The New Paper, 22 December 1988

Total Pages: 30
1 32 The New Paper
  • 12 1 the new paper THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1988 MO <P> m/4/M SO cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 JUMBO CRASH Pan Am jumbo ploughs into petrol station, H houses in Scotland. More than 250 are feared dead. Among passengers was a top UN official. "There are small parts of aircraft lying on the street. There is a huge pall of smoke hanging over the sky from burning houses."
      78 words
    • 82 1 From v rules to control dog nuisance. An owner: I 1. Can lose his licence ii he cannot control dog. 2. Must get permission to keep more than three dogs, if he is not HDB resident. In HDB flat, only one toy dog. 3. Must inform government if his dog
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    • 0 1 (][[;))?~'}@;}}<_%((^*`+[(}-,]"
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  • 61 1 Residents thought they were smartly-dressed salesmen. Until they were gunned down in a police shootout in a quiet Kuala Lumpur housing estate. "I thought they were salesmen taking short breaks behind our homes because they were always smartly dressed." They were wanted men, say Malaysian
    Picture/ NST  -  61 words

    • 348 2 TEACH your dog good manners. Or else, you will have to live without one. This is the tough line the government is taking because complaints against dog nuisance have been going up dramatically. So the government is introducing new rules which come into
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    • 239 2 FROM tomorrow, three new rules to curb nuisance dogs take effect. The Government will come down hard on people whose pets are dirty, mess up the sidewalk, bark excessively or bite without provocation. The Government has amended the Dog (Licensing and Control)
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    • 207 2 A MAN who prayed instead of taking his two-month-old baby to a doctor lost the child yesterday. The tearful father said in his Ang Mo Kio flat last night that he regretted not taking his baby to the doctor quicker. Mr Senin bin Pukari, 33,
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    • 92 2 Lianhe Zaobao. CHINESE High Secondary School believes in spiritual rewards. That's why it will not pay any extra bonus to outstanding staff, said the chairman of the independent school's directorate, Mr Chen Gungchun. He said that education is a profession of the conscience and a
      Lianhe Zaobao.  -  92 words
    • 263 2 IF you can't afford a dog, don't keep one. That's what Mr Richard Tan said when asked what makes a good dog owner. He should know. One of his dogs, Zibo von Fiemereck, a five-year-old German Shepherd, was
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    • 27 2 IN The New Paper yesterday, we said that one of the Police Sports Association's sponsors is Puma. This is incorrect. The association is sponsored by Patrick.
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    • 434 3  -  By Geneieve Kwek T i HEY were ready. They strapped their babies to their chests, held their lists ready. They marched along purposefully with their big bags. Thus suitably armed, Singaporeans went out yesterday for their last-minute shopping. Theirs was not to waste time. Theirs was
      Pictures/ Dominic Woon  -  434 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 30 2 THE WEATHER THE weather outlook from noon to midnight: Showers over several areas in the afternoon. Maximum temperature: 31 degrees. Minimum: 24 degrees. Sunset: 7.05 pm. Sunrise tomorrow: 7.03 am.
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    • 669 4  -  In The New Paper yesterday, you read about a salesgirl caught in a robbery attempt. The $30,500 she was carrying to the bank rained down on the pavement. Some onlookers ran off with cash. But one returned what he had pickqd up. He is a
      Graphics/ Cel Gulapa & Sho Ah Teck  -  669 words
    • 120 4 TWO men were found dead this morning. Police have classified one of the deaths as murder. In Serangoon Road, at the Syed Alwi Road junction, Tan Wee Kiong was found with multiple stab wounds at about 2 am. He was 33
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    • 512 5  -  By Harinder Gill C HRISTMAS has arrived early for Angeline Lim. Only a week ago, 10- year-old Angeline had only five storybooks to call her own. Now she can spend all her holidays just reading. "Now I can read and read until I go
      Picture/ Chuah Chin Hong  -  512 words
    • 71 5 NEARLY $2,000 worth of airport tax counterfoils wasn't all an ex-passenger service officer had tucked away in his Changi Airport locker. Yeo Teng Lam, 30, also had an uncensored videotape. He was yesterday jailed for a day and fined $2,000 for stealing $1,985 worth of counterfoils last
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    • 366 6  -  By Irene Hoe YOUR block could have a library instead of a void deck in future. You might also find well-stocked libraries at community centres, army camps, large factories, welfare homes, clubs and drug rehabilitation centres. A panel on the literary arts thinks
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    • 99 6 A Literature Board to design policy, initiate and implement activities to support and develop the literary arts in all four official languages. A Translation Centre. The Ministry of Community Development to support writers' attendance at conferences/workshops. Initiate and organise an annual Literary Festival. The Ministry of
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    • 149 6 TOO Tat Huan lost his cool with another driver because he was delayed in traffic and paid for it with a $600 fine. He admitted committing mischief at a traffic light junction by hitting another motorist's car with a hammer and threatening him and
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    • 369 6 TWO youths are representing Singapore at a prestigious Australian music camp early next year. They are the first Asean citizens to attend this camp. Wang Meng Ngee, 19 and Tan Ee Sin, 14, were officially presented at the Australian High Commission this morning with their
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    • 270 7 Lianhe Zaobao. T I HOSE special as well as commonplace things that speak of the history of Singapore's various Chinese clans will soon find a single home. By September next year, the Singapore Clans Association will open a cultural and historical information centre
      Lianhe Zaobao.  -  270 words
    • 168 7 EVERY one of the 2,000 people enjoying a Chinese banquet at the World Trade Centre tonight will have something in common the surname Lim. They will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Lim See Tai Chong Soo and the 132 nd anniversary
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    • 150 7 THERE are more people than ever on Orchard Road this festive season. There are also more police than ever. The police are mounting a major anti-crime blitz. Their haul last Tuesday was 16 touts and 17 people said to be involved in secret society activities.
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    • 166 7 THESE words appear in our stories today. The following notes will help in case you need to check their meanings. j astute: Clever and skilful. balked: Recoiled or was shocked. contempt: To have contempt for something is not to like it and to think that it is unimportant or
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    • 784 8  -  TIME to cool it. Next year, the Economic Development Board wants to be less successful. In a way. It aims to attract fewer investment dollars than it did this year. It aims to grow a little slower 7 per cent. It's going for quality,
      784 words
    • 165 8 WATCH out for the unveiling of two important national strategies next year. They are the National Biotechnology Plan and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development Plan. The first is being prepared by the National Biotechnology Committee. The committee's job is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 61 7 mm >Jm^Etf >* w v"V; f > X' 4 y ¥J 'ifetiiEW 1 i?K 1T Wg^^BDiip B Rodenstoch frames and ;f: lenses. The perfect combination of material f technology an J design. It* **> hnmkjf 4 Jf W J^Kr umjjm M. I jfl ■fihk. QUALITY BEFORE YOUR EYES Kodenstoch West
      61 words

    • 510 9 Wire services. MORE than 250 people were feared dead after a Pan American Boeing 747 crashed into the Scottish village of Lockerbie early this morning (Singapore time). The Royal Air Force and British Department of Transport said that no survivors were reported four
      Wire services.; Picture/ Reuter  -  510 words
    • 38 9 Boeing 747 jet leaves Heathrow 2.25 am (Singapore time). 243 passengers, 15 crew on board. Plane on its way to New York from Frankfurt. One hour after take-off, plane crashes near A-74, England to Scotland highway.
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    • 234 9 EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS Mr Mike Carnahin, who lives three kilometres south of Lockerbie: "I was driving past the filling station when the plane crashed. There was a terrible explosion and the whole sky lit up and the sky was actually raining fire. It was just like liquid. We have actually
      234 words
    • 449 9 NST and Malay Mail. FOR the past week, residents in a middle class estate in Kuala Lumpur have been brushing shoulders with four well-dressed men. It was a brush with death. They were four of Malaysia's most wanted criminals. Yesterday, after a dramatic face-off
      NST and Malay Mail.  -  449 words
    • 389 10 Wire services. MOSCOW is keen to develop closer ties with Manila, said the Soviet Foreign Minister. Mr Eduard Shevardnadze arrived in the Philippines yesterday for a 24-hour visit. He is the high-est-ranking Soviet minister to visit Manila, Washington's closest ally in the region, since
      Wire services.; Picture/ Reuter  -  389 words
    • 397 10 Wire services. THAILAND will maintain close ties with Burma even though other countries have cut back relations with the military-ruled country, the Thai Foreign Minister, Mr Siddhi Sawetasila, said in Bangkok yesterday. Western countries have imposed a virtual foreign aid embargo since Burmese army chief General Saw
      Wire services.  -  397 words
    • 219 10 Wire services. PRESIDENT Corazon Aquino of the Philippines has declared a one-sided ceasefire with communist rebels for Christmas and the New Year but ordered troops to remain on alert for possible attacks during the holidays. President Aquino's announcement came a week after the
      Wire services.  -  219 words
    • 128 10 Wire services. THE Yuletide season is no holiday for Ms Merry Christmas. The 24-year-old insurance clerk from Houston says her name often causes problems. Her father, Carl, thought it would be fun to name a daughter Merry. When she was a child, Ms Christmas recalled, he
      Wire services.  -  128 words
    • 114 10 Wire service. INDONESIANS will soon have their own version of the US television series, Little House on the Prairie. The local show is aimed at promoting social solidarity "so that all problems that hamper national development can be dealt with", said Minister of Social
      Wire service.  -  114 words
    • 363 11 Wire services. WITH accusations of murder and fraud, former Sri Lanka premier Sirimavo Bandaranaike said she would ask the courts to throw out Monday's presidential election results and order another poll. But a 10-member observer team from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal said that although there
      Wire services.  -  363 words
    • 31 11 After the rains: Slum dwellers carry the corpse of one among at least five people who died amid torrential rains in Sao Paulo, Brazil yesterday. Picture/ Reuter
      Picture/ Reuter  -  31 words
    • 105 11 Wire services. ALL dog owners in Shanghai have been ordered to slaughter their pets or have them taken away by police to fight an outbreak of rabies. City officials have also issued a rabies alert for the first time in 30 years, the
      Wire services.  -  105 words
    • 196 11 Wire services. NOBEL peace prize winner Mother Teresa and her nuns have been given the green light to help victims of the Armenian earthquake. Mother Teresa and the Soviet Ministry of Health yesterday signed an agreement in Moscow to allow eight nuns from her Missionaries of
      Wire services.  -  196 words
    • 128 11 Wire services. BRITISH Police said they found an arsenal of bombmaking equipment, machine guns and high-grade explosives like that used by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in a raid in an apartment in South London. Commander George Chur-chill-Coleman is head of Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch.
      Wire services.  -  128 words
    • 177 12 Wire services. A MAJOR arms deal between Britain and Malaysia has been delayed by a dispute over airline landing rights in both countries, Jane's Defence Weekly said in London yesterday. Malaysia is also seeking to slash the order by half, the defence journal said
      Wire services.  -  177 words
    • 307 12 Wire services. A FEDERAL judge in Washington yesterday set Jan 31 as the date for the start of the trial of sacked White House aide Oliver North in the Iran-Contra case. North is charged with diverting to Nicaragua's Contra rebels millions of dollars from secret sales
      Wire services.  -  307 words
    • 137 12 Wire services. THE Chinese government has given hospitals the go-ahead on mercy killings of patients stricken with terminal diseases, the China Daily said in Beijing yesterday. The patient must make the request, however, and his relatives have to agree, said the official En-glish-language
      Wire services.  -  137 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 673 11 Shin Mm Da«v News 3plusl BLOCKBUSTER QRAW HOW TO WIN! Here's how you can be eligible for each of the Hong Bao Special Draws and automatically the Blockbuster Grand Draw 1 Clip and collect 6 Hong Bao Daily Vouchers. Monday through Saturday, and attach them (if mailed) to your TOTO
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    • Article, Illustration
      246 12 Wire services. SHARES fell on the London Stock Exchange yesterday. The Financial Times 30-share index closed 3.3 points down at 1,435. Volume totalled 465 million shares. Certain shares were boosted by bid speculation: Suter, Camford Engineering, Unigate, Lasmo and Ultramar. Among electricals, Plessey gained ground on the prospect of
      Wire services.  -  246 words
    • 83 12 Reuter. SHARE prices firmed in early trade on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today as fears of an imminent rise in US interest rates evaporated, brokers said. The Nikkei index was up 47.71 points, or 0.16 per cent, to 29,745.90 after 15 minutes of trade. The gainers were led by
      Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 45 12 FT Industrials ue 1,435.00 (1,438.30) Dow Jones Average 2,164.64. (2,166.07) ST Industrial 1,014.41 (1,014.75) NST Industrial 1,773.70 (1,776.12) Hongkong Hang Seng 2,633.09 (2,607.97) Australian All Ordinaries 1,479.60 (1,462.20) Nikkei Stock Average 29,698.19 (29,567.94) Figures in bracket* refer to those of the previous trading day
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    • Article, Illustration
      258 12 THE New York stock market posted a small loss yesterday in a carryover of selling from Tuesday's late decline. Analysts said traders began to sell on Tuesday when the Dow Jones industrials made a run past their 1988 closing high of 2,183.50, reached on Oct. 21, but failed
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  • 441 13  -  FOODNOTES Foodworks 81-40/42, Wisma Atria 10 am to 10 pm About $3.50 for a meal By Lim Swee Hong THIS food court may set the record as the smallest one in town. Opened in the basement of Wisma Atria in time for the
    441 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 212 13 <o Ca!(ero( iwi/tj /o pjtr>. Club Med Phuket fl I Cherating Goodies 18 Kxciting Holiday Packages 10 4 Days/3 Nights Air Village Packages lo Club Med Phuket 8 3 I)ays/2 Nights Air Village Packages to Club Med Cherating £223 Consolation Prizes of Diethelm Goodies The first 10,000 entries received will
      212 words

  • Showtime
    • 238 14 USA Today. H "EAVY metal, dance-pop and teen queens were the heavy hitters among pop albums according to Billboard's B year-end charts. But the year's clear triumph is George Michael's Faith. With the year's No. 1 album, Michael earned 16 listings and five No. 1 rankings
      USA Today.  -  238 words
    • 122 14 VALERIE Cook "likes to live dangerously", she said. She is always doing something different and daring, such as car racing and rally eveqts. This gutsy woman has taken part in various rallies and circuit races, including the Johor Grand Prix in December last year. If that's
      122 words
    • 597 14 THE top 100 pop albums for 1988, based on Billboard magazine's survey of sales: 1. Faith (Georee Michael); 2. Dirty Dancing (Soundtrack): 3. Hysteria (Def Leppard); 4. Kick (INXS); 5. Bad (Michael Jackson). 6. Appetite for Destruction (Guns n' Roses); 7. Out of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 66 15 National H75 Hi-Fi VCR gives you sound power with remarkable realism. Ideal for stereo broadcast or simulcast TV programmes and tapes like being in the cinema or concert hall. Hi-fi sound system offers: extremely wide dynamic range, extremely low wow and flutter, and greatly extended frequency response. Plus brilliant video
      66 words
    • 101 15 USE THIS TO PROGRAMME YOUR gfjj NATIONAL VCRs. ss. MllllllllIMIIllllHllllllll gag in c»*irpnyrJinrrH s nvrntM tune Wpnnnng r THE INCREDIBLE HULK c MIAMI VICE o STRANGE ENCOUNTERS 3 18:30 19:00 DEC 22 5 21:30 22:40 DEC 22 0 21:30 22:35 DEC 22 iidiiiiiuiiiiiiii iiiniiiuiiii iiiiiiiniiiifin c T AND T
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1915 15 Televisions MPP SCREEN Of Japan Expressions Thursday Feature Special GEMS W n^j s n g S 0 e m P g 6 n Sldent BiBWBP (9.30pm, SBC W (10.40pm, SBCS) THE English Bach Festival A MUSICAL drama set in the 50s v (8.00 pm, oBC 12) WJ Orchestra performs George
      1,915 words

  • spotlight
    • 936 16 SO, YOU city-slickers, you want fun and adventure a la Indiana Jones. Go to exotic places. Dine al fresco... Well, try these for starters. First you march four hours in the middle of the night across 15-km of jungle and squelchy sand. Then you wallow knee-deep in mud
      Pictures/ Jonathan Choo  -  936 words
    • 119 16 Chin Kwang, 23: Accountancy student, NTI. "I would like to go to Chile because it's so different from Singapore." Loy Ying Ju, 22: Law student, NUS. "I would like to go to the least well-known of places. Perhaps Africa." Tan Tuan Huat, 23: Outward Bound School
      119 words
    • 56 16 The 36-hour ordeal: Some scenes from the selection weekend that separated the Venturers from the adventurers. (Above) After a hard day's work came dinner a live chicken! (Left) Climbing trees one of the "initiative tests". (Below) Wading through the sea toward the end of the evacuation exercise
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    • 434 16 FACTSHEET OPERATION Raleigh is an expedition that sends adventurous youth between the ages of 17 and 24 to remote places of the world. Part of the 10-week trip involves community work. The other is scientific, with Venturers as they are called helping researchers in
      434 words

    • 283 20 Syndicated Link. GRACE Jones' entourage which flowed out of a sleek stretch limousine in New York included a wardrobe co-ordinator/stand-in stuntman, six suitcases crammed with designer clothes, some friends and Chris Stanley, her new beau, singer/songwriter/record producer. As producer of Jones' Capitol album, No Compromise,
      Syndicated Link.  -  283 words
    • 185 20 SCROOGED (Shaw cinemas) BILL Murray is scrooged. Like Mr Scrooge in Charles Dickens' fable, Murray changes from a mean to a kind-hearted soul when visited on Christmas Eve by three ghosts. WILLOW (Cathay, Leisure-Drome) FANTASY adventure. Well-produced and designed. Willow Ufgood, a dwarf, takes on the task of getting
      185 words
    • 627 21  -  By, Adeline Woon JONATHAN Stone's occupation is listed as a producer/director in his passport. But he does more than that. He devises whole new concepts in drama. He is "into non-verbal theatre based on gestures, and the sound of language rather than meaning of language. And we're
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    • 550 21 THINKING of doing something special this Christmas? Instead of staying home this year, here are some options to choose from. Celebrations can start on Christmas eve. For those die-hard romantics, enjoy a candle-light dinner at Boulevard Hotel's Manhattan Grill. At $110+
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    • 439 22  -  Stories/ Ting Mei See THE year 1988 was one of the best ever for dance in Singapore. Not just in terms of performances, but competitions and innovation as well. The Singapore Arts Festival in June helped bring in companies from abroad. But even before the festival,
      439 words
    • WHAT'S IN
      • 93 22 THE Singapore Ballroom Dancing Championships 1988 started the ball rolling last month. The response from local dancers was tremendous. This show was organised to raise funds for a new Hong Kah Community Centre. Then last week, an equally enthusiastic crowd had a ball at the Singapore International Ballroom
        93 words
      • 64 22 PAVEMENT prancing began with the Safra's Party of the Year in August to celebrate Singapore's 23rd birthday in Orchard Road. More than 100,000 people, young and old, single and married, thought it a good idea to boogie in the streets. It was informal and even better it was
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    • WHAT'S OUT
      • 61 22 BARE breasts don't appeal any more. That's what owners of Neptune Theatre Restaurant and Orchid Lantern at Tropicana Theatre Restaurant and Nightclub have found out. Both places feature top- less shows by foreign groups. It seems Singaporeans would rather spend their money at other nightspots in town
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      • 102 22 THESE afternoon diversions, once popular with the Social Development Unit to get singles to meet, have been given the boot by single graduates. The reason, according to some single women, is that the guys tend to be too choosy. So the less attractive women are left in their
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 33 20 Hop for the Roger T^Bl^^B Games People Play y js|||tfjjj^^^^^H| Our Passion For Board-Games \^j The Pack England's Old Guard invades our shores Adam interviews Santa Claus! I Out Now! Go Get It!
      33 words

    • 284 23  -  By Brenton Wong T HAT old black T-shirt. It can come to the rescue if you have been too lazy and left it too late to shop for that festive frock. All you have to do is dress it up. Here are some ideas: For a
      284 words
    • 250 23 BEAUTY TIPS TIS the season of parties and yet more parties. How will you go about looking bright-eyed and fresh for each one of them? Here's how: For your eyes only Eyes can become bloodshot, puffy, with dark shadows underneath. Put herbal-tea
      250 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 48 24 TUFILf VC I I fflCln JkM lyf m mmmm f f W Vlf m w mm u >n •••JS? 1 M' MJUk U^—St^GM* V uovtYY \V,"JP From Your Newsvendor, Newsstand At Times The Bookshop Published by Times Periodicals Re Ltd. A member of the Straits Times Group
      48 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 153 24 COMICRELIEF Hagar the Horrible/pik Browne THB2S& HAV6TDU ll MOT in! If WMAT6Ltfg I 7W£ /iZr I -roup him? i woecs U mstUop& -kicking, OOV ~JVT ruwite, pulling x u*e... 1/ *45 am/#.,. J AllgUStd/Dominic Doelsma Angus McGill ~x Rst /Tpr/\6AiKjV] I w- George the Robot/stephen Stanley A42ISTTc}Ue:-WUo VJ I WAS
      153 words

  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 166 25 COMIC RELIEF Orchard Road/coim Goh Single Slices/Peter Kohisaat k IS I Cathy/Cathy Guisewite •*<9*minmir+um 5> lACCEPTEO IRVW6'S WVITfI-l |l OCOfTT ASK WHAT HE [for OWCE MMM LIFE, lA* [hi fTI WIVE TO A (I K*W\| "How about two out of three? This time TION TO THIS PARTY WITHOUT WEARING... I
      166 words

  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 1286 26 RADIOGUIDE roiMMMIIMIW E—nSaAA NOON Nmi la Brief (Programmes in Mandarin) NOON Oeed Music, Cmm«| iW Me: NOON Hoandoifc 12.05 Laachdate: Listen to a selection NOON Easy Usteeiag: Light instru- EnW V o lunch break with a 12JO Maty Tadajr: A weekly look at yy k/W of great musical entertainment mentals
      1,286 words

    • 146 27  -  RACING... By Malcolm Bastians RACING... CHAMPION jockey Terry Lucas has appealed to the Malayan Racing Association to reconsider his application for a riding licence next year. With four more race days to go before the season ends, Lucas is already assured of the Champion Jockey
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    • 298 27 MORNING TRACKWORK.. .with DENNIS CHIA MOONSHINE Jack, a Class Four runner, showed good form on a good track at Penang this morning. With J F Heng, astride, he went better than his Class One stablemate O'Darling (Asuwadi) in a testing 600metre trial in 38.8. Hot Gossip
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    • 192 27 Wire services. RESULTS of yesterday's international sports: BASKETBALL NBA League: Atlanta 121 Seattle 118, Cleveland 110 Utah 94, Detroit 116 Miami 100, New York Knicks 141 Indiana 113, Dallas 108 Philadelphia 102, Chicago 116 Los Angeles 103, Houston 105 Sacramento 104, Milwaukee 125 Charlotte 115, Portland 127 Denver 124,
      Wire services.  -  192 words
    • 392 28 Reuter. SPAIN continued its remarkable run of success in soccer internationals in Seville yesterday, ed Northern Ireland 4-0 in a World Cup qualifier, three of its goals coming in a 10-minute period in the second half. The win, which preserved its record of never having lost in
      Reuter.  -  392 words
    • 162 28 Reuter. PSV EINDHOVEN soccer captain Ronald Koeman may move on to Spain. Spanish giant Barcelona has made a bigmoney bid for the man who is arguably the world's best libero. Koeman will decide by the end of the week whether or not to join
      Reuter.  -  162 words
    • 136 28 Wire services. EVERTON could be without captain Kevin Ratcliffe at home to Middlesbrough in the English First Division on Boxing Day. Ratcliffe suffered ankle ligament damage in Tuesday's Simod Cup tie against Millwall. THE West German Soccer Federation has ordered Karlsruhe to replay a League match against Borussia
      Wire services.  -  136 words
    • 169 28 AFP. MAURICE Johnston could be playing for a multi-million dollar transfer today. He leads Scotland's strike-force against Italy in a soccer friendly in Perugia and is sure to attract attention. The 25-year-old has decided to quit French football with Nantes at the end of
      AFP.  -  169 words
    • Article, Illustration
      277 29 NST. FORMER West German international Manfred Kaltz will play for Selangor in next year's Malaysia Cup, freelance soccer agent Wolfgang Khulmann said, quoting a Hamburg newspaper report. Kaltz, 34, who captained winner Hamburg in the recent Merdeka Cup in Kuala Lumpur, will be paid $579,000. In a telephone
      NST.  -  277 words
    • 202 29  -  By Shahiron Sahari IF Sixten Bostrom was skilful, then his three Finnish successors at Geylang International next season Pasi Jaakonsaari, Mika Vayrynen and Kari Rissanen will be "exciting". Geylang team manager Patrick Ang admits that "it's too early to tell", but he was impressed by what
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    • 229 29 WATER-SKIING... with KEN JALLEH Jr KIDS, forget window-shopping. Think wa-ter-skiing. From next month, it could cost a lot less, and be a lot more fun. The Singapore Water Ski Federation plans to reach out to your school and conduct beginners' courses "for a
      229 words
    • 304 29 THE ski's the limit for Singapore water-skiing if it secures a home in the calm waters of Kallang Basin. The Singapore Water Ski Federation wants to put Singapore on the map in competition and as a touristy skiing attraction. And, says SWSF president
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    • 424 30 A team of unknowns who plan to make themselves the toast of the Premier League. That's Tyrwhitt Soccerites, the focus on Day Three of The New Paper's countdown to the League's kick-off on New Year's Day. ABDUL SHUKOR reports L IM CHIEW PENG we know. But
      Pictures/ Simon Ker and Sam Yeo  -  424 words
    • 286 30 TYRWHITT Soccerites Football Club is a three-year-old club which was born in 1911. Yes, you read that right. Tyrwhitt was registered in early 1985. Before that it was called the Singapore Chinese Football Club. And SCFC was founded way back in
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    • 463 31  -  TOMORROW: JURONG TOWN FC Acting Manager: Charlie Chan Coach: Tan Poh Kiat, Sasi Daran, Wan Koon Cheang Track record: In the preliminary round of the President's Cup in 1985 the Club emerged as group winner and qualified for the National Football League Division 3 for the 1986
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 557 27 THE EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFIED SECTION FASTads 737-1166 TELEPHONE SERVICE: Monday to Friday: 9am to spm (3:3opm deadline for next day) Saturday: B:3oam to 2fcoopm (10:30 mm deadline for Monday) Public Holiday: 9am to Ipm (for publication day after nextl RATE: $6.30 per column cm. (Minimum lcm x 2col) BOX SERVICE: $10.00
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 519 31 I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1988 51/884 Win $s,ooocash j jackpot this week. j Cut out and attach with other coupons (Monday to Saturday) Name: Sex: I Address: I/C No: I Occupation: Age: TeL No: (0) (H) I i—La« ooopoa I I R lIM \eM j ElM ~p- I R G JCTH
      519 words

  • 855 32 Out About i—jr SINGING CHRISTMAS 4/1 TREE. This year it spreads 1 J its branches to Sentosa. About 150 performers from the Calvary Charismatic Centre perch on the seven levels of the 12.2 m "tree"' and entertain with music and drama. At the Musical Fountain. Sentosa. Ends tomorrow. 7.30
    855 words
  • 106 32 THIS nine-member family group calls itself The Frontline Band. It's led by Mr Isabelo Cruz Jr, personal pianist of former Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos before people power toppled her husband. He used to accompany her on the piano as she entertained local and overseas VIPs
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  • 17 32 COMING UP: Sentosa's Chinese Opera GALLERY: The China Conection OUT AND ABOUT: Singing Christmas Tree
    17 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 49 32 GQp\ Terrific! This Issue's For Keeps i More Good 'Ears The Brit Pack V. Hop f° r best. Roger Rabbit England's Old Guard invades hits town. our shores Kissing '88 Goodbye Exclusive! Oh, what a year! Ouch. Adam interviews Santa Claus jri Out now. Go get it! GO DECEMBER
      49 words