New Nation, 27 July 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 18 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday, July 27, 1978 No. 2321 Price 25 cents M.C. <P) 216/1/78 NEW NATION COMMENT
    18 words
  • 406 1 Reuter Cairo, Thursday Egypt yesterday told an Israeli military delegation to leave the country and said It had made arrangements for the group's returh home. In Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister Men ac hem Begin sought to play down the Importance of the Egyptian
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 63 1 Physiologist Robert Edwards (left) and gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe —the doctors who created the miracle baby girl born to Mrs Lesley Brown in a British hospital in Oldham on Tuesday. They fertilised an egg in a laboratory with sperm from Mrs Brown's husband, and Inserted It
    UPI picture  -  63 words
  • 75 1 Reuter London. Thindaj Britain ku excelled fire meaibers of the bad mlmt staff here. lacladtac latelMiwm officers, Iwmli of increased concern orer Arab terrorism lure, the renin Office annonnced last nlfhl British Mwrcei aald six other trails have keen expelled er will be eater Britain. In
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 154 1 At least five flights from Singapore to Hong Kong were disrupted yesterday by galeforce winds of Typhoon Agnes In the colony. Three Singapore Airlines, one Japan Air Lines and one China Airlines flights overflew Hong Kong. One SIA flight flew direct to Kaoshlung in southern Taiwan,
    154 words
  • 29 1 AFP Hong Kong, Thursday The Chinese embassy in Hanoi has lodged a strong protest with the Vietnamese foreign ministry over certain articles canted by the Vietnamese media.—AFP.
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 157 1 A US-Asean Business Council to promote mutual awareness of economic relations between the United States and the five-member nation. Is taking shape. Disclosing this to New Nation, a director of the International division of the U8 Chamber of Commerce, Mr Oakley Johnson, said the
    157 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 f See Pace 6 INSIDE Hartley: B'pore •i t r fourth —Page 18 THE OTHER PAGES: Cro—word 2; Stan 18: lioneywonls 17; Oocxdob IS; what's On 19.
      27 words
    • 35 1 SPECIALISTS IN GOLFEQUPMENT m?. mm Aoirns ptc ltd V W Wfatoniwmcww. W—. >1 hi I r«t m?iu $\`%~$'_:;@-?^&'"{($-(|)};[!.>% M VI I I S nosr: k. JUii m 1 Kara** mw* .v J^-A i <<;rn Afjt'iv ics
      35 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 271 2 This picture won three top prlaea In 13 months for New Nation cameraman Joharl Ra«lMn In July last year, It was picked as the Picture of the Month by T1 m e a Organisation editors. Six months later, the editors voted It as the Picture of
    271 words
  • 391 2 By Gerry de Sllva Tokyo's Minister for External Affairs Nobuhlko Ushlba was fast with answers at a press conference yesterday when it came to questions on Japan's efforts In putting Asean's case at the recent Bonn summit. But he wu slow to reveal exactly
    391 words
  • 262 2  -  By Teresa Ooi The University of Singapore's 358 private medical students from the second to fifth year of study, are working out a list of proposals, on the revised bond which will be sent to the Health Ministry tomorrow. This wss agreed last night
    262 words
  • 183 2 Share prices staged a mild recovery during the first hour of relatively quiet trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore today following yesterday's eailar bias. Haw Par opened at $1.00 and reached $1.64 before settling at $1.03, up two cents at press time. Bandar Raya which withstood yesterday's
    183 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 27 2 There are many open air restaurants at night! But, there is only one m hi at the Raffles Hotel where the food is excellent! wmwwwwwwwwwwwwmm MU*P< Mr
      27 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 271 2 9 Dress 10 Bulding material 11 Dlspach boat 12 Unbridled excitement IS African Antelope 21 "Every day surmount 23 Atop, to poets 25 Ballors* patron saint 26 Bird sound 27 WWII craft 28 Com state 32 Dutch painter 33 Wild sheep of India 35 Gullet 36 Stow cargo 37 Deeply
      271 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 A i /u w/mr TO^twSJI t* 4 V 1* r< I M if f M -Q i» p? i n i< iftViT <r I I \l k*7 7 i t *S 1 &U L! I I V V .A. 4 f TELE FUN KEN HOLIDAY CONTEST x i A Philippines
      193 words

  • 597 4 From Edgar Koh, New York, Thursday A US-Asean business council is taking shape, reflecting prlYate sector enthusiasm that will parallel the ministerial deliberations at next week's USAsean dialogue In Washington. The council's formal Inauguration awaits approval by the board of directors of the US Chambers
    597 words
  • 215 4 Singaporeans are believed to be Involved In a Hong Kong syndicate bringing Illegal Immigrants to Indonesia by using faked travel documents. Bources said Indonesian police started a crackdown six months ago after some Illegal immigrants were detained and investigations revealed that a Hong Kong-based
    215 words
  • 46 4 The Buona Vista community centre will hold its National Day dinner and variety show at car park No. 5, Holland Drive on Aug 5 at lam. A free film show will also be screened on Aug 18 at 8 p.m. at Block 4, Holland Drive.
    46 words
  • 95 4 Two of the three children who were thrown down from a sixth-floor flat In Viking Road two week* ago are now learning to walk -with crutches. Ramahatha Bee bee, 6 and her brother Hblel Mohammed. 9, are recovering from leg injuries in the Alexandra
    95 words
  • 68 4 Singapore's past, present and future la projected la the Urban Redevelopment A uthority float for this year's National Da y parade. The float features redevelopment In the Central Area. The other floats are from the Industrial Training Board, People's Association, People's Action Party, National Theatre Trust; Singapore
    68 words
  • 213 4 AFP Kuala Lumpur, Thursday The general consensus among Asean countries Is that the proposed FAO .Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (Cirdap) should be given "high priority" and Its establishment brought about Immediately. The Assistant Minister of Agriculture of
    AFP  -  213 words
  • 486 4 AFP AP Kuala Lumpur. Thursday Malaysia yesterday denied that Vietnamese Foreign Minister Mr Phan Hien had ral&ed any proposal for a new regional organisation for South-east A4a In his discussions with Foreign Ministry officials during his recent visit here. "Neither did we get the
    AFP; AP  -  486 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 29 4 Writes with liquid ink Makes easy copies Has a marathon writing length of 2000 metres Available at stationers and department stores. Marketed by. M. PRAGER (PTE) LTD T«i: *****31/2
      29 words

  • 371 5  -  By Teresa Ooi Six mission schools yesterday protested against an allegation that they use "subtle pressure or benign neglect" to force slow learners to leave school. They said the statements by Mr 8. Dhanabalan, the Senior Minister of Btate (National Development) were unsubstantiated. "Unless the
    371 words
  • 94 5 These medical students from the University of Singapore are giving their spare time to an educational cause. They have spent weeks preparing charts. Illustrations and specimens for a medical exhibition at the Victoria Memorial HaU this weekend. The theme of the two-day exhibition to: Avoid health
    94 words
  • 159 5 Moscow Narodny Bank has filed a writ In the High Court, suing William Ooel Slang Hoey and Tan May Lee for $9.53 million. The writ filed last month said the amount Is due by way of a guarantee given by Mr Ooel and
    159 words
  • 65 5 The YWCA will hold a fun fair Juro'rama 78 at its premises in Yung An Road on Bept 9. It Is a fund raising project to improve and pro vied more amenities and services In the area. The organisation runs a workers' hostel, a kindergarten and children's centre
    65 words
  • 29 5 The kfacPherson community cenrte youth group will organise a picnic to Kusu Island on July 30 at 7.4fiam. Fees are $4 50 for members and $5.50 for others.
    29 words
  • 127 5 AP AFP Kuala Lumpur. Thursday.—An associate professor In the University of Malaya has urged the government to make It unlawful for male students to keep long hair. Professor Nik Abdul Rashld, deputy dean of the Law Faculty, said students In all schools and higher Institutions
    AP; AFP  -  127 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 > <« 1 Cy»Cis!!sSß33BS^^sZC^3^sirs^Tß m ifrMi lg 02 Specialists' Centre
      8 words
    • 44 5 M2405F AC/DC Radio Cassette AM/FM radio. Cassette auto stop in record and playback modes. Built-in mike with ALC, continuous variable monitoring. External mike and speaker jacks. 1700 mW output. M 2405H with MW/SWI/SW2 radio PORTABLE FUN-MAKERS for great times, great tunes tr Pinv..m !;?TTTTTTtrra
      44 words

  • 381 6 World Focus Now doctors can spot defects in foetus UPI Boston, Thursday Doctors for the first time have taken pictures of a single gene among the millions In a human cell and now can see if an unborn baby Is missing certain parts of its
    UPI  -  381 words
  • 91 6 AFP Moscow. Thursday Greek shipping heiress Christina Onassls will marry Soviet official Sergei Xadusov here on Aug. 1, official sources said yesterday. The 27-year-old heiress met Mr Kadusov in Paris where he was on assignment for the Soviet maritime freight company, Bovfracht. Miss
    AFP  -  91 words
  • 322 6 Agencies London, Thursday Gynaecologists In several countries yesterday welcomed news of the birth of the world's first "testtube baby" In Britain on Tuesday, but there was also widespread concern over the moral implications. In Japan Professor Rlhachl lisuka. an authority on artificial Insemination. said
    Agencies  -  322 words
  • 57 6 DJ. Bosms are urged to drop that master-worker relationship and try to be one of the boy* or girls for a change. Eueotives are asked to call even the lowliest member of the staff by his or her first name, take them to lunch the longer the
    DJ.  -  57 words
  • 102 6 Reuter London, Thursday The Thomson organisation, whose Interests range from newspapers Including the London Times to television, holidays tours, an airline and North Sea oil, announced yesterday it was moving Its headquarters from Britain to Canada. A statement from the group said the move was being
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 83 6 UPI TODAY is Thursday, July 27, the 208 th day of 1978 with 157 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Leo. French novelist Alexander Dumas was bom on July 27, 1824. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: In 1900, Orvllle Wright set a world
    UPI  -  83 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 499 6 London Showery. 21-17 C. Headline; It's a girl. Moscow Overcast. 17-10 C. Pravda's headline; Toward* Komsomol 80th anniversary. Bonn Sunny, 28-15 C. Headline: Extremists from left and right become Increasingly violent. Paris Mostly sunny, 27-14 C. Headline: Marshal Tito opens nonaligned conference. New York Cloudy, 27-18 C. Headline: Senate acts
      499 words

  • 207 7 AFP Washington. Thursday United Btates Energy Secretary James Schleslnger will head a delegation to China at the end of August or In midOctober, according to government sources quoted by the press here yesterday. The U8 press links the trip with the cooling of
    AFP  -  207 words
  • 417 7 World Focus AFP Tokyo, Thursday The Japanese government will decide by Sept 2 on measures to fulfil Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda's major pledges at the Bonn economic summit of leading Industrial democracies, it was announced here yesterday. The promises were that Japan would cut 1U massive
    AFP  -  417 words
  • 202 7 Reuter Belgrade, Thursday. India yesterday warned fellow non-aligned countries against reliance on foreign military support and, in an apparent reference to Soviet and Cuban Involvement In Africa. stressed the danger of "bringing In the Oold War by the back door." Indian
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 250 7 Reuter Washington, Thursday The Senate yesterday voted to retain US trade sanctions against Rhodesia until a new, freelyelected government Is installed there. The 59-36 vote came on a proposal by three Liberal senators and meant success for their bid to sidetrack an effort to have
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 93 7 UPI Tokyo, Thursday. Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda said yesterday resumed negotiations In Peking for a JapanChina peace and friendship treaty have proceeded satisfactorily so far. Mr Sonoda's remarks to a news conference same after reports from the Chinese capital on Tuesday Indicated the
    UPI  -  93 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 POINT ZERO ZERO EIGHT THD<O.OOB%, IM <0.008%, TIM<O.OQB% NAD NAD3OBO ■>- v >:Map- Y--« ?J. ■~itmv'~k' v, t .'.v# Ari j ./laprfti I" J »B. J Average Pow#r Output, vWte 130 waits &fhortod Input. Arv*loh*d) tttvtty (Phono) Z5mV kiput Signal 220mV(lkHt) <l2di/octav« at IOHO -l2dß padanc* 2-Mohrn •ivy Jj' vV
      51 words

  • 421 8 By manv criteria, mission schools are different from other schools. Their very history is steeped In evangelistic fervour. Their original, mainly religious, motives demand and develop values which set them apart In the early stages of Singapore education. Their contributions and achievements have made many of
    421 words
  • 95 8 For $57,a00, you can spend eternity side by ode with Marilyn Monroe. The burial vault next to the deceased sex symbol In Westwood Memorial Park, Hollywood la up for sale, according to an AP report. The owner of the grayedte, who bought the plot "more or fits
    95 words
  • 1267 8 Edgar Koh in New York J e A New York: Developing countries obviously can at best play no more than a secondary role In hastening the world's currently sluggish economic recovery. But they always feature at least peripherally In negotiations among leaders of seven
    UPI picture  -  1,267 words
  • 278 8 UTUSAN MELAYU Tr 1 VOICE OF THE PRESS L j Headline: Johore Baru is gateway to Malaysia. The condition as found today In Johore Baru, which Is the gateway to Malaysia from the south, calls for a serious vlrfw not only by the Town
    278 words

  • 523 9  -  Indonesian headlines »>v S. Mutiara It could only happen in Ind on esla. Where else could you find the Improbable not only probable but actually happening? The star of what would have been a super soap opera is Sawlto Kartowlbowo Sawlto who? you ask. Good
    523 words
  • 497 9 BACK In the educational stewpot. Education and Culture Minister Dr Daud Yusuf has been having a rough time of It over his proposal for educational reform. They were first disclosed to the press last month by Information Minister Gen. All Murtopo. Following public murmurs
    497 words
  • 554 9  -  OR THE 'HALF-FARE PHOBIA' Art Buchwald Los Angeles Times There are many people who are afraid to fly, and psychiatrists and hypnotists are now holding courses to rid these men and women of their fears. While a great deal of attention Is being paid to
    Los Angeles Times  -  554 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 94 9 THE DARJEEi IN<- <— Mj, ENWISII BREAK IAM TEA H »M>J* jjgS <•***'• I* ARI. (iRLTS TfcA r/8 i vi v vi<* i*<_, a ~.'J pSMf KJ 8 i Utnu r i M' h *£<• v„> its *1 •f%>m wm IDEAL «>- GIFTS Why not give tea as a giftrjnstead
      94 words

  • 1482 10 / 11 Can the world cope? The population explosion is fizzling out as the rate of increase slows down. But figures still point to a whopping 12 billion before the growing number comes to a halt. Can earth support all its inhabitants? Today, New Nation highlights the international
    1,482 words
  • 370 10 / 11 The rate of world population growth Is beginning to slow down, said the recent annual report from the United Nations Pund of Population ActiYltles (UNPPA). But the gloom of the world's population problem Is far from lifted. It
    370 words
  • 453 10 / 11 But caution Is necessary, said UNFPA executive director, Mr Rafael If. Salas In the report. There are dear signs of a decline In fertility," he said. "Since the iota's, birth rates have fallen by approximately 15 per cent In some three to four doaen countries representing
    453 words
  • 490 10 / 11 The average life expectancy of the human race has risen by 20 years since 1950. Tarsle Vlttachi, director of Information for UNFPA and contributing editor of "Newsweek," reports that the rise of the over-Ms will mean rethinking our ideas about age. UNFPA The number of
    UNFPA  -  490 words

  • trend 1
    • 702 12  -  by Sylvia Leow I attended a dinner party the other nlgnt. The hostess was lounging on the floor absorbed In a book when we arrived. She merely put away her book, got up to make us drinks and then sat chatting with us
      702 words
    • Article, Illustration
      150 12 My first Impression of these (picture 1) was—candles from a box of dolly mixtures!—but they're actually delectablelooking miniature erasers. From Oriental Emporium, People's Park Centre, at 30 cents a pack of five. Flowers for the table (picture 2) salt and pepper set in Deft blue and white that
      150 words
    • 349 12 T What* Cooking < M.C. Katong Shopping Centre will have Singapore's first fabric metre sale, a centre-wide sale of textiles by the metre at yard prices. This will mean, that all textiles will be sold 10 per cent cheaper, since a metre Is
      M.C.  -  349 words
    • 591 13  -  Cook-in i»« Margaret Chan They say Singaporeans will eat anything and there's some truth to that. We would go to great lengths to get new taste sensations. We think of It as being adventurous while others may just call it Just weird-
      591 words
    • Article, Illustration
      166 13 A beautiful writing table When your desk Is In a mesp and you don't want to clear It, yet hate looking at it, don't you wish you had furniture like this? Then all you need do Is to close the doors. And they're not Jad doors, they're beautiful,
      INP photo  -  166 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 380 12 son Puzzles, riddles, crosswords, jokes to share? We pay $5- for every contribution. The address* Is Kids Only, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, Singapore 1. Don't forget to add your name, age and address. 1. Do you know of friends who con give smart answers? Well, Yusof Bin Mohomed Noor,
      380 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 32 13 Fir year medical amis and Dtiarmacfliitical remirementt piiui iiiavvuivwi viiiviiiv pleate call at: Mill ft CO (PTE) Ll* rauMcv 3 Philip Street (Junction of Market Chuiia Streets) Singapore 1 Tele: *****2 *****3
      32 words
    • 51 13 r r ivfwxr !V .I > w. ,<SyK\aft 1"* Iryj &§ffB3i^fe ;>v ■/XjV v£?S >'-V'r-,;:: 7*3. .V Jk» >,-V HE •> •fV. S'. <- ..■V J t 1 ■> .> KM* •y ■«.;•> -r '«r ?.!*P fHW OPEN >!2 THE DOOR rr Tore tffWT 1 T s 2? 't wr
      51 words

  • 258 15 UPI London, Thursday The U8 dollar continued Its Improvement on Buropcan markets yesterday, bolstered by what dealers called "the best US trade figures In many months." The dollar closed stronger on all European markets except Amsterdam.Thls continued the Improvement on Tuesday when It closed stronger on all European
    UPI  -  258 words
  • 39 15 UPI Tokyo, Thursday Indonesia will sponsor a five-day exhibition of Its manufactured goods starting Aug 18, the Indonesian Embassy announced yesterday. The fair will be held In the Japan International Trade Organisation (Jetro) building In Tokyo. UPI.
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 378 15 E 3 Business Neu/s and Views L==Ji AP Washington, Thursday Americans can look forward to relief In the second half of this year from Inflation at 10 per cent or more, top economic advisers to President Carter and Congress said yesterday. Charles Schultse and Alice Rlvlln
    AP  -  378 words
  • 198 15 CONTINENTAL Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago has appointed lir Richard B. Minett as the new manager of the Singapore branch. He succeeds Mr David E. Owen who has returned to Continental's international banking department, Mr Minett who joined the bank in 1964 was formerly
    198 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 154 15 The stock market closed sharply higher yesterday M Investors expressed relief over the smallest US trade deficit in IS months and a stronger dollar abroad. Trading was the heaviest In six weeks. Analysts said better-than-expected earnings and the Improved trade figures had escalated buying of US equities by
      154 words
    • 32 15 AP New York. Thursday. The Dow Jones cloaing averages yesterday 30 Industrlals 847.19 (up 7.63). 30 transport 336 00 (up J3i), 15 utilities 106.98 88 stocks 393.71 (up 3.13). AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 62 15 Closing prices on the Psris Bourse yesterday: ■Parities ill uncb. Fonder 3*4.80 +6J0 Printemps 96.50 —1.50 Bull 47.10 JO Royal Dutch 369.50 2.50 Mlchelln 1339 COB JM.50 +(J0 Thomson 230.50 +7.50 CPP 143.30 +3.30 Rhone 104.70 50 Air 328 I BSN 533 10 Ptllllp* 51.79 JO Sues 27® 1
      62 words
    • 81 15 Union Bank of Switzerland v-ftUBiiiK pnwa in owiss francs on the Zurich Stock rxchance yesterday: UBS Bearer UBS Registered SBC 3 OAS 5 MS 1 ms a Credit Suisse 3170 +10 Swissair B. 120 Swiss Rclnsur. 39S0 Wtnterthur B. 3230 Zurich Insur. •675 —35 Juven* B. ISO Neatle B.
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  81 words
    • 66 15 Bangkok. Thursday The Commerce Ministry has ordered a temporary ban on the export of glutinous rice following last season's severe drought which diminished the harvest. A Commerce Ministry announcement aald the temporary ban was for the benefit of residents of the north and northeast
      66 words
  • 196 15 UPI MANAMA: Bahrain will follow Opecs lead In any possible decision to raise oil prices or use a "basket" of currencies rather than- the dollar 'or calculating crude prices, Finance Minister Ibrahim Abdul Karlm said yesterday. In an Interview published here, he dismissed as unlikely reports that the
    UPI  -  196 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 185 15 O 35 S3 <•««•«•> UNTTED OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED Notico tf Aaaaal Geaeral Meetiag NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Third Annual Oeneral Meeting of the Company will be held at the Conference Room, 4th Floor, United Overseas Bank BuUdlngTlßonham Street, Raffles Place, Singapore 1 on Tuesday, 16th August 1978 at
      185 words
    • 180 15 4* jr S J* 4 J0 s* Your link to world markets 'A h( f: tht .f is it -t. 1.1 thTil i Kiiik with" >ful i'M! .illil M'' .ii i t" h.ifkiiv ,ni;r i!'. .tlii'v.v i Mit. i<nt!•. ii I will minimum Whdtia r ,«iii' r«■«ii; 111
      180 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 33 15 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF irs YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are Inclined to overspend, overreact, and overdo In general. It la difficult for you to strike the happy medium, for you are by
      33 words
    • 325 15 nature an all-or-nothing person. When you laugh. It Is completely; when you cry, It Is with all your heart. You have very definite ideas about the kind of man or woman you will marry. To deviate from those Ideas might be to contract a poor marriage at best, an unhappy
      325 words

  • 440 16  -  Team for FIQ not the best BOWLING by Brian Miller Singapore's 11member team can expect a tough battle when they rolloff In the Fourth Asian FIQ championships at the Bangkok Ploenchlt Bowl lanes on July 30-Aug 4. The Singapore team: Men—S.Y. Loh, K M. Mok Norman Yeo,
    440 words
  • 206 16 Reuter Edmonton, Wednesday Nigeria's decision to boycott the Commonwealth Games, opening here next week, was greeted with shock and disappointment by Games officials who had been officially informed yesterday by the Canadian Department of External Affairs. Dr Maury Van VUet, president of t) he Games Organising
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 237 16 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:* Weekdays 8.30 a m 5 00 p m. Saturdays 8.30 am 3.00 p m. Public Holidays 9.00 a.m. 1 00 p m. Counter Servioe Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours FOR YOUR WRIT baby's needs, attend Baby's Own Party. Saturday 29.7.78 4 p.m.
      237 words
    • 175 16 at: GOLDEN MILK SHOPPING CSNTRC BwHli 81.S0 pjJ. of MfVtOi chflfQM) Unit 5410 2828 sq.ft. Unit 5411 1752 sq.ft. Unit 5413 1752 sq.ft Unit 5418 1752 sq.ft. Unit 5419 1752 iq.ft. Unit 5420 1752 sq.ft. Mlm Tons M: *****33 ML SO. BALI HKALTH CKNTRC. Feel like a refreshing sauna-bath or
      175 words
    • 84 16 Mrs. Jenny Eu Tong Sen, age 75 passed away peacefully In Hong Kong on July 24, 1978. Funeral service will be held In Hong Kong Funeral Home, 679 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday July 30, 1978 followed by cremation at Cape Colllnson. The family
      84 words

  • 362 17  -  I On the CjJ track By TURF RAY Penang, Thursday Holdforth Boy, a four-year-old English gelding by Swinging Junior, drew attention to his chances In Saturday's Class 3 Division 3— 1400 m race with a smart gallop on good going here this morning. With C.H.
    362 words
  • 1150 17 SATURDAY Ct 3 Dtv. 3 1400 m 3 SUp* Rajah n 57 17 Big Success M i 1 Jackaroo 54.5 Palm Green Sft.S 10 Steven Jack Oft 7 Heaven's Oift M ft Happy Melody HI M IS Jolly Lucky M It Primor)e 54 IS sibu
    1,150 words
  • 134 17 RACE ONE (Ml): CI ft Mv I 17ftftm TUJmi Pntra, laliiis RACI TWO (3.4 ft): a i Div 8 17ft4a» Wis* Taster, I Dent Care. RACK THRU (3.lft): CI ft Div 1 17ftftas The Leprechaun. RACK POUR (3.46): CI 4 Mv 1 1«44a M Valanii 11. Hlgheet
    134 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 527 17 THURSDAY T I^Vvi N.R.I.C. No. □■□qq bbbBBI ammd FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS BELOW iMMaaCut along dotted Una* CLUES FOR OQ-4 1. Opposite aid* to the back 2. One reacts to It In one manner or another 3. Line ol people awaiting their turn 4. Opinions may differ aa to
      527 words

  • 381 18 WRS Soccer SURESH NAIR reports from Kuala Lumpur: Singapore are out of the challenge for the Merdeka tournament honours but their final match against Indonesia tonight will be considered the most Important In the competition. Said national coach Trevor Hartley: "You wouldn't believe It. But
    381 words
  • 241 18  -  Soccer By PHILIP TAN Hitachi, one of Japan's leading soccer clubs, have pledged to score at least four goals In their friendly match with Changl Constituency at the Jalan Besar today. (Kick-off 8 pjn.) The go-for-goals promise was made by delegation leader Mr Klao Kawal yesterday.
    241 words
  • 158 18 Police Sports Auocla tlon, once the kingpin of local football are among the 16 non-league teams to qualify for the second round of the President's Cup tournament Police have recruited a number of experienced players this year and this Include goalkeepef David Lee and striker
    158 words
  • 196 18 Hockey Singapore's Tun Abdul Rasak Cup hockey team suffered a further setback when two key players were declared unlit to play against Johore at TPCA Stadium, today. Bullyoff: 4 30 p.m. National coach Harbhajan Singh Loomba announced that lanky midfielder Veer Singh and Striker-ln-Chief Barmoukh
    196 words
  • 452 18 ra Athletics It looks as if Malaysia will make another clean sweep of the Asean Schools track and field championships which start at the Merdeka Stadium on Monday. When their strong contingent of 35 were named yesterday, it revealed a vast reservoir of potentials who
    452 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 105 18 "Inside every Tanita is a fire longing to get out" v N*wr before has fir* been SO sef and oonvanlant. In the Tanita 08 Series, tar example, single ncMMd button that ifldn to smoothly ytt ••My Ignltaa a swift reUatole flame. Again and ag«tn and again. Tanita la utterly reliable
      105 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 48 18 ANDY CAPP El II i rv* I <4 I# 1 a M «j KW /W A 5/ L" AV NORBERT MISS rmup< OOR nesr TBftCMEI?, 15 (D6A£lKi& A »e s> £4 1 2V ft >- lifl 1 i e; m a w/ by George Fett r,w ra BJ hli
      48 words

  • What's On
    • 312 19  -  'Live' radio requests a hit By Judith Holmberg People Jostled in the doorways of Kam pong Übl Community Centre. They spilled out of the rooms and lined the pavements. The balconies and windows of flats overlooking the centre were clammed with craning necks and
      312 words
    • 266 19 Singapore's performance at the forthcoming Asean Track and Field Schools meet In Kuala Lumpur will be telecast In two programmes next month. RTB will present highlight* of the meet In a 30-mlnute report which will be shown on Aug 5
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 233 19 6.00 All. Opening Announcements and Programme Summary 0.05 Morning Prelude with Klanuel and the Music of the Mountains Shangri-La 6.30 News (E) 6.40 Morning Concert: Piano Concerto In a Minor (Schumann). Katchen, Israel Phil Orchestra/Kertess; Sextet In D Op. 110 (Mendelssohn), Members of Vienna Octet: On the Beautiful Blue Danube,
      233 words
    • 389 19 At the cinema OH GOD!: Country and Western singer John Denver gets Into hot soup in his first movie role when veteran George Burns comes down to earth as God and Insists that this young man go out and spread the word that the world can work. Lido: 1.30. 4.
      389 words
    • 298 19 LEGEND OP THE BAT (Mandarin): One man'* life is in danger when a monk shows up at the mysterious Island of the Bats on the annual auction day and offers a reward for his head. 8tars T1 Lung, Ling Tun Chin LI. Jade: 1 JO. 4. 6,30 and 9 p.m.
      298 words

  • 47 20 WEI UN: Mothers should heed doctors' advice not to overfeed their babies with concentrated milk formula or cereal food. A fat child la not necessarily a healthy one. AH TOOK: I agree. The child Is likely to trow up obese and suffering from kidney stress.
    47 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 99 20 Nautical instruments and all navigational aids. v r m •> Compass Motion Smith Marina Houm, Shenton Way, Singapore 2. Tal- 90MAQA 99H11M 13 Battery Road, T«i: *****.*****8. SlnQapore 1. Sime Darby Group A member of the a 7!" N tlna the best '^1 Euntc*. 0 1. Far East Shopping Centra.
      99 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 574 20 TV m AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 Enter TELEFUNKEN ££5 JN OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS fol--Jowed by DISAPPEARING WORLD: Bherpas. On the 8herp*s who live In the high villages of Khumbu under the highest mountains In the world, the Himalayas. LM DIABT OP EVENTS (C). S.M EIGHT HEROE8 OP 8HOU LIN (D. Mandardln
      574 words
    • 236 20 JUNIOR ORIGINAL CONCERT. <Ch. 5. 8.49 p.m. In colour). Four young music students from japan visited Singapore In April. They were tutored under the Kawakaml system, which encourages students not Just to study prescribed texts but to create music of their own. The lour play their own compositions and favourite
      236 words