There goes the British high commissioner,” said one of the impressed spectators at
        AFP; PICTURES: AFP, BERKELEY BOOKS  -  594 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 22 23 KEIRA CHANNELS COCO Actress Keira Knightley dresses from head to toe in Chanel –and shows off anew’do PAGE25 FILEPICTURE: UIP TRAVEL:Anotherwaytogetabird’seyeviewofmagnificentIndianfort. PAGE28
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  • Page 26 / 27 Advertisements
    • 314 26 / 27 *r r* Live Guaranteed Free Playline 6100 6601 v ciffl **********6 1900 *****11 DREAMCHM WISHES ALL READERS A HAPPY CHINESE LUNAR NEW YEAR! Yonly SO.99 Live Guaranteed Free Playline 6100 0000 For more information, log on to Callers must be 18 C above. Calls are charged at $0.aa/min and
      314 words
    • 96 26 / 27 c> a 1MFML (HIS3G£dQ7 1900-9123-321 Free Line TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF'$2000: wm WM c. M//, ni •jjyf t is DD33'QQDt]0iHQ CNY/AlL r auqhterj Anglpowtt! Friends!?! 1900-*****11 90 cents/ mm Bret reft jv i Sf-JF UiMIMHP 50cents/ min T>rl Qniinejpayment available *Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made
      96 words

  • Page 28 / 29 Advertisements
    • 193 28 / 29 DEALSOFTHEWEEK 12D9N Alaska Cruise Experience* $3,818 ($2,688 per person $1,130 for airport tax and airline and cruise fuel surcharges) Includes Royal Caribbean 7-Night AlaskaSawyer GlacierCruise. Fly by Northwest Airlines. 14 to 25 May. Buy 1 Get 1 Free 3/4/5D London or Paris from $888 $360 taxes on China Eastern Airlines.
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  • Page 30 / 31 Advertisements
    • 2333 30 / 31 StanhighlightlSightseeingMMeaWAccommodationBDepgrture Q Holiday Win! Now until 28 Feb '09 Grand Prize: Mercedes-Benz C180 Kompressor Book now and increase your chance of winning!! Up to 3x chances of winning with OCBC Credit Cards* "Vehicle is supplied by Cycle Carriage with 3-year warranty 0 PRICE w cor| fi den ce at ASA
      2,333 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 216 32 fuSioriChat Powered by Mobile Fusion Pte Ltd Chat i Park your profile, receive FREE sms alerts/ W Stay anonymous! t FREE LINE j/ All services in this page are only for 18 years above. Precautions must be taken when meeting strangers from these services. Fusion Chat Party: $0.90/min. To
      216 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 256 32 PICTURES:SONY PICTURES, AP MALEBONDING:(From left)Michael Cera, ChristopherMintz-Plasseand JonahHill in Superbad WATCH’EM Superbad HBOSignature (StarHubCh66), 10pm Twoco-dependenthighschoolboyscomicallystruggle withgirlproblemsandtheirownseparationanxiety. StarringMichaelCera,JonahHill,SethRogen. HowStuffWorks DiscoverChannel(StarHubCh12),9pm TheTVversionofthepopularwebsiteshowcasesthe extremelengthspeoplegotoinordertoextract ingredientsfromtheearth,andhowthesebasic commoditiesarere-egineeredintofascinatingand unexpectedoutcomes. Apocalypto StarMovies(StarHubCh58),9pm Takencaptivebyaninvadingtribe,ayoungMayan warriorplansanescapetorescuehiswifeandchildin thisMelGibson-directedfilm.StarringRudyYoungblood, DaliaHernandez. CHANNEL5 Noon TheRachael RayShow 1.00pm ThePriceIs Right 2.00 VolvoOcean Race 2.30 DebbieTravis: Painted House 3.00 TradingSpouses 4.00 Heroes 5.00
      256 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 607 33 im is haul Check out the array of scrumptious seafood dishes you can enjoy. gEatinq Out Feature w ■K >" V ii V i iff 8 r 4 < ♦rrT' --v fi Not as mean as you think Find out how bouncers can help to enhance your pubbing or clubbing
      607 words
    • 34 33 NEED CASH? Sign Up New/ Upgrade Handphone Line/ $1000-$10,000 On The Spot! Transport provided 9175 7878 ON THE SPOT CASH $888 $***** Sign New/ Upgrade Handphone Lines 9003-7101 ★Transport Provided★ More Fastads After Feature
      34 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 713 34 Selections Seafood specialities and more at this family eatery Another restaurant with "Hong Kong Street" in its name formerly occupied 222 Upper Thomson Road, but the premises were taken over by new management seven months ago. The present eatery is called Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant, and it specialises in
      713 words
    • 117 34 m (®)(®X®) fu AAA (®X®X®) TO AAA ▼H iii (®)(®X®) m iii (®X®X®) HI in (®X®X®) III m (®X®X®) HI iii Of iii (®y®x®) m iii C®X®X®) TO iii (®X®X®) in m (®X®X®) Of iii Of iii HI iii (®X@X®) m iii (^^V5ucf taste bali A piece of Bali BakitTimah
      117 words
    • 29 34 1BILAL FJJ RESTAURANT Fishhead Curry Sri Lanka Chilli Crab a*. X Jumbo Satay Home Delivery Tel: *****455 Operating Hrs: 12pm to 12am 343, Sembawang Road (Opp Khatib Camp)
      29 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 159 35 Ill i r< Roasted Duck Noodle "i i Soya Sauce Chicken Noodle Char Siew Roasted Meat Noodle 'Wlushroom Noodle Curry pork Ribs Noodle Tobiko Dumpling Noodles Wi 0 r Watch our bamboo noodles making process on every Sat 12noon We provide wholesales retail for k bamboo noodles We absorb GST
      159 words
    • 243 35 Wan Chai HongKong Tea Room Your Neighborhood Life Style Cafe OPENING SOON! SEMBAWANG SC IMM Lot 1 White Sands Junction 8 Tel: 6561 8801 Business Hour :8.30am 930pm t It GU ZAO REN SEAFOOD TAIWAN PORRIDGE Gu Zao Ren Taiwan Porridge specializes in tasty sweet potato porridge and rich in
      243 words
    • 256 35 UbTn SEAFOOD y f Usher in the Year of the Ox with Great Value Set Dinners T. Make Your Reservations Early Especially for CNY Eve, 7th 15th day of CNY. Block 27 Sin Ming Road (behind Block 26) Tel: 6466 9558 FncirTncirwinranra^rwinranranrwi^ranra^ra^ra^rwinrninrnii^rnicirnicirniEflfniEnrnicirniEn UfKXft «€W *€&K Jr •Happy Restaurant FEAST <2*
      256 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 413 36 L Open throughout Eve Chinese New Year Period. Expedience Dining A Unlimited A-La-Carte Steamboat Buffet I on a ship Mount Faber c :> iWf SB Adults: $16/= nett Child: $9/= nett (Min 2 Adults) Lunch: 11am-2.30pm Dinner. 5pm-10pm A choice to dine in aircon comfort or the scenic outdoors Wide
      413 words
    • 113 36 DERANAKAN CUISINC [AUTHENTIC TRADITIONAL DELICIOUS MM 'Home-sty(e c Nonya cooking at 'afforcfa6Ce prices! j O *****128 SINGAPORE EXPO (FACING HALL 3) WWW.BABAKING.COM.SG 8ABA KING P/ BoMien Prawn j Unique jCrab^Qelicaciesj ~v' A 'm Ml Mashing/ X°u(9) Prosperous) Cunaiyiftlew>Year> 11 Kim's Catering Hotline: 8113 1330 Website: *~i Ol Kim's Place
      113 words
    • 166 36 w^r.x r n Try our Unique Mongolian BBQ with over 150 International cuisine Buffet Spread! Chinese New y*. Dinner s 'V. X g' Crab Seafood %t°^«sS? cs teamed Bamboo SW d kec/ n UCL "nbe(, Sambal Gntt® 0 \e* 2 Student SAF yst *r w/th Cheese anoj 01 $22"$24" (Mon-Thu)
      166 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 732 37 Written by Wong Wei Chen Don't play play Before you think about misbehaving, look at that big fellow staring at you from over there. Imagine a burly, tattooed dude, well over six feet tall, staring down at you, grim-faced. Doesn't feel good, does it? But wait, what if I tell
      732 words
    • 83 37 Ming Arcade, 21 Cuscaden Road Singapore *****0 Tel: *****875 l ive Performance by: infamous Season Band Thai DJ: Turn «;yppp U Opening Hours: 9pm 6am daily Bu y 1 jug beer and get 1 jug F* Et °nly $35 nett (9pm till 12am only} Double your Pleasure With our Latest
      83 words
    • 49 37 I'that pisco K^ fl Happy hours special: Drink All You Can Beer Buffet 3.3opm-8pm *21 nett per head Free Pool "All Night long' 1* I F k Come Let Our Beautiful Party Girls Entertain You" 11 511 Guillemard Road #01-06 Grandlink Square [Behind Geylang Lor 44, Opp City Plaza]
      49 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 492 38 Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets Digital Gadgets JL LAPTOP SHOP #03-27 PEARLS CENTREEU TONG SEN ST (TRADE-IN REPAIRS) (BESIDE OUTRAM MRT) LAPTOP WANTED nnn/ FOR HIGH PRICE 1 00% WE BUY SELL NEW/USED/SPOILT LAPTOPS PAQII P4-Centrino/Laptop: $200-$1000 UflOl Centrino: $300-$2000 Centrino
      492 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 296 39 Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment Food I Food I Food BEizonc A EfiTERTninmcnT presents 4 The new element of Dangdut scene is back!! Enjoyment of great performances promises you now. Be part of us here!!! W GRAND OPENING i30January 2009 7pnito10pnil Buffet Free-Flow House Pour^^H OPL i I MASNIE Featuring: Puteri Dangdut
      296 words
    • 229 39 Health Health Health DRAGON EXECUTIVE SPA FROM MARINA SOUTH TO OUR NEW PREMISES THE AMARA 1 65 TANJONG PAGAR RD #04-15 CALL *****733 /M mtm H ill <4 Therapeutic Massages Steam Bath and Sauna Facilities Hydro and Cold Pool Internet Facilities Foot Reflexology Coffee Lounge with LCDs Video Room with
      229 words
    • 36 39 Newly open New faces 1 hour Massage Free ½-hr Body Scrub You Xuan Beauty Health Ctr 28 Smith Street #02-28A Tel: 6323-3506 Happy New Year We are closed on 26/1 30/1 business will resume on 31/1
      36 words
    • 239 39 Health Health -ft mce^r Health Spa /|pc I No.9 Japanese Garden Rd S*****8 Tel: 6265 6612/6265 9311 Biz. Hr.:11am-11pm w Massage t Steam Bath •k Free parking Refreshment t Special Promotion fr.llam.to3pm m R 1 Sasha Spa Cut ft Preseat this ad f or $5 DISCOUNT SPECIAL PROMOTION Group of
      239 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 304 40 Health Health Health m HEALTH, CENTRE IB Cosy ambience Steam/ Sauna 'Theatre room Coffee Lounge u. Attractive Local Multi-racial Masseuses 5 KEOK ROAD #04-16 CUPPAGE PLAZA (beside Centrepoint) Tel: 6734 9873/ 74 RHMiali Classic Spa Traditional Thai Shiatsu Massage Hot/ Cold Pool Steam Sauna Theatre Room Resting Lounge f G
      304 words
    • 250 40 Health Health Canberra Health Spa 10 Jalan Tampang, Sembawang Garden Arcade S'pore *****4 (opp. Sembawang Shopping Centre) @6752 4844, 6755 5791 Shiatsu/ Swedish/ Japanese/ Baiinese/ Thai/ Hawaii Wave Massage 1 Individual Rooms with' Shower Attached Facial/ Foot Reflexology Aroma Spa Hot Pool Steam/ Sauna Theatre Room (SCV) I Cafeteria Business
      250 words
    • 140 40 Health Health Health Ai/co Health Relax your mind n body in a cosy ambience n treat yourself with our wide range of services: Body Massage Individual room with shower attached Steambath Sauna Jacuzzi Coffee Lounge Theatre Room Mini buffet and refreshment 19 Tanglin Road #B2-01 Business Hours: 1 0am -11
      140 words
    • 108 40 H2O SPA Newly Open Traditional/Thai/Oil Massage For Men Ladies Single Couple rm with Pte Shower jacuzzi 52A/B Pagoda St (Chinatown) Tel: *****393 Wishing All Our Valued Clients Friends GONG XI FA CAI 0 TIAN YING Beauty Health NEWLY OPEN Slimming Skillful Ample Car Park No.2 Kovan Road #01-10 Simon Plaza.
      108 words
    • 71 40 Tel 93 M (S a Wellness Aroma Therapy Zone Pretty 8 Experience Masseuses lividual Rooms S30 5965 249 Beach Road #02-01 Opp. Plaza Parkroyal Hotel (beside Arab Street) Golden Point Spa Newly Oven •Massage •Individual •Free Body Scrub Tel: 6338 801 1 Coleman St Bl-02 The Adelph (opp Funan Centre)
      71 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 560 41 NESIS INTERNATIONAL 87 Upper East Coast Road Goodwill Court Opposite Siglap Shell Station HONDA FIT 1.3GF $371 i S Promotion 2009 TOYOTA WISH 1,8X $502* TOYOTA ALLIOTTA15. $479 SK \> Hush /ALLIUM HONDA STREAM 1.8SE $512 TOYOTA RUSH 1,5A $449* ;,J JUSTIN 9755 0707 I DAVID *****707 IDIDI*****014 KHAIRUL BABJI0204
      560 words
    • 71 41 Daily/ Weekly Rental From $50 onwards Saloon/ SUV/ MPV No Deposit Call 9003 8219 9722 0001 Don’t miss the last chance to take $29.90 for daily rental Over 200 cars for your choices Call Louis 8114 1251 Over 200 cars $29.90 daily Hurry! Call Amanda 9322 3834 now!! Special Promo
      71 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 344 42 Education Courses Education Courses GCE 6 0' LEVEL (DISTINCT) fI7TTT T r T Tl\/fl7 I Session 8.30am 1.00pm ULJLJ- 1 llVllL PM Session 1.30pm 6.00pm Very Special Lab j^ Promotional Discount available only Bukit Merah Campus V Lessons Available at the Campus!-.*. (*Terms Conditions Apply). PLS ENROL EARLY liil BMC
      344 words
    • 585 42 'THIS VALENTIN CATS CLASSIFIED VALENTINE'S LOVELINES Take this opportunity to declare and affirm your love for your sweetheart or loved one and receive a pair of "heart-warming" gifts. This pair of hearts* which emit heat will be sent along with a card to notify your beloved to look out for
      585 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 387 43 I GO ON A f A m.. SSa m. v !m V: is roMar ,1J Saw W II&#* Declare your feelings for your loved one in a Lovelines dedication and you might win a hot date for you and your valentine! Three lucky couples stand to win a specially tailored
      387 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 263 44 E SSFastad C L A S, r. Administrative/ Clerical Agents/Brokers/Traders Art/ Creative Call Centre/ Telemarketing Cleaners Contract Executives Counter Positions/ Receptionists Customer Service Despatch/ Delivery Drivers/Chauffeurs Engineers Fitness/ Spa General Production Hair/ Beauty Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge IT/ Infocom Lecturing/ Teaching Marketing/ Communications Nursing/ Health Care Other Positions Part-Time/Temporary Positions For
      263 words
    • 166 44 Spa requires MASSEUSES FULL-TIME S’poreans/ M’sians/ PR With experience preferred Without experience are welcome Willing to learn hardworking Physically fit Call 9738 1209/ *****253 An up coming 24hr cafe restaurant located Merchant Square requires FULL-TIME PART-TIME Waiters Waitresses Sandwich Artists Drinks Specialists Kitchen Helpers /Cleaners For interview, please call 9710-9252
      166 words
    • 156 44 Seeking QUALIFIED PART-TIME MUSIC TEACHERS to train Trinity Guild Hall Piano/ Keyboard AND Guitar. Call *****537 *****450 (Chee Meng) Childcare Ctr In Hougang requires: TEACHERS Min CPT or untrained with 5 ’O’ level with credit in Eng *****947/ *****364 ENGLISH TEACHER with DECCET for Church Kindergarten in Upper Serangoon Min
      156 words
    • 170 44 Looking for people serious in losing weight improve health. Incredible Results Income Assured Call 9 6 3 5 8 3 3 0 PROMOTERS WANTED High income Flexible short hours Pleasant looking good personality Call 6238 7968/ 9712 7883 SALES/ MARKETING EXEC $1300 $400 commission Clementi S’pore a n s
      170 words
    • 93 44 Sa Are you facing a standstill in your career? Seeking a new challenge? Let me show you how to achieve your goals with personal coaching, a. I AM COMMITTED TO SEE YOU SUCCEED FOR —re YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES, SUCCESS GUARANTEED* t Call 9889-6045 EXPERIENCED AND NEW AGENTS WELCOME,
      93 words
    • 34 44 Gold shop requires SALES ASSISTANT 6 days (11.30am to 8.30pm) Able to assist Indian Malay clients Salary $1100 commission Malaysian 5 credits welcome Interview (12-7pm) 23 Onan Road near Paya Lebar MRT Tel: 6842-7868
      34 words
    • 77 44 Urgently requires MALE/ FEMALE Security Officers To perform duty Jln Ahmad Ibrahim, Bt Batok and Paya Lebar Walk-in interview: William Security Services 799 Geylang Rd #02-01 Singapore *****0 Tel: *****883 Food stall in Yishun requires WESTERN COOK Shift hours Male/ female Able to start work immediately S’porean/ PR may apply
      77 words

  • Sports
    • Sports Racing
      • Article, Illustration
        350 45 _Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RACE1 RACE 2 RACE 3 RACE 4 RACE 5 RACE G RACE 7 RACE 8 RACE 9 8 Daring Tourist 4 Come Fly With Me 11 The Firebird 9 Sensible Sam Million Lot 4 British Navy 6 I Tawt
        350 words
      • 381 45 GUIDE TO KUALA LUMPUR TRACKWORK NST THREE-TIME winner Conosur wrapped up preparations for another success in the Class 3 event over 1,800m in Race 6 tomorrow with a two-round workout in yesterday. Taken out by a track rider, the four-year-old Australian-bred gelding by Right Wing cantered
        NST  -  381 words
      • 352 45 TRIAL 1 (test): 1 He Is Back (M Hairin) 2 Viva Panata (JL Li) 3 Wishmewings (I Saifudin) 4 Excellent Luck (M Cahill) 5 Excellent Timing (T Affandi) 6 Mayo Dancer (TH Koh) 7 Thriller (B Woodworth) 8 Cool Cat (M Gallagher) Margins and time:3/4, nk,1/2,
        352 words
      • 156 46 BEST BET WITH the benefit of two improving runs, this promising Laurie Laxon-trained youngster can be third-time lucky today. At his debut on New Year’s Day, the Daggers Dawn three-year-old ran a nice third to Tuxedo Moon over 1,200m on the Polytrack. Tuxedo Moon
        TNP PICTURE: FRANCIS LEE  -  156 words
      • 1447 46 LARRYFOLEY’SCOMMENTSFORTODAY’SKRANJIRACES RACE 1 (1,400m) 1 Double Fianchetto???Excellent fourth at Singapore debut in good company suggests he can win this. 2 Fortune Hunter??Showed enough in similar company at Singapore debut to be competitive. 3 Terminator Attack??Should improve on debut fifth and can include in exotics.
        1,447 words
      • 1044 47 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 MS 6.30 -1400m(SC) Stakes:$35,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 4 DoubleFianchetto 59 (55) EDaSilva 1 (4agKCYeoh-CNTan) 2 5 FortuneHunter 59 (55) HKLimc1 11 (4nzgRBMarsh-SQ) 3 5 TerminatorAttack 58 (53) SMarzuki 14 (4agLeslieKhoo-MdmPCLeong) 4 00 ZiggyStar
        1,044 words
      • 214 47 YESTERDAY’S workouts by horses engaged at Kranji today: RACE 1: Stings Leica Bee ?(SH Low). Slow work: Double Fianchetto, Fortune Hunter (A Feiruz), East Camp (KB Soo), Transformers, Daring Tourist (M Ewe), Eternal Spring, Heston (D Azis), Uno Sayuri, High Key, Perfect Align, Forever Happy.
        214 words
    • 410 48 GOLF Wire Services COLINMontgomerie’sappointmentasEuropeanRyderCupcaptainfor2010isapopularone. Even the American players have applaudedthedecision,with Phil Mickelson backingtheScottobeagreatleader. Montgomerie,aneight-timeEuropean No. 1, was formally handed the task of winning the trophy back from the US on Wednesday. “He knows what it takes to win,” said Mickelson. “He’s been on many winning teams
      Wire Services; PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES, REUTERS  -  410 words
    • 412 48 TENNIS Wire Services SERENA Williams shook off form worries to storm into the final of the Australian Open yesterday. The second-seed American (right) rediscovered her lethal serve as she overpowered Russia’s Elena Dementieva 6-3, 6-4 in the semi-finals to halt the fourthseed’s 15-matchwinning streak. The
      Wire Services  -  412 words
    • Australian Open
      • 585 49 Wire Services IT WAS another fearsome display from Roger Federer. The second-seeded Swiss moved within one victory of his 14th Grand Slam title with a dominating victory, ousting Andy Roddick 6-2, 7-5, 7-5 yesterday to reach the Australian Open final. Roddick, who undertook a rigorous offseason training regime
        Wire Services; PICTURE: AFP  -  585 words
      • 252 49  -  BRIAN MILLER A RUSSIAN and an American claimed their spots in tomorrow’swomen’sfinal. Indeed,asoftodayandonyesterday’sshowing, Dinara Safina can stand alone and claim that she trulyisherownwomanandNOTMaratSafin’skid sister. Actually, if Marat doesn’t watch it, he could soon be thrust into her shadow and I’m sure he wouldn’tminditonebit. Yesterday, Safina granted
        252 words
    • Sports OLE!
      • 438 50  -  PeteJensononwhat’shappeninginLaLiga,oneof Europe’smostexcitingleagues Pete Jenson The writer is a Barcelona-based European football correspondent for England's The Independent and The People. TOP OF THE WORLD NOWTHEYreallyarekingsoftheworld. LeoMessi,SamuelEto’oandThierryHenry all got on the scoresheet last week and so took their joint tally to 45. That’s more than the entire teams
        PICTURE: AFP  -  438 words
      • 182 50 TheformerRealMadridmidfielder–whoretiredfromfootballthisweek–isoneofthe most colourful players to grace La Liga in recent years. 1 GRAVESEN played two seasons at Madrid, 17 games in each one, from 2004. He made an instant impression on the pitch as a tough-tackling midfielder although after admittingitwasn’treally hisgame tospend so much time
        PICTURE: ACTION IMAGES  -  182 words
    • Sports Asian Cup Qualifiers
      • 781 51  -  ERNEST LUIS COMMENT EASYbait.That could be what Jordan see theLions as. This despite the Lions beating them 2-1 on Wednesday night at the National Stadium, before returning to Jordan on 3 Mar nextyear for theirreturnfixture. With that being Singapore’s last Asian Cup qualifying
        TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  781 words
    • Sports The Postman
      • 300 52/53  -  LETTER OF THE WEEK The majority of our readers expect a draw or Chelsea to win while our Letter of the Week winner describes best the troubled title-chasers match-up. Benedict Lim -BenedictLim,39,manager,ManUnited fan. (The writer wins a pair of New Balance running shoes worth more
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  300 words
        • 43 52/53 ONE of the key battles that will determine the outcome of thegamewillbeJohnObiMikel’sabilitytolockhornswith Steven Gerrard. If Mikel manages to keep Gerrard quiet, the battle will be half-won for Chelsea. Liverpool should come up tops in the crunch tie consideringthattheyareplayingathome. –HoYiJie,15,student,ManUnitedfan.
          43 words
        • 35 52/53 THE SIDE with the more creative set-pieces could well determine who gets the three points, and separate the winners from the losers. Experience counts and given Liverpool’s unbeaten homerecordsofar,I’llbegunningforaLiverpoolvictory. –LarryMun,27,ProjectsEngineer,ACMilanfan.
          35 words
        • 61 52/53 CHELSEA will beat Liverpool by a score of 2-1. Frank Lampard The man has been unstoppable for the Blues, scoring vital goals and standing in as captain in John Terry’sabsence. Chelsea have found the fighting spirit that made them difficult to beat. The win against
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        • 52 52/53 STEVEN Gerrardv John Terry: Advantage Chelsea In this clash, Gerrard may be preoccupied with the thought ofplyinghistradeintheprison’sleaguesoon. Javier Mascherano v John Obi Mikel: Advantage Liverpool Mikelhasagreaterpenchantformis-timedtackles. VERDICT: Chelsea edges Liverpool in this bout, and their chances would be further boosted if Benitez decides to open his cursed mouth
          52 words
        • 53 52/53 WITH MARTIN Skrtel more interested in marking nobody while defending a set-piece, Chelsea will punish Liverpool for any mistakes made. This is considering that Liverpool need countless chances to convert a goal. Liverpool may lose their unbeaten home record and kiss yet another title challenge
          53 words
        • 54 52/53 CHELSEA do not need reminding who ended their infamous unbeaten home record at Stamford Bridge a few months ago. Revenge will be on the agenda this Sunday for the BluesastheyseektoendLiverpool’sgoodhomerun. With Chelsea having a pretty decent away record themselves, it sets up to be a close
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        • 45 52/53 WITHLiverpoolbeing ratherlethargiclately– aftertwo back-to-back matches against Everton ending in 1-1 draws I wouldn’t count on them repeating their 1-0 victory over Chelsea. No matter which team slips up, one thing is for sure: Man United will take advantage of it. –YuenMun,18,student.
          45 words
        • 43 52/53 PLAYERS who could shine and light up the game: Liverpool Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso and Albert Riera. Chelsea–NicolasAnelka,FrankLampard,Decoand Didier Drogba. Perhaps the old fashioned “up-and-under”, or speedy wing play could be the ploy of the day. –PeterLoh,43,senioranalyst,ManUnitedfan.
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        • 82 52/53 THE MERSEYSIDER’S 2-1 win at Old Trafford in the 2006 FA Cup semi-fi-nal, and Chelsea’s pulsating 4-3 aggregate victory in the Champions League semi-final last April are just some of the thrilling matches that these two giants of the English game have taken part in. If this
          82 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 440 54 WEST HAM 2 Di Michele (33), Cole (51) HULL0 PA Sport GIANFRANCO Zola feels West Ham are slowly building something special at Upton Park after watching his side extend their unbeaten run with a 2-0 win over Hull. In-form striker Carlton Cole struck again to
        PA Sport; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  440 words
      • 341 54 MAN CITY 2 Wright-Phillips (17), Bellamy (77) NEWCASTLE 1 Carroll (81) PA Sport MARK Hughes believes Craig Bellamy will prove to be a bargain for Manchester City. City ran out 2-1 winners over Newcastle yesterday morning as Bellamy, who recently made a big-money move
        PA Sport; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  341 words
      • 352 54 EVERTON 1 Cahill (61) ARSENAL1 Van Persie (90) PA Sport ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger has hailed Dutch striker Robin van Persie’s form this season, together with his fitness. The Dutch international (above) has a reputation for being injured, especially for the second part of last
        PA Sport; PICTURE: AP  -  352 words
      • 477 55  -  Liverpool host Chelsea on Sunday.TheNewPaper’s football analyst Tohari Paijan assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the two teams with JOYCE LIM after watching Wednesday’smatches TOHARI PAIJAN FOOTBALL ANALYST CHELSEA moved up to second place on the table after scoring a 2-0 win over Middlesbrough, while Liverpool drew
        TNP GRAPHICS: TEOH YI CHIE  -  477 words
      • 533 56  -  CHELSEA 2 (Kalou 58,81) MIDDLESBROUGH0 IAIN MACINTOSH YOUR ENGLISH KAKI RESPECT?NotatStamfordBridge.Fourwinsonthebounceshouldbe enough to cheer any manager up, but Luiz Felipe Scolari still found reason to storm down the tunnel after his side’s2-0winoverMiddlesbrough. It was assistant manager Ray Wilkins whowaslefttoshakehandswiththeoppositionashis bossscarpered,anunsavoury endtoanunsavourynightoffootball. “Hedidn’tshakehandswithanyofus,” confirmed Middlesbrough boss
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  533 words
      • 209 56  -  –IAINMACKINTOSH MISS OF THE DAY THEREweremany contenders, butSalomonKalou takesthe biscuit forrunning onto Ross Turnbull’s parried saveand trippinghimselfup asthe ballran pasthim. Itwas amiss sobad that even theChelsea fanswerelaughing athim. A newlow for thisodd, littleplayer. CLUELESS MAKINGthe“handcuff” signaltocelebrate agoal is fine ifyou'repayingtribute to apoliticalprisoner. Makingitfor your mate when thepolice havehad
        209 words
      • Article, Illustration
        650 57 WIGAN 1 Mido 83 pen LIVERPOOL 1 Benayoun 41 Wire Services WHAT is Rafael Benitez talking about? The Liverpool manager insists the club are still in the title race despite dropping more points in Wednesday night’s 1-1 draw against Wigan. Understandably. He then started to rant about the
        Wire Services; PICTURE: AP  -  650 words
      • 549 57  -  BETTING BRIAN MILLER FIVEgoalswithoutareply.Fivegoalsafterastring of1-0 wins. Fivegoalsdespitean injury“crisis”. Five goals against a side which had conceded justtwice in theirlastthreematches. Makes no sense, right? No wonder punters werewalkingaroundlikezombies earlyWednesday morning. No wonder some murmured “kelong”. Almost down to a man, punters had taken the West
        549 words
      • 590 58 A cracked ankle bone is the latest in a long line of injuries which have blighted Michael Owen’scareer since signing for the Magpies in Aug 2005. We look at his list of injuries PA Sport ANOTHER week, another injury to Michael Owen. The Newcastle United striker has
        PA Sport; TNP GRAPHIC: TEOH YI CHIE PICTURE: AFP  -  590 words
      • Article, Illustration
        115 59 EPL Tomorrow: STOKE CITY v MAN CITY Ch 27,8.40pm ARSENAL v WEST HAM Ch 27,10.55pm BOLTON v TOTTENHAM Ch 22,10.55pm Kevin Davis (rignt) scored against Blackburn on Wednesday. Can he find the net again against Spurs tomorrow? ASTON VILLA vWIGAN Ch 21,10.55pm Sunday: MAN UNITED v EVERTON Ch27, 1.25am
        PICTURE: ACTION  -  115 words
        15 words
      • 335 59 LOCAL EVENTS StarHub TV launches new sports channel ASN StarHub TV and All Sports Network (ASN) have teamed up to offer a 24-hour channel showcasing American sports. ASN’ssportscontent include the National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL), NCAA college basketball and football, motorsports such as Formula Drift
        335 words
    • Article, Illustration
      280 60  -  BRIAN MILLER LADIES and gentlemen, the Federer Express has left the station. Welcome aboard. LADIES We apologise for those previous breakdowns. Yes, it has been a difficult 12 months. But we arebackontrack,ingoodshapeandreadytoroll. Ihadthoughtthathis“engineers” would nothavebeen able to get the wheels back on so fast and so
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  280 words

  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 37 48 Anson De Sauna Experience our Shiatsu Thai Swedish Massage Facilities: Sauna/Steam Bath Individual Rm with TV Lounge attached bathroom We* !uur& moved,from, #o2-'4-6to #01.-42/54. 10, ANSON RD INTERNATIONAL PLAZA Tel: 6222 2437 6222 9588 6222 9566 E>
      37 words
  • Page 48 Miscellaneous
    • 46 48 League Match KickOff (Singapore date/time) Italian League nter Torino Sun, 01/02/09 10.00pm Other Italian League, E Premier, E League Champ, German and Spanish League matches are also on sale. For more details, please check Singapore Pools website. Towards Community Purpose and Benefit RCB Reg No: *****0202G
      46 words

  • Page 52/53 Advertisements
    • 128 52/53 QUESTION OF THE WEEKEND EXPLAIN Liverpool’spoorJanuaryform, wheretheydrewfourgamesout offiveinall competitions. Theword limit is200wordsand the deadlineis10pmon Sunday. Postyourrepliesonline at tnppostman.comor e-mail to,underthe title “DearPostman”. Forthosewhoe-mail, please include yourfullname, age, occupation,contact numberand favouriteteam,to be consideredfor prizes andpublication of views. Bloggers,goonline for separate instructions. LETTEROF THEWEEKEND PRIZE TheLetterof the Weekend willbe publishedon Tuesdays.
      128 words

  • Page 60 Advertisements