New Nation, 24 February 1977

Total Pages: 24
1 24 New Nation
  • 20 1 New Nation SINGAPORE Thursday, February 24, 1977 No. 1881 Price 25 cents M C (P) 262/1/77 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1977
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  • 1125 1 Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew spoke yesterday of his 24 loyal men—two dozen MPs who stuck with him through thick and thin since the tumultous and hazardous years from 1955. Twenty-one of th?m were In Parliament yesterday when he told the other MPs of their courage, loyalty
    1,125 words
  • 312 1 The Government will relax its regulation prohibiting young people travelling to China because there is no better education for a- proper appreciation of Singapore than a tour of China, Mr. Lee Kuan Tew said yesterday. Mr. Lee, In the course of his 3ft-hour address
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  • 353 1 The Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore today signed an agreement on safety of navigation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, adopting 12 recommendations. The agreement was signed In Manila today by Mr. 8. Rajaratnam, Mr. Adam Malik and Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen.
    353 words
  • 103 1 Next Friday (March 4) Is Budget Day, Business Times reported today. The main Budget estimates and the development estimates for the craning fiscal ye&r have already been presented to Parliament. Speaking In Parliament yesterday, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said the argument for an Increase In Income
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  • 21 1 Bankrupts will not be allowed to participate In an election campaign, the Prime Minister announced In Parliament yesterday.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 329 1 lhNClft Kitchen Cabinet INSIDE ASEAN one year after —Special report: Pages 8, 9 Jordan, PLO talks a Page 6 IN THE OTHER PAGES: Cinemas 2; Moneywords 21; Crossword, Stars 22; Comics 23. An appreciation of Australian Wine. 5 Wine growing areas of Australia. South Australia The Baro— Valley One of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 156 2 Prices generally opened steady during the first 45 minutes of light trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore today. The only firm spot was Oentlng Highlands, which advanced six cents to $3.40 In low turnover. Activity In M. Banking shares subsided somewhat, with the shares rising by five
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  • 21 2 Dr. Slak Chong Leng has been elected president of the Macßltchle Runners 25 at its second annual general meeting.
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  • 422 2  -  By Gerry de Silva Main users of the Straits of Malacca and International organisations may have to bear the costs of running the Straits T r a f fic Separation Scheme (TBS). The reason Is that the funding of the
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  • 158 2 Several tour operators Plan to buy 10 new luxury coaches worth a total of $1.5 million to alleviate the shortage of tourist coaches in Singapore. The coaches, with a total seating capacity of about 44,H, will be delivered within this year. They will be
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  • 148 2 UPI London, Thursday British schoolteacher Brian Maurice arrived In London yesterday after being expelled at 24hour notice by the Singapore Government He refused to comment about why he was ordered to leave the country. Mr. Maurice, who arrived at Heathrow Airport with hit six-year-old son David,
    UPI  -  148 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 517 2 AT THE CINEMA KING KONG: A Dino De Laurentiis spectacular that Is a remake of the original done In the 30s. A giant ape falls In love with a human sacrifice. Stars Jeff Bridges, Charles Orodln, Jessica Lange. Odeon: 12.45, 3.30, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. THE riNK PANTHER SrKiKbS AGAIN;
      517 words

  • 548 3 A first step towards EEC-type cooperation and a summit in KL UPI Manila, Thursday Foreign Ministers of ASEAN yesterday voiced hopes that the special meeting today would lead to a significant first step towards a Common Market-type of econom i c cooperation and a second summit conference
    UPI  -  548 words
  • 433 3  -  A college experiment to help students with their sums By Teresa Ooi The United World Collere of. Southeast Asia will conduct an experiment to stimulate its 11 and 12-year-olds in learning simple arithmetic by using an electronic learning aid called The Little Professor. The experiment, which
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  • 79 3 A symposium on, Small Industries In Singapore will be held here next month to discuss how small manufacturers can play a more active role In the development of the Republic's economy. The two-day symposium will be held at the Shangri-La Hotel on March 24 and
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  • 189 3 The People's Association's Youth Section plans to form study circles in community centres to encourage re a ding and discussion on social, political and economic issues. The programme alms to develop In youths an awareness of what Is going on around them and
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  • 28 3 The Singapore University Madrigal Singers will present an evening of sacred music on March 14 at 8 p.m. In the Trinity Theological College Chapel, Mount Sophia.
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  • 34 3 The Spastic Children's Association will launch the Charity Queen Quest 1977 Saturday at 3 p.m. at Its OUstead Road centre. The asroclalon hopes to raise $100,000 for the rehabilitation of spastic children.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 304 3 See Pages 8 and 9 ASEAN one year after Ball. FOR EFFECTIVE METHODS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE IN POSTAL EDUCATION CONSULT! AMBRIDGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL P.O. Box 1935, Singapore Tel: *****4 or P.O. Box 104, Johore Bahru *****. HOME STUDY COURSES FOR 1977/78 EXAMINATIONS T Higher School Certificate Gener il Paper, Economics,
      304 words

  • 1560 4 'If our society becomes deculturised, we are in deep trouble' IN PARLIAMENT YESTERDAY Speaking off the cuff for over three hours in Parliament, •the Prime Mlr.fster, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, yesterday: ANALYSED how absolutely vital It is lor Singaporeans to be effectively
    1,560 words
  • 279 4 The Senior Minister of State (Education), Mr. Chai Chong Y i i, stated categorically that there is no need to set up a Commission of Inquiry to look into the education system as some Members of the House suggested during the debate. There are already some
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  • 617 4  -  bv Sunny Wee, Rav Dhaliwal An increasing number of Malay youths are being enlisted into the Army, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Dr. Goh Keng Swee said in Parliament ye st e rday. Dr. Ooh said that SAF
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  • 460 5 Golkar's 10.5 m election fund Suharto also donates $1.1 m. to two other parties Reuter UPI Jakarta, Thursday The military-back-ed, ruling Functional Group (Golkar) yesterday announced that it had set aside 1500 million rupiahs ($10.5 million) Tor contesting the general election on May 2. "The funds came from Golkar businessmen
    Reuter; UPI  -  460 words
  • 119 5 Reuter Geneva, Thursday A British Government proposal to tax airlines lor airport security measures could cause a chain reaction and lead to higher air fares. Mr. Knut Hammarskjoeld, director-general of the International Air Traffic Association (lATA) said yesterday. Mr. Hammarskjoeld, answering rep
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 123 5 Reuter Bangkok, Thursday Thailand's special warfare forces suffered 35 killed in clashes with communist guerillas during 1976, Special Services chief Major-Gene-ral Tiiienchal Sirisampan told newsmen. He described the casua.tles as "the highest yet" to Special Services personnel in the 11year old insurgency. General
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 127 5 UPI Belfast, Thursday Suspected pro visional Irish Republican Army gunmen killed a prominent businessman and .wounded another In separate incidents yesterday. apparently stepping up their "economic war" against Britain. The dead man was Peter Hill, owner of a major drapery group In Londonderry, 120 km west
    UPI  -  127 words
  • 244 5 Reuter Canberra, Thursday Former American underworld figure Vincent Teresa would be deported from Australia, Social Security Minister Senator Margaret Guilfoyle told Federal Parliament here yesterday. Answering a question in the Senate (Upper House), the Minister said Teresa was being interviewed by Federal police
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 z^r S 1 ya TT Peking cuisine at its best A feast fit for emperors. Peking duck, shark's fin soup, baked tench every dish a work of art by our skilled chefs. Only at Pine Court. Lunch: tim sum a'la carte noon 2.30 pm Candlelight dinner: a'la carte 7 pm
      95 words
    • 58 5 Sanyo's TWOBEMJTIFUL WINS TO TELL TIME The time in digits, wake-up alarm-, sweet music, good looks. Sanyo digital clocks give you all this. A musical timepiece that harmonises with any decor, any colour scheme. Wake up or fall asleep with the perfect bedside companion a Sanyo digital clock. tea Sleep
      58 words

  • 415 6 PLO and Jordan end first round Reuter UPI Amman, Thursday Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) last night wound up their first series of talks for seven years, and the head of the PLO team said the meeting had been "very successful." PLO delegation chief
    Reuter; UPI  -  415 words
  • 174 6 Reuter Hong Kong, Thursday Recent US and Soviet diplomatic activities In the Middle East Indicate that the two superpowers are stepping up their contention for hegemony there, the New China News Agency said yesterday. The agency said In a commentary that visits by US Secretary of
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 294 6 UPI Washington, Thursday Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said yesterday that separation of Quebec would hurt the US as well as his own nation—but "it's not going to happen." "If I were an American, I would be extremely, strongly In favour of Canadian unity,"
    UPI  -  294 words
  • 167 6 AP Mombasa, Thursday Women tourists who stroll nude along Kenya's Indian Ocean beaches were warned by provincial administrator Ellud Mah 1 h u yesterday that they run a "grave risk of being raped." Mr. Mahlhu, addressing the local tourist association's annual meeting, said
    AP  -  167 words
  • 186 6 Reuter London, Thursday. Uganda's President Idl Amln yesterday sent word to London that he Intend* visiting Britain for the Commonwealth summit in June, thereby plunging the British government into an acute diplomatic dilemma. The message received by the Commonwealth Secretariat here said that President
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 116 6 UPI TODAY is Thursday, Feb. 2i. the 55th day of 1977 with 310 to follow. THE MOON is approaching its first quarTHE MORNING BTAKS are Mercury and Mars. THE EVENING STARS are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this day are under the sign of Pisces. ON THIS
    UPI  -  116 words
  • 66 6 Reuter Vol (Kenya). Tharoday A passenger who spent an entire rail Joarnej looked la the train'* only toilet was charred In coart yesterday with monopolising It Saragwa galanl was (trn ball of 59 shlWngT'fU) after being aocased of to move oat of a Place reoerred for. pnbdc
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 255 6 'Sorinfiboard for infiltration' UPI Cairo, Thursday The Soviet Union has strengthened Its military foothold In Libya by stationing long-range TU bombers there, building new military airports and roads and setting up early warning and air defence networks. the weekly magazine Akher Saa said yesterday. Quoting Arab
    UPI  -  255 words
  • 63 6 Reuter Tokyo, Thursday.—A battery-powered wheelchair for the seriously paralysed that can be controlled by the occuS ant's breath and chin as been developed by a Japanese vehicle parts manufacturer. The wheelchair, which can run on its batteries for two and a half hours before it needs
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 30 6 UPI Hong Kong, Thursday. —Authorities intercepted U5564,000 ($156,000) worth of drugs stuffed in toy animals mailed from Bangkok earlier this month, a government spokesman said yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 176 6 AP The Hague, Thursday. —Thousands of workers in the building industry returned to work yesterday ad Dutch management and unions reopened wage negotiations, but longshoremen in Rotterdam and Amsterdam continued their strike pending the outcome of the talks. About 8000 builders went back to their
    AP  -  176 words
  • 161 6 Reuter Tel Aviv, ThursdayPrime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was last night chosen by the Labour Party convention as its candidate for the Premiership in the parliamentary elections in May, Israel Radio reported. The official results of the poll among the 3000 elected delegates to the convention
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 34 6 UPI Rome, Thursday.—The Italian version of Erica Jong's bestseller Fear of Flying was ordered seized throughout the nation yesterday by Lacquila s Appeals Court prosecutor Donato Massimo Bartolomel on grounds of alleged obscenity.—UPl.
    UPI  -  34 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 181 6 Saa Francisco Rain likely, 15-7 C. Headline: Carter's US budget Ford cuts restored. Tokyo Sunny, 11mlnus IC. Headline: Carter budget shows impact of economic stimulus. Farts Variable, 12SC. Headline: Cabinet examines rescue plan for steel industry in France. Rome Sunny, 2013C. Headline: Decision today on when university will reopen. Moscow
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 507 7 4 Australian wine in Singapore, CHATEAU CUIBILR V*|OSHIRAZ V&( Mtft M NftWUA This dry red table wine is made from hermitage (shiraz) grapes grown at Chateau Tahbilk in Victoria. It is matured in wood for a minimum of 18 months and further stored in the bottle before being released on
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  • 429 8 The lament by Dr Ong Leong Boon (MP for Kim Seng) that "there Is a near total lack of public debate" Is a reverse hyperbole. To be sure, a certain ambivalence is detectable In those Singaporeans who, on the one hand, are too disinterested
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    • 61 8 Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, on which Roman Catholics fast by eating less than usual. A Catholic colleague was still in the office during lunch hour and a friend asked if she was foregoing lunch. "No," she replied. "I'm having half a meal." Quipped her friend: "I see,
      61 words
    • 47 8 A young man about town switched from a mini to an MOB sports car. "Are the girls palpably more responsive now?" a colleague asked him. "Not really." he replied. "But the attendants at my regular petrol station are much more attentive and the service has Improved."
      47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1899 8  -  One year after Bali In search of dialogue, commitment and a lot more mutual benefit They are meeting in Manila today By H.L. LIM Politicians are doing It. Bureaucrats are doing It. So are the businessmen, as well as the journalists. One could venture the view that almost everyone
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 96 4 player with etereo or SQ matrix/discrete CD-4 Just by merely 4-channei facilities. Its M*«C 8000 adding another pair of speakers.* cartridge faithfully reproduces stereo, Beomeater 3400 IssFM turner-amplifier 4-Channel SQ matrix as well aa discrete with 4 separate amplifiers of output 4x20 CIM records —by an addition of
      104 words
    • 49 9 m IW —Bill Delicious Teppan-Yaki Steak is Prepared A Cooked at tour Table •rOKOH U 9 Japanata Raataurant' Suprama Houm, Tal: 327M1 KAIWRA Japan*** Stack Houm Orchid Inn, Ta»: *****2 CLUB ELITE <Louo*>. whara tha Elltaa matt VUKI-Tokyo TV Singer Entartalna 7pm 12pm axcapt Monday Suprama Houm. Tal: *****7.
      49 words

    • 288 10  -  To make the little room in your home more inviting Sh oparound bv Jennifer Schoon Bathrooms were places where one went in and did the essential. Now they're just as important as any other room in the house, and where you cau let your decorative instincts run loose.
      288 words
    • 105 10 COOK-IN This delicious fresh tasting dish contains only about 115 calories a portion and is ideal 'or a light lunch or supper especially after this festive season. Serve it with a salad and crusty. French bread for those not on a diet. 500 ml. (1
      105 words
    • 504 10  -  by Violet Oon "I can't stand 'stage* mothers," I walled to my friend, Kim. "They are so terrible and pushy." "Oh yea," she agreed. "How can that woman believe that her daughter la the end all and be all? She seriously believes that her little
      504 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 230 10 Puzzles, riddle*, crosswords, jokes to share? We pay $5 for every contribution. The address is Kids Only, New Nation, Locked Bag 15, Singapore 1. Don't forget to add your name, age and address. 1. Divide this field equally into four each with two trees. Each smaller field must be of
      230 words

  • trend 2
    • Article, Illustration
      512 11  -  Decor by Violet Oon "There Is no such thing as a beautiful decor on its own," said Mrs. P.O. "You have to take into account its physical environment and the perfect house in England say, may look stufTy and hot here." The decor of your house has to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 J t 9« 1 4 50g Jar, Now at $75 (While stock lasts) Think of tlni big savings. A regular 35g jar costs 162. VISIBLE DIFFERENCE is Elizabeth Arden's unique moisturizing and texturizing creme in one. It actually penetrates 20 cell layers of your skin, to help make your skin
      97 words

  • 384 12 3 Business News and Views L 'A But initiative must come from OPEC's 'hardliners' UPI Beirut, Thursday The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Is ready to end the price war In the Or g a n 1 s ation of Petroleum Exporting Countries but the initiative
    UPI  -  384 words
  • 88 12 Improved show by gold UPI Brussels, Thursday The dollar closed generally higher on European money markets yesterday. Gold was higher, up US$l an ounce In Zurich at U*****,125, while in London It closed at U*****,625, up from U*****,875. In Frankfurt, the dollar closed at 2.3950 marks, up from 2.3904. In
    UPI  -  88 words
  • 221 12 Chase Manhattan Bank has promoted three officers to the position of second vicepresident. They are MR. FREDDIE YEO CHOON MENG, manager-opera-tions services, M R. RICHARD BITTEN BENDER ll managercommercial accounts, and MR. LIM YEE CHING, manager-whole-sale banking, of United Chase Merchant Bankers. MR. C HIA KOK CHUAN,
    221 words
  • 191 12 UPI Tokyo, Thursday Philippine and Japanese business and Industrial leaders yesterday began a two day conference on bilateral trade and Investment and Japan's cooperation with the five member Association of South east Asian Nations. The meeting opened In a Tokyo hotel with the Japanese represented
    UPI  -  191 words
  • 34 12 Reuter Beattle, Thursday Boeing, the aircraft mail uf a c turer, yesterday said its sales rose to U553.92 billion ($9.4 billion) in 1976 and that 1977 sales should be somewhat better.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Stock markets round the world
    • 233 12 Wall Street's fears that Inflation will hamKr the economy later Is year drove prices lower yesterday for the fourth consecutive session In slow trading of New York Stock Exchange Issues. Analysts said many Investors sat out the session while President Carter conducted a news conference in Washington. The
      233 words
    • 29 12 ClMlnc avoracM on the NYBS yesterday: SO indiutriala 858.2 A (off 1.M); JO transport 222.U (oil 0.78); IS utilities 108.86 (off 0.35); es stocks 306.81 (off 0.75).
      29 words
    • 155 12 Ck*tag prices (In yen) on V* T8B yesterday: Ajinomoio 639 8 C. Itoh 389 1 Dowa Mining 167 unch. Hitachi 331 unch. Japan MaU 8te 313 1 Komatsu 308 1 Meiji Setka 477 +13 Mitaul-Toatsu 86 unch. Onoda Cement 103 l Shiaeido 1330 +60 Sumitomo Bank 388 l Tokio
      155 words
    • 86 12 Closing prices (in Swiss irancs) oo the Zurich stock Exchange yesterday: UBS Bearer 3370 +30 UBS Registered 665 7 SBC 400 7 Credit Suisse 2710 10 Swissair B. 637 1 Swiss Relnsur. 2580 10 Wlnterthur B. 1936 6 Zuilch Insur. 7375 +35 Juvena B. 103 6 Nestle B. 5300
      86 words
    • 72 12 C to t I* 10 ta (trues) on the Puis Bource yesterday: Parlbaa 144 +1J0 Fonder SOS —7 Prin temps 17.10 +0.08 Bull 36.40 —0.60 Royal Dutch 271.50 +150 Mlchelln 1103 +1 COK 2ft3.50 —0.60 Tbonuon 170.60 —0.60 CFP 104 Rhone 70.70 —0.90 Air in +1 BSN 428JO +1.10)
      72 words
    • 88 12 Closing prices st 1IJO a.m. today (Australian time): ACI 140 14* ADC Nil 22 Ampol Pet 60 61 Anl 116 120 APM 140 141 Bank NSW 465 462 Brambles 142 146 BHP 664 666 Boral 176 160 CBA 260 260 C8R 221 222 CIO 276 260 Coal Allied 166
      88 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 325 12 ATTRACTIVE RATES TOR FIXEO DEPOSITS and Saving Aocounts 8% par annum. Klaw Alk Nana Flnanoa Co. Ltd., 187. South Bridge Rood. *4 '&A -■> +Ht OIST. 11, WATTIN IST ATE, terrace house fully furnished. Immediate. Tel: *****11 Miss Ng 4-ROOMSD HOB PLAT HE, Blk 15 Ohlm Moh Road. Suitable for
      325 words
    • 251 12 r i EXPERT IN REMOVINO black mole, pimples, freckles, scars and other skin problems. Completely safe method. Please consult Mdm Ng Jin Hwen Koh's Beauty Salon, 17A Lorong Telok S'pore 1. Tel: *****/ *****30. RID BEAUTY LADIES Dressmaker Tel: *****7 Mrs. Cheng Specialises In sewing dresses and pant suits within
      251 words

  • HOLIDAY' 77
    • 935 13  -  By Peter Ong For some strange reason, Europe has been a popular draw for many Singaporeans intending to spend a nice, long holiday abroad. Many an affluent and the not-so-affluent Singaporean consider Europe as an "Important" destination and a great number who have been there think
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    • 714 14  -  By Wee Beng Huat So you are going for a holiday abroad. And you are going to take snapshots. What camera should you bring? What lenses? What type of Alms? And, do you need a tripod? These are the usual questions most holiday
      Picture by WEE BENG HUAT  -  714 words
    • 351 15  -  By Wee Beng Huat A new exciting spot has Just been added to the tourist map Ladakh, the Himalayan paradise where seeing is believing. Only 5000 tourists have so far been to Ladakh since it was opened to the world two years ago.
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    • 1637 16 How well do you know your neighbour? Unfortunately, no one can safely claim that he knows our closest neighbour, Malaysia, like the back of his hands. Sure, many Singaporeans have been to Malaysia many times over, but how many, for Instance, have been to
      1,637 words
    • 655 17  -  By K.K. Fong With almost 12 million Inhabitants in Tokyo, people tend to think it as a crowded, noisy city together with a string of other human fallings commonly found In other major cities in the world. Crowded as It is, noisy as It may,
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    • 276 18  -  By Wang Look Fung Hong Kong leaves fleeting memories. Not surprisingly, for It Is a fast-pace city, the hive of human activity, that unless you can absorb the drama at every street and corner with the concentration of an astronomer, you can only have undefined
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    • 518 19 Taking your children along with you for your holidays can be the greatest fun —or the biggest disaster, If you don't plan it right. Knowing how children will react to sitting for long hours In a plane or the back of a car, It
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    • 712 20 "The gladdest moment In human life, methinks, Is the departure upon a distant journey" wrote Sir Richard Burton in Source of the Nile. Then, he adds, "the blood flows with the fast circulation of childhood. Excitement lends unwanted vigour to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 9 to the U.S.A. CANADA/MEXICO (ONLY VALID FOR 10TH APRIL, Ist MAY, 31ft May, 15th Nov., 27th Nov. 6th DEC.) inclusive of:- return air ticket, sightseeing, deluxe hotel accommodation, meets and optional tours worth $425.00. PARTICIPATING HOTELS NEW YORK SHERATON TORONTO SHERATON CENTRE •LOS ANGELES SHERATON UNIVERSAL SAN FRANCISCO SHERATON
      165 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 164 14 ill r f; n j» THE d :«xrcG»j_ CONNECTIONS JSEateway to Europe" There are more ways to get to Europe we offer you much more of Europe with frequent and convenient connecting flights out of Moscow to London, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, Zurich, Copenhagen and in fact, almost all
      164 words
    • 143 14 ARCHIPELAGO PLEASURE TOURS USA CANADA SPECIAL SCHOOL HOLIDAY TOURS 25 Days escorted Tour: $5100 28/5 18/23 days escorted Tour: $3290/5350 monthly departures 21 days Grand European Tour: $3290 AUSTRAL IA NEW ZEAL AM D ASIA 21 DAYS NEW ZEALAND/AUSTRALIA-$3150/3290 15 DA YS AUSTRALIA $2400/2700 16 DAYS NEW ZEALAND $2740 TAIWAN
      143 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 Wk Cmli SCota Singapura -cruise to Fremantle (Perth) Come on board where your holiday begins. The people you meet, may turn out to be a friend. You can wine, dine, and dance the night away. But during the day, you can relax beside the pool. Dip in when the sun
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 137 16 r GO PLACES WITH NAM HO the expert in the travel field. rp WEST MALAYSIA TOUR inclusive GENTING, CAMERON HIGHLANDS by air-conditioned coach: 7 days: $185/- 6 days: $165/- GENTING CAMERON HIGHLANDS 4 days: 130/(A) GENTING HIGHLANDS 4 days by air-con-ditioned coach $140/(b) GENTING HIGHLANDS 2 days by air 140/-
      137 words
    • 216 16 nEO<£ p TOURS, for uoub pveasure m.j. noiA tavanc FLY'n CRUISE 3 days alt. Fri. ***** (Penang) 4 days alt. Wed. ***** (K. Lumpur Penang) 6 days alt. Mon. ***** (Java Bali) CRUISE ONLY 5 days alt. Wed. SSS6O 0 days alt. Mon. *****2 TOBA BRASTAGI 6 days from SS46O
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 143 17 Cathay Pacific to Hong Kong. With people like Jung. Jung Yon Ok is from Seoul and, like all our multi-national flight hostesses, she will spare no effort to make you feel completely at home with us. She'll offer you complimentary cocktails, superb cuisine and specially bottled French wines all part
      143 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 361 18 THE GRAND £IJROPA *77 V S GERMANY 1 f//M K\V SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA ■JLf r BIELGT MONACO FRANCE Highlights include Wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark 1 Exciting Hamburg Monte Carlo (Monaco) 1 Playground of the rich The Queen's Silver 4 Jubilee London. Optional tours to Sweden or the majestic Alps, jjiffl*] Super jet
      361 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 127 19 BANGKOK This is the chance you've been waiting for! Tour Bangkok at a fantastic discount made possible only by MAS Golden jTJPI Holidays. You'll see the most beautiful jJXyt/Jghr temples on earth. Watch spectacular Thai boxing, bullfights, swordfights, Thai Classical Dances, and more. Explore Bangkok's famous Floating Market. Experience the
      127 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 157 20 We do not sell travel! We give travellers utmost care. On leisure or business. Ybu are in good hands when you go with Uni Services Air-ticketing, hotel reservations, visa applications, transfers, incoming and outgoing tours. Tours Europe 1977 Chinese Escorted Holidays 20 days from 553,525.00 covering England, Holland, Germany, Switzerland,
      157 words

  • 334 21  -  By BRIAN MILLER Morrison Prince looks set for a winning break after 10 runs when he goes over 1200 m in the Class 6 Division 1 event on Saturday. With ace English Jockey Lester Plggott in the saddle, this flve-year-old by Red Pixie went
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  • 419 21 Reuter Hong Kong, Thursday Indonesia's top seed Llem Swie King was yesterday ousted from the necond Asian Invitation badminton championships when he went down in straight sets to China's Yu Yao Tung. Yu took the first set 15-12 in a gruelling 30minute battle but won
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • 809 21  -  on Soccer DON REVIE Liverpool. Southampton and Queens Park Rangers, England's remaining representatives in this s e a so n's European Cup, Cup-w 1 n n e r s Cup and UEFA Cup, should next week lift much of the gloom that has
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 137 21 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME We, SEALION SHIPPING (S) PTE. LTD., Agents for Messrs. NORTHGATE SHIPPING CO. LTD. of No. 80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia, the owners of the m.v. NORTHGATE of Singapore Registry Official Number *****5 of gross tonnage 8365.90 tons, register tonnage 4834.99 tons hereby
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 544 21 Thursday DIM NEW NATION MINEYWBRDS Cut out and pin with other coupons. Posting instructions appear below Name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Address lL FILL IN F A E_ missing D R P LETTERS ¥1 "R" ACROSS "nT~E ZT using CLUES _P T Y BELOW mm mm mm mm m Cut along dotted lines
      544 words

  • 608 22  -  BOWLING by Brian Miller World Cupper Peter Lew has been engaged by Pas 1 r Panjang Bowl to be their regular coach, and his bowling clinics will start from March 1. The besDectacled lefthander, who has been a familiar figure In the local bowling
    608 words
  • 35 22 London, Thursday. The Soviet Union will compete In the All-Eng-land badminton championships for the first time at Wembley here from March 23 to 26, English Badminton Association secretary Brian Bisseker said yesterday.
    35 words
  • 332 22  -  By LIM KEE CHAN Lim Leng Ann will be' defending the 54hole Hicee Open of the Local Circuit starting at the Seletar Course from tomorrow. The large field of over 100 golfers will tee-otf from 6.30 a.m. In this tournament which was postponed from
    332 words
  • 360 22 Reuter Hong Kong, Thursday About 140 competitors from all over the world led by defending champion Ho Ming-Chung of Taiwan will compete in the US$5O,OOO (about S$120,000) Hong Kong Open golf championship, which begins today. The 72-hole tournament. second leg of the 10-natlon Asian Circuit is being
    Reuter  -  360 words
  • 363 22 The draw: 8.30 a.m. Hamuli Yuaof, Toh Boh Heng, r. o. Heldeman (A), 6.37 A. Watte (A), Phua Thin Kiay, z. K&ssim, 6.44 Brlstowe (A), Poh Cr.u Kai, Shane Doliah 6.51 Poh Eng Chong, Ahmad Samad, A. Stuart (A), 6.58 Lim Qeok Tang. Wilson (A). All Mydln, 7.05 D.
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 311 22 Crossword iiii iiMiiuiM uujuu mumu ribbbb hibbb kibbb uhii übbb iIBBBUBBB WiIBBBB übbb übbb WriIUBBB ÜBBBBIiiUUI UIBBBB ÜBBB UB ÜBBB UIBBBB übbb übbb mmmm mbbbb ÜBBBKIBBB ***** l mmmm übbb UhiJUBBB ttIBBBBUUtf mmmm bubbb übbb ÜBBB iIBBBB UIBBB IfIBBB MBBBB iiiBBB ACROSS 1 Celebration 5 Certain Europeans 10 Relative pronoun
      311 words
    • 364 22 YOUR LUCKY STARS IF IT'S YOUR 20)—You have tremend- 22)—Business or profesous resources of energy slonal worries take more BIRTHDAY at this time. Find new of your mental energy outlets and discover new today than you have to BORN today, you are joys In projects well com- give. Try to
      364 words

  • 1093 23  -  WORLD CUP NEWS by Philip Tan National left winger S. Rajagopal will be given a new role in the Singapore team for the World Cup Asian Group One so c cer tournament, which starts this Sunday. Coach Choo Sang Quee disclosed that he' will
    1,093 words
  • 272 23 Tel Aviv, Thursday.— The South Korean soccer team arrived here yesterday to prepare for their match against Israel on Sunday In the first game of Asian Group Two of the World Cup competition. The third member of the group Is Japan. The South Korean party
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  • 133 23 Reuter Buenos Aires. Thursday. Colombia, who humbled Brazil by holding them to a scoreless draw in their opening World Cup soccer qualifying match in Bogota last Sunday, have a chance to set the pace In South America Group One when they meet Paraguay in Bogota
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 117 23 Paris, Thursday France backed up their claim to be a new football force with a 1-0 victory over World Cup holders West Germany in a friendly match here last night. The young Frenchside their most experienced player had only eight caps displayed far greater enthusiasm for
    117 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 80 23 THE BORN LOS£R SURPRISE ID see *JO •CURLOWfe.fcOO6M J m a* *> rn» 7>"" 1 fS* SHORT RIBS YOU MUST BE "THE LOCAL WITCH DOCIDR. mm M m. nill 4*?. NORBERT 1 COULD TELL BV "MAT MASK IN FRONT OPNOUR HUT. by Art Sanaom HE'S eeew MW bookshop Jtm i-i7
      80 words

  • 66 24 AH FOOK: I'm not sure I like the proposed bus systems In new towns; It will mean changing buses again from the new town bus terminal to my block. ME1 LIN: But It can actually save you time because the Internal bus system will take you to your
    66 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 244 24 ST. FRANCIS GIRLS' SCHOOL (I960) 98, ST. FRANCIS ROAD. S PORE 12 TEL: *****04 ONLY PKIMTi GIRLS SCHOOL IN SINGAPORE Prepares airls for the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education 'O' 'a Level Examinations. PRE-U SUBJECTS:General Paper, English Literature, Geography, History, Economics, Mathematics Chinese. QUALIFICATION FOR ENTRY: Minimum 3 credits FEES:
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 825 24 TV AND RADIO SINGAPORE 5 3.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT8 followed by HOU8EWIVES' MATINEE: Scholar with a Halo (r). The first half of thU Teochew film. Ml GENERAL HOSPITAL. 4 JO INTERMISSION. 8.00 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENTS followed by ELEPHANT ROT: Pygmy Pig. Toomal believes that he and a pretty aoologlst have both seen
      825 words
    • 168 24 FORUM IN CHINESE. (Ch. 8, 7.20 p.m. In colour). Discuwed tonight Is Care for the Weak and Respect (or the Aged. Chairing the forum Is Mr. Ong Tee Wah, a lecturer from the Nanyang University. The speakers taking part are artist. Liu Rang, Low Tool Fong, a Journa 1st with
      168 words