New Nation, 9 July 1980

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 19 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Wednesday, July 9, 1980 2920 Price 25 cents M.C.(P) No. 109/1/80 r- 1 NEW (tp) NATION COMMENT
    19 words
  • 404 1 Now filmlets on TV to cut down road deaths The Traffic Police will for the first time screen three road safeSt filmlets on mime time televion as part of their continuing effort to cut down the alarming rate of road deaths. The three filmlets, one lasting
    404 words
  • 212 1 The Singapore National Employers Federation will meet this afternoon to discuss the implementation of this year's National Wages Council recommendations. One of the key topics will be the implementation of the three per cent wage increase for above average workers. A source said
    212 words
  • 76 1 Three mere people a Qve-year-eM bey, a six-year-eld girl aad a pedestrian have died en the reads, bringing the death tell se tar this year te 148. Pedestrian Lim Been Alk, five, aad staHsn wages (rent seat pas> •eager Miss Ten Gek Mel, six, died In twe separate aeeldents
    76 words
  • 114 1 Reuter London, Wednesday The Soviet Union and Afghanistan have signed economic and technical cooperation agreements pledging Moscow to an increased role in the country's educational and agricultural training programmes, Kabul radio said yesterday. The radio, monitored by the British Broadcasting Corporation, said projects covered by the
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 Meet the real J.R. and the reel J.R. centrc pages See Page 2 From our editorial on Patfe 8 6 0m Is mv left with the sad bit Inevitable conclusion that, In the ease of Kampuchea, India has ■ever eared te understand the ImpUcatieas sf Hanoi's invasion and oeeapatten sf
      87 words
    • 17 1 IN THE OTHER PAGES: Stocks 5; Moneywords 12; Stars 13; Crossword 14; Comics 17; What's On 19.
      17 words
    • 8 1 Ask for that guarantee card Case Page 4 :`-}~`|"=%,;`(*\!>"!~@&;'.=]=({
      8 words
    • 36 1 \l\o° TEACHERS the full-bodied Scotch. Ask for it bv name. r 0 own TEACHERS •ilSiy <^rZP r faction of Old SCOTCH WHISKY r «»CH M 4 %oti% LTO SCOTLAND fig *> Eastern Agencies j|£fj Eastern Agencies ..j.
      36 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 286 2  -  On picking the above-average workers.. By Ivan Lim Employers who are unsure of how to implement the National Wages Council's extra three per cent reward for above-average workers can get help from the National Productivity Board. Hie NPB will hold special working sessions for
    286 words
  • 311 2 Keeping cool, smiling and speaking 'calmly to nasty customers almost every day can get on your nerves, as sales coordinator Lina Adalina Rosalina can tell you. And what better way to get rid of all that tension and frustration than to
    311 words
  • 309 2 Pepalar America* riager Billy Jeel ku Jalaed Ike Traffic Pallee hi their etattnlat effort* to pnmete Ml aafety. Ftr Us eeag will be featored to eae af the three read safety fllmlete to he wwel ea TV tram tomarraw. The three fllmtoto are called
    309 words
  • 252 2 For as long as he lives, 13-year-old Lee Chee Seng will remember the day be heard his friend groaning in pain and calling out to him. The Primary Four student of Hong Wen School was riding pillion on a motorcycle with his friend, national serviceman
    252 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 217 2 QSankyo MUSICAL TOYS SAFE, SIMPLE, USEFULLY ENTERTAINING XV Tuneful mushroom FP-081 Pui slrmi mtt loop to Kind m ot Dm h(wn wS move with Dm muse 3 months 2 ftan Cctoc 1 Drapi Rabbit t«Mty or Sole Agent LEE TECK COMPANY 2)6, 2nd Floor, Plaza Singapura (Yaohan) 1 W Orchard
      217 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 V < f? '.V:* **4 < t w >. >;;. For the man on the move, every sccond counts. And Gtizen's new quartz Chrono 100 was made for today's fast-moving man. The Chrono 100 tells the hour, minute and second, twice, with dual time as well as day, date and
      160 words

  • 264 4 The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) has advised buyers of electrical products to ensure that the guarantee which comes with the goods is valid in Singapore. Recently, some people bought goods which were meant for re-ex-port and were given guarantees that were not valid
    264 words
  • 248 4 Let the sun shine plenty of It en the new Hsusing and Urban Development Company chalets when they are ready In November this year. FOr the son will provide the power that will five holiday makers at he chalets a warm bath (rem the water
    Picture by PHILIP LIM  -  248 words
  • 26 4 The Whampoa constituency national courtesy campaign' committee will tour the Rayman market in Blocks 91 and 92, Wham--6o a Drive, on Saturday om 7.30 a.m.
    26 words
  • 33 4 The Vice President of the Singapore Institute of Architects, Mr Wee Chwee Heng, will talk on How to Select a House at the Toa Payoh branch library on Friday at 7.15 p.m.
    33 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 "GEE, YOUR HAIR SMELLS TERRIFI t,. tS. 4 f !«v w iir A t VI it i* .1 i tf%3 t sH h£ H* y HC f &R» CPIA f ha if.S UR iri «*"o boav mon^gooD as®*>"V In brand new. Sunny Fresh fragrances! All the way from America. Puts
      118 words
    • 19 4 now RIJSTTAFEL IJ 'J every Thursday lunchnme RsfTlCfi 1 J B»;ach Road Singapore 0718 Resorvat'on *****1 Hotel Sl gdporo0718
      19 words

  • 270 5  -  By Zarinah Marican The Muslim Counselling Service is planning to set up hostels and counselling centres in mosques for Muslims who are former drug addicts. A proposal for such a move has been made to the Muslim Religious Council (Muis), which is in charge
    270 words
  • 105 5 The Singapore Airport Bu Service (Sabs) plans to Install radio sets In all Its 2M taxis In a move to npgrade services. lie company has already awarded quotation* fsr the project, which It hopes to Implement by Angnst sr September. In Une wuh this,
    105 words
  • 95 5 The Education Ministry is offering teachers awards for postgraduate study or research in Hong Kong leading to a Masters degree in computer science, mathematics or physics. The scholarships are tenable at the University of Hong Kong for two years beginning next September. Candidates must have good
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  • 43 5 The Toa Payoh constituency's National Day working committee will hold a bird singing contest at the Toa Payoh community centre on August 10 at 8 p.m. Entry forms are available from the centre's Toa Payoh Central premises. For more details call *****49.
    43 words
  • 36 5 The Vice Chancellor of the National University of Singapore, Dr Tony Tan, will attend the Faculty of Medicine's 75th anniversary celebrations at the faculty's Sepoy Lines new lecture theatre on July 17 at 5.30 p.m.
    36 words
  • 180 5 Share prices generally retained overnight levels while selected counters moved up in the first 45 minutes of trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore today. The commodity seetor was quiet. Second liners were selectively traded. BUBINESB DONE First SectiM Shangrila-La (1) 11.30 C Properties (1) 2.41 M Credit
    180 words
  • 38 5 Loytape has told the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange that it does not know of any reason (or the recent sharp rise in its share price. It says that there is no matter of importance pending announcement.
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  • 25 5 A blood donation session will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ, Bukit Timah Road, on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
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  • 131 5 The Education Ministry and the British Council will hold an advanced training course on school librarianship in September (or teacher librarians. The course, to be conducted by a British library specialist. Mrs Grizelda Barton, aims at upgrading the teachers' skills in school library management and
    131 words
  • 30 5 The National Council of Churches will hold a prayer rally on the St Andrew's Cathedral grounds on August 2 at 7.30 p.m. to celebrate Singapore s 15th National Day.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 More Local Newt in Page 6
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    • 153 5 WHY WOULD HELLER ADVANCE $500,000 TO A COMPANY WITH NET WORTH OF ONLY $50,000 Because Heller assess the company's worth in terms of sales volume and not in fixed assets. Now, this would mean a company with a small fixed-asset base, can still raise funds quickly and easily by pledging
      153 words

  • 702 6  -  By Judith Hale Two years ago Singapore warned it might reduce the number of Malaysian Airline System (MAS) flights here because it could not come to terms with Malaysia on a new air services agreement. The thinly-veiled warning came from the leader of
    702 words
  • 186 6 The Keppel Shipyard has signed a $t.S million agreement to repair a Soviet ell tanker that exploded at sea recently. Negotiations started la Moscow aad was concluded here on Monday. The deal was signed In the presence of the Soviet ambassador to
    186 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 297 6 The Palace of Wax Istana Lilin tj. TALES FROM THE MAHABHARATHA n KISAH KISAH DARI MAHABHARATHA m m mm ///r\v T.> tkV±"lS m it i m XS fa 1 ■I *0 i I i a OA Va 1 H FJ Si l! m m '/A ih^i5^D5S^fnSB0^PAf£ Duryodhana went to his
      297 words

  • 92 7 US harder patrolman John Rockhlll has an emergency en lis hands. He la carrying an El Salvader woman. Dera Herrera, te safety from the desert near ihe Mexican border where she and 21 other El Savladorans were abandoned by alien smugglers without water for three days. Thirteen
    AP photo  -  92 words
  • 237 7 World Focus Reuter Washington, Wednesday In a move that could lead to direct talks with Moscow, the United States is polling its allies' views on the new Soviet otter to discuss limitations on mediumrange missiles, administration officials said yesterday. US ambassadors will be asking
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 131 7 AFP Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday Higher educational costs in Britain are driving Malaysian students to break the law by taking up part-time jobs. The president of the Malaysian Students' Associations Council in Britain. Baharuddin Mokhsen, claimed that three or four Malaysian students have been arrested in
    AFP  -  131 words
  • 40 7 DJ London, Wednesday You've heard of a zebra crossing. Now there's a cow crossing. Road safety chiefs have Installed a special crossing, controlled by flashing amber lights, OB a trunk road In North Yorkshire for these animals. DJ
    DJ  -  40 words
  • 87 7 UPI TODAY is Wednesday, July 9, the 191 st day of 1960 with 175 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Cancer. ON TBfS DATE IN HISTORY: In 1943, American, Canadian and British forces invaded Sicily during World War n. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:
    UPI  -  87 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 The Secret of Original Ma Evans Herihal Hair Lotion If You Got A Hair Problem, Give It A Try. u .MaEvanS; 101 F1.0z.(300 m l 'N u. IN AUSTHAU* 1 T*** Over 50 years ago, in Oxfordshire, England, MA EVANS was given an ancient recipe by an old gypsy woman.
      148 words
    • 61 7 million THEATRE REST. NITE CLUB Peninsula Hotel, 4th Floor, Colernan St Tel *****7, *****1, Ext. 407 408 r Back in dynamic action and down to wild, wild entertainment. That's Anita's zeal when you meet her. A rare scene to enjoy with the International Showbiz Queen together with her fantastic boys
      61 words

  • 346 8 Twenty-four years span India's vote in the UN on the Soviet invasion of Hungary and New Delhi's Monday decision to recognise the Heng Samrin regime. In 1956, Mr Jawaharlal Nehru made India the only noncommunist country to support the Russians and thus sealed a warm friendship
    346 words
  • 917 8  -  WEDNESDAY WITH DICK WILSON DICK WILSON No more controversial a writer has sprung from East Asia since the war than Han Suyin. She is the author (A Many-Splendoured Thing) whose name can reduce the middle classes of Singapore and Hong Kong to spluttering indignation.
    917 words
  • 867 8 NYT New York: The relationship between education and television has entered a new phase. Originally, educators largely ignored the new medium, then they denounced it and tried to make it go away. Lately, school and television people have been working together in
    NYT  -  867 words
  • 150 8 4 Our failure to act would give a signal to Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states that we are simply not to be counted upon. They want us to take much larger risks, if necessary, in their defence than we are now asked to take with regard
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  • 40 8 [whispers p A couple in the US literally "took the plunge" when they got married. Both experienced sky-divers, they parachuted to their wedding, closely followed by the guests who were members of the same parachute club.
    40 words

  • 165 9  -  l»v Richard Ho Yn read the mwi dally, tat do yea ue It to benefit yea aai yw family r Do yqa (Up gIM» ever the mwi the way aeme driven did ever the Urtaa Redevelopment Authority's coupon and the Hmllf Board's edndet parking schemes and
    165 words
  • 74 9 Avoid the bottlenecks at the Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim-Upper Aver Rajah Road and Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim-Jurong Port Road J motions if you have to travel to urong in the morning. A new 8-km road from Clementi Road to Jalan Boon Lay is open to Jurong-bound
    74 words
  • 468 9 House hunters can now get loans with better interest rates from several finance companies and two American banks. These businesses offer between 10V4 per cent and 1314 per cent for loans up to 10 years and from 11 v 5 per cent to 13V4 per
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 190 9 h)e> tOi/v loofahs, for A ~faz/ 6e/o*o Tfa *7k/ace (4A, -JOZpcA, 000 &*<JO{ a*/ OML6&S over*" '■~*~TrML+ w'mm sm'^ M- v.-— Its trunk decorated in brilliant colour, jewels crowned its head. High atop an elephant winding up a cobbled street we suddenly were transformed. For Jaipur is a continuous festival
      190 words

  • trend
    • 1334 10/11  -  Yes, there's a flesh-and-blood J.R. Ewing in Dallas and he's led up with all those nasty phone calls By John Parsons Daily Mail Messages (or Miss EHlie are commonplace in the J.R. Ewing household. Even advice for Pammy and Bobby over whether they should
      Daily Mail  -  1,334 words
    • 759 10/11 The man with the most hated name on television talks NYT Maltha (CaUfsnda): Larry Hagman is standing at the door of his ocean-front house greeting guests. He's standing bare-footed and wearing white duck pants, white Stetson and dark blue overshirt. His wife, Mai,
      NYT  -  759 words
  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 48 10/11 W T x T m a "if. ■x sm. 5 ft S* m, Now available in leading supermarkets and provision stores. PURE Bumß k£RßygOld MOOUCIOf v *v. tni ncmatic V v j of miiAMO v... GENERAL FOOD CORPN PTE LTD Second CMm Bet? Road Smaanore 2262 T»;> 268b1f)1
      48 words
    • 67 10/11 INSECT BITES? •V-tr mJm a* UWJFUgf •UltiOTttP lOg NE insect bites heat rash sunburn minor bums cuts/scratches chapped skin Non-greasy, non-staining STOPiTCH contains no antihistamines, no anaesthetics, the first-aid lotion for the family. hsegjo%*' Snfw F««him Agencies z Floral Mile R-B-Q ~st -h -i T r J r» f >
      67 words

  • 556 12  -  At last I put my luck on Soul Ash Cinema »>v Richard Lim The best part of a film reviewer's job is when, in the lift, his work-harried colleagues ask him where he has been and he turns round and casually replies: "Oh, I've just
    556 words
  • 558 12  -  Humour bv Russell Baker NYT Newt Item: The Bmpreme Gtmrt has Jaat ruled that maytae wbe eaa create me h emtttied self It fr m prmttL My father was one of the first people in the block to have his
    NYT  -  558 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 CR-120 18 watts RMS Per Channel at 4 ohms. Fully AutoEJect Cassette Car Stereo. e4lC'sBTrs, 11 Diodes. •Treble Bass Loudness Control. ObfinabtmAt: JOl, CaMMNMnt toad. KnpeoreOM. T«fc 2t150»7 *****10
      29 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 510 12 KO-3 rn^vii Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Occupation. Address: N R.I.C. No:. FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW along dotted lines MHaHIH CLUES FOR KO 3 Area other than oeo Ordinary people don't require the aort of many invoHde do Wishful expectation
      510 words

  • 306 13 World Focus Reuter Washington, Wednesday A Senate report yesterday chided the Carter administration for being too rigid in its unofficial relationship with Taiwan, started after US diplomatic recognition of China last year. The report by staff of the foreign relations committee said the committee should
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 48 13 The luxury liner LmBMrdo da Vinci lying on Its side In La Speila, Italy, after burning for three days. The blase began In the middle of the ship last Thursday while It was anchored In the harbour, waiting to be purchased. UPI picture
    UPI picture  -  48 words
  • 138 13 AFP Grenoble, Wednesday Ten men were convicted here yesterday on charges of aggravated soliciting for prostitution in a history-making case initiated by several dissatisfied street-walkers. The court also ordered defendants to pay 750,000 francs (about $388,500) in damages to the five prostitutes. Lawyers for the
    AFP  -  138 words
  • 112 13 Reuter Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday A computerised X-ray device could eliminate the need for 40,000 exploratory operations for lung cancer a year in the United States, according to a two-year study released yesterday by the John Hopkins medical institutions here. Dr Stanley Siegelman,
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 34 13 Lyons, Wednesday A French airline airbus with 300 passengers aboard turned back to Lyon-Sato-las Airport with a blazing engine minutes after taking off for Paris yesterday, the airline station manager said.
    34 words
  • 80 13 Reuter Washington, Wednesday The United States yesterday expressed regret over India's decision to recognise the Vietnameseinstalled government in Kampuchea, particularly in view of the recent clashes on the ThaiKampuchean border. The State Department said it favoured neither the Heng Samrin government set up by Vietnam
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 115 13 Kffi POST A NEW CONCEPT IN READING TODAY'S ISSUE WOMEN TO AVOID What are the 8 types of women a man must avoid? Find out in this issue! Plus: OLIVIA DANCES INTO THE 80s. Plus: FEATURE: SCULPTURES IN SPLENDOUR- a special article on our Tiger Balm Garden. PIUS: A n
      115 words
    • 62 13 ?)//`{+>$+$%=?(_.~{,|}"|,)(*!%{ Look us up for the full range of heavy-duty tiles with exciting designs. (6i Importer Exporter of Full Range of Italian Ceramic Tiles and Marble Poly building CS) Pte. Ltd. Unit 340. 3rd Floor Plaia Singapura 68 Orchard Road Singapore 0923 Tel *****4 (3 lines) Cable Polybutlds Tele* Polv
      62 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 352 13 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are highly original in your ap{>roach to your work, your amily, your social life. Many of your decisions and most or your actions are grounded in the natural Inventiveness that is your most obvious, most highly developed trait. You are
      352 words

  • 166 14 Reuter Bahrain, Wednesday Shell and Saudi Arabia yesterday announced they would jointly build a US$3 billion ($6.3 billion) petrochemical complex on the kingdom's east coast. Shell and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Sabic) said in a joint statement they would each put up US$4OO million
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 64 14 Reuter Washington, Wednesday The rate of increase in US wholesale prices rose in June, indicating the country still faces a tough fight against inflation, according to figures yesterday from the Department of Labour. Wholesale prices, which are usually a harbinger of consumer price trends, went up
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • In Brief
    • 71 14 Property developer Singapore Land will make a profit of $14.8 million from the sale of Marina House at $39.5 million to Malayan Credit. Land says it is selling Marina House, which has a book value of $24.7 million, because the return on investment, in
      71 words
    • 62 14 Bousteadco has sold 50 per cent, or two million $1 shares, of the equity of its liquor distributing subsidiary, Riche Monde, to French company Societe Jas Hennessy for $2.51 million. Bousteadco says the proceeds will be used to reduce its bank borrowings. The French company is a subsidiary
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    • 29 14 Tan Chong Motor Holdings has not made any decision on a bonus issue, the motor trader told the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in reply to a query.
      29 words
  • 253 14 Business Neus and Views '-...and in US, Japan promises to restrain sales Reuter FnwUart, Wednesday A West German metalworkers' anion leader yesterday warned against a protectionist response to growing Japanese penetration of his country's car market. Addressing a meeting here of works eounefl chiefs from
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 406 14 Reuter Detroit, Wednesday President Carter yesterday announced sweeping steps to aid the beleaguered US motor industry and White House officials said Japan had provided assurances it was not expanding its production of cars for the American market. The US President unveiled a multi-million dollar motor
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 159 14 The stock market saw mixed trading yesterday as the Dow Jones industrial average flirted with the 900-point level. The average closed with a 0.86 drop at 897.35. Declines outnumbered advances by a narrow margin. by Yesterday's prices followed the difference on the previous session's close ATliT 53'/«
    159 words
  • 88 14 AP London, Wednesday The US dollar failed to recover against Europe's major currencies yesterday after slumping to a five-year low against the pound and a six-month low against other currencies on Monday. The price of gold continued to rise. The pound closed at U552.3745 compared with U552.3750 on
    AP  -  88 words
  • 33 14 AP Closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 industrials 897.35 (down 0.86); 20 transports 290.32 (down 0.32); 15 utilities 115.88 (up 0.14); 65 stocks 326.63 (down 0.20). AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • 111 14 Reuter Tokyo, Wednesday The world (aces a real shortage of oil and gas supplies by 1962, and the situation will be even worse by 1985, the United Arab Emirates' Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, said here yesterday. Dr Mana said Al-Otei-ba, said in a lecture
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 261 14 Crossword ~N J. ACROSS 1 African village 5 Singing group 10 Farm animal 14 Healthy 15 Street show 16 Assert 17 Test 19 Part of n.b. 20 Undresses 21 Landing strip 23 Cruise 24 Indiana steel city 25 Hogsheads 28 Scorches 30 Do a telemark 33 Let in 34 Isinglass
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  • 470 15  -  On the track By K.L. CHAN Towkay, after (our runs in the lower classes, is ready (or promotion to the top grade, and a good showing in Sunday's 1600 m event (or Class 2 Division 1 horses could put him on his way. The Teh
    470 words
  • 177 15 1 Antasena 2 Lotogive 3 Something To Remember. Won by: 2 1/4, nk, 1 3/4. Tote: $66, $25, $11, $17. Time: 1:17.4. 1 Regal Bank 2 Lajuna 3 Do I Surprise. Won by: 2 1/2, nk, nk. Tote: $72, $20, $14, $33. Time: 1:17.8. 1 Slicing
    177 words
  • 465 15  -  By TURF RAY Dual-Derby winner Vaaron has become the first horse to earn more than $100,000 this year. His two classic wins in the Singapore and Perak Derby a second and a third have, so far, netted $131,300. Last year, Vaaron picked up
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 203 15 ADS 284-4422 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:Weekdays 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Saturdays 8.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Public Holidays 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. Counter Servlce:Regular office hours ACCOMMODATION VACANT LUCKY TOWER PENTHOUSE Luxuriously furnished for rent Tel: *****11 Miss Ng FOR RENT: New Houses at Hong San Walk, Nos. 40, 42
      203 words
    • 69 15 FURNITURE RENTAL: MODERN furniture, rosewood furniture. London Woodworking Company, Block 75, 3884, Qeylang Bahru, Spore 1233. Tel: 282M98. s OTHER PRODUCTS/ SERVICES 0 ELEGANT STARLITE SLIMLINE Venetians and Roll-up Awnings. Fun's Interior, 828, Hong Leong Building. Tel: *****07. 1 RENTALS HI-FI AND DISCO lights for rental with buffet *****85, Alan.
      69 words

  • 270 16  - Shigetomi the man to watch Soccer By TAY CHENG KHOON The Toyo-Kogyo man to watch in their match against Singapore Intermediates at 8 p.m. today in Jurong Stadium is Shigetomi Nakano (jersey No 22). He is described by coach Aritatsu Ogi as "the successor to the legendary K. Kamamoto," arguably
    Picture by JERRY SEH  -  270 words
  • 723 16  -  SQUASH Eric Cooper Beeeham's victory over SIA in the men's event was a subject for much discussion and there have been suggestions that the winners employed unfair tactics by making "lastminute" changes to their team order. The facts are that teams were permitted
    723 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 161 16 We invite you to 40 years of the best of Times pictures T I I <0* J iJ From the devastating Bukit Ho Swee Fire and the days of Indonesian Confrontation to the pleasant nostalgia of a typical Baba wedding and the days of the rickshaw. From the dramatic Spyros
      161 words

  • 1012 17  -  Athletics By SHIRLEY TAN Quen Cher Siong, a 17-year-old science student of Raffles Institution, emerged as Singapore's gold medal prospect for the First Asean Schools track and field scheduled in Manila in September. On the first day of the National Schools championships at National Stadium yesterday,
    Picture by JERRY SEH  -  1,012 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 72 17 Mi 0° HOOVER m i !j C m Washing Machine Beautifully designed and sturdily built is the first impression. Then take features like huge Bkg capacity, programme flexibility, water level control, 3 position heater control, bleaching.. and many more exclusive features and safety devices that you must see to really
      72 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 173 17 Sports diary ATHLETICS: National Schools Track and Field meet (National Stadium, 2 p.m.) SOCCER: International Friendly Singapore Intermediate v Mazda Toyo Kogyo of Japan (Jurong Stadium, 8 p.m.). Prisons E.O. Thompson Trophy Drug Centres v Gurkha Unit (Changi Sports Complex, 5 p.m.). Singapore Airlines Group Inter-De-partment League (Mountbatten Pitch, 5.15
      173 words

  • 362 18 COACH WHO CANCELLED TRAINING FOR SHOPPING Soccer Malays!* It Philippine* Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday The writing was on the wall even before kickoff the Filipinos were going to lose. But nobody thought they would be in for a double-figure thrashing in the Asean youth tournament at
    362 words
  • 574 18 Thais prove too good for Singapore Singapore Thailand 2 Koala Lumpur, Wednesday Singapore found themselves at the wrong end of some exceptionally brilliant soccer play by Thailand and subsequently bowed out of contention for a berth in the Asean Youth tournament final. But in the process of
    574 words
  • 201 18 The Football Association of Singapore will most probably ask National team trainer Rahim Yati to look after the squad when coach Jita Singh is away in Switzerland and England later tfci. month. Jita is being sent by the FAS to these two countries to pick up
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  • 71 18 Reuter Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday The Malaysian women's soccer team will participate in a sports carnival in Indonesia in September and in the Asian Women's Football Confederation championships in Hong Kong early next year, the secretary of the Malaysian Women's Football Association, Mrs Habibah Baharom, said today. She
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 22 18 ♦*> s* r T s. M I 4K» v p> m w < '*""IMw Irilr J ,-y V FUUH MWCETT« CHARLES 6(tODIK°AItT CAMEV°JOAH COLLINS
      22 words
    • 85 18 wwwwwwwww IHE FORCE OF ONE IS WITH YOU He hears the silence He sees the darkness He's the only one w n stop the killing Si 4 i >■ i rt W J! CHUCK NORRIS 7 Times World Karate Champion j£ JENNIFER O'NEILL a •Xx i i 1 hi* t'rdeari
      85 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 364 19  -  Review PrietmaUmg Exhibition By Chia Wai Hon The art of printmaking is more than 500 years old in the West, and is even older in the East. However, it is only in the past few decades that technical innovations came about in this particular
      364 words
    • 533 19  -  So quiet, he is almost reticent By Michael Chiang It is a folksy ballad that repeats its lyrics thrice once slow, once up-tempo, then slow again. Ramos play it to ilo end. Busconductors hum it. Army boys whistle it. Just about anyone who
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 911 19 II In and around 11 u COURTESY DRAMA AND FILM SHOW by the Singapore Retail Merchants' Association and the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board at the Singapore Cultural Theatre, Grange Road, at 7 p.m. THE PROVOCATIVE OSCAR WILDE, a oneman performance by Brian Barnes at the DBS Auditorium, at 8 p.m.
      911 words
    • 104 19 Tides (0.5 m), 9 a.m. (2.2 m), 2.25 I] Taeaday: 6.! ).lm), 1.27 p.m 46 p.m. (0.9 m). ).m. (1.1 m), 9.! Maaday: 6.10 a.m. 0.0 m), 12.53 p.m. (2.4 m), > 04 p.m. (1.0 m), 11.58 12.00 ndon The Fabulous 240 1.30 News and Share Market Report 1.40 The
      104 words

  • 45 20 AH FOOK: It's about time the HDB gave its Elanners a freer hand to e creative in designing new estates. MEI UN: There won't be much room for experimenting if their budget remains the same and costs of building materials keep going up.
    45 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 186 20 When your guests ask for gin. offer them tne most exported gin in the world. Impttrtrci ■•/Offi hjtffUiii I m I ASSOCIATED LIQUOR DISTRIBUTORS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD. Fishcr-Pricc Toys keep their promises V\c m.ikc •>mi' lliciink Is I i i tmr i >11 .11 r Ihr p.uls
      186 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 809 20 I TV AND S.II OPENING ANN OI'NC EM E NTS followed by WHAT'S MY LINE. 3.25 DIARY OP EVENTS. S.St CHEMISTRY: Part 8. On the properties of water and an explanation as to why water makes a good solvent. SBC 8 S.St OPENING ANN 01'NC EM ENT8 followed by THE
      809 words
    • 264 20 Today's top shows PORTRAITS OF POWER: Hirohito The Chrysanthemum Throne. (Ch 5, 9.55 p.m. In colour). Hirohito, scion o( the oldest Imperial family in the world, became Emperor of Japan in He stands out in Japanese history for several reasons. He was their first crown prince to travel abroad, he's
      264 words