New Nation, 16 April 1979

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 19 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Monday, April 16, 1979 2541 Price 25 cents M.C.(R) No. 144/1/79 r NLW fcj) NATION COMMENT
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  • 52 1 Reuter Budapest, Monday A total of 4298 people killed themselves during 1977 in Hungary, which has one at the highest suicide rates in Hie world, Budapest newspapers reported yesterday. In contrast, 1877 people died in motor accidents that year, the reports quoted an official annual demographic survey as
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 33 1 Reuter Hong Kong, Monday The French Lyons Symphony Orchestra played its first concert in Shanghai on Saturday before a packed audience of 1800, the New China News Agency reported. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 377 1 Kremlin acts after 'massacre of the Soviets' Reuter Kabal, Meaday The Soviet Union has taken urgent steps to protect its citizens in Afghanistan following the murder of scores of Soviet advisors by opponents of the pro-commu-nist government in Kabul, diplomats said yesterday. Th{ measures included sending Soviet
    Reuter  -  377 words
  • 90 1 Fearteea pctple were male hemelem aad several trees aprssted hy a sterm whleh hit Sagapere early today. PeUee said as eae wti injured. There were m majer aeddents hat heavy trafHe Jams were repsrted alsag Upper Jnrang aad Pnaggsl reads, Amng the went affected areas were
    90 words
  • 30 1 Reuter Perth, Monday Former Western Australian Premier Sir David Brand, who led his state (or a record 12 years from 1969 to 1971, died yesterday. He was 66.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 26 1 UPI Moscow, Monday The Soviet Union launched the 1093rd in its Cosmos series of earth satellites on Saturday, the official Tass news agency reported. UPI
    UPI  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 It wm Am dm like thla by Permk KMlkMper N«Mdil HaeMm that mved the Malaysia stele fr*m a Meat la tie test right. Bat tee M wta by te MV IIMLJW FEEY LOW ityi teey eeaM set matek H—fc MMtek report ami more pie tares la Page* It ami 17.
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    • 30 1 I INSIDE 'taKT" WA Squash: Now one for the women Page 14 IN THE OTHEB PAGES: Moneywords coupon 12; Moopywords results. Stars 13; Crossword 15; Comics 17; What's On 19.
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    • 178 1 |h$treel£4Mftl%l New Nation has been finding out how students are streamed in other countries. What were their experiences? Why are some of their educationists having second thoughts about streaming? What can we learn and what possible pitfalls should we avoid? Tomorrow we bring you education reporter Teresa Ool's findings. She
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 496 2 World authority on bilingualism says in paper to conference A world authority on bilingualism is against studying a prestige language like English at the expense of a basic national language in a multi-racial community. Instead, Or Wallace Lambert feels emphasis should be placed
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  • 230 2 Police national service reservists will now have to attend in-camp s Previously, they were not called up (or in-camp once they finished their two or two-and-a-half-year service although such training isprovided for in the Enlistment Act. The new move la the result of the
    230 words
  • 88 2 Fiery little Bed ImHu WUsaa Oei iMe eeafldeatfy ea stage ui preehM: Ti very, very strsag. My father b the ehfaf ef the Apache." Ami rsacladei this with a wild, wheepiag yril. That «w klm the flrat ■he a hage M chaealate hsaay at
    88 words
  • 166 2 Share prices opened on a steady to firm note during the first hour of trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore today. Gains were marginal and traders appeared cautious in view of the (airly sharp price advance last week. In the banking sector, 0.C.8.C. stood out with a
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  • 57 2 Send-off parties for another batch of youths called up for national service will be held at five community centres Boon Teck, Delta, Geylang West, Ghim Moh and Nee Soon on Wednesday at I a.m. The youths will assemble at the ■community centres to bid farewell to their elders
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 79 2 Bicj Sueep Big Sweep drawn at Penaag an Saturday: Pint: ***** Seeaad: ***** IHM: ***** Marten: Nob. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****. Gaaaalatlaa: Nos. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****. Big Sweep drawn at Penang on Sunday: FM: *****
      79 words

  • 103 3 Filipinas dance delight at plaza Teenage brother and sister, Maricar and Calay Ynitierrez, delighted hundreds of shoppers with their performance of a Filipino courtship dance, Paseo De Iliolo, at-the Bukit Timah Plaza yesterday afternoon. Maricar, 14, was gowned in an elaborate satin pink outfit. She and
    103 words
  • 219 3  -  Of Chinese goods By K.K. Fong The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a close-door meeting recently with importer associations to discuss the widening price gap of Chinese goods sold here and in Hong Kong. The meeting, chaired by Mr Lam Thian, head of
    219 words
  • 245 3 The National Trades Union Congress has sent an invitation to the secretary general of the International Transport-workers Federation (ITF), Mr Harold Lewis, to attend the forthcoming conference of Asian seafarers' unions in Singapore. ■The invitation was sent last Saturday by the chairman of the joint
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  • 23 3 Minister for National Development, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, will declare open NTUC's 11th Welcome supermarket at Aug Mo Kio on April 25.
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  • 17 3 A three-day dental health exhibition will be held at the Havelock Community Centre, starting on Friday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 Chanrai's proudly presents the 79 collection of t UROPfc S UNEOUAI l L l> SHIFUVAKt M PHILIPPE exclusively available at all Chanrai's stores only m r Hr Hi 'VI w *x W" V HIGH ST CENTRE-: LUCKY PLAZA OCEAN BUILDING SUPREME HOUSE HILTON AND RAFFLES HOTELS
      46 words

  • 442 4 By Tn Lima Huay They are years apart in age: the oldest was born 58 years earlier than the baby of the group, who is 17 years bid. But there is no generation gap between them; they are bound by a common love
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  • 277 4  -  By Judith Hale Singapore Airlines was the official carrier for more than half of the conferences held here last year. It serviced 18 put of the 30 conferences compared with only three in 1972. This year it will be the official airline for 20 conferences
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  • 75 4 The Sal Oh Thye Hua Kwan Chooo Teck Seah Society in coo junction with the Nanyang Siang Pau, Sin Chew Jit Foh, Straits Times and the Singapore Middle School Teachers' Union will organise an essay competition: Respecting Our Elders, to promote good morals and virtues among young citizens.
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  • 31 4 The Havelock community centre has set up a study club for students from Primary 6 to Secondary 4 at its premises at *45 Merchant Road. Enrolment fee is $1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 9 4 listen to the soothing sounds of Den (f Martin
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  • 197 5 Public can phone for flight facts Airlines operating here have agreed to answer inquiries from the public on flight information, despite inital concern that they would be unable to cope with the numbers. The Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) will continue to give basic information
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  • 148 5 The government has selected a British consultancy group to undertake the third phase of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) preliminary studies, according to Sin Chew Jit Poh. It said on Saturday the British group of Mott, Hay and Anderson International, Sir William Halcrow and
    148 words
  • 114 5 The sole agents of Honda motorcycles, Boon Slew S'pore Pte Ltd, has launched a free Inspection and servicing campaign to promote road safety. The company's manager, Mr Geoffrey Y.K. Roh, said that the rampalgn which stalls today win end on Saturday. He aaid: "During this period
    114 words
  • 51 5 Members of the Adult Section of the Toa Payoh branch library who Joined between July 1, 1975 and Dec 31, 1975, are reminded to renew their memberahip. Thoae who do hot do so by Jane 30 will cease to be members and their |5 deposit transferred to the
    51 words
  • 174 5 Muslims form the largest number of people who registered as volunteer after-care officers (VAOs). Out of 1732 applicants between September 1977 and September 1978, 766 were Muslims. Of the other volunteers, 300 were Buddhists, 387 Christians, 197 Hindus, and 82 Roman Catholics. This was disclosed
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  • 73 5 Zoo a place of learning The proposed education centre at the Singapore Zoological Gardens will feature orientation programmes on the zoo and other educational topics. The present souvenir shop will be converted into the centre which will feature a theatrette. The $100,000 project, sponsored by Esso (Singapore), is expected to
    73 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 This is the cleaner that goes beyond effective cleaning. V f I M •K KSr U/H, i i < <■> ,V i-V'v •?> ■>'' s< JmZA /a •II LI
      25 words

  • 503 6 Death toll in Albania rising by the minute World Focus Reuter Dihrtvalk (YageslavU), Monday Soon after President Tito told the nation that more than 200 people were killed in two earthquakes which struck Yugoslavia yesterday, officials in Albania said the death toll there was rising by the minute.
    Reuter; UPI picture  -  503 words
  • 86 6 TODAY is Monday April 16, the 106 th day of 19T9 with 259 to follow. Those bora this date are under the sign of Aries. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: In 1975, the government of Cambodia asked the communist insurgents for a cease-fire and offered to turn power over
    86 words
  • 54 6 Reuter Meriaihala (Mi), Meaday Alrpert wearily officer Rn Hum, 4S, clilmf4 ft warid rw#rd yoitertfty f#r mllij •yiK ten he ate Ai ia five ■taatM. Hentthe reeerd at aa eyater festival here. A festival ipi>rw» said the Gahanaa Seek a« Reeerda Baled the aid reeeri at <18 eyitera
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 506 6 LmIm Sunny, warm, scattered rain later, 17-8C. Headline: Rhodesians raid hone oC Nkoow. Mimw Clear, 114C. Pfavda'a headline: May Day slogans. Baaa Sunny, 5-20C. Headline: Number of executions in Iran increase*. Parti Partly cloudy, 309C. Headline Rhodesiaim destroy hone of rebel chief in Zambia. K«ssa Sunny, 205C. Headline: Was it
      506 words

  • Article, Illustration
    122 7 Reuter Kampala, Monday This is Idi Amin's House of Death. The House is the headquarters of the dreaded State Research Bureau where 100 prisoners were massacred during the tall of Kampala to the Tanzanianbacked rebels. A Tanzanian soldier surveys the cell where mutilated bodies were strewn on
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 212 7 World Focus Reuter Hm| Kwg, Momtoy: China is to buy and build more ships in an effort to turn itself into a leading maritime nation, the New China News Agency reported yesterday. The agency quoted a spokesman (or the China Ocean Shipping Company as saying
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 195 7 Cairo, Monday President Anwar Sadat has given orders to his police to shoot anyone who attacks stateowned or private properties. He alao discloaed that he would ban students from practising politics in campuses. A decree empowering governors to enforce the ban would be issued later, he told
    195 words
  • 61 7 Reuter Seoul, Monday Twentysix miners were killed on Saturday in South Korea's worst mining disaster when explosive charges they were carrying down a mine shaft ignited, police said. Some of the Vd injured in the accident at a coal mine in Chungsun, about 160 km
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 \SSSSS3M v--50 W3S& J i; m n >) X 539 I i Offices In
      13 words
    • 179 7 That's why ot Merlin, in addition to the usual convention fodlities and services for functions like banquet and cocktail, there's another deportment to take core of your recreational needs. We con coordinate your work and play' to ensure a smooth programme for your convention. < And for good measure our
      179 words

  • 446 8 The prospect of a mass stampede by Kampucheans into Thailand last weekend was a grim possibility. More than 25,000 Pol Pot soldiers and their families found themselves, pushed towards the Thai eastern frontier town of Aranyaprathet by the current Vietnamese-led offensive in western Kampuchea. If they had
    446 words
    • 59 8 When a Hang Kdog nAdent hind a prirfftu—l moviaf company to mow nil DNouinp into Mi new flat, ha found to Us chagrin that It took hli word literally. Not oatjr were the Icetraya b«a Ma freeaer with the makhw cohea neatly wrapped la i»Mi|ai tranaportad.-
      59 words
    • 33 8 Agala few Hong Kin, a collaague jotted a Shaaghaj Reataaraat taailSf ShST ralhiry cratiNaartmi, ria thoaght. But the*, It coakl have heea a gourmet nte-aff (rem' the Japaa-Chlaa n MMHiip Qwy.
      33 words
  • 708 8  -  MONDAY WITH SONNY YAP SONNY YAP So many millions of words have been penned on the subject of culture in Singapore that I hesitate to make a contribution that will only be tantamount to topping an ocean with a glass of salt-water. But what with all
    708 words
  • 902 8 Come, sleep but without a pill NYT NevTuk: An expert panel of the Na tional Academy of SH«k« recently confirmed what deep ychHrti have been oaying for yean that deeping pille are potentially dangerous and largely ineffective. More often than not, deeping pUls aggravate Oe very problem they are supposed
    NYT  -  902 words

  • 773 9  -  For the Record by Gloria Chandy Hawkers are people that we take very much for granted these days. Whatever our grievances about the service they give, we are nevertheless grateful that they abound as it is very much to our convenience. And hawkers themselvej
    Pictures by courtesy of the Singapore National Archives and Records Centre  -  773 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 Regain strength.With ibmeishu. 4 A CONTAINS MORE ir AN VIE DICIN A L HERBS i smk t Yomeishu is a timeless tonic for the active people of today. Prepared from a 370-year-old formula handed down through the generations, Yomeishu contains more than 10 medicinal herbs well-known in the East for
      133 words

    • 408 10/11 We've updated Chinese and» Peranakan ethnic wear before in Trend. Now for the Indian. The Indians have always been ahead of the West in their colours. They've always favoured rich strong shades like maroon, pinks, reds and fuchsia, all of which have only recently swept the fashion
      Pictures: Johari Rasikin; Artwork: Chandra Das  -  408 words
    • 1000 10/11  -  CASE: Allowance £or parents Growing Up Gre wing op Is difficult, and adolescence Is perhaps the most disturbing period of life. One of the teenager's greatest needs Is for a mature, experienced person with whom to discuss problems "maa-to-man." Unfortunately this person Is not easy to
      1,000 words
    • Column 7
      • 104 10/11 THE BPOBTING wtrt them Awt mad The ■•re npMiWndl la larex er satla, while •then rfuwei their bsttaaw la tight Realms ui eettea. We're talblag abeat the Aerte wera by these whe ■tteaiai Bherts Night which was held at the Am dab, My Place, a few Satariaye aga.
        104 words
      • 78 10/11 NO MOBE washday Maes tar thsee Hriag Mt. Maytag aa Americas r«mpuy, is settlag op wM-xfrWi l»—JwettM all aver Wagiiir% ipedfleally at Aag M« Kta, Naayaag Uslveraity aa* Da■MM haafnla if A*. ■•••cißf niva lla Plata, Chaaeery Cmut, Drayeeart Tmn aad the Taagila SttaHe Maytag claim that
        78 words
      • Article, Illustration
        111 10/11 IT LOOKS Hke feces are aet *aly far iaarlag these day*. Last week, the El Mareeea at Oherel Imperial HetelheU a tashlea ahew far members ealy. Six atieli walked aereas the <aaee fleer aai la hetweea tahlea to ahew afl a retre eeUeetfoa de> Mgaei by Jalle Thlea
        111 words
      • 245 10/11 FURTHER AFIELD, freai Paris, foahtoa ndppeto Areas the eaWee m the Fall/Wlatar 1181 ready to wear dwwhg repart that If KENZO d Jaagle Jap had Ma way, we will all tara Into Mickey Mice, Deaald Docks, aad Hefty Easter RakMta. Tkls Japanese designer paraded aa on
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 58 10/11 lIOW l<) MIX IWI SI MIM Willi PLKASIRK r \Wh<?n pnr.«.i elsfwrfior* af'f'mii** in <k>ubkIP 4»nckN«»<(. iV.« *nw» wwrvt tn tt>« future Ir<>rr oui vWde array 4f iVeciOtis arvd »err» pwvciou> stones And *w«r it f<v pfcavuty too S.l'H DE SILVAJFMtLi ER G-tl Tannin S.ngAp<y«> 10 Tm t) bltfctx. 1
      58 words

  • 180 12 UPI Washington, Monday The government should encourage manufacturers to export goods by tax incentives, through improved world marketing of US products, and by increasing research and development expenditures, a trade official said today. Frank Weil, Commerce Department Assistant Secretary for Industry and Trade, said American
    UPI  -  180 words
  • 338 12 3 Business News and Views LONDON The four day working week ahead of the long Easter weekend saw fairly sustained improvement in the equity market even though, during after hours trading on Wednesday and through much of Thurs- day, gilts and sterling encountered profit-tak-ing. The latter was
    338 words
  • 255 12 NEW YORK A UPI Stocks reached a sixmonth high last holidayshortened week, then lost ground when IBM reported disappointing earnings and the Carter administration voiced deepening concern about inflation. Trading was active. F.W. Woolworth stock stole the spotlight after Brascan Ltd., a Toronotobased
    UPI  -  255 words
  • 210 12 UPI Washington, Monday A Central Intelligence Agency economic analysis says Third World nations sharply improved their trade balances in 1977 but the gains were apt to be short-lived because of the steadily rising costs oi oil and manufactured goods. The newly released report, which covers
    UPI  -  210 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 692 13  -  Light bikes easier to ride Motorcycling »>«. Lee Chiu San According to statistics released by the traffic police, riders of motorcycles in the range between 201 cc to 349 cc have the lowest rate of fatal accidents. Let's took into the reasons for this
    692 words
  • 35 13 The price for the Subaru 600 which was printed as HO,OOO in last Monday's motoring column should have read $10,500. The error is regretted. The metering cehunn is held ever to lezt Meeday
    35 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 103 13 for bettor rood holding, greatly increases road-canrying capacity. Contmes a variabto*ate steel coispring with a heavy duty automatic ac|ustng shock absorber Gives your vehicle added spring weight for heavier loads and bongs it back to ilsdesign height -Reduces vehcie rol under load Monroe's weMoimffi&stage&vafce design—automaticaßy adjusts your shock to suit
      103 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 861 13 i iNloiiey words results □□□BO □□DUD BBBHBH □□□□□□111 □□□□□□ID No entiuM submitted a ia all Hapten with the set of ■—in held by the ]n%ei tt he the most apt hi the New Nation Moneywnrds Contest IA' one point from the wtdch the Un hi the mart held to be
      861 words

  • 306 14  -  in East Asia competition Squash Peter Lo The East Asian Squash Rackets Association have decided to hold a competition for women on the same lines as the men's in next year's East Asia championships. The only difference is that there will be three players instead
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 673 14 AT YOtJR SERVICE Telephone Service: Weekdays 830 am 5 00 p m Saturdays 830 a m —300 p m Public Holidays 900 a m 1 00 p m Counter Service Regular office hours Antafone Service After office hours I 'J I MOHE3IM LOVER MAMMAOC-AH) BUREAU assists you to get your
      673 words
    • 96 14 Poor T. V. Reception FOR Hf ni K COLOUR B W VU VUNGON T V CHANNKI S 3, 5, 8 10 PLFASE CALI VIDEOCRAFT TEL:*****30. *****0 Spf HAL ISTS IN T V. ANTENNA SYSTEM INSTALLATION Come and see our wide range of the latent colour black u/hite T.V'. sets at
      96 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 110 14 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss): Address: N.R.I.C. No: Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS US c im garOMN, tor > nm may wur qum oUcMim WW N can happen thai creokt —-damning evtWHAT YOU HAVE TO DO Uatinn IM l||
      110 words

  • 815 15  -  WEEKEND GOLF by LIM KEE CHAN Twenty-ye/ar-old David Sim scored his third .major success when hie registered the overall best gross of 150 over 36 holes in the match between the Singapore Island Country Club junior invitation team and their counterparts from Jakarta oyer the
    815 words
  • 244 15 A begey ea the lint ptoy-efl was geed wwgt (•r lUffcr Lew to wta Us ktw etob Opea at Cfau«l fees ctokawto Tma At Leh yeetoriay after Wtt had Hiilii 11 the ragafettoa It heka la a tie ea TU. Beger, whe haa heea eeaalateatly
    244 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 174 15 m Predator Woods. You swing the wood with iron-iiko control because the clubhead itself is an investment of cast metal a»oy with the finest wood available. Because of this investment casting. ■Predator wopds is able to contr the loft and lie and radius bulge J and roll'to zero tolerance consistently.
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 280 15 Crossword ACROSS 1 Mine car 3 Port--9 Not in harmony 13 Noted English duke 16 Additional 17 Fill with life 18 Dayton's state 19 Tibetan gazelle 20 December song 21 Heaps 23 Calumet 24 Oppose boldly 25 Actress Defara 28 Loch 29 Literary monogram 32 Overweight 33 Insertion mark 34
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  • 773 16  -  The gasping Perak team fail to stop S'pore in the last 20 minutes «y JEFFREY LOW SbsapmSPenkl Quite frankly, the scoreline flattered Singapore. It should have been a closer match if not for Perak gasping for air in the last 20 minutes. Superior fitness was more Singapore's winning
    773 words
  • 676 16 Malaysia Cup State of the states State of the states Newcomers Sabab's surge up the Malaysia Cop tables to sixth place and a fighting chance for a semifinal berth was the highlight of the fourteenth week of Cup competition. Their 4-0 victory over another semi-final
    Pictures by JERRY SEH  -  676 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 16 16 Available at ad leading stationers and Department Stores. Sola AgaM: AtTMTERNATIO9tAL(FTE)LTD Td: *****41 Th* Stationary Pwopto
      16 words
    • 145 16 is proud to be the bails to the JMfl footballs for the N International mate sia Cup (Home) G< ial supplier of footo will use Mktre ial Teams training, is weH as all Malay lilllie championship quality footballs are also used in the i English, Scottish, Irish FA. J games,
      145 words

  • 138 17 flapptve: Edmund Wee, Lim Tang Boon, Jai Prakash, Syed Mutalib, Jeffrey Lazaroo, Leong Kok Fann, Fandl Ahmad (George Lee, 88th min), Dollah Kassim (Hashim Hosni, 56th min), Mohammed Noh, Ahmad Sayutl, Somoo Manoharan. Permk: Noordin Hashim, Zainol YuaoCf, Ong Lay Seong, P. Umaparan, Hassan Yusoff, K. Rajasegaran, Talnal
    138 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 47 17 erima W. Germany's largest manufacturer of soccer wear Offitial Suppliers 1978 World Cup > 9? r. Distributor Maju Jaya Industries Pie. Ltd 60 OWFN ROAD SINGAPORE 8 TEL *****82 UNCLE CHOO SPORTS CENTRE pUv ltd. Unit >,Y2 2nd Floor Pl.t/.i SnH)<i|Hir f i On:h<ird Rotid Sinc}<<|jut9 Tel 3259t>4
      47 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 63 17 ANDY CAPP J Y\ I imiii K, te ft? v^'-jii «r--11-i 41 K Ml i±fS m m *ss V.t\v iu I o» w ill» A NORBERT IUW CgRTMMLV (JU&S A PLEAS AWT,J by George Fett 00-sr sat -there AAV TAIL AUO ffcrreo V\V HEAD I WPtfT JONAP OP OfJ oe
      63 words

  • 330 18 Golf Reuter Aagasta (Georgia), M*aday Fuzzy Zoeller birdied the second hole of the suddendeath play-off yesterday to win the Masters golf tournament in his first attempt after a dramatic collapse over the closing holes by Ed Sneed had left them tied with Tom Watson on eight-under-par totals
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 251 18  -  Athletics Koh Swee Hua Twenty-eight-year-old discuss thrower, Fok Keng Choy, 28, created the only record at the Singapore Amateur Athletics Association third All-comers meet at Fairer Park yesterday but he failed to qualify for a ticket to the 10th South-east Asian Games in
    251 words
  • 476 18  -  Racing By K. L. CHAN Punters should make a special note of Laeky Lark. He has finally come to hand, and his winning turn is just around the corner. The five-year-old English gelding by Birdbrook ran a forward race in the 1200 m event for
    476 words
  • 179 18 Tennis Reuter Monte Carlo, Monday Bjorn Borg of Sweden demolished American Vitas Genilaitis 6-2, 6-1, to win the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament, the first big event on the European Clay Court calendar. Borg was in his most irrepressible form, losing his concentration only
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 73 18 Soccer Reuter Brussels, Monday. European Clip Winners' Cup semi-finalists Beveren were yesterday knocked out of the Belgian Soccer Cup. They were beaten M at home by Bruges In a quarter-final return leg after losing the first teg 2-1. The other semi-finalist* are Anderlecht, Beerschot and
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 480 18 Now there's a club percentage of good shots. The profoundly simple truth behind better scoring The tad to thai the beat golfer* in llw world hit bad shots. The big difference to thai they get lata of I hen than anybody elae-and thto max imiung of good ahola to what
      480 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 456 19  -  But HK actor Wong Wan Choi took on the job By Teo Lian Huay His role called for eyes that must not roll, wink or see. That was the uncomfortable condition Hong Kong actor Wong Wan Choi had to accept when he took the role
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    • 81 19 A new series of cartoons dabbed In Mandarin will make Its debut on TV Singapore. Called The Adventures of Plckarino, the series will be teleeast from this Sunday at 3 p.m. over Ch. 8. The 52-part cartoon is a take-off from The Adventures of
      81 words
    • 227 19 Say Professor Higgins and Eliza Doolittle and it immediately brings to mind Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn. But long before Lerner and Lowe scored one of' the most successful musicals of the century with My Fair Lady, play from which it was adapted, The
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 614 19 At the cinema HEAVEN CAN WAIT: A romantic-comedy fantasy in which Warren Beatty, as a professional athlete, is summoned to heaven before his time. Mt 1.30, 4, 6.30 and 9 p.m. ABHANTI: Story of an English doctor's search for his African wife, also a doctor, who has'been abducted by slave
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    • 90 19 FM STEREO a.m. Opening Announcements and Programme Summary 6.05 Morning Prelude with The Aloha Hawaiians 6.30 News (E) 6.40 Morning Concert: Goncerto in D for Flute, Strings and Continuo (Vivaldi), Severino Gazelloni (flute), I Music!; Pictures At An Exhibition (Moussorgsky), Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orch/Louis Freniaux; Symphony No. 39 (Mozart), Israel
      90 words
    • 277 19 Sports diary < SEP A K TAKRAW: National First Division League Vigilante Corps v Police (Court 1), Post Authority v Cisco (Court 2). Both matches at 7.30 p.m. At PERSES Centre, Jalan Eunos. TABLE TENNIS: National Schools Tournament (2.30 p.m. various venues). SOCCER: National Schools Tournament (Secondary) St Joseph's Institution
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  • 48 20 AH POM: It looks like children are getting fatter and fatter today. Just imagine 'being called "fatty-fatty-bom-bom" or "fatso". MBI UN: Well, you were not much better off in your schooldays when you were so skinny. Remember your own nicknames: "honey Fooky", "coconut trunk" and "feather-Weight"....
    48 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 111 20 The safe way to eliminate static permanently... r/V > g: 'HI AHOTXE* mooucinwii HHMOME OF VUuxU ma the unique anti-static record preservative kit Atlas Sound (Pte) Limited I Texas Instruments microelectronic dioitai Luotch I. T1503-4 New extended battery life and simplified battery replacement. Five functions Hours,Minuter. Seconds, Month and Date.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 853 20 AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 700 mHon people in 43 countries can't be wring PAL color. Invented and owned by TELEFUNKEN S.M OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by KUDUMBA VILAKKI) (T). The drat of this new series for the family includes news on the Metrication and Save Electricity campaigns; a demon- stration on
      853 words
    • 197 20 Today's top shows J CHALLENGES: Somewhere to Work. (Ch. 5, 6.10 p.m. in colour). This episode looks at the problems faced by three teenagers who are looking (or satisfying Jobs. It examines the gap between their aspirations and the reality of their lives. THE PIBfT EASTER RABBIT. (Ch. 5, 6.35
      197 words