The New Paper, 1 June 1999

Total Pages: 37
1 37 The New Paper
  • 26 1 the new paper TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1999 Another quality publication of Singmpon Pr— HokHng• http://nawpapar.asia1 MITA (P) 082/04/99 60 CENTS the ne,', pi 11 )Cl
    26 words
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 1 sjffl3 <j j] trbn •r ."Vr HIT 0 j r jTV' Ft r:.: .4 2 *i 9 > fr« ■m u,orters vt ;fb K t^jfe. t v.•• le, this rrMfl 2fc*s I^4 re. he e onduct •7 rn Kfi II L| nl -<v 4 /Page 4 mr K s
    K s . . V- 7" --- '. •* • if... .  -  52 words

    • Article, Illustration
      441 2 THE INDONESIAN ELECTION HE is not running for the Indonesian parliament in the June 7 polls. Nor has he offered himself as a presidential candidate. Yet, former president Suharto's shadow looms large over the 17-day election campaign, which is due to end on Friday. Sources told The
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    • 385 3  -  By Hazel Tan WHAT'S this guy doing on the MRT? Why, clowning around of course. And how come he's so tall? That's because he's Charlie the Tall Guy Clown. And it's not just Charlie who was all doubled up on the train. He
      Picture/ Sam Yeo  -  385 words
    • 152 3 WALKING tall is real tough when you are in the MRT. There was Charlie the Tall Guy Clown from South Africa, standing all of 2 V 2 -m tall. But that was because the clown was wearing stilts and looking stretched out, like daddy-longlegs, the small insect with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 424 4  -  By Fong Foong Mei JA LL it took for a Malay couple to get married was a meeting in a hawker centre and $50. The meeting at Taman Serasi hawker centre was with a man who proudly billed himself as the "Under-the-Table Kadi" (A
    Picture/ Berita Minggu  -  424 words
  • 124 4 SHE was in love with a married man, a grandfather of three. Both families were heavily opposed to their relationship. So the 50-year-old divorcee, a hotel employee, plotted to marry her 49-year-old suitor in a secret marriage. Solemnised by the -Under-the-Table Kadi". They met three times
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  • 110 4 HAGGARD, hard of hearing and clad in singlet and shorts. That's how the Berita Harian reporters described the "kadi" traditionally a highly respected figure in the community. But this "kadi", who said he is a widower, lives alone in a cramped flat with rusty Milo tins and
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  • 235 4 A MUSLIM couple who want to marry must first register with the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM). They must then approach an authorised kadi, who will then notify the Registry after the solemnisation. Only then is the couple legally married. The bride's father or guardian must
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  • 275 4 IT was no ordinary reporting assignment. Instead of pens and notebooks, they took long matching blue outfits and a plain gold wedding ring. Two Berita Harian reporters went through with a "sham" marriage solemnised by the "Under-the-Table Kadi". "We wanted to see how far he would go
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    • 272 5 HSf THE general view is that Mandarin is losing ground to English as the language of choice among the young. Not true, according to a survey by The Straits Times. Mandarin is the dominant language for most Chinese students. Over six in 10 said they speak
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    • Break
      • 58 5 PAY CIVIL servants from the largest public sector union want a mid-year payment, says the 20,000-strong Amalgamated Union of Public Employees. The call comes amid reports of an improving economy. Also, the National Wages Council called for another year of wage restraint, but said companies still making money
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      • 67 5 DEATH A STAMPEDE of 1,000 people into an underground railway station led to the death of at least 54 teens in Minsk, the Belarus capital. Many victims were girls in high heels who fell down stairs and were trampled on Sunday night to escape a storm. At least
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      • 60 5 I SHAREMARKET COLD calls unsolicited telephone calls offering hot tips about stocks or bonds are illegal in Singapore. The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) made this comment last night. It was news to most of the 50 investors who complains to The Straits Times last week that they
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      • 62 5 M PRESIDENCY THREE people have taken the first step in running for Singapore's presidential election this year. They have picked up forms to apply for a certificate of eligibility. The Presidential Elections Committee will screen applicants. Singaporeans will go to the polls by Aug 31. Mr Ong
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      • 57 6 INDONESIA GOLKAR deputy chairman Mr Adi Sasono resigned from the party after being sacked from its executive board on Sunday. Mr Sasono, also Indonesia's Cooperatives Minister, was removed for standing as a presidential candidate for rival party, PDR (People's Sovereignty Party). He said: M I feel like I
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      • 55 6 YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAV President Slobodan Milosevic has accepted peace conditions set by the seven top industrial nations and Russia (G-8). But first Nato wants him to enforce these immediately: A withdrawal of Serbian forces and an end to repression in Kosovo; an international security force, the refugees' safe return,
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      • 67 6 I INFERNO M SIXTEEN people died and 70 were hurt when an explosion started an inferno in India yesterday. The blast happened in a transport house in the crowded Lai Kuan area of the old Delhi city, reports the Times of India. Chemicals had been stored
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      • 67 6 I CIGARETTES A STUDY has found that smoking cost Singapore about $670 million in 1997. The deaths of 200,000 workers from smokingrelated illnesses, hospital treatments, government subsidies and productivity losses contributed to the costs. Further findings from the Committee on Smoking Control study will be out before September.
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    • 64 5 International Herald Tribune: Megawati injects East Timor into elections The New Straits Times: PAS' proposal 'discriminatory': Move to admit non-Muslims as associate members described as desperate gimmick Asian Wall Street Journal: Cathay grounds more flights amid disputes BBC news: Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan makes what he
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    • 151 6 ###in Focus THE future looks good for the manufacturing sector. Singapore's purchasing managers' index (PMI), which is seen as an early warning indicator of manufacturing trends, climbed further last month to a year's high. It hit 62.4, up 4.1 points from the previous month, reported The Business
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    • 59 6 The Straits Times: Pakistan is 'ready to use any weapon' The Business Times: Jakarta market volume plunges as polls loom Uanhe Zaobao: CJ worried over decline of professional ethics among lawyers Berita Harian: R-Adm Teo: Rebuild regional order RCS morning news: Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan says
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    • 90 6 HOLLYWOOD HOT SHOTS Shoot him. —African American filmmaker Spike Lee, who feels that the National Rifle Association should be disbanded. This was his response to what should become of Charlton Heston, NRA's president and also a Hollywood legend. These Hollywood folks are turning out all these movies with all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 jMV ~1 JCHNAJGfeNI jyj uvUMBI jy Ci IflH^Klf your piek,.. (Cantonese ar Sichuan? Our advice is both! Come and pick from our wonderful array of traditional Cantonese and Sichuan dishes at the Tiffany Coffee House this June. Delights include tfmg Prawn Salad with Preserved Egg, Hot and Sour Soup, Fried
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 Hotline Plus TCMH IW-7BMB Cai# costs 30 cants anwuifl ©Hart Matters of the heart INMI2M7 SpnkUp 1 Your forum Dear Mr WHey invaluable lessons IMHIMW MIMUm Teens' forum IM-HSHH LetfUu Legal advice IM-H4MI4 Cans cost 50 certs a minute
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    • 143 6 'Enjoy tfie met-in-your-moutfi cooltaste Fresh to y^"On Sfla \w (Ml in /y/m Fresh Konica Safari How you ami enfoy refreshing Fy/m FnosJt and take home exciting prizes. T j What's more, you also get the prize you want to win. \j* I jufTMuier i (M 1 *9** Pockfe 1 1
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 49 6 £Rfhk WHAT'S HUP Lefs buy this teakwood table. i Later] Just need to rub the 1 f No need to waste our energy teakwood oil on it Waste my energy, buying new tables in future I from time to time. -ii because this one will last forever. J 1/
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    • Article, Illustration
      339 7  -  By' Tanya Fong HAVE you ever wondered what happens when a fire breaks out in the middle of a rain forest? Firefighters used to have to carry water supplies in 15-kg knapsack tanks which can hold 15 litres of water. They also used hand-held equipment such as canvas
      Pictures/ Lianhe Wanbao  -  339 words
    • 89 8 in ii i*iii hi* Information and the Arts Minister Brigadier Osneral (NS) Gaoigia Yeo said In a recant interview that Singapore wM mow towards mora openness. However, tactical UsMmImi ud may be needed occasionally. Said BG Yao, whe Moves to the Ministry of Trade and
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    • 422 9  -  iMfeU todijff Ctertto QwyCpi-t •MlattlM PoliceW6#k CsnrfralattlM summon ioMKaOpm IMsSatarday md Sunday. By' Tanya Fong STANDING at a towering 1.9 m, he seems all British. From his conservative double-breasted suit and suspenders, right down to his drawl. But Mr Peter Halliday, Assistant Commissioner of the Hongkong
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    • 604 9 New HDB flats are getting smaller but better, says the HDB. Still, not everyone's convinced they are better buys. Here are the pros and the cons, based on letters to The Straits Times Forum page How it began ABOUT four out of five HDB first-timers
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 W M BoSster Special 1-30 June atflz-y-ii/fl/Ji/iy Chefs will 6e serving an array of succulent Coaster specialities (the 7sa/tedLive Lobster with Garlic Crust Steamed Live Lobster with Spicy Jierb Steamed Give Bolster Chmoise IsJoh ~?rted Give Lobster with JSlach T'epper (alltoe a6ove are servedwith Garlic Jried'JZice) Give Lobster with American
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    • 523 8 ADVERTISEMENT HAIR-LOSS: Find out what's wrong, and what you can do about it. ~n THE ANSWERS TO all your questions. v. 4 > Some of Singapore's most experienced, professionals-qualified /0 and certified trichologists are at the Svenson Hair Centres, where your hair and scalp are in expert hands If you
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 597 11 The New Paper on Sunday published reports and pictures of victims of teen violence. That drew almost 40 calls and e-mail messages. Readers offered various suggestions to curb the problem. Can big buddies or mentors help troubled teens? If so, the national mentoring
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    • 156 11 FOR five years now, many primary and secondary school students have had a special friend "attached" to them. These friends are called mentors a scheme that BP Singapore created in 1995. And because the scheme has grown so much 17 institutions such as polytechnics, universities, colleges and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 281 11 World Book Fair '99 29 MAY 6 JUNE 1999 Singapore International Convention ft Exhibition Centre (SUNTEC) Levels 4 a 6 Time 1 I.OOAM 10.00PM t t j Take part in the 'Grand Lucky Draw' m OF THE WORLD BOOK FAIR. PU AND WIN FANTASTIC PRIZES AS YOU "0 I SHOP
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    • 344 12 CATHAY PACIFIC PILOTS' STRIKE Source: South China Morning Post, AFP. CATHAY Pacific's senior pilots were "sick" again yesterday the fourth day they have called in sick. So the airline has had to cancel another 33 flights. This brings to 100 the cancelled flights since Friday.
      Source: South China Morning Post, AFP.  -  344 words
    • 100 12 ONLY one of the eight Cathay Pacific flights between Singapore and Hongkong yesterday was cancelled. On Sunday, one flight into Singapore and two flights out were cancelled, reported The Straits Times. Ms Sally Tan, Cathay's assistant marketing communications manager here, said the passengers were put on later Cathay
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    • 300 12 IFLARHJRTN KASHMIR Source: BBC Online, The Independent THE militants under attack by Indian jets in Kashmir's snow-covered hills are a mixed bunch. Many are Kashmiri Muslims fighting what they see as a war to free their homeland. But for some others home could be anywhere
      Source: BBC Online, The Independent; Picture/ Reuters  -  300 words
    • 63 13 murmur A senior Malaysian central bank official, Mr Nor Mohamad Yakcop, says that Malaysia's neighbours have benefited from the country's controversial currency control measures as well. I may not be venturing too far if I were to say that the move taken by Malaysia to control foreign
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    • 204 13 WATCH out, horny husbands. Egyptian women are not taking their husbands' cruel or straying ways sitting down; they're murdering tnem. Most of the women convicted of killing their husbands did it because they had taken a new wife or mistress, or after suffering years of domestic violence,
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    • 378 13  -  MISSING TYCOON Police find Mr KKayama's passport at his flat after family reports him missing They also And traces of Mood on the carpet Neighbours tell police they sew a large canvas bag beside an industrial bin in the carpark of the flats
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    • 670 14 THE queues were so long, a second day of polling had to be held so that everyone could have the chance to vote. I, being a white South African, had voted many times before, but for the majority of the country's 40 million
      Picture/ Reuters  -  670 words
    • 54 14 Opinion polls indicate that the ANC will win more than 60 per cent of the votes cast by the 18.2 million registered voters tomorrow. It needs a two-thirds majority—66 percent —to be able to change the Constitution. MrThabo Mbeki is likely to be voted in as president. Mr
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    • 201 14 MANDELA'S EX WIFE: Reuters OUR marriage was a sham. And I am the real voice of the African National Congress (ANC). That's what South African President Nelson Mandela's ex-wife is claiming in a rare interview to be broadcast in the US tonight. Ms Winnie
      Reuters  -  201 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 194 13 I lealth Centre 1 201 Balestier Road #03-01 Robinson International Hotel Singapore *****6. Tel: 354 8888 SWEDISH SHIATSU MASSAGE STEAM SAUNA BATH J FOOT REFLEXOLOGY -1 COSY MOVIE HIE WKf X (OFFEE k- M m* M m ALL ROOMS WITH PHONE SHOWER ATTACHED OF F B i XtEuml!wtvfi I Call
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 172 14 11 PRIcT2CrREATCHeXC£S 8 A THE LEGEND HOTEL, Kuala Lumpur g| Ist Above The Mall Shopping Centre &H night I £M, IK Adjacent to KTM Komuter and LRT station jR nett Additional RM4onett for upgrade to deluxe room |u THE LEGEND RESORT, cherating S SBHB Situated on the most beautiful stretch
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  • 442 16  -  Et cetera WITH NG WAN CHING THE first commandment of journalism goes like this: Thou shall not accept money from publicity seekers. Having been in a newsroom all my working life, I assumed that everybody knew this rule. So it was a bit of a shock when
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 192 16 COMICREUEF The Concrete Jungle/Colin Goh HQIO? IJCAIHENG?I" -WR Ert.HAUO.'f! ..fcUTWM I JUST SWT fuM* n f TOP To r couib&E \axs*... f RI6HT, of/wbGET mh 'J\ umwe sJ*w; r c/uuktol so«W, l MbWi? twwtwf! \r V (S2JJmiiA Sim HU.ICU p, IWN... INEEb > _V o0**Eb!!!/ JUWfTD HOWWEIL rH~" I AUGHOL..
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  • showtime
    • 477 17  -  But Justina's still set to be the next BIG thing BY Hazel Tan JUSTINA Low, the latest addition to Jack Neo's funny family, stands out from the rest. And we are not just talking about her 1.61 m, 98 kg frame. Unlike her seniors in her
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    • 121 17 J TEAM Productions is looking for new blood. "We realise that we cannot just rely on our main cast, we need a good supporting cast, too, to complete the entire jigsaw puzzle," said the company's manager Simon Leong. "We need people from all walks of life
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    • 374 17 SHE may have beaten 20 other hopefuls to the Chunhua role. But the real challenge for Justina was delivering what director Jack Neo wanted. Such as the bed scene with screen hubby Mark. "I felt the pressure because I am a newcomer," said Justina, who ei\joys indoor activities
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 182 17 What's Up In June Studio East QUEEN OF CLUBS lM Sft >*% |L# ?<% a uuowear jiiow tuesday 1 june 99 1 Opm From Singapore to Sweden to Belgium, 30 finalists from ttte 1999 Kahlua QCGnI Worid Finals converge at Studio tasf in o Clubwear Fashion Presentation Ttien party all
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  • 255 18  -  spotlight By Peter Siow WANT to meet any of the captains of Singapore industry? Just show up at any of the weekly S-League matches and chances are you may catch a few of them cheering their favourite teams. For instance, Communications Minister Mah Bow Tan
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    • 148 19 IS she really his mother? That's the question TCS 8 viewers have been asking about Xie Shaoguang (right) after seeing a television trailer which introduced a woman as his mother. The Television Corporation of Singapore would not give a direct answer when the question
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    • Article, Illustration
      121 19 HE has spent eight years in show business. But ask Chew Chor Meng (left) and he will tell you he has been acting for only four years. "I have been in this line for eight years. But I spent only four years acting. The other four years? I
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    • 113 19 WIN a pair of $150 tickets to Jeff Chang's concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on July 10. Tiramisu is giving away prizes for our phone-in contest to three lucky readers. First prize: A pair of $150 concert tickets. Second prize: A Philips Savvy mobile phone.
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    • 422 20  -  BY Avis Wong AH, the pitfalls of fame and fortune. The Cranberries can tell you all about it. The Irish band is back with a fourth album, Bury the Hatchet, after a break of two years and a near break-up. "The title is our way of
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    • 87 20 THE Cranberries' debut album, Everybody Else Is Doing It, So We, released in 1993, sold seven million copies worldwide. Two years later, No Need To Argue sold 15 million copies. It was followed by a successful world tour. Soon after that, they recorded their third album,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 84 20 isjjyyJ jJyJjibjyi Eat-All-You-Can A-La-Carte Buffets i v t' ITfli i W »iQijl PV^iwvHWiP^ 30 items Soup f Ciab Meat Bamboo fungus 'A'l!'*'!^ A (Applicable for Dmner Only) Minimum 2persons Ba'oiHt food w ill bt iha'gcd tollomnq 'il' '^kj^ 4 lo Corf#* pritrs No takr 45* away ordt-is Halt p«»<« r»'
      84 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 142 21 X 1 :.I JI. T!t ill! iITI Ul nrKI 11W It 1 li'i "T! f'Ti i>V Jli "'l'll i'l A:'A T rV W" liK I'; 'iiITT'TI itf *'l:' iS:"" Ii 11 is.!*:"lT I'U JT-IU f i T iIT 1/ If Ji* jr'lti :<;*: T "x: "U "ji T AAIiK 1!
      142 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 2 22 JJIUp CATS.
      2 words
    • 123 22 Find what you need fast with Fastads your easy-to-use M 1 WwIMHTPITTim fW. guide with something special every dayl iSSa, on every Wed Thurt JM C'uX out wv With any ala-carte order (Food Only) with min. purchase of $6.00+-f ®POKKA Cafe Restaurant Paragon #B1-13 290 Orchard Rd Tel: 235 6119,133
      123 words
    • 503 22 SjjgrV mm £j !I||M| Bbbbi Da,<; ,st june 2 h june Vanua:OutsideSuntecCityTowtrs HI A j Q#\ ae Hff Hu VARIOUS COLLECTIONS OF VCDf Various varieties of VCD, all kinds and typas. Crazy at ,0 P ric "wees not to ba missed!!! All sailing way below costsl! All guaranteed genuine goods!
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 484 23 jB ZLIMI j£oj Z.N~* MS Z.IM. IS»C««m ZtkCM. PfYouVe a lamiy doctor, a famiy insurance agent, how about a family DESIGNER ?V DESIGNER FURNISHINGS 552 0078 Blk 416 Ang Mo Klo Ave. 10 #01 -977 Fax: 552 816Q fa Free design window film for package fEasy payment schcem evailabie\ \*r
      484 words
    • 50 23 -a- EYE LASH PERMING FACIAL TREATMENT AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE 45 «M*. $30 (aety far new customer) Tha Adelphi 903-05 B2143 Other Products/Service# I Specialised In jgfep VIDEO, HIFI, VCO.LD DVD, MINI-SYSTEM 3 nths Goarantee Ongiral parts Island wide on site war A service Lowes! charge. 15ys experiences Fast results, through FASTads.
      50 words
    • 94 23 EeI 2143 Other Products/Servte*$ Wanted: Mobil# Phonas Best price for all usad GSM/ PCN modalj Available: GSM phones used, new models Handphone repair k service Dual band. PCN. GSM. M1. Hi cards. Top-up cards Trade-In or selling avail *****88/ *****55 901-37 Orchard Plaza 99 Haalth Centra MASSAGE NEW PENINSULA HEALTH
      94 words
    • 139 23 -WTgfips $39. /H?3:=r ThundtyOniy SSwL. rnTTTTTTI mmjjxm jts ..V L r JI < w In Singapore, we have an enviable headache: a delicious and some-rimes mind-boggling choice of local, Asian, European and international desserts and other delecroble rrears. .4 v j/ < A .>*'•. :> Tiramisu, sorbets, meringues, eclairs, puddings,
      139 words
    • 6 23 3H?r. ra ,mail BEST OFFER! Cars
      6 words
    • 21 23 I TfOFFER fy.!? Cm^t M 1 Newton Rd. #03-09 QokJhlll 0 251-2590/ 2SI-2743 iHiJMIItik ft* 13 B S| eam una r
      21 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 300 24 ■■■I ■HUBf ■MMtt ■HMH mm ■MMMi (Prestunous MeaAti Sf& □QP Massage Sauna Steam Bath Rub back Foot Reftexotherapy Coffee Lounge Safe Boxes I" AN room with showers attached Sett controlled air condition and telephone Computerised hydro pool and cold pool VWao room wtth bi o BCrBetl and computerised seating arrangement.
      300 words
    • 349 24 CENTRE! CMI'IAwtJ M $8(5 for 48 (tilns «uH^I Conveniently located at Par Emmt Flmzm 000-13 Scotto ftomd <UI (Mww Qoo+oa fart Hotd A Hoimy Inn) A Open from 11»m 11pm *****02******20 DIAMOND HEALTH CENTRE^ Gymnasium j J *'H 41 MERLIN HEALTH CENTRE 7500-E Beach Road #01-202/207 Plaza Hotel Multi-storey Car
      349 words
    • 464 24 S~— Bis- Dip/Dcg with 2-3 yrs rel exp on Unix, C, C++. Knowledge ofProc *C, Oracle «n added advantage. Analyse user's requirements, implement solution, application software development, software customisation, testing. 6 mths renewable contract. Tkman Jurong. 6 positions. Dip in Computer Studies. 2 yrs exp in IT systems development application
      464 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 640 25 B—•=- ®=m M Delivery Riders Must possess a Class 2/2A/2B licence No experience required > BafcttMvrtH WorM "Ms Ctfrtra Blk 162, Buklt Merah Central 1 M»r«ri*Squar», #01-125 #01-3555 World Tirade Centra Loll Choa Chu Kanfl #01-23. Lot 1 Shoppers Mail Crew No experience required as training will be provided Retirees,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 870 26 A prestigious Salon located at Not* Ann City is seeking for the following professional staff to Join us a* A) FULL TIME TRAINEE STYLIST Open to those who wish to t* trained as stylist 2 training will be conducted In a month No fees required 5Vi day wort B) STORE
      870 words
    • 70 26 B=rExpanding Construction Company requires: 1) ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT Diploma in accounting or equivalent Fresh graduates are wiicoffl# Preferably Singaporean 2) SITE FOREMAN Oipiom In bldg. or equivalent SoM motivated i abi* to work independently Preferably Singaporean int*r*st*d applicants pleas* fai resume to: Fax: 289-7T17 Urge* Set* Ageat requires Knowledge of aircon
      70 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 233 27 B=r~ An Established Co. requires 0 UTMSKCTOR With ASNT Level II or PCN 2) NOT TtCMNKUNS With/ without eiperience 3) DATA ornrr CUM With knowledge of Word ft Excel For position 1 ft 2 preferably with driving licence Cell personally et 3 Pemlmpin Drive *07-03 l*!p Hl Building Ted 259-9200
      233 words
    • 242 27 B=~ B An nttUUhtd Japanese Cl—ail* Company urgtotly requh gs: FULL-TIME CLEANER bask salary allowance $760 working hours Bam spm working location: ADAH ROAD (mar Buklt Timalt) prefer those staying in Queenstown. Bukit Merah, Toa Payoh. AMK Farrer Road bus no. 855.852.165.157. 74. 93 Interested applicants please call T§L 466
      242 words
    • 192 27 sEH*es Part-Time/ ATTENTION: STUDENTS ON HOLIDAY High income 6 days week Ord personnel school leavers welcome Call: *****93/193 for an appointment now) Walk Ik #04-41 People's Part Compiai Co. In Shenton Way requires GENERAL CLERK Mm. '0' level High income ot $3000 above Experience not essential Ph c eat act
      192 words
    • 413 27 EIN OFFICE SKILLS (cos, I IN BUSINESS STUDIES Secretarial b) CM Accounting I 4 MARKETING (ft* 11 SDF SuWdy cm k. .rruH 1 irQmMWfrt— lortfcoa*«Wmill above I I ADFORD BKX CBOUF OT SCHOOL I J mini faxiBMl*o2 I covcm CBS Accounting ■|g CBS Secretarial CJQ Diploma in Accounting SDF Subsidy
      413 words
    • 37 27 B=—l LOST POC J w Lost dog at Rtver Valley Area. 1 yr. old Jack Russel Terrier. White Brown patches. Droopy left ear. $1,000 reward (f found. Contact Keith 8> *****935 Buy It. SeU It. Find It.
      37 words

  • The new paper
    • 902 28 PEMK SPECIAL STAKES PtantyOYun 57 (74) (4ag B Chua-Hydrocaitoon) Trtptoo 57 (74 1 3ag B Chua-Hydrocartwn) 141 Bcramtar 57 <741 Big Loh-Aaoant) •***** QoldanSmila 5« (72: 3ag PK Uong-<W) •***** Mah Export 96 <72i 4ag Tiang-Soasida) *****2 Kay Rocfcat 56 i7|i Sag 9ton*-Chari«ra) 0 Btarbuu
      902 words
    • 1063 28 iobsdsi^hhbhhhzdbsbebi Klnta Valley 5pociil Iftihtt -600 Bowrick 57 (72) (4m Loh-Pok Oi) -720- Danto'aPeafc 57 (72) (4trh Stone-Charwma) *****1 Kim Couneator—...54 (70) (4nzg HH Um-Kimmufi) 64-372 Handaome Qray I 56.5 (69) (6ag HS Urn-Energy) *****0 Jampot Star 55 68) (8nzg Oaman-Sidek Lasaim) 106-71 Drum Rhythm
      1,063 words

    • 357 29  -  By Danny Khoo FOR all his successes, the two major Cups that have eluded trainer Malcolm Thwaites are the Raffles Cup and the Sultan of Selangor Gold Cup, the local circuit's two metric mile races. But the undisputed Cups King of the decade, who provided
      Picture/ David Tan  -  357 words
    • 198 29 Destined To Win: His winning turn is not far off. Sent over the 1,600 m at his second start on local turf last Sunday, finished well for fifth to Jazz Malone. Jazz Malone: This youngßter is definitely on the upgrade. Ridden with great restraint, the nice-looker by
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 53 29 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB DRAW NO: 22/99 (For races held on 29-05-99 and 30-05-99) The Lucky Draw prizes must be claimed within 90 days. 2 SECOND PRIZES: Sio,ooo each 7457-1293 7461-2232 3 THIRD PRIZES: $5,000 each 7231-5353 7384-3215 7430-5164 10 CONSOLATION PRIZES: $1,000 each 7206-8786 7405-1735 7460-5778 7210-2758 7417-4185 7464-9247 7281-4488
      53 words

    • 760 30  - Kiwis beat Scots and system TOP SEED PAKISTAN STUNNED BY BANGLADESH Group B: NmIMM beat Scotland by b ltt C l23for4 in 17.5 overs (Roger Twose 54 no; John Blain 3-53) Scotland: 121 in 42.1 overs (Geoff Allott 3-15, Chris Harris 4-7) ByT TR Ramakrishnan TELEVISION VIEW NEW Zealand foiled
      Picture/ Reuters; Picture/ Afp  -  760 words
    • 211 31 FORMER NEWCASTLE STAR STRIKER IN HOT SOUP IN COLOMBIA AFP. COLOMBIAN footballer Faustino Asprilla felt the pinch in his pocket for firing a gun indiscriminately. He was fined US$l,BOO ($3,060) after blasting seven shots into the air during a drunken evening in a hotel
      AFP.  -  211 words
    • 327 31 Love Comeback FRENCH OPEN TENNIS: PARIS Reuters. CALL this a love return. It has brought Ukrainian tennis star Andrei Medvedev back after five years in the doldrums. And into the French Open quarter-final. He beat Araaud Di Pasquale of France 7-6, 7-6, 6-1 yesterday to reach the last eight at
      Reuters.; Picture/ Afp  -  327 words
    • 46 31 MEN: Marcelo Rios (Chile) v Dominik Hrbaty (Svk) Andre Agassi (US) v Marcelo Filippini (Uru) WOMEN Martina Hingis (Swi) v Barbara Schwartz (Aut) Lindsay Davenport (US) v Steffi Graf (Ger) Monica Seles (US) v Conchita Martinez (Spa) Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (Spa) v Sylvia Plischke (Aut)
      46 words
    • 32 31 my formula for victory, Brazilian claycourt specialist Fernando Meligeni (left) on his strategy in contrast to Albert Costa's own secret, disclosed earlier in the tournament: Tight like bull'
      32 words
    • 55 31 (Seeding* In bold): MEN (4th round): 6 Alex Corretja (Spa) bt Stefan Koubek (Aut) 6-2, 6-3, 7-5 8 Gustavo Kuerten (Bra) bt Bohdan Ulihrach (Cze) 6-4, 6-4,6-2 Fernando Meligeni (Bra) bt 14 Felix Mantilla (Spa) 6-1, 5-7, 7-5, 7-6 (7/1) Andrei Medvedev (Ukr) bt Arnaud Di Pasquale (Fra)
      55 words
    • 585 32 Far, far away... English Phr 1 Playoff final: WATFORD 2 Nick Wright 37th min Allan Smart 89th BOLTON 0 CROWD: 70,343 WATFORD chairman Sir Elton John admitted he lost his voice as he watched his team qualify for next year's Premier League. Watford beat Bolton 2-0
      585 words
    • 221 32 j NBA: MORNING LATEST Wire services. Wiitwi Coitimfci Finals: San Antonio Spurs beat Portland Trail Blazers 86-85. It leads 2-0 in the best-of-seven series SEAN Elliott was the hero this morning (Singapore time). With nine seconds on the clock, and his team trailing by
      Wire services.  -  221 words
    • 416 33  -  BY Peter Siow STAY away from all suspended players and officials or risk an immediate ban. The warning was issued to three National Football League (NFL) clubs. They are Sembawang Sports dub, a Division One team, Pioneer Arsenal (Diviai4l 2) and Rosyth FC
      416 words
    • 424 33  -  BY S Gulam REFEREE A C Ganesan, who flashed seven red cards during the match between Jurong FC and Clementi Khalsa on May 14, has been banned from officiating S-League or Prime League matches for at least a month. Yesterday, the Football Association of Singapore
      424 words
    • 278 33  -  REFEREE S RESPONSE By! Suresh Nair I'M dejected. I'm frustrated. These were the first reactions from Class One referee A C Ganesan this morning after he was taken off the S-League's refereeing roll for one month. He said: M I find it hard to
      278 words

  • 240 34  -  FASTTACTS WHAT: Tiger Beer S-League All-Star Challenge between the Singapore Stars and the Foreign Legion WHEN: July 3 WHERE: Bishan Stadium Tickets: $5 (adults), $2 (students) I By Gerard Wong TWO new young faces and a red-hot striker make our top 60 list this week. Young
    240 words
  • 205 34 CALL 1900-914-0801 to vote for the players whom you feel deserve to play in the Tiger Beer S-League All-Star Challenge. Each call costs 20 cents and gives you four votes. Call as often as you like. You must pick a goalkeeper, defender, midfielder
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  • 59 34 You can still vote for these dropped players: NoorishamZainon: Sembawang. goalkeeper (code number: 0801) 30 Aziz Salim: Balestier, defender (0104) —31 Imran Mohamed: Home United, midfielder (0711) 22 Jackson Tiago: Geylang, striker (0318)—17 Aide Iskandar Home, defender (0505) —41 Indra Shahdan: Geylang, striker (0303) 88 Masrezwan Matsuri: Woodlands,
    59 words
  • 135 34 QQMJSIPnSc Stephen Ng: Gombak (code number: 0401) —70 BashirKhan: Jurong (0601) —88 Yazid Yasin: Home (0521) —894 Rezai Hassan: SAFFC (0901) 340 DEKNKRSc Tan Kim Leng: SAFFC (0912) —83 Robin Chitrakar: Tanjong Pagar (1118) —81 Kadlr Yahaya: Geylang (0316) —188 S Subramani: Home (0506)—848 UmTongHal: Tanjong
    135 words
  • 135 34 GOALKEEPERS: S Rqjkumar: Balestier (0101) 238 Jason Batty: Geylang (0301) —147 Dragan Talajic: Tanjong Pagar (1101) 714 DEFENDERS: BojanHodak: Jurong(0604) 38 Veselko Paponja: SAFFC (0905) 383 Surachai Jiraslrichote: Gombak (0416) —195 Darren Stewart: Balestier (0108) 94 Seslija Milomir: Sembawang (0812) 93 Mirko Jurllj: J urong (0606)
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  • Page 34 Advertisements

    • 450 35  -  By Celine Lim THE S-League has every reason to smile. Yesterday, the Sing Tel Group pledged a $250,000 sponsorship the first government-linked company (GLC) to support the S-League. Sing Tel will cough up $50,000 in cash and $200,000 in kind. Said S-League chief executive officer
      450 words
    • 115 35 Sing Net will help set up and host websites for all S-League clubs. Football fans will be able to make ticket reservations via Sing Net. Sing Tel Paging and Sing Tel Mobile will provide club managers and coaches with free pager and mobile subscriptions including the Smart
      115 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 44 35 TODAY: (selected 6pm: Korean League Cup final (STAR Sports Channel 24) 7.30pm: NBA: 1993 Chicago Bulls (ESPN Channel 23 25) Bpm: Thai Kick Boxing (STAR Sports Channel 24) 930pm: Tiger Beer S-League Highlights (Premiere 12) 11pm: Rugby League: StGeorgev Melbourne (STAR Sports Channel 24)
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  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 803 36 TVTODAY noon s««*Fair*<l.l ft-Btyi(<> TUNI jv Under One Roof Phua Chu 12.30 PM Plcßseery (Game show) Bk I M Kang Pie Ltd 130 Naps of Oar Uses (Soap opera): Jack M J IVI ChaiMlil 5 f 8 pm A 830 pM tries to find out where Victor is I Certainly
      803 words

  • 356 37 MARK Bosnich says he will join Manchester United today. He is to replace the legend, Peter Schmeichel. Bosnich told Online Mirror "It's an opportunity I could not turn my back on. "Ill be travelling to Manchester in the morning and I hope everything is tied
    356 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 72 37 Elton John almost loses his voice... SPEECHLESS IN SEATTLE: Elton John (right) is scheduled to sing in Seattle (US) tonight. But watching Watford qualify for the English Premiership with a 2-0 win over Bolton Wanderers left him hoarse/ Page 35 Referee A C Ganesan's three shortcomings Page 36 NBA latest:
      72 words
    • 3 37 I JMr* jsjfer,
      3 words