New Nation, 11 July 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Tuesday, July 11, 1978 No. 2307 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 j NLIV (0) NATION comment;
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  • 266 1 Hanoi begins dialogue with Asean Tokyo, Tuesday Hanoi has begun a dialogue with Asean on ways to Improve relations between them with Malaysia acting as "mediator," It was disclosed here yesterday. The disclosure by Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Phan Hlen came less than a week after his
    266 words
  • 89 1 New York, Tuesday A Polish-born factory worker, Valldlslo Fraces, was arrested last night after holding four people hostage for nine hours in New York's tallest skyscraper. Police said the four hostages were freed unharmed from the World Trade Centre, where Fraces had threatened to
    89 words
  • 35 1 US down' AFP Tokyo, Tuesday The US dollar lost further ground against the Japanese yen, being quoted at 201.30 -yen at the start of Interbank tradins here today, compared with 201.35 yen at yesterday's finish.—AFP.
    AFP  -  35 words
  • 42 1 Plrtna clearing wnckui Iram th* yard of mm «f ill ho— dami|td when a Ufht aircraft eraahad an take oil (Ma Eaacndon Airport la Metbovno. Tho craah killed ib poofto and serleoaly Injured foar other*.—Cfl picture. UPI picture
    UPI picture  -  42 words
  • 143 1 The Primary Production Department has told Singapore Importers to withhold the sales and distribution of Australian oysters. A PPD spokesman said pending clarification from the Australian authorities on the recent contamination of oyrters in Australia, the department has stopped further Imports
    143 words
  • 69 1 Reuter New York, Tuesday John D. Rockefeller 111, millionaire philanthropist and oldest of the Rockefeller brothers, was killed last night In a car crash near the family estate at Pocantlco HUls, police here said. Mr Rockefeller, 73, was the father of Ooveroor John D. Rockefeller
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 357 1 Reuter UPI Geneva, Tuesday The United States and the European Economic Community have made great progress in the current international economic negotiations here, President Carter's chief trade negotiator Robert Strauss said yesterday. Mr Strauss told reporters the two sides had made "tremendous progress In the
    Reuter; UPI  -  357 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 INSIDE Tnril agents fined in district court Page 4 cm in house-to-house drive Page 2 IN THE OTHER PAGES: Stars T; Moneywords 14; Comics 16. Crossword 18; What's On 19.
      30 words
    • 66 1 a jViIKIMOTO 5 v LI I 1 \L. I /tut 11 i> I'LAM.S 11*mti \ltkiinnt" M C.T.HOO 27. Tanglm Road Singapore 10 Tel: *****43.*****4 a "The Diners Club Man Is the man for me.** APPLICATION FORM CLU m DINERS CLUB <S) PTE LTD Srd Floor Tkoag Trek MMiog UScmu Inl.
      66 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 224 2 CID in house-to-house campaign The CID has launched a house-to-house campaign to advise the public on how to prevent lift robberies. Officers of the Crime Prevention Branch are directing the campaign mainly on women and chUdren. who are the usual victims of lift robbers. The officers from all eight police
    224 words
  • 279 2 Ambassador hotel made its debut in the second trading section of the Stock Exchange of Singapore today. Trading was erractlc In the first hour. Opening at $1.90, the hotel share advanced to a morning high of 12.00 before skidding rapidly to a low of $1.76. Total turnover was
    279 words
  • 81 2 The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board is suing a firm for allegedly supplying 2000 defective tee-shirts, costing $18,000. The red trimming on the eotars of the teesh'rta were altered j not eoloar fut. An STPB official said some of them had already been given
    81 words
  • 276 2 Union drops its plans The Singapore Marine Products Workers Union has shelved its plan to send a lawyer to Burma to Investigate the circumstances which led to the detention of 23 Singapore fishermen there. A union spokesman said this was decided at an extraordinary meeting at
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  • 382 2 The Singapore Bank Officers' Association has suggested that all banks set up productivity committees to work towards the modernisation of the Industry. This is one of the 25 recommendations endorsed by the BBOA at its recent seminar on Modernisation of the Banking Sector ths
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  • 50 2 Prof Ang Kok Peng has been elected president of the Council of the Singapore National Academy of Science. Other officials are Prof A.N. Rao (first vice-presi-lent), Mr Loo Pul Wah (second vice-president), Dr RJB. Bhathal (secretary), Mr Khoo Hun Hock (asst secretary) and Mr Wong Yew Kwan (treasurer).
    50 words
  • 105 2 The Minister for National Development Llm Kim San will open the $15 million building complex of Ngee Ann Technical College on Friday at 10 a.m. The complex was built under a flve-year expansion programme and consists of workshops, laboratories, a multipurpose hall,
    105 words
  • 53 2 A metric Information stall will be ODen at the North Bridge Road market every morning until Thursday In conjunction with the metric education i iro gramme for Kampong Olam. A Metrication and You exhibition will also be held nightly from Friday to Sunday at the Bras
    53 words
  • 171 2 Foreign banks with small deposit base may have difficulty publicising reliable minimum lending rates (MLR), banking sources said. The souroes said this Is because they rely mainly on lnter-bank borrowings and the Interests rates of such funds fluctuate dally. This makes it difficult for
    171 words
  • 42 2 The Minister of State (Defence), Mr Bernard Chen will officially open Blangah Rise Primary School tomorrow a v 5.30 PJTL The school, built at the cost of $1.7 million, has 28 classrooms. There are 1800 students and 02 teachers.
    42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 3 2 See Pace S @)`.|=!"+&'"(!?(:/\(>~;@^\(>-?$
      3 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 f vm J cv \v\oN° 4 S*°P S uq s«c h S9 .S^' e l t»rr»e« „vo^ n V <*&*****■ err> lotle sP B,e .acut^® ,wv>ef V°°. i I®? ,«M *>? dOSNH hOU'* <',#«•*> •<»<*•..,« >0 -res\ap *e'V e,9 sef° r the hou' x ,me s ,qoa a W. n>e
      95 words

  • 258 4 Singaporeans can now stay up to 60 days In Thailand with the relaxation of Immigration regulations by Bangkok. Previously, Bangkok Issued only 30 day visas to visitors. Confirming the latest Immigration regulations, the director of the Tourist Organisation of Thailand here, Mr 8 Staporn, said
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  • 143 4 The Singapore Sports Council has made two grants of up to $10,000 each for medical research purposes. One is for a cardiac rehabilitation study programme in the Singapore Oeneral Hospital. The other grant goes to a physical educationist in the Temasek Junior College
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  • 42 4 The YMCA and the Family Planning Association will conduct a series of three talks, film shows and discussions on Love, Courtship and Marriage on July 21, 28 and Aug 4 from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the YMCA auditorium.
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  • 18 4 Mr Prem Paul Ohrl has been re-elected president of the Association of Travel and Tourist Agents.
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  • 234 4 For the first time, three travel operators were charged In a district court yesterday with violating the Travel Agents Act. Previous cases had been dealt with In the magistrate court*, said a Singapore Tourist Promotion Board (8TPB) official. District courts can impose fines up to
    234 words
  • 40 4 Professor Cheah Jin Seng, a philatelist, will talk on the Study of th.» Postage Stamps and Postal History of Kedah (1883-1945) at the Singapore Stamp Club's monthly meeting at the National Museum Theatre te .oday at 5-30 pm.
    40 words
  • 232 4  -  By Lee Chiu San The SI n g a pore Motor Sports Club is sending a team of 16 drivers and m o t o r-cycllsts to the fourth Brunei Grand Prix this weekend. The event, to be held on Saturday and Sunday In
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  • 86 4 A speedpost service between Singapore and Holland was Introduced yesterday. This follows recent Introduction of similar International express mall services to Hong Kong and Britain. The charges for speedpost to Holland are MO For the first half kilo- gram or part thereof and $7.50 for each additional half
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  • 130 4 The Ministry of Health Is considering substltutIng more "useful" awards In place of the statuettes given to champion blood donors. A ministry spokesman said yesterday that the ministry had not decided what to give in place of the statuettes or "oecars" as they are called. Donors who
    130 words
  • 241 4 The Singapore Teachers' Union has suggested that schoolchlUren be given handyman Jobs during part of their dally recess. This Is one of the suggestions made In the SI U publication, the Mentor, to add relevance to the annual Use Your Hands campaign. The
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  • 186 4 Singapore Airport Bus Services has set up another Information and ticket counter next to the taxi-stand at the arrival hall of Paya Lebar airport. This U because many passengers walk pass the counter Inside the restricted arrival concourse without realising there Is a bus
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  • 32 4 The director of the Samaritans of Singapore. Mi* Irene Jacob, will give a talk on Bridging the Generation Oap at the Queens town library on Friday at 3 p.m.
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  • 577 5 'Protection of jobs will lead to collapse of Geneva trade talks' Reuter AP Washington, Tuesday The US government said yesterday American textile industry demands for protection could lead to collapse of the already troubled Geneva trade talks. Chief US tex'.lle negotiator Michael Smith said the
    Reuter; AP  -  577 words
  • 185 5 World Focus Reuter Bonn, Tuesday West Oer m a n Agricultural Minister Josef Ertl yesterday accused the US of restricting farm Imports from the EEC. Mr Ertl said In a statement the US had demanded at the Gatt talks In Genera that the EEC
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 296 5 Reuter London, Tuesday Prime Minister James Callaghan yesterday clearly set out Britain's reservations about plans for a new European Monetary System (EMS) drawn up at Bremen over the weekend by leaders of the European Economic Community. Reporting to the House of Commons on the
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 180 5 Reuter Canberra, Tuesday—an 11-nation regional Commonwealth conference agreed here yesterday to investigate ways of opening up trade and communication between their countries. The Commonwealth Regional Consultative Group on trade said In a statement after a fiveday meeting that It would examine trade administration and customs,
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 118 5 UPI New York. Tuesday Japan's "lifetime employment" system the guarantee or a steady Job until retirement has become a meaningless term (or many Japanese workers and union leaders, reported Business Week In Its latest Issue. "indeed," It said, "much evidence suggests that lifetime employment Is
    UPI  -  118 words
  • 75 5 AFP Bangkok, Tuesday Fifty-six Thai general* including Prime Minister Gen Krlangsak Chomanan, will retire from the forces at the end of September, a Defence Ministry spokesman revealed yesterday; Of the 56 officers retiring on Sept 30. which marks the end of fiscal 1978. 22 are attached
    AFP  -  75 words
  • 176 5 AP London, Tuesday—The family of a former Iraqi prime minister, gunned down outside a London hotel on Sunday, was under heavy guard yesterday as police pieced together details of the fourth terrorist incident Involving Arabs here in 15 months. Gen. Abdul Razak AlNalf
    AP; UPI picture  -  176 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 CCEMEDINE for all do-it-yourself mending jobs An apoxy raaJn cam ant lor metat. giaaa, wood and othar hard ob(«cta For fumltura, articJaa, antiquaa. glaaawara. ale jm U •sv\ ftou r -Season* >1^ iiiElii HVm VI V rr v /r f nut musu ->Jc happy hours t SI'K I\l 01 11
      63 words

  • 209 6 AFP Jakarta, Tuesday Australian Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Michael MacKellar spent almost two hours yesterday Inspecting a Vietnamese refugee camp outside Jakarta and talking with some refugees who would eventually go to Australia or the United States. The refugee camp, some 20 km
    AFP  -  209 words
  • 396 6  -  World Focus From Swadesh De Roy Japanese defence Industry sources yesterday said China for the last three years has been pressing to buy sophisticated weapons from Japan. But the Japanese government would not authorise any sale. Nevertheless, Chinese perserverance Is being rewarded with a visit
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  • 137 6 AP Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday An Indonesian official here observing the general election said yesterday that the election had proceeded smoothly without any incident which could affect the democratic process of the country. Assistant to the Indonesian Minister of Social and Political Affairs, Mr P. Suharto,
    AP  -  137 words
  • 112 6 UPI TODAY la Tuesday, July 11, the 192 nd day of 1978 with 173 to follow. Those born on this date are under the sign of Cancer. John Qulncy Adams, sixth President of the United States, was born on July 11, 1767. ON THIB DAT IN HISTORY: In 1933,
    UPI  -  112 words
  • 44 6 AFP Paris Tuesday A man who nut over a neighbour's dog in bis car was killed by the woman owner who shot him on his own door—step at point blank range with a shotgun. The dog was only slightly hurt. AFP.
    AFP  -  44 words
  • 98 6 AP London, Tuesday—The entire British Airways fleet of five supersonic Concordes developed hairline cracks on their wings earlier this year. British Trade Secretary Edmund Dell confirmed yesterday. But In a written House of Commons reply to a question from a Member of Parliament, Mr Dell added nothing
    AP  -  98 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 474 6 WEATHER a Rome Partly cloudy, 27- 11C. Headline: Pertlnl sworn in as President. Paris—Cloudy, possible showers, 23-16 C. Headline: The Vienna meeting: A new chance (or the Middle East. Moscow—Sunny, 23-12 C. Pravda's headline: For further upsurge of agriculture. Bonn—Showers. 17-10 C. Headline: Moscow trials polcon climate between Russia and
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  • 219 7 Agencies Washington, Tuesday Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said yesterday he does not expect the Middle East Foreign Ministers Conference In London to be decisive, but he hopes it will mark a return to direct negotiations. He said: "Well try to act as a bridge
    Agencies; UPI radio picture  -  219 words
  • 196 7 UPI Washington, Tuesday The Agriculture Department yesterday announced plans to set up an advisory committee to take anotner look at current rules under which exporters must report foreign sales of tarm producta. The department chose to restudy the current mandatory reporting system
    UPI  -  196 words
  • 44 7 Reuter Kamrhl, Tuesday Thousands of sharitydwellers we»e evacuated from their straw and mud homes on river beds In Karachi yesterday following three days of rain, government officials said. About 350 people were killed last year when rain water swept down rivers. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 110 7 Reuter Hong Kong, Tuesday The 12th meeting between China and Vietnam on the planned seallft of ethnic Chinese from Vietnamese porta remained deadlocked yesterday, Radio Hanoi reported. The radio, monitored here, said that during the meeting, the Vietnamese officials "put forward two new proposals" but the
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 421 7 World Focus Reuter Washlngton, Tuesday The United States led the West yesterday In denouncing the Shcharansky and Glnzburg trials but President Carter declined to put off talks with the Russians tomorrow on curbing the nuclear arms race. Secretary of state Cyrus Vance told
    Reuter  -  421 words
  • 218 7 Reuter Aden, Tuesday The Soviet Union Is promoting a plan for a confederation between South Yemen and Ethiopia In which secessionist Rrltreans would also have a voice, Erltrean sources said yesterday. The sources said the plan was designed as a way of ending the
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 66 7 Reuter Rome, Tuesday Italian actress Sophia Loren, who along with her aim producer husband Carlo Fonti Is accused of illegally exporting capital from Italy, returned home briefly yesterday, for the first time in more than a year. Family friends said Miss Loren arrived yesterday morning by train
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 140 7 UPI Washington. Tuesday Secretary of State Cyrus Vance has ruled out the sale of US arms to China. At a State Department news conterence, Mr. Vance said: "Our policy remains unchanged about arms to the Soviet [Jnlon or to the People's Republic of China.
    UPI  -  140 words
  • 147 7 AFP Peking, Tuesday The easing of China's policy on religions and their leaders was confirmed recently during an official visit by President William Tolbert of Liberia. In Nanking on June 24 President Tolbert met the Protestant bishop of that city, Ting Kuanghsun, and eight
    AFP  -  147 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 325 7 YOUR LUCKY IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are an extremely seif-con-fident person when It comes to your own work. In personal relationships, however, you are Inclined to distrust your Instincts. Those to whom you are drawn, you usually end up fearing, simply because you cannot believe your shrewd
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  • 430 8 While most lower-Income earners should welcome the latest Increase In Central Provident Fund contributions, there are enough disturbing elements In the content and Implications of the announcement to cause anxiety among many middle-income employees and some employers. Since 1068, when the rate of CPF contribution was
    430 words
    • 60 8 Arriving at a Southeast Allan capital, a holidaying family took the airport bus to the hotel. During the ride, guide reeled off Information on local custom, currency, transport methods and costs, and a whole lot of other travellers' tips. After the 30-mlnute briefing, the little girl said: "I
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    • 45 8 A friend, applying to the US to study, was granted a visa. At the same time, she was also accepted by the Institute of Education. Her mother remarked with delight: "She Is the most wanted person on earth." Move over, Baader Melnhof Gang!
      45 words
  • 1113 8 Despite pessimistic reports that the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conference achieved too little too late, there has been much progress made, said Singapore's permanent representee, Mr Tommy Koh, who spoke to New Nation's New York correspondent, Edgar Koh recently. In the first
    1,113 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 605 9  -  Art Buchwald Los Angeles Times Some people were a little upset when the US Army put on a large-scale battle for President Cartel at Fort Hood, Texas, two weeks ago. When It vu first announced that the President was
    Los Angeles Times  -  605 words
  • 118 9 This 152-cm long, two-year-old tame carpet snake Is a new teaching aid. Together with other reptiles and wild animals. It makes the rounds to various schools for handicap- ped children In AustraThe animals, which also include a bluetongue lizard and a cuddly seven-month old brush-tall possum,
    118 words
  • 690 9 Tokyo wakes up to a growing problem Every year, abeat 24S people la Slagapere kill themselves, five times that aaasber try. The salelde problem Is new wider intensive study by a committee comprising representatives from the medical social workess, Samaritans ef Singapore, the Csaasslllag
    Observer  -  690 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 3293 10 / 11  -  ...and how they got their names Many colonials honoured Gloria Chandy It could well be said that the history of a country Is written In Its street signs. Take a walk, especially through the old part of Singapore the city area that was first developed by
    Pictures taken from the National Archives  -  3,293 words

  • trend 1
    • 87 12 Stand out in a crowd bare your shoulders in these refreshingly different and sophisticated outfits designed by Anna Lee. They are Christinas crackerinspired, says Anna who recommends silk, jersey or any soft-flowing material for them. Sketch 1: A three-piece with a tight skirt that has slits
      87 words
    • Grapevine
      • 110 12 Did you know bagpipes can cause lung pollution? The warning was, sounded by Australian doctors in the Lancet, an International Journal for doctors. They came across the tartan terror while treating a Scotsman who complained of a persistent cough. They found it was due to a
        110 words
      • 78 12 We're all heard about the fabulous wealth of the Middle Easterns and about how they've been spending their money, but this leport quite takes the cake. A man from Alexandria, Egypt, has ordered a floating four-storey hotel from Japan. It Is to be towed IS,000km across the
        78 words
      • 83 12 Some employers do have a heart. Like the toy firm in Peterborough, England, which gave a newly-wed couSle a £500 holiday In aria, even though they were on strike. The oouple, Chris and Nina Bralnes, cancelled their honeymoon to support their colleagues who were picketing over
        83 words
      • 94 12 The last time tattoos hit the headlines was In the early "70s when rock singer Janls Joplln had a delicate red rose marked out on her breast. Now they're back in fashion again, with more and more girls wanting pretty pictures peeking out of their bikini tops. Kngllsh
        94 words
      • 64 12 Those who've been threatened they can get cancer from watching too much TV, smoking, and even staying out too long In the sun, can now take heart There are some things In the world that Just might cure the disease. One medical researcher believes a glass of
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    • 616 12 NYT New York: When it comes to sex among the elderly, Victorian attitudes persist even in this age of sexual liberalism. Society's disapproval of sexual activity In old age Is reflected in such common expressions as "dirty old man." "old goat" or "le
      NYT  -  616 words
    • 361 12 UPI Chicago: A doctor says children often refuse to finish their dinner for a good reason they have better nutritional habits than their parents. "Children will eat a relatively hearty breakfast and lunch, but to get them to clean their plates alter a large
      UPI  -  361 words
    • Dear Ros
      • 357 13 I left my husband after a year of marriage, and three years of courtship, because we were incompatible. This bitter experience has made me afraid of getting involved with men again. A sentimental and emotional person, I have not felt lonely during our two years
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      • 283 13 I have been a salesgirl for about nine months. My uncle, who works In another company, has recommended me for a typist's Job In his firm. I can t make up my mind about the new Job because I am a slow learner. My typing Is average
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      • 223 13 I had an affair with H and he has promised to marry me. He was married, but his wife passed away some time ago. While I'm delighted with his proposal of marriage. I cannot help but feel his willingness to marry me is not because he
        223 words
      • 232 13 I regard working at a salesgirl as a very lowclass job. In three months time, I'll have been with a company for a year. Should I change my job? I'm afraid people will laugh at me because of the kind of work I'm doing.
        232 words
      • 98 13 Last year, my brother met Sal. When he found out recently that ahe had been seeing other boys, he broke off with her. I often aee him looking at her photo and I feel this sad Incident made him fall his mid-year exams. What should
        98 words
      • 105 13 I am an ardent fan of your column. I find It both pleasant and Interesting. But ever since It was shifted to Tuesdays. I have been missing the Motoring column which appears on Mondays. You nee, I cannot afford to buy a copy of the paper every
        105 words
    • 92 13 Talk about the bag-fy look—ltalian designer Renato Balestra certainly has gone to town on this idea, as these two creations show. On the left is a floral print kimono- styled gown with huge handkerchief sleeves, flared skirt and high neckline with daring slit from the neck to
      92 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 If fashion sketching is your secret love, send your efforts to us. We'll pay $20 for each work we publish. Mount your drawings on cardboard together with fashion details you may like to add. Include your name, address and photograph and send them to our Sketchped Series.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 49 13 Contact Lenses For Natural Vision Contact Lens Practitioners Ophthalmic Opticians Optometrists For hard soft lenses, consult: NANYANG OPTICAL CO (PTE) LTD. Head Office: Katong Branch: 470 Geylang Road, G-33. Ground Floor, Singapore 14. Katong Shopping Centre. Tel: *****0 Singapore 15 Tel: *****56 JHL We care for your eyes. IV
      49 words

  • 187 14 UPI AFP London, Tuesday Th.- US dol ar cos id lower on most European foreign exchanges In yesterday's opening. The pound clos.d at U551.8895, up from Friday's clo lng o. U~s 1.8735 a.d an opening of US$l.BBB5. In Frankfurt the dollar closed at 2.***** marks, down from Friday's
    UPI; AFP  -  187 words
  • 418 14 Business News and Views Reuter London, Tuesday: The world's tin producers yesterday debated how best to obtain a rise in the support prices of this vital metal. They were last raised a year ago. But tin consumers and parti cu.arly the United States
    Reuter  -  418 words
  • 87 14 Reuter Washington. Tuesday—- The World Bank yesterday announced that it had agreed to lend US$l7 million ($39 million) to Malaysia for a population and family health project. The bank said that Malaysian, with a current population of about 13 million, has had en- couragelng auccess
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 220 14 Stocks, overcoming Investor concern about the slumping dollar and rising Interest rates, rallied yesterday afternoon to post a modest gain. Trading was moderate. The Dow Jones Industrial average, which fluctuated In fractions much of the day, rallied to gain 4.3.? points to 816.79, most of It coming In
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    • 35 14 UPI New York, Tuesday Dow Jones closing averages on the NYSE yesterday: 30 industrials 816.79 (up 4.33); 30 transport 230.30 (up 3.05); 15 utilities 105.01 (off 0.34); 66 stocks 383.44 (up 1.36). UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 135 14 AFP Selective buying centred on Incentive-backed Issues drove prices higher on the Tokyo stock market yesterday. The 225-blue chip Dow Jones average gained 15.22 yen to an all time high of 5631.40 yen. The previous high waa 5616.18 yen recorded on Friday. The composite Index, covering all Issues listed
      AFP  -  135 words
    • 40 14 SJG f 1 Rhone 101 I Air 111 unch. B 8 N X522 24 Philip* 62.20 .25 Sue* 240.00 a PeugeotCitroen 377.50 +5.10 Pechlney S3.60 JO C 8 F 281 80 +2.80 Uslnor 24.S0 .50 Hachctte 238 90 3.60
      40 words
    • 123 14 Reuter Prices at 11.30 ajn. today Australian time) on the Syaney Stock Exchange A CI 163 164 ADC 13 30 Ampol Pet 80 >1 ANI 14S 150 APU 117 lit Bank NSW 610 Nil Brambles 170 173 BHP 750 754 CBA 330 NU C8B 397 3M CIO 334 336
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 57 14 AFP Detroit, Tuesday—The Ford Motor Company has recalled 125,000 heavy and medium-size trucks to repair defects in the radiator, fan, It was learned here yesterday. A Detroit motorist was killed last year by the blade of a broken fan. Many Ford cars were called In after that accident.
      AFP  -  57 words
  • 123 14 Reuter London, Tuesday State-owned British Airways were yesterday given government approval to buy 19 American Boeing 737 airliners Instead of British-made planes. The decision seemed certain to attract protests from trade unionists and politicians who have been urging the airline to buy
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 37 14 AFP London, Tuesday The De Beers Organisation which markets almost all the world's production of diamonds announced that Its sales Increased by 24 per cent In the first half of this year to U551,223 million. AFP.
    AFP  -  37 words
  • 191 14 AP BONN: West Germany yesterday said It had told Upper Volta and Mall, two of the poorest countries In the world, tnat It was prepared to write off about 393 million marks ($442 million) lent to them In development aid. It Is the first time West Germany has
    AP  -  191 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 74 14 Poor T. V. Reception FOR HI TTKR COLOUR H K W VII WING ON T V t HANNLLS 3, 5 t 8 10 Fli ASf Al l VIDEOCRAFT TEL:*****30, *****0 SPI lAI ISIS IN T V. ANTKNNA SYSTEM INSTALLATION Conic and see our wide rarnje of the latest colour, black
      74 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 551 14 TUESDAY E NEM WHIM 9 MMEVMMS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./ Mrs./ Miss): Address: N.R.I.C. No: Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW i mm mam mmm mm Cut along dotted linos 1 CLUES FOR GO-2 1. "To and 2.
      551 words

  • shopping
    • 323 15 If you want something light, cosy and airy to give your home a refreshing change from the solid, heavy and dated look, cane furniture is something you should look into. Most of us have been ao influenced by the glossy —mam showing the kind
      323 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 179 15 i SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Welcome For The Installment Peyment J Special Discount For Cash Peyment $550/- per Mt deposit $36/- monthly payment ■■rs:; Mm Per S«t $400/Deposit $80/- R Monthly P Payment $30/- k\—l < t ■i 1 C v People going OVERSEAS go to FOOK ON first Because we
      179 words
      22 words
    • 67 15 Sole Distributors For ADMIRAL RETAIL: B-7 Peninsula Shopping Complex, Singapore, 6. Tel: ***** WHOLESALE: 14 Tanglin Road, Singapore, 10. Tel: *****00 *****68 Call on us for all your sporting requirements and leisure items. ■c* mi HIRE-PURCHASE First payment $410/■ Monthly payment $91/for 12months (Q CORTEN FURNITURE PTE. LTD J4' 2ND
      67 words
      35 words
    • 139 15 Range of furniture can be viewed at our showroom from 11am to 9pm daily. ktPHLm PLAZA SMGAPURA 3*o FLOOR UNIT 338 SHOWROOM TEL: *****9 SINGAPORE INTRODUCING THE AQUA FUN LINE fLOATING LOUNGfS SWIM AIDS POOL AMD PATIO ACCf SSORUS POOI G«w!S INf I A i A Bl l S (00l
      139 words

    • 363 16  -  Judo By BRIAN MILLER Quek Peng Huat's comeback bid after five years will generate plenty of interest when the 12th National judo championships get underway at the Singapore Judo Club premises at 7 tonight. Quek. who was one of Singapore's top judokas in the early 70's,
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    • 245 16 Golf 8t Andrews, Tuesday While his greatest rivals for the British Open golf championship starting tomorrow were still trying to conquer old 8t Andrews, American Lee Trevino came, took one look and went to bed. The merry MexicanAmerican who Is high In everyone's reckoning of major challengers
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    • 189 16 I Athletics Yvonne Cornelius of Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus and Marymount's Munirah Alatas Are expected to provide the highlight when they battle out in the 200 m event for Secondary girls as the National Schools track and field championships enter the fourth day at
      189 words
    • 857 17  -  SOCCER SCENE Hartley explains why he is optimistic by Philip Tan With a little bit of luck, Singapore can pull the rabbit out of the hat at the Merdeka soccer tournament to begin In Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. I got that impression from caretaker coach Trevor Hartley who
      857 words
    • 210 17 j^Hockey Defending champions Singapore Airlines got off to a dismal start in the Singapore Hockey Association Premier League when they were beaten 1-0 by Ceylon Sports Club at Balestler Road yesterday. SIA, the pre-tourna-ment favourites, were expected to hand CSC a beating. But they never
      210 words
    • 332 17  -  By FAUZI OMAR Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday Malays la's midfielder Reduan Abdullah Is a doubtful starter for the Merdeka tournament which Mcks-off tomorrow with Malaysia meeting defending champions South Korea at the Merdeka Stadium. Reduan received a knock on his left knee when he collided with
      332 words
    • 447 18 Hypersonic Id oast the 800 m from Sunset Breeze and Lucky Bee, with Spider King next Love Me Tender was in the rear. Spider King forged ahead at the home turn and drew away to win by four lengths from Lucky Bee.
      447 words
    • 489 18  -  a On the track By K.L. Chan Queen Elizabeth Cup candidate, Saas Fee, underlined his chances for Sunday's classic when he did a stylish workout on good going at Bukit Timah this morning. With a riding boy astride, this Hasty Cloud four-year-old, went on the
      489 words
    • 201 18 j^^fennis Switzerland, Tuesday Top-seed OulUernu) Vilas of Argentina beat Georges Coven of Prance 6-4, 6-4 In the first round of the $75,000 (about S$160,000) Swiss Open tennis championships yesterday. Vilas, winner of the 1974 tournament, flew to London Immediately after his victory to take part In
      201 words
    • 99 18 Fy Athletics Singapore's fivemember contingent to the Indonesian Open track and field championships, returned home this morning with four golds and four silver medals. Edmonton-bound, Kandasamy Jayamani won golds in the 800 m, 1500 m and 3000 m while Tang Ngai Kin won another gold
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 390 16 m: m ELBA VIO MODEL Centre: New classes on Deportment k Personal Oroomlng commencing on Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoon, ror enquiries te»: *****/*****1 or call personally at: Suite 11®. Ist door. M It Q Centre. Clemenceau Avenue (9) succssst successi SUCCESSI Another achievement congratulations to Miss Lajlah Sharma, another
      390 words
    • 450 16 LATEST CAKI-MAKINQ Courses from Netherlands and Germany Classes start on 13-7-78 and 17-7-78 2.30 p.m. 5 p.m. Interested call Mrs. Chng *****30 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CNMfil ft SNIP'S NAME Notice Is hereby given that In consequence of the Intended change of ship's name by our clients Causeway Shipping Company
      450 words
    • 28 16 GUITAR TUITION, INDIVIDUAL lessons on classic/ modern (I Inger slyle) guitars at Singapore Guitar Pte. Ltd., 210, i'lazii Slngapura, S'pore9. Tel: Ifcjjun. P.P. DRIVING SCHOOL Responsible Instructor M.30
      28 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
      49 words

  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 271 18 11 Poetic works 12 Spout of a pitcher 13 Stygian 18 Soho sidewalk edge 19 Shiny 23 Bullish time 24 Cottonwood 25 Speech problem 2d Spouts 27 Irritating to the taste 28 Pursuit 29 Easy to take 30 Contemptible ones 31 Aegean Island 33 French 35 Nimble 37 Undercoats 38
      271 words

  • What's On
    • 211 19 Humour and down-to-e a r th analogies were the highlight of last year's Chinese Inter-Varsity Debates. Viewers can look forward to more of the same when the. Chinese InterSchool Debates begin next week. Eighteen teams, many from schools where Chinese Is not the flrst language, competed.
      211 words
    • 220 19 Why do some people look more like their grandparents than their parents? If both your parents are tall, does it mean you will be tall too? Why do certain children inherit their parents' diseases while others in the same family don't? The
      220 words
    • 316 19  -  Chelsia refuses to co-star on TV Glitter Chatter —4 By Teo Lian Huay The Wynners are not always the winners. The Hong Kong grapevine is humming with speculation that this pop group, which was once called the Losers, has lost Its popularity with fans. This
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 540 19 Sports diary ATHLETICS: National Secondary Schools track and field championships (National Stadium, 200 pjn.), National Primary Schools track and field championships (Toa Payoh AC, 2.00 p.m.). JUDO: National Championships (Singapore Judo Club, Jalan Besar, 7.00 p.m.). NETBALL: Price Waterhouse Intra-firm tournament (National Stadium courts, 5.30 p.m.). HOCKEY: Premier league Police
      540 words
    • 59 19 Tides Today: 1.40 a.m. (2.6 m); 2.44 pjn. (2.3 m). Tomorrow: 220 a.m. (2.4 m): 322 o.m. (2.3 m). Thwaday: 8.11 am. (2.2 m); 4.07 p.m. (2.3 m). Friday: 416 a.m. (2 0m); 6.01 pm. (2.2 m). ftatarday: 5.43 ajn. (1.9 m); 604 p.m. (13m). Sanday: 7.27 > am. (1.9m);7.10
      59 words
    • 284 19 In and around town SCIENCE TALK: Mic-ro-organisms and the techniques In handling them, by Miss Sarasa Bswaran. a researcher with Singapore University. Lecture demonstrations on basic energy and photosynthesis. Both from 2.30 p m to 3.30 p.m. Film snows: Industry Ooes Metric and Think Metric, 4 p.m to 5 p.m.
      284 words

  • 47 20 AH FOOK: Now that the three-month-long courtesy campaign has ended, I hope those who won awards for courtesy will keep up the good work. WEI LIN: Now Is the time for management and the public ta check whether the smiles are genuine or put on.
    47 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 107 20 I instruments and all navigational aids. ire* 3 71* 3 F\na best s*4=,* Bh ■zj9s» Eunlca. G 1, Far East Shopping Centra. 545. Orchard Road. Tat: *****1 Etna Sawing ft Piaaa Cantra. <2-4. Shaw Cantra. Tat: *****9 Etna Bo—«m. Q-4. Holiday Inn. Scotta Road. Tat: *****92 iPw mm, 1 m
      107 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 842 20 TV AND RADIO (SINGAPORE 5] Enter IE LEFUNKEN Conies'! 1.99 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by WHATS MY MY LINE. Panel game. 335 DAIRY OP EVENTS. 3.30 AFTERNOON MATINEE: Great Guns, fart 2- Laurel and Hardy star aa two recruits In the army who end op aa targets at target practice and
      842 words
    • 229 20 LA VERNE AK) SHIRLEY: Cruise. Part 1. <Ch. S, 7.45 p.m. in colour). After looking forward to a five-day cruise of the Great Lakes on a luxury liner, the duo discover, at the last minute, that they're short of money. 8WITCH: The Hemline Heist. (Ch. 5, 9.55 p.m. in colour).
      229 words