New Nation, 30 December 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 17 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Saturday, December 30, 1978 2451 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1978
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  • 128 1 One final cuddle as three-year-old Naomi Ellas says goodbye to her koala before handing it over for the Kuo Chuan toy library. Together with her brother Jeremy and mother, Mrs Aafje Ellas, she came to the New Nation office yesterday with some of her toys
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  • 585 1 He will appoint a civilian government to replace military-led regime today Reuter UPI Tefcraa, tetardiy. The Shah has no intention of stepping down or leaving Iran and will today appoint a civilian government to replace his military-led regime, a royal palace spokesman said early today. v
    Reuter; UPI  -  585 words
  • 197 1 National Junior College, which orice attracted the cream of Singapore's secondary school leavers, does not have enough students to fill Its 560 pre-university one vacancies next year. It was diclosed yesterday that only 450 students applied for its 550 places,
    197 words
  • 36 1 AP Mexico City, Saturday Pope John Paul n will visit at least four cities and perhaps Ave In Mexico In January, during his first overseas trip, papal nuncio Rev Geronimo Prigione said yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 31 1 Reuter Madrid, Saturday Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez yesterday called general elections (or next March 1 to let Spain choose a government founded on the country's new democratic constitution Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 16 1 Singapore's weather outlook from 1 to I p.m. today: Isolated showers in the late afternoon.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 BRAVURA ATLAS SOUND CO IN THE OTHER PAGES: Money words coupon and Comics 14; Stars 17; Crossword 13. X rt>4i 5% Why the Bionic Man puts Margaret Cunico off Pace 11 New Nation wishes all its readers a Happy HP New Year There will be mm pabUnttn ea Meaday. FIRST
      113 words

  • 260 2 Part-time national servicemen in the Special Constabulary no longer have to go for incamp training every year. They have to do in-camp training only during the first, aecond, third, fifth, seventh and ninth yean of their 12-year service. First year ln-camp train- ing has been
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  • 33 2 The sewerage and drainage departments of the Ministry of Environment will operate from suite 901, World Trade Centre from Jan 2. The new telephone number will be *****211 (20 lines).
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  • 292 2 AWARD-WINNING NURSE REMEMBERS DIFFICULT TIMES For 37 years nurse Mary Bachelor has been as efficient as her crisp, white uniform suggests. And In recognition of her splendid work, particularly in building up the Home Nursing Foundation, lira Bachelor, 54, was awarded the Efficiency Medal
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  • 101 2 More than 17,000 Housing Board flat-owners were shocked when they received their property tax bills recently. The tax for the period between January and June next year showed an increase of at least CO per cent more than the amount they have been paying previously. The
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  • 265 2 The Orchard for sale report The Orchard, a shopping complex on one of the biggest prime properties in Orchard Road, is up (or sale. A Business Times report today said the asking price is $69 million or £00 a square foot. The building, which includes the Tivoli coffeehouse, stands on
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  • 157 2 Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Customs officers will keep watch when tickets go on sale tomorrow for the Malaysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Malacca at National Stadium on Jan. 7. Sources said this is to check malpractices by ticket sellers
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  • 21 2 Kim Keat community centre will hold claws on yoga, Sze Chuan cooking, men's tailoring, and children's cultural- dance next month.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 13 2 Barker shoes for men. Think what goes into them, apart from your feet.
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    • 21 2 SOS It always helps to talk to someone Samaritans of Singapore exists to help those in despair or suicidal. Hint *****44.
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    • 108 2 JOY4NCE R4MCE fle/tour<*«t Merlin Plaza, Beach Road, Nicoll Highway, S'pore 7. Tel: *****06/*****07 (Entry by Beach Road,' proceed into Hotel Merlin front entrance. Entry by Nicoll Highway, use Metro Shopping Centre carpark). HOKIEN CUISINE AT ITS BEST TIM SUM AVAILABLE NOW k CHINESE SET LUNCH @$4/- per dish Famous Singers
      108 words

  • 457 3  -  Some who qualified turned away *jr Teresa Ooi Hwa Chong Junior College had to turn away 300 applicants, some with 13 points for the best five relevant subjects In the <*0" level- preliminary examinations, when re- sults of the pre-univergi-ty one postings were released yesterday.
    457 words
  • 31 3 The NTUC secretarygeneral, Mr Devaa Nalr, win open a semlnsr on The Responsibilities and Aspirations at Working Woman In Mngapore at the DBS auditorium en Jan 12 at UL
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  • 224 3 The Housing and Urban Development Company will am call up more than STO applicants to pick flats at Braddell View aad Chancery Lane rader the second phase of its development programme. Biochurea on the data are being prepared ror umuidu ttan to applicants early oat
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  • 122 3 A provision to have a government —it on the Law Society of igngapore Council wax Included in the draft bill prepared recently by the Attorney-Generals Chambers It was among various proposals aimed at enhancing professional to amend the Legal Profession Act. Sources said
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  • 21 3 The Istana grounds will be open to the public from S a.m. to CJP p.m. oa Monday. New Year's day.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 300 4  -  ■y Lee Yew Meng Most of the 40 ahopownera in High Street whose properties were acquired by the government are appealing against the compensation which they described as km. They have filed notlcee of appeal and are watting tor a hearing before the Appeal Board
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  • 120 4 No objection has been raised so tar over a record bsarlag the Quraafc phrase "Blsnullah al-Rahm alRahlm" on Its sleeves. The phrase, which means "la the same ef God, the Benevolent, the Merciful" is ptintsd on the back cover of Cat Steven's LP. Back To Earth,
    120 words
  • 57 4 The BTB lUnflm 18 to mr M lar the staff 4 ike commercial asdhi w BTB, Mr AairMr Lis (akve), M« J«* tew to Aiv« im l M TC Ju«i l Mi i km In *»y» Mm Ifet ctakf dale DM St. 9mmMi will
    57 words
  • 516 4 That's the aim of Environment and Health ministries Singapore'! health and environmental services will be spruced up with a aerie* at pro)ectt next year. Primary health care, health education lerladlng a national health campaign, and hoqpttak wffl receive ■pedal attention from the Health Minister And
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 <s> /.A i&i. m.vik xd heme of jit the sttir St RESERVATIONS: *****3 Theatre Restaurant Niteclub» Q Scotts Hd (JRfinD FG/TIV6 ATTRQCTIOfI^ NO COVER CHARGE FOR DINERS m £W 4 A -fi > .ift c > x -i hi •a. I s f v' V "Vf i] rw > ft
      117 words

  • 173 5 UPI Queen Elizabeth created six new life peers, 21 knights and mads soprano Jonn Sutherland. singer Olivia NewtonJohn (a star of the movie GNnse) and singlehanded sailor Naomi Jamas Damss Members at the Brtttah Empire. James Herriot, probably the world's most fsmous veterinarian because at
    UPI  -  173 words
  • 64 5 AFP Washington, Saturday China will probably parsatellite than the United States, the US National Aeronautics aad Bpaos Agency (Nasa) said last night A Nasa statement said a preliminary agreement had been signed by both sidss In the course of the initial phase of talks on pnsffhh Slno-American
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 30 5 AP Tokyo, Saturday More than 1000 invading Vietnamese troops were killed or wounded during an attack on K—pnehan during Christmas, Peking's official Hiinhns News Agency reported yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 317 5 India rapped for allowing princes to go hunting World Focus Reuter New MM, v Indian zoologists yesterday denounced the government (or bowing before oil politics and allowing Saudi Arabian prince* to hunt one of India's rarest birds, the great bustard. Although the large deeertlovtng bird
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 145 5 Agencies Jakarta, Saturday Indonesia baa asked > Indifferent to the refugeee ter Mochtar Kusumaatmai Vietnam not to remain > problem, Foreign Minisdja said yesterday. He told Miimu that the request «h made when he received Vietnamese ambasndor to Indonesia Tran Mj Ob Wednesday. Ia Mirta (our
    Agencies  -  145 words
  • 104 5 AFP Stockholm. Saturday lbs Soviet Union has (dans to lavado and occupy ff,„. J, ja owwKfi wiuun w nours, a former Cnchodovik general Jan Sejaa, who defected to the West ia IM, told the Swedish daily Barometers yestsrday. Mr Sejna said the occupation of Swsdoa waa of
    AFP  -  104 words
  • 110 5 Reuter Colombo, Saturday About 3QO delegates ban 95 countries met here yesterday under the suspires of the World Constitution and Parliament Aim IntWwi to discuss the crention of a world government. The delegates, most of „whom are (Tom India, will how to persuade the world's
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 126 6 AP Los Angeles. Saturday A 78-year-old man who wanted to stop his suffering from arthritis poured two Jugs of alcohol over his body and set himself In flames on Friday, police said. Matthew fofckel, whose hometown was unknown, was reported in critical condition In the burns
    AP  -  126 words
  • 71 6 Reuter Turin (Italy), Saturday Thieves who were blessed by a cardinal when they beat his houwlutptr unconscious and stole his ring have returned it to him, police said recently. The ring was found after an anonymous caller telephoned a policeman aad said it was under the
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 27 6 Reuter Seoul, Saturday Nine people were killed and about 20 others injured when fire destroyed a restaurant in eastern Seoul vesterday, police said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 173 6 Reuter Jerusalem, Saturday The US has pledged to help meet Israeli oU needs for Ave years if Israel loses any of its sources of supply, Prime Minister Menachem Begin said yesterday. He told a meeting of Israeli newspaper editors he had heard this on the
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 102 6 World Focus Reuter Bangkok, Satarday Seven penle, five of them children aader II years aid, were baraed te death la a Ore here ahartly after mldalght, peHce said yesterday. They aakl the vietime wen trapped laride beeMM ef the •teal-lrea wladew bais bsllt te beep
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 28 6 Reuter Duesseldorf (West Germany) Employers and trade unions will resume talks today to try to settle West Germany's month-long steel strike, a union spokesman said Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 142 6 Reuter Piacenza (Italy), Saturday Italian authorities yesterday tron the assets of a woman whoae, purported vision of the Virgin Mary has made her village an International place o( pilgrimage. Rosa Quattrlnl, known as Mamma Rosa, said in 1964 she had seen the Virgin in
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 136 6 Turkey riots can spread PM Reuter Ankara, Saturday Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said yesterday the violence In Turkey could spread to other parts of the country despite the imposition of martial law In most major cities. He issued the warning after meeting with senior military companders, security chiefs and civilian
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 117 6 UPI TODAY is Saturday, Dec 30, the 364 th day of 1978 with one to follow. Thote born on this date are under the sign of Capricorn. British novelist Rudyard Kiplin# was barn on Dec 30, ON ran DAY IN HISTORY: In 1853, the United States bought about 116,500
    UPI  -  117 words
  • 62 6 Reuter L—lm, Satarday Tut Mm Qariae Fraacto gat mare tkaa be bargained for when be fell la lave the lady af this ebaice was a tax Inspector. Hb eeaHdeaee la her teraed eat ta be mlaplaeed whea she lafarmed ea him aad Fraada eaded ap before a
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 49 6 AFP Ottawa, Saturday Only two of the 537 prisoners allowed to take a five-day vacation from Canadian prisons at Christmas this year did not return on time, author!ties said today. Last year, five of the K2 piimua's given a Christmas vacation did not return on time. AFP.
    AFP  -  49 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 446 6 WORLD WEATHER Lmim Rain, 12-6C. Headline: Thp Shalnt bay. Cloudy, L2-2C. Headline: Steel strike escalates Parti Variable. 11-6C. Headline: Iran Hots continue, 12 die. Maseaw 'Overcast, minus 22-minus 28C. Headline: Development of Soviet agriculture. BNM Cloudy and cool, 16-9C Headline: Search for Alitalia air crash victims continues. Rte 4s Isnsira
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    • 0 6 !</;(=$-:\+^_`$*$|"]\!${\*;+`&=
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1220 7 IF OVERSEAS UNION FINANCE LIMITED (hcerpwitod in the Republic of Singapore) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30TH JUNE 1978 34,801,193 44,515 1,058,705 245,978 S.iHB.Wg 40,006,282 1,529,807 50,535 qjjt lwMr¥¥ 47.643.704 1,241,816 2,000,500 8304)00 219,412 >3.818.135 FIXED ASSETS INVESTMENTS Unquoted shares In subsidiaries at cost less provision for diminution in value 812J00
      1,220 words

  • 483 8 Suddenly, 1978 ended in a breathless flux. It started (XT, of course, with some promise and a whole lot of gloom at the same time. Anwar Sadat's year-end historic Jerusalem trip in 1977 carried its spark through the year. That was sustained right to
    483 words
  • 104 8 [whispers fg> v US Secretary of Sute Cyrus Vance, who returned home from his Salt and Middle East pence talks in Europe without any treaties, received a commutation prize, reports UPI. Before they landed on Quia!was Eve, reporters accompanying Mr Vance Haged a consolation prize cwwur in the
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  • 780 8  -  rln other j words... Tan Bah Bah It's that time of the year again. For $30, $50 or $100 ("dinner and novelties included"), yon -can usher in the new year tomorrow evening alone. To welcome 1979 with a partner, it will be twice as
    780 words
  • 320 8 Reuter Uata: Some 94)0,000 people are either killed or incapacitated by pesticide poisoning every year. These are not official figures: there are none. This Is the best guest of the World Health Organisation (WHO), whose expert committee on the safe use of pesticides met
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 173 9  -  ERIC CHEONG Mngipin 7. The facts In the story, Scrap Rediffusion Retrenchment Scheme, (NN, Dec 8), in which comments were attributed to "a SMMWU source", are incorrect. Now of the officials In the head office or tpe RedttMoa branch of SMMWU who is In any portion to comment
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  • 568 9  -  MAIL BAG LEE WAI KOK I refer to your editorial, To Build a Strong Foundation, (NN, Dec 18). Most of the questions posed In the editorial have been answered by me However, in order that the public get a clearer picture on how the
    568 words
  • 79 9  -  N.RAJENDRAN 818 has started a very bad style «f mm piwlirtu where the mn reader take* ap half the screea aad the alter half is accepted by wards ar pictarea. I feel BtlSflj ahaat this beeMN the wards sm the right side are Hacked, the prist Is swell,
    79 words
  • 109 9  -  V.G. KRISHNAN We wiili to reply to the letter from JERRY GOH (NN, Dec 1«). It is heartening to note that the documentary aeries that we have been telecast-* tag have an appreciative following Realising the value at programmes such as the Secret World
    109 words
  • 60 9  -  CHONG WEE LIAN (MRS) We assure Victor Lye (NN, Nov 11) that the Housing Board takes seriously into consideration, both the needs and desires at applicants in the design and layout at Oat units. We believe there has been no oversight on our part and that the
    60 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 55 9 WRITE TO THE EDITOR. NEW NATION. LOCKED BAG IS. SINGAPORE I. The Qu Q A delightfully rounded ros£ from the Loire Valley of France Refreshing and piquant. Perfect for a formal dinner a buffet or even that pique-nique deux! QUIEK pronounced "marvellous!" 0"% m L ability 'Aw Sole Agents: Maclaine,
      55 words

  • 581 10/11 TO FILL FOOTAGE, DRAG IT I used to be a television nut. Until RTS cured me. I realise that I turn on the set far leas than I used to. Half the time they're showing something I've already seen: I Dream Of Jeannie, The
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 64 10/11 There's something very special about PENTEL.Its unique construction gives you a Marker, Bail-point Pen, and Fountain Pen, ALL IN ONE. Pleasing to the eye as well as the touch, PENTEL'S unique cushioned ball-tip maintains an even flow of ink, even when writing A upside-cfcwn. What's more,, carbon copies J cleanly
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  • Page 10/11 Miscellaneous
    • 1056 10/11 YOUR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE W/— Lj SINGAPORE 5 GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR SHARPCTV Saturday OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by 8E8AME STREET. l.SS SATURDAY MATINEE: Night and the City (See Top Shows Of The Weekend) SJS PISH? Retirement Blues. Pish fights his new-found retirement blue* with a night out In town with,
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    • 718 10/11 RADIO SINGAPORE Saturday 1.0Q P.M. Lunch Date (s) 1.30 News followed by Share Market Report 1.45 Programme Summary followed by Lunch Date (a) 2.00 Shame of Sefton Ridge 2.30 A Musical Tribute to Noel Coward 3.30 Something Old Something New (s) 4.00 Concert by the Goh Soon Tloe Orchestra 5.00
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    • 319 10/11 Top Shows of the Wepkt'iid I X* > •> 3 k. 4 i V SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE: ANmFW All 8mmm. (Ck.l, 11.16pm, la eetoar). Top marks mat to mil iawhred la Ike making af tkla IMC prodnetlea kauri oa Robert Bolt's play oa Sir TfcomM Mare. More wko lived from
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  • What's Oh A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 402 12  -  Year's best are still by old hands Records In. Peter Ong It's thai time of the year one# again to look back on the year that was. Punk rock certainly swept across the music capitals of the world. And so did disco. Fortunately, punk rock didn't
      402 words
    • 333 12  -  Chess l>\ a National master Leslie Leow duly won the 2nd Christmas Chess Festival sponsored by Nescafe with 8 points form 9 games, one point ahead o( Quek Suan Fuan, Alphonsus Chia and Goh Cheng Heng who tied for the second place. The winner collected
      333 words
    • 174 12 Tonight at the Conference Hall, you will be entertained to an manual Instrumental range of chamber music by the group Ensemble L Members of the group are Thomas Pinschof (ram Austria who plays the flute, Marco van Pagee (ram Hotland who plays the Viola, Brachi
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    • 61 12 Casey Ktiea will presort tke Up 1M Mm •C IMS tkreexk the early Iwn sf the Nwt Yort after all. The laltlal hltehes wIM pMvwM li the nenaag. CUM Ike Amerleaa T»p 49 Special Anaal CeuUm, It will M ler rii Mi half hews
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 467 12 II In and around A MUSICAL EVENING, programme of Instrumental and choral music by the students of Crescent Girls' School. At the Singapore Conference Hall, 7.30 p.m. Tickets sold out. EXHIBITION Or CHINESE PAINTINGS by Connie Ho and Vivian Young, at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, from 10 a.m. to
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    • 645 12 les Twlay: 10.35 a.m. (3.2 m); 5.16 p.m. (0.1 m). Timiw: 11.19 a.m. (3.2 m). Maatfajr: 12.04 p.m. (3.2 m); 6.14 a.m. (1.2 m) Taesiay: 12.50 p.m. (3.2 m); 7.02 a.m. (1.2 m) We4aasiaj: 2.20 a.m.(2.9m); 8.23 p.m. (0.3 m). Tfcarsday: 8.43 a.m. (1.2 m); 9.11 p.m. (0.5 m). I]
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  • 435 13  -  As traders stay safely on sidelines Market roundup by Lee Yew Meng The Singapore stock market shifted into lowlevel, dull trading patterns, during the holiday-shortened week, although there were intermittent mild rallies on year-end squaring of accounts. Market observers said traders pietared to stay safely
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  • 269 13 UPI London, Saturday Analysts have mixed views on what will happen to Britain's economy next year. Buainess confidence in Britain is contlning to grow, particularly la service sectors, some experts said. A survey done fay the work-contracting organisation. Manpower, revealed that of nearly 1900 major
    UPI  -  269 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 359 13 Netf York, Saturday The rtock market, disturbed by the latest news from Iran and a sharp riae In (arm prices, closed out a lacklustre 1978 with modest loss yesterday. Trading on the last trading day o( the year was moderate. The Dow Jones Industrial average, which shed 2.60
      359 words
    • 28 13 UPI New York. VHtejr Dow Jaw cM« ■vera** at the New York Slock Eicfcuf* ym"jotduXrta* «M 1 <•« trtMport (oil Mi): utiUteMLM (uf Mocks ITUKott U7). UPI
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 69 13 Reuter Closing price* on the Paris Bourse yesterday Ptrlbu 2**^ 2JO Foncler 466.10 -15J0 Prlntempi 115.10 -.40 Bull •1.10 JO Roytl Dutch MJt >•50 Michel tn 1231 13 COB 400 1 Thomson 340 +4 crp 141.00 .60 Rhone 116.10 1J0 Air 367 7 JO B8N 960 17 Philips 50.46
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 77 13 AFP New Delhi, Saturday India is ready to give technical iim help to Vietnam's reconstruction programme, Foreign Minister Atal Bthari Vajpayee told Vlstnsmese Deputy Pramlsr Nguyea Day Triach during thrae horn of talis yesterday, official sources here said. Mr Vajpayee said India's financial resources were limited,
      AFP  -  77 words
  • 259 13 London, Saturday The dollar closed lower on most European money market! on the last day of trading in 1978 yesterday and dealers said the outlook for the US currency In the new year will depend on the success of the US fight against Inflation. During 1978 the dollar
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  • 91 13 Business News and Views a AFP STOCKHOLM: Swedish authorities yesterday announced a provisional suspension of state export credit guarantees for exports to Iran because of the unstable situation there. The decision affected sales worth about US$220 million (1475 million) Including mainly machinery, heavy vehicles and construction materials.— AFP.
    AFP  -  91 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 CLIPPER LIGHTER ONLY $2 45 fit uu ~j cc < —I —J LL Uj CC \=> i H i /WN s/: /<y>o/; ia:s i i n r 920. EAST C OAST PARKWAY VPOkE THE PHONE 4407 128 9 4407 246 INSIDE THE PARKL ANDGOI F DRIVING RANGE
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 345 13 J J ■I il ■a iim •j j fCrossu/ord j 8 Ladder rung 12 Guthrie 13 Urls and Spinks 15 Piece of gossip 16 Beginning 17 Declaim 18 Skating manoeuvre 19 Word* on a picture postcard m 22 Long fish 23 Hall 24 Church sections 27 Pari-mutuel machine 29 relief
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  • 905 14 RICKY STAR. By Lim Thean -Soo. (Pan Pacific Book Distributors), 260 pages. Review by KSK. m The simplicity of the prose as well as the predictability of the course of the plot belie the urgent moral of this novel. We have here a work
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  • 473 14  -  H J wy Tan Tee Jim DYNASTY. By Bmbeit Ekfut (Putaaa). Ml M|M. Reviewed by Taa Hen's an odd match. One half Actioa and the other history, the whole intended to coalesce into a novel no wonder Robert Elegant's book appears to us at Drst sight much as
    473 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 400 14 [VTXZLi Z<J £>; SATURDAY •jj la vary WHAT YOU NAVI TO OO 1. Moneywords Contest HMWiil be judged by a committee. Every entry will be examined. 2. The Prize of $1000 will be awarded on the following basis. (a)lf an entrant has submitted a solution which the adjudication committee holds
      400 words
    • 37 14 ANDY CARP you ABE TUE MOST GHOST SHORT RIBS *43 m i? &2 JKttßSy by Frank O'Neal I AM 7UE SPimr or -n-M CHEAK ANP KIONfV Plf KXJHAD PDQ PfNNIER. 1 t to NORBERT by George Fett
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  • shopping
    • 352 15 It is easy to own a household electrical appliance nowadays with the introduction of the hire purchase scheme by so many stores. With hire purchase, you can immediately take possession of an item whi&h you do not have the full
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 238 15 IT S ALWAYS FIRST FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN MODERN FURNISHING Extra super showrooms at the Gay World Amusement Park (next to Silver City Cinema where you can choose from more than 50 different models of up-to-date quality living room suites; 30 different models of dining room sets and 30
      238 words
    • 41 15 LET US RECONDITION IT'S CHEAPER THAN BUYING A NEW SET GET.IN TOUCH WITH US Manufacture By «»|A t> A Sl,:'. 11l SM sii: I'hi i 196, Yio Chu Kang Road, (6% m.s. Off Sarangoon Gar dan Way) Singapore 19. Tal: *****7.
      41 words
    • 122 15 iVU/f vJntuwtea Sffaecia/Cjffe* Special Discount for cash purchases Also available: Monthly instalments for:- Black/White T. V. $25/- p.m. Colour T.V. $45/- p.m. Washing Machines $25/- p.m., Refrigerators $31/- p.ih. Gas Cookers $20/- p.m. Plus Free Gifts to be given away for Cash Hire Purchases. Call at: MENG KWANG RADIO Use
      122 words
    • 219 15 NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER i Model SB6OO UP. $670/- S.P. $536/- m'tm 1 P, IJ m I Model FG6OIC UP. $380/- S.P. $304/Vhrt our showroom to ntw the dtforont modoh of furniture ivliable Free comuttitwn on desifn avatabia SIN BIAN FURNITURE CO. Showroom: 1) 361 Chanfi Road, s'/i m.s. S'l4
      219 words

  • 557 16 But they must contain the 'danger* trio upfront Soccer Despite gambling on youth rather than experience, Singapore Indians appear capable of stretching and even upsetting Cup holders Malaysian Indians in their am»isl Deeps vail Cup encounter at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. Kickoff: 7.30 p.m. The
    557 words
  • 417 16 j^^fennte UPI Melbourne, Saturday. Former Australian hardcourt champ Peter McNamara yesterday beat tournament favourite Tim Gullikson ot the States, in a second round' unset ot the Australian Tennis Championships. Gullikson bowed out to McNamahi 6-2, U and 74 In a lopsided match at Kooyong
    UPI  -  417 words
  • 153 16 Reuter London, Saturday. A rare combination of snow, floods, gales and Inflgena have bitten deep Into today's British soccer programme. Eight matches In England and (our in Scotland have already been postponed. The English Second Division match between Sunderland and
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 296 16 x i -j i -jt, amrfan ILSA no MOOO. Centra. New classes in modelling, deportment and personal grooming courses commencing on Wednesday. Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. For further details. please tel. *****/*****1 or call personally at: Buite 116, Ist floor, MAO Centre. Clemenceau Avenue. HILDA'S MW YSAR Special Offer
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    • 0 16 )]`<!?[</&<?[=*$'("(}>?''?}<.-/
      0 words
    • 268 16 Wishing All Friends, Patrons Et Sponsors HAPPY NEW YEAR NEW YEAR S EVE ori Sunday Dticunitinr Jlst 19/8 JiickiH s Bowl Kdtonq 9p ni 3 .1 m kie s Bowl System 460 8p m I <» ni. t A l m 55! m A A I 38 ft en liiji
      268 words

  • 631 17  -  Passing Shots B v Desmond Oon At the recently-con-cluded Hilton Invitation, the Amritraj brothers stole the limelight. It was as expected. After all, they had come to Singapore with kingida* reputation. But so AmritraJ-centred was the media coverage that the others hi the eightman field
    631 words
  • 93 17 El Boeing Seoul, Saturday World Boring Council junior welterweight champion Saemak Muangsuri n of I** 11 1 d»fends his title against South Korean Kim Sang-hyua here laJ.H n 1,1 a n today, Doui determined to win Inride the rtlntnnrn of the 15-round match. But the aouthpaw challenger,
    93 words
  • 204 17 R^M^wimming The People's Association Youth Swimming Club plans to start a scholsrship fund to allow outstanding members to go for formal training overseas. Several members of the club's management committee feel there is a need to develop potentials swimmers so that they can serve the
    204 words
  • 92 17 K3 Soccer Budapest, Saturday. The Hungarian Football Federation have lifted a 12month ban on national stars Tibor Nyilasi and Andras Torocsik Imposed for their behaviour at the Argentina World Cup final* in June. The federation, meeting under new President Gyorgy Szepesi for the first time, said
    92 words
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    • 74 17 i- m s. iN > V'» e L i <sxV If ««l;l :c U9 WORLD TENNIS PROS ROSCOE TANNER AND VIRGINIA WADE SAY: "If you think all athletic socks are alike. Think again!" Sai Super Sox made specially for demanding composite surfaces offer these playing advantages you won't find in
      74 words
    • 240 17 Assault with a deadly weapon f -J lovvpro HUSTON)! The Second Generation Low Profile Iron We've re-defined loft angles so that trajectories are normal The traiectory of a Low Pro five iron is the same as the conventional five iron, not a seven iron as in some other low-profile clubs
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 276 17 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOOR BIRTHDAY Born today, you are a highly sensitive person of considerable artistic talent It is possible, however, that without proper training you will never know the extent of the latter though you will always be fully aware of the former. Your enjoyment of life
      276 words
    • 103 17 Emphasise your duty to yourself and you will automatically fulfill yours towards others. Be logical. VIRGO (Aug 23 Sept 22) Morning worship is essential to good feeling. Take into consideration the recent losses of a friend. LIBRA (Sept 238 Oct 22) Love and loyalty to and from family members strikes
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  • 442 18  -  Saddleback has an outstanding chance over 1700 m in Race 4 RACING uith I K.I..Chan J K.L. Chan CMMI'B Palace stands out as an extra "good thing" In the Class S Dtv2 1200 m (Race 8) at Penang today. Ilw two-year-old bora* by
    442 words
  • 1734 18 11c letter alter the hum «f a ham Je—tea the type af gelag At hne prefers (a aay geteg) (g gee4 geteg; a mti gatag; h heavy geftag). The btttr flgmrea altar ttj wrfgt taJritn a hane la Im a «tUn with ftg
    1,734 words
  • 67 18 i i r r TOT BAT Serene's Joy Serene's Joy Serene's Joy h MEJJ23B ■EE5XEM 1IZCSMIIIKZ2ES Rath 8tar Tllhirti ■i w Step One Hi < > ■SSSEBi Abovt All v KSHi Camarade ftljgkss IWei Wonder Pearl H—■ PeaH King's Town King's Town BPFJU Mmm HEZZESSSI j Charming Smile BCSES
    67 words

  • 526 19 RACING with Scrutineer Singapore Gold Cup winner, Bmm Fee, can bring off a golden double at Penang tomorrow by winning the $70,000 Governor's Gold Cup (Race 5) over 2000 m, last classic of the 1978 season. The The Hasty Cloud five-year-old New
    526 words
  • 2630 19 RACE 1 20 CLASS 4, DIV 2 1,200m ($10 > 000 $7,000 to winitM-) 1 MM Mg kMM a (Dragaa) Dnwlljr S S7 (dc+O) 'NTm 1 tnm Ckwll siw TWMI a tnj—■) waatw t N (+u| 4 MM TMMmt (KL Ckw) Maaaor 5
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  • 108 19 SCRUTINEER BRIAN MILLER ILL. CHAN TURF RAY SI Oakdene ftaHnan Razzmatazz TeoHui Stepa Bajak Razzmatazz lv*y Hnm Neat And Fast AW Neat And Past Neat Aai Fast Sportscaster m M Dart Pilue Caeaa Ban Vintage Bare Vlatage Prince Cocoa Pisces Prince Cocoa Red Dart Bepat Tiger Hill EtofMt Red
    108 words
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  • 570 20  -  Tanglin win PM Cup as expected ■y SURESH NAIR Taagtia S Badla Mm 1 Fancied Tanglin predictably won the Prime Minister's, Cup after surviving an early ferocious challenge from Radin Mas in last night's Inter-Constituen-cy final at the National Stadium. In a delayed final the 90-mlnute match ended
    570 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 152 20 the new Pinseeker Formula-1 The irons: An <c Pinset 'oa ''it' i" or;. -r f »u? s 106 .vr'.vrtinu for ?tic>r• Expert ty crafted by 72 hand operations to give the finest U.S. persimmon woods in the game. See the Formula-1 at your favourite sports store/pro shop. Sole Agents: nnfb_n%
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 36 20 THE BORN LOSER Ne*T tfAR I RESOLVE ID /CkW MONDAY NlfcHT UP SMOKlkkb AK)P FOOTBALL AND FRIDM MARTINIS AMP (MKZKm.,. V KM6HT FOKEfci by Art Sansom 1 d n n* if ffi ifi 4 4 4
      36 words