New Nation, 29 January 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 32 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JANUARY 29. 1978 90 CINTt M.C.(P) NO. tl7/1/7«
    10 words
  • 166 1 A cinema projectionist was killed and seven other people were injured when a fleeing communist agent lobbed two handgrenades before he was gunned down by police In Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Yap Mow Wah alias Yap Mook Sam, 41, was killed while his mother Madam Lai Mol, 68, and niece
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  • 155 1 AFP Some of the policemen managed to arrest the woman after a short chase while the rest of the police party went after her accomplice. The man who ran behind the school canteen turned around and threw a handgrenade at the policemen. The explosion killed Yap who
    AFP  -  155 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 30 JANI97f Head Printers and Publish* Act Section I l±*l SINI says Devan Nair Story in Page 2 7 f J*"-.. V v it if > >" i S v\ t.. *£<.* +< k The big spenders in Tokyo Page 6 Beer will hit where it hurts... Page 4 Dr
      61 words
    • 38 1 ORIS H V K ~"v>. W*' W e The giveaway signs Page 10 r.~ Mff i #3 i Aik 1 i •H a WF tr -mfmmmrn Z t »''i HIS WORLD A monthly section appended to HER World
      38 words

  • 368 2 \fR C.V. Devan Nair I*l yesterday urged TV viewers not to speak like Steve McOarrett of Hawaii flve-O or the Blonlc Woman because It will not help In communication. The NTUC secretaryKneral, who stressed at It Is more Important to
    368 words
    • 58 2 Reuter THE United States has accused the Soviet Union of deliberately blocking any progress in stalemated negotiations st the European Security Conference in Belgrade. Yugoslavia. Chief American delegate Arthur Goldberg pinned the blame for the deadlock on Soviet insistence on its own draft, which the West has
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 59 2 UPI A NATIONAL Airlines Jetliner, carrying 110 persons over the Atlantic, lost all three engines on Friday and fell 2,000 m before the pilot got them restarted. Coast guard aircraft in Miami, Florida, scrambled for a possible rescue mission but the plane landed safely in Jacksonville. None
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 63 2 AFP CHQ7EBE Deputy Premier Teng Hsiao-ping, paving his first visit outside China since his rehabilitation last July, hailed "very encouraging" developments In Asia in a speech in Rangoon, Burma. Imperialism and hegemonlsm had suffered repeated setbacks in their efforts for expansion and Infiltration in Asia, he said
      AFP  -  63 words
    • 57 2 UPI CHINESE Vice-Premier Chen Hsl-Uen and two other officials were criticised by wall posters In Shenyang, capital of Uaonlng province. Kyodo News Service reported. Quoting travellers returning from Shenyang, Kyodo said the trio were accused of being followers of purged Chinese leaders led by Chiang Chlng,
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 77 2 Reuter AN IMPORTANT EEC ministerial meeting In West Berlin designed to be the climax of yearlong talks to achieve a common fisheries policy made no major progress on Friday because of a British boycott, officials said. The three-hour session was expected to produce agreement among the
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 84 2 Reuter RIQH and poor states on Friday concluded fire days of talks In Geneva till sharply divided about how to tackle the problem of Third World external debts, estimated by United Nations officials at US$2OO billion ($4BO billion). Tne meeting of the executive board of the
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 64 2 UPI CUBA will not pull its troops out of Angola until the frontiers of that African nation "are safe and conditions favourable," said Cuban Foreign Minister Isldoro Malmlerca Peoli. "Angola's borders are not safe and as long as this situation persists, the Cuban forces will remain
      UPI  -  64 words
    • 60 2 Reuter A SRI LANKA Member of parliament representing the Tamil minority was rushed to hospital In Colombo In critical condition after he was shot outside his home on Friday, police said. Mr M. Canagaratnam, SO, was getting into his car when he was gunned down by three
      Reuter  -  60 words
  • 351 2 FINANCE Minister r Hon Sui Sen yesterday cited Keppel Shipyard as an example to ward off suggestions that the public sector was encroaching Into the domains of the private sector. For, be said, despite the possibility of aggravating the shipyard's plight, the government did not stop
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  • 329 2 UPI AFP PRESIDENT Anwar Ba--1 dat will travel to Washington this week for talks with President Carter that could prove crucial to Middle East peace. The state controlled Middle Bast News Agency said the two presidents will hold "profound and detailed" talks about the
    UPI; AFP  -  329 words
  • 226 2 UPI PAI Foreign Minister Upadit Pacharlyangkun said yesterday, while preparing for his trip to Phnom Penh tomorrow, that fighting along the Thal-Cambodlan border would be the main Issue of discussion with the com munlst Cambodian Government. Clashes and raids along the
    UPI  -  226 words
  • 81 2 TELEVISION star David Soul of the Stanley and Hutch police series, has been sued by a model who claims he Is the father of her four-month-old daughter. Model Angela May asked the court for reasonable support and maintenance or U851.5 million (853.6 million) In an Immediate lump
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  • 152 2 Reuter UPI VIETNAM yesterday 1 accused Cambodia of launching fresh attacks on the border province of Tay Ninh, killing and Injuring a number of Vietnamese people, the Vietnam News Agency reported. The agency, monitored in Hongkong, quoted deputy chairman Vo Due Tu of the Tay Ninh
    Reuter; UPI  -  152 words
  • 336 2 Reuter THE Indonesian A government yesterday announced that It has started consultations with other Asean members on the position of Asean secretarygeneral H.R. Dharsono following his alleged involvement in domestic politics. A foreign office statement said that General Dharsono's activities were not In line with his
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 17 2 THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will launch a three -month, nationwide courtesy campaign In April.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 Apollo garden 1 5 large bedrooms with 3 bathrooms Spanish design split-level terrace Italian marble-floored Living Dining rooms full-height Italian ceramic wall tiles for kitchen, bathroom toilets aluminium doors windows with tinted glass 'j&jfr IP M# 4 >? V Vl F: M V. mm 21 Tm <*■ Kr'T'AJ wmm k
      317 words

  • 228 4 Reuter AN influential African ambassador on Friday warned that African countries might boycott the UN Security Council if western nations used their veto power to block further action against South Africa. Mr Radha KhrUhna Ramphul, the chief delegate of Mauritius, coupled his warning
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 200 4 AFP THE Phillprdne martial law regime has framed a new eleotion code revittaf political parties, creating a 200man parliament and setting the stage for a parliamentary election battle with an opposition that says it will not fighftHie code spells out the guidelines to govern
    AFP  -  200 words
  • 98 4 DtRIME Minister Lee 1 Kuan Yew and Foreign Minister 8. Rajaratnam are expected to represent Singapore at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting In Australia next month. Eleven Asian and Pacific Common wealth countries will be represented at the meeting for
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  • 348 4 TWE Deputy Prime Minister and A Defence Minister, Dr Ooh Keng Swee, yesterday warned that if the authorities cannot stop the young from experimenting with drugs, there will be about 100 drug offenders released from the army by the 1980s. "It is not
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  • 207 4 Agencies |T8 President Carter criticised the U Soviet Union on Friday for not supplying the United States with more information about the falling nuclearpowered spy satellite Chat crashed into the earth's atmosphere on Tuesday morning. But he conceded that Bovlet officials gave the U8
    Agencies  -  207 words
  • 167 4 Reuter Aviation experts from several countries are due in Vientiane in a week's time to discuss with Laotian and Vietnamese olfidals a resumption of commercial overflights of their territory to and from Hong Kong. Informed sources said In Manila on Friday. Prlncip ally
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 436 4 Reuter A FRANK, Government-financed alcohol-ln-moderatlon campaign warns Britons that too much beer la bad for their sex lives. Your health Is not the only thing which suffers If you over-drink. A night of heavy drinking can make It impossible for you to make
    Reuter  -  436 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 631 4 SCIENCE FILM SHOW: Threads of Life from the discovery of the principles of genetics to rules of heredity. Singapore Science Centre lecture hall, 3 p.m. Admission free. EXHIBITION OF PEDIGREE CATS from Australia, England, U8 and New Zealand. Oriental Garden. Goodwood Park Hotel, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: adults
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  • 491 5 It breached various undertakings, he says AFP HONG KONG's Governor Sir Murray Maclehose has again bitterly criticised the policy by the European Economic Community In last ye a r's negotiations for a new textiles pact with Hong KongSpeaking of protectionist trends on Friday
    AFP  -  491 words
  • 212 5 Reuter rE Tunisian government has launched a full-scale .probe into general strike riots which left at least 40 dead and over 300 injured. It said it Is determined to stop Afresh trouble. Interior Minister Dhaoul Hannablis repeated that the government was largely blaming Tunisia's
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 91 5 Reuter THE International La•L bour Organisation (ILO) has asked Its staff to accept a 10 per cent pay cut to save the Jobs of about SO colleagues who are to be dismissed In an economy drive, it was announced In Geneva on Friday. The
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 166 5 Reuter PRESIDENT Valery Discard d'Estaing on Friday warned French voters that If they returned a left wine govern ment In the March elections they risked wrecking the French economy and aggravating national divisions. The President came to the tin-farming. village of Verdun-surle-doubs In Burgundy's wine-grow-lng
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 90 5 Reuter A UN fund set up to help poor countries does not have the money to provide them with aid and should consider suspending its main activities, said the chairman of its board. Ambassador Ole Algard of Norway on Priday told an Informal meeting
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Park [ANT Vride <11 Austrdli.i a reputable produet >t line quality fashions '\1 s* > aV: i lie Parklanc o >lkviu >ns o nuc-in < lil iciviii sliajvs aiw Ic< »1< uirs l< )r the c< Mitemj >< >nirv la< l\: (v) Jmmmmm Montex (ptn) limited MONT E X I'HK)
      53 words

  • 232 6 COMMENT The HDB population, If the problem ia left unsolved, will soon be divided Into those who can throw rubbish (upper floors) and those who can only receive It (lower floors). Before we are confronted with an even greater mystery of what that special chute to which
    232 words
  • 823 6  -  Recession fails to stop shayo-zoku from charging heavily on expense account JuHan Kerr Reuter rvESPITE the pinch of recession, Japanese businessmen are continuing to lavish staggering sums on expenseaccount entertainment. Depending on rank, anything from the cost of a titillating hour at so-c ailed osawarl (touching) cabarets
    Reuter  -  823 words
  • 301 6 UPI mEXAS and Oklahoma X have new laws callins for medical "death by Injection" executions. The convict will be strapped to a hospital type stretcher and a catheter or hollow take will be Inserted into a vein in the arm. Then, hidden iiehlnd a screen,
    UPI  -  301 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY. YESTERDAY'S TRADITION. SEIKO. THE QUALITY WATCH OF TODAY. 7000-8090 Seiko ctaitad out making wetches with uncompromising ideels like pride in workmarahip and dedication to a high standard of excellence. As our technical expertiae grew, we developed s micro- technology far aheed of its time. We became the leading
      158 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 446 7  -  GLORIA CHANDY IT'S good to hear that Singapore Bus Service Is making efforts to upgrade services by getting tough with "accident prone" drivers. With 104 drivers facing the sack If they cause more major road accidents and several others having been severely
    446 words
  • 360 7 1 MYBKLF hare -often been guilty of damning taxis because they never turn up when you need them. But I think I will b* less hasty to condemn In future. The sudden change of heart Is due to a cabbie who told me about his plight when
    360 words
  • 484 7  -  ...when it comes to tackling the hawkers If you ask me... F. SU ItfOTHER bargains for every item that she buys. "There's nothing to be ashamed of," she says. "We are not cheating or stealing." Sticking by that principle, she bargains with gusto at the market. Anyone
    484 words
  • 157 7 In the Philippine village of cailcanto are protesting over a lottery wnich offers as Its prize, a key to a hotel room and a girl to go with It. Tickets for the lottery get snapped up every time and male residents, Including many husbands,
    157 words
  • 151 7 F their own words, the Experimental Theatre Glut "Is poised to stun" with a production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Kate James, who Incidentally plays Helena, gives the lowdown on what you may expect from toe ETC's latest production. "People generally expect experimental
    151 words
  • 171 7 rK possibility of bad •Wwrt ktiinf to undergo their driving teste *«ain haa got one haa"■S'jans: jfss perenlaOy ted lady drl rtn who has made all tad/ drivers the butt of anfalr Jokes, Is ths Mason far hia folly endorsing the scheme that
    171 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1103 8  -  By Derek Ingram Gemini THE escape ol A Donald Woods, banned editor of the East London Dally Despatch, will not have been altogether unwelcome to a government In South Africa which Is bent op gradually strangling press freedom without actually appearing to
    Gemini  -  1,103 words
  • 217 8  -  Letter C.T. YAP WITH reference to Chang Kal Ming's one-shot success with his OCE candidate, the whole thing Is self-ex-planatory. What is needed Is that teachers in air the schools who have to teach English should follow the method; In fact, It is only one of
    217 words
  • 655 8  -  By Hazel Strouts /CHILDREN, Journallsts and politicians have one thing In common. They all hate to be ignored. To save them from this unhappy fate, Fortune gave strong lungs to children, and to politicians and political journalists (after centuries of deliberation) she
    655 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 Imported T-shirts Imported Man shirts Imported Belts Imported Ladies blouses Imported Safari Jackets (Men £r Children) Imported Jeans (Men Children) Imported Ladies dresses Imported Pinafores Children clothing HURRYI HURRY! HURRYI La-corner A V); Pi -i;i L I' >ine« SmgdpiV e b DOUBLE-LAYER SPRING MATTRESSES manufacturer FOUR STAR INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 A Community Project by Tan Chong&Sons Motor Co Pte Ltd t: ■*< L-tiUi* .f™ National Safety Rrst Council of Singapore presents a Datum 120Y Sedan AfcTY HRST QUIZ OONTBf' Sponsored by: fan Chong Sons Motor Co (S) Re Ud Co-sp( lev X _j |£y.' '"'45 i Feb 1 to May
      110 words

  • 987 10 / 11  -  By Desmond Morris WHENEVER gome- one arrives or departs, we go through a ritual of greeting, farewell or celebration. Whenever two friends meet after a long separation. they go through a special Greeting Ritual. During the first moments of the reunion they amplify
    987 words
  • 1363 10 / 11 manwatching ...that say he would rather turn and run WHAT is it that makes a nervous girl waiting for an Important Interview open and close the clasp of her bracelet repeatedly? There Is nothing wrong with the clasp. The bracelet was perfectly secure before she began fiddling with
    1,363 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1027 12 n Your 12-page TV pullout Pick of the week DAYS OF WIN! AND ROSES (Matinee) on Saturday, Ch. 5 at 2.00 p.m. A forceful bjurb for Alcoholics Anonymous, this is a grim account of two bums Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick in the clutch of booze. He is the PR
      1,027 words
    • 450 12 AKAI NEW SERIES: DONT ASK ME on Monday, Ch.s at 7.00 p.m. in COLOUR Why does blotting your note make you feel oUtdyT Why do qolf balls have dimples 7 Do twtns think alike? Do giraffes suffer from high blood pressure since they have to pump blood all the way
      450 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 189 13 100 of Hie fine *jl, rtn ilmnun WVTTI UUill IMB is even greater now. js yhi K ill **r Graetz of West Germany offers you a colour TV set that's top of its class. With 2849, you not only get the traditional features which make Graetz so special today, but
      189 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 928 13 MONDAY Bp, fjfil Colourent Colour T.V. Specialists. 3.00 P.M. Open I.OS HALLA ILLAM (r) 3 30 Diary Of Events (T) 3.35 Afternoon Matinee: It's A Wonderful World, Ist of 2 (1939 W.S. Van Dyke II) Screwball comedy with Claudette Colbert as a runaway poetess and James Stewart as a fugitive
      928 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 158 14 The Super Bay (The Big Boy in daubing Console) 3 I 1 ..1,. 'I rm ■a,*,* Sony's 20" (51.8 cm) New Trinitron colour tv system with 60% brighter and sharper plus instant picture make him the best colour tv system in town. warranty >24 months' cover for free labour >24
      158 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1023 14 WEDNESDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Star Performance: One Way Out 3.30 Diary Of Events (M) 3.35 DISAPPEARING WORLD: The Kirghis Of Afghanistan 4.25 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.08 Electric Company 6.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.35 WltD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS: Otter. 7.00 RAMPAIAN SUKAN 7.30 NEWS AND NEWSREEL (M) 7.55 PRELUDES
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 166 15 I I I f««s from the troubles off cockroaches, mosquitoos, small, noisy drainage flow with... ■B.TTH (no Inaacticic JNP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD. BIK6. 311.8y«d Alwl Rd. V Singapore 8 Til: *****18, *****40 AfTEA SALES W~" SERVICE RING *****11 I Alm available in itidi. UJEBSS m <h 15 H At a*
      166 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1019 15 FRIDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: The Shortest Wedding (Mandarin/r). 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.08 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 4.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 6.35 HAZEL (r) 7.00 SERRANIKA (Mi. Includes feature on how to knit and make artificial flowers 7.30 NEWS ANO NEWSREEL (M) 7.55 SPORTS PARADE 8 35 THE
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 465 16 This month it a special month for Pelicans, which hava always offered an unrivalled roll-cell of outstending authors. Top nemes who not only know their subject well, but who cen write well too. Above ell, writers who stimulate and entertein es well es inform J.K. Galbraith, HJ. Eysanck, Edward de
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 193 16 CMCrtlGfi/t Ml AW Uo*its~T m d 9 M n AfbtOLV. I PCfcIT Utf» itflS TABLE/ 8 Ny I i 4! ft m is m m I m m t AfS 1 m JUIMK v=7 r 7 WAITS*! r\l WAlTtlf.' 1 Mi AthJaP, FOP OJCfT JOST of4C* TtZV 10 A66&CT M&UP6ELF
      193 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 140 17 / 18 YIPPEE! in lIH S> V/ Yt w V. 'A *j A V *ter V> 4 "w 1M The Children's Magazine is Here! 'It!s an education in itself' Yippee! is published by Art Direction Creative Workshop, a division of Federal Publications and has a consultant team of educationists with lots of
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  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
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    • 95 17 / 18 V inert Walker i V* $"x*i someone LEFT RAINCOAT 9. :>rW.A VA> I m <-Vv* ywiSSti i&Si. f v SK« TH|6 1$ THE 53RP ANN/VER£ARy OF My GRADUATION FROM OFFICERS' ec^oou I BNTERBP FARMHOUSE ANDSAW THIS NAZI RAINCOAT 3» r Ik USlNS DEDUCTIVE powers, i FISURED THERE MU5T BE A
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 260 19 FOR YOUR HEALTH PLEASURE L DUBAI Dubai A.»r> a stronqhoM of d'p'omat? torture hunters sn uqglers and f it/roy Lwdd a is involved .«11 masterminding htqh-ris>» hi iji,l < si'.urjqiinq bribery. itf '-finq ir>f ion ff.r the CIA and 'or Ah<. m/s him Pest was a fortune *,ii AMo ;I
      260 words
    • 122 19 Penguin mM Ja K^"'iP^vhHBMIMM Rw :i I ICTTT^^n l«F v i JLLL^JUL LUCIENNE LANSON This book i« written for all women regardless of age, social position, educational level or sexual inclination. Here, at last is clear, accurate and sympathetic information from a gynaecologist speaking woman to woman in a book
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
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  • 591 20 HUMOUR with T*HE Singapore Tourist Pro--1 motion Board is planning to publish a shoppers' guide book listing out the prices of popular tourist items like cameras, watches and hi-fi equipment. Why stop there? There's room for at least one other booklet the Sights, Sounds, Signs of
    591 words
  • 200 20 TIE directer of West Germany's Bochum Observatory, Mr Heins Kaminski, said on Thursday that there is danger of atomic rainfall in the coming weeks following the disintegration of the Soviet Cosmos satellite equipped with a nuclear reactor, over Canada. Unfurl the nuclear umbrella? ISRAELI Prime Minister Mr Menachem
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  • 300 20 orr the Record by CKT OURNALISTICALLY, response J to the fledgling Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra has not been peanuts. There was a generous amount of publicity in the Straits Times to keep the heat up during the incubation, not to mention an unprecedented double review of the
    300 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 44 20 IV VJ' Mm ■< '.r iSSB^C\ iv? > fe.-V.-cjr V V.; i;i, '<■ v-• nl^;* x. 1 r? •> V m Levi s SS&fc* *1 4 ,&*r: sia US M*~A 1 kx>'' vcr\:^:v^: iV '-:K > > V J .>'- i* i, Il\ ■-.>. I?* f-• v JMV- \-v. *X
      44 words

  • 1185 21 imkub^ OIiNQAPOREANS have grown accustomed to all the comforts of modernisation and all the fads of westernisation. In Burma, we found rural simplicity and Buddhist peace; Rangoon is not as congested as Hong Kong, or as busy as Singapore or as
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  • 1204 21  -  By Hella Pick Guardian WHEN the Polish Communist Party held Its conference two weeks ago, some of the party faithful were gathered In a tight knot outside the main hall as their leader. Mr Glerek, spoke. They were not protesting. .They were
    Guardian  -  1,204 words

  • 419 22 Express WHAT do the names Danny Kamlnsky, Shirley S c hr 1 ft, Marian Levee and Bernard Schwartz mean to you? Not much, except that their owners are better known as Danny Kaye. Shelley Winters, Paulette Qoddard and Tony Curtis. Bach Jewish name has been carefully deJudalsed.
    Express  -  419 words
  • Article, Illustration
    573 22  -  ...and the fuse for violence is lit jjd Jiiiu B? Edgar Koh THE KLANSIHAN A (Plaza) appears to be a stray lrom the black encounter genre (Tick, Tick, Tick, In The Heat of the Night). But made In 1974. It goes a little beyond the comfortable limit* of the
    573 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 56 22 Selsun is medically proven to treat dandruff effectively. Stop* itch. Treats end deem tcaip while it weshes away unsightly dandruff fleket. Selsun treets even the most stubborn cases. It is pecked in spill-proof bottles. 5) A Product ot Abbott Laboratories. US-4. Amlabl* at all chamtttt. ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE LTD
      56 words

  • 1032 23  -  The Book Page OFFICER AND TEMPORARY CENTLEMAN. 1914-1919. By Dennis Wheatley. Hutchinson. (5 volumes). £5.95. By Graham Lord Sunday Express TYENNIS WHEAT--17 LEY, famous for his books on Satanism and black magic, used to warn his millions of readers of the horrifying dangers
    Sunday Express  -  1,032 words
  • 653 23  -  PEACE WITH HORROR. By John Barrbn and Anthony Paul. Hodder and Stoughton, 1977. 234 pp. £4.95. Alex Josey *PHIB is a most x topical book. Is It true? When the communists took over Cambodia In 1975 did they murder and
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 272 23 WHEN you arrive at TT the home of millionaire Bedford Grant, hl« frantic housekeeper leu you In. "Something t e r r 1 ble has happened—I'm sure at It!" she cries. "There's a smell of gas coming from Mr Grant's study. I runded on the door, but couldn't get any
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    • 484 24  -  By Brian Miller vVSN though Sinmay have the misfortune of play ins Malaysian Armed Forces on a hot afternoon instead of a cool night, they still look a couple of shades better than the army footballers. If past performances are anything
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    • 344 24 WMI SOCCER vvrOßLD Cup chamTf plona West Germany will retain the trophy In ArgenUna this June. That is the verdict of the managers of all the quallners when they met in Bpeno Aires for the draw recently. Beven managers put their votes on the Germans. three each
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    • 498 25 No live telecast of last week's match, and nobody is telling why INSIK TRACK CAN someone please explain why there was no live telecast of the Malaysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Kedah last Sunday? press enquiries have met with no response other than "No comment"
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    • 331 25  -  BASKETBALL Tony Koh rE Annual General Meeting of the Basketball Association of Singapore last Sunday at Sports House was a tame atlalr as 1978 U a nonelection year. However, several interesting questions and proposals were raised by members. Mr. Ho Kah Leong, vice
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    • 323 26 Starting today, the Sunday Nation will carry a section on foreign sports that will be of special interest to the expatriate communities in Singapore. Ffcrthe EXPATS Guardian America had a bad taste of the morning-alter blues last week, a hangover from frenzied nationwide celebration of Its annual
      Guardian  -  323 words
    • 149 26 AP 3»IGHT dow. I wouldbnt trade George rvln for any guard In the league." Ban Antonio Spars coach Dour Moe doesn't mince words when he talks about Gervln, his tall guard who was roted to a starting berth In the National Basketball Association All-Star
      AP  -  149 words
    • 82 26 AP VOKOZUNA (grand X champion) Kltaouml. who had already clinched the New Year Grand Sumo tournament championship, downed fellow yokozuna Wajlma last Sunday and finished the tournament with a perfect 15-0 record. It was the 24-year-old Kltanouml's 10th championship, including three with perfect records, and his eighth
      AP  -  82 words
    • 539 27  -  TENUIS TALK Alfred Tong WHO' is the world's best tennis player? Is the Intriguing question to which several answers have been given. One leading tennis magazine named Wimbledon champion BJorn Borg as the No. 1, another said Argentina's US Open champion, Oulllermo Vilas, deserved that
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    • 197 27  -  Joyce Tan tvEFISNCB and EducaLl tlon, the two giants In the Civil Service hetball tournament now in progress at the National Stadium will battle It out again this year for the Nglam Ton* Dow trophy. Education hare a team of. experienced players like Cynthia
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    • 262 27  -  BANNNTON Gerry Chan although badmlnton has been largely Ignored by Eastern European countries, the Soviet Union have made efforts In recent years to popularise and promote the sport—with considerable success. Alter being introduced Into the country in the early seventies, the game found quick
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    • 717 28  -  By Brian Glanville IPS n/HEN Ally Mac- Leod, Scotland's refreshingly open manager, got back recently from a trip to Argentina, he told me he was convinced that for the first time ever, the World Cup would be won on Latin American soil
      IPS  -  717 words
    • 547 28  -  ATHLETICS Tan Kim Seng rpHE official report A of the lAAF World Cup '77 held In Dusseldorf last September is out and this is one book every athlete, coach, official and followers of athletics would definitely like to get hold of. To make It a
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    • 382 28  -  Brian Miller WHEN a hockey World Cup tournament was proposed to the International Hockey Federation Council In March 1969, nobody Imagined that It would become —so rapidly—the top hockey event In the world. Fallowing a great start In Barcelona In 1971, came the unforgettable days at Amsterdam
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    • 1540 29  -  The Swedish domestic game is as near amateur as can be found in Europe today By Eric Batty 'TOGETHER with Germany's Helmut x Schoen, Swedish- selector-coach Georg "Aaby" Ericsson Is the only man in charge of a 1974 World Cup finalists
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    • 485 30  -  CHESS Lim Kok Ann rtNE of the most v famous chess games was that played by Paul Morphy against the Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard In the Paris Opera House In 1858. This unlikely venue for even a friendly Kme of chess was
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    • 956 30 Eing OF GOLD, with Patrick Nglow riding a vigorous finish, scored an upset In Race 2 at Buklt Tlmah yesterday. This Kalgoorlle six-year-old, who was a long way back early In the race, came with a determined run to snatch victory by a head
      956 words
    • 381 31 AbovoANH Raoa* MHiUl Star N AjHitof 0 Airlock Altbcmi ttif 0 AltogaBiai Now Arbak Im > Aaplratton Auric Bui II t Amoy J Armaya 1 BravaPanthar Rao* 7 Bamboo N Honic Marv#4 Btua Jat Bu rat Thru Badul 4 Bangaa Wan 4 Big Qoma 1 Bravo Lad Chartaa
      381 words
    • 115 31 By SCRUTINEER The Oarnet Bougoure trained GENTLE JIM is my nap selection in the $75,000 Lion City Cup (Race 6) run over the Bukit Tlmah 1200m today. Gentle Jim, a five-year-old Australian chestnut gelding by Bye Bye, has the potential to be a Cup winner Judging
      115 words
    • 138 31 SCRUTINEER BRIAN MILLER FAIRWAY in S21 DHcalr Liquidator Detent* Hal Wal Tien Prnaini Pahlawan Pi tele— Oem Liquidator iMt t: Hetnmuua Mount Olympla Dark Htruif«r Mount Olympla Dark Stranger Helmsman Mont Olympla Chajra Timor 8****** Heart Brave Lad Netle Vent** Swift And Homat Brave Lad Eaatern Mualc Brave Lad
      138 words
    • 3884 31 RM 1.45 CLA88 5 1850m \smm ($10,500 $7,350 to wlnrwr) 1 0020 D««» Ma g (Detante) Rodger* 5 57 («ame) P MuMMnaan 4 I 2224 La lanm Matoa a (La Bonn* Heine) DanleU M B 1 5934 tent (4-S.BM) ■k Swrie II
      3,884 words
    • 354 32  -  Kian Tiong only 2 strokes behind SPORTS NATION Ernest Frida THK stage Is all set x for an exciting finish In the $5,000 Ovalttne Open golf championship at JHrong Country Club today. The battle-seasoned Taiwanese professional Chang Chung Fa holds a slim two-stroke lead from
      354 words
    • Kaleidoscope
      • 130 32 NST SINGAPORE, who dropped out of the Malaysian lnter-state badminton championships Ave years ago, may return to the scene this year In the Khlr Joharl and Heah Cups competitions scheduled to be held in Penang on May 4-7. BA of Malaysia assist-ant-secretary Da, Id Khoo
        NST  -  130 words
      • 72 32 UPI TOP-SEEDED Jimmy Connors continued his winning ways on Friday night but second-seeded BJorn Borg did not, losing a 6-4. 7-6 shocker to Roecoe Tanner that highlighted quarter-final play In the U*****,000 (>518,000) US Pro Indoor tennis championships. Connors almost Joined Borg on the sidelines but
        UPI  -  72 words
      • 55 32 AFP THE Thai football league has found a sporting solution to the current Indochinese conflict between Vietnam and Cambodia. The mass circulation dally Thai Rath reported yesterday that the football league had Invited Vietnam and Cambodia to discuss the issue In the Bangkok football 'stadium during the
        AFP  -  55 words
    • 245 32  -  SQUASH Peter Lo ALL the finals In the Civil Service Individual squash tournament were played last Thursday evening. As I- predicted last week, V. Copal scored a straight sets (8-4, 9-8, 8-5) victory over Oon Chong Hau who. In spite of his intelligent approach to
      245 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 150 24 WIN SENSOR TOUCH IS THE VERY BESTH Because every Win Sensor Touch lighter has an IC unit plus a super sensor amplifier specially developed and powered by a miniaturised 1.5 Silver Oxide battery that gives you 40,000 multisparks. JUST ONE GENTLE TOUCH WILL DO It will light up at the
      150 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 370 25 —IJUC SENIORS We have vacancies for Tax Seniors in our Singapore Office Candidates must have at least three years taxation experience. Knowledge of Malaysian. Hong Kong and Australian tax laws would be an advantage. Applicants should submit a comprehensive resume stating qualifications, experience, current salary, age. citizenship and telephone number
      370 words
    • 145 25 We're one of Singapore's youngest banks! Considering that the first account, established with us, is not yet four years old, we have already become a sturdy plant, firmly rooted in our garden city. Fertilised by satisfied customers, who entrust their business to us and who come to us for advice
      145 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 415 26 The SGV Group Menagament Consulting SwvioN A well-established local financial institution invites applications from suitably qualifiad candidatas for tha position of: LEGAL OFFKER cum Up to $26,000 pa. The successful candidate will handle all company lecreteriel and internal legal aspects of the Company's operations, including conveyancing. Ha or she will
      415 words
    • 269 26 The SGV Group 1 Management Consulting Services The Singepore Branch of a well-established international financial institution invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions: WM: ASIAN CURRENCY UNIT/ CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (MS-10/459) (Salary commensurate with experience) The successful candidate will be responsible for handling the ACU end CD
      269 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 195 27 The SGV Group Menagement Consulting Services Our diem, a member of a wall-established multinational manufacturing concern operating in Singapore, has now owing to expansion en opening in its orgenisation for a: PERSONNEL and ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER v Around $26,000 p.a. The successful candidate who will be supported by a staff of
      195 words
    • 272 27 The SQV Group Managemant Consulting Services An international group of companies primarily engaged in the production and marfcatin« of aluminium budding products has a mibddiary in Singfinrs. Aside from fabrication and marketing of soma of tha group's products, tha Singapore Company is also distributor for a rang* of consumar products.
      272 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 245 30 :h jt T. i n 4. J (weipcr) PC tm 22 .4 m VOU MiO PfIOTEIH VOU MID WOT tie ivory doy for hooitfiy «y«, Ak, toott. borm, Wood. Ink, f ofogtift VOU NilO rnOTIIN «v«ry day to Mp kap yoar "wwiy botlarW (Omf at M MoM for work. More
      245 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 41 30 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOLS 1 *****9 ($4,436) 2 *****8 (*1.267) 3 *****4 ($633) STARTERS: ($l5O each) *****8 *****9 *****4 *****9 *****4 *****1 *****8 *****1 *****3 *****6 *****3 *****9 Consolation ($lOO each) *****1 *****6 *****5 *****7 *****3 *****4 *****8 *****0 *****1 *****9
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 61 32 MM* feL »x:n^xn>. x Enjoy a wonderful sea breeze evening at EAST COAST SEAFOOD 540, UPPER EAST COABT ROAD, SINGAPORE 16. TEL *****20. SPECIALIST SEA-FOOD^^BSSr ft Cantonese Cuisine Prepared by well-known cooks. Courteous Services. Reasonable charges iusiness Hours: Daily from 5.00 p.m. 1.00 a.m. V Saturday extended to 2.00 a.m.
      61 words
    • 95 32 rr. I •4. N I 4 72 price SALE m {ONLY AJ THE MAIH SHOP) r: W S3 Z me WALLETS SL 4 w, iT*s a 3 f FREE rr' V 3* IV 3T THREE RIFLES SHIRT CO. < > Ci T> 1/ (lrruitul Flout *Vnp!t»'s Kirk (*»'ntr«» SmijApnr 1
      95 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 132 32 Sports Diary SOCCER: BGSFL Division One: Fire Brigade v Customs SC (Qeylang Stadium). Vigilante Corps y Police 8A (Poller Academy), PARC V Special Consta bul a r y < Buklt Chermln). PWD v Armed Forces (Farrer Park AC). All matches at 5.15 p.m. Stirling FC seven-a side tournament (Dover Road
      132 words