New Nation, 16 January 1978

Total Pages: 27
1 28 New Nation
  • 21 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Monday, January 16, 1978 No. 2158 Price 25 cents M.C. (P) 216/1/78 j NEW (0) NATION COMMENT g!!■mA
    21 words
  • 138 1  -  By Terry Ang The Oasis Theatre Restaurant and Nightclub in Kallang was destroyed in a fire early today, causing damage estimated at $1 millionPolice said the lire started at 3 a.m. in the cabaret hall 15 minutes after closing time. More than 10 firemen fought
    Picture by JERRY SEH  -  138 words
  • 94 1 UPI Bangkok, Monday A head-on crash between a hospital bus and a heavy truck on Saturday took the lives of 12 western missionaries. Two more were hospitalised with serious injuries. The missionaries from Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Switzerland died not far from the hospital where they worked
    UPI  -  94 words
  • 609 1 Reuter, UPI Jerusalem, Monday For the first time, the United States Is to put forward proposals for a Middle East settlement at the Jerusalem conference which was saved last night by dramatic 11-h our American intervention. American officials who said this added that Secretary of
    Reuter, UPI  -  609 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 The Bfgßoy So«T'.aCr(9l«c»)N.w T. t i duuU^ mc&m. err r 4 r INSIDE Pre-dawn queue ier M-Cup ticket! ...but you can get them See Pagee 2, 13 »IN THE OTHER E8: Moneywords 10; Croasword 12; Comics 26; What'a On 27., JS GA v -> v <XV* ft t i'i .<*■
      79 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 355 2  -  By Ting Hi Keng Soccer fever Is back —as this picture of a very familiar scene •hows. 11m queue here la at the National Stadium and although the match la a week away, many of the fana camped overnight while othera waited from aa early aa
    355 words
  • 92 2 Quiet trading prevailed at the Btock Exchange of Singapore during the first 45 minutes today, with share prices virtually unchanged from last Friday's closing levels. Pahang Consolidated has lost much of Its vigour of last week, easing one cent to 91.59. BUBINEBB DONE: First Section: HAW PAR (2)
    92 words
  • 158 2 Singapore Airlines Is building $2 million test cell for testing engines up to 45.000 kg of thrust. It is being built near the 747 hangar In Paya Lebar and is expected to be completed by April. An BIA statement said the cell will serve the airline
    158 words
  • 301 2 Sir Harold Wilson last night criticised the British press for being Just "Westminster -ml nded," and not world-minded. British newspapers tend to be listening to one another and feeding on one another In Westminster although the real life of the country goes on as much outside
    301 words
  • 661 2 A sense of history and the ability to sleep are two important qualities of a Prime Minister, Sir Harold Wilson said last night. The former British Labour Party leader, who was Prime Minister for eight years until his retirement in April 1976, was
    661 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 r Bi«j Sueep and Toto no IWIV drawn on Saturday: first: ***** Second: ***** Third: ***** Starters: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****k *****. Con eolation: *****. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. 1 810 BWEEP drawn yesterday: First: ***** Second: *****
      95 words

  • 79 3 A fishmonger was seriously injured after he was trapped in his car for more than 20 minutes In a crash along Braddell Road early yesterday. He was pinned under the steering wheel of his Morris Minor before ambulance attendants and passers-by extricated him.
    Picture by Wee Beng Huat  -  79 words
  • 498 3 —Minister's call to junior clerks Junior bank clerks were urged today to acquire more banking know-how. For many of them are not equipped even with the basic knowledge of the industry. Senior Minister of State (Finance) Goh Chok Tong called this an "area of greatest need
    498 words
  • 31 3 Prof. R O. Lister of University of Otago, New Zealand, ->wlll deliver a public lecture on Rural Settlements in India at the Catholic Junior College on Saturday at 11.30 a.m.
    31 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
      159 words

  • 657 4  -  Airport taxi service is one of the fastest, cheapest and cleanest says one frequent visitor By Ting Hi Keng Contrary to wnat a S y a 11 e y newspaper reporiea last weeK, tnere was only praise for the airport taxi service from more
    657 words
  • 368 4 CLOSED-CIRCUIT TV INSTALLED Many department stores and supermarkets are stepping up security measures to curb an anticipated increase In shoplifting as the Chinese New Year approaches. Mohan's, for instance, has increased the number of plainclothes security guards from six to eight. These guards are put
    368 words
  • 199 4 About 25 postgraduate and practical training scholarships are being offered to teachers this year. The scholarships are for courses like evaluation, curriculum development, guidance and counselling, special education, teaching Chinese as a second language, and educational administration. There will also be diploma courses for the
    199 words
  • 172 4 About 90 firms have taken up nearly 40.000 sq. metres of warehousing and factory space at the $52 *mllllon PSA multi-storey complex at the Junction of Paslr Panjang and Alexandra Road. The largest space of 8240 sq. metres has been taken up by an Amerl-
    172 words
  • 42 4 The Nanyang University's institute of humanities and social sciences will hold a seminar on Interdisciplinary Studies at Nantah campus on Thursday at 7 p.m. Prof. Wu Teh yao, Dean of College of Oraduate Studies of Nantah will chair the seminar.
    42 words
  • 44 4 Intern atlonal pop group Silver Convention will perform "live at the National Stadium on Feb 10 and at the Ming Palace Restaurant on Feb 11. Tickets can be obtained from Cold Storage. CK. Tang, National Stadium and the Goodwood group of hotels.
    44 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 472 5 Now Marcos plans to cancel $2.5 billion contract AP New York, Monday President Marcos is considering cancellation of a Westlnghouse Electric contract to build a US$l.l billion ($2.5 billion) nuclear power plant under construction in his country because of payments the American corporation made to a
    AP  -  472 words
  • 203 5 UPI San Francisco, Monday —The Sex Pistols, Britain's controversial punk rock band, wound up their US tour with a wild weekend concert In which they threw garbage at a dancing, yelling audience that occasionally engaged in minor fights. Screaming, cursing and spitting at the
    UPI  -  203 words
  • 33 5 Reuter Tokyo, Monday A Japanese patrol boat today rescued all 26 crew members of a 10,421tonne Greek freighter, which sprang a leak off northern Japan yesterday. the Coast Guard here said.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 265 5 RESIGNATION EXPECTED TODAY UPI Rome, Monday The Italian state television announced last night that Christian Democratic Premier Olulio Andreottl will resign as the 39th post-fascist Prime Minister since 1943 today and that he would probably be asked to form a new government almost Immediately. The resignation follows a
    UPI; Source: AP radio picture  -  265 words
  • 154 5 AP New York, Monday The rising level of carbon dioxide of the atmosphere Is warming up the world's climate a trend that could drastically alter the earth's food growing zones. That's the conclusion of ah analysis published In the forthcoming Issue of Newsweek. It says that a
    AP  -  154 words
  • 210 5 Reuter Yamoussokro (Ivory Coast), Monday French President Valery Discard d'Estaing yesterday outlined a plan to link Europe apd Africa In a new solidarity pact. The French President, who later left for home after a five-day visit to the Ivory Coast, said his proposed
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 62 5 AP Tokyo Monday China's Shanghai port now can unload one 15,000tonne grain ship In 24 hours, compared with more than 100 hours before recent automation, the official Hsluhua news agency said yesterday. It said China added 19 new deepwater berths for ships of 10,000 tonnes or bigger In
    AP  -  62 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 180 5 m "Otr I I SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER In tests of American and Japanese premium cassettes,conducted at Ampex Magnetic Tape Research Lab., California and by "High Fidelity"magazine, the Ampex 20.'20 comes up the winner. With highest signal-to-noise ratio, less fall-off at high frequency and better sensitivity than any tape tested.
      180 words

  • 414 6 AP Washington, Monday Americana' rating of President Carter's performance In office has continued Its downward slide despite his recent overseas trip, an Associated Press-NBC television news poll shows. Only 41 per cent of those Interviewed rated Mr Carter's overall performance as excellent or cood.
    AP  -  414 words
  • 230 6 AP Beirut, Monday The Palestinian guerilla movement will answer with guns "whoever tries to impose a (Middle East) settlement without recourse to the Palestinians," guerilla leader Yasser Arafat, warned on 8aturcay. Mr. Arafat was addressing guerilla trainees of "the mortar division" during a special
    AP  -  230 words
  • 94 6 AFP Bonn. Monday Helmut Kohl, bead of West Germany's opposition Christian-Democrat Party, was refused entry yesterday to East Berlin. West German government spokesman Klaus Boelllng announced that West Germany would seek an official explanation of the "arbitrary" move by Bast Germany. Bast German authorities
    AFP  -  94 words
  • 158 6 UPI New York, Monday.— Police In New York and Mew Jersey yesterday raided a UBsloo-mlllion-a-year ($240 million) gambling operation and arrested 11 reputed members of the Vlto Oenorese crime family. Bgt James iialvey of Manhattan South Public Morals squad said city «lce and New York te
    UPI  -  158 words
  • 77 6 UPI Torrance (California), Monday.—Cowboy star Roy Rogers (above) was reported doing "Just fine" yesterday after a triple heart by~pass operation. Rogers had a good night and was awake yesterday morning and talking to hospital personnel, a spokesman said. Rogers was earlier expected to stay In
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 25 6 Reuter Brussels, Monday Common Market fisheries ministers meet here today to discuss new proposals on the allocation of catch quotas in community waters.—Reutjer.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 120 6 UPI TODAY is Monday, Jan. 16, the 16th day of 1978 with 349 to follow. THE MOON is between Its first quarter and full phase. THE MORNING STARS are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. the evening star Is Jupiter. Those born on this date are under the sign of
    UPI  -  120 words
  • 39 6  -  D.J. Rabv sitter IS-year-old Mark Esmond of dale, England, sampled a few drinks to while away the time and ended up unoonscious for ■even hoars. Doctors used a steoukeh pa* o Injections to sober film DJ.
    39 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 305 6 Ah Fook and Mei Lin arc# vWw' r «v S i Ml w r A A y, Wi k! m A Ah Fook: I speak Hokkien at home. No wonder my Chinese is so poor. Mai Lin: That's better than if you don't speak any Chinese dialect at all! Ah
      305 words

  • 302 7 Saudis won't stop taking payments But Finance Minister also hints of change UPI Beirut, Monday The Finance Minister of Saudi Arabia said yesterday his country did not intend to stop taknig US dollars in payment for its oil exports, the Saudi Press Agency said! But he Indirectly confirmed that theEconomic
    UPI  -  302 words
  • 203 7 Reuter Abu Dhabi, Monday Japanese Foreign Minister Sunao Sonoda arrived here yesterday for a twoday official visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) believed to be mainly aimed at securing long-term oil supplies for his country. Mr Sonoda, the first Japanese Foreign Minlser to visit
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 121 7 UPI Tallahassee (Florida), Monday Two young female students were beaten to death in their dorml f ory beds early yesterday by a man who entered through an unlocked door, then ran through the house clubbing four girls on the head. About two hours later, six
    UPI  -  121 words
  • 243 7 UPI Katmandu, Monday The scheduled visit of Chinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiaopeng to Nepal during the first week of February is an indication of Peking's desire to reassert its Interests in South Asian affairs, political observers said on Saturday. Nepalese Premier Kirtlnldhi Blsta Invited
    UPI  -  243 words
  • 104 7 AFP Teheran, Monday Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al Faisal pledged his contry's aid to Somalia yesterday In the event its frontiers were violated by a foreign power. The Saudi minister is visiting Teheran for talks with the Shah following the latters meeting earlier last week
    AFP  -  104 words
  • 149 7 Reuter Vienna, Monday A suspected kidnapper who escaped custody by leaping from a second-floor window of a police station on Saturday night phoned later and asked to be picked up, police said. An official spokesman said student Paul Francsics, 27, now back in custody, had run
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 45 7 Anti-government demonstrators chant for the resign ation of India's Home Minister on Friday outside a New Delhi police station where authorities are questioning a man who pointed a loaded gun at former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Source: AP radio picture
    Source: AP radio picture  -  45 words
  • 27 7 UPI New York, Monday President Carter and Egyptian President Sadat led the list of best- dressed men released yesterday by the Fashion Foundation of America.
    UPI  -  27 words
  • 213 7 Reuter London, Monday A British Member of Parliament yes ter d a y urged the government to disclose full details about foreign diplomats In London who broke the law but were never prosecuted. The MP. Mr Orevllle Janner (Labour), raised the issue
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 413 8 As Britain's first official firemen's strike in 59 years flickers off today, some embers of militant bitterness remain to remind the strike-ridden nation of its plight. About 300 hardliners were present in London to hurl abuse and smoke bombs in protest against the five-to-two majority
    413 words
    • 77 8 A company recently advertised for "an •nercetlc forceful young man" to be personal assistant to the director in Its Indonesian office, and was willing to pay $35,000 per month and above for him (the ad didnt say "or wo- man"). It's enough to unsettle other "energetic
      77 words
    • 44 8 The guest drove up to the house in a flashy Ferrarrl. The hostess related later: "Everyone looked at the Perrarrl and no- body noticed the driver." Neither did they remember his name. He Is now referred to as Mr Ferrarri.
      44 words
  • 1062 8  - Fallacies of the sick The US economy is alive and well, says New York Times financial correspondent LEONARD SILK, who answers some questions about tht US dollar and the world economic scene. LEONARD SILK NYT New York: Economics Is full of fallacies, some of them pathetic. The pathetic fallacy Is
    NYT  -  1,062 words
  • 255 8 VOICE OF THE PRESS BANGKOK POST Prime Minister Krlangsak Chant nand's plan to visit ASEAN partners before he visits China and other countries shows that he has got-his priorities for personal diplomacy abroad correct. It Is true that Oen Krlangsak has visited Indon e s 1
    255 words
  • 404 8 Los Angeles Times Washlnfton: As a government lawyer, James Minor for years had waged a lonely campaign to have rules and regulations written In plain English. Last year, he all but threw In the towel, quitting his job and moving to Florida to take life easier.
    Los Angeles Times  -  404 words

  • 923 9  -  As firemen end their strike, UK gets set to tackle graver problems with the help of Thatcher By Arthur Gavahon AP London: A compromise that ended the twomonth strike of 40,000 British firemen was a new victory for Prime Minister Callaghan's pay restraint policy but graver
    AP; Source: AP radio picture  -  923 words
  • 620 9  -  By Katharine Witehorn Whitehorn Observer You cant open a paper in Britain these days without the word lesbian leaping to your eye. The recent news that a London doctor has been helping lesbian couples have babies by artificial insemination was immediately followed by more
    Observer  -  620 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 Drive the Sony way Model TC-34 TC-24FA FM/AM Stereo radio/cassette player Auto stop mechanism and playback mode Powerful 5.5 watt output per channel Fast forward button and automatic tape priority. With many mon othtr fowturas to tMtltfy your driving pleasure. Available from: Mrvict olfllioni 297. 9> km Holland Road Singapore
      53 words

  • 785 10  -  Six centuries after its birth, tourists still visit it, but find no El Dorado, except a place of mud huts By John Darnton NYT Timbuktu (Mall): Ip Africa (a quarter of the world) men's skins are black, their hair is crisp and curled, and somewhere there, unknown
    NYT  -  785 words
  • 965 10  -  By Donal Ohiggins UPI Belfast: "Sometimes," said manager Harper Brown, with a grin, "I get the feeling someone Is trylpg to tell me something." Mr Brown, 49, jovial, Unflappable, Belfastborn, Is the man who runs Belfast's famous Europa Hotel, famous because It Is
    UPI  -  965 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 542 10 YI 1 Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Mame (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address N.R.I.C. No: Tel: FILL IN MISSING LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUfS BELOW ■■■■HiMiaCut along dotted lines CLUES FOR FP-1 1. We breathe it 2. It's rKiMoMe for member* of a religious movement to wont to
      542 words

  • 597 11 NEW YORK UPI The Dow Jones industrial average plunged to a 33month low this week as the stock market registered deep concern over the dollar's weakness abroad and rising interest rates at home. Trading was active. A malor culprit in the market's slide was
    UPI  -  597 words
  • 426 11 LONDON Source: Lloyds Bank International A sharp reaction downwards late in the day in gilts and continued selective demand for second line equities characterised Monday's trading. The changed sentiment In gilts was due to the unexpected announcement that £800 million 10} per cent Exchequer 1995
    Source: Lloyds Bank International  -  426 words
  • 171 11 Commerzbank, Frankfurt Over the week the equity market showed a very selective interest of investors. Spurred by underlying good fundamentals company news buying was concentrated among banks, utilities, some engineering and automobiles. On the other hand, chemicals remained neglected with prices continuing to decline and department stores under pressure
    Commerzbank, Frankfurt  -  171 words
  • 115 11 UPI Hong Kong, MondayChina's Imports and exports last year Increased by more than 12 per cent over 1976 with the total volume reaching the highest level since the communists took over the mainland in 1949. the New China News Agency reported yesterday. The
    UPI  -  115 words
  • 290 11 ZURICH Union Bank of Switzerland During the week under report, tne Zurich Stock x&cnange was again affected oy developments on the foreign exchange market. Following a slow start and sluggish trading in the first part of the week, turnover Increased noticeably in the last
    Union Bank of Switzerland  -  290 words
  • 57 11 Reuter Jerusalem. Monday Israel's cost of living Index Increased by 42.5 per cente last year, the Central Bureau of Statistics announced yesterday. Since 1973, the Index has risen by 306 per cent. In 1976 It was 38 per cent, In 1975 23.5 per cent and In
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 24 11 mix with GORDON'S G "M, lr£ A N f C*> A' 5vr 'WW A »*v. THE BORNEO COMPANY (A Mamber o» it* lnchc«p« Group)
      24 words
    • 54 11 NEC makes satellites, lasers, and computers. And a sophisticated stereo cassette Dolby System tape deck. NEC 3 ifSHk v-V. I II »ff MfO CAM*II» lift < EmmbM Pacific Pte Ltd. 100 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore S. Tel: *****3. Emmbee Showroom: 229, 2nd Floor. Plaza Singapura, Singapore 9. Tel: *****. Open
      54 words

  • 103 12 'Japan, one of the worst countries hit by the energy crisis, has found a perfect way to solve its problems. More and more people are taking to the bicycle and this picture Is Just one proof of this new trend. The picture was taken
    Pana picture  -  103 words
  • 495 12  -  Strong contender for 1978 title Motorcycling by I Lee Chiu San In the early *****, the Honda Hawk took the motorcyc ling world by storm. The 305 c.c. four-s tro k e twin was the first good, big motorcycle to come out of
    495 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 266 12 1 Wanted and expect 5 TV heroine 10 Weight unit 14 Soviet sea 15 Atrocious abode 16 Highway division 17 Thinks hard 20 Kind 21 Arabian gulf 22 Water birds 23 Low card 24 Marquis de 26 Stimulates 29 Without another 30 Suggestion 33 Emanation 34 Pickle 36 Can. prov.
      266 words
    • 460 12 Moneywords results nnnmn No entrant submitted a solution which corresponded in all respects with the set of answers held by the Judges to be the most apt in the New Nation Moneywords Puzzle FN. One entrant submitted a solution which differed at one point from the solution which the Judges
      460 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 456 13 1 m m fm' ZZ c iV lUifili' 0. :>. ;< r fsm Jk G mT v a fe 'm **&ie <«$ S. est Ho.^ IB 11® V ,w \V v IP****' **»<**• Kedah iiiSfV < 38*9T* Wi £*fe 1 i It' v W i J cgnso«> t,on 500ptPSiw 1
      456 words

    • Dear Ros
      • 348 14 / 15 I'm 23 years old and my boyfriend 20 years my senior. We've been colng steady for three years and I nad no complaints about our relationship because he was very kind to me. Last year, due to circumstances beyond our control, we were separated
        348 words
      • 168 14 / 15 I have been getting on well with a boy for two years. Six months ago he asked me to go steady but I did not give Mm an answer. Now we are like strangers and I regret not giving him an answer. But I was not sure of
        168 words
      • 183 14 / 15 My boyfriend works with an airline. He wants us to get engaged but I have always refused because I only love him like a brother. Besides that, I Elan to give up my career ere to do missionary work in India. But a year ago I
        183 words
      • 210 14 / 15 I'm 12 years old and am interested In one of the boys in my school. He is tall and handsome and I long to marry him. I know he loves me but we do not talk to each other. Sometimes we Just nod to
        210 words
      • 123 14 / 15 My girlfriend and I share the same surname and I want to know whether we can marry. Will this affect our children in the future? CONFUSED Dear Confused, It. is an old Chinese superstition that people sharing the same surname cannot marry. You can marry someone
        123 words
      • 86 14 / 15 I was happy in my previous Job but left because of personal problems. I now have an offer to return to my old Job at a higher salary. Do you think it is all right to go back? DEBPERATE LEO. Dear Desperate Leo, There Is nothing
        86 words
    • 663 14 / 15 NYT New York: A few years ago, when the argument over how children acquire language was at its peak, researchers set out in droves to see Just how much children did learn from their parents. The initial studies have shown conclusively that children
      NYT  -  663 words
    • 140 14 / 15  -  WORM: by J. Schoon The combination of black and white is hard to beat when you want to look superchic. And don't limit it to dramatic evening wear the striking combination also lends itself beautifully to more casual styles. Left: Adrlana wears a versatile jacket
      PICTURES: by Chua Peng Tee  -  140 words
      • 90 14 / 15 When Miss Carol Bellamy took up office as the first woman president of New York City Council recently, she found there was only a men's toilet In her office suite In historic City Hall, reports Reuter. So, a neatly-lettered sign was soon hung on the door,
        90 words
      • 80 14 / 15 New Nation's fashion writer Jennifer Schoon now knows how to tell good hairdressers from bad. She has been consulting quite a few of them these past months and the former have always refused to perm her hair saying: "The condition is too bad. I will only
        80 words
      • 155 14 / 15 Never mind all those desperate world problems. A reader of the London Times has found something more important to worry about. Like tucking your napkin under your chin. "How many splendid Christmas ties have already been sullied by grease spots?" wailed R J. Rees pf Cambridge
        155 words
      • 90 14 / 15 AFP BnufT is staging a comeback In London, a leading sales company reports. And prospects will be even better now that a new European Economic Community regulation has ended tax on the product. This will be the first time the public can buy tax-free snuff since
        AFP  -  90 words
      • 62 14 / 15  -  D.J. It seems that a shock warning over the PHI has caused a panic clamour from husbands in Britain for vasectomy operations. Demands for the sterilisation operation have Increased five-fold. Some men who hope to have It done free on the National Health Service may have
        62 words
  • Page 14 / 15 Advertisements
    • 96 14 / 15 ft Keiihfel lenderson l i 'Mil. >n Jr r i J* (8 4 Sot* Agent; ReJcHng, Brown Finch (F.E.) Ltd (Incorporated in Hongkong) 57 Robinson Road, Ist Floor, Singapore 1 P.O Box 64 Tsl: *****11 *****12 Singapore Panang Kuala Lumpur FURNITURE WOOD METAL SOFA REUPHOLSTERY TEL. ***** CONTRACT ASSOCIATES (INTERIORS)
      96 words
    • 308 14 / 15 Something beautiful is about to happen to you Soon your skin will look better than you ever thought possible. Softer, smoother, more even-toned and fairer! Because the one thing that you've been searching for is available NOW! Libra Complexion Cream gives you that brighter, more eventoned complexion that everyone admires.
      308 words

  • Sewing ant Tailoring
    • 1127 16 Singapore is fast emerging as a fashIon centre. The fashion conscious elite, who used to look to Hong Kopg and other established capitals, are now finding their homeground a convenient source to tap. The mushrooming of dressmaking institutes, boutiques and tailoring shops is
      1,127 words
    • 780 17 The Riccar 2600 lets you... The household sewing machine has, over the last 125 years, become one of the most sophisticated mechanical a p p 1 i ances readily available to the consumer. The sewrng machine these days can accomplish many sewing miracles thanks to
      780 words
    • 399 20 Custommade clothes provide best fit Whatever fashion may dictate, some people just won't buy off the peg The tailoring business has seen tremendous growth in recent years despite the pop u 1 a rlty of jeans and readymade wear. There are now an estimated 2000 tailoring
      399 words
    • 687 21 Lulin Reutens recounts her sewing experiences When you are an awkward, shy 14year old, whose dream is to travel and see the world, such mundaAe pastimes as sewing and embroidery are akin to the home-person and her dull, dull
      687 words
    • 1692 22 ARROW Small arrows on seam lines of sewing patterns Indicate the direction In which the garment should be cut out and sewn together. Follow arrows to prevent unnecessary stretching. Heavy black arrows found in the centre of the pattern piece indicate the
      1,692 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 142 16 INSIDG HOW LULIN KEPT HERSELF IN STITCHES Page 21 EASY TO FOLLOW GUIDE TO I SEWING TERMS Page 22, 23 I qO s o k*MMj| 1 A v vV*s I V. |f V> w I n V AJ > If you con staple, you con sew.... with SEW-ETTE SEW-ETTE 'pocket
      142 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 379 17 E R N G J I 4 <OR»haMV. Ih« Slugrr Dh»n« F.lec irotib brings you into a totaflv new «ra in home tcwiitii to make your »eM/ii<9 simpler than ever before. ta< h and every slit* l» palletn is programmed into .in electronic "brain" uliic It replaces inure than 120
      379 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 148 18 VI via Mn Js ft 3 *ih V -:K £3 m,- U mm iL.\ U; 'r ¥^55 M n ~Y nr _vj Von wear handsome good looks when you slip into Dave's contemporary suits They give you the confidert well groomed feeling that makes you look best The resuit of
      148 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 49 19 SawifJ &a&/uon& Competitive prices for Gent's wits t trousers etc. Tailored within 24 hours. Also overalls, shirts, safari suits other apparals can be Range of materials Dormeoil, scabal, frintex 100% cashmere etc. GROUND FLOOR, MING COURT HOTEL, (OPP. COFFEE HOUSE) TANGLIN ROAD, SINGAPORE 10. TEL: *****2. rr r 4/
      49 words
    • 21 19 Opening Soon Mo Made-to-measure off the peg. Sole agents for L 969 (Lower ground floor) Lucky Plaza Orchard Road S'pore 9
      21 words
    • 29 19 **********777, J > 1 V" I 111 GRACE FASHION HOUSE and be the best dressed in townll Specialist in made-to-measure 8, Nutmeg Road (behind Lucky Plaza). SINGAPORE, 9 Tel: *****9.
      29 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 68 20 Up b00k... 315 mm x 235 mm 352 poges normol price $85.80 Yes, please supply me copy/copies of IN VOGUE at your special price of $59.50 each, post-free in Singapore/Malaysia/Brunei. I enclose my cheque/M.O. for mode paydble to "Federal Publications (S) Pte. Ltd." (DO NOT ENCLOSE CASH) Mr/Mrs/Mis» Please moil
      68 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 113 21 YOUR GOOD TASTE. TAILORED TO MEASURE. A V 1 TV*"* 4s**.*? &!2s<sp jp t i. ,*K #i -?i >rut 3 -4! '^Sye>. *5 WHHHRmrS^9HHHHHI^HIHBHHBI^BHIHHHHB A tailored to measure suit from Melwani's is the epitome of good taste-yours. We stock a large selection of fine British woollens and stay abreast of
      113 words
    • 103 21 OLYMPIAN JPZdii OPEN ARM for sewing curved seams, pant legs, small areas, armholes, darning socks, patching, mending slacks. Single dial operation for selecting stitches and making buttonholes. Move dial and stitch appears in window on panel. Built-in numerous reverse feeding decorative and most useful stretch stitches Calibrated controlled stitch length
      103 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 87 22 Thorough in his selection, a^?? ISt has an innatc ***** of beauty Of form. Of texture. Ancfof colour. Making the most of these virtues, Jong Mee the master-tailor stitches style and comfort together. Into a piece of Art. Wear it, feel it. Art speaks for itself CWJ& .r— Wrl I-,
      87 words
    • 114 22 New easy to sew Family Lock« The new highly efficient portable overedger specially designed for Housewives, Dressmakers and Tailors. The Family lock is a 1- needle, 3 thread overedger for sewing any thin or medium weight fabrics. Ideally designed for all general sewing and .joining. It's features include:1) Durable, solid
      114 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 47 23 To Dept. 182 f;f¥\ INSTITUTE OF DOMESTIC ARTS, U £K IA International Correspondence Schools MMmk (O) Ltd., (Singapore Branch) CM* Suite 1807,18 th fl., International Plaza, Anson Rd., Singapore 2. P.O. Box 1538, Tel: *****74 Please send tyie free details of your course in OM7B/1 82 IDA
      47 words
    • 14 23 Casual Elegance" IV\ lIH S Silk Store 210 Orchard Ro;kJ Singapore 9 Tel *****3
      14 words
      62 words

  • 371 24  -  Keppel go down by 19 strokes WEEKEND GOLF hv Lim Kee Chan Defending champions Singapore Island Country Club scored the biggest margin of victory In the Premier League competition yesterday whep they defeated Keppel by 19 strokes at the Bukit Course yesterday. Prem Sachdev returned the
    371 words
  • 538 24 Chua Tiang Hee took a two-stroke lead after the first round of the Singapore Island Country Club Police Cop competition when he registered a nett 74 at the New Course on Saturday. Sydney Klye-Llttie and Tony Thong occupied second spot on nett 76
    538 words
  • 216 24 Phoenix course flooded Associated Press Phoenix, Monday A steady overnight rain forced a postponement, at least until today, in the final round of the US$2OO,000 (about 8$480.000) Phoenix Open golf tournament A possibility existed that the tournament's, final round would be cancelled entirely and Canadian
    Associated Press  -  216 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 262 24 AC! STATtONSNV COMPANY Caters Qulckprlnt Offset, Duplicating Service, Instant Photo-Copying at Competitive Rat#. 111/120. Multi storey Oar Put. Market Street, (Singapore), *****. CARPET SHAMPOOING ANO floor polishing home and Industrial services Prices mode* rate. Call MMM. PON SOOANCI AND charming lady eaoortt, contact Aphrodite M, ifhftar,Par *ast ■Shopping Centre, Orchard
      262 words
    • 304 24 Am. Too can see the result within 60 minutes. Results Guaranteed. racial/ waxing/ body nuMp/ akin-care and make-up ml+*++*+ MOOIMN LIVINO OCNCRAL Contractor We specialise In housing renovation. A vide range of marbles, ceramic, terrano, mosaic, parquet awaits your selection. Also, dealing of 8 pore 14. Tel: 4932 licence PW/
      304 words
    • 213 24 AT TOMR HACI Beauty Bervlces. Well-trained/ experienced masseuse/ masseur. TO: ***** (11 a.m. —10 p.m.). BpecUi concession for the sick/ pregnant/ poet-natal ladle* (9 a.m. 12 noon). Appointments only. BALI HBALTH CBNTRS. reel like a refreshing sauna-bath or Invigorating massage by charming and experienced girls. Visit us at Ist fir,
      213 words

  • 322 25 Plush set the pace, leading past the 800 m and into the straight, with Osiblsa closing In. Gulden Lotus &nd Malawi started their runs. Osibisa hit the front at the distance and drew away to win by four lengths from Malawi. Golden Lotus
    322 words
  • 684 25 SCRUTINEER A nt i Corruption will be something to back on the next time he goes over 1400 m or beyond. He tops my list of horses to follow. The four-year-old Irish horse by Sterling Boy turned in an impressive performance in
    SCRUTINEER  -  684 words
  • 109 25 AFP Hong Kong, Monday —There was no sign of an end to a dispute between stable boys and the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club who forced cancellation of all races here on Saturday. The stable boys staged a sit-in yesterday at tl|e stables
    AFP  -  109 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 149 25 THE ITALIAN SHOE COMPANY Makes You An Offer You Cant Refuse The Most Comfortable Jogging Shoe in the World for $20! Italy's leading sports shoe man- Cushioned inner sole and arch ufacturer Lotto, introduces the support. Foam padded ankle colStramilano jogging shoe de- lar and tongue, signed for ultimate comfort
      149 words

  • 336 26  -  SBHFL postpone'three games in response j^^^Soccer By SURESH NAIR National soccer coach Sebastian Yap has re q u e s ted all teams with Malaysia Cup players not to field them in any matches from Wednesday, in preparation for Sunday's Cup tie against Kedah
    336 words
  • 325 26 Karachi, Monday—England's cricketers Issued a statement here last night opposing the selection of Packer players tor official Test matches. Captain Mike Brearley, ■pealing shortly belore he left for home with his left arm In plaster, said the players decided to state their opposition after hearing rumours
    325 words
  • 120 26 K3 Soccer Reuter London, Monday—Officials of the English and North American Soccer Leagues will meet here today to discuss British anxieties about the movement of players and managers to the United States. The English League secretary, Alan Hardaker, is also worried about the way some
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 61 26 Pusan (South Korea), Monday—Orient juniormiddleweight champion Joo Ho of South Korea retained his title by knocking out Japanese challenger Sumlo kal In the first round of their scheduled 12-round title bout at Kuduck Stadium yesterday. This was the South Korean's first defense of the title he wrested
    61 words
  • 184 26 Motorracing Buenos Aires. Monday.—Mario Andretti of the United Btate« showed his most brilliant form as the 1978 Formula One season got under way here by winning the Argentine Grand Prix after leading from start to finish yesterday. Andretti, driving a Lotus, outdistanced the pack In the
    184 words
  • 84 26 Soccer I Buenos Aires. Monday London bookmakers yesterday made holders West Germany 7-2 betting favourites to win the 1978 World Cup, with Brazil second favorites at 4-1. They announced the odds Immediately after the first round draw made here last Saturday. Scotland, the only British team to make
    84 words
  • 207 26 Hockey New Delhi, Monday The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) yesterday suspended the Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) from their membership and decided to take over the country's hockey affairs. The suspension on grounds of "continued mismanagement" came just two months before the hockey World Cup
    207 words
  • 248 26 j^^fennis Birmingham (Alabama). Monday Topseeded Bjorn Borg defeated seventh-ranked Dick Stockton. 7-6, 7-5. yesterday In a tense final round match in the U*****,000 (about $400,000) Birmingham International Indoor tennis tournament. The 21-year-old Swede had to battle from behind for both sets and did so. Stockton won
    248 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 26 26 NDRBERT by Art 6ansom PLEA6E,MOr votth buttermilk! VOJR ANNUAL- booster scare. by Frank O'Neal -3D KEEP SOLA IMMUNIZED Z£2Z if »n by George Fett UJUAT SuoPPiuG.?
      26 words

  • What's On
    • 196 27 The year-old National Theatre Symphonic Band will make its stage debut on Wednesday at 8.30 pjn. at the Singapore Conference Hall. The programme for the evening includes well-known folk songs and ballads as well as classical compositions by Mahler and Haydn, and Jazz and pop
      196 words
    • 440 27  -  By Judith Holmberg Sequences from TV Singapore's documentaries will be incorporated in Singapore Educational Media S &r v 1 c e's new General Paper series, Impact. SEMS will also be using part of fllmlets produced by foreign educational agencies and by oil companies to
      440 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 945 27 cinema GHOST GALLEON: A group of adventurers go m search of sunken treasure and meet a phantom ship. On board, to scare the lives out of them, are a band of monks, once excommunicated and now vampires In search of victims. Stars Jack Taylor, lfarla Perschy, Carlos Lemos and Barbara
      945 words
    • 143 27 In and around town PHILIPPINE NIGHT at the Singapore Handicraft Centre, Tanglln Road, 5.S0 p.m. Features aspect of Filipino culture and food. Free admission. CREATING WITH FABRICS WORKSHOP SESSIONS at the National Museum Young People's Gallery, at U a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Students and staff of Hwl Yoh Secondary School
      143 words
    • 428 27 is by Invitation, and Invitation cards are available at the reception desk of the hotel. CANADA an exhibition of colour photographs and poetry at the National Museum art gallery, until 5 p.m. Admission free. CHINESE CARPET EXHIBITION, Victoria Memorial Hall, until 9.30 p.m. Admission free. SINGAPORE -MADE PRODUCTS on display
      428 words

  • 62 28 \H FOOK: I'm glad the Scheme B bus operators are improving their service. This should make SBS sit up and take notice, instead of being complacent. HEI UN: The Scheme B and SBS services should complement each other instead of compete, it does no one any good to
    62 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 109 28 WHAT DISTINGUISHES BOSt SPEAKERS FROM conventional SPEAKERS 7 f MUSICAL EXPERIENCE f s W ra m a s U iii Singapore I V' t 11 rn A* ATL'ASfSOUNDKStat VICTORIA BAR Soothing music provider* by The OriginaU from 12 midnight Dutch Buns available from 10.00 a.m. 8.00 p.m. daily Happy
      109 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 848 28 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 Happy N-"*", SHARPCTV S.W OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by tUODHBI MALAR (T/r>. This programme Includes a demonstration of how to make tiger lilies out of satin, the fourth In a series of talks on heart attacks by Dr Una Satan, a feature on the 1977 Japan
      848 words
    • 233 28 (Ch. ft, 7 p.m. In colour). The first half of a two-part "Journey" through the human brain to discover what takes place during thinking, learning and forgetting. This episode looks at the structure of the brain and explains the three kinds of memory: very short term memory, short term memory
      233 words