The New Paper, 5 January 1993

Total Pages: 31
1 31 The New Paper
  • 15 1 the new paper TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1993 MfTA (P) 75/4/92 50 CENTS the new paper
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 I TEEN GANGS' I XMASBASH I s i m i .tl u.tlll:K tluht it out iii Holland illaj»e fl I l «•_<i? jt _X r a~i MiM i Si Vs&f Y .v: iMA. flUHL. B B B V l > t I National midfielder Hasnim Haron is set to leave.
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    • 380 2 FOUR Singapore business groups have joined forces for a big push into China's property market. Keppel Corporation, the Sembawang group, DBS Bank and United Overseas Bank have set up a new company to scout for property deals in the Mainland. The four are equal partners in
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    • 349 2 THIS child killer (right) wants to be hanged. He warns he will kill again if he is freed. West ley Allan Dodd. 30. is due to mount the gallows today and become the first person to be hanged in the United States in nearly
      Picture/ Reuter  -  349 words
    • 473 3 Greying in age, but young at heart and crazy about the wind. A group of largely Malay riders have formed a motorcycle club. And we're talking huge motorcycles. The members? Well, some of them are grandads. Meet Pak Motor... KA( H of these sons of the
      Picture/ Berita Harian  -  473 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 185 4 HOT STORY WHICH country has the largest ratio of payphones per person in the world? The answer is Singapore. The ratio of payphones here 10 public payphones per 1,000 people is much higher than that in developed countries such as Japan (6.8), the United States (6), and Britain
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    • 75 4 The Straits Times: Ukraine leader pledges: Start 1 will \w ratified Business Times: Four Singapore groups team up to >cnur China's property sector Lianhe Zaobao: Autonomous schools to he set up next year Berita Harian: Tension in Israeli-occupied territories SBC morning news: The international peace talks held in Geneva
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    • Article, Illustration
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      • 81 4 MALAYSIA will not allow those under 18 to buy cigarettes and will bam all cigarette advertisements in the mass media from March.l. Smoking will also be banned in hospitals, private clinics, schools and small restaurants, Health Minister Lee Kim Sai said yesterday. Large restaurants will have to set
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      • 93 4 A NEW stockbroker opening shop in Singapore has paid $78,000 for number 78. Smith New Court Securities is the last of the first batch of seven international members to begin trading on the Singapore Stock Exchange. It wanted to have an auspicious identification number and chose
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      • 110 4 THERE are three major sources of bad luck in the Philippines, President Fidel Ramos has been told by fengshui experts. They are the three huge trees iri front of the Malacanang palace, the presidential seal and the 500-peso (Ss34) bills. The trees allegedly block the flow of
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      • 62 4 FIRST Choice Properties has become the first developer in recent years to be barred from taking part in government tenders. This was for the unauthorised demolition of seven shophouses in Albert Corner which had been slated for conservation. The company, a subsidiary of developer Ng Teng Fong's Orchard
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      • 57 4 FUTURE examinations will have to be a test of the ability to combine and apply information rather than a test of memory. This and other changes will be the result of advances in information technology and an explosion in knowledge. The National University ol Singapore's vice-chancellor,
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      • 72 4 MALAYSIAN Defence Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will hold talks with Chinese groups to seek their help in encouraging more Chinese to join the Malaysian Armed Forces. The Chinese form about one-third of Malaysia's population but make up only per cent of the rank-and-file of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 f CENTRAL ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS (CATV) CLEARER RECEPTION FOR ALL TV CHANNELS INCLUDING PAY-TV, TELEVIEW, TV3, Ok v SATELLITE TV, ETC. '.'oflcw f 7l pmcni S% leOiic Antennas it one-stop TV-ANTENNA SPECIALIST, provides exce'lent after-sales service #REDIFFUSION Ji ri" Sealing. SingaDO'e 2 1 59 If 467 144 467 1145, 468
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    • 141 4 UP. ,-if LIVING IT. *3 rf© EACH WEEKEND, ptil up your cxccutivc feet, and let us shuffle through your imagination. Wc usually tread lightly, but even when we don't, you'll know you're alive after that exciting, exacting or simply emaciating week of work. So don't throw in the high-Hying towel,
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    • 150 5  -  By Yaw Yan Chong ON Christmas Day, when people should have been enjoying some peace and love, members of at least six teen gangs were busy bashing one another up. Two of the incidents were at Holland Village and Changi Airport's Terminal Two. Several of
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    • 73 5 IN recent months, teen gangs have f>een responsible for violence including heating up a 17-year-old hoy so badly that he had to be given intensive care in hospital. Other cases included a group ot boys beating another bov who "offended" them and four youths attacking another, who later
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    • 174 5 AT least 15 youths were in the Holland Village clash. Three of them ended up in hospital, were treated, and discharged. The fight started from a staring incident between two groups at Fire disco in Orchard Road, sources told The New Paper. Nothing happened then, but a few
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    • 174 5 THIS one involved four gangs. Three members of the Sio Gee Ho ran into Ang Meng Tong youths at a Bedok aquarium and exchanged vulgar remarks. Seven Ang Meng Tong members set upon them but the three escaped, gathered a group of about 10, and went to a
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    • 101 5 FOUR students, one of them a girl, were arrested in the Changi Airport dust-up. The four. l>elieved to be from the Sio < »ee Ho teen gang, had two parangs and were waiting to ambush two teenagers from a rival gang, the Gee Hai Kim. The
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    • 303 6  -  By Michelle Lee A MAN put a pot of soup to boil on a gas stove at about 4 pm on Sunday. About 30 minutes later when he and his wife were only about a metre away the stove top exploded. Mr B K Wong, a
      Picture/ Mohd Ishak  -  303 words
    • 181 6 ALL Technogas stoves are approved by the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (Sisir), said the managing director of Singapore Radio and Industry Mr Yeo Pan Kee said: "If it was not safe, it wouldn't he approved by Sisir." Sisir was unable to reply to the
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    • 84 6 A TECHNOGAS built-in cooking hob exploded at the home of Madam Rahmah bte Abdul Lat'ff on New Year's Day. She said she was trying chicken when she heard an explosion. She then saw glass shards all directions from the stove. Madam Rahmah. 30. said she was
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    • 393 7  -  By Angeline Song AAACHOOOOO! Has the flu been bugging you 0 If so, you are not alone. Thousands have come down with influenza in the past month. Ten doctors working in private clinics and HDB estates said the number of flu cases they handle
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    • 207 7 REMEMBER how your grandmother used to tell you not to go out in the rain, otherwise you would "catch a chill"? Well, it seems this old wives' tale has some medical basis after all. Doctors interviewed by The New Paper said the recent wet
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    • 476 8  -  BY Ganesh Rajaram IN just one hour yesteiday, garbage that came hurtling down from Block 103 Depot Road included food wrappers, garbage bags even baby's diapers soiled with faeces. It hapj>ened despite a report in The Sunday Times about some residents who are making life
      Pictures/ Simon Ker  -  476 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 >3E!L^ r BfSL?:' #)^JI«III^^H^^^HHH^IR!!!!S^ 4w 3PI I*l B»■ V BSr _f_ v IFf v Hi// v /iB M It* JT lis iw£s* f 4V9 a s^StaturiL^s^ JRH^ BBEmTTS w; mskjk BnS W'w trips to Japan, Australia Fw/^. J x«/wf.ji. i r r pi?* with frvrv retvman watch uou buy ana
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 MEMBE R S H I P IS EXTRAORDINARY Out of the ordinary comes some- is extending the invitation to you to be thing extraordinary a membership part of this extraordinary membership that opens a world of excitement to you As long as you are employed, Besides a host of exclusive
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 109 8 Because YOU asked for it i We're bringing back our steamboat dinner. Plus an all- j vou-can-eat barbecue buffet. J Together for the price of one! I I It s an irresistible value lor money offer! T Our two-in-one steamboat and barbecue buffet dinner offers over 40 items of fresh
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 536 10  -  A movie now in tov/n stars Kevin Costner as The Bodyguard of a pop singer played by Whitney Houston. OVIDIA LIM finds out if Singapore celebrities hire people to protect them I By Ovidia Lim MANY American celebrities have a corps of full-time bodyguards with them
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    • 92 10 AN SBC spokeswoman said that an artist liaison officer usually accompanies stars on their engagements. "They are not bodyguards. Rather, they take care of the arrangements such as getting the stars drinks. They function like chaperones." she said. "We don't have bodyguards for the stars. It is
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    • 124 10 A BODYGUARD does not come cheap. Average monthly salarie> tor them can range from $1,000 to $4,000. Wushu exponent Philippe hong, interviewed by The New Paper last year, has been a bodyguard for more than three years. It costs $1,000 to $3,000 to hire him and
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    • 279 10 BtSINESS Times marks another milestone today. It introduce* a package ot changes to make it even more of a regional business paper with a sharper focus on Asia. in particular the fastdeveloping East Asian region. It ha- also expanded its corporate coverage of* both
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 346 11 I THENEW, MORE RELEVANT BusmessTimes WE KNOW ASIA I I INDEPTH NEWS ON ASIA I I i With our eyes on Asia, and our ears to the ground. Busincvs Times is your source of Subscribe now! The first 4(H) new subscribers will each reieise a Sony Walkman with a time-sensitive
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    • 315 12 Twenty people in Hongkong were crushed to death shortly after midnight on New Year's Day. Police deny responsibility for the tragedy THE 120 policemen deployed around Hongkong's Lan Kwai Fong entertainment district on New Year's eve were adequate for crowd control, said Commissioner of Police Li
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    • 183 12  -  By June Kong ROLL into a ball, cover your head with your hands and hope for the best. That is the advice given by a horse racing instructor on what to do in the event of a stampede. Jockeys are at risk of be
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    • 322 13 AFP. MOSCOW wants to play a bigger role in the Gulf, says Russian Defence Minister Pavel Grachev. He made the remarks during talks with officials of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) yesterday. His visit there was the firsi by a Russian defence minister. Russian
      AFP.  -  322 words
    • 226 13 Reuter. CANADIAN Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has trimmed down his Cabinet trying to project the image of a leaner government in hard economic times. This is an election year ancl the government's popularity has slumped with the recession-hit economy. Polls show Mr Mulronev is
      Reuter.  -  226 words
    • 74 13 T Xaxi drivers are often the first people foreign visitors speak to when they get to Germany and we cannot stand by in face of these violent attacks. Mr iMb Piter, ipihin- ftr afcaat 3M taxi drivars wki jrni tbiir cabs rmm\ tkt dty if Stuttgart
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    • 349 14 Wire services. THE Japanese ship, Akatsuki Maru, carrying 1.5 tonnes of highly toxic plutonium, reached its home port in Tokai, Japan, this morning amid protests from environmentalists and residents. The arrival of the ship, with the largest ever plutonium cargo carried by sea, ended a
      Wire services.; Picture/ Reuter  -  349 words
    • 170 14 Reuter. •,i THE Russian Government will pav 250.000 roubles ($960) to the finder of a tame, white dolphin which e>caped from near the Black Sea port of Sevastopol. The reward is about 25 times the average monthly wage in Russia. "The dolphin is named Tishka, it
      Reuter.  -  170 words
    • 50 14 p X eople from time to time talk to me about running for president. I haven't ruled anything in. I haven't ruled anything out. It's just like military options. Outgoing US Secretary of Defence, Dick Cheney (above). He is widely believed to be eyeing the 1996 presidential election
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    • 294 14 UPI. BUSINESS confidence will remain low in Britain so long as Mr Norman Lamont remains as Treasury chief. So say most of the chairmen from 29 of Britain's largest firms in a survey carried out for the BBC's Today radio programme. The survey also showed that
      UPI.  -  294 words
    • 297 15 AFP NUDE photos are no longer no-no in China and that's official. Almost bare breasts look out of the front page of a newspaper for the first time. What's more, the taboo on boobs has been broken by a newspaper published by the Culture Ministry.
      AFP  -  297 words
    • 71 15 LAST August, China staged its first X-rated play in Shanghai. The Chinese version of Harold Pinter s play, The Lover, had a steamy sex scene.. Last July, the first matchmaking service officially-sanctioned to specialise in introducing Chinese sin gles to foreigners, opened in Guangzhou. In June 91, officially
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 124 13 n One buffet two cuisines, I w m Here's good news for those who low both Cantonese and Thai cuisine. We've created a buffet that gives you the best selection of both, m one meal. We call it our Canto-Thai buffet. Begin your feast with a serving of crispy suckling
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 33 15 i I lie Derby Restaurant v»iueand ex^^kx^«M6xrf V^ e I 11 Td:4«o 2JW srssrf ft II ?S^ t| j SdH A|l /II lyy|gj| ClfTOt Cftkc, Wanton Met, Weekends A Ei^ofPHL Steamboat Comer BlQMESlKluttllwi^ffi/tP
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  • Article, Illustration
    684 16 Men dream of her and women long to look like her. She often doesn't get out of bed in the morning for anything less than a six-figure fee. Her fortune: Her face and body. He too is rich and a star. His fortune: His talent. Put together, these
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 749 17 Icc i A I 5.50 PM Opening followed by Ghanamirtham 1.55 PM Opening followed by Ml Tut (Stereo) I music's.ereol 3.00 The Last Swordsman Mandarin drama with I cic m mmj Tamil Knglish subtitles/episodes 19 20 of 25): Zi Luosha continues to brainwash Yu and 6.45 Star Charade <(iameshou wants
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    • 400 18 AP WHAT began as a holiday field trip to support United Nations relief workers and j peacekeepers in Elosnia and j Somalia has turned into a nightmare for Secretary-Gen-eral Boutros-Ghali The world's top diplomat was jeered and spat at in Bosnia and forced to take refuge
      AP; Picture/ Reuter  -  400 words
    • 199 18 AP. A RECENTLY divorced veterinarian in Louisiana tried to poi--<>n his five children while visiting them for the weekend. Stanley H Zukowski allegedly told his ex-wife "that if he could not have the children, he would Kill them and himself, a police affidavit said.
      AP.  -  199 words
    • 44 18 T Ahe best way to keep abundant hair is not to worry too much over dailydetails and troubles. Japanese cosmetic firm Shiseido, on its survey showing that people who are anxious, pessimistic and irritable tend to lose their hair more
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    • 356 18 AP A TOUR bus in Mexico overturned on Sunday, killing 24 people, said police. The bus was carrying 52 tourists to Mayan ruins near Cancun when it overturned on a rain-slick road, hit an electrical pole and caught fire. Other sources gave different reports
      AP  -  356 words
    • 349 19 A MAN S head is up for sale. The price: $416,000. The buyer will get not just a skull but a complete head. A man in Brazil is advertising his head for sale. The advertisement says: "For sal£: completely-tat-tooed head, very alive and firmly
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    • 220 19 AP A MAN in the United States allegedly hired two hitmen to kill his parents because he wanted their money. David Gorzelanny, 38, told investigators he had hoped to find money hidden at his parents' home and collect an inheritance, police Lt George
      AP  -  220 words
    • 123 19 Reuter A BRITISH driver kept his head yester day when he ducked moments before a truck sliced off the roof of his car. Unable to avoid a collision, the man threw himself across the passenger seat <>t his car as it shot under the truck in the middle
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 45 19 I am the sort of person who needs a big mountain in front of me to climb. Two-time Olympic figure skating champion Katarina Witt, 27. The German skater hopes to make a comeback in the 1994 Winter Games in LiNefcammer, Norway
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 278 19 l—— I I I THE NEW PAPER/YAOHAN LUCKY SHOPPER PROMOTION ONE COUPON 4 WEEKEND DRAWS 3 WINNING CHANCES fei! Vr*^ 2 22 I ■■un—u I MB A lllin 1-he coupon on the right could win 1 I I IWfV I HIT JL lUmI you a 53,000 Yaohan Shopping 4<h -«h
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    • 417 20 MORK than a few good men would like to be in -lack Nicholson's shoes these days. At age 55, the two-time Academy Awardwinner is now l>eing described as the first man with a real chance of winning two more Oscars in the same year.
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    • 480 21 The New Paper Prettiest Actress Contest has closed and entries are now being counted. The results will be announced on Saturday. The last count showed that two are riding high among the top five. They are Pan Lingling and Sally Chen who are in a new
      Picture/ Choo Chwee Hua  -  480 words
    • 5 21 Sally Lingling
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    • 68 21 WHAT: Heavenly Beings. STARRING: hew Chor Meng. Huang W envong. I ianwen. Pan Lingling. Sall\ Chen. WHEN: 1 omorrow on SB(" 8, 9..*i0 pni STORY: The god s are reincarnated as artists in an opera troupe to create havoc among them as they think some of them are
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 137 21 NowYouH Enjoy Eating Even More J/m w° .v< Spl^ JPUBBPPBm^WI^ Lunch Guide Privilege Card members, you are entitled to savour and save at these restaurants: A! Tandoori s Restaurant Borshc'n Steakhouse Chikuyotei Dragon Palace Restaurant Citra Indonesian Restaurant Dolphin Penthouse Cafe St Restaurant Different Tastes Cafe El Felipe's Mexican Restaurant
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 131 22 COMICRELIEF ALSO CAN \f// Showcase For Singapore Cartoonists Beng'Jr /Daniel Chua im W H Jj CONY® *H Wttt. Vl o iwst _J I IN ■■HBHETn «g» —-^—————^I^——■l—— Tok Guru /Sofiyan Yahya PLEASE,UEL? )/wiV A9E II WHAT I>O "XXI J ME. A -think (feISZ a n^i'K Calvin and Hobbes/Biii watterson 'T
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    • 551 22 SOUNDWAVES fm J? dio 1 symphony Mows oti the Hour FM 92 4 12.09 PM Nose Tea year lancbdatr NOON Papular Classics l.llt Midday Mnrfcet Report 2.00 PM Programme Summary 1.15 IHwna tbe NmMms 2.02 Afternoon Concert 1.30 Kmc Tan your hmchdate 5.00 Vhra La Musica (CMfi) 6.00 What's on
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 294 23 I m, m hI nfl a Your son is studying overseas. And you want him close to home with news from home. Someone close has been living in Canada for some years. You've posted ou ve given up a manitier to Imd your Toky #IBc »""K WUBUi TWA Tlmiaa The
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 61 24 1 1 I i •#V> V<C»^ 9m& J fe aftte. 'fir C«! <? rS'X* **«> *jg .^> cS» bj >C/7^^ M t V.A. *z Jm Hi" t J JS J x *4 unpurxd by «u.atJMU)*Pߣfl HOCK SA* YUEN H)OD MPY (FTF) LTD s2l. juried Road. iOl-16/!^ l.jpo Ftctorv Buiadmf. Sm§apo*i
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    • 470 24 fIBIHHKIHIHBMBHMHE 2015 Fo9d/ Entertainment 2015 Food/ Entertainment 2015 Food/ EnNrtotniiut -I L SEASON'S GREETINGS Ours is a brand new joint. 7 KTV rooms, each uniquely designed. OPENS DAILY: MON. TO FRI. (4PM. TO 12AM.) SAT. SUN., PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (3PM. TO 12AM.) HAPPY HOURS MON. TO FRI. (EXCEPT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS) 4PM.
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    • 324 24 2290 Business Sanrictw/ Products mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn I If you want definitely safe I I and speedy delivery and I I or collection of documents I i| or parcels, we'll be able to I I meet your needs J I <l Normal 3 hour Express Rate for Documents only I rhe follovlng
      324 words
    • 68 24 2250 Business Services/ Products a ft ft Qb Agk jkal.jk Z4W rroperries i j BUKIT TIMAH MCE ROOMS ;n semi-d. ful- ly furnished airron Can rook 1 free parking I CALL J 4679 204/ 4679 205 Expat Bachelor looking FOR A ROOM. o Aircon o Bathroom o Parking Pro for
      68 words
    • 31 24 2250 Susinev Services' Products 2670 Education/ Instruction V r\-4 If you aspire lo be a FUght Stewardess Attend our Free Work shoo and Assessment 339 8682 #02-18 Peace Centre IXlft *tfS*ON
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 243 25 2670 Education/ Instruction I I pEU*fc^AUL4ii^^HMU<2aiEMHKUtt£USIMIHIXILfIdVMHnEIII2iSIH|| I Good Secretaries J I Are Made, Not Bom I 42 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE I TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU I SECRETARIAL STUQ|^ r I m PumBUUHHhHHHHH n M DATE I 7th ft Bth Un'93 j B M OPEN HOUSE 1 It
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    • 59 25 2VTO Education/ Instruction 2710 Professional/ Executive Poaitions hhb Km A well estabiisned \olun- I I tary noine for toe ttifrt in S*mba««sng area requires I I SRN I Interested pleas** come I I personall> or M: 75t-0723 I I (after 2 00pm Mr«. Tan I Fastads for as little as
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    • 125 25 I 111 111 l I BBB^g 2710 Professional/ Executive Poeitions j International Trading Company located near Bukit Batok Central MRT Station requires: MARKETING EXECUTIVES V le\el or equivalent Experience in similar position preferred Completed National Service Plfdst apply to: JACO S'POftE PTE LTD 9mm #01-00 Bukit BaM Central Singapore 2399
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    • 338 25 2C70 Cdueattofi/ B Kings Queens n k Modelling Studio J B BASIC PROFESSIONAL fij f GROOMING COURSES; J D Potential assignments given ffl W Potential Make-up Skiri Care W D Grooming course fl |f Interested please call Ms Angela at <*57 M 56 2 B From 10am to spm ffl
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    • 182 25 2971) Education/ Instruction WWV> 1 I A Japanese Trading Firm I requin* I FEMALE I RECEPTIONIST CUM I GENERAL CLERK I Post available I immediate 9.00 am to 515pm ith alternate Sat ofJ I Transport Allowance I Age below 25 I Walk-in interview at I 23 Genting Road #04-02 I
      182 words
    • 348 25 2730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions JVMwtaMMwd Trading Firm iwwlti you to join the TE -*.M 1 1) Admin/ Accounts Officer LCCI ACCPAC (ACCPAC Training provided Must have initiative to H assist m running office administration 1 2) Admin. Asst. I (Female) I IT o bml Some typing compu- ler knowledge (train
      348 words
    • 188 25 2730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions JUNIOR SECRETARY required t>\ e»Labii>!i»'l .«dvrr* j ing photo Mudi<> <) lr'.»- fpai en<* Ba>n A 1 fc!i a.- tgv positive a Ji'it j > essential Writ*-m vutft photo 4. expected s ilarj to Fred s Fotoert 66 Tannery Lane #05-07 Sindo Budding 5(1334) 7449
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 305 26 2740 Sale* Positions ROYAL SELANGOR (S) PTE LTD urgently requires RETAIL SALES ASSTS./ PROMOTERS (EARN UP TO $1,000) Other Benefits: 6-8 off days a month Sales commission Medical It Hospitalisation Dental Free training 13- month payment Bonus Monthly social gathering Requirements: Age 16-40 years Secondary education Fxperience preferred but not
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    • 184 26 2740 Salts Positions Albert Photo has vacancies for 1) Experience Female Colour Printer Operator for mini-lab ir Orchard area 2) Male/ fa male Junior Sales Assistants. Part/ fuM time mailable. Pleas* call: 775-:344 Blk 34 Common wealth Lane #08-» Singapore 8814 j FEMALE SALES MERCHANDISERS e To service ex sting
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    • 332 26 2748 TlßiiMlßll PIIWIRI dl) ECMMPMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS (Nwinwnt Ist sr 2nd. Shift) ■2) AUTOMATION TECHNICIANS (Permanent Ist ShNt) la Minimum NTC I ITC in an electrical/ electronics/ mecha- tronlcs discipline a Knowledge of PC ap- plications is an adv&n- tage a 5-day work Interested please call H *****77 for enquiries
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    • 329 26 IFM 9 5,000 employments in the Caribbean H 8[ Positions Available I Chefs and Kitchen Staff, Waiters/esses, Bar Staff. Shop Staff. B 9 Administrative staff. Hostesses, Bellboys, Cleaners, Me- fcj H chanics. Information Gerks, Recepcionists, Seamen, Electri- B Q cians, and many other positions. We are looking for applicants M
      329 words
    • 108 26 j Lounge Ptmitiont PART 1. FULL-TIME wat messes Part-turn: 11am 3pm or <>pm 10pm 5-day week 53.50 -S5 per hour Sun It puolic holidays off S7SO 9999 Meals 6 uniforms provided #•1-91 Shafl Tawar Batfciry h»id Nail to ftafllaa MIT station 2775 Drtair/ DiMNvry Odfitch Positions J An aataMMiad ready
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    • 182 26 2780 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge roaitioni BBBHHBBBBiBS 2775 Driver/ Delivery Despatch Positions Japanese Food Stuff I Company requires I DEUVERY CLERK I Chinese Male I Age 25 years I Must possess class 3 I driving Uience I Preferably staying I near West Coast or I Clementi I Contact Jenny Um I
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    • 347 26 2775 Driver/ Delivery Despatch Positions An established expanding trading company has varanry for DELIVERY DRIVERS (2 vacancies) Starting salar> S^.iO Increment af>r ronfinnation Possess valid cla-s cencp Must h#» physic ally fi- No fxperiencf required Able to start work immediately Walk-in interview between 9am. to spm. at: 510 Sims Avenue
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 206 27 2790 Part-Time/ Temp Positions I SSSSBSSBBSSS mmm >/' vX< ■'A'i LOOKING FOR EXTRA INCOME II ParV full-time after-office-hour work available. Easy and simple jot) work. Hardworking candidate can expect at least $2000 above per month. Call DESMOND MISS LING LING II B at 225 1219 now. J| ■■NbflliflftflMßHilAllliHHflHHiHl Part/ full-time
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    • 105 27 2790 Part-Time/ Temp Hub til ii «i rOfllKHil A M> oetaMtebod Urm office in Bhsnton Way rogwree: TRAMEE Male' female age abov«» 21 Any field experience are welcome No experience. -fr*e training provided Part-time lemp (immediate vacancies) CALL: 2284-190 (tam-tpm) A§. 3M1C74 MR. CM. TAV/ WENDY J PART-TIMES REQtMRED Fleiibte
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    • 230 27 2795 Other Pecitiens MINISTRY OF EDUCATION I invitjs application for appointment to the grades of I (A)CLERICAL OFFICER I GRADE B (B)COMPUTER INFORMATION ASST. GRADE IV (OJUNIOR OPERATIONS ASST. I (D)ASST. LABORATORY TECHNNICIAN (E)TYPIST (ENG. TYPEWRITER I EDUCATION) I Entry QueNficetions: I For poets (A) A (B): I e 3
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    • 155 27 7711 OfelrPoJtkm* I WAREHOUSEMAN I required by an American Oil Field Equipment I Company to work at I.oyanu Olfshore Supply I Base I Completed N S I Age: Beioa 40 years I Fos.*ss 3 I>riv- ing Licence I Mm Sec 2 Education I With/ without I experience I Salary
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    • 267 27 zm Other NsMsns J V Every section of 45 mm massage C $15/- Commission ft From the 6th section onward. $18/- Commission B€ST INCENTIVE BONUS q\ Monthly 200 section onward entitled to $400/- >v I{ incentive bonus Subsequently every addition of (u M 30 section, another $15C/- incentive bonus is
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    • 7 27 2795 Other Positions 2530 Announcements i ———a
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    • 173 27 i 2796 Other Positions #Du« to the expansion^ I professional moving I I company requires I f DRIVERS With class 4 ker. e PACKERS vVith experience in household packing ipret x H WAREHOUSEMEN •In charge ol warehouse coordinations 1 GENERAL WORKER F y Please caN fossfe/lrene A I interview at
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    • 317 28  -  By Abdul Shukor WITH three of its top players absent, the Singapore Squash Rackets Association will find it extremely tough to beat Malaysia in the annual Dunlop Salver tournament on Mar 6. This is the assessment of SSRA secretary Maj Haridas Nair after taking into account that
      317 words
    • 330 28 Reuter. GUY Forget celebrated his 28th birthday by leading France to victory over the United States in the Hopman Cup tennis tournament in Perth yesterday. Forget's victory, which earned France a place in the semi-final, was surprisingly easy. He beat MaliVai Washington 6-3, 6-4 in
      Reuter.; Picture/ Reuter  -  330 words
    • 161 28 AP. FOLLOWING a slow start, Goran Ivanisevic of Croatia, seeded second, defeated Dutch qualifier Hen-rik-Jan Davids in straight sets on the opening day of the Qatar Open Tennis Tournament. Ivanisevic failed to produce the firepower which has made him such a per- former in
      AP.  -  161 words
    • 66 29 Was S Thavaneson, an FAS Council member, "playing ball" when he undertook to negotiate a deal with Johor FA for the services of Singapore midfielder Hasnim Haron? Some local soccer officials are disturbed with the deal and with Thava's role as a Council member. But, Thava
      66 words
    • 594 29  -  PATRICK ANG: VICE-PRESIDENT, GEYLANG INTERNATIONAL, AND NATIONAL TEAM MANAGER Stories Bernard Pereira PATRICK Ang, general manager of Singapore's national soccer team, was a visibly disturbed man yesterday. He was upset over the news that national midfielder Hasnim Haron was to move to Johor for the
      594 words
    • 241 29 RICHARD WOON: CHAIRMAN, TIONG BAHRU CSC TIONG Bahnj Constituency Sports Club chairman Richard Woon is sceptical about the Football Association of Singapore's apparent ignorance over midfielder* Hasnim Haron's move to -Johor. Woons scepticism stems from the fact that it was S Thavaneson, an
      241 words
    • 89 29 A lis an FAS Council member it is his duty to give priority to national interest and Hasnim is important to the national team. Thavaneson should have given the FAS a deadline. iurong Town FC secretary K Suppiah I think it is not right of Thavaneson to
      89 words
    • 42 30 WHAT THAVA SAYS Was Thava right in being involved in the deal. He gives his side of the story... WHAT THAVA'S LIKE Thava has a history of involvement in local soccer. We give an insight into the man...
      42 words
    • 255 30 As an FAS Council member I will do everything within my power to promote football in Singapore. But I also have a duty to Hasnim and the other players in my club. I have a duty to ensure that they
      255 words
    • 480 30  -  By Rajendran FAS Council member S Thavaneson's love affair with soccer started when he was a student at Anglo-Chinese School. "I came from ACS, where soccer was not big. And though I follow badminton closely, soccer is everything to me/' Thavaneson had said in an interview with The
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    • 378 28 2795 Other Positions 2799 Oiler Foe Wens m i® RIDGEWOOD CONDOMINIUM Kos immediate voconcies for: Minimum secoodory 2 education Ab<e to communicate in English Completed Notional Service Possess valid SISS Bronze Medallion or Pool BM K'xswledqe of CPR and first aid Spared to perform shift duties, work on Public Holidays
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    • 75 30 fiur i Head or anythng'' Ca l Hotlin*Plus i 1800-734-7711 I No Teiecom *or caiis Pax *****75 Or wrte 10: tm Th# Htm H p»pr V 390 Kim Stoq Rd. Singapore 7m lo 7pm Sat 7*nlolpm Sx 9am to 7pm What do you j the *3n in-the-street tntnk of ♦he
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  • 326 31 FA CUP THIKD ROUND AP. LES Ferdinand spearheaded a burst of three goals in five minutes as Queens Park Rangers powered into the fourth round of the English FA Cup yesterday. Ferdinand struck in the 21st and 24th minutes, while fellow marksman Gary Penrice added a
    AP.  -  326 words
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    • 255 31 USCWMHB FORGET THE ■'fe it- i >'*"3 HERO IN HOPMANCUP W A W A W TRIUMPH gy I I .ft Count On Trimline For A New Figure In The New Year DH| I I "V "Losing more than 16 kg was v 4 7 a great achievement for me/ 1
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