The New Paper, 12 September 1996

Total Pages: 61
1 61 The New Paper

    • 281 2 Source: AFP. A SENIOR adviser to Taiwanese President Lee Tenghui will donate a cheque worth more than U5592,000 ($128,800) to the United Nations next week. However, the donation by Ms Annette Lu will be made in her private capacity, not as a political representative, said
      Source: AFP.  -  281 words
    • 83 2 MONEY talks and Taiwan knows it. President Lee himself has said that Taiwan would use its wealth to woo foreign friends a move labelled by China as "chequebook diplomacy". Last year, Taiwan was the world's 14th biggest trading power. Its foreign reserves stood at U5595.2 billion ($134.23 billion).
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    • 132 2 Source: Reuter. TWO Pakistani widows sprinkled petrol on their bodies and set themselves alight in Hyderabad yesterday. The women, Zaibunnisa and Hakimzadi, were protesting against a delay in the hanging of their husbands' convicted killer. The women were rescued by a journalist and a photographer. They
      Source: Reuter.; Picture/ AFP  -  132 words
    • 449 3 Some 100,000 people have opted out of Medishield—many because they didn't understand how the insurance scheme worked. BERNARD PEREIRA spoke to 20 working adults and found three who opted out One did so because he was unclear about it. This is his story WHY THEY
      Arv CEL GULAPA  -  449 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 A MFW I CiCIV POP THP Qfi'c I- If You Don't Like What You See, We'll Change It For You. How often have you looked into the mirror and wished you have clean, trouble-free skin? At The Face Spa, we help you take the v Give us a call today
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    • 16 2 Call us. Hotline ™<455 Lome Pages 24, 25, 26 &29 TV; Page 34 Cwlci. Pages 30&31
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    • 178 4 HOT STORY THE price of next year's batch of executive condominiums is likely to be about the same as cheaper private ones, analysts say. The Government yesterday released land for 4,000 units to be built at seven sites around the island a doubling from 2,000 this year.
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    • 22 4 The Straits Times Industrials Index rose 3.33 points to 2106.29 points at 9.15 this morning from yesterday's close of 2102.96.
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    • 27 4 The Dow Jones industrial average rose 27.74 points to close at 5,754.92 yesterday. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange was about 376 million shares.
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    • 78 4 Share offer ends tomorrow THE second offer of Singapore Telecom (ST2) shares closes at noon tomorrow. Late applications will be rejected. If you are Singaporeean aged 21 or above on Aug 18 and not an undischarged bankrupt, you can apply for up to 500 shares. Make sure you have
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      • 68 4 LOW-TECH, labour-intensive foreign companies in Malaysia that are not doing well should shut down, says Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. He said the retrenched workers could then be re-employed in other labour-starved industries to help ease Malaysia's reliance on foreign labour. Datuk Anwar
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      • 82 4 SINGAPORE'S civil service is a model for Taiwan to copy, says the out-going head of the Taipei Representative Office here, Mr Cheyne Chiu. He praised Singapore's clean and efficient government and said Taiwanese bureaucrats could learn from this to be more pro-active and take pride in
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      • 78 4 THE number of Hongkong workers moving overseas dropped 26 per cent last year, and many of those who did leave returned after securing residency rights in another country, according to the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management. On average last year, 60 Hongkongers returned for every
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      • 91 4 THERE has been an increase in the number of flats burgled while families are attending the funerals of their loved ones. Police say 14 flats were broken into in this way during the first six months of the year, compared to one in the same period last year.
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      • 82 4 A SEVEN-member Asean group has told the US it has concerns about its law imposing sanctions on companies dealing with Libya and Iran. Led by Malaysia, the group said it believed the law violated the rules of the World Trade Organisation, as it was one state imposing
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      • 65 4 AMERICAN electronics firm Whirlpool is closing its research and development centre here and moving its regional headquarters to Hongkong. While the sales office and a smaller regional office will remain, 150 workers will lose their jobs. The home appliance manufacturer says Hongkong is closer to
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    • 61 4 The Straits Times: Private firms allowed to develop exec condos The Business Times: Govt may lift land sales for private homes LUnhe Zaobao: Govt to allocate seven sites to build 4,000 exec condos Bertta Harlan: Another seven sites for exec condos BCS morning newt: US-Iraq tension rises BBC news:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 jiigJ ONE PEN jM Why fumble for a pen or pencil when a 'dick' is all you need? Mmm The Rotring Trio has 2 ballpoints WMK red and blue and a o.smm pencil smartly packed into one neat barrel. itl^K With renowned Rotring precision and quality, it's available in 2
      221 words
    • 42 4 Call ara ctargrt at X cant* pat mmuta Dear Aggie 1900-*****07 MMWotNhat WIUWWf SpeakUp 1800-*****04 Your low Dear Mr Wijey 1000-*****08 invtuM lassons PSI£ Test Passage 1880-*****01 UlHfwgCo<mwNn»ofl iJW9«d M 50 emu par nwwn Leiial Uw 1880-*****14 itgaiKKict SlNFiiline IUJUJBI AaSPH AwttolrtSrokr
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

    • 437 5 TIMES are changing when Mr Robin Koh, 49, sells more power suits than pyjamas. The shopkeeper in the new Taman Jurong Neighbourhood Centre has followed the changing tastes of his customers as the town turns from "worker city" to residential hub. "People here are not like
      Pictures/ David Tan  -  437 words
    • 83 5 THE government's $400 million plan is transforming Taman Jurong. Blocks 111 to 114 in Ho Ching Road are in the Main Upgrading Programme to be completed next year. A new neighbourhood centre has replaced the old one. In the next 10 years, residents can look forward to: Selective
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    • 408 6 The bowling alley saga involving two TCSand an attendant ended yesterday. JILL LIM reports ONE bowling alley attendant plus two TCS 8 artistes equalled three very sober people yesterday. TCS 8 compere Wang Xiangqing, 33, and actress Quan Yifeng, 23, seemed to have undergone a complete
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    • 137 6 THE fight broke out at around 2 am on May 22 at the Superbowl Marina South. The two TCS artistes were there with five others. Quan's younger brother, who had come from Taiwan on a holiday, had left both his shoes at the shoe counter. After they had finished
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 183 6 Our Great Seafood Promotion Is Back! Catch our Seafood Extravaganza at the Pool Terrace and reel in a chance to win a 4-day beach break in exotic Bali. ..Wj Feast on succulent seafood like crabs prawns, shellfish and fish prepared inJ many delicious ways grilled, Adult: $31.50+++ barbecued, steamed or
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 Opening on 13th September 1996. YOUR MIND. Come to a special seminar and hear how a career in and also why they've never looked back. teaching can expand your horizons. Hear too, about the vastly improved remuneration terms, Hear about your multiple roles as leader, mentor, and service conditions, and
      172 words

    • 293 8 Vandals have been targeting Pasir Ris Park over the past month. But yesterday, four of them were caught IT is like an area under attack. Vandals have been smashing mirrors, ripping out telephones and breaking into bicycle shops at Pasir Ris Green in Pasir Ris Park.
      Picture/ Lianhe Wanbao  -  293 words
    • 68 8 ABOUT 10 lamp-posts at Pasir Ris Green have been uprooted over the past month, Lianhe Wanbao reported yesterday. But the damage is more widespread. The mirror of the men's toilet has been shattered. The public telephone booth located 50 m away from the toilet has also been damaged.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 »of{*!^ iiss| v Ss2 gets you a 200 ml pack of JOHNSON'S h Bath OR JOHNSON'S Baby* Dermo tector Bath OR JOHNSON'S Baby* t's more/ JOHNSON'S Baby* Bath is clinically en mild meaning it has been tested suitable .W/' 1: ise on baby's delicate skin. Think what it can >r
      75 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 -JT.r L 2*/' ,m I, 1 m evjan Purity Created By Nature Over 1 5 Years. |B| Experience It And Win. Bp 1 evlan, as pure as this 1 carat Je Taime diamond worth 'J,^ q£ y; 1 $12,000 to be won. Precious Time <*v evlan takes 15 precious years
      181 words

    • 298 10  -  By Irene Ng DESPITE the repeated assurance that the quality of medical care in Class C is as good as that in other wards, some people are not fully convinced. Businessman Chia Shi Teck asked Health Ministry officials at the
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    • 109 10 THE question of the quality of medical care in Class C was raised during a hearing of the Select Committee on health subsidies in July. Health Minister George Yeo had then given the assurance that Class C wards provide "excellent medical care". The same consultants who look after
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 103 10 1 37>e Pan Pacific Hotel Serves Up An Ace 1 September 10 October j/magine winning tickets to watch your favourite tennis players in action. Or perhaps, win personally autographed memorabilias and meal vouchers to our new, warm and trendy all-day dining room The Third Floor, opening 6 September. Or you
      103 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 ■Ift' H *lLr -iy jtyisA".«.. "*C''tft> jip *&j*. r^tMP*^,- ~™~Here's a hot little number for the really cool. The first pager Offer Price 162.74 with attitude just like you! And yet. the Avont Attitude is as senous a pager as you can get, with lots of excellent features. It's got
      279 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 949 12 WJd m. M 14 1 1 With a comprehensive combination of high-tech facilities, a ONLY INFORMATICS OFFERS YOU: IT POWIN support-system, dedicated counsellors, and experienced y r< ;< rJr M M .^K-rii.i., lecturers, students are assured of an excellent academic experience It ff tertttieaieaurers »r nexiwe course scneauies MidOSOft when
      949 words

    • 457 13  -  By Crispina Robert HE heaved and huffed and fell off many times but never gave up. It seemed a simple enough activity but not for Daniel Tan. He was climbing the 3-metre-high rock wall at Bedok South Secondary School. "At first I was a bit
      Picture/ Sam Yeo  -  457 words
    • 129 13 LOSING weight the fun way. That was the aim of creating the wall-climb-bing programme at Bedok South Secondary School, said the National Youth Achievement Award Council, which thought up the idea. The council approached Bedok South Secondary School and asked if it wanted to take part in the
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    • 36 14 SINGAPORE CRIME There were fewer foreigners caught committing crimes in the first halfoj this year compared with last year. Most of them were on tourist visit passes. Shoplifting was the single biggest offence
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    • 449 14 IN LITTLE INDIA Vie number of robberies has risen dramatically in Little India. Indian nationals are believed to be involved. MICHELLE ANG reports WHEN workers from the Indian sub-continent receive their pay, they are afraid to carry so much cash with themSo they give a big
      449 words
    • 573 15 People usually leave out the bad stuff when they write about themselves. But not this man. He wants to share his experience about his pain from drugs. TEOYUNYUN reports
      Picture/ Jonathan Choo  -  573 words
    • 104 15 SINCE Pertapis was set up in 1989, 140 residents have successfully completed its rehabilitation programme. The secret of its success? Probably the 12 managers of the halfway house who are reformed drug addicts who better to help addicts through rehabilitation than those who have experienced it themselves?
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    • 315 16  -  Alexander or Alexandra? By Ivy Ong ALEXANDER or Alexandra? The two names sound so similar. But to one manat least they made a big difference two months'jail. He produced a medical certificate from "Alexander" hospital. But that simple error alerted a Civil Defence officer that
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 lb g*t ahsad In Mi* CMHWtWv# world of business, you havo to look Km port you'ro picking. From Iwod I Jj] E23 to foot. Thanks to KKrl, HmPi not too difficult to accoMpJish. Kiwi Classic IxocvHvo Liquid Shoo Polish tffjW™ I S B quickly shlnos loullior, whllo nourishing and protoctlng
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 209 14 AT Ssloo "ON WEEKENDS, NOT ONLY CAN YOU TAKE A DIP IN PARADISE, OUR GREAT VALUE-ADDED BENEFITS filll JWl^^^^M WILL MAKE YOUR HEART SING WITH JOY From 30 August 29 September 1996, when you relax over the weekend in our luxurious guestrooms, you will also enjoy 15% discount at all
      209 words
    • 125 14 [I Cl.'l:!*'! re 'E n e r s J t mrrrW 1 arrestedwas 114 ACC I I down 13 per 111 jUDO 1 I cent (Jan-June) MJ compared same f /GEE®| I U 924 k) I OG CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE GUON 1 yr Diploma in Hotel Administration 3 yr Degree
      125 words
    • 248 14 n a "V Tolk to someone cobo could (hooQe your /otore ot C mEoYEM? 6 HA Leading Career and Recruitment Fair DOR Partners in Organisational Development Hi Choicc Employers 96 is the inaugural career and Full and part-time job opportunities recruitment fair featuring key employers from almost Free seminars and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 148 15 I f XTIt JSib r 4TH ANNI^RS^ M i" wc sit Wvser Robinon Consultants are extending B E3 laJINI 11 it AJW a special" tribute to our fellow senior citizens by H H Cut bring alone thin art to giving away 30 pen FREE beds mattresses to B FH collect
      148 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 196 16 Children's Funland dMIBBIIBBifIM Monkey King Mats Hi talea General knowledge Hear Tom Jerry croon. Coat JO can» trmm Site When the top half of x f your figure looks fine but the lower too W/KK A the remedy by focusing! jS fat hSMJSmf on areas where fat is '^l9l Together
      196 words

    • 131 17 Ivan Urn, Singaporean studying in Australia I read with disgust about the robbery which involved Madam Yeo Kim Eng. (The story "Didn't hear or didn't care?" published on Sept 6). There were such lame excuses given by those people involved, or rather, who chose not to
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    • 193 17 Mike Chan HeinWah Head, Housing Maintenance Section, HDB In his letter, Toilet leak not my fault, (Sept 5), Mr Said Sastro expressed unhappiness at having to co-pay for the repairs to the ceiling leak in the toilets of his lower-floor neighbour. Under the
      193 words
    • 117 17 Kenneth Yap, Singaporean working in Taiwan Singaporeans are really spoilt if they expect the authorities to do eveiything for them including raising their own children. The flap over the rescheduling of the Beverly Hills ***** series to a later time is an example. Children, especially teens,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 50 17 «r o Wnteto The New Paper 300 Kim Seng Road Singapore 239*95 or fax to 737 5375 1900-*****04 cabcost3ooents a minute H .I"-,. ■EES ■19 |r| KM EH IKahf 9 XVJL4IJLL 9 AND THE MODERN AGE" H Al-Falah Mosque 15 September 1996 t|l 3.00 pm Call 348-8344 for more details.
      50 words
    • 15 17 The Muslim Converts Association of Singapore isS«am t M A Public Lecture By ProfJHuddathir Abdel-foifltM]
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    • 394 18 Husband of Monaco's Princess Stephanie caught frolicking with other woman. Photos published all over Europe. The royal couple (left) married last year Source: News wires. PRINCESS Stephanie of Monaco plans to divorce ex-bodyguard Daniel Ducruet, her lawyer said yesterday. She has told him this after the latest
      Source: News wires.  -  394 words
    • 206 18 TEN minutes before the O-level Seminar ended last Saturday, a surprise speaker went up on stage Introduced by one of our speakers Mr Tan Teck Chuan as his "constant inspiration", Mr David Lee gave a short message in sign language. Mr Lee, 27, who was born deaf,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 2 18 Level Seninar
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    • 63 18 SUPER VOLUME, VITALITY, SHINE... HAIRWONDER Hot-Oil Therapy 1-MINUTE HAIRTREATMENT ula: mi,a HI mM *>JjH|| WOfyt ?W?«Vo%W For more information Accord Marketing Services Tel 736 1659. Available at Apex, Cold Storage supermarkets, C. K. Tang, Guardian, John Little, K-Mart, Metro, Medicine East, Mohd Mustafa, NTUC Healthcare, Oriental Emporiums, Robinsons, Sogo, V
      63 words

    • 346 19 A BANGLADESHI worker allegedly caused a fight involving 100 Bangladeshis and 50 locals in Johor Baru because he fondled a woman in a taxi. Malaysian newspapers reported that eight Bangladeshis were hurt in the incident, which took place on Monday at 11 pm in Kampung
      Picture/ Utusan Malaysia  -  346 words
    • 416 20 —says Clint Eastwood's ex-girlfriend SUPERSTAR Clint Eastwood was in a Californian court yesterday to defend himself against former lover Sondra Locke's allegation that he destroyed her budding directing career. The lawsuit alleged that, after their 13-year relationship ended in 1988, Mr Eastwood ruined the actress' career
      416 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 43 19 Authentic Indonesian Cuisine Special Daily Set Meal $48.00++ 2 pax to 3 pax) > »e nappy" Jj to eat a 10 course meal 7 J'Don't Worry'V It's a small price to pay.' RESTORAN PELABOHAN PTE LTD *01-119 Harbour Promenade WTC Singapore *****3 Tel: *****55
      43 words
    • 26 19 AND NOW fThe Bhangra Goes On rmpwm&TK' BHANGRA! AT: COCKPIT HOTEL SPV* D'COCKPIT LOUNGE '7k^t&Q DATE: 14 SEPT. 1996 NV TIME: Bpm till LATE! v^ 9
      26 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 97 20 n Feel like your appetite is getting too hard to control? Keep the hunger pangs in check with a little help from Advanced Appetite Suppressant weight control. Part of the Natural Care range, Advanced Appetite Suppressant is formulated only from plant extracts. Taken in conjunction with a sensible diet, it
      97 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 49 21 IS YOUR STUFF driving you up the wall? GRfcAT STUFF Buy a Zip drive now and get a S70 rebate, and/or buy a Zip Oisk Gigapack now (10 disks) and get a S28 rebate, from Iomega Pacific. Insist on your original rebate voucher from all authorised dealers. YOUR STUFF.
      49 words

    • 401 22 Ex-partner won't answer questions on Clintons WHITEWATER CASE Source: Wire services. A FORMER business partner of the Clintons has opted for jail rather than answer questions about the First Couple's past money dealings. Susan McDougal, 41, was cited for contempt of court in Arkansas last week. She
      Source: Wire services.; Picture/ Reuter  -  401 words
    • 64 22 SUSAN McDougal and her ex-husband, James, were the Clintons' close friends. The four took part in the ill-fated Whitewater real estate venture that lost money. James McDougal faces up to 84years in prison for business deals at the heart of the probe. He has decided to co-operate with investigators.
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    • Article, Illustration
      95 22 J call (it) a mother complex new party. They are creating the new party not because they have firm beliefs and policies, but because they are overprotected boys who only do something after being told to do so by their mother. —Japanese political analyst Makoto Sataka on plans
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 29 22 It's °|,t' fun! sL. I Cats are charged at 55 cents pet minute. For 18 years ft above only I TNnetvtee h provided by Nyholt Telecommunications Singapore Pte ltd
      29 words
    • 105 22 Great {Reasons .^'ilisF -.J"'* $sfHt |m Tough 420 Denier nylon with PU backing for complete water Q| Perfect size and JfH .—JJjjT shape for carrying school books. f o^£!^l\ ■J Choice of 7 f G\\ V tie* J attractive colours. I y PI Double stitched I TV zippers for j
      105 words

  • Showtime
    • 465 23 How to enjoy Aida? First-timer CAROL LEONG, who plans to go to the show tonight, finds out from the director, Hugh Halliday SHOW INFO WHAT: Aida Where: Singapore Indoor Stadium When: Sept 12, 13 and 14 at 7.30 pm TidMtK $150, $250 and $400 available
      Art/Simon Ang  -  465 words
    • 186 23 Baw my first opera, Verdi's Rigoletto, when I was 21 In Melbourne. There were no sub-titles, so I read the programme sypnosis, scene by scene. Later, when I bought a record, I could remember which music went with which scene. That was the
      186 words
    • Article, Illustration
      399 24 Superstar Michael Jackson is set to perform here at the National Stadium on Oct 25. While promoters here were busy getting the confirmation, Jackson's HlStory tour got off to a blazing start —in Prague. JESSICA LEOWchecks out a review on the Internet to find out what may
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    • 433 25 Relax, they say, it's just a movie. EDWIN YEO tries to do that when he takes a closer look at some of the bloopers that viewers have pointed out in The Rock, the prison thriller that stars Sean Conneryand Nicolas Cage SCENE: Sean Connery's character, a
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 150 25 IO HOT LOCAL FAVOURITES INCLUDING THE BEST-SELLING FISH RICE SET Indulge in your favourite dish at only SI 0.00. A not-to-be-missed highlight is the FISH RICE SET, a low-cholesterol, highly-nutritious dish that's the hottest-selling item on the menu. 1. Fried Beef Hor Fun with 6. Fish Rice Set $10 each
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 39 26 a SNAP AND SAVE B WITH KODAK FILM B H 2 rolls of Kodak GAI3S H Snap up our twin pack offer while stocks last! ■h 2 rolls of Kodak G8135 Jt hh 4 Kodak Supralife I ri iMSSSbi
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 312 27 P!!*QSS»IK9& iMmtt CZ^^l BHflNfll~ JtilSim —I COM.E JOIN IH THE FVN WITH THE AJ¥U»OS AT sENMsA JT* ima^ —I RSfc Come join in the festivities of Festival Mexkano If sports is your cup of tea, head down j^HR mm on Sentosa and win a trip for two to to the
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    • 134 28 WEDDING bells will soon ring for Hongkong sexpuss Veronica Yip. The groom: her current boyfriend Jeffrey Hu, an American-Chinese businessman in his 30s. "We have decided to get married. Tentatively, it should be in May next year," she told Hongkong reporters last week. The
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    • 191 28 TAIWANESE actress Lin Chin Hsia says she has dreamt of her good friend Teresa Teng three times since the singer's death in May last year. Dream Number One: In a coffee house, Lin and her friends are chatting away. But Teresa sits alone at another table.
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    • 124 28 NO, he does not consider himself well dressed, said Hongkong star Chow Yun Fatt (left). As such, the actor declined to receive an award when the Hongkong Fashion Designer Association recently voted him one of the Top 10 best dressed personalities in the colony. "I am
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 37 28 PolyGram Records Welcomes GaryJ^ To Singapore ..jJßfcnJ M Ha M HRPV Live at Iseapksl Date Friday, 13th September '96 Album L*flxo*Mtsws Un 1 1 PlOßMflflM Featuring "The Perfect Year" a duet with Regine other hits. 528 717-2
      37 words

  • Article, Illustration
    496 29  -  ET CETERA WITH T JEYATHESAN THESE stories are copyright under the Coffeeshop Act of 1995 (Sub-section Talk-Kok, paragraph three). My friends and I were guzzling beer at a coffeeshop. The talk turned to travel. "You are sure this bus is MC. n "Yes, can't you see the sign,"
    496 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 253 29 COMICRELIEF Calvin and Hobbes/Bill Watterson I SAN A TURTLE DOHM &G DEAL' NUOCARtS? TUE CREEK. INE SEEN VfMKS>S OF f If A I V yr TW\£Sf PWBABW WUWfe' I fill I HUOVWtfSTSSEE W3WEJ? I (791 2 Adam/Brian Basset Ml MOW WAS 3u£T JUST HOW MWf fU lUE USUAL. KMtYNoufcv«\te£ NOMfc!
      253 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 38 30 COMICRELIEF The Concrete Jungle/Colin Goh U^,*omHi... Ulam* \M\a\ Buddha SeiSSifflf 6OT BUT IBob«fKfNo Sim; I War I Tian-PI/Komics Kreations •fMY ARE YOU USIM6 A BUOY? JHHI f JUST LOST NY SWINNINO CATTVOtf StflN? Kopi Thiam/James Suresh Adam Lee
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 86 31 II '|»H WL m I I. 1 MB i i HI I I I TT "With everything that the fans want and "Liverpool Football Club is all items at every price, every fan can share in about winning and being a source of pride Reebok Development Manager Liverpool Chairman mJ
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 36 32 i ___l____ i jPIKI You 030 ,eave us your problems on the Hotline lIVmImIH listen selected answers given by trained JQm IMMM counsellors. Identities will be kept confidential. |jj| I Calls are 30 cents a minute.
      36 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 739 32 j ■■■K fr I«l!M!l!Hrt K«I!M!I!NI i m-jauwa r4HHHI NOON News S Today NOON Foots (News magazine/r) NOON Home Shopping 1.00 PM The Winners (Business feature) 12.10 PMYvonne'sCookbook 1.00 PMMid-OayNews 3.00 PMCOIS(ETV) 1.30 Money,Money,Money/Aaian Pi apart; (Instructional) LIS Beyond Our Shores (Travelogue) 4.00 StvaP Ganesao Festival Harichandra Rtn>ofl 12.40 Debbie Travis'
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 53 33 hb im mm A■■ I H *E fl PJR A ftfjl i- difference in many by showing Amidst the iron pumping, sweat and sheer hard work inthe gym, Fotheringham 1/'' p j members. »V :y":<» frVyft'-- I^B Investing in health; Mr David, Fotheringham jogs and does weights at least four
      53 words

  • 509 34  -  CAREERCHOICE BY T Ranganayaki MR DAVID Fotheringham is in the business of getting others to become fit. He is a fitness centre manager with FPD SPORTathlon, a company that offers sports services and manages the fitness centre at the Marina Mandarin. When asked to describe his
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 109 34 Construction, Property Development and Project Management. Our Business is both locally and regionally based. We Invite suitably qualified candidates (Singaporeans/Permanent I Residents only) to apply for the following positions (Local): jl Possess 'N' 'O' levels Some clerical experience Computer literacy preferred A JBH 'A' levels or PSC Qualification with at
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    • 208 34 1_ Parkway Holdinga Limited is a public listed company listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore Ltd with business interests encompassing private health YKm care and property management services. PROPERTY EXECUTIVE Requirement*: Dip. in Bldg. MgntVßSc in Est. Mgnt. Relevant experience in leasing, management or maintenance of commercial/residential properties Able
      208 words
    • 119 34 g. SUPERMIX idfLm} CONCRETE PTE LTD 1 invito applications for II You will be in charge of a team of plant operators and field assistants You will 1^ also be responsible for the co-ordination of the Operations Department II Requirements GCE O level Minimum 3 years' relevant working experience in
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 236 35 CAREERCHOICE ISASCO I 1ST Aviation Services Co Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Singapore Technologies Aerospace, specializes in commercial aircraft maintenance and aircraft structural modification work. As part of our rapid growth and expansion, we are seeking high-calibre personnel with the relevant working experience to join us in the following positions:IGCE
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    • 85 35 I, m an network components I UTeIT73BOS9S^M J #01-37 Lucky Plaza J j PAOLYTA SINGAPORE PTE LTD j hwwwidwfer ACCOUNTS I EXECUTIVE Minimum GCE 'O' level with Accounting in LCCI Intermediate level Able to maintain full eete of account Minimum 3-5 years' experience Bilingual in EngUeh Mandarin Familiar with Internet
      85 words
    • 85 35 w PAOLYTA SINGAPORE PTE LTD W ■I fias oacancu&for F1 I Minimum GCE 'O 1 level j I Clerical and general administration duties f I Proficiency in spoken written English A Mandarin I PC-literate I Bask accounting knowledge preferred J Minimum 1 -2 year experience j I cAttracUoe remuneration package-
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 276 36 CAREERCHOICE Q Unilever We are a leading MNC in the FMCG industry with a portfolio of well known and established brands in the Singapore market. We are currently seeking suitably qualified candidates for the positions of: Sales Representatives Requirements: GCE 'O' level or 'A' level 2 to 3 years' relevant
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    • 401 36 &fcv #V Due to rapid expansion I AL |A gK** w require: I EQUIPMENT I 12&13 September '96 TECHNICIAN I H I 9am V4.Bopm (Permanent 12-hour day/night shift) I Assist the Engineer in preventive maintenance Boon jU*y.t vOrowmflfty Centre of production machinery and equipment of the Hi H lOVon Lay
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  • 463 37 CAREERCHOICE Lessons in life are usually learnt the hard way. Our hero Edwin Ng has been played out by a client-turned-friend now turned enemy. Besides being betrayed, he feels the heat that cut a big hole in his pocket LO TIEN YIN finds
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 79 37 Established precision machining company requires: Day and night shifts Age below 40 years Age below 55 years Physically fit Chinese, age below 30 years Above Sec. 2 Physically fit Singaporeans, PRs or Malaysians are welcome Male applicants, must have completed N.S. Interested applicants, please call 285-2833 for an appointment or
      79 words
    • 37 37 I •5 1 /2dayweek No experience required PC literate with typing skill is an advantage HI Salary will commensurate with experience Interested please call Ms Kelly 295 0218 Blk 105 Boon Keng Rd #01»01; Singapore 339 776
      37 words
    • 86 37 1 MMB AH KMC SONS PTE lIDTV an established Interior Decoration M works contractor, has vacancies for: f Preferable requirements: I For Post A Obtained Diploma in Building or Architecture Experience not required, training will be provided For Post B Female, able to communicate in simple English Interested candidates can
      86 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 179 38 OILFIELD INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES PTE LTD invites applications for the post of Function*: Be responsible for purchasing a wide range of oilfield equipment and spare parts. Liaise with Logistic and Freight companies to ensure correct delivery of items. Communicate with field locations Rmquirmmmnta: Purchasing experience Computer literate Good communication skills
      179 words
    • 160 38 Benefits f Basic salary commission incentives Annual leave and medical leave Annual bonus increment Location: 1) Mobil Bukit Merah 2991, Jalan Bukit Merah, Tel: 278-3995 2) Mobil Dunearn 870, Dunearn Road, Tel: 466-0887 French Designer Fashion Wear I l/|£j boutique UII V e 'requires Boutique Assistant m Female age 18
      160 words
    • 470 38 jbbbbi^BH Jir Nat Steel Chemicals Nat Steel Chemicals is one of Singapore's leading manufacturers of lime, refractory, water treatment chemicals, blasting abrasives and other fine chemicals for local and overseas markets. Our rapid growth in recent years is a result of our astute business entrepreneurship and investment in plant and
      470 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 975 39 CAREERCHOICE BBMVlkkhbht# wii'iii MR SmHvWUSY Hpß®® I Brook the mould Sat the standards You mutt bo a Singapore citizen, WW* ll* I o coroor opportunity for on between 0901 independent-minded woman liko "ormol colour vition ond yourtelf to povo the way to a fait <«oro than track profetsion. degroet. And
      975 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 472 40 I An Established Trading Company has vacancies forbj Chinese female I Minimum a Diploma Holder with Business Administration background I 1-2 years working experience I Computer literate I Preferably with valid class 3 licence I Min. with Diploma in Marketing/ Business Administration I 1-2 years working experience I Fresh graduates
      472 words
    • 234 40 DRAmWOlS'g^^^^, ITC in Mechanical Engineering Prefer with some experience in Office System W* \> Fresh graduate ma/ be considered Interested candidates, please call or walk In at: II 211 Henderson Road #01-05 Henderson Ind. Park Singapore *****2 Tel: 276 8266 f Esmbtshed Usnutactumg Compmry Ma* Ram Rm fltgum 1) SALES
      234 words
    • 268 40 1) SERVICE COORDINATORS Tt> coordinate with customers, technicians and contractors on installation schedules and ensure smooth completion of work. GCE 'NTOTA' levels Good communication skills and conversant in English, Mandarin and dialects Computer literate 2 rotating shifts with the following working hours: Shift A: Mondays to Fridays 8.30 am to
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  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 241 41 We are seeking: LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Responsibilities include analysis of fuel oil, lubricants, petroleum products, metallurgical samples and general chemistry. Other laboratory routines may include maintenance of equipment, laboratory housekeeping and research on new projects. The successful candidates should possess the following:- GCE 'A' level or'()' level with good credits in
      241 words
    • 230 41 1^1 3 mEM Network For Electronic Transfers (S) Pte Ltd I If you possess GCE 'O 1 level and are looking for a challenging and interesting job, come to NETS. We have a choice of jobs for you (Posts a, b c): (A) ASSISTANT CARD CENTRE SUPERVISOR (B) CARD CENTRE
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 508 42 GCEWwWW Witk experience •Ableto type Workingbourj:Mon. -Fri 11am to Bpm Sal Ham to 3pm ji Interested applicants, please call Tel: *****38 for Interview V KAISER STUDIO PTE LTD V (A subsidiary of Casa Holdings Limited) S y] No. 2 Jurong East St. 21 003-160 IMM Building Singapore *****1 I T
      508 words
    • 238 42 M jpM w W/yjnl ||C Wj IB M Familiar with computer supplies Good telephone skills fl B Knowledge of Accpacc system H Able (o handle complete books II Familiar with local roads jfl Attractive salary (and commission for position I 1) vuhich will be commensurate with experience I will be
      238 words
    • 36 42 CAREBff -C x I > I' > Wide < readership -A*} Effective presentation Lew test v: For advertisement bookings, call Wee Hui Li 740 6112 Pg: *****085 Desmond Kan *****17 Pg: *****741 V^ v Kenneth Soon *****27 Pg: *****176
      36 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 643 43 CAREERCHOICE J Human Resource Devt. Co. is looking for: Diploma above Positive, discipline self-motivated Min. 1/ 5 years experience Fluent in Mandarin English Please write-in to: JANICE 257 Selegie Road #09-283 Singapore *****0 Positive, discipline self-motivated To work from home during office hours Speak Mandarin English Please page 9-*****17 j
      643 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 612 44 CAREERCHOICE t-L.u American Express International, Inc. is a global travel and financial service firm servicing Ittiltltj countries around the world. In pursuing our vision of becoming the best place to work, Lilt we >e eve n treating our employees as we would our customers and clients with I I LtXill
      612 words
    • 268 44 An established and progressively I expanding Hydraulics Co. has the I I following opening: I MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEERS Degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 11 Minimum 2 years experience in designing 11 of wide range of heavy industrial LI machineries and marine deck equipment 11 Hydraulic knowledge preferred but II not a
      268 words
    • 48 44 Kia Sephia GTX 1.6, Rolex watches, air tickets to Cairo, Pioneer laser mini systems, Bosch handphones and Motorola Scriptor pagers. Details in Zaobao Mini Ads, Lianhe Wanbao and Shin Min Classifieds every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, respectively. With After 5, every Friday in The New Paper Fastads. mm&y
      48 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 259 45 CAREERCHOICE We are a S'pore subsidiary of large HK conglomerate with 106 companies in 55 different locations around the world including the US, Middle East and SEA regions. due to our continued growth and Singapore's growing importance as a global business arena. Our organisation is involved in Property Development, Corporate
      259 words
    • 128 45 PART-TIMER i ASSIGNMENT ii ii AVAILABLE jj Male/ female age 20 so|| years old j[ Choose your own working|| hours j|* Attractive commission a $1300 and above per month j|* Training provided for beginners it For more enquires, please call !l Mr Gerard Wong at H 9630-1483/ Pg. 9218-2830 1
      128 words
    • 162 45 |jt t ft i<TTH"t"|. 4.* ill 11 Hong Kong Well Established Human,, u Commercial Company is expanding i» in Singapore Malaysia > i Looking for Young, Dynamic, Ambitious >> candidates who enjoy travelling 1 and love challenging ]C j Position arm open for ORD Personnel and j j I thoaa
      162 words
    • 40 45 I Kia Sephia GTX 1.6, Rolex watches, air tickets to Cairo, Pioneer laser mini systems, Bosch handphones and Motorola Scriptor pagers. Details in Zaobao Mini Ads, Lianhe Wanbao and Shin Min Classifieds every Tuesday. Thursday I and Saturday, respectively. i
      40 words

  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 412 46 CAREERCHOICE 3^°«rpursuit of 'apromusdnp career Septa* »ii£as/ Mr »rr a (tMal Daaarial leafer la>1ll»* biftbh rsrrjfUc 4 arMmaest attested l«dt»1d«jls lo |«ia oar gmta* djmmk sales traai. Aft* 23 A above. Tertiary Graduate preferred. 'O* 'V Level with proven Halen rerord may also apply. Working e\perlenre will be an added
      412 words
    • 210 46 J A p*v An established multinational I Ir~ corporation specialising in I 'L_ the manufacture of high-tech TECHNOLOGIES semiconductor components has immediate vacancies: PLUMBER Job Scope Installation of pipe works Repair pipe leaks •High shift I Building and machine maintenance allowance •Attendance bonus Prerequisites Yearly seniority I Licensed plumber by
      210 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 305 47 fHHStSEds 1800-737-1166 THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Fax: 747-4622 2050 Personal Services/ 2050 Personal Services/ 2050 Personal Services/ Products Products Products [na mist etf ecdva way ta jV j keep you in good shape. I "Join Amore Expressions The Aerobics Studio" U W 1 AEROBICS STEP WORKOUT help vou to burn excess
      305 words
    • 387 47 B 2050 Personal Services/ 2050 Personal Services/ Products Products 4L| UjuyL il- r__ L. fl. LI. f-l no nam uiermois, no runcy ingreams, no rase promises Internationally certified male aestheticians with 12 yrs of skincare experience will customize and prescribe an ideal treatment for every client in a clinically clean,
      387 words
    • 197 47 2200 Business Services/ Products FTT^TfffWWWVn I (Pap) Extaraal Mode* US Robotic 33 6K $299 Voice Data/Fax Supra-Express 33.6K Data/Fax $249 Merx 33 6K Voice Data/Fax $249 Intel PCI Motherboard $799 (For Upgraders!) HX 512K8 Board Intel Pentium 133mhzCPU416MB Ram PCI S3 Trio Video card Inlo^ Epson Stylus 820 Inkjet Prmter
      197 words
    • 182 47 2570 Travel Euforoil Posses $292*KJ. $170 i Hong Kong i 495 Jakarta $140 4 Bnione 5650 Perxww T«li'737-0577£1 r Fax: 737-0166 <1 d <Bi 1 A m A 2606 Professional/ Executive Position* 'T1:*****33 Fax:*****36^ '07 A' levei with PSC (s/hand prefj Thomson Lower Delta /Tg Pagar Deg/ACCA with relevant exp
      182 words

  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 466 48 2200 Business Services/ 2200 Business Services/ 2200 Business Services/ Products J Products Products (g) MOTOROLA I A world Leader in Communications Products Extra bonus to all existing Lifestyle 2&8 modems' users, simply bring along your r Infotel's Warranty Card and buy an Internet Internet Phone Release 4at only $29.00. PHONE
      466 words
    • 367 48 2630 Sales Positions 2630 Solos Positions 2630 Solos Positions IP iIH STUDIO ]f We invite applications for the positions of: 0 ASSISTANTS g M ASSISTANTS M H Q(?ASHIERS X WALK-IN INTERVIEW Q M From Monday to Friday M M 10.00 am 12.00n00n 2.30pm 5.00pm y/l 7/ THE HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION
      367 words
    • 225 48 2630 Salti Positions Motor Cndh Co. rtquiiM: MARKETING EXECUTIVES (MaJW F«mal<) Interest in marketing of motor credit facilities Preferably have knowledge in car market. Salt motivated with good communication skills Valid class 3 driving licanca. Basic pay Attractive commission. Welti Is Interview letter 3pm) BK/ L ICB Shpg. Ctr. Yio
      225 words

  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 348 49 2633 Counts*/ Tdtphoiw 2633 CountM 1 Tiliphoni Sales Positions Sales Positions TELEMARKETERS Part/ Full Tim# Positions (2 Months) Requirements: Bilingual (English/ Malay/ Mandarin) Good telephone atiquatta with a plaasant vote* Famala, Housewives Retirees also welcome Salary $1000 incentives (Full-Time) CPF contribution Plaasant working environment Walk-in interview or call for an
      348 words
    • 300 49 2642 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 2642 Hotel/ Rsstaursnt/ 2642 Hotel/ Rsstsursnt/ 2042 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions Lounge PoeMone Lounge Positions s Maaaaaaaaas aaaassss ig? "Wearamtlyreqaire jmhhu Err energetic responsible PK. riders Full Time Part Time Pff* benefits f oV -Sam up to $1.300/^ > Referral Bonus. wp'' o\> ahowa'nce ,VerV
      300 words
    • 198 49 2642 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Japanese Lounge ARABESQUE, requires: I Salary: From $*****3500 1 I WMkday-S2B per hour Weekend-$3O per hour tit/ AMdwe I B Salary: From lAS applicants please being along passport size photo. Walk-in interview only on 12.13.14 September between 4.30pm-7pm at 1 Setegie Road. •81-41/S4 Paradkz Centre,
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  • Page 50 Advertisements
    • 347 50 2642 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 2642 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Poeitiont E Italian Restaurant Fine Dining (Located at Goodwood Park Hotel) invites applications for the following full-time positions: Requirements: Min 1-2 years relevant experience needed. For positions (1), please call CHEF ANDREA and for positions (2), please call ZUL at 735
      347 words
    • 410 50 2648 Beeuticien/Heir 2646 Beautician/Hair Car* Positions Car* Positions I De Antique Salon requires: 1. RECEPTIONISTS 2. HAIRSTYLISTS 3. SENIOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS S days a weak Interested please call *****68 j 2648 Administrative/ 2646 Administrative/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions A reputable freight forwarding company operating from the Changi Airfreight Centra has
      410 words
    • 268 50 2648 Administrative Clerical PoeitionS i =sSsS=S3EE=E==^^^= F— —W < < »BilHi'illfMiil 3;116< > 4' Chinese, Singapore citizen" or Permanent Resident J < Basic accounting J knowledge J J < PC knowledge I Interested applicants pis. call\ personally at < 1160 Depot Rd. Jj| I J *03-18 to 17 J Telok
      268 words
    • 292 50 2048 Administrative Clerical Poeitiona Call *****98 AOMIN. AaBTS SIK-81.SK Town/ Ayer Rajah/ Mecpherson ft many arees INDOOR SALES CO-ORDV EX EC. SI.IK-SI.BK Town/ Suntec/ Parkmall/ Mecpherson ACCOUNTS ASSTS. (Partial. Übi 5 day) $I.SK Town/ Alaxandra/ Lower Delta/ Jurong SECRETARY/ PERSONNAL ASST. fI.SK-S2K Town/ lowar Delta DELIVERY DRIVER. Claee 3/ 4
      292 words
    • 275 50 2648 AdministrativW Clerical Positions R3MIN. ASST. I E 0' level I Computer literate I Interested please call I *****83/ 88 I I for an appointment. I I Marketeers Distributors I (8) Pte Ltd I 601 Sims Drive I #04 06 Tan-I Complex I I Singapore *****2 I M4E Consultancy Firm
      275 words

  • Page 51 Advertisements
    • 302 51 2691 2681 B>tm»y<hrioiiil Assistant Positions Assistant Positions I A leading furniture manufacturer requires GCE '0' level Preferably PSC qualification bilingual PC literate Salary $1500 $2000 Age 20 -35 Interacted please call 9308-3909 2654 Technical Positions 2654 Technical Positions INVO-TECH ENGINEERING PTE LTD A m*mb*r of the CWT Group of Companies,
      302 words
    • 262 51 2684 Technical Poaitions 2684 Technical Poeitions ■I L, SKILLED AIRCON. TECHNICIANS 3 years experience in trouble shooting Class 3 driving licence Salary commensurates with experience Please contact 4588 6 7 7 11 Venus Road for Interview r* I Exclusive Distributor for American Security products raquiree: 1. OUTDOOR SERVICE TECHNICIANS NTC
      262 words
    • 308 51 2666 Security Positions SILVER STAR SECURITY SERVICES J requires: HVTVWTVTTTVYVSIH Salary $1200, age below 55 years old Able to speak/ write simple English Paya Lebar/ Changi/ Jin. Kayu Contact personally *****95J PS- 9 *****69 or walk-in to: 112 East Coast Rd. Katong Mall #82-03 Singapore *****2 Wanted! To work at
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  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 196 52 2672 Despatch/Delivery Positions mmim 7 A well-established manufacturer of I I computer forms with I I office in T\ias requires: I Basic Salary Overtime incentives Allowance Experience not necessary WALK-IN INTERVIEW 12,13 &16 September (Bam to spm) 16 Tuas Avenue ISA Singapore 63MM64 (But 254 from Boon I-ay Interchange) i
      196 words
    • 256 52 2683 Part-Time/ Tamp. 2683 Part-Tima/ Tamp. Positions Positions PART-TIME PHOTOGRAPHIC MODELS required for local ads. All races. Male/ female between 16 40 yrs. Call MODEL CLESSIQUE 732 4483 Interviews #03-61 Orchard Plaza No fees required j r <J> $90 par lot for experience tradarV 3 Overriding offered to managers I
      256 words
    • 96 52 Exhibition Hostesses Data Entry Operators Conference Assts Registration Staff Work with your fnends in this exciting job at WTC! Call Yvonne/Angela *****62 ARTS COUNCIL 0 Min. GCE '0' levels I 0 Daily rate $35/ $40 I Interested, pis. call I Serene or Lang Eng I *****91 f $5 PER HOUR
      96 words
    • 320 52 2689 Other Positions 2689 Othor Positions Mobil Service Station requires: Tempi net Station PM shift Cashier 40 Tempi net Ave 9 Night shift Cashier TeJ: 7SSISSI/ *****53 MM shift Pump Attendant Bt Timah Station Cashier 751 Bt Timah Rd. Tel: *****11 Pasir Ris Station Night shift Cashier 61 Pasir Ris
      320 words
    • 199 52 Well Estab Co. in Loyang (Changi) requires 1. TECHNICIANS '07 tf level. NTC 21 3 Experienced not required as training is provided 2. STOREKEEPER '07 'N' level or secondary education Preferably with experience in a computerised store 3. DELIVERY DRIVER Secondary education Class 4 driving licence We offer 5 day
      199 words
    • 273 52 2689 Other Positions Advertiser looking for English speaking Qualified Wn&jtitTntm Please contact 9598-3488 Colour Photo Mini Lab requires 1. PRINTER OPERATOR 2. SALES ASSISTANTS 4 5 yrs. relevant experience 0 Attractive salary commission No shift work off Sunday Tal: *****08 •01-08 International Plaza TECHNICIANS to start work immediately Preferably with
      273 words
    • 188 52 2700 Education LCCI (2nd ponHlon In the World I starting Wad. 18/9, 6 30pm. llat position in Ike World In Commerce a Finance/ starting Fri. 20/9. 6.45pm. Covering Book-keeping, Business English, Office Practice, Word Processing, Typewriting starting Mon. 16/9, 6.30pm. NO ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS ov.nny: Business Commun cation. Secretarial Admin., Infor.
      188 words

    • 365 53 AFP. MANCHESTER City chairman Francis Lee hit back yesterday at claims that he was to blame for the club losing out on a possible £70 million ($154 million) Arab oil bonanza. City, struggling to recover from the blow of relegation and still without a
      AFP.  -  365 words
    • 256 53 Wire services. Matthias Sammen He was voted Germany's Footballer of the Year for the second year running in a poll of sports journalists. The 29-year-old international libera received 166 votes in the poll conducted by Kicker magazine. He finished ahead of striker Juergen Klinsmann, with 154, and goalkeeper Andreas
      Wire services.  -  256 words
  • Page 53 Advertisements
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    • 92 53 V Saturday: Coventry v Leeds Derby v Sunderland Everton v Middlesbrough Man U v Forest Newcastle v Blackburn Southampton v Tottenham West Ham v Wimbledon Sunday: Chelsea v Aston Villa Leicester v Liverpool Monday Arsenal v Sheff Wed You may have been unable to get your copy of The Business
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  • 609 55 It's back to the final four in the region 's first soccer championship. JEFFREY LOW looks at the heavyweights who've made it on merit Yesterday: Indonesia 1 Vietnam 1 Myanmar 4 Laos 2 SEMI-FINAL UNE4IP: (Tomorrow) Thailand v Vietnam, Indonesia v Malaysia. Both matches at the
    Picture/ Jonathan Choo  -  609 words
  • Page 55 Advertisements
    • 66 55 'liilfoN II iIMIMMMH FOR LADIES ONLY I J We provide massage for ladies only by our qualified masseuses. Our lady masseuses will soothe your aching wiMw ®cS* muscle. We have the following services: VR^PP L Thai Ancient Massage Swedish Shiatsu Massage 9£nus SZady ,J6assage Parlour 400 Orchard Road #04-04 Orchard
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    • 33 55 GOALS FOR IKE NEW PAPER'S CHARITY For every goal scored in the Tiger Cup, Tiger Beer will donate $50 to The New Paper's adopted charity. Hie total number of goals yesterday: 8 mm
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    • 153 55 INDONESIA 1 (Kurniawan Did Weather Cool YuHanto 44th min), VIETNAM 1 Pitch: Bumpy (Vo Hoang Buu 76th pen) Yellow card: Indonesia Robby Shots: Indonesia 12 Vietnam 8 Darwis (74th) Comers: Indonesia 4 Vietnam 5 Referee: S Selearajan (Malaysia) Fraeklclit: Indonesia 7 Vietnam 9 Crowd: 1,000 Group A P W D
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    • 1598 56  -  Two leading S-League coaches, with vast international experience, offer a candid assessment of the present Singapore soccer situation. And what they would do if they were the national coach. JALAL TALEBI Jalal Talebi is a former Iran national coach. He has also coached in
      1,598 words
    • 75 56 I believe the S-League is throwing up a number of young and exciting talents. These youngsters will provide the hunger, the aggression, the energy, the enthusiasm. The likes of Tampines Rovers' No 17 (Mohd Noor Ali), Woodlands Wellington's No 17 (Dalis Supait) and Police's No 7 (Samawira
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    • 433 57  -  HOQPHERQE?TQgR REPORT PRADEEP PAUL IN TOKYO MICHAEL Jordan spoke to me! That, in a day where one shared the National Basketball Association (NBA) superstar with 300 other news hounds, felt like an achievement. But, before that, he spoke to all of us reporters at the Hoop Heroes
      Picture/ AFP  -  433 words
    • 157 57 JORDAN believes his record-breaking Chicago Bulls are in for a tough NBA season ahead. And he is especially worried about the Houston Rockets. Jordan sees the emergence of the Rockets as a serious title-contender. Already a force to reckon with, the Rockets won the
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    • 68 57 JORDAN paraded the following players at the press conference. They should make up the core of his team for the exhibition matches in Tokyo. Michael Jordan, 33, Chicago Bulls Charles Barkley, 33, Houston Rockets Jason Kidd, 23, Dallas Mavericks Damon Stoudamire, 23, Toronto Raptors Michael Finley, 23,
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    • 342 58 SWISS CHAMPION OFF TO FLYING START IN GROUP A AFP. GLASGOW Rangers got off to a disastrous start in its Group A programme, crashing 3-0 away to Grasshoppers Zurich and seeing its European Cup aspirations collapse. The Scottish champions' hopes of snatching a vital away point was
      AFP.; Picture/ Reuter  -  342 words
    • 241 58 AFP. A SUPERB goal by Jari Litmanen after little more than three minutes gave Ajax Amsterdam a crucial 1-0 away victory over European Cup debutant Auxerre. It was the first away goal of the season in any competition for the four-time European champion, plagued by injuries
      AFP.  -  241 words
    • 97 58  -  By Lan Brown REPORTING FROM LONDON THIS is the first season in which all clubs can field an unrestricted number of foreign players in the European cup competitions. The old "3 2" foreigner ruling meant that any club was restricted to three foreigner players, plus two assimilated players
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    • 201 58 Wire services. GROUPB DORTMUND 2 WIPZEW LOOZI GERMAN international Heiko Herrlich pounced on two defensive mistakes to give Dortmund victory. The Polish side's defender, Andrzej Michalczuk, headed a cross into Herrlich's path on the six-metre line, giving him a simple header and Dortmund the lead just
      Wire services.  -  201 words
    • Article, Illustration
      127 59 GROUPA AuxerreO Ajax Amsterdam 1 Scorer Jari Litmanen (4th) Grasshopper 3 Glasgow Rangers 0 Scorers: KubilyayTurkyilmaz (28th, 79th), Murat Yakin (18th) GROUPB Atletico Madrid 4 Steaua Bucharest 0 Scorers: Juan Eduardo Esnaider (32nd, 45th) Diego Simeone (64th, 85th) Borussia Dortmund 2 Widzew Lodz 1 Scorers: Dortmund: Heiko
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    • 62 59 CUP-WINNERS'CUP First-round,first4egs The top match-ups RMHWMIV KM Mir Belgrade MyPa-47 Anjalonkoski v Liverpool Barcelona vAEXLarnaca Benfica v Ruch Chorww Gloria Bfetrita v Florentine Dynamo Batumi v PSV Bndoven Vaduz v Parte St Germain INFQLINE For the results of the top first-round Cup-Winners' Cup matches played tonight (Singapore time)
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    • Article, Illustration
      498 59 MILAN IS BEATEN BY LATE PORTO SURGE AFP. EUROPEAN Cup favourite AC Milan failed to clear the first hurdle. It crashed 3-2 to FC Porto in its opening match in Group D. Milan, which last won the trophy in 1994, should have had the match sewn up with a
      AFP.; Picture/ Reuter  -  498 words
    • Article, Illustration
      228 60 Repter. ALEN Bokaic scored a superbly taken goal on his home debut to lead new-look European champion Juventus to a 1-0 win. The 26-year-old Croatian striker, criticised for missing a series of chances in Juventus's opening league match of the season at Reggiana on Sunday, showed just why
      Repter.  -  228 words
    • 66 60 Angek) Peruzzi, Sergio Porrini, Ciro Ferrara, Paolo Montero, Gianluca Pessotto, Antonio Conte, Zinedine Zidane (Angek) Di Livk), 76th), Didier Deschamps, Alen Boksic, Christian Vieri (Nicola Amofuso, 72nd), Alessandro del Piero (Mark Juliano, 89th). Maalfc Peter Schmeichel; Gary Neville, Gary Pallister, Denis Irwin, Ronny Johnsen, Nicky Butt, David Beckham,
      66 words
    • Article, Illustration
      22 60 UNITED LOSES TO ITALIAN CHAMPION FIM: Juventus striker Alen Boksic (left) is brought down by Man United'* Ronny Johnsen Picture/ Reuter
      Picture/ Reuter  -  22 words
    • 291 60  -  Stone* Ian Brown WITHOUT a doubt, Alex Ferguson got this one wrong! Before kickoff, Ferguson stated: "Ability-wiM and temperament-wise we're good enough, but if there is a question it's on the tactical side." Juventus posed its own searching version of this question 4nd it was Ferguson
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    • 171 60 JUVENTUS underwent a massive change in personnel before the start of this season. There were a variety of reasons: Car maker Fiat can no longer afford to be such a generous benefactor, Juve likes to turn over players who may be lees hungry after success and
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