New Nation, 16 July 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 34 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JULY 16. 1978 SO CENTS M.C.(P) NO. tl7/1/7«
    10 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 summit backing Page 5 v mm K f» r e Hat ennis pairs. Page 28 Nonya Queen contest Page 21 I might have been impolite Goh Chok Tong on that Rotary speech: Page 2 We have reached accord to end border 7ld Upadit Page 3
      45 words
    • 13 1 TERRY TAN provides o new insight into Singapore's women drivers centre pages m*
      13 words
    • 124 1 Kmtudu)FH«d ductal Restaurant' 16, Murray Street Kyw Singapore (behind Matropol* ThMtra) Completely under New Setup •»v w. h il* rf .at v.; 'mm .<-~i t Jhta jp?s*wv Imagine a camtra yea can easily afford because it can •use nearly forty Canon lenses from Fislr Eye to Super Telephoto, some of
      124 words

  • 374 2 Chok Tong raps press for sensationalism OENIOR Minister of State (Finance) Goh Chok Tong conceded last night that his hard-hitting speech two weeks ago at a Rotary Club dinner might have been "distasteful and impolite." He safd it was unfortunate some people regarded his penchant
    374 words
  • 89 2 DROWNINO is the third commonest cause of accidental deaths In Singapore after road mishaps and falls. Between 1973 and 1077 about 105 people drowned each year. Senior Minister cf State (Finance) Dr Tan Eng Liang said this at the launching of the National Survival Swimming Award
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  • 81 2 yOU might' say this was a holy recycling job a five metre hlf h statue of the Buddha made from 40,000 empty cans. Japanese students In Kamakura had gathered in a campaign to clean up the city since it was suffering from so called
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  • 176 2 Reuter A delegation of nine United Btates congressmen said in Hong Kong yesterday they had found a "new realism" In China's attitude to both Its foreign and domestic policy. "This emerging realism 1b the moat striking contrast between China today and that of two
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 75 2 PENCH woman teacher Bella Pauline Duchler Djmllla. 24, was yesterday charted with trafficking in 16.5 grams of heroin at the Woodlands Customs checkpoint on Friday. The heroin charge was one of four which she faces. Two other charges were for having 54 grams of prepared opium and 1.0
    75 words
  • 29 2 Reuter CHINA hu called (or the revival of traditional operas and other stage plays which make up Its cultural herltace, the New China News Agency reported. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 87 2 UPI rOR the first time f since Takeo Fukuda became prime minister In December 1976, the popularity of his administration dropped to 19.1 per cent, Japan's largest newspaper said In a poll released yesterday. The survey by Yomlurl Shlmbun showed 48.1 per cent of respondents
    UPI  -  87 words
  • 205 2 AP Residents of the town nearest the Spanish camping site where a propylene gas tanker truck exploded have decided to block the highway the truck used for one hour dally until the government reroutes the road away from the city. In a two-hour
    AP  -  205 words
  • 398 2  -  By Ivan Lim A 15-MINUTE telephone talk between the new president of the University of Singapore Students' Union and the University's public relations offlccr yesterday helped to break the Impasse over the shifting of the union to the Kent Ridge campus. The union agreed to
    398 words
    • 45 2 Reuter OPPONENTB of the new Tokyo International airport at Narita staged a aeries of obstructions Including a balloon sent up near the southern side of the airport, police said on Friday night. But they did not affect aircraft landing and takeoff.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 52 2 MOTORISTS going to the National Btadluin tonight for the Sultan's Gold Cup soccer match are to use Kallang and Mountbatten roads. They should avoid Nlcoll Highway which will be closed to traffic today between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. for the National Day Parade rehearsal at
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    • 42 2 ANOTHER two cholera carriers were detected last Tuesday, a Ministry of the Environment statement said. They were a 77-year-old woman of Upper Thomson Road and a three-year-old boy of Joon Tong Road. Both were treated at Middleton Hospital.
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    • 64 2 AFP 810, long-haired Hungarlan dogs will be brought to the United States to scare coyotes (small wolves) away from sheep herds in the West, the Federal Agriculture Department nas announced. Preliminary tests showed that coyotes run away If a Hungarian Komondor dog merely strolls near them. Komondors
      AFP  -  64 words
    • 43 2 Reuter SEVEN armed and masked left-wing guerillas raided a Turin computer centre yesterday, locked employees In a toilet and set the premises on fire with petrol bombs, police said. The employees managed to escape before the petrol bombs exploded.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 48 2 UPI LIGHTNINO struck a chemical factory In Trento, Italy on Friday night, sending over the city a cloud of sodlum vapours that caused ■irin and eye Irritations to about 97,000 people. Authorities considered evacuating the entire city but said at dawn the situation was under control.—UPl.
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 42 2 THE Housing Board will offer for tender the leise of a 1567-sq. metre petrol station site at Clementl New Town. Another site of 1393.5 sq. m at Bedok New Town will be offered for tender next month.
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    • 39 2 UPI A CHINESE government delegation led by Vlce-Mlnlater of Economic Relations with foreign countries, LI Ke, left Peking yesterday by air for official visits to Zambia and Tanzania, the New China News Agency reported. UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 23 2 UPI PRESIDENT Ellas Sarkis has decided not to step down from office, premier Salim A 1 Hoss said yesterday.—UPl.
      UPI  -  23 words

  • 273 3 'They made a mockery of the ceremony' ltfl ORE than 50 Singapore Polytechnic graduands were barred from receiving certificates and diplomas when they turned up at their graduation ceremony in long and unkempt hair yesterday. The graduands, some of whom were also shabbily dressed,
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  • 281 3 About 5000 students or 3 per cent of the secondary school copulation will be channelled into vocational courses next year, the Permanent Secretary of the Education Ministry, Mr H.R. Hochstadt, said yesterday. The 5000, described as "not so academically inclined," will be the first
    281 words
  • 44 3 AFP ANOTHER 18 Iraqi communists have been sentenced to death and will soon be executed in Baghdad, the Kuwait daily A 1 Slassa reported yesterday. The sentences follow the earlier execution of 21 communists In Iraq, the paper said.—AFP.
    AFP  -  44 words
  • 78 3 AP UPI riTHNIC Chinese living In northern Vietnam haa no alternative but to quit their homes and return to China because Vietnamese authorities are forcibly taking newly-harvested grain from them, China's Hsinhua News Agency reported on Friday. But the official Vietnam News Agency claimed China "whipped up
    AP; UPI  -  78 words
  • 207 3 Reuter Kampuchea and Thailand yesterday agreed they would try to prevent clashes and klrmishes along their common border, Thai Foreign Minister Upadit Fachariyangkun said in Bangkok. Mr Upadit told reporters after a round of talks with visiting Kampuchea n Deputy Premier leng Sary
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 I i KEN-AIR AMERICAN FESTIVALTOURS7B Why buy an obsolete American Tour program which barely covers what others have seen. Do not take our word for this but check with our previous itineraries or talk to those who have been on our tours before. What we had for .1976, others copied
      110 words

  • 309 4 Razaleigh expresses concern NST AP MALAYSIAN Flnance M 1 n i s ter Tengku Razalelgh Hamzah, concerned about the trend of voting along communal lines In last week's election, has said the government would take steps to overcome It. "What saddens me Is that communal
    NST; AP  -  309 words
  • 96 4 UPI MRS Lesley Brown, expecting to give birth to the world's first "test tube" baby any day now. was among 00 women evacuated from the maternity ward of Oldham and District hospital In London on Friday because of a bomb hoax. Manchester police said the hospital
    UPI  -  96 words
  • 146 4 UPI NINETY-TWO per cent of Japanese housewives in a poll said they slay awake every night to wait for their husbands to return home, the m On th ly magazine Shopping reported yesterday. Only eight per cent of those questioned are not so patient and
    UPI  -  146 words
  • 205 4 UPI Reuter AP US OFFICIALS yesterday said the United Btates was considering several approaches to the Soviets for an exchange Involving Soviet dissident Anatoly Shcharansky. Reporters were told negotiations were In a delicate stage and that no details could be divulged yet. Soviet officials in
    UPI; Reuter; AP  -  205 words
  • 126 4 UPI BLACK nationalist guerillas burned an entire village to the ground and killed 21 blacks Including three babies on Friday, a Rhodesian military spokesman said yesterday. One survivor in the attack, which took place 120 km north of Salisbury, was critically Injured and warded
    UPI  -  126 words
  • 266 4 THIS was a proud moment for coffee stall owner Mohammed Kasslm. Proud to be the father of three precocious children (one of them is not In the photograph) and the husband of a beautiful wife. But not so today. Now he Is a grief-stricken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 EMI is proud to announce the release of Tracy's fourth album JUST THE WAY YOU ARE" A .v m Her best album to-date 14 great tracks Ihe album includes a super color poster and lyric sheet Don't miss it Get it now!
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 438 4 In and around town PERFORMANCE by the Long Island Youth Orchestra. Items Include pieces by Brahms, Beethoven and Schubert. National Theatre. 8.30 p.m. Admission $20. $15. $10. $5. $3 and $2. Tonight only. STAGE SHOW: Uyarantha Ullum, a Tamil drama by the Indian Artistes Association. Victoria Theatre. 7.30 p.m. Admission
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  • 75 5 rE late Elvis Pre*ley offered to become an Informant for the Pederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1975, complaining that the Beatles were leading American youth astray, according to bureau records on Friday. But an Internal FBI memorandum on the
    75 words
  • 80 5 Reuter The memo, issued by an FBI agent following a conversation with Presley, was made public In response to a request under the US Freedom of Information Act. It said Presley felt American yopth was being Influenced by the beatles' "filthy, unkempt appearances and suggestive music." Presley, who was
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 260 5 AP BRITAIN'S Prime u Minister James Callaghan flew to Bonn yebterttay determined to stand by US President Jimmy Carter in the face of combined West German, French and Japanese pressure for a stronger dollar. Mr Carter, supported by Mr Callaghan, Is expected to urge
    AP  -  260 words
  • 127 5 A series of trade-offs, balancing one nation's needs against another, seems certain to highlight the exchanges between the heads of the US, British, French, German, Italian. Japanese and Canadian governments. German Cha n c ellor Helmut Schmidt, French President Valery Glscard D'Estalng and Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda have
    127 words
  • 174 5 TNITED Airlines v will spend U851.2 billion (£2.7 blUlon) to launch the United States first entry Into the inext generation of commercial airliners. Boeing Company received the order on Friday for SO Boeing 7675, the equivalent or the Jumbo Jet for midrange flights and widebodied
    174 words
  • 64 5 AFP THE South Korean Commerce Industry plana to mete out a tern administrative aanctlona against the Dae-Sun shipyard of Seoul for falling to deliver on time •hips ordered by Malayala and New Zealand, 11 was reported yesterday. The Malaysian embassy in Seoul has protested against
    AFP  -  64 words
  • 138 5 Reuter PEBIOENT Carter has approved the sale to Iran of nearly US$6OO million ($1.4 billion) worth of American arms, including 31 Phantom Jet fighters, government sources said on Friday. The sources said the proposed deal would soon be sent to Congress which would
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 V. ■a 8 M You Don't Need A Washing Machine When Your Wife Is Free To Do All The Washing And Rinsing it /i ax 11 Washing Machine Day in, day out, load after load of washing and rinsing. Why let your lovely wife slave? Set your wife free from
      121 words

  • 209 6 COMMENT THE ugly Singaporean strikes again. The Singaporean In expatriate eyes Is "Inflexible, Inactive, without Initiative, Indecisive, stubborn and a slow.starter," says Industrialist John Wong. On the other hand, some foreigners sing praises of Singaporeans as "diligent, dynamic, energetic, cool but friendly, hospitable and easy to
    209 words
  • 1078 6  -  It has always been said that the civil servant and the MP live in different worlds the former just writing reports to his superior, the latter worrying how these reports, if they become policy, should be implemented causing minimum discontent among the masses. Won't it
    1,078 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 J -r J m kk*" THE SEIKO QUARTZ. .CHANGING ■the WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY. 4633-0000 Seiko |hm you elegance with accuracy by incorporating all the vital quartz components into a smaller, thinner case. But without sacrificing any of the accuracy and dependability you expect from a quartz timepiece. Seiko makes
      163 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 224 7  -  GLORIA CHANDY JUBT can't believe it after asking around for many weeks I still can't find a family in Singapore willing to switch off their TV set—even for a while. Of course, there are people who dont watch the one-eyed monster at all,
    224 words
  • 424 7 First it was the 'Ugly Japanese' image, now it's the 'Dirty Japanese' image Sunday Times A JAPANESE adage •»ys: "When yon Id on a Journey, leave your sense of shame at home." Millions of Japanese men have been acting on this advice by going on sex-package
    Sunday Times  -  424 words
  • 257 7 IF you want to do the right thing to your body, you are advised to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. But most of us seem to be working In the other direction—a light breakfast (lucky
    257 words
  • 58 7 READING Nalla Tan's column In last week's Sunday Times about lavish dinners brought to mind a couple whose wedding date was piftM back further and further. Her version (they had already got the house) was that she couldnt get married because he hadnt bought the curtains yet! I
    58 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 154 7 Why Is jht CfcMfiH spat plug Insulalar as slrosg as steel? It has to be, because the insulator is expoeed to mors severs stress than any other part of your car engine. So strong, H actually penetrates a steal plat It is highly resistant to cracking or breaking, under extreme
      154 words
    • 27 7 individual image m r> A i t.-i M i tit. fttj* m %SSt 't r -v% -< I U i *i. .1 a#. ;-v Mti V'i >4* ~v;
      27 words

  • 1530 8  -  PERSPECTIVE fcy Chang Kai Ming THE BBC recently televised for British viewers a 50mlnute colour documentary on Singapore. When I asked Britons In both Scotland and England what they thought of the programme there was an overwhelmingly favourable response. But the
    1,530 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 29 8 Drink Refreshing DOLL BRAND Quality Natural Fruit Nectars Mixed Fruit Tomato Pineapple Sugar Cane Bo none Apple Available at all leading supermarkets and provision stores at budget prices. '■ISf
      29 words

  • 580 9  -  Golf reporter ERNEST FRIDA gets the reaction of three prominent personalities on last week's article ERNEST FRIDA OOME of the joyous and unforgettable moments of my reporting career revolve round that sport called golf. So. when I read last week's outburst in the II You Ask
    580 words
  • 210 9  -  V.K. rKING 53 hectare* or so for a 11-hole coarse and about half that for a nine-hole course, the golf courses account for one per cent of the land In Singapoie and not "three to Ave per cent" as stated by Dr Wong. (A Ministry of National Development spokesman
    210 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 /r -V' m > :>" mm What better drink to top off a smashing game? Pour a generous measure of yjSMi. light, dry Bacardi rum over ice cubes in a tall glass. Top up with Coca-Cola <t> and a Love U rE: IT- DKv Bacardi and the bal device are
      64 words

  • Women and their wheels
    • 326 10 / 11 "All. ANOTIIKK woman driver." This is the derisive sij;ht we ofieri hear when a woman takes to the wheel. Fallacy or not. it's an image she finds hard to sit.ike off. Hut what about the relationship between
      326 words
    • 347 10 / 11 I rang her doorbell and expected to see the original Guinness Olrl with full-pout allure like In her famous pose. But no, DAPHNE LEE, top model and autocross driver, did not have a scrap of makeup on. She looked country fresh, girl next-door
      347 words
    • 305 10 / 11 CARRIE WONG'S face and flxve have probably graced more magazine covers and fashion specials than any other flrl In town. Bhe drives her husband's second -hand Citroen and he drives their brand new Feugeot because "he does not trust me with a
      305 words
    • 204 10 / 11 CAROL IBRAHIM, a jeweller, admitted to having a ftve-year "love affair" with her beloved, somewhat bashed Mini. She calls her Puks after a puppy she once had. "Puks deserve* more than a neater gender. She's almost tike a bedt friend, sometimes even
      204 words
    • 235 10 / 11 MRS WONG UN KEN, an occupational therapist, never allows her spark plugs to misfire. When I brought up the topic about the helpless lady driver, she retorted by pushing a huge car maintenance manual onto my lap. Her knowledge of engineering made me feel
      235 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 813 12 Sunday Nation •■w mr l\ i+~ B mm TODAY Your 12-page TV pullout AKAI il*. 4 that puto no punchesPICK OF THE WEEK m TV SINGAPORE 5 8 TV MALAYSIA 3 10 certainties is to a more standing of rst of 20 ed Nameon Si-nt y in 1805 ss Rostova
      813 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 106 13 The True Colour V I;-!-."* Mmmm < -L ;ir i > ft I f'i- -r, '\V ft. .>■ zstui M < *r rr Pre-aettlno for Ciao> models *CompJete, efficient Aftat-Selee Service SoKj Agents 4 Service AMATEUR PHOTO STORES (PTE) LTO SINGAPORE MALAYSIA BRUNEI. 4-IN-l Stereo Musit System 8 Track Cassette
      106 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1011 13 MONDAY A speaker unlike any other 3 00 P.M. Open 3.03 Star Performance: Moorings 3.30 DIARY OF EVENTS (T) 3.35 Afternoon Matinee: Four Sons (Pt 1)A Czechoslovaks mother in wartime Europe is unable to bring back together her four sons who turn against one another as the Nazi's rise to
      1,011 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 126 14 Mew Big Boy fk«"' MX*"* MWY KV-2010ES Sony's 20" (50.8 cm) New Trinitron colour tv system with 60% brighter and sharper plus instant picture make liim the best colour tv system in town. warranty #24 months' cover for free labour #24 months' cover for all parts #24 months' cover for
      126 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 963 14 WEDNESDAY 7Z7 A speaker unlike any other m i» ''ill J. 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES: Shorty Go Homo (r) 3.30 DIARY OF EVENTS (M) 3.3S BONANZA 4.25 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.08 PETTICOAT JUNCTION: CHkkon l» Mi,.,no r 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.35 TIMANG TINGGI TINGGI (r) 7.05
      963 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 163 15 n •v*: > Si V •J. J'. I 4'. 4 V Wherever you are, Braun sprint. Its as good as shaving at home. If you're on holiday or travelling, with no electric points or hot water within reach, shaving is a problem. But there's no problem if you have a
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1046 15 FRIDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: Bitter Wine (r). Mandarin film. 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6 0S EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.35 December Bride: Mountain Climber 7.00 PERSEMBAHAN KU. With new songsters Jamil Arshad, Rosminah Suhadi, Jamaliah Jamahat. 7.30 NEWS AND NEWSREEL (M) 7.S5 SPORTS PARADE
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 117 16 mk USSFORRESTAL NEW FROM Sole agent for Singapore Malaysia Brunei: JEFFREY-JOE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. UnM 902 Tan Boon Uat Buitdlng SIS Outran* Road Singapore J, Talaphooa: *****6* *****61 USS FORRESTAL was the first of America's super carriers and the first ship L build specifically to operate jet aircraft. I She
      117 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 88 16 AXM££!\6U 6TA(JTLCP Mr/ t pipfJ-T emr tf)U ID <3(ZA& Mfc AnIP <169 Mfc JUST V to H m m ft i a n sac >SO. a 51 i < m m •j *r*s£ i > sin 3 s S ■m r»i» MS s I r HM ASK I s M
      88 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 73 17 / 18 As a jogger you know the most important part of your equipment must be your shoes. And more people are buying Bata Joggers because they are better Joggers. Better because they have nylon uppers, and are light and soft. Tough and longlasting, so they go on and on and on.
      73 words
  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
    • 274 17 / 18 Daflef X aoi, 15 A BORING JOB O r 4 a «i 11 w F i m m x m «T" F few 1 M I V v ::*:r.r^V%»A<scS« «■>,. EVERYONE SEE/AS TO BE *ICI<Me SOCCER STYLE TMESE PAY* MM 1 k< < V V t \n '/r vr .1
      274 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 192 19 Altec model seven is experience in optimization ALTEC I_AISISINIGj SPEAKERS FOR PEOPLE FROM THE PEOPLE AT ALTEC LANSING Take the kind of professional skill only 40 yean of building loudspeakers for the world's moat demanding applications can teach. Add all the technology/ psychology of sound the computer ege has revealed
      192 words
    • 31 19 fa LIFE !>C Wr- ii f St 1 v U e SS* f ~i H,,, >TP DISTR'BUT'JRS SON BHD tei .MM.'B* "V^ ;<** the MA MM A i s r *s I
      31 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 151 19 GARTH BPKE MPNOO PNO FEET- A UJCtC TO YOUnSLF. «WTH// til A V di&U u |3 h. •5 rV it X v But Garth breaks Free s}> KrmjK^twmJN HOLO-RNPTME efktumbn BOOKS IT/ > £g p -V V V\ BP 3? 1 iv I 4 JK\ A I V-'X.V 41 «r/
      151 words

  • 887 20 HUMOUR with pajj^cAGO DID I ever tell you about the girl who was so short-sight-ed she thought she would Impress a prospective boyfriend by planting a diamond in a rose bush and then, from a
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  • 406 20 Off the Record by CKT I7IRST, the mo- desty. The SAF Reservists Association's sixth anniversary performance at the National Theatre last weekend was Just called A Cultural Show, much in the way that Desi Arnaz calls his autobiography A Book. Then, the boldness. In the
    by CKT  -  406 words
  • 634 20 IPS YOU may have your own Ideas about what makes your husband lovable, and you probably keep them to yourself. Well, It wouldn't do for everybody to know. However, since everybody makes comparisons, you might like to know the expert opinion on what makes a husband
    IPS  -  634 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • 1161 21  -  N A caravan tour of London and Europe By Tan Kim Chuan personnel manager IT WAS 1975 and our 1 long- cherished dream of seeing London and Europe In a caravan was slowly beginning to bear fruit. We Anally rented one
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  • 457 21 Daily rfO teenage girls safe 10 months for a dream holiday in Europe—and die at the bottom of their hotel's swimming pool. For Shirley Hawkins and Penny Butler, It was an unimaginable end to their holiday hopes. For their parents, a tragic bereavement. But many parents
    Daily  -  457 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 56 21 DRAGON PHOENIX RESTAURANT Block 26, Outrtm Park. Sinoaoora. Tal *****88 6 *****29 Earthern Pot Special Chillie Crab Spring Chicken Delicious Yam Pot Hot Plate Deer Meat Live Fresh Fish Quick Lunch S3 per person. We cater for Birthday Wedding Parties, buffet lunches and private functions. Live music and songs for
      56 words

  • 426 22  -  By Tan Bah Bah JOURNEY Into The Beyond (coming to Orchard) may be dismissed by sceptics as another of those cheap "curiosity" Alms occa s 1 o nally slipped Into the cinema circuit to All In time between other conventional
    426 words
  • 788 22  -  Ivan Fernandez w rites from London PEANUTS made a million. Mickey Mouse and Li'l Abner had their share of success. Now another cartoon strjp—LittleOrphan Annie Is making It big In New York and London. Little Orphan Annie is a pert, red-headed, perpetual 11-year-old
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 226 22 Nonya Queen Contest f t A NYONYA QUEEN CONTEST COUPON (CUT OUT) Name: Address: Present age: Age when picture taken: Tel No I/C No. WHETHER you're a Nonya of 20 or 80. a teenager, mother or a greatgrand mother, this could be the contest for you. Th« Nonya Queen Contest
      226 words
    • 73 22 Your Complexion m I with WEST CABOT'S VITAMIN ECREME Imported from U.S.A. Join the thonsanda of woman using this luxurious moisturising creme because it's more than Just another cosmetic cream. Super-saturated with ***** units of vitamin E it moistens, softens and beautifies all skin types. Marvellous for rough-dry tones and
      73 words

  • 1033 23 PIOfLI AND POLITICS. By Willy Brandt. Collins. £8.95. Book Page It is anecdotes like this that make Brandt's book interesting Sunday Express TO THE general reader the appeal of Willy Brandt's memoirs lies in the personal glimpses he gives
    Sunday Express  -  1,033 words
  • 115 23 Daily Express EVERY clown has his dream of playing Hamlet. And for Charlie Chaplin the dream was to play Napoleon. But he never got beyond a test pose. The picture (above) comes from John McCabe's CHARMS CHAPLIN (Robson, £5.25), a biography of shrewd insights into
    Daily Express  -  115 words
  • 539 23  -  KILLER'S PAYOFF. By Ed Mcßain. Hamish Hilton. 1978. 172 pp. £4.50. TIL DEATH. By the same author and the same publisher. Price is also the same. 181 pp. By Alex Josey HAMISH HAMILTON to doing readers of crime-fiction a great service by reprinting Ed
    539 words

  • Sports Nation starts on this page
    • 469 26 He runs the 100 m in 10.9 sec for a second time OICHARD SEOW. 16. Is undoubtedly Singapore's hottest young sprinter. He proved it when he broke the 11-second barrier (or the second time in a fortnight on the final day of the National Bchools
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    • 387 26 INSIDE TRACK CO SINGAPORE got J a *6-0 mauling at the hands of Malaysia In the Merdeka tournament. But was It an unexpected result? And Is this the end of the road for Singapore soccer at International level? Certainly, the One public relations work
      387 words
    • 232 27  -  Ernest Frida T*HE decision by the L Singapore Golf Association to make next month's Singapore Amateur Open golf championships one of a series of trials to select the national team for International meets later this year Is a move In the right direction.
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    • 373 27  -  Peter Lo TtHIS afternoon at the Kalian g Squash Complex, six of the top eight seeded players will be In action playing their respective second round matches in the Third PIA Men's championship. Because of the number of competitors in the various events, Including
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    • 634 27  -  BASKETBALL Tony Koh TVHE Basketball As--1 soclatlon of Singapore's code of condu c t for national players (both men and women) comes Into force this month. The code was drawn up by the management' committee on a recommendation by the national coaches who were disturbed
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    • 754 28 EXPATS' CORNER National League make it seven-in-a-row Reuter AFP AP Reuter Reuter Reuter CTEVE OARVEY of the Los Angeles Dodg era drove home two runs and scored the wlnnlng run as the National League came from behind to defeat the American League 7-3 In
      Reuter; AFP; AP  -  754 words
    • 399 28 Reuter A 43-YEAR-OLD Japanese coach recently committed suicide by setting himself on fire following a row over the non-partlclpatlon of his high school In a regional baseball competition. The tragic event highlights the degree of emotion and virtual hysteria engendered by high school baseball
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 296 28  -  Brian Miller SINGAPORE'S hopes of doing Well in the Razak Cup com petition have dimmed considerably. This it because of a distinct lack of national commit ment by the players. Since training started about five weeks ago, coach Harbhajan Singh Loomba and trainer Mickey Love
      296 words
    • 770 29  -  Renshaw won the Wimbledon title six straight years, from 1881 to 1886 TENNIS TALK Alfred Tong rWERYONE (well, It seems like everyone) has been talking about BJorn Borg's feat of equalling Fred Perry's three successive wins at Wimbledon Going through the record books,
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    • 77 29  -  tatttmcmnss By Don J.Leary Mboa Bay Oub. Newport Batch, Ca. 1. Accurate toss is 75% of a successful serve. 2. Too low, high, back, forward, left or right spoils serve. 3. Use mental image of ice cream cone with i ball balanced on top. k 4. Push
      • 197® Los Angafes Tkntt Syndicate  -  77 words
    • 300 29 MIME The Aces NS ITBUALLY, to make u a no trump contract, one has to set up a long suit. Sometimes, there Is a choice of suit to establish, and it Is not always necessarily right to play on the stronger suit. Bidding: Bouth West North
      NS  -  300 words
    • 336 29  -  Joyce Tan GERANGOON Oardens confirmed their position as Singapore's top constituency team when they beat Punggol in the final of the second lnter-constl-tuency netball tournament at the Gay World Stadium last weekend to win the title for the second year running. Both teams played up to expectations
      336 words
    • 492 30  -  ATHLETICS Tan Kim Seng Thirteen year-old Chua Eng Mul of Chung Hwa Girls' School carved a niche for herself In local high-Jumping history by becoming the first Under-14 girl to clear 1.47 metres. This she did in grand style on the opening day of the
      492 words
    • 715 30  -  By Frank Keating Guardian I REMEMBER when doubles gentlemen's, ladles' and mixed—were the very essence and core of the Wimbledon championships. Especially the men's. Why, only recently has the singles final been played on the last Saturday. It always used to be on Friday with the doubles
      Guardian  -  715 words
    • 334 30 «NU film T|ON HOWE, Billy Bremner and Jackie Charlton are the three most likely men to take over the Leeds United managerial post Lewis parted company with Jimmy Armfleld recently and the club have advertised for hi* successor. Howe, who was Armfleld's assistant bebore
      334 words
    • 427 31 Reuter A CENTURY old tradition b a r ring Japanese women irom taking part in judo competitions win be lifted later this month. For the first time, an All Japan Judo cham pionbnips tor women will be Meld in Tokyo on
      Reuter  -  427 words
    • 533 31  -  BADMINTON Gerry Chan IT WAS match 1 point. She moved to the centre of the court cautiously and paused a little longer than usual. She served. Rallies ensued. Then, her opponent made a weak return. Giving all she had, she smashed home the winning point Throwing
      533 words
    • 229 31 Surfing with a difference IPS OWING-SURFING can be called a new water sport, for there Is nothlnf like It anywhere In the world, so the manufacturers claim. The swlnf surfer looks like a boat-shaped single ski made of strengthened plastic, filled up with foam. As a result the swing-surfer can't
      IPS  -  229 words
    • 1364 32 TUGOERNAUT with J George Podmore up, scored a popular win In Race 2 at Buklt Tlmah yesterday. The Meadow Mist four-year-old was an odds on favourite and paid $9 for a win when he easily beat MAHMOUH by three lengths. Podmore went
      1,364 words
    • 308 32 AP MARTIN Navratllova whipped Chris Evert 0-1 In a rematch of the Wimbledon women's singles final on Friday night to lead the East All-stars to a 27-17 victory over the West in the fourth world team tennis all-star match. Navratllova. of the Boston Lobsters, defeated Evert
      AP  -  308 words
    • 139 33 By Scrutineer C AAS FEE takes on the cream of stayers in the Queen Elizabeth n Cup (Race 6) over 2,200 m at Buklt Tlmah today, but he can topple the lot and come through with flying colours. The Hasty Cloud four-year-old stamped himself as Cup
      139 words
    • 134 33 m U. CHAN TUBF BAY Is Klnf*! CbBtd; The Mlcah KkVi Comedy Olympic Song The Mica* Raise Your Olass Soath PaelAe Salutation ■am X: Rr-Entry Polyanna Mjassa Miami Nucleus SpartacM Rosewood Saartacaa Winning Streak Lmrr.MS Iftidcsi Precious Gem lui 4: EMke* Phantom Ace Moat Otyaspia Sltl Payong Phantom Am
      134 words
    • 4027 33 2.0 CLASS 2, DIV 1 1,200m BlfrilM 1116.000 111.200 to wtmwr) 1 2112 Un Vmt «aaa f (Lionel) E Brcukelen 3 #7 <♦«) M ***** MMIm (Joon) E Brtukclen 4 M S (-2.5) BM CnM a (KT Choo) Heddla T M S
      4,027 words
    • 296 33 MMI RMI tkNMMH I Aftar Raad MIHIHw MM "Mat lnt» Kayo •amdl**" Chartaa Straat Lad Maetl Cool Currant > candu Qk—i!!!!!!!""!"!!!! i Chattaranga t Charatna 4 CMat at MaN 4 Cammandar-ln-CMal N > Coot Tlrna 1 CataMry Lard t Charita* Angal 7 CrniHi 7 Daring Prima Rdoa7 Oathfa
      296 words
    • Kaleidoscope
      • 52 34 AFP THE Italian cabinet on Friday ended the deadlock between football clubs and the judiciary by issuing a decree legalising player transfers. Last week the Italian Judiciary declared all transfers between clubs In the present close season void. Eighty Italian football club directors were charged with disregarding
        AFP  -  52 words
      • 51 34 TRACY CAULKINS, the 15-year-old swimming sensation, set a world record In the women's 200-metre Individual medley on Friday with a time of 2 minutes, 15.90 seconds. Caulklns, swimming In the US Amateur Athletic Union championships, broke the record of 2:15.95 set by Ulrlke Tauber of East
        51 words
      • 65 34 Reuter THE title-fight between World Junior flyweight boxing champion Netrnol Voraalng of Thailand and Luis Estaba of Veneiuela, scheduled for last night, was indefinitely postponed on Friday, fight promoter Raflto Cedeno said In Caracas. Cedeno said the Thai waa suffering from a kidney infection which required
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 21 34 Reuter JOEROEN LINDHART--BEN of Denmark on Friday won the World OK Dinghy class sailing championships at Medemblik, Holland.
        Reuter  -  21 words
    • 651 34  -  SPORTS NATION Exhibition match arouses enthusiasm, envy By Eric Cooper rpHE Pakistan In- ternatloiial Airlines championship opened yesterday with an exhibition match between Torsam Khan, ranked No 10 in the world this year and Maqsood Ahmed, holder of the World Amateur title and rated No
      651 words
    • 96 34 AP rO s e a d-half goals seared by Ttmo Kapisa in the. 85th and Mth minute enabled Indonesia to ellneh its second win by downing Japan M In the ttnd Mcrdeko (independence) soccer tournament In Kuala Lumpur last night. Japan led 1-0 at half-time with a
      AP  -  96 words
    • 160 34 UPI /\RGANISERS and op- ponents In last week's world chess championship yesterday agreed on match technicalities, except which flag to be used by the challenger, a Russian defector. The championship, with U*****,000 ($1.3 million) prize money, is scheduled to begin in Bagulo City, Philippines,
      UPI  -  160 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 273 26 SiV The SGV Group Management Consulting Services A leading U.S. bank seeks a young, mathematically inclined university graduate to assume the responsibilities in their offshore branch in Singepore as a: TRAINEE DEALER-FX/AC U About $15,000 p.a. The successful candidate will be trained to develop the necessary skills to handle foreign
      273 words
    • 181 26 GENERAL ELECTRIC (U.S.A.) HOUSEWARES PTE.LTD. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of:PLASTIC MOLDING Applicants must be graduates in Plastic Technology or Product ion Engineering with at least 2 years' experience in process eng ineering in inaction molding with emphasis in tooling, plastic engineering materials and related
      181 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 166 26 I Sports Diary 80CCER: Sultan's Gold Cup Singapore Malays v Malacca Malays (National Stadium, 7.30 p.m.). NFL Division Two J a lan Besar v Buklt Panjang United (Jalan Besar Stadium). Division Three Tiong Bahru v Whampoa CSC (Gloucester 1), Tarn pines CBA v Jubilee 8A (Govlang Btadium), Queenstown CSA v
      166 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
      37 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 41 32 BIG SWEEP 1ST No. *****9 ($4742) 2ND No. *****8 ($1355) 3RD No. *****9 <*677> STARTERS <$156 each) Nos: *****6, *****8. *****9. *****7, *****8, *****5, *****3, *****0, *****0. CONSOLATION ($100 each) Nos: *****2, *****6, *****2, *****4, *****6, *****2, *****7, *****5, *****3, *****1.
      41 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 243 34 ~rr; 10 GREAT MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM With 10 different models to chooae from, there's surely one to suit your needs, and not only do you get your choice, you also get your money's worth. Becauae a Tecnoges range ia made of high quality parts plua thick high-grade stainless steel
      243 words
    • 107 34 m INSTALL GAINSBOROUGH 303 S INSTANT SHOWER HEATERS British Made An endless supply of hot water for the whole family 1. Easy to install 2. Economical 3. Approved for safety 4. With 1, 2 3 kw control knob 5. Element guaranteed 5 years Installation includes standard plumbing works and 10ft.
      107 words