New Nation, 20 February 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 32 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation FEBRUARY 20, 1977 30 CENTS M.C.(P) NO. 241/1/77
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 Inside Track: Singapore's darkest hour Page 30 save Page 28 boss I I i —f*.» --1 i MY DREAM VALERIE BORZOV'S PLANS FOR THE 1980 OLYMPICS Page 29 Christine's house is not just a home Page 10 I 'What's my craft?' contest Page 27
      44 words
    • 123 1 V Sunday Notion wishes its readers Kiong Hee Huat Chye Asia Magazine has been delayed Amin the mood for love Page 6 iri Hfe an eye catching world. A world of top qualty shirts inaseries of eye-catching colours tatored from body-comfort fabrics Potyaala* Cotton MOO in aoM cotoura 1M.90 Potyaatar
      123 words

  • 289 2 UPI INDONESIAN Foreign 1 Minister Adam Malik, who returned home from visits to Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, said on Thursday he was convinced the question of price differences within the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) would be resolved by the
    UPI  -  289 words
  • 119 2 UPI A FRIENDLY soccei match between a Guatemalan arm) team and the best 11 players of a small Guatemala town left five dead, lncludlnt an officer, cut to death by machetes. The team of Santa Barbara lost the match 6-3 and the local fans grew
    UPI  -  119 words
  • 168 2 Reuter ASEAN members will hold their first official meeting with Japan in Jakarta probably next month, according to Mr. Sumio Edamura, Deputy Director General for Asian Affairs at the Japanese Foreign Ministry in Jakarta. Japan and Asean member states seek the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 124 2 rjOMMUNIST terrorists VI in Malaysia are not insurgencies as they do not have popular support and have no strategic or even tactical coherence, Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafle, said yesterday. The terrorists were further more led in little group by non-nationals and
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  • 56 2 MALAYSIA hu agreed that 282 Vietnamese refugees aboard a World War Two minesweeper off Its southern coast can land on its territory pending resettlement in other countries. The refugees who fled from Vietnam In small boats over the past months were originally picked up by the minesweeper from
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    • 34 2 UPI PRESIDENT Carter's speeial envoy Clark Cllflord has told the Greek government that the President will take a personal Interest in efforts to remove sources of friction in the eastern Mediterranean. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 40 2 Reuter THE Spanish government has approved a package of measures including stricter control of pub ic spending aimed at overhauling the country's ailing economy. But contrary to expectations, it announced no increase in the price of petrol.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 62 2 Reuter POLICE firing tear gas yesterday dispersed a crowd of stone throwing demonstrators who attacked and damaged offices belonging to the ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in Hyderabad. It was the latest incident of violence In the weeks since the government announced general elections to be held next
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 33 2 THE Singapore Bus Service whl introduce the first of its large-scale feeder or Internal services In the Jurong industrial estate as part of its rationalisation scheme to eliminate duplication of services.
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    • 38 2 A JOINT chambers of commerce goodwill and trade mission led by Enclk Ohazall CafTor. president of the Malay Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled to leave on Tuesday for a two-week tour of West Asia.
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    • 59 2 THE Muslim Missionary Society yesterday was urged to promote the well-being of all without regard to race creed and religion in Its activities. Cik Dah bte Mohammed Noor, wife of the Minister for Social Affairs, Encik Othman Wok, made this call at a fun fair organised by
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    • 62 2 UPI THE space shuttle arbiter, riding atop a jumbo jet, made its first "captive flight" on Friday. cruising for more than two hours over the Mojave Desert. The wide-bodied "space truck," with a 29 metre wingspan, was bolted to the back of a Boeing 747 specially modified by
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 66 2 Reuter A GENERAL consensus exists within the Sri Lanka Communist Party to pull out of Mrs. Slrimavo B a nda r a naike s coalition government though discussions are still continuing, informed sources said yesterday. As the party central committee met for a second day to discuss
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 65 2 Reuter SIX thousand West German police backed by armoured cars, mobile water cannon and helicopters, massed in Brokdorf in preparation for a threatened occupation of a nuclear power station site by extremists. Riot squads and troopers of the paramilitary border police were assembled on and around the
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 35 2 UPI TWO mild earthquakes were felt in central Japan yesterday morning. the meteorological agency reported. Police said there were no Immediate reports of casualties or damage as a result of the tremors
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 35 2 UPI TWO candidates of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's ruling Congress party iiave been elected to the new Parliament without any contest. The victors are from Slkkim and Arunachal Pradesh, both bordering China.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 40 2 AP FORMER South Korean Premier Kim JongPll has said his country is preparing to cope with the situation after the planned US troop withdrawal, though he wants them to stay at least until the early 1980s.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 55 2 UPI Reuter ISRAEL has said it will fight President Carter's decision to cancel the sale of concussion bombs to the Jewish state. At the rame time. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Defence Minister Shimon Peres warned against interpreting the US adminis tration's move as a change of
      UPI; Reuter  -  55 words
    • 35 2 HIGHER prices for food, shelter and energy boosted the cost of living in the United States by 0.8 per cent in January the biggest increase in 18 months, the Labour Department disclosed.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 nT7#*T»T^ MODEI 388 mmmmmmmk ***** (X; -j r < wn in fe m Sfl kT« j»w U>Ul E&-* '■»>•• >Vt 53 I 1 So SimPLEgetsemsthe most wanted super stretch and other utility stitches in modern sewing BUTTONS BUTTONHOLES EMBROIDERY BUND HEMMING ZIG-ZAG DECORATIVE DESIGN OVERCAST OVERLOOK FEATHER STITCH TRIPLE LOCK
      114 words

  • 351 3 Agencies pGYPT'S proposal that a JordanianPalestinian confederation be formed before the Geneva peace talks is apparently acceptable to King Hussein, members of US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance's party said in Amman yesterday. The king toid Mr. Vance that the proposal by Egyptian president Anwar
    Agencies  -  351 words
  • 226 3 UPI A HIGH Chinese official bitterly criticised former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for his Klicy of detente with the vlet Union, a Japanese report from Peking said on Friday. "Kissinger employed a Munich strategy," said Chinese Vice-Premier Chi Teng-Kuel, a member
    UPI  -  226 words
  • 145 3 AP KINO Khaled of Saudi Arabia has not yet had the leg operation which the Saudi Embassy in London announced he underwent successfully last Tuesday, the Guardian newspaper alleged yesterday. The paper said there are growing fears over the health of the 63-year-old king, who has
    AP  -  145 words
  • 112 3 AP PESIDENT Carter, apparently dismayed by the cost, has to d the Pentagon in effect it shouid not buy any more US$ll7 ml J lion ($280.8 million) emergency command post panes like the one he flew in last week. Government sources In Washington
    AP  -  112 words
  • 91 3 Reuter British Foreign Secretary Anthony Crosland died yesterday at the age of 58, the Foreign Office announced in London. A brief announcement said that Mr. Crosland diet! peacefully at 0540 GMT. His American born wife, Snsan. was with him at his bsdslde. Her two daughters from a previous
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 302 4 Reuter Ahlgh-r anklng Laotian government official has fled across the Mekong River Into Thailand with his family, Thai officials reported yesterday. They said the official, the Director-General of the Political Department of the Laotian Foreign Affairs Ministry, crossed the frontier on Friday. Mr. Thao
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 135 4 i TROOPS and police JL have been put on a 24-hour alert along the eastern border with Cambodia to retaliate against possible Khmer Rouge Intrusions, an army commander said in Bangkok yesterday. Assistant army com-mander-in-chief General Yos Thephasdln told newsmen: All opera- tion units wltl be able
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  • 236 4 Reuter f HINA is interested in settling a longstanding dispute with the US over frozen Chinese and American assets in the respective countries, the Far Eastern Economic Review has reported. In an article In Its latest issue, the weekly said Chinese officials had used
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 122 4 AP MILITANT students at the London Bchool of Economics voted on Friday to continue a flve-day occupation of the school's administration offices. Director Ralf Dahrendorf appealed to the High Court to oust the Intruders. More than 150 students took over the four floors of the LSE's administration
    AP  -  122 words
  • 95 4 MORE than 50 foreign callgirls operating here have been deported following a police swoop and subsequent closure of 10 brothels. Sources said yesterday that the Intensified police action, aimed at curbing prostitution and venereal diseases, hit an International racket responsible for bringing the foreign
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  • 94 4 T)M Riley, the owner, calls this eye-catch, ing three-wheeler a "limocycle", bat Washington State is In a quandary over what to call it. Limocycle? "And why not," says Mr. Riley, "it's half motorcycle and half Volkswagen." He built the vehicle at the cost of US$l7,.
    AP radio picture  -  94 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 V V |pp ■\SS .nas r\e Lancdme beautiful complexion You know that the natural beauty of your skin is preserved with proper daily care. But what is as important, is the use of proper skin-care products. Lancdme recommends three of its products: Galatee, Tonique Douceur and Absolue. Galatee an active,
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    • 22 4 Gainsborough shower heater re w f i j*, CHeong Hock (3uan Pte. Ltd. 142, Bencoolen Street, Singapore 7. TEL: *****6 A *****9
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  • 125 5 GOINO home, usually a sentimental Journey for many, especially around festive times. Is certainly an uplifting experience for this little b°£ But the snag Is that he has to go Into the bus head first and through the window In order to steal a
    Picture by Jerry Seh  -  125 words
  • 275 5 Pertamina cuts obligations to firms by $700 m pERTAMINA of Indonesia 1 has slashed Its obligations to two shipping firms by nearly $700 million after settling separate disputes with them over seven oceangoing tankers. According to the Indonesian Government's Tanker Information Oflflce, in a statement issued
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  • 79 5 This Is the route of the Chlngay procession which will start from Telok Blangah New Town at 9 a.m. today. An hour long performance will be held at the Junction of Trtok Blangah Crescent and Telok Blangah Way. This Will proceed along Delta Road, Jalan Bukit Merah,
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  • 50 5 TENNIS star Arthur Ashe and freelance photographer Jeane Marie Moutoussamy are to be married at the United Nations chapel in New York today, the couple announced on Thursday. Mr. Andrew Young, the US ambasador to the UN and an ordained congregatlonallst minister, will perform the ceremony.
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  • 58 5 THREE men held up carpenter Wong Ah Oah, 29, and robbed him of $400 and Jewellery worth $1,430 at the Junction of Arab Street and Johore Road at 4 a.m. yesterday. Wong of Pipit Road told police that he was waiting for a taxi when the robbers, believed
    58 words
  • 118 5 UPI INDONESIA, MalayK sia and Singapore are expected to sign an agreement regarding navigation in the Straits of Malacca this week, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said on Thursday. Mr. Malik said the agreement would be signed by the foreign ministers of the three states
    UPI  -  118 words
  • 47 5 AP A remote controlled bomb exploded on Friday under an airport runway 20 seconds after an airplane carrying the ArJen tine president, Oen. orge Videla, and some of his top aides took off, security sources said. No casualties were reported in the assassination attempt.—AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 326 5 > «w. ■mZrn w-. By Helicopter »r N.iu (.nil .11l li ..lit 111. Mini.lll! i<ll > ***** 11 \in pisi ml, sI: .1 Km. 1 1.1 I *****1111 ~i /I) 111 in 11 ii's 11 •.n 1 S,||,-,|| M| \1 r 11,11 r 1 l.iv .1'") 11 i.ili
      326 words

  • 272 6 COMMENT The Football Association of Singapore must be the most magnanimous of all the sporting organisations In the Republic, Judging by the number of players and officials It has pardoned over the last three years. In October 1074, It prematurely lifted a long-term ban
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  • 976 6 When a planeload of Britons, guests of Amin, went missing for two days, he threw his entire air force into the search. Writer Judith Listowel, at 72 the oldest passenger, says he treated them royally afterwards. She says he can be so nice... Gemini FIELD
    Gemini  -  976 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 TOMORROW'S TECHNOLOGY. TOCW'S FASHION. SEIIO. r L Ml ivfitV rVr* S3 S SERVICE SECURITY WORLDWIDE ••t*, INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Royal Insurance LOOK 8 AFTER YOU. FAST. y Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. Singapore 1 TEL: ***** L *****1
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 236 7  -  Gloria Chandy HPHE whole idea was to enable youths of South-east Asian countries to learn the "value of friendship and mutual un d e r s tending through frank discussions and mutual exchange." That's why several youngsters from Asean and other Asian countries
    236 words
  • 128 7 PLM director Roger Vadim. on divorcing his fourth wife, is reputed to have delivered this dictum on marriage: "You brine a mistress flowers and she accepts them as a lovely present. A wife only notices when you don't brinf flowers." Certainly the voice of experience
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  • 213 7 YOU can eat In restaurants 10 times and be disappointed with the service that the waiters/waitresses offer on nine occasions. But ail it takes is one good evening with one considerate waiter to make you forget the other lousy nine. They pamper you
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  • 106 7 A GIRLFRIEND bemoans a' husband who Just won't get with romance. As a result she's had to go through an entire courtship and two years of marriage without ever receiving a bunch of flowers from him. "He's too much the practical kind to let romance
    106 words
  • 312 7  -  By David Benson Express UOW would you like a computer as a co-d river? Detroit has just that in mind for you. In fact, it is well beyor.J the thlnktank stage. On a recent visit to Ford headquarters there I was shown a
    Express  -  312 words
  • 510 7 rpHAT old song we ■•■used to sing around campflres before completely slipped my mind until a few weeks ago. I was rudely reminded that there are Indeed rats as b'g as pussycats around. And they are by no means confined to the quartermaster's store.
    510 words
  • 187 7 yUKITERO KUBO of Japan was sentenced to Jail for theft and fraud last week. He cheated several women out of almost $90,000 over the space of two years. I guess he deserved to go to Jail for that. But when he gets out of the can
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 721 8  -  M.J. HO AM Inviting my friends and acquaintances to dinner and a dinner it will be! Of course social rela tlons are Important. The warm personal Interaction, the nice pleasantries, even gossip, humorous or otherwise. Sumptuous dinaers, oozing with wine, Intimate souls and unfetter
    721 words
  • 996 8 If you ask me... \flSS 8. KUMARAATI SAMY, whose eight-year teaching career ended abruptly in 1073, aborted by a spinal disease that confined her to a wheelchair, has come to face the fact that employment outside the environs of her home Is out
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 90 8 Persian Guff, Europe USA Departing every liesday Thursday Other PI A Destinations: Bangkok Baghdad Bombay Colombo Cairo Chitral Dhahran Damascus Dacca Delhi D. I. Khan Gilgit Gwador Hyderabad Istanbul Jeddah Jiwanl Kuala Lumpur Karachi Lahore Lyallpur Manila Multan Moenjodaro Nairobi Nawabshah Peking Peshawar Panjgut Pasni Quetta Rawalpindi Singapore Shanghai Sukkur
      90 words

  • 791 9  -  By Gamini Navaratne Gemini INTERPOL has over the years made life difficult for International crooks. They will find the going tougher once more countries legislate making economic offences cognisable. Spearheading the moves to co-ordinate and reinforce international action in this regard is little Sri
    Gemini  -  791 words
  • 899 9 Gemini IN LONDON boutiques you can buy attractive, hand-woven, hand-dyed Indian dresses for £35—£45 ($140—$180). That represents about six months' wages for the people in Raj asthan who weave and dye the fabrics. In California they are selling African handturned pots for $40
    Gemini  -  899 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 115 9 a -tr 'four r*TT.. V a FOUR STAR spring mattresses are manufactured, through advanced technology and automatic machinery, by a well-established local industry to beat unnecessary shipment costs and import taxes, especially under the present trend of national scheme in promoting quality control in industrial development. The latest model, of
      115 words

  • 1474 10 / 11  -  Nancy Koh talks to Dr Christine Ramsay, Asian art promoter in Australia Nancy Koh SINOAPORE -painted attap huts -In the sunset, churned out by the dozen, weren't unknown in Australia. But art as a form of expression, art that la alive—does It really
    1,474 words
  • 98 10 / 11 AT FIRBT glance, the Ranun' house projects a warm luxurious feeling of limber. II is supported on a purple steel-frame, and finished with glass and brick with understated colours throughout The floor is slated on the ground (where the bedrooms and playrooms are located) and the
    98 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1182 12 Sunday Nation Your 12-page TV pullout TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS f is. COLOUR TV SI MS msssmm WALT DISNEY'S CARTOON VERSION PETER PAN (Sunday Matinee) on Ch.5 at 11.10 p.m. in COLOUR Into the world of makebelieve, to romp with chatty dogs, flying fairies, blood-thirsty pirates, injuns on the warpath and a
      1,182 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 172 13 t 9 1 M mi I y -V j >' J||pf6 l6>lt>t: Chicken fri«d with a crispy coating of bread crumbs. Haveachii'ed white wine is accompaniment. Simply exhilarating. Buffet lunch. A delicious spread of local and western dishes for $8/ 3% (Mondays to Saturdays only). La Bonds Lounge: Lawrence Francisco
      172 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1151 13 MONDAY IDEAL COLOUR 1742 CTV Precision IN LINE Picture tube 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Valar Pirai (T/r) 3.30 Diary of Events (T) 3.35 General Hospital 4.1 S A PLACE TO LIVK: Family Matters 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 6.08 December Bride: The Rudy Vallee Show 4.30 NKWS IN Ml IF 4.3S
      1,151 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 146 14 I PLAYBACK < mm tif a. t SONiN i' i nsm A SONY" 0-1810 •Dual system: Displays both PAL and modified NTSC colour recording when combined with both CVM-I8IOE&VO-I8IO. Receives and records TV programmes off the air. •Fully Automatic, solid state circuitry. For further information please contact: Setran Electronics Pte
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 852 14 WEDNESDAY Lenco LENCO TURNTABLES Swiss precision instruments you dun t wear on your wrists 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Serbanika (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (M) 3.35 General Hospital 4.1 5 INTERNATIONAL ZONE (r): The Fufur. Bepint Today 4.40 Intermission 5.55 Open 5.58 Electric Company 6.20 Consumers' Guide (E/M) 6.30 NEWS
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 392 15 .■■vn.r.,-.-? rrrr^.i.w m the world now perfected to gh*a even beltei.i e*ults- Introducing The Komuralelemora 95Type J ThlOMUTMMtUMtalMMkMalk.lal CI EB .Ifa'.ei n.:sxiniv: EKIISJHS Graham Cinnt new novel takes place in that bleak country of eahautted passion be*'aval and absurd hop* which he hat eaplored so precisely m tut.h novels at
      392 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1048 15 FRIDAY SCMAUB-LORENZ CTV DAY NIGHT IDEAL SERVICE 3.00 P.M. Own 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: Scholar With A Halo (Chap. 1) Pt> 2/r Ttoehew. Stars Tan Chor Hwee, Fern Kar Gek 3.55 Diary Of Events (C) 4.00 Window (C/r) 4.30 Intermission 6.05 Open 4.08 EXERCISE WITH GLORIA 4.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 4.35
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 The fllbongate Collection of Folktales from Hie Orient The Orient abounds in folktales and myths, some dating to the children 6f the world. Every story is re-told in back thousands of years. Many of these tales remain simple English, suitable for 7 to 9-year-olds. Brilliant unknown to the rest of
      125 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 130 16 i m fALKIM ID Af&loO'? mv> ST7T' N* Hi I <# m m I I Si R f® I 01 BLJSJK 1 I r M (CM k BRO6ON and ML 6A660N S itim £va?v a*/ id fc/eev wav r'M Gemte tacMee Adt? etcuge' -WIT WAftTVte u*r M&> LA&IMt, ioocuJ "Me
      130 words

  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 229 17 / 18 Enrol now with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS Home Studies Division for the following FOULKS LYNCH Courses Act immediately for examination success write in for a free prospectus. awaited e Association of Certified Accountants e Institute of Cost and Management Accountants e Association of International Accountants e Institute of Taxation e Institute of
      229 words
  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
    • 134 17 / 18 **v BR hmffr, H .> 1 ;v t*i4 «4W *-1 asr *v mf wbm •"."a! n/f ■IWOic J.ll mm 41 < 4 SK L« r a '7fi V. VIPE/ TW BANKS BEEN BOBBED/ A ?r f 'T'i IT *< LW' 1^ takV- A m OS &■■*> w mm m.. TTTH
      134 words
    • 59 17 / 18 beetle v balleV Walker UD "j •> ■> r I V" > IM&Sfr <■■: ;*< 1 «i J •*»> l i I \%V •jE9tei«Kbr* ..r^x. > j -V? :j J w I 5 ,i t •:•••.>.«*" i •k -J* :,4 CMO P!i 1 i #1 1 a "< NUTS/ Si
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 352 19 Good reading on from Penguin China the most populous nation In the world. Fast emerging as a major power in world politics. Isolated from the rest of the world for over two decades, world attention has nevertheless turned to this most enigmatic of nations time and again. Starting with Nixon,
      352 words
    • 67 19 cA Doll Tor ttttL mamma di Cialdino I /TW *J i 1 Tin and her baby son Ciatdmo moves her body while hVPfy LflttlC rOCk,ng her baby and playng a luteby Girl's "Th-eam SOLE AGENT FOR SPORE. MALAYSIA. BRUNEI AND INDONESIA SEBINO MCHELMA SEBNQ the little sister of Mcheia.she talcs
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
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  • 691 20  -  HUMOUR Paik Choo "IF THERE IS one freshwater shark in this world, it will surely find me while I'm swimming in the club pool." That in a seashe'l, is the story of the life of Hyman Carbuncle my good friend.
    691 words
  • 173 20 THE chairman of the University of Singapore's Department cf Medicine. Prof. Kboo Oon Telk. last week called on the government to set up special hosDltals for the dying. Fatal to be warded there, no doubt. A MAN who hired out brides to foreign nationals trying to avoid deportation
    173 words
  • 468 20 All this has opened a boil and let the pus come out' Reuter AN estimated 80 million Americans have watched the television portrayal of a black man's search for his ancestral origins a p he no m e non the author hopes will spark
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 308 20 Off the Record byCKT CRITICISM Is not played with ball, bats and wickets, so it might be better to have drawn a clear line between criticism and cricket. Make sure which is to be your game, cautioned a
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 214 20 ?n I ——■snr.wjar", #TOSctT** m.s. rasa s<iyang On board the m.s. Rasa Sayana you'll find fantastic entertainment for this weekend cruise, featuring a host of top International artistes. Dancing till dawn. Mouthwatering Asian/European food and lots of It. Tempt lady luck at black|ack, roulette and the jackpot machines In the
      214 words

  • 1327 21  -  Red ford received $5 million for his month's work on the film, which included any personal suffering endured having his hair cut to approximate the style of a US army major in 1944. An American major serving at that time would have been paid
    Express  -  1,327 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 38 21 r y A t 4 > Sole Agent: KOK HONG CO. PTE. LTD, 622 Serengoon Road Singapore. TEL: *****80 *****39 Packhtf: 1) 640 ml. per bottle. 24 bottle* to carton. 2) 350 ml. per bottle, 36 bottles to canon.
      38 words

  • 599 22  -  JiiiJjJ By Edgar Koh rpHE madcap A magic in THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN (Lido) flows with mult i-dlrectlonal hilarity that springs from both new and tried and tested techniques. The parody of the popular cinema in the animated tiUe sequence with PP
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  • 440 22 14 Ik ml willi Ink I una THREE years ago, Wang Rung took off without a word for America leaving behind his .wife and two sons. He is now back in Taiwan, older and wiser, a weathered veteran more valuable than
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 87 22 LATEST CONTACT LENSES IN SINGAPORE O C ocjuiion O OPTICAL PHOTO WATCH CENTRE Block 6C, No. 34 Margaret Drive, Singapore 3. Tel: *****4 New! Electronic Flash Units Fast in Recycling DID r 8 2* IM») ASA 100 M fkxm* AM 100 WMa AC 100 II9V/H0 240 V 0C ftm lIV
      87 words

  • 540 23  -  BEARD? ROMAN WOMEN, by Anthony' Burgess (Hutchinson). Book Page Paul Theroux Guardian I AST summer, in a town near Boston, Massachusetts, a man of sixty arrived home late after work to find two young men burgling his house. The house had been broken
    Guardian  -  540 words
  • 621 23  -  CROWDING AND BEHAVIOUR, by jon a than Freedman (The Viking Press). Alex Josey HOW much space does a person need to be a developing human? Surprisingly little physically, according to Professor Freedman, an American psychologist. He and his friends studied the question for Ave
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  • 666 23  -  GRAND PIANO, by Sydney Harrison (Faber). By Edward Heath Express 'TALK of music and most people will think of a piano. For despite the development of electronics in the last 25 years and the popularity of the guitar, the piano still retains our affection,
    Express  -  666 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 172 23 Be your oum detective Heads he lost THE express train 1 running between New York and Los Angeles had to back up outside Chicago. Alas, the engineer stopped the train too suddenly while In reverse. Passengers tumbled like tenpins; several suits were brought against the railroad. Ted 8heldon Is a
      172 words

  • 535 24  -  MY PICK OF THE BEST ELEVEN FROM THE 132 PUT TO THE TEST Brian Miller T*H£ Singapore Hockey Association's Under--23 knockout tournament in which a total of 132 players were put to the test, has just been completed. Specially organised as a guide for the selection of Singapore's
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  • 243 24 OLACK American D tennis star Arthur Ashe Is tipped to become an ambassador to an African country, according to a report in the London Sunday Times. It would be a surprise Carter appointment, but It may not be as outlandish as It may seem.
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  • 550 24  -  JALUJJj'LIJ Pat Neubronner DRESS reports on the rift between the officials of the Fraser and Neave scheme and the Sing a p or e Badminton Association came as a complete surprise to me. As far as I know, since the F
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 213 24 APPOINTMENTS SENIOR APPOINTMENTS U.S. Company soon to begin Singapore Manufacturing operations requires the following Key personnel:* A. Senior Mold-maker completely familiar with high-precision, multiple cavity injection molds, involving both maintenance and new construction. Should also be competent in molding machine set-up and knowledgeable in characteristics of thermoplastic resins. B. Senior
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  • 666 25  -  Tan Kim Seng FDR people who never tested themselves in their running ability while in school there are ample opportunities today to make up for lost grounds. The NAFA test conducted by the Singa pore Sports Council and the MR 25 scheme run by
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  • 999 25  -  Richard Gott reports on the turbulent background Richard Gott Guardian ARGENTINA, currently the most turbulent country in Latin America, is scheduled to act as host to the World Cup in the middle of next year. Will It be able to ensure that matches are
    Guardian  -  999 words
  • 289 25 \ESM fARRINCHA, the Brazilian star of the 1958 World-Cup winning team, has a long lost son. And last month, the 17year old boy was located at Halmstad, Sweden. It all happened after Oarrincha told Daily Mall's sports reporter lan Wooldrldße that he had
    289 words

  • 283 26  -  73JJJS fALZ Alfred Tong rpHE SLTA annual general meeting on Feb. 11 produced no surprises (as expected). Most of the long-serving office bearers were returned with hardly any opposition, and two more vicepresidents—Ong Swee Keng and Gerl: ard Bluemmers —were
    283 words
  • 549 26 fHRIS EVERT has won so much money she's not excited anymore, but 'Martina Navratllova is still counting. "I think the first few tournaments you win as a pro, you're more excited about the money, but now we're both financially secure," said
    549 words
  • 550 26  -  jirmii Joyce Tan MRS. DAISY Tan, founder member and president of the Singapore Women's Netball Association for over a decade, was unanimously reelected to the post at the SWNA annual general meeting last month Like the vlce-presid-ent'a post which again went to Mrs. Clarice
    550 words
  • 355 26 U.K. SOCCER CORNER J)AVID MILLER, the Daily Express soccer writer has suggested the formation of an English Super League, with the abolition of the three -up-and-three-down end of the year ruling to upgrade playing standards in the country. Miller believes that at the moment
    355 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 539 27 m WHAT S MYCRAFT? ifyJ/VBR COKTtST i 55 PRIZES WORTH DE WON! Sponsored by SINGAPORE HANDICRAFT CENTRE, SUNDAY NATION and NAN YANG SI ANG PAU Imagine what these prize vouchers can buy! Ivory, jade, pewter, cloth orchids, Persian and Pakistani carpets, reptile and animal-skin goods, Filipino shell crafts, pottery and
      539 words

  • 1885 28  -  Or the day Banks showed why he was world's No. 1 By Alan Hoby Express A u through the close, draining heat of that Mexican morning the tension had risen as rapidly as the barometer. Now, as the temperature touched 100 degrees, the 75,000 crowd in Guadalajara's
    Express  -  1,885 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 290 28 vS capricorn M pisces Dec 21-Jan 19: Change the subject under discussion before a friendly argument has a chance to deteriorate Into a Quarrel. Aquarius Jan 20-Feb IS: By studying a business opponent more closely you will be able to anticipate his next moves. An offer made to you Is
      290 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1354 29 Soviet star Valeri Borzov wants to be at the Moscow Olympics Novosti SOVIET a th 1 e 11 cs star Valeri Borzov, a two-time Munich Olympic champion (in the 100 and 200-metre sprints), up in Montreal won merely a bronze medal. Nevertheless, he views his performance at the
    Novosti  -  1,354 words
  • 297 29 NPA ■N 1980, that is the year of the Olympic Games, Moscow's public catering system will employ 40,000 people, including 18,000 cooks, twice more than at present. Numerous vocational and culinary schools train skilled cooks, confectioners, waiters and barmen. In addition
    NPA  -  297 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 60 29 SPECIAL OFFER For the best in sports wear see the latest design of GRAND Sport shorts jerseys, track suits and shoes, football boots and other sporting equipment at No. 6 Thomson Hill, Singapore 20 or call Mr. Ong Ah Keng. Tel: *****4. Also available: Cosmetics Stationery. No 6, Thornton Hill
      60 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 525 30 INSIDE TRACK IT IS an opinion shared by many that our national soccer team lag behind the acknowledged top soccer countries In Asia. Last week's 4-0 defeat of our boys at the hands of South Korea confirmed our assessment. It Is not
    525 words
  • 954 30 THE New Year brought luck to trainer's Lee Seng Hap's apprentice Richard Woon when he booted home his first winner for his master. Richard rode a well-judged race to land Irian Jaya a three-length winner from Night Club (Sublan Dal wee) In the first
    954 words
  • 104 30 Reuter AN American bred racehorse costing A $400,006 ($1,024,000), which an Australian syndicate planned to race in Britain, has dropped dead while exercUnf In Enrland, according to top Melbourne trainer Bart Cummlngs. Cummings, who bought the colt for the syndicate at the Keeneland sales in the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 296 30 AN artist's impres- sion of the proposed Wisma FAM the $1.3 million training complex of the FA of Malaysia. A two floor block (below) has hostel facilities and accommodation for at least 40 players. A four-storey block (left) Is for ofllces and a restaurant Work on
    296 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 40 30 Big Sweep BIG SWEEP FIRST; *****8 $2,178 SECOND: *****7 $1,089 THIRD: *****0 $544 Starters ($49 each): *****9 *****1 *****4 *****5 *****3 *****3 *****4 *****7 *****8 *****0 *****9. Consolation ($4B each): *****6 *****8 *****3 *****1 *****1 *****5 *****4 *****0 *****7 *****0.
      40 words

  • 301 31 A Amir eh Joyo Roce 7 Ampere S AntMf, The 4 A MW 4 Always Good 1 Armaya t Au Sauvage 1 B Balu Karang .....RacoS Big Time Battle Win 4 Beaulleu Baity a Pet Batlaf Proeperlty 4 Bombua 111 I c Candid Glow Race 7
    301 words
  • 298 31 IT Is not often that one horse stands out well above the rest of the field In a classic. But this is one of the rare occasions in the $50,000 Tunku's Gold Cup (Race 6) over 2000 m at Kuala Lumpur today. He is Datuk Wee Hood Teck's
    298 words
  • 3504 31 1 45 CLASS 5, DIV 1 1200m ■""MMI ($8,500 $5,950 to winner) 1 0452 PangMma III a <8uperstar) E Breukelen 4 57 (+3) f Wadl 8 t 9300 Jo** PNlandorar s Jolly Phil) Osman 8 56 (-IVt) T Tan 11 3 9223
    3,504 words
  • 118 31 SCRUTINEER BRIAN MILLER FAIRWAY lUce 1 D'C'oncorde Nanking D'Concorde Diplomat D'Concorde Always Qood P'Csncorde Diplomat Race 2: A.M.W. Yenan 1 Love Yw Malaysian Royal Yenan Rigolettn Malaysian Royal I Love You Ratt 2 Ngawlnl King's Knight King* Knight Nagwlnl King's Knight Stunmore King'* Knight Stunmore Race 4: Jany Rubber
    118 words

  • 1105 32  -  31)1? SPORTS NATION Ernest Frida IfEPPEL Golf Club's 18-hole course, when fully completed. will be a tight and challenging one. Patrick Chan, the club captain who designed the course himself, said: "One of the toughest problems any golf course architect can face is to
    1,105 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 160 32 Steal Cu»t (valors Mode in England WILKINSON The name of the world's finest garden tools Wilkinson Sword have designed and developed a range of tools which complements the skill and effort of both the professional and amateur gardener. The tools are manufactured from the finest materials and are finished to
      160 words