New Nation, 22 January 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 33 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JANUARY 22, 1978 90 CINTS M.C.(P) NO. H7/1/7S
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 T cl i i TT m HASHIM HOSNI 'Small' boy with a stout heart Page 24 I I (Ml least three soys PHILIP TAN Back Page INDON CAMPUSES Page 3 biggest firm: Page 8
      34 words
    • 37 1 IFU 7»'J Manwatching You can learn something from watching her or, for that matter, anybody else Page 10 Make sure of your Asia Mag r? Vj v; fc? W J S 9 Mil I X HIS WORLD
      37 words

    • 80 2 AFP THE Organisation of African Unity yesterday warned Iran against seeking to extend its sphere of influence In Africa and called on foreign powers to stop "meddling" In African affairs. Reacting to a recent statement by the Shah of Iran concerning the situation In the Horn of
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 63 2 AFP THE US Department of Transportation announced the recall of more than 131,000 of the 1909/73 Toyota Mark II car* for repair or replacement of fuel tanks. Joan Claybrook, administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said that Toyota "had recalled the same type of vehicles In
      AFP  -  63 words
    • 52 2 AFP ITALY'S outgoing premier OiuUo Andreotti yesterday received an unanimous vote of confidence from hit Christian Democrat Party in his efforts to form a new government. The party executive restated it* opposition to coalition with the communists, who forced Mr Andreottl's resignation last Monday by withdrawing their
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 74 2 AFP A CONTROVERSIAL Bill to establish a free trade zone In Sri Lanka was passed by Parliament after some of its clauses were deleted. It was adopted with a two thirds majority, 130 members voting for and 12 against. The minority Tamil United Liberation Front and the
      AFP  -  74 words
    • 44 2 Reuter THE Manila- based Asian Development Bank and a syndicate of Swiss banks led by the Union Bank of Switzerland have signed an agreement for a bond Issue in Switzerland of 80 million Swiss francs, (about $96 million) the Bank announced.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 42 2 Reuter NEARLY 6000 employees of clearing and forwarding agencies at Bombay docks went on an indefinite strike, seriously affecting clearance of imported cargo from the customs house. The employees are demanding higher wages at par with dock workers.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 62 2 UPI A GRENADE explosion on the campus of the University of Mindanao In the Philippines on Thursday killed three students and wounded 30 others. Pete Torres, vlce-pre-sldent of the University, said a security guard saw a long-haired man toss the grenade at the university quadrangle and chased
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 78 2 AP FLU has reached epidemic proportions In parti of the United States, and the death toll Is mounting particularly In the East, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) reported on Friday. Reports from 121 selected cities, upon which the CDC bases Its reports, showed
      AP  -  78 words
    • 74 2 AFP THE driver of a lorry which mowed down 15 people in a Moscow street, killing eight, has been sentenced to death, the trade union newspaper Trud reported. It said the accident happened when Valentin Chimko was drunk and driving his lorry at 90 km/h In
      AFP  -  74 words
    • 62 2 UPI A SOVIET Aeroflot passenger plane collided with the personal aircraft of Somali President Siad Barre at Sanaa Airport in North Yemen on Friday shortly before takeoff, the Iraqi News Agency reported. The agency said an airport employee was badly injured in the accident and taken
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 77 2 Reuter AN ARMED hijacker who took over a plane with 42 people on board was overpowered after a scuffle with the Pakistan International Airline (PIA) chief and crew members, police sources said. The PIA chief, retired Air Marshal Nur Khan, was hit by a bullet in the
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 27 2 AFP A BLIZZARD lathed New York, practically paralysing; the city and its sprawling suburbs as It left drifts up to 40 cm deep. AFP.
      AFP  -  27 words
  • 312 2 UPI A FEDERAL Grand Jury In San Francisco has charged two men with stealing possibly millions of dollars worth of time from the world's largest computer. Indicted on Friday, were computer experts David Sampson, 28, and Gary Miller, 30, both of California. US Assistant Attorney
    UPI  -  312 words
  • 455 2 ]MR. HOWE YOON CHONO, head of the civil service, yesterday won his appeal against a decision upholding the revision of the annual value of his piece of land in Peck Hay Road. The High Court ordered that a refund be made to him. Mr
    455 words
  • 187 2 LOCAL electronic calculator manufacturers feel Japan's proposed tariff cuts on electronic desk-top calculators will not benefit them. This Is because their products have been entering Japan under the Generalised Scheme of Preferences, according to yesterday's Business Times. Tariff duties are not Imposed on goods
    187 words
  • 40 2 UPI CHINESE traveller's cheques are on sale tor tne first time in Hong Kong In a move designed to facilitate monetary transactions for visitors to the mainland. The cheques went on sale on Friday.—UPl.
    UPI  -  40 words
  • 123 2 AFP CHINA and France yesterday signed an agreement for scientific and technical cooperation, the first of its kind concluded by the Peking government with any western country. The framework agreement was signed after a two-hour meeting yesterday morning between French Prime Minister Raymond Barre and
    AFP; Source: AP PICTURE  -  123 words
  • 263 2 Agencies rAQ has been secretly contacting a number of states with the aim of convening a full Arab summit, the pro-Libyan As-Saflr ,newspaper reported yesterday. Quoting Informed Arab sources, the daily paper said the proposed summit was designed to re-assess the whole Middle East
    Agencies  -  263 words
  • 31 2 CHINESE Vice Premier Chi Teng-kuel said yesterday China is considering building a superexpress railroad as part of It* sixth five-year economic programme for 1981-1985, the Kyodo News Agency reported.
    31 words

  • 448 3 At least six student leaders arrested, says report AP ATP INDONESIAN troops A and armoured cars cordoned off university campuses In Jakarta yesterday, reportedly In a sweep on students staging anti-govern-ment campaigns. Some unconfirmed reports said at least six student leaders from the elite State University
    AP; ATP  -  448 words
  • 120 3 UPI A 6500-TONNE Singapore registered freighter sank in a storm of! Japan's southern Island of Kyushu early yesterday, according to the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency (MSA). An MSA spokesman said 12 crewmen of the freighter Watl were rescued from rubber liferafts by a Japanese military
    UPI  -  120 words
  • 95 3 r' IS now becoming Increasingly difficult for Malaysian students wishing to take up medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary science to gain admission In universities In America, Britain and Australia. Three experts—the director of the MalayslanAmerlcan Commission on Educational Exchange. Mrs Linda Heaney, representatives from
    95 words
  • 61 3 THE Singapore Polytechnic is to Introduce a compulsory course on lifecraft and survival training for all students in the Department of Nautical Studies and Marine Engineering. Capt P.K. Rajagopalan. acting head of uie department announced this at the presentation of two lifecrafts to the department by
    61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 WHAT IS DANDRUFF There are 2 Doth: v are 4* y HXS* *-r e recommend S M m V v mm rr« ®v •f :*■■■< BB i •> H6 u K >6$ si mm i 4h < V r'^ 'V- R i Suave dandruff control K»fc i >.y a* I
      69 words

  • 413 4 AST year saw an Increase In shipyard activities and indications are that some major shipyards might have fared slightly better than in the previous year, Labour Minister Ong Pang Boon said yesterday. Citing figures, Mr Ong Mid that the total turnover (or 1976 amounted
    413 words
  • 48 4 Reuter SEVENTY-FIVE practising laywers yesterday attended a workshop, the first in a series organised by the Law Society. Mr David Marshall spoke on relations between the prosecuting and defence counsel and Mr H. E. Cashln on the thalidomide case. A third speaker did not turn up.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 215 4 UPI VIETNAM lashed out on Friday at the "siCK minds" of Cambodia's leaders and threatened major retaliation lor continuing Cambodian attacks on Vietnam, in- eluding the Thursday shelling of Tay Ninh provincial capital. Radio Hanoi, monitored in Bangkok, said the noontime shelling of
    UPI  -  215 words
  • 100 4 AP Thirteen Thai soldiers were wounded when a military truck hit a landmine filanted by Communist nsurgents in Northeastern Thailand on Thursday, border police headquarters in Bangkok said on Friday. The explosion occurred in Burl Ram Province, 320 km North-east of Bangkok,
    AP  -  100 words
  • 174 4 rE Roman Catholic archbishop of Turin, Italy, announced on Friday that a linen sheet believed by many to be the shroud that once wrapped Christ's body will be displayed publicly this summer for the first time in 45 years. Monslgnor Anastaslo Ballestrero said
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  • 150 4 JACKPOT System International, which offered the public an opportunity to earn up to 9105 In a week through an advertisement in the New Nation last Wednesday, yesterday asked readers not to respond to the reply coupons until further notice. In a notice in the paper yesterday, the
    150 words
  • 186 4 AFP Filipino housewives in a village outside Manila are up In arms over a new type of lottery which offers as main prize a key to a hotel room and a woman as sex partner. The gover nmentowned Philippine News Ageney (PNa) said
    AFP  -  186 words
  • 271 4 AFP PRESIDENT Marcos yesterday said he nad received indications that Muslim rebels wanted a resumption of stalled peace negotiations to end the nve-year-old separatist rebellion in tne southern Philippines. "This will mean we ran then consider the possibility of lifting martial law either totally or
    AFP  -  271 words
  • 53 4 AFP A PRINTER has been Jailed for eight years ior forging Malaysian and Brunei banknotes. A high court Jury found Ng Chi Kin guilty of possessing HK$2.6B million (about $1 million) worth of the notes in Malaysian $50 denominations. forging and possessing spurious Malaysian travel documents and possessing
    AFP  -  53 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 I 1 II r Selsun it medically proven to treat dandruff effectively. Stopt itch. Treats and clears scalp while it washes away unsightly dandruff flakes. Selsun treats even the moat stubborn cases. It is pecked in spill-proof bottles. -~f vv- mi sOl 1 nl A Product of Abbott Laboratorim. U.SJk.
      74 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 383 4 In and around town ROAD SAFETY EXHI- anniversary. Admission the Sea; and A pJn. PERMANENT ART DENS, Mandai Road, till BiriON at MoulmeLn free. Mankind and the Sea. EXHIBITION at the Na- 6 p.m. Admission; adults community centre, Shan CREATING WITH NEW YEAR EXPO, tional Theatre, Clemen- $2. children under
      383 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 345 5 For $115,CX)0 upwards, kl I 5 large bedrooms with 3 bathrooms V I Spanish design split-level terrace Italian marble-floored Living Dining rooms full-height Italian ceramic wall tiles for kitchen, bathroom toilets aluminium doors windows with tinted glass A s v V* 2* I ■flS&i ifc n Mil H»! >ii UlilU.
      345 words

  • 157 6 AFP FREEDOM of lnfor- m&tlon is essential to the safeguarding of democracy and man righto throughthe protection of huout the world, Ireland's Nobel Peace Prize wlnper, Sean Macßride, said at a university law faculty seminar In Besancon, France, on Friday. The former UN
    AFP  -  157 words
  • 202 6 UPI Legislation to curb the activities of the Soviet Union's cut-rate cargo ships In Japanese Kris was Introduced in pan's parliament yesterday, officials of the Japanese Ministry of Transportation said in Tokyo. The move stems from the refusal of Soviet shipping lines to Join
    UPI  -  202 words
  • 52 6 AP 'pHAI police have bannA ed fireworks and ordered Bangkok's Chinese community to hold Its holiday "lion dances" away from main streets during the coming Chinese New Year celebration, a police spokesman said yesterday. Police Major Wanchal Visuthlnun said those arrested for violating the order would face legal
    AP  -  52 words
  • 152 6 AFP TiAIWAN's delegation •1 was unable to attend the two-day workshop of the Pacific Area Travel Association (Pata) concluded in Colombo on Friday because the Sri Lanka government declined to Issue them visas, a Pata spokesman said. Taiwan is a member of the
    AFP  -  152 words
  • 132 6 Reuter A SOVIET scientist on Friday called for International cooperation lji setting up a solar village where all energy would come from the sun. Dr. V.A. Baum of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences In the Soviet Union told the Interna- tlonal Solar Energy Congress in
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 399 6 Reuter AP PRESIDENT Carter, who on Thursday promised Americans a US$25 billion ($5B billion) tax cut this year, has warned Congress his goals on inflation, economic growth and unemployment could not be met by the end of 1979. Mr Carter In his
    Reuter; AP  -  399 words
  • 314 6 UPI AP JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda has never promised other countries that Japan will achieve an economic growth rate of seven per cent in 1978, Chief Cabinet Secretary Shintaro Abe said on Friday. He said -the goal of a seven per cent growth
    UPI; AP  -  314 words
  • 150 6 Reuter THE US international Trade Commission (ITC) voted 5-1 on Friday that imports of Citizen's Band (CB) radios are damaging American makers. The commissioners will meet this weekend to recommend a remedy to President Carter. Citizen's Band radios have become a nationwide craze
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 32 6 UPI TURKEY asked U8 Secretary of State Cyrus Vance on Friday to keep out of the Cyprus situation and devote more time to improving America's relations with Turkey. UPI
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 160 6 AP US President Jimmy Carter took what he termed emergency action on Friday to slap fixed fees on all imported sugar and promised that, if necessary, "I will not hesitate to take even more stringent action." Mr Carter said one reason for his move
    AP  -  160 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 818 7 If such a person as TCS actually exists, it could only be an unliberated, unaware and very pathetic male. rr YOU ask me, the article by Tan Oeok Ser in the Sunday Nation last week was meant to firovoke woman libbers, heir sympathisers ana
    818 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 IF YOU have something to say which yon think oar readers would like to know why not put It on paper and send 11 to us. We welcome contributors to this column. Articles can he on any subject bat should preferably be opinion pieces of about SN words each. They
      94 words
    • 529 7 Now in Singapore! The all-new RICOH XR cameras With Pentax K-Mount They represent the finest aspects of contemporary photographic technology. They've high performance features found in more expensive cameras. They're the all-new RICOH Single-Lens-Reflex cameras. The first non-Pentax cameras with the K-Mount. Whether a rank beginner or serious amateur photographer,
      529 words

  • 212 8 Anything you can do COMMENT We declare last week women's week. Madame Tens Ylng-chao, vice-chairman of China's National People's Congress, was In Phnom Penh, reportedly on a peace mission. Patricia Derlan, US President Carter's representative, ended her fournation human rights tour of South-east Asia. Six American females were selected for
    212 words
  • 1613 8  -  By N. D. Kleinfield NYT DHONES are its r trade, but the most conspicuous thlpg about the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Is Its size. It is, in fact, the biggest corporation on earth. There is more of It than anything else, a very great deal
    NYT  -  1,613 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 174 8 THE LADY SEIKO QUARTZ. A STARTLING NEW STANDARD OF ACCURACY FOR WOMEN. 4302—3019 T)m Lady Seiko b stylish without being obvious; fashionable without being flamboyant. It has the kind of exquisite good looks you've come to expect from Seiko. Yet the Lady Seiko Quart* is accurate to within seconds per
      174 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 51 8 Its assets exceed those of General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Chrysler and IBM combined IM A COMRWMU AMP frjtf 10 fm M! Ym t?//W6 72 TOUCH MY MW /W/ KW^! 06£ D RAPfC WJ* AAIP WVFt mmilT AMP 0V AHmsr TO. TOOCH WV MMV TO PAV F* vS//e AWRTIOUS! J
      51 words

  • 344 9 IN SPITE of courses that x guarantee to make ail impeccable secretary out of any aspiring girl friday, there is still one department in which some of them might, need some thorough revision. The social graces in vlrhlch they are supposed to be so
    344 words
  • 172 9 SHE complained that he never gave her anything anymore, now that they were "safely" married. And worst of all, she'd never received any flowers from him In years. Her birthday came around and he decided to surprise her. So, early
    172 words
  • 110 9 mHOSE of you who have X had occasion to raise your eyes heavenward and ask: "Is nothing sacred?" have finally got your answer to that question. For the management of one firm, at least, nothing Is. And their employees have had to fight
    110 words
  • 243 9  -  Letters MRS. GLEN BAUM Chairman Appeals Sob-Committee Spastic Children's Assn. of Singapore. IREKtR to the letter by Mr T.B. Goh (Sunday Nation, Jan 8) and wish to reassure him that charities affiliated to the Council, when conducting donation draws are obliged to inform all prize
    243 words
  • 336 9 TiHOSE Chinese restaur ants with the traditional decor, the ones that usually serve tlm sum, have struck on the right note. Chinese food, be It the Cantonese. Shanghai nese or Szechuan variety, goes down well with the soft strains of the "pi pa" or
    336 words
  • 135 9  -  GLORIA CHANDY Although i cant help but agree with some of Mr Blackwell's (Hollywood dress designer of the "worst dressed list" notoriety) choices of women who belong In the horrlflcally attired category, I can't say the same for the comments he's tagged on to the end of
    135 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 73 9 lead »> 11 11 N'l CUP LONDON. SWI. ALCOHOLIC CO*DIAL MINIMUM COMTCNTS 70d« PHOOUCfO IN (NOIAMO PIMM'S THE REFRESHING LONG DRINK f«■ Mix 1 measure of to 20r3 of lemonade, 7 UP or Ginger Ale. Add plenty of ice. a slice of lemon, or orange and cucumber if desired. &M
      73 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 994 10 Your 12-page TV pull out DESIGNING WOMAN (Night Movie) on Saturday, Ch. 5 at 10.50 p.m. in COLOUR After a whirlwind courtship, Gregory Peck marries Lauren Bacall and tries to get his former girlfriend (Dolores Gray) to believe this. George Well's Oscar-winning script conveyed no message or realism and was
      994 words
    • 337 10 the elusive Julie. Rudy eventually becomes a financial and political wizard while Tom, wandering and trouble-prone, is content being a layabout. Their pursuit of individual happiness ranges across America to a Mediterranean resort. Based on Irwin Shaw's bestseller, this series took years to prepare and six months to film. Cast
      337 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2896 11 / 12  -  A blueprint on human behaviour The way we walk, stand, laugh, love, dress—even undress ...they all reveal *4 i 4 v the secret of what we really think m Why do two friends so V S. often act alike By DESMOND MORRIS JUST as a blrdJ watcher watches birds,
    2,896 words
  • 462 11 / 12 TT HAS been said that If society wishes to show its contempt, It first Ignores you, then. If this does not succeed, it laughs at you, and finally, if all else fails, it attacks you. Although this is an over-simplification, it Is true that
    462 words
  • Page 11 / 12 Advertisements
    • 74 11 / 12 NEXT WEEK Find out your importancariting with your host. Learn to toll how glad ha it to saa you or how glad ha is to taa tha back o# you. Whan it's tima to say goodbya, your hoat (and you whan you'ra tha host) unconsciously givas you a status-ranking which
      74 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 134 13 HH.Ai) OH)IJR TlVlt mm t 'Xr re AKAI-THI MOST LIS'Tf ISiAba FASHION TODAY YT■ f T fcnqumes Te' W> 4 7 11 c t x s r >»* E2 K TO HELP YOU KEEP A CLEAR HEAD For that original sound, you naad to claan your tapa haad attar avary
      134 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1134 13 MONDAY Colourent Colour T.V. Specialists. 3.30 Pii Open 1.01 VALAR PIRAI (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (T) v US* AFTERNOON MATINEE: Lord Of Bnrmbocfc, la* of 2. After his capture. master criminal Julius Adolf Peterson wrote the memoirs of his past life on which this film is based. Stars Martin
      1,134 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 152 14 The Super Boy (The Big Boy in dashing Console) 'i PT* ILHllillllliii'lL t nwtWM //ffiiniuvl KV-2020ES Sony's 20" (51.8 cm)... New Trinitron colour tv system with 60% brighter and sharper plus instant picture make him the best colour tv system in town. -warranty •24 months' cover for free labour #24
      152 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 990 14 WEDNESDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 SERBANIKA (r) 3.30 Diary Of Event (M) 3.35 Stars In Action: The Big Pay Day 4.00 THK DOLL MASTER AND HIS APPRENTICE. A glimpse of the first year of a boy's apprenticeship as he studies the traditional Japanese crafts of using clay to make female
      990 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 244 15 KLM Royal Class m 7. 9 4 J? 4 far too good to be called just First E vary thing about KLM's Royal Clan it abaolutely first data and mora. It* facial rid labal stands for a lot of privileges. Baggage ellowence is 60% higher. Your luggage is first off
      244 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1019 15 FRIDAY 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: The Cupid (Mandarin/r) 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 4.00 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 430 NIWS IN MIIF 435 HAUL (r) 7.00 IN SEARCH OP: Earthauake* 7.30 NIWS AND NEWSREEL (M) •40 SXJRtmViN CONCKRT Karen and Richard perform at the New London Theatre 9.30 NIWS (K)
      1,019 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 473 16 This month is a special month for Pelicans, which have always offarad an unrivallad roll-call of outstanding authors. Top namas who not only know thair subject wall, but who can write wall too. Above all, writars who stimulate and antartain as wall as inform J.K. GaKxatth, HJ. Eysenck, Edward da
      473 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 45 16 1 mi UJM f. &ROU)N and MEL CA36ON iou'& wr u*fc IW# OTtee Htfi l pAie.MrlQLp... r ibu Qon-r ikv 10 OiAt Ate AWP MiX? AHP ,Klss AUL Tdf tlMf. r W»i "THAW** ;xu tell nee (L -j j? as &rPAmfiAflpHAfT InMiminnirm. iHirrrntm'nrTTnHwimm' mmu l
      45 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 239 17 / 18 Unco Ll3O, L 133 and L 236 Belt-drive 16-pole synchronous motor. Antiskating system. Wow and flutter and lets than 0.045% WRMS. Rumber 62d8 weighted. L 133 with automatic stop. Fully automatic L 236. Lenco M 100 Cartridge. Swiss precision in a multiple choice of turntables and cassette decks. L 133
      239 words
  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
    • 187 17 / 18 I Pi- 4 w A v Sr v ,r m\dm ,"i ill ■Wll J r < ft XAM A FRAIL REED *--S BUFFETED 0V THE CHILL WINDS OF WINTER...SO 9/ B®^ -w O TAKEN ANOTHER ROUTE/ L JIS a Sfc ttftl V 4® v; P*S Ww fl VOU ARE A
      187 words
    • 95 17 / 18 beetle v bolley i VES, THIS ik IX FiAF r hp A* <• you sure Y wait till ion e>ae VIBAZ SOME: Trie OUTFIT I'M W/LD CLOTHES, j HAVIN6 DELIVERED FLAP a X TOPAV THIS <SOES TO A IT. FLAP AT CAMP S vWMPy GOOD. THAT& OH THE WAV TO
      95 words
    • 90 17 / 18 I 1 I I tm MM I mmii <// *i»4 f r r *>• f* ffc r #>» </4 f. sE i NOW/ IT SEEMS A BELLVACH&..AN' ?osg sppnrs ON 1...L0T5A RS>ONSS' MX)te RIGHT ABOUT TH' BELLYACHE, ®JT WEON& ABOUT TW'SFtHSI 4 rsjrjm BBfi fc. aa -a vWji| SB jjffijfc*
      90 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 414 19 Spring Snow: Yukio Mishime In November 1970, Yukio Mithima committted suicide. Hit last years ware devoted to the completion of a tetralogy The Sea of Fertility, of which Spring Snow it the firtt volume. It it a tragic and bteutiful ttory of a doomed love affair and nowhere hat Mithima't
      414 words
    • 117 19 NEW H from Pengu A P'tf) £21 EE] r LUCIENNE LANSON This book is written for ail women regardless of age, social position, educational level or sexual inclination. Here, at last is clear, accurate and sympathetic information from a gynaecologist speaking woman to woman in a book that wrtl enable
      117 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 44 19 I l«k«r thatctey... soggy.yg, ft* -T Q6 MXI WILL KNOW, M6N n vry PosmoM y BUiy^>V^MiPR»SZ MCMNO, flvvMiclatarGartH prepare* 1/ ves, PQELKI', LOO<HT"EVi-otNY 1,1 ■-^^*^55fc: to leave for BntaiKi... qnp i^thz«^>TO6 <g MSQFDVKI¥Q < U i de wtwrtw? HNO MQRRLEIGHVMRS fTWRyRTCOURT- TIMES, J pTi^^9 B>
      44 words

  • 823 20 Fawcett turned on and bionic batteries are recharged How you can develop the fine art of getting your men and keeping them HUMOUR with JU^b I I WAS more than Interested to note, nay, study, in a recent Issue of Fanfare —the reading you're needing—of how the various misses Fawcett,
    823 words
  • 213 20 personal view of the news rrflE Bearded Assov X elation of Diplomats In Koala Lompor is to hold a dinner later this month mt which a price would be awarded to the "sexiest beard." Will the toinninq one have a tinge of olue, I wonder. THE safest means
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  • 287 20 Off the Record by CKT IN WHITE heat, Verdi wrote his darkest opera lp II Trovatore. Actually, there are cleverer things than that, such as the plot. The gypsy Asucena kidnaps a nobleman's baby son but bungles her vengeance blueprints by throwing her
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 175 20 Read the New, Children s Magazine! Let your mind grow. en you learn with fun and laughter. N Funland is an Englishlanguage fortnightly magazine ior boys and girls, carefully planned, to be entertaining and informative, to arouse curiosity and stir the imaginatipn. Plenty oi stories in this Pre-Chinese New Year
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  • 1118 21  -  By JENNIFER SMALL UPI "lIOW d° you solve n a problem like Maria?" sang the perplexed nuns in The Soupd of Music. The answer has yet to be found. At 72, Maria rips around Vermont's green mountains in her tiny aquamarine car,
    UPI  -  1,118 words
  • 818 21  -  mmuifiN WONG KUN YEW YUGOSLAVIA con- Jures up, in our mind's eyes, Images of ruggedness In terrain and spirit of her people. Images you can hardly forget If you had watched the film, Val:«y of Neretva, starring Yul Brynner and the spirited partisan fighters.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 42 21 RESTAURANT OUTRAM PARK, •LK. 24 *»f« STORKY (E) Chief cook Mr. Hoi Kok Nil WELCOME TO TASTE Oil Hot Plate Deer Meat Japan Roast Porte Rib Hongkong Roast Chicken Fresh Prawns (from Ipoh) Fried Shredded Chicken with Yam PHOHfi--*****88 *****29 EASY PARKING
      42 words

  • 733 22  -  How husband No. 6 pans*: widened a Hollywood star's horizons By David Wigg Express AFTER one year of marriage, Elizabeth Taylor's newest husband finds there Is just one little matter spoiling an otherwise blissful relationship. The one-timer superstar of Hollywood, it turns out, is not exactly
    Express  -  733 words
  • 370 22  -  JJ3 JlilijJ By Edgar Koh ARACE is now on between two sci-flca— Star Wars and close Encounters of the Third Kind—for the all-time box-office championship title. Star Wars, released in the U8 last May, took US$l27 million up to last week, outgrosslng Jaws which has raked
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 139 22 West Cabot's Vitamin E Skin Care is The one thing your skin may have always needed! Imported from U.S A. This luxurious moisturising creme. suber satVitamin E moistens, softens and beautifies all skin types. It's great for problem skin, rough-dry zones, lines, wrinkles and delicate eye areas. Use under makeup,
      139 words

  • 655 23  -  GATHERING AND WRITING THE NEWS. By John Paul Jonas 1976. Nelson Hall. 290 pp. US$lO. Alex Josey WHAT is news? There are many definitions. Dog bites man is not news. Man bites dog could be news. Prime Minister bites dog is definitely
    655 words
  • 521 23  -  The Book Page PSYCHOLOGY IS AB0UY PEOPLE. By H. J. Eysenck. Penguin. 1977. 331 pp. 90p. By Sarojini Kumarasamy TtHIS Is a collection A of seven essays, none of which is as appealing as the title suggests. Only with perseverance will a
    521 words
  • 294 23 A/fRS Betty Hargrave 1*1. Is terribly distressed that Henry Courtenay, her neighbour, has threatened to sue her. She says: "Our son Tommy, was outside playing with our Scottish terrier, Dougall. He's a dear little harmless dog. Well, Courtenay came a'ong and Dougall play'.ully Jumped against him.
    294 words
  • 491 23  -  ODD CIRL OUT by Elizabeth Jane Howard. Penguin, 1975. 296 pp. 75 pence By Nancy Koh t»DMUND and Anne CornhUl are a sybaritic, cat-loving childless couple absorbed totally In their private world. Bound by personal and sexual compatibility they seem to have found selfsufflclency in their country
    491 words

    • 252 25  -  ATHLETICS Tan Kim Seng WHS athletics scene 1 comes alive again as local athletes, especially the distance runners, compete In the BAAA Individual and team cross-country league over tour weekends at the Macßltchle Reservoir. Four races, the first of whicn was run off yesterday
      252 words
    • 676 25 INSIDE TRACK QO THERE Is to be no "live", telecast of to n 1 g h t's Malaysia Cup soccer match between Singapore and Kedah. A most unusual state of an airs, considering that all tickets were snapped up 48 hours alter sales started. Thousands of
      676 words
    • Article, Illustration
      831 25 Nancy Koh on Hashim Hosni SIDE by side with our national footballers, he looks a midget among Lilliputians. So short, tiny and fragile Is his frame that It probably would take less than one mighty puff of a. gale to send nlm airborne. Actually Hashim Hosnl, the latest
      831 words
    • 222 26  -  Ernest Frida TITHE Singapore Oolf Aa--I- soclatlon tournament sub-committee (organisers of this year's local circuit) should announce the qualifying standards for the Rolex Masters now. This Is necessary because every year players, especially the amateurs, complain about the way the field is selected for this
      222 words
    • 777 26  -  TENNIS TALK Alfred Tong Vf ORE than 300 ap--ITI plied. Only 147 were selected. These 147 were separated Into seven camps, and are now training twice a week under quail* fled coaches. Who are these 147? They are the juniors boys and girls, mainly from
      777 words
    • 477 28  -  But not in the WBF tournament BADMINTON Gerry Chan WHAT are we to W think about the remarkable performances in Indonesia recently of eighttime All England champion Rudy Hartono? Back at his brilliant best, Rudy crushed current World and All-Eng-land champion Flemming Dells and
      477 words
    • 276 28 WOKil SOCCER WANZANIAN goalkeeper, Omar Mahadl was Jeered by more than 25,000 fans who suspected him of practising witchcraft in the East and Central African Cup final between Kampala City Council and Slmba in Kampala last Tuesday. Omar, playing for Slmba, was the
      276 words
    • 629 28  -  Lim Kok Ann pi AN interview be- fore the World chess championship Candidates final match, Victor Korchnoy predicted that he would beat Boris Spassky by 10V»-8Y» points. As It turned out, he did better then that.' He won by 10J-7i points. The match ended
      629 words
    • Article, Illustration
      305 29 IPS AERONAUT ICAL A engineer and inventor Mr Nelson Tyler of Los Angeles, California, has now launched yet another Qf his brain- childs. It is a Jetpowered motorcycletype vehicle to ride on water with the aid of skis. The vehicle Is steered in the same way as a
      IPS  -  305 words
    • 660 29  -  By Brian Glanville IPS OPAIN have reached the World Cup finals; which improves the prospects of the host country, Argentina. A strange statement on the face of things, yet there Is sense In It Cesar Lola Menotti, manager of the Argentinian team, recently got back to
      IPS  -  660 words
    • 1741 30 That's Holland without Cruyff, says Eric Batty OTHER team made such an impact on world opinion as Holland did in the 1974 World Cup, and although almost four years have passed since then, virtually all the players are still available, and at their best
      1,741 words
    • 245 31  -  BASKETBALL Tony Koh TOHE Basketball AssoJL elation of Singapore's move to form a feeder squad for the national team is a step In the right direction. The squad, comprising players who took part in the Asian Youth championship in Kuwait last October, is
      245 words
    • 111 31  -  Joyce Tan fpHE Singapore WoA men's Netball Association will hold their AOM this Saturday at the P and N conference room at 2 p m. The Association have 165 affiliates and getting •11 their delegates to attend the AOM will be no easy matter. A good
      111 words
    • 1103 31 JESTER Plggott scored two easy wins and a second In five rides at Bukit Timah yesterday. Plggott rode a waiting race on NAPSHOT in Race Two and the Bally Royal six-year-old came witn a big burst In the last 100 m to win by
      1,103 words
    • 369 31  -  Brian Miller rnHE World Cup A hockey tournament Is Just two months away and the Junior World Cup Is scheduled to be held next year, but Singapore's women hockey players have nothing to look forward to. This is rather sad because women's hockey has come a
      369 words
    • 437 32 Abova AH H IM I AdMeha S Agitator Ah Marshall H 3 A lets ma lml AIM V > AiM Law j Auric W— II t* A«Mr v 4 August Moan N 4 ■rave Panther Race Bamboo M Monk Marvel Blue JM 3 Brum Hang hiW Tk« Badul
      437 words
    • 179 32  -  By SCRUTINEER pRONZE HEIR, a runaway winner last time out, is rated as one of the top bets at Buklt Tim ah today. He looks a cut above his rivals In Race 5, the Class 3 Division 1200 m. Having only hLs second outing last
      179 words
    • 3426 32 ¥JM| 1.45 CI am 5, Dlv 1 1600m sum ($10,500 $7,MO to rimwr) i lonapw MnaaM N o (RT8) Samaurl 7 07 (4-1.5 bf) 1400m P Vaha IS .tOMM M (MmU) Rodgara 0 57 laAnt) 1800m .1 5CBATCMBB 15 ***** La B
      3,426 words
    • 143 32 it« iThSIB BKIAN MIHUB FAIRWAY BLUEOKA88 Km* It Liquidator Everything Hlce Seatak Sarta Speedmaater BcnUb Staria Everything Mica Seatak Kuria Yanminaan Baee t: Film Q||f Dragon Command Great fUgB Pulau Tloman Aade flim AJief Cbaya Timer Film Ooar lM it VKkwt Umi* Cool Current Ceel Caml Air Marshal Dark
      143 words
    • 618 33  -  SPORTS NATION By PHILIP TAN SINGAPORE are clear favourites to win the opening Malaysia Cup game against Kedah by at least three goals. But If the Kedah side play up to form, then our boys are In for a surprise at the National Stadium
      618 words
    • Kaleidoscope
      • 130 33 UPI TOP-SEEDED Ille Nastase of Romania blamed his failure to reach the semifinals In the US$lOO,OOO ($233,009) Baltimore International Indoor tennis cham- plonshlp on trouble with his serves. Nastase, who succumbed In a 7-5, *8-7, 6-1 match to sevtnth-sceded Tom Gorman, said axter the match: "My serve
        UPI  -  130 words
      • 55 33 Reuter AUSTRALIA won the Davis Cup Eastern Zone seini-Anals against Japan In Tokyo yesterday, taking an unbeatable 3-0 lead. Geoff Masters and Allan Btone beat Japan's Jun Kamlwazuml and Kenlchl Hlral 6-4. 6-4. 6-1 In the doubles to give Australia the tie. The Australians won the two
        Reuter  -  55 words
      • 40 33 Reuter THE Jockey Club in Hong Kong yesterday decided to cancel the British colony's big racing event of the year, the Invitation Cup, as a dispute with stable lads stretched into Its second week. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  40 words
    • 358 33  -  SMASH Peter Lo civil Service individual squash championships have so far produced two upsets and one "noshow." The first major upset occurred In the Division II second round when Boh Chye Ouan (No 2 seed) of Defence played weU below form and lost to unseeded player Ng
      358 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 156 25 WIN SENSOR TOUCH IS THE VERY BESTH Because every Win Sensor Touch lighter has an IC unit plus a super sensor amplifier specially developed and powered by a miniaturised 1.5 Silver Oxide battery that gives you 40,000 multisparks. JUST ONE GENTLE TOUCH WILL DO It will light up at-the gentle
      156 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 36 26 ■M®m "-V JS.W I- ;>**" IC 5055T91 C 506 QMO4 $ote Agent WBS&M THE MALAYSIA CUP GAMES v it f «P The world** first IC integrated circuit gas fighter. IF 1001-1004 Malayan CiacHt I MM MG&fca .amgeporea.iak
      36 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 279 27 APPOINTME ike to helpnewiy-weas |etoffinihe besffcpirit? you are friendly, pleasant and single and enjoy people, you may be the lady we want as our Banquet Adviser. We are a large established Company representing products that have traditionally been the choice at important function* like .anniversaries, etc We want you to
      279 words
    • 428 27 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services A Singapore group of companies engaged in diversified business activities urgently requires the services of a mature and experienced lady to fid the position of: J MVIvTTTITT TO THE CHAIRMAN i. $24,000 p.a. plus bonus This it a special position in the Group. Working
      428 words
    • 195 27 APPOINTMENTS V Finding appKcnits is lisv but WWW J Wl finding Mm right one is Miotlnr story., Sunday Notion con holp yoo to got tho right Wo roocli nooagemont potontiol tho prolossional I technical exocatives' in tho poMc k privoto sectors. for forthor dotoils contact oor oppojatawnts notion at *****1.
      195 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 82 28 SI < :v> CIK H W .t. usfiH 1 >0» J& i?»St x. m Being young should be fun. There Is no need to miss out on all the fun just because of a few embarrassing "blemishes". pHisoAc is the pimple fighter that will help you regain your healthy complexion.
      82 words

  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 673 29 CAPRICORN Dec. 23-Jan 20: Even though you work hard (or a living, you should still find time for a full social and cultural life. Be careful not to put anything In writing which might commit you to an outlay of an unspecified amount. You can afford to be more optimistic
      673 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 165 31 Tht Man: A recognised degree in Electrical or Mechanical. Engineering with a minimum of 6 years' experience with at least two years at the managerial level, preferably in a metal manufacturing company. Those earning less than $2,000/- p.m. may not have the experience required. Tilt Job: Initially to assist the
      165 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 40 31 BIG SWEEP 1 *****9 (*****) 2 *****3 ($1296) 3 *****0 (I 641) Starters (9150 each): *****8 *****5 *****7 *****0 *****5 *****3 *****5 *****9 *****9 *****4 *****1 Consolation (f 100 each): *****6 *****5 *****1 *****7 *****3 *****5 *****0 *****1 *****3 *****3
      40 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 141 33 T-' h -v.,-;,--. I „<? v r v •> I' .l; m say :-:st 2^ rr* v mm Ta» ft 'T* f w*r ,r±, A 'n ;v JZI-am i '\j vJH c." t i V <. r»f* i ■> 72 mmm ©i t A-Vv ,r TO M IP siM* mi
      141 words
  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 155 33 Sports Diary 80CCEB: Malaysia Cup Road, 8 *4j&. —Singapore" v Kedah Singapore Malays Foot(National Stadium, 7.90 ball Club Chalienga P-Jtn Trophy Stable Boytf Singapore Got em- FC v Corporation PC ment Services Football (3.45 pjpJ, Sukaramal League—Division One: FC v Sporting West lake PWD v Fire Brigade FC (5 p.m.
      155 words