The New Paper, 18 January 2009

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Total Pages: 48
1 60 The New Paper
  • 13 1 The New Paper on sunday 18 Jan 09 80 CENTS MICA (P) 194/11/2008
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 Great eat treats at Suntec 30 14 Najib’s by-election blow S’pore lawyer’s daughter turns nasty‘gymnast’ Acrobatic nude photos stir online outrage Big trouble from funny money S’pore businessman in China quizzed over fake notes from Serangoon money changer 2
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    • 5 1 I Ml llll 8 *****1"*****9
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    • 116 1 TH6B€DflzJlD DATING IN S T Y L E In Celebration of Festival of Love... Red-Dot Events presents The BeDazzled Fiesta Get Bedazzled in this event where TRUE SINGLES will be able to experience dating in style. Enjoy and explore the fascinating journey of dating by learning from the experiences of
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  • News
    • 694 2/3  -  S’poreanquestionedat Chinasupermarketfor usingfakeyuannotes REPORTS:ZAIHANMOHAMEDYUSOF ZAIHAN MOHAMED YUSOF ALL he wanted was to do some shopping in Guangzhou, China. Instead, Singapore businessman Abdul Rahim wasalmostarrested–forusing“funnymoney”. He was queried by a supermarket cashier when he tried to pay for his purchases
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    • 177 2/3 1 A “hidden”number “100”canbe seen when the 100-yuan note is viewed horizontally at eye level. On a fake 100-yuan bill, the number can be read at all angles. 2 You can feel the ridges on a genuine 100-yuan bill, especially to the right of the
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    • 702 2/3 Expert needs 10 minutes a machine to spot fake note EVEN a veteran money changer took about 10 minutes of scrutiny and checks before he could spot the two fakes among three Chinese currency notes in a New Paper on Sunday test. Said Mr Seyadou Zahanguire, president of the Money
      • 232 4 THEUK customersdidn’tkeep the good news to themselves. When a cash machine at a BP petrol station in Stretford, Greater Manchester, began issuing customers with double the amount they had requested, the word spread like wildfire. Within minutes, the first visitors
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    • 665 5  -  S’POREBUDGET2009 ZHEN MING BOSTON BRAHMIN EXPECT a soon-to-be-announced revised growth forecasttotellustheobvious– thatourGDP will probably shrink by more than 2 per cent this year or, at best, stay flat. So what relief can the middle class wish for in Mr TharmanShanmugaratnam’sBudgetSpeechonThursday to help them soothe the pain
      TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  665 words
    • 297 5 SINGAPORE’Srulingon investment products linked to Lehman Brothers has given hope to investors in Hong Kong. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said 58 per cent of complainants, or 2,974 investors, will get a full or partial refund from the financial institution which sold
      PICTURE: AP  -  297 words
    • 608 6/7  -  Netizensabuzzoverphotospostedonwebsite REPORT: LIEW HANQING YETanotherwomanhashadhernudepicturesexposed,joiningagrowinglistofyoung,wiredandbrazen,andindiscreetSingaporeanswho arecausingastironline. SingaporeanmodelDaphneAng,22,isthelatest to have her pictures hijacked and posted on an overseas-hostedwebsite. She joins a string of at least five Singaporean women whose racy pictures have been featured on thewebsiteinthepastyear. InlargelyconservativeSingapore,onewouldexpect such women to regret having their pictures postedwhenshamehitshome.
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    • 400 6/7 IS the wired generation becoming more exhibitionistic and more reckless in their behaviour online and offline? Earlier this week, Stomp featured pictures of a young couple (above) engaged in heavy petting at the back of a bus, which had been sent in by a
      PICTURE: STOMP  -  400 words
    • 756 8  -  Neighboursdidn’t knowhernameorage REPORT: HO LIAN-YI BY all accounts, she seemed mentally disturbed and alone. Yesterday, she was found dead in her two-room flat. In death, as in life, she was alone her body was only discovered four days after neighbours detected a
      TNP PICTURE: CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  756 words
    • 376 9 Videoofmanblockingtrafficinmiddle ofroadcausesnetizenstospeculate... HE RAN to the middle of the road and faced oncoming traffic with his arms outstretched. Shocked, drivers hit the brakes or swerved into another lane in a desperate bid to avoid hitting him. All this created even more confusion for the drivers behind
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    • 963 10  -  Worriedaboutslowbusinessduetothedownturn,shopsare loweringpricesonfestivegoodiesfromwaxduckstoshark’sfin REPORT: SHREE ANN MATHAVAN IF you hanker for Chinese New Year delicacies such as abalone, fish maw, scallop or bamboo fungus, here’s some good news. A check by The New Paper on Sunday at four major retailers in
      TNP PICTURES:CHOO CHWEE HUA  -  963 words
    • 305 10 WHILE some businesses are struggling to get consumers to spend on high-end items, business is booming for other stores selling Chinese New Year goodies. For instance, a queue of some 50 people was spotted outside bak kwa (barbecued pork) shop Lim Chee Guan
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    • 784 12 / 13  -  HighrentalspushS’poreshop ownerstoDanga,hopingto drawS’poreanshoppers REPORT: HO LIAN-YI A SINGAPOREAN businessman thinks the best way to target Singapore shoppers is to set up shop in Malaysia. That’swhatMrDenniaTan,36,didwhenheopened Regal Classic, specialising in Indonesian furniture in Danga City Mall, which is about 3km from the new Johor
      TNP PICTURE: KELVIN CHNG  -  784 words
    • 493 12 / 13  -  Ho Lian-Yi SINGAPOREANS have long braved long traffic jams at the Causeway just to shop in Johor. So when it was announced that there would be a shuttle train from Singapore to the newly-opened Danga City Mall, it seemed like a godsend. No more rush hour traffic
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    • 511 14 / 15 OppositionwinsTerengganuby-election THE green wave has swept back across Kuala Terengganu. Malaysia’s opposition has snatched back a parliamentary seat from the beleaguered Barisan Nasional(BN)inyesterday’sby-electionresults. The results are a huge boost for the opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat in a closely-contested race that has great significance for both sides.
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    • 594 14 / 15 IT WAS a horrible blow for Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (above). The prime minister-in-waiting has now lost two by-elections in less than five months. Both the by-election results saw higher majority votes for the federal opposition. Mr Najib did his best for his beloved Barisan
      PICTURES: AP, AFP, REUTERS  -  594 words
    • 327 16 THEYweremenshehadonlymetforafewhours.Butshe would be forced tohave sex with them whetheritwasinbudgethotelsorthebackseatof thecar. Sometimes,she was even told to “service” two men atthesametime. Thesearesordiddetailsinthelifeofthis20-year-old womanfromSeremban. In an interview with Harian Metro, she described how she was kept as a sex slave for a group of mat rempit.
      PICTURE: NST  -  327 words
    • 212 16 IT’SMalaysia’s nationalcar, butthe Proton Perdana seemstoo muchofa burdenfor Selangor’sstate government to maintain. Somuchso,they’ve replacedtheir troublesome fleet of Protons with Japanese Toyota Camrys. According to The Malaysia Insider, Selangor yesterday disclosed the staggering cost of maintaining the Proton Perdana in a move to
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    • 611 17 Jailedforimprisoningmale model,’80siconisasadistic shadowofformerself TWISTED SEX I FROM pop singer to washed up has-been. Pop singer Boy George’s 15-month jail sentence by a London court on Friday sealed his sordid fall from grace. Gone is the ’80s icon who dazzled with his trendy pop tunes and exotic
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  611 words
    • 473 17 TWISTED SEX II IT is a case that has gripped both sides of the Atlantic. But wildy differing conclusions have been drawn about the baby-faced suspect. In Italy and the UK, she is known as Angel Faceand Foxy Knoxy a promiscuous, marijuana-smoking hard-partying
      PICTURE: REUTERS  -  473 words
    • 611 18 Co-pilot stunned capt managed to land plane safely IT was almost impossible, and yet he “pulleditoff”. Mr Jeffrey Skiles, the co-pilot of United Airways jet that landed on the Hudson River on Friday, was full of praise for his boss in a short conversation soon after
      PICTURE: AFP  -  611 words
    • 486 19 US presidential inauguration looks like Hollywood ball with star-studded guest list BEYONCE,Sting,Bono,Shakira.The guest list boasts stars so famous, they only needtobeknownbytheirfirstnames. Foronce,Washington DC –the usually sedatecapital is outshining Hollywood as the place where the celebritiescongregate. Becauseevery artistewho’ssomebody ettothehottestpartyintown:thepresidentialinaugurationon20Jan. Up to 2 million people are
    • 187 19 AP A NUDE photo of Madonna, taken before the erotic songs and risque costumes that catapulted her to superstardom, is expected to sell for at least US$10,000 ($14,900),Christie’sauctionhousesays. Madonna, then known as Madonna Louise Ciccone, may have earned US$25 for the
      AP  -  187 words
    • 737 20/21  -  THE BUZZ COMMENT: EUGENE WEE HOW would you like to have a prestigious job that not only pays well but also serves to better the lives of fellow citizens? I’m talking about being part of the Government’s administrative service where,
      PICTURE: Courtesy of TAN YONG SOON  -  737 words
    • 33 20/21 “Howcomesuddenlysomany peoplehere?” –AregularatChangiVillagecommentingabouthowcrowdedit was last weekend, after a newspaper report had featured the area “Sowillyousleepwithme because I am the nicest man you evermet?” –Averybadpick-uplineusedduringanonlinechat “Atleastshewon’thaveanytan lines.” –AwomancommentingonthebrightsideofChineseactress ZhangZiyi’stoplessmoment,whichwascapturedbythe paparazzi
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    • 115 20/21 BeforeApple, Jobsand co-founder Steve Wozniak made a gadget based on a toy whistlefoundincereal boxes. It reproduced a tone used by the AT&T long distance phone system, which allowed free long distance calls. 1 2 Itis said thatthe duo pickedthe name “Apple”for the companypartly
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    • 183 20/21 Wetrack whatmadeyou happy– orunhappy– overthe past week. -10 Singapore missed its tourism targets in 2008 and visitor arrivals fell from the previous year. The outlook remains grim and medical tourism was looking at a 10 per cent drop in arrivals. +20 Though grain prices have shown an
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 191 9 EXPIRY DATE When is it the right time to replace your motorcycle x helmet? in lesundaytimes TODAY WORTH IT! UNTUNG! 00 HUA! KUALA LUMPUR WORTH IT PACKAGE STANDARD ROOM With breakfast for two SHAH ALAM EVEN MORE WORTH IT PACKAGE SUPERIOR DELUXE from ROOM S$< ADDITIONAL PERKS (one choice for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

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  • Page 14 / 15 Advertisements
    • 74 14 / 15 me^ATERM® 30 Lorong 1 Realty Park, Singapore *****3 Tel: 6289 6975, 6282 1048 'GONG XI FA CAI' We are closed from 19/01/2009 till 26/01/2009 From 27/01/2009 onwards, we serve smM wm Vv»- o o Mi o F|a T ©a. r w a; New Year Set Menu $258 $288 $328 $388...
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 84 16 (H£EQ (JEEtt? 1900-9123-321 50cents/ min Free Line ***** 800 TOP 3 LADIES WIN TOTAL CASH PRIZE OF $2000. tESfltMlGlEO 1900=9-121=111 fllft m f FT A ukQ> MfH I y Online payment available *Terms Conditions apply. All decisions made by JP Tech shall be final. Callers must be 18 years above.
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    • 17 16 Head to CATS FASTADS in The New Paper for job opportunities! [SATS BUY IT*SELL IT• FIND IT
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 191 18 The new Paper Fall Out Boy Contest FALL out BOY 10 february 2009 SINGAPORE indoor STADIUM tickets SISTIC 6348 5555 FREE! Latest Fall Out Boy album 'Folie a Deux', when you buy a $98 ticket. While stocks last! .r if ,kf1 i m I Folie a Deux! Shared madness
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 100 19 IGflCG ou won't forget toJ GP) > S' to, 5r to v toXS. ill *4 DREAMCH^PISHES 1^' Live Guaranteed Free Playline 6100 6601 iD MFUTV v ck READERS A HAPPY CHINESE LUNAR NEW YEAR! I Hk Live Guaranteed Free Playline 6100 0000 Yonly SO.99 cm **********6 Wm 1000 *****11 For
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  • News Snapshot
    • 374 22 LEVEL OF DEMAND MUCH HIGHER J OB-SEEKERS can turn to the construction industry for jobs, as it’s an area of growth. While construction demand is expected to slow over the next two to three years given the global economic downturn, the level of demand will still
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    • Article, Illustration
      50 22 DEAD: Two workers were buried alive when a landslide struck a petrol station near Bukit Kanada in Miri, Sarawak on Friday morning.The victims– a28-year-oldIndonesian anda22-year-old Malaysianman werebelieved tohave beensleepingin acabin at the station when the incident happened. Their bodies were pulled outatabout 1.50pm, reportedUtusan Malaysia. PICTURE: CHINA PRESS
      PICTURE: CHINA PRESS  -  50 words
    • 112 22 SINGAPORE has been enjoying a welcome spot of cool, windy weather lately. Such conditions should prevail during Chinese New Year next week. The Meteorological Services division of the National Environment Agency (NEA) said that there will be occasional wind over the
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    • 87 22 AFP TWO Singaporean men were apprehended yesterday in a Sydney taxi with a suitcase containing heroin worth A$4.5 million ($4.5 million). The pair, aged 34 and 41, were arrested after police flagged down a taxi in which they were travelling.
      AFP  -  87 words
    • 85 22 SINGAPORE companies have invested nearly 1 billion worth of projects in the mega Iskandar Malaysia project in Johor. This is one of the signs that Singapore-Malaysia ties will remain positiveunderMalaysia’snextpremierNajibRazak, Malaysia’snewHighCommissionertoSingapore, Mr Hussin Nayan, told CNA. He described the current ties
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    • 81 22 AFP A MAN was arrested on Friday in Brookhaven, Mississippi after having made threats to assassinate Barack Obama on his inauguration on Tuesday, the US Department of Justice said. Steven Joseph Christopher, who is from Wisconsin, was arrested by the US Secret
      AFP  -  81 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • enjoy
    • 751 23  -  Verdict still out on new Idol judge Kara DioGuardi REPORT: HO LIAN-YI THEYaretheholytrinityofrealityTV.They are so familiar that only first names will do: Simon, Paula and Randy. Weare talking about the judges of singing contestAmericanIdol,of course.They,along with the impossibly perky Ryan Seacrest, havespearheadedtheratingsjuggernaut. But,in the ongoing eighth
    • Enjoy Hed Chef
      • 481 25  -  HEDY KHOO I AM counting down to the Chinese New Year festivities. We should never start the year with a dirty four-letter word: D-I-E-T. Remember, a prosperous look equates with prosperity, thus I encourage you all to buy new clothes one size bigger
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    • 584 26 / 27 BRUCE NGAM The Rising Personalities Award is a key initiative in the Martell VSOP Rise Above campaign, recognising individuals who continually push beyond the boundaries of success. In its inaugural award last year, 10 Singaporeans who demonstrated the passion, commitment and drive to scale greater heights were
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    • 436 26 / 27 WILLY FOO WE often forget who was behind the camera when we look at a beautiful picture. However, Willy Foo is one photographer who deserves all the credit that he gets. Not only is the 33-year-old an award-winning photographer, his effort in promoting his passion
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    • Enjoy Shopping
      • 624 28 / 29  -  Go for petite bags and dressy flats that won’ttripyouupon the dancefloor aspire ANGELINE NEO I’VE been feeling a kink all week, in my right shoulder that is; and my big toe on my left foot has only just regained its mobility. Both ailments resulted from
      • 287 28 / 29  -  YEOH WEE TECK I HAVE been fighting a battle against cigarettes, and–sofar–I’vebeengood. I tell myself that I didn’t quit, I’m just doing it less. I have no will power, so I have to trick myself. This seems to works with shopping too. I
        PICTURES: AFP  -  287 words
      • Article, Illustration
        362 28 / 29 afford WHENTheBag Snob one of the most popular bag worshipsites– devoted an entire entry praising Singapore label Kwanpen, fashionistas took notice. Bag Snob said Kwanpen has“atrue lady’s bag...The details are meticulous down tothe interior.” The brand was started in 1938 by the late Mr Kwan Pen Seng, who
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    • 638 30 / 31 Youdon’thave to sweat in the kitchen for a good Chinese New Year meal WHENyou’redeckedoutinyourfestive finest, the last thing you want to do is get all tired and grubby cooking in the kitchen.Andyet,ChineseNewYearisn’t complete without huge hearty meals all weeklong,whetherit’swithfriendsor family. WithSuntecCity’scolourfulofferingof restaurants and bakeries, you
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    • Enjoy Columns
      • 462 32 / 33  -  SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JEWELLER Sharel Ho’s birthday is actually next weekend, which gives her two daughters some lead time to get their mum a present. SaidKhaiLie,9,andKhaiLing,5:“It’sasurprise,so wecannottellyounow.” Whatever the pair of cheeky chirpy misses have in store, it’ll be equally precious
        TNP PICTURES: GAVIN FOO  -  462 words
      • 235 32 / 33  -  Sylvia Toh Paik Choo JADE Kua is a gem of a girl, living up to her name you could say. The emergency medicine doctor with the KK Women and Children Hospital turned all of 30 last week and took several shots for the occasion. Vodka-based
        TNP PICTURES: KELVIN CHNG  -  235 words
      • Article, Illustration
        74 32 / 33 PETE Wentz may be a newly-minted daddy, with his new baby Bronx Mowgli.But he’sstill oneofthe guyswhen he’srocking upthe stage with his band Fall Out Boy (right). The Grammy-Award nominated band,known forhits likeSugar,We’re GoinDown andDance, Dance will be performing here at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on 10 Feb. Andhere’syourchance
        PICTURE: AP  -  74 words
      • 412 34  -  DAVID TIAN Learn more about dating expert Dr Date at his website: WHILE waiting for a friend at VivoCity the other day, I observed a young man asking for directions. Every time he approached people, he spoke so softly that nobody could hear what he
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      • 205 34 Whenever we go out on dates, my boyfriend is always very passive. He keeps asking me what I want to do and what I want to eat. He never makes his own mind. I find this really annoying. But my girlfriends say it is goodthathe’slettingmebe incontrol.He’sreallysweet, but
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      • 534 34  - Educators, ease up on our children yourselves SANTOKH SINGH FATHER FIGURES HERE is an appeal on behalf of most of the parents I know to our teachers and principals. Please, let’s get back to the basics of education where lessons were conducted during school hours, Co-curricular Activities (CCAs) were
        534 words
    • Enjoy Humour
      • 597 35  -  SYLVIA TOH PAIK CHOO JUST PAIK CHOO OH no, not another thing on the Little Nyonya. Haven’t we been peranakanned enough, from day one of Jeanette Aw-shucks? But seriously. Because all Singapore had something to say about the most successful series
        PICTURE: MEDIACORP  -  597 words
      • Article, Illustration
        198 35 Odd news that’sfor real Fighting firemen with fire MOSTof the time,it doesn’thurt to drum up a little business for oneself. Thatis, unlessyou’re afireman. Four US firefighters have been arrested on suspicion of igniting between 15 and 20 fires in the western Arizona town of Ehrenberg so they could get
        PICTURE: BURGER KING  -  198 words
      • 420 35  -  S M ONG ACT BLUR AS a former TV scriptwriter, I sympathise with the writer of Little Nyonya. Here you are, responsible for the highest-rated programme in Singapore in a long time and all people can talk about is how your
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    • Enjoy Social
      • Article, Illustration
        166 38 Getting married? Had a baby? Or just having a crush? Maybe you want to thank someone? Whatever it is, we want to know. Send your pictures and messages Our dear yixi, mummy and daddy are so proud of you being so independent on your first day of school, though
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  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 98 24 Pr0bab,y «he HOTTEST Cha, Town 90c/min mm 92 si f f English/Melayu/i^in Choice of Chat friends after 3 mins trial L N6UU mandarin channel, local press 3 and China press 4 First 45 sees FRGG 50c/min iftsraisigsafeHfl K Ik English/Melayu/l^TB FR€€ Uine for fill' 6M7J.Q0.0 www No More 1900:
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  • Page 26 / 27 Advertisements
    • 180 26 / 27 COGNAC RISING PERSONALITIES AWARD Celebrating a new generation of Rising Personalities Unveiled in 2007, the Martell VSOP Rising Personalities Award honours passionate and driven individuals who constantly push beyond the boundaries of success. In 2009, Martell VSOP will be recognising another 10 highly talented individuals who are on the path
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  • Page 30 / 31 Advertisements
    • 322 30 / 31 S Snip Save A bundle of cost-saving deals exclusively for you, from Suntec City Mall. AT 25% OFF Hotwheels Dynamite Blaster Launcher Skn *****4 $24.95 Dine-in, set lunch promotion for two at just (UP: $34.95) For age 3 above #03-005 TERMS CONDITIONS 1. Valid till 31 Jan '09. 30%OFF $23
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 165 34 What to do at a singles function HOW should one behave during a dating event? Clichéasitsounds,firstimpressionscount.Create a winning first impression and half the battle is won. You want others to approach you, rather than struggle to be noticed. The easiest way to break the ice is to smile! When you
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  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 159 36 ARGYLE SWEATER SCOTT HILBURN SEEINGSTARS BYKUAHSENGSENG CAPRICORN:You will suffer sleeplessnights after aGoogle search typogetstopless photosof ZhangZiti, China’smost obesebearded woman. DILBERT SCOTTADAMS AQUARIUS:Innovationand ignorancewillfuela plan toreducethe weightof yourlaptop by bydeleting morefiles. PISCES:Yoursushi-onlydiet will lead tosteadyweight loss starting inabout threeweeks, whichcoincidentallyis also thegestation periodfor tapeworms. ARIES:Yourroutine ofmaking small talkto yourwifeafter sexwill hitasnag
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  • Page 37 Miscellaneous
    • 202 37 WATCH’EM NoReservations(above) HBO(StarHubCh60), 9pm Thelife ofa master chefturns topsyturvy when tragedystrikes.She’s left tocare for heryoung niecewhileher job is threatenedbythe arrivalof a handsomenew sous chef. StarringCatherine Zeta-Jones,AaronEckhart. IfWallsCouldSpeak: Building173 HISTORY(StarHubCh9),8pm Thisnewdocumentarychartsthehistoriesbehind famousbuildingslikeShanghai’sApartmentBuilding 173,tracingitsluxurybeginningsanditshumbler, sometimesviolent,recentpast. LionsForLambs(above) StarMovies(StarHubCh58),9pm DirectorRobertRedfordtakesanalternativelookatthe IraqWar.Twoidealisticstudentsfightfortheirlivesin Afghanistan,andacharismaticpresidentialcandidateis interrogatedbyajournalist.StarringTomCruise,Meryl Streep,RobertRedford. LonelyPlanetBluelist: BestInAsia Channel5,10pm They’vetravelledtheregioninsearchofAsia’sbestkept travelsecrets.Don’tmissthelastepisodeasFionaXie, OliPettigrewandMohiniSuleterecapthebestof thebest. CHANNEL5 1.00pm Movie:Mr.Magoo
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  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 32 39 Saturday, 17 Jan 2009 First Second Third 3064 7058 8834 Starters 9752 9072 4417 9671 5561 2377 1081 1172 8414 2357 Consolation 0565 1725 8644 2504 7316 2202 8852 1785 2302 7035
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  • sports
    • Sports Racing
      • 228 39  -  TAN THEAN LOON TRAINER Tan Soo Beng (right) received three hongbaos yesterday ahead tomorrow week’s Chinese New Year, courtesy of a treble at the Kuala Lumpur profession-al-amateur meeting. The seven professional races were confined to home-based horses. The former jockey achieved
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      • 290 39 GOING: GOOD Race2 RM(SC)1200m 1 KRISTHUNDER55c53(9-9) EAslam (3) 2 2 1 (456) 10 TICTOC55c52(33-8) IFadzlei* (1) 3 3 2 (463) 1.25 5 DOUBLEDARE55c53(44-7) PVellaikannu (9) 1 1 3 (493) 2.75 4 CONFLIENCE55(113-15) OChavez (10) 6 5 4 (559) 1.25 ?Winningstable:C&N.Trainer:TonyYeoh.Time:1min12.3sec. Forecast:$8.Tierce:$32.MalaysianW/P:RM6,RM5,RM10,RM13. EOB:$12.PForecast:$4(1-10),$8(10-5),$5(1-5).Trio:$16. Race3 C4(SC)1300m
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      • 266 39 GOING: GOOD Race1 LIVINGCOMFORTPLATE 1000M 3 BIZET55(42-9) JWhiting (7) 1 4 DINOMAK55(6-5) PCarbery (8) 2 1 WIZARDSPOINT57(23-12) JBrown (6) 3 ?Trainer:GDaly.Margins:Nk,1.5,1.5.Time:59sec.EOB:$15.Forecast:$8. PlaceForecast:$4(Nos.1-3),$3(Nos.1-4),$4(Nos.3-4). Tierce:$63.Trio:$7. Race2 JEFFMOURITZGAS&AIRH'CAP 1800M 7 SKYDRAMA55(9-5) TTurner (3) 1 2 FRIAR'STOUCH57.5(56-27) JValas (4) 2 3 RUSSIANPLAYMATE57.5(21-5) AKennedy (2) 3 ?Trainer:MLane.Margins:1,0.75,0.75.Time:1min51.2sec.EOB:$11.Forecast:$28. Tierce:$133.Trio:$17.Coursescratching:MrSandgroper. Race3 AIR&WATERH'CAP 1600M 2 PROART57.5(12-7)
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      • 194 39 RACE1 1st 1 Tariks ($7-$5) 2nd 4 Elzeeza ($24) 3rd 6 Miss Obrien (No third dividend) 4th 3 Ecdysiast. EOB $15. Forecast $19. Tierce $39. Trio $10. Quartet $172. Scratchings: Mrs Smith. RACE 2 1st 6 Master Gaze ($19-$5) 2nd 4 Delago Bolt ($5) 3rd 5
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      • 107 40 DON’T look beyond this Patrick Shaw-trained rising sprint sensation. The Viscount three-year-old is not only unbeaten in all his three outings so far but all his successes were with merit. After scoring first-up over 1,200m in 1 swift 1min 10.1sec, the Austral-ian-bred went
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      • Article, Illustration
        459 40 Danny Khoo Tan Thean Loon Marc Tan Larry Foley RJ ACE1 RACE 2 Ri ACE 3 RACE 4 RI ACE 5 RACE 6 Ri ACE 7 RI ACE 8 R ACE 9 RI ACE 10 RI ACE 11 R ACE 12 3 General Conspiracy 2 Maynooth 2 Let's
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      • 1235 40 RACE 1 (1,600m) 1 Any Coin???Blinkers added to find the length or two needed to win and should go close. 2 Aussie One???Raced greenly with support at debut but showed enough to suggest he will improve and win races like this. 3 General
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      • 1465 41 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 IP 1.15 -1600m(SC) Stakes:$65,000 No. Last6runs HORSE Wt Rating Jockey Barrier (Age/origin/sex,trainer-owner) 1 435 AnyCoin 58 (52) JPowell 7 (4agDBaertschiger-PolarBear) 2 3 AussieOne 58 (52) OChavez 2 (4agRBMarsh-TudorLodgeRacing) 3 874 GeneralConspiracy 58 (52) MKelladyc1 13 (4agSBurridge-ArexevanRacing) 4 *****4 MajesticKnight
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      • 983 42 RACE 1 (1,200m) National Glory (No. 7) has yet to produce the goods but was a close third over this trip in late October. Care Free Midas (9) has better dirt form but his only career win was on turf and he looks improved
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      • 948 42 GOING FORECAST: GOOD RACE1 CLASS4 1200M TIME:1:00 Stakes:HK$625,000(Qtt) NO. HORSENAME TRAINER JOCKEY WT(IB) BAR 1 GOLDENBALL SA GMosse 132 2 2 GOUF CHY CWWong(-3) 132 6 3 GREENSUPER KWL HWLai(-2) 129 8 4 STAREILLY ASC KLChui(-3) 129 13 5 ENCOSTADON DJH BPrebble 128 11
        948 words
    • Sports Mad about Golf
      • 595 43  -  STEVE NEWELL Steve Newell is an experienced golf writer who has workedwithmanyoftheworld’sleadingplayers teachers, and has written several books on golf. He now works primarily for top golfer Ernie Els. SOMEthingsneverchange.Nomatterhowgrimtheeconom-ic woes of this world, there will always be some the super rich who are immunetotheeffectsofthedownturn. To
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  595 words
      • 509 43 SONY OPEN AP AN EAGLE on the final hole gave American veteran Tom Pernice Jr. a share of the lead with Australian Nathan Green at the midway point of the Sony Open. The 49-year-old Pernice (right) finished with a seven-un-der 63 for a
        AP  -  509 words
    • 277 44  -  HER BLOG Gidania Wong Publicist EVER since The Contender Asia invaded our television screens last year, muay thai, has enjoyed a revival. Like many who tuned in, I was drawn to the show. Deciding that I should divert some attention from shopping, I
      277 words
    • 313 44 GOLF Wire Services HE COULD have gone on his honeymoon in the off-season. But Paul Casey decided to stay at home and work hard on his game. It proved to be the right decision as the 31-year-old Englishman (right) opened up a four-shot lead going into
      Wire Services  -  313 words
    • 129 44 JAPAN’SDaisukeMaruyamatriumphedin a playoff at the Asian Tour’s Qualifying School with Mohammad Siddikur and Rory Hie becoming the first Bangladeshi and Indonesian players respectively to earn full playing rights yesterday. Thanks to steady putting, Maruyama (68) defeated England’s Ally Mellor (68) in the second playoff at the
      129 words
    • 291 44  -  GODFREY ROBERT GOLFER Poh Eng Wah enjoys teaching at the Toa Payoh range. For more than one reason. The Singapore No. 4 professional, who has played in three World Cup qualifiers (once with Lam Chih Bing and twice with M. Murugiah) and many regional
      PICTURE: POH BROS.  -  291 words
    • Sports Flava of the Week
      • Article, Illustration
        539 45 AISHAHHAMZA’SPICK: ANA IVANOVIC HER BACKGROUND IVANOVIC started playing tennis at the age of five after watching former world No. 1 Monica Seles on television. She begged her parents to take her to a local tennis school after she memorised the phone number of the school. When she was
        PICTURE: AFP  -  539 words
    • Tennis
      • 247 46/47 The Australian Open has been a hotbed for unveilingnewtennisstarsinrecentyears. ARUNRAJintroducesapotentialgiant killerinthewomen’sdraw REMEMBER this name Dominika Cibulkova. She could pull off an upset at the year’sfirstGrandSlam the AustralianOpen. While all eyes are firmly fixed on the usual suspects, the stage is set for this After her giant-killing exploits in
        PICTURE: AP  -  247 words
      • 143 46/47 The 98th Australian Open is offering a record A$22 million prize money, with each of the singles champions picking up A$1.62 million Men’s singles: Norman Brookes Challenge Cup Women’s singles: Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup M E N Novak Djokovic 2008 Roger Federer 2007, 2006, 2004 2005
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      • 163 46/47 Reuters THE LAST time Japan’s Kimiko Date-Krumm played the main draw of a Grand Slam tournament,Estonia’s Kaia Kanepiwasaged just 11. Tomorrow though the pair will meet in the Australian Open first round after Date-Krumm qualified for a place in the main draw. At 38,
        Reuters; PICTURE: AP  -  163 words
      • 63 46/47 The Australian Open is the first major event of the new-look ATP and WTA World Tours. The top 30 men must appear in all four Grand Slams plus 14 ATP World Tour events, while women are committed to just 10 Premier tournaments,
        63 words
      • 116 46/47  -  ARUN RAJ 1 Coached by Father, Dr Richard Lisicki and a product of the famous Nick Bollettieri Academy which has moulded the likes of Maria Sharapova and the Williams sisters. 2 Hermother’s nameis Elisabeth(anartist painting, ceramics); has a Yorkshire Terriernamed“Happy”. 3 Introducedtotennis at theage of
        116 words
      • 580 48 HE IS fit, healthy, and ready for a tilt at Pete Sampras’ record of 14 Grand Slam titles. And Roger Federer proved it by completing his preparations for the Australian Open with an easy 6-1, 6-3 victory over Swiss compatriot Stanislas Wawrinka at the Kooyong
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  580 words
      • 504 48 AP WHILE the other contenders work hard, it seems the world No.1 is taking it a bit easy. On the one hand Roger Federer was toiling away cross-town at Kooyong. On the other was Aus- tralian Open defending champion Novak Djokovic, who was on
        AP  -  504 words
    • Sports Football
      • 603 49 RamonCalderonresignsas Realpresident, butsays: AP REAL Madrid president Ramon Calderon announced his resignation on Friday following a vote-rigging scandal. The 57-year-old lawyer, who was elected in the summer of 2006, stepped down after allegations that he had manipulated a general assembly vote effectively a vote
        AP; PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  603 words
      • 206 49 AC MILAN president and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi thinks it will be difficult for Kaka to resist the rich offer from Premier League club Manchester City. City, which is bankrolled by the oil-rich Abu Dhabi United Group, has reportedly offered Milan £107 million
        PICTURE: REUTERS  -  206 words
      • 106 49 AP LIVERPOOL manager Rafa Benitez said yesterday that he’s ready to put negotiations over a new contract on hold, after his rejection of an initial deal threatened to disrupt the club’s push for a league title. “We have finished the conversations about the contract for now
        AP  -  106 words
    • Sports Sporty Celebrities
      • Article, Illustration
        619 50/51 Thisweek,JOYCELIMgoescyclingwithactorDesmondTan WHAT can be more romantic than being ferried by your boyfriend on his bicycle to school every morning? That’showsweet MediaCorp actorDesmond Tan can be. Asked if he will do the same now, Tan replied: “Now? How to pick a girl up with myroad bike?” The 22-year-old trained
    • Sports EPL Betting
      • 678 52  -  CHRIS HAMMER PA Sport WEST HAM v FULHAM (WestHam 0 Fulham1) THIS clash at Upton Park sees West Ham host Fulham looking to continue their recent revival and collect another victory in the battle for survival. Having picked up seven points from their last three Premier
        PICTURE: AFP  -  678 words
    • Sports EPL
      • 342 53 Wire Services TOTTENHAMHotspurhavedonenothingwrong,insistedHarryRedknapp.The Spurs manager has defended his club’s conduct during this month’s transfer window as they havebeenaccusedofunsettlingplayers. Sunderland manager Ricky Sbragia accused Spurs of turning Kenwyne Jones’ head, while Gareth Southgate has spoken out over the pursuit of Middlesbrough’sStewartDowning. The latest episode has involved Wales striker
        Wire Services; PICTURES: REUTERS, AFP  -  342 words
      • 520 53 AFP WEST Ham manager Gianfranco Zola fears speculation over the futures of several of his star players could lead to a lacklustre performance in tonight’s London derby against Fulham. Zola has spent much of the week fending off approaches for Australia defender Lucas Neill, Wales
        AFP  -  520 words
      • 807 54  -  EXCLUSIVE STEVE BATES Special Correspondent SIR ALEX Ferguson warned ManchesterCity’s mega-rich owners last night that all the money in the world wouldn’t tempt him or the Glazer family to sell Cristiano Ronaldo this summer even if Sheikh Mansour offers £120 million ($263m). The Manchester United
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  807 words
      • 283 54  -  STEVE BATES ANTONIO Valencia could be heading for a sensational switch to Old Trafford with Sir Alex Ferguson ready to snatch him from Wigan if he can tempt Steve Bruce to sell. Real Madrid, as revealed by PeopleSport recently, were willing to pay
        PICTURE: AFP  -  283 words
      • 483 55  -  BY RORY DOLLARD Special Correspondent P ABLOZABALETAsteered 10-manManchesterCity tovictoryagainstWigan withhisfirstgoalfortheclub. TheArgentinianshowedgood skilltorattlehomeashotfrom20 yardsinthe51stminuteafter DanielSturridge’scrosshadonly beenhalf-cleared. AminutelaterCitywere reducedto10menwhenskipper RichardDunnewassentoffand Wiganshouldhaveequalised onlyforAmrZakitoheadover fromcloserange. MarkHughesdecidedto employZabaletainmidfieldwith MicahRichardsmovingtorightbackandNedumOnuoha partneringDunneincentral defence. Thevisitorswerethefirstto showwithTitusBrambleheading narrowlyoverthebarinthefifth minutefollowingacornerfrom RyanTaylor. SUPERB Cityrespondedwelland Robinhoshouldhaveputthem aheadinthe12thminute.He homedinongoalafterElanosplit theoffsidetrapwithasuperbball overthetop.However,withonly goalkeeperChrisKirklandto beat,Robinhoscuffedashot wide. Elanoagainpickedout Robinhointhe23rdminuteand
        483 words
      • 241 55  -  BY SpecialCorrespondent SEAN COLLINS Special Correspondent Pa Sport ROBERT KOREN produced an inspired display to help West Brom move off the bottom of the EPL–anddragGareth Southgate’ssidefurtherintothe relegation mire. The Slovenian international set up one goal for debutant Marc-Antoine Fortune and scored another himself
        Pa Sport  -  241 words
      • 396 56  -  BY DAMIAN SPELLMAN Special Correspondent ARETHBARRYkept10-man AstonVilla’sChampions League charge on track in an explosive encounter at Sunderland. The Villa skipper smashed home an 80th-minute penalty, controversially awarded for sub PaulMcShane’schallengeon Gabriel Agbonlahor, after Ashley Young had been sent off for a bad foul on Dean
        396 words
      • 261 56  -  BY CARL MARKHAM Special Correspondent PA Sport BLACKBURN lifted themselves out of the Premier League relegation zone with a victory over Newcastle. Two goals, in the space of five second-half minutes from Benni McCarthy and Jason Roberts, lit up what was a poor
        PA Sport  -  261 words
      • 526 57  -  TV VIEW CHELSEA 2 Belletti (88), Lampard (90) STOKE CITY 1 Delap (60) LIM HAN MING PROVE your commitment to the club. That was the gauntlet thrown down by Luiz Felipe Scolari to his players ahead of the clash against Stoke City last night. “We
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  526 words
      • 184 57  -  LIM HAN MING GAPS IN DEFENCE THEREwas atime when Chelsea boastedthe best defencein thePremiership. Thatreputation is slowlyslippingawayfromthem. IftheBlues have had problemsdealing with set-pieces thisseason, theirdefensive frailtieson thegroundwere exposedby Stokelastnight. RoryDelapmaynot be thestrongestplayer in thePremiership, buthe managedtoout-muscle Alexand AshleyColeto scorethe openinggoal in the60thminute. MAN OF THE MATCH THEYmayhave lostthe
        184 words
      • 515 58  -  BOLTON0 MAN UNITED 1 Berbatov (90) GARY LIM SIR ALEX FERGUSON may be no fortune-teller, but he certainly could sense it coming. Before the game, he predicted that soon, every one will see the best of Dimitar Berbatov. Last night, just as Manchester United’s title
        PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES  -  515 words
      • 139 58 OUT OF SHAPE HANDSup ifanyone thinks thatCristiano Ronaldois onlyhalf the player hewas in theprevious season. Yes,he mayhavescored eight leaguegoalsso far. Andhe had afewgood efforts savedby theBolton goalkeeperlastnight. Butgoneishis immenseinfluencein agame. Is theresomething weighingon hismind? PUNTER’S RANT SPAREathought for thepunters whohad their moneyon a draw. Boltoncertainlyheld theirown againstthe defendingPremiership
        139 words
      • Article, Illustration
        123 59 EPL Tonight: WEST HAM vFULHAM Ch 27, 9.25pm TOTTENHAM v PORTSMOUTH Ch 27,11.55pm David James (right) says Portsmouth supporters have every right to show their anger towards former manager Harry Redknapp and Jermain Defoe when the two sides meet tonight. Will he pay for his comments? Tuesday: LIVERPOOL vEVERTON
        PICTURES: ACTION IMAGES, AP  -  123 words
      • 19 59 ABUDHABIC’SHIP Today: DAY 4 Ch 26,5pm SONY OPEN Today: DAY 3 Ch 26,7.30am Tomorrow: DAY 4 Ch 26,7.30am
        19 words
      • Article, Illustration
        29 59 AUSTRALIAN OPEN Tomorrow: DAY 1 Ch 24,8am Tuesday: DAY 2 Ch 24,8am LOOKING SHARP: Andy Murray will be one of the favourites at the Australian Open starting tomorrow.
        29 words
      • 378 59 TENNIS: DEFENDING champion Novak Djokovic will open his title defence against Andrea Stoppini of Italy in the first round of the Australian Open tomorrow. Also in action is former world No. 1 and second seed Roger Federer, who will meet another Italian Andreas Seppi. In the women’s singles,
        378 words
    • Article, Illustration
      323 60 TorresonKaka’slikelymove: PA Sport LIVERPOOL striker Fernando Torres believes it would be a mistake for Kaka to join Premier League big spenders Manchester City. City’s billionaire owners have apparently tabled an audacious bid of £107 million ($235m) for the AC Milan midfielder, who is set to receive a
      PA Sport; PICTURE: AP  -  323 words

  • Page 60 Advertisements
    • 39 60 FEDERER EXPRESS: KooyongwinshowsRogerFedererissetfortiltatPeteSampras’GrandSlammark.Page48 BACKOFF: AlexFergusonwarnsManCity’smega-richownersnottotryandlureCristianoRonaldo.Page54 cause we need him desperately to win more titles at this club. “I have known Ricky for some years and I am convinced that money will not be the major reasonwhy he wouldleaveMilan.” PASport.
      39 words