New Nation, 7 December 1978

Total Pages: 39
1 40 New Nation
  • 19 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday, December 7, 1978 2433 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 r 7=r NEW NATION COMMENT
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  • 446 1  -  Pilot scheme from '82 ■y Gerry de Silva The government plans to introduce fullday school from 1982. Sources yesterday said the scheme will affect about 12 secondary schools Initially. It will be implemented in stages. Secondary One pupils will 5 full-day in 1982 followed Secondary Two
    446 words
  • 353 1  -  ■y Rav Dhaliwal There will now be two Central Business Di»trlct taxi services. One win be ran by NTUC Confort and the other by the Singapore Airport Bus Services (Sabs). Last month, Sabs announced that it will operate the ssrvioe with a fleet of DO
    353 words
  • 67 1 Madrid, Thursday Spain last night was well on the way to massively approving a new democratic constitution that wffl guarantee baric freedom* and bury four decades of authoritarian rule. Early results la a national referendum Indicated that around tt per cent of votes cast were
    67 words
  • 27 1 Loadoa, Thursday A British train drivers' strike yesterday brought chaos to tens of tfrmarsiH*" of bound commuters trying to reach work from south-wart gnglanH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 181 2 NTUC Comfort will rent Its Central Business District service taxis at $31 a day each. Free Area Licence Scheme monthly discs will be provided to all the taxis which will start operations on Dec 18. They will be rented to Comfort relief drivers, said the
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  • 35 2 A IS-member Ohio trade delegation visits Singapore from today till Saturday to promote the exports of US products from Ohio and to seek Singaporean partners for passible Joint ventures in manufacturing ptbducts here.
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  • 27 2 The Jurong Citizens' Consultative Committee is organising a blood donation campaign at Taman Jurong community centre on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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  • 134 2 Sea-borne cargo handled in Singapore this year Is expected to hlt< a record volume of more than 70 million tonnes if the present rate of increase is sustained. Statistics Department figures show that the total volume of seaborne cargo discharged and loaded for the
    134 words
  • 194 2 ...and that's happiness for Madam Bak and her pigs ■••pIHII IS haeketo «f swill delivered to ker imittp tor Bak Ctoy Beeg to toed her SI Ft %U «M to M| nr prtoe far MUra Btk whea a Mir* Pels Betel na to her bum la
    Picture by Philip Lim  -  194 words
  • 256 2 There is a proposal to link the national libraries .of the five Asean countries by telex next year, the Acting Minister for Culture, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, said this morning. This link, if implemented, will further improve cooperation among libraries in South-east Asia, he said. Mr Ong
    256 words
  • 144 2 The Hong Leong group of companies is having a final round of negotiations with Yamaha, the Japanese motorcycle manufacturing giant, on becoming its future agent In Singapore and Malaysia. ri Business Times report 4ld It was almost certain that Hong Leong would shortly acquire the agency
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  • 148 2 The Stock Exchange of Singapore opened on a rather weak note this morning. Prices hovered at about overnight levels in selective trading. BUHNEBB DONK: First Seettea: C. Dev. (5) 1.10 M. Credit (1) 1.51 (2) 1.50 Ben A Co. (1) 0.65'* (1) 0.66 (1) 0.66 Mi (1) 0.67
    148 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 *1 *>■'*$ A >"+ w < il !Jit}''if*' Cv *nh» Church of the Risen Christ Choir and St. Cecilia's Choir herald in Christmas with a selection of your favourite carols. Join them at the lobby from Dec. 16 24 at 6.45 pm. Singapore's very exclusive, very different, very private club
      306 words

  • 292 4  -  Too much of that salt may cause bleeding in brain By Jane Chow A paediatrician has warned that food flavoured with monoaodium glutamate (mag) is potentially dangerous to children. Professor Wong Hock Boon, head of the University of Singapore'* paediatrics department, said this is
    292 words
  • 261 4  -  and S'pore had a hand in success *y Edgar Koh ear New Tark A resolution on UN peace-keeping operations, which Singapore helped to draft, was approved by the General Aaaembly's special political committee on Monday. Singapore played a key ,role hi the last several
    261 words
  • 162 4 Three police deputy superintendents were promoted to superintendents this month. They are Tan Eng 80ck.42.Twl Wing Kee,4B, and Ong Seng Chye, 35. Mr Tan, who had been a DSP since August 1974, is the commandant at Police National Service (full-time). A former water-polo international star, he is
    162 words
  • 125 4 Getttag the tint toato «f aw Hag IVe ta a factory la «M Olm Ua to Mag *vtoc toe m*m( Mfi|i. Otoa, 14 to mm af M•44 i i 111 ii to to toe Ito Beag ewtoHMj wfea are awrMag tor a atatfe
    125 words
  • 27 4 The Filipino Association of Singapore will hold its annual children's Christmas party at Hotel Premier, Nassim Hill, on Sunday from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
    27 words
  • 86 4 They were very close friends and they did almost everything together, according to their relatives. Chan Soon Huat, 26, Choy Boon Swee, 40, and Low Chua.M, left Singapore on Friday for Malaysia on what was to be their last tourney together. The three, all odd Job labourers,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 525 4 THURSDAY Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss): Address: iCut along dotted lines 1. Prepare food in ovmn, etc 2. Might go through some hilei eellug procoesi before finally enw jinj ee something to woor S. The eee teetee of itl 4.
      525 words

  • 479 5  -  ■y Teresa Ooi The Education Ministry Is sorting out option forms and letters from parents of the top 3200 students offered admission to the nhie premter Chinese secondary schools. Many parents wart aot content with Just ticking off ye* or-oo umcr to
    479 words
  • 71 5 In an accident where a finger or limb to severed, the patient dwuld put the finger or limb in a plastic bag which to Immersed in ice cubes or ice cold water. This was clarified by Dr Ong Leong Boon, MP for Kim Seng, when referring to
    71 words
  • 30 5 Hie Metropolitan YlflCA la organising an outdoor camp at Pulau Übta from Dec 29 to 31 for childrea aged from nine to 14. Ring *****88 for more details.
    30 words
  • 145 5 nmM Mi M fMk w Mi fnMH wkn paafca4 Mi fiMi Mi Mit I* bdfMaUii» M feelaw ier* tnym> ■iteMtMi pateft- Brtrert rtiU was "Ksoapl (tat hj water ealaar latei teMM jlmilil Ml Mi patete wfeap I ipawi mM Mr Oag, M, alter Mi MiMtejrM. ■la
    145 words
  • 305 5 The Automobile Association will not be responsible for duiuge caused to its members' vehicles while being towed. The AA has introduced an indemnity form against claim and members have to sign it before a car, which has been stalled or involved in an accident, can
    305 words
  • 33 5 The Shltoryu Karate Aeaoclatloa win hold a blood donation seaslna at Us prem laaa in McNair Road on Friday from T to f p.m. Membcri of the public can aim donate.
    33 words
  • 101 5 The Tetecommunicettoiv Authority of Singapore, has tatroduced a high speed facsimile service. Telefax, to the United Stetea. The aarvice counter at Telecoms ITiilMtog i| BaMnsen Read win he open round Ha clorir to accept sasasagcs or documents for l«wwiln| hndmll» mail wfll he asnt to ■ddrtsaißS,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 10 5 Ming Court Hotel welcomes back Pianist-singer-enter tamer extraordinaire 4m %72,
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  • 70 6 Reuter Geneva, Thursday International trade union leaders said yesterday they would campaign for a 35hour week and shorter hours for alghtwork and shift workers to combat the effects of stress. A conference on stress at work, called by the International Federation of Chemical, Energy and
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 61 6 Reuter Geneva, Thursday Red Cross leaders made a hurryup appeal yesterday to 90 nations which have signed but failed to ratify new war rules coming into force today. Only Ghana and the Libyan Hamahirlyah have ratified them. The two new agreements give civilians better treatment and promise
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 27 6 Reuter Baghdad, Thursday Iraqi Oil Minister Tsyeh Abdel-Karlm said in an interview published yesterday that his country would support a minimal oil price Increase- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 438 6 World Focus Peklag, Tfcaraday Kampuchea has appealed (or international support as fighting with Vietnam builds up and China, its closest ally, says it firmly hacks the Kampuchean people. But there was no mention of any other commitment when the New China News Agency yesterday published
    438 words
  • 299 6  -  ■y Swadesh De Roy By BmM 4e Bay, mmr Ttkyt reparter Reuter Factional bickering over spoils yesterday caused a power vacuum la Japan, Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda having resigned and the new ruling party leader Masayoahi Ohira giving up his day-long efforts to farm a government
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 154 6 UPI TODAY Is Thursday, Dec 7. the 341 st day of 1978 with 24 to follow. Those barn on this date are under the sign of Sagittarius. ON THIS DAY IN HfifTOßYs In IS3I, President Hoover refused to see a group of socalled "hunger marchers" at the White House.
    UPI  -  154 words
  • 40 6 Reuter Tekye, Tharaday Pete If—> rtjhi, aeeanHig te ft neeat Mtl—whki wmj inMt 1188 mimimili, 14M iiiimplt tttafi aad 791S heaetalla. There wm aa laereewi la the ■amber «< hears, Umh, leeparis aad ereeedtlee kept aa peta. Beater.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 38 6 Bangkok, Thursday Thailand will adopt a "get tough" policy on IndoChinese refugees In the wake of the recent influx of Vietnamese boat people into Thai and Malaysian waters, Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanan announced yesterday.
    38 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 300 6 Precious Pearls Mutiara Berharga MustratorArthtroUm Tj m /M iA\i\\ B o 1 a? m N i 1 p V '•r' J3| V*J WS ft i/ft t When the government learned of the situation, it sent Meng Chang to be its magistrate. Meng Chang was known for and wide os on
      300 words
    • 179 6 Lialia Misty, 7-4 C. Headline: Euro-money spumed by Britain. Mnnw Snow, minus 7minus 12C. Pravda's headline: Up the steps of the five-year plan ■ana Cloudy, 2-minus 15C. Headline: EMS plan approved. Inm Rain, »-7C. Headline: Italy balks at Joining European money group. Parti Cloudy, IMC. Headline: EMS plaa approved by
      179 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 69 7 i i Rado Diastar Durability and Elegance Rado Diastar is a thing of beauty. Scratchproof. Extremely precise. Timeless in design with a lustre that lasts forever. The winner in all classes. Dependable. Unmistakable Rado styling. ARADO Switzerland RADO SERVICE CENTRES: SINGAPORE: 6th Floor, Scrtnam House, 67, High Street. /Shop No.
      69 words

  • 452 8 In recent months, the world has watched spellbound as China (reed itself from economic Isolation and doctrinal shackles to catch up with the 20th century. Pragmatically and methodically, the post-Mao leaders have demolished one policy taboo after another to clear the decks for foreign
    452 words
  • 734 8  -  Both sides guilty of commission and omission Edgar Koh The declaration on mass media by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation in Paris a fortnight ago obviously has not completely resolved international information issues judging by residual controversy in debate here in New York this
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  • 429 8 VOICE OF THE PRESS BANGKOK POST The National Assembly has come up with the right solution for the most significant and controversial provision in the draft constitution. This provision concerns authority for appointing members of the Senate. Originally the draft provided (or the authority to be placed in
    429 words
  • 506 8 AP Cairo: This la toe bteat Jake nfHal. U8 PreaMeat Jimmy Carter travels to Jeraaalem, wkere he Jalaa laraeti Prime Matter Neaaekea Begle to prayer at toe Walltog Wall. The prayer geee like tola: Carter: Ok Qel, (■Me tke Araka ami laraeda to a permaaeat peaee. Carter:
    AP  -  506 words
    • 77 8 1 The former Sabah Chief Minister, Tun Mustapha Harun, has apparenlty not lost his humour, despite being in political limbo Wnee April, 1975. The Borneo Bulletin Quoted him as replying to a question from reporters about speculations that he Intended to resign as State Asemblyman
      77 words
    • 60 8 Interesting that Billy Sraham should say his cruftde would have been vorth it "If God touches his great city". I There must be many people willing to testify that God was here even before Billy came to town. Besides, he took 20 years to respond
      60 words

  • 139 9 UPI Tehran. Thursday US companies launched a massive evacuation of their American employees and dependents yesterday as diplomats predicted "big trouble" over the next five days. Diplomats said they expected violence on the streets to escalate markedly beginning today when university students have called
    UPI  -  139 words
  • 27 9 Reuter Jakarta, Thursday Indonesia's nationwide campaign against graft and corruption has netted another 162 officials last month, according to Administrative Reforms Minister Joanes Sumarlin. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 468 9 Israeli plan for new W. Bank settlements an obstacle World Focus WasMagtna, Thursday Tomal'd n i aM Israel s plans for new settlements In occupied Arab territory posed a new threat to the Israeli-Egyptian peace talks vesterdav as i«ins yesieraay a* Secretary of
    468 words
  • 79 9 Reuter Brussels, Thursday US Defence Secretary Harold Brown said yesterday the US did not object to western allies selling defensive weapons to China. But in case of weapons that could be considered as offensive, the US would like consultations on the matter. He said this at a press
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 243 9 UPI Mnnv, Tkaraday: Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev told US officials yesterday there wOl not be a considerable Increase in trade between the two superpowers iiniwm the United States stops what he called "discrimination" against the Soviet Union over trade credits. Mr Brezhnev said at
    UPI  -  243 words
  • 64 9 Reuter San Francisco, Thursday Families of the 900 members of the People's Temple religious sect who died In a mass suicide pact In Guyana on Nov IS may share USfl million under a court petition made public hers yesterday. Four surviving directors of the sect voted to dissolve
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 3*5 c vt m ar y a CJ7///TcX 1 "K7/ TITUS of thoMwlu> jppr r< uli j liru-Sv\ iss vn .if« h 1o v\ .invl 1 rn%* am pl»K«' j 1 itus ,inJ "i mi I tfn in »si rs *ttiidli«>n I. it .»n\ pl.u an v him nn\ nu.»s»on
      110 words
    • 188 9 Art Baekwald turn kera held ever dae to preaeare «f space. VISIT OUR NEW DEMO ROOM: 2.58 LUCKY PLAZA (2nd Floor). 3 k IN SOUND. lage, in the Studio and in On the Stage, in the Studio and in the Home the choice of the professionals and the connoisseurs. .'z'J.'.'JlM.l
      188 words

  • Article, Illustration
    950 10/11  -  ■y Irene Hoe Faith may not move many mountains these days but It still moves people often violentThe People's Temple mass murder and suicide in Jonestown, Guyana was an extreme case not all cults make the ultimate demand on their followers to die for the sake of faith but
    950 words
  • 1889 10/11 Joneism Rev Jim Jones started as a preacher of the Christian Assembly of God Church in the 1960s in Indianapolis. He moved his church to Ukiah, a small town in northern California, about 15 years ago but really
    1,889 words

    • 829 12  -  I"he Better Buy I Ik Margaret Chan BikUt a cake is like giving birth, Freud reportedly said. That's probably why most instant cake mixes need the maker to add something an egg or oil to the cake so that he or she would (eel that the product Is
      829 words
    • 101 12 Ceramic water dropper, normally imli Chlaese calligraphy, will held lacease sticks er small sprays sf flowers, $11 frem Atsla Discoveries, Cappage Bead er Hellaad Bead Shepplag Ceatre. This circle's made fer kaaglag. Ethalc wall haaglag is heavily emfcr aider cd
      101 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 252 12 •kids on(y Puzzles, riddles, crosswords, jokes to share? We pay 15 for every contribution. The address is Kids Only, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, Singapore 1. Don't forget to add your name, age and address. 1. Juan Fona Sin of 727Z Block 215, Lorong 8, Toa Payoh, has cub«s in
      252 words

  • trend 2
    • 472 13  -  DECOR ffl Margaret Cunico I've always passed those large colonial bungalows and wondered what it's like to live in one of them, until I recently visited Mimi Tan's home. She lives in one of them and despite the imposing facade of the house and garden,
      Pictures by Johari Rasikin  -  472 words
    • 195 13  -  Art Deco »»v Ng Weng Sang If you're tee-shirt hunting with a certain message or graphic in mind but nothing even comes close, my advice is: make your own. It's easy with the ColourFun paint set Dylon is offering tee-shirt do-it-yourself-ers. The set includes
      195 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 122 13 t: I arc 55 iSV *tmsn m *35 HraK "St «w t*; w i!wl. iHUHWP 'J vIMIIJ 'IM'a I iY'j "4 .'J TT't. ntnv-m mi :>i'i lUAt+vu Snmii wii*i)iif Mp;/f nj. Difference• 'Special Moisture-Formula for Body Care. It gives you the same kind of care our famous face cream does:
      122 words

  • 177 14 Business News and Views UPI London, Thursday The US dollar closed slightly down yesterday on all European money markets except London, where It held steady. It was up In Tokyo. In Frankfurt, the West German Bundesbank announced terms for the sale of US$l.5 billion of US Treasury bonds
    UPI  -  177 words
  • 146 14 Mr Robert J. Ash ton is "a Jack of the automobile trade." Now manager of marketing development for Volvo Far East Ltd., Mr Ashton has 18 years of experience in this field. His appointment was announced by Volvo's area director, Mr Nils Ericsson, recently. Mr Ashton, formerly
    146 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 145 14 Stocks managed to regi»ter a modest gain yesterday in an erratic session marked by hopes for interest rate relief and uncertainties over pending changes in Carter administration wage-price guidelines. Trading was active. Yesterday's prk ?es followed by the difference on the previous session's close ATliT 01 1 j
      145 words
    • 34 14 UPI The Dow Joan closing average* on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday: 30 lad. BI.U (up lJI): 90 tarn. 218.30 (unch); 15 uU. 101.32 (up 034); atk. 280.90 (up 031).- UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 77 14 AFP Investor Jitters over the yen's rally on the foreign exchange sent prices lower on the Tokyo stock market yesterday. Trading was active. The closing quotations of the gilt-edgeds, in yen, with Tuesday's in brackets, were: Heiwa Real Estate 693 (683), Kajima Corp. 380 (379), Klrtn Brewery 462 (462),
      AFP  -  77 words
    • 67 14 Closing prices on the Paris Bourse yesterday. Closing prices on the Parts Bourse yesterday; 1 Parlbas 210 Foncler 440 +5 Prlntemps 123.80 2 Bull M.80 10 Royal Dutch 258 20 .50 Mlcheltn COE Thomson CFP FTTH Rhone 1M 4.80 Air 388 +J BSN MO 12 Philip* 52 J0 Sues
      67 words
    • 50 14 Reuter Jakarta, Thursday.— Indonesia received applica-' Hons for USJSS million ($209 million) worth of domestic investment projects between Nov 27 and Dec 2, Antara news agency reported yesterday. The applications were for nine new projects and three expansions that would employ 16,571 Indonesians and 251 foreigners. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 33 14 Reuter Paris, Thursday.— A World Bank consultative committee said yesterday that Thailand would need to borrow USJS billion (sll billion) abroad in the next three years to achieve its development objectives.
      Reuter  -  33 words
  • 389 14 Billion credits for China NYT Lmmlm, Ttanday In what is officially described as the first deal of its kind with China, seven British bank groups signed agreements here yesterday giving the Peking regime USH-2 billion ($2.6 billion) in credits to develop its industry. The agreement, one of a series being
    NYT  -  389 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 155 14 uIH k y i A 1 I- r.-n ,K 111 I The Memorex Stylus Care Kit protects stylus performance by providing everything needed to measure tone arm tracking force even for the most advanced low-mass arm and to inspect the stylus for wear, and also to clean it of contaminants.
      155 words
    • 17 14 CLIPPER LIGHTER ONLY $2-45 tit r LU I -J 02 —j LL Uj X B turn Ag«nci—
      17 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 311 14 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are a person of great charity. No matter how much another may have abused you, you harbour no malice and will take no revenge. You enjoy your family, your home, your daily life, no matter how mundane. TOMORROW... SAGITTARIUS (Nov
      311 words

  • Sport starts here ...
    • 593 15  -  Sng keeps the five-year-old well in hand to clock 40.6 On the track By TURF RAY Ipah, Ihaniay The Qeeet, unbeaten in his last two starts, showed further progress in a Quent workout here this morning. Kept well in hand by Martin Sng, the Le Cordonnier
      593 words
    • 1123 15 SATURDAY Oaee 9 Mv. 4 *****1 tin 7 Northern Breeae 57 14 Simple Simon II 865 19 Fan Jet 545 19 Hearts Memory 545 19 Zeus Sonic 545 5 Steven Jack 545 10 Fireball n 54 11 Zarook II 54 4 FUm Studio vn 595 19
      1,123 words
    • 134 15 Satarday'iMntehiip RACE 1: 2.15 Class 6 Div. 2 1700 m Happy Night, Swift And Honest, Timely n. Forever Yours n, Sartnade. RACE 2.45 CUM 6 Div. 1 1700 m Shahrinaz, A.M.W., Shy Lover, The Saviour, Consent, Water Diver, Yanminsan. RACE S: 3.20 Class 3 Div. 4 1100 m str
      134 words
    • 315 16 Dukla Prague win 4-0 Soccer Reuter VFB Stuttgart, leading 4-1 after the first leg, cradled out of the European Football Union (Uefa) Soccer Cup in Prague last night when they lost 4-0 to Dukla Prague. The Wert Germain were only 1-0 down at half-time after aa own goaL
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 615 17  -  Or be kicked out I.ION CITY CUP By SURESH NAIR Singapore "B" will have to pull up their socks if they hope to make it to the semifinals of the Lion City Cup tournament. Although they beat Indonesia 4-0 at Jurong Btadt—> last night, their standard
      Picture by DAVID TAN  -  615 words
    • 407 17 Singapore "A" key stopper Mohammed Nasir Musa will be out of action for a week and will be the only absentee in the line-up when the team take on Pahang in their fourth Lion City Cup match at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight (Idckoff: 8.30). Nasir, who
      407 words
    • 472 18  -  8 th ASIAN GAMES > By PHILIP TAN The Iranian and North Korean football associations will support the Football Association of Singapore in the bid to host the pre-Olympics tournament in Singapore next year. Both Iran and North Korea are considered among the top soccer
      472 words
    • 175 18 Tan Cheng Joo, Singapore's boxing hope, had an early scare when he found that someone had pinched his skipping rope. However, coach S. Seagaran solved the problem by using a discarded rope bed to two empty toilet rolls. "This is only a temporary measure," he assured
      175 words
    • 384 18 Japanese chief swimming coach Yoshlhlro Hamaguchi, 52, has begun the psychological warfare with his Singapore counterpart Kee Soon Bee over Junie Sng's ability to win gold medals In the Asian Games. Yoshlhiro, who works tor the Daiei T.V. Company contradicted the reports from Japanese
      384 words
    • 354 18  -  By Brian Miller Political differences have struck a wedge between Asian solidarity. Iraq are the first country attending the Games to cause a stir when they officially called far the expulsion of Israel from the Asian Weightllftlng Federation and the right of Israel to take
      354 words
    • 101 18 ■lag #»<■■!!■ aat k» uwy h» mm mm fer MiimIIMHI MMIII ate* Maptf* Mr tkf Aflfea ScM Dr £L iSwwl' S Mt >Wjr to fet nraljr r»> ■r* Mt a VkiMHhrMi AaUa INllwlt r«dtrs- "TW Ada! S*laai*| VMarattoa ifl an noN Vlaa's Maakp I (toy
      101 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 72 15 MARY& QUANT Let Neal Christensen add Light and Shade to your beauty f Df.iutv /.iff' f Nujf.t Sh i). .tn BMRRO GRAND -10 m is .ill On,nit cosmetics plus I II! hi', < II I S k I.i .t O o I IWU rSOuoui 2 J wtth«2s (T purchase Daisy
      72 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 506 16 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:Weekdays 8.30 a m 500 p m Saturdays 8.30 am 3.00 p m. Public Holidays 9.00 a. m 1.00 p m Counter Servioe Regular office hours Antafone Service After office hours CJLTJ. MUM* CI—TMAO BALM at 196 Orchard Tower*, lat floor and Hilda's Tanglln Shopping Centra.
      506 words
    • 392 16 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME We, NG COMPANY of Suite 1604, 10th Floor, Shenton House, Shenton Way, Singapore, hereby give notice that in consequence of our clients' ownership of the vessel "TOTARA" we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 41*7 of the Merchant
      392 words
    • 243 16 iS£n! Kl Travel Service (Pte) Ltd G326, Merlin Plaza 'Hotel Merlin) Beach Road, Spore 7 The Company who cares serves all your travel needs tie (indutive CameroiyGenting) bv air-cond coach 7 Dayif 192; 6 Day* $172; Gamine 4 Day* $146; Cameron Highland $136 Gaming by Air $110 ,plut $160 One
      243 words

  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 100 17 Crossword 111 ill ill 111 ill ill HH HI fliiji iIHH m ■I ACROSS 46 Aters scripts 17 "Days of Wine and 49 Boars 50 One of three swordsmen 51 Lyon's river 54 Dummkopf 55 Being 56 Doe or buck 57 Bobby of hockey 1 Goddess of dawn UUUfcJ fcJUU
      100 words
    • 40 17 ANDY CARP a m 4i< ISa m n e ft i ft fc" ..Jai mzw* tiMr M' Sm MS $ra n 6MS gMi ©g < r^f TI l/M (z2iS i 7/. m <n NORBERT by George Fett I LI W ri2l
      40 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 93 18 The Singapore Darts Association for the 2nd Singapore Open Darts Championship. Data 10th D«c 71, Vanua: Raffias Lounaa Raffias Hotal. Ttma: KMX) sm on wards. 2) IMM «m h li tor MMMtffl tor MtefetepaMaßNtfrtMtfM S) btM <** to ml mil 11 touwrf IS mm to IX« naaNtoneto toWto faSMMt 4)
      93 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 272 19 ECHO OF GOD REPLACES THE KALLANG ROAR It's all for the love of God. And Billy Graham, ex-salesman turned super-evangelist, did a good Job last night. The National Stadium was packed. More than 65,000 people heard the voice of Graham as be thrusted his Bible
      ...picture by Philip Lim  -  272 words
    • 152 19 Tuesday's Talentime marked the last at the qualifying rounds for the, Grand to the stage ss usual, and like apm* of (heir counter parts in the two eartfer .saad-daals, a lew chose the wrsng stags for thsir voices. uk^ssrjssrtgtqs control and cangtf, although were also
      152 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 369 19 BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE featuring renowned evangelist Billy Graham and a 4000-strong choir. At the National Stadium, 7.30 p.m. Admission tree. On till Sunday. AGIURE, THE WRATH OP GOD, a German adventure film about a group of Spaniards in search of the legendary El Dorado At the RELC auditorium at 8
      369 words
    • 97 19 Sports diary i SOCCBB: Lkn City Cup Medals Stroke (SI me Tournament Indonesia v Course), Tengah Ladles Penan# (7.00 p.m.), Stags- Medal (Ifeagah Course), pore "A" v Pahang (8.30 VOLLEYBALL: Wee rak v Trengganu (7.00 Cn.), Singapore "C" v Jore (t.SO p.m., Juroug Stadium). MABBAL ABT8: Fifth National Pugilistic Championships
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    • 496 19 NASIB 8I-BADOL (Malay): A comedy that has been breaking box office records all over this region. Stars A R. Badol, R. Ja'afar and Introducing our very own Mila Hussein, popular television and recording artiste. Odesa 1st—g: 1, 3.30, 7 and 9.i5 p.m. MM O (Cantonese): Adventures of a young woman
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  • 37 20 AB POOR: Growing ueepers on the side end of HDB blocks is certainly MEI UN: It will break the monotony of the housing estates but I hope they won't attract Insects to build their nests.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 107 20 Scientific instruments and anything that measures. Theodolite Motion Smith 13 Battery Road, T ******.*****1 Singapora 1. A member of the |ft Sime Darby Group Ir l i s J f. ir \n x! MOtIO Spec j!is»:i l n soft *ii 'M"i contact lenses fitt personally by cu< e*>>>Mts. Consult us
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 623 20 TV SINGAPORE 5 .La IS OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by WHAT'S This mm featurss the flora and fauna of the Ml NEWS IN BBIBF •UK THE OIBOGGLE FOB SURVIVAL (r) Part 13 (If). BAMPAIAN SINGAPORE 8 ANO RADIO OUR SHARPCIV 1M THE SK MILLION DOLLAB MAN Sharks. Part. 1 Although
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    • 272 20 Todays top shows TOP OP THE TBADBSi Applied Arts and Hotel Catering Trade. (Ch. 5, 846 p.m. in colour). The participants for this section of the contest are drawn tram the Baharuddin Vocations! Institute and tram the Hotel and Catering School. The students had to dsslgn. and produce a centre
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 90 21 Wjk I lb i zI ail n k .a, *37 viijv w~\ ;.i. is S: 5::- <y A* V p o iMS w T IU»' 0; m «;uv; f I fi&K TT! T nmmmrnji SYSTEM F-5 Matching module system with cassette deck Complete system includes: 1. DCA4OI Pre-Main Amplifier 2.
      90 words
    • 115 21 lllfc r .'lf' ,f V I'V#: '> ?Tf; •v s •<./?# ■i'~• «&< i? >r i>>. m ISeK* v :V. Aycr Bcjury The wraith til j woman. For beauty is the wealth of a woman. At the Harriet Hubbard Ayer Beauty Centre we devote our time to you. To bring
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  • 18 Days to Christmas
    • 486 22  -  By Peter Ong What is Christmas without music? Many of the hymns, carols and songs that we hear are centuries old. But popular recording artistes have spun contemporary Christmas albums for this festive occasion. There are so many hundreds of Christmas LPs from a* many
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    • 457 23  -  By Nancy Koh Seen it #111 be Christmas. Time to roll on the cheer and the beer, the turkey, the holly, the pudding, the carols to revel in the tinselled trappings and packaged fun of the present age. In millions of homes, families will sit
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    • 523 24  -  By Irene Hoe Scissors. paper and glue are high on my Christmas card list this year. It all started*when I walked into one of our department stows and picked up a card that lMkad good enough to eat But the price gave me indigestion. I
      523 words
    • 246 25 So he says be wants a complete hi-fi system for Christmas. Well, Pioneer has put out their new Music System 860 in time to solve the problem of what to buy. (fciallty is the keyword for the Music System 850, which provides music power
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    • 274 25 If you want a valuable Christmas gift at a bargain offer, get the Gtaos digital quartz watch at the Christmas Fair at National Stadium. Why? The watch is going at a special offer price of $59 For every watch you buy, you
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    • 386 26  -  Vintage stuff like wind-me-ups, trains and lead soldiers Annual auctions that grab everyone by surprise for By Rita Relf The toys children rarely see are those assembled by the auction galleries each December in New York and other world auction centres. But adults with a passion
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    • 66 27 NEW YORK: As SuU whisks thrsagh the sky sms Radsiph sad gaag, little Billy wtstfmlly waits It mn pmtsls to cmm his way sa Christmas maralag. AP picture LIES FUHUDA: Am effigy «f Stale af »«■<» »ai Allaa Catcher laet Chrtatmee. It wu bug, Mr* Clicker mU,
      AP picture  -  66 words
    • 425 28  -  By Margaret Cunico Think of the most functional present and it is almost certain to fit somewhere in the house. Walk into the household department of any store and you will And an assortment of gift Ideas knife sharpeneri, glass tumblers, linen and crockery. Here we feature
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    • 718 29 You can get the children to chip in t0... Gift-hunting is a chore to some but pleasurable activity tb several others. There is the excitement of planning and looking for the items and the thrill of making an especially good buy. On top of it all, It
      718 words
    • 372 29 This year, wrap up some food and give aome wholesome goodness Here are some suggestions aa to how: Ull or buy a rich fruit cake, package tl is a spank lng new tin. Wrap it up in aluminium foil and tie it with red ribbon sprigged with
      372 words
    • 21 30 Mm Imm Ban Ftagraeee free. Prtw: f£L Special price: $M 9 MM|M bm. phm: |B.
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    • 807 31  -  By Rav K. Dhaliwal At Christmas time, one of the most important aspects of gromming for a woman is a well-made up face. All the cosmetics you can buy are of little use unless they can be applied to the best effect, highlighting the
      807 words
    • 1198 32 Try out these recipes and make your Yuletide complete No Christinas Is complete without cake, pudding, turkey or some exotic din. Here we share with you recipes (or the Christmas Yule Log, Christmas Blueberry Baskets, Coconut Santa Claus, Christmas Snow Cake, Christmas Tree Cake. Old-fashioned
      1,198 words
    • 540 33 How about a delicious stuffed roast turkey for the family this Christmas? Make one yourself! Firstly, decide what size turkey you want to buy and place your order early. By now, most supermarkets should already have turkey in stock. A word of warning though. It isn't
      540 words
    • 48 34 DayrlliM S Flavan la PmM wttk frmlU, aata, ■•rikatlltvi sad Vh eaa try It at Metn OwtiH, Metr* Stpraae (•pealag May), Kallaag Uiiaw Drame (frem Dee 11), Metre OeMea Mile (Dee 12), Clifford Pier (Dee 14), Qaeeaatewa Sheppiag Ceatre aad Tak Ckaag Kmpariaai (Dee IS).
      48 words
    • A season just for the kids
      • 188 35 If you have ewer thought of putting in a swimming pool In your garden, but decided against it because of the cast or the amount of time It would take to build, then a portable pool may be your answer. Besides a portable pool will give you
        188 words
      • 80 35 Play-Doh In tins is a toy by Itself. Children love to create with Ms bright btendable colours like red, yellow, blue and white. Three tins and four tin packs are available as self-supporting toys and as replacement tins for activity sets. Children between three and seven
        80 words
      • Article, Illustration
        51 35 They are wacky! They are fun! They make cladgr noises! The buttons are easy to push and wake the silly CMk-daks wave and wiggle. Tip them and they wink. For toddlers from six months to three years. Goat: $10. From Playskool Toys and available at all lending department
        51 words
    • 25 36 TWHJOeri lew ew wfcwp* s jUi wMfc eh*T OOPS! Om «l tfcft wtoe M (Ml) tors* to anty to Mi right earl
      25 words
    • 713 37 OS group urges America now has an alternative Santa Claus movement (or all those who think that the conventional Santa is not giving the true Image of Christmas. Its symbol: A skinny figure in a white beard, red cap and ratty overalls. Its slojpm: kick
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    • 553 38 SUN, SEA, SURF! Thailand's long, narrow southern neck, stretching down to the Malaysian boarder is a paradise for anyone in search of the sun. Ma aad off-beat places to visit .at Christinas. With the Gulf of Thailand on one side And the Andaman Sea on on
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    • 387 39 UPI Hamburg: West Germans sending Christmas packages to relatives across the Iron Curtain need the usual tact plus an extra dose of discretion to get past communist customs inspectors in East Germany. The East German regime severely limits what a gift package from West Germany may
      UPI  -  387 words
    • 100 39 BONN: Christinas without a Christinas tree is unthinkable to Germans. Glittering with tinsel and silver stars, and brightly lit with candles, it is the centre-piece of the family's Christmas celebrations. Though West Germany has a Or crop, the country also imports some from the Rhineland
      100 words
    • 785 40  -  but beware the hazards By Sneak Guzzler Meeery Christmas burp! ha..hallo.. Whack! Take that and that and that! Season of good cheer? Of neighbourly affection, goodwill and social harmony? It is imperative as we tread cautiously to the tallend of 1978 to remember that this is
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 146 22 m rsja '*9tw m '••a:-..- !>» >it& i iniiTnTti '-7 1 "J>«J *r M am f m fli r," Federal Beqch Hotel-Port Dickson, is the perfect holiday paradise where you cen cast your ceres into a of pleasure. Featuring unlimited fun in the sun. See-sports, golfing end indoor recreetion. 200
      146 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 168 24 tolfcmeJMSWrti S#cki tetadwtf y A 5J9 It* OFF IH RUSH TO BRIDGE ROAD, W SINGAPORE ft. TEL: *****7 OPEN DAILY 9MAM TO 9PU EXCEPT SUNDAY k, WIN MORE THAN L I S* BrTeTeTeTe WORTH OF FABULOUS PRIZES IN THE Sakuracolor films waqroMtr HERE'S HOW. As from today, buy roll of
      168 words
    • 35 24 n 11 POWER SAVER England's First Triple Control Electric Instant Shower Heater j '■J&m f it*: <r i 4»Jtb.< 4M Tin: must tedium .illy .ill' .im ml shic rt In:.iter <ili |Ju,i| S.itnty Di.'VK i:
      35 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 219 25 As cool as a cucumber. Even after one long week. V :T*V I" v *>. Wpa. Pt,. IP .y. t y? IMPORTED i >*: m 3-DOOR REFRIGERATOR The magic lies in Sharp's revolutionary 3-door refrigerator. So there's a separate special compartment for vegetables. A compartment rigidly designed with controlled temperature
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 108 26 4_: 4. t. k~.' i. 4. .4, Christmas gift galore NATIONAL IMU MU MU MU ARISTON PAN-ELECTRIC *|f r I e 61* LMM ua NOOVER MMllMMtf MMM Let us help solve your Christmas gifts with these quality house-hold appliances at affordable prices. Pay us a visit soon before you run
      108 words
    • 69 26 It J COLD CAROL" A leader wild, ear wish, eager tat lead, Threegh tree tiers lrea-CMt mi let It Mew Te teech the freeea hepee ef these beyeod, Pemcc mad g—dwill h Mam mcrmm the m*m. Thwgk wiMm pace Ike walk where Vcmmlm Acted Mi Mffjf lefni lei§ i^e, Iheegk
      69 words
    • 52 26 RY X'MAS to al our Patrons mOMRUZ BEAUTY SAILOOIhI ir u W J2 m A m m* Sflr nv.tnrs ot flm-irK r .iru) I vpcncfK fd ll.nrs!\lists ,»n(j IV nit Ir.iiiifd in I iiul' >n .iru! 11 >k\ n Patricia Loke m* r M fM. m%^d] Jov('»• Koh OavriPdfH) T
      52 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 0 27 `;&`|~+<"@%<'*&/{-~%!;"~;:)|(@*
      0 words
    • 220 27 THE "SPRINGS" in a mattress make all the difference.... Quality It the essence of our business I Balance Edge Springs J Double Cushion Springs The ■*ci»t beneath any superior Spring Mattress, lias in the optimum usage ol quality springs too much or too little oi which will not produce the
      220 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 104 28 MAKE YOUR OWN BISCUITS WITH EASILY OPERATED 18 different discs for various usss aswsilase ioing nozztee, srsslso available. Saws 01 is fully guarsntssd for 9 ysars. Bewere of Imitation. Each sat In an attractive Gift Box. Insist on 5-Year Guarantee Card FREE Instruction and Recipe Book when you buy e
      104 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 211 29 Exclusive Shirts Blouses St. Tropez, Milano, Kaiserslautern r-*-\ I f f J ri Wf \>T<. ,V The House Of Kern Sole distributors of fine clothing for gents ladies. For the very few with a sense of perfection beauty. 213, 2nd Floor, Orchard Tower*, Ore herd Road, Singapore f. Tel.: *****36/*****39.
      211 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 169 30 An Ideal Shopping Spree L Pkim Blossoms 4909 Guitar meter •21.00 Spidsrman Toy X 1.80 Now Komura offers zooms of unsurpassed quality D f te L t m Professionals the world over talk about it. Komura lenaa* have distinct advantages. Higher contrast, oven illumination and extremely high resolution. Modem Photography
      169 words
    • 116 30 K V 0 </y Christmas attte Bcrfcater )WMER Roast Prime Wbßeot Spedd Menu $10.00 CHRISTMAS DAY lunch 12-2pm Comomme Roast Turitey Chestnut Stuffing Cranberry Sauce H^SSS^nceTort Coffee ftlftO DINNIR7-9pm GtoletSoup Roast Turkey writi aH trimmings HomemarteChrtetnxw Pudding Brandy Butter Coffee $S».00 tzzzsr continuously throughout da My PMOMI37M2S MfWYIAW«VI Welcome 1979
      116 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 170 32 I II II Rowenra »1, *2 W f ••V < hi 1 For Domattic Um. ROWENTA has an excel lent range of Models at prices within your reach, plus unique features. Illustrated is Model BP-02-220V-350 W The economical all-purpose powerful floor polisher. Easy to operate, equipped with a 6-litre disposable
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 43 33 Featured The dimmest aurrranc w*h date. 29">mm height Slim lines and elegant design evolve an aura of impeccable taste for the successful man. A peer in its own right the Longines automatic carries die rich maturity of superior craftsmanship— Last.— For aflame LONGINES
      43 words
    • 82 33 A. 1 d v some tunc n 1 Qpty^msion \x' 5$ r #<C r r v V V* •V t kA rjc?f I hr <il>tlil> io >tnwiiiiilit .tit >\ illi .inoih'T I o riir ,i iri'i-r In <) Irxnd in .)<lclrrss .i < »ird i<> a itr.<r our .I
      82 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 146 34 Introdurmu the neu and ;id\.inee Belna ;>-thn\id. 1-needle pmfessiimnl everlock machine $540/nett w The RISIS Orchid A gift of lasting pleasure my •>; A3 3U I V 1 *+■>*+ 3 ttr r^-A s I 4 J K y' w d>C <' 4L V y. >V -tv/ i > V, v
      146 words
    • 25 34 -1i i •<n.y 'O. if test" SO'- if O K)i ci cfy cixncx v Is SIM 1.1)1. SUVA U> s',r j Branch ItV »m M
      25 words
    • 65 34 CHONG CHOON RESTAURANT We specialised in Cantonese cuisine Wedding birthday dinner buffet party outdoor catering. Quick lunch is served daily. Lunch: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. -"V"—N Dinner: 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. m For Reservations Tpl *****83 *****85 3rd Floor, President Building, Serangoon Road, I (Opp. New World Amusement
      65 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 94 36 o ■Slltfe v' > I k ;..;V-V.V s#\ V ..,..4 J A ll# LADIES PUtJawutai 12.fl MM fttaM \Wh 141 cm $IMI Mm iMfc Organ 112 cm SlMt Barami httad KaN lJOcm S Ml Fiwl MM UNM 112 CM SI2.N Slacks SlMt Skkh SIN :<* SUrVHMMIdb MMMilmi "UUMOTT-SMrti FncvNMiQMM r«
      94 words
    • 35 36 f EQUATORIAL. Y(JLETIDE 78 >* V C lu (In ist I\»* I lirini'i In i i>.i\ I urn h < lu I).i\ I)i n nri i r. n s i \i- mnrn HOBBY BAR
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 73 37 I Raffles Celebrate the FESTIVE SEASON at the RAFFLES HOTEL tfttpibetljiiit «rtU 24th December TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS EVE GALA OINNER AND DANCE $30 per person BALLROOM 25th December SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DAY DUFFET LUNCH for the whole family with a children's band Adult $12 Ghildr.en 8 31 st December NEW YEAR'S EVE
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 57 38 HAVEYOUR OWN FAMfty TREE mjgs&sons pie. 131. Eatt Coast Road. Smgipon IS. T4: *****8. Cabt* MINQ SCO A Exquisite jewellery of fc. uncompromised Hk craftmanship Individually handcrafted by masUr I craftsmen, each specimen is a perfect origin*!... its beauty of sMtotirfpattem unmatched. A for a FOOK CHEONG GOLBMRPfPTE) LTD 219,
      57 words
    • 84 38 f KcK h cV: llc\\ iciv m i TTTTT'rrT X'MAS SALE Ivoni Italy, Franc#, Qarvnany, Spain Auatrta A England FROM $17.50 UPWARD. LEE, LEA, TEX WOOD J«hu, Jackats, Shirts TO CLEAR FROM $10.90 UPWARD. LEVIS ODD SIZES TO CLEAR usual mm NOW $18.90 $24.90 ONLY. QALLUS SHOES A SANDALS TO
      84 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 198 39 The Commonsense INDONESIAN A MALAYSIAN A BOOK The Commonsense Indonesian A Malaysian Cookery Book will appeal to everyone who would like to try something different In Asian cookery Ella-Mel Wong has gathered a marvellous collection of palate-tempt-ing, exotic dishes as well as traditional favourites from Indonesia and Malaysia, which can
      198 words
    • 61 39 .Jht CLtiii \t\iu > V f 4 v' Y,VI\ A «*ik3 i ■< I_. jmsw r V a *«r t URSFV; v t <K fc&Sv (MiaAMMatvAMMOMMMmc 'Hy E (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. |P|^ T«fc *****17 V\ l, LUCKY PLAZA OOLDCN WNOOC -SMCNTON WAV J Bs# CtniM MMI§ —IOAPWU KMUM HOTEL A#
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 146 40 priceless beauty, matchless in perfection Poll H«ng Goldsmiths (Pis) Ltd i ,689 693. North Bridg* Road. Singapore > T4 *****86/*****17 •PNfMMInMti Ij| 17. People* Parti Complex. Singapore 1. T«i: *****0 G23 24-39 41. Katoog Shopping Centre, Singapore 15. T«l *****2 ,Ym >a»b Beaactb |412.6* 186, Toa Payoh Central, Singapore 12.
      146 words