New Nation, 15 August 1981

Total Pages: 26
1 28 New Nation
  • 16 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Saturday, August 15, 1981 3252 Price 30 Cents M.C.(P) No. 103/1/81 Iloit Vat ion
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  • 49 1 Latest Reuter Pertagaeee air eeatrailers will kiyMtt US traffic fer 48 heara hgiMiM at l m Ntadty (7.J a.m. Stanpin time) la mUdarity wltk Mr rtrtk'"B The irrM»a wae made after eeatrallen la all Pertagaeee eeatree held separate meettag* te reeaaildur a plaaaed sevea-day beyeett. Beater
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 223 1 NYT Washington: A Federal administrative law Judge recommended yesterday that the air traffic controllers' union be stripped of its light to bargain on behalf of the controllers. He said the union's 12-day-old strike was an open and flagrant violatin of federal Judge John Fenton, chief administrative law
    NYT  -  223 words
  • 140 1 AP Washington: Singapore is not the only country wanting to learn from Japan. A group of 30 American Industrialists, labour leaders, administration officials Congressmen will tour the country next week to study Japanese technology, the American Productivity Centre announced yesterday. They will try to
    AP  -  140 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 Top scholar found hanged Storv <m<l pictures on I 2 INSIDE Club defies FAS China to crack down on writers, intellectuals Page 6 v Three Cs to keep your car purring Page 10 Sewer men to get IN TBI OTHER closed-circuit TV Page 7
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    • 80 1 ase ccup Grand Prix Avv.irn Winner Sole Aaents: Atlas SoundHPte) ltd Cimmtid* eaptala Chew Ckee Png awarded tke swerd «f heaeer laatmeatfc SJ ROBINSON'S IO>N ON dearing the old, making room for the new. Ipiiliirti' Slapping Canto* Orchard Road Timlin T1 SPfOAI SALE SHOPPING HOURS: Mow, Tim, Wad f* 9.45
      80 words

  • 298 2 Today's editorial takes up where the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation left on last night in its documentary on Geylang. Like many parts of the country, Geylang is becoming less and less recognisable. The old Geylang Serai kampungs and villages on one side of Sims Avenue have given
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  • 81 2 Singapore's five-star Mandarin Hotel W has a restaurant called The Stables which offers "truly good English fare." For example: Lobster Soup Napoleon, Fish Bouillabaisse Marseille style, Meat Fondue Bourguignonne, Fresh Norwegian Salmon, French Goose Liver, Russian Malossal Caviar. On the other hand there is the simple table d'hote
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  • 75 2 [whispi ks fp ,^j A couple went for dinner at a hawker centre in west Coast Road and to the girl's annoyance, her boyfriend kept going from stall to stall to inspect the pots and pans. "What are you doing?" she asked. He retorted: "II I don't look
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  • 557 2  -  He was a brilliant scholar and top sportsman By Gan Soh Eng He lived in a humble hut and worked his way up to become a top sportsman and brilliant SAF scholar by the age of 23. But tragedy struck Commando Captain Chew Choo Peng on
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  • 244 2 AP AiaMa (CaHtenrin): A grwp wktie parpme. to to graat the wtotoi ef gravely 111 ehMrea toi arraaged far aa eight yeat iH Berth Afrtoaa hay whs agSg to"ra&toe^hU 1 fly, «f aieetlag A trip to Dtoaeylaad eeald hewaw realty aa
    AP  -  244 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 J < J? K 4 J Fine Champagne Cognac comes exclusively from grapes grown in the two best areas of die Cpgnac District of France. Remy Martin VSQP fine Champagne Cognac
      30 words

  • 195 4 UPI Memphis (Teaaeaaee): The Elvis Prealey eatate awes —re than US$l4 mil Ilea ($9.4 mll- la back taxes because ef alleged Mistakes la repartlac the late entertainer's lacame, accordlag to claims made by the lateraal Reveaae Service. The Memphis omm ercl ml-Appeal newspaper said
    UPI  -  195 words
  • 537 4  -  Bill to replace 'strike* with 'industrial action' Parliament round-up I»v Ray Dhaliwal The government is taking steps to tighten its rein over industrial action. To pave the way for such control, the Trade Disputes (Amendment) Bill was introduced in Parliament yesterday by Cemmnaleattoas
    537 words
  • 48 4 AP Aa unidentified demonstrator whe rcfuaed to meve is glvea a helpiag hand by three patteemen during a pretest la New Yerk agalast the aeatraa bemb. lie pratestors were demanstratlag aa Thursday agalast the Ualtod States aad Rassla's declslaa to preduce the bamb. AP
    AP  -  48 words
  • 168 4 Five people, Including two teenage girls, pleaded guilty in a magistrate's court today to a charge of commiting robbery at the Macßitchie Park. Lee Meng Eng. 20, Lai Kim Seng, 17, Soh Leng Leng, an 18-year-old girl, a 16-year-old boy and another girl, 15,
    168 words
  • Briefs
    • 73 4 Tbe National University of Singapore is processing 792 applications (or scholarships and 764 for bursaries for the academic year 1961/82. There are 85 scholarships and 88 bursaries available. Under a new ruling, students who were given the awards last year do not automatically continue with the scholarship or
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    • 26 4 AFP Maaila: President Ferdinand Marcos yesterday abolished all Philippine courts except the Supreme Court, paving the way (or a sweeping judiciary revamp. AFP
      AFP  -  26 words
    • 69 4 New Delhi: A 23-year-old unemployed Indian severed his hands In frustration yesterday because he was not getting a Job. Ramesh Dhobi placed his hands on a railway track as a train passed through a railway station. He told doctors: "My hands are useless as I can
      69 words
    • 40 4 AFP Baagkek: Thailand yesterday announced plans to call up its seven to eight million-man reserve force for active duty training. A military spokesman said the call-up was designed to make more manpower available for rural development projects. AFP
      AFP  -  40 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 170 5 Marine Parade residents have a new community centre which is open to the public from today. But even before this, 176 kindergarten children had already invaded the premises. For the children, the great thrill is having bigger classrooms and a spacious playground. The
    170 words
  • 227 5 AP RlvenMe (Catlf«ral»): Nine of 27 mysterious deaths at two small hospitals have definitely been attributed to the heart relaxant drug lidocaine, authorities said yesterday. Four of the deaths were termed lidocaine poisoning and five were described as lidocaine intoxication, officials said at a
    AP  -  227 words
  • 166 5 AP AFP Salsfearg: Karl Boehm, the celebrated Austrian conductor, died here yesterday after a long illness, Austrian radio reported. He would have been 87 on August 28. Mr Boehm suffered a heart attack several weeks ago while conducting the musical score for the film, FJektra, based on
    AP; AFP  -  166 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 Specialities Itek Tim Sayur Masak Lemak Sambal Terong FaisUdang •AyamGoreng •Telor Sambal Ikan Goreng Asam NonyaLaksa Nasi Lemak •Achar Buboh Char-Char Air Batu Kachang Time: 12 pm to 2.30 V m rS' RMrrvation Tab *****.11 «*t IS* I*7
      38 words
    • 41 5 ,r 3 m 1 r. n# V;V,i ■>'"> w i.. •< He P *9Mfl v'S* The Hottest Pot. Round the SHARP Hot-Pot Hot Water anytime. Direct Boil. Auto-Stop The 'Hottest Thing Around "It- f ,'f jC 'Ij At' Svi 'M, HI »IMI ana.,
      41 words

  • 178 6 "I may be SB, but I definitely don't feel old. In tact, I have Just as much energy to organise activities as any young person," said Mr Tiah Teo Song, president of the Khe Bong Zone "B" residents' committee. He added: "Similarly,
    178 words
  • 52 6 AFP Tohraa: Three revolutionary guards were killed and eight wounded yesterday in three separate attacks by government opponents, the Iranian Pars news agency reported. One of the guards was shot dead in Sari, Northern Mazandaran, by a member of the left-wing People's Mujahideen who was later arrested, the
    AFP  -  52 words
  • 297 6 Widespread campaign ordered by Deng AP ■"SSi. is preparing a new campaign of criticism against more than 100 outspoken intellectuals and writers, Chinese sources said yesterday. As many as 10 are to be singled out for special attack in the national press, they said. The
    AP  -  297 words
  • 166 6 UPI New Orleaaa: A retort MMua aald that a premsalttoa luptred Un to leave a aete at Ids beam fcrfwe i«li| ea nwttM. aai a barglar fellewed Ui UMtrvedMM to the hotter. Mere leaviag, Mr Harry Chaee. M, plaeed a typewrlttea aete, a kettle af whisky aad
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 146 6 UPI The stock market lapsed into a steady decline yesterday, showing little response to some favourable inflation news. Yesterday's prices followed by the difference on the previous session's close AT&T 89H Armco 14 Beth Steel 23 -14 Boeing Borf-Wsmer CaterpTrac Chrysler »v 49 «3M SH 14 -1
    UPI  -  146 words
  • 32 6 AP Closing averages on the New YoA Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 industrials 930.93 (down 7.42); 30 transport 40SJ7 (down 0.87): 15 utilities 114.71 (up 6.07); 05 stocks 371.71 (down 1.74).
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 PUREEN I hecfioiu »>| i not lit fN who n .»ll\ i .in. M u \bur baby and family deserve more than a talcum powder. They de9cnc Pwvcb BMy lUcun Bimkr. It not only aootwa your bab/a akin but alio halps to prMnl rrHabori, dmnlntii and chato. Lai K oamoar
      90 words
    • 43 6 COME TO THE BLACK TOWER I nit A the h! 11 i 11'J l;Nc iM I in 111.1! I'. s liiK'si h'k' U M k' i >.t 1 *fe K' 5 rs tv./* c > Jte L, »a r» 3135 S&OH m ra VJ9^
      43 words

  • 208 7 Close circuit television will soon make an appearance in the sewers of Singapore. The Ministry of Environment has called for tenders for a vehiclemounted close circuit TV for its sewerage inspection staff. With OCTV, the inspectors will be able to do their work away
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  • 149 7 Around 1940, British commander Lt General A. E. Percival was issued an Omega watch by the British army. So were 26,000 other British commanders. What became of their watches, perhaps not even time can tell. Perhaps Lt Gen Percival had it with him when he signed
    149 words
  • 105 7 AFP Stockholm: A yeaag uempltycd Seaegaleae stowaway baa lived la haadrafls on beard a Pakistani skip far tke past meath because aa eeaatry will nceept him. Bara Pall, tl, wha kas aa Meatfly papers, came aat ef kkllag after tke skip had keen at sea far
    AFP  -  105 words
  • 48 7 UPI TODAY is Saturday, Aug 15, the 227 th day of 1961 with 138 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Leo. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: British novelist George Meredith said: "Who rises from prayer a better man, hisjjrayer is answered." UPI
    UPI  -  48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 143 7 s i! World's No.l Presents 2 outstanding models Zanussi washing machines mean more than just a clean wash. They are fully automatic, economical, safe and efficient with all the prestige and elegance Qf Italian styling. Zanussi models CN 764 and Z 814 as illustrated, are strongly recommended. They come with
      143 words

  • 206 8 Life seemed bleak for foreman Ng Yew Hong, 34, when both hie hands were crushed in an accident at his Jurong workplace on Wednesday. "I have two voung children, a boy and a girl. My wife is not working and neither are my parents,"
    206 words
  • 65 8 AP Bugkek: About 100 pure gold and silver Buddha images, between 100-200 years old, have been found buried in the compound of a remote temple in northeastern Thailand, a fine arts department official guilt yesterday. Villagers found the images in two large earthen Jars, while digging a path
    AP  -  65 words
  • 242 8 Future lies in mini-cars Nissan chief UPI Mqw: Predicting a great future (or mini-cars, the president of Nissan said yesterday that his company will work closely with another Japanese car maker to produce subcompact vehicles. Mr Takashi Lshihara, president of Japan's No. i car maker, said the tie-up among General
    UPI  -  242 words
  • 337 8 US doing research on their claims AP Waahiagtaa: United States government scientists say they are increasingly interested in serious research on people who claim to be able to detect disturbances like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions before they happen. Technically, the suspicion is that some of
    AP  -  337 words
  • 150 8 Shewbls Is la her Mm*. Aaisha the elephaat, who is mm ef the m iiH i I.I A lAmnm win vMwn at the Wfpirii Zee, still waats very maeh te be with the crowd evea theagh she Is eeavaleeelag ma aa Ulaeas. The earatar
    150 words
  • 30 8 AP Dmm: The Bancladefth government yesterday renamed Dacca International Airport 29a International Airport In memory of the late President Zlaur Rahman. amaadnated last month in an army mutiny.
    AP  -  30 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 715 9 Chinese govt prepares for head count Reuter Beilag: The countdown has started for China's big headcount. At midnight on June 30 next year, the world's most populous nation will start to unlock the secrets of one of its greatest mysteries Just how many people does it have? A
    Reuter  -  715 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 229 9 More beautiful choices from Whirlpool 8 w% 3 Siii dJ[. TT.TI^ At Whirlpool we believe you deserve more. That's why we make more kinds of refrigerators than you might imagine. With more beautiful Whirlpool features. Take our two Serva-Door* refrigerators. A special door-withirva-door lets you get the foods you use
      229 words

    • 766 10  -  Z a Motoring By Andy Smith Copley Lm Angeles: A frequent question these days has to do with the proper maintenance of the late-model car. When the length of one's stay in a service station is determined by the length of the petrol
      Copley  -  766 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 "?r. k. i Monroe Is the proven, economical way to renew Macpherson atnit suspensions. Quick. Economical Efficient For Toyota, Datsun, Mazda Ford, VW, Peugeot, BMW, Fiat, Mitsubishi and all makes using Macpherson strut front suspensions. Saves unnecessary repair costs your mechanic simply inserts a cartridge to replace worn out shock-absorber
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 316 10 LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are destined for spectacular success If you begin to develop your talents from young. Your Journey to fulfilment will not be easy, whether in terms of personal relationships or career, but perseverance will ultimately end in satisfaction. TOMORROW... LBO (Jul; 23-Aug
      316 words

    • 1074 11  -  Relationships with hotel owners can be very fragile Tine oir* No one can help but notice the way new hotels are mushrooming in Singapore. Many of them are financed by companies with little or no experience in the field and they have to rely on
      1,074 words
    • 195 11 Talk about the high turnover In hotels! Even before the new Dynasty Hotel has opened, its general manager and consultant, Mr Bflly Hwmlm, has resigned. He will be setting up a hotel consultancy firm, according to the Travel Trade Gazette. Meanwhile, resident manager Philippe Chavat has
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • Page 12/13 Advertisements
  • Page 12/13 Miscellaneous
    • 1214 12/13 YOUR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE i 700 mflion people in 43 countries can't be wrong.. fP CCIIillf Eil PALcolor, Invented and owned by I ELEr UI1HEIV. |C SBC 5 Saturday 12.55 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by SEKM 34Dd I 1.50 RICHIE RICH. Cartoon. 2.11 SATURDAY MATINEE: DM la the WmI. (See Tep
      1,214 words
    • 713 12/13 SBC-RADIO Saturday 12 noon Musical Tribute 1.00 The SBC Combo 1.30 News followed by Share Market Report and Weather Forecast 1.45 Music A La Carte 2.00 Programme Summary followed by Daily Serial: The Quiet Stranger 3.00 News in Brief followed by Today's Diary and Interlude 3.15 Star Chart 4.00 SBC
      713 words
    • 628 12/13 Top Shows off the Weekend A Sv a V ■r" r v rk 5 l! I «>i "V i y y? Today 1 THE BLACK Kl I] .'J: i* y; ii^g STREL SHOW (Ch 5, 9 p.m.) The Mitchell Minstrels and the sexy Television Toppers return in a new series,
      628 words

  • 936 14 Hamster Is much cleaner than the rabbit It is too late to invent the ideal pet for a Housing Board home it already exists. You do not have to look any further than the hamster. As quiet and clean as it is intelligent, this
    936 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 67 14 PENS TODAY at 2 Theatres PRINCE REPUBLIC PRINCE (*****38) 11.00 am, 1.30,4.00,8.45 A 9.15pm No Froo List REPUBLIC (*****02) 11.00 am, 1.45,4.00,8.45 A 9.15pm No Froo List in super stereophonic sound with fTII DOLBYgTEHBO I PRINT S t PRINCE PAY to get in. PRAY to get out! r i v:,
      67 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 379 14 II and around NATIONAL DAY CONCERT: Programme includes dances by the Stardust group and other guest artistes, songs by Tanjong Katong Girls' School, a pantomime by Mustradra, instrumental music by a guitar ensemble and choral speaking by Katong Convent School. At the Marine Parade branch library, 4 p.m. Admission is
      379 words

  • 108 15 You can buy hamsters from the zoo or the Pet Lovers Centre at Shaw Towers. These animals usually cost about $18 each or more. But keep a look out in the classified ads. Many people who keep hamsters regularly sell off their pets' babies. These are slightly
    108 words
  • 210 15 IHmetcnr see specially proas to feor types sI dfcSOSSS. Csosslt s vet II ysor pet Is acting itrugely er feels fevertah to the teach. Dtorrheea: The hsm«ter may aoffer a bacterial Infeetfen «C the bewete If It hss keen Urine In lew
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 NOW SHOWING! ODEON GALA /******f) IUWMTI. (*****75) NOTE TIMES 1 30, «J0.6 30.9.15pm j 7M, ••15f>n» GALA: Tomorrow Extra Show 11am PRINT at the ODEON HE FOUGHT FOB t$ LONG YEARS IN A BATTLE THAT BECAME ONE OP THE MOOT HEBOIC SAGAS OK THE TWENTIETH CENTUBY. Falcon Intaf national Productions
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 526 15 cinema OHver Beei sta UmtHkeDtmeri Teday: 4.41 p.m. (0.9 m); 10.33 p.m. (2.7 m). Tmbmnv: 5.16 a.m. (0.1 m); U. 58 a.m. (2.3 m); 5.20 p.m. (0.8 m); 11.09 p.m. (2.8 m). Monday: 5.52 a.m. (0.0 m); 1222 p.m. (2.4 m); 6.00 p.m. (0.7 m); 11.46 p.m. (2Jm). Tieilajr: 6.21
      526 words
    • 96 15 Rediffusion 12.30 p.m. British Top 20 1.30 News 1.40 MiniAds 1.45 Preview. A selection of this week's new records 2.00 Focus Rock with Karen Moore 3.00 American Top 40. Casey Kasem brings you the countdown of the current hit songs in the US 7.00 News 7.10 Race Commentaries and Big
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 362 16 < S| <9 V m m i B A NORBERT by Georfe Fatt 2 Wv oC Suooy H m m m m i 2« II m f/Ai A y \\rm m $tfßx ANDY CAP* JWTW'T--- i-1 n T^> >5 a fi > Hi I*l ti,a ii fe I sv: si
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 301 17 NOW You do not hove to wait for SPECIAL OFFER ♦or us to SPECIAL lV OFFER you EVERYDAY. Carefully selected modern livmc) dmini) ,tn'l bedroom furn.turo to suit your ( Unique classy and eleyHiit yet .it a price you can afford Visit our very own Showroom today fij l ly
      301 words
    • 101 17 No Repeat uC to r V in^ S&l Ltd pie th» er^ c»° Br.»' u .1 Cla sS,C on ,(0 ioo' I,'.' F,o °'ho H> 110 ipoll u« Ky s> i fW ttM o' r 091 c> for >Ou' our opening no„rs r Vo"'9d'" fu prf including Si^cftiy: Si
      101 words
    • 229 17 A twice weekly advertisement feature Hari Raya is just over. And now is the time for young lovers. August end and early September Is an auspicious period for the traditional CTiinw who are selective about their wedding dates. If you are moving into a new
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 235 18 Made in China "Shanghai" Pianos are not ordinary ones. They possess precise acoustic mechanism, skilful action and attractive style. They are characterized by accurate and harmonious intonation, soft and delightful timbre and rich and full volume with variations. To sum up, they are excellent in all respects. Open from Mon-Sat.
      235 words
    • 220 18 Visit our new Showroom f •.T i YouVe the ideas WeVe the tiles m-mm ONCHDEA You're arc welcome to bn wsc aniund in our shuwruom Take a ck»cr kxik at our sclcctkmof unique (ktintiw tUcs. Think of the efliuGt you can create far >uur home or office. Or the heavy
      220 words
    • 23 18 YOU CAN HAVE THIS SPACE plus;:... IN THE SHOPPING PAGE FOR ONLY $50.40 04cm x Icol) FOR DETAILS CONTACT:JULK TAN fcl 2SMS44 (1333)
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    • 494 18 A twice weekly advertisement feature Jaeger, Morley, Dhobi, Pringle, Dalkeith, Honeybunch and Carrington you can find them all at Lucky Plaza. These are names of reputable brands of woollen wear and you can ask for them at Fook On's branch at Lucky Plaza. These
      494 words

    • 747 19  -  Passing Shjts By I Desmond Oon Singapore players have a peculiar taste in tennis balls. They use, almost exclusively, the non-pressurized type. For the uninitiated, there are two types of tennis ball the pressurized, which has an inside pressure (gas), and the pressureless, one that
      747 words
    • 175 20 Surgery may be necessary Soccer UPI Hambwg: Franz Beckenbauer, the legendary soccer star who returned to Germany from New York Cosmos last year, may be out of the game for at least a month after an injury incurred in Brussels two days ago. Beckenbauer, 35, who Injured his
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 294 20 ra Athletics AP Zagreb: The European track and field Cup finals open here today with the eight best European nations competing for honours in men and women events. Massive security was in evidence here yesterday around the 60,000-seat stadium in the Maksimir Woods on the outskirts of
      AP  -  294 words
    • 371 20 Agencies Manchester: Geoff Boycott and Chris Tavare took England to 70 for one wicket and a lead of 171 over Australia at the close of play in the second of five cricket Test at Old Trafford. They. brought some belated stability to a frenetic day's cricket
      Agencies  -  371 words
    • 564 21 RAMESH BOWS OUT TO GLICKSTEIN j^^fennis AFP MMtreal: Defending champion Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia coasted past Brian Teacher of the United States 6-1, 6-1 to reach the semi-finals of the US$2OO,OOO (about *****,000)' Canadian Open men's tennis championships. The fourth-seeded Czechoslovak demolished Teacher's game with blazing
      AFP  -  564 words
    • 141 21 ra Athletics AP Cmmm: Collin Bradford upset Cuban star Silvio Leonard to give Canada the victory in the 100-metre dash competition in a two-day track and field meeting here that will select the American "B" team for the World Cup meeting to be held in
      AP  -  141 words
    • 329 21  -  R9 Bowling By BRIAN MILLER Records continued to (all like nine-pins when the Singapore International championships rolled into its ninth day at Jackie's Bowl System 460 yesterday. Hong Kong, who have never produced a Masters winner in the 17-year history of the tournament, started the
      329 words
    • 252 21 AFP Baagkak: The Eighth All-Star International Open bowling championships, worth US$2O,OOO (about 5f44,000) to winners and runners up, will begin here later today. The cream of tenpin bowlers from South East and Australia are scheduled to shoot for the titles and money at Bangkok's 52-lane Star
      AFP  -  252 words
    • 279 21 Fernandez steals the show HF" AFP Psrtmarasek: Sam Torrance, a 27-year-old Scot, hit a blistering 67 to take over the lead after the second round of the US$l5O,OOO (about *****,000) Irish Open golf championship, but it was Vicente Fernandez of Argentina who did better. Fernandez, the 35-year-old
      AFP  -  279 words
    • 234 22  -  flSw Squash By TAY CHENG KHOON Singapore's top four squash players are to train in the cool comfort of an air-condition-ed court at the York Hotel but the idea is not to spoil them. They are moving from the Kallang Complex's courts to the Mount Elizabeth
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    • 733 22 Inexperience and lack oI fitness coat Johari Rafdi a place In the semifinals of the Pakistan Airlines Under-19 tournament when he lost to Wong Yee Leong at Kallang last night, reports TAY CHENG KHOON. Stroke wise, there was nothing mush to separate the two players.
      733 words
    • 902 22 WM Tennis Singapore tennis players measure up to the top players In the American varsity circuit but will lone out because of Insufficient match experience. This was the view of Suresh Bangara after seeing his team, Youth Enterprise, lose W to National University of Singapore Invitation
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    • 24 22 A National Aerobic Fitness Award teat will be held at the National Stadium this afternoon (4.30 pm). Registrations close at 4 pm.
      24 words
    • 549 23 Khoon Hean sets his next target Swimming With two Schools' national swimming titles in the bag, Tay Khoon Hean is now after Ang Peng Siong's Singapore national 100 metres freestyle record. After claiming the Schools' 200 m freestyle record in 2min 04.4 sec on Thursday, and
      Pictures by JERRY SEH  -  549 words
    • 262 23 E9Booting Reuter AFP Bimiii Aires: Sergio Victor Pal ma, poet, ballad finger, actor aad Argentina's only world boring champion, seeks revenge today when he defends his super-ban-tamweight title against Ricardo > Cardona of Columbia. Palma, making his third defence of the world Boadng Association title, lost
      Reuter; AFP  -  262 words
    • 114 24 BUT IT'S NOT GOOD FOR AUSSIES Reuter Meltwe: AastraUa seared a iMMi 1M wis la a WerU CM seeeer aaallfylag natch agates! Fiji last alght bat by aa Irsay may have wrecked aay chsaee they still had af reaching the Te wta the Oceania quUfylßg grtif, Aia>
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 734 24  -  KJ Soccer By BRIAN MILLER The Singapore Malay Football Club are willing to risk being ostracized by the Football Association of Singapore, and will go ahead with their plan to Held four banned players in their Sultans' Gold Cup first leg semi-final match against Kelantan next
      734 words
    • 287 24  -  ■y SHIRLEY TAN Tampines Rovers have come out in support of First Division rivals Armed Farces, who want National Football League matches postponed when players are tied up with the national team. Said Rovers manager Robert Lee this morning: VWe sympathise with Forces with Ave players
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 192 19 "i 111-:\ i-'h n \i.i I'd.i)s H:\IIKI: .11 i< STl:.\i\S iV a \'ai;ii:'ia (M si;i 1.1 'N'i 11 lIS iV I »i.\NKIiS tkiW k mm mi -iJ* AMI ft Ka i /Jgr ETj w 1 1 •>•:•. j®? >*- >*Y' ':1' RL m 3EIEZrr 7!jRSI F VERY SUNDAY SI I
      192 words
    • 105 19 Lnik 101 b living. i ii hi iir i ii(•> !> A EMMS BOUTIQUE in I ft Office Wear 122 Prices range from onwards EMMS BOUTIQUE 216. 2nd Rr, Puce Centre 1. Sophia Road Sapporo 0922 Tol: *****53 CONTACT MFMBER OF LENS PRACTITIONERS \V^ r 0. s KAREN LIM g
      105 words
    • 97 19 A tui< i' uveklv «ulv*'rlis4MiM'Mt f«\itun AKAI iV.C 5606 00 I J/S8 00 J??Bxl?mttis I J2l4xl2mths mjL PEOPLE'S ISLAND CENTRE IMPORTERB-EX PORTE R8 230, Ist Floof, People's Park Complex t *Branch 185-186. Ground Floor, Sugapore 0105 Trt *****5. *****1, *****1, *****3 OTHER BRAND 6 MODELS AVAILABLE T.V. A VIDEO EQUIPMENT
      97 words

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    • 244 21 Crossword ACROSS 1 Gibraltar denizen 4 Humpty-Dumpty, for one 7 Month of 55 A 11 Word transposition: abbr. 12 Breathing sound 14 Ms Taylor 15 Ibsen character 16 —and terminer 17 Coin toss 18 Participant in 55 A 21 Complete 22 Cartoonist Gardner 23 Dutch scholar 27 Direct 29 American
      244 words

  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 179 22 NR I C No:. FILL IN m I 4. Two thot match Oo by WHAT YOU HAVI TO OO Eoch day this woofc, Nm Notion, wiN publish o word puzzle. In oodi punk thoro wiN bo sis word* oodi with ono lottor minim. WKot you hovo to do is to
      179 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 196 23 Sport the look of Superstars. Wear d sportswear and shoes. —Vfe— »*cmmtiM.* MAO€ IN ITALY Worn by: Ivan Lendl, Eddie Dibbs, Cheng Yue Ling (ChaoTung)& Chow Yuen Fatt (Sek Fai) um< i mphmh Available at: Metro Grand Metro Orchard Metro tiawm Klaaee Dept. Store (Lucky Plan, Penlneula Plan) YuytPtoUd Mm
      196 words

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    • 38 24 THE TASTE OF SUCCESS M jt IT i af "V--m m m d m 1 Z'P::?: •Mi I X Mfa yitl r e UTj.flV to^ v Htfpt* HOTEL ASIA PTE LTD 37 BCOTTS ROAO. SINGAPORE 0022 Telephone: *****08
      38 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 121 24 80CCBt: Frimitj international Singapore Lion atj Cum "B" v Studi Arabia (JatanBeaar, 7.30pm). NFL. Dtv n Jurong Town v Bilckwki Jurong), Fairer Pk Dynamoa v Catrnhlll (Fairer Pk), Commoeweahh Pal v Chang! Utd (Dover Rd). Baleetter Utd v Toa Payob Utd (Toa Payoh), Paatr Panjang v Sembawaag (Gloucester Bar). All
      121 words

  • WEEKEND RACING Four-page pullout on the Penang racing
    • 388 25  -  The four-year-old is in peak form ■y CAVALIER Pride Aid Hunt should prevail in Race 4, the Class 2 Division 3 event to be run over 1700 m at Penang today. The four-year-old Apollo Eight gelding from Agasam stables is in peak form. He landed
      388 words
    • 134 25 B. L. CHAN TUBF BAY ■BIANMDXEB CAVAUBB IPtdHB 1 Serena's Joy 2 P*s Chans 4 National Special IP's Chans 4 National Special Bam 8 PilhBw 1 Starsky 118m Heme 3 Wayin front 5 Londa Lad 10 Sm Horse 1 Starsky I Bayaa UfM 9 Star Bright 1 Bayaa
      134 words
      • Article, Illustration
        2264 26/27 KEY TO RACBCABO: la lam Opra ItMtes irritrkteg; Ogares wtttda kraekete (R) after fcmrt mum reprMsat r»u> x > Mlnml ky wigM, wur, traiaer, in iai tsscrlpttea sf toiw. Far exaaipte m la Aastraltea geMtag, fagltok Oily, Ira Wsk ms New Zeatead mK, mg Malayatea geU&ag, Ik Pnaek torn-
        2,264 words
      • Article, Illustration
        2203 26/27 MAKE BTARB—Ia Kmc 4 tiMiinn SPANISH GENERAL..Ja KMC 4 Immtnw MOHTTOL EUIJTI Baan I limiiiiii RACE1 ($10,500 $7,360 to wlniMr) 1 W bMH (17) 57 Star Uta-G 5 em g d3 fl.5 TirmAl 1 t OMW Sri Jakar 54.5 SpcctacvlarG. BreoMcn 4 irf <B +1 Wf ,Mwu| C S
        2,203 words
    • 534 28  -  By K. L. CHAN Peaaag: Newcomer F«rmal» 0«e, who has been working in great heart the past week, should be worth an each-way wager in Race 5, the 1100 m event for Class 2 Division 2 horses here tomorrow. Late Youngblood Hawk, the five-year-old
      534 words
    • 165 28 K.L. CHAN TURF RAY BRIAN MILLER CAVALIER Race 1 2 Sri Jeter 5 Damien 2 8rt Jeter 5 Damien t Damlea 8 Consolidation S Vaada Creeeeat 2 Sri Johor Ram 2 Alps Wtairrrr 2 Praef la Hate 1 Mateira 2 Preef la Hate 3 Wayinfront 4 Alpe Wanderer
      165 words
    • 128 28 1st 2nd Sri 1 G. Donnelly 34 26 28 2 A. Tweedie 32 32 30 5 W. Sharp 27 28 16 3 I. Pateman 27 21 19 4 J. Murray 26 21 16 6 A. K. Cheam 22 17 24 7 G. Podmore 20 17 25 14 T.
      128 words
    • 124 28 1st 2nd 3rd Teh Choon Beng 45 37 30 Ivan Allan 41 29 28 V* Lee Seng Hup 29 25 29 V* Samsuri A. Rahman 27 24 21 George West 27 26 26 Garnet Bougoure 27 23 26 Ahmad Samad 26 20 20 E. Van Breukelen 25 34
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