New Nation, 20 January 1978

Total Pages: 22
1 24 New Nation
  • 19 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Friday, January 20, 1978 No. 2162 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, T978
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  • 74 1 Reuter Manila, Friday Five top officials of the Development Academy of the Philippines have been detained following the defection of one of the government's most outstanding young technocrats, police sources said today. The technocrat, Mr Horaclo Morales, was alternate Philippine delegate to the UN General
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 391 1  -  ROV move to upgrade driving standard in S'pore By Rav Dhaliwal The ROV is thinking of making the very bad motorist take his driving test again. This is part of a major scheme being c on s 1 dered to crack down on recalcitrant drivers. The
    391 words
  • 594 1 Cairo, Friday Egypt last night called for a fresh start to the peace negotiations it dramatically suspended two days ago. Egyptian leaders consider that this Is necessary if a global and durable Middle East peace settlement Is to be achieved, Cairo radio reported.
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  • 38 1 A weeping Cornelia Ann DeHenbaugh, skipper of the yacht Brillig released after three months detention by the Vietnamese pleads with newsmen not to go aboard. The boat is now in Singapore waters.—UPl picture. UPI picture
    UPI picture  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 'FAfl l« spoiling the players 1 charge PagM 12, 13 Carter i -I -3 $586 bil tax cut Page 9 Uproar over 'nude scenes* in KL Page 4 IN THE OTHER PAGES: Crossword 18: Moneywords, Comics 19; What's On 23.
      40 words
    • 3 1 Story Paje 2.
      3 words
    • 36 1 Design, Quality and Elegance Diamond Rings, Dress Rings in Precious or Semi-precious Stones G.C.DESILVA (PTEJITDr JEWELLERS •Gl4. THE GALLERY. STRAITS TRADING BUILDING BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE 1 TEL:*****6 5* Wy-: never vanes Another quality product Irom IFM
      36 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 154 2 Share prices Improved further durlng.the first 45 minutes of traglnc at the Stock Enchant* pore today extending yesterday's late rally. In top form was South Pacific Textiles which gained six cents to $1.38, bringing total gain since yesterday to ll cents. BUSINESS DONE: Pint Beetle* 8. PACIFIC TEXTILES
    154 words
  • 313 2 UPI The owner-skipper of the American yacht Brillig, recently released from three months' detention In Vietnam, pulled herself together today to tell newsmen they would try to make a statement on their experiences during their three-week stay in Singapore. Cornelia Ann DeUenbaugh posed for photographers,
    UPI  -  313 words
  • 152 2 Shareholders of Faber Merlin Malaysia (FMM) received a pleasant New Year surprise yesterday when the Stock Exchanges of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur announced that the company shares will be relisted on Monday. The relisting—after a trading suspension of nearly 19 months —follows last week's
    152 words
  • 38 2 A 12-lecture course on developing management and leadership skills for executives begins on Jan -23. Classes will be held twice-weekly at the University of Singapore's "llLssen Hut 8 from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. The fee
    38 words
  • 32 2 k.- The Post Office Savings Bank Sembawang branch is now open for business from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on weekdays and from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
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  • 287 2 LKA flUjigapore's "wonder boy' of chess, Wong Meng Kong, who became the youngest ever Pesta Sukan champion last year when he was 13, gained another triumph last night. Meng Kong won the Aw Cheng Chye memorial championship, beating five opponents in a two-round tournament. He
    LKA  -  287 words
  • 97 2 Two masked robbers ransacked a wine shop for nearly three hours this morning and got away with $800 cash and $695 worth of Jewellery. The two men, both in their early 20*8, entered the shop in Kallang Road at about 3 a.m. while its owner,
    97 words
  • 42 2 The University of Singapore's extramural studies department will hold an eight-lecture course on life Insurance law in NLssen Hut 108, every Tuesday and Friday from 7.30 pjn. to 9.30 p.m. beginning Tuesday. The fee Is $35 Ring *****6 for details.
    42 words
  • 39 2 The Minister for Home Affairs and Education, Mr Chua 81an Chin, will distribute ang pows and food hampers to needy elders in MacPherson community centre Sunday at 9.15 a.m. He will also Inaugurate the centre's new dragoon.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 SOS tt always helps to talk to someone. Samaritans of Singapore exists to help those in despair or suicidal. King *****44. C. Emmbee Pacific Pte Ltd. Road, Singapore SLTeI: *****3. Emmbee Showroom: 229, 2nd Floor, Plaza Singapore, Singapore 9. Tel: *****. Open daily from 10am to 7pm. "V
      48 words
    • 3 2 See Page 7
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    • 135 2 mmm Attention all Importers of textile accessories and leather garments. UNIVERSAL PICKERS INDUSTRIES, KARACHI PAKISTAN A leading manufacturer and exporter af all types of leather accessories ha* textile pickers, buffers and leother belts and other accessories for textile industries for sale. Also manufacturing large amount of leather garments such as
      135 words

  • 176 3 The price of pianos has Increased by about 25 to 30 per cent in the last four years. Several piano importers attributed this to increased costs of production claimed by the manufacturers. Mr L.P. Chiu, sales manager of Singapore Piano Company, said: "The exporters
    176 words
  • 124 3 Three former political detainees have pledged to start life afresh as loyal citizens. The three Heng Yee Choon, Lan Yen Kwee and Soo Cheng Chee who were released recently, said they had severed their links with the Malayan Communist Party underground movement. In statements
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  • 415 3  -  From Swadesh de Roy de Roy, our correspondent In Japan Tokyo, Friday All five ASEAN govern ments and Japan will sign here today a protocol to extend by one more year the life of the South-east Asia Promotion Centre in Tokyo which was
    415 words
  • 122 3 The Singapore Armed Forces' Boys School will repair cars and machine parts for BAF personnel for a nominal fee from next month. According to the latest Issue of the Armed Forces' magazine, Pioneer, the school's principal training officer, lir Ong Lee Llan, said the
    122 words
  • 233 3 This letter was put up by Mrs Toh Teck Sung whose lawyer husband was found hanged In his Dover Crescent Hat on Sunday. The letter Is taped to a wall on the ground floor of Block 27. It thanks neighbours (or their contributions to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 The dbx 119 Dynamic Range Enhancer Noise Reduction Unit restores up to 20 db of the dynamics missing from records, tapes, and FM broadcasts and puts life back into the music. available at: ATLAS SOUND UIC Building BENGOLD Raffles Place PETER CHEW'S Supreme House SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR HONG KONG LOS
      81 words
    • 37 3 The enchanting pink u ine from Portugal ■1,!!< Iv 'IU 1 1 11 l ■<; U.'vt, > I it t■ 1 1 ..I' V It. K S M i r M l .r ■Li -w? s% *aU' 3Pv* 1
      37 words

  • 184 4 An Indian Jewellery exhibition the first In Asl&r—will be held In Singapore from Thursday next week. Organised Jointly by the Indian High Commission and the National llQMum, the exhibition will feature a wide range of Jewellery from Bombay. Jaipur. Bangalore and Hyderabad. There will
    184 words
  • 216 4 Scenes like this two Malaysians as members of a cannibal tribe in a film being shot in Kuala L u m p a r —have caused an uproar in Malaysia. People are furious became the film which ■tan Ursula Andress allegedly shows
    216 words
  • 455 4  -  By Judith Hale A nation-wide courtesy campaign should be launched to remind those In the tourist trade of the importance of the industry to the economy. Hoteliers and tour opera tori Interviewed by New Nation yesterday ■poke of a growing Indifference among
    455 words
  • 173 4 Tongan Director of Educatiop Slone Na'a Fiefla spent more than two hours at the Industrial Training Board yesterday. He Is on a six-day visit to find out how technical schools are run In Singapore. He paid: "We are thinking of setting up vocational institutes in Tonga.
    173 words
  • 123 4 About 120 staff members of the Industrial Training Board will attend a two-day residential seminar on safety tomorrow. The seminar, to be held at the Civil Service Staff Development Institute In Paslr Pan J sing, will be opened by ITB'g deputy chairman. Mr HL Hochstadt, at 9 ajn.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 9 0 NOW. A WATOI (OK If II WOMAN WHO SAYS SOME THING ABC )U I HLRStI I IN EVERY IHING SI IE WEARS. r m 5 v KvX'ifrk j r- .'>* .'V I--WOT •>,l me£»-* v y > < v w Kl fc v '*X. f;'" vWMSBC m s
      95 words

  • 276 6 Reuter Peking, Friday China yesterday opened verbal fire on the Soviet Union, accusing Moscow of lies and slanders In claiming that Peking provoked the fighting between ■Vietnam and Cambodia. In fact the Soviet Union was trying to get rid of "revolutionary, socialist and
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 211 6 But relations with the Soviets not in >• i danger, says the US AP Washington, Friday The United States and the &>vlet Union have carried out retaliatory expulsions of diplomats in each other's capitals, the US State Department disclosed yesterday. Department press officer John Trattner said Moscow Is
    AP  -  211 words
  • 335 6 A common SinoFrench principle AFP Reuter Peking, Friday The first day of an official visit to China by French grime -Minister Raymond Barre yesterday gave France and China an opportunity to state a comlnon political principle "regard for our own Independence and respect for the Independence of other countries" and
    AFP; Reuter  -  335 words
  • 133 6 UPI TODAY is Friday. Jan. 20. the 20th day of 1978 with 345 to follow. THE MOON is approaching its full phase. IHE MORNING STARS are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. THE EVENING STAR is Jupiter. Those born on this date are under the sign of Capricorn. Polish-American pianist
    UPI  -  133 words
  • 75 6 AP Moscow, Friday The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia suggested yesterday that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Is engaging in slander .for pay in his role as TV commentator. It was commenting on Dr. Kissinger's view last Friday on NBC. "At the end of the programme,"
    AP  -  75 words
  • 33 6 AFP Madrid, Friday —The Justice Commission of the Spanish government's Lower House yesterday decided unanimously that adultery and maintaining a common law partner should no longer be criminal offences. —AFP.
    AFP  -  33 words
  • 39 6 Singapore's weather for the 24 hours to 7.30 a.m. today: Max. temp.—3o.9C; min. temp.—23.4C; hours of sunshine —10.75; to-al rainfall for the month to date 247.0 mm; total ralndays for the month to date—lo. SYT« lr A «r
    39 words
  • 48 6 AP New York, Friday Johnny Rotten, lead singer of the Sex Pistols, j psterdqy announced that he was Quitting the punk rock group. He gave no reasons. A few hours later, Sid Vicious, the group's base guitarist, was In hospital recovering from a drug overdose. AP.
    AP  -  48 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 262 6 Ah Fook and Mei Lin Dui. cAansn T cje iia bisoj. SI f v\ >5 k i m y w w I a? I MV\ V /> w v» OS V I >'„> Mei Lin: I heard you ore the company's new table-tennis champion. Ah Fook: Yes, but there were
      262 words
    • 31 6 fles nuclear plant transaction. Bangkok Cloudy, 3223C. Headline: Strike shuts down 600 schools in Thailand. Sydney Cloudy, 2418C. Headline: Pop star Andy Oibb to divorce pregnant wife. Taipeh Rain, 10-9C. —UPI.
      31 words

  • 427 7 Vance takes new proposal to Cairo UPI Jerusalem, Friday US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and Prime Minister Begin agreed yesterday to appeal to Egyptian President Sadat to resume the direct peace talks between Egypt and Israel. Mr Vance will carry a proposal
    UPI  -  427 words
  • 316 7 AP Jerusalem,. Friday Prime Minister Begin and other Israeli officials insisted yesterday that President Sadat bore full responsibility for the breakoff of Mid-East peace negotiations. They argued there was nothing in Israel's negotiating stand or public statements to justify Mr Sadat's sudden call for return of
    AP  -  316 words
  • 114 7 UPI Canberra, Friday. Two Filipino women claimed yesterday they had been assaultd and starved by their employers, the Malaysian Deputy. High Commissioner and his wife, the Sydney Dally Telegraph reported today. In the report the Telegraph labelled as "exclusive," Magdalena Valera, 38, and
    UPI  -  114 words
  • 144 7 Fighting the only wayArafat AP Beirut, Friday—"The rights 01 the Palestinian people can never be acmeved tnrougn negotiations, but only through the continuation of lighting," Mr. Yasser Aral at, leader 01 the Palestine liberation Organisation, declared yesterday. Mr. Arafat's speech appeared to be an answer both to the decisions of
    AP  -  144 words
  • 51 7 Geneva, Friday—Switzerland exported arms worth 513 million Swiss francs ($595 million) last year, an Increase of four per cent on 1976, official statistics revealed today. West Germany was the biggest client, spending 216 Swiss francs, followed by Spain (55 million), Netherlands (51 million), and Austria (45
    51 words
  • 116 7 Reuter Cape Town. Friday—A white woman with a brain tumour that Is turning her skin progressively darker says she has been ordered off "whites only" buses and is often treated like a black servant. "My friends are shunning me, my marriage has broken up and
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 6 7 More world news on Page 9.
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    • 380 7 Something beautiful is about to happen to you Soon your skin will look better than you ever thought possible. Softer, smoother, more even-toned and fairer! Because the one thing that you've been searching for is available NOW! Libra Complexion Cream gives you that brighter, more eventoned complexion that everyone admires.
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  • 430 8 The worst turn taken by the latest round of Middle East peace talks so far offers both Egypt and Israel a hopefully sobering lesson. And that Is, neither outright Intransigence nor extreme emotionalism solves anything. It took a telephone call from President Carter to persuade
    430 words
    • 84 8 At a hawker stall along the {Singapore River, a group of office workers ordered chicken curry, lkan bills and rice.Each serving of the fixed lunch cost IS. When one of the 1 un c h era grumbled about the price, the hawker retorted: "This same lunch at an
      84 words
    • 41 8 It seems that you don't need to say a wprd to be a gossip. A friend has a deaf-and-dumb mute for an amah wno offer* her employer dally reports of the goings-on in th«r neighbourhood all with sign language.
      41 words
  • 748 8  -  FRIDAY WITH ALEX JOSEY ALEX JOSEY At a club meeting I listened with sympathy to a member voicing a J friendly protest against dress restrictions. He had beep told by the organisers of a social function to come clad In Red Sea Rig. What, he
    748 words
  • 642 8  -  By Joel Henri AFP Bangkok: With the arrival in. Phnom Penh of Chou En-L a 1' s widow, Teng Ying-chao, the Khmer Vietnamese border conflict took on a new dimension and appeared to be moving towards long and difficult negotiations, observers here said. The
    AFP  -  642 words

  • 546 9 Reuter AP Washington, Friday President Carter announced last night he will ask Congress to cut taxes by US$25 billion ($58.5 billion) this year to spur economic growth and provide more Jobs through private industry. The proposed tax reduction and ajaew plea for passage
    Reuter; AP  -  546 words
  • 264 9 Reuter UPI Rome, Friday Outgoing Prime Minister Oluuo Andreotti last night agreed to try to form a new government but said his task was a difficult one. "I do not hide the difficulties," he told reporters altar meeting wHfc lldlfnt Giovanni Leon#T*TOm uosittons
    Reuter; UPI  -  264 words
  • 65 9 AFP London, Friday Heports from the Middle East that "significant gold deposits" had been round in Saudi Arabia were circulating yesterday ki London mining circles. A spokesman for Consolidated Gold Fields explained that the group has been involved In operations in the Mahd Dhahab area for about
    AFP  -  65 words
  • 66 9 AFP Baghdad, Friday Bachelorhood is one of the main causes of traffic tarns and road accidents tere according to a research report from the sociology departawnt of the Baghdad University arts faculty Unmarried drivers used their cars more often and habitually used the horn and other noisy
    AFP  -  66 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 183 9 ft LN A rkwj\\ <w J LAST WEEK'S EPISODE In 1859, when George returns home, he finds his son Tom, now a blacksmith and married himself, serving as head of the family. The possibility of Abolition is in the air, and George's freedom is deeply resented by many white men,
      183 words

  • trend
    • 268 10 / 11  -  Sundown scene uith Jennifer Schoon The showbiz motto that the show must go on has some truth as I found out on Wednesday night." I was in the lift at the Kasbah when I met a tearful Nancy Holloway. But a few minutes later, there
      268 words
    • 433 10 / 11  -  But you get more for your money hating Out with Violet Oon Someone recently told me he went to all the places I have recommended In this colump except the hawker stalls. This Is a pity as some of our best food Is found
      433 words
    • 758 10 / 11  -  The Arts V.O. Swiss tenor Raymond Voyat is not content with Just giving concerts on his tours. He believes in getting to know the musicians of the countries he visit. That's-why he is Joining the Qoh Soon Hoe
      758 words
  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 108 10 / 11 SUNSHIELD ALSO THEFT/GLARE/FADE PROOF Availablo: Do*lt-youi«oH kite, too. %«■> S'PORI *****8 Ml- KX. *****5-' 10% OFF AT LUNCH HOURS FLORAL Mill SEAFOOD '3 1/4 rrvt. Dunoorn Rood, Singapore. IV. T«l: 55,1832 (oppotit* of Buhrt Ttmoh, Swt»* Cottog* A Angk>-Chin«M School) A SPECIAL TOUT FRESH SEAFOOD Varieties of Fresh Seafood Live
      108 words
    • 47 10 / 11 aunm i k -Uf X <* I*- v :;55fc "*i '4 t dM*! r, fcf. t A-fe-'V'f* J- > <VA J. N jjfifc.. d& s mum 1-jf \i art' A«tf lfc-w.-. ..y V v"' t& <js| ty3® y >•-••.' 7 lfc=L J <Jj. -'I 'V-•.-..' •>>> Something«»pcvuil trom Pun hi
      47 words

  • Malaysia Cup Part Two of a three-part kick-off special
    • 987 12  -  that is the warning from puny Per lis Reports:. Philip Tan Although puny Perils suffered a humiliating 4-0 drubbing at the hands of Penang In their opening game last week, the north-ern-most state are on the fringe of breaking into the Malaysia Cup big league.
      Pictures: Johari Rasikin  -  987 words
    • 1083 13 / 14 We want to beat Singapore at the Kalians Stadium this is the battle cry of the Penang team. Speaking for the rest of the team, coach Llm Boon Kenf, who has been with them for the last three
      1,083 words
    • 567 13 / 14 Former Malaysian National soccer coach M. Kuppan, who was In Singapore during the pre-World Cup last year, predicted the present Singapore team under Sebastian Yap should at least qualify for the Malaysia Cup semi-final. Kuppan, now president of the Province
      567 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 96 12 TOMORROW: Kedah and Perak th 3 W'S':/'' '1/ i-'nffJpfoM orev 'K, Every Tanita, like the Tanita 07 Series, is designed to last. The Tanita 07 Lighter, for example, has a specially designed high-performance transformer for years of operation. Its circuits are practically fail-safe after stringent design and testing processes. You
      96 words

  • Page 13 / 14 Advertisements
    • 180 13 / 14 I M m ;JR; >£ 1H i D2B v,' 1 y Vv. o®s'.*-. u< :.ahvM.- MtM; Mwv' -■> At Mhwi wm s$L Mife <S' M.- IS*« •«■■■■■>' m \s PPtf^r I tfawßY* :«> ft /I'i "i* H < v 5 i J$VV.>4 *&?■»s■ < H u *'X.i "A V|i\v.i»'-v r,.
      180 words

  • 354 16 AP New York: Investors in Israel protect themselves against inflation by buying bonds Indexed to the cost oI taring. yranoe offers its toflatten warjrdtisens (and government bond the pjpoleon gold *>- franc coin. S> TIM best sux* saar- gaffSr Oermany the avenige
    AP  -  354 words
  • 605 16  -  'It makes you feel sort of holy* Bjr James Fixx NYT New York: Having returned from a morning runs along 16 Icy kilometres of Connecticut backroads, Linda Schrelber described a curious byproduct of her sport. "Ever since I started; running three-years ago/' she said, felt more
    NYT  -  605 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 328 17 Business News and Views AP Washington, Friday The American economy finished 1977 virtually on target with President Carter administration forecasts, although the increase in the gross national product in the final quarter was the smallest gain of the year, the government leported yesterday. Growth In the
    AP  -  328 words
  • 176 17 AP London, Friday The US doUar drifted lower in nervous trading yesterday in advance of President Carter's State of the Union message. In Tokyo, however, the dollar edged up slightly to 242.375 yen against 242.075 on Wednesday. Profit-taking at Paris after the dollar's stronger showing in the previous
    AP  -  176 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 105 17 Yesterday's prices In US dollars followed by the difference on the previous session's clow: AT T 58 Beth Steel 33% fc Caterp Tra Chrysler 53 13 Coca-Cola 36% Contl. CHI 36% Dow Chem 36 Dresser 40% Du Pont 110% —1% E. Kodak 49 Exxon 43% ft Firestone 14%
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    • 35 17 UPI New York, Friday Dow Jones closing averages on the NYSE yesterday: 30 Industrials 778.67 (off 7.63); 20 transport 211.24 (off 0.83); 15 utilities 106.73 (off 0.07); 68 stocks 273.92 (off 1.77). UPL
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 57 17 AFP Yesterday" closing quotations of the gllt-edgeds, In yen, with Wednesday's In parentheses: Helwa Real Estate 568 (579), Nippon OU 447 (442),' Komatsu 289 (280), Matsushita Electric 696 (592), Honda Motor 507 (614), To you Motor 810 (815), Mitsui and Co. 316 (318), Mitsubishi Corp. 414 (412), Toklo Marine
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 69 17 Closing prices in franc* on the Puis Bourse yesterday: Pari bos 137.50 .40 Ponder 280.80 .70 PTlntenips 18.96 M Bull 33.70 .40 Royal Dutch 284 .90 Michelin 1105 10 COE 256.50 +2.50 Thomson 136 .50 CFP 95.10 —.90 Rhone 51.50 .20 Air 262 a B8N 351.60 —6.40 Philips 64.30
      69 words
    • 84 17 Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich Closing prices In Swiss francs on uie Zurich StOCK tjtchange yesterday: UBS Bearer 3M5 UbS Registered 619 1 SBC 431 1 credit Suisse 2236 5 Swissair B. 808 4 Swiss Reinsur. 2820 +30 Wintertbur B. 2286 +26 Zurich Insur. 8450 +26 Juvena B. 187
      Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich  -  84 words
    • 122 17 Prices on the Sydney Stock Bxchange at 11 a.m. (Australian) tune today: AC1 173 175 ADC 26 30 Ampol Pet 78 79 AN1 153 155 APM 125 128 Bank NSW 528 530 Brambles 180 182 BHP 536 538 Bond 238 240 CBA 233 242 CSR 302 308 CIO 260
      122 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 94 17 EVEREADY PRESENTS v BADE < U t m M Vl> 31 AND THE ly, ;Vl'vGE J—/Good flashlights. Big flashlights. Small flashlights. A whole brigade of flashlights. Some in strong, durable, bright plastic. Some in heavygauge brass. There are also flashlights that float. Flashlights with magnets that will hold fast to
      94 words

    • 475 18 K9 Soccer Reuter London, Friday English First Division leaders Nottingham Forest were drawn yesterday against Leeds United, the club their manager Brian Clough was in charge of for Just 43 days in 1974 before being sacked, in the semifinals of the League Cup. In the
      Reuter  -  475 words
    • 101 18 London, Friday Brazil and West Germany are Joint favourites In London bookmakers' lists to win the World Cup in Argentina In June. Three different bookmaking firms all quote Brazil and West Germany. at 4 to 1 each and also agree In rating Argentina and Holland as their
      101 words
    • 131 18 Amsterdam, Friday Another two prominent Dutch players announced yesterday they will not oe available for the World Cup finals In Argentina for private reasons. They are goalie Jan van Beveren and centre halfback Willy van Der Kuylen, both playing for the national champions PSV Eindhoven.
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    • 501 19 And it comes after six years on the sidelines After years of being Just another national trainee, the inaugural World Badminton Federation championships in Hong Kong on Feb. 22-26 will be the big break Syed Hussein has been waiting for all these years. When news of
      501 words
    • 456 19  -  Tan brothers cause a stir in first race Yachting By NICOLAS ANDERSON Japan's Masaaki Tsujl, sailing Kwapnou, now stands to win the seventh 505 Pacific championships with good lead of 2} points, after the fourth race at Changi yesterday. The nearest threat comes from China Doll,
      456 words
    • 496 20  -  Rolex may have sunwise packet for the Masters TEE-UP with Lim Kee Chan The Local Circuit, which was scheduled to have teed-off with the Cycle and .Carriage Seletar ProClassic this morning, is richer by at least $15,000 this year. Thanks to the sponsors of the respective
      496 words
    • 214 20 Six of Singapore Island Country Club's golfer* may have to withdraw from one of the two tournaments they are down to play tomorrow if they qualify for the second round of the Cycle and Carriage Seletar ProClassic, the opening Jeg of the
      214 words
    • 302 20 Draw for the second round of the SICC Police Cup at the New Course tomorrow: Ist tee. 1.01 p.m. D. Mulholland (11) Philip Ling (13); 1.07 Hatold Chan (13) K. Zyla (8) Wayne Bosley (5); 1.13 N.T. Tham (13) F-M.S. Lee (16) K.L. Tan (16); 1.19 8. Kyle-Little
      302 words
    • 218 20 Martha Young took the lead after 18 holes In the Singapore Island Country Club Mac Donald Trophy competition when she returned a 91 at the Buklt Course yesterday. The 54-hole competition Is being reduced to 36 because the first round was washed out by
      218 words
    • 531 21  -  ON THE TRACK Air Marshal also strides out in style on a yielding track uith Brian Miller The Hustler gave notice of his chances In Race 6 tomorrow when he turned In a sparkling workout on a yielding track at Buklt Tlmah this morning. Ridden by Jockey
      531 words
    • 3786 21 n 2.15 CLASS 5, OIV 2 1600m mHJH ($9,500 $6,650 to winner) 1 6746 Ftytnt I Swallow a (Ooldmlne) Donnelly 5 57 (ud same) t 1400m Wadl 8 I 0758 Mn i a (Sabre) West 7 58.5 (dd+8.5) 1850m 'Francta 7 S
      3,786 words
    • 130 21 SCRUTINEER BRIAN "n un FAIRWAY BLUEGRASS KM* 1: Smokescreen Swift And Honest Hrl Wai Tien Rosewood Eananark Swift And Honeat Swift And Honeat Smokescreen Race t: Red Dart Lucky Bee Take A Bow Eureka Ina—rate Bad Dart Mllrerton Lucky Bea Race S: Noble Venture Mystic Dan Lady Serene Mystic
      130 words
    • 571 22  -  But we aim to do the impossible: Ismail Malaysia Cup By JEFFREY LOW Kedah will be more than satisfied with a draw against Singapore on Sunday If they find that they cannot do the "Impossible" by beating the Young Lions In their own
      571 words
    • 351 22  -  By PHILIP TAN Singapore are one of the few countries apS roach ed by the Allapan Football Association for a friendly International on Feb 12. And If fans have followed Asian soccer closely, this Is Indeed a rare honour. After winning a bronze medal in the
      351 words
    • 377 22  -  BOWLING by Brian Miller Is getting an American professional coach really the answer to Singapore's bowling blues? This seems to be the Illusion that the Singapore Tenpln Bowling Congress are harbouring but, quite honestly, I feel it Just will not work not In Singapore at least.
      377 words
    • 272 22  -  j^jj^Hockey By BRIAN MILLER The Singapore Hockey Association have nominated National hockey captain, Lam Yin Kol, for the 1977 Sportsman of the Year award. This was disclosed by the SHA secretary, Mr 8. Yogarajah, after a meeting of the association yesterday. Full-back Yin Kol Is considered
      272 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 432 18 giA^amrarni i aSS AT YOUm invici Tflnkm Bvtlni* WMkdajn I JO a m too p m S*tunlay» I JO a m JOO p m Public Holiday* to* am I 00 p. m Ragutor of/too flour* AfUr oftkx homrw J ILIA vBO* SPSCIAL Deportment St Fashion Qroomlng CourM la designed to
      432 words
    • 372 18 OCT IST.. 2ND. FLR, Woh Hup Complex. Unit! 5248, 5344, 5345, 91.40 p.s.f. Inclusive. Inquiries *****43. "NITROSOL" MATS THBM all. Don't take our word for It. Try It yourself and double your flower power Velge Orchid Qardens. *****3. AOVANCS OPPORTUNITY TO ■elect from 4 well cared cute Pedigree Pekinese puppies,
      372 words
    • 370 18 SCIENCE TECHNICAL DAY/ Night Service, Colour, B/W T V. Amplifier, Cassette. Repair Guaranteed. Reason* able charges. Tel: *****8/ TROPICAL T.V. SPECIALIST In Black/White colour repair, antennae Installation. Tel. *****2. Fair charges guaranteed. NAM NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte. Limited 8.T.P.8. LIC NO: 140 West Malaysia Tour (Inclusive Denting/ Cameron Highlands)
      370 words
    • 98 18 IIIUC3llNtlltnilC3IUIIIIIIIIIC3HltttiillllC3milltNHinHMIIIM»Un«IHIHIIIII£: Aii established publishing firm I has a vacancy for a 1 Male General Clerk I rj Applicants should possess a G.C.E. '0' level i certificate with credit passes in English, Art and Mathematics. 0 Starting salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience. In addition, a i generous annual
      98 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 288 18 Crossword _y. m hi mmm mmm <«■■■ illilßH ACROSS 1 Baseball gloves 6 Oalt 10 Longa 14 Not touched 15 Swan genus 16 An Armstrong 17 Pitching prize 20 Arab org. 21 Heroic 22 Set down 23 Khan 24 Number 25 Eugenia, for one 28 Bloodsucker 30 Wipes 32 Goddess,
      288 words

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 52 19 THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom StfcH...UCW WHAT? fiT w QU £1 W m ram 9 i rr A GIPT CERTIFICATE »//i! m am in n-. !2r jJIRS6&&> 7 EJ kIT yn& O)UV DO VOL) UAve YOOf? UeAD IM"W6 SMOCO 1 TO I^S 3k 5k IS-TWftT WHERE V VT »-s
      52 words
    • 553 19 A Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address N.R.I.C. No: Tel: FILL IN A-! MISSING jTM LETTERS ~D~R TTirH ACROSS inm F A E_ JLH below mm mb an Hi Cut along dotted lines ■"■■"•J CLUES FOR FP-5 1. Shipment* of fruit, etc.,
      553 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 86 20 PGF STATUS GOLF BALLS Recommended by Johnny Miller, 1976 British Open Champion. First class tennis racquets and shoes from the U.S A 1111 I I Etonic r. Ml sa ■••■■■a •MX rtm > Golf and casual shoes i from the U.S.A. Just a few items from our wide selection of
      86 words
    • 55 20 IVtt&on Sporting Goods Co. of U&A. and fommtf, @OHHOnA have com* up with a winning combination the all new Jimmy Connors C-ll tennis racket incorporating integrated alloy quality black finish •lightweight, durable, power balanced. See it now at your favourite sports shop or at MARVELS INTERNATIONAL 22 Karbau Road, Singapore
      55 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 111 22 How Square Two Ibtally Matched Golf Clubs will improve your game With Total Matching, you actually feel a transfer of experience from ooa dub to the next, since each dub swings with tha sama rhythm and Uw*n| as every other club. The three iron will swing Ilka tha nine iron,
      111 words

  • What's On
    • 612 23  -  By Judith Holmberg An extensive programme of talks, demonstrations and films shows have been drawn up for the next two months by the Science Centre, to interest school students ill science and technology. Most of the activities have been planned around the exhibits at the
      612 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 316 23 6.00 A.M. Opening Announcements followed by At Daybreak with Mantovanl and Orch: An Evening with Mantovanl 8.30 News (E) 6.40 Mbrnlng Concert: Piano Concerto No. 11 (Mozart), Oeza Anda (piano), Camera ta, Academic* of Salzburg Mozarteum; The Planets (Hoist), New England Conservatory ChoruS, Boston 8ymph. Orch/Wllllam Steinberg; Prelude and Allegro
      316 words
    • 828 23 Andes Mountains leaving only 28 survivors, mostly members of a rugby team. Orchard: 1.30. i 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. THE MAD MONK (Cantonese): Singapore comedian Yeh Feng stars as a playful monlc with magical powers. He uses his wit and tricks to help a number of people in distress and
      828 words
    • 258 23 In and around town SINGAPORE HISTORICAL BUILDING Art Exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Empress Place, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admlslon free. BONSAI FAIR at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Hill Street, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The bonsai artists are Mr Boh Chit Hee and Mr
      258 words
    • 457 23 till 5 p.m. Displays the works of pupils from Hwl Yoh Secondary School. There are works on collage, stitching, applique, weaving techniques, batik paintings and batik textile designs. FREE FILM SHOWS at the Maritime Museum Theatrette, Sentosa: 12 p.m. Birth of a Rainbow; 2 pan. Waterbirds of the Inland; 3
      457 words

  • 61 24 AH FOOK: The special exams to pick the nation's best students will no doubt become very prestigious, and parents will be proud if their children were invited to sit for them MEI LIN: It will also reconfirm in people's minds the importance of paper qualifications, just when we
    61 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 204 24 TM The MBA Powerful preprogrammed business and financial functions. Statistics capability and programmabiirty too. O Five basic pnprogrammed financial functions: Number of period- interest rate percentage. Payment amount. Present value. Future value. Six advanced preprogrammed financial functions: Net present value. Internal rate of return. Principal interest/ split Accumulated intereet. Remaining
      204 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 801 24 TV <•: AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 Happy Nw^SHARPCTV I N OPENING ANNOUNT CEMENTB followed by HOUSEWIVES MATfNUi Memory of Lore (r). Mandarin movie 4.45 nrnBBOMiON. •<M OWNING ANNOCTNCEMENTS followed -Tttft •Ml NEWS IN BRIEF. CSS BA2EL (v). Sitcom sUrrlng Shirley Booth. 7JS SERRANIKA (M). Preeented thla week, la an embroidery
      801 words
    • 241 24 ALL STAR SWING FESTIVAL. (Ch. 6, 8.30 pm. In colour). A rare and very entertaining film that features some of the greatest talents In the world of J ass. Among those appearing In this musical show are Duke Ellington, Count Basle, Ella Fitzgerald and Benny Goodman. A re-run. BOOTS: Episode
      241 words