New Nation, 12 July 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 24 1 NewNation SINGAPORE Wednesday, July 12, 1978 No. 2308 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 r 7T" 1 M U (t' 3 NATION t COMMENT,
    24 words
  • 377 1  -  By Deborah Chia Many k e 1 on g owners, fishermen and businessmen have applied to the Primary Production Department to lease waters to set np fish farms. Mr Chen Foo Ten, kead of the Fisheries Research Complex la Chan *1, disclosed this yesterday
    377 words
  • 459 1 Peace zone proposal 'an attempt to undermine Asean* AP UPI Tokyo, Wednesday -China today attacked Vietnam's offer to Asean to form a new organisation for regional co-operation. Commenting for the first time on Hanoi's changed attitude towards Asean, China said the Vietnamese proposal Is "very similar"
    AP; UPI  -  459 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 S**.2Cr(3l BonlNw Titmron odour tv «yiHnv «mh 60% fangtuar and aharpar pfc* inaUnl picture rote th» bed oolour Iv INSIDE Gort to educate workers on labour laws Pago 4 Students' union to defy varsity Pago 3. IN THK OTHER PAGEB: Crawword 14; Btart 15; Monerwords 17; Co mica 18; what'a
      156 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 283 2  -  1* Gerry de Silva Hanoi's proposal for a new zone of peace, Independence and neutrality for Southeast Asia will be the main topic In the talks between Vietnam's Vice Foreign Minister Phan Hlen and Foreign Minister a Raj ar at nam this morning. Mr
    283 words
  • 234 2 The. rubber sector Mole the limelight In an otherwise steady to slightly easier trading conditions during the first hour of business at the Stock Exchange of Singapore today. Consolidated Plantations took the lead as It touched $2.10 before easing to 92.07, up seven cents, on a turnover of
    234 words
  • 537 2  -  By Chin Kah Chong Pan a news agency Vietnam is now mounting a strenuous diplomatic exercise to dispel suspicions about Hanoi's new policy towards Asean. Quoting Asean observers closely watching Vietnam's move, it said that Singapore would be alven special attention by Vietnamese diplomats,
    537 words
  • 188 2 Last-minute negotiations are still going on between Television Malaysia and the FAM for "live" telecast of tonight's opening match between Malaysia and South Korea in the Merdeka soccer tournament in Kuala Lumpur. An RTM spokesman, disclosed that the Merdeka soccer final will definitely be televised "live".
    188 words
  • 128 2 The V 1 et n amese freighter Vam-Co 24 which was hijacked to Singapore in April left for Vietnam yesterday. According to an Immigration Department spokesman today 15 Vietnamese, including the freighter's skipper, were on board. It is understood that they wanted to
    128 words
  • 276 2 AP Brussels, Wednesday Representatives of the trading blocs of Western Europe and Asean have agreed to hold their first cabinet-level conference in Brussels on Nov. 20, a spokesman for the European Commission, the executive of the Common Market, announced yesterday. Plans were set at
    AP  -  276 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 409 3 US expert who is here to learn An American transport safety expert yesterday described Singapore's measures for pedestrian safety as "very effective." Mr James William*, transportation safety coordinator In the US Transportation Research Board, said be wants to learn more about bow Singapore runs
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  • 245 3 The Singapore Port Workers' Union has expressed its concern over the Port of Singapore Authority giving its daily rated workers less favourable consolidated wages than that offered by the government. The PBA new wage scales for unskilled, semi-skilled and artisan grades are 70 cents to
    245 words
  • 223 3 The University of Singapore Students' Union today said it will not vacate its Union House premises at Buklt Timah by Saturday, as ordered by the university administration. "The vacation of Union Houm la oat of the question at the moment," said the aetlns president of
    223 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 374 4  -  By Ivan Lim The government plana to launch a campaign to educate workers about their rights and obligations under the labour laws, sources said. Hie campaign ts specifically aimed at workers who do not know the Employment Act and have no union to represent
    374 words
  • 256 4 The Singapore Medical Association yesterday explained why It la not a member of the Singapore AntlNarcotlcs Association. SMA president Dr Choo Jim «ng >ald Sana did not invite hi* association to alt on Its board of management. He was referring to a remark made by
    256 words
  • 54 4 The Post Office Savings Bank will open a new branch at Ynsof Ishak House. Kent Ridge campus. University of Singapore, tomorrow. It will be open from 8.30 ajn. to 4.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays, cash withdrawals
    54 words
  • 35 4 Serangoon Oard ens community centre will organise a children's story-telling contest next month. Entry forms are available at the centre, and at Lorong Chuan and Teck Ghee community centre. Closing date Is Aug 1.
    35 words
  • 111 4 These (Iris keep lit fey hopping over tree-trunks and doing push-ups. They IK pupils of Tanjong Kktoni Girls Sehool going through a nlnn obatarlr physical fitness course, which •oat WIM In the school. Hie made of tree-tranks and metal bars, are
    111 words
  • 37 4 The Kuo Chuan community centre will conduct courses on photography, swimming, children's art, tal chl, karate, basketball and choir singing (English and Chinese) soon. For details ring *****7 between 2.30 p.m. and 10.30 pjn.
    37 words
  • 240 4 The private home nursing ears scheme has met inth poor responss after a good start In September last year. This Is because patients prefer to pay S3 to $4 at outpatient cunler rather than $10 to rfor a nurse to attend them at home. according to
    240 words
  • 120 4 FOR TEACHERS The Education Ministry has streamlined all in-service courses for principals and teachers to be conducted in the next five years. This Is to ensure Inservice education is closely supervised, coordinated and undertaken. The new move will also do away with ad hoc training courses. In service
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  • 33 4 The Senior Minister of State for Finance, Mr Ooh Chok Tone, will open the first Open Cness Championship 1978 at the Community Hall, Block 00, Marine Terrace on Saturday at S pjn.
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  • 93 4 Views on the technical classification of vessels in this region were exchanged at the Inaugural meeting yesterday of the overseas Technical Committee formed by the American Bureau of Shipping recently. Among the topics discussed were the introduction of ships' safety requirements and structures. The ABB
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  • 534 5 World Focus Congressmen make four demands, including boycott of Olympic Games Reuter Washington, Wednesday President Carter came under heavy congressional pressure yesterday to make a strong response to the Soviet Union In protest against the trials of dissidents. Demands for action resounded In
    Reuter; UPI radio picture  -  534 words
  • 210 5 Reuter Moscow, Wednesday Jewish dissident Anatoly Shcharansky, on trial for his life before a Moscow court, faced questions at a closed session yesterday about allegations that he betrayed Bovlet defence secrets to the West. A press statement Issued by the court said It examined
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 GET THE REAL BARGAINS AT CLEARANCE CENTRE We are offering brand new and oddment goods at greatly reduced prices. Come and choose from a very wide selection of menswear and Bally shoes during Cold Storage's Redevelopment Period. THIS WEEK YOUR CHANCE TO BUY BALLY AT REALIY LOW PRICES! Oddments NOW
      84 words
    • 57 5 SHANGRI-LA'S FASHIONS ON FRIDAyS JULY 14 LGNCHTIME IRENE I IM .11..'M ifinq r ,r |i' ot <. lot*,. PARI-(J MS CjRE.S PARIS. I a w ill t\u. K (•'<■!%• i <itlt .1' M'< Ii K'l) I ,11 j>! i!i•l' I i-1 pti jtt < i !i. ir- I(' f .Hi
      57 words

  • 484 6 World Focus Reuter Bangkok, Wednesday Vietnam is ready to hold talks with Thailand on problems connected with more than 40,000 Vietnamese refugees who have been living in Thailand for over 30 years, Thai Prime Minister Krlangsak Chamanand said yesterday. O en e r a
    Reuter  -  484 words
  • 178 6 UPI Jerusalem, Wednesday The chief legal adviser to Israel's Foreign Ministry yesterday said the Egyptian proposal (or a Middle East settlement represents the most extreme position since the start of negotiations between the two countries. "When one reads the Egyptian proposal, we
    UPI  -  178 words
  • 154 6 Reuter Colombo, Wednesday Sri Lanka is to step up Englishlanguage teaching In Its schools, according to President Junius Jayewardene. He told a public meeting on Monday night that the government had now directed that pupils be taught English from the age of
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 44 6 AFP Cleveland (Ohio), Wednesday Cleveland policemen yesterday refused for the third day running to patrol a low-rent, high-crime housing estate because they claim it is too dangerous. The city has already punished 24 officers for refusing to patrol the estate. AFP.
    AFP  -  44 words
  • 91 6 Reuter Srlnagar, Wednesday India's 82-year-old Prime Minister, Mr Morarjl Desal, surprised aides when he breeslly walked up 242 steps to visit a temple on a hill overlooking the Kashmir capital of Srlnagar. Mr Desal, who Is on a three-day visit to Kashmir, Interrupted a busy programme
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 91 6 UPI TODAY la Wednesday, July 12. the 193 rd day of 1978 with 172 to follow. THOBE born on this date are under the sign of Cancer. American writer Henry Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817. ON THIS DAT IN HIBTORY: In 1882, the US medal of Honour
    UPI  -  91 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 490 6 New York—Sunny, 2820C. Headline: Rockefeller killed In car crash. Rome Sunny, 27 17C. Headline: Llquigas Company directors arrested. Moscow—Sunny, 24 20C. Pravda's headline: Soviet people support decisions of the CPBU Central Committee plenary meeting. Rio de Janeiro—Clear, 27-16 C. Headline: Bolivian election In doubt. Ban Francisco —Cloudy. 18-11 C. Headline:
      490 words

  • 276 7 World Focus Reuter UPI San Carlos de la Rapida (Spain), Wednesday As West Europe grasped the magnitude of the gas tanker disaster, with its toll of families burned to death, children orphaned and of savagely burned survivors, an international aid effort began to
    Reuter; UPI; UPI radio picture  -  276 words
  • 176 7 UPI Beirut, Wednesday Moscow is seeking a confederation between proSoviet South Yemen and Ethiopia which together guard the strategic entrance to the Red Sea, senior Palestinian guerilla sources said yesterday. The Palestinians also have close links with Moscow. The sources said the Kremlin had favoured such
    UPI  -  176 words
  • 112 7 AFP Tokyo, Wednesday Rumanian President Nicolae Ceausescu, expressing concern over the "Slno-Sovlet divergences." has uried all countries concerned to do their best to help China and the Soviet Union to normalise their relations. In an interview published yesterdaj by Japan's largest-circulation daily Yomiurl Shim bun. President Oeauseecu sakl:
    AFP  -  112 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 I*4** HARP s I /f Jt* /rfS- > Up CT-411 rv/ v O 7 4 via »«>*'.* sZc&fo,ft yi tii 'hi** jjfe 'll* K a. < 483, Tanglln Halt Road, Singapore 3. Tel: *****1 »r• (j in Ir. Incredible Calculator cum watch with alarm Watch can also function as a
      108 words

  • 389 8 Should the public be concerned that the Singapore Medical Association Is or Is not a member of the Singapore AntlNarcotlcs Association council? In the narrowest sense, this should be the SMA's own business. Even Sana, the beneficiary organisation, though dependent on community support from groups such as
    389 words
    • 70 8 A colleague thought he'd un money by going to a durlan plantation to buy the fruit. But while making hit •election, a durlan which decided It would ripen that very moment, came crashing down on the bonnet of his car which he had parked under some trees.
      70 words
    • 45 8 Saw thla lrreslatable ad on a club notice board: "One tatty but lovable dog wants new home. Typical Singapore mutt. Very good with children. Little build but big bark!" Our very own pedlrreel How would the Singapore Kennel Club classify It?
      45 words
  • 1189 8  -  Th's Is the Ktond of a two-part report on the Third United Notion* Low of the Bea Conference. It diseases the Issae of dec* seabed mining and how Its. benefits ean be fairly distributed among nations, and the qoestloii of legally defining the continental shelf.
    1,189 words
  • 523 8  -  WEDNESDAY WITH DICK WILSON DICK WILSON Japan Is not allowed, by Its own legislation, to send Its 8 e 1 f -defence for c e s overseas. The purpose of th is self-denying ordinance Is only too clear to Southeast Asian neighbours who experienced at first hand
    523 words

  • 612 9  -  Voice of the Press Round-up July 2-9 J Liew Soon Chin Japan's pledge to help Asean even at the cost of creating a threat to Its own Industries was welcomed by BEMTA HARIAN last week. Though helpful, thl> gesture reveals an uncomfortable political situation
    612 words
  • 573 9 Reuter Bangkok: Kampuchea!! Deputy Premier leng Sary is due to arrive here on Friday for a visit that oould be of major importance in efforts to end almost three years of bloodshed and bitterness along the Thai-Cambodian border. The long-awaited visit, which has significance
    Reuter  -  573 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 223 9 THERE ONCE W&AHSAD OF A SCHCd WHO COULD NOT BEAR THE SMELL OF HIS LOO HE HEARD HIS CLEANER SUQ6EST AQUA FLUSH IS THE BEST TO KEEP HIS LOO CLEAN. FRESH 6 BLUE. Continuous toilet cleanser! Blue freshness you can seel How about an Aqua Flush limerick from you? Sand
      223 words

    • Repairing Nature's mistakes
      • 470 10 / 11 One out of about 700 babies is born with a harelip and/or cleft palate. No one knows the cause of this deformity. Sometimes it Is hereditary, even though a case of harelip may. never have been known to occur In the family. In other
        470 words
      • 412 10 / 11  -  By Margaret Chan Though exhausted from a long end difficult delivery, she was elated a son, their first child and the first grandchild for her parents and in-laws! But Joy turned to horror when they showed her her child. Instead of a perfect little face, she saw
        412 words
      • 359 10 / 11 The most common deformities of the hand and feet are syndactyly, where the lingers or toes are fused together, and Polydactyly, where there are extra digits. It la generally believed that genes or the lack of vitamin B causes syndactyly. This problem occurs
        359 words
      • 571 10 / 11 Deformities of the ear vary in severity, from skin tags that can be simply removed to the total absence of the external ear. Microtia or "email ear" is a rare malformation that occurs In something like one In 20,000 births. Reproducing the
        571 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 38 10 / 11 PHttIMX (MX turn TTjXfjT ?"•*> J?.*!*. Enjoy a good meal from 7am to midnight in a pleasant atmosphere at club prices MCki»KSUI Striata Start at 57.7S CMckaa Cwiy at 54.7S OtaaaSaapat S2.M No sarvtca charga. w ilw.fe'lifTvQ m W
      38 words
    • 26 10 / 11 I -4 f Ow-Cookcm Hehlewewt MM** MmMdm ft Jf f Qwiwal lImMmI Man Allium JP (Block 74) No. 324. Whampoa Ortv«, 5 Singapore-12. T«l: ***** > \v\\v\\\\\vvs\\vv\v\\\v\
      26 words

  • 663 12 Two schools fight out issue Reuter Washington: Is the chimpanzee a friend of the human race, to be communicated with, or must he be sacrificed in the interests of medical science? Two schools of thought are fighting out the issue in the United
    Reuter  -  663 words
  • 522 12 Observer Cairo: The marriage business la booming in Cairo as summer draws on and wealthy Arab tourists crowd the Egyptian capital in search of forbidden fruits denied them in their home countries. These are, in order of importance, women, wine and gambling. Female
    Observer  -  522 words
  • 576 12 Victims end up without work or money Reuter Jullundur, India: An exodus of Indian workers to the Middle East, where Jobs are plentiful and well paid, has created a flourishing racket in forged passports and visas. The main victims are Indian sklUed
    Reuter  -  576 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 DRAGON PHOENIX RESTAURANT Blick 26, Outran Park, Sinoaoora. Tal *****81******29 Earthern Pot Spocial Chillie Crab Spring Chicken Delicious Yam Pot Hot Plate? Door Moat Live Fresh Fish Quick Lunch S3 per person. We cater for Birthday Wedding Parties, buffet lunches and private functions. Live music and songs-for your dinning pleasure.
      53 words

  • 576 13  -  An invasion of w creepy-craw lies to knock your conscience k Cinema ».V Gloria Chandy KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS: William Shatner, Tiffany Boiling, Woody Strode, Alto vise Davis; Natasha Ryan, Marcy LafTerty. Directed by John Cardos. Screenplay by Richard Robinson and Alan C a
    576 words
  • 317 13 UPI STOCKHOLM: Mention Swedish movies and the mind conjures up either Ingmar Bergman's moral dramas or passlon--1 e s s technlcolour porn. Neither gives the true picture of presentday Bwedlsh cinema, which through government support has developed into one of the world's most
    UPI  -  317 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 167 14 UPI AFP London, Wednesday The American dollar closed higher on European foreign exchanges yesterday on profit taking and New York demand. In Zuricti, where the dollar touched 1.8203 Swiss francs at one point, It closed at 1.***** Swiss francs, up from the overnight 1.*****. One dealer said there
    UPI; AFP  -  167 words
  • 356 14 Growth is slow, House told Business News and Views AP AFP Washington, Wednesday Inflation in the United States is worse than expected and economic growth Is d 1 s a p pointing, but there Is no basl* for contentions by opposition Republicans that a one-third cut
    AP; AFP  -  356 words
  • 219 14 AFP London, Wednesday British Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey yesterday said Japan ought to make Its balance of payments surplus available to other countries as a contribution to world economic expansion. Speaking at a press luncheon, he recalled that the combined surpluses of Japan,
    AFP  -  219 words
  • 104 14 UPI Paris, Wednesday Consumer prices In the 24 Industrialised nations of the western world rose an average of 041 Kr cent In May, down >m April's average Increase of 0.9 per cent, bringing the annual average Inflation rate to 8.8 per cent, the Organisation
    UPI  -  104 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 129 14 Blue chip oil Issues, buoyed by rumours Texaco had made a major gas find in the Baltimore canyon off New Jersey, triggered a rally that Kihed stocks broadly her yesterday In active trading. Yetterday'i price* tar the difference followed on the previous seeai on's close: AT T HK
      129 words
    • 31 14 UPI Ktw York. Wsdnssday Dow Jonas rtortng twnf on Urn NTSmMii: M industrials SllJb (op «-M): transport tnjU (9 LM>; IS utindss INJ4 («p 0J3); atoeks M4.IS (up 1.74).
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 68 14 AFP Prices slid back on profit taking on the fokyo Stock Exchange yesterday. Yesterday's closing quotation* of the gilt-edgrds, In ven, with Monday's In brackets: Helwa Real Brtate 880 (888), Nippon Oil 840 (636), Komatsu 348 (943), Matsushlta Electric 749 <781), Honda Motor 874 (574). Toyota Motor 910 (930).
      AFP  -  68 words
    • 76 14 Clewing prices on the Pull Bourse yesterday: Perthes 170 Poncler 3M 18 Prin temps •6.80 3 Bull 40 30 .00 Royal Dutch 300.70 1.80 Hlchelln 1S06 30 COB sea +4.10 Thomson 213.80 0 C F P 188.80 1.80 Rhone 100.00 .40 Air 318 4 B 8 N 843 30
      76 words
    • 78 14 Union Bank of Switzerland Cloelnf price* in Bwl» g»w» op Uy Zartch Stock UBS Bearer 30M +30 DBS Registered MO 10 BBC 377 4 Credit Suisse 3160 Swissair B. 83ft +33 Swiss Relnsur. 3930 30 Winterthur B. 3310 +30 Zurich Injur. M3ft Juvena B. 13ft 3 Nestle B. 13ft
      Union Bank of Switzerland  -  78 words
    • 124 14 Reuter Price* at 1130 am. today (Australian time) on tbe Sydney Stock Exchange: ACT 164 ISA ADC 12 30 Ampol Pet II tt AMI 180 1M APM 117 nil Bank NSW 616 nU Bramble* 110 173 BBP 7M 790 Boral 335 33* CBA 330 335 C8R 3M 300 CIO
      Reuter  -  124 words
  • 264 14 AFP Reuter Washington. Wednesday Congressional leaders yesterday assured President Jimmy Carter that Congress would adopt an energy programme by the end of the current session In September. The pledge was made when leading Congressmen called on the President at the White House. President
    AFP; Reuter  -  264 words
  • 260 14 AP LONDON: Govern-ment-owned British Aerospace, which on Monday was given the go-ahead to build Its H8146 commercial let* liner, yesterday said that 35 to 40 per cent of the aircraft will be" built by foreign manufacturers. Development costs of the new plane, to be powered by engines suppiled
    AP  -  260 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 278 14 ACROSB 1 Plsarro's prize 5 Ardor 9 Farmer'* place 13 Luplno and others 14 Gaelic 15 " any other name" 16 Not quite a ShakeEare play icellany 20 Mishmash 21 Roman trio 22 Druc-glvlng plant 23 Sch. aubj. 24 Sound of noise 27 Bgg dish 30 Genesis man 31 Parseghlan
      278 words

  • Sportsfront
    • 368 15  -  MARY TAN The recently concluded National AgeGroup a th 1 e 11 c 8 championships produced some surprising results and It also brought to light some Interesting potential among our youngsters. But the brightest star among these new "finds" was undoubtedly Richard Seow the 16-year-old student
      368 words
    • 268 15  -  SHAN CHEK HOONG With the Merdeka tournament Just round the corner and with Singapore down to play against Malaysia on July 14, the question is: "How well are we prepared for this prestigious tournament?" The odda are certainly stacked against Singapore. They have had
      268 words
    • 212 15  -  CHUNG CHEE TIEN It Is commonly believed that foreign coaches would aid considerably In the upgrading of the standard of sports In our Republic. But Is It really feasible and worthwhile to employ foreign coaches? Our national soccer team achieved under "Uncle
      212 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 382 15 i j i 'j r ADS 4EIVICI AT YOUR Setvici v!t3u£n* m ,m 130 a.m. —500 p m Saturday* (Na m 100 p m Public Holldayi (Man I 00 pm Cmumtee 8>r»l«« Regular office houri After office itoun ELBA YIO MODEL Centre: New classes on Deportment li Personal Oroomlng commencing
      382 words
    • 394 15 i OOLOCN MIL! SHOPPING CENTRE Rental: 11 .M p^.l. (induaiv* at eervtaa charges) Unit 6276 468 aq.ft. We Mat: 61.66 p-A-f. (lochia*** ol aervtea chargaa) Unit 6204 662 sq ft. Unit 6206 1748 aq.ft. Unit 6206 662 aq.ft. tJnlt 6207 662 aq.ft. Unit 6208 662 aq.ft. For drtaila. caN Mlea
      394 words
    • 138 15 SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE (1978) LIMITED (incorporated In Singapore) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES Tha undermentioned Shara Certificate* hava baan rap or tad loat or deetroyed: Shara Certificate Not: Nam# of Shareholder* No. of Share* of t1 -00 eech *****5/38 *****6 *****0 *****6 *****1 Mr. Llm Khoon Long Mr. Hong Lin Thong Mr.
      138 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 272 15 YOUR LUCKY IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are extremely conservetlve In your attitude toward money. You can not be persuaded to lend money to any but the moet trusted friend. But, you do not borrow easily either. You are a rood friend in that you are an objective
      272 words

  • 690 16 Trainer Allan has another prospect in Terello SCRUTINEER ON THE QUEEN ELIZABETH CUP PROSPECTS Champion trainer I.W. Allan, who has been taking a back-seat in the major races this year, can return to the limelight at Buklt Tlmah on Sunday. He has five top
    690 words
  • 500 16 Persuader made the early running and was first Into the straight from Espi —w ay, with Altogether Now and Oakdene well up. Expressway collared Persaader 200 m out and ran on strongly to win by a length from the fastflnlshlng Altogether Now.
    500 words
  • 282 16  -  C^Honthe track By K. L. CHAN Trainer Jaafar Padzell's Oklahoma Joe stamped himself as a lively prospect in Sunday's Queen Elizabeth Cud when he did a splendid workout at Buklt Tlmah this morning. The Wolver Hollow fiveyear old, with Jockey M.C. Lam astride, went
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  • 454 17  -  She clocks season's fastest for 200 m E3 Athletics By SURESH NAIR Marymount C o nvent's Sharlfah Munirah Alatas w&s the darling of the crowd yesterday when she beat arc h-r 1 v a 1 Yvonne Cornelius with a record-break-ing win In the 200 m sprint
    454 words
  • 425 17  -  By PHILIP TAN The All Indonesia Sports Federation have a special school for top athletes, to prepare them for International meets. A Singapore official who had Jut retwned from the Sooth-East Asia Ace Groap swimmint meet in Jakarta disclosed that the school is for top sportshoys
    425 words
  • 297 17 H^H Reuter 8t Andrews, Scotland, Wednesday American superstars, Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson, who fouaht out a thrilling battle In last year's British Open championship at Turn berry, are regarded as the favourites for this year's event which begins today over the old course at this famous
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 133 17 BOYS Lower Secondary: All (ID, East Payoh (14), Chinese High (11), Victoria (11) Monks Hill (t). Raffles (8), Buklt Merah (7), Thomson (7). Secondary: 8lgla» (2ft), Gan Kb( Sent (24), Dnnearn Technical (14), SJI (14), Rallies (It), St Patrick's Baleotier HMI Henderson (S). Poet secondary: Rafles («1), ACJC
    133 words
  • 129 17 Manila, Wednesday Five Chinese coachee from the All-China Sport* Federation are In town working with local coaches In training athletes for the Eighth Allan Oamee scheduled from Dee 9 to 90 In Bangkok, official sources said. The coaches, composed of Wang Fb-Cheng, Jan Chang, Teng
    129 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 531 17 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss): Address: N R.I.C. No: -Tel: MMaaaaCut dang dotted knee CLUES FOR 60-3 1. There's no need to panic when this cry is heard 2. Exclamation of regret 3. In running a there are times when
      531 words

  • 520 18  -  SQUASH »>v Eric Cooper The Hill family have a major stake in the eeml-flnala of the Tanglln Club Hanillrap tournament which will be played tonight. Buet, handicap >17 meet* Patrick Kwek while Peter. -30, takes on Gftsw 800 Lin 4. Pawlck reached the la*
    520 words
  • 577 18  -  MERDEKA SOCCER TOURNAMENT By PHILIP TAN Malaysia and South Korea, who meet in the opening game of the Merdeka tournament at Kuala Lumpur tonight, are on paper the two teams with the best chance of winning. Apart from being a strong team, the Malaysians have borne
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  • 360 18  -  By FAUZI OMAR Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday Malaysia, already plagued by Injuries, are down for a very tough match when they meet defending champions South Korea in the opening match tonight (kick-off 8.15). Things certainly do not look good for llslsysla and team manager Ismail Junld could
    360 words
  • 262 18  -  By TONY DANKER Kula Lunpar, Wediwd«i. The Kmmm are lupin g far rain when they play Malaysia tonifht "Let It rain let It H«: We lore It," said their coach Kin Jane Nam yesterday. Locking eat ef hie ream window at the Merlin Betel. Mr
    262 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 45 18 SHORT RIBS Sipe. zVc cower UP WITH A -SURE-PRC WAV TO BALANCE THE Wi V It «s «?rttv m za 2 WAVE THE OOOSE THAT LAVS GOLDEN EGGSby Frank O Neal ON A LONG-TEBM, /W car CONTRACT. ti iW m SSf T,-» W'^ or 5®
      45 words

  • What's On A page that tells you what's happening on TV and in town
    • 476 19  -  By Judith Holmberg After seeing him present his views on economics In The Age of Uncertainty, the critics nicknamed him the "Old Droner." They praised his wit and they criticised his style of delivery. But to Imagine anyone else in front of the
      476 words
    • 492 19  -  By Judith Holmberg "Money makes the world go round." It vu probably with this fact of life In mind that TV Singapore gave a pre&s preview of Part tdx of The Age of Uncertainty The Rise and Fall of Money. The
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 865 19 NC and 111. i COM MUK1CATION8 EQUIPMENT exhibition. US International Marketing Centre, Somerset Road, 12 pjn. to 7 pjn. Open to the trade till Saturday. PBOPLTS ASSOCIATION, a talk by PA officer Low Foo Tone, Bartley Secondary School, 1 pjn. Admission free. YOUTH AND THE DANGER OF VENEREAL DISEASES, a
      865 words

  • 43 20 AH FOOK: The labourers who unearthed a 14 kg mortar bomb and who continued digging to find another 13 were surely playing with death. MEX LIN: What IronySingapore is hosting the second World Safety and Accident Preven 11 on Conference now.
    43 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 Artolh«r quality product from SILVER r\ V_' 00 2;.!' '< *<s Sol* Ayntt tot Singapore. Malays Brunei 6 ladon—a BOON CO. (PTE.) LTD. 16. Clung* Allay Singapore 1 Tal ***** ***** fym FX-29 SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR v Muhi Functions. Solves all your Mathematical. Arithmetical and Scientific Celculetions Ag^nw ftThokrol empormm PTK
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
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    • 184 20 Today's top shows SEASONS OF THE TEAK: It's Cold Outside. (Ch. tf, 7.55 p.m. In colour). It Is the winter of 1946. World War n is over and Bgt Madeleine (Sort comes home to Seasons. The grand house, the property of her now-dead mother, is derelict and almost In ruins.
      184 words