New Nation, 23 January 1977

Total Pages: 30
1 32 New Nation
  • 10 1 Sunday Nation JANUARY 23. 1977 30 CENTS M.C.(F) NO. 261/1/77
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 Yes sir, that's my baby! Page 10 Do you speak pasar patois? Page 19 Another a cco rd Page 3 m Family life of Chairman Hua Those RTS show?: Big Bird wouldn't be omused Page 7 gus our ge 2 Carter's feuding women Page 4 Hush-hush follow-up to Jaws Page
      51 words
    • 126 1 V v n&iT-i 'c.f- -a- t&WT*>«vV*» V'b«' >of *T- vy CrJ Jfct-V- l T?' r VV kbehu,. J t) W p* VW r2*?4&i A 7-1 win: It's the charge of the fight brigade! Why Kim Song suspended his column i. Back Page It's an eye catching world. A world of
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  • 280 2 Reuter /CENTRAL American coffee producers are considering a new US$3-per-sack ($7.20) tax on jthelr product to counter the cost ol flghtipg a potentially catastropic tun gus that has broken out In Nicaragua, a government source said Friday. The new tax U one
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 171 2 A BLOOD-STAINED axe and a woman In hysteria—one followed the other at the scene of the violent death of a pork seller in his Jalan Kolam Ayer home op Friday. The axe wa* found in some bushes a few metres away from the
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  • 227 2 rfO narcotics officers, looking out for drug traffickers at a block of flats, were taken by surprise when a drug pedlar walked up to them and handed over a packet of heroin. The pedlar merely asked whether one of them was "Ah Ter's"
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  • 202 2 AP Reuter ACOMMUNIBT insurgent force estimated at 100 men stormed a district police station In southern Thailand before dawn yesterday and killed one officer, police In Bangkok said. The attack occurred at the Thung Yal district of Nakhon 81 Thammarat province, 100
    AP; Reuter  -  202 words
  • 67 2 IT'S going to be a dearer Chinese New Year again—the usual festive eatables have gone up In price. Importers of these items yesterday blamed the hikes on China, which, they said, had followed Hong Kong s example In raising prices. They said Hong Kong had all along
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  • 57 2 THE best restaurant in Malawi is Chinese, Malawi News Agency has reported. The "Golden Spoon" competition organised by the Government to encourage better restaurant standards was won by the Hongkong Restaurant in Blantyre for the second year running. Another Chinese establishment, the China Bar and Restaurant,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 u Hand Fork /*> Carbon Steel Colt (valors Mode in England WILKimOH The name of the world's finest garden tools Wilkinson Sword have designed and developed a range of tools which complements the skill and effort of both the professional and amateur gardener. The tools are manufactured from the finest
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    • 51 3 pie Ministry of the Environment has told the public not to be alarmed by the presence of a large number of blue flies (Caiusa mlgronltens) which have been detected in some parts of Singapore. The outbreak is a seasonal phenomenon probably related to the recent rain, a statement
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    • 82 3 AP CHINA has (suggested a "new flexible approach" to US President Jimmy Carter on normalising relations between Washington and Peking, Japanese reports from the Chinese capital said yesterday. The Chinese also suggested the adoption of the "Japan formula" by the United States in dealing with Taiwan. China indicated
      AP  -  82 words
    • 56 3 Reuter The official Soviet Press has rejected allegations communist agitators were behind this week's food price riots in Enpt and linked the trouble with President Anwar Sadat's swing towards the West. The Communist Party Daily, Pravda, said the demonstrations were the answer of Egyptian workers to an offensive
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 57 3 Reuter King Juan Carlos of Spain has named his eight-year-old son and heir to the Crown. Prince Felipe, as Prince of Asturlas, the traditional title of Spanish Crown princes since the 14th century. The move, approved and announced by the government, was seen as a strengthening of the
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 50 3 Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will be accompanied by his wife. Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam, Finance Minister Hon Sni Sen and other senior officials when he leaves on Jan. 39 for a four-day unofficial visit to Thailand to return the trip here by Thai Premier Thanln Kralvlchien last December.
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    • 51 3 AP A team of 14 French physicists have discovered a new sub atomic particle. The scientists, working with a new atom-smasher recently set up at the University of Paris, said the particle measures 1.78 billion electron volts and disintegrates quickly. Experiment will be repeated to confirm the
      AP  -  51 words
    • 67 3 Reuter The Sapreme Commander of the Thai Armed Forces, Air Chief Marshal Kamol Dejatunf ka, has warned that severe action will be taken against any workers who go on strike and employers who close down businesses and sack employees en masse. He said workers at some factories had
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 55 3 UPI Mr. Andrew Young, ambassador-designate to the United Nations ana highest-ranking black In the Carter administration, Is considering a trip to southern and central Africa, his aides have *ald. They said Mr. Young has begun plans for a trip that would take him to Tanzania and Nigeria, although
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 63 3 UPI Prime Minister Takro Fnkoda of Japan has denied any members of the ruling Liberal Democratic party (LDP) in Parliament had been bribed by the (South) Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). He also said his government would not investigate allegations by Mr. Donald Kanard, former director of the
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 51 3 Senior District Judge Mr. T.S. Slnnathuray has adjourned for a week the cue against Far Eastern Economic Review local correspondent, Ho Kwon Ping, 24, to enable the defence counse2 to obtain further Instructions from Ho. The latter Is facing five charges Involving the possession and dissemination of protected
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    • 57 3 UPI The West German government has defied a communist protest and says JU foreign minister will accompany 118 Vice-president Walter Mondalo on a trip to West Berlin next week. Thej trip is designed to rc-aflirm the West's rights in West Berlin at a time when the East
      UPI  -  57 words
  • 370 3 Reuter ECONOMIC minis- ters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ended their three-day meeting In Manila yesterday with a basic agreement on Asean preferential trading arrangements. Philippine Economic Planning Secretary Oer ardo Stcat told a news conference that this was one of
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 147 3 AP A CONTEST between a Japanese karate champion and a Bengal tiger has been called off, a Haitian official said on Friday. Mr. Pierre Oouss, the government Minister of Information, said Haiti's Presldent-for-life, JeanClaude Duvaller, withdrew permission for the event after a deluge
    AP  -  147 words
  • 54 3 NTUC Welcome will introduce more fair price shops in various areas in two or three weeks' One, its chairman Mr. Baey Lian Pock, has said Welcome will also try to Increase the nnraber of products to be sold. At present, they sell only three kinds of essential goods rice,
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  • 183 3 AP Reuter FO R E IO N Minister Adam Malik said on Friday there is a possibility that Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda would attend an Informal summit meeting of Asean tentatively scheduled In August. However he said: "We are not going
    AP; Reuter  -  183 words
  • 78 3 Motor car tycoon Henry Ford II has quit the philanthropic Ford Foundation, severing the Ford family link with the organisation which was set up by his grandfather In 1936. Mr. Ford resigned after 33 years as a trustee In protest over the way the foundation was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER When you buy a VIRUS SUPER CONTROL we will give you DARKE TOOTH PASTE DARKIE 4~ > r Vitalis V "Per Cart* :V'- f PRC.) I [If I lurry vzhiU' stocks lust.
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  • 584 4 Carter hugs visitors, comes under fire for his pardon and appeals for fuel savings IJUGS and kisses 11 from some 5000 well-wishers and brickbats from opponents of his pardon for draft dodgers were all In a day's work for President Carter on his flrst day
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  • 52 4 HPHE long day of standing In receiving Hues appears to have taken its toll on First Lady Rosalynn Carter as she has removed her shoes to give her feet a rest during one of the receptions on Friday at the White House. UPI radio picture. UPI
    UPI radio picture  -  52 words
  • 140 4 A BITTER feud A between President Jimmy Carter's mother Lillian and his wife Rosalynn has burst into the open. The conflict—largely kept under wraps during Mr. Carter's election campaign came to the surface in a national American weekly newcpaper. It quoted Rosalynn's brother,
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  • 160 4 AP PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter's ambition is too great, the North Vietnamese daily Nhan Dan said in its first comment on the new US chief executive since inauguration day. An article in yesterday's edition of the official paper suggested the United States no longer has the power
    AP  -  160 words
  • 210 4 rpHE PRIVATE secA tor was given an assurance on Friday that they would not be dominated by government sponsored ventures which have powerful links with multinational corporations. "Such fears are unfounded and self-defeat-ing." said the minister without Portfolio in the Prime Minister's department, Tan
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  • 124 4 AP JAPAN and the European Commission agreed on Friday to seek a swift solution to the problems of European member states whose shipbuilding industries are threatened by Japanese competition. The European body's external relations commissioner, Mr. Wilhelm Haferkamp, issued the announcement in Brussels yesterday
    AP  -  124 words
  • 129 4 Reuter A BENCH of country magistrates on Friday fined Britain's Princess Anne £40 ($160) for driving on a motorway at close to 160 km per hour. The prosecution said the 26-year old Anne, daughter of Queen Elizabeth, was clocked by Klice radar at 154 kph
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 A MOMITVT (jTKI THIS V d > L ft iitfi n ii f'i ji XV Sweet memories of a grand evening just for you and your V.I.Ps FOR YOUR WEDONG OWNER 1 honeymoon suit* from 30 tables upwards Drinks at concession rates A Cantonese dinner prepared by trained chefs also
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  • 312 5 ISRAELI PM IN ENTEBBE FILM WHILE replicas of Entebbe Air- port are springing up in Hollywood as movie companies race to make a film of the Entebbe raid with frantic precision timing, in Israel another make of the film Is taking shape that should
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  • 315 5 UPI OOLICE announced 1 on Friday a worldwide Investigation that began In Vancouver, Canada, 17 months ago, has destroyed a Hong* Kong-based heroin trafficking ring believed to have shipped over 1,500 kilos of the drug worth close to UBs3 billion ($7.2 billion). Stan Shillington,
    UPI  -  315 words
  • 147 5 Reuter Almost so per cent of Britons think things would be better If Britain did not belong to the. Common Market, according to the latest EEC Dublic opinion poll published in Brussels on Friday. The poll, Involving 9000 people In
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 65 5 TOQYPT withdrew troops L from Slnal to help curb the violent riots over food Iner e a s es. Israeli Defence Minister Shimon Peres said In Tel Aviv on Friday. Egyptian Pre a 1 dent Anwar Sadat bad been forced to Ihtolys the
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  • 249 6 COMMENT A MOTHER dipt her daughter's tongue ate times because the child has an Impulse to steal. A father cigarette-burns his son 70 times because of the child's tendency to lie. Should the doctor report the parent is suggested In a Singapore Family Physician article? The doctor
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  • 543 6  -  By John Cittings Guardian FAMILY life In the r Chinese leadership has been given an unusual airing recently In the Peking press, whose readers now know what It feels like to drink tea with Chairman Hua or live next door to a member of the Gang of
    Guardian  -  543 words
  • 485 6 Briton invents alternative to the aerosol can Express A LAN ROSE had a brainwave which could have saved his company in Britain a fortune and the sequel says a lot about that strange world which is Britain 1077.. The Idea got the thumbs oown
    Express  -  485 words
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 575 7 If you ask me...| rpHERE Is so me 1 thing sadly lacking In the children's programmes produced by RTB. They may try to educate the young but they have failed to do it In a stimulating way. The programmes as a rule are
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  • 816 7  -  By Margaret Wilson Gemini 1> AL I, the tourist par ad lBe. has never closed. The coup that toppled Sukarno 11 years ago did not hit the tourist trade of Denpasar. nor has the trouble in East Timor. The Island has long been a preferred holiday
    Gemini  -  816 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 H This cine camera sings and talks and laughs. We bet yours only takes pictures. P in //-'< »mill lit" 00 v n a 1 'r»-» CMIMOM ft I H L. rr cr. to i 1 i Chinon ir, the World's largest manufacturer of Sound Super 8 cameras. We didn't
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  • 821 8  -  After a week of jawing a group of learned men set out to write a definitive history of the empire Gilbert Khoo And as the king, who was hunting, stood under a tree, one of his hounds was ticked by a white mouse-deer. And
    821 words
  • 623 8 BRITAIN'S force of Gurkha. soldiers has been reduced, so Urge numbers of them have had to adapt their military skills to peaceful uses. As a former Gurkha officer remarked. the kukri with its broad curved is a highly adaptable weapon. With the encouragement of the
    623 words
  • 324 8  -  Susan Strauss THERE is little J- evidence to show that onlies differs very much, emo-' tlonslly or intelleetoslly, from nononlies. Is the 19Mb, Adler foand place Is (asttr enrelated to IntdUrenw. Bat there are toac statistics which ladles te that esly ehlldren —Uhe ether
    324 words

  • 1129 10 / 11 Nancy Koh talks to Hong Kong's new heart-throb If KAI) bowed, hands cupping chin that nodded slightly to trial chords, she si»t hunched on the edge of the stage. The face wore a blank Took; there were dark circles under her doe-like eyes. Then Kenny
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  • Page 10 / 11 Advertisements
    • 235 10 / 11 K *»> ian 08.. REf R 4** m •V l etta bedroom set modules system. Ting's Furniture Unit Tel: *****7 Leile' teak and rosewood finished bedrocfm set. Ting's Furniture Unit 317/319. Tel: *****7. Hand-carved wooden doors. (Teak or other Hard Wood). Elegant, luxurious and graceful. Custom made to measure. A
      235 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1054 12 Su ESESi Your 12-page TV pullout Pick of the week BOYS TOWN on Saturday, Ch. 8 at 4.25 p.m. Mickey Rooney as a roughneck refusing to reform but it is Spencer Tracy who wins his second Oscar for his portrayal of Father Flanagan running a school for juvenile delinquents. It
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    • 353 12 COLOUR TV THE ELECTRIC COMPANY on Wednesday, Ch. 5 at 5.58 p.m. in COLOUR Learning can be a lot of fun, Sesame Street shows us. Now the same people who produced it have come up with another programme designed to help teach basic reading skills. All the fun and learning
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 95 13 Smaller it size Bigger n Performance The KomeraiMi nacre zoom 715 Type II tr3N Trim, feather weight zoom lens for 35mm SLR». With macro capacity, it covert the most commonly used focal length range and can olso focus down to 48cm. It's the ideal basic lens for building up yourtelephoto
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1227 13 MONDAY SCHAUB 10RENZ IDEAL COLOUR 1742 CTV Precision /A/ LINE Picture tube 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Valar Pirai (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (T) 3.35 General Hospital 4.1 5« SCIENCE REPORT 4.30 Intermission fc 05 Open 6.08 December Bride: Family Quarrel 4.30 NEWS IN BRIEF 4.J5 TMI LITTLE MERMAID (r).
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 207 14 When there's no colour on the picture. Why? It's just because the fine tuning knob is not in the correct position. All you //m need to do is Press and Mp wif m Tune the fine tuning knob Jl /JJMj to the left or right, until /mKW you get the
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1054 14 WEDNESDAY Lenco LENCO TURNTABLES Swiss precision instruments you don t wear on your wrists 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Serbanika (r) 3.30 Diary Of Events (M) 3.35 General Hospital 4.15 Fokas (r) 4.30 Intermission 5.55 Open 5.58 Electric Company. Produced by the Children's Television Workshop. New series 6.20 Consumers' Guide (E/M)
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 185 15 mf •&CP VS4 ij* I i wv Manufacturer M S BKAOV CO. PTV LTD Australia "ATLAS" Ultra-hard wall plaster halpa aolva your problem! extremely hard, smooth durable no cement sand needed specially made for HDB hollow block walls Available at all bailding aiaterial •appllara contractors. IMPORTER STOCKIST: CERAMIC TILES MARBLE
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1092 15 FRIDAY SCHAUB LORENZ CTV DAY NIGHT IDEAL SERVICE 3.00 P.M. Open 3.03 Housewives' Matinee: May God Bless the Good Man Pt. 2/r (Mandarin). Stars Pai Ping, Lee Hoong, Chin Tze 3.55 Oiary Of Events (C) 4.00 Window (C/r) 4.30 Close 6.05 Open 4.04 EXERCISE WITH GLOKIA 4.30 NEWS IN BRIEF
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 The ftfoongate Collection of Folktales from the Orient The Orient abounds in folktales and myths, some dating to the children of the world. Every story is re-told in back thousands of years. Many of these tales remain simple English, suitable for 7 to 9-year-olds. Brilliant unknown to the rest of
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 156 16 m.f. BKO6ON and MBL CAbSOhi IV4AT S VWUT > I LHCfr A6OOT OOK littu ArfMe&Aaes, 6A6/.. > I a a Sit 1 *3 <£ 1 \bu always J ©IVIP A WAKhlihie/ •iXJ CALL THAT KiGSihlG yC>ue wire GoooeYe? mi i I IS I W cortxj Mow UOW TMAT MAtTfc
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  • Page 17 / 18 Advertisements
    • 276 17 / 18 Peranakan cooking Violet Oon, New Nation's cookery expert and food reviewer, shares with you the Indonesian and local Peranakan recipes handed down by her grandaunt Mrs. Khoo Heng Loon, 79. This is the start of a 12-part easy-to-follow series. HER vvoii d» .s »m j/*h* f -HP V ft hM
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  • Page 17 / 18 Miscellaneous
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    • 86 17 / 18 bailey *X, STUPID jenc.' m 7 s Yes, sir, Ki&htr f*eze.~ Trie <SenerAl wants VOL/, LT FUZZ rr'S A &A&.' I* halftrack takeA IT/' J 1 ft r P V» <«N r .-it ON YOUR SWIVEL CMAIR? I SWEAR ON MY SWIVEL CHAiR IT'S NOT A SAS V 3 \j
      86 words
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 359 19 T IV I h¥ U 0 11t AHA Winter Kills. Richard Condon In thit, hit most important book line* The Man chorion Candidate. Condon probn the most stgm ficent went in Amirici'i twentieth century: the MHHinetion of President. A mutt for thote who' enjoy thriller* and thote intarettad in the
      359 words
    • 52 19 CICCIOBELLO lovable baby! He cries when his dummy is removed. If you cuddle him, he stops crying. For Trad* Enquiries HUA HUA (SPORE) PTE. LTD. 68 120. 2nd Floor. GoMan WM Flatted Factor!*. JaUn Raph. Smgapora 12 Tctaphorw: *****96 (3 kn*t) ,4ml>W>iril»«dmg deptrtmtma/ sipiws S toy thops bellissimo fc *3
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  • 860 20  -  HUMOUR Paik Choo *|Y TWO lunch ATI mates were decidedly amused when I said, "Okay, I'll go first and chope the seats." The source for their hilarity was my operative word "chope."
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  • 442 20 17ERY few thoughts in this centenary year of recorded sound, incidentally, are of Thomas A. Edison. No, while everybody nods a salute at his corner for starting It all, the fascination Is not with the first hill-and-dale recording of Mary
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  • 125 20 |>RESIDKNT Carter In •I his Inaugural address on Thursday warned that the world was still engaged In a massive arms race. Stepping on the gaa James? SHOPS throughout the United Btates closed on Wednesday after Arctic winds swept America, bringing In the coldest weather In 80' years. BtuineuT
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • 679 21  -  Jaws producer Spielberg now turns to outer space By Victor Davis Express ¥N CONDITIONS of secrecy verging on K paranoia, the young director Steven Spielberg has, for the past six months, been making a movie with a message he wants you
    Express  -  679 words
  • 542 21 rE voice on the telephone came across warm and lively, subtly flattering and enthusiastic. Sue Mengers, superagent to the stars, is an ace at both. "Why dont you drop round for breakfast?" she says. "Afterward* I have a busy day before flying off to
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 116 21 HYDRIX slops excessive loss of moisture from your skin m B Hydrix, the hydration cream forms a film on the skin to protect against daily loss of moisture caused by the weather. It prevents the skin from dehydration to give that soft, dewy look of youth. *0 LANCOME Hydrix, thtcrmm
      116 words

  • 600 22 iHk l«l\l Mitli Ink 11 ii ii? mAIWAN'S blg-tlme producer-director Lee Hslng came close to being a bankrupt late last year, said Hong Kong papers quoting him. Best seller novelist Chluni Yeo served him a letter through her lawyers demanding the return of her
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  • 265 22 Express women moved to Los Angeles and the star's confidence In Sue's business acumen began to grow. Hollywood began noticing this darting, busy girl operating under the banner of Streisand's endorsement. "The only lady agents at the time were at the literary end
    Express  -  265 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 152 22 > "5 On board the m.B. Rau Sayang you'll find fantastic entertainment for the two weekend orulaea, and the Chlneee New Year Cruise. feeturing a host of top International artletee. Dancing till dawn. Mouthwatering Asian/European food and lots of It. Tempt ladyJuck at blackjack, roulette and the (ackpot machines In
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  • 538 23  -  Book Page Lorna Sage A FRINGE OF LEAVES by Patrick White (Cape). ¥N THE world of Patrick White an Irritable torpor reigns: whether the setting Is the lizard dryness of the busn, or the Incongruously lush garden Jungle of Sydney suburbs. Australia for
    538 words
  • 494 23 THK MODERN ENGLISH NOVEL:"* The reader t the writer, and the work, edited by Gabriel J osipovici (Open Books). VTOTICE the em--11 phasls in the subtitle of this book. Reader, writer, work that Is an Interesting trinity. I think Gabriel Josiporlcl, editor, la right
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  • 521 23  -  Alex Josey NOT AS A DUTY ALONE, by Henry ('Jo') Gutlett (Melbourne University Press). WHY do soldiers right? Most of us are conscripted to defend the nation. I wag, In the Second World War, at the age of 32. I could have volunteered. Ag
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 307 23 How not to get rich quick "iplOM the gleam In your eye, I deduce you are about to get rich quick," you said. 'merer of you. old chap." said Bertie Tilford. a young Englishman with a superiority complex towards work. "If I had a men 10 thousand I should realist
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  • 275 24 —Reuter. THE International Professional Tennis Council has unveiled an experimental system to penalise players who delay matches, argue with umpires or behave obscenely. The scheme, announced at the end of a twoday IPTC meeting, will be put Into practice, at Forest HlUs, New York,
    —Reuter.  -  275 words
  • 467 24 OLANS for next Sunday's round-the-lsland yacht race read like the battle orders of a combined military operation. Indeed, the back-up organisation for the biggest event in the Singapore Yachting Association calendar liter--ally comprises a lstod, sea and air task force. This is possible, of
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 394 24 APPOINTMENTS —UJREFOFVTIS ESTABLISHED manufacturing com?iELIJL??°P UCE PRtCIS ION SPRINGS, WIRE COMWNENTS ETe. INVITE APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES: (1) PRECISION MECHANICS: Applicants should possess Trad* Certificate In metal machining or tool-making. About 2—3 years working experience in the set-up and operation of Multi-Slide machines of U.S. Baird type, spring coil(ng
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    • 196 24 3 8000 HP MWM-Diesel Far East Pte. Ltd. subsidiary of one of Germany's oldest and leading manufacturer of Diesel Engines for Industrial and Marine Application, requires:THREE (3) PROJECT ENGINEERS RESPONSIBILITIES: planning, processing and co-ordination of projects liaison and provision of technical assistance to clients direct marketing and planning POST (A)
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    • 189 24 L\Boustead Trading (S)Pte. Ltd /A a*"**-"* limip fff rpmpniM CAREER IN MARINE INSURANCE Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates for appointment as an EXECUTIVE in our Lloyds/Marine Insurance Division. THE MAN: Should be a Singapore citizen and aged between 25 32; Should possess a law qualification or
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  • 623 25 OO CHOO Seng Quee has named the Ideal combination for the pre-World Cup. And dealt a major blow to Singapore's hopes in the tournament next month. Unless the Football Association of Singapore react promptly, we may end up fielding a reserve team for the competition.
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  • 541 25 Express DRITIBH newspaper D cricket and wine correspondent Leslie Thomas John Arlott, 0.8. E. holder of an honorary M. A. degree (Southampton University), collector of fine glass, first editions and furniture, and author of more than 30 books on subjects ranging from poetry
    Express  -  541 words
  • 345 25  -  Brian Miller WHILE most sports bodies in Singapore are directing their efforts towards the BEAP Games, the Singapore Hockey Association is taking a different task. As far as they are concerned the target is the 1978 Asian Games although the BEAP Games will
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 56 25 Cool, comfortable body buggers from TRIANGULAR m. i X r. •> -*r i 01 Whether you are having a round of >•( a -,tr in the pa r k. a /.'oekend picnic or ev» -n a Trianqular provides you coo! c'vlrh '','ort for any occasion. Try one today 'i zn
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  • 992 26  -  By James Lawton fLARE Francis, the fastest woman to comVj plete the slnglehanded Transatlantic race, does pot mess about. Certainly not with boats. She sails them vast distances with great skill and, considering her birdlike bone structure, astonishing strength. As the Guardian said, in
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  • 248 26 sports letter... Junie Sng's nomination sets off ripples... IAM both surprised and disappointed In SASA's choice of candidate for the Sportswoman Award for 1976. Why have the officials dropped the reigning Sportswoman 1975 (Justlna Tseng) like a red, hot brick? No doubt the swimming scene was
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  • 576 26  -  EBZSfI Ernest Frida SEVERAL pr Of ess i on a l golfers have appealed to the organisers of the local circuit golf tournaments to put more marshalls out on the course to keep a stringent check on the score cards. They said: "We strongly
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  • 454 27  - A run for your money Story: Philip Tan VOU are seeing here the Taiwanese 1 girls (mere teenagers, average age 18) scoring thumping 5-0, 6-0 and 3-0 wins over three Singapore teams last week. Spectators who were present will tell you that it was as fiercely contested as matches featuring
    Pictures: Jerry Seh  -  454 words

  • 654 28 U.K. SOCCER CORNER pVERTON, who recently sacked Billy Bingham, hate assured caretaker manager Steve Burtenshaw that the Job Is his, if he can get the players behind the club and show a competitive spirit in the league. Burtenshaw was Bingham's assistant at Everton and
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  • 193 28 OHE'S one of the hundreds of *3 thousands of boys and girls in the Soviet Union who take up figure-skating, one of the best liked sports there. Over 300 boys and girls are at present training at the Moscow Children's Sport School
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  • 425 28 With attendance* dropping in the F. A. Cup matches, DAVID MILLER suggests... rE Ford F.A. Cup for Britain? The harsh commercial reality of sponsorship for soccer's oldest competition may not be so far away after last Saturday's third round attendances Of only 047,185 the third
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 637 28 horoscopes v 3 Dm. SI-Jan. 19: By inviting a bnrtnwM acquaintance to your home you will reach a bettor understanding for TOUT future dealing*. Cult your tendency to be bad-tempered over trifles and you will find yourself gradually much better liked. Im. SS-Peb. 18 Dont act a« a rumour which
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  • 687 29  -  Daniel Lim WHEN the idea of introducing professional tennis into Hong Kong was flrst mooted in the late 60s, it met with much scepticism. "They won't make it." said the doubters. The records proved them wrong. In live years (the flrst pro
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  • 588 29  -  KTfIIEWESI Tan Kim Seng rpHE Asian track and A field championships which started in 1973 are still in their infancy compared to the championships of the other continents where they have become a tradition. The time has come for third
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  • 371 29  -  Joyce Tan RATIONAL netbailer Ong Kay played a wizard's role when she spearheaded Aljunled's victory over favourites MacPherson In the final of the zone 3 1n t e rconstltuency netball tournament at the National Stadium court last weekend. Playing at goal-attack, the lithesome skipper
    371 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 253 30 /"KSNBTANT pressure by hard-hitting Martina Nav r a 111 ova finally cracked Australia's Wendy TurnbuU on Friday In the third aet and the too-seeded left-hander Joined three other 20-year-olds In the semifinals of the US$lOO,OOO ($240,000) Virginia 811 ms tennis tournament In Houston. Texas.
    253 words
  • 1091 30 By SCRUTINEER /CHAMPION honours Vy Agasam Stable had a great day at Buklt Timah yesterday, wlnnlpg three races with Hidden Treasure, Guardian Saint and Flaming Dragon. H1 d den Treasure, ridden by Eric Eldln, scored a mild upset from Whiskey Ayer (N. Asuwadl) in
    1,091 words
  • 262 30 AP rpHE Asian Cycling A Federation has ratified the expulsion three years ago of Taiwan by bringing mainland China Into its membership. The unanimous vote on Friday by representatives of 10 countries competing In the Asian cycling championships In the Philippines means that Pelting cyclers will
    AP  -  262 words
  • 399 30 AP RATIONS that manipulate the hormones of their Olympic athletes, particularly women, could force the end rof the Olympic Games by 1984, warns the head physician of the 1976 US Olympic Committee. "Bex manipulation is now being done and will be done, sports
    AP  -  399 words
  • 145 30 Manchester United winger Gordon Hill last week accused his club captain Martin Buchan of hitting him during their 2-0 victory over Coventry City in an English League First Division soccer match. Hill alleged that It occured midway In the second half when both players were
    145 words
  • 311 30 UPI fARLOS Pace of Brazil clocked the fastest time on Friday during the first day of time trials for tomorrow's Brazilian Formula One Grand Prix at the Interlagos Raceway In Sau Paulo. Driving a Brabham, Pace covered the 7.960 km track In 2 minutes 30.57 seconds,
    UPI  -  311 words
  • 83 30 Reuter NEW ZEALAND completed a clean sweep against Indonesia In Its Davis Cup eastern zone semi* final tennis tie in Auckland yesterday when Brian Fairlle gave It a 5-0 victory. Falrlie swept aside the challenge or Indonesian number two Atet Wyono. winning In straight sets
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 38 30 BIG SWEEP Ist *****8 ($4536) 2nd 1577C2 (SI29«S) 3rd *****5 648) Starters ($l5B each) *****3 *****4 *****1 *****8 *****3 *****8 *****5 *****1 *****2 *****7 *****1. Consolations ($l6B each): *****2 *****6 *****5 *****3 *****4 *****2 *****1 *****5 *****7 *****8.
      38 words

  • 180 31 By Scrutineer oENTAK BULAN 11, a classy flve-year-old by On Your Mark, is strongly tipped to make a wlpnlng debut In the $46,500 Lion City Cup (Race 6) over 1200 at Bukit Timah today. He will be ridden by top Australian Jockey Ron Hutchinson. There is
    180 words
  • 3325 31 m 2.0 CLASS 5, DIV 1 1850m ■■Mi ($10,500 S7 350 to winn«r) (www IV WIIIIVWV I 1 2402 Nap* hat a (HT Wee) Allan 3 57 (ud lftbf) C. July 5 "TO. Pigpen 1 t 1022 Imp* rial ONMar a (Imperial)8amaurl
    3,325 words
  • 104 31 mm 8CKUTTNEEK BUAN mill FAIKWAT 1 bluborabs NtpiM Kuroroark U|U U|ht Euromark ItN S: Royal Ovation Aapwi Liberation MeMr ef Lm Toon Lovingly Belei'a Pet Ubmtta m BagaJlne Maaaltov Airlock A.MLW. Alrtaek Bombui AkM Race 4: 9 Ktbbcr Bnkcr Major Share Batik Major Share Ovatta* iMt I: Sneepy Igloo
    104 words
  • 302 31 A A.M.W Moat A Mock .77 1 Always Qood ArcMbakf Armaya I Au Bauvage t AHanna 4 Am para j Anaarer, The Atomic Poarer AM Regency 7 B Ml OTun Raca Wua Star Botlh 4 Paault*u .4 •atar* t BratMn* lontu IN > Bright Futur* I
    302 words

  • 260 32 National interest first' SPORTS NATION /'AST week Quah i Kim Song Mid he would not be writing his column for Sunday Nation until after the pre-World Cup next month. We feel we owe our readers a further explanation. Kim Sona daelded to atop
    260 words
  • 34 32 Reuter BRAZILIAN aoccer king O Pele Is scheduled to arrlre In Talpeh on Fsbruary 5 for a three-day visit to promote the •port, the Central News Agency reported yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 443 32  -  By Philip Tan A WEAK Malaysian Armed Forces offered no resistance as Singapore steamrolled to a 7-1 victory In their opening Malaysia south-zone soccer tie at the National Stadium last night. Before an enthuslastle 60,000 home crowd. Singapore d 1 s m Used
    443 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 34 32 >v >wer heater P! a *v, «r» V V v m m W t \W Zr, 4T mi I o Oieuiig Hock Quan Pte. Ltd. 142, B*ncool«n Str««t, Sincaport 7. ,TEL: *****6 A *****9
      34 words
    • 120 32 TAT LEE BANK DeposifV j I I mi it :M f iSt Z-4» •I t\ 4 fIW n-.^i srfc* y f i guards your jewellery and documents from fire and thief. Keep your valuables in our Safe Deposit Box at very reasonable rental. Conveniently Available At Head Office Katong Branch.
      120 words