New Nation, 2 March 1978

Total Pages: 19
1 20 New Nation
  • 22 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday, March 2, 1978 No. 2196 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 f =1 NEW NATION L COMMENT j
    22 words
  • 387 1 Reuter UPI Los Angeles, Thursday It was to be Capt. Charles Hersche's last flight before retiring but it never took off. The Continental Airlines DC--10 jumbo Jet, of which he was the pilot, was making Its takeoff run In heavy rain when two tyres blew. The plane
    Reuter; UPI  -  387 words
  • 100 1 AFP Bangkok, Thursday Cambodian Deputy Premier and Foreign Affairs Minister leng Sary will officially visit Thailand towards the end of this month, the Nation Review dally reported today. Qoetinr Thai Premier Knangsak Cho maun, who earlier this week returned from a tour of Thailand's Asean
    AFP  -  100 words
  • 89 1 Managua. Thursday Nlcaraguan national guards used tear gas and fired shots in the air to disperse some 300 demonstrating Journalists In Central Managua yesterday. eyewitnesses said. Much of Industry and the school system were also paralysed by a strike called by opposition em- ployers
    89 words
  • 146 1 AFP Canberra, Thursday Australian Ambassador to Unesco, Sir John Kerr whose appointment caused a big furore In Australia, has resigned. Prime Minister Fraser announced In Parliament that while he regretted the decision he could not argue with Sir John Kerr's reasons. Sir John said he
    AFP  -  146 words
  • 30 1 Reuter Washington. Thursday —An International Monetary fund public cold auction yeeterday nbd nearly US$7l million (SIM million) to help o»fin*l special trust fund for the "world* poorest lAllone^Aeutelr.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 692 2  -  By Bharathi Mohan Twenty-three Singapore firms and foreign companies operating here have expressed interest in setting up Joint ventures in Johore, Pahang and Malacca. This was revealed at the end of a two-day Investment seminar at the Tasek Utara golf club in
    692 words
  • 159 2 The Income Tax Department hM assured some 100,000 taxpayers who have submitted their Income tax returns before the announcement of the new tax changes that appropriate adjustments will be made. An official said: "The public will not be lncorvvenlenced. The department will assess their
    159 words
  • 158 2 More than 270 women and girls released on supervision from the Drug Rehabilitation Centres will report to police stations for weekly urine tests beginning next Monday. Since Tuesday more than 145 women suEnrlsees hare been ued with written notices asking them to go for
    158 words
  • 170 2 Yesterday's rally was extended when the Stock Exchange of Singapore opened this morning with gains attending almost all traded counters. Trading was active and widespread. BUSINESS DONE: First Section: Haw Par (4) 0.88 (7) o.BBft (7) 0 89 (1) 0.89 ft. Sett.: (5) 0.89 (2) 0.90 (6) 0.89
    170 words
  • 208 2 More than 100 nonEnglish medium teachers are being retrained to teach their subjects in English under a special retraining scheme launched by the Education Ministry. Three courses are being run by the Institute of Education. Only graduates and non-graduate teachers who specialise in teaching of science
    208 words
  • 373 2 The United States has offered to provide technical assistance on an Asean group basis and Is waiting for replies from the Asean governments, a US official said yesterday. This was disclosed by Mr. Krland Heglnbotham US Deputy Assistant Secretary of
    373 words
  • 204 2 Reuter Brisbane, Thursday The sugar cane growers representative on the Australian Sugar Board, Mr E. E. Doyle, said here yesterday he expected the long-term sugar export contract with Singapore will be amended along the same lines as that concluded with Malaysia. Addressing the Queensland Cane
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 CONTACT LENSES AND IZAAC J. IZAAC DAVID J.J. AUSTM OO.OPTO.WCBC B.BC .(HONS)FBOA.F3MC Mambara of the Association ol Optical Pract Itlonars, "U.K. PLAZA SIN GAP UR A; UNIT 1171 ST FLOOR TEL: *****1/2 SUPREME HOUSE: UNIT 206 2ND FLOOR TEL: *****
      40 words
    • 24 2 SOS It always helps to talk to someone. Samaritans of Singapore exists to help those in despair or siri c i dal. Ring *****44
      24 words

  • 325 3  -  Part of STPB's plan to revive festivals By Philip Tan A dragon boat race, similar to the one in Hong Kong, may be held here in June. Plans for the event have been drawn up by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, together with the
    325 words
  • 185 3 Rice retailers are now selling 100 per cent Thai rice at 60 cents per 605g. This is because they are now able to ret their supplies from the wholesalers at $55.50 for one bag of 60.5 kilos Instead of $60 which they were paying
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  • 33 3 The Canberra community centre will hold Its seventh annual big walk on March 19 at 8 a.m. Entry fees are $2 for seniors and veterans and $1 for Juniors and women.
    33 words
  • 34 3 Mr Peter Tarn has been elected president of the United Malayan Banking Corporation Recreation Club. The other officials are Mr Anthony Beow. (rice-president), Mr Ng Yeu Kuah (secretary), and Mr Lawrence Yeo (treasurer).
    34 words
  • 328 3 Ong: Entails implementation of the traffic scheme The most crucial phase of promoting safety in the Straits of Malacca eptalls the Implementation of the proposed Traffic Separation Scheme, the Senior Minister of State (C o m m u nications), Mr Ong Teng Cheong, said
    328 words
  • 271 3 The Chanel Airport cargo complex when completed In 1980 may be designated a free trade zone. A Department of Civil Aviation official said-a free trade zone would enable cargo operations to be earned out with the minimum of Customs formalities and Inconvenience.
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  • 18 3 A dlacuttkm on sexual equality will be held at the Rochore community centre at S p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 104 3 The Institute of Education's Music Education Department will hold an exhibition of teaching materials from Monday to Wednesday at its music block. It will open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday and from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. An official
    104 words
  • 147 3 The Singapore Labour Foundation plans to raise $10 million within the next five years to finance Its various projects. The first $2 million Is expected to be raised during this year's Labour Day celebrations. According to the latest issue of Labour News, an NTUC
    147 words
  • 21 3 The Photographic Society of Singapore will conduct a three-month course for beginner* at Its premises at Cashln Street, In April.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 234 4 The Singapore Scouts Association will Invite 30 scouts from each of the four Asean member countries Indonesia. Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines to a one-week camp to be held from June 2 to 8. The Association's public relations officer, Mr Anthony Thng, said 1000 soouts,
    234 words
  • 294 4  -  ...on major roads in the city By Terry Ang The Traffic Police are considering a call by the Automobile Association of Singapore to make pedestrians cross major roads In the city only at designated crossings. Sources said the Traffic Police are now studying the feasibility
    294 words
  • 117 4 AFP Kuala Lumpur. Thursday Twentyeight youths from 16 Commonwealth countries are taking part in a 10-day seminar on youth In business beginning here today. They are from Australia,, Bangladesh. Barbados. FIJI. Kenya. India. New Zealand. Nigeria, Singapore, srl T-nnkft Tonga, Western Samoa, Trinidad. Papua New
    AFP  -  117 words
  • 224 4 The rearmament of Japan is almost certain and it will obviously have economic advantages to the nation, according to Mr Derek Davies. editor of The Far Eastern Economic Review. Speaking at a lunch talk here yesterday to 30 economic officers from American embassies
    224 words
  • 284 4 The Singapore Cancer Society's knowabout cancer telephone project has been delayed because the equipment to be used has not met Telecoms' requirements. The project, called Can Dial, was scheduled to have been launched early last month. The equipment was sent to Telecoms In November
    284 words
  • 81 4 The National Productivity Board will hold a seminar on Quality Control for the Food Processing Industry at Hotel Equatorial on March 27. The seminar is to help local food processing factories upgrade the quality of their products and compete more ef- fectively In the world market, the NPB
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 383 5 AFP Jakarta, Thursday Congress chairman Adam Malik yesterday called on the government to normalise student activities and release all those being detained at present witnout clear charges. Adressing a delegation of north Sumatran students who came to see him at his office to express their support
    AFP  -  383 words
  • 62 5 UPI Washington, Thursday Vice President Walter Mondale yesterday said he will visit Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines next month. Mr Mondale told reporters he will leave on April 6 and return April 16 after giving "a major speech" in Honolulu on US policy In the
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 198 5 UPI AP Oxford, Thursday Foreign Secretary David Owen yesterday called on the Soviet Union and Japan to step up econonomic aid to poor Third World countries. Between 60 and 70 Kr cent of Soviet fore--1 aid, he said, consists of arms and military equipment. Soviet
    UPI; AP  -  198 words
  • 57 5 UPI Bangkok, Thursday —A province governor claimed yesterday he had broken a big prostitution ring that used women refugees lrom Indochina. Mr Chanmnan Potchana, governor of northern Nong Khai province, arrested three Thai men who were charged with using Vietnamese and Lao women refugees from Laos
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 220 5 AFP New York, Thursday —American businessmen anxious to avoid being kidnapped are giving up their luxurious Cadillacs and Mercedes for smaller, less conspicuous, armoured, bullet-proof cars that may weigh a few tonnes but look like the car of the neighbourhood grocer. Protecting millionaires against kidnappers In
    AFP  -  220 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 See Voire of the Press—Page 8. SINGAPORE Tanglin Road Singapore 10. A member of The Peninsula Group. From the Black Forest to the Black Sea! The Brasserie La Rcrtonde. Once again, presenting yet another adventure of tastes! From the Black Forest. To the Black Sea. As varied and as exciting
      167 words

  • 68 6 AFP Tokyo, Thursday. North Korea warned yesterday that "the danger of war la Increasing" on the Korean peninsula because of a massive Joint UB-Bouth Korea military manoeuvre beginning next week. The North Korean Workers' Party paper, Rodon Shlnmun, said "the military exercise Is also intended to speed up
    AFP  -  68 words
  • 55 6 Reuter Narita (Japan) Thursday—More than 50,000 commuters were affected yesterday when railway workers on a local line staged a lightning strike against the opening this month of Tokyo's new international airport, police said. They were protesting against the rail transportation of fuel to the airport at Narita, 60
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 46 6 UPI Bangkok, Thursday. Laos lias ordered France to end its last permanent cultural links to Indo-Chlna, diplomatic sources in Vientiane, reported today. The sources said the French cultural centre in the Laotian capital held Its last French language classes on Tuesday night.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 183 6 Reuter New Delhi, Thursday. India's official opposition Congress Party, which suffered heavy defeats in last weekend s state elections, last night chose former foreign minister Swaran Singh as Its provisional president. The move came only a few hours after former Premier Indira Gandhi, who heaas
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 67 6 Mei Lin: Have you tried ice-skating? Ah Fook: Yes. That was a pai/iful experience Mei Lin: Sudahkah anda mencuba gelongsor airbatu? Ah Fook: lya, ia adalah satu pengalaman yang menyakitkan FOOTNOTE: Chinete it a tonal language. It hat batically four tonet. For example: ba /V(eight);
    67 words
  • 435 6 says Israeli TV report Reuter Tel Aviv, Thursday Israel's state television last night reported that Defence Minister Ezer Weizman had prevented the establishment of a new government-ap-proved Jewish settlement in the Sinai desert. No official comment was Immediately available on the report, which said General Weizman had
    Reuter  -  435 words
  • 101 6 Reuter Canberra. Thursday The Australian Atomic Energy Commission yesterday sharply cut its estimates or world demand for Australia's huge uranium reserves. Its annual report blamed a falling off In orders on antl-nuclear demonstrations In West Germany, the US. France. Italy and Sweden. Other factor* Included adverse
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 109 6 Reuter Klerksdorp (South Africa), Thursday South Africa Is studying the Dosslblllty of using mealle (maize) as a partial substitute for petrol. Finance Minister Owen Horwood said yesterday. He told mealle producers that research had shown petrol could be mixed with 25 per cent ethanol
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 66 6 AFP Nicosia, Thursday The bloody battle at Larnaca airport was blamed entirely on the Egyptian commando unit by the pilot of the Cyprus Airways DC-8 seized by the terrorists. Captain Samuel Melllng, a Briton, told a court hearing that Egyptian troops arrived and opened fire on the
    AFP  -  66 words
  • 111 6 UPI TODAY is Thursday, March 2, the 61st day of 1978 with 304 to follow. THE MOON Is In Its last quarter. THERE IS no morning star. THE EVENING STARS are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this day are under the sign of Pisces. Texas
    UPI  -  111 words
  • 63 6 AP Machynlleth (Wales), Thursday A visibly shaken Prince Charles looked down at the Item which was unexpectedly thrust into his hands yesterday and then roared with laughter as he realised what It was a chamber pot with a mirror in the bottom. It was a wedding present,
    AP  -  63 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 197 6 WORLD WEATHER Rome Rain, 12-16 C. Headline: Decisive days in government crisis. Paris Cool, variable, 8-SC. Headline: New rioting against Somoza leaves numerous casualties in Nicaragua. Bonn Sunny, 14-7 C. Headline: Swiss stock only for Swiss citizens. London Rain, U-BC. Headline: One-day rail strike called off. New York Partly sunny
      197 words

  • 337 7 Reuter Washington, Thursday General Alexander Haig, the US commander in Europe, yesterday said most of Europe's military leaders wanted deployment of the neutron bomb. Oen. Halg said he hoped there would'be a European consensus on having the weapon but acknowledged it was a political issue.
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • 143 7 AP Bonn, Thursday Government spokesmen yesterday confirmed that West Germany was on the »verge of completing a deal to deliver six submarines to Iran In what sources said could be the first step in a major arms deal. The Frankfurt er Rundschau reported that Iran
    AP  -  143 words
  • 172 7 Reuter London, Thursday A British newspaper which carried an advertisement offering jobs to nurses In a South African hos{iltal with "all white patents" did not break Britain's race relations laws, an Appeal Court ruled yesterday. The case, the first concerning an advertisement under the
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 114 7 AFP Peking, Thursday China yesterday appealed to "Taiwanese compatriots," including Kuomlntang (Nationalist Party) officials, to and see the changes in the "socialist motherland." The official New China News Agency published a speech by a top Communist Party official, Mr Llao Chens-chin, who said: "We will cn- sure
    AFP; Source: AP picture  -  114 words
  • 161 7 Reuter Paris, Thursday Badly regulated airconditioning and artificial lighting can cause workers in highrise offices to lose their hair, develop eye trouble and catch colds, according to a report published yesterday. Worke/s made things worse by turning to cigarettes, coffee and medicines
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 33 7 Rome, Thursday The Italian Communist Party's secretariat was expected to meet today to consider a take-lt-or-leave-lt ultimatum by :he ruling Washingtonbacked Christian Democrats for communist entry into a government majority.
    33 words
  • 129 7 AFP Rome, Thursday If you ever fall sick In Italy, hospital is the place you must avoid. That's the first advice Italian doctors usually give their patients. You enter the hospital with one disease, they say. and you come out with four. Doctors In
    AFP  -  129 words
  • 156 7 Kanazawa (Japan), Thursday The Japanese government and three drugs Arms were ordered by a court yesterday to pay damages totalling 240 million yen <$2.4 million) to 16 people as a result of a nervous disease caused by an anti-diarrhoea drug. The case
    156 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 386 8 Thai Prime Minister General Krlangsak Chomanan's visit which ended on Tuesday has reaffirmed the customarily close and friendly relations between two countries with complementary economic Interests. Bilateral cooperation was obviously given an impetus during his discussions with Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The Joint communique at
    386 words
  • 126 8 WHISPERS p ls B Y j David Frost Is helping to write former President Nixon's memories, or so screamed the headlines of the New York tabloid, the Trlb. The result was that David Frost, the quiet chief copy editor of the publishers of Nixon's book, suddenly
    126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    750 8  -  Yet another way to encourge open and free debate By Tihg Hi Keng In school, my classmates and I called this uncomfortable feeling that we all suffered from, the "locked Jaws" syndrome. It Is the reluctance to stand up and express an opinion or suggest an Idea for
    750 words
  • 474 8 r c VOICE OF THE PRESS NEW YORK TIMES Headline: Our Vietnam duty is not over. The horror that was Indo china seems never to stop. Thailand, it is now confirmed, has been returning hundreds of Laotian refugees to communist Laos. The Thai government
    474 words

  • 459 9  -  Art Buchwald Washington: The saddest thing about Watergate, as far as I'm concerned, Is that members of the old Nixon gang have turned against each other. Who would have even dreamed that on the David Frost show former President Nixon would have implicated John Ehrlichman and B3b
    459 words
  • 518 9 Washington Post Tokyo: It is f re q u e 11 tly written that the Japanese are distrustful of foreigners. The other side of that coin is that they admire theit- countrymen who are able to deal with those foreigners and this fact of life is
    Washington Post  -  518 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 259 9 Vitamin-enriched Lactogei\ Plus Protein gives the essential nourishment older babies need Breastmilk is best for your baby. But when you can no longer breastfeed or when supplementary feeds are needed, you will And Lactogen Plus Protein an ideal supplement or follow-up milk when your baby requires more protein for healthy,
      259 words

  • 1030 10 / 11 European multinational firms dominate most sectors of world industry Economist The American multinational corporation, once threatening to dominate world industry, has been overtaken by European companies, says this report by the Economist. Figures are showing that, although the American influence still predominates in certain sectors, the European
    Economist  -  1,030 words
  • 1026 10 / 11 Ecomist What has been resp on s 1 b 1 e for the European competitive surge, especially in foreign manufacturing? Exports are one reason. Foreign manufac turlng almost always follows exports, and continental European countries have won an Increasing share of total advanced
    Ecomist  -  1,026 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Miscellaneous
    • 550 10 / 11 THURSDAY ■^VvH Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below. Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss): Address: N.R.I.C. No: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW MaiaßßßiCut along dotted hrtM CLUES FOR FV-4 1. A noun, adjective, verb, or the like 2. Holding an upright one could involve a certain
      550 words

    • 854 12  -  Cook -in Nothing is so exciting in cooking as learning to use a new Ingredient. Early this week I was told of a shellfish called "seen hoi wong fun" in Cantonese, the geoduc In English. It Is sold in tins under the name Ocean Pearl
      854 words
    • 280 12 > What's Cooking? s If you are confused about a pate and a terrine, you needn't be anymore. My friend, a Francophile, tells me: "A pate is a very smooth paste which melts in the mouth and is often cooked and served in
      280 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 309 12 Puzzles, riddles, crosswords, jokes to share? We pay 95 for every contribution. The sddress is Kids Only, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, Singapore 1. Don't forget to add your name, age and address. 1. A simple puzzle for you to work on sent in by 10-yeor-old Marianne Matthews of 412K
      309 words

  • trend 2
    • 842 13  -  by Sylvia Leow Moving pict u res fascinated me, especially as a child huddled in a seat in a cinema hall 011 a hot Sunday aft e moon. The bright real world receded and became faraway. What remained stamped in the memory forever were the hazy
      842 words
    • Article, Illustration
      120 13  -  by Jennifer Schoon Combs are still news, and these hold back the hair effectively besides being decorative. This lot looks like oblong slides once slipped into the hair. There's a whole range of colours pins stripes and floral designs. From fl-M to 2.50. Available from Metro stores. An old-iasnioned
      120 words
    • 163 13  -  Art Deco bv Ng Weng Sang If there's a party In your diary and you can just afford a new dress but not the accessories, why not make yourself a matching velvet brace- let studded with diamante*? You need: 13 small dlamantes (from Arab Street), plain
      163 words
    • 220 13 Reuter Los Angeles: An obstetrician says he has found a cure for excessive body hair and acne In women. Dr Guy Abraham, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at the University of California In Los Angeles, has told a medical conference these two distressing
      Reuter  -  220 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 76 13 For your medicol needs and pharmaceutical requirements please call at: SALIM CO (PTE) LTD PHARMACY 3 Phillip Street (Junction of Market Chulia Streets) Singapore 1 Tels: *****2 *****3 Inhniim* <Z 36 FORMULA 5000 SUPERFAST V^v* I wtt* LOOK OUT FOR EXCITING NEW MODELS! W 36FANDANGO ROtA-MATICS.I Soto Distributor for Singapore
      76 words

  • 750 14  -  Eight chilling situations packaged for the BBC's new drama series By Ruth Gruber UPI London: -Have you ever wondered what it's really like to be kidnapped, or held hostage or trapped In a dangerous situation with little chance of rescue? The BrlUsh Broadcasting Corporation has plucked eight
    UPI  -  750 words
  • 669 14 Lantau —the key to a bright future for HK Gemini Hong Kong: One of the biggest and least-publicised development projects in the Third World Is on the verge of take-off in Hong Kong. It involves billions of US dollars and the resettling of hundreds of thousands perhaps a million or
    Gemini  -  669 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 310 14 Crossword 3. uumm bbbbb ttmnnKi 8888 ÜBBBB 8888 8888 *****8 111 l mmmm iibbb IMilll *****8811 mum huh *w\ Hill ilßßßil BBI*« ilßßßil ***** M *****888 iIBiIBBB 8888 Hl*? bbbbbb bbbbbbbb iIBBB ***** 8888 8888 ***** M 8888 ***** 8888 ACROSS 1 Saints or Patriots 5 Israeli statesman 10 Village
      310 words

  • 463 15 ...for the dollar's plunge: White House Business News and Views Reuter Washington, Thursday With the dollar at a record low level on world money markets, the White House yesterday blamed its sharp decline partly on the lack of a national energy programme which is stalled
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • Markets round the world
    • 111 15 Stock prices showed some bounce late in the session yesterday, closing mixed In fairly active trading after a dismal performance earlier. AT T Beth'Steel Caterp Tra Chrysler Coca-Cola Contl. Oil Dow Chem Dresser Du Pont E. Kodak Exxon Firestone Pord Mot Oeneral Elec Oeneral Mot Goodyear Hilton Htl
      111 words
    • 30 15 UPI New York, Thursday Dow Jones closing averages on the NYSE yesterday: 30 industrials 743.33 (+1.21), 20 transport 201.11 —0.29), 15 utilities 103.59 (+0.30), 65 stocks 261.16 (+0.26).
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 56 15 AFP Yesterday's closing quotations of the gllt-edgeds, In yen, with Tuesday's In parentheses: Heiwa Real Estate 594 (581), Nippon Oil 531 (536), Komatsu 319 (318), Matsushita Electric 635 (638), Honda Motor 566 (566), Toyota Motor 913 (933), Mitsui and Co. 309 (311), Mitsubishi Corp. 416 (415), Tokio Marine and
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 72 15 Closing; prices in French francs at the Paris Bourse Ksterday: Parlbas 155 +2.50 Fonder 287 +6.10 Printemps 38.80 0.30 Bull 27 +0.10 Royal Dutch 270.70 +0.70 Mlchelln 1093 +35 CGE 286.50 2.50 Thomson 140.50 +2.70 CFP 100.70 +3.20 Rhone 54.60 +1.20 Air 252 +10 BSN 341 +3.30 Philips 53.65
      72 words
    • 80 15 Closing prices In Swiss francs at the Zurich stock exchange yesterday: UBS Bearer 3270 10 UBS Reg 637 SBC 383 8 Credit Suisse 3390 80 Swissair B. 840 80 Swiss Reinsur. 2900 20 Winterthur B. 2260 10 Zurich Insur. Juvena B. 180 Nestle B. 3515 —15 Jnterfood B. 3900
      80 words
    • 118 15 Prices at 11.30 am. today (Australian time) on the 8ydney Stock Exchange: A CI 151 158 ADC 16 23 Ampol Pet 67 68 ANI 135 140 APM 110 130 Bank NSW 510 513 Brambles 173 176 BHP 536 538 Boral 315 318 CBA 330 345 CBR 360 CIO 340
      118 words
  • 264 15 Two top tourism officers from Germany were In town earlier this week to woo Singaporeans to visit their counThey were Mr. Manfred Weller, manager of the Stuttgart Tourist Office. and Mr Hans von Gosseln. managing director of the Hanover Tourist Office. Armed with stacks of brochures and other
    264 words
  • 199 15 UPI AFP London. Thursday The dollar made major comebacks yesterday after crashing to new lows In midday trading but still finished down on the previous rate on most European exchanges. Gold remained firm. In Zurich the dollar took Its most spectacular Jump as news spread just before closing
    UPI; AFP  -  199 words
  • 365 15 AFP TOKYO: The Japanese government may ban the purchase of Japanese securities by nonresident foreigners in a move to check a further appreciation of the yen, it was reported yesterday. Foreigners bought Japanese securities worth about U8$80D million ($1.8 billion) in January and nearly US$1000 million In February,
    AFP  -  365 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 155 15 "««\«*S V I TflE PUB SHAW CENTRE, SINGAPORE. 4 KMMTKXKMBUMOU Scotch WKisKx MACOOHMC OWWUIi ii» ,^fj 75cl GAY LUSSAC O*. Grand Old Parr De Luxe Scotch Whisky We share our Deluxe Whisky wltk you. Yoar rim glass of Gnuri OM Parr Is oa the house. Because we kaow you win
      155 words

  • 413 16 French writer calls far W-Cup boycott Agencies Rio De Janeiro, Thursday Sao Paulo star centre forward Serglnho Bernadlno, bidding for a place In Brazil's World Cup soccer squad, was today suspended for 14 months rollowing an attack on a linesman during his team's league clash against Botafogo
    Agencies  -  413 words
  • 57 16 Results of the New Nation Pepsi Soccer '78 Contest 0. Selamat Taib of Telok Blangah Crescent, I/C No: *****53. Paul Llm of Toa Payoh, I/C No: *****018. Ng Kim Poh of Circuit Road, I/C No: *****28-G. Tan Nol 81ng of Tamplnes Way, I/C No: *****49-H; H.
    57 words
  • 295 16 Ej3 Boxing New York, ThursdayWorld heavyweight champion Leon Spinks appears set to make his first title defence against top-ranked contender Ken Norton on National television in May in Las Vegas. Norton's manager. Bob Biron, "called the bluff" of promoter Bob Arum of Top Rank.
    295 words
  • 215 16 Soccer Reuter London, Thursday Britain yesterday announced it will launch a £75.000 (about $322,000) research programme into the behaviour of football hooligans, who have disrupted matches here and given British soccer tans a bad name in Europe and elsewhere. The announc eme nt came
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 51 16 Results of English soccer games last night: Division One Manchester United 0 Leeds 1. Division 3 Bradford City 2 Gill Ingham 1. Chester 2 Carlisle 2, Chesterfield 0 Lincoln 0. Oxford 2 Wrexham I. Division 4 Torquay 1 Crewe 2. Scottish League Cup semi-final Hearts 0 Celtic
    51 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 476 16 Y7vT7jTsii AT YOUR SERVICE Telephone Service:Weekdays 8.30 a.m. 5.00 p.n Saturdays 8.30 a.m. —3.00 p.n Public Holidays Counter Service Regular office hours Ansafone Service After office hours APHRODITE PROVIDES CHARMING and sociable lady escort*. Contact 809, Bth floor, Far East Shopping Centre, Orchard Road. Tel: *****97/ *****08 RERAIRINQ WASHING MACHINE,
      476 words
    • 153 16 OFFICIAL NOTICE nOPOSAL TO CHANCE A SNIP'S name Notice Is hereby given that in consequence of .the intended purchase of a ship by our clients MM Tanker Corporation we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore Ships undei Section 417 of the Merchant Shipping Act (Cap. 172) In respect of
      153 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 345 16 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY... BORN today, you are purposeful, and do not like to undertake anything that doesn't have a definite and profitable goal. There Is nothing vague about you. Even as a child you will strike others as knowing precisely what you are doing. Not especially
      345 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 16 rwfflii VfUUTA MUOO HONMA. 25. pas ltd »»«y suddenly 3 78 Brother of Ramadav Umaram. Kaituribai. Vnantha. lot Gopal. Brother in law of KratMM and Nelly Burial at CCK Hindu Cemetery. cwteje learnt* 3pm to day (2 3 71) from Blk 200. 103F. loroni 1. Toa fayed. Tel ?S?5094
    49 words

  • 313 17 He'll train at Newmarket for 6 months Racina By SCRUTINEER Penang trainer Teh Choon Beng's budding apprentice Jockey, Kevin Chee Wee Yong, will be getting his big chance to learn the finer points and technique of race riding at two fashionable stables in Newmarket, England
    313 words
  • 345 17 A goal 16 minutes from time by Mohammad Naslr enable Victoria to move into the Serangoon District hockey tournament (Secondary) final with a 1-0 victory over Bartley. The Victorians will now meet powerful Hwl Yoh on Monday at Jalan Hwl Yoh to decide the championship. Bartley
    345 words
  • 30 17 Edmonton, Thursday. Uganda have confirmed that they will send a team to the Commonwealth Games to be held In Edmonton, Canada, next August, the Commonwealth Games Foundatloh announced yesterday.
    30 words
  • 215 17 j^^Hockey Singapore Cricket Club clinched a berth in the final of the Singapore Women's Hockey Association Double Knockout tournament when they scored an impressive 2-0 win over Thereslans at the Padang yesterday. SCC will meet vastlyimproved Girls' Sports Club in the final. SCC showed excellent
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  • 517 17  -  BOWLING by Brian Miller Eleven bowlers hav£ already assured themselves of places In the 1978 national squad. They are: Raymond Kang, Robert Sle, A. K Yons, K. M. Mok, Richard Sim, Jeffrey Tan, Peter Chong, C. W. Wong, S. Y. Loh, C. H. Yang and Norman
    517 words
  • 135 17 PCTsquagir" The Singapore inntor MUlh tonrnsment which heglns on Satarday has attracted M entries for the bon Under 19 event and 14 for the Under It. Peter Hill and Jeremy Yeo are the top seeds In the Under It event, followed by Stewart Ballard and
    135 words
  • 196 17 B 6 Bangkok, Thursday Hsieh Mln-Nan of Taiwan yesterday fired a five-under-par 67 to win the Individual title of the Thailand Open ProAm folf tournament. Mya Aye of Burma, Quy Hamilton of Canada and Yutaka Suzuki of Japan returned OSs for joint second place—one
    196 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 42 17 KCI BALLS *Both •find 28 *20% DISCOUNT on all imported(Bowling Bags *15% DISCOUNT Op all Brunswick .Roto Slar and all olher brands of Balls ft Shoes >Y)? Plus (I) T-Shlrt PMC Tko Me. 1 Mam# In Bowling Jackie's Bowl. Orchard Tel: *****1
      42 words

  • 554 18  -  WM Table I tennis By TONY KOH National men's table tennis champion Chla Chong Boon Is one of the seeded players among the 52 aspirants for the national squad when the selection trials get under way on March 13 at Pul Chlng
    554 words
  • 603 18 Borussia in shock 3-1 defeat Soccer Agencies Lisbon, Thursday European champions Liverpool took a 2-1 lead in their European Cup quar-ter-flnal against Benflea of Lisbon here last night when the British side's skipper Emlyn Hughes scored. The scores at halftime had been 1-1. Playing in driving
    Agencies  -  603 words
  • 289 18  -  By PHILIP TAN Trevor Hartley, the Football Association of Singapore Director of Coaches met the national team for the first time since his return from England after a six-week holiday and was generally Impressed with the good turnout at the Jalan Besar stadium yesterday.
    289 words
  • 138 18 National Under 16 defending champions Combined Schools are among 25 other affiliated soccer clubs who have Indicated their participation in this year's tournament, which Is due to commence next month. The others are Balestier United RC. Brickworks CSC, Common wealth Palace FC, Changl United PC.
    138 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 60 18 THE BORN LOSER aRET>6WAwme TICKET, BROTHER /I<JWT^ afford V I A^OTHCR v a&...y I m SHORT RIBS *75? <3, o\ by Art Sansom m m m m pM nr MMl«i 5889 '■jCtf «£!1 by Frank O'Neal WHY MUST YOU GET SO MEAN WHEN YOU PRINK M m TILLTPeV STARTED O)»PIN6*
      60 words

  • What's On A page that tells you everything you want to know of what's happening in town
    • 489 19  -  By Judith Holmberg The sobering truth of life is served in a most appetising way in the piay Our Town, which is being performed at the Cultural Centre by the Stage Club. A Pulltzer/prlze winner, Our Town Is a slice of the "good old days"
      489 words
    • 135 19 A new contemporary Cantonese drama begins over Channel 5 at 7.10 p.m. on Saturday. The drama, No Man's Land, la named after the slums situated at Diamond Hill In Kowloon and reflects the litestyle of the thousands of poor people who live there. The plot
      135 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1298 19 At the cinema WHAT PRICE STABDOM? (Mandarin) A naive young girl goes to Hong Kong to become a movie star. Eut she finds that the only way to get to the top. involves selling herself and sacrificing her virtue. She holds out for a long while, at the price of
      1,298 words
    • 245 19 SWIMMING: Chinese Swimming Ciub 27th Annual Junior Championship (CBC, Tanjong Rhu, 7 p.m.h ATHLETICB: Buklt Meran Secondary School Meet (Queenstown AC. 2 p.m.), National Schools Cross-country Preliminaries (Macßltchle Reservoir, 2.30 p.m.). BOWLING: WIN Commercial Houses League (Paslr Pan Jang Bowl, 7.30 p.m), Inter-Business Houses League (Jackie's Bowl System. 7.30 pm.).
      245 words

  • 75 20 AH FOOK: If the 'special e d u c a tlon driving courses' ROV is thinking of introducing for suspended motorists are any good, th*y should also be open to learner drivers. After all, prevention is better than cure. MEI LIN: But surely learner drivers should be trained
    75 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 102 20 Nautical instruments and all navigational aids, N r V 1 V k Motion Smith Marina House, Shenton Way, Singapore 2. Tel: *****96,*****55 13 Battery Road, Tel: *****,*****8. Singapore 1. Sime Darby Group A member of the IR Optque iU CONMCT LENSES Specialised in 'n' hard contact lenses personally experts. Consult
      102 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
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    • 237 20 Today's top shows OPINION: What Sort of English? (Ch. 5, 9.55 p.m. in colour). The sort of English Singaporeans speak has given rise to much discussion. There are those who feel It is an expression of our own identity and should therefore be accepted. Others feel that language follows a
      237 words