New Nation, 23 August 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 23 1 New Nation M.C. (P) 216/V7B SINGAPORE Wednesday, August 23, 1978 No. 2344 Price 25 cents r 1 NEW (t.'} NATION COMMENT lb— mmmmggmwmggtm
    23 words
  • 447 1  -  By Teresa Ooi Many of his friends thought he was "wasting" his degree when Mr Lua Kim Teng, who graduated with first class honours In physics from the University in Singapore In 1971, decld- ed to become a teacher. But Mr Lua has never looked
    447 words
  • 334 1  -  By Jane Chew A team of government doctors Is visiting government hospitals to encourage their colleagues to stay on In government service. The team, from the Singapore Government Medical and Dental Officers Association. has visited the Singapore General, Tan Tock Seng and Toa Payoh hospitals.
    334 words
  • 57 1 NST Kuala Lnmpnr, Wednesday More than 1171 graduates and diploma holders were registered with the Labour Ministry's Professional Employ ment Bureau hi May for jobs. Among those on the register were 97 mechanical engineers, U electrical engineers, St chemists, H accounts officers, 7» agricultural officers and
    NST  -  57 words
  • 70 1 The police would like to Interview Tan Ho Teck, 20. of Stirling Road, whom they believe can help In their Investigations into a rape caw in Outram Road on Peb. 19. Those who know his whereabouts can contact the offlcer-ln -charge (crime). Acting Deputy
    70 words
  • 73 1 AP Tokyo, Wednesday The US dollar opened at 191 yen on the Tokyo money market today and rose to 191.70 yen in the first few minutes of trading. The dollar closed at 191.70 yen yesterday. The dollar hit a postwar record low closing of 184.05
    AP  -  73 words
  • 63 1 AP Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday Police arrested a 26-year-old man on Monday in Alor Star and seised 2 kg of morphine smuggled in from south Thailand, Alor Star deputy police chief Santokh Singh said yesterday. The drug could be converted into *****0 shots, he told reporters, and added that
    AP  -  63 words
  • 106 1 Reuter Washington, Wednesday. The Carter administration last night took a step to shore up the ailing U8 dollar, more than doubling the amount of gold sold at Its monthly public auctions. The Treasury Department said this would make an Important contribution to reducing the big
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 'Floating hotel' ordered to leave Page 4 Sadat's *no' to partial peace pact Page 6 f IN THE OTHEB PAGES: Moneyworts 12; Crossword 14; Stars 17; Comics 18; What's On 19.
      31 words
    • 143 1 SONY *****4"^? CLEAN CLEAR IXii EPITAXIAL «the name of a superfine magnetic particle developed by Max all: a needle-shaped crystal consisting of gamma-hematite and oobalt-ferrite. Both UD-XLI, end UO-XIH use the New EPITAXIAL However, In the EPITAXIAL used In the UD-XLH f a larger amount of cobelt-ferrite is used to
      143 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 276 2 There are at least five .first class honours graduates from Nanyang University teaching In schools. Three of them have Master's degrees and one is getting her MA soon. The three with Master* degrees Mrs Tan Klan Hwa, SO, Mr Chung Sia Tlew, S3, and Mrs
    276 words
  • 472 2 Why the S'pore-KL air talks failed —paper Singapore's wish to restrict the size of Malaysian Airline System aircraft flying here is one of the reasons for the deadlock in the air talks between the two countries, according to a Malaysian newspaper. Another renson Is that Singapore Airlines wants to fly
    472 words
  • 112 2 This is where a computer system Is used to track down visitors who overstay in Singapore. It Is the Immigration Department's Data Processing Centre at the National Stadium building. Here the relevant data is collected and sent to the Computer Services Department which identifies the culprits.
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  • 220 2 Hughes Tool Company (Far East), an American firm In Jurong which produces tool joints for the oil industry, plans to more than double its present production capacity. The managing director of Hughes Tool. Mr C.K. Hay, said this Is to cope with unexpectedly large orders up to
    220 words
  • 35 2 Blood donation sessions will be held at Canberra community centre, Canberra Road, on Aug 27 from 7.00 p.m. to 4.00 pm and at Empress Place on Aug 29 from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
    35 words
  • 252 2 United Overseas Land and Singapore Merlin were relisted today at the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Their share prices moved erratically but they were still above their presuspenslon levels. BUSINESS DONE: First Section: U.O.L. 1.76 (4) 1.74 (9) 1.73 (4) 1.70(9) 1.65 (8) 1.66 (7) 1.67 (19) 1.69 (11)
    252 words
  • 49 2 Mr C. Raju has been elected president of the Public Dally Rated Market and Hawkers Workers' Union at its first triennial delegates conference recently. Other executive council members are Encik Osman B. Wahap (vice president), Mr M. Thlrugnanam (general secretary) and Mr S. C. Santhalya (asst secretary).
    49 words
  • 27 2 The Radln Mas community centre will present a colour slide show and photographic talk at Its premises on Friday at 8 p.m. Admlnlsslon is free.
    27 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 NEW EARTH STUDIO 6 Printap St., S'poro 7. Tal: *****3 Opposite Cathay Building W. provide: VHV Indoor photography Photography for marriage, engagement, show buainaat, intrant prnport, birthday, ate. Outdoor photography morriaaa, company photo, ate. Color Developing A Printing by Kodak papar 24 hra. service and only 30 c»e for a
      123 words

  • 457 3  -  By K.K. Fong At least 90 per cent of the people living In luxurious flats in the Cairnhill area dkl not bother to meet Mr Lim Kim San, the Minister for National Development, when he called on them durinf
    457 words
  • 75 3 Two of the three addicta who escaped from the Selarang Park Drug Rehabilitation Centre on Monday have been caught. One of the escapees was caught by police at Loyang about 100 metres from the centre on the same day at a m About five hours later, the second
    75 words
  • 243 3  -  By Judith Hale A direct container feeder sendee Is to be developed between Singapore and Indonesia. This was decided by the Singapore Shipping Assoclat.on and the Indonesian National Shipowners Association at their two-day third annual meeting which ended yesterday. The meeting was held at the Holiday Inn.
    243 words
  • 235 3 AFP Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday The proposed People's Front to be formed by opposition parties will espouse a Malaysian and not an "Imported" concept of socialism. This was stated by Enclk Shamsuri Misu, secretary-general of Klta which is organising the meeting of leaders of opposition parties on
    AFP  -  235 words
  • 77 3 Reuter Wellington, Wednesday—Eight Skyhawks from the Royal New Zealand Air Force will spend the next five weeks operating in South-east Asia. They leave New Zealand on Friday for Butterworth. They will take part In an air defence exercise there with aircraft of the Royal Australian Air
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 76 3 Reuter Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday—A two-day seminar on mass media and socio economic changes in the Asean region will be held here on Oct 21 and 22, it was announced yesterday. The organisers, the Mara Institute of Tech- noloqy and the Asia Mom Communication Research and Information Centre,
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 149 3 A Slbu businessman was found guilty of evading Customs duty on 500 watches and other Items which he bought In Singapore recently, the Borneo Bulletin reported. Wong Hua Chlong. 35. was fined $15,000 and his goods, worth $29,000. were forfeited. He pleaded that It
    149 words
  • 267 3 American International Assurance has started a "Know Your Company" campaign. NTUC secretary general Mr Devan Nalr, had suggested that employers should organise "Get To Know Your Firm or Industry" campaigns to keep workers better Informed to help to Increase productivity and efficiency. AIA has launched the
    267 words
  • 43 3 The Adult Education Board will hold It* 12th annual athletic meet at the Farrer Park Athletic Centre on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. The acting M 1 nl* t e f for Social Affairs. Dr Ahmad Mattar. will give away the prise*.
    43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 m rW I W < < n 5r hi i Showtime: S$ 18.50 plus 3% Cess (Includes a glxu of win*) Holiday Inn Hotel Singapore sth Floor, Poolside For reservations, please call *****6 Ext 161/162 ET-A~PG I Ml' I\ 11. I<', \I M A (J
      43 words

  • 484 4  -  'You have broken port rules by anchoring in non-designated area' By Richard Adhikari The Port of Singapore Authority has told the owners of a barge anchored off Coney Island since April to move the vessel to the Eastern Anchorage. A PBA spokesman said this
    484 words
  • 207 4 ...after sea rescue The bulk carrier Euro Princess, which rescued 27 Taiwanese fishermen from their burning trawler in the South China Sea last Wednesday, also picked up 33 Vietnamese refugees the next day. The refugees 20 men, four women and nine children were to a small
    207 words
  • 298 4 Former drug addicts will take part in their first organised sports event next month. The Tilt If organised by the Singapore An tl-Narcotics Association's Sports and Recreational Committee, will also be ooen to the public. This is to encourage ex-addicts to participate and
    298 words
  • 215 4 It will cost more to treat S1 ng a p ore's water supply In the future because of an expected higher saline content. A larger portion of the water supply will be drawn from estuarlal reservoirs (made by damming -fivers) with the Implementation
    215 words
  • 48 4 A charity film premiere, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, will be shown at the Orchard Theatre tonight at 9.15. The show Is being organised by the Leng Kee constituency and the Lions Club of Singapore Central in aid of the Leng Kee constituency welfare projects.
    48 words
  • 32 4 Mr John Coats, the International president of the Theosophlcal Society, will give a talk on Future of Humanity at the Regional Language Centre today at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 REMEMBER, mora springs in the mattress mean better comfort and durability. And only FOUR STAR spring mattress with 390 springs can offer you that. 1 4 SS.UMOMB U,O(VUM.SMIMM M.TB.; MOV 4OOSO 4SSSS7
      32 words

  • 329 5 UPI Washington, Wednesday The United States and Vietnam have agreed to a further round of normalisation talks during the United Nations General Assembly starting late next month, US officials said yesterday. Dates have yet to be set. but both tides agrefcd in private diplomatic
    UPI  -  329 words
  • 154 5 Reuter Manila, Wednesday Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Van Dong's Asean tour next month Is expected to produce significant Improvements In relations, the Times Journal newspaper reported here yesterday. Columnist Frandsce De Leon quotes a highranking foreign affairs official as saying: It will surely
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 72 5 UPI London. Wednesday Britain's unemployment jumped sharply again this month to add more gloom for the Labour government in the runup to September's Trades Union Congress and a possible general election in the autumn. The new total of 1,606,316 people out of work is the highest monthly
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 227 5 Reuter Canberra. Wednesday Australian Transport M ulster Peter Nixon spoke out here yesterday against President Carter's decision to encourage competition on International a 1 r 11 n e routes. Mr Nixon said the Carter administration's unveiling on Monday of an aggressive new policy on International
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 250 5 Reuter AFP Bangkok. Wednesday— Contradicting a recent state of relative calm along the Thai-Kampu-chea border, scattered Incident* have been reported In the past few davs Including a landmine explosion on Saturday that left two people dead and six others wounded in Burl Ram province, 290 km
    Reuter; AFP  -  250 words
  • 35 5 Reuter Jakarta, Wednesday The student weekly bulletin, Salemba, has been allowed to reappear after being banned for the past five months for allegedly opposing President Suharto's re-elec-tion, education Ministry sources said yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 54 5 Reuter New Delhi, Wednesday —Former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi will appear in court today on a charge of Illegally obtaining Jeeps for electioneering. Her lawyers said there would be only a brief formal bearing which Mrs Gandhi would attend In response to a court summons. She
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 90 5 World Focus AP London. Wednesday The British Airport Authority Is seeking a court Injunction to stop Air India from selling cheap standby tickets at London's Heathrow Airport, the BAA said yesterday. A spokesman said an application for a temKrary injunction would made to a High Court Judge
    AP  -  90 words
  • 52 5 Reuter Narita. Wednesday—A Japanese jetliner flying Into Tokyo a controversial new International airport here yesterday hit a vinyl rope apparently tethering a balloon sent up by radicals to obstruct aircraft landing and taking off. police :.rr But the Japan As* Airways flight landed safsly. Re«Mr.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 40 5 UPI Washington, Wednesday U6 trade with the Soviet Union la an 45 per cent over the first tlx months of last rear despite chilled 08-Sovlet relatione* and UB- trade Is op >40 per cent, the government reported yesterday.
    UPI  -  40 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 112 5 1 Cybernet V flitter t»W CCD-12 A sophisticated front-kader cassette deck with the Dolby noise-reduction system with superior performance due to adherence to strict Hi-Fi specifications and severe quality-control standards. An ideal component to make your audio system complete. Features: Record/Playback head of high performance increases the effectiveness of the
      112 words

  • 188 6 Reuter Calro, Wednesday—President Anwar Sadat, preparing (or bis summit meeting with the leaders of Israel and the United States, last night ruled out partial agreements and repeated that there oould be no permanent peace In the Middle East until the Palestinian problem
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 194 6 Attack by proIsrael militias UPI Beirut, Wednesday Israeli-armed Christian militia* unleashed heavy weapons fire on Pales-tinian-controlled villages In southeast Lebanon yesterday as Israeli re connaissance Jets roared overhead, residents said. The artillery barrage came only hours after talks between a top UN mediator with Beirut officials In a bid to
    UPI  -  194 words
  • 217 6 A retaliation to Japan-Sino treaty? World Focus Reuter Moscow, Wednesday The Soviet Union yesterday told Japan that deputy Foreign Minister Nikolai Flryubin would not take up an Invitation to visit Tokyo for talks on relations between the two coun- tries. later this month, Japanese sources
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 78 6 Reuter Paris. Wednesday French air traffic -controllers yesterday decided to launch a work-to-rule of unlimited duration. beginning on Friday. Informed sources sakL The controllers' action, which would cover two of the busiest weekends of the year In air spac* over west Europe, Is nearly certain
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 98 6 UPI TODAY Is Wednesday, Aug. 23, the 235 th day of 1978 with 130 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Virgo. American Gen. Jonathan Walnwrlght, hero of Bataan In the Pacific theatre of World War n, was born on Aug. 23. 1883. ON
    UPI  -  98 words
  • 74 6 Reuter Salisbury, Wednesday The khodeslan government's campaign to win black support for Its Internal settlement agreement was dealt Its meet enbarraatag rebuff to data when a* one showed bp for a meeting to disease the accord. Only a stray cow wandered In front of rows of empty seats
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 582 6 London Sunny, 241SC. Headline: El A1 security demand. Moscow Cloudy, 2112C. Pravda's headline: Big tasks of cattlebreeders. Bonn Sunny, 23-11C. Headline: Russians angry, Rumania concerned. Paris Mild, variable, 24- 11C. Headline: Israel bombs Palestinian camps after London attack. Rome Clear and humid, 31-18C. Headline: Israel bombs Palestinian positions. Rio d«
      582 words

  • 250 7 World rocus Reuter Geneva. Wednesday Developing countries may have far more workers than Jobs by the year 2000, while Industrialised states could have too few, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) forecast yesterday. A report by the 136member organisation's Bureau of Statistics and Special Studies
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 51 7 AFP Washington, Wednesday Tne United States Senate reduced by US$l62 million yesterday an administration request for a US$3Bl million allocation towards construction of military Installations In Kurope. The US$2l9 million approved were part of a US$39OO million allocation for military Installations In both the United States and
    AFP  -  51 words
  • 33 7 Reuter Hong Kong. Wednesday—Two senior Chinese military leaders have said that China would support North Korea militarily In the event of war, the North Korean Central News Agency reported yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 188 7 Reuter Nairobi. WednesdayKenya's Vice-President Daniel Arap Moi was sworn In as the country's acting President yesterday by Chief Justice James Wicks following the death of President Jomo Kenyatta earlier in the day. Mr Mol, Minister of the Interior, has been VicePresident since January, IM7.
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 301 7 Reuter Belgrade, WednesdayPresident Tito and Mr Hua Kuo-Feng, accompanied by top aides, held a second round of talks after the tour during which officials said they discussed global politics and' ways to Improve bilateral relations. The two-hour session centred on detente, the situation
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 76 7 UPI Reykjavik (Iceland), Wednesday The communists have reached agreement with two other parties to form a majority government In this strategic Nato country, political sources said yesterday. The sources said the communists, the Social Democrats and the mld-dle-of-the road Progressive Party have agreed on economic policies
    UPI  -  76 words
  • 136 7 UPI Managua, Nle a racua), Wednesday.— Leftist guerillas shot their way into the National Palace yesterday and took hostage most of Nicaragua's <7 senators in a one-how gunbattle, US embassy sources and witnesses said. The guerillas Hned up the senators and other hostages along the
    UPI  -  136 words
  • 162 7 Reuter London, Wednesday Scores of army tanks and armoured cars rolled Into London's Heathrow Airport in a show of strength following Sunday's Arab guerilla attack on an Israeli air crew. Troops In full battledress carrying automatic rifles patrolled the terminal area.
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 438 8 An artist needs two forms of security to develop and raise the quality of his work. The first Is flnaiUclal. During the more difficult years of Singapore's struggle for survival, art was a luxury with the lowest national priority and was the least lucrative of
    438 words
    • 68 8 A mother was horrified to see her son walking on her dining table. "Oet down from there!'' she yelled at the four-year-old. "You're not supposed to walk Even before she finished speaking, she remembered, to her embarrassment, how on the previous night at a particularly lively □arty,
      68 words
    • 36 8 Helm, the food people, will be acquiring Weight Watchers International, the anti-food people. As one weight watcher wise-cracked: "It'll be an Interesting marriage. One feeds, the other starves." Like Jack Spratt and his wife?
      36 words
  • 717 8 That's what Japan is telling its workaholic people OFNS Tokyo: In a publicity leaflet packed with cartoons, catch phrases and other modern media techniques, Japan's Labour Ministry is urging the country's work force to take a holiday. While unions in Britain and elsewhere are agitating for
    OFNS  -  717 words
  • 847 8  -  WEDNESDAY WITH DICK WILSON DICK WILSON The othey day I met a man who had been Involved In a very complex International project based in Iran, in which political, dlolomatlc and economic considerations were all mixed up. He spent a great deal of time In
    847 words

  • 686 9  -  Nanyang on that task force: Voice of the Press Round-up Aug. 13-19 By Liew Soon Chin Edu c a tlon must not be aimed at nurturing a handful of bright sparks; neither should it be geared solely to the present eco no mlc and
    686 words
  • 570 9 Mapping out new plans —with computer maps NYT New York: Drowning in data? Many businesses are these days, and the cause Is something that has come to be known as computer pollution, data processing short hand for the ocean of statistics that threaten to engulf corporate computer users everywhere. Frequently,
    NYT  -  570 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 40 9 lightweight safe easy handling The complete BOSCH Boxer C'ombi Set consists of a 420 watts 2-speed impact drill, an orbital sander and jigsaw attachments as well as all the necessary accessories required for drilling, polishing, sanding and sawing almost everything.
      40 words

    • 578 10 / 11 You can see ballet dancers pirouette, maidens and their menfolk In baju kurong dancing the Joget, or athletic dancers performing calisthenics—all at Singapore's first National Dance Festival, lo be held next week. The festival is actually a nationwide dancc competition. The organisers are the People's Association, which
      Pictures from the People's Association  -  578 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 96 10 / 11 HzfcSvv fr m Br»" r ~7l> r > a***"* <.*» i»£ V>V fc l'-. 4-1 3 t v Br-*:: k frA :v v H' JSS V; VfV'* liitroduuny the pct tunic (fiat's taken I ur ope In .lorm. I lie one thai tintiles \\iih the lure ol nature's most eniiiirik!
      96 words

  • 905 12  -  No surprises till the end Cinema l>v Irene Hoe CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND: Richard Drey fuss, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr, Mellnda Dillon, Cary Guffey. Written and directed by Steven Spielberg. (From tomorrow at Orchard). The dilemma of choosing between praising and pulverising has
    905 words
  • 61 12 The Singapore Film Society screens Clint Eastwood's The Outlaw Jose 7 Wales at 8 pm tonight at the Cul- tural Centre. A revenge Western with more sophisticated psychological interplay. Unlike the usual kind which Inevitably terminates In a final shootout with the hero and master villain both perlshlnr,
    61 words
  • 225 12 NYT Los Angeles: The recently announced death of the disaster movie, says Irwin Allen—producer of The Towering Inferno, The Poseidon Adventure, and The Swarm Is decidedly premature. The disaster moYle usually places a group of black, white, male, female, aged and Infant travellers in the
    NYT  -  225 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 538 12 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss.): Address: N.R.I.C. No: Tel: □□□I IQQQ i Cut along dotted Mom i FILL IN MISSING LITTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW CLUEB FOR GU-3 1. Way of walking 2. Word that describee many a rogue 3. Principal mala
      538 words

  • 933 13 10 years ago Warsaw Pact forces entered Czechoslovakia to bring the country into line but its effects in Eastern Europe are not what Moscow wanted World Focus NYT Pwjue: Czechoslovakia, Its soul scarred by 10 years of Soviet occupation, Is rebuilding Its economy,
    NYT  -  933 words
  • 836 13 UNU —a different kind of university Reuter Vienna: How much protein does a child need to grow into a healthy adult? A small, medium rare steak oi* up to half a dozen eggs a day U a commonly accepted answer, based on tests using undergraduates at western universities. But for
    Reuter  -  836 words

  • 330 14 Trade-creating joint ventures among proposals f 3 Business News and Views k 1 Reuter New Delhi, Wednesday The 28-natlon ministerial conference of the Economic and S ox 1 al Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Escap) has unanimously approved proposals for lntra-reglonal trade expansion and cooperation.
    Reuter  -  330 words
  • 258 14 Reuter Tokyo, Wednesday The Japanese government and major industrial groups have set up a Joint panel to give full assistance to a large US export promotion delegation due here In October, the International Trade and Industry Ministry said yesterday. The delegation of more than
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 261 14 Reuter AKION, (Ohio): Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company has reported a third quarter decline in profits because of losses in its European operations and warned that a potential recall of Its steel belted radial tyre could have a "very substantial adverse affect" on future profits. —Reuter. TOKYO: Japan's
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 254 14 Money UPI London. Wednesday The U8 dollar slipped lower on European money markets yesterday but hit a four-week high in Tokvo. In Frankfurt, where It closed at 2.00 deutschmarks against 2.0098 on Monday, dealers attributed the new decline to failure of expected US stabilisation
    UPI  -  254 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 215 14 Stocks rallied yesterday to register a modest gain by overcoming pro-fit-taking pressure, investor uncertainty about the dollar and analysts concern about the economy. Trading was relatively alow. The Do# Jones industrial average, down 3 points at the outset, rallied to gain 3.49 points to 892.41. The Dow. a
      215 words
    • 36 14 UPI New York, Wednesday Dow Jones closing averages on the NYBI yesterday: 30 Industrials 893.41 (up 3.44). 90 transport 24» 76 (up 1.71), 15 utilities 106.33 (up 0.14), 66 stocks 307.56 (up 1.31). DPI.
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 65 14 Closing prices on the Puis Bourse yesterday: Parlbas 180+1 Poncler MS —.SO Prlntemps 07.50 unch Bull 47.10 +1.90 Royal Dutch 371 +.90 Mlchelln 1330 +10 CO* 381.00 -1-8.40 Thomson 333 3 CFP 138 1.30 Rhone 103 +3 Air 330 +3 BSN 518 +7 Philips 56 -t-1.86 8ues 386.80 +4.80
      65 words
    • 77 14 Union Bank of Switzerland Closing prices on the Zurich stock exchange jrester<*w: UBS Bearer 3165 —10 UBS Registered MO 6 SBC 312 Credit Suisse 2336 —6 Swissair B. •37 —1 Swiss Relnsur, 3*90 —6 Wlnterthur B. 3460 10 Zurich Insur. 6900 —36 Nestle B. 3176 6 Inter!ood B. 3000
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  77 words
    • 71 14 Prices at 11.30 a.m. today (Australian time) on the Sydney Stock Exchange: ACI 173 174 ADC IS 30 Ampol Pet M 87 ANI 156 1M APM 118 US Bank N8W 602 S86 Brambles 1SS 1S7 BHP 813 S14 Boral 343 363 CBA 346 360 C8R 136 330 CIO 340
      71 words
    • 95 14 AFP Share prices rose slightly on the Tokyo Stock Exchange market yesterday in slow trading. The Dow Jones average of 225 selected Issues gained 5.55 yen to 5,518.88 yen, while the widerbased TBE index was up 0.85 point at 420.54. Yesterday's closing quotations of the giltedgeds, in yen, with
      AFP  -  95 words
  • 137 14 Reuter Bangkok, WednesdayCommerce Minister Nirm Poonwathu will lead a Thai trade team to Tokyo In October for the annual Thai-Japan ministerial trade negotiation, Commerce Ministry officials said yesterday. They said the Tokyo meeting, at which targets for Thai exports to Japan for 1979 would
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 180 14 Crossword ACROSS 1 Rouse from sleep 5 Bcotch uncles 9 Army man 14 Sinful 15 Grand slam 16 Dodge 17 Starts, as an engine 19 Perplexed 20 Invite 21 Ms. Newton-John 23 And others. oh deeds 28 Joined together 30 Puts a ball in pla 7 Kin of alt. 8
      180 words

  • 608 15  -  Qualifying rounds now for S'pore Open SQUASH b v Eric Cooper A series of qualifying rounds will be played for the first time when the 9th Singapore Open championships begin this weekend at the Kallang Squash Centre. The object of the qualifying rounds li to
    608 words
  • Sportsfront
    • 342 15 The performance of the Singapore cricket team at the recently concluded Saudara Cup left a lot to be desired. And it showed that an immediate transfusion has to take place in all departments of the game. Th<* Malaysians, who came as underdogs, were expected
      342 words
    • 195 15  -  ANNA TAN The fourth leg of the Pakistan International Airline* World squash championships will be held In Singapore from Nor 8 to 14. This has been made Sislble by the Singapore uash Rackets Association and it certainly Is a welcome boost for squash fans as
      195 words
    • 209 15  -  A.T. It would be a shame If the Eighth Asian oames have to be scaled down ,because of financial difficulties. The Arab countries had pledged US$l million but everyone's still waiting. All Asian countries should give their support In staging such a K" imorous event. It Is
      209 words
    • 165 15  -  JAW TEE KWANG The forthcoming Asian Games to be held in Bangkok" will be the next international competition that Singapore is entered for. The standards at this prestigious Games will be extremely high and no doubt only those who Brform creditably at me will merit
      165 words
    • 618 16  -  Cup favourite Aylmer Road shows speed C29on the I track By K.L. CHAN Purple Pearl showed striking form in a trial oil good going at Buklt Tlmah this morning. Ridden by Noel Harris, the six-year-old gelding by The Purple broke from the 800 m to run the
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    • 248 16 Moses Lee. one of the top and most experienced local Jockeys, is In hospital with severe leg injuries following a race fall at Buklt Tlmah last Bunday, reports SCRUTINEER. The spectacular but unfortunate Incident occurred In Race 4. As the field straightened
      248 words
    • 168 16 Reuter London, Wednesday American colt Hawaiian Sound finally pulled off a big race triumph when making virtually all the running In the £70,000 (about *****,000) Benson and Hedges Gold Cup race at York yesterday. After being placed in the Ennllah and Irish Derbies and the
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 48 16 Leeds (England). Wednesday Nigeria have withdrawn from the Commonwealth basketball championships, due to begin In Britain on Saturday, bscanss Hew Zealand are taking part, the English Basketball Association announced yesterday. Participating countries are specially disappointed because Nigeria are one of the most popular sporting nations.
      48 words
    • 59 16 Stuttgart (West Germany). Wednesday. US athletes scored outstanding results at an International athletic meet here last night a week before the European championships in Prague. American Willie Smith defeated West German Harald Schmld when he clocked 44Jsec over 400 m and his compatriot Renal do Nehemlah
      59 words
    • 482 16 A fitting honour for super -horse By SCRUTINEER There has been numerous requests from turf enthusiasts to have the superstar of the local turf. Star Prince, presented to the racing public In a victory parade during the current Buklt Tlmah meetIn*. A New Nation reader, who
      482 words
    • 277 16 H Martial Arts Karate enthusiasts will be able to study for the first time the art as portrayed by the Tang 800 Do Club at the National championships at the Metropolitan YMCA Hall on Aug 30 and Sept 9. Tang 800 Do will be making
      277 words
    • 225 17 Soccer UPI Madrid, Wednesday Spanish soccer placers reached agreement with management on money yesterday but said they would go ahead with an unprecedented strike unless the issue of age limits in the Third Division was resolved. Representatives of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players met
      UPI  -  225 words
    • 778 17 Americans get back at the East Germans Swimming West Berlin. Wednsday World records went down, like ninepins at the World swimming championships here yesterday as the United States plundered four of the five gold medals going last night. The hlghpolnt was In the men's
      778 words
    • 458 17 EJ Soccer London, Wednesday The first mid-week matches of the new English football season last night produced a crop of goals, four players sent off and a pitch Invasion which held up the game between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Chelsea for seven minutes. Liverpool showed their
      458 words
    • 228 17 M T AP New York, Wednesday BJorn Borg, Sweden's 22-year-old tennis ace, yesterday signed a lucrative contract as the playing pro of Caesar's Palace In Las Vegas and announced a determination to win the only major title to escape him the US Open. No salary
      AP  -  228 words
    • 259 18 Oeylang International have a chance of rede eml n g themselves when they take on title contenders Tampines Rovers In a First Division match at the National Stadium tonight. (Kickoff 8 p.m.). Oeylang Tampines matches have always provided plenty of fireworks and a
      259 words
    • 578 18  -  SBA prefer Ah Ngo in picking World meet team Badminton By BRIAN MILLER The Singapore Badminton Association last night named 10 olayers for the World badminton championships to be held at Bangkok from Oct 7 to 11. They are: Men—Wong Shoon Keat, Tan Eng Han, Kok
      578 words
    • 234 18  -  Soccer By PHILIP TAN Moulmein are he the only football club so far to respond to the Football Association of Singapore's call for players to be recommended for either the National or Intermediate squad. The poor response from the SO clubs (30 from the League and
      234 words
    • 304 18  -  By K.L. CHAN Kaklt Buklt's dream of upsetting leaders Armed Forces In their Division One soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium last night was smashed when they were hammered 8-2. Kakl Buklt never looked like making it. They played a slow game and allowed Forces too
      304 words
    • 109 18 UPI Brook line (Massachusetts), Wedneday Becond-seeded Raul Ramirez of Mexico and th 1 r d-seeded Corrado Barazzuttl of Italy won easy first round victories yesterday at the U*****,000 (about 8*440,000) Us Pro tennis championships. Ramirez won by a default over Ivan Molina of Columbia after building up
      UPI  -  109 words
    • 209 18 Soccer UPI Berlin, Wednesday Dr. Joao Havelange, president of the International Soccer Federation (F1 fa) said yesterday he was "fairly certain" there would be 24 teams competing In the next World Cup In Spain In 1982. "The executive Committee of Flfs have decided
      UPI  -  209 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 518 15 ELS A VCO MODEL ClNTftt New clasfes In Deportment <i Personal Orooming commencing on Thursday evening ana Saturday afternoon. Register now. Further enquiries tel: *****/ *****1 or call personally at: Suite 116, MliO Centre, Clemenceau Avenue, B'pore 9. magic shop INI Tricks and stunts to amuse your friends. Magicians for
      518 words
    • 426 15 FOUTAIN AO IN C V S OINBRAL Contractor Co Blk 21. 317-A, Outrara Park, HDB licence no. BM 0300. Specialise in renovating HDB and private houses. Wide range of latest ceramic marble and terrazso awaiting your selections. Prices moderate and reliable workmanship. Tel: *****30, Mr Yuen or Mr. Wee. MODERN
      426 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 320 17 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF irs YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are one of those demonstrative individuals who never Jea v e s others guessing Friends and roes alike know your likes and dislikes. You make no bones about your goals, your standards, your intentions. At the same time, however, you
      320 words

  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 46 18 ANDY CAPP R i 111 Bl SHORT RIBS "THAT WORM PRO FROM THE IN LOVE (n£~ m Si NORBERT vereeiMAfrr 1 SB 1 \a m IP HE BOTHERS XXJTVWTT MUCH. WHV NOT JUST STEP ON HIM? by Frank O'Neal T4 *1 I. I'M by George Fett
      46 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 287 19 Seven families In MacPherson played host and got to meet members of the Teochew Drama Group from Redlffuslon last Sunday. Th« group Is but ore of the three which has taken turns to visit various estates every Sunday for the past 12 weeks to
      287 words
    • 367 19 Jazz and pop music buffs keep yourselves free on Friday and Saturday. That's when the University Stage Band will strike up Its Big Band Sound at the OBS auditorium. The 18 University of Singapore undergraduates under the baton of M.
      367 words
    • 50 19 It was reported In Monday's New Nation that Mrs Jean Chan of the Singapore Chinese Girls' School Is a Royal Academy of Dancing graduate. In fact she only did the elementary examination of the Royal Academy of Dancing In Singapore when she was with the Maudrene's School of Dancing.
      50 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 725 19 At the cinema SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER: John Travolta, who has since become a superstar, Ignites on the screen as a restless and explosive disco kingpin at the peak of his popularity. Also stars Karen Lynn Oorney. Prince: 1.45, 4, 6 45 and 9.15 p.m. JOURNEY INTO THE BEYOND: A documentary
      725 words
    • 378 19 In and around town CERAMISTS FROM SCHOOLS exhlb ltlon. Young People's Gallery of the National Museum. Features ceramic works by 87 students from local schools and vocational Institutes. From 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally until Sept 17. ART '78: National Museum art gallery from 10.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
      378 words

  • 54 20 AH FOOK: The Finance Ministry's M8D"s recommendations for Improving the educational system seems to be aimed at the Ministry of Education and the schools themselves. MEI LIN: It seems a logical place to start. Anyway it Is better than Imposing another trial-and-error project on students in the hope
    54 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 64 20 It never vanes Another quality product from 1 JTJP* 1 »ILVK 35 •i* ELECTRONICS ENTHUSIASTS Make your own Transistor Radios, Burqlar Alarms Flashlights. Amplifiers and many others with Electronics Kit S and t i i A N ;<m>l ikj or S"id"riny Available in 10 20 R< 40 combinations <# »Ml
      64 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 848 20 TV MMaa AND RADIO Bring home a Superstar Bring home S.N OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by THE BEVEBLY HILLBILLIES <r): LY HILLBILLIE8 (r): Jt Marry Me Shorty. Starring Buddy Ebson, Irene Ryan and Donna Hollywood. Sil DIARY Or EVENTS (M). 3.M BONANZA: Rock-s-bye-Hoaa. AM INTERMISSION. CM OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by PETTICOAT
      848 words
    • 238 20 Todays I top shows CHARLIE'S AN GELS neis on tiie Air tCh 35pm. In colour). When ine llle of a reporter Is threatened, Sabrlna, Kris and Kelly go to work for a radio station to Investigate. THE AGE OF UNCERTAINTY: The Mandarin Revolution. <Ch 5, 9.49 pjn. in colour). Prof
      238 words