New Nation, 13 March 1978

Total Pages: 23
1 24 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Monday, March 13, 1978 No. 2205 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 Tf -y=v NLW NATION COMMENT
    20 words
  • 395 1 Camps near Israel evacuated and public gatherings banned Reuter UPI Beirut, Monday Lebanon were on alert today for possible Israeli reprisals after Saturday's El Fatah guerilla raid near Tel Aviv in which 37 people were killed. Special measures were put into effect In Palestinian reragee camps
    Reuter; UPI; AP radio picture  -  395 words
  • 74 1 AP Paris, Monday A socialist communist alliance and the ruling coalition were running nearly neck and neck In the first round of French parliamentary elections, dampening chances for a leftist government. Official returns for 334 of the 491 seats showed the government parties totalled 46.9 per cent of
    AP  -  74 words
  • 215 1 AP Nicosia, Monday Moderate and hardline Arab states hailed the Palestinian guerilla raid near Tel Aviv as a "courageous operation" that demonstrated the frallity of Israeli security. Saudi Arabia's Riyadh State Radio said the commando raid showed Israel that "security Is impossible as long as the Palestinians
    AP  -  215 words
  • 240 1 Reuter London, Monday A British Journalist confessed on TV last night that he had helped his cancer stricken wife commit suicide, an act which can carry a Jail term of up to 14 years. Derek Humphry described how his wife, Jean, dying of
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 58 1 Reuter Chrlatchurch, Monday. Eleven crew from the Singapore Navy ship Endurance were Injured In a road accident here yesterday. The sailors were on a sightseeing tour of the city when their transit ran was Involved in a collision with a car. They were admitted to Chrlstchurch hospital,
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 31 1 UPI Seoul, Monday A Joint US-South Korea military exercise reached itc Cllma* ye«terday when several thousand marinee of both countries made a landing assault on the country'! south-esst coast. UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 595 2 Perhaps a little more for those in the $20,000 to $35,000 income bracket, Tan suggests The recent revision in the Income tax rates Is aimed at encouraging people to Invest in skills, education and training, an MP said. By doing so, they will push
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  • 163 2 Police will consult the Attorney general's Chambers today to see If It should conduct a disposal Inquiry on the $1.6 million found on board a Singapore Airlines Jumbo on March 3. A police spokesman said that based on the discussion with the AO's Chambers,
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  • 58 2 A national stamp exhibition will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall from Nov 25 to Dec 1. Known as Singpex 78, the exhibition will have a competitive and a noncompetitive section. All stamp collectors, both Singapore citizens and residents here can participate in the competitive
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  • 36 2 A discussion on different systems of government will be held at the Manila Street community centre on Friday at 8 p.m. It will be led by Prof Wu Teh-Yao, professor of politics at Nanyang University.
    36 words
  • 37 2 Organised uniform groups can now camp overnight on sister islands. Bookings for ferry must be made a day In advance at jardine steps ticketlr\g office. Application for camp permit should be made seven days In advance.
    37 words
  • 55 2 Residents of the Henderson Old People's Community Home will be given an ang pow and gifts at a dinner held tor them and for volunteer helpers of the home at Its premises on April 12 at 6 p m. The dinner and gifts will be donated
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  • 188 2 Slme Darby set the pace during the first 45 minutes of bullish trading this morning at the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Sime shares hit a high of $3.66 before easing to $3.64, up 12 cents as speculation hot up in front of the group's interim results to be
    188 words
  • 29 2 A display of original oil paintings by Philippine artist Romeo Enrlquez will be held at the Centre of Pine Arts gallery In Plaza Slngapura until March 31.
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  • 22 2 The Stamford community centre Is organising a three-month elementary swimming course at the Mount Emily swimming pool. The fee Is $12.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 HMK» DL-102 Mini Speaker System Enclosure-Type 2 Wey 2 Speakers. Woofw 100 mm Con*. Twttta 26mm Soft Doma Mm: 112 a lUi 113 mm (W H D) Sound £leetuc dcntte e Gl4-16 Colombo Court Tel: *****3. *****7 e 44 Change Alley Aeriel Plaza Tel: *****6 e 368 A Shaw Centre
      127 words
    • 106 2 V u A. GYRO-AWE FOR A COOL COOL. BREEZE Th« only cooling fan in the world with these features 1. Extra measure of safety: The Gyro-Aire blades and motor are hidden inside the streamlined body; out of the way of curious fingers. 2.Circulatea Completely: The front louvres rotate gently for
      106 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 W Big Sweep BIG SWEEP drawn on Saturday: First: *****8 Second: *****6 Third: *****6 Starters: *****1, *****0, *****4, *****0, *****5, *****5, *****7, *****9. Consolation: *****2, *****6, *****1, *****9. *****1, *****3, *****2, *****7, *****2, *****8. BIO SWEEP drawn yesterday: First: *****8 Second: *****3 Third: *****1 Starters: *****1, *****6, *****2, *****7, *****6,
      64 words
    • 22 2 Toto TOTO Draw No: 20/78. Five out of 49 30. 27, 23, 24. 16; Additional No: 6; Three Circles: 47, 5, 4.
      22 words

  • 414 3 To prevent ex-motorists from going back More stringent measures against car travel may have to be Introduced from time to time, says the Minister of State for Communications, Mr Ong Teng Cheong. This is to prevent motorists who nave turned to buses from switching
    414 words
  • 73 3 The Ulu Pandan community centre plans to raise $40,000 for the building of a new $850,000 centre in Ghlm Moh HDB estate. It will hold an all-star variety show at the National Theatre on June 29 and 30, and a houss-to-house donation appeal. The new centre will
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  • 24 3 A talk and demonstration on doll making will be held at the Serangoon Gardens community centre on March 23 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 29 3 The Toa Payoh Branch Library will hold a talk In Mandarin, on Preschool Education at the library's lecture hall on March 17 at 7.30 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 152 3 The Government is to offer merit bursaries to students who obtain good QCE "O" level results to study at the Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Technical College and Singapore Technical Institute. Preference will be given to students who are willing to take up subjects where there Is
    152 words
  • 141 3 The NTUC is training a group of 150 educators to propagate and Introduce productivity programmes In Industry. It also plans to send some of them overseas study productivity programmes undertaken by Arms in Japan, US and West Germany. The NTUC Productivity Services Unit is conducting productivity
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 •J w*l lE* m Vitamin-enriched Lactogei\ Plus Protein gives the essential nourishment older babies need Breastmilk is best for your baby. But when you can no longer breastfeed or when supplementary feeds are needed, you will find Lactogen Plus Protein an ideal supplement or follow-up milk when your baby requires
      263 words

  • 339 4  -  It also brought down overall results By Teresa Ooi More students failed their General Paper In last year's GCE "A" level examination than In the previous year. This hu caused some concern In at least four junior colleges and a few secondary schools with
    339 words
  • 191 4 Two expatriate teachers on a three-year contract with the Education Ministry packed up and left Singapore without giving notice. The two teachers from Britain were among the 30 expatriates handpicked to ease the current shortage of graduate teachers. One of the teachers, a 27-year-old
    191 words
  • 52 4 Work on a water main across New Chanel Road near Bedok Roaa will begin on Saturday and will be completed In (our weeks' time. This Is part of the project to provide the Changl airport with a water supply. The motoring public is advised to use
    52 words
  • 54 4 Mr Leng Joon Wong, an artist who specialises in water colours of landscapes, will give an Illustrated talk on art at the National Museum theatrette on Wednesday at 3 p.m. The talk Is the second in a series of three specially pre; fnted oy the museum for
    54 words
  • 39 4 A British firm, Albert Plant Ltd of Ilford, Essex, is offering a reward for the arrest of person or persons who allegedly cheated the company of $3.5 million and not $15 million as reported in Saturday's New Nation.
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  • 107 4 The Singapore Organisation of Seamen has helped to resolve a $65,000 pay dispute between 27 foreign crew and the owner of a Hong Kong ship loading cargo here. At a meeting held at Trade Union House on Saturday, the vessel's owner paid three months' wage arrears
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  • 68 4 AU 34,137 tickets for Sunday's football match between Singapore and Malaysian Armed Forces were sold out within four hours after sales began yesterday. A Sports Council official said the tlokeia went on sale at the National Stadium, the Queens town and Toa Payoh athletic centres and the
    68 words
  • 110 4 They look as though they have been friends for years. The fact Is boxer and boy became pals only yesterday—at the 17th champ lonihip dog show held at the National Stadium. Nine year old Jan Van Volten befriended the boxer while its owner was watching the
    110 words
  • 169 4 of a hotel clerk The Food, Drinks and Allied Workers' Union Is taking Issue with the Merlin Hotel for dismissing a girl clerk while negotiations were going on over her earlier demotion and transfer. FDAWU is expected to challenge the management's right to terminate her services. The
    169 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 JP School of Coapitiig tht Training DtvUrton of REGIONAL APPLIKD COMPUTING CKNTRC Diploma in Comiutcr Studies Approved by Hm Ministry of education Applications arc invited for odmission to the Diploma court* for fulltime, part-time and day-release students commencing April 1978. (1) Successful completion of GCE 'O' level with evidence of
      214 words
    • 17 4 nail la MO ft ALSO THEFT/GLAROFADE PROOF Available: Do-ltyouraell kits, too. S PORE *****8 Wall' K.L. *****5
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  • 405 5 China's first public statement Reuter Manila, Monday Chinese Vice Premier Li Hsien-nlen has offered his, country's full-backing to Asean in its search for regional neutrality and the protection of its natural resources in the face of the super powers. Mr Li was speaking
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 167 5 AFP Belgrade, Monday Cambodia has snut down Its secjndary schools and universities and la concentrating on primary schooling to Increase literacy, according to a report from Canibodla by a visiting Yugoslav correspondent. In an Interview reported on Saturday by the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug,
    AFP  -  167 words
  • 295 5 Reuter Jakarta, Monday—lndonesia's economy has withstood a series of extraordinary challenges In the past Ave years and was now stronger than ever before, President Suharto told the opening session of the People's Congress. In his address on Saturday, he singled out the Pertamlna crisis and
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 171 5 UPI Zamboanga City (Phi lipplnes), Monday A hagard French Culture Ministry offlclal kidnapped by Muslim rebels two weeks ago was freed unharmed yesterday without any ransom being paid, military authorities reported. Pierre Huguet, 59, was released on a small Island 32km south of this port
    UPI  -  171 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 Rules: 1. This contest is open to anyone purchasing any of the products in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei from 15th February to 15th May 197 a 2. The name on the entry form must correspond with the name on the guarantee card and return together. 3. This competition is conducted
      348 words

  • 405 6 AFP Paris, Monday Early computer forecasts In the first round of French general elections yesterday showed the leftist opposition leading the current government coalition forces. But the leftist lead was not the landEllde predicted In certain recent public opinion surveys, and pro-fovernment forces
    AFP  -  405 words
  • 279 6 AP London, Monday Ethiopia has set Its conditions for peace with Somalia In their conflict over the Ogaden territory, Addis Ababa Radio said In a broadcast monitored here on Saturday. The broadcast listed three demands on Somalia and said they were vital for
    AP  -  279 words
  • 99 6 AFP Peking. Monday Boviet President Leonid Breshnev and Premier Alezel Kosygln tent congratulatory messages couched In the coldest, most laconic term* allowed by protocol to the newly-elected President of the Chinese National Assembly Teh C h 1 en ying and to Chairman Hua Kuo-fenf on his nomination
    AFP  -  99 words
  • 205 6 AFP New Delhi, Monday For the first time, India and China have recognised jointly the existence of a border problem between them and expressed willingness to settle it through negotiation, observers here noted yesterday. The reaction, followed talks here on Saturday lasting an hour
    AFP  -  205 words
  • 105 6 Reuter Lahore, Monday Pakistan's military government yesterday placed the wife of former Pre-' mler Zulflkar All Bhutto under house arrest for 15 days, reliable sources said. Iranian born Mrs Nusrat Bhutto was accused by the government of organising demonstrations, the sources said. Judgment Is expected this
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 61 6 Reuter Moscow, Monday Three months of weightlessness In space has caused a slight change In the position of the heart of engineer Oeorgy Orechko one of the Saiyut-6 cosmonauts, a leading Soviet space scientist Dr A. D. Yegorov, said yesterday. Another change was a minor shrinking
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 32 6 UPI Rome, Monday Prime Minister-designate Glulio Andreotti and his Christian Demo cratic cabinet will be sworn In today as Italy's first government In 31 years with official Communist Party support. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 116 6 UPI TOVAY Is Monday, March 13. the 72nd day of 1978 with 293 to follow. THE MOON Is approaching Its first quarter. There is no morning star. THE EVENINb STARS are Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and s&turn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Pisces. Swiss
    UPI  -  116 words
  • 51 6  -  DJ. Joker Trevor Edward* landed In court for barking at a police dog. He saw police, at Stoke-on-Trent, England, quelling a disturbance and thought It would be fun to bark at their dog. It wasn't and Trevor, who Is tt. was lined M ($225) for threatening behaviour.
    51 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 286 6 Ah Fook and Mei Lin r \r \i m N tt+4 4 i fj ♦T#> I J/vV: 0 Wf s WM a ri' r <s Ah Fook Do you know about the cold blitz in America? 'Mel Lin Yes, for once I have no complaints about the heat here. Ah
      286 words

  • 444 7 AFP UPI New York, Monday Rhodeslan nationalist leader Robert Mugabe said in an interview published here yesterday he does not rule out intervention by Soviets and Cubans alongside nationalist forces. "We have said In the past that we believe we are our own liberators"
    AFP; UPI  -  444 words
  • 107 7 Reuter Lausanne, Monday An International group headed by former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt yesterday urged the world's richer nations not to regard the economic growth of poorer countries as a threat. A communique Issued at the end of a two-day meeting of Mr Brandt's
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 48 7 Reuter New Delhi, Monday Former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held a 30-minute private meeting with the head of a visiting Chinese goodwill delegation Mr Wang Pin-nan here yesterday. Mrs Gandhi, said after the meeting: "I had a friendly exchange of views with Mr Wang."
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 216 7 UPI Tokyo, Monday Editorial critics oi Prime Minister Tatceo Fukuda said yesterday the government was again paying lip service to Japan's economic problems by announcing a new Imports plan. "There is nothing new in the programme," said a iront-page commentary in the Sankel
    UPI  -  216 words
  • 252 7 AFP Cairo, Monday Egypt Is ready to normalise relations with the Soviet Union provided they are based on mutual respect, President Anwar Sadat said In an interview In the latest issue o{ the weekly paper, October. He said he had no objection to doing the
    AFP  -  252 words
  • 166 7 UPI Washington, Monday The State Department has reiterated that the United States la not adopting a more protectionist trade policy. In recent days and weeks. Americana have heard about farmers stopping trucks with Mexican vegetables and seen reports of Imported Japanese television sets
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 133 7 Reuter London, Monday Slow growth in the world economy over the next five years was predicted yesterday by the Henley Centre for Forecasting. a leading British research group. World growth will be below the average since World War Two. It said, averaging 3.5 per cent a year
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 LN22WIRI FEEDER (PORTABLE) SEMI-AUTOMATIC WELDING EQUIPMENT LN-7 AND LN-8 WIRE FEEDER WELDING ELECTRODES SttES 1 4in.< 2 smm 6.3 mm) LH 70-90-110 FLEETWELD 35-5P SHIELD-ARC 85-HYP STAINWELD 347-316-308-16 LINCOLN FLUX 780 860 LIIXJCOLPd H! AUSTRALIA Ltd. ()ftia: 43. Kallang Road, Singapore H. ri1:25X676«J-*****0V-25H4251)-25K < >566 131 ines) Cable \dd: SIWII-
      54 words

  • 420 8 Rarely in Malaysian electoral history had there been a victory as decisive as the unequivocal way In which Kelantan endorsed the National Front. The Front among the three main contending parties had the fewest candidates, 24 against 36 for Pas and 25 for Berjasa. Yet
    420 words
    • 84 8 Trust the report makers to notice. It seems that the United Nations EuroEi e a n headquarters urn out 271 million pages of documents a year. The one million pages produced for a five-day UN meeting used up one year's growth of trees In a three hectare forest.
      84 words
    • 32 8 Prince Charles has made the Samba respectable. But one woman who used to samba her way across dance floors during its rage complained: "Hs'a at least 25 years too late."
      32 words
  • 733 8  -  Ismail Kassim analyses the Kelantan polls Ismail Kassim Kota Baru, Monday The Kelantan electorate clearly showed that spi r 11 u a llsm alone was not enough when they gave a massive mandate to the National Front and Its ally, Berjasa, In last Saturday's state
    733 words
  • 699 8  -  MONDAY WITH TAN BAH BAH TAN BAH BAH If the 160 learned women members of the Bar will permit, let us get on with the proceedings. We have here a petition to the effect that his Lordship the Chief Justice's Intimations on the type of
    699 words

  • 759 9  -  Hugh Baker's For the Chinese, the family has always been the most Important unit of society. The Individual played a role subservient to the family, and lived In order to keep the group strong and vital. By contrast the western family has developed In
    759 words
  • 425 9 UPI Belgrade: After seven months of angry debates, tough negotiations and long diplomatic staring contests, the Belgrade Conference has finished the first official review of the 1975 Helsinki Agreement. The United States savs It won. The Soviet Union says it won. And Earope's
    UPI  -  425 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 545 9 Jackpot is now $10,000 No entrant submit- Singapore 15. neatly, with care. It's ted a solution which each receive wiy enouttt to PACK «nrr/>ennn>iA/< i« oil $83.30. The balance of neatly without praccorresponded In all $500 u carried over to tlce". Preference for respects with the set the next contest
      545 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 102 10 i i s aII J x K [It-: »< .-t TTjh *<r W Agent Distributor for 1 -;r m;:* 4-r c?s A -> raw < <>4S? *■> <>- ~*»v :fh f *W T- I' 0 J v <" i r i ISPR? m,2 w i<•§ JT -A v f r
      102 words
  • Sibex '78 (Wednesday to Saturday)
    • 581 10 It gives exhibitors a chance to meet key people "Three years ago, when we first came to Singapore, we were struck by the Republic's development plans with urban renewal taking top priority." These are the words of Mr Phil Ullo, vice president of Industrial and Scientific
      581 words
    • 260 10 The Senior Minister of State for National Development, Dr Tan Eng Liang, will open the four-day Sibex exhibition on Wednesday. The exhibition will tee a return of several oversea* companies which took part in the Sibex'76 exhibition. Among them are Grano•ite Pty Ltd of
      260 words
    • 643 11 Construction and building methods in Singapore and the •region have undergone remarkable modernisation in the last decade, and along with It a growing sophistication in building materials. Despite the continued recession in the world economy, Singapore's own building materials manufacturing capability has continued to grow,
      643 words
    • 271 14 Italy heads the Hat of countries taking part in the forthcoming SlngaKre international Build g and Construction Equipment exhibitions (Slbex and Conequlp) at the Hyatt and Goodwood Hotels from March IS to 18. Forty-two Italian companies will take part In the exhibitions. They
      271 words
    • 305 15 10 Indon firms to show their goods The stateowned Forestry Public Utility oi Indonesia, otherwise known as Perum Perhutanl, Is among 10 Indonesian firms taking part In the Slbex '78 exhibition. Founded In 1972 to farm nearly 2 million hectares of forest In Central
      305 words
    • 18 16 The prisma collection by Carom* Marina 3LT pendant (old plated light amber
      18 words
    • 263 17 Italians almost always pride themselves as the ceramic tile maker of Europe, and Indeed, the world. They have developed it to such an extent that Italian wares are now found in markets all over the world. The sales figures are staggering. In 1972, Italy
      263 words
    • 301 18 A seminar will be held at the Hyatt Hotel from Wednesday to Friday In conJ unction with the 81>ex and Conequlp exhibitions. The seminar, to be held from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, will reflect some of the important issues facing the industries
      301 words
    • 31 18 This is the centralised panel signal system which can be used in hospitals and hotels. It is one of the exhibits at the Sibex 78 display
      31 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 165 11 See the Australian Display, SI BEX '78, Hyatt Convention Centre, 2nd Floor Exhibit Area, Singapore. 15-18 March, 1978 Hours: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Australia's boom in housing and multi storey, high-rise construction led to the manufacture of building products becoming a major Australian industry. By combining use of research with practical
      165 words

    • Dear Ros
      • 283 12 / 13 We registered our marriage Ift years ago but haven't gone through the traditional religious ceremony because we are still waiting for a tlat. I stay with my parents. The trouble is I have vo more feeling for him, although he still
        283 words
      • 209 12 / 13 I'm 22 and still single. Friends ask me when I am going to settle down and I always tell them I'm too young to think about marriage. Am I? The other reason may be that Mr. Right has not approached me yet. Perhaps It's because I
        209 words
      • 113 12 / 13 I am deeply In love with my former boss and tried to express my love by giving him expensive presents. Lately, I found out that he has a steady girlfriend. Despite this, I sent him a magazine and a New Year card. He did not reciprocate.
        113 words
      • 111 12 / 13 I had sex with my fiance (we're registered but haven't gone through the traditional ceremony) and five days later my appetite changed. I dislike all my favourite foods, suffer from headaches and stomachaches. I'm very worried. Is it pregnancy or gastric pain? WORRIED Dear Worried, Even If
        111 words
      • 116 12 / 13 We had to break off our relationship because my parents were against mv former boyfriend. Now I'm married but I can't forget him. Hes probably married and with children too. I think I'm still in love with him. What shall I do? UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT Dear
        116 words
      • 167 12 / 13 I have been married for a year and already I'm sick and tired of it. It is meaningless and agonising. We had countless quarrels while courting but still got married. Now, whatever understanding we used to share baa disappeared. She is easily irritated, despises my habits
        167 words
      • 232 12 / 13 My father 1a suspicious and unreasonable. He runs into a rage whenever I come back a little late. He wasn't even pleased when I decided lo attend a course at nights. He ransacks mv belongings when I'm not in. My letters are opened. And of course dates are
        232 words
    • 1039 12 / 13 NY Times New York: Maria takes her maternal role very seriously. Constantly vigilant, she monitors the baby's every need: The moment she whimpers, Maria is right there to pick her up, feed her, comfort her. Maria carries the 18-month-old child around with her
      NY Times  -  1,039 words
    • Grapevine
      • 142 12 / 13 If you didn't cuddle your baby a few minutes after birth, you're more likely to be divorced, scold your child more in later years, kiss and cuddle him less. This waranig was given recently by Dr Marshall Klaus of Case Western Reserve University, according to a
        142 words
      • 45 12 / 13 The Hong Kong Sang Ngai Troupe, which performed Teochew opera at the National Theatre last week, presented a different opera each night. Quite an achievement really when one compares it with western theatre which offers only one presentation for the entire season.
        45 words
      • 80 12 / 13 When you next ring Holiday Inn, ask for the Baron's Table. I did recently and heard a pleasant voice calling out: "Oood afternoon. Baron's Table best In town." That little blurb for the restaurant slipped In after the greeting, 1* the hotel's latest PR gimmick says Its PRO.
        80 words
    • 90 12 / 13 For sheer luxury there's nothing to beat the sensuous feel of satin. Satin also translates into slinky. For knockout appeal here is a satin two piece in peach. The straight-cut pants are caught at the cuff with diamante while the simple cape-sleeved top has a straight
      90 words
  • Page 12 / 13 Advertisements
    • 34 12 / 13 > SILVERWARE GLASSWARE CANDLES O OC |C UpT° 50/ STH ALE J r ft* i the shop 431,3 rd Floor, Shaw Centre J Scotts Road, Singapore 9 5! Telephone: *****9 JL CO DECORATIVE MIRRORS CUTLERY
      34 words
  • Page 12 / 13 Miscellaneous
    • 551 12 / 13 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below. Nome (Mr./Mrs./Miss): Address: N.R.I.C. No: Tel: I- FILL IN JL JL MISSING LITTERS C A L ACROSS G I using C A CLUtS ————BELOW along dotted lines CLUES FOR FX-1 1. A country of South America 2. However carefully
      551 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 From rocket ships to roller skates, the house you live in, even the shoes you wear, THIS IS WHERE IT ALL BEGINS. ON THE DRAWING BOARD. That is why it is important to start with the right equipment Jl f ITALIAN DRAWING BOARD pAr mAfA AAA •v; For more information
      92 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 43 16 MERONI PREMI-APRI-LOCKS W& v 1) Specialist in press button door-locks 2) Available in 11 beautiful colours. 3) Applicable for bed-rooms, bathrooms and main doors. 4) Available in stock Interiors (S) PTE LTD. 401, RIVER VALLEY ROAD SINGAPORE 10. TEL: *****6, *****02 *****77, *****3.
      43 words
      34 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 83 17 Step into bcauh M> m I AMORE ALLA LUNA A II GICXX) AL SOLE JHMENA ATHENA CERAMICHE S.pA. We offer you ceramic tiles ahead of its time: colours, patterns, designs and styles to complement any decor. They are pretty to look at, easy to care for, and within your budget.
      83 words
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  • 728 19  -  Your insurance policy may not cover parts lost or damaged 1 Motorcycling by Lee Chiu San If you've recently renewed your motorcycle Insurance you'd better take a second look at the policy. There's a possibility you are not getting as much coverage as you think
    728 words
  • 131 19 f —J Business News and Views L a Reuter Closing price* at 11.30 am. today (Australian time) on the Sydney stock Exchange: A CI 160 165 ADC 16 25 Ampol Pet 71 72 AN I 136 13S APM 118 120 Bank NSW 510 612 Brambles 176 BHP 550 652
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 60 19 AP Hongkong, Monday Hong Kong and Canada have Initialed a memorandum of understanding on restraint of certain Hong Kong textllo exports to Canada, the government announced yesterday. As an immediate measure the Hong Kong government has agreed to restrain exports to Canada of bed sheets, cotton
    AP  -  60 words
  • 25 19 AP La Paz, Monday Bolivia say* it will formally protest a US plan to sell off 45,000 metric tonnes of Its tin stocks.—
    AP  -  25 words
  • 466 19 LONDON Lloyds Bank Int'l London Stock markets on Monday were characterised by the development after hours of a technical bear squeeze which lifted the P.T. Index by 6.6 points to 442.8, the biggest single day rise for nearly eight weeks. Initially the Index «u down 1.3
    Lloyds Bank Int'l London  -  466 words
  • 409 19 ZURICH Union Bank of Switzerland The restrictive Implementing regulations for the ban on investments by foreigners had a sobering effect—ln view of the fact that the rumours circulating on the stock market regarding a possible approval of offset ting operations proved groundless—and generated weakness again In
    Union Bank of Switzerland  -  409 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 176 19 u i i Macpherson Replacement Cartridges L j Monro* is the proven, economical way to renew Macpherson stmt suspensions. Quick. Economical Efficient ForToyota, Datsun, Mazda, Ford, VW, Peugeot, BMW, Fiat, Mitsubishi and ail makes using Macpherson strut front suspensions. Saves unnecessary repair costs your mechanic simply inserts a cartridge to
      176 words

    • 213 20 Rj Hockey Reuter London, Monday—Australia crushed England 5-2 and India beat Scotland 3-2 In an international hockey tournament at Lord's cricket ground here yesterday. In another international match at Roehampton, Malaysia and Wales drew 1-1. Australia, India, England and Malaysia are all taking part In the
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 102 20 fS Squash Reuter Dublin, Monday World champion Geoff Hunt survived a strong challenge by Pakistan's Hlddy Jahan to win a place In the final of the Irish Open squash championship here yesterday. Hunt, the Australian holder of the Irish title, won an exciting 90mlnute
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 56 20 Cope nhag en, Monday Llem Swie King of Indonesia won the men's singles title at the Danish Open badminton championships here yesterday, beating Thomas Kihlstrom or" Sweden 8-15, 15-9, 15-7. Kihlstrom, better known as doubles player, knocked out Llem In an early round of the World
      56 words
    • 219 20 Soccer AFP Reuter London, Monday Ipswich Town manager Bobby Roboon reacted angrily to the violence of the Mlllwall fans at The Den yesterday. "Get the flame throwers oat and burn the bastards," he raced, continuing: "To think we fought In the war so that hooligans Uke that
      AFP; Reuter  -  219 words
    • 551 21 By SCRUTINEER Several horses that ran at Bukit Timah over the weekend showed promi sing form, and it will pay to follow them. Topping my list is Bill Collector. Bill Collector Is finally beginning to show some interest In racing. He gave his best
      551 words
    • 94 21 Racing will resume In Malaysia next month when the Perak Turf Club hold a two-day meeting on April 8 and 0. Originally the two days were scheduled for the Penang combined pro-am meeting. The classes of horses to be catered for at Ipoh will not be known
      94 words
    • 680 21  -  WEEKEND GOLF by Lim Kee Chan The Local Circuit next year will be held earlier to glre the Singapore professionals a chance to go on the Asian tour which starts with the Philippines Open. ThU assurance was given by James Loh, the Local Circuit
      680 words
    • 341 21 Quiet Fling led past the 800 m and Into the straight from Banbury, with See Fall third. Template was last. Banbury challenged 200 m out but made no Impression on Quiet Fling. Quiet Fling ran on strongly to win by lft lengths
      341 words
    • 82 21 DALLAS (Texas), Monday—JErenne Om* laffong of AaetrmUa finally stepped tke ma of Tracy Aasttn yesterday, ending the ll-y«ar-eld's drcaas of a biff-time tennis victory with a 41, M. win In the Baal ef the Maareea C—ally B *Ans«n U ha?^lisd YT-asatafc winning streak In the gaarter-
      82 words
    • 168 21 Reuter AP Calcutta, Monday American goUer Bill Brask came irom behind to win the India Open golf championship here yesterday with a four Brian Jones, who tod the field on Saturday with a total of 111 along with Kuo Chle- Huang of Taiwan and Stewart
      Reuter; AP  -  168 words
    • 551 22  -  State of the states -by SURESH NAIR With the second round of the Malaysia Cup matches almost In the Anal stages, It looks like the tussle (or the leadership In the North Zone between Penang and defending champions Singapore will be decided on goal
      551 words
    • 144 22 NORTH ZONK P W D L Pcnani 1 > Spore 7 5 1 KMah a 4 i J Kelantan 7 3 1) PtrUs 7 > S 1 MAP < 1 1 Pwak 7 1 P A PU II 14 II 1 IS 7 I* I 7 IS I S
      144 words
    • 528 22  -  Forces have the weakest defence, 50... By JEFFREY LOW Kuala Lumpur, Monday The loosest defence In the North Zone belongs to the Malaysian Armed Forces. And on this fact alone, Singapore can expect to repeat their 4-0 flrst-leg win over Forces at Kallang on Sunday. But
      528 words
    • 247 22 jQciricket Last year's Ssnlor League cricket champions Ceylon SDorts Club are on a nine-day tour of Sri Lanka In preparation for the deience of their title this year. It took the club 26 years from 1951 to regain the title again. Included In the
      247 words
    • 257 22 Two Combined Schools' players Lee Seng Nam and Angela Koh will be the ones to watch in the Junior Individual badminton championsnips at the SUA Hall tonight. Seng Nam. 17, who is the brother of former national champion Lee Ah Ngo, has been turning In some
      257 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 607 20 AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service Weekdays 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Saturdays 8.30 a.m. —3.00 p.m. Public Holidays 9.00 a.m. t.OO p.m. Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office flours CLtA VIO MODIL Centre: New Deportment b Personal Oroomlng Course commencing on Thursday <i Saturday. Further enquiries tel: *****
      607 words
    • 309 20 NAM HO TVIAVIL- Service (8) Pie Ltd. 8.T.P.8. LIC NO: 146 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Gen ting/ Cameron Highland#) by deluxe alrcondltloned coach •even daya *****/-. six days *****/-, departure Jvery Sunday. Monday. Tuesday. Qentlng/ Cameron Highlands four days 8913ft/-, Oentlng Highlands four days *****/ by deluxe alrcondltloned coacn departure
      309 words
    • 141 20 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SNIP'S NAME Notice is hereby given that in conse- quence of the intended change of name of a ship by our clients Ets. Maritime Camllle we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships under Section 417 of the Merchant Shipping Act (Cap. 172)
      141 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 283 20 Crossword Ufl ■A iii m 9 Banqueters 10 Inlaid tile design 11 Surrounded by 12 Make over 13 Recognized 22 Beverage 23 Firm 24 Alps and Andes: abbr. 26 Billiard shot 27 Friends, in Florence 28 Clans 29 Kilns 30 Fast: Fr. 31 On oness toes 32 Look after 33
      283 words

  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 257 22 YOUR LUCKY IF IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY BORN today, you are a serious Individual with originality, determination and good humour. You have an air of calm which others envy but cannot seem to imitate. You are often the only aouree of logic among people who hare excited themselves to the point
      257 words
    • 41 22 THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom I e U I i Of tr w E '..when our of bep, its mrv rkst! »7 ill' I fi i »i /»i n. >.* i. u i m r i r*V< NORBERT by George Fett
      41 words

  • What's On A page that tells you everything you want to know of what's happening in town
    • 885 23  -  A good show by the players of PA's Chinese group Music review L. A By Violet Oon Singapore will He a better description of the People's Association Orchestra than Chinese, judging from the 10th anniversary concert given by the group on March 10 and 11.
      885 words
    • 325 23  -  r I V review k- 4 By Xuan Xong The New Avengers, Ch 5, 10.05 p.m. tonight Last Monday's, opener for the se-* cond New Avengers' series shows It is pretty much the same package as the previous series. Oareth Hunt's coy Gambit and innuendoes to women.
      325 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 604 23 cinema THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT: The Uvea of three characters are interwoven In the romantic melodrama. It u a story of love, revenge and power set In the early 40s In Greece, France and the US. Stars Marie-France P1 s 1 e r, John Beclc and Susan Sarandon. Orchard:
      604 words
    • 317 23 LEATHER GOODS EXHIBITION presented by eight Italian leather goods manufacturers, uoods Include evening bags, wallets and fabric bags. Mandarin Hotel, till 6 p.m. Admission free. On till Wednesday. tutor IN 8E8SION FOR YOUTHS at the Social Welfare Department's Family Service Centre, 141, Blk 27, Balam Road. Items Include songs, games
      317 words

  • 55 24 AH FOOK: There goes the belief that women are physically more resilient than men. They may live longer, but according to a survey by the Ministry of Health, women tall 111 more often. MEI LIN: Don't you know that statistics can lie? Another survey conducted in another manner
    55 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 106 24 Handcrafted with unprecedented devotion to excellence < f. > t +4 r *rr- V T* 11/Uiii MM E 202 Integrated Stereo Amplifier 100 wall* par channal RMS. at 8 ohma guarantee from: \3^ UIC Building,Shenton Way, Singapore I.Tel: *****84-*****26 VICTORIA BAR Soothing music provided by The Originals from 6.00 p.m.
      106 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 517 24 TV AND RADIO Programmes la colour SHARP C JV LiitiftraH+/ilus f> riV V PTU RC22~715 (56cm A l/A I Llv RC26-712 (66cm26"! V MALAYSIA 3] 5.0# QURAN READING. 507 PROGRAMME SUMr MARY. 5.09 PINK PANTHER SHOW: Pink Cubadore. 5.30 NEW8 (M). 5.40 PUTERA PUTERI (r). 6.00 KE8UMA (r). 6.35 SKATEBIRDS.
      517 words
    • 267 24 AFTERNOON MATIStt: Tne Visit. (Cn. 5, 3.35 p.m.) Ingrid Bergman stars as a rich woman who returns to her hometown, where she offers a large sum 01 money to the citizens If they will put her former lover to death. Based on a play by Frledrlch Duerrenmatt, the film also
      267 words