The New Paper, 30 June 2008, Afternoon Edition

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Total Pages: 55
1 55 The New Paper

    • UEFA EURO 2008 updates brought to you by: Carlsberg
      • 477 2 EUROOB has been a good were tyiited m failing EurooB as a huge' &t6<kk9*hedd of the eagerlv anticipated final betweeh. .Germ«fiV AhCfc Spain this morning. I The Was the culmination frftfrporweeks of flowing attacking play rarely seen in the usi&Uty cagey international game. Michel Platini,
        Picture: AFP  -  477 words
      • 171 2 AP. NO MATTER what happened in this morning's EuroOS final between Germany and Spain, one thing is certain. Spain will hove to look for another national coach to replace the outgoing Luis Aragones. The Spain coach is linked to the job at Turkish club Fenerbahce, and he said
        AP.  -  171 words
      • 287 3 Rain or not, these fans are determined to have a great time THE soccer action may have been spectacular but unfortunately, so have the thunderstorms in Vienna, Austria. The storms led to power cuts and an 18-minute worldwide TV blackout during Wednesday's semifinal between Germany and
        Pictures: AFP  -  287 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 Inside CONTROVERSIAL FIVE: English ret Howard Webb 1 penalty mwmrd one of contentious decisiona Page 63 EXPANDED EURO: The 2016 European Championship* could a— 24, Inatoad of 16, taama Page 62
      31 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 BUILDING FUTURES One success story at a time i 0 '< it It s time to get started on my dream career w V WE HAVE THE PLAN N> fir S.-'-V. W 4 tfTv \>* K API AN FOR GC.E 'A', 0\ -N LEVELS AND ITE GRADUATES I >. <
      198 words

  • NEWS
    • 918 5  - ANGUISH She sighs and wails after learning daughter slashed on neck at home ANGER She wants justice to be done TRAGEDY IN SLIPPER MAN'S HOME SINGAPORE By! Shree Ann Mathavan shretann ( HER heartbreaking sobs and wails pierced the quiet Paya Lebar neighbourhood yesterday afternoon. For Madam Huang, 71, who
      Pictures: DAVID TAN, LIANHE WANBAO  -  918 words
    • 418 6 The Singapore Toy and Comics Convention dfew big crowds to Surrtec City last weekend. INFOGRAPHICS JOURNALIST&CHNG CHOON HIQNG and SIMON ANG discoverwha, are cfeatinfawavetbere P, UTTING adult toy and comic enthusiasts in tibfe convention hall was like leaving children in a can More. fll Their eyes were
      418 words
    • News watcher S'pore
      • 149 7 IT is the consumers who are turning out to be the big winners, just two weeks into the latest round of competition in the handphone markets. All three telcos here, Sing Tel, Mobile One and Star Hub, are slashing prices for even the latest
        149 words
      • 29 7 4 n** MM to bemkftsot, mu wick*9 truck after IMUmmt Abe* 113, JaUm BaUtMtnk. The trnmct of the mxUmtltftUM y ttcyds wlti httd fai/nrw Picture
        Picture  -  29 words
      • 101 7 THE People's Association has set up five interest groups for young parents, to support families in the different districts. The groups were formed in response to a survey with 300 young parents in April, which showed a lack of support groups in the neighbourhood. Minister
        101 words
      • 90 7 GRASSROOTS leaders of Pasir Ris West Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCC), led by Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean, distributed food parcels yesterday to help its needy residents cope with inflation and increasing food prices. A total of 120 parcels, each worth between $80 and $100,
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      • 88 7 SIXTY migrant workers each received a $500 grant from the Western Union Foundation Education Grant Programme. The money is to help migrant workers with the financial costs of educating their children back home. The money will be useful when paying for tuition fees and necessities
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      • 99 7 SINGAPORE Airlines (SIA) has collected its fifth Airbus A3BO superjumbo, which will be used for its Singapore-London service starting 16 Jul, the carrier said. The A3BO will be the second deployed for the London service after the world's biggest plane made its debut at Heathrow
        99 words
      • 86 7 THE Singapore Zoo is holding a workshop to conserve pangolins, or scaly anteaters found in South and South-east Asia. The workshop, held yesterday, brings together agencies from the region to exchange ideas and formulate strategies on conservation. Parliamentary Secretary for National Development Mohamad Maliki Osman said
        86 words
    • 723 8  -  SAF's first waman MWO brings army discipline home to her three teens SINGAPORE By Andre Yeo HANDS clasped in front of them, standing almost ramrod straight with their feet slighdy apart, they answer your questions politely. This type of disciplined stance is what any army would
      Picture: MINDEF; TNP Picture: MOHD ISHAK  -  723 words
    • News watcher World
      • 128 9 CHINA: BOILING POINT Reuters. Thousands of rioters torched police and government office buildings in southwest China on Saturday. The riot was triggered by allegations of a cover-up over a girl's death, residents and state media reported yesterday. About 10,000 people (above) mobbed government offices in Weng'an
        Reuters.; Picture: AFP  -  128 words
      • 48 9 v Chinese children watch an md/rwuttr pttfutwuuKt by RuuUui iynchnmtitd swimmers at an aquarium in Fuzhou, in China's Fufian province. Its the summer break ana Chinese frfftrfffff ffTf fiifWiTf (w 011 the tourism boom sparked by millions of children taking their school holidays. Picture: AFP
        Picture: AFP  -  48 words
      • 98 9 Reuters. INDONESIAN President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's popularity has fallen due to recent fuel price hikes and he would likely to lose if elections were held today, says private pollster Indo Barometer. The survey showed that Mr Yudhoyono's popularity rating has dropped to 36.5 per cent, from
        Reuters.  -  98 words
      • 93 9 AFP. SAUDI Arabia is pouring billions of dollars into Medina to turn Islam's second holiest city into a high-tech bastion. The so-called Knowledge Economic City (KEC) is the fourth in a series of projects launched by the oil powerhouse in December 2005 aimed at
        AFP.  -  93 words
      • 115 9 AFP. A MAN in Australia, who was selling his "life" over the Internet, claims to have sold the package for A 5399,000 ($522,029). British-bom lan Usher, 44, decided to sell his house in Perth along with his possessions as a way of moving on
        AFP.  -  115 words
      • 106 9 AP. SOUTH Korean protesters battled riot police yesterday at a rally opposing the resumption of American beef imports, hours after US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice vouched for the health of US cattle. About 15,000 people some wielding steel pipes and hurling stones at
        AP.  -  106 words
      • 98 9 AFP. GAYS, lesbians and transvestites took to the streets of three major Indian cities yesterday in the first nationally coordinated pride marches aimed at overturning a law forbidding homosexuality. In Kolkata, some 400 people took part in the city's annual Gay Pride parade, drawing
        AFP.  -  98 words
      • 646 10  -  Metropolitan YMCA does away with stickers for flag day ByJ Teh Jen Lee THIS group deserves a stamp of approval. Make that 170,675 stamps. That is how many used postage stamps the Metropolitan Young Men's Christian Association (MYMCA) has collected for
        Picture: JONATHAN CHOO  -  646 words
      • 813 11  -  Reason: Businessman has dementia, a brain condition due to old age By Veena Bharwani HIS quarrel with his wife has left him $120,000 poorer. The 78-year-old man, who suffers from dementia, withdrew the sum from a bank in a fit of
        Picture: OF THE FAMILY  -  813 words
      • 668 12  -  Long budget flight delays? By Zubaidah Nazeer zubaidah @sph. IT might be unavoidable. Bad weather and technical problems might delay budget K flights. But passengers who H 1 have to pay for higher fuel surcharges do not take long delays kindly. Within the span of a
        668 words
      • 886 13  -  50% jump in fare cheats. One cabby cheated 3 times in 8 days ByJ Chong Shin Yen chongsytQsph. comsg IT has been three times unlucky for cabby Lee Lian Seng. Within a week this month alone, the 57-year-old cabby has encountered fare cheats thrice.
        TNP Picture: CHONG SHIN YEN  -  886 words
      • 88 14 Yes, you have a stake fit this fund. But do Temasel^iwesttforS'pore|p| NOW IT STARTER »,*»»>•<• •»«> ««4 •».»i jMWn a fmwdays Tlwre was no oii money, no nsturflj rosourc8s and MUa fordQn sfsd with his need to careand plan for his young family. -Ms Ho Ching
        88 words
      • Article, Illustration
        611 15 Anwar accused of sodomy again, this time by his aide DID Datuk Sen Anwar Ibrahim take shelter at the Turkish embassy because because he fears a plot to arrest him? Or it just a ploy to whip up public sympathy? The Malaysian police said they have no
        Picture: AFP; Picture: CHINA PRESS  -  611 words
      • 191 15  -  Comment by Patrick Jonas pa trickj @sph. comsg LIKE heavyweight boxers, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and the Barisan Nasional leaders have been trading punches since the 8 Mar elections. Each time the BN thought it had got its opponent cornered, Mr Anwar would land
        191 words
    • WORLD
      • 804 16 Blockaded by Israel, Palestinians dig tunnels from basements of homes to smuggle goods, weapons, across the border THIS abandoned house in the Gaza Strip conceals a secret. There, among the still shiny kitchen tiles, is a small square hole. Grab the rope hanging over it, take a
        Pictures: GETTY IMAGES  -  804 words
      • 345 17 Signboard falls kills HK woman A WOMAN was killed in a freak accident in Hong Kong's Wan Chai district yesterday morning when a large billboard fell from above a restaurant and hit her on the head. Police said the victim, whose name was given as Ms Lam, 47, was walking
        Picture: APPLE DAILY  -  345 words
      • 111 17 UK doctors screen out cancer causing gene in family vM52& r A BRITISH woman is pregnant with a three-month-old foetus that wjffi be Doctors achieved this by screening out an inherited gene that would have given the baby a more than 50 per cent
        111 words
      • 452 18 UK woman dies, leaves $27m to owners of favourite restaurant and nothing to relatives. Relatives sue, but lose case. Now... EVEN as she neared death, Mrs Golda Bechal had fonder thoughts of her favourite restaurant than of her relatives. When the British woman
        452 words
      • 578 19 Novel Dutch museum AP. STRAP on 3-D glasses and watch holograms of cartoon sperm sprinting to fertilise an egg. Climb inside a gigantic nose, enjoy the smell of fresh hay, then feel the wind blast on your neck when it sneezes. Walk
        AP.; Picture: AP  -  578 words
      • 357 19 HAIR today, gone at the movies. That was what happened to a Taiwanese woman., She walked into*a Taichung cinema with waist-long hair and walked out with 30cm trimmed off by a stranger. The 32-year-old victim, known only as Ms
        357 words
      • 668 20  -  His political enemies end up beaten or killed With political murders and Inflation in his corrupt country at 100,000%, Zimbabwe's once-revered independence fighter is now feared Neville Stack J Columnist A TRAGIC failure. This is how Robert Mugabe's (above) leadership has been described by Nelson Mandela. The
        Pictures: AFP, GETTY IMAGES, REUTERS  -  668 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 s ow SERIAL A-UST DATER <T ■J r> > m jf i i t He's 26 Fast news 10 Golf noo-733 4455 OpooKons Dosfc *****544 CirautalionHolline ISnStn IT'S A PLOT AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS' Anwar spe aks to The* Straits Times on new sex allegations m it > IN Till
      51 words

  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 198 7 High:»' LowtS' 1 11 l: / Pi s M i!h V'ri'V MY SILLY HOBBY NOW HAP AN AUPIENCE/ I WORKS? harp to continue CARTOOMte THROUGH NATIONAL SOWCE, UNI, ANP EVEN LA9AL PRACTICE... IT MAS VERY SIONS/ IMB ACTUALLY UiOQCUCAI rwiirwi 7 a v* v 7 5 i i 3d •n
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 123 10 congratulations to all of our lucky winners! we know you'd feel great with these prizes! Yvette Su Kam Yeng Benjamin Ong Tze Hem Chan Ethez Deslanty Hendrawan Elaine Cheow Slew Ling Eugena Lee E-Huey Kang Yein Mei Jane Ng Puay Khoon Ng Wal Lan Liza Teng Slew Joon Wang Meng
      123 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 Paris Graduate School of Management Pans Graduate School Maraqemerv BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BUSINESS HOSPITALITY Get a business degree (BBA 6TMICE) that opens doors to BOTH Business and Hospitality horn the ttl Business College in France ,t> i tt k "Moreih<5h just opening doois toi me PGSM'S encouraging learning environment
      184 words
    • 35 11 *1 t I r> M L« qr^|u\oTlo^ ?o W- M9 1 *S| IL' IMi :■<! I rM »J IH" I I I I I I I t GmWfar.ll lli if 11 IMik U m i
      35 words
    • 129 11 Voice P<f»rty 1900 9 123 123 Free Line 5775 3353 *Chiit Diroct Voac< k ni«iil SmS Alc?rt ix Jgr m i L 'W UNLEASH YDUR CHIT BUG. Get Wild. Get Bold. KJfc&t, -CHAT 1900-912-1-912 50 Cents Min .Free Line 6464 0209 :> I Callers must tie 18 years above A
      129 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 G P < i 'ITI!jPARTiY/CHatIPART,Y A <r. *****9/12: SystemjUpgraded Promotion!! fcwiN UP TO ■$2000 CASH sa »V. HiFREE(GHAT 65.47 r9oQj(^^gt^o)nta ch ng More chat have ou Live 884/min /Melayu Pod Nano w to Most V 2§ Popular f o v.^ eS Choice of chat friend after 5 min trial m
      93 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 159 13 Follicle Cloning Technology! 100% Natural Herbs! No Pills! No Injections! Results Proven! m±® (OMSOW\ Solve yourl Hair Problems Scientist of BossinK^V PhO of Esthetes In Japan. Vteittng consuttant of Sydney University, Australia Heed of Plastic Surgery of Rashtd Hospital, UAL President of Wang's Medical Center, UAE Director of Ptattc Esthetic
      159 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 138 18 3G More Than Just A f st 5 IV THE FIRST AND ONLY in Singapore! ARE YOU... Tired of 'SURPRISES"? ired of the oW fashioned of chatting? J A't*) nvikiot« c<x kt.Ml (XMty. ttx; U x kjo- t chat w* c*duMvc mvrtition to I L A A Pump some much
      138 words

  • 938 21 Musician and serial dater John Mayer has romanced some of Hollywood's hottest mm What's appeal? SHOW By Jeanmaric Tan JESSICA Simpson. Jennifer Love Hewitt Minka Kelly. Cameron Diaz. Mandy Moore. What do all these celebrity babes have in common? Well, they have all been romanced by
    Pictures: WIREIMAGE, AP, AFP  -  938 words

  • YOU
    • 292 22  -  Commuters who unwittingly overpay tares on express bus services From Heng Ching Sheng, Jason FROM tomorrow, public bus and MRT train commuters caught for deliberately not paying or underpaying the correct fares will be fined $20. And those caught misusing concession cards, such as stolen or
      292 words
    • 275 22  -  From Chua Kheng Yeow I JUST finished my work at a roadshow on the weekend of 21 Jun. At that roadshow, there were good offers and free gifts with purchases. Many customers responded to the promotion and turned up. As a result, there
      275 words
    • 76 22  -  speak NEWS Eddle Ho Fraa raatf* Eddie Ho, 25, I fire aad rescue I u l believe It will truly open up e lot of doors for diploma holders or polytechnic graduates. "At the same time, it will also provide
      76 words
    • Article, Illustration
      69 22 rejri- Jay SEEN anything newsy or interesting? Snap a photo of it and e-mail it to with Click as your subject title Tell us a little about your snapshot. Who knows? Your picture might win a prize Ihis minimi is making her hits ride extra umilorlahle- sin \nnnii
      69 words
    • 60 22 EVERY week, we will be picking a Letter of the Week (for contributions to the Your View page or the TNP Postwoman website) and a Click! Picture of the Week. The winners will each get a $50 Borders voucher. Entries should reach us by Saturday and
      60 words
    • 65 22 E-mail or write to: The New Paper, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Level 6, Annexe Block, Singapore *****4 For verification, we need the writer's full name and contact number (preferably of a handphone). We reserve the right to edit letters. By your submission, it is deemed that you
      65 words
    • 130 23 IN her current post, our Postwoman Jeanmarie Tan writes about soccer star David Beckham's second and latest Emporio Armani underwear ad campaign. -The father of three recently unveiled two provocative images of himself as the body and face of the brand. Do you think Beckham, 33,
      Picture: AP  -  130 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
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  • 705 24  -  As demand for resources outstrips supply, future generations face a tough life GUIDE Dr Money By Larry Haverkamp Surprisingly, there are only two ways to invest: You can own or you can lend. That's it. Owning is called "buying equity". Examples are stocks
    TNP Photo Illustration: SIMON ANG  -  705 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 249 25 TView Star Chef 2 Channel 8, 8pm In the second season of the local cooking variety series hosted by Quan Yifeng, 12 new apprentice chefs are judged on their skills as they vie for the tide under the tutorage of mentor and celebrity chef Sam Leong. The Rachael Ray Show
      249 words
    • 2 25 r-s&s if
      2 words
    • 117 25 B Hyperdrive (left) BBC Entertainment (StarHub Ch 76), 8pm This new sci-fi comedy revolves around the adventures of spaceship Camden Lock in the year 2151. Its mission is to convince alien governments to relocate their businesses to Britain. Starring Nick Frost, Miranda Hart. Until Death Star Movies (StarHub Ch 58),
      117 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 74 26 MATS A 't pfl l5 Need a ride? Brand new MPVs and saloons for rent. > See Class-Vehicles BUY IT* SELL IT' FIND IT A Teach the ABCs A kindergarten in Marsiling requires English teachers. > See Class Lecturing/Teaching Savour Saigon's flavours There's much more to slurp up than just
      74 words
    • 25 26 NEED CASH? $1000 $10,000 Sign Up New/ Upgrade Line Buy Sell all Digital Gadgets, Laptops. Buy Pack Services available Transport provided Call 8311-1242 (24 hrs)
      25 words
    • 81 26 I ABSOLUTELY BEST DEAL! $***** CASH Sign New Line Business To Business No CPF Investment No Property Sale 8222 8020 rona 24Hr§ We buy new used spoilt laptop computer, pda, digital camera voucher, plasma tv,LCD, watches, projector, games console, Psp, Ps 3 station, X box, branded bags etc. LAPTOP WANTED
      81 words
    • 26 26 NEED CASH? Sign Up New Handphone/ Upgrade Contract Immediate Cash! $1000-$10,000 Immed Approval! Free Transport HIGH RETURNS Use CPF to invest Through Financial Instn. 9849-4847 Jess
      26 words
    • 14 26 |fT=M HIGHEST \V RETURNS < VlN TOWN!} HIGH Mwrni Sam 9197-0702 More Fastads After Feature
      14 words

  • 348 27  -  CATS FASTADS 12 Lunch Guide Want to lunch? Check out this weekly food feature for savoury delights! Written by Adele Ong Lunch Guide Reviewer Singaporeans love Vietnamese beef noodle soup, but must be prompted to taste other Vietnamese dishes which are traditionally lightly flavoured, emphasising
    348 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 26 27 < for -«r i Seah Street S( *****1) Teli *****798 w Kublai Khan Mongolian BBQ 3Sb** $29.80 (MorvThu) (Fri-Sun) I r •> (Mort-Thu) (Fir-Sun) 6334 4888 i i
      26 words
    • 78 27 Mm -*r m k KOKIW SCNFOOS WSTMNWNT PTE LTI 76 Peck Seah Singapore *****1 Tel: 6396 5356 V# Fax: 6396 5376 (Opporitr Tg Ptgtr MKT Exit A) m ®)p, mm m (1 J.O isl 111. p.///iA'ysyv:pp\vsinq:com.sq Deer Meat (Black Pepper) Nonya Ngoh Hiang Crispy Nonya Tahu Clayot Prawn (Indonesia) Ayam
      78 words
    • 74 27 1 fei r viHock Kee Pork Ribs^Soup I I i Js 865 Mountbatten Road *81-127/128 Katong Shopping Centre Curry Fish Head and Seafood Tel: *****913 Katong Operating Hours: 10.30 am 12.30 am 356J00 Chiat Branch Bak KutTeh Curry Fish Head Tel: *****573 ODeratina Hours: 7.30 am -12 midniqht i Catering
      74 words
    • 49 27 CoFPec tlouse Family High Tea (12pm to 5.00pm) Saturdays, Siinda\s Public Holida\s tor /\gservations: u6426 0168 (Ext HOTEL ROYAL 36 Newton Road Singapore *****4 Tel: 6426 0168 1 2 lunch? Time to read 'Lunch Guide', a special food feature of CATS FASTADS in The New Paper every Monday. A
      49 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 30 28 [•■AT-3 BUY IT- SELL IT- FIND IT CC C/0 C_5 CO C\J CXI OO CO CD X cc CO oo CD a-> i CD OO CXI i CD CD OO
      30 words
    • 87 28 -CATS FAST4DS. T V L 11 MM L A m k 1 «J* (|j r =/b TROIBLED BV DEBT PROBLEMS? Idling InmkrupUx Sci/urt'\ \iution rulit arils IK'ht Writ nt Summon I'n»l>kms' Transview Credit k Consultancy Services PLS CALL *****036 (24-Hrs Hodine) For Free Consultation. Our Consultants (Ex-Banker) Will Assist You
      87 words
    • 93 28 If you have Credit Card Problems, Cancelled facilities, Legal actions, Seizure, Garnishing and Bankruptcy. (No Fee charged if Case not resolve) Ms caH9-*****27 for assistance Our Consultants should ba abla to rasotv* pro Mams. Pis airanga for fraa consultation RCS Consultancy Services Pte Ltd 111 North Bridgo Road #07-23 ft
      93 words
    • 48 28 wrw^w GREAT RETURNS THROUGH CPF INVESTMENT Call J.C Now! 9325-9892 (daily) BEST CPF 1NVESTME* Financial fnstn Best Regard Call JAMES: 9035-0111 (Thru Financial Instn) JO 8277 3472 CPF INVESTMENT HIGHEST RETURNS IN TOWN Call Felicia *****095 R.K 9015-0888 CPF INVESTMENT BEST RETURNS! BEST SERVICE! Weekly Update Alex 8177-1996
      48 words
    • 79 28 Say 'NO' To BANKRUPTCY Hotline 9117 8850 ■i.ig-i.-T.-'Tn Consultations!! Highest CPF Returns (Thru Financial Instn) A.J 8277 3476 GET REWARDED Use CPF to invest (Thro Financial Instn) Reliability is What You Nead JK *****662 HIGH CPF INVESTMENT RETURN Cindy *****222 HIGH CPF INVESTMENT RETURN Roy 9897-1860 HIGHEST RETURN CPF Investment
      79 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 21 29 <H I'llV 11 SI l l 11 f INC) IT JO OO CD CD 1 00 CXI I CD CD CO
      21 words
    • 254 29 E4STAI) MlMMpts Dtyltai&tfftts mm Laptc WMilMl TT Laptops Wanted High Price WE BUYNEW/USEDI SPOILED LAPTOPS OF.F.ERED! P4-Centrtn<VLaptop: $400-$1000 Centrino. $*****000 Centrlno Duo. Core 2 Duo: $*****5000 TV,-LCD/PLASMA #03-27 PEARLS CENTRE, EU TONG SEN ST. (BESIDE OUTRAM 02 ir[TTi DIRECT EXPORTER *fCONFIRMl HIGHEST fPff/CE SECURE em (EW/USEO/ P4-C«nMno. CsnMio Ouo, Core
      254 words
    • 30 29 Mfttal (&4|0ts Hennessy XO.Martell, Gordonbleu,Louis 13/ 14-61' projection LCD/Sony projector, VCD mlnl-compo, PC, Plasma TV, USA UK Amplifier speaker. (JBl, AR, Mission, KEF, Tannoy, JMLAP, Cetostion. Bos* BMB) ~<>.,*****223 (Mon-Sun)
      30 words
    • 38 29 MfRriMpts *****927 day/ niqht on the spot repair all brands TV, Video, LD, hifl, LCD TV, projector TV, Plasma TV, antenna. Good Price Repair/ Buy/ Sell Head to CATS FASTADS in The New Paper for education options! CLA/DtcOVSg
      38 words
    • 18 29 uignai wogets Head to CATS FASTADS In The New Paper for education options! MATS BUY IT-SELL IT-FIND IT
      18 words
    • 34 29 Digital Gadgets Gold/ Rolax Pawn Tkkttt, Big or Smal Diamond. Branded Watch—. Rolax. Briatling, Onwga. Tudor. Bvtoari Tag Hauar. Bail. Mont Blanc, IWC, Baal. Chopard, Pana ulliai s. *****567 Piyt Ljbar MRT Station 101-01
      34 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 17 31 [•■ATci SHLI IT HND IT CO CO CD cd I CD co C\J I CD CD CO
      17 words
    • 64 31 Taurmi Beauty Slimming Centre I Private room Tips discouraged 767 Gayiang Road (Between Lor 39 and Lor 41) sJLU. WSLTZ kim aton> wv 7 f/ie beoxii<\ Don't Miss! 45 mins TEl 6336 5335 G837 3777 ri i a< n5 AA ,»< r^nr L 7. t 'I I? I I
      64 words
    • 137 31 sfsdf Free Snack ft Massage ft Sauna, Steambath ft Individual room with attached bathroom A adjustable Air-condition TV Restroom 1. Marine Parade Central »05-01 Parkway Centre (above MacDonald) Business Hour: 11am-11pm IT 6348 2988 6348 2822 -A Serene A Cosy Environment A Body Massage/ Foot Reflexology Steam Bath VIP room
      137 words
    • 83 31 u aiuc Wealth Q 3*itn en Individual room with shower attached •Gym,Steam bath Many new masseuses available 60 Eu Tong Sen St #03-14/18 Futama Hotel Tel: *****249 *****249 Open Daily: 1 1 am-1 1 pm Kim M«IM MM. Wdbrs Centre m Max In our Cosy Ambience* hMM mail $m Add
      83 words
    • 56 31 \IANC C'AO,, BEAI I SP\ •j£«* \MJSS;'U ;t. .WAV' fMLfH LiLll June Promotion fflra Yomi Wellness Spa S3O !w##, Fn£ y? NEWLY V OPEN!!! J EQUATORIAL MASSAGE CENTRE 45 mins $28! 'Javanese, Swedish Body Scrub' Young, Charming and (New faces) Malay, Indian Chinese Masseuses #02, 71A Maude Road (Left side
      56 words
    • 52 31 .A nrrr esil Hp: 8317-1555 D FANTASY THERAPY Fantasy Package Massage Attached showers Private Club Feel Strictly By Appt 59 Kampong Bahru Rd Call: 9089 3322 C. 158 Bedok South Ave 3| #01-587 $30 BLK 51 Ton Pavoh Lor 5 •---01'Jewly OpenjJ |.+Beautifult& Skillfull Body Scrub j I "ZT: 9124
      52 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 12 32 CO co CO CD i cn> co C\J I CD CD OO
      12 words
    • 58 32 r, onwards rtrr 1 vv r ■WlllHIn J! 2* Kelly Rest Zone Local Chinese girl Good hard massage For Appt, call. 9872-8639 k 10. Anson Road n to $19.99 313 Pasir Paojanq Rd J MILKY SHERRY I FIRST MILKY SOAPY BATH! Milky Soapy Body Massage Hot/ Cold Therapy By Appt
      58 words
    • 106 32 PROMOTION s3O 6 5 t kI'TkTD 59 66 INDO FALCON TRAVEL |€32 ~7 O 6778 [fiicorpsssssuisf i 66^ i National Day Dtnmr Cnriaa Mfalch Fkawoffc at Mgh Baa I■ I i t.xl I INDO c AICON SHINING i TRAVEL .*2l 6270 6778 www sg HDB LIC: HB-*****2Z Lzj jj
      106 words
    • 164 32 CATS FASTADS_ f /T l/ZflfCf f CO*J *0 (H)C)I) PKMCl BS ,s~ 6853 5500 a 6396 5500 6538 5500 BEST PRICE OFFER (BUY-IN) UMi SaM Pmmi Tkfceti/ Hotel Gold Bor Gold Jovolfy SMver Bar, GoM Coins, Rotoi NitdMS etc Old Liquor Wanted $580- $1200 Louis XIYI, HonnossY XO. Cordon Bleu
      164 words
    • 135 32 ■MSTMWVim Tne w>* r Mo 22 Tai Keng Court (along Upper Paya Lobar) 63 HSR A 0 Immed Deposit $5K $50K 0 Up to $180K above value 0 Rental Advance 0 Loan Arrangable 0 Reliable Poite Services Don Tan •^TT>V1777 .a. A. A A. X A HSR SELLBUY/RENT ERIC CHUAH
      135 words
    • 54 32 SEIL/ RENT Immed Cash! (upto $K)K) Tenants can wait 3-6 mths HDB/ Private Property Legal Loans Arrangeabte Advance Rental upto 1 yr Fast Reliable Service 9818-5428 il Selling Your House? $5000 IMMEDIATE DEPOSIT *****006 I! i YouH handy v in all things !n> electrical. < There's a job for you
      54 words
    • 51 32 THE SPECIALIST HDB/ Private RENT/SELL Itnrnti deposit $5K- $20K Ready Buyers/Tenants Reliable I Fast Svc £2a Call *****117 Tan W" i-- IPV/ From $50.<XH+ Can Vincent 9355 5335 Wonf 9710 2176 AN 9199 6709 $40 *****461 J 9 S S If F\ $45 ONWARDS! Lowast price gVaad! No deposit/P-ptate/ Malaysia
      51 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 45 33 Administrative' Clerical Art Creative Call Centre Telemarketing Contract Executives Customer Service Drivers. Chauffeurs Engineers ieral H'oduction Hotel Restaurant Lounge IT Infoeom U 'tMching 'q Health Care Part-Time Temporary Pharmaceutical Lite Sciences itions Wanted Sales ..-•tiifiry ■ring ?ors ducation Courses BUY IT SfclL IT FIND IT
      45 words
    • 170 33 ACCOUNTS CLERK Data entry to final reporting GST Read write English Chinese PC literate MS Office Excel Internet Full sets experience Singaporean or PR only 5-day week at Penjuru 8.30am to 6pm Interested pis email resume with photo expected salary to: Well Established Logistics Co requires 1) OPERATION EXECUTIVE
      170 words
    • 92 33 -CMS FASTADS Int'l ISO Awarded requires SALES DESIGNER/ EXEC PROJECT COORDINATOR TELEMARKETER 3D STUOW MAX DESIGNER With/without experience Clients/ training provided Profit sharing up to 65% Basic commission S50K S'poreans/ M'sians ONLY Cat 9765 0038 or 9002 4890 10 IIM Crescent Lobby B #01-22 UM Techpark 1 w i
      92 words
    • 99 33 Evening Cleaning Supervisor Cum Driver Only with own van may apply. Petrol subsidized 5 days jobs and only evening hrs, extra income Mobile cleaning, easy works With/ Without cleaning experience Trustworthy diligent Call 9766-8493 General Cleaners I mJ wof King location C335C I RECEPTIONIST PC Literate Pleasant personality Sunday off
      99 words
    • 146 33 Drivers/ Drivers/ s aimn v QmUaa DRIVERS Calling all Singaporean PR with Class 3/4 Free during weekend High living expenses Want to make extra cash Need a Part Time work Need to top up CPF for housing loan Part Time at your preferred time/ days Training provided Up to $100
      146 words
    • 100 33 with*) 5 mnutes wak from LAVENDER MRT STATION r«lnhli«li ii i~t I L i.4imi tsiautsneo naroware Safety Trading Company requres DELIVERY DRIVERS Completed NS Class 3 driving licence Able to read and write single English s'/? days work WBiinn irnorvww. Bam to 4pm or cafl 5290M00 tor appt VmiLm MurtMSuntfm
      100 words
    • 102 33 LIMOUSINE DRIVER wanted Min 5 yrs driving experience Work odd hrs/ flexible hrs Speak English Experience with Mercedes/ BMW Interested pis SMS personal details to *****666 Marine Safety Co requires DELIVERY DRIVER FIRE SERVICE TECHNICIAN With class 3 driving lie Min Secondary 2 Interested pis cjH 6748 3105 Or walk
      102 words
    • 167 33 liiijnrirerann; muTTI Restaurant Cafe d> the east requires 1) COOK 2) SUPERVISOR 3) MANAGER 4) WAITER/ WAITRESS Only S'poreans/ PR need apply Interested pis email resume to happydazecafe#y sq or Mil 9088-5826 m invite enthusiastic staff ■wmbcw to join klltbltil «it i« (tin ASST. MANAGER BAR TENDER «k in
      167 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 24 34 BUY IT-SELL IT- FIND IT in oo CO CXI CXI cc X CO 00 a^> CO I cd 00 ex 1 CD CD OO
      24 words
    • 281 34 •fill? Cinnabun Tree American Bakery Cafe requires FULL/ PART-TIME KITCHEN CREW 6 days week or min 4 days (incl Sat/ Sun PH) Able to start work immediately Able to interact in English with team members Walk In Interview after 3pm at #01-06 The Amara 165 Tanjong Paqar Rd (ntr Tanjonq
      281 words
    • 98 34 DENTAL ASST WANTED 9 Rochor Ctr. Full-Time. Eng. speaking. S'porean/ PR. Call: DENTAL ASST Part time Joo Chiat Rd No experience required Homemakers, students M'sian are welcome. Call 6346-4988 Urgently Requires PART TIMERS PORTERS Must be able to work at least 3 months Work from 3pm -7pm Able to speak
      98 words
    • 145 34 LASHING SPECIALIST SHIP TA for newly awarded contract Ex PSA/Jurong Port workers welcome Primary 6 and above Good starting basic pay allowances Training provided Come for interview at Blk 80S French Road #04-151 Kitchener Complex (80 200MS) Monday to Friday (Near Lavendar MRT) FEMALE ESCORTS Attractive friendly All races PR/
      145 words
    • 72 34 C *****355 *****903 7 HUM. »J rt\ Full/ Part-time (office hrs) Willing to work on weekends Own Class 3 with transport. Preferably staying in east area. Can 6749-06 M 1109 FLYER DISTRIBUTORS URGENTLY nanhd for Jurong East S Watt/ AngHoKh/Tamphas/ Ylshun/ Hougang/ T. Payofi $4.50/ $8 per hour Students welcome
      72 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 12 35 co CO OD CD i CD co CXI I >CD CD CO
      12 words
    • 279 35 i' r i fTii r i WALLS ICE CREAM DAILY CASH PAY!! 4hrs of work 6-10pm High commission/ basic Monthly attendance bonus referral bonus. Work around your school/ home Call the area convenient to you String oon- *****836 Sambawang- *****495 Choa Chu Kang *****308 Sangkang *****859 Ang Mo Klo-*****046 Bt
      279 words
    • 304 35 -CATSE4STADS MWIMcalh Pl» Lid is an am«ging oonauftancy inn n Singapore. We provide aaaMance to proepacta local and rtemational students and conpamat on*ducalton,caroar planing, personal develuixiient and training. Programmes Executives (foiH Time) I- *Maa*M mM—- Promote programmes to li targeted markets I Mfe |y> J,L n< ftn J raraapHong »i
      304 words
    • 157 35 Hut ns 7 OOK! 10OKl 7 OOKl Main at laast $100k p.a. with us NOW! Provide Continuous Training Managerial Guidance (Project Sales/ Resale/ HOB/ Commercial) High commission for Projects Join the No. 1 Team to Achieve Maximum ResuM Ujeen Tan's Division Connie Wee One of the best company to
      157 words
    • 86 35 S DAYS WORK (DAY SHIFT) SECURITY OFFICERS REQUIRED Jurong Port Road Salary neg. With NSRS or exempted Full CPF/ benefits CaN Immed 6100 5747 SUPERVISOR needed for carpentry workshop Must possess good knowledge in woodwork fabrication processes Able to read plan technical drawings Able to work long hrs OT Suitable
      86 words
    • 42 35 MARINE ELECTRONICS ENGINEER Min '0'/ Diploma level above Preferably with experience in repairing marine communcatlons navigations equipment Travel overseas on assginments when required Honest loyal Preferable S'poreans/ PR only Call 6271-2311 or fax 6271-8977 Call 9113-1411 Peter BUY IT-SELL IT-FIND rr
      42 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 20 36 CO CXI CXI CO I CO CTS L_L_ oo oc cn cn i CT) oo CXI I CD CD co
      20 words
    • 56 36 mk wm t,mm Boston Business School DOS i ON 62 38 7638 n w .v. host; >nbi/.t 100 s onw m per il Hotel Management Casino Management Tourism Management ***** EoTHl Dimensions Education Group Hospitality (with itlif hmtnt). Business A Camford Business School I [7 C 8100 1950 1
      56 words
    • 153 36 CATS FASTADS School of Hospitality Management I School of Education Technology Hospitality Management 11 li ■■i liy wlinftitf Vn LrlPlwlTwtf i Hospitality Management Resort Management Casino Management Cruise Operations ISC Food ft Beverage Services ISC Food Preparation (Indian Cuisine) NFTEC in Food ft Beverage Operations WSQ Bask Food Hygiene Course
      153 words
    • 60 36 'K i I:! Fax; 6319-8228 7 E-mail: cat TELEPHONE SERVICE RATES PLACING AN AD CONDITION MHiUrifif wfi'W. 'in iyi M C;'" Mtj pwy »"WMWiW| v > H«w3r £?;rz ~.yi-i TrT I HMfWcrtAoNNkMi I 1 Mt Oh mm rf Mm Mki rwrmntitlw ate h nr*gyw4. IMn arMf aIM Km HiH nprtMrttHw
      60 words
    • 12 36 B i l l 1i! .1 Emmmmm Spring tangujqe School £E£ .—MMM
      12 words
    • 76 36 ■M!V 4iiJbi'.V| Gnds/ Undtgradt i Ttachtrs Amy Ana Prl 1 6: Eng. Maths, Science. 2nd Lang Sec 1-5/ 'A' levels/ JC: A/E Maths. H1/H2/H3 Maths. Physics. Chem, Biology. Eng. GP. 2nd Lang. A/cs (POA). Lit. Econ Hist, Geog. Social Studies T«l: 6S62-1413 QUALITY HOMF TUITION a 3*44 TUITIONMASmS n 19
      76 words

    • 385 37  -  By Danny Khoo TRAINER Tony Yeoh could not have asked for a better outing at Penang yesterday. The Kuala Lumpur-based handler had only two entries, Polar Express and Polar Girl, and both came away with impressive wins. Polar Express was first off the mark in
      385 words
    • 67 37 THE Singapore Turf Club will telecast and operate the totalisator for the Hong Kong races at Happy Valley on Thursday. Also on the card is the South Africa meeting in Vaal. The Hong Kong meeting is a replacement for the 25 Jun meeting which was cancelled due to
      67 words
    • 475 37 GOING: GOOD t Rare 1 1200m| r" im <ft ■Mfe Vince. Mac PK Laong. Thaa: 1rain 12.2mc. Feraea*. $14. nana: $108. *TrM19, RMS, RMS, RM9. P faraaaat; <10-3). $6 (3-1). $8 (10-1). Ma: $20. ~W 1 Race 2 RM 1200ni I hjss BijWB W l|i|i UK imin I2.4sac.
      475 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements

    • Mad about golf
      • 415 38 Back from surgery, rookie pro Lewis hogs limelight AP. FOUR years ago, the player who is leading the US Women's Open after the third day wasn't sure if her golf career was even going to happen. Back surgery for scoliosis can make a person wonder about
        AP.; Picture: AFP  -  415 words
      • 189 38 AFP. SPANISH rookie Pablo Larrazabal pulled off one of the most unexpected European PGA Tour wins in recent years when he captured the four million euros ( French Open at Le Golf National in Paris yesterday. The 25-year-old from Barcelona had to qualify for the tournament and he
        AFP.  -  189 words
      • Article, Illustration
        10 38 > JBbMßHtt6'6Bi^BHlBlißKßB^H6iK^ f Seng* *hv>> W?R "^ip^g|WppiWfipo) i'g-^S^B^I^B im B < Pictures:
        Pictures:  -  10 words
    • Article, Illustration
      676 39 Korean ends 12-year Tour drought with great win THE long wait is over. South Korea's Mo Joong Kyung ended a 12-year drought on the Asian Tour when he claimed a three-shot victory at the Singha Thailand PGA Championship in Chiang Rai yesterday. The 36-year-old Mo held off
      Picture: AFP  -  676 words
    • TENNIS
      • Article, Illustration
        348 40 WIMBLEDON AFP. SERENA Williams is rarely upstaged in the fashion stakes on a tennis court but the former Wimbledon champion admits she has met her match in fellow American Bethanie Mattek, the leopard-skin queen. Williams has caught the eye at Wimbledon with the white trenchcoat she wears during
        AFP.  -  348 words
      • 242 40 AFP. JAPAN'S Ai Sugiyama saw her 16th successive Wimbledon singles appearance end in a third-round 6-4, 6-4 defeat on Saturday at the hands of Russia's Alisa Kleybanova and hinted she would not be back next year. "Each Grand Slam is a bonus for me, and I'm
        AFP.  -  242 words
      • 76 40 (Third id): jf Rainer Schuettler bt JguiHenno > tejMyfajlittiiMt fc.3 Amawl Clement bt lurgen flelzer4-*, S-3,6-4, bt Dmitry Turstinov 6-3; Richard GasquetbtGifles Tommy Haas $-4, 6-7, 6-2, Rafael Nadal bt Nicolas Kiefer 7-6, 6-2,6-3; Marin Cittc bt Paul-Henri ui ruui neiui Mathieu 6-7,6-3,6-4, 7-5^6-?6^^^^ ff .^rtrfjy'^r. SS 046
        76 words
    • 277 41 TRANSFER TALK AFP. EMMANUEL Adebayor's future at Arsenal has again been cast in doubt with the Togo striker expressing an interest in joining Barcelona. Italians AC Milan are also pursuing the striker (right), who has given conflicting statements abput his immediate future over recent days. On Friday
      AFP.  -  277 words
    • 130 41 TOTTENHAM Hotspur striker Robbie Keane (above) has emerged as a transfer target for Liverpool, according to the News of the Woiid. Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez is reportedly keen on bringing the striker to Anfield to partner Fernando Torres up front as the Reds go in search of
      130 words
    • 237 41 AFP. SCOTTISH champions Celtic have ruled out a move by their lapanese star Shunsuke Nakamura to Serie A newcomers Bologna. The Scottish press had reported that the Italian club had made a swoop for the 30-year-old player. "We want to build a great team at
      AFP.  -  237 words
    • 99 41 PA Sport. PORTSMOUTH have turned their attentions to Barcelona's Eidur Gudjohnsen after becoming frustrated in their attempts to sign Liverpool's Peter Crouch. According to the Sunday Express, manager Harry Redknapp is willing to pay £5 million 13.5 m) to secure the services of the Icelandic striker although
      PA Sport.  -  99 words
    • 124 41 PA Sport. GARETH Barry remains desperate to join Liverpool and has blasted Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill for making no effort to persuade him to stay. The England midfielder has made no secret of his desire for regular Champions League football on offer at Anfield. But despite
      PA Sport.  -  124 words
    • 70 41 AFP. SWEDEN international Johan Elmander has signed a three-year contract with English Premiership club Bolton for an undisclosed fee, it was revealed over the weekend. Bolton boss Gary Megson had been after the Toulouse front man since the start of the year and is rumoured to have
      AFP.  -  70 words
    • 466 42 AP. SEVEN months after being fired by England, Steve McClaren was given the chance to rescue his tarnished reputation by coaching Holland side FC Twente. The 47-year-old McClaren is looking to the Eredivisie to banish memories of his troubled 18 months in charge of England, which ended
      AP.  -  466 words
    • 448 42  -  Comment By Andy Hampson PA Sport FEW can blame Steve McClaren for moving abroad to begin his managerial rehabilitation. The Champions League offers few hiding places, but there is no doubt the 47-year-old will be able to work under considerably less pressure at FC
      448 words
    • 352 43 AFP. SIR Bobby Robson praised Steve McClaren for having the courage to get back into the managerial hot seat, after the former England manager signed for Dutch club FC Twente. 44 It's a chance for Steve to rebuild his career away
      AFP.; ACTION IMAGES  -  352 words
    • Euro
      • 627 44 THIS morning, when the European Championships trophy is lifted into the air by the victorious captain, the watching world will smile with satisfaction, peel themselves out of their well-worn armchair and reach for the "off" switch one last time. For Carlsberg
        Pictures: AP, BLOOMBERG, CARLSBERG; Picture: Courtesy of CARLSBERG  -  627 words
      • 1019 45 Who's the sexiest player of Euro 08? IVAN LIM talks to actresses Patricia Mok and Tracy Tan for who they think is Europe's hottest hunk PATRICIA MOK SAYS CRISTIANO RONALDO He is the Boy now, just like David Beckham. He used to look so boyish, but now he
        1,019 words
      • 1001 47 With veterans retiring, new coach's immediate tasks are to decide on replacements, and pick up the pieces PA Sport. THE overhaul of an ageing squad in readiness for the 2010 World Cup will be the first item on Didier Deschamps' agenda. He is expected to replace Raymond
        PA Sport.; Picture: ACTION IMAGES  -  1,001 words
      • 892 49 Hail the surprise package of EurooB PA Sport. THE European Championships just would not be the same without a surprise package to upset the apple cart. Denmark were crowned champions in 1992 and the Czech Republic went close in 1996, but Euroo4 threw up perhaps the
        PA Sport.  -  892 words
      • 233 49 GROUP A: Swttariaad 1 Tarfcey 2 BOTH teams were beaten by the Czech Republic and Portugal respectively in their opening games. Switzerland dealt better with the rain and drew first blood through Hakan Yakin before the break. But substitute Semih Senturk equalised for Turkey
        233 words
      • 794 50 PA Sport. THE European Championships had its reputation dented after Greece defended their way to the title with a series of dull 1-0 wins in 2004. Thankfully, EurooB has seen a return to high quality, attacking football and Guus Hiddink's Russia have been at
        PA Sport.; Pictures: REUTERS, AP  -  794 words
      • 521 51 Our Men at EurooB GARY LIM and lAIN MACINTOSH have staked their professional reputations on the success of Spain and Germany respectively, but we at The New Paper wanted them to offer even more. So they will put their dignity on the line...
        Picture TOHARI PAIJAN  -  521 words
      • 109 51 ON Friday, we highlighted the difference between Euro08 finalists Germany and Spain. Germany have individual class in attack, while Spain exude style, all-round, from attack to defence. Based on these factors, we fancied Spain to have beaten Germany in the final this morning (Singapore time). Spain's top scorer
        109 words
      • 1079 52 As the CUftiUtl COttU's ilou on I nro()> following this morning s flfJill /v/U t'i'U .('J M/ill/l iiihl Sfuiiii, u r li/Za' </ /oo/c t// Ijou the I 6 auiehes jiirciL their tote ami fortunes AFP. Finalists GERMANY JOACHIM L0EW THE
        AFP.; Pictures: GETTY IMAGES, AFP  -  1,079 words
      • 463 53 Reuters. FROM 16 to 24 teams. The European Championship Finals will almost certainly be increased to 24 teams from 2016 after the idea was unanimously agreed by senior officials of all 53 Uefa member nations on Saturday. The recommendation was made at a meeting of
        Reuters.  -  463 words
      • 407 53 AP. POLAND and Ukraine are in danger of losing their rights as Euro 2012 co-hosts. Uefa, Europe's governing body, has been less than happy with reports that the building of stadiums and infrastructure in the two countries has not been up to speed. A
        AP.  -  407 words
      • Article, Illustration
        454 54 Euro08 has been refreshingly lacking in controversial incidents. However, there have been some contentious moments. We take a look at the top five. PA Sport. HOWARD WEBB: English referee Webb made an impression in his first game in charge. Poland took the lead through an apparentiy "offside" goal before
        PA Sport.; Picture: AFP  -  454 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 127 39 HHH ARE YOU GAME ENOUGH? They are preparing for a SPORT MANAGEMENT CAREER in the sports industry with us, how about you? Jing Jun Hong (Bachelor Degree) m >•> ym I Aide Iskandar (Bachelor Degree) Subramani (Bachelor Degree) Lionel Lewis (Bachelor Degree) We offer the most comprehensive sport management (from
      127 words

  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 47 51 Mariners' Corner Restaurant (since 1984) Our reputation is at steak yr gr uv *y >rn& ■}*<; w Open to iPublki NZ Sirloin $15.50 Seafood Steak Chop FREE PARKING Weekdays from 6pm Weekends/ Public Holidays from 11 am can 6224 9928 120 Cantonment Road #01-02 Maritime House S'pore *****0
      47 words

  • Page 54 Miscellaneous
    • 78 54 SPORTS TV Golf: AT&T Nation* DAY 1 Ch 26, 2am, Friday Golf: European Open DAY 1 Ch 26, 10pm, Thursday Tennis: Wimbledon ROUND OF 16 Ch 24, 6.30pm, today *Uve, unless stated. For latest, check mmm- Noon US Women's Open Golf C'ship Indycar 300 At Richmond Lost In Transition
      78 words

  • Page 55 Advertisements
      67 words