New Nation, 14 August 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Monday, August 14, 1978 .No. 2336 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 fj NEW (0) NATION COMMENT
    20 words
  • 734 1 Sonoda: I will brief Asean on the outcome AFP Tokyo, Monday Chinese Chairman Hua Kuo-rfeng will visit Japan next year or later to further promote Sino-Japan-ese friendship, Foreign Minister Sonoda said last night. In his meeting with Mr Sonoda In Peking on Saturday, Chairman Hua promised
    AFP  -  734 words
  • 123 1 A newly-married rice shop assistant, Ng Poh Chai, 20, was found murdered in the blukar along Kuala Loyang Road in Tamplnes yesterday. The body was found beside a pick-up van which he used to deliver rice. His grief-stricken wife, Ng Geek Choo, 22, this morning said
    123 words
  • 139 1 Reuter Cairo, Monday The U8 has asked both Egypt and Israel to prepare a full picture of the topics to be studied at next month's Camp David meeting of Egyptian, Israeli and American leaden, the semi-official newspaper Al-Ahram said today. Al-Ahram said the US, which
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 153 2 Gold will continue to remain an important reserve asset to central banks, and countries In this region who are diversifying their reserves tp Include the Japanese yen. This is the observation made by Dr C. J. Oort, adviser for international financial affairs to
    153 words
  • 209 2  -  Tests on duckling By Teresa Ooi This real- life duckling has a musical toy car for a "mother." Take the car away and the duckling will quack its head off looking for "mummy." Play the musical car again, and the duckling will faithfully follow
    209 words
  • 225 2 Call to teachers Asean teachers should actively organise Intra- Asean educational tours to promote cooperation among teachers of the region. This la the opinion of 12 members of the Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union and the Singapore Chinese Middle School Teachers' Union, who attended the World Teachers'
    225 words
  • 62 2 The National Productivity Board will hold a course on Work Measurement and Incentives, Merit and Demerit Schemes Module II at its training centre at Hotel Royal -Ramada from Aug. 21 to Sept. 1 from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. The fee Is $100 for members of the National
    62 words
  • 26 2 The MP for Whampoa, Dr Augustine Tan, will attend the National Day celebrations dinner at Whampoa community centre on Aug. 21 at 8 p.m.
    26 words
  • 257 2 Bulls continued to roar during the first hour of trading this morning at the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The finance sector benefited from renewed buying support. U. 0.8. and D.B.S. went up 10 cents and 14 cents to $3.62 and $4.24 respectively. 0.C.8.C. was traded 20 cents higher
    257 words
  • 23 2 TOTO draw No. 64/78: Five out of 49 33, 4, 24, 37, 44; additional number 20; three circles 14, 10, 17.
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  • 35 2 In conjunction with the National Day celebrations, the Kim Seng community centre youth group will hold a buffet party for constituents over 55 years old at Its centre on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
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    • 81 2 Big Sweep 1 BIG SWEEP drawn at Buklt Tlmah on Saturday: First: ***** Second: ***** Third: ***** Starters: Nos. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Consolation: Nos. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** BIG SWEEP drawn at Ipoh yesterday:
      81 words

  • 257 3 Saturday's graduation ceremony at Nantah will always be treasured by the Thangavels. For It was on that day that they saw their daughter Jensranl, 22, graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Nothing extraordinary, one may say, except that Mr Thangavel is a labourer
    257 words
  • 457 3  -  Different views by unions, managements Bj Ivan Lim Many unions and managements are still doing their sums on the 1978 National Wage Council wage Increase guideline of $12 plus six per cent with full group offsetting more than a month after the recommendation had
    457 words
  • 55 3 Mr O. Kandasamy. a trade unionist, has been elected president of the Tamils' Representative Council at Its recent delegates meeting. Other officials are Messrs 8. Varathan vice president). a v Krlshnasamy (secretary/ treasurer), MJB. Veerappan, K. Muthumanlckam, M. Parasuraman. M. Thlrugnanam. Sagul Hamld, V. Balaklrshnan. R Kalamohan
    55 words
  • 155 3 Fenang*s new $75 million International airport should be fully operational before the end of October, according to Transport Minister Tan Sri V. Manlckavasagam. He said the two-month delay was due to certain modifications to the original plan In view of increased traffic and
    155 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 248 4 This Is the dance of the Enchanted Goddess the highlight of a four-scene ballet called Devotions staged as part of the National Day cultural show at the National Theatre last night. The role of the goddess was played by Miss Esther Fu, 17, a
    248 words
  • 52 4 Mr Chua Kim Yeow ha« been appointed deKt j chairman of the ard of Commissioners of Currency for one year with effect from May 18. Other members appointed to the board Include Mr Tan Keong Choon. Mr Lien Yin* Chow, Mr C. F. L Blangero and Mr O.
    52 words
  • 68 4 In Friday's New Nation, aa article headlined "Happy but a little bit guilty: Award wtna quote from Madam Maria Lee Howe, winner of the Public Service Star (Blntang Baktl Masharakat), was Inadvertently omitted. She said: "I'm very happy but I feel a bit guilty. I actually didn't do
    68 words
  • 433 4 The Housing Board's policy In letting out shops In Its estates Is to provide the widest variety of essential trades to Its residents. This Is stated in the latest Issue of HDB's magazine, Our Home. It quoted Mr Oopal Singh, who is in
    433 words
  • 213 4 Asean countries have agreed to fund a Joint tourism promotion campaign costing U5533,000 (about $72,600). The director general of the Tourist Organisation of Thailand, Colonel Somchai Hiranyakit, was quoted'ln a travel magasine as saving that the five countries have agreed to prepare promotional material
    213 words
  • 26 4 The Ministry of Culture will hold a Music for Everyone concert entitled Four Voices at the DBS Auditorium on Aug 20 at 8 pjn.
    26 words
  • 259 4 TIPS FOR PARENTS If a speck enters your chld's eye, do not rub the eye. Tell the child to gently blink or lift one eyelid over the other and let the tears wash the speck away. This Is. the advice given In a
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  • 151 4 The Singapore Association for the Blind will use plastic containers Instead of metal cans on its flag day on Saturday. This is to save costs in the long run, for the plastic containers can be used over and over again, said an official of BAB.
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  • 42 4 The Singapore Science Centre nas started a Friends of the Science Centre scheme. The scheme will provide one year's free Issue of the centre's bulletin, admission and other prMlstfe The annual subscription is $3 for students and $10 for sdults.
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  • 28 4 The photograph of the blind at work on page 0 of Saturday's New Natl on was Incorrectly used. The girls pictured are not blind but retarded.
    28 words

  • 606 5  -  World Focus By Swadesh De Roy oor Tokyo correspondent Japan will not talk peace with the Soviet Union on the basis of Moscow's proposal of a "good neighbourly and friendship" treaty. What Japan wants Is a formal peace treaty to end all disputes arising
    UPI radio picture  -  606 words
  • 89 5 Reuter Manlla, Monday Japan has not decided on the amount of economic aid to give to Asean countries, according to Presidential sources In Manila. The sources said an earlier report that Japan would double Its aid over three years to U812.8 billion (816.4 billion) was
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 49 5 UPI Katmandu. Monday Nepalese Premier Klrtlnldnl Bista plan i to make an 11-day official visit to China In late September, government sources said yesterday. The tour, to begin on Sept 27, Is to repay a visit by Chinese VicePremier Teng Hsiao-ping in February. UPI.
    UPI  -  49 words
  • 39 5 UPI Nairobi. Monday Forty passengers, most of them children, were killed on Saturday when a bus travelling between Ar u a and Moyo, In northern Uganda, plunged Into a river, Radio Uganda, monitored here, said yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 108 5 AFP Kuala Lumpur, Monday Malaysians generally welcomed the (lino-Japa-nese peace treaty, which they felt would help ease tension and promote peace and stability In South-east Asia. The treaty signed in Peking last night after over six years of protracted negotiations, had formalised the post war
    AFP  -  108 words
  • 205 5 Reuter Peking, Monday China said yesterday that more than 100 Chinese were seised In a raid on a hotel In Hanoi over the weekend and taken to an unknown destination—a charge that Vietnam did not deny Immediately. The New China News Agency said that tear gas
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 sings Daily 4-Bpm > LE BISTRO v I'mrs •ir sp; at 1 i« >u;: >r': ig iy *'< home ul stati r T»oPi c an«i Theatre Restaurant Nfteclub 9 Soott* Rd
      29 words
    • 27 5 SAFE FOR MOTORISTS </>r SIX W h S'Li I M •J m Nal, Kampoog Ampat,*MiBo4666 Ngee Ann BuHdng, Orchard Road/Mi3M422 SAN MOTOR COI(PTE) ITDL Road, SlngiporaaiM >*****91,*****89
      27 words

  • 355 6 World Focus UPI Washington, Monday A man made of spare human parts, a race of supermen and women,, perhaps even near-Immorta-lity might not be entirely remote, a Georgetown University Cry o biologist said yesterday. Mr David Robinson U working at the problem* of freezing
    UPI  -  355 words
  • 104 6 UPI Bangkok, Monday Kampuchea for the first time yesterday accused Vietnam of allowing the Soviet Union to set up military bases In Vietnam. In a bitter attack broadcast by official Radio Phnom Penh, Kampuchea said: "Military bases belonging to the major expansionist Ewer, Vietnam's
    UPI  -  104 words
  • 106 6 Reuter New York, Monday Home hunters and Job seekers hardly knew where to start In New York yesterday. A strike has shut the city's three mojor newspapers, and left New Yorkers without the vast classified advertisement sections of the Sunday Times, the starting point for most
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 198 6 UPI Washington, Monday—- Watergate and the Vietnam war are still making life difficult for the White House, presidential aide Btuart Elsenstat said yesterday. Mr Elzenstat, President Carter's domestic policy adviser, said in a broadcast Interview that Vietnam and Watergate created a mistrust of a president,
    UPI  -  198 words
  • 111 6 UPI TODAY Is Monday. Aug- 14, the 226 th day of 1978 with 139 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Leo. Naturalist Ernest Thompson Seton was born on Aug. 14, 1800. ON THIS DAT IN HISTORY: In 1900, 2000 American Marines helped capture
    UPI  -  111 words
  • 60 6  -  D.J. People are not using rubbigh pits In Britain because local councils now call them civic amenity sites. And law-abid-ing citizens think that title means beauty spots. So now rubbish is dumped in other places usually beauty spots! Now thousand of leaflets are belnf printed to explain
    60 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 569 6 mm WEATHER Moscow Overcast. 18-12 C. Fravda's headline: "Decisions of the CPSU central committee on work of the party organisation of the Voroshllov turbo-motor plant In Sverdlovsk." Rome Sunny, breeze. 29-ICC. Headline: Pope Paul burled In Vatican grottoes. Bonn Partly cloudy, 23-17 C. Headline: German terrorists helped murderers of Moro.
      569 words

  • 379 7 World Focus Reuter Washington, Monday President Carter said yesterday the United States was willing to make compromise proposals at next month's scheduled summit meeting at Camp David, Maryland, with the leaders or Egypt and Israel. In an interview with US News and World Report,
    Reuter  -  379 words
  • 155 7 Reuter Colombo, Monday Brl Lankan public servants* have more holidays than workers anywhere else in the world, It is claimed here. They work only 190 days a year about one day in two. But this happy state of affairs may be
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 171 7 Reuter Beirut, Monday.— At least 80 people were killed and 88 injured yesterday when a huge ex- lotion flattened a u tiding housing the military command of a pro-Iraqi Palestinian Kerllla group, authorise said. Commandos on the seene said explosive charges placed at
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 55 7 Bangkok, Monday Frateep Uni-S©m-tham, 26, the youngest winner of the coveted Ramon Magsaysay award for pabtte service, la seen (above) teaching youngsters of Bangkok's Klong Toey slam In this flsihbaek plctare taken last year. Her work with the poor earned her the 1971 prise, awarded last Thursday
    AP radio picture  -  55 words
  • 58 7 Reuter Kuwait, Monday An ollwell fire that haa blazed for seven weeks In Kuwait hat been finally extinguished, a government spokesman said yesterday. The operation. In which a few assistants of American troubleahooter Red Adair were Involved, was complicated by difficulties In stemming the flow
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 35 7 UPI Taipei, Monday Typhoon Delia, Its strength greatly reduced, yesterday dumped as much as 28cm of rain on Taiwan but did not cause any «erlous damage, the Central Weather bureau said said. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 20 7 AP Santa Barbara (California), Monday —An earthquake caused fires, gas leaks and heavy property damage In Banta Barbara yesterday.—AP.
    AP  -  20 words
  • 211 7 Reuter Rome, Monday. A Roman Catholic pressure group yesterday demanded the abolition of secret Papal elections and laid out a blue-print of the type of Pope they want to succeed the late Paul VI. The self-styled Committee for the Responsible Election Of the Pope, comprised mainly
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 Taiwanese Cuisine in -Tou/n HUSINtSS HOURS 11 OC AM TO 2 -15 PM 600PM TO 45 PM t.U I—V gj iT 3 ISIS'aSSJSI '..v MAY GARDEN RESTAURANT
      27 words
    • 84 7 solid core panel carved doors to give you value that money alone cannot buy.... High standard of quality Solid security Timeless Beauty Inexpensive LIBRA 002 LIBRA -004 LIBRA -003 prices from.... $160.00 to $199.00 only 12 designs to choose from, available ex-stock; subject to goods unsold. Size 33"L x I%"W
      84 words

  • 429 8 So It finally happened; after blowing hot and cold for six years, China ana Japan have signed the peace and friendship treaty, thereby accepting the new alignment of strategic forces that are consequently bound to take shape. How each side views and lnteprets the key "anti-hegemony" provisions
    429 words
    • 58 8 A woman, used to living alone, had as house guests, a friend and her three children. By the third day, the little one's antics were really getting on her nerves. The guest, realising her son's naughty ways, told her hostess: "you should spank him when he
      58 words
    • 66 8 A man visited a friend working in a prison and accidentally locked his keys inside his car. All his efforts In retrieving the keys ended In futility. Out of sheer desperation, he went to see a super intendant and appealed for help. "What's the problem." cracked the
      66 words
  • 609 8 President Carter hit taken one of the biggest gambles in US presidential history by organising the forthcoming meeting with Egypt and Israel at Camp David. But what are the real reasons behind this summit? Will it succeed or will it be another meeting with
    Washington Star  -  609 words
  • 968 8  -  MONDAY WITH SONNY YAP SONNY YAP When the newlyappointed American Ambassador to Japan Mr Mike Mansfield, held his first news conference last year, he raised the eyebrows of the Japanese press corps bamboo-high with this opening crack: "Ladles and gentlemen, I'm the new boy
    968 words

  • 832 9 Hugh Baker's album A common enough scene, vegetables on sale in a New Territories market, Tai Po in this case. What the photograph cannot show is the crisp, Just-cut freshness which makes these vegetables so good. So Insistent Is the Chinese housewife on freshness
    832 words
  • 685 9 ...AT U.N. CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL COOPERATION Economist London: Why do developing countries not have closer commercial ties with one another. as a way of changing the old economic order, instead of the poor south continuing to chafe at the rich
    Economist; Source: GATT  -  685 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 WIN YOURSELF A NEW DATSUN 110 Y and many other valuable prizes NATIONAL DAY LUCKY DRAW on 1/9/78 I, VMJX '""'l/11l 111 Jh ACCEPT 24-HOUR ORDER I v/ <*r CLOSED ON SUNDAY
      32 words

    • 676 10 / 11 NYT New York: One morning, a Pen n s y lvania woman who divorced her husband because he beat her weekly was punched in the mouth by their 17-year-old son. "Aren't you happy now?" he asked. "You've still got me to hit you."
      NYT  -  676 words
    • 165 10 / 11 UPI Washington: Americans accept abortion to the point that there were nearly three legal abortions for every 10 babies born In 1975, US Census Bureau statistics said. The report, the first comprehensive government review of American fertility and contraceptive habits in
      UPI  -  165 words
    • 364 10 / 11 Dressing up to dance Is not what it used to be. It's no more the white-shlrt-and-tle affair for men nor is it flouncy gowns for the girl. Now, anything goes as long as It's comfortable and In good taste. Take a look at the hotspots around town and
      Pictures by Philip Lim  -  364 words
    • 370 10 / 11  -  CLASS SADIST WENT WILD ONE DAY SOAP BOX Argus When the MP for C h a n g i, Mr Teo Chong Tee, recently asked old boys of Bartley S e c o ndary School to repay their debts, good old Argus
      370 words
    • 444 10 / 11 Doc's Casebook I SLCK "I cannot take the Pill nor use the lUD. I have been thinking of the diaphragm (cap) but I know very little about it. Can you tell me more?" Though the Pill Is clearly a
      SLCK  -  444 words
    • 317 10 / 11 Column 7 DC The heat Is on and not only In the dlaoo*. I'm talking about the current hot weather. We know that heat and humidity can play havoc with ■kin. But beta* out of the nn doesn't automatically solve hotweather
      DC  -  317 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 80 10 / 11 Gee! an offer hard v \*i >$?■ "Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific" Shampoo or Conditioner with 4 Gentle Touch Soap. Specially packed. Gentle Tomli the new bath soap with baby oil. Babies your skin soft and smooth with every bath. Now complement it with "Gee, Tour Hair S«eOs Terrifle" Sluwpoo.
      80 words

  • 964 12 Cancer institute agrees to start tests OFNS San Francisco: Since 1970, Dr Linus Pauling of California's Stanford University has been championing the virtues of vitamins, particularly Vitamin C, as a treatment for diseases ranging from cancer to the common cold. The 77-year-old chemlst. twice
    OFNS  -  964 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 544 12 MINEfWIRDS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss): Address: N.R.I.C. No: Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW mbmb —mCut along dottsd lotot CLUES FOR OT-1 1. In what way 2. When It's hard to etay cod, calm and collected
      544 words
    • 461 12 I Moiieywords results No entrant submitted a solution which corresponded In all respects with the set of answers held by the Judges to be the most apt In the New Nation Moneywords Contest •OR'. Two entrants submitted a solution which differed at one point from the solution which the Judges
      461 words

  • 483 13 LONDON Stock market activity was clearly Illustrated last week by the almost constant upward movement in the F.T. index. On Monday, it rose by 8.2 points to 505.4 to breach the 500 mark for the first time since early November last year. A combination
    483 words
  • 360 13 ZURICH After a slow start, prices picked up strongly in the last few days of the week under review owing to speculation about a pending elimination of the Investment ban. Amid a sharp Increase In turnover, substantial gains over a broad front were scored
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  • 166 13 Credit Lyonnais, Paris Although market activity has been slowing down due to the long-week-end of the Assumption which marks the peak of French holidays, the fundamental trend has remainedsteady despite some small consolidation moves. The government is steadfastly achieving its liberal policy, all industrial prices have been freed. The
    Credit Lyonnais, Paris  -  166 words
  • 251 13 UPI TOKYO: Japan's Imports on a license basis in July climbed to US$6.66 billion, N ($15.31 billion) up 10 per cent over last year, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced last week. Reflecting the yen's continued appreciation against the dollar, it was the second monthly double-digit
    UPI  -  251 words
  • 128 13 Business News and Views Prices at 11.30 ajm. today (Australian time) on the byaney Block txchange: ACI 10S 1W ADC Ift SO Ampol Pet 88 89 ANI 14i ISO APM. 11? 11* bunk NSW 020 nil Brambles 111 183 BHP <04 708 Bcral 343 247 CUA 240 213 CBR
    128 words
  • 65 13 UPI Hong Kong, Monday Hong Kong announced It had temporarily halted the export of synthetic fibre shirt* to the United Btates. It said the US government reque 11 e d the halt, prompting the decision. In seven months this year, the British colony shipped to the
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 34 13 UPI Jakarta, Monday—The State-owned Pertamina OU Co. will build a methanol chemical grade factory In the Makanar Straits with an annual production capacity of 400,000 tonnes, the Antara news agency reported on Saturday.—UPl.
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 432 13 NEW YORK UPI The New York stock market, aided by oil speculation, eked out a small gain last week despite profit taking pressures and disappointing Inflation news. Trading was heavy. The Dow Jones industrial avenge, which soared 32.14 points a week ago for Its best performance
    UPI  -  432 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 74 13 fr- CHINA PALACE RESTAURANT Ist Floor, Wellington Building, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. TEL: *****78. *****65. LJ nJ Clcniiiiiuw i (clelMihu Week SpaidUHet We offer traditional Peking. Shanghai Szechuan Cuisine at its best Free Corkage No Service Charge 4th August 20th August r ilk i A 4 .i r c. •M
      74 words

  • 621 14  -  This time as the X-7—and it has a few surprises Motorcycling j Lee Chiu San In the mid 60s, everybody thougnt two-stroke engines were only good for powering lawnmowers, mopeds and scooters. If you wanted a motorcycle with power, you nad to have a four-stroke. A
    621 words
  • 653 14  -  Motoring lIVIIV Roderick Pestana The situation must have happened to you sometime during your motoring life. You are in a rush and you tell yourself, thank goodness, the car is ready In the car park and IS minutes should Just about get you to
    653 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 218 14 y A J ;v n i 5 N -t «*f I*# <»* V r LC -i 5'V» The powerful 7 u>aff RMS Mitsubishi RX-7 outperforms most car stereos. The new high-performance Mitsubishi car stereo takes to the road Introducing the new RX-7. From Mitsubishi, one of the world's top manufacturers
      218 words

  • 400 15 Attack showed the way into the straight from Multl Level, with Iktlnos and Up Again well up. Attack was soon beaten. Iktinsa shot out In front, and then ran on strongly In the final 200 m to beat off Up Again, winning by threequarters of a length.
    400 words
  • 547 15 By SCRUTINEER Star Prince was simply magnificent, absolutely all conquering. What a glorious farewell performance he gave yesterday, culminating an unbeaten record with a great win in the Sultan's Gold Vase over the Ipoh 1100m straight. Star Prince fairly demolished the opposition, leading all
    547 words
  • 162 15 Motorracing Reuter Zeltweg (Austria), Mbnday—Ronnie Peterson of Sweden In a Lotus was proclaimed winner of the Austrian Formula One Grand Prix here yesterday after official protests against him and second-place finisher Patrick Depailler of Prance were rejected. It has been claimed that both drivers were
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 386 15 AT YOL'R SERVICE saar. s I J(am J 00 p n S*iura»>i /trr o//tcr floirri ss 1 MAGIC SHOP 10*1 Tricks and stunts to amuse your friends. Magicians tor parties, available. 132 Cantonment Road B'pore 2. Tel: *****00 ttTT[ nwv-ap,.,. FOR SOCIABLE AND charming lady escorts, contact Aphrodite 800 Bth
      386 words
    • 431 15 LADYBIRD BOOVMASSAOC visiting Service provides relaxing massage by specially trained masseuses. Charges •40. Call: *****55 (7 a.m. 11 p.m.). ill] TROPICAL T.V. SPECIALIST In Black/ white colour repair antennae Installation. Tel: *****2. Fair charges guaranteed. •IMBRO DAY/ night Service. Any make T.V./ Fixing Colour Antennae. Moderate Charges Contact: *****0/ *****0
      431 words

  • 227 16 QTlinuiis UPI Indianapolis. Monday Jimmy Connors of the United States crushed Spain's Jose Higueras 7-5, 6-1 here yesterday to win the US$2lO,OOO United Btates Open .claycourt tennis championship. Earlier in the day, Connors had completed his rain Interrupted semi-final beating another Spaniard, defending champion
    UPI  -  227 words
  • 445 16 'The most successful Commonwealth Games ever* Game* Reuter UPI Edmonton, Monday Edmonton gave itself a pat on the back today as athletes from 46 nation headed home after the Commonwealth Games. After seven yeari of planning, the 10-day s porta festival went without a
    Reuter; UPI  -  445 words
  • 248 16 Reuter Luckily Precious McKensie and some other Oames athletes dldnt take the advice of that blorhythms expert and stay In tied. Instead, they went out and won gold medals, disintegrating predictions of failure published the day the Oames began. Information about them, their birth dates and times
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 219 16 Our 4-wood gives the height of a 6-iron, and a big on distance too Wood is fitted with a patented one piece invest ment cast face and soleplate. This reduces energy loss at impact. The V-shaped bulge on the soleplate puts the centre of gravity the ball. So, when Clubface
      219 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 249 16 Crossword laaifliaiaii iiiu maia 8 Wine center 7 Certain gridiron kick 8 Philatelist's concern 9 District 10 Enjoy the Ice 11 Pick 12 Trimmed 13 Certain tennis calls 19 Blood relative 21 guilty (has some remorse) 22 Teenage problem 23 Pronoun 27 Agreements 28 Author Prancolse 3f River: Sp. 33
      249 words

  • 814 17  -  Now he hopes to do well in Singapore Open WEEKEND GOLF ROUND-UP by LIM KEE CHAN Former Putra Cupper Wong Weng Hong (handicap 6) won the Singapore Island Country Club "A" Division medal competition by three strokes from Teo Tong Hong (11) when he
    814 words
  • 257 17 A young: Hartley Secondary School student is makint a name for himself In the sporting field. He 1* 17-jr e a r-old Hamxah Ynsof who won the Seletar caddies championship by one stroke yesterday. .Only a fortnight ago Hamxah became the Seletarville Residence Welfare Association
    257 words
  • 201 17 UPI Button (Massachusetts), Monday—POA champion John Mahaffey, gunning In (our straight birdies on the final nine boles, won his second tournament In a row yesterday with a two-stroke victory over OU Morgan and Ray Floyd In the U*****,000 (about 8*450,000) Pleasant Valley Classic. Mahaffey fired
    UPI  -  201 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 43 17 SP^° isG c SB ES *jum w+oo< 'V'>*A -V-V r» V •■L 48 CHENG LEE CO. (PTE) LTD SINGAPORE: M 4, Men Fir.. Lucky Plaza, Orchard Rd., B'pore 9. Cable "CHENLEGOLF" Tel: *****33 MALAYSIA: 30. light St.. Penang. Cable: "ChENGLEECO" Tel: ***** *****
      43 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 346 17 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, .you are quick to grasp the essentials of any new project or situation. You refuse to waste Jour time on the trivial, owevir, you do pay close attention to factors useful to the furtherance of your career. In short, you know
      346 words

  • 382 18  -  BASKARAN: BEST CHANCE TO TEST ASIAN GAMES STRENGTH Athletics By SURESH NAIR Malaysia will be sending their potential Asian Games athletes (or the Singapore Amateur Athletics Assoc iatlon Open championships at the National Stadium on Sept 1-3. This was stated- by Malaysian
    382 words
  • 966 18  -  K9 Bowling By BRIAN MILLER The Philippines Anally made 1( after 13 years. They took the men's Masters title in the Singapore International Open bowling champlonshlps at Star Bowl yesterday through Madoka Amano with a scintillating display of high-powered bowling. Amano, S3; played with the
    966 words
  • 269 18  -  Soccer By PHILIP TAN A bumper crowd Is expected tonight at the Jalan Besar Stadium when Vint Division leaders Armed Forces take on pitomlslng CalrnhlU. (Ktek-ofl 8 p.m.). Calrnhlll, .after taking full points from their last two matches by defeating Sembawang 5-2 and Kakl
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  • 116 18 PjSswimming The cream of Singapore's Junior swimmers can be seen in action when the national Primary School championships get underway at the Tba Payoh pool today. Primary Schools swimming adviser Enclk Abu Bakar Mohammed said: Forty-seven schools have entered for this meet and we can
    116 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 46 18 ANDY CAPP ■s s?<s b. t, w *1 ntu, 1 S3 p mm r SHORT RIBS OL' REGGIE ME GOT AN INEPTITUDE DISCHARGE PROM THE BEEFEATERS. by Frank O'Neal HES A VEGETARIAN. /aA* 4 U Oh < m vrrm AMO mis Okie is ZEKE AMOIWAT'-S ZCLCA ~~A'
      46 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 604 19 DRAMA FESTIVAL Kevieu, J d By Rama The time was 8.15 p.m. My friend, a culture vulture, was fuming. "We are already 15 minutes late. The show must have started." he kept mumbling as we got down the bus 0 p p o site
      Picture by DAVID TAN  -  604 words
    • 151 19 The adventures of a group of rebels who lived during the Sung Dynasty In the 13th century is the subject of the latest Cantonese serial starting tomorrow on Ch. 8. The Water Margin, which Is adapted from the well-known Chinese novel, Shul Hu Chuan
      151 words
    • 375 19 Theirs were not the best. But when Ang Kim Hoe, 12, and Ang Eng Ann, 13, walked up to receive participation certificates for the ceramics exhibition at the National Museum, they got the loudest applause. The two of them are from the Singapore Association of the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 570 19 At the cinema THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN: Continuing the story of former Olympic ski champion, Jill Klnmont, who was paralysed after an accident. Here she meets John Boothe, whom she later married. Stars Marilyn Hassett and Timothy Bottoms. Lido: 1.45, 4, 6.45 and 9.15 p.m. THE TURNING POINT:
      570 words
    • 369 19 In and around town SECOND OPEN ART Exhibition at the Orchard pedestrian mall. On till Auk 20. Jointly organised by the Parks and Recreation Department and Tourist promotion Board, It features about 30 pieces of art In water-colour by local artists. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS hosted by SlngaKre, at the
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  • 58 20 AH FOOK: Satu seems to have a point when it protests against Swissair's policy of open 1 n f employees' mall, addressed care of the company. It Is an Invasion of privacy. MEI LIN: The airline management says that letters marked private and confidential' are spared. And this
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 235 20 Complaints had been received that there are a number of BOSE Loudspeakers displayed by a dealer in Singapore whose Serial numbers have been removed or disfigured. The dealer concerned is also attempting to pass them off as new, but at much lower prices under the pretext of "pirated imports". Since
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 837 20 TV mmmrn ANO RADIO SINGAPORE 5 J.OO OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed br STAR PERFORMANCE: Uncle Fred Flits By. S.St DIARY OF EVENTS (T). S.S5 AFTERNOON MATINEE: A Letter to Three Wives. (See Top Shows of the Day). 4.3# INTERMI88ION CM OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by KUM RUM Cartoons. C M PADDING TON
      837 words
    • 278 20 Today's top shows AFTERNOON MATINEE: A Letter to Three Wlvea. (Ch. 5. 3.35 p.m.). When three wives In a small town get a letter from the town flirt graciously Informing them that she Is eloping with one of their husbands, each wonders whether It Is her husband. A delicious little
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