New Nation, 26 January 1978

Total Pages: 32
1 32 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday, January 26, 1978 No. 2167 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 r— —i NLW NATION COMMENT
    20 words
  • 232 1  -  Adventurers answer call of the sea By Teo Lian Huay Three adventurous Singaporeans are going to sail the high seas to Europe. They are Julian Yew, 29, and Ng Kok Choy, 26, both part-time Vigilante corps members, and Jimmy Chua, 30, of the
    232 words
  • 223 1  -  ...on Radio and TV S'pore from July 1 By Terry Ang Dialects will not be allowed in Chinese-language commercials over Radio and Television Singapore from July 1. Only Mandarin can be used. Industry sources said they believe this is in line with the Government's policy
    223 words
  • 46 1 AP New York, Thursday The latest UN estimates of the world's population Is 4.124 billion as of mid--1977, compared with 4.044 billion a year earlier. The estimate, compiled by poSulation experts Is in the anuary issue of the UN monthly Bulletin of Statistics.— AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 24 1 Reuter Oolden (Colorado), Thursday A powerful earthquake Jolted the New Britain area In the south Pacific yesterday, the US Geological Survey reported. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 569 1 Reuter UPI YeNowknJJe (Canada), Thursday Soldiers with Gelger counters swept the ground in Canada and American U2 planes sniffed the air across a 78,000 sq km area of Canada and parts of the northern United States yesterday testing for possible radioactive fallout from fallen
    Reuter; UPI  -  569 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 INSIDE Malaysia Cup kick-off shock for S'pore Page 30 Sadat in bid to break the deadlock Page 7 Move to start cable TV service Page 5 IN THE OTHER PAGES: Money words Page 10, Crossword Page 14; Stars Page 29; Comics Page 30.
      43 words
    • 244 1 SPECIALISTS IN GOLF EQUIPMENT PTE LTD. ■IS. ft Em i hopping Cmih, Orchard Road. Singapore T*l: *****42 Browning's bold new shope toward better golf is way out in front! s IRONS This is the Browning 440 Some will call it daring, provocative or simply different. The designers of this unique
      244 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 200 2 United Electronic Engineering Corporation plans to Invest about $4 million in the next three to four years to Increase Its range of products. The company's chairman Mr R.H. Ho, said it was now manufacturing only black and white television sets for markets In
    200 words
  • 39 2 The Department of Extra-mural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a 10lecture course on Diplomacy In the Chemistry Lecture Theatre, every Wednesday and Friday from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. beginning Feb 1. The fee Is $30.
    39 words
  • 235 2 NTUC Welcome is considering selling at least one type of imported frozen fish to private supermarkets to further promote the Eat Frozen Fish campaign. The mullet, which Welcome buys from Singapore Food Industries. Is at present sold at all Welcome supermarkets at $2.58
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  • 356 2 Official: We can help verify reports on Jakarta situation The I n d on e sian Embassy has asked Singapore newspapers to check with the mission If they need to ascertain the accuracy of foreign news agency reports on the current Indonesian situation. The embassy spokesman,
    356 words
  • 129 2 Share prices eased slightly on lack of buying support during the first 45 minutes of quiet trading this morning on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Faber Merlin Malaysia, which had been the most active stock in the past three days, was quietly taken ft cent down to 0.86
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  • 32 2 Mr Sla Khoon Seong, MP for Moulmein, will lead a New Year visit to 85 aged people in the Moulmein constituency this Sunday to distribute cash gifts and food hampers.
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  • 131 2 An attempt by a samsu gang to cash in during Chinese New Year by distilling In a big way, has been foiled by the CusCbml Customs officers raided the gang's hideout in a thickly-wooded islet on a big prawn pond in Tamplnes and uncovered a distillery
    131 words
  • 39 2 The Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra will hold Its third concert at the Singapore Conference Hall on Feb 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets at $3. $5 and $8 are available at C.K. Tang. Cold Storage and Shopper's City.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 CASIO® LC7B CREDIT-CARD SIZED ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR WITH MEMORY Weighing only 39 g (1.4 oi) with Batteries and only 3.9 mm in thickness Comes with an attractive name-card wallet Thokral emporium (S) PTE LTD G-6, High Street Plaza, Singapore Tel: ***** 110 High Street, Singapore Tel: *****
      46 words
    • 73 2 9 See Page 8 SOS It always helps to talk to someone. Samaritans of Singapore exists to help those In despair or suicidal. Ring *****44 Special Chinese New Year SALE Discount of 30%-&sfe oh all our things Yara Boutique 207. Supreme House.2nd F100r.Te1:*****8 EL-8200 EL-83CX) Sound £ieettic Centre Gl4-16 Colombo
      73 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 492 3 V/ i *7 ■■pa L2&'"^| *> ■V "< ■i-»v.A ViC "V V KjfcZ&i v K*" ■•v.'.! >,i£ J! /V «*a J «»"7 f r I&k'i V* w~ 3£^ rt^i^SSl r m «v r T Pp* (./•> r^< ■war 5 1 I -fpy 3®a.e #^r^-rvl VH Jr? -1 «> s >-
      492 words

  • 660 4  -  Consensus of five professionals in a forum By Ting Hi Keng Five professionals unanimously agreed yesterday that police and court actions are not effective in checking child abuse. This is because the main aim of social work Is not to seek vengeance or
    660 words
  • 342 4 Reuter London, Thursday Singapore yesterday asked British Law Lords to reinstate five charges against Richard Tarling, former chairman of Haw Par Brothers International, who is to be extradited to Singapore to stand trial. Mr Tarling, 32, already has to face five charges
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 73 4 The National Safety First Council will conduct a tour-month road safety contest from Feb 1. The contest, Jointly sponsored by New Nation, Nanyang Slang pau and Tan Chong and Sons Motor Company. Is open to the public. Contestants will have to answer 10 questions on road safety published
    73 words
  • 212 4 Stenographer Png Slew Huay, 22, who was found dead at the foot of a 10storey block In Circuit Road yesterday, had been terrified since she returned from a holiday in the Philippines last month. Her mother, Mrs Png Siong Gck, 62. said Miss Png suffered from
    212 words
  • 31 4 Mr Eric Cheong Yuen Chee. MP for Toa Payoh. will present "ang pows" to needy citizens of his constituency at Toa Payoh community centre fhfc Sunday at 7.30 p.m.
    31 words
  • 143 4 About 200 Nanyang University students will visit 30 welfare homes to do social work during their vacation from March to June. They plan to give tuition ana have singing and games with the children at Boy's Town, Ramakri shna Boys' Home, Salvation Army
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  • 292 4 That's what .US man wants The Lieutenant Governor of Washington State, Mr John Cherberg said last night he believes in "free enterprise all the way." In an Interview at the Hyatt Hotel, he said he fully supported the view of the American Business Council here
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  • 86 4 The University of Singapore has named one of its buildings at Kent Ridge campus, Ytasof Ishak House after Singapore's first President who was also its former chancellor. The university's central library, sports facilities and students' hostels occupy part of the building. Centrally located. It will also
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 226 5  -  Two firms negotiating with ministry for approval to operate colour telecasts By K.K. Fong Two companies have applied for licences to operate a cable colour television service in Singaoore. This new service will only transmit programmes via cables from the broadcasting station. A Ministry
    226 words
  • 209 5 ...of undergrads The majority of University of Singapore students are from the lower middle-income and working class groups, a survey shows. Fourty-flve per cent of flrst-year students have fathers who had no schooling or only primary education, according to the survey by the head of the university's
    209 words
  • 293 5 Cornelia Ann Dellenbaugh, owner-skip-per of the Brilllg, the American yacht which was detained In Vietnam, said yesterday she would sail again after she reached home but not to a p o 1 ltlcally sensitive country. "I will sail again but not to any pollticallysensitive
    293 words
  • 141 5 The Minister for Labour has ordered the management of an American rig company In Lokyang to reinstate a clerk and pay her $1000 In arrears on wages. This follows an appeal to the Minister by the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union that Miss Lucy
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  • 20 5 The Postal Services Department will Introduce a mail registration service with the Republic of Maldives from Feb 1.
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  • 83 5 Cats of many breeds and colours will feature in an exhibition organised by the Singapore Cat Club at the Goodwood Park Hotel on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The 44 cats on show will Include three Siamese imported from England. One is
    83 words
  • 166 5 A new form of birth control, said to be better than the Pill, is being developed by medical researchers. This method la by vaccination, which can be given once every two years. The vaccine, known as PR-BHCG-TT. will produce antibodies In the blood stream, preventing fertilisation.
    166 words
  • 138 5 Professor Llm Chong Yah of the University of Singapore lamented that most university lecturers consider teaching merely a means of earning a living. To do more, he said, would be considered "unwise and uncalled for." Prof Llm said some lecturers are even doing consultation. work
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 1» -w 1 j i and Sweet Charity They give you music that sends you out of this world. Cover charge: Weekday $1 bOonly except Saturday $3.00 All drinks at bar prices MOH Malays i'a ■I!'; f uscarlc H ia<i bingapo'e '0 fp 1
      44 words
    • 89 5 y-* Venue: Apollo Hotel (18th Floor) Date: 25th to 31st January'7B Time: 11.00 am 9.00pm daily 40' Come view the latest fashions of imported prestige from Europe and feel the master creations of Cheng Meng's very own living, dining and bedroom furniture. Luxury finish in every piece. Quality-finish in every
      89 words

  • 191 6 AFP Jakarta, Thursday Indonesia will face a new period of food shortage in April as a result of Its low food production. The warning by the Indonesian government followed a session of the Economic Stabilisation Council on Tuesday at the Presidential Palace. President Suharto
    AFP  -  191 words
  • 191 6 AFP Hons Kong, Thursday Vietnam yesterday paraded two Cambodian Klsoners before Journati In Ho Chi Mliih City and made public a captured secret document which detailed Cambodian preparations to attack Vietnam almost a year ago. The Vietnam news agency reported last night that at
    AFP  -  191 words
  • 574 6 Businessmen: Reforms will hit exports Reuter New York, Thursday President Carter's tax cut and "reform" proposals unveiled last week could end up taking away as much, or more, than they give to business, leading business spokesmen believe. Two proposals In particular drew -the ire of
    Reuter  -  574 words
  • 142 6 UPI TODAY is Thursday, Jan. 26, the 26th day of 1978 with 339 to follow. THE MOON is between its full phase and last quarter. THE MORNING STARS are Mercury and Saturn. THE EVENING STARS are Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Those born on this date are under the sign
    UPI  -  142 words
  • 139 6 AFP Bangkok. Thursday Representatives from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand will meet in Vientiane on Feb 9 to discuss plans for cooperative airspace use and communication links, Radio Thailand reported yesterday. The disclosure was made In the course of a visit by Thai Foreign
    AFP  -  139 words
  • 71 6 AFP Tokyo, Thursday—The Philippines and Japan wound up their six-day working level meeting here yesterday without much progress made in their negotiations on tne proposed revision of the Japan-Philippines treaty of amity, commerce ana naviatlon. Officials of both sides told reporters, however, that an agreement couia be
    AFP  -  71 words
  • 65 6 Reuter Brisbane, Thnniay.—A 85-year-old pensioner tent a Sooth whisky bottle containing urine as a Christmas gift to a man against whom he had nursed a grudge over a business deal for more than 25 years, a court was told yesterday. Cecil MacKenzle, of Brisbane, pleaded guilty to
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 266 6 Ah Fook and Mei Lin Ni&n I#, qang h Kui nui nonq luon wo 4 *> #i H "r r m m ii k i K fCS U 'j. v m 4 I K o Ah Fook: Come, have a ride on my new motorcycle. Mei Lin: No thank#, the
      266 words
    • 76 6 Seoul Fine, 6-minus 4-C. neadline: Per capita GNi* to reach US$7,700 In 1991. Kuala Lumpur Sunny, 33-22C. Headline: hed nuclear satellite down In Canada. Sydney Fine, 27-21C. Headline: Tait In couit on drug charge. Taipeh Cloudy, 2015C. Singapore Singapore's weather for the 24 hours to 7.30 a.m. today: ta'ax. temo.
      76 words

  • 423 7 Serious behind-scenes talks underway: Sadat UPI Cairo, Thursday President Sadat said yesterday "serious" behind- thescenes negotiating was underway to break his deadlock with Israel and that results could be expected within a few days. In his most optimistic statement since the collapse of twin defence and
    UPI  -  423 words
  • 170 7 UPI Salisbury, Thursday Prime Minister lan Smith yesterday said British Foreign Secretary David Owen was willing to Join an "unholy alliance" with militant Rhodeslan nationalists to try to wreck the internal settlement he is seeking with moderate blacks. But Mr Smith would not say if
    UPI  -  170 words
  • 56 7 AP Washington, Thursday —A man armed with two handguns beat up his father, set his father's house on fire and shot and wounded two firefighters before being killed by a neighbour armed with a shotgun, police in Short Pole, West Virginia reported yesterday. State troopers lndentlfled
    AP  -  56 words
  • 158 7 AFP Paris, Thursday An anonymous caller to Agency France Presse yesterday demanded 15 million francs ($7 2 mil lion) ransom for kidnapped Baron Edouard-Jean Em pain (above). The kidnapping was not politically motivated, he said, setting tomorrow night as the deadline for compliance with
    AFP  -  158 words
  • 230 7 UPI Tokyo, Thursday Warning that wars are not won with words, the Chinese Communist Party yesterday said the country's two million strong army must be turned into a modern fighting machine, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported from Peking. The demand for retraining and
    UPI  -  230 words
  • 31 7 UPI Floral Park (New York), Thursday A dlesel engine ran Into the rear of an eastbound Long Island railroad train yesterday, derailing two cars and Injuring about 30 people.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 144 7 UPI New Delhi, Thursday The Carter administration is proposing to Congress an Increase in direct aid to India from US$6O million ($l3B million) this fiscal year to US$9O million ($207 million) in the next year, the director of the US Agency for
    UPI  -  144 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 Your attention please All consumers of WEST CABOTS VITAMIN E CREME Beware of Imitation It has come to our attention that imitations of the creme are on sale. In order to assure yourself that the article offered to you is genuine please check the "CONTROL NUMBER" at the bottom of
      192 words

  • 387 8 It took, not without a touch of irony*, the stfategems of spy and counterspy to discover that a Soviet nuclear-powered satellite was plummeting to earth. The Soviet Union did not tell other governments when It realised that one of Its Cosmos with a uranium 235
    387 words
    • 61 8 In a restaurant at the Cricket Club. Is an arrowed sign which states: "Ladles men." A member hurriedly explained to An Intrigued guest that the sign referred to separate facilities for ladles and men. Pity. An unl-sex wash-room may help Improve the Image of the club which Is
      61 words
    • 48 8 A colleague who lives In an HDB flat Is thinking of giving up his oPF-pald-for home to buy a house. The reason for the ext r a v agance? He wants to keep dogs. Said a friend: "That will be a mighty expensive dog-house!
      48 words
  • 928 8  -  By Sri Delima New Straits Times columnist Kuala Lumpur: Once again at Thaipusam I play local expert to a foreign friend, and totter under the weight of my own magnificent ignorance. An expert, someone s<»ld, in one w h o Is aw»v from home. I
    928 words
  • 667 8 T, VOICE OF THE PRESS NEW YORK TIMES We are hearing a good deal about chutzpah gall and arrogance in the Middle East these days. President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin are suddenly discovering great streaks of impudence and villainy in each other's diplomacy.
    NEW YORK TIMES  -  667 words

  • 135 9  -  ASEAN ASIDES By Tan Bah Bah Thai Parliamentarians were momentarily speechless when Parliament SecretaryGeneral Col. Sa-nguan Kamvongsa recently ordered a drastic overhaul of their club, turning it into a cafeteria-like place. The Bangkok Post report- Ed them as saying that they were not accustomed to the
    135 words
  • 150 9 It seems that when Filipinos buy raffle tickets, they make sure that these raffles are drawn as, according to a disgruntled participant, there la a mystery about those held by the Boy and Girl Scouts national councils. Bulletin Today, the Filipino newspaper, has received complaints that "the
    150 words
  • 148 9 If you have $280,000 to spare, you can Join a select club In Malaysia. The only other members are the Yang Dl-Pertuan Agung, the Sultan of Selangor, a Kuala Lumpur doctor and the most recent member, Kuching businessman, Wee Boon. Pipg. Symbol of membership
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  • 65 9 Nineteen-seventy-cljht was postponed for one second for the Thais. The Hydrolojical Department of the Royal Thai Navy announced Just before the new year that Thailand was running one second ahead of time and decided to rectify the matter on December 31 last year. At 2359:59 on
    65 words
  • 180 9 An eight year old primary school student in Penang went to class the other day and started distributing American travellers' cheques of US$2O (Ssso) each to his classmates. A Malay Mall report said that a teacher found him holding a cheque book, took it away
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  • 123 9 In Petallng Jay a, you need two 10cent coins to make a local call from phones at some coffee shops. The tabloid dally, The Star, reported that one coin would be for the slot and the other for the owner of the shop. "It's
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 ©Samsonite Silhouette 100 Cartwheel Go orr holiday this year with smart new luggage Silhouette 100 Cartwheel and at a special low price. Choose from Ladies' 24" (61cm), 26" (66cm) and 29" (74cm), Men's Companion, apd Jumbo Suiter. Available in six attractive colours. With Retractable J r Pull-Along 4 Handle Service
      139 words

  • 201 10  -  Professionals have been attacked by govt not caring for society. GLORIA CHANDY leaders for being concerned only with their careers and for speaks to some who show that... GLORIA CHANDY Professionals in Singapore have been attacked in recent months by government leaders who contend that they should
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  • 507 10 When the Singapore Association of Women Lawyers began their free legal advice programme in 1976, the service was meant to meet the needs of women and children only. "Then we discovered that there were many men who had problems too,"
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 537 10 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address N.R.I.C. No: Tel: 1 FILL IN MISSING LITTERS ACROSS USING BELOW Cut along dotted lines aaaMaiaß CLUES FOR FQ-4 1. Metal used in wedding rings, etc. 2. If he can opponents, it gives a player confidence
      537 words

  • 493 11 Every Tuesday and Thursday night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the less fortunate residents of Ang Mo Klo housing estate can seek medical help at a very minimal cost. A group of 10 doctors who offer their professional
    493 words
  • 436 11 The war started Mr Ee Peng Liang on the road to social work, in which he is now a well-known figure in Singapore. "I was interned by the Japanese during the Occupation," he said In an interview. "I was a volunteer during the war.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • trend 1
    • Article, Illustration
      46 12 With Chinese New Year almost on us, some might want to try serving a steamboat meal. This electric one comes in lovely pastel shades with a pretty print on the base. Easily serves six Kople. Price: $22.90. om Metro Stores and most electrical goods shops.
      46 words
    • 266 12 f DFCOR IDEAS People who insist that you need lots of money and renovation to create a beautiful home should look at the two pictures left and below. Two homeowners Miss Vivienne Khoo ar.d Mrs Oek See choose informal floor cushions Instead of the more
      Pictures by J.Rasikin and Steven Lee  -  266 words
    • 124 12  -  f Art Deco 1 by Ng Weng Sang Fun brooches are simple and quick to make, especially with self-hardening clay. It's like playing during your kindergarten days. Yon need: Self-hard-ening clay from art shops, l plastic biscuit mould of desired shape, clear aerosol varnish. Brooch
      124 words
    • 691 13  -  by Violet Oon No two women can meet without discussing the "servant problem" it seems. The subject crops up in the supermarket. The hairdressers, the market and the restaurant. "They're impossible nowadays." say the woman: "Demanding everything from watching television to not eating your leftover food."
      691 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 Arc you ready to venture into the world of wide-angle, telephoto and zoom photography? MAKINON's ready to accompany you. MAKINON is beautifully-made' Japanese interchangeable lenses that match the present-day styling, quality, and precision workmanship of prestige SLR cameras. When you hold a MAKINON lens at the next opportunity, see how
      144 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 105 13 w <0? m ■t MO 1 Cfltlt 0 t S** v ■M O 1977 Eluabeth Ardcn ;'> :.-^p rK, +<Z*o^ Enter Visible Difference, the remarkable moisturizing, and texturizing creme from Elizabeth Arden. Visible Difference moisture can penetrate up to 20 cell layers of skin, pillowing it and cushioning it with
      105 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 228 13 Bfl Puzzles, riddles, crosswords, jokes to share? We pay $5 for every contribution. The address is Kids Only, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, Singapore 1. Don't forget to add your name, age and address. 1 Eleven-year-old Chua Yeng Seng of 296-B, Commonwealth Avenue, Blk 27-A, Singapore 3 tells us about
      228 words

  • 287 14 settle economic and political differences with US Business News and Views 4 UPI Bonn, Thursday West Germany yesterday announced it Is sending an emissary to the United States in an apparent effort to work out economic differences troubling re 1 a tlons between the two countries.
    UPI  -  287 words
  • 51 14 AFP Stockholm, Thursday Hong Kong and Swedish negotiators yesterday reached tentative agreement on an arrangement under which Sweden will cut back on textile imports from the British colony. The agreement, subject to approval by the two governments, might be signed next week, Foreign Ministry officials said.
    AFP  -  51 words
  • 108 14 AFP Tokyo, Thursday The recession-hit shipbuilding Industry reached a board agreement yesterday to scrape excess shipyard facilities In an effort to avert further business failure, industry sources said. The agreement came at a meeting of board directors of the Shipbuilders' Association of Japan. Although detailed
    AFP  -  108 words
  • Article, Illustration
    248 14 A LOCAL company has secured an order for 16 flbreglass pleasure boats worth more than $120,000 from customers in Abu Dhabi. The first four StingRay 15s were shipped recently and tne rest will be delivered in stages this year. The firm which won the contract Is Borneo Marine, division of
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  • 57 14 AFP Colombo. Thursday. A team of investors and government officials from South Korea will visit Sri Lanka in March to study possibilities of participating in development projects here, the Foreign Ministry here said yesterday. This follows talks held by Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister A.C.B. Hameed who is
    AFP  -  57 words
  • 69 14 AFP New Delhi, ThursdayIndia extended a credit of 100 million rupees (over $26.4 million) to Sri Lanka under an agreement signed here yesterday, it was officially disclosed. The credit was to be used to Import capital and Intermediate goods from this country. It will carry
    AFP  -  69 words
  • 111 14 AFP Bonn, Thursday Mr Nobuhlko Ushiba, the Japanese Minister for External Economic Relations, and West German Foreign Minister HansDietrich Qenscher agreed here yesterday on the need to fight protectionist tendencies in International trade. Mr Ushiba, here on an official visit, told the West German Minister that
    AFP  -  111 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 317 14 UPI Stocks marked time for the second consecutive day yesterday although some bargain hunters tried to capitalise on the market's recent slide. Trading was slow amid Investor concerns about the dollar's slump abroad. The Dow Jones Industrial average, which managed to gain 0.87 point on Tuesday, added another
      UPI  -  317 words
    • 167 14 AFP Prices went down for the fourth straight day yesterday on the Tokyo Stock Market amid a growing wave of profit taking. The Dow Jones average fell 18.68 yen to 5,007.23 yen, stretching the loss for the past four trading days to 58.92 yen: The composite index Inched 0.06
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 68 14 Reuter Closing prices In French francs at the Paris Bourse r£r!Ki»*^'"iW.W) 1 Rmcler. 377. .+1,89 Prlntemps 34.70 —0.70 Bull 24.50 unch. Hoyal Dutch 264 —0.70 Micheling 1052 13 COB 252 3 Thomson 125 1 CHJP 94 1.50 Rhone 51 +0.60 Air 240 3 BSN 325.50 +0.50 Philips 53.70 fO.40
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 87 14 Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich Closing prices in Swiss francs on ine Zurich Stock fcjtcnange yesterday. UBS bearer 33*0 45 UBS Registered 640 22 SBC 418 f 14 Credit Suisse 2330 65 Swissair B. 835 13 Swiss Relnsur. 3840 Wlnterthur B. 3390 Zurich Insur. 8835 25 Juvena B. 180
      Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich  -  87 words
    • 118 14 Reuter Prices at 11.30 a.m. today (Australian timet on the Sydney Stock Exchange: ACI 168 170 ADC 25 30 Ampol Pet 77 78 ANI 154 158 APM 125 Bank NSW 520 526 Brambles 180 182 BHP 534 536 Boral 238 240 CBA 241 250 CSR 300 303 CIO 260
      Reuter  -  118 words
  • 141 14 UPI London, Thursday The dollar fell again on European money markets yesterday but the price of gold continued to rise Gold closed US$l higher in London at US$l77 375 and rose from U*****.63 to U*****,725 in Zurich. In Frankfurt, the dollars slipped from 2.1085 marks to 2.0995 despite
    UPI  -  141 words
  • 50 14 AFP Paris. Thursday Price inflation in France was down to an annual rate of 6 per cent in the last quarter of 1977 and Inflation for the year as a whole came out at 9 per cent against 9.9 per cent in 1976, reliable sources said yesterday.
    AFP  -  50 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 280 14 Crossword > J I ill Id II ill II m 8 Mount 9 Decimal units 10 Pismire 11 He'll suit you 12 Plea to performer 13 Pickled 15 Sword 21 Defamed 24 So. African capital 25 Far from silly 26 Pouch 27 Of our land: abbr. 28 Boatloads of animal
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    • 315 15 About the Year of the Horse It Is one of 12 In the Chinese Imperial Almanac whose calculations are based on the Influence of the moon. This almanac has governed the dally activities of the Chinese for centuries. Unlike the European horoscope where only the months
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    • 760 16 Supermarkets and emporiums are stocking up their wares to prepare for the Chinese New Year rush which is expected to begin in a few days time. The traditional foodstuffs such as water melon seeds, mandarin oranges, Chinese sausages (Jap cheong), waxed ducks, love letters
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    • 672 17 There are the quick beating of drums and clash of cymbals and the "lions' 1 decked in their colourful best, start prancing. The beating of the drums and cymbals reach a crescendo and the movements of the lions follow, as they prance
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    • 338 18 For your cooking pleasure this festive season, you may want to try your hand at some special dishes. Here are a couple of recipes Just for the occasion provided by Mandarin Hotel: BARBECUED TENCH Ingredients: 1500 g tench (garoupa) 6 tablespoons sugar 1
      338 words
    • 364 20 This Chinese New Year, give her a piece of Jewellery that Is Inexpensive and yet distinguished. The golden Rlsls orchid Is just that. It Is a truly Singaporean creation that Is simple yet eye-catch-ing. Depending on what you think would make a better gift, you could
      364 words
    • 408 20  -  Ting Hi Keng The end of a year and the beginning of a new one Is the best time for reflections not only on one's achievements and failures In the past year but also to Konder on what one opes to get in the coming
      408 words
    • 585 21 At Chinese New Year, you'll want brand new outfits to go visiting and celebrating... Something casual yet eye-catching, simple yet striking would be Just right. An oriental touch could make for added appeal. And if it doesn't cut too deep into your pocket, all the
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    • 39 23 A typical aemm at Chineae New Year most household* buy large amount* of orange*. Thia la becauae the orange aymoolleea friendahip and harmony, ao when vlaltlng relative* during the aeaaon all Chinese offer two orangea each.
      39 words
    • 750 23 When sprucing up to look her best for any festive season, many a woman gives full attention to her face and relatively little care perhaps none at all to her hands and nails. Of course, many may use nail colour and stop there.
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    • 199 24 A fragrance always makes a great gift for her whatever the occasion. This festive season, Revlon will offer two special offers, which you could take advantage of to get a gift for her. Or, which the practical woman may make use of to get
      199 words
    • 508 25 TO THEIR KAMPUNGS FOR THAT REUNION DINNER WITH THEIR FAMILIES FR The big rush involving more than 50,000 young workers across the Causeway begins this weekend. That Is the size of the mass of Malaysians mainly young boys and girls who will make their annual trip
      FR  -  508 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 261 15 Special lion dances at hotels on Feb 7 —Page 17 Hotel chef's fish delicacies for the New Year —Page 18 Striking fashions to usher in the Year of the Horse —Pages 21 22 The big rush home for the family reunion —Page 25 Ithe spirit of true professionalism I 3-Way
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 KONG HEE FfITT CHOY U h\AW'l* V 1 V HAVE THE WfN TOUCH With the year of the Horse galloping in Win would like to wish all our patrons the very best of luck and may you always be a winner. JUST ONE GENTLE TOUCH WILL DO Win's new 'Sensor'
      240 words
    • 67 16 MAKE YOUR OWN BISCUITS WITH EASILY OPERATED *0° sap 9i automatic biscuit maker Made in Sweden ■V. k <£• li O Exquisite jewellery of umnjpromisedcraft^an^np J lf/t/n ;</«,;//> hanJcraftt Jhy craftsmen, each \f>, emu n i a pi rii 11 its beauty n! shaft an J put tern unmatched A
      67 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 312 17 The Truth A dream come true. At last. Perfectly Matched Hi-Fidelity Components. Individually, they're great. Together, they're magnificent. Both are perfectly to eliminate the guesswork and the trial and error (wtiich can be most painful budget-wise and music-wise) that come with selecting individual component. Because SHARP OPTONICA matches and prices
      312 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 216 18 FOR THE FESTIVE SEASONS -v Give Jewellery of Distinction Platinum Jewellery with Diamonds A Precious Stones Mikimoto Pearls Jade and Gold Ornaments r /A TIN SING GOLDSMITHS (PTE) LTD. 215-217, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****1 *****9 Try Our Speciality "CLAY POT A Peace Restaurant 7th Floor <SM) Peace
      216 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 71 19 A glittering match that adds colour to your. personality p ti s r»r»rr »r rn>» tt r. ttu 11 t t »tr»» )pp pr t ittlvirtv t rritrrr* 99 9 9 iN*f *999 ff9 99 9 99f rrr ***** r9 9 9 9 9 +9 *9 99 9 9 *+9
      71 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 206 20 i i 7 I i the Horse with a and handbags specialy KONG PMOfT 3P» Capture Professional Pictures with lopcon Cameras and Accessories f« 0 t J (ft 'i" lOPCON Now 10 1 is the single lens reflex which lets you enjoy ■hi Mograph/ 'or ,i h m'ge flit.* worulerfui
      206 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 48 21 BVPIfIE 400DD/1 PHONO CARTRIDGE USA BEST-SELLER IN USA, JAPAN EUROPE AVAILABLE NOW ON SPECIAL OFFER OF NETT $75 ONLY (USUAL NET~I^PRICE^S1 40) Frequency Response 15H?~45KH/ 3db I Tracking Force I—l% gm. Stylus 2 mi! bt-radial J gc^te. 213 Victoria St., S pore 7 Tel *****4 (f> lines) 81
      48 words
    • 13 21 o Children's Watches Your child sure deserves a good ORIS watch Fully Guaranteed
      13 words
      130 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 167 22 ill iin.g i COAXIAL SPEAKER CONSTRUCTION s The 2-way coaxial speakara are placed along the aame central axla to give a wide frequency reaponae (30-12.000 HZ) and to condense sound reproduction to a point, thereby eliminating the unnatural Rhenomenon of monaural sound coming om 2 points. Hi M H SANYO'S
      167 words
    • 80 22 Keith Henderson London v, e i Present a Super new clolhfora Connoisseur sole Ag«nt: ReWing, Brown Finch (F.E.) Ltd (Incorporated In Hongkong) 57 Robinson Road, Ist Floor, Singapore 1 P.O. Box 84 Tel: *****11 *****12 Singapore Penang Kuala Lumpur ti Orient i™ T 166 B'o ck 17.7 Toa Pjyuh Centfji
      80 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 137 23 A gift of lasting pleasure The RISIS Orchid j. Is* r, r f <4* r-' i t 4 •>' < > f t —A f T >" ft* r > *r s TV *1 Choose from a wide range of the RISIS Collections. Pendants, brooches, tie pins elegant dnd distinctive.
      137 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 125 24 %w From PHONOGRAM s a mi T„ WV I#' kW H >« I 6466 034 H» i7B %T' Wtl [V js-'+ k »\\m :/> m7W-' K >U r u 5 i f H "twwo ,nsu, 11 b r c. r Q or <p ■w p <>v do h W.. u
      125 words
    • 89 24 "Annuel -<rs a-ff t?s-. v£± *m»£ j Z'%■ ;:£h.'-'. *-.> .> v 4r > '■> ,vW V mammaf $5» ■> r- i 'MsM l&fanet v t vfcf> >iVV 4 r*-4|-<4 ~..fil JLi^Xs Hmmmm ■ft*,. 'v. im Ti'rf ->.< '■> V' V v mi m 'itmej. JPNb&j v4> o, 'i t
      89 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 209 25 Good Looks and Good Sounds Combined, The DENON Beat Series is Unbeatable Value for Money I ONLY 1.235 LOOK CLOSER Beat V V. -22MF V r kod O RN HOOK Front Loading DOLBY NR System Cassette Tape Deck with DC Servo Motor and Permalloy Solid Ferrite Heads e SA 2900
      209 words
    • 79 25 Time with Golden Maid makes your money well spent. For this Spring Festival, Golden Maid offers you the latest range of Ladies' Dresses, Blouses, Skirts, Pants and Children's Wear at unbelievable prices! Gold* A Shop at Golden Maid Department Store today for the best Chinese New Year Buys! Golden Maid^
      79 words

  • 639 26  -  ON THE TRACK He will be hard to beat on Saturday with Brian Miller Trainer Buang bin Abu Bakar's sprinter, Eureka, will be hard to beat when he goes over 1400 m in Saturday's Class 3 Div 5 sprint. Ridden by jockey George Podmore, this Copenhagen
    639 words
  • 242 26 BATURDAY RACE 1: 2.15. CI- 5 Dlv. 2 1850 m: nil. RACE 2: 2.45, CL 5 Dlv. 4 1400 m: Silver Performance, Bambollna 11. RACE 3: 3.15, a. 5 Dlv, 3 1400 m: Tremanlco, Antasena. RACE 4: 3.45, CI. 3 Dlv. 8 1400 m: The Scarlet arit, Tek Po,
    242 words
  • 1247 26 SATURDAY CL 1 Dlv. 3 —1200 m 14 Wonderful Surprise II 57 18 ClUnn Kan* 55 4 Straight Flush U 54 17 Tomcat 54 5 Look Again 54 18 Guardian Paint 54 9 Hoklen 54 13 Igloo 53.5 1 Bit O'Fun 53.5 19 Think
    1,247 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 464 26 I JO a m SO* p.m. Saturday* <JO a m -IN■ nt Public Holiday* lie am. IN p.m. HILDA'S CHINIM NKW Year Special offer at 130 Orchard Tower» Choppers city. Philippines dresses, maxl and deml leu 30%. Ladles dresses leu 20%. T-shirts at 94.50. Imported clog sandals at 915.90. Foka
      464 words
    • 281 26 MNQ HUP SOFA (cushion's) set tor repairing and re-up-holsterlng. Contact tel: *****03. L n WORKING GENTLEMAN MM* friend with similar Interest. Telephone Nos. appreciated. Reply NN Box 2844 MrtMMMMBMMiMrNjH* MALK ADMINISTRATIVE PERSON NK L available early February. Well versed In export procedures, correspondences, typing, office administration work Independently. Possess driving
      281 words
    • 74 26 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A SHIP'S NAME (AMENDMENT) Reference the Official Notice appearing In the New Nation dated 24th January 1978 In respect of proposal to change the name of our intended purchase of the "CITY OF TORONTO", It Is hereby notified that the correct name will be "KOTA
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 432 27 Unlet Socce *78" p v ,S-"'¥f £*<v pc^&sl^tfe^Vorces Vjtah Around the world Pepsi is associated with soccer. So what better idea than a series of Repsi Soccer Contests here in Singapore, where the sport is so popular! Pepsi and New Nation have joined together to co-sponsor "PEPSI Soccer 78". The
      432 words

  • 284 28 UPI Phoenix (Arlsona), Thursday Joe Namath. the flamboyant quarterback who engineered the greatest upset In modern pro football history and emerged a* the mc«t recognised player in the game. yesterday announced his retirement after 13 years In the National Football League. 'It's
    UPI  -  284 words
  • 326 28  -  r Martial Arts By SURESH NAIR Delegates from five neighbouring countries will meet in Singapore on Saturday for the First Karate-do Congress to discuss the possibility of forming an ASEAN Federation. The Idea of having such an organisation was mooted by the officials from the respective
    326 words
  • 322 28 Cricket AP Reuter Melbourne, Thursday Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee took legal action yesterday challenging the West Australian Cricket Association's ban on players signed by Kerry Packer's World Series Cricket organisation. Lillee issued a writ in the West Australian Supreme Court alleging that
    AP; Reuter  -  322 words
  • 300 28 KB Racing London, Thursday RED RUM, the horse with the best record In the 141-year history of the Grand National steeplechase, was not considered good enough to be top of the handicap when the weights for this year's race were announced here
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 155 28 THE ITALIAN SHOE COMPANY Makes You An Offer You Can't Refuse 7* V, 91 The Most Comfortable Jogging Shoe in the World for $20! Italy's leading sports shoe man- Cushioned inner sole and arch ufacturer Lotto, introduces the support. Foam padded ankle colStramilano jogging shoe de- lar and tongue. signed
      155 words
    • 19 28 'X UV V > T X ,4 VJ ,V\ V VvA T ,'J; V H '\xv\vvA-\:v- >. .Vv f. x" wbsm?
      19 words

  • 187 29 EF"^ AFP London, Thursday An English representative soccer team has been invited to tour China from May 9 to 26 this year. If the English Football Association's International Relations Committee, expected to discuss the invitation next week, give the go-ahead it will be the first
    AFP  -  187 words
  • 93 29 Duned{n, Thursday. Irishman Eamoiin Coghlan lost his unbeaten record in Australia and New Zealand when he finished a tame fourth behind New Zealand's John Walker in an 800 metres race here lastnight. Walker, the Olympic 1500 metres champion and World mile record holder, won well in
    93 words
  • 263 29  -  JR3MWeightlifting By SURESH NAIR National flyweight champion Lim Yong Chee, who was suspended indefinitely by the disciplinary c o m m i t tee of the Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation on Jan 4, has submitted an appeal for the ban to be lifted. Yong
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  • 570 29  -  BOWLING by Brian Miller A surprising thing happened after the second round of the national squad trials last week. Three of our too bowlers tailed to finish among the top 12 and so their places in the national squad
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 88 29 m SYi <f\ 20% DISCOUNT on all imported Bowling Bags DISCOUNT On all Brunswick, Roto-Star and all other brands Balls Shoes (while stocks last!) PLUS One T-Shirt FREE The No. 1 Nam• In Bowling Jackie's Bowl, Orchard Tel: *****1 SWM OPOY TO ALL BOWLERS! $5.00 Jackie'* Bowl Katong Mon Frl
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 313 29 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR BORN today, you have a generous and determined nature. You are quick to realise another's distress and to come to his rescue, and you Insist that your solution will work. You will have to take work. You will have to take care not to
      313 words

  • 440 30  -  The heat will be sapping, says Sebastian By JEFFREY LOW Alarmists will have something to gloat over now. Singapore will be playing Malaysian Armed Forces on Sunday at 4.30 p.m., possibly under a scorching sun. Even national coach Sebastian Yap appeared concerned, because he only learned
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  • 182 30 Soccer UPI Madrid, Thursday Spain defeated Italy here yesterday 2-1 In a warm-up for the World Cup in Argentina. The game stirred few emotions and was played beTo re a disappointingly smal| crowd of 25,000. With both nations fielding e x p e rlmental teams and making
    UPI  -  182 words
  • 219 30  -  S. C. Vadivale FAS Executive Secretary. Dear Sir, I would like as Executive Secretary to reply to Jeffrey Low's article of Jan 24 "Is FAS memory very short" complaining that the PAS had Ignored the past services of ex-national players and Mr Choo Seng Quee. The FAS .receive
    219 words
  • 420 30  -  Swimming By PHILIP TAN Jupie Sng's participation in the Invitational swimming meet at Leeds in Britain from Mar 25 to 27 has hit a snag. Coca Cola, organisers of the meet, have written to the Peoples Association Youth Swimming Club (PAYSC) saying they are
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 138 30 §m m 4 »> MANY VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY PRIZES KINDLY DONATED BY I.Kentucky Fried Chicken Pto. Ltd. 2.Sony* Industries S'pore ft*. Ltd. S.Win Corporation S'pore ft*. Ltd. 4.Lim Song Soon Kloctric Co. Pto. Ltd. S.Selangor Nwttr S'pore Pto. Ltd. 1 6.Hu0 Him S'pore ft*. Ltd. S'pore Pto.
      138 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 45 30 THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom SHORT RIBS m m m M if. I vr% 14U0ULP HAVE STMSP m fl r? m a 1 5> fiMJ VI I fl i i II irfi 111 by Frank O'Neal WELL.THERE ANOTHER RESOLUTION/ vl m »rf as M
      45 words

  • What's On
    • 136 31 Being a TV star isn't ail roses. It lias its drawbacKs too as Brad Savage, a regular on the Tony Randall Show has discovered. Twelve-year-old Brad, wno acts as Kanaan a video son, has found tnat work Just isn t pouring la
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    • 509 31 Unknown actors with big-name guest stars Jay Blackmail did not know the difference between basting and tailor's tacks, interfacing and hemming, but he was determined to learn enough about clothes and their marketings to become a force to be reckoned with
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  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 177 31 SOCCER: National Business Houses League —Division Two: Banque Natlonale De Paris v Mandarin Hotel (Tanglin l), Keppel Shipyard v P N (Ueylang Stadium). Division Three: Chartered Bank v Metal Box (Tanglln 2JL, Tractor Singapore v Electrolux (Farrer Park), Hume v ICI (SCRC Ground, Balestier Road). Hitachi Zosene v Metro Holding
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    • 674 31 In and around town JAWAHAR: THE JEWELS OE THE INDIANS exhibition of jewellery from Bombay, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Bangalore. National Museum, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. GOOD AS NEW BOUTIQUE 844, Margaret Drive, 9 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Tampines Home for Retarded Children. FILM SHOWS Home of the
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    • 339 31 ;$=%~}`/+[.+~@/?^;%_"&|!-&>;?"< THE SPY WHO LOVED ME: That celebrated agent of Her Majesty's Secret Service Is back, this time played to perfection by Roger Moore. Lido: 1.30, 4, 6.45 and 9.15 p.m. THE MAD MONK (Cantonese): Singapore comedian Yeh Feng stars as a playful monk with magical powers. Sky, Koxy, President:
      339 words
    • 429 31 /V" TM D <v Robert De Niro In The Last Tycoon institutions as marriage, motherhood, fatherhood, brotherly love, basketball and .areon. Stars Alan Arkln, who also direct, Rob Reiner, Anjanette Comet, Vincent Gardenia. Orchard: 1.30, 4, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. THE BURGLARS: Omar Sharif, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Dyan Cannon, Robert Hossein
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  • 56 32 AH FOOK: How could the British child psychiatrist side childabusing parents? I don't understand T>arents who can batter their own children. MEI LIN: Hiat's precisely why they need help. It's no use patching up the Injured children only to send them back to their troubled parents. Better to
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 67 32 Harveys Bristol Cream. The best sherry in the world. > h Eastern Agencies Scientific instruments and anything that measures. Motion Smith Martna House Shenton Way. Singapore 2. Tel *****98 *****55 13 Battery Road, Tal *****,*****8. Singapore 1 A member of the jgj Sime Darby Group SILVER Stereo RepHynir/&*s»{*» Deck S°l*
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  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 600 32 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 Happy SHARPCTV 3.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by WINDOW (C/r). This edition features an Interview with Sandy Teng, a company executive, who talks about her job. a demonstration on "sea} carving'; a cooking demonstration on kueh bangket; and a fllmlet on how the Belgians celebrate the
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    • 196 32 Today's top shows VOCAL RECITAL BY RAYMOND VOYAT. (Cta. 5, 9 p.m. in colour). This programme was recorded when accomplished Swiss tenor, Raymond Voyat was In Sliwapore recently. The programme Includes Schubert's Song of the Boatmen to the Stars, On the Lute, The Wanderer to the Moon, On the Sea
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