New Nation, 19 January 1982

Total Pages: 23
1 24 New Nation
  • 17 1 New Nation City Edition SINGAPORE Tuesday, January 19, 1982 3384 Price 30 Cents M.C.(P) No. 96/1/82 imewiljttwtiii
    17 words
  • 131 1 AT THE JOHORE SAFARI PARK... "New leek wWi hdag eage<l up." Tkle omM be the tkmakt ea thto Um'i nU m he mUm ip to the ewdadaWilly to have a leeh at the p>MMg»w Mere walMag ttt agate. The et—iw at etoee f marten eeearred at
    Picture by JONATHAN CHOO  -  131 words
  • 353 1  -  Estates will retain their identity says the HDB By Teo Lian Huay Prefabricated Housing Board flats may look alike but housing estates will not. Hie HDB has made it a point to spread the 30,000 prefabricated units it will build over the next six years among
    353 words
  • 98 1 UPI New T«k: hnreator Mark DUereo- Cißwli hi wy ip wtto eOieirtee SmFtmm be wiMtaHy to hltfk m( l^jlkli|[ Ike flyeet >M la venter mji the ievlee tajMrteet tar oemta whe (tar to reey AM H mm wmt a step to toe
    UPI  -  98 words
  • 74 1 UPI WuhlifUi: President Reagan, angrily condemning the fata] shooting In Paris of an American attache by an unknown terrorist, yesterday said the United States will try to Infiltrate terrorist ranks to prevent such killings. Mr Reagan was asked about the shooting of Lt Col Charles
    UPI  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 303 2 Even when the Housing Board's building programme was comfortably on target, it was still a fact that there were many Singaporeans who wanted only modest and inexpensive housing. This was at a time when the number of flats completed actually exceeded the number of applicants on the
    303 words
  • 140 2 4 A glance at the daily newspapers makes it crystal clear how silly was the US Federal Appellate Court decision that home video recording constitutes copyright infringement and that all owners, manufacturers, distributors and advertisers of such equipment share in the liability. There is now legislation in Congress
    140 words
  • 76 2 [whispers~ff> ,£j Our traffic police should not dismiss what may sound like zany excuses for parking offences. In Los Angeles, a youth was charged with parking next to a fire hydrant. He pleaded not guilty, claiming that "the fire hydrant parked next to me." The judge was not
    76 words
  • 254 2  -  By Chan Eng Cheng The 50 km/h speed limit on light goods vehicles (LGVs) may be raised "by at least 10 km/h" if a Communications Ministry proposal is accepted. A ministry official said the Traffic Police, Registry of Vehicles and Public Work* Department
    254 words
  • 115 2 It might be the Year of the Dog, but it is the dragon which takes pride of place five storeys high over Iflsli Street. An official of the Peninsula Hotel, which put up the pearl-chasing mythical figure, said this is because man's best friend
    Picture by Chua Pang Tee  -  115 words
  • 241 2 The Singapore Association of women Lawyers (Sawl), which provides free legal advice at some community centres, also helps battered wives to find refuge. But such cases form only a small proportion of problems brought to it. Some of the cases are referred to the Social Welfare
    241 words
  • 142 2 AFP I—hi I —fw: Ai amMb rare Btrital ml kas bees rtyrt»< leiithdSSelali beHere tkat It hi the moSIW WMrti.'fllß On! wu aiBWHil to mm iianrtcM lervlee■u wartiaf to Ike Phfllpftafis to* May. They nM thk nn Unk to raMut to ha<h pwidini and
    AFP  -  142 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 V- 'C v -1. A V;> ®SSfi A s ;i.fV ."•v- >1. »'isV' r: f- •SK• V-* jfcj&fc*.*-. U* rf V. .av&i V--1 PR v c" T:f" ■9 >: b m "ft* .;Wt **> W| v.-' *yms r Vtt&'A®* sS^-v f Klca V wu# H" <3S£«H l;',v <£,'. -JlVr"" 4'*Cfe;v
      74 words

  • 417 4 UPI BMi: American ambassador Arthur Burns yesterday warned that dissatisfaction with Europe and criticism of West Germany is growing in the United States and the day could come when Congress might consider pulling back the 360,000 American troops. He said in an interview with the
    UPI  -  417 words
  • 208 4 Singapore is one of the most popular holiday destinations for young Japanese working girls sad the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board Is doing an it can to keep it that way. Most of these girls who have, Literally and metaphorically, the yen to travel, speak
    208 words
  • 90 4 The Regletry Vefctek* May warn ei that It will lit hwltoU to revtke the lleeieei ef reealeltraat taxi iilmi Mi trishaw riien whe mnte|B their pas- kMvi to tww*in» ii!rii!!!lli)!r" New aim, a iftkanu ■eli, enmiheutai hee the peat yeari ail have let heea eery Dvta| the flnt
    90 words
  • 106 4 Trend: Steady BUHINKWi DONE P*lfv4 TTF (1) 2.81 (1) 2.82 (3) 2.83 (5) 2.84 OCBC (1) 11.20 (5) 11.30 S Trading (1) 9.« (2) 9.50 Semb Ship (1) 5.85 (2) 5.95 (1) 6.00 UMW (1) 5.65 UE <1)2.48 Pan El (1) 3.40 (1) 3.42 Genting (1) 5.20 FAN(I)
    106 words
  • 18 4 UPI HMtbu: Gold opened at U*****.25 an ounce today, up from yesterday's closing price of U*****.05.
    UPI  -  18 words
  • 115 4 Si* men were charged In a magistrate's court today with confining Chua Teang Kuan at 107, Joo Chlat Road between 8 Sm. on Oct 9 and 4 a.m. 10 last year. They were alleged to have committed the offence to induce Chua's father, Chai Yow Nam, to
    115 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 One masterpiece that carft be copied Beefeater. The worfcfe most exported gin. ASSOCIATED LIQUOR DISTRIBUTORS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD. For thr M< nK'i n I CtISK MHJVk is 1 < > X ?ix• k i< \c< utivr M<><ln i) I .it i CASIO HQ 21 Agents
      43 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 324 5 JI ;i]:irv i*KH« j.IJ TU: Lightweight, easy to operate Tri atatlroda wngta tub* oWat* axcatonl raproductcn High sanaitMty colour rapraduc#onwithA3C «VTR switch Bu«Hn aanartivaconoanaai mmophooa Should* type design lor high moMHy Wh*a balance adkatmant sit* 4- XC-35Z COL Usual $2700 Off* Mm 1799 y *2* auti i MS i C\3t
      324 words

  • 281 6  -  PUB asks for views from PWD and police By L. E. Prema Schoolchildren in the morning session may have a brighter start to their day if the Public Utilities Board decides to reset its time switches for street lighting. A PUB spokesman said it is considering switching
    281 words
  • 164 6 Reuter Lm Vegaa: Four fighters of the US Air Force Thunderbirds aerobatics team collided over the Nevada Desert yesterday, »HiHng ail four pilots, the air force said. The planes were part of a group of six twinengined TV® TaJons rehearsing for an air show in March.
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • Briefs
    • 84 6 AFP WasMagtsa: The wife of a victim of Wednesday'splane crash at National Airport here is suing Air Florida for negligence on behalf of the relatives of all 78 victims. Mrs Erickson, from Georgia, is claiming US$5 million (about $10 million) from the airline on behalf of
      AFP  -  84 words
    • 72 6 Reuter HsMtfi: Finnish Prime Minister Mauno Koivisto, a 58-year-old social democrat, looked almost certain to become the countrc's next president after a preliminary vote yesterday. According to computer projections, Mr Koivisto's supporters had collected more than half the places m the 301-member electoral college that will appoint a
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 69 6 UPI New MM: India said yesterday that Pakistani security agents beat, bribed and illegally detained the Indian military attache's chauffeur in Pakistan. The Indian government claimed that Paksltani security agents detained chauffeur Karan Singh for five hours and dumped him blindfolded yesterday morning after beating him. India has
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 98 6 Kyodo Takye: Asean will sponsor its first fashion fair in Japan next month in a bid to capture a larger slice of the Japanese market, it was disclosed yesterday. The Asean Promotion Centre on Trade, Investment and Tourism said it will sponsor the fafr, to be held
      Kyodo  -  98 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 241 6 Usher in the Dew Year the Hilton way. /< )2S*" >*3 i=*T ri rfrffivS ,n j j 9 w§w^ 7 <r m 53 ■Sv RSSVs \T< r\ <ip v> <xsv Vfe Z'fr, *55 *S? ±v 2 &t u ft $s* r> Y W w rflT GOTIQXimCAI Beat the drums. Clash
      241 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 Titoni. The rare art of crafting sheer beauty from the bare essentials of Nature. Rendering exquisite form and line to precision masterpieces the world will never outgrow. And, Titoni is known for its unsurpassed devotion to accuracy and technological refinement. Timeless Titoni. Beautiful timepieces for men and women. TITONI swiss
      95 words

  • 581 8 UPI AFP Washington: Poland's leaders are not about to relax martial law because of fears of "an explosion" of unrest, possibly leading to civil war, US Senator Larry Pressler said yesterday. Mr Pressler, who just returned from a visit to Poland that included meetings
    UPI; AFP  -  581 words
  • 106 8 It Is MdfflM Is Had Yaehaa shspolag trolleys parked amsag the ears at the sad or irtiad ear park sf Thomson Plasa every They are appareatly left there by steppers whs sse them to carry their parehases to their ears. Bsme are left la
    106 words
  • 48 8 Reuter liege (lMghun): Eggs were thrown at the son of Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev yesterday by a crowd protesting against Soviet involvement Poland. Mr Yuri Brezhnev, a Soviet trade official visita companies here, was hit by the eggs thrown as he entered a restaurant.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 63 8 UPI TODAY is Tuesday, Jan 19, the 19th day of 1982 with 346 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Capricorn. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Confederate General Robert E. Lee said: "Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 186 8 If you are alone in the office and a stranger asks to use the toilet, be careful. You could have an unpleasant surprise. For, this is what happened to a 19-year-old clerk who allowed a man into her second floor office toilet at Upper Cross Street last
    186 words
  • 134 8 UPI Paris: Western repreaeatatlvea gathered here yeaterday far a twa day huh hush eallei to aarraw their eeaatrlea' dlffereaeee aa '''IT 1 nr—mlfi ttoaa agalast Palaad. Diplomats laid today's aad temerraw's seaaleaa will be aoM| the the meat important held by the Ceatral Cammlttoe aa
    UPI  -  134 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 wr m Ui m m mwLmm m m m m m ftpiii l§3 SS?i uu aarani g«S"< Laze around in loi 8.15pm. Come 8.45 Ethnically Polynesian in setting *-»nmiv»uj i ui/iivjiau ui jvlung. SVPHIQf Exquisitely renovated and replete Vrn W w ith wooden totem-like poles etched with intricate designs, w
      154 words
    • 63 8 ICE DEW HEAVY DUTY STEEL BODY REFRIGERATOR EQUIPMENT IDEAL FOR Ice Plants Industrial Air Conditioning Cold Storages Fishery Plants Breweries Dairies l-x Phone *****5 Contact Representative Temporarily in Singapore Surjit Singh Phone *****5 JJntt-1202, Tat Lee Bldg. 63, Market St. S'pore. Manufactured in India by Ice A Dieeel Engineering Works
      63 words

  • 216 9  -  Abigail Prior The National University of Singapore's engineering (acuity will take in 900 first year students this July, 170 more than the first common intake for NUS and the Nanyang Technological Institute last year. Entry requirements were then eased to attract students, but Prof Cham
    216 words
  • 140 9 UPI Beirat: Iranian Oil Minister Mohammad Gharazi yesterday attacked the Japanese firm, Mitsui, and its partners in a joint venture for what he called "arrogant" behaviour in dealings with Iranian officials. The official Islamic Republic News Agency Hrna) reported Mr Gharazi's remarks at a
    UPI  -  140 words
  • 189 9 UPI UPI Pfices were sharply lower along a broad front early yesterday in fairly active trading following the Federal Reserve's report of a record US$9.B Billion ($20.2 billion) surge in the nation's money supply. The Dow Jones industrial average, a 5.32 point winner last Friday, was down
    UPI  -  189 words
  • 32 9 AP Closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 industrials 855.12 (up 7.52): 20 transport 355.52 (up 2.89); 15 utilities 104.38 (up 0.20); 65 stocks 334.15 (up 2.52).-AP
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 V. v PAGOL QUARTZ A new dimension in precision and craftmanship.... 5^ >v •X s ?SK. 5/ :-i **>/ S; Blk <V.</ t ■<<* »<+. I kj $xl »'>• ■B 5671 PAGOL QUARTZ Slim, elegant dress watches V, 4 > -kVV'; AT A, V /A 5 *Vl MB i «>
      66 words

    • 799 10  - On-top-of the-world honeymoon By Jennifer Schoon A shared meal by firelight, then a quiet stroll hand In hand to catch a glimpse of fading sunlight over the mountain tops It's Just the stuff you would find in a Mills and Boon paperback to describe a magical fairytale honeymoon except that,
      799 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 10 tf
      2 words
    • 206 10 IHT It is a skirt, aai ye* ■st a sttriL,Call h^eeers er whatever, the tread Is tektog Paris, tin—. Rome aai New Yerfcey storm. Tew riris walking dewathe Bftlevard ft Germain a*all wear*4tvtiei skirts that are very Avt. aaether riga that short skirts are
      IHT  -  206 words

  • TREND 2
    • 98 11  -  W.D. How can I stop myself from feeling so self-con-scious? It has caused me to become so sensitive that I avoid crowded places. Doctors have advised me to relax but it la of no use. How can I rid myself of this morbid feeling? are
      98 words
    • 125 11  -  B.H.J. I love a girl whom I met recently. She told me that she has a steady boyfriend but I think he is only flirting with her. I think she loves me becauae die once told me she did not love her boyfriend. I do not
      125 words
    • 88 11  -  T.S.A. I like to write short stories and advertising copy. Can you please suggest some ways I can pursue this interest? I am a clerk and have obtained my A levels. Should I go to the university, pursue some writing courses or )oin an advertising agency?
      88 words
    • 215 11  -  I.G. I am 15 years old and am interested in my friend's brother who is about 17. I have told her about it and she may have told him. I am shy when I see him A few weeks ago. he telephoned and asked me out.
      215 words
    • 215 11  -  A.Y. We have been married seven yean. My husband has hist told me that he has fallen in love with a el of 21 He says he has unhappy throughout our marriage because he has trlea always to please me and has felt caged as a result.
      215 words
    • 993 11  -  What's la a shopping bag? Apparently, mare than the merchandise la It Thengh yea may aet have any straag prefer eaae abeat whether that hag Is made ef paper er plastic, there Is a heat af feast— far aad against either sabstaaee as JACINTHA ABISHEG AN
      993 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 Uv. •••V, Be *w* K -t. 1 5 a W-Tv&i W>l *p; Jf v tobep ••;-.v.' v 1 7 ~■> i v r .A :,>• ke4&*wJ£ 3£*Nii .-j- v^,^» a -v. >- *>.. VvV'^Sl^B V V '^zm i. V m £s£ r M mm %'^l a: h. v.". V I^^EE*
      60 words

    • 1209 12/13  -  12 stunt men at the Big Splash provide thrills Story by Nancy Koh Aaaaaaaaaaah! There is an ecstatic look on his face as he hits the water with a loud SPLASH! But the little boy takes a long time coining out. There he is, in the
      Pictures by David Tan and Jonathan Choo  -  1,209 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 53 14 <te Jr I k a v i i <*wfc •TO:' REDUCE HEAT, GL4RE MDE with 7 Surt Crwitfoi Mr>i USA •He ,-s ;e C v,' I -j"» r ii.t'i p' 1 i ,v I' !',l VI,-J ft I A' I 1! r I t If J SUN Smith I t
      53 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 141 14 COMICS si MUPPETB TRO6-ive wm maw a sexy OUTFIT TO CAPrutt TH£ MART Ctrl CERTAIN G&MGASAMOVA! rj 'A M 0 i B I 9 V ft Ti Iff SB h! ANDY CAPP i I itl i u: rr* 'A M ft Ml re •fc •v* hT if* IB r_t H.
      141 words
    • 240 14 .Wftimhi nMi^VAVi* .i.T.r a i 1 ivi Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions oppear below. Age Occupation: Address IO FILL IN MIBBINQ LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW CUT HERB CLUES FOR NO-2 1. Came to a finish 2. Many private garden has 3. A large oaaembly of
      240 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 43 15 pro*** otion Ao%: tss f a"^ uiri rg 0 MrJias fe t .*mF"z mm iU MODERN INTERIORS PTE LTD Steamed, barbecued of chilli-fried, prepared the way you love bast! V I SHOFMPIIMG W i G° ">>, V- 1 S 9 l .o' x r*'-
      43 words
    • 140 15 Go Automatic with Automatic Gate Operator (A German Product) The only proven reliable hydraulic system (UMd In aircraft*' landing go*o SAFE SECURE CONVENIENT for twttm <to«a//a, pteaaa contact ag»nt SIMITEX PRIVATE LIMITED til, M Floor, Far Kaal flopping Contra Orohart Mood, Wmmmm OSM. Tot 7*401 Totaa: SMfTEX RS MM 3
      140 words
    • 179 15 rmm in leramHTHcs At IBP's we present you with widest range of fine tiles for various applications of all shades and sizes. Tiles immaculately designed to match your every mood and lifestyle; for IBP is an w it* 11 slim INTERNATIONAL BUILDING PRODUCTS (PTE) LTD Cable: "INTERBUILD" Telex: IBP R*****3
      179 words
    • 287 15 Get an automatic gate operator for your house. But make sure you get a reliable brand that provides convenience, safety (no Jama possible) and security (high speed operation). Lenser, made in Germany with the hydraulic system used in aircraft landing gear, can he installed onto
      287 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 90 16 SECONDHAND CAMERA CENTRE BUY* SELL TRADE IN All brands of cameras Nikon, Pentax, Yashica, Hasselblad, Canon, Fujica, Minolta, Konica. Singapore Cosmos Trading Co Pte. Ltd. UGS Sim Lim Tower, 10, Jalan Besar, Singapore 0820. Tel: *****62/3. We open on Sundays and Public Holidays HONG TEK FURNITURE CO. (Inside Gay World
      90 words
    • 249 16 From November clients ofZX Jong Mee JLA Dtotlngutohed \tW/ Tailors PteLtd. wilt be entitled to a free draft beer for every pair of trousers. ss goodness on tap Monday —I Thursday Lucky Draw Daily we serve break fas t J lights set lunches and j Attractive prizes from Mexican food
      249 words
      24 words
    • 345 16 A twice weekly advertisement feature The bead office of Hock Slang Furniture Construction Company will be closed from today to Feb 1. However, the showroom will be open as usual. This is for the Lunar New Year festive holidays as well as because the proprietor
      345 words

    • 178 17 Reuter LmmlM: English soccer championship leaders Ipswich and FA Cup holders Tottenham Hotspurs reached the semi-finals of the League Cup last night. Ipswich triumphed 2-1 against second division visitors Watford, while Argentine Osvaldo Ardiles scored the only goal in Tottenham's home clash with first division
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 169 17 Reuter Hamburg manager Ernst Happel la at the centre of a row between World Cup rivals West Germany and Austria. The dispute arose after the countries were drawn in the same group for the opening round, along with Cnile and Algeria. West German Soccer Federation
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 239 17 AP England midfield star Trevor Brooking yesterday tipped France as his team's most dangerous first round opponents in the World Cup finals in Spain later this yearEngland was paired with France, Czechoslovakia and Kuwait when the draw was made in Madrid on Saturday. "France
      AP  -  239 words
    • 258 17 Reuter UPI New Zealand want British soccer clubs to help thorn prepare for the World Cup finals in Spain. Their surptise qualification left them with no plus fir warm-up games, apart from a tentative friendly against Hungary on Feb 11. Scotland-born World Cup director Charles Dempsey now
      Reuter; UPI  -  258 words
    • Article, Illustration
      488 18  -  And the hard way, too jTSR^Badminton By LEONARD KING Wong Shoon Keat, Singapore's national champion, may not have come close to the 10 million yen (190,000) prize-money at the recent Japan Open championships but, be certainly walked away richer in experience. Shoon Keat was knocked out in the
      488 words
    • 312 18 JF3 Athletics Combined Schools selectors will be looking for promising athletes at the first trial for the Asean Schools Track and Field championships at Cedar Girls School on Jan 30. Schools' athletics convenor Benny Chng said J'esterday that a total of our trials will be held
      312 words
    • 136 18 K3 Soccer With eight matches remaining, nine teams have already qualified for the second round of this year's Under-19 soccer tournament. Combined Schools, Cairnhlll F.C., Telok Kurau United F.C., Hai Sing Park Rangers, Tlong Bahru C.S.C., Toa Payoh Utd, Queensway Rangers F.T., Jurong Town F.C. and
      136 words
    • 59 18 Singapore's participation in the Penanf Open badminton championships from Jan V to FVb 1 has met with a hitch. The organiser* have informed the Singapore Badminton Association that the competition has been postponed Indefinite- IJSBA secretary Robin Chan said yesterday that the organuers gave no reasons tar the
      59 words
    • 930 19 By PEDIGREE If weight alone is any criterion, then Tmmui Stagspera, who gets pride of place with 59kg, stands the best chance in the $100,000 Tunku Gold Cupjaoe to be run over 2000 m on Sunday. Glancing through the weights released by the Selangor Turf Club
      930 words
    • 72 19 1 Royal Command n 2 Oram 3 Mighty Brigand. 1 Good Return* m 2 Lady Castlefleld 3 Denko San. 1 Cakrawala 2 Look Smart 3 s»ig»r Snap. 1 Sound of Success 2 Brani 3 Twinkle Tom II 1 Martigny 2 Tommy Jack 3 Adfc 1
      72 words
    • 188 19 Kaala Lampar: Valley Fmm, the only Tunku Gold Cup candidate sent against the clock, showed good form on a good track here this morning, reports PEDIGREE. After warming up oo the Polo ground, the Habitation four-year-old was switched to the grass and galloped smartly over flOQm
      188 words
    • 77 19 Bene racing laat a flattentake* personality wfcen Mr Loh Pla be panned away laat Hatariay. Pepalarly known la racing elrdee aa P. L Lifc, Ilia mlllt—aire ttmtat waa a p/uarat the tnrf and, la recent Bae string af hnrnea. in OetaW Last yaar. PJL ee«r«Mh^h&eet However,
      77 words
    • 417 20  -  Tengku ends row Rg Squash By TAY CHENG KHOON The seedings (or the World Junior Individual squash championships to be held in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 31 was based on the records submitted by the players on their entry forms. This was announced yesterday by
      417 words
    • 243 20 j^jlcnnte National champion Mahader Hassan, who capped a fine sea* son last year with a splendid performance at the recent South East Asia Games, has topped the final 1961 Ranking List compiled by the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association. Apart from sweeping the major local titles, Mahader,
      243 words
    • 864 21  -  K3 Soccer By NORMAN LIM Although there were no loud applause, most Singapore football dub officials persistently clamouring (or bigger representation welcomed the news that the Football Association of Singapore would be dissolved on Feb 2. However, at the same time, almost all of them hoped
      864 words
    • 197 21  -  By NORMAN LIM Soccer fans will be able to watch Bahrain play two friendly matches against Division One League clubs later this week. There will be no charges for these games. Bahrain were unable to obtain visas for their proposed Indonesian tour. And they have
      197 words
    • 293 21 Needs to spend more time at clinic Robert Lee has called it quits with Tampines Rovers, after managing the side for three years. And his grouse stems from his presence or rather, his absence during the team's training. He said: "I explained to the committee (Tampines Rovers)
      293 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 122 17 Conronfcr Slainfanw Slant Loun*«i Sullnn. Now nvnilahic In Comune l-nnlher Exclusively yours! SAFE Credit Instalments Scheme Lowest Initial Downpaymant Come Ik see a wide range of more than 150 sets of furniture, you probably won't believe it! -Sf v 1 \K r\ i ~4& -*\M nTTTTTJTBH ASIA FIRST ENTERPRISES PIE
      122 words
    • 175 17 V j Jewellery of fine •I distinct ioi i > .y -f* jniiijlin ji u'i Ih >if i'h 11,1 .uii'liii shopping' fiiirriil t < (,ri miikl Kli h I Kn.ul, |<)J l. tWIB TINGCM IN6ENIUS ALL-ROUND EXERCISER FOR KIDS No pedaling or motor needed. Just twist and go It's suitable
      175 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 306 18 BEAUTY CULTURE MADAMi Kit OMDfTAL racial* tor problem*, sensitive skins. No attaining muiue, machine* Appointment: *****10 (Jennifer) CATERING a MOLLY'S CAM UNIT 07-01 Thongsla Building, 30 Bide ford Road, Tel: 235-7312. Breakfast: Local 11.30 Continental 93JS American Kao. Set Lunch: We* tern/Local $4 90 Dinner Ala Carte our speciality Steam
      306 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 228 18 HI m I Kind of bomb 7 Whimpers L 3 Run L 4 Alcoholic beverage 15 Inhabitant 16 Securing ships with cables L 7 Got up L 8 Express gratitude tt Descry a Broadway sign 22 Baseball player 24 Average 26 Gold coin X) Bandleader Severinsen 13 Change direction H
      228 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 168 19 GIFT OS HEARING REXTON Hearing Aids Swiss Quality Product. This Chinese Lunar New Year, remember someone you love, father, mother etc. who con be helped by a correctly fitted hearinfl aid. Let them enjoy the pleasure of hearing wel not only for this New Year but for the rest of
      168 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 317 20 Www $1,500 WORTH OF "HOUSE OF KITCHENWARE" GIFT VOUCHERS TO BE WON! IH THIS EASY-TO-SOLVE WORD POZZLE To win on* of thoaa prtzaa, aN you havo to do is to compfata tha word puulo. Than, aand your an try togothar with your namo and addroaa to:MODERN PROBLPMS/HOUSE OF KITCHENWARE WORD-PUZZLE
      317 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 391 20 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you possess a calm exterior that belies the tremendous amount of nervous energy that keeps you going longer and stronger than most You are a purposeful Individual. You approach life and lts problems with no wasted motions, no unuseable thoughts. You
      391 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 45 21 X mkt wm f>>f >-?t«-f'.•> g#>~M£" V' T"\ §t m-h w^. >' si „v m 81 hss r-aa vV >wF^n jfc&r ..?*>7 i&4 v ?VXi*i .'.•'.--•.V y* > r s r t 5,/rrfTF*' t V I'lK' is* > m 4 fry A < jU^fWbK. .V^ lie ecraee H V
      45 words

  • WHAT'S ON 1
    • 463 22 It's Lunar New Year, and just the season to be painting the town red. And helping merrymakers do just that are some of the more familiar (aces from the Asian entertainment circuit. Stars like Anita Sarawak, Ding Mercado, Kenny Bee, Jiang Ung and Tang Lan
      463 words
    • 129 22  -  Glitter Chatter by Teo Lian Huay YmOm fie Wmtertremt) was In pending nudH* h W aeif Kr Tag ts had news. Kr snnsaneed Ms lii Mii ts break ap wttfc the settees, was bad bssa Ms fliMHusd far seven confirmed tbe f S? KaagT^Ss!
      129 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 325 22 TIB DAT OF THE JACKAL: Starring Edward Fax as The Jackal. Jade: 2.30, 6 and 9 p.m. Last day. SILVEE DREAM RACES: About the special price of love, ambition and revenge on the motorcycle race track. Cristina Raines. Orchard: 1.30, 4, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. TEE BEYOND: A horror film
      325 words

  • WHAT'S ON 2
    • 517 23  -  SBC composer bags a Kinma By Michael Chiang Mr Tony Wong shares his little office with a piano and a desk with an imposing stack of scoresheets. But he does not eeem to mind. He is, after all, the music specialist for the Singapore Broadcasting
      517 words
    • 167 23 Acker Bilk fee mm straager to mmr shsrcs. The fined Jass artiste, whs plays the clartaet, has visited fflagspiff rix tlins hefere, aad Is tee la towa whe hit the top mt the British aai IsmHbsb charts with Strmmgmr Om pcrflsrssaeeee at"
      167 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 104 23 7ZX n.v v* ,fT L m .»> >7^l TfiiWMfiSMMi" 100,000 ptoplt •xptctod a day to nmtmbtr. Thay got ona t hay 11 navar forgat f jTj AIRBORNE DISASTER 1 '1 V V CI_I nsrtccre Al\ Unique sfniiiioml Olflct r ORCHID LANTERN Ist DRINK CHARGE $20/- per person You con watch
      104 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 267 23 and around town tal. From 8 a.m. to midnight. Free admission. On till Sunday. EXPOSITION: Organised by the Kebun Banru community centre building fund committee. At Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 (opposite Block 246) from 6.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets at 30 cents each. On PLEUBE PAS LA BOVCEE
      267 words
    • 95 23 Tides Taltj: 12.45 p.m. (1.1 m); 7.38 p.m. (1.8 m). Tmmtt*w: 12.37 a.m. (1.4 m); 6.52 a.m. (2.2 m); 2.09 p.m. (0.9 m); 9.11 p.m. (1.9 m). llHvaiay: 2.00 a.m. (1.5 m); 7.54 a.m. (2-3 m); 3.09 p.m. (0.7 m); 8.09 p.m. (2.1 m). Frliay: 3.01 a.m. (1.4 m); 8.45
      95 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 195 24 FOCL Industrial Finance In the world of Industrial Finance, Forward Oversea Credit Ltd. clearly leads the way. Whether it is the financing of just one piece of equipment.or a whole industrial complex, the FOCL approach is innovative, competitive and modern. And it is strong! It is a joint affiliate company
      195 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1343 24 G2S1 TELEFUNKEN VCR S( i I 3.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS. Stuart meets Dr Atwater after Jennifer's last fainting spell and he is told that Jennifer is seriously ill with a highly abnormal heart-beat. However, surgery cannot relieve the problem. 3.25 SCINTILLATING STARS (C/ r).
      1,343 words