The New Paper, 17 July 1989

Total Pages: 26
1 28 The New Paper
  • 15 1 the new paper MONDAY, JULY 17, 1989 MCI (P) 36/4/89 50 CENTS the new paper
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 TT W! 5>IW WEAR THIS TO OFFICE? It's the trend, says fashion store./ Page 21 r it §j» iw v T COMPULSORY AIDS TEST? A number of countries put foreign workers through compulsory Aids tests. Singapore is considering doing the same. (It s) mainly for prevention more than anything else,"
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    • 20 1 GUNMEN rTiTrrrr S'POREANS ON KL HIGHWAY /Page 4 irj, 5P di J WHY THE MAJOR IS SO HAPPY /Page 28
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  • 43 1 It is only a two-storey building, but when former soldier Rogelio Obismo sat on the rooftop, his neighbours were worried. One of them ran to catch him when he jumped. Still, Rogelio broke his legs and hip. AP picture.
    AP; picture.  -  43 words

    • 310 2 T i HE Government is considering Aids ■tests for foreign workers who want to work here. "No decision has yet been made," a Health Ministry spokesman said. He could not say if foreigners already working here would also have to take the tests.
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    • 81 2 AIDS TEST THE method most widely used at present to test for Aids involves two stages: The Elisa Test to detect the presence of Aids and the Western Blot test to confirm the results. The Elisa test involves placing blood samples manually on a tray and
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    • 136 2 SEVERAL countries require foreigners to be tested for Aids. They include China, Austria, West Germany and Belgium. China has enforced mandatory blood-testing for long-term foreign residents and Chinese who have lived abroad since 1987. Big eastern cities in China including Beijing, Shanghai and
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    • 153 2 THE Kuala Lumpur government has imposed two rules on Thai workers coming to Singapore via Malaysia, according to Thai Deputy Interior Minister. Today's Lianhe Zaobao quoted Mr Wattana Assavahem as saying the rules are: 14-day notice to Malaysia before they cross the border;
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    • 61 2 Wire services. IRAN does not intend to export its fundamentalist revolution, says the man most likely to be its next president. Parliament Speaker Hashemi Rafsanjani was quoted by the official Iranian news agency IJINA yesterday as saying that Iran would continue to promote Islam. But this
      Wire services.  -  61 words
    • 282 2 Wire services. PAKISTAN'S Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has offered arms control talks to Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi. Mr Gandhi has called for an end to fear between their traditionally rival countries. Ms Bhutto made the offer in a dinner speech soon after Mr Gandhi
      Wire services.  -  282 words
    • 445 3 MOTORISTS heading east by way of the Keppel Viaduct can count on one thing this evening. They will be caught in a traffic jam. Possibly for half an hour. Soon after that they can expect another jam, this one at the Fort Road
      Picture/Aundry Gan  -  445 words
    • 227 3 HEARD of wild flowers? Well, they don't come much wilder than these. This new species from Taiwan sprouts heart-shaped sunglasses, guitars, saxophones and other instruments. That's not all. Pop a cassette into your beatbox or just clap your hands and see some real
      pictures/Jonathan Choo  -  227 words
    • 156 4 THE Highway Robbers have struck again. Last Thursday, 40 Singaporeans travelling by bus in West Malaysia were robbed of about $80,000 in cash and jewellery by four armed robbers. Their coach had just left Kuala Lumpur, travelling north on the KL-Ipoh highway, when the
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    • 407 4 A giant moves after 10 months THE move took 10 months to plan. Experts and equipment including a trailer with 96 wheels and 12 axles were brought in from around the world. Why all the fuss just to move a piece of equipment about 150 metres? It was because the
      Picture/Choo Chwee Hua  -  407 words
    • 213 4 THE modern family unit is not as close as it once was. So how can you get youngsters involved in worthwhile activities? That will be one of the questions the Urban Youth Work Seminar opening today will attempt to answer. The week-long
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    • 170 4 BUSINESSES should make use of commercial warehouses instead of setting up their own, says the Trade Development Board (TDB). It will be more efficient, it will save labour, land and money, and will allow them to concentrate on their main business, says TDB's chairman,
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    • 376 5 G ROWING use of Changi Airport has meant growing delays for our flagship carrier Singapore Airlines. These delays, coupled with full planes, have stretched the airline's ground handling resources to the limit. As a result SIA has received more complaints than compliments for the first time
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    • 227 5 PUNCTUALITY is not the only area SLA is aiming to improve. Other targets are telephone services, check-in times and baggage handling. Passengers have given high marks to SIA in the "easy to reach by phone" category. But the airline said it can still do better.
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    • 131 5 SINGAPORE police do not only worry about catching criminals. They also worry about what people think of them and their work. The June issue of the Police Life magazine reported that some policemen wonder what they can do if someone makes a complaint about them. They asked
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    • 360 6  -  Stories/ Chitra Rajaram s 0 NORING can lead to death. No one has died from it but chronic snorers are showing the most definite symptom of a little-known dangerous perhaps fatal disease called Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Left untreated, OSA can lead to high blood pressure and
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    • 168 6 A NEW service was introduced by the National University Hospital (NUH) last year. Known as the sleep service, it was introduced to diagnose and treat sleep-related breathing disorders. The service is provided by the Department of Medicine's Pulmonary Division, which has been involved in sleep studies since
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    • 130 6 THESE words appear in our stories today. The following will help you check the meanings. air lifted: Transported by air. ballistic missiles: Rocket weapons guided automatically in the first part of their flight, but which fall freely when they get near their target. drubbing: Defeat. hesitant: Reluctant to do
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    • 230 7 MAN-BOX Dear Editor, THE Area Licensing Scheme between 4:30 pm and 7 pm is causing the greatest problems to parents like me with children in Primary 1 attending the afternoon session in schools located in the Central Business District. As a concession, would the Minister
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    • 304 7 I REFER to your report, "Be more open with the girls" (July 7). I couldn't agree more with Ms Grace Caldwell's findings. Within my own circle of relatives and friends, I know of many cases where Indian girls are unmarried because of the very
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    • 319 7  -  By Chitra Rajaram WOMEN can protect themselves against disease as well as pregnancy by using certain types of contraceptives. One of the best ways of protecting against sexuallytransmitted diseases (STD) is the vaginal sponge, said an American doctor. The so-called "female condom" does an even better
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    • 135 7 DOCTORS interviewed by The New Paper recently said the vaginal sponge may not be popular here as Asian women don't like touching themselves. But Dr Rosenberg said this idea "is changing now, as women get more self-as-sured and educated". In Thailand women were at
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    • 343 8  -  By Irene Ng I KNOW you are all going to fall down laughing when you read this. Feel free to do so. It might cut down on your medical bills. Forget the apple. The saying now goes: A belly laugh a day keeps the
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    • 150 8 BESIDES belly laughter, there are other ways to produce your own endorphins, says Dr Fred Walker. They are: 1. A good, steady physical exercise programme. A rough guide: 10 to 20 minutes daily. 2. Relaxation, particularly auto-hypnosis, will induce a tremendous flow of endorphins. About
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 I Made in Germany GOOD FOR HEALTH Memorin is a natural protein preparation. It helps to keep you alert and energetic. Memorin relieves giddiness, restlessness and tiredness. It can be taken by young and old people. Manufacturer* Dr. Graf A Comp. Nfl, Hamburg. Sole Agent: SOUTH ISLAND MEDICAL SUPPLIES (S)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 The good ole days are back at (Cliff Richard of Singapore), Johnny BIBI'S. Come to our DOWN Yeow (Hank Marvin), Tony Goh and MEMORY LANE PARTY and sing others. Show time 9pm-lam. and dance to the glorious music of the Price (all inclusive of first drink): 50's, the 60's and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 703 6 Two i readers MONDAY, JULY 3 TUESDAY, JULY 4 WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 share 1 W'g A F F EB 1 B R |~oTm E 1 0 B 1 B G L l 0 l B E B $500 2[bI r EA jDM 2 B Aj I ME dB 2 1c
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 Febs gives effective relief for colds Febs helps relieve your cold discomfort effectively. That's because Febs is specially formulated to relieve pain,fever and nasal congestion. It also contains Vitamin C to build up resistance. So at the first signs of a cold, take Febs. ht r micrnilional produ> i from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 GOOD NEWS SPECIAL POR TfXAS HtKD CHKXBi LOVHtS! nU i juty3«hwc* 1 ssssssa—«£jGOOD I\EWB SU)K-S UM.' S oo nev Hk {reS h\v ri fu s cW i #OA-00 Ctw*Hou^ ***** Jk 1 ;V^nU||l I II i i II Hi |i mwl »'l' iHH W| I I jIIH For BiacmJFreiherlbstiita Chicken-Moke
      53 words

    • 228 9 Wire services. AUSTRALIA is in the process of achieving a harmonious, multicultural society, says its prime minister. Mr Bob Hawke made the comment in Perth yesterday as he launched a report on a study which found people of different races and beliefs living together
      Wire services.  -  228 words
    • 52 9 It v been 20 years: Neil Armstrong (right), the first man to walk on the moon, waves to the crowd during a parade in Florida yesterday to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. Crew mates Micheal Collins (centre) and Edwin Aldrin follow.
      Picture/Afp  -  52 words
    • 120 9 Wire services. MOST divorces in China are apparently caused by male sexual problems. One in five Chinese men is impotent or suffers from premature ejaculation, complaints that account for three-quarters of divorces, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday. Xinhua quoted Mr Bi Jinkang, head
      Wire services.  -  120 words
    • 81 9 MR Huang Teh-pei, 32, is one of two Taiwanese journalists expelled from China last week. Mr Huang, who works for Taiwan's Independence Evening Post, had earlier been detained by Chinese authorities for one week. The authorities accused Mr Huang of conducting spying activities in China
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    • 189 9 Wire services. THE recent student-led demonstrations in China have prompted its leaders to lay strict rules for what students should be studying. The purpose of education is to serve socialism and foster Leninism and Mao Zedong thought, Education Minister Li Tieying was quoted
      Wire services.  -  189 words
    • 479 10 Wire services. UNITED States President George Bush has praised the decision of the seven-nation western summit in Paris to offer economic help to Poland and Hungary as they move towards democratic reform. And Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany hailed the Seven's decision to
      Wire services.; Picture/Afp  -  479 words
    • 204 10 THE First Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong, is back home after a three-day visit to Bandar Seri Begawan. Mr Goh was in the Brunei capital to attend the 43rd birthday celebrations of the country's ruler, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Mr
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    • 273 10 Wire services. AMERICAN policy on maintaining some 43,000 troops in South Korea remains unchanged "right now", said United States Secretary of State James Baker. Mr Baker was speaking from Paris on the eve of the annual US-Korea security talks. South Korean Defence Minister Lee Sang-Hoon
      Wire services.  -  273 words
    • 242 10 Wire services. A MAN fed money to ducks outside Sweden's royal palace before he broke into the castle and went on a smashing spree. He was later arrested. The unidentified 36-year-old intruder, a former mental patient, smashed antique Chinese urns and broke down doors before
      Wire services.  -  242 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 96 9 XUtHONGI jpjrKDNG fell 1 1 Ot£3 $1068 WZW HIGHLIGHTS: 'Stay New World Hotel' Return Flight BY Junrt>o 747 Sufficient Time For Shopping'lei Yue Mun" Seafood Dinner "World Biggest Oceanarlum Ocean Park "Sung Dynasty VKage Kowtoon City Sights ■Qiailarid IpiiiwS Z&Q m l HIGHLIGHTS: k M »t' f :I ty 747.757
      96 words

    • 45 11 She's all mine: King Kong has got a lot to smile about as he "holds"Martina in Dusseldorf, West Germany on Thursday. The papier-mache Kong is one of the attractions at the biggest public festival on the Rhine. It opens today. Picture/ Afp
      Picture/Afp  -  45 words
    • 77 11 Reuter. SHARE prices opened mixed, with caution ahead of Sunday's upper house parliamentary election offsetting optimism on positive economic news from overseas. Data released on Friday showed slowing US economic growth, which should lead to lower interest rates there, brokers said. Lower rates plus a stable yen could
      Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 161 11 Wire services. MOURNERS hurled stones at Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa when he arrived in Trincomalee to pay tribute to two tlain Tamil leaders, a spokesman for a Tamil group said Mr Premadau .waa not injured in yesterdayV incident, said the spokesman
      Wire services.  -  161 words
    • 308 11 SINGAPOREAN motorists will have an easier time travelling in Malaysia with the launch of a route guide today. Motorists will just have to take the roads bearing a particular number to get to their destination under the route information system, reported the New Straits
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    • 251 11 THE second link between Johor and Singapore will be either a bridge or a causeway. The project will link Gelang Patah in Johor on the west coast of Malaysia to Jurong. Malaysian Deputy Works Minister Datuk Alex Lee said it would link up with the
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    • 220 11 Wire services. A SOVIET nuclear-powered submarine poured out smoke in the Barents Sea yesterday, giving rise to fears that a fire had broken out. Soviet authorities said it was part of a military exercise and that the ship had never been in trouble.
      Wire services.  -  220 words

  • 451 12  -  S&GWt&h'C By Ting Mei See E IGHT couples twirled and whirled in unison at the Raffles Ballroom, Westin Plaza on Friday, and showed audiences what ballroom formation dancing was all about. The item was one of the main attractions at the Lion City Nite 1989,
    Pictures/ Aundry Gan  -  451 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 SHHH. IT MIGHT HEAR YOU Watch what you say. Because the Panasonic compact movie camera with true Hi-Fi Stereo Sound. NV-MSSO misses nothing. Its uni-directional Along with Piezo Auto Focus, -r stereo microphone gives you real purity and Flying Erase Head, Self Timer vibrancy when you record and VHS Inde*
      83 words
    • 75 13 if. SE E Y UR iiHH 111 I'® IU n Cttjc fWiyrjinirn v t iinril M tunc Sprinting 5 beetle bailey 5 windmills of the goos gmy sweet rival IllllOlljlttinil Ulillllli lljißlliHllill 5 JUST FOR THE RECORD g ONE PLUS ONE g SHINGEN ||'i|j|l|i|||i |ii|j|]l||i|i |ilj|l|||f||i t NEWS AT
      75 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1603 13 I 9 ||1 rn,u*M!u.x-im jfe 1l?1\ /I 1 |PiJh SCREEN Cine Showcase stand ,n ,nfinite v °y a e Th® Great t p® 9^% Quarter Final .aSfifijßßi CP MS (10.30 pm, SBC 12) /nTn"* 'ISd/i mi battle of wits and T Bj" I j ROLLICKING screwball (9.30 pm, SBC 1~
      1,603 words

  • 1529 14 spotlight What is India up to? Is it a big bully? Or is it just twitching, twirling and flexing its muscles a bit? One thing is clear. Big or not, India aspires to the company qfjhe high and mighty. Who doesn't? But for thai it map have
    Graphics/Hup Lee  -  1,529 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements

    • 540 18 BM Features. With three movie hits this year Dangerous Liaisons, Married to The Mob and Tequila Sunrise Michelle Pfeiffer is slated to replace Meryl Streep as the silver screen's most luminous enigma. IN a fake-baronial mansion in Beverly Hills, Hollywood's latest crop of young talent is
      BM Features.  -  540 words
    • 167 18 CYNTHIA Hood forsodk a glamorous singing and dancing career for a regular nine-to-five job. She was an SBC daneer for two Sirs. Then, she joined local group erne's Hot Gossip as baok-up ginger and dancer. Last year, she performed with a Ffiipmo group in
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    • 391 19  -  By Lo Tien Yin WHY are debates so popular? Our students enjoy waking up those adrenalin glands, it seems, and debates are a sure way. Having started 20 years ago, the debate series is the longest running on SBC. Executive producer Amy Chua said:
      391 words
    • 310 19 CASINO RAIDERS ALAN Tam and Andy Lau play a pair of gamblers. Like many a movie about the underworld, this stresses brotherhood and revenge. Also stars Idy Chan and Rosamund Kwan. Changi 2 and Republic 1: 1.30, 4, 6.45, 9 pm; Jade 2: 11 am, 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9
      310 words
    • 317 19  -  The San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra Victoria Concert Hall July 13 and 14 review/By Adeline Woon THE seeds of the flower power generation in the 60s San Francisco have borne fruit. It comes in the form of the San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra. A
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    • 166 19  -  s SEENLASTMGHT By Vivien Chiong BEING in the public eye means being able to laugh at yourself. We learnt that from last night's episode of Murphy Brown (SBC 5, 7 pm). Murphy, anchorwoman of the TV news team, finds herself a laughing stock when she
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 553 18 I THE [MPI OffllENT CLASSIHED SECTION 1 737-1166 Baicu MARINE ENER6Y PTE LTD i j irwttee appWcanta lor f jj I MACHINISTS! j A Requirements A Benefits A J NTC 2 (Precision a W Machining) or NTC 3 A (Metal Machining) f Ya Those without A jr working experience A
      553 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements

    • 1469 20 ►Centrestage CHILDREN'S CHOIR The Hong Kong Yip's Children's Choir members are between four and 17 years old. They will perform religious works and Chinese folk songs. Led by Yip Wai Hong. Tickets at $5/$8/$10. 3 pm and 5 pm. Victoria Concert Hall. ►Sales \~~3T ITALIAN
      1,469 words
    • 16 20 Children's Choir ►SALES: Italian Furniture Sale ►FOOD: Fit for Royalty COMING UP: Charity Bazaar
      16 words
    • 65 20 Sink your teeth into crispy crusts brimming with generous toppings of fresh tomatoes, herbs, artichokes, mussels, salmon, shrimps, olives~plus oodles of mozzarella cheese. Try the pizza fruitti dimare with succulent seafood, the pizza quattro stagioni with artichoke, mushroom, ham and mussels or the pizza Singapore that's
      65 words

    • 517 21  -  By Angeline Song OUT is in. Lingerie now can double as street and office wear. "Working women have sometimes been accused of dressing like men," said Ms Chua Bee Hong, advertising and public relations manager of Hong Leong Fashion. "Lingerie can soften an office suit and
      517 words
    • 202 21 SHOPPING BUG PICK RIGHT TOOTHPICK DO you have problems with round toothpicks that do not get right between your teeth? Well, now you can try dental sticks made for the job. Jordan's wedge-shaped, minty-tasting dental sticks have a slightly rough surface. This means they can fit
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 793 22 MONDAYRADIO COMICRELIhh M !{>! UM&mm Clirry-Pllff/Raymond Lee NOON News la Brief (Programmes in Mandarin) Z" draw in X J oa rnucK~S^X 12.05 Leachdate: Some entertaining NOON BaaatHal Mask: Light inatru- d ?fM«"ed j n t < I 0 r V "fhtV P4V vol/ music and song, are played for mental
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 845 23 COMICREUEF MONDAYRADIO Orchard Road/conn Goh QEJSHHIHI NOON Gaod Music, Company and Ma: NOON Nawsdeak Tune in to some great sounds 12.30 Off Tha SHalf <■■■ i P 1 w for your noon-time entertain- M ORMIOKIMO, !*2r2J"22.v> nH KfFfN LOOKS loi.wwt ment. 12.45 NataraNew MMIIOU toSwiNft\ 1 s°*2!? L 1 12.15
      845 words

    • Article, Illustration
      146 24 Reuter. ALLAN Budi Kusuma fought back after nearly losing the first game of the final to win the Thailand Open badminton title yesterday. He beat Thai champion Sompol Kukasemkij 17-14, 15-8. The men's joint fifth seed from Indonesia trailed 10-14 and looked set to go down in the
      Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 219 24 TENNIS AP. UNSEEDED Jim Pugh won the first singles title of his professional career in Newport yesterday. He defeated sixth-seeded Peter Lundgren 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 to win the Hall of Fame Championships. Lundgren evened the match at one set apiece with a break in the
      AP.  -  219 words
    • 303 24 Wire services. ENGLAND soccer international Chris Waddle will sign for Marseille tomorrow, Jean-Pierre Bernes, manager of the French League and Cup winner said. The problems over the En-glish-language translation of Waddle's contract appears to have been overcome. Bernes, meanwhile, ended speculation that Diego Maradona might leave Napoli for Marseille.
      Wire services.  -  303 words
    • 276 24 RACING- with DENNIS CHIfl ENTERTAINMENT XI, who won the Abcos Adelaide Premium race at Ipoh yesterday, almost didn't make it to the starting line. The Mummy's Game gelding received a cut after trackwork during the week which worried the stables but fortunately there was nothing serious
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    • Article, Illustration
      304 25 Reuter. FINAL: BRAZIL 1 URUGUAY 0 BRAZIL beat holder Uruguay 1-0 (half-time 0-0) at the Maracana Stadium yesterday to win the South American Championship for the first time since 1949. Striker Romario, of Dutch side PSV Eindhoven, scored in the 49th minute, heading a cross from the right
      Reuter.  -  304 words
    • 194 25 Reuter. 3rd-PLACE: ARGENTINA 0 PARAGUAY 0 ARGENTINA, without skipper Diego Maradona who was rested at the end of another heavy season, took third place an uninspiring 0-0 draw against Paraguay at the Maracana Stadium yesterday. The Argentines snatched third spot on goal difference minus four
      Reuter.  -  194 words
    • 275 25 H(K > Y AFP. HOLLAND won the Intercontinental Cup when it beat Canada 5-1 in driving rain in New Jersey yesterday. But Holland was rocked in the 23rd minute. Guy Manwaring, after a marvellous run through the Dutch defence, slipped a pass to Lee Tamkee, who
      AFP.  -  275 words
    • 473 25 Wire services. RESULTS of yesterday's international sports: BADMINTON Thai Open finals men's singles: Allan Budi Kusuma (Indo) bt Sompol Kukasemkij (Thai) 17-14, 15-8. Men's doubles: Park JooBong/Kim Moon-Soo (SK) bt Cheah Soon Kit/ Razif Zidek (M) 15-11, 15-3. Women's singles: Tang Juihong (C) beat Luo Yun (C) 0-11, 11-3,
      Wire services.  -  473 words
    • 433 26  -  By S Gulam in Kuching THE Ngap Sayot spirit is still alive in Kuching. And it could spur Sarawak to another giant-killing run in this year's Malaysia Cup. Kedah was the first team to taste the mighty bite of the Sarawakians on their battle ground.
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    • 153 26 Sarawak 0 Kedah 0. Venue: Sarawak State Stadium. Pitch: Good; Crowd: 35,000. Referee: K Letchumanasamy (Penang). Linesmen: S Balakrishnan (KL), Ismail Yaakob (Selangor). Shots Ist half: Sarawak 2 Kedah 1; 2nd half: Sarawak 2 Kedah 4. Free kicks Ist half: Sarawak 3 Kedah 11; 2nd half: Sarawak 2
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    • 304 26 KEDAH team manager Datuk Ahmad Basri labelled Sarawak's brand of football as "rough-house tactics." "They don't play football. They seemed more interested in breaking limbs," said a furious Datuk Basri. "The behaviour of the crowd has improved tremendously. But look at how they play. Calling it footbrawl
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    • 158 26 ELSEWHERE... Bernama. SELANGOR had to settle for a 1-1 draw against Johor despite dominating its Division One match at Merdeka Stadium yesterday. Selangor put up one of its better performances to thrill the 25,000 crowd but victory proved elusive to the 25-time champion. The
      Bernama.  -  158 words
    • 86 26 SEVERAL Singapore reserves will get a chance to prove their worth in the friendly soccer match against Yamaha FC at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight (8). With Singapore due to meet Sarawak in a Malaysia Cup tie on Saturday, it will be the ideal stage for players such
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    • 369 27 The East Coast Sailing Centre has given a timely boost to Singapore's boardsailors. It has offered them an all-expenses paid trip if they win gold at the Sea Games. And the sailors welcome the offer. ALFONSO CHAN reports A$5,000-carrot has been dangled in front of Singapore's
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    • 261 27 SEVERAL factors have given Singapore's boardsailors a dream of gold in August's Sea Games. Besides the $5,000 incentive, there is also the sailboard factor. Reserve boardsailor Lorgan Wong runs the company that will be supplying the official sailboard called Davidson to be used by all competitors at
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 182 24 a FIRST PRIZE: $20,000 CCSI-6232-AE64 10 SECOND PRIZES: $1,000 4E63-6332-F768 A6EO-6232-F424 EC3O-6332-C550 7902-6232-DDDC D723-6332-EBC2 F952-6232-CDDI BE7O-6232-B6AB DB7O-6332-1209 ASD2-6332-CF2B DDB3-6332-0118 SO THIRD PRIZES: $500 0C52-6332-3CD2 C3OO-6232-8932 A560-6332-24E4 1601-6332-BOOF CBOl-6232-3706 ACB2-6332-A365 IBE2-6332-BEE4 C9ll-6332-6AED Bl 10-6232-ACB9 2E32-6332-0480 CBD2-6332-15C9 8180-6332-C557 3271-6232-D3E7 CDII-6332-F604 8320-6332-6288. 3443-6332-2E38 CFD2-6332-3AOB 8482-6232-DDS3 3720-6332-3867 DOA3-6332-8A49 DEO2-6232-3D87 3800-6332-E2FE D6BO-6232-EAFB DE6I-6232-8448 3862-6332-37F7 D6D3-6332-CE74
      182 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 573 27 I MONDAY. JULY 17,1989 29/89-1 Win $s,ooocash jackpot this week. Cut out and attach with other coupons (Monday to Saturday) Name: Sex: I Address: I/C No: I Occupation: Age: Tel No: (0) (H) I jl| 0 R K SB I2| C H M"P~H n July 22,1989 I 3 H LAIN
      573 words

  • 702 28  -  w a va Singapore officials were more than happy with last Saturday's 1-1 away draw against defending champion Kuala Lumpur. It was a drab match. But there were some sideshows that JEFFREY LOW observed with keen interest... Jeffrey Low T HE major looked terribly almost frightened, almost limestone
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 62 28 CHAMPION: Allan Bud! Kusuma survives a close first game on his way to the Thai Open badminton title P 24 CHAMPION: Brazil wins the South America Soccer Cup for the first time after 1949 with a Romano goal P 25 CHALLENGE: A $5,000 bait for Singapore's boardsailors to strike gold
      62 words