New Nation, 1 January 1978

Total Pages: 30
1 32 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JANUfItY I, 1971 30 CENTS M.C.(P) NO. 217/1/78
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 Did you pay $60 for a drink mImLaO Find out what Gloria Chandy last flight has to say Page 7 Malaysian and Thai Reds We will not )!&,[.'+>+*:^\`&>!*}`<^~:`!^}$| lL' 1 Miracle More natural and yet safer childbirthI by remote^control The Defective Baby Test i 9 y Special two-page spread in
      84 words
    • 76 1 "x ORIS ****** W3 d^v 1 1 -..X^ ORID liMt CO LID MR LEE KUAN YEW says: The Singapore Girl has worked wonders because others inSIA. helped her. The Singapore man can work miracles if we help him. Full text of Mr Lee'i New Year message in Page 6 HAPPY
      76 words

  • 438 2 AFP riTHK Malaysian Prime X Ml.,it>er Datuk Hussein Onn yesterday appointed his deputy, Dr Mahathir Mohamed as the new Trade and Industry Minister in a major Cabinet reshuffle. The appointment reflects the Malaysian government's 1 n c re a sing concern at the slow pace
    AFP  -  438 words
  • 223 2 ]L|ANY residents In ATI Marine Parade do not know they have a community centre in the area, says Its MP. Mr Goh Chok Tons, who Is the Senior Minister of State (Finance). This Is because the temporary community centre, which
    223 words
  • 44 2 AFP HONO KONO has signed the protocol extending the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) for four years, from today, it was learned from official sources yesterday. The MFA provides the mu 1 tilateral framework for Hong Kong's textile agreements with other participating countries.
    AFP  -  44 words
  • 176 2 AP Reuter PRESIDENT Carter pledged on Priday that the United States would never start a war except by accident and he said the Soviet Union would never start a war except under "the most profound provocation or misunderstanding." Winding up a day of
    AP; Reuter  -  176 words
  • 31 2 A FIRE broke out yesterday on board tbe Greek tanker, Tornado, berthed at the Jurong Shipyard. No one was injured In the 45-mlnute blaze which caused slight damage.
    31 words
  • 206 2 »TTHE recent Singapore J- trade mission to West Africa secured nearly $4 million worth of contracts from Nigeria, Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Senior Assistant Director of Trade Ng Chong Chew, who led the 16member mUslon, said at a news conference yesterday about
    206 words
  • 99 2 Reuter Anew op p os i tion movement. Inspired by Eurocommunism, has sprung up In East Germany and Is challenging the official dogma there, the news magazine Der Spiegel said on Prlday. The Wast German magazine said the group, calling Itself the Federation of German
    Reuter  -  99 words
    • 74 2 UPI DEFECTION of a Soviet Air Force pilot to Japan In 1976 In a MIG--25 fighter plane was an Intelligence disaster for the Soviet Union be- cause It completely unmasked the planes' topsecret radar system, the Tokyo newspaper Nlhon Kelzal said. fa a result, tte paper said.
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 42 2 AFP THE US State Department granted two-week visas to the Sex Pistols, the British "punk rock" band which has made headlines for Its calculated bad taste. The action overruled a decision by the American Embassy In London.—
      AFP  -  42 words
    • 67 2 AFP THE International Sugar Agreement, which would have expired at midnight last night, was extended for one year by the last-minute adherence of the Soviet Union at the United Nations on Friday night. The agreement, reached at Geneva In 1973 under the* auspices of the United Nations,
      AFP  -  67 words
    • 46 2 AP PALESTINIANS kidnapped the ion of a Lebanese businessman and have demanded US$l million ($2.4 million) ransom for his release, police sources reported yesterday. Monah Zeln, 8, was kidnapped on Friday night while playing outside his house in an Athens suburb—AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 62 2 AFP BRITAIN'S chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey promised the country tax relief in 19-8 "if the pay policy contihold as well as it has so far." There should then be "quite a substantial amount of money available," Mr Healey said In a television Interview
      AFP  -  62 words
    • 60 2 AP MINING Minister Mohammad Sadli has aald the oil exporting countries' decision not to raise oil prices was unsatisfactory to Indonesia, but the current oil surplus did not favour a price boost. Mr Sadll added that a two million barrel a day surplus on (he world oil
      AP  -  60 words
    • 64 2 Reuter A LEADING member or the rebel Moro National Liberation Front iMNLF) Said the rebels v/aated a resumption: of negotiations with the Philippines government. Mr Hatlmll Hassan, a close aide of rebel leader Nur Misuari, admitted In an Interview in Zamboanga City that the ceasefire which
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 48 2 AP SPAIN'S northern Basque region, autonomous before the Spanish Civil War, was granted home rule on Friday by the government of Premier Adolfo Squares. Manuel Clavero Arevalo, Minister for Relations with the three Basque provinces, made the announcement after a 10-hour Cabinet meeting. AP.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 60 2 UPI THE Chinese government probably will continue to get along without a ceremonial Chief-of-Btate, a position abolished In 1975, Japan's Kyodo news agency said in, a dispatch from Peking. Kyodo said its information came from Chinese sources. There has been speculation -that the Job would be re-esta-blished
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 44 2 AP THE EMIR of the oilrlch Sheikdom of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Salem Al--Babah, died early yesterday at the age of 65, an official announcement In Kuwait reported. It said Crown Prince Sheikh Jaber Ahmad Al-Sabah was proclaimed the new Emir. AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 40 2 MALAYSIAN Customs have smashed several tin ore smuggling syndicates, seized more than 200 tonnes of tin ore to the value of $3 million, and arrested 60 suspected smugglers last year. Duty for the ores amounted to $740,000.
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    • 35 2 AP HEAVY tog on the superhighway In Southern Taiwan, near Tainan, caused a 22-vehicle collision yesterday killing at least five persons and injuring 19 others, police reported. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 31 2 Reuter THREE tremors shook the coastal town of Hlnatuan in southeast Mindanao, about 800 km from Manila, for the second day running, the Geophysical Observatory In Manila reported.
      Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 THE HOMES ARE INEXPENSIVE m 4* <~ <r "4 *+> X ■V r< r r «w *v: v* X it V ■■v *£j >»l ?4 -V 1 1^ *>7r v il l»l IJI 4« J IP I v" ftl m r~ w* *> V Z 1 x\ "I, a ST
      290 words

  • 140 4 I (HE Muslim Missionary Society of Singapore Is Including subjects like English, Mathematics and Mandarin In their courses to keep up with the times. This Is to help young people cope with the social and economic conditions of mcderfi .Singapore, where the 1980s will see a
    140 words
  • 443 4 Accuses it of endangering economy Reuter AP f AMBODIA said yesterday it was temporarily breaking off relations with Vietnam and accused its communist neighbour of sending thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks to plunder Its rice crop and destroy the Cambodian economy. Radio Penh,
    Reuter; AP  -  443 words
  • 224 4 AFP A SMALL, group of traitors backed by Vietnam attempted a coup against the Cambodian government In 1975-76, Radio Phnom Penh reported yesterday. The radio broadcast reviewed the antagonism existing between the two countries since the communists took over Cam-* bodla in
    AFP  -  224 words
  • 39 4 SINGAPORE can expect fair weather In the next three to five days, followed by a short spell of showers before the onset of more dry weather. predicts the Meteorological Bervlce Department of the Communication Ministry.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 any ks lately? PIMM' N'ICUP JZwArdfwM LONDON. SWI. ALCOHOLIC COftOtAL MINIMUM CONTINTS TOcl. MtOOUCIO IN INOLANO THE REFRESHING LONG DRINK [4 Mix 1 measure of to 2 or 3 of lemonade. 7 UP or Ginger Ale. Add plenty of ice, a slice of lemon, or orange and cucumber if desired/
      67 words
    • 191 4 Advertisement Many factors rob your complexion of its natural radiance i beauty markable results .become You know that a bit Cabot's is more than just more than thorough another cosmetic cream. cleansing, a suitable diet It is a laboratory tested and sufficient sleep is super moisturiser fortirequired because time, fied
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 250 4 Whats THE WORLD OF THE PRE-8CHOOL CHILD. Exhibits from the National Museum's Young People's Collection on display at the museum. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission free. POP SHOW at the National Theatre, Clemenceau Avenue, 7 p.m. Tickets at *2. $3. $5. $6 and S8 Available at the theatre. KOAD
      250 words
    • 164 4 Museum, Sentosa, at 10 a.m., 12.30 p.m. and 3 p.m. SALE AND DI8PLAY of arts and crafts of local students and young artists at the Singapore Youth Art Centre, Hotel Premier, Nasalm Hill, until P m. Admission free. C A K N IV A L ANI> TRADE FAIR in Wood
      164 words

  • 303 5 We will not interfere because it is not our i 4 w problem, says deputy Foreign Minister Reuter VfIETNAM ye st er- day said it would not support communist guerillas operating in Malaysia and Thailand. Deputy Foreign Minister, Vo Dong Ohlang told a press conference In
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 216 5 AP "1/IETNAM and Indonesia yesterday agreed the time has come'to step up friendly relations between the two South-east Asian countries after the devastation of the Indochina war. The agreement followed three days of talks between Vietnam's Foreign Minister, Nguyen Duy Trlnh, and Indonesian leaders In
    AP  -  216 words
  • 129 5 Reuter mHE US Energy DeI partment on Friday approved a UBs2 bUhon billion) project that will bring Indonesian liquified natural gas Into California for 20 years beginning In the early 1980s. But It said it had declined a request that the United States tie
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 163 5 UPI Millionaire Tongsun Park, the central figure In alleged South Korean Influence buying'on Capitol Hill, yesterday said he hoped his planned testimony before US courts will resolve controversies between Seoul and Wash-' lngton. Park Issued the statement in Seoul after the US and Korea
    UPI  -  163 words
  • 92 5 NST rftHß SULTAN of SelanJL gor ordered last Miiursday that the word "ratu" meaning queen should not be uaed as a title for the winners of* any beauty contest In the State. The word was not appropriate for use In such contests, the Sultan said, adding
    NST  -  92 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 From 569,900 upwards, you can buy one of the finest designed and finished apartments/town houses in increasingly popular CLEMENTI PARK And watch its value appreciate r 'V I i- |*pf rWmS- ~f> ,j RV m' 4 No restriction for foreigners Low maintenance charges Anti-termite treated foundation Own private gardens for
      191 words

  • 484 7  -  GLORIA CHANDY r THERE are probably several people in bed right this moment nursing some very expensive hangovers. Last night's, and early this morning's revelry Is over. And those of you who weren't at private parties or clubs ringing
    484 words
  • 115 7 AMONG the Christmas presents that-one young lady received from her husband was a negligee. She ripped off the cover of the box when she saw It and found Instead of a sleek, sheer little black number that she would have preferred, an ankle-length affair In clinical
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  • 107 7 rE St. Ceellla's Choir from the Church of Saints Peter and Paul delighted a lot of people when they performed at the lobby of the Marco Polo Hotel this Christmas. They were so good in fact that the hotel immediately booked them for Dee 20
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  • 254 7 MY NEW YEAR resolutions have been made. The list has been drawn up. And, unlike past years, this Is one list I can safely swear that I am golnglo stick by. r am going on a diet And I-AM going to
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  • 434 7 you ask mo r THE price for massive and irreversible brain damage suffered by an individual, through the negligence (wilful or otherwise) of another, is a conservative £243,309 or $1 05 million, so estimated a British judge. What then would be a fitting figure permanently
    434 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    887 8 Every time tiny Stephanie stopped breathing an alarm rang in her mattress. But the baby refused to die...and now she is home with the mother. who calls her 'my living miracle' Spotlight on MOTHER and 8A8Y... little Stephanie who defied death, special test IPS ITTLE Stephanie Slater Is
    IPS  -  887 words
  • 505 8  -  By Christine Doyle Guardian SUCCESSFUL tests In which mothers and their babies are cheeked daring labour by remote control monitors coold herala a new era In more natural yet safer childbirth. While tlie mother walks freely a boot, a palm-si
    Guardian  -  505 words

  • 589 9 JHE day is rapidly approaching when EVERY expecttant mother can fulfil her dearest wish that the child she is carrying will be born normal. Clare Dover reports on a plan that can fulfil the wishes of expectant mothers that
    Express  -  589 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 s •f* >:« M m «v. v >iV>t ife'A 9 m hit*Wfc v. I *.7 W yj 0& T A TSINGTAO now rated the top beer in China. Tsingtao beer is distilled from the sparkling mineral waters of Mount Laoshan in China. There's abundant goodness bottled up in Tsingtao... The
      105 words

  • 1712 10 / 11 NANCY KOH COMPILES A LIST OF SOME OF THE MOST QUOTABLE QUOTES BY THE FAMOUS AND THE NOT-SO-FAMOUS OF THE YEAR GONE BY "I HOPE he (Bhutto) will com# back and stand for ■Lrtlna icc i ton. G«n. Mohd. Zia ulHoq, Hm or my chief
    1,712 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1199 12 Sunday Nation THE SECRET OF T.K. GEARING on Monday, Ch.5 at 4.05 p.m. in COLOUR Freckled face framed with flopping gplden hair, Jodie Foster has played a hooker, a gangster's moll and a murderess at 13 years old. Still fresh in mind are her roles in Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone,
      1,199 words
    • 370 12 >. JAMES CAGNEY ANO IRENE PAPAS TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN (Western Feature Special) on Thursday, Ch. 5 at 9.55 p.m. in COLOUR In a rare excursion Westward, James Cagney as a horse rancher who rescues a gal (Irene Papas) from saloon Ufe but she later hassles him to stop
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 V w» JIII I J i. IL 1 is even greater now. 3 Graetz of West Germany offers you a colour TV set that's top of its class. With 3849, you not only get the traditional features which make Graetz so special today, but also the most advanced features that
      165 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1102 13 MONDAY Hpv fM Colourent Colour T.V. Specialists 10 00 A.M. Open Fleischer). Stars Rex Harrison Samantha Eggar, Anthony. Newley, Richard Attenborough, Peter Bull 12.50 PJvL GAMES OP THE XXI OLYMPIAD (r). Impressionistic coverage of the 21st Olympic Games at Montreal. 2.40 VARIETY SPECIAL. With Liza Minnelli, Bing Crosby, Steve Lawrence,
      1,102 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 152 14 °y Sony Trinitron now comes in with a 31 cm (13") screen portable color TV. The Son of Sony. Your ideal second set The Son of Sony has a Special ECONOQUICK system that gives you instant picture and sound, saving the unnecessary wastage of power while awaiting the tube to
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1141 14 WEDNESDAY 8^1 fWi'.RfYa MMicisi P.M. Open I CLASSIC KEYSTONE COMEDY CAPERS Diary Of Events (M) I NO PLACE TO GO (r). How the Mexican government, with the help of the United Nations, tries to solve the problem of rural migration to the cities. Stars In Action: The House That Jackson
      1,141 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 105 15 "TV yt II r l !w se 1! i I I Ml ALT H HAZARDS I SICKLY* STAIN MM. PRKMTINNM HAZARDS I > nmi n £2 lltft *5 V I ?JS K5 Stop Them How! /l scientifically .7 a/() proven "absolutely foolproof.." Effective **<aSgj^ 7 elimination in 2 months 'or
      105 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 965 15 3 00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: First Love (Hokkien/r) Stars 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.09 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 6.30 NEWS IN MIEF 35 HAZEL: Such A Nic« Little Man (r) 7.00 SERBANIKA. Filmlets <>n supertankers, paraplegics at i ■«n Vmmii play* CMcken cock trainer, alto in KOOT) 3.00 tM.
      965 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 467 16 This month is a special month for Pelicans, which have always offarad an unrtvallad roll-call of outstanding authors. Top namas who not only know thair sub)act wall, but who can writa wall too. Above all, writers who stimulate end antartain as weM as inform J.K. Qalbreith, HJ. Eysanck, Edward da
      467 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 196 16 L0T5 60 UP TO iw puce. >uve* T 4x) r i>/ eteetkAgp v r. &KO60N and MR C46S<9N »y^ is 1 WA3 AT A coe'ruMe PAG tY 5 -rj£ J •4)0 ee ritie. AZtiocp WHAT tfu K5 ACTiVlT/ tt»\£ 0AC* T& THtf 0»ktv W;tvl M£.' J FVJftK ml m <#1+*
      196 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 161 17 / 18 V IPPKE!, IH fill >•<„ A,,(>s>) V O' ri t.V ■m if. p 11 ;> j r a vf M* v\ v 7 V S v v i\i V Vlv r~ fir*' r V//| E. > "'4 sjwS E 1* m Children's M *7 *7 *rv 'It's an education in
      161 words
  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
    • 274 17 / 18 W. .r y «L mm a^.v i I'xm W 41 r-v z ,*••<■; &/7A4ATFS GiSKFUUy EXAGGERATED Bti6SyS GARA&E wfa^ i Imi# r-i 1 4f r 5$ /s ONE TUNA SANDWICH AND A FLAGON OF MILK Mram^r-Q Y it f p Sr L I'M X HAVING 1 LUNCH WITH A, FRIEND/
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 328 19 Good reading on lil ih from Penguin China the mosl populous nation in the world. Fast emerging as a major power in world politics. Isolated from the rest of the worjd for over two decades, world attention has nevertheless turned to this most enigmatic of nations time and again. Starting
      328 words
    • 120 19 NEW n '3 from Pengu w 1 Li L* L -L LUCIENNE LANSON This book it written for all women regardless of age, social position, educational level or sexual inclination. Here, at last is clear, accurate and sympathetic information from a gynaecologist speaking woman to woman in a book that
      120 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 234 19 GARTH !LJL!J. VlrZamoe nfbrMßd IB POSTBO OT TUB TELEPHONE SWTCHBCAgD/ w i irm. w w (s I!' V WMBN XDU*Z« TWSBI 3fVS Mi -me OOOEO WONRL «NO WELL VO/B INBMOBB/ A Lli kidnap gang mcvB m... I \1 SB SOMBTHIN® IS WKONS. NPMiySH/TUS TBIfPWONBi ft N» -0 »v- >F 5
      234 words

  • 1159 20 HIMOUR w th and no more gossips from you, Gloria, except the good ones A FRIEND who looks suspiciously like that actor on the Mandom ad took his son to a club kids' party. One of the highlights was the pony rlae.
    1,159 words
  • 251 20 Off Hie Record by CKT T EATING through the second Issue of "that gala hi-fi quarterly" The Craft of Sound (Just out, $3, published by Times Periodicals), I read of one contributor's years of pleasure and pain in the hobby. Pain? There la this fellow
    251 words
  • 168 20 Arab hardliners denounced President Sadat's Christmas Day meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and called It a "summit of treason." High treason? New Year's Eve revellers In New Delhi greeted 1»78 with little alcohol and si —iilm of even less In future because of Prime Minister Desal's
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • 614 21 Ivan Fernandez classifies the non-feathered variety. How do you fit in? BIRD watchers roving the streets and shopping centres of Singapore In pursuit of Its famed ornithological delights nave often been perplexed by the variety of specimens found here. And they have largely remained unclassified. It is to
    614 words
  • 633 21  -  mm A.I I > I I J 1 I 1 GEOFFREY ABISHEGANADEN AS ONE of a group on an "educational and recreational" tour of China, I was in Peking in October two years ago. This capital city still appears a timeless, somewhat dusty, glorified
    633 words

  • 792 22  -  Farrah Fawcett-Majors, the blue-eyed blonde who until recently starred In Charlie's Angels, is the victim of constant death threats. Now, she *nd her husband, Six Million Dollar Man Lee Majors, have fortified their Hollywood mansion against a reallife enemy who bears a mysterious—and perhap
    Features International  -  792 words
  • 625 22  -  JjJJ By I Edgar Koh fTHE POSEIDON ADA VENTURE (Midnight at Cathay) obviously is brought back Just for its New Year's Day disaster. It was a film we thought we'd .all said auld lang syne to nearly five years ago. Sorry to bore you with
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 40 22 The only mattress that has a matrix of 390 springs! J v* m 'X si TO* < w V si four STor DOUBLE-LAYER SPRING MATTRESSES MANUFACTURER: FOUR STAR INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD. K. LORONO a, OiVLANO. BINOAMMC 14. TIL: 403H? *****7 lIIIIT
      40 words

  • 663 23  -  Book Page MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE. By Laurence E. Morehouse and Leonard Cross. Simon and Schuster. 1977. 352 pp. US$B.95. or, for that matter, in anything else By Alex Josey iy> YOU want to be a better lover? A better golfer?
    663 words
  • 429 23  -  THE SLEEP OF LIFE. By Richard Gordon. Penguin. 1976. 305-pp. 85p. By Sarojini Kumarasamy mHE author also note the "Doctor" series. But this Is not a comedy. It Is the story of anaesthesia. Gordon, a former anaesthetist, pays tribute to
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  • 606 23  -  By John Sturrock Observer LAZARUS By Andre M a I r a u x. Translated by Tei rence K i I m a r t i n (M a c d o n aid and Janes £6.25). |N 1973 Andre MalA raux, Gen. de Gaulle's
    Observer  -  606 words

  • Sports Nation starts from this page
    • 501 24  -  HOCKEY Brian Miller TF THERE was an award for hockey player of 1977, T. Nanthakumar would win it hands down. This adroit striker was the toast of the hockey fraternity and nobody can deny that It was through his skills that Singapore shone on the
      501 words
    • Kaleidoscope
      • 169 25 AP MARTINA NAVRATILOVA, the best lefthanded woman tennis player in the world, hopes to start off the 1978 pro tour the same way she did last January with a victory. With high hopes of becoming No. 1. the 21-year-old Navratllova will de'end her championship this week
        AP  -  169 words
      • 50 25 AFP MUHAMMAD AU on Friday became a father for the sixth time when his third wife. Veronica" Porche, gave birth to a daughter who weighed In at 3 kgs 500. The world heavyweight boxing champion has four other daughters and a son all by previous marriages. AFP.
        AFP  -  50 words
      • 73 25 Reuter BJORN BORG. and Chris Evert were named the top men's and women's tennis players in the world by Tennis magazine in Its 1977 rankings. The top 10 men: 1. BJorn Borg (Sweden); 2. Oulllermo Vilas (Argentina) 3. Jimmy Connors (US); 4. Brian Gottfried (U8); 5.
        Reuter  -  73 words
      • 33 25 AFP knock!)UT specialist Carlos Zarate of Mexico will defend his World Boxing Association W B A) bantamweight title against Callfornlanbased compatriot Alberto Davila in Los Angeles on Feb. 18—AFP.
        AFP  -  33 words
    • 389 25  -  Peter Lo RAHIM GUL, a coach at the Tanglin Club, has been named one of the world's top 20 professional squash players by the International Squash Players' Association. OeofT Hunt retains his top ranking, while the brilliant Qamar Zaman takes nurrtber two sDot from compatriot Mohlbullah
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    • 531 25 INSIDE TRACK A TEAM of former English football internationals led by Martin Peters may play in Singapore in May, it was reported last week. We have heard similar stories before. First, it was the Bobby Charlton Invitational XI that ope Tied negotiations with
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    • 624 26 Reuter JAPAN, which has lacked talented boxers for more than two years, Is heading for a busy new year with five world title matches between tomorrow and Feb 1. The Japanese boxers include Japan's only reigning world champion, Yoko Oushiken, who will be making
      Reuter  -  624 words
    • 269 26 WORLD SOCCER DUTCH superstar John Cruyff has come under strong criticism from teammate Jan Peters for not wanting to go to Argentina to play for Holland. Peters condemned the campaign to try and persuade Cruyff to change his mind and Dlay In the World Cup. "It's
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    • Article, Illustration
      430 26  -  Lim Kok Ann THE word "CheckA mate" Is derived from the ancient Persian words "Shahmat," meaning, "the King is dead." TO surround the enemy King and deliver the final stroke requires, of course, a strong position with the attacking pieces In the right places. Yet, very often, one Is
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    • 309 26  -  BASKETBALL Tony Koh AFTER the dismal per formances of the various Singapore teams In 1977, the Basketball Association of Singapore should take steps to ensure that they are not duplicated this year. It is time for the officials in the various committees of
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    • 634 27  -  TENUIS TALK Alfred Tong "IT'S almost in--1 decent." With those words, the chairman of the All England Club, 81r Brian Burnett, announced Increases in prise money for this year's Wimbledon championships. In wha» amounts to an overall Drlse increase of £43,432 ($182,414), the men's singles winner will
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    • 700 27  -  By Roy McKelvie Sunday Express UVONNE OOOLAQONO in tennis she uses her maiden name rather than Mrs Cawley is on her way back. For the next two years "until I have my second baby" she poses the biggest threat to Chris Evert, Virginia Wade
      Sunday Express  -  700 words
    • 550 27  -  Gary Kale UPI PROFESSIONAL tennis star Sandy Mayer would love to turn the clock back 11 years to a certain meeting with Jimmy Connors. "We were playing In the under-14 boys division and It's the only time I ever beat Connors," recalls the 25S ear-old
      UPI  -  550 words
    • 706 28  -  Look out for Fischer,. Muller and company By Brian Glanville WHEN Gerd Muller turned on the ball, shot a second time, and beat the Dutch keeper Jongbloed to win West Germany the 1974 World Cup, he 4r%* demonstrating the priceless Importance of a striker. After
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    • 550 28  -  Gerard Loughran UPI O RACEFULLY lift* its cement profit another colossus of sporting architectonic proportion. A dedepurate design including the most advanced technologycal concepts to provide to the trig stadium the greatest comforts and armony. lit AH DEL PLATA Is an Argeptlne resort town of hotels
      UPI  -  550 words
    • 977 29  -  ATHLETICS Tan Kim Seng TWO meets will dominate the new athletics season. Top biTlng, of course, goes to the Asian Games. But In view of the stiff standards that are going to be set, It Is unlikely that many Singapore athletes will
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    • 1205 29 UPI 'THE Inaugural World x Cup last September provided the competitive highlight of the 1977 Athletics year but the chaiqploiF ships (at Dusseldorf, West Germany) suffered in that they were restricted in entry in each event (one per team) and mandatory representation by non worldclass performers which meant
      UPI  -  1,205 words
    • 1084 30 SADDLEBACK flnally found his right form at Penang yeaterday when ne scored a narrow win In Race 4. Formerly named Ounong Kawl. the three-year-old by Virginia Boy came with a sustained run In the last 600 m to beat the favourite. CONNECTION (O. Podmore).
      1,084 words
    • 253 30  -  Joyce Tan mHE ClTll Service net--1 ball tournament, better known aa the lnter-mlnlstry competition for the Nglera Tong Dow trophy, starts this weekend at the National Stadium courts. As in previous years, there will be two dlvlslons. In division one will be Defence, the defending champions, Education,
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    • 279 30  -  BADMINTON Gerry Chan TOROM the look of things, Singapore are unlikely to host the Asian Badminton Confederation (ABC) championship in July. Since announcing their decision to organise the championships after the last AOM, the Singapore Badminton, Association have not, apparently, done anything. And now they have suspended
      279 words
    • 270 30  -  Ernest Frida rHAS been another miserable year lor Singapore golf. The natlona l team put up a pathet' performance to flnl&h ninth among the 10 teams that took part In the Asian team championship at Kuala Lumpur last May. Then In November, they again played badly to
      270 words
    • 303 31 ABC guide to today's runners A Abductor tot! Arttattc S Air More** N 7 Al Coder t Alabama Leal .1 Aepkeden 7 Auric name II T Bayonet Race 0 c Charty MBoy Race g Colombo Court II g Corinthian t Cool Cumri y D DtocoKM ....Race 1 E Kuphorick Race
      303 words
    • 207 31 By Scrutineer rnRAINER Teh Choon Beng, *> who has already won six of the classics, can cap a great season by winning the $71,500 Governor's Gold Cup (Race 6). over 2000 m with his REGAL TAN at Penang today. Regal Tan, who won
      By Scrutineer  -  207 words
    • 2812 31 RACE 1 1 3241 a 3170 ***** ***** 404 2290 HIM »)f MX 7 00*0 «ni9 woo 1 MSI »> TkMH Mwrti tklata II (Courilng Kim Atutln): 2nd to Not Oullty over 1200m Ipoh July, good: 4th to King Comedy over 1200m good,
      2,812 words
    • 89 31 BB1AN MILIXB 7AIBWAT Bam 1: Twnpalton Shlnta Houae Bus Houm Bug HOom Bog «mi t: IM OwitiM LM VefM Ffait Generation LM VetM Flirt Oainilii Warlike Oeetare IM S: Otymmk) 8M* ArtMtlc Artistic Corinthian Olympic Saac Mabrouk Artirtie Corinthian ■•n 4: Km V.ii. Thiam Hock nniie war Ttm Bien
      89 words
    • 1067 32 SPORTS NATION Reuter qnHE courageous return 4to world cham- plonshlp form by racing driver Nikl Lauda, the rise of American wonder Jockey' Steve Cauthen, some spectacular athletics records and Increased demands for "player power" were the sporting highlights of 1977. It wu a boom year for team
      Reuter  -  1,067 words
    • 173 32 Reuter tl/HATEVER thrills and surprises 1978 provides, the key event of the year will be the Werld Cup soccer finals In Argentina. For the last two years over a hundred teams have battled for the 14 qualifying places alongside the two automatic entries, hoots Argentina
      Reuter  -  173 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 339 24 APPOINTMENTS The SGV Group Management Consulting Services Our client, one of the world's largest investment banks, invites applications for the post of: BOOKKEEPER/ I }.o; Around $15,000 p.a. The successful candidate will be responsible for the proper recording of investment portfolios end the entire eccoonting functions of the Bank, including
      339 words
    • 190 24 The SGV Group Management Consulting Services A A wall-known American offshora bank in vitas applications from qualified and ambitious candidates for the position of: V\ M u IfW: Up to $45,000 p.a. The successful candidate will analyse and evaluate prospective credit risks involving substantial amounts and administer existing loans. He
      190 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 164 25 A We re one of Singapore's youngest banks! Considering that the*first account, established with us, is not yet four years old, we have already become a sturdy plant, firmly rooted in our garden city. Fertilised by satisfied customers, who entrust their business to us and who come to us for
      164 words

  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 135 28 Capricorn (DM tt—Jan 20) Casual conversation with a stranger may give you an Idea which, if properly developed, could be of great benefit to you. You will be satisfied to hear from a mutual acquaintance that your chief speaks very highly of you. You would make It easier for you
      135 words
    • 423 28 Pisces (Feb 2ft—Mar 20) You should make considerable headway during the first weeks of the new year If you arv very careful not to take the wrong turning. A financial matter may be the cauae of friction in the family and you must make an attempt to settle if once
      423 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 178 30 At $55 It's the best. 1 /jy vulnerable side of your loot /aS/'X extra protection, f': 1 Padded collar and htah m vulnerable side ot your foot extra protection.* Padded collar and high heel-cap reinforces the fit, reinforces the hold. Secures your feet in.good shape. 3 Padded mount for extra
      178 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 42 30 18T: No. Mitt ($2,903) 2ND: No. SMJ4 (9725) 3RD: No. ***** <9362) STARTERS <943 each): Nm: ***** 55#? 7 57S«< ***** ***** ***** 5439/ ***** ***** ***** *****. CONSOLATION <934 etch): Not: *****, ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****.
      42 words

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